www.vishay.com For technical questions, contact: thinfilmchip@vishay.com Document Number: 28760
5Revision: 07-Dec-09
MCS 0402 AT, MCT 0603 AT, MCU 0805 AT, MCA 1206 AT - Professional
Vishay Beyschlag Professional Thin Film Chip Resistor
Superior Moisture Resistivity
Production is strictly controlled and follows an extensive
set of instructions established for reproducibility. A
homogeneous film of special metal alloy is deposited on a
high grade (Al2O3) ceramic substrate and conditioned to
achieve the desired temperature coefficient. Specially
designed inner contacts are deposited on both sides. A
special laser is used to achieve the target value by smoothly
cutting a meander groove in the resistive layer without
damaging the ceramics. The resistor elements are covered
by a unique protective coating designed for electrical,
mechanical and climatic protection. The terminations receive
a final pure tin on nickel plating.
The result of the determined production is verified by an
extensive testing procedure and optical inspection
performed on 100 % of the individual chip resistors. Only
accepted products are laid directly into the paper tape in
accordance with IEC 60286-3 (3).
The resistors are suitable for processing on automatic SMD
assembly systems. They are suitable for automatic soldering
using wave, reflow or vapour phase as shown in
IEC 61760-1 (3). The encapsulation is resistant to all cleaning
solvents commonly used in the electronics industry,
including alcohols, esters and aqueous solutions. The
suitability of conformal coatings, if applied, shall be qualified
by appropriate means to ensure the long-term stability of the
whole system.
The resistors are RoHS compliant; the pure tin plating
provides compatibility with lead (Pb)-free and
lead-containing soldering processes. Solderability is
specified for 2 years after production or requalification. The
permitted storage time is 20 years. The immunity of the
plating against tin whisker growth has been proven under
extensive testing.
All products comply with the GADSL (1) and the
CEFIC-EECA-EICTA (2) list of legal restrictions on
hazardous substances. This includes full compliance with
the following directives:
• 2000/53/EC End of Vehicle life Directive (ELV) and
Annex II (ELV II)
• 2002/95/EC Restriction of the use of Hazardous
Substances directive (RoHS)
• 2002/96/EC Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment
Directive (WEEE)
The resistors are approved within the IECQ-CECC Quality
Assessment System for Electronic Components to the detail
specification EN 140401-801 which refers to EN 60115-1,
EN 140400 and the variety of environmental test procedures
of the IEC 60068 (3) series. The detail specification refers to
the climatic category 55/125/56, which relates to the
“standard operation mode” of this datasheet.
Conformity is attested by the use of the CECC Logo ( ) as
the Mark of Conformity on the package label. For
MCS 0402 AT and zero ohm jumpers the certification
according to DIN EN 140401-801:2008-05 is pending.
Vishay BEYSCHLAG has achieved “Approval of
Manufacturer” in accordance with IEC QC 001002-3,
clause 2. The release certificate for “Technology Approval
Schedule” in accordance with CECC 240001 based on
IEC QC 001002-3, clause 6 is granted for the
Vishay BEYSCHLAG manufacturing process.
The resistors are qualified according to AEC-Q200.
This product family of thin film flat chip resistors is completed
by Zero Ohm Jumpers.
For more information about products with better TCR and
tighter tolerance please refer to the precision datasheet
document no. 28785.
Chip resistor arrays may be used in sensing applications or
precision amplifiers where close matching between multiple
resistors is necessary. Please refer to the
ACAS AT - Precision datasheet document no. 28770.
(1) Global Automotive Declarable Substance List, see www.gadsl.org
(2) CEFIC (European Chemical Industry Council), EECA (European Electronic Component Manufacturers Association), EICTA (European trade
organisation representing the information and communications technology and consumer electronics), see www.eicta.org/index.php?id=995
→ issues → environment policy → chemicals → chemicals for electronics
(3) The quoted IEC standards are also released as EN standards with the same number and identical contents