Embest - MCBSTM32 - STMF103R100 Evaluation Board
Product Overview:
STMF103R100 produced by the cooperation
of Embest Inc and KEIL Inc from Germany is a
high performance, low power consumption arm
evaluation board for STMicroelectronics ARM
Cortex-M3 core-based processors, operating
at a 72 MHz frequency with Flash memory up
to 128 Kbytes and SRAM up to 20 Kbytes. It
provides an extensive range of peripherals,
such as USB, Motor Control, CAN, SD card,
Smart card, UART etc. which makes it be able
to apply to comprehensive area, like Motor
drive and application control, Medical and han dheld equipment, etc.
Kit Contents:
Take the MCBSTM32 out of its box. Included in the box are:
STM32F103R100 ARM-CM3 Board
RS-232 Serial Cable/DB9 F-M
USB Cable / A-B
Key Features:
STM32F103RB ARM Cortex-M3 microcontroller, 72 MHz
128KB flash memory, 20KB SRAM
via a standard USB con nector or VIN connection near LED power
16 × 2 characters LCD
USB host interface & connector
CAN interface & connector
RS232 interface & connector
JTAG interface & connector
SD card memory interface
8 Port LEDs
1 Analog inputs(via p otentiometer)
3 push-button keys(TAMP, RESET, WAKE-UP)
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