DS30575A-page 688 2012 Microchip Technology Inc.
CLKO and I/O .......................................................... 644
Clock Jitter Causing Pulse Between Consecutive
Zeros ................................................................ 433
Clock Synchronization .............................................391
Clock Transition ......................................................... 58
Clock/Instruction Cycle ...................................... 38, 118
Converting 1 Channel 16 Times per Interrupt .......... 477
Converting 1 Channel, Auto-Sample Start, Manual
Conversion Start .............................................. 462
Converting 1 Channel, Auto-Sample Start, TADad
Based Conversion Start ...................................464
Converting 1 Channel, Manual Sample Start,
TADad Based Conversion Start ........................ 463
Converting 2 Inputs Using Alternating Input
Selections ........................................................483
Converting a Single Channel, Once per Interrupt
Using Dual, 8-Word Buffers .............................481
DSM Carrier High Synchronization
(MDCHSYNC = 1, MDCLSYNC = 0) ............... 238
DSM Carrier Low Synchronization
(MDCHSYNC = 0, MDCLSYNC = 1) ............... 239
DSM Full Synchronization (MDCHSYNC = 1,
MDCLSYNC = 1) ............................................. 239
DSM No Synchronization (MDCHSYNC = 0,
MDCLSYNC = 0) ............................................. 238
DSM On-Off Keying (OOK) Synchronization ...........238
EUSARTx Synchronous Transmission
(Master/Slave) ..................................................659
EUSARTx/AUSARTx Synchronous Receive
(Master/Slave) ..................................................659
Example SPI Master Mode (CKE = 0) ..................... 651
Example SPI Master Mode (CKE = 1) ..................... 652
Example SPI Slave Mode (CKE = 0) ....................... 653
Example SPI Slave Mode (CKE = 1) ....................... 654
External Clock .......................................................... 642
External Memory Bus for SLEEP (Extended
Microcontroller Mode) .............................. 160, 162
External Memory Bus for TBLRD (Extended
Microcontroller Mode) .............................. 160, 162
Fail-Safe Clock Monitor (FSCM) .............................. 572
First Start Bit Timing ................................................ 399
Full-Bridge PWM Output .......................................... 328
Half-Bridge PWM Output ................................. 326, 333
High-Voltage Detect Operation (VDIRMAG = 1) ...... 504
HLVD Characteristics ...............................................648
I2C Acknowledge Sequence .................................... 404
I2C Bus Data ............................................................ 656
I2C Bus Start/Stop Bits .............................................655
I2C Master Mode (7 or 10-Bit Transmission) ........... 402
I2C Master Mode (7-Bit Reception) .......................... 403
I2C Slave Mode (10-Bit Reception, SEN = 0,
MSK = 01001) .................................................. 387
I2C Slave Mode (10-Bit Reception, SEN = 0) .......... 388
I2C Slave Mode (10-Bit Reception, SEN = 1) .......... 393
I2C Slave Mode (10-Bit Transmission) ..................... 389
I2C Slave Mode (7-bit Reception, SEN = 0,
MSK = 01011) .................................................. 385
I2C Slave Mode (7-Bit Reception, SEN = 0) ............ 384
I2C Slave Mode (7-Bit Reception, SEN = 1) ............ 392
I2C Slave Mode (7-Bit Transmission) ....................... 386
I2C Slave Mode General Call Address Sequence (7 or
10-Bit Addressing Mode) ................................. 394
I2C Stop Condition Receive or Transmit Mode ........ 404
Inverted IrDA Encoding (TXCKP = 1) ...................... 432
Inverted Polarity Decoding Results (RXDTP = 1) .... 433
IrDA Encoding Scheme ........................................... 432
LCD Reference Ladder Power Mode Switching ...... 254
LCD Sleep Entry/Exit When SLPEN = 1 or
CS1:CS0 = 00 ................................................. 280
Low-Voltage Detect Operation (VDIRMAG = 0) ...... 504
Macro View of IrDA Decoding Scheme
(RXDTP = 0) .................................................... 433
Manual Sample Start, Conversion Trigger Based
Conversion Start .............................................. 465
MSSPx I2C Bus Data ............................................... 657
MSSPx I2C Bus Start/Stop Bits ............................... 657
Parallel Slave Port (PSP) Read ............................... 223
Parallel Slave Port (PSP) Write ............................... 222
POR Module for Rising VDD ...................................... 91
Program Memory Fetch (8-bit) ................................. 645
Program Memory Read ........................................... 646
PWM Auto-Shutdown with Auto-Restart Enabled
(PxRSEN = 1) .................................................. 332
PWM Auto-Shutdown with Firmware Restart
(PxRSEN = 0) .................................................. 332
PWM Direction Change ........................................... 329
PWM Direction Change at Near 100% Duty Cycle .. 330
PWM Output ............................................................ 348
PWM Output (Active-High) ...................................... 324
PWM Output (Active-Low) ....................................... 325
Repeated Start Condition ........................................ 400
Reset, Watchdog Timer (WDT), Oscillator Start-up
Timer (OST) and Power-up Timer (PWRT) ..... 647
Scanning All 16 Inputs per Single Interrupt ............. 479
Send Break Character Sequence ............................ 426
Slave Synchronization ............................................. 359
SPI Mode (Master Mode) ......................................... 358
SPI Mode (Slave Mode, CKE = 0) ........................... 360
SPI Mode (Slave Mode, CKE = 1) ........................... 360
Steering Event at Beginning of Instruction
(STRSYNC = 1) ............................................... 336
Steering Event at End of Instruction
(STRSYNC = 0) ............................................... 336
Synchronous Reception (Master Mode, SREN) ...... 429
Synchronous Transmission ..................................... 428
Synchronous Transmission (Through TXEN) .......... 428
Timer Pulse Generation ........................................... 315
Timer0 and Timer1 External Clock .......................... 649
Timer1/3/5 Gate Count Enable Mode ...................... 289
Timer1/3/5 Gate Single Pulse Mode ........................ 291
Timer1/3/5 Gate Single Pulse/Toggle Combined
Mode ................................................................ 292
Timer1/3/5 Gate Toggle Mode ................................. 290
Transition for Two-Speed Start-up
(INTOSC to HSPLL) ........................................ 570
Waveforms and Interrupt in Quarter Duty Cycle
Drive ................................................................ 278
Timing Diagrams and Specifications
Capture/Compare/PWM Requirements ................... 650
CLKO and I/O Requirements ........................... 644, 646
EUSARTx/AUSARTx Synchronous Receive
Requirements .................................................. 659
EUSARTx/AUSARTx Synchronous Transmission
Requirements .................................................. 659
Example SPI Mode Requirements (Master Mode,
CKE = 0) .......................................................... 651
Example SPI Mode Requirements (Master Mode,
CKE = 1) .......................................................... 652
Example SPI Mode Requirements (Slave Mode,
CKE = 0) .......................................................... 653