% f _ ~CALOGIC CORP CORPORATION Og FEATURES gp @ Low Noise... . ccc cece eee eceeeeeees 0.65 Mop Typ. @ Low Drift Ptn-for-Pin High-Performance 741 Replacement e Internally Compensated. APPLICATIONS , Performance Enhancements of Circuits Using the 741 Industry Standard Operation Amplifier High-Stability Voltage Reference iY 2LE D Me 1844322 o000027 T mw General Purpose Operational Amplifier T-797-O05-10 OP-02 DESCRIPTION The OP-02 is a genera! purpose, internally frequency compensated, high-performance operational amplifier. The device is pin-for-pin compatible with the industry standard 741 operation amplifier. If used as a 741 replacement, the OP-02 provides a significant performance improvement, OP-02, OP-02A and OP-02B operate over the full military temperature range, while OP-02C, OP-02D and OP-02E are specified for operation over the commercial temperature range. ORDERING INFORMATIONT | PACKAGE Tae 25C HERMETIC PLASTIC PLASTIC OPERATING AVos MAX = TO-99 DIP DIP SOIC TEMPERATURE (mv) 8-PIN 8-PIN 8-PIN 8-PIN RANGE 0.5 OPO2AJ* OPO02AZ* MIL 0.5 OPO2EJ OP02EZ OPO02EP OPO02ES COM 2.0 OP02J* OP02Z* : MIL 2.0 OPO2CJ OP02CZ OP02CP OP02CS COM 5.0 OP02BJ* OP02BZ* MIL 5.0 OP02DJ OP02DZ OP02DP OP02DS COM For devices processed in total compliance to MIL-STD-883, add /883 after part number. Consult factory for 883 data sheet. TAIl commercial and industrial temperature range parts are available with burn-in. Pin Connections (Top View) 8 NC BAL 1 7V4 ; -IN 2 6 OUT i +IN3 5 BAL f 4 V-(GASE) ; TO-99 (J-Suffix) BAL[i |e Pa] N.C. -IN [2}- [7] V+ +IN Dts OUT + V- [4] BAL Vs EPOXY MINI-DIP (P-Suffix) 8-PIN HERMETIC DIP (Z-Suffix) 8-PIN PLASTIC SOI C (S-Suffix) CALOGIC CORP eLE D MM 1444322 0000024 1 m T-19-05-10 CORPORATION ' g nN ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (Note 2) i NOTES: Supply Voltage Lecce eee eee eneeneeneneenueeenens +22V 1. See table for maximum ambient temperature rating and derating factor. Power Dissipation (Note 1) .............. 0000s 500mW MAXIMUM AMBIENT DERATE ABOVE Differential Input Voltage ............ 00... 2 cece +30V PACKAGE TYPE TEMPERATURE MAXIMUM AMBIENT oe ase c see 5 Sent eee tenes Supply vonage FOR RATING TEMPERATURE utput.Short-Circuit Duration .................. ndefinite ; 3 Operating Temperature Range Bin Festic DIP (P) ae camwye OP-02A, OP-02, OP-02B ............. -55C to +125C 8-Pin Hermetic DIP (Z) 75C - 6.7mW/C OP-02E, OP-02C, OP-02D ............... 0C toi-+ 70C 2. Absolut i ti | both kaged Storage Temperature Range ............ -65C to 4 150C otherwise noted. mn Fanngs 2p Py fo Bolh packaged Paris and DICE, uniess Lead Temperature (Soldering, 60 sec.) ............ 4 300C DICE Junction Temperature (T)) ......... -65C to +150C 1 . Simplified Schematic Diagram ot ' V+ - q : q { Ne = +IN R10 1 She Te vane ouTPUT D1 R9 at2 Ri1 | K PH ais Q10 Q11 bate : R5 Q15 1 i -] Sar R8 . J BALANCE 3 BALANCE V- * Q1, Q2, Q3, AND Q4 FORM A THERMALLY CROSS-COUPLED QUAD. O5, Q5', 06, AND Q6' COMPRISE A SIMILAR THERMALLY CROSS-COUPLED QUAD. . ' Die Dimensions and Pad Connections | 1. BALANCE ' 2. (-) INPUT . ; 3. (+) INPUT | 4. V- \ 5, BALANCE i i 6. OUTPUT \ 7. V+ \ | . DIE SIZE 0.063 0.047 inch, 2961 sq. mils ww (1.6x1.194mm, 1.91 sq. mm) CALOGIC CORP. ele D ME 1844322 0000029 3 mi T-74-08-10 sdlogic OP-02 Burn-In Circuit Offset Nulling Circuit L ELECT RICAL CHARACTERISTICS at Vs = +15V, T, =25C, unless otherwise noted. OP-02A, OP-02E 1. Sample Tested. 2, quarapteed by input bias current 3. Guaranted by risetime. OP-02, OP-02C OP-02B, OP-02D PARAMETER , SYMBOL CONDITIONS MIN. TYP. MAX. MIN. TYP. MAX. MIN. TYP. MAX. UNITS Input Offset Voltage Vos Rg <20kn - 0.3 0.5 1 2 3 5 mv Vv input Offset Current log ' - 0.5 2 _ 1 5 . 5 25 nA Input Bias Current lp ' _ 18 30 - 20 50 30 100 =nA Input Resistance-Differential-Mode Rin (Note 2) 3.4 5.7 = 2.0 2 1 35 MQ Input Voltage Range IVR | +10 413 +10 i+13 +10 +13 ~ Vv Common-Mode Rejection Ratio CMRR- Vom= + 10V, Rg <20k2 85 100 = 80 95 _ 70 85 dB Power Supply Rejection Ratio PSRR- Vs=+45Vto +20V, Ag <20k9 - 10 60 - 30 100 100 150 yV/V Output Voltage Swing Vo Re 2kn 412. 413 12 1413 +12 +13 _ Vv Large-Signal Voltage Gain Avo Ri > 2k0, Vo= + 10V 100 250 - 50 200 ~ 25 150 -_ Vimv Power Consumption Pg Vo=0 - 40 70 _ 50 90 50 90 mW Input Noise Voltage @np-p 0.1Hz to 10Hz _ 0.65 - 065 _ 0.65. BVp.p . , fo= 10Hz _ 25 - _ 25 - _ 25 _ Input Noise Voltage Density en fo = 100Hz - 22 - 22 _ ~_ 22 mwvivHz \ fo = 1000Hz 2 _ at _ - a Input Noise Current inp-p 0.1Hz to 10Hz _ 128 - 12.8 _ 12.8 pApy fo=10Hz co 140 _ 14 _- 140 Input Noise Current Density in fo = 100Hz ' - 07> _ 07 > _ 0.7 pAlVHz fo = 1000Hz _ 04. _ 04. _ 07 > Slew Rate, SR (Note 1) 025 #05 025 056 025 05 Vins Warge-Signal Bandwidth Vo = 20Vp.p (Note 1) 4 8 - 4 8 + 4 8 - kHz Closed-Loop Bandwidth BW Ave.= +1 (Note3) | 1! 1380 = 1 0 = t 13 :MHz Risetime | tr AveL= +1,Vin=50mV(Note1) ~ 200 350 200 350 200 350 ns Overshdot : os (Note 1) = 5 10 - 5 fo 5 10 % NOTES: CALOGIC CORP ele D ME 1844322 0000030 T mi \-19-04-10 calogic OP-02 237 Whitney Place Fremont, CA 94539 (415) 656-2900 TLX: 6771346 FAX: (418) 651-1076 Information furnished by Calogic is believed to be accurate and reliable. ad ELECT RICAL CHARACTERISTICS at Vg =+15V, 55C 2kn, Vo =+10V 50 100 - 25 60 - 25 60 VimV Output Voltage Swing Vo Ri>2kn +12 +13 - +12 13 - +10, +13 _ Vv NOTE: 1. Sample tested. i \ ' , \ | 7 y : i | wo However, no responsibility is assurhed for its use; nor for any infringement of patents or other rights of third parties which may result from its use. No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent or patent rights of Calogic.