os LM108A/LM308A LM108/LM308 TEC HNOLOGY Operational Amplifiers FEATURES DESCRIPTION = Guaranteed 200pA max. input offset current The LM108 series of precision operational amplifiers = Guaranteed 2nA max. input bias current are particularly well-suited for high source impedance = Guaranteed 600uA max. supply current applications requiring low offset and bias currents as = Guaranteed 0.5mV max. offset voltage well as low power dissipation. Unlike FET input ampli- ms Guaranteed 5uV/C max. drift fiers, the offset and bias currents of the LM108 do not = Wide supply voltage range: + 2V to + 18V change significantly with temperature variations. Ad- vanced design, processing and testing techniques make Linears LM108 a superior choice over previous APPLICATIONS devices. = Integrators A photodiode sensor application is shown below. For Ei w Transducer amplifiers applications requiring higher performance, see the = Analog memories LT1008, and LT1012. = Light meters Amplifier For Photodiode Sensor Input Currents a 2.0 1% 1.5 Ww go nm So $1 on INPUT CURRENT (nA) o s 2 hk oOo o OUTPUT Vout = 10V/pA 0.05 R2 Re ct . 0 1% i -55-35-15 5 25 45 65 85 105 125 TEMPERATURE (C) LI Wve 9-303LM108A/LM308A LM108/LM308 ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS PACKAGE/ORDER INFORMATION Supply Voltage LM108A/LM108 .................... +20V LM308A/LM308 .................... + 18V Differential Input Current (Note 1)......... +10mA Input Voltage (Note 2)................... + 15V Output Short Circuit Duration........... Indefinite Operating Temperature Range LM108A/LM108 ............ 55C to 125C LM308A/LM308 ................ 0C to 70C Storage Temperature Range All Devices................. 65C to 150C Lead Temperature (Soldering, 10 sec.)...... 300C yop view ORDER PART NO. . LM108AH LM108H _ LM308AH LM308H METAL CAN H PACKAGE TOP VIEW COMP1 1 8 COMP2 aN 3 7 ve LM308AN8 v- 4 5 NC LMS08N8 PLASTIC DIP NB PACKAGE ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS +5V < V, < +20V and 55C < T, < 125C, unless otherwise noted. LM108A LM108 SYMBOL PARAMETER CONDITIONS MIN =6TYP)s MAX TYP MAX UNITS Vos Input Offset Voltage T, = 25C 0.3 0.5 0.7 2.0 mV e 1.0 3.0 mV NY Average Temperature Coefficient ATemp of Input Offset Voltage e 1.0 5.0 3.0 18 pV/C los Input Offset Current Ta = 25C 0.05 02 0.05 0.2 nA e 0.4 0.4 nA Al Average Temperature Coefficient ATemp of input Offset Current e 0.5 2.5 0.5 2.5 paA/c lp Input Bias Current Ty, = 25C 0.5 2.0 0.5 2.0 nA e 3.0 3.0 nA Avot Large Signal Voltage Gain Ty = 25C, Vg + 15V, 80 300 50 300 VimV Vour = + 10V, R, = 10ka e@| 40 25 V/mV CMRR Common Mode Rejection Ratio @| 96 110 85 100 dB PSRR Power Supply Rejection Ratio @| 96 110 80 96 dB input Voltage Range V5 = + 15V @| +135 +13. YV Vout Output Voltage Swing Vs = + 1V,R, = 10ko @)/+8 +14 13 +14 V Rin input Resistance T, = 25C (Note 3) 30 70 70 Mo ls Supply Current Ty = 26C 0.3 06 0.3 0.6 mA Ty = 125C 0.15 0.4 0.15 0.4 mA eeLM108A/LM308A LM108/LM308 LECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS +5V <V, + 18V and OC < J, < 70C, unless otherwise noted. LM308A LM308 SYMBOL PARAMETER CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX MIN =6TYP)=s MAX UNITS Vos Input Offset Voltage Ty = 25C 0.3 0.5 2.0 75 mV e 0.73 10 mV AVos Average Temperature Coefficient ATemp of Input Offset Voltage e 2.0 5.0 6.0 30 wViC los Input Offset Current Ta = 25C 0.2 1.0 0.2 1.0 nA e 15 1.5 nA Algs Average Temperature Coefficient ATemp of input Offset Current e 2.0 10 2.0 10 pA/C lp Input Bias Current Ty = 25C 15 7.0 15 7.0 nA 10 10 nA Avot Large Signal Voltage Gain Ta = 25C, Vg + 15V, 80 300 25 300 V/mV Vour = + 10V, Ry = 10kQ @| 60 15 VimV CMRR Common Moce Rejection Ratio @;| 9% 110 80 100 dB PSRR Power Supply Rejection Ratic @| 96 110 80 96 dB Input Voltage Range Vs = + 15V @\/+14 +14 V Vout Output Voltage Swing Vs = + 15VR, = 10ko @)+13 +14 +13 +14 V Rin Input Resistance Ta = 25C (Note 3) 10 40 10 40 MQ Is Supply Current Ty = 25C 0.3 0.8 0.3 0.8 mA The @ denotes the specifications which apply over the full operating temperature range. For MIL-STD components, please refer to LTC 883 data sheet for test listing and parameters. Note 1: Differential input voltages greater than 1V will cause excessive Current to flow through the input protection diodes unless current limiting resistance is used. Note 2: For supply voltages less than + 15V, the maximum input voltage is equal to the supply voltage. Note 3: Guaranteed by design. ee Neen eee eee re reece TYPICAL APPLICATIONS COMPENSATION CIRCUITS Standard Compensation Circuit Alternate* Frequency Compensation Feedforward Compensation Ri R2 R1 Re Vin Vin We ANA Vout Vout R1C, c.** Cte RD T tom C** Co = 30 pF = ** BANDWIDTH AND SLEW RATE ARE * IMPROVES REJECTION OF POWER PROPORTIONAL TO 1/C, SUPPLY NOISE BY A FACTOR OF TEN. ** BANDWIDTH AND SLEW RATE ARE PROPORTIONAL TO 1/Cs on LT nye 9-305LM108A/LM308A LM108/LM308 TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS EQUIVALENT INPUT OFFSET VOLTAGE (mV) Ss pag VOLTAGE GAIN (dB) VOLTAGE GAIN (dB) Guaranteed Offset Error 100 Ta = 25C = o = o 0.1 1.0 10 MATCHED SOURCE RESISTANCE (MQ) 100 Open Loop Frequency Response 120 180 100 C, = 3 pF C, = 3 pF 80 Cs = 100 pF 135 60 90 40 20 |GAIN 45 PHASE === o Cs = 100 = 30 -20 a 1 10 100 1k 10k 100k 1M 10M FREQUENCY (Hz) Voltage Gain 120 T, = 25C 410 T, = 55C 400 Ty, = 125C 90 5 10 15 20 SUPPLY VOLTAGE (+ V) (sae.6ep) 97 3SVHd 1000 DRIFT ERROR (uV/C) OUTPUT SWING (+ V) OUTPUT SWING (+ V) Guaranteed Drift Error 400 10 1.0 0.4 1.0 10 100 MATCHED SOURCE RESISTANCE (MQ) Large Signal Frequency Response 16 Ta = 25C Vs = + 16V 12 = 3 pF 8 4 0 1k 10k 400k 1M FREQUENCY (Hz) Output Swing 15 Rare Vs = + 15V | 10 5 4 Le Ta = 125C |] + | |_- Th = 25C 4 Ta = 55C; g ++ 0 2 4 6 8 OUTPUT CURRENT (mA) Input Noise Voltage 1000 100 INPUT NOISE (nV/ Hz) 10 100 1k 10k FREQUENCY (Hz) 100k Voltage Follower Pulse Response = o = = OUTPUT wn 2 5 S$ Ty = 25C Vs = +15V C; = 30 pF 10 0 20 40 60 80 100 120140 160 TIME (x5) Supply Current 600 500 = 3 5 400 rr s = 300 z 2 200 n 100 0 5 10 15 20 SUPPLY VOLTAGE (+ V) 2-306 LT WeLM108A/LM308A LM108/LM308 TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS Closed Loop Output Impedance Power Supply Rejection 10 ; 120 T ' Ss, Vs = OC 100 ~ T, = 25C - 10 / 7 _ NO < Ay =1 S a i A 3 80 Sis 8 ol N f z XQ }Sz7 POSITIVE SUPPLY = \ yf 8 60 \ mn a = v hava b= 200 # 4 \ 5 1 Ay = 1000, C; = 0 pF > N\ =~ = a = / Ay = 1000, Cy = 30 pF & 29 |NEGATIVE SUPPLY se > } | wn % B97 T, = 25C | | Wee f lour = + 1mA 0 |= , = 30 pF a Vs = + 15V === (Cs= 100 pF 10-2 J 20 1 L 10 100 tk 10k 100k 1M 10M 100 tk = 10k = 100k = 1M@s 10M FREQUENCY (Hz) FREQUENCY (Hz) aes one ae aa Low Drift Integrator With Reset Inverting Amplifier With High Input Resistance R2 Rt R2 R3 400k vt 2M 2M 505 1% 1% 1% INPUT meal RESET ; a 1% R2> At R2 > >R3 4, R2(RS + RA) ~ OUTPUT . RI RS R5 OUTPUT * Q1 AND Q3 SHOULD NOT HAVE INTERNAL GATE-PROTECTION DIODES. LY ime 9-307LM108A/LM308A LM108/LM308 TYPICAL APPLICATIONS Amplifier For Piezoelectric Transducers Amplifier For Bridge Transducers a yr OUTPUT C1 30 pF si 100k \ R1 $ 100k $ (J TRANSDUCER oe f T &% (3) = R2R3 : wes R2 + F3 Fast* Summing Amplifier cSt = Ii. W Ry Bilateral Current Source WA Rs IL Ww 1; INPUT $ At C1 ca > 150k 9,002 pf 0.002 uF 7 tor = B3Vw 1 2 our RTRS R3 = R4 + RS Ri = R2 > R3 1M } In addition to increasing speed, * Power Bandwidth: 250 KHz OUTPUT Small Signal Bandwidth: 3.5 MHz Slew Rate: 10V/uS lout the LM101A raises high and low 6x 1078 R4 frequency gain, increases output tes = i 1M drive capability and eliminates f 1% thermal feedback. . . . was Differential Input Instrumentation Amplifier R1 R2 R3 R4 Sample and Hold 100k 1k 1k 100k yt 0.1% 0.1% 0.1% 0.1% R1 1M INPUT SAMPLE R2 10k OUTPUT * Teflon, polyethylene or c1* polycarbonate dielectric 1 uF capacitor. L Worst case drift less than 2.5 mV/sec. 30 pF + [INPUTS -- + = OUTPUT R1 = Ra; R2 = RB Ay= 1+ Fl R2 2-308 LY WeAPPLICATIONS INFORMATION Input guarding P Input protection LM108A/LM308A LM108/LM308 Input guarding is used to reduce surface leakage. eM Current is limited by R2 even when input is connected to a voltage source outside the common mode range. If one supply reverses, current is controlled by R1. These resistors do not affect normal operation. Guarding both sides of the board is required. Bulk leakage reduction is less and depends on the guard ring width. COMPENSATION The guard ring is connected to a low impedance point at same potential as the sensitive input leads. Connec- tions for various op amp configurations are shown below. R1 INPUT V~/ R2 Wr o OUTPUT INVERTING INPUT | | 3 o OUTPUT FOLLOWER INPUT LI Wine NON-INVERTING INPUT PA The input resistor controls the current when the input exceeds the supply voltages, when the power for the op amp is turned off, or when the output is shorted. R1 50k* AAA Offset Voltage Test Circuitt Rog 1000" < R3 50k* vVvv +15V 15V Ay = 1000 b Vo * RESISTORS MUST HAVE LOW THERMOELECTRIC POTENTIAL t THIS CIRCUIT IS ALSO USED AS THE BURN-IN CONFIGURATION WITH SUPPLY VOLTAGES EQUAL TO +20V, A1=R3=10k, R2=2000, Ay=100. 2-309LM108A/LM308A LM108/LM308 SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM COMPENSATION COMPENSATION _ 1. | _ 18 . 7 ye 20k 20k 10k2 10k 12 2k a8 > Q13 1 a7 a9 att 2 5.6k a8 Q10 j 90 6 at4 Q15 Q17 Dp WAe OUTPUT - > 240 Q21 Q16 is aig 2 - > 23 e INPUTS 025 940 ' 3 Sn a20 + 20k > 820 , a24 > 20k 500 tk 4 v- H Package N8 Package Metal Can 8 Lead Plastic 9328 pax~ po 9.938 pug 1 4 0.185 0.050 0 165 MAX 150C/w 0.060 SO 0.040 MAX 0.005 MIN 0.145 I aris HM h . \ a i 0.018 ooog 'YP uv wef L- 0-15 100 BSC 0.023 typ 0.340 eR a0 0.290 NOTE DIMENSIONS IN INCHES UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. LEADS WITHIN 0 007 OF TRUE POSITION (TP) AT GALIGE PLANE. Tmax 8 ja 100C | 130C/W 2-310 LI We