Imaging Telecom Sensors Channel Photomultipliers and Modules MH Series CPM Modules Ultra High Sensitivity Channel Photomultiplier Head Including High Voltage Power Supply Description Features The Channel Photomultiplier module MH 900 series is designed for an easy to use application for both photoncounting and dc operating modes. It contains an adjustable high voltage supply and a Channel Photomultiplier of the C900 series. * High dynamic range * No cooling required * Very high stability in noise level * Adjustable gain * High stability over time * Gateable CPM input for time resolved measurements * Extremely fast high-light recovery times * Rugged and compact design * 5 volts operating voltage * Monitor voltage output The module also offers the possibility to apply an external gate function for time correlated photon counting or active quenching control (only bialkali types). Strong variations in light levels are possible due to the high dynamic range of the installed CPM. The exceptional low noise and high sensitivity facilitates detection of extremely weak light levels. . w w w. p e r k i n e l m e r. c o m / o p t o D A T A S H E E T Lighting Technical Specifications MH 900 Series 1/3" CPM Module *) Additional models on request Operating Conditions Input voltage Input current Max. linear anode current Max. anode current* Gating input Monitor voltage out High voltage adjust Operating temperature Storage temperature Weight: 5 V to +5.5 V DC < 200 mA (DC linearity limit) 10% of bias current 10 A (max. 30 sec.) TTL, active high (switches cathode potential higher than channel entrance potential) |VChannelEntrance|/1000 by internal potentiometer, |0 ... 2900 V| VChannelEntrance by external control voltage (0 ... 3 V),via OpAmp circuit 5 to 40 C * for long term operation: max average anode -20 to 50 C current of <100 nA is recommended approx. 225 g Performance Characteristics Equivalent Noise Input 1E-14 1E-15 C 972 ENI (W) Spectral response 10 0 C 962 1E-16 C 952 C 982 C 942 C 911 C 922 C 943 C 944 10 1E-18 C 983 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 Wavelength (nm) Current Amplification/vs Control Voltage 1,E+09 1 C 9 73 C 9 72 1,E+08 C 962 1,E+07 C 922 C 921 C 9 52 Gain Quantumefficiency (%) 1E-17 C 982 0 .1 10 0 C 9 11 200 300 C 942 400 50 0 600 Wavelength (nm ) 70 0 800 900 1,E+06 1,E+05 1,E+04 1,E+03 1,E+02 0,9 1,4 1,9 Control Voltage / V 2,4 2,9 Technical Specifications MH 1300 Series 1/2" CPM Module *) Additional models on request Operating Conditions Input voltage Input current Max. linear anode current Max. anode current* Gating input Monitor voltage out High voltage adjust 5 V to +5.5 V DC < 200 mA (DC linearity limit) 10% of bias current 10 A (max. 30 sec.) TTL, active high (switches cathode potential higher than channel entrance potential) |VChannelEntrance|/1000 by internal potentiometer, |0 ... 2900 V| VChannelEntrance by external control voltage (0 ... 3 V),via OpAmp circuit 5 to 40 C * for long term operation: max average anode -20 to 50 C current of <100 nA is recommended approx. 290 g Operating temperature Storage temperature Weight: Performance Characteristics EquivalentN oise Input 1E-14 1E-15 ENI (W) Spectral response 10 0 C 13 72 C 13 6 2 1E-16 C 13 52 C 13 4 2 1E-17 C 13 8 2 C 13 2 2 C 13 11 10 C 13 8 3 1E-18 100 300 500 700 900 W avelength (nm ) C 13 7 3 Current Amplification/vs Control Voltage C 13 7 2 1 1,E+09 C 13 6 2 1,E+08 C 13 2 2 C 13 2 1 1,E+07 C 13 5 2 C 13 8 2 C 13 11 C 13 4 2 0 .1 10 0 200 300 400 500 600 Wavelength (nm ) 700 800 900 Gain Quantumefficiency (%) C 13 4 3 C 13 4 4 1,E+06 1,E+05 1,E+04 1,E+03 1,E+02 0,9 1,4 1,9 Control Voltage / V 2,4 2,9 Technical Specifications MH 1900 Series 3/4" CPM Module *) Additional models on request Operating Conditions Input voltage Input current Max. linear anode current Max. anode current* Gating input Monitor voltage out High voltage adjust Operating temperature Storage temperature Weight: 5 V to +5.5 V DC < 200 mA (DC linearity limit) 10% of bias current 10 A (max. 30 sec.) TTL, active high (switches cathode potential higher than channel entrance potential) |VChannelEntrance|/1000 by internal potentiometer, |0 ... 2900 V| VChannelEntrance by external control voltage (0 ... 3 V),via OpAmp circuit 5 to 40 C -20 to 50 C * for long term operation: max average anode approx. 370 g current of <100 nA is recommended Performance Characteristics Equivalent Noise Input 1E-14 Spectral response C 1972 1E-15 ENI (W) C 19 4 3C 19 4 4 C 1962 C 1952 1E-16 C 1942 C 1982 C 1911 C 1922 1E-17 10 C 19 8 3 1E-18 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 W avelength (nm ) 1 C 19 73 C 19 72 Current Amplification/vs Control Voltage 1,E+09 C 19 6 2 C 13 2 2 1,E+08 C 19 2 1 0 .1 10 0 C 19 52 C 19 8 2 C 19 11 200 300 1,E+07 C 19 4 2 400 50 0 600 Wavelength (nm ) 70 0 800 900 Gain Quantumefficiency (%) 10 0 1,E+06 1,E+05 1,E+04 1,E+03 1,E+02 0,9 1,4 1,9 Control Voltage / V 2,4 2,9 900 Dimensions (mm) MH 900 Series MH 1300 Series MH 1900 Series Connections Red Black Yellow Green Coax (brown) Coax (black) * 5V Gnd Monitor voltage (Vch-ent) optional (with ext. OpAmp): External control voltage HV-supply (0 ... 3 V) External Gate in (only bialkali CPMs) Anode signal out (shielding to be connected to ground !) CAUTION: HIGH VOLTAGE WARNING This product operates at high voltage. Extreme care must be taken to ensure operator safety and to avoid damage to other instruments. Avoid direct contact with the entrance window of the built in CPM when high voltage is applied. Avoid placing conductive material close to the cathode. Ensure that no light levels are applied, generating higher anode currents than specified. All given values are nominal/typical @ 20 C ambient temperature; specification subject to change without notice USA: PerkinElmer Optoelectronics 2175 Mission College Blvd. Santa Clara, CA 95054 Phone: (408) 565-0850 Fax: (408) 565-0793 EUROPE: PerkinElmer Optoelectronics GmbH Wenzel-Jaksch-Str. 31 65199 Wiesbaden Germany Phone: +49 611 492 534 Fax: +49 611 492 578 ASIA: PerkinElmer Optoelectronics 47 Ayer Rajah Crescent #06-12 Singapore 139947 Phone: +65 775 2022 Fax: +65 775 1008 . DS-286 Rev A 1101 (c) 2001 PerkinElmer, Inc. All rights reserved. w w w. p e r k i n e l m e r. c o m / o p t o