Page 54 Version 1.11 Oct. 2000
RDRAMs, like any other DRAM technology, use volatile
storage cells which must be periodically refreshed. This is
accomplished with the REFA command. Figure 51 shows an
example of this.
The REFA command in the transaction is typically a broad-
cast command (DR4T and DR4F are both set in the ROWR
packet), so that in all devices bank number Ba is activated
with row number REFR, where REFR is a control register in
the RDRAM. When the command is broadcast and ATTN is
set, the power state of the RDRAMs (ATTN or STBY) will
remain unchanged. The controller increments the bank
address Ba for the next REFA command. When Ba is equal
to its maximum value, the RDRAM automatically incre-
ments REFR for the next REFA command.
On average, these REFA commands are sent once every
tREF/2BBIT+RBIT (where BBIT are the number of bank
address bits and RBIT are the number of row address bits) so
that each row of each bank is refreshed once every tREF
The REFA command is equivalent to an ACT command, in
terms of the way that it interacts with other packets (see
Table 20). In the example, an ACT command is sent after
tRR to address b0, a different (non-adjacent) bank than the
REFA command.
A second ACT command can be sent after a time tRC to
address c0, the same bank (or an adjacent bank) as the REFA
Note that a broadcast REFP command is issued a time tRAS
after the initial REFA command in order to precharge the
refreshed bank in all RDRAMs. After a bank is given a
REFA command, no other core operations (activate or
precharge) should be issued to it until it receives a REFP.
It is also possible to interleave refresh transactions (not
shown). In the figure, the ACT b0 command would be
replaced by a REFA b0 command. The b0 address would be
broadcast to all devices, and would be {Broad-
cast,Ba+2,REFR}. Note that the bank address should skip by
two to avoid adjacent bank interference. A possible bank
incrementing pattern would be:
oIn 16d bank architecture : { 12, 10, 5, 3, 0, 14, 9, 7, 4, 2,
13, 11, 8, 6, 1, 15}. Every time bank 15 is reached, the
REFA command would automatically increment the
REFR register.
oIn 32s bank architecture : {12, 10, 5, 3, 0, 14, 9, 7, 4, 2,
13, 11, 8, 6, 1, 15, 28, 26, 21, 19, 16, 30, 25, 23, 20, 18,
29, 27, 24, 22, 17, 31}. Every time bank 31 is reached,
the REFA command would automatically increment the
REFR register.
A second refresh mechanism is available for use in PDN and
NAP power states. This mechanism is called self-refresh
mode. When the PDN power state is entered, or when NAP
power state is entered with the NSR control register bit set,
then self-refresh is automatically started for the RDRAM.
Self-refresh uses an internal time base reference in the
RDRAM. This causes an activate and precharge to be
carried out once in every tREF/2BBIT+RBIT interval. The
REFB and REFR control registers are used to keep track of
the bank and row being refreshed.
Before a controller places an RDRAM into self-refresh
mode, it should perform REFA/REFP refreshes until the
bank address is equal to the last value (this will be 15 for “d”
core and 31 for “s” core). This ensures that no rows are
skipped. Likewise, when a controller returns an RDRAM to
REFA/REFP refresh, it should start with the first bank
address value (12 for the example sequence).
Note that for this RDRAM, the upper bank address bit is not
used. This bit should be set to “00” for “d” core or “0” for “s”
core in all bank address fields, but with one exception. When
REFA and REFP commands are specified in ROWR
packets, it will be necessary to set the upper bank bit to
values other than “00” for “d” core or “0” for “s” core when
other RDRAMs with more banks are present on the Channel.
Figure 52 illustrates the requirement imposed by the tBURST
parameter. After PDN or NAP (when self-refresh is enabled)
power states are exited, the controller must refresh all banks
of the RDRAM once during the interval tBURST after the
restricted interval on the ROW and COL buses. This will
ensure that regardless of the state of self-refresh during PDN
or NAP, the tREF,MAX parameter is met for all banks. During
the tBURST interval, the banks may be refreshed in a single
burst, or they may be scattered throughout the interval. Note
that the first and last banks to be refreshed in the tBURST
interval are numbers 12/15 for “d” core or 12/31 for “s” core ,
in order to match the example refresh sequence.