Rev B 2 of 6
3.3. Ratings
A. Curr ent: 3 amperes maximum per contact, 2.25 amperes continuous per contact at room ambient,
with not more than 2 adjacent or opposing ci rcuits carrying this current.
B. Operat ing Temperat ure: -65 to 125° C for gold contacts
3.4. Perf ormance and Test Description
Connector s shall be designed to meet electrical, mechanical and environmental performance
requirements speci fied in Figur e 1.
3.5. Test Requirements and Procedures Summary
Test Description Requi rement Procedur e
Examination of product. Meets requirements of product
drawing. Visual, dimensional and functional
per applicable inspection plan.
Termination resistance, specified
current. . 015 ohms maximum initi al.
.020 ohms maximum final. Measure potential drop of mated
contact s assembled in housing
usi ng 3 amperes max imum
Cal culate resistance.
See Fi gure 3.
AMP Spec 109-25.
Termination resistance, low level . .015 ohms maximum initi al.
.020 ohms maximum final. Subject mated contacts assembled
i n housing to 50 mv open circuit at
100 ma maximum.
See Fi gure 3.
AMP Spec 109-6-1.
Di electric withstanding vol tage. Test Voltage Altitude
(rms) Feet
900 Sea Level
200 70,000
2 milliamperes maximum leakage
Tests between adjacent contacts of
unmated connector and contacts to
AMP Spec 109-29-1.
Insulati on resistance. 5000 megohms minimum initial. Test between adjacent contacts of
unmated connector and contacts to
AMP Spec 109-28-4.
Vi bration. No di scontinuiti es greater than 1
No physical damage.
Subject w ired and mated
connector s to 15 G's 10-2000 Hz
with 100 ma current applied.
AMP Spec 109-21-3.
Physical shock. No di scontinuiti es greater than 1
No physical damage.
Termination resistance, low level .
Subject w ired and mated connector
to 100 G's sawtooth shock pulses of
6 milliseconds durat ion. 3 mutually
perpendicular planes, total 18
AMP Spec 109-26-9.
Fi gure 1 (cont)