Windows Automation Center RTX incl. SP2 177
adjusting, 49, 106, 110
jitter, 96, 116
relationship to other applications, 100
scan cycle, 9 3
techniques for slee p management, 101
Sleep time parameter, SFC 47
relationship to HAL timer period, 109
Sleep-monitoring algorithm, 93, 101, 106, 110,
Sorting, diagnostic buffer events, 51
South America, customer suppo rt, iii
Specifications, 139
SRAM, 59, 61
0x11, 149
0x12, 149
0x13, 149
0x14, 150
0x15, 150
0x19, 150
0x1C, 151
0x22, 151
0x25, 151
0x32, 152
0x74, 152
0x90, 153
0x91, 153
0x92, 154
0x95, 154
0xA0, 154
0xB1, 155
0xB3, 155
0xB4, 155
backup memory (0x13), 149
block types (0x15), 150
C memory size (0x14), 150
communications status (0 x32), 152
component identification (0x1C), 151
contents (SSL IDs supported), 148
CPU characteristics (0x12 ), 149
CPU LED status (0x74), 152
CPU LED status, local only (0x19), 150
DB number and size (0x1 5), 150
diagnostic buffer (0xA0), 1 54
DP master system (0x90), 153
DP master system, expanded (0x95), 15 4
DP module diagnostics (00B1, 00B3, 00B4),
DP module status (0x91), 1 53
DP rack/station status (0x 92), 154
expanded DP master syste m (0x95), 154
FB and FC number and size (0x1 5), 150
H CPU LED status (0x74), 152
I memory size (0x14), 150
identification, module (0x11), 149
interrupt status (0x22), 151
L memory size (0x14), 150
LED status for redundant modules (0x74), 152
LED status, local only (0x19), 150
Load memory (0x13), 149
local module LED status (0x19), 150
M memory size (0x14), 150
master system (0x90), 153
maximum number and size of blocks (0x15),
memory area sizes (0x14), 150
memory areas (0x13), 149
module diagnostics (00B1, 00B3, 00B4), 155
module identification (0x11), 149
module LED status, local a nd redundant CPU
(0x74), 152
module LED status, local only (0x19), 150
module status (0x91), 153
OB number and size (0x1 5), 150
order number (0x11), 14 9
peer-to-peer memory (0x13), 149
PII memory size (0x14), 150