G E SOLID STATE O1 eq 3875081 OOL?7718 7 i (rm eee lor a tenement 3875081 G E SOLID STATE oie 17718 DR eo -43 Silicon Controlled Rectifiers $2600B, S2600D, S2600M, S2600N File Number 1693 High Voltage, Medium Current Silicon Controlled Rectifiers TERMINAL DESIGNATIONS For Power Switching, Power Control and Ignition Applications Features: = B00V, 125 Deg. C Ts Operating GATE " High dv/dt and di/dt Capability = Low Switching Losses = High Pulse Current Capability CATHODE ANODE = Low Forward and Reverse Leakage = Sipos Oxide Glass Multilayer Passivation System = Advanced Unisurface Construction aacs-2v724 = Precise ion Implanted Diffusion Source Low-Profile TO-205 The $2600 series are high voltage, medium current silicon These Thyristors feature an advanced unisurface construc- controlled rectifiers designed for switching AC and DC _ tion with a multilayer glass passivation system for improved currents. The types within the series differ in their voltage reliability performance at high junction operating tempera- ratings: the voltage ratings are identified by suffix letters in tures. Their dv/dt, di/dt capability and low switching losses the type designations. make them suitable for applications such as lighting, power- switching, motor speed control and crowbars. All types utilize the low-profile TO-205 package. 9 P " MAXIMUM RATINGS, Absolute-Maximum Values: $2600B $2600D S2600M S2600N VDRM 200 400 600 soo. OU VRRM 200 400 600 800 Vv IT (RMS) (Te = 65C) 7 A IT (av) (Te = 65C, 8 = 180 Deg.) ...-..-. eee eee 45 A (TSM (for 1 full Cycle)... cece e cece teen enone 100 A GU/Gt coccccccccce eens ree eseraeeeer ve seneeeees we 200 Alps (7T (at 8.3.8) ...cce cece eee . 40 As {at 1.5 MS)... cece ee eeees . 30 As PGM (for 108 max.) 15 Ww PG (av) (Averaging time 10ms max.) .....---.0006 0.5 WwW T Storage -65 to 150 __-- C TS ccecce cence 5 to 125 -- C 724 1261 F-10 G E SOLID STATE O1 Def 347508) OO1n7719 49 [ 3875081 G E SOLID STATE Se 016 17719 Db T2S7/3 Silicon Controlled Rectifiers $2600B, S2600D, S2600M, S2600N ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS, at Case Temperature (T,) = 25C Unless Otherwise Specified LIMITS CHARACTERISTIC SYMBOL $2600 FAMILY UNITS MIN. | TYP. | MAX. Repetitive Peak Forward and Reverse Blocking Current Rated VDRM and VRRM, Gate Open {DROM _ - 50 uA at TC = 125C IRROM _ = 2 mA Forward On State Voltage ITM = 30A VTM _ 1.8 26 Vv Gate Trigger Current (dc) VD = 12 Vde IGT _- 10 15 mA RL = 30 Ohms Gate Trigger Voltage (dc) VD = 12 Vde, RL = 30 Ohms VGT _ 1 4.5 Vv VD = VDRM, RL = 500 Ohms, TC = 125C 0.2 _ _ Holding Current VD = 12 Vde, IT (initial) = 200mA IH 16 [mA Critical Rate of Rise of Off-State Voltage (Exponential Waveform) TC = 125C, Gate Open, VD = VORM dv/dt - _ _ VipS $2600B, S2600D . - 150 _ S2600M _ 125 _ S2600N = 75 _ Turn-On Time IT = 2A, VD = VDRM tgt - 1.2 _ us IG = 80mA Turn-Off Time VD = VDRM, TC = 75C, dv/dt = 20V/uS IT = 2A for 50 uS, di/dt = 10A/uS IG = 80mA at Turn-On Thermal Resistance Junction to Case RAG - - 7 C/W Junction to Ambient RaJA =_ = 150 (NORMALIZED) (NORMAL IZED} IN | Pp 19 Di tt tala dtl etente ate ahentenel 3 -50 -25 25 50 bry 100 425 JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (TJ) -degC GATE TAIGGER CURRENT (IGT) GATE TRIGGER VOLTAGE (VGT) JUNCTION TEMPERATURE {TJ)~degC TES2SOAS1 . YESZO0ASS Fig. 1 - Typical Gate Trigger Current Vs. Temperature . Fig. 2- Typical Gate Trigger Voltage Vs. Temperature 725 / 4262 Fe 2t st Can I Fae atren 2 ena G E SOLID STATE 3875081 GE SOLID STATE Siltcon Controlled Rectifiers O1 De fj 3a7soa1 go17720 5 Z DIE 17720 op T25-|3 $2600B, S2600D, S2600M, S2600N IT (INITIAL) =2008A 3 i NX 5 I ne d ts 50-25 a 50 75 100 426 JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (TJ) -degt Fig. 3- Typical Holding Current Vs. Temperature AT_ INDICATED CONOUCTION ANGLES . ie y POWER DISSIPATION -WATTS i AVERAGE ON STATE CURRENT {TTav)-A Pos2soasi Fig. 5 - Maximum Power Dissipation Vs. Average Current 120 4100 a PEAK SURGE CURRENT (ITS) ~A 8 ny o NUMBER OF CYCLES OF SUAGE DURATION Fig. 7 - Peak Surge Current Vs. Duration Fig. 6 - Maximum Case Temperature Vs. Average Current ON STATE CURRENT (IT)-A ra a ON STATE VOLTAGE (VT}-V VIS@B0AS4 Fig. 4 - Typical On State Voltage Vs. Current CASE TEMPERATURE (TC)degC AVERAGE ON STATE CURRENT (ITav)-A TCS260AS1