_ SEMITRON INDUSTRIES LTD 43SE D MM 8137889 oo000284 GASLCB 13683 series T -O3-17 Fast Recovery Rectifier 6 Amp Silicon Diode FEATURES m Hermetically sealed DO4 mw Recovery time 200 nS m Low overshoot current w Normal and reverse polarity MECHANICAL DATA m Case: Industry standard D04 7/16th Hex stud with 10-32 UNF threads, welded, hermetically sealed metal and glass mw Finish: All external surfaces are corrosion resistant and terminal solderable w Weight: 7.5 grams @ Mounting Position: Any @ Polarity: Standard polarity: cathode to stud. Reverse polarity: anode to stud (suffix R) m Mounting Hardware: Available on request METAL DO4 (.45") 14.5 3 <q (.8) 20.32 max 11.50 max max eo) | te ng! 0.28,, | max \ (.27) 7.0 max 10.32 1.53 Ie r > << OT 4.0 max (.08") (.15") Case Outline SO10A (DO. 4) diam in mm (inch) TEST CIRCUIT FOR RECOVERY TIME oN 1A SLOW BLOW It 30V laf BATTERY laf 1H 5 5 RELAY (Note 1) Z (Note 2) NON-INDUCTIVE DUT. OUTPUT (Note 3) 10 10W NON-INDUCTIVE ti and Tos Ree ere ern SA aN al eg AAR a SEMITRON INDUSTRIES LTD u3E D wm 8137889 0000185 & MMSLCB T-03-17 Electrical Characteristics @ 25C, unless otherwise specified JEDEC Rated DC Peak Average Maximum Maximum Reverse Current Type Blocking Reverse Forward Forward Number Voltage Voltage Current Voltage 25C 100C Vam 65 to = -65Cto = 65C to h=6A lb=6A@Vem Va = Rated Value lb =6A 100C 100C 100C ~5C to 100C f = GOHz Vr Vrw lo VR Ve (Peak) Ip tr lp (Ave) Volts Volts Amps Volts Volts pA mA mA 4N3879 50 50 6 14 1.5 15 1.0 3.0 1N3880 100 100 6 14 15 15 1.0 3.0 1N3881 200 200 6 14 15 15 1.0 3.0 1N3882 300 300 6 14 15 15 10 3.0 1N3883 400 400 6 14 15 15 1.0 3.0 i Switching Characteristics @ 25C, unless otherwise specified JEDEC Maximum Maximum Type Recovery Current Number Time Overshoot See Fig 1,283 DERATING CURVE * a nSec Amps = 8 - pee ' a 1N3879 200 2.0 = $ . e 2 2 4 a m 3 1N3880 200 2.0 s F: 8 ae 4 eof . 1N3881 200 20 2 rt N BSS 1N3882 200 2.0 S 2 * E 3 hes 1N3883 200 2.0 8 \ ei oe A <= & oe 5 6 50 100 150 = = STUD TEMPERATURE C TYPICAL OSCILLOSCOPE PATTERNS OF RECOVERY EXTRAPOLATED TO ZERO CURRENT REFERENCE + ; <0 CURRENT ERENCE LINE -| 40 NANOSECONDS NOTE 4. The relay is a make-before-break, wetted-mercury-contact type driven by a 60 Hz sine wave. Conduction time is 640 Sec and it is open approximately 7.7 mSec. NOTE 2Z Is a3 Q, 25 W rheostat adjusted for a resistance of 1.4 Q from the relay to the anode. The inductance between the same points is 38h. NOTE 3 Monitoring oscilloscope characteristics: t, $ 14nSec, Ry = 9 MQ, Cn $ 12 pf, Lin $0.5 ph. NOTE 4 Power supply has an output impedance of 0.5 Q from OC to 2kHz. ZERO CURRENT REFERENCE LINE TYPICAL OSCILLOSCOPE PATTERNS OF RECOVERY 40 - NANOSECONDS 42