(R) February 2001, ver. 1.2 Features... Data Sheet Preliminary Information Altera Corporation A-DS-EXCARM-01.2 MIPS-Based Embedded Processor Device Overview Industry-standard MIPS32TM 4KcTM 32-bit RISC processor core operating at up to 200 MHz, equivalent to 240 Dhrystone MIPs - Memory management unit (MMU) included for real-time operating system (RTOS) support - Single-cycle 16 x 16 multiply divide unit (MDU) - 32-bit MIPS(R) RISC processor instruction set, user-level compatible with the R3000(R) and R4000(R) (32-bit mode) Part of the Altera(R) ExcaliburTM embedded processor solutions: system-on-a-programmable-chip (SOPC) architecture (see Figure 1 on page 4) builds upon features of the APEXTM 20KE family of programmable logic devices (PLDs), with up to 1,000,000 gates (see Table 1 on page 2) Advanced memory configuration support - Harvard cache architecture with separate 4-way set associative 16-Kbyte instruction and 16-Kbyte data caches - Internal single-port SRAM up to 256 Kbytes - Internal dual-port SRAM up to 128 Kbytes - External SDRAM 133-MHz data rate (PC133) interface up to 512 Mbytes - External double data rate (DDR) 266-MHz data rate (PC266) interface up to 512 Mbytes - External flash memory; 4 devices, each up to 32 Mbytes Expansion bus interface (EBI) is compatible with industry-standard flash memory, SRAMs, and peripheral devices Advanced bus architecture based on AMBATM high performance bus (AHB) capable of running at full processor speed Embedded programmable on-chip peripherals - Flexible interrupt controller - Universal asynchronous receiver/transmitter (UART) - General-purpose timer - Watchdog timer PLD configuration/reconfiguration possible via the embedded processor software Integrated hardware and software development environment - Extended QuartusTM development environment for Excalibur support - Altera MegaWizard(R) Plug-In Manager interface configures the embedded processor, PLD, bus connections, and peripherals - C/C++ compiler, source-level debugger, and RTOS support 1 MIPS-Based Embedded Processor Device Overview Preliminary Information Table 1. Current MIPS-Based Embedded Processor Device Features Feature Note (1) EPXM1 EPXM4 EPXM10 Maximum system gates 263,000 1,052,000 1,772,000 Typical gates 100,000 400,000 1,000,000 4,160 16,640 38,400 LEs ESBs Maximum RAM bits Maximum macrocells Maximum user I/O pins 26 104 160 53,248 212,992 327,680 416 1,664 2,560 178 360 521 Single-port SRAM 32 Kbytes 128 Kbytes 256 Kbytes Dual-port SRAM 16 Kbytes 64 Kbytes 128 Kbytes Note: (1) (2) These features are preliminary. Contact Altera for up-to-date information. Single- and dual-port memory sizes are preliminary. Contact Altera for the most up-to-date information. ... and More Features 2 Advanced packaging options (see Tables 2 and 3 on page 3) 1.8-V supply voltage, but all APEX 20KE I/O standards are supported - LVDS - SSTL-3 - GTL+ Fully configurable memory map Extensive embedded system debug facilities - SignalTapTM embedded logic analyzer - Software debug monitor - Enhanced IEEE Std. 1149.1 EJTAG interface to assist software debugging Multiple and separate clock domains controlled by softwareprogrammable phased-lock loops (PLLs) for embedded processor, SDRAM, and PLD PLL features include - ClockLockTM feature reducing clock delay and skew - ClockBoostTM feature providing clock multiplication Altera Corporation Preliminary Information MIPS-Based Embedded Processor Device Overview Table 2. MIPS-Based Embedded Processor FineLineTM BGA & BGA Package Sizes Note (1) FineLine BGA Feature BGA 484 Pin 672 Pin Pitch (mm) 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.27 1.27 2 529 729 1,089 1,225 2,025 23 x 23 27 x 27 33 x 33 35 x 35 45 x 45 Area (mm ) Length x Width (mm x mm) 1,020 Pin 612 Pin 864 Pin Table 3. MIPS-Based Embedded Processor FineLine BGA & BGA Package Options & PLD I/O Counts Notes (1), (2) FineLine BGA Device EPXM1 484 Pin 173 672 Pin BGA 1,020 Pin 178 275 (3) EPXM4 EPXM10 612 Pin 864 Pin 178 360 521 215 360 365 Notes to tables: (1) (2) (3) Contact Altera for up-to-date information on package availability. I/O counts include dedicated input and clock pins. This device uses a thermally enhanced package, which is taller than the regular package. Consult the Altera Device Package Information Data Sheet for detailed package size information. Altera Corporation This document provides updated information about MIPSbasedTM embedded processor devices and should be used together with the APEX 20K Programmable Logic Device Family Data Sheet. 3 MIPS-Based Embedded Processor Device Overview General Description Preliminary Information Part of the Altera Excalibur embedded processor PLD solutions, the MIPS-based embedded-processor PLDs combine an unrivalled degree of integration and programmability. The MIPS-based devices are outstanding embedded system development platforms, providing embedded-processor and PLD performance that is leading edge, yet cost efficient. The MIPS-based family devices are offered in a variety of PLD device densities and memory sizes to fit a wide range of applications and requirements. Their high-performance, yet flexible, embedded architecture is ideal for compute-intensive and high data-bandwidth applications. Figure 1 shows the structure of the MIPS-based devices. The embedded processor stripe contains the MIPS processor core, peripherals, and memory subsystem. The amount of single- and dual-port memory varies as shown, and as listed in Table 1 on page 2. Figure 2 on page 5 shows the system architecture of the stripe, and its interfaces to the PLD portion of the devices. This architecture allows stripe and PLD to be optimized for performance, enabling maximum integration and system cost reductions. Figure 1. MIPS-Based Embedded Processor PLD Architecture JTAG PLL UART External Memory Interfaces EJTAG Interrupt Controller MIPS32 4Kc SRAM SRAM SRAM Embedded Timer Watchdog Timer Processor DPRAM DPRAM Stripe DPRAM XM1 32 Kbytes SRAM 16 Kbytes DPRAM PLD XM4 128 Kbytes SRAM 64 Kbytes DPRAM XM10 256 Kbytes SRAM 128 Kbytes DPRAM 4 Altera Corporation Preliminary Information MIPS-Based Embedded Processor Device Overview Figure 2. MIPS-Based System Architecture External Interface Ports SDRAM Flash ROM SRAM Embedded Processor Stripe MIPS32 4Kc + Cache + MMU Interrupt Controller Watchdog Timer SDRAM Controller EBI UART AHB1 AHB1-2 Bridge Configuration Logic Master Slave Master AHB2 Master Slave PLDToStripe Bridge AHB Slave Port DualPort SRAM 0 Port A SinglePort SRAM 0 Port B PLL Reset Module Timer StripeToPLD Bridge Slave Master AHB Master Port Stripe Interface PLD Master(s) User Modules Requiring Direct Access to Large Dual-Port or Single-Port RAMs User's Slave Modules in the PLD PLD PLD Clock Domain(s) Altera Corporation AHB2 Clock Domain Processor Clock Domain (AHB1) SDRAM Clock Domain Bus Control 5 MIPS-Based Embedded Processor Device Overview Preliminary Information Two AMBA-compatible AHB buses ensure that MIPS-based embedded processor activity is unaffected by peripheral and memory operation. Three bidirectional AHB bridges enable the peripherals and PLD to exchange data with the ARM-based embedded processor. The performance of the MIPS-based family is not compromised by the addition of the interfaces to or from the stripe, and is equivalent to an ASIC implementation of an MIPS32 4Kc on a 0.18-m CMOS process. The 32-bit MIPS RISC processor instruction set is binarycompatible with many other MIPS family members. MIPS-based embedded processor devices are supported by Altera's Quartus development system. The Quartus software is a single, integrated package that offers HDL and schematic design entry, compilation and logic synthesis, full simulation and worst-case timing analysis, SignalTap logic analysis, and device configuration. The Quartus software runs on Windows-based PCs, Sun SPARCstations, and HP 9000 Series 700/800 workstations. The Quartus software provides NativeLinkTM interfaces to other industry-standard PC- and UNIX workstation-based EDA tools. For example, designers can invoke the Quartus software from within third-party design tools. Further, the Quartus software contains built-in optimized synthesis libraries; synthesis tools can use these libraries to optimize designs for MIPS-based embedded processor devices. Functional Description 6 The MIPS-based embedded processor PLDs have a system architecture (embedded processor bus structure, on-chip memory, and peripherals) that combines the advantages of ASIC integration with the flexibility of PLDs. Altera Corporation Preliminary Information MIPS-Based Embedded Processor Device Overview MIPS-Based Embedded Processor Figure 3 shows the MIPS32 4Kc embedded processor block diagram. Figure 3. MIPS32 4Kc Embedded Processor Block Diagram Multiply Divide Unit (MDU) Execution Core (ALU) System Coprocessor Memory Management Unit (MMU) Translation Lookaside Buffer (TLB) Instruction Cache (16 KBytes) EJTAG Cache Controller Bus Interface Unit (BIU) Data Cache (16 KBytes) Power Management AMBA Interface The MIPS32 4Kc is a member of the MIPS32 family of processor cores, with Harvard architecture implemented using a five-stage pipeline. Most instructions execute in one clock cycle. The architecture includes four execution units: Integer unit (arithmetic logic unit and shifter) Multiply divide unit (MDU) that supports multiply accumulate (MAC) instructions Branch control Processor control: privileged architecture functions and exception model Independent of PLD configuration, the embedded processor can undertake the following activities: Altera Corporation Access external boot memory Boot and run Program/reprogram the PLD without corruption of memory Run interactive debugging Detect errors and restart/reboot/reprogram the entire system as necessary 7 MIPS-Based Embedded Processor Device Overview Preliminary Information Communicate with the external world and receive PLD updates Run a real-time operating system PLD Interfaces The PLD can be configured via the configuration interface or the embedded processor to implement various devices: Additional peripherals that connect to the embedded bus as masters, slaves, or both Coprocessors sharing the stripe as well as on-chip and off-chip memories Standard interface to on-chip dual-port RAM (allowing SRAM to function as a `large' embedded system block (ESB)) Additional embedded processor interrupt sources and controls The master/slave/memory ports are synchronous to the separate PLD clock domains that drive them; however, the embedded processor domain and PLD domain can be asynchronous, to allow optimized clock frequencies for each domain. Resynchronization across the domains is handled by the AHB bridges within the stripe. Both the master port and slave port of the stripe are capable of supporting 32-bit data accesses to the whole 4-Gbyte address range (32-bit address bus). The PLD can take full advantage of the extensive range of Altera intellectual property (IP) MegaCore(R) functions, reducing time-tomarket and enabling complex SOPC designs. PLLs The device PLLs build on the PLL features of the APEX 20KE devices. Within the PLD, four PLLs are available as in the APEX devices. In addition to the four APEX PLLs, MIPS-based embedded processor PLDs have two ClockBoost PLLs that are frequencyprogrammable--both at configuration and via the system bus--to provide clocks for the following devices: 8 Embedded processor and associated modules Memory controller Altera Corporation Preliminary Information MIPS-Based Embedded Processor Device Overview The additional PLLs and associated routing support the following features: A common source for running additional PLLs Clock generation for the embedded processor and memory subsystem, allowing a synchronous mode LVTTL 2.5-V and 3.3-V clock input PLL disabling, which allows the raw input clock to be routed as the main clock source The memory controller PLL allows users to tune the frequency of the system clock to the speed of the external memory implemented in their systems. External Memory Controllers The MIPS-based embedded processor PLDs provide two embedded memory controllers that can be accessed by any of the bus masters: one for external SDRAM, and a second for external flash memory or SRAM. The SDRAM memory controller supports the following commonlyavailable memory standards, without the addition of any glue logic: Single data rate (SDR) 133-MHz data rates Double data rate (DDR) 266-MHz data rates A software-programmable PLL is used within the SDRAM memory controller subsystem to supply the appropriate timings. Users can program the frequency to match the chosen memory components. A second memory controller supports the interface to system ROM, allowing external flash memory access and reprogramming. In addition, static RAM and simple peripherals can be connected to this interface externally. Peripherals The following peripherals are connected to the AHB: Altera Corporation UART Timer Watchdog timer Interrupt controller 9 MIPS-Based Embedded Processor Device Overview Software Development Tools Preliminary Information The target software development tools offered by Altera are a combination of GNUPro tools and Altera tools. The MIPS-based embedded-processor PLDs are compatible with tools available from third parties for the MIPS32 4Kc processor core. The Altera development tools include: Support from industry-leading tools, including GNU and Wind River. See the Altera web site for details. Quartus support - C/C++ text editor - Software mode to build applications For details of third-party support, see Third-Party Tool Support for the Family of ARM-Based Embedded Processor PLDs. Figure 4 shows the Quartus development tool flow. 10 Altera Corporation Preliminary Information MIPS-Based Embedded Processor Device Overview Figure 4. Quartus Development Tool Flow Hardware Design Entry Excalibur MegaWizard Software Design Entry Assemble, Compile and Link Synthesis Software Executable Image Place and Route PLD Configuration Image Image Conversion Configuration Device Flash Image Serial Bitstream Altera supplies a variety of embedded software functions to support flash memory programming and PLD configuration. In addition, Altera provides device drivers for on-chip peripherals, and drivers to support PLD logic peripherals. MIPS-based embedded processor PLDs are configured at system power-up with data stored in a configuration device or flash memory. The same memory can store application software for the embedded processor. The user can reconfigure the device in-circuit by using the on-chip processor, using configuration data stored anywhere in its memory system. The user can make real-time changes during system operation, which enables innovative reconfigurable computing applications. Altera Corporation 11 MIPS-Based Embedded Processor Device Overview Preliminary Information Configuration Wizard The Altera Quartus development environment is enhanced by an Excalibur configuration wizard that allows pre-runtime setup of hardware and software functions. Figure 5 presents a typical set of screen shots from the configuration wizard, showing how users can, for example, select clock frequencies and booting options, and specify peripherals. This information is used to prepare a configuration bitstream that configures the PLD setup registers and on-chip SRAM as part of the configuration bitstream. 12 Altera Corporation Preliminary Information MIPS-Based Embedded Processor Device Overview Figure 5. Excalibur Configuration Wizard Altera Corporation 13 MIPS-Based Embedded Processor Device Overview Preliminary Information Simulation Model Initial simulation models of the MIPS32 4Kc are compatible with the following simulators: Quartus simulator Verilog XL simulator ModelSim simulator Synopsys VSS simulator Evaluation Board Altera offers separately an evaluation board compatible with the ARM-based embedded processor PLD, along with highperformance memories, debug interfaces, PCI bus connections, and capability for prototyping physical interfaces. Figure 6 illustrates the Altera evaluation board, showing the provision for board expansion. 14 RS232 Driver RS232 Driver Ethernet Transceiver Flash Memory RS232 Connector RS232 Connector JTAG1 Connector JTAG2 Connector Ethernet Port Figure 6. MIPS-Based Evaluation Board MIPS-Based Embedded Processor PLD Connections for Extension Development Boards Clocks DDR/SDRAM PC Interface Connector Altera Corporation Preliminary Information MIPS-Based Embedded Processor Device Overview Typical Application Figure 7 shows how the MIPS-based embedded processor and other elements can be integrated on a device. In this example, the MIPS32 4Kc embedded processor device is configured for a voiceover packet gateway application. The elements of the embedded processor stripe, PLD modules, and off-chip peripherals are clearly identified. Figure 7. MIPS-Based Embedded Processor Device in a Voice-Over Packet Gateway Application MIPS-Based Embedded Processor Device Time Division Multiplexing Private Branch Exchange Interface Multiplexer/ Demultiplexer Echo Cancellation PHY PHY MIPS4Kc Embedded Processor 10/100 Ethernet MAC Packet/Voice Conversion HDLC xDSL HDLC T1 CAM ATM SAR 10/100 Ethernet MAC Customer Implementation MIPS-Based Embedded Processor Stripe Altera IP Implementation SDRAM Controller Expansion Bus Interface SDRAM Boot Flash UTOPIA Bus Interface ATM Uplink Non-PLD Solution Revision History This document provides updated information as described below. Version 1.2 This version provides updated information, including: Altera Corporation Operating speed and other device features Minor textual changes 15 MIPS-Based Embedded Processor Device Overview Preliminary Information Version 1.1 This version provides updated information, including: Revised maximum amount of external SDRAM supported (R) 101 Innovation Drive San Jose, CA 95134 (408) 544-7000 http://www.altera.com Applications Hotline: (800) 800-EPLD Customer Marketing: (408) 544-7104 Literature Services: lit_req@altera.com 16 Altera, APEX, ClockBoost, ClockLock, ClockShift, Excalibur, FineLine BGA, MegaCore, MegaWizard, NativeLink, Quartus, SameFrame, and SignalTap are trademarks and/or service marks of Altera Corporation in the United States and other countries. Altera acknowledges the trademarks of other organizations for their respective products or services mentioned in this document, including the following: MIPS-based and the MIPS Technologies logo are trademarks of MIPS Technologies, Inc. Altera products are protected under numerous U.S. and foreign patents and pending applications, maskwork rights, and copyrights. Altera warrants performance of its semiconductor products to current specifications in accordance with Altera's standard warranty, but reserves the right to make changes to any products and services at any time without notice. Altera assumes no responsibility or liability arising out of the application or use of any information, product, or service described herein except as expressly agreed to in writing by Altera Corporation. Altera customers are advised to obtain the latest version of device specifications before relying on any published information and before placing orders for products or services. Copyright 2001 Altera Corporation. All rights reserved. Altera Corporation Printed on Recycled Paper.