© Copyright 1999 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. All rights reserved. Publication# n/a Rev: n/a
Issue Date: December 1999
AMD-K6™-2E Embedded Processor
Standard- and Low-Power Processor Featuring Super7™ and Socket 7
Platform Compatibility, Superscalar MMX™ Unit, and 3DNow!™ Technology
Advanced 6-Issue RISC86® Superscalar
Ten parallel specialized execution units
Multiple sophisticated x86-to-RISC86 instruction
Advanced two-level branch prediction
Speculative execution
Out-of-or de r exe cu tio n
Register renaming and data forwarding
Up to six RISC86 instructions per clock
Large On-Chip Split 64-Kbyte Level-One (L1)
32-Kbyte instruction cache with additional
20 Kbytes of predecode cache
32-Kbyte writeback dual-ported data cache
Two-wa y set asso ci ati ve
MESI protocol support
3DNow!™ Technology
Additional instructions to improve 3D graphics
and multimedia performance
Separate multiplier and ALU for superscalar
instruction execution
321-Pin Ceramic Pin Grid Array (CPGA)
Socket 7 Platform Compatible, 6 6-MHz
Frontside Bus
Super7™ Platform Compatible, 100-MHz
Frontside Bus Supported on the 300-MHz and
350-MHz Versions of the AMD-K6-2E Processor
High-Performance Industry-Standard MMX™
Dual integer ALU for superscalar execution
High-Performance IEEE 754-Compatible and
854-Compatible Floating-Point Unit
Industry-Standard System Management Mode
IEEE 1149.1 Boundary Scan
x86 Binary Software Compatibility
Low-Power 0.25-micron Process Technology
Split-plane power with support for full 3.3 V I/O
Available with a low-power 1.9-V core voltage
and extended temperature rating or with a
standard-power 2.2-V core voltage and standard
temperature rating
Operating Frequencies
Standard-power devices: 233, 266, 300, 333,
and 350 MHz
Low-power devices: 233, 266, 300, and 333 MHz
The AMD-K6-2E processor with 3DNow!™ technology
is a functionally compatible embedded version of the
sixth generation, Microsoft® Windows® compatible
AMD-K6- 2 proc es so r.
The AMD-K6-2E embedded processor delivers the
same high performance and incorporates the same
leading-edge features, including the innovative and
efficient RISC86® m icroarchitectur e, a large 64-Kbyt e
level-one cache (32-Kbyte dual-ported data cache,
32-Kbyte i nstruction cache with predecode data), an d
a powerful IEEE 754-compatible and 854-compatible
floating-point execution unit.
The AMD-K6-2E embedded processor also supports
the new f eatu res in corpor ated i nto th e AMD -K6-2 pro-
cessor. These features include superscalar MMX™
instruction execution support, support for the Super7™
100-MHz frontside bus, and AMD’s innovative
3DNow!™ technology for high-performance multime-
dia and 3D graphics operation based on high-perfor-
mance single instruction multiple data (SIMD)
execution resources.
The AMD-K6-2E embedded processor includes
several key features that are very beneficial to the
embedded market. The AMD-K6-2E processor offers
leading-edge performance for embedded systems re-
quiring compatibility with the extensive installed base
of x86 software. The AMD-K6-2E processor’s Socket 7
and Super7 platform-compatible, 321-pin ceramic pin
grid array (CPGA) package allows the product de-
signer to reduce time-to-market by leveraging today’s
cost-effective industry-standard infrastructure to
deliver a superior-performing embedded solution.
2AMD-K6™-2E Processor Press Data Sheet
The AMD-K6-2E embedded processor is available in
two versio ns.
The low-power version has a 1.9-V core voltage
and extended temperature rating.
The standard-power version has a 2.2-V core
voltage and is the embedded equivalent of the
industry-standard desktop version of the AMD-K6-2
System Management Mode and Power
The AMD-K6-2E processor includes the complete
industry-standard system management mode (SMM),
which is critical to system resource and power
The AMD-K6-2E processor also features industry-
standard Stop-Clock (STPCLK#) control circuitry and
the Halt instr uction, both required for implementing the
ACPI power management specification.
The AMD-K6-2E processor’s RISC86 microarchitec-
ture is a decoupled decode/execution superscalar
design that implements state-of-the-art techniques to
achieve leading-edge performance.
Advanced design techniques implemented in the
AMD-K6- 2E proc esso r includ e multi ple x86 instr uctio n
decode, single-clock internal RISC operations, ten
execution units that support superscalar operation,
out-of-order execution, data forwarding, speculative
execution, and re gis te r renam ing .
In addition, the processor supports advanced branch
prediction logic by implementing an 8192-entry branch
history table, a branch target cache, and a return ad-
dress stack, which combine to deliver better than a
95% prediction rate. These design techniques enable
the AMD-K6-2E to issue, execute, and retire multiple
x86 instructions per clock, resulting in excellent
scalable performance.
3DNow!™ Technology
AMD’s 3DNow! techno logy is an ins tructio n-set exte n-
sion to x86, which includes 21 new instructions to
accelerate 3D graphics and other single-precision
floating-point compute intensive operations.
Improve men ts inc lud e fas t frame r ate s on hi gh -res olu-
tion graphics applications, superior modeling of real-
world environments and physics, life-like images,
graphics, and audio.
AMD has already shipped millions of processors with
3DNow! technology for desktop and notebook PCs,
revolutionizing the 3D experience with up to four times
the peak floating-point performance of previous sixth
generation solutions. AMD is now bringing this ad-
vanced capability to embedded systems.
AMD has taken a leadership role in developing these
new instructions that enable exciting new levels of per-
formance and realism. 3DNow! technology was de-
fined and i mplemente d in coll aboration wi th Microsof t,
application developers, and graphics vendors, and has
received an enthusiastic reception. It is compatible with
today’s existing x86 software, is supported by indus-
try-standard APIs, and requires no operating system
support, thereby enabling a broad class of applications
to benefit from 3DNow! technology.
Industry-Standard x86 Architecture
The AMD-K6-2E processor is x86 binary code compat-
ible. AM D’s extensive experience w ith six generations
of x86 processors has been carefully integrated into
the proc essor to enable compatibil ity with W indows®-
based operating systems, including Windows 95,
Windows 98, Windows CE, Windows NT®, and
Windows NTE.
The AMD-K6-2E processor is also compatible with
DOS, OS/2, UNIX, and other leading operating sys-
tems, including real-time operating systems (RTOS)
commonly used in embedded applications such as
pSOS, QNX, RTXC, and VxWorks.
The AMD-K6-2E processor is compatible with more
than 60,000 s oftware applicati ons, including t he latest
software optimized for 3DNow! and MMX technologies.
AMD has shipped more than 120 million x86 micropro-
cessors, including more than 60 million Windows-
compatible processors.
The AMD-K6-2E processor is among a long line of
Microsof t Windows compatible processors from AMD.
The combination of state-of-the-art features, leading-
edge performance, high-performance multimedia
engine, x86 compatibility, and low-cost infrastructure
enable decreased development costs and improved
time-to-m arket, makin g the AMD-K6 -2E processo r the
superior choice for embedded systems.
Process Technology
The AMD-K6-2E processor is implemented using an
advanced CMOS 0.25-micron process technology that
utilizes a split core and I/O voltage supply , which allows
the core of the processor to operate at a low voltage
while the I/O portion opera tes at the industry -stand ard
3.3 V.
This technology enables high performance while
reducing power consumption by operating the core at a
low voltage and limiting power requirements to the
acceptable levels for today’s embedded systems.
AMD-K6™-2E Processor Press Data Sheet 3
Super7™ Platform Initiative
All AMD-K6-2E processors remain pin compatible with
existing Socket 7 solutions; however, for maximum
system performance, the 300-MHz and 350-MHz
versions of the processor work optimally in Super7
designs that incorporate advanced features such as
support for the 100-MHz frontside bus and AGP
The Super7 platform has the following advantages:
Delivers performance and features competitive with
alternate platforms at the same clock speed, and at
a significantly lower cost
Takes advantage of existing system designs for
superior value
Enables OEMs and resellers to take advantage of
mature, high-volume infrastructure supported by
multiple BIOS, chipse t, graph ics, an d mother board
Reduces inventory and design costs with one
motherboard for a wide range of products
Builds on a huge installed base of more than 100
million motherboards
Provides an easy upgrade path for future embed-
ded applications, as well as a bridge to legacy
By taking a dvantage of the low-cost, matur e Socket 7
infrastructure, the Super7 platform will continue to
provid e superior value and l eading-edg e performa nce
for embedded systems.
Block Diagram
As shown in Figure 1, the high-performance, out-of-or-
der execution engine of the AMD-K6-2E processor is
mated to a split level-one 64-Kbyte writeback cache
with 32 Kbytes of instruction cache and 32 Kbytes of
data cac he. The instr uction cac he feeds t he decode rs
and, in turn, the d ecoders feed the schedul er. The In-
struction Control Unit (ICU) i ssues and retires RISC8 6
operations contained in the scheduler . The system bus
interface is an industry-standard 64-bit Super7 and
Socket 7 demultiplexed bus.
The AMD-K6-2E processor combines the latest in pro-
cessor microarchitecture to provide the highest x86
performance for today’s computational systems. The
AMD-K6-2E offers true sixth-generation performance
and x86 binary software compatibility
Figure 1. AMD-K6™-2E Processor Block Diagram
Unit Branch
Control Unit
(24 RISC86)
Six RISC86 ®
Operation Issue
Four RISC86
Execution Engine
32-KByte Level-One Dual-Port Data Cache 128-Entry DTLB
20-KByte Predecode Cache 64-Entry ITLB
Multiple Instruction Decoders
x86 to RISC86
Branch Logic
(8192-Entry BHT)
(16-Entry BTC)
(16-Entry RAS)
16-Byte Fetch
Level-One Cache
32-KByte Level-One Instruction Cache
Register Y Functional Units
Multimedia /3DNow!
100 MHz
Register X Functional Units
4AMD-K6™-2E Processor Press Data Sheet
AMD standard- and low-power products are available in several operating ranges. The ordering part number (OPN)
is formed by a combination of the elements below. See Table 1 for valid ordering part number combinations.
Table 1. Valid Ordering Part Number Combinations1
1. This table lists con figurati ons pla nned to be sup ported in vo lume for thi s device. C onsul t the local AMD sa les office to co n fir m
availability of specific valid combinations and to check on newly-released combinations.
Type OPN Package Type Operating Voltage Case
Temperature Maximum CPU/Bus
AMD-K6-2E/33 3AMZ 321-pin CPGA 1.8V–2.0V (Core)
3.135V–3.6V (I/O) 0°C–85°C 333 MHz/95 MHz2
2. Also supports 66-MHz bus operation.
AMD-K6-2E/300AMZ 321-pin C PGA 1.8V2.0V (Core)
3.135V–3.6V (I/O) 0°C–85°C 300 MHz/100 MHz2
AMD-K6-2E/266AMZ 321-pin C PGA 1.8V2.0V (Core)
3.135V–3.6V (I/O) 0°C–85°C 266 MHz/66 MHz
AMD-K6-2E/233AMZ 321-pin C PGA 1.8V2.0V (Core)
3.135V–3.6V (I/O) 0°C–85°C 233 MHz/66 MHz
AMD-K6-2E/350AFR 321-pin CPGA 2.1V2.3V (Core)
3.135V–3.6V (I/O) 0°C–70°C 350 MHz/100 MHz
AMD-K6-2E/333AFRl 321-pin C PGA 2.1V2.3V (Core)
3.135V–3.6V (I/O) 0°C–70°C 333 MHz/95 MHz2
AMD-K6-2E/300AFR 321-pin CPGA 2.1V2.3V (Core)
3.135V–3.6V (I/O) 0°C–70°C 300 MHz/100 MHz2
AMD-K6-2E/266AFR 321-pin CPGA 2.1V2.3V (Core)
3.135V–3.6V (I/O) 0°C–70°C 266 MHz/66 MHz
AMD-K6-2E/233AFR 321-pin CPGA 2.1V2.3V (Core)
3.135V–3.6V (I/O) 0°C–70°C 233 MHz/66 MHz
Package Type
A =321-pin Ceramic Pin Grid Array (CPGA)
AMD-K6-2E Embedded Processor
Case Temperature
Z =0°C–85°C
Performance Rating
/350 = 350 MHz
/333 = 333 MHz
/300 = 300 MHz
/266 = 266 MHz
/233 = 233 MHz
Operating Voltage
F =2.1 V–2.3 V (Core) / 3.135 V3.6 V (I/O)
M =1.8 V2.0 V (Core) / 3.135 V3.6 V (I/O)
AMD-K6™-2E Processor Press Data Sheet 5
The AMD -K6-2E proc essor is d esigned t o provide functional o peration if the vo ltage and t emperature parameters
are within the limits defined in Table 2.
The AMD-K6-2E processor is not designed to be oper-
ated beyond the operating ranges listed in Table 2.
Exposure to conditions outside these operating ranges
for extended periods of time can affect long-term reli-
ability. Permanent damage can occur if the absolute
ratings listed in Table 3 are exceeded.
Note: If the AMD-K6-2E processor shows a “7” after
the date code, refer to the numbers in the last (right-
most) column of Table 3. The
AMD-K6®-2 Revision
(order #21641) available on AMD’s web site
contains package marking details, including the
location of the date code
Table 2. Operating Ranges
Parameter Parameter Description Minimum Typical Maximum
1. V
and V
are referenced from V
Core Supply Voltage—Low Power2
2. V
specification for 1.9-V component.
1.8 V 1.9 V 2.0 V
Core Supply Voltage—Standard Power3
3. V
specification for 2.2-V component.
2.1 V 2.2 V 2.3 V
VCC31I/O Supply Voltage—Standard and Low Power 3.135 V 3.3 V 3.6 V
TCASE Case Temperature—Low Power4
4. Case tempera ture range required for AMD -K6-2E/xxxAM Z valid ordering part numb er combinations , where xxx repres ents the
processor core frequency.
0C– 85C
Case Temperature—Standard Power5
5. Case te mperature range requi red for AMD-K6 -2E/xxxAFR v alid order ing part nu mber com binations, w here xxx re presents the
processor core frequency.
0C– 70C
Table 3. Absolute Ratings
Parameter Minimum Maximum for OPN Suffixes:
233AFR, 233AMZ, 266AFR, 266AMZ, 300AFR1
1. The data in this column applies to OPN suffixes 233AFR, 233AMZ, 266AFR, 266AMZ, and 300AFR, provided that the
proc ess or is
marked with “7” following the date code (i.e., is blank).
Maximum for All OPNs2
2. The da ta in this colum n applies to all OPNs lis ted in Table 1, “V alid Ord ering Part Number C ombinations ,” on page 4 (including
233AFR, 233AMZ, 266AFR, 266AMZ, and 300AFR when the processor is marked with a “7” following the date code).
VCC2 –0.5 V 2.6 V 2.4 V
VCC3 –0.5 V 3.6 V 3.6 V
3. V
(the v oltage on an y I/O pi n) mu st not be greater th an 0.5 V abov e the volta ge be ing ap plied to V
. In addition, the V
voltage must never exceed 4.0 V.
–0.5 V VCC3 + 0.5 V and < 4.0 V VCC3 + 0.5 V and < 4.0 V
TCASE (under bias) –65C+110C+110C
TSTORAGE –65C+150C+150C
6AMD-K6™-2E Processor Press Data Sheet
The DC characteristics of the AMD-K6-2E processor are shown in Table 4.
1. V
refers to the voltage being applied to V
during functional operation.
2. V
=2.0 V —The maximum power supply current must be taken i nto account when designing a power s upply.
3. This spec ification applies to componen ts using a CLK frequency of 66 MHz.
4. This spec ification applies to componen ts using a CLK frequency of 95 MHz.
5. This spec ification applies to componen ts using a CLK frequency of 100 MHz.
6. V
=2.3 V —The maximum power supply current must be taken i nto account when designing a power s upply.
7. V
=3.6 V —The maximum power supply current must be taken i nto account when designing a power s upply.
8. Refers to inputs and I/O without an internal pullup resistor and 0
9. Refers to inputs with an internal pullup and V
=0.4 V.
10.Refers to inputs with an internal pulldown and V
=2.4 V.
Table 4. DC Characteristics
Symbol Parameter Description Min Max Comments
VIL Input Low Voltage –0.3 V +0.8 V
VIH1 Input High Voltage 2.0 V VCC3+0.3 V
VOL Output Low Voltage 0.4 V IOL = 4.0-mA load
VOH Output High Voltage 2.4 V IOH = 3.0-mA load
Low Power
1.9 V Power Supply Current24.75 A 233 MHz2,3
5.35 A 266 MHz2,3
5.50 A 300 MHz2,3,5
5.65 A 333 MHz2,3,4
2.2 V Power Supply Current66.50 A 233 MHz3,6
7.35 A 266 MHz3,6
8.45 A 300 MHz3,5,6
9.40 A 333 MHz3,4,6
9.85 A 350 MHz5,6
Low Power
3.3 V Power Supply Current70.52 A 233 MHz3,7
0.54 A 266 MHz3,7
0.56 A 300 MHz3,5,7
0.58 A 333 MHz3,4,7
0.60 A 350 MHz5,7
ILI8Input Leakage Current 15 mA
ILO8Output Leakage Current 15 mA
IIL9Input Leakage Current Bias with Pullup –400 mA
IIH10 Input Leakage Current Bias with Pulldown 200 mA
CIN Input Capacitance 10 pF
COUT Output Capacitance 15 pF
COUT I/O Capacitance 20 pF
CCLK CLK Capacitance 10 pF
CTIN Test Input Capacitance (TDI, TMS, TRST#) 10 pF
CTOUT Test Output Capacitance (TDO) 15 pF
CTCK TCK Capacitance 10 pF
AMD-K6™-2E Processor Press Data Sheet 7
Table 5 and Table 6 list the typical and maximum power dissipation of the AMD-K6-2E processor during normal and
reduced power states.
1. This spec ification applies to componen ts using a CLK frequency of 66 MHz.
2. This spec ification applies to componen ts using a CLK frequency of 95 MHz.
3. This spec ification applies to componen ts using a CLK frequency of 100 MHz.
4. The maximum power dissipated in the normal clock control state must be taken into account when designing a solution for
thermal dissipation for the AMD-K6-2E processor.
5. Maximum power is determined for the worst-case instruction sequence or function for the listed clock control states with
= 1.9 V, and V
= 3.3 V.
6. Typical power is determined for the typical instruction sequences or functions associated with normal system operation with
= 1.9 V, and V
= 3.3 V.
7. The CLK signal and the internal PLL are still running but most internal clocking has stopped.
8. The CLK signal, the internal PLL, and all internal clocking has stopped.
Table 5. Typical and Maximum Power Dissipation for OPN Suffix AMZ (Low-Power Devices)
Clock Control State 233 MHz1266 MHz1300 MHz1,3 333 MHz1,2
Thermal Power
(Maximum)4,5 9.00 W 10.00 W 10.00 W 10.00 W
Thermal Power
(Typical)66.30 W 7.00 W 7.00 W 7.00 W
Stop Grant/Halt
(Maximum)71.20 W 1.20 W 1.20 W 1.20 W
Stop Clock
(Maximum)81.00 W 1.00 W 1.00 W 1.00 W
Table 6. Typical and Maximum Power Dissipation for OPN Suffix AFR (Standard-Power Devices)
Clock Control State 233 MHz1
1. This specification applies to components using a CLK frequency of 66 MHz.
266 MHz1300 MHz1,3 333 MHz1,2
2. This specification applies to components using a CLK frequency of 95 MHz.
350 MHz3
3. This specification applies to components using a CLK frequency of 100 MHz.
Thermal Power
4. The maximum power dissipated in the normal clock control state must be taken into account when designing a solution for
thermal dissipation for the AMD-K6-2E processor.
5. Maximum power is determined for the worst-case instruction sequence or function for the listed clock control states with
VCC2 = 2.2 V, and VCC3 = 3.3 V.
13.50 W 14.70 W 17.20 W 19.00 W 19.95 W
Thermal Power
6. Typic al powe r is det ermined for th e typi cal inst ructio n seque nces or func tions a ssociat ed with normal system operat ion wi th
VCC2 = 2.2 V, and VCC3 = 3.3 V.
8.10 8.85 W 10.35 W 11.40 W 11.98 W
Stop Grant/Halt
7. The CLK signal and the internal PLL are still running but most internal clocking has stopped.
2.46 W 2.48 W 2.50 W 3.94 W 3.96 W
Stop Clock
8. The CLK signal, the internal PLL, and all internal clocking has stopped.
2.25 W 2.25 2.25 W 3.50 W 3.50 W
8AMD-K6™-2E Processor Press Data Sheet
Figure 2. AMD-K6™-2E Processor Connection Diagram (Top-Side View CPGA)
AMD-K6™-2E Processor Press Data Sheet 9
Figure 3. AMD-K6™-2E Processor Connection Diagram (Bottom-Side View CPGA)
10 AMD-K6™-2E Processor Press Data Sheet
Pin Name Pin Number Pin Name Pin Number Pin Name Pin Number Pin Name Pin Number
Control Address Data Data
A20M# AK-08 A3 AL-35 D0 K-34 D52 E-03
ADS# AJ-05 A4 AM-34 D1 G-35 D53 G-05
ADSC# AM-02 A5 AK-32 D2 J-35 D54 E-01
AHOLD V-04 A6 AN-33 D3 G-33 D55 G-03
APCHK# AE-05 A7 AL-33 D4 F-36 D56 H-04
BE0# AL-09 A8 AM-32 D5 F-34 D57 J-03
BE1# AK-10 A9 AK-30 D6 E-35 D58 J-05
BE2# AL-11 A10 AN-31 D7 E-33 D59 K-04
BE3# AK-12 A11 AL-31 D8 D-34 D60 L-05
BE4# AL-13 A12 AL-29 D9 C-37 D61 L-03
BE5# AK-14 A13 AK-28 D10 C-35 D62 M-04
BE6# AL-15 A14 AL-27 D11 B-36 D63 N-03
BE7# AK-16 A15 AK-26 D12 D-32 Test
BF0 Y-33 A16 AL-25 D13 B-34 TCK M-34
BF1 X-34 A17 AK-24 D14 C-33 TDI N-35
BF2 W-35 A18 AL-23 D15 A-35 TDO N-33
BOFF# Z-04 A19 AK-22 D16 B-32 TMS P-34
BRDY# X-04 A20 AL-21 D17 C-31 TRST# Q-33
BRDYC# Y-03 A21 AF-34 D18 A-33 Parity
BREQ AJ-01 A22 AH-36 D19 D-28 AP AK-02
CACHE# U-03 A23 AE-33 D20 B-30 DP0 D-36
CLK AK-18 A24 AG-35 D21 C-29 DP1 D-30
D/C# AK-04 A25 AJ-35 D22 A-31 DP2 C-25
EADS# AM-04 A26 AH-34 D23 D-26 DP3 D-18
EWBE# W-03 A27 AG-33 D24 C-27 DP4 C-07
FERR# Q-05 A28 AK-36 D25 C-23 DP5 F-06
FLUSH# AN-07 A29 AK-34 D26 D-24 DP6 F-02
HIT# AK-06 A30 AM-36 D27 C-21 DP7 N-05
HITM# AL-05 A31 AJ-33 D28 D-22
HLDA AJ-03 D29 C-19
HOLD AB-04 D30 D-20
IGNNE# AA-35 D31 C-17
INIT AA-33 D32 C-15
INTR AD-34 D33 D-16
INV U-05 D34 C-13
KEN# W-05 D35 D-14
LOCK# AH-04 D36 C-11
M/IO# T-04 D37 D-12
NA# Y-05 D38 C-09
NMI AC-33 D39 D-10
PCD AG-05 D40 D-08
PCHK# AF-04 D41 A-05
PWT AL-03 D42 E-09
RESET AK-20 D43 B-04
SCYC AL-17 D44 D-06
SMI# AB-34 D45 C-05
SMIACT# AG-03 D46 E-07
STPCLK# V-34 D47 C-03
VCC2DET AL-01 D48 D-04
VCC2H/L# AN-05 D49 E-05
W/R# AM-06 D50 D-02
WB/WT# AA-05 D51 F-04
AMD-K6™-2E Processor Press Data Sheet 11
Pin Numbers
No Connect (NC) VCC2 V
A-37 A-07 A-19 A-03 AJ-27
E-17 A-09 A-21 B-06 AJ-31
E-25 A-11 A-23 B-08 AJ-37
R-34 A-13 A-25 B-10 AL-37
S-33 A-15 A-27 B-12 AM-08
S-35 A-17 A-29 B-14 AM-10
W-33 B-02 E-21 B-16 AM-12
AJ-15 E-15 E-27 B-18 AM-14
AJ-23 G-01 E-37 B-20 AM-16
AL-19 J-01 G-37 B-22 AM-18
AN-35 L-01 J-37 B-24 AM-20
Internal No Connect (INC) N-01 L-33 B-26 AM-22
C-01 Q-01 L-37 B-28 AM-24
H-34 S-01 N-37 E-11 AM-26
Y-35 U-01 Q-37 E-13 AM-28
Z-34 W-01 S-37 E-19 AM-30
AC-35 Y-01 T-34 E-23 AN-37
AL-07 AA-01 U-33 E-29
AN-01 AC-01 U-37 E-31
AN-03 AE-01 W-37 H-02
Reserved (RSVD) AG-01 Y-37 H-36
J-33 AJ-11 AA-37 K-02
L-35 AN-09 AC-37 K-36
P-04 AN-11 AE-37 M-02
Q-03 AN-13 AG-37 M-36
Q-35 AN-15 AJ-19 P-02
R-04 AN-17 AJ-29 P-36
S-03 AN-19 AN-21 R-02
S-05 AN-23 R-36
AA-03 AN-25 T-02
AC-03 AN-27 T-36
AC-05 AN-29 U-35
AD-04 V-02
AE-03 V-36
AE-35 X-02
Key X-36
AH-32 Z-02
12 AMD-K6™-2E Processor Press Data Sheet
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AMD's pro ducts are not desi gned, intende d, authorized or warranted for use as c omponents
in systems intended for surgical implant into the body, or in other applications intended to
support or sustain life, or in any other application in which the failure of AMD's product could
create a situation where personal injury, death, or severe property or environmental damage
may occur. AMD reserves the right to discontinue or make changes to its products at any
time without notice.