Freescale Semiconductor
Product Brief Document Number: MPC5510PB
Rev. 2, 5/2008
© Freescale Semiconductor, Inc., 2007, 2008. All rights reserved.
The MPC5510 is a new family of next generation
microcontrollers built on the Power Architecture.
This document describes the features of the family and
the options available on the devices in this family. It also
provides some important electrical and physical
characteristics of these devices.
The MPC5510 family of 32-bit microcontrollers is
Freescale Semiconductors latest achievement in
integrated automotive application controllers. It belongs
to an expanding family of automotive-focused products
designed to address the next wave of central body and
gateway applications within the vehicle. Freescale’s
advanced and cost efficient host processor core of the
MPC5510 automotive controller family is compatible
with the Power Architecture Book E architecture. It
operates at speeds up to 80 MHz and offers high
performance processing optimized for low-power
consumption. It capitalizes on the available development
infrastructure of the current Power Architecture devices
and will be supported with software drivers, operating
1 Application Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.1 Body Controller Application Example . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.2 Gateway Application Example. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
2 Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
2.1 MPC5510 Family Comparison. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
2.2 Block Diagram. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
2.3 Critical Performance Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
2.4 Packages. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
2.5 Chip-Level Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
2.6 Module Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
3 Developer Environment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
MPC5510 Family Product Brief
32-Bit Power Architecture™ Micr ocontrollers for Body
MPC5510 Family Product Brief, Rev. 2
Application Examples
Freescale Semiconductor2
systems, and configuration code to assist with users’ implementations. Refer to Section 3, “Developer
Environment,” for more information.
The MPC5510 platform has a single level of memory hierarchy and can support up to 80 KB of on-chip
static random access memory (SRAM) and 1.5 MB of internal flash memory. Refer to Table 1 for specific
memory and feature sets of the proposed roadmap product members.
1 Application Examples
The MPC5510 is designed to address the next wave of central body and gateway applications within the
vehicle. As shown in the following examples, the MCU is central to the application and provides the
flexibility to add or remove peripheral components in a modular design.
1.1 Body Controller Application Example
Body controller modules primarily control interior features of the car, such as:
Comfort features—doors, seats, interior lighting
Security/access features—passive entry, immobilizer, TPMS
Lighting—headlights, brake lights, turn lights
Centralized diagnostic and network management
Figure 1 shows the MPC551xE/S used in a typical body controller application.
Figure 1. Body Controller Application Example
Digital outputs
Digital inputs (includin g
Door module s
LS CAN body
HS CAN powertrain
HS CAN diagnostic
Power seat
Steering colu mn
Rain sensor & sunroof control
input capture signals)
RF receiver
(e.g. PWM,GPIO)
Analog inputs
Smart power
Switch panel &
digital sensors
Battery monitoring,
& misc. sensors
Direct loads
(lighting, power latch,
locking, pumps...)
MPC5510 Family Product Brief, Rev. 2
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1.2 Gateway Application Example
Gateway modules are used in highly distributed architectures to route messages between multiple CAN,
LIN, and FlexRay buses. They also manage centralized functions, such as diagnostic, power/wakeup
management, and module reprogramming.
Figure 2 shows the MPC551xG used in a typical gateway application.
Figure 2. Gateway Application Example
This section describes the features of the MPC5510 family.
2.1 MPC5510 Family Comparison
Table 1 provides a summary of the different members of the MPC5510 family and their proposed features.
Great flexibility is offered through multiplexing of I/O functionality. The features available will depend
on the specific I/O function assignments in the application. Refer to the pinout information in the reference
manual for more details.
Digital outputs (eg PWM,GPIO)
Digital inputsLS CAN body
HS CAN telematics
HS/LS CAN chassis
HS CAN powertrain
HS CAN diagnostic
Door modules left sideLIN P/I
Direct loads
Front lighting
Steering column
Switch panels
Power seats
Rain sensor & sunroof co nt ro l
FlexRay backbone
Door modules right side
Switch panel
Table 1. MPC551 0 Family Comparison, Maximum Feature Set1
1Maximum feature set displayed for each family member. Feature set depends on selected peripheral multiplexin g.
Feature MPC5517G MPC5517E MPC5517S MPC5516G MPC5516E MPC5516S MPC5515S MPC5514G MPC5514E
Package 208-BGA 144-LQFP 208-BGA/
176-LQFP 144-LQFP 208-BGA/
176-LQFP 144-LQFP 208-BGA 144-LQFP 208-BGA/
176-LQFP 144-LQFP 176-LQFP 144-LQFP 176-LQFP 144-LQFP 144-LQFP
Main CPU e200z1
Exe cution Speed2
2Maximum speed is 66 MHz on 144-LQFP and 176-LQFP package options.
80 MHz at Ta=105C
75 MHz at Ta=125C 80 MHz at Ta=105C
75 MHz at Ta=125C 66 MHz 80 MHz at Ta=105C
75 MHz at Ta=125C 80 MHz at Ta=105C
75 MHz at Ta=125C 66 MHz 66 MHz 66 MHz 66 MHz
3EEPROM emulation supported by small flash blocks with read-while-write operation as part of main array space.
1.5 MB 1.5 MB 1.5 MB 1 MB 1 MB 1 MB 768 KB 512 KB 512 KB
RAM 80 KB 80 KB 64 KB 64 KB 64 KB 48 KB 48 KB 64 KB 32 KB
I/O Processor e200z0 e200z0 e200z0 e200z0 e200z0 e200z0
DMA Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
MPU 16 entry 16 entry 8 entry 16 entry 16 entry 8 entry 8 entry 16 entry 16 entry
4ADC channel accuracy greater for input-only channel, bidirectional channels offer the ability for unused channels to be used as outputs.
40 channels, 12-bit
(16 channels input only; 24 channels bidirectional)
Tot al Timed I/O5
5IC—input capture; O/C—output compare; PWM—pulse-width modulation.
24 channels, 16-bit
(8 channels IC/OC; 16 channels PWM, IC/OC)
Real-Time Clock ext 32 KHz Crystal ext 32 KHz Crystal ext 32 KHz Crystal ext 32 KHz Crystal ext 32 KHz Crystal ext 32 KHz Cr ystal
SCI 6x eSCI 6x eSCI 8x eSCI 6x eSCI 6x eSCI 6x eSCI 8x eSCI 6x eSCI 6x eSCI 6x eSCI 6x eSCI
SPI Chip Selects 24 236
6For devices with four DSPI modules, in the 144-pin package, it is not possible to bring out all 24 DSPI chip selects. Hence, t hree modules can have six chip selects, but one module can have only five.
24 23624 23624 23624 18 18 18 236
CAN 6x
FlexCAN 5x
FlexCAN 4x
FlexCAN 5x
FlexCAN 6x
FlexCAN 5x
FlexCAN 4x
FlexCAN 5x
FlexCAN 4x
FlexCAN 5x
FlexCAN 6x
FlexCAN 5x
FlexRay Yes Yes Yes
7MLB is emulated in software and requires the following resources: I/O Processor, 2xDSPI, 4x eDMA channels, RAM, SoftMLB Interface Logic.
YesYes—YesYes— —YesYes
I2C 1
8In the 208-pin package, there can be up to 24 address bits with 32-bit data and four chip selects. In the 144-pin and 176-pin packages, there are 24 address bits with 16-bit data and four chip selects.
916-bit or 32-bit mult iplexed data bus supported. EBI multiplexed with other functions shown as availabl e.
10 16-bit multiplexed data bus supported. EBI multiplexed with other functions sho w n as available.
Yes9Yes10 Yes9Yes10 Yes9Yes10 Yes9——Yes
10 Yes10
11 Estimated I/O count for proposed packages based on multiplexing with peripherals.
144 111 144/137 111 144/137 111 144/137 111 144/137 111 137 111 137 111 111
MPC5510 Family Product Brief, Rev. 2
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2.1.1 Family Feature Set Scaling
The MPC5510 family supports multiple functions on most of the pins. This allows flexibility in the
positioning and the availability of device features. It is the user s choice what trade-of fs are made between
the feature set used for the available pin count through this device pin muliplexing. The available features
implemented on silicon will be added incrementally as the family functionality increases. Table 2 provides
a summary of the flash array address space supported by the different device memory sizes. Table 3
summarizes the RAM array address space supported by the different device memory sizes. Table 4
summarizes the available peripheral functionality of each family member.
Evaluation of the pin list for each device will be necessary, as it may not be possible to retain all modules
sequentially, depending on the selected pin multiplexing trade-offs on each device.
The RAppID initialization tool provides a pin allocation wizard that will
allow you to configure I/O graphically to meet the requirements of the
peripheral functions. More information on this tool can be found at
Table 2. Flash Memory Scaling Table 3. RAM Memory Scaling
Memory Size Start Address E n d A ddress Me m ory Size Start Add r es s End Addr e ss
1.5 MB 0x0000_0000 0x0017_FFFF 80 KB 0x4000_0000 0x4001_3FFF
1 MB 0x0000_0000 0x000F_FFFF 64 KB 0x400 0_0000 0x4000_FFFF
768 KB 0x0000_0000 0x000B_FFFF 48 KB 0x4000_0000 0x4000_BFFF
512 KB 0x0000_0000 0x0007_FFFF 32 KB 0x4000_0000 0x4000_7FFF
Ta ble 4. Peripheral Scaling
MPC5517 MPC5516 MPC5515 MPC5514
Package 208 144 176/
208 144 176 144/208 144 176/
208 144 176 144 176 144 144
MPU Regions 16 16 16 8 8 16 16 16 8 8 8 8 16 16
SCI Number 66866668666666
Module A,B,C,D,
E,F A,B,C,D,
E,F A,B,C,D,
E,F,G,H A,B,C,D,
E,F A,B,C,D,
E,F A,B,C,D,
E,F A,B,C,D,
E,F A,B,C,D,
E,F,G,H A,B,C,D,
E,F A,B,C,D,
E,F A,B,C,D,
E,F A,B,C,D,
E,F A,B,C,D,
E,F A,B,C,D,
SPI Number 44444444333334
Module A,B,C,D A,B,C,D A,B,C,D A,B,C,D A,B,C,D A,B,C,D A,B,C,D A,B,C,D A,B,C A,B,C A,B,C A,B,C A,B,C A,B,C,D
CAN Number 65545655454565
Module A,B,C,D,
E,F A,C,D,E,
E,F A,C,D,E,
E,F A,C,D,E,
MPC5510 Family Product Brief, Rev. 2
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2.2 Block Diagram
Figure 3 shows a top level block diagram of the MPC5510 family.
Figure 3. MPC5510 Family Block Diagram
e200z1 Core
Data BusInstruction Bus
Oscillators VREG
e200z0 Core
ADC – Analog to Digital Converter modules
BAM – Boot Assist Module
DSPI – Serial Peripherals Interface controller module
EBI – External Bus Interface module
ECC – Error Correction Code
eDMA – enhanced Direct Memory Controller module
eMIOS200 – Timed Input Output module
eSCI – Serial Communications Interface modules
FCU – Flash Controller Unit
FlexCAN – Controller Area Network controller modules
FlexRay – Dual Channel FlexRay controller
FMPLL – Frequency Modulated Phase Locked Loop module
I2C – Inter IC Controller modules
INTC – Interrupt Controller module
JTAG – Joint Test Action Group interface
MLB – Media Local Bus emulation logic
NDI – Nexus Debug Interface module
PIT – Periodic Interrupt Timer module
SIU – System Integration module
VREG – Voltage Regulator
General Purpose
(32 x 32-bit)
General Purpose
(32 x 32-bit)Integer
Crossbar Switch (XBAR)
Memory Protection Unit (MPU)
Peripheral Bridge
MPC5510 Family Product Brief, Rev. 2
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2.3 Critical Performance Parameters
The critical performance parameters of the MPC5510 feature the following:
Fully static design operation up to a maximum of 80 MHz
Low-power design
Designed for dynamic power management of core and peripherals
Internal voltage regulator (VREG) enables control with a single input voltage
5 V + 5%, –10% input supply voltage
1.5 V internal logic
ADC analog supply 5 V + 5%, –10%
Configurable pins
Selectable hysteresis
Selectable slew rate control
Selectable pullup, pulldown, or no pull on all pins
Selectable open drain pin
Support for 3.3 V and 5.0 V I/O levels based on I/O supply voltage level (three power domains
can be independently supplied)
Table 5. Target Device Current Cons umption 1
1Values are design targets; all values are estimates until silicon is available and characterization has been
Mode Description Condition2
2Based on ambient temperatures with de vice operating with a typical peripheral implementation.
3Values do not include I/O current consumption.
RUN Full performance core operating mode with both
main core and I/O processor executing 85 oC,
66 MHz 110 mA
STOP Static mode, with clocks stopped, but power
retained to full device 25 oC600 μA
retained Static mode, with clocks stopped and power
disabled to much of the device 25 oC95 μA
retained 25 oC81 μA
retained 25 oC53 μA
retained 25 oC39 μA
retained 25 oC32 μA
retained 25 oC25 μA
MPC5510 Family Product Brief, Rev. 2
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Frequency modulated phase locked loop
–40 to 150 °C junction temperature
2.3.1 Low Power Operation
The MPC5510 has two dynamic power modes and three static power modes:
Low-power modes use clock gating to halt the clock for all or part of the device.
The lowest power modes also use power gating to automatically turn of f the power supply to parts
of the device to minimize leakage.
Dynamic power modes are RUN:
RUN mode is the main full-performance operating mode where the entire device is powered
and clocked. The user can configure the device operating speed through selection of the clock
source and the phase-locked loop (FMPLL) frequency. Clock gating can be performed on a
peripheral by peripheral basis to select which device features have their clock halted to save
power . When implemented, the I/O processor can optionally be enabled, allowing execution of
code and access to the memory and peripherals of the device.
Static power modes are STOP and SLEEP:
STOP mode maintains power to the entire device allowing the retention of all on-chip registers
and memory, and providing a fast recovery low-power mode with no need to reconfigure the
device. The clocks are halted to the cores and peripherals and the crystal oscillator can be
optionally enabled in STOP mode to reduce start-up time, but cannot drive the API/RTC when
in this mode.
STOP is entered from RUN mode. On exiting STOP mode the device returns to the RUN
SLEEP mode halts the clock to the entire device and turns off the power to the majority of the
chip to offer the lowest power consumption modes of the MPC5510. SLEEP mode retains the
output levels on the pins, but power gating means that the contents of the cores, on-chip
peripheral registers and some of the volatile memory are not held. The device can be awakened
from selected I/O pins, a reset, or from a periodic wakeup using a low-power oscillator. If
required by the user, it is possible to enable the internal 16 MHz or 32 KHz RC oscillator, or
Tab le 6. I/O Characteristics, VDDE = 5V
Parameter Symbol Value Equation
Input Voltage High VIH 3.25 V VDDE*0.65
Input Voltage Low VIL 1.75 V VDDE*0.35
Output Voltage High VOH 4.0 V VDDE*0.8V
Output Voltage Low VOL 1.0 V VDDE*0.2V
Output Drive Strength1
1Ref er to the device reference manual and de vice data sheet for details of allocation
of pins capable of stated values and conditions that apply.
I/O DC Injection Current IIC ± 2mA
MPC5510 Family Product Brief, Rev. 2
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an external 32 KHz oscillator . The crystal oscillator can be optionally enabled in SLEEP mode
to reduce start-up time. The user can select the desired level of RAM to be retained as the
following: full contents of the on-chip PRAM, 80K, 64K, 32K, 16K, 8K, no RAM retained.
Fast wakeup using the on-chip 16 MHz internal RC oscillator allowing rapid execution on exit
from low-power modes.
16 MHz internal RC oscillator supports low-speed code execution and clocking of peripherals
2.4 Packages
MPC5510 family members are offered in the following package types:
144-pin LQFP, 0.5mm pitch, 20mm x 20mm outline
176-pin LQFP, 0.5 mm pitch, 24mm x 24mm outline
208-ball MAPBGA, 1mm ball pitch, 17mm × 17mm outline
2.5 Chip-Level Features
On-chip modules available within the family include the following features:
Single-issue, 32-bit CPU core complex (e200z1)
Compliant with the Power Architecture embedded category
Includes an instruction set enhancement allowing variable length encoding (VLE) for code size
footprint reduction. With the optional encoding of mixed 16-bit and 32-bit instructions, it is
possible to achieve significant code-size footprint reduction.
Up to 1.5 MB of on-chip flash with flash control unit (FCU)
Up to 80 KB on-chip SRAM
Memory protection unit (MPU) with up to 16 region descriptors and 32-byte region granularity
Interrupt controller (INTC) capable of handling selectable-priority interrupt sources
Frequency modulated Phase-locked loop (FMPLL)
Crossbar switch architecture for concurrent access to peripherals, flash, or RAM from multiple bus
One 16-channel enhanced direct memory access controller (eDMA)
Boot assist module (BAM) supports internal flash programming via a serial link (CAN or SCI)
Timer supports input/output channels providing a range of 16-bit input capture, output compare,
and pulse-width modulation functions (eMIOS200)
One 12-bit analog-to-digital converter (ADC)
Up to four serial peripheral interface (DSPI) modules
Up to eight serial communication interface (eSCI) modules
Up to six enhanced full CAN (FlexCAN) modules with configurable buffers
One inter IC communication interface (I2C) module
Up to 144 configurable general-purpose pins supporting input and input/output operations
MPC5510 Family Product Brief, Rev. 2
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Real-time counter (RTC) with clock source from external 32 KHz crystal oscillator, internal
32 KHz or 16 MHz oscillator and supporting wakeup with selectable 1 sec. resolution and >1 hour
timeout, or 1 mS resolution with max timeout of 2 sec.
Up to eight periodic interrupt timers (PIT) with 32-bit counter resolution
Nexus development interface (NDI) per IEEE-ISTO 5001-2003 Class Two Plus standard
Device/board test support per joint test action group (JTAG) of IEEE (IEEE 1149.1)
On-chip voltage regulator (VREG) regulation of input supply for all internal levels
Optional e200z0, second I/O processor built on Power Architecture technology with VLE
instruction set
Optional FlexRAY controller
Optional external bus interface (EBI) module
Optional medial local bus (MLB) interface for communication with off-chip MOST controller
2.6 Module Features
The following sections provide more detailed information on the modules implemented on the MPC5510.
2.6.1 High Performance e200z1 Core Processor
The e200z1 core includes the following features:
Single-issue four-stage pipelined in-order execution, 32-bit Power Architecture CPU
Supports the 32-bit Power Architecture Book E programmers model
Variable length encoding (VLE) enhancements
Allows optional encoding of mixed 16-bit and 32-bit instructions
Results in smaller code-size footprint
Minimizes impact on performance
Memory management unit (MMU) with four entry translation look-aside buffer (TLB)
MMU provides features such as VLE or Book-E ISA selection and endianness access control
Branch processing acceleration using lookahead instruction buffer
Dedicated branch address calculation adder
Branch acceleration using branch lookahead instruction buffer
Load/store unit
One cycle load latency
Fully pipelined architecture
Misaligned access support
No load-to-use pipeline bubbles
Thirty-two 32-bit general-purpose registers (GPRs)
Separate instruction bus and load/store bus Harvard architecture
Private instruction bus to flash controller
MPC5510 Family Product Brief, Rev. 2
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Hardware or software vectored interrupt support
Reservation instructions for implementing read-modify-write constructs
Multi-cycle divide (divw), load multiple (lmw), and store multiple (smw) class instructions; can be
interrupted to prevent increases in interrupt latency
Extensive system development support through Nexus debug port
2.6.2 I/O Processor
The MPC5510’s I/O processor features the following:
The MPC5510 family of devices allows support for flexible implementations, with the option to
select whether the main core is running with or without the I/O processor. This allows tuning of
performance against power consumption, and can help smooth out performance peaks while
running at a lower speeds. Additionally, the I/O processor can execute when the main core is
High-performance, low-cost e200z0 core processor for managing peripherals and interrupts
Single-issue four-stage pipelined in-order execution, 32-bit Power Architecture CPU
Variable length encoding (VLE), allowing mixed 16-bit and 32-bit instructions
Results in smaller code-size footprint
Minimizes impact on performance
Branch processing acceleration using lookahead instruction buffer
Load/store unit
One-cycle load latency
Fully pipelined architecture
Misaligned access support
No load-to-use pipeline bubbles
Thirty-two 32-bit general purpose registers (GPRs)
Unified interface into crossbar switch
Hardware vectored interrupt support
Reservation instructions for implementing read-modify-write constructs
Multi-cycle divide (divw), load multiple (lmw), and store multiple (smw) class instructions, can be
interrupted to prevent increases in interrupt latency
Extensive system development support through Nexus debug port
2.6.3 Enhanced Direct Memory Access Controller (eDMA)
The following summarizes the MPC5510’s implementation of the eDMA controller:
16 channels support independent 8, 16, or 32 bit single-value or block transfers
Supports variable sized queues and circular queues
Source and destination address registers are independently configured to post-increment or remain
MPC5510 Family Product Brief, Rev. 2
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Each transfer is initiated by a peripheral, CPU, peri odic timer interrupt, or eDMA channel request
Each eDMA channel can optionally send an interrupt request to the CPU on completion of a single
value or block transfer
DMA transfers possible between system memories, SPIs, SCIs, I2C, ADC, eMIOS200, and general
purpose I/O
Programmable DMA channel mux allows assignment of any DMA source to any available DMA
channel with up to a total of 64 potential request sources
2.6.4 Crossbar Switch (XBAR)
The following summarizes the MPC5510’s implementation of the crossbar switch:
Up to five master ports
Masters: CPU instruction bus, CPU load/store bus, I/O processor bus, FlexRay, and eDMA
Multiple bus slaves to enable access to flash, SRAM, peripherals, external bus interface (EBI)
Shared port for crossbar access to flash, peripherals bus, and optional external bus interface
Private 32-bit wide instruction bus to flash from main CPU
Crossbar supports up to two consecutive transfers at any one time
32-bit internal address bus, 32-bit internal data bus
Fixed-priority arbitration based on port master
Temporary dynamic priority elevation of masters
2.6.5 Memory Protection Unit (MPU)
The MPU features the following:
Up to 16 region descriptors for per master protection
Start and end address defined with 32-byte granularity
Overlapping regions supported
Protection attributes can optionally include process ID
Protection offered for three concurrent read ports
Read and write attributes for all masters
Execute and supervisor/user mode attributes for processor masters
2.6.6 Interrupt Controller (INTC)
The MPC5510 implements an interrupt controller that features the following:
Unique 9-bit vector for each of the separate interrupt sources
8 software-triggerable interrupt sources
16 priority levels with fixed hardware arbitration within priority levels for each interrupt source
Ability to modify the ISR or task priority.
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Modifying the priority can be used to implement the priority ceiling protocol for accessing
shared resources
Interrupt steering between main CPU and I/O processor
Independent selection of any interrupt source to be routed through I/O processor
Interrupts share same priority level between I/O processor and CPU
Two external high-priority interrupts directly accessing the main core and IOP critical interrupt
2.6.7 System Clocks and Clock Generation
The following list summarizes the system clock and clock generation on the MPC5510:
System clock can be derived from the following sources
External oscillator
16 MHz internal RC oscillator
Programmable output clock divider of system clock (÷1, ÷2, ÷4, ÷8)
Separate programmable peripheral bus clock divider ratio (÷1, ÷2, ÷4, ÷8) applied to system clock
Frequency modulated Phase-locked loop (FMPLL)
Input clock frequency from 4 MHz to 40 MHz
Optional frequency modulation
Lock detect circuitry continuously monitors lock status
Loss-of-clock (LOC) detection for reference and feedback clocks
On-chip loop filter (for improved electomagnetic interference performance and reduces
number of external components required)
On-chip crystal oscillator
Dedicated 16 MHz internal RC oscillator
Used as default clock source out of reset (can provide a back-up clock in the event of PLL or
external oscillator clock failure)
Provides a clock for rapid start-up from low-power modes
Offers an independent clock source for the watchdog timer
5% accuracy (after factory trim loaded). Application trim resolution ± 0.5%
Trimming registers to support frequency adjustment with in-application calibration
Dedicated internal 32 KHz internal RC oscillator for low-power mode operation and self wakeup
Optional 32 KHz low-power external oscillator for low-power and real-time clock
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2.6.8 System Integration Unit (SIU)
The SIU features the following:
Up to four levels of internal pin muliplexing, allowing exceptional flexibility in the allocation of
device functions for each package
Centralized general-purpose input/output (GPIO) control of up to 144 input/output pins
All GPIO pins can be independently configured to support pullup, pulldown, no pull, or slew rate
and hysteresis
Reading and writing to GPIO supported both as individual pins and 16-bit wide ports
All peripheral pins, except selected ADC channels, can be alternatively configured as
general-purpose input/output pins
All ADC channels can be alternatively configured as general-purpose inputs, with some pins also
able to support outputs
Direct readback of the pin value supported on all digital output pins through the SIU
Configurable digital input filter that can be applied to some general-purpose input pins for noise
Multiple independent I/O power domains
Supports independent, non 5 V supply levels from external voltage regulators
I/O support for 3.3 V or 5 V levels
2.6.9 Watchdog
The watchdog on the MPC5510 features the following:
Watchdog supporting software activation or enabled out of reset
Supports normal or windowed mode
Watchdog timer value writable once after reset
Watchdog supports optional halting during debug
Configurable response on timeout: reset, interrupt, or interrupt followed by reset
Selectable clock source for main system clock or internal RC oscillator clock
2.6.10 On-Chip Flash
On-chip flash on the MPC5510 features the following:
Burst flash memory
Dual-ported system bus connection
Private 32-bit instruction bus from main processor core
32-bit bus shared for main processor data accesses and other bus masters through crossbar
Two independent sets of 4 x 128-bit page buffers with programmable prefetch control
T ypical flash access time: zero wait-state for buffer hits, two wait-states for page buf fer miss at
80 MHz
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Page buffers can be allocated for code only, fixed partitions of code and data, all available for
any access
64-bit ECC with single-bit correction, double-bit detection for data integrity
Censorship protection scheme to prevent flash content visibility
Hardware read-while-write feature that allows blocks to be erased/programmed while other blocks
are being read (used for EEPROM emulation and data calibration)
Lowest flash address space configured with ten blocks over three partitions (4 × 16K + 4 × 16K +
2 × 64K bytes) to support features such as boot block, operating system block, and EEPROM
Hardware programming state machine
2.6.11 On-Chip SRAM
On-chip SRAM on the MPC5510 features the following:
General-purpose RAM
Typical SRAM access time: zero wait-state for reads and 32-bit writes; one wait-state for 8- and
16-bit writes if back to back with a read to same memory block
32-bit ECC with single-bit correction, double bit detection for data integrity
Supports byte (8-bit), halfword (16-bit), and word (32-bit) writes for optimal use of memory
User transparent ECC encoding and decoding for byte, halfword, and word accesses
Separate internal power domains allow 80 KB, 64 KB, 32 KB, 16 KB, 8 KB of RAM to remain
powered (contents retained) during sleep mode
2.6.12 Boot Assist Module (BAM)
The MPC5510’s BAM is implemented as follows:
Enables and manages the transition of MCU from reset to user code execution
Configures device to support code download via FlexCAN or eSCI and its execution, for end of
line programming support
Multiple bootcode starting locations out of reset through implementation of search for valid reset
configuration halfword
Configurable enable or disable of watchdog out of reset through BAM read of reset configuration
halfword option bit
2.6.13 Enhanced Modular Input Output System (eMIOS200)
The MPC5510 implements a scaled down version of the eMIOS module:
Up to 24 timed I/O channels with 16-bit counter resolution
Seven channels offering single-action capture/compare channels
One channel offering single-action capture/compare channels and modulus up and down
counters to support driving the local and global counter busses
MPC5510 Family Product Brief, Rev. 2
Freescale Semiconductor16
16 channels offering dual-action operation with output pulse width modulation (PWM),
capture/compare capability and modulus up and down counters
Buffered updates
Edge-aligned or center-aligned output pulse width modulation
Programmable pulse period and duty cycle
Supports 0% and 100% duty cycle
Shared or independent time bases
Programmable phase shift between channels
2.6.14 Analog to Digital Converter Module (ADC)
The ADC features the following:
12-bit resolution
0–5 V common mode conversion range
Up to 40 single-ended input channels, expandable with external multiplexers
Conversions speeds of up to 800K samples/second possible
Conversion calibration supported through dedicated hardware MAC
Internal conversion triggering from periodic interrupt timer (PIT) or timed I/O module (eMIOS)
Six conversion command and result queues with up to four deep FIFOs supporting prioritized
Complex queuing supported through I/O processor
Optional conversion timestamp
All unused analog pins available as general purpose input pins
Selected unused analog pins available as general purpose input/output pins
2.6.15 Deserial Serial Peripheral Interface Module (DSPI)
The DSPI features the following:
Up to four DSPI modules supported
Full-duplex, synchronous transfers
Master or slave operation
Programmable master bit rates
Programmable clock polarity and phase
End-of-transmission interrupt flag
Programmable transfer baud rate
Programmable data frames from 4 to 16 bits
Up to six chip select lines available, depending on package and pin multiplexing, allowing 64
external devices to be selected using external multiplexing from a single DSPI
MPC5510 Family Product Brief, Rev. 2
Freescale Semiconductor 17
Up to eight independently configurable transfer types can be configured for each DSPI using the
clock and transfer attributes registers
Chip-select strobe available as alternate function on one of the chip-select pins for de-glitching
FIFOs for buffering up to four transfers on both the transmit and receive side
Queueing operation possible through use of the I/O processor or eDMA
Supports serialization of eMIOS200 channels
General-purpose I/O functionality on pins when not used for SPI
2.6.16 Serial Communication Interface Module (eSCI)
The eSCI on the MPC5510 features the following:
Up to eight eSCI modules supported
LIN state machine and UART operating modes
LIN state machine compliant to LIN1.3, LIN2.0, and LIN2.1 specifications
LIN master mode state machine
Supports generation of LIN message header
Detection and flagging of LIN errors
Classic or extended checksum calculation
Supports autonomous LIN frame handling when combined with eDMA
UART operating mode
Standard non-return-to-zero (NRZ) mark/space format
Full-duplex operation
Software selectable word length (8-bit or 9-bit words)
10/11- or 13/14-bit break character possible
13-bit programmable baud rate modulus counter
Separately enabled transmitter and receiver
Separate receiver and transmitter CPU interrupt requests
Programmable transmitter output polarity
Two receiver wakeup methods
Interrupt-driven operation with eight flags
Receiver framing error detection
Hardware parity checking
1/16 bit time noise reduction
2.6.17 Controller Area Network Module (FlexCAN)
The enhanced FlexCAN module features the following:
Up to six FlexCAN modules supported
Full implementation of the CAN protocol specification, version 2.0B
MPC5510 Family Product Brief, Rev. 2
Freescale Semiconductor18
64 mailboxes, each configurable as transmit or receive
Mailboxes configurable while module remains synchronized to CAN bus
Transmit features
Supports configuration of multiple mailboxes to form message queues of scalable depth
Arbitration scheme according to message ID, message buffer number, or local buffer priority
Internal arbitration to guarantee no inner or outer priority inversion
Transmit abort procedure and notification
Receive features
Individual programmable filters for each mailbox
Eight mailboxes optionally configurable as a six-entry receive FIFO
Eight programmable acceptance filters for receive FIFO
Programmable clock source
System clock
Direct oscillator clock to avoid PLL jitter
Listen-only mode capabilities
Configurable to disable reception of modules own transmitted messages to reduce interrupt loading
2.6.18 Inter IC Communications Module (I2C)
The I2C module features the following:
One I2C module supported
Two-wire bidirectional serial bus for on-board communications
Compatibility with I2C bus standard
Multimaster operation
Software-programmable for one of 256 different serial clock frequencies
Software-selectable acknowledge bit
Interrupt-driven, byte-by-byte data transfer
Arbitration-lost interrupt with automatic mode switching from master to slave
Calling address identification interrupt
Start and stop signal generation/detection
Repeated START signal generation
Acknowledge bit generation/detection
Bus-busy detection
2.6.19 Dual-Channel FlexRay Co ntroller
The dual-channel FlexRay controller features the following:
Optionally supported module
Full implementation of FlexRay Protocol Specification 2.1
MPC5510 Family Product Brief, Rev. 2
Freescale Semiconductor 19
64 configurable message buffers can be handled
Message buffers configurable as Tx, Rx, or RxFIFO
Message buffer size configurable
Message filtering for all message buffers based on FrameID, cycle count, and message ID
Programmable acceptance filters for RxFIFO message buffers
Dual channel, each at up to 10 Mbit/s data rate
2.6.20 Media Local Bus Module (MLB)
The media local bus module features the following:
Optionally supported module
3-pin or 5-pin interface
256Fs operation
External level shift control signals for 3-pin interface
Multiple pin out options to increase flexibility
MLBCLK clock adjust
Visibility of debug signals
2.6.21 External Bus Interface (EBI)
The external bus interface features the following:
Optionally supported module
Up to 16 MB of external byte-addressable space with 24-bit address bus
Address, data multiplexed bus with 16 or 32 data lines and 24 address lines, package dependent
8-bit, 16-bit, or 32-bit transfers supported
Support for internal auto-termination or external termination
Up to four programmable chip-selects
2.6.22 Periodic Interrupt Timer Module (PIT)
The PIT features the following:
Up to eight general-purpose interrupt timers
Up to two dedicated interrupt timers for triggering ADC conversions
32-bit counter resolution
Clocked by system clock frequency
32-bit counter for real-time interrupt, clocked from main external oscillator
2.6.23 Real-Time Counter
Real-time counter supports wakeup from low-power modes or real-time clock generation
MPC5510 Family Product Brief, Rev. 2
Freescale Semiconductor20
32-bit counter, supporting maximum timeouts of up to 1.5 months with 1 mS resolution
Configurable resolution for different timeout periods optimized for low-power operation using
different comparator banks
12-bit comparator: 1 second resolution for >1 hour period
10-bit comparator: 1 millisecond resolution for 1 second period
Selectable clock sources from external 32 KHz crystal, internal 32 KHz RC oscillator, 16 MHz RC
oscillator, or divided internal 16 MHz RC oscillator
16 MHz RC with fixed divide by 512 before input to real-time counter to prevent rapid time-out
2.6.24 Nexus Development Interface (NDI)
Nexus features the following:
Per IEEE-ISTO 5001-2003
Nexus 2 Plus features supported
Static debug
Watchpoint messaging
Ownership trace messaging
Program trace messaging
Real-time read/write of any internally memory mapped resources through JTAG pins
Overrun control, which selects whether to stall before Nexus overruns or keep executing and
allow overwrite of information
Watchpoint triggering, watchpoint triggers program tracing
Configured via the IEEE 1149.1 (JTAG) port
Narrow auxiliary Nexus port supporting support trace, with four MDO pins
Wide auxiliary Nexus port supporting higher bandwidth trace, with eight MDO pins
Cross triggering between the main core and the I/O processor allows support for low-skid halting
of one CPU as a result of a breakpoint match set on the other CPU
Synchronous start and stop control of main core and I/O Processor
2.6.25 IEEE 1149.1 JTAG controller (JTAGC)
JTAG features:
IEEE 1149.1-2001 test access port (TAP) interface
Supporting boundary scan testing
2.6.26 On-Chip Voltage Regulator (VREG)
The MPC5510’s on-chip voltage regulator includes the following features:
Regulates 5 V input to generate internal 3.3 V and 1.5 V supplies for internal control
Manages power gating
Developer Environment
MPC5510 Family Product Brief, Rev. 2
Freescale Semiconductor 21
Low-power regulators supports operation when in STOP and SLEEP modes to minimize power
Fast start-up on-chip regulators for rapid exit of low-power modes
Low-voltage reset supported on all supplies
Low-voltage interrupt supported on external supply
3 Developer Environment
The MPC5510 family of MCUs supports similar tools and third party developers as other Freescale
MPC5500 products, offering a widespread, established network of tools and software vendors. It also
features a high-performance Nexus debug interface.
The following development support is available.
Automotive evaluation boards (EVB) featuring CAN, LIN interfaces, and more
JTAG and Nexus interfaces
RAppID Initialization tool
The following software support will be available:
OSEK solutions will be available from multiple third parties
FlexRAY, CAN and LIN drivers
AUTOSAR package including OS, MCAL, and communication drivers
Standard software routines available for I/O processor
MLB emulation software driver
Document Number : MPC5510PB
Rev. 2
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