The MSK 5046RH should have an external high fre-
quency ceramic capacitor (0.1uF) between VIN and power
ground. Connect a low-ESR bulk capacitor directly to
the input pin of the MSK 5046RH. Select the bulk input
filter capacitor according to input ripple-current require-
ments and voltage rating, rather than capacitor value.
Electrolytic capacitors that have low enough ESR to meet
the ripple-current requirement invariably have more than
adequate capacitance values. Aluminum-electrolytic ca-
pacitors are preferred over tantalum types, which could
cause power-up surge-current failure when connecting
to robust AC adapters or low-impedance batteries.
The VBIAS pin of the MSK 5046RH provides bias to
the control circuitry. The VBIAS pin can be connected
directly to the input bus for 12V to 18V operation or it
can be biased separately with a 12V to 18V source to
extend the input range of the device. Refer to the para-
graph titled "INPUT VOLTAGE RANGE". For bias volt-
ages greater than 16V series diodes or resistors are rec-
ommended to bring VBIAS below 16V. The MSK
5046RH's built-in under voltage lockout feature prevents
damage to downstream devices in the event of a drop in
bias voltage. Under voltage lockout occurs at bias volt-
ages of approximately 10.3V rising and 9.5V falling. The
internal bias draws approximately 40mA under normal
The MSK 5046RH's input range of 12V to 18V can be
further extended down to 3.1V by using a separate bias
supply. In this configuration very efficient low V to low
V conversion can be achieved.
The MSK 5046RH has no internal output capacitance.
Use between 200 and 400μF of low ESR bulk capaci-
tance for optimum performance. For optimal performance
use three AVX part number TAZH107M015L (MIL part
number CWR29H-107M). See typical gain and phase
response curves. Less capacitance will increase the gain;
more capacitance will decrease the gain. For loads with
large excursions use surge rated capacitors. Additional
0.1μF ceramic capacitors close to the load will help sup-
press high frequency switching noise. Custom compen-
sation to maximize performance with a variety of ca-
pacitive loads is available; consult the factory.
The internal 0.1μF soft start capacitor charges from
a 12μA (nominal) current source. Connect additional
capacitance to the soft start pin to slow the output rise
further. The output rise time is dependant on the input
to ouput voltage ratio as well as the soft start capaci-
tance. The output rise time at 50% load may be ap-
proximated with the following equation:
TRISE= (VOUT + 0.6V) 2 Css
(VIN + 0.3V) 14
Where VOUT = the output voltage in volts.
VIN = the input bus voltage in volts.
Css =
0.1 + external soft start capacitance in μF.
Layout of the power circuitry will affect the overall
performance of the MSK 5046RH. Input power should
be tied as close to VIN (pins 12-22) as possible. Create
a single point ground as close to the MSK 5046RH power
ground pins (23-33) as possible. The input power return
should be tied between the MSK 5046RH power ground
pins and the load. Keeping the input power return con-
nection as close to the MSK 5046RH power ground pins
as possible and keeping the distance between the MSK
5046RH power ground pins and the load to a minimum
will maximize the performance. Tie the signal ground
pins (4 and 7) to the single point ground with a short low
impedance connection. See remaining notes for more
layout and application performance.
The soft start will begin as soon as the bias voltage
exceeds the under voltage lockout threshold or the in-
hibit pin is released; whichever comes last. If bias volt-
age is applied and the inhibit pin is released before the
input voltage is applied, the soft start will have risen
early and the output will rise at approximately the same
rate as VIN and may overshoot. Any circuit that holds
the enable pin low until VIN rises will ensure soft start
when VBIAS must rise before VIN. The circuit below
may be adapted to suit a variety of applications.
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