MPEG-2 VIDEO Encoder/Decoder
Technical Overview
The SM2210 is organized as a process pipeline that
implements the MPEG- 2 encoding and decodi ng algorit hms.
The SM2210 provides application program control over a
large number of encoding parameters such as I, P, B-picture
cadence, GOP structur e and decoder buffer si zes.
For communications applications, the SM2210 can match its
output bit rate to the channel rate. This feature allows the
host controller to make bit rate changes as needed to
demonstrate better bandwidth utilization across multiple
Internal rate control provides a high degree of flexibility in
relation to the output bit rate, including the ability to generate
variable bitrate compressed video stream in one pass. This
makes it suitable for storage sensitive applications such as
digit al camcorders and per sonal video r ecorders (PVRs).
The SM2210 also has features geared toward MPEG-2
publishing and authoring systems. These include the ability to
specify the i nitial decoder buffer ful lness.
Pre- and post-processing supports includes pre- and post-
fil teri ng and up and down chroma c onversi ons. Other features
• DMA in either 8-b or 16-b modes
• Encodes/decodes full D1 to QCIF video res olutions
• Bit r ates up to 15 Mb/s in either CBR or VBR modes
• Debugging and DMA monitoring cont rol
• Asynchronous video and system clocks
• Support for commodity video NTSC/PAL encoders
and decoders
VCD, Super-VCD Support
The SM2210 supports MPEG-1 and MPEG-2 video
encoding at 1/2 (VCD), 2/3 (SVCD), and f ull D1 res olutions.
In addition, the SM2210’s versatile pre-processing features
allow the input video to be either shrunk or cropped to the
desired encode size.
The SM2210 includes a 64-bit SDRAM memory inter face, a
video interface (with I2C), 16-bit Motorola/Intel host
interface, a generic 8-bit interface, and a serial EPROM
/Flash memory interface.
The SM2210 can be used in a variet y of applic ations:
• VCD, Super- VCD player and rec order
• DVD-Recordable products
• Advanced Set-top boxes
• Personal video rec order (time shifting)
• PC-based content creation/editi ng boards
• USB-based products for video capture and display
For evaluat ion, St ream Machi ne provides a 2210-based PCI
reference board with a Windows 98 based demonstration
application for video capture and playback. Additional
2210-based SVCD pl ayer/ r ecor der , per s onal video rec order ,
and USB-TV player/recorder reference designs are also
All reference designs include schematics (Orcad), Gerbe
files, Job/Layout files (PADS), and BOMs. Driver and
application s ource code is also available.
95-0001-001 003 05/11/01
Sales information: sales@streammachine.com - www.streammachine.com
Video Encoder Features
! Video Prepr ocess or
• 4:2:2 t o 4:2:0 Conversion
• Programmabl e pre-processing filters
• Horizont al and verti cal scaling
• Horizont al and verti cal cropping
• Synch extraction
! Propri etary High Performance Mot ion Esti mation
• Half-pel accuracy
• V Search Range - 31.5, 15.5, 7.5 Pel/Frame
• H Search Range - 63.5, 31.5, 15.5, 7. 5 Pel/Frame
! Encodes MPEG-1 and MPEG-2
! Supports multipl e MPEG-2 profiles and levels
! Field and Fr ame-mode predic tion
! Multiple programmabl e encoding paramet ers
• IBBBP, IBBP, IBP, IP, I GOP structures
• User defined quantization matrices
• Encoding t ime
• Average bit rate
• Active picture area selecti on
• VBR and CBR
! Guaranteed t o operate at 30 f rames/second
Video Decoder Features
! Decodes MP@ M L and SP@ ML MPEG-2 video
! Decodes MPEG-1 video
! Supports full D1, 2/3 D1, and 1/2 D1
! Variabl e Length Decoder
• Video st ream syntax parsing and decodi ng
• Error detect ion and handling
! Motion Pr edicti on
• Supports frame, field, 16 x 8, and dual prime motion
compensation modes
• Perfor ms half-pel interpolation and bi-dir ectional
! Error detection, handli ng, and mitigation
! Suppor ts multiple picture di splay paramet ers
• Picture Sequence, Frame, Field and Structure
! Video Postproces sor
• ITU-R BT. 601 and BT.656 format filt ers
• Telecine (Repeti tion of the first field for 3: 2 pulldown)
• Horizont al and verti cal scaling
• NTSC to PAL for m at conversion
• Letter box to NTSC f ormat conversion
• Letter box to PAL format conversi on
! Tric k Play Modes
• Fast and slow play forward
• Fast play backward