Page <3> V1.026/02/13
Complementary Power Transistor
Figure - 2 Active Region Safe Operating Area
IC, Collector Current (Amp)
VCE, Collector Emitter Voltage (Volts)
There are two limitations on the power handling ability of
a transistor: average junction temperature and second
breakdown safe operating area curves indicate IC-VCE limits
of the transistor that must be observed for reliable operation
i.e., the transistor must not be subjected to greater dissipation
than the curves indicate.
The data of Figure - 2 and Figure - 3 is based on TJ(PK) = 150°C;
TC is variable depending on conditions. Second breakdown
pulse limits are valid for duty cycles to 10% provided TJ(PK)
≤150°C. At high case temperatures, thermal limitation will
reduce the power that can be handled to values less than the
limitations imposed by second breakdown.
IC, Collector Current (Amp)
VCE, Collector Emitter Voltage (Volts)
Figure - 3 Reverse Bias Safe Operating Area Figure - 4 Capacitances
C, Capacitance (pF)
VR, Reverse Voltage (Volts)
f, Frequency (kHz)
hFE, Small Signal Current Gain
Figure - 5 Small Signal Current Gain
IC, Collector Current (AMP)
fT, Transition Frequency (MHz)
Figure - 6 Current Gain-Bandwidth Product