6 16-bit Embedded Control Solutions
CPU, Systems & Memory
Operating Range PIC24F
DC to 16 MIPS
Vdd range: 1.8 to 5.5V
Ind. (-40° to 85°C) Ext. (-40° to 125°C)
Operating Range PIC24H/E & dsPIC33F/E
DC to 40/70 MIPS
Vdd range: 3.0 to 3.6V
Ind. (-40° to 85°C) Ext. (-40° to 125°C)
High-Temp (-40° to 150°C)
Operating Range dsPIC30F
DC to 30 MIPS
Vdd range: 2.5 to 5.5V
Ind. (-40° to 85°C) Ext. (-40° to 125°C)
High Performance CPU
Single cycle execution (most instructions)
C compiler optimized instruction set
16-bit wide data path
76 base instructions: mostly 1 word/1 cycle
16 16-bit general purpose registers
Software stack
16x16 signed fractional/integer multiplier
32/16 and 16/16 divide
40-stage barrel shifter
DSC additions (dsPIC30 & dsPIC33):
• Adds 8 base DSP instructions
• 2 40-bit accumulators with rounding and
saturation options
• Single core combines MCU & DSP features
• Adds Modulo and Bit-reverse address modes
System Management
Flexible clock options:
-- PLL sourced by ext. and int. clock sources
Programmable power-up timer
Oscillator start-up timer/stabilizer
Watchdog Timer with its own RC oscillator
Clock switching/fail-safe clock monitor
Interrupt Controller
5 cycle fixed latency
Up to 118 interrupt sources, up to 5 external
7 programmable priority levels
4 processor exceptions and software traps
*Device, Embedded Host, On-The-Go
16-bit Product Features Overview
Power Management/Vbat Battery Backup
Switch between clock sources in real-time
Programmable power-on reset start up
Programmable High/Low-Voltage Detect (HLVD)
Programmable brown-out reset
Idle, Sleep and Deep Sleep modes with fast wake up
On-chip Flash, Data EEPROM and RAM
Flash program memory: up to 512 KB
Auxiliary Flash memory: up to 24 KB
Data RAM: up to 96 KB
Digital I/O
Peripheral Pin Select (PPS)
Up to 122 programmable digital I/O pins
Wake-up/Interrupt-on-change on up to 52 pins
High current sink/source
Communication Modules
3-wire SPI: up to 3 modules
I²C™: up to 3 modules
UART: up to 4 modules
external components
Codec interface module
Timer/counters: up to nine 16-bit timers
Input capture: up to 16 channels
Output compare: up to 16 channels
Auxiliary Functions
LCD Segment Driver:
Graphics Controller Features:
Parallel Master Slave Port (PMP/PSP):
communications peripherals, LCDs
Hardware Real-Time Clock/Calendar (RTCC):
Programmable CRC generator
Charge/Time Measurement Unit (CTMU)
Hardware DMA PIC24F/H/E & dsPIC33F/E
Up to 15 channel DMA between RAM & peripherals
Analog Subsystems
On-chip high speed op amps
• High bandwidth op amps designed for motor
control and general purpose applications
Analog comparators (up to 4):
• Programmable reference
Audio DAC:
• 2 ch. 16-bit 100 ksps
• Differential output
10-bit ADC:
• PIC24F: 500 ksps, 1 module
• PIC24FJXXMC: 1.1 Msps, 1 module
• dsPIC30F: 1 Msps, 1 module
12-bit ADC:
• PIC24F: 200 ksps 1 module
10-/12-bit ADC (user selectable):
• Available on PIC24H/E and dsPIC33F/E
• 10-bit: 1.1 Msps, 4 S&H
• 12-bit: 500 ksps, 1 S&H
• Some devices have 2 modules
Common ADC features:
Buffered output or DMA
• dsPIC30F & PIC24F: up to 24 channels auto
• PIC24H/E & dsPIC33F/E: up to 32 channels auto
Motor Control Peripherals
Motor Control PWM: up to 14 outputs
Quadrature encoder interface module
• Up to 2 modules
High current sink/source
Switch Mode Power Peripherals
10-bit ADC Up to 4 Msps, Up to 6 sample and holds
PS PWM, 1 nS duty cycle resolution
Analog comparators
• Programmable reference