Bulletin PD-2.030 revG 01/05 1N3879(R), 1N3889(R) 6/ 12/ 16FL(R) SERIES FAST RECOVERY DIODES Stud Version Major Ratings and Characteristics Parameters 1N3879- 1N38891N3883 1N3893 6FL 12FL 16FL Units Description This range of fast recovery diodes is designed for applications in DC power supplies, inverters, converters, choppers, ultrasonic systems and for use as a free wheeling diode. IF(AV) @ TC = 100C 6* 12 * 6 12 16 A IF(RMS) 9.5 19 9.5 19 25 A @ 50Hz 72 145 110 145 180 A @ 60Hz 75 * 150 * 115 150 190 A @ 50Hz 26 103 60 103 160 A2 s Features @ 60Hz 23 94 55 94 150 A2 s Short reverse recovery time 363 856 1452 1452 2290 I2s 50 to 1000 V IFSM I2t I2t V RRM range 50 to 400 * trr range see table ns TJ range - 65 to 150 C Low stored charge Wide current range Excellent surge capabilities Standard JEDEC types Stud cathode and stud anode versions Fully characterised reverse recovery conditions * JEDEC registred values. case style DO-203AA (DO-4) www.irf.com 1 1N3879(R), 1N3889(R), 6/ 12/ 16FL(R) Series ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS Voltage Ratings Voltage VRRM max. repetitive Code peak and off-state voltage V Type number VRSM , maximum non- IRRM max. IRRM max. IRRM max. repetitive peak voltage TJ = 25C TJ = 100C TJ = 150C V A mA mA 1N3879. 50 75 1N3880. 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 1N3881. - 1N3882. 1N3883. 1N3889. - 50 75 1N3890. - 100 150 1N3891. - 200 250 1N3892. - 300 350 1N3893. - 400 450 5 50 75 10 100 150 6FL.. 20 200 275 12FL.. 40 400 500 16FL.. 60 600 725 80 800 950 100 1000 1250 15 * 1.0 * 3.0 * 25 * 3.0 * 5.0 * 12 50 - 6.0 Forward Conduction Parameter IF(AV) Max. average forward current @ TC = 100C IF(RMS) Max. RMS current IFSM I2t 2 1N3879. 1N3883. 6FL.. 1N3889. 1N3893. 16FL.. Units Conditions 12FL.. 6* 6 12 * 16 A 9.5 9.5 19 25 A DC Max. peak, one-cycle 85 130 170 215 non-repetitive forward current 90 135 180 225 72 110 145 180 75 * 115 150 * 190 t = 8.3ms reapplied Sinusoidal half wave 36 86 145 230 t = 10ms No voltage Initial TJ = 150C 33 78 130 210 26 60 103 160 23 55 94 150 Maximum I2t for fusing 2 I t Maximum I t for fusing 363 856 1452 2290 VFM Max. forward voltage 1.4 * 1.4 1.4 * 1.4 1.5 * 1.5 1.5 * 1.5 * JEDEC registered value 2 180 conduction, half sine wave. t = 10ms No voltage t = 8.3ms reapplied A A2 s t = 10ms 100% VRRM 2222222222222 t = 8.3ms reapplied t = 10ms 100% VRRM t = 8.3ms reapplied 2 A s V t = 0.1 to 10ms, no voltage reapplied TJ = 25C, IF = rated IF(AV) (D.C.) TC = 100C, IFM = x rated IF(AV) 1N3879(R), 1N3889(R), 6/ 12/ 16FL(R) Series Recovery Characteristics 1N3879. 1N3889. 1N3883. 1N3893. Parameter trr Max. reverse recovery time 6FL.. 12FL.. Units Conditions 16FL.. S02 S05 150 150 300 * 300 * 200 500 ... ... IRM(REC) Max. peak recovery current 4* 5* ... QRR Max. reverse 400 350 ... ... recovered charge 400 400 ... ... ns --nC TJ = 25C, IF = 1A to VR = 30V, dIF/dt = 100A/s TJ = 25C, dIF/dt = 25A/s, IFM = p x rated IF(AV) IFM = p x rated IF(AV) TJ = 25C, IF = 1A to VR = 30V, dIF/dt = 100A/s TJ = 25C, dIF/dt = 25A/s, IFM = p x rated IF(AV) * JEDEC registered value Thermal and Mechanical Specification 1N3879. 1N3889. 1N3883. 1N3893. 6FL.. 12FL.. Parameter TJ Tstg Max. junction operating temperature range -65 to 150 Max. storage temperature range -65 to 175 RthJC Max. thermal resistance, junction to case wt 23 C 2.5 2.0 1.6 DC operation C/W RthCS Max. thermal resistance, case to heatsink T Units Conditions 16FL.. 0.5 Allowable mounting torque Approximate weight Case style Mounting surface, smooth, flat and greased 1.5 +0-10% Nm 13 lbf.in 1.2 +0-10% Nm 10 lbf.in 7 (0.25) g (oz) DO-203AA(DO-4) Not lubricated threads Lubricated threads JEDEC RthJC Conduction (The following table shows the increment of thermal resistence RthJC when devices operate at different conduction angles than DC) 1N3879. 1N3883. 6FL.. Conduction angle 1N3889. 1N3893. 12FL.. 16FL.. Sinusoidal conduction 1N3879. 1N3883. 6FL.. 1N3889. 1N3893. 12FL.. 16FL.. Rectangular conduction 180 0.58 0.46 0.37 0.33 0.26 0.21 120 0.60 0.48 0.39 0.58 0.46 0.37 60 1.28 1.02 0.82 1.28 1.02 0.82 30 2.20 1.76 1.41 2.20 1.76 1.41 Units Conditions K/W TJ = 150C 3 1N3879(R), 1N3889(R), 6/ 12/ 16FL(R) Series Ordering Information Table Device Code 1 - A 16 F L R 60 M S02 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Omit = Standard or Fast Recovery Diode A = Avalanche Diode 2 - Current Code I(AVG) = Exact Current Rating 3 - F 4 - Omit = Standard Recovery Diode 5 - L = Diode = Only for Fast Diode Omit = Stud Forward Polarity R 12 = Stud Reverse Polarity 6 - Voltage code: Code x 10 = VRRM (see Voltage Ratings table) 7 - Outlines: Omit = Stud Base UNF Thread M 8 = Stud Base Metric Thread -7 trr code only for Fast Diode (see Recovery Characteristics table) Outline Table 2222222222222 Conforms to JEDEC DO-203AA (DO-4) All dimensions in millimeters 4 IIORIINT8~ONA.L 1 fltg.1 '"u 1N3879. 1N3889, 6FL, 12Ft. 16Ft Serim JlltIECTIPil.JIIt :2 :I 4 5 ;/I l' $ 9' tO AVf!RAGE FORWARDcuFlRiI'N'1' - A. rwartl Cl.lr'lrM V.. M!J;xM<ru.rm ~ 4 e Il t(1 t2 t4 11$ 1820 A.VIJI!AGi l'OI'\W4flO (:UI'U4I!N1'- li. l'tll. 2 c... TemP8fl:ture, 1N3879 ,od 6FL S.rl" - A.,.,. FOt'WIITd CW'nnt V'o Muimllm AI~.bl. CIdreT~retl.lrII, 1NW9tel\d t2FL Seri.. 1 IqMiFleCI u..""'.. ORI'! 'l'. I1'M " f'Nk '_.'1:1 C1JtrllltpnCfIQ~tJqr1 .. RitI/O' t.uni lorwa,<ic1II,,!\>nl 'RMlflECl'" "'.,. flfWf1t 1It:t:W1IffY t\lffenl '.. Of1R r--,o-,c--2o 25 AVEIlAOEFCftWAf'lDCull~f;t4T Il - Fig. 3 - Anr.". FtlnMII'dCunen1 V... t.IIP:#mum "'1--1:11. Cala T.mplt8wre, 16FL .s:.rm . F!;;"",.Ui!_tlOV !'fa_,., Wl" N!w4<11d~'h..9'I" 30 Fili.4 - 1\"01'$8 fhlCO'W'ry T1mo 1.-1 W etOfft'l