Electrical Characteristics: LM20C (continued)
Unless otherwise noted, these specifications apply for V+= 2.7 VDC. All limits TA= TJ= TMIN to TMAX, unless otherwise noted.
Load Regulation(7) Sourcing IL0μA to 16 μA(5)(6) –2.5 mV
2.4 V ≤V+≤5.0 V 3.7 mV/V
Line Regulation(8) 5.0 V ≤V+≤5.5 V 11 mV
2.4 V ≤V+≤5.0 V; TA= 25°C 4.5 7 μA
Quiescent Current 5.0 V ≤V+≤5.5 V; TA= 25°C 4.5 9 μA
2.4 V ≤V+≤5.0 V 4.5 10 μA
Change of Quiescent Current 2.4 V ≤V+≤5.5 V 0.7 μA
Temperature Coefficient of Quiescent –11 nA/°C
Shutdown Current V+≤0.8 V 0.02 μA
(7) Regulation is measured at constant junction temperature, using pulse testing with a low duty cycle. Changes in output due to heating
effects can be computed by multiplying the internal dissipation by the thermal resistance.
(8) Line regulation is calculated by subtracting the output voltage at the highest supply input voltage from the output voltage at the lowest
supply input voltage.
6.7 Electrical Characteristics: LM20S
Unless otherwise noted, these specifications apply for V+= 2.7 VDC. All limits TA= TJ= TMIN to TMAX, unless otherwise noted.
TA= 25°C to 30°C –2.5 ±1.5 2.5 °C
TA= 125°C –3.5 3.5 °C
TA= 100°C –3.2 3.2 °C
Temperature to Voltage Error TA= 85°C –3.1 3.1 °C
VO= (−3.88×10−6×T 2)+(−1.15×10−2×TA= 80°C –3.0 3.0 °C
T) + 1.8639 V(3)
TA= 0°C –2.9 2.9 °C
TA= –30°C –3.3 3.3 °C
TA= –40°C –3.5 3.5 °C
Output Voltage at 0°C 1.8639 V
Variance from Curve ±1.0 °C
Non-Linearity (4) –20°C ≤TA≤80°C ±0.4%
Sensor Gain (Temperature Sensitivity or
Average Slope) to equation: –30°C ≤TA≤100°C –12.6 –11.77 –11.0 mV/°C
VO=−11.77 mV/ °C × T + 1.860 V
Output Impedance Sourcing IL0μA to 16 μA(5)(6) 160 Ω
Load Regulation(7) Sourcing IL0μA to 16 μA(5)(6) –2.5 mV
2.4 V ≤V+≤5.0 V 3.7 mV/V
Line Regulation(8) 5.0 V ≤V+≤5.5 V 11 mV
2.4 V ≤V+≤5.0 V; TA= 25°C 4.5 7 μA
Quiescent Current 5.0 V ≤V+≤5.5 V; TA= 25°C 4.5 9 μA
2.4 V ≤V+≤5.0 V 4.5 10 μA
(1) Limits are ensured to TI's AOQL (Average Outgoing Quality Level).
(2) Typicals are at TJ= TA= 25°C and represent most likely parametric norm.
(3) Accuracy is defined as the error between the measured and calculated output voltage at the specified conditions of voltage, current, and
temperature (expressed in °C).
(4) Non-linearity is defined as the deviation of the calculated output-voltage-versus-temperature curve from the best-fit straight line, over the
temperature range specified.
(5) The LM20 can at most sink 1 μA and source 16 μA.
(6) Load regulation or output impedance specifications apply over the supply voltage range of 2.4 V to 5.5 V.
(7) Regulation is measured at constant junction temperature, using pulse testing with a low duty cycle. Changes in output due to heating
effects can be computed by multiplying the internal dissipation by the thermal resistance.
(8) Line regulation is calculated by subtracting the output voltage at the highest supply input voltage from the output voltage at the lowest
supply input voltage.
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