F-Series F-Series CIRCUIT BREAKER The F-Series hydraulic-magnetic high amperage circuit breakers are designed to handle high current applications in extremely hot and/or cold locations. Due to its time-proven hydraulic-magnetic design, the F-Series load sensing mechanism is insensitive to changes in ambient or enclosure temperature, providing a consistent trip point over temperatures ranging from -40C to +85C. Additionally, the F-Series circuit breakers come with a choice of overload time delays, making them ideal for critical applications having inductive loads. Further, the F-Series breakers are available up to 700A and an optional 25 millivolt metering shunt construction provides a safe method for monitoring current flowing through the breaker by simply connecting a meter with light gauge wire to the appropriate terminals located on the shunt housing at the rear of the breaker. Applications can be customized by measuring and displaying percentage of current, watts or safe/danger zones. Product Highlights: AC ratings to UL 489 DC voltage ratings up to 700A with metering shunt section Consistent trip point over temperatures ranging from -40C to +85C Optional 25 millivolt metering shunt construction Typical Applications: Ideal for applications under extreme temperatures Higher Amperage Applications Battery Disconnect Systems Solar Power Systems Military Carling Technologies, Inc. 60 Johnson Avenue, Plainville, CT 06062 Email: sales@carlingtech.com Application Support: team2@carlingtech.com Phone: 860.793.9281 Fax: 860.793.9231 www.carlingtech.com 2 | F-Series Circuit Breaker - General Specifications Electrical Maximum Voltage Current Ratings 125VDC, 277VAC Standard current coils: 100, 125, 150, 175, 225, 250 amps. 300, 350, 400, 500, 600, 700 amps available as parallel pole construction. Auxiliary Switch Rating SPDT; 10.1 Amps @ 250VAC, 1.0 Amps @ 65VDC, 0.5 Amps @ 80VDC 0.1 Amps @ 125VAC (with gold contacts). Insulation Resistance Minimum: 100 Megohms at 500 VDC Dielectric Strength 1960 VAC, 50/60 Hz for one minute between all electrically isolated terminals, except 2500 VAC for one minute between alarm/aux. switch and main terminals with contacts in open and closed position. F-Series circuit breakers comply with the 8mm spacing & 3750VAC 50/60 Hz dielectric requirements from hazardous voltage to operator accessible surfaces, between adjacent poles and from main circuits to auxilary circuits per Publications EN 60950 and VDE 0805. Resistance, Impedance Values from Line to Load Terminal - based on Series Trip Circuit Breaker. RESISTANCE PER POLE VALUES from Line to Load Terminals (Values Based on Series Trip Circuit Breaker) CURRENT TOLERANCE (AMPS) (%) 100 - 700 50 Mechanical Endurance Trip Free Trip Indication Physical Number of Poles Internal Circuit Config. Available Accessories Weight Standard Colors 4000 ON-OFF operations with rated Current & Voltage & 4000 operations with no load (8000 operations total) @ 5 per minute. Parallel Pole construction: 1000 operations with rated Current and Voltage @ 5 per minute. All F-Series Circuit Breakers will trip on overload, even when the actuator is forcibly held in the ON position. The operating actuator moves positively to the OFF position when an overload causes the circuit breaker to trip. 1 - 3 Poles Note: Ratings over 250 Amps only available with parallel pole. Series (with or without auxiliary switch), Switch Only (with or without auxiliary switch). Factory installed: DC Current Metering Shunt (25 mV @lr) Varies depending on construction. Consult factory. Housing - Black; Actuator- Black or White with contrasting ON-OFF legend. Environmental Designed and tested in accordance with requirements of specification MIL-PRF-55629 & MIL-STD-202 as follows: Shock Withstands 100 Gs, 6ms, sawtooth while carrying rated current per Method 213, Test Condition "I". Instantaneous and ultra-short curves tested @ 90% of rated current. Vibration Withstands 0.060" excursion from 10-55 Hz, and 10 Gs 55-500 Hz, at rated current per Method 204C, Test Condition A. Instantaneous and ultrashort curves tested at 90% of rated current. Moisture Resistance Method 106D; ten 24-hour cycles @ + 25C to +65C, 80-98% RH.56 days @ +85C, 85% RH. Salt Spray Method 101, Condition A (90-95% RH @ 5% NaCl Solution, 96 hrs). Thermal Shock Method 107D, Condition A (Five cycles @ -55C to +25C to +85C to +25C). Operating Temperature -40 C to +85 C *Manufacturer reserves the right to change product specification without prior notice. Email: sales@carlingtech.com Application Support: team2@carlingtech.com Phone: (860) 793-9281 Fax: (860) 793-9231 www.carlingtech.com F-Series Circuit Breaker - General Specifications | 3 Table A: Lists ULTables Listed (489)and CSA Certified (C22.2 N0. 5.1-M) configurations and performance Electrical capabilities as a Molded Case Circuit Brekaer Table A: Lists UL Listed (489)and CSA Certified (C22.2 N0. 5.1-M) configurations and performance capabilities as a Molded Case Circuit Breaker F SERIES TABLE A : UL489 LISTED BRANCH CIRCUIT BREAKERS VOLTAGE CIRCUIT CONFIGURATION SERIES MAX RATING CURRENT RATING FREQUENCY PHASE INTERRUPTING CAPACITY (AMPS) FULL LOAD AMPS UL / CSA 1 - 3 POLES TUV 2 1 or 2 POLES 125 DC --- 50 - 250 50,000 25,000 120 / 240 1 277 50 / 60 50 / 60 1 1 100 - 250 100 - 250 10,000 10,000 ----- 208Y / 120 50 / 60 3 100 - 250 10,000 --- Notes: NOTES: 1 120/240V rating available in 2 or 3 poles. In a 3 pole construction the center pole is Neutral. TUV constructions not availablein with and 150-250 ratings only. 1.2 120/240V ratingareavailable 2 AC orratings 3 poles. In a 3amp pole construction the center pole is Neutral. 2. TUV constructions are not available with AC ratings. Table B: Lists UL Listed configurations and performance capabilities as Circuit Breakers for use in Communications Equipment (Guide DITT, File E189195), under UL489A Agency Certifications UL Listed UL 489 UL 489A Circuit Breakers , Molded Case (Guide DIVQ, File E129899) Complies with the requirements of the CSA Standard for Molded Case Circuit Breakers, CANCSA- C22.2 No. 5.1 -M Circuit Breakers for Use in Communications Equipment (Guide DITT, File E189195) TUV Certified IEC 60947-2 Low Voltage Switchgear and Control Gear under TUV License No. R72031058 Email: sales@carlingtech.com Application Support: team2@carlingtech.com Phone: (860) 793-9281 Fax: (860) 793-9231 www.carlingtech.com 4 | F-Series Circuit Breaker - Handle - Ordering Scheme F A 2 1 Series 2 Actuator B 0 4 Circuit 3 Poles 14 5 Aux/Alarm Switch 6 Frequency & Delay 2 ACTUATOR A Handle, one per pole S Mid-Trip Handle, one per pole T Mid-Trip Handle, one per pole & Alarm Switch 2 4 CIRCUIT A 1 Switch Only (no coil) B Series Trip (current) C 2 Series Trip (voltage) Three Parallel Pole Construction: M 3,4 Series Trip (Current) with Metering Shunt N 3,4 Switch Only with Metering Shunt P 3 Series Trip (Current) Q 3 Switch Only 5 AUXILIARY SWITCH 5 0 without Auxiliary Switch 7 2 S.P.D.T. 0.110 Q.C. Terminals 3 S.P.D.T. 0.139 Solder Lug 8 4 S.P.D.T. 0.110 Q.C. Terminals 9 (Gold Contacts) A6 5 S.P.S.T., 0.093 Q.C. Terminals (Gold Contacts) B6 6 S.P.S.T. 0.110 Q.C. Terminals S.P.S.T. 0.110 Q.C. Terminals (Gold Contacts) S.P.S.T. 0.187 Q.C. Terminals S.P.D.T. 0.187 Q.C. Terminals S.P.S.T., 0.093 Round QC Terminals S.P.D.T., 0.093 Round QC Terminals 14 16 22 24 26 6 FREQUENCY & DELAY 03 DC 50/60Hz, Switch Only 10 7 DC Instantaneous 11 DC Ultra Short 12 DC Short DC Medium DC Long AC Short AC Medium AC Long 7 CURRENT RATING (AMPERES) CODE 810 912 815 917 AMPERES 100.000 125.00 150.00 175.00 820 922 825 830 8 200.00 225.00 250.00 300.00 835 8 840 8 845 8 850 8 350.00 400.00 450.00 500.00 860 8 600.00 870 8 700.00 OR VOLTAGE COIL (MIN. TRIP RATING, VOLTS) 7 CODE A06 A12 A18 AMPERES 6 DC, 5 DC 12 DC, 10 DC 18 DC, 15 DC A24 A32 A48 24 DC, 20 DC 32 DC, 25 DC 48 DC, 40 DC 8 TERMINAL Back Connected (Front Mounted Only) 19 3/8-16 Stud 2 14 3/8-16 Screw, Line & Load 5 14 3/8-16 Short Stud Front Connected (Back Mounted Only) 11 3 Box Wire Connector, Line & Load 4 14 3/8-16 Screw, Line & Load A65 B25 J06 9 Actuator Color 10 Mounting 10 MOUNTING Front Mounting Inserts A 10-32 B ISO M5 3 Two 7 Current Rating 1 2 A 8 Terminal 9 ACTUATOR COLOR & LEGEND 12,13 Actuator Color I-O ON-OFF White A B Black C D 1 SERIES F 3 POLES 1 One 820 65 DC, 55 DC 125 DC, 100 DC 6 AC, 5 AC Max Rating 250A 700A 250A Max Rating 700A 700A Dual 1 2 B G 11 Max. App. Rating 12 Agency Approval Marking Color Black White Back Mounting Inserts 10-32 screw clearance holes 10-32 screw clearance holes 11 MAXIMUM APPLICATION RATING VOLTAGE CURRENT B 125 VDC 700A 15 C 120/240 250A F 277 VAC 250A 16 7 120/208 VAC 250A 12 AGENCY APPROVAL A No approvals G UL489 Listed & CUL Certified J UL489 Listed, CUL Certified & TUV Certified T UL489A (Telecom) Listed Notes: 1 For 100 to 250 amps, select Current Code 825. For 300-400 amps, select Current Code 840. For 450-700 amps, select Current Code 870. 2 Available with Frequency and Delay code 10 or 20 only, and are not rated for continuous duty. Delay 10 and 20 are only available with voltage coils. 3 3 Codes M, N, P & Q (Parallel Poles) are supplied with factory installed Bus Bar on Line and Load. 4 4 Metering terminals are female pin type, ref. Molex part number 02-09-1101, model 1189-T. 5 Auxiliary Switch breakers are only available with Series Trip and Switch Only circuits. On multi-pole breakers, one Auxiliary Switch is supplied, mounted in the extreme right pole per figure A. Back-Mounted breakers require special mounting provisions when an Auxiliary Switch is specified. 6 Available with parallel pole construction (circuit codes P and Q, and breakers with circuit codes M and N). 7 Frequency and delay code 10 is only available with Voltage Coils. Voltage Coils are not rated for continuous duty. 8 Ratings over 250 amps are only available with Agency Approval code T (UL489A) and are Parallel Pole configuration (circuit codes M, N, P and Q.) 300-450 amp ratings are available on two pole breakers. 500-700 amp ratings are available on three pole breakers. 9 Per UL requirement, an "Anti-Flash Over Barrier" is supplied between poles on multipole breakers with 3/8 - 16 stud terminals (Terminal Code 1) on AC rated breakers only. 10 Front connected breakers can also be front mounted by utilizing the supplied front panel mounting inserts. Terminal connections must be made before mounting. 11 Box Wire connector will accept #6 through 250 MCM copper wire. 12 Agency codes G & T must have ON-OFF or dual legends. Agency code J must have dual legend. 13 Other colors available. Consult factory. 14 Terminals 2,4 & 5 are shipped without terminal hardware. 15 2 or 3 Pole Circuit Breaker Required for 120/240 VAC Rating. 16 3 Pole Circuit Breaker Required for 120/208 VAC Rating. Email: sales@carlingtech.com Application Support: team2@carlingtech.com Phone: (860) 793-9281 Fax: (860) 793-9231 www.carlingtech.com F-Series Circuit Breaker - Handle - Circuit & Terminal Diagrams | 5 Circuit & Terminal Diagrams: in. [mm] Notes: 1 All dimensions are in inches [millimeters]. 2 Tolerance .020 [.51] unless otherwise specified. Email: sales@carlingtech.com Application Support: team2@carlingtech.com Phone: (860) 793-9281 Fax: (860) 793-9231 www.carlingtech.com 6 | F-Series Circuit Breaker - Handle - Circuit & Terminal Diagrams Circuit & Terminal Diagrams: in. [mm] Notes: 1 All dimensions are in inches [millimeters]. 2 Tolerance .020 [.51] unless otherwise specified. Email: sales@carlingtech.com Application Support: team2@carlingtech.com Phone: (860) 793-9281 Fax: (860) 793-9231 www.carlingtech.com F-Series Circuit Breaker - Handle - Dimensional Specifications | 7 Dimensional Specifications: in. [mm] Notes: 1 All dimensions are in inches [millimeters]. 2 Tolerance .020 [.51] unless otherwise specified. Email: sales@carlingtech.com Application Support: team2@carlingtech.com Phone: (860) 793-9281 Fax: (860) 793-9231 www.carlingtech.com 8 | F-Series Circuit Breaker - Handle - Dimensional Specifications Dimensional Specifications: in. [mm] Notes: 1 All dimensions are in inches [millimeters]. 2 Tolerance .020 [.51] unless otherwise specified. Email: sales@carlingtech.com Application Support: team2@carlingtech.com Phone: (860) 793-9281 Fax: (860) 793-9231 www.carlingtech.com F-Series Circuit Breaker - Handle - Dimensional Specifications | 9 Dimensional Specifications: in. [mm] F-Series breakers are available up to 700A, and are also available with a 25 millivolt metering shunt construction. This optional construction provides a safe method for monitoring current flowing through the breaker by simply connecting a meter with light gauge wire to the appropriate terminals located on the shunt housing at the rear of the breaker. You can customize the application by measuring and displaying percentage of current, watts or safe/ danger zones. Notes: 1 All dimensions are in inches [millimeters]. 2 Tolerance .020 [.51] unless otherwise specified. Email: sales@carlingtech.com Application Support: team2@carlingtech.com Phone: (860) 793-9281 Fax: (860) 793-9231 www.carlingtech.com 10 | F-Series Circuit Breaker - Handle - Dimensional Specifications Dimensional Specifications: in. [mm] Notes: 1 All dimensions are in inches [millimeters]. 2 Tolerance .020 [.51] unless otherwise specified. Email: sales@carlingtech.com Application Support: team2@carlingtech.com Phone: (860) 793-9281 Fax: (860) 793-9231 www.carlingtech.com F-Series Circuit Breaker - Time Delay Values | 11 11 12 14 16 22 24 26 Short - AC 22 .013 - .125 No Trip .475 - 10.0 No Trip 10.0 - 110 110 - 1000 .700 - 12.0 10.0 - 160 50.0 - 700 No Trip No Trip No Trip No Trip No Trip AC .010 - .070 .008 - .032 .275 - 2.80 .140 - .850 6.00 - 40.0 60.0 - 400 .350 - 4.00 6.00 - 60.0 32.0 - 350 2.50 - 15.0 22.0 - 150 .130 - 1.30 .220 - 20.0 10.0 - 90.0 .005 - .020 .004 - .020 .030 - .190 .015 - .125 .004 - .020 .010 - .050 .008 - .038 .500 - 3.00 4.00 - 25.0 .027 - .220 .300 - 3.00 1.50 - 15.0 .180 - 1.00 1.00 - 5.50 .008 - .130 .050 - 1.30 .500 - 7.00 .010 - .280 .008 - .080 .008 - .390 .004 - .045 .005 - .060 .006 - 2.00 .006 - .020 Ultrashort - DC .010 - 1.80 .004 - .090 .007 - .500 .020 - 3.00 DC TRIP TIME IN SECONDS TRIP TIME IN SECONDS F SERIES 50/60 HZ SHORT CURVE NO. 22 PERCENT OF RATED CURRENT Short - DC PERCENT OF RATED CURRENT TRIP TIME IN SECONDS F SERIES 50/60 HZ MEDIUM CURVE NO. 24 TRIP TIME IN SECONDS Medium - AC 24 Medium - DC PERCENT OF RATED CURRENT Long - AC 26 TRIP TIME IN SECONDS F SERIES 50/60 HZ LONG CURVE NO. 26 TRIP TIME IN SECONDS PERCENT OF RATED CURRENT PERCENT OF RATED CURRENT PERCENT OF RATED CURRENT TRIP TIME IN SECONDS Long - DC Email: sales@carlingtech.com Application Support: team2@carlingtech.com Phone: (860) 793-9281 Fax: (860) 793-9231 www.carlingtech.com 12 | Notes Email: sales@carlingtech.com Application Support: team2@carlingtech.com Phone: (860) 793-9281 Fax: (860) 793-9231 www.carlingtech.com Sales Representatives, Distributors & Company Profile | 13 Authorized Sales Representatives and Distributors Click on a region of the map below to find your local representatives and distributors or visit www.carlingtech.com/findarep. CANADA EUROPE USA MIDDLE EAST MEXICO AFRICA ASIA-PACIFIC OCEANIA SOUTH AMERICA About Carling Founded in 1920, Carling Technologies is a leading manufacturer of electrical and electronic switches and assemblies, circuit breakers, electronic controls, power distribution units, and multiplexed power distribution systems. With four ISO registered manufacturing facilities and technical sales offices worldwide, Carling Technologies Sales, Service and Engineering teams do much more than manufacture electrical components, they engineer powerful solutions! To learn more about Carling please visit www.carlingtech.com/company-profile. To view all of Carling's environmental, quality, health & safety certifications please visit www.carlingtech.com/environmental-certifications Email: sales@carlingtech.com Application Support: team2@carlingtech.com Phone: (860) 793-9281 Fax: (860) 793-9231 www.carlingtech.com Worldwide Headquarters Carling Technologies, Inc. 60 Johnson Avenue, Plainville, CT 06062 Phone: 860.793.9281 Fax: 860.793.9231 Email: sales@carlingtech.com Northern Region Sales Office: nrsm@carlingtech.com Southeast Region Sales Office: sersm@carlingtech.com Midwest Region Sales Office: mrsm@carlingtech.com West Region Sales Office: wrsm@carlingtech.com Latin America Sales Office: larsm@carlingtech.com Asia-Pacific Headquarters Carling Technologies, Asia-Pacific Ltd., Suite 1607, 16/F Tower 2, The Gateway, Harbour City, 25 Canton Road, Tsimshatsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong Phone: Int + 852-2737-2277 Fax: Int + 852-2736-9332 Email: sales@carlingtech.com.hk Shenzhen, China: shenzhen@carlingtech.com Shanghai, China: shanghai@carlingtech.com Pune, India: india@carlingtech.com Kaohsiung, Taiwan: taiwan@carlingtech.com Yokohama, Japan: japan@carlingtech.com Europe | Middle East | Africa Headquarters Carling Technologies LTD 4 Airport Business Park, Exeter Airport, Clyst Honiton, Exeter, Devon, EX5 2UL, UK Phone: Int + 44 1392.364422 Fax: Int + 44 1392.364477 Email: ltd.sales@carlingtech.com Germany: gmbh@carlingtech.com France: sas@carlingtech.com www.carlingtech.com REV_03_2017 Mouser Electronics Authorized Distributor Click to View Pricing, Inventory, Delivery & Lifecycle Information: Carling Technologies: FA1-A0-03-825-12A-BA FA1-A2-03-825-32A-AA FA1-A2-03-825-32A-BA FA1-B0-11-815-12A-BG FA1-B0-12-81542A-BG FA1-B0-12-820-12B-BG FA1-B0-12-825-11A-BG FA1-B0-12-825-12A-BG FA1-B0-12-825-1BA-BG FA1-B012-825-31A-BG FA1-B0-12-825-31A-BJ FA1-B0-12-917-11A-BG FA1-B0-14-810-12A-BG FA1-B0-14-815-11A-BA FA1-B0-14-815-12A-BG FA1-B0-14-815-12A-BJ FA1-B0-14-815-12B-BG FA1-B0-14-815-31A-BG FA1-B0-14-81532A-BG FA1-B0-14-815-3BA-BG FA1-B0-14-820-11A-BA FA1-B0-14-820-12A-BG FA1-B0-14-820-12A-BJ FA1-B014-820-1DB-BG FA1-B0-14-820-22A-BG FA1-B0-14-820-3BA-BG FA1-B0-14-825-11A-BA FA1-B0-14-825-11A-BJ FA1-B0-14-825-12A-BJ FA1-B0-14-825-12B-BJ FA1-B0-14-825-1DA-BG FA1-B0-14-825-22A-BG FA1-B0-14-82522B-BG FA1-B0-14-825-42A-BG FA1-B0-14-825-42B-BJ FA1-B0-14-825-52A-BG FA1-B0-14-912-12A-BG FA1-B014-912-12B-BG FA1-B0-14-917-12A-BG FA1-B0-14-917-41A-BG FA1-B0-14-922-12A-BG FA1-B0-14-922-42B-BJ FA1-B0-16-810-32A-BG FA1-B0-16-810-42A-BG FA1-B0-16-815-32A-BG FA1-B0-16-820-12A-BG FA1-B0-16-82032A-BG FA1-B0-16-825-11A-BG FA1-B0-16-825-11B-BJ FA1-B0-16-825-12A-BT FA1-B0-16-825-31A-BJ FA1-B016-825-32A-BG FA1-B0-16-825-41B-BJ FA1-B2-12-815-12B-BG FA1-B2-12-815-32A-BG FA1-B2-12-825-12B-BG FA1-B2-12-825-12B-BJ FA1-B2-12-825-22A-BG FA1-B2-12-917-12A-BG FA1-B2-12-922-12A-BG FA1-B2-14-81042A-BG FA1-B2-14-815-12A-BG FA1-B2-14-815-32A-BG FA1-B2-14-820-12A-BG FA1-B2-14-820-22A-BG FA1-B214-820-32A-BG FA1-B2-14-820-42A-BG FA1-B2-14-820-52A-BG FA1-B2-14-825-12B-BG FA1-B2-14-825-12B-BJ FA1-B2-14-825-22A-BG FA1-B2-14-912-12A-BG FA1-B2-14-922-31B-BG FA1-B3-12-912-12A-BG FA1-B4-12-82512A-BG FA1-B4-12-912-12A-BG FA1-B4-14-815-12A-BG FA1-B9-12-815-32A-BG FA1-B9-14-810-22A-BG FA1-B914-825-22A-BG FA1-M0-14-825-42A-BG FA1-PB-16-922-22A-BA FA2-A0-03-825-12A-BA FA2-A0-03-825-42A-BA FA2-B0-12-810-12A-BG FA2-B0-12-815-32B-BG FA2-B0-12-815-52B-BA FA2-B0-12-815-52B-BG FA2-B0-12-82012A-BG FA2-B0-12-825-11A-BG FA2-B0-14-810-11A-BG FA2-B0-14-810-12A-BG FA2-B0-14-810-12B-BG FA2-B014-815-11B-BA FA2-B0-14-815-12A-BG FA2-B0-14-815-12B-BG FA2-B0-14-815-42A-BJ FA2-B0-14-820-11A-BA FA2-B0-14-820-11A-BJ FA2-B0-14-820-12B-BG