Specification Control Drawing
Tyco Electronics Corporation
300 Constitutional Drive
Menlo Park, CA 94025 USA
Title: RNF-100 Microtubing
Flexible Polyolefin,
Heat - Shrinkable Tubing
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Document No :
RNF-100 Microtubing
Cage Code:
None Size:
A Rev. Date:
1 of 1
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RNF-100 Microtubing
Flexible Polyolefin,
Heat - Shrinkable Tubing
This specification covers the requirements for one type of single wall, electrical insulating, extruded
tubing whose diameter will reduce to a predetermined size upon application of heat in excess of
121° C (250° F).
The tubing is fabricated from flexible polyolefin crosslinked by irradiation. It shall be homogenous
and essentially free from flaws, defects, pinholes, seams, cracks or inclusions.
Table 1: Dimensions (inches)
As Supplied Recovered
Size Expanded I.D.
Minimum (D)
Recovered I.D.
Maximum (d)
Recovered Wall
Thickness (W)
No. 300 .022 .013 .010 ± .002
No. 301 .032 .016 .015 max
No. 302 .032 .016 .009 ± .002