20ETS.., 20ETS..S SAFEIR Series
Bulletin I2101 rev. D 12/01
Voltage Ratings
Part Number
VRRM, maximum VRSM , maximum non repetitive IRRM
peak reverse voltage peak reverse voltage 150°C
20ETS08, 20ETS08S 800 900 1
20ETS12, 20ETS12S 1200 1300
TJMax. Junction Temperature Range - 40 to 150 °C
Tstg Max. Storage Temperature Range - 40 to 150 °C
RthJC Max. Thermal Resistance Junction 1.3 °C/W DC operation
to Case
RthJA Max. Thermal Resistance Junction 62 °C/W (*) For D2Pak version
to Ambient
RthCS Typ. Thermal Resistance Case 0.5 °C/W Mounting surface, smooth and greased
to Heatsink
wt Approximate Weight 2 (0.07) g (oz.)
T Mounting Torque Min. 6 (5)
Max. 12 (10)
Case Style TO-220AC, D2Pak (SMD-220)
Thermal-Mechanical Specifications
Parameters 20ETS.. Units Conditions
IF(AV) Max. Average Forward Current 20 A @ TC = 105° C, 180° conduction half sine wave
IFSM Max. Peak One Cycle Non-Repetitive 250 10ms Sine pulse, rated VRRM
Surge Current 300 10ms Sine pulse, no voltage reapplied
I2t Max. I2t for fusing 316 10ms Sine pulse, rated VRRM
442 10ms Sine pulse, no voltage reapplied
I2√t Max. I2√t for fusing 4420 A2√s t = 0.1 to 10ms, no voltage reapplied
Absolute Maximum Ratings
Parameters 20ETS.. Units Conditions
Electrical Specifications
VFM Max. Forward Voltage Drop 1.1 V @ 20A, TJ = 25°C
rtForward slope resistance 10.4 mΩ
VF(TO) Threshold voltage 0.85 V
IRM Max. Reverse Leakage Current 0.1 TJ = 25 °C
1.0 TJ = 150 °C
Parameters 20ETS.. Units Conditions
TJ = 150°C
VR = rated VRRM
* When mounted on 1" square (650mm2) PCB of FR-4 or G-10 material 4 oz (140µm) copper 40°C/W
For recommended footprint and soldering techniques refer to application note # AN-994