OL De 3875081 0014314 1 I 3875081 G E SOLID STATE CIE 18314 File Number 1571 Power MOS Field-Effect Transistors N-Channel Enhancement-Mode Power Field-Effect Transistors 2.0A and 2.5A, 450V-500V fos(on) = 3.00 and 4.09 Features: = SOA is power-dissipation limited @ Nanosecond switching speeds @ Linear transfer characteristics 8 High input impedance Majority carrier device The IRF420, IRF421, IRF422 and IRF423 are n-channel enhancement-mode silicon-gate power field- effect transistors designed for applications such as switch- N-CHANNEL ENHANCEMENT MODE s 92C8-33741 TERMINAL DIAGRAM D7 ~ 327-4 Standard Power MOSFETs IRF420, IRF421, IRF422, IRF423 TERMINAL DESIGNATION ing regulators, switching converters, motor drivers, refay ORAIN drivers, and drivers for high-power bipolar switching tran- SOURCE (FLANGE } sistors requiring high speed and low gate-drive power. These types can be operated directly from integrated circuits. : The IRF-types are supplied in the JEDEC TO-204AA steel package. GATE 928-37801 JEDEC TO-204AA Absolute Maximum Ratings Parameter iRF420 IRF421 JAF422 tRE423 Units Vps Drain - Source Voltage D $00 450 500 450 v Yooa Drain - Gate Voltage (gs = 20K) 500 450 600 450 v Ip @ Tg = 28C _ Continuous Drain Current 25 2.5 20 2.0 A ip @T = 100C Continuous Drain Current 1.6 1.5 1.0 1.0 A tow Pulsed Drain Current @ 10 10 8.0 8.0 A Yes Gate - Source Voltage 20 Vv Po @Tc = 25C Max. Power Dissipation 40 (Geofig. 14) w Linear Derating Factor 0.32 (See Fig. 14) wee tum Inductive Current, Clamped {Sea Fig. 15 and 16) L = 100uH A 10 I 10 | a0 80 T. Operating Junction and Ta Storage Temperature Range ~85 to 150 c Lead Temperature 300 (0,063 in. (1.6m) from case for 10s) c 257 meOL DEM 3875081 0014315 1 i 3875081 GE SOLID STATE = - Of F209- Standard Power MOSFETs E 16315 oo T-39-]/1 IRF420, iRF421, IRF422, IRF423 Electrical Characteristics @T = 25C (Unless Otherwise Specitied) Parameter Type Mn. | Typ | Max. Units Test Conditions BVosg_ Orain - Source Breakdown Voltage (RF420 | eno _ _ v Ves = OV IRF422 IRF421 = IRF423 450 - - v Ip = 2502A Vesih) Gate Threshold Voltage ALU 20 | | 40 v Vos = Vos: 'p = 250A Igss___ Gate-Source Leakage Forward ALL = - [100 Ta Vos = 20V lass __ Gate-Source Leakage Reverse ALL - ~_ f-100 nA Ves = -20V Ipss Zero Gate Voltage Drain Current ALL - ~ 250 BA Vos = Max. Rating, Vgg = OV ~ - [1000 f pA Vos = Max Rating x 0.8, Vg = OV. Te = 125C IDton) ~ On-State Orain Current @ RFA20 | og _ _ A InF421 Vos?! a, Vgg = 10V 0S? 'ojoni * Poston) max. YGS inF422 Tog | _ _ A IRF423 . Roston) Static Drain Source On-State IRF420 _ en Resistance @ IAF424 2.5 3.0 a Vos = 10V, Ip = 1.0A razz | ao | 40 a tRF423 * " Sts Forward Transcanductance @ ALL 10 [4.75 f - $ (v} Vos? 'pton) * Fostoni max. (Dp = U-0A Ciss input Capacitance ALL = 300 | 400 ar VGg = OV, Vpg = 25V,f = 1.0 MHz Cos _ Qutput Capacitance ALL _ 75 { 150 pF See Fig 10 Ciss_ Reverse Transfer Capacitance ALL = 20 | 40 PF tdjon) Tern On Delay Tima ALL = 30 60 ns Vop = 9.5 BVpgg. Ip = 1-04, 29 = 500 t Ruse Time ALL ~ 25 50 ns See Fig. 17 tafatfy Turn-GH Delay Time ALL - 30 60 ns iMOSFET switching times are essentially % Fail Time ALL ~ 15 30 ns Independent of operating temperature.) fo} Total Gata Charge _ Ygg = 10V, Ip = 3.04, Vpg = 0.8 Max. Rating. 8 IGate-Source Pius Gate-Drain) ALL " 16 nc Seo Fig. 18 for test cucult. (Gate charge is essentially Oy, __Gete-Source Charge ALL _ 5.0] nc indspendent of operating temperature.} Osa Gate Drain ("Milter") Charge ALL - 6.0 - ac ip [nternal Drain tnductance AUL - 5.0 - oH Measured between Modified MOSFET the contact screw on symbol showing the header thatis closer to internal device source and gate pins inductances. and center of die. Do ls Internal Source Inductence ALL - 12.5 - nH Measured from the bo " source pin, 6mm {0.25 in.} from header G and source bonding is pad. Ss Thermal Resistance Athsc _Junctian-ta Case ALL = = 4 3.12 | ecw Rircs Case-to-Sink ALL > 0.4 = CAN Mounting surtace fiat, smooth, and greased Ringa _ Junction-to-Ambient ALL - - 30 | *c/w Free Avr Operation Source-Drain Diode Ratings and Characteristics Is Continuous Source Current (AFa20 _ _ 25 A Modified MOSFET symbol {Body Diode} IRF421 " showing the integra! o 1AF422 reverse P-N junction rectifier. taraza |] | 7 | 20 | A ism Pulse Source Current IRF420 _ (Body Diode) @ inFa21 | ~ to] A Ss - IRF422 s wnraza | ~ | ~ | &O] A Vp Diode Forward Voltage @ east - ff ae] To = 26C, Ig = 2.5A, Vgg = OV -- rea) - | - fas] v Te = 28C, tg = 2.04, Vgg = OV te Reverse Recovery Time ALL - 600 = ns Ty = 180C, Ip = 2.6A, dip/dt = 100A/ps Onn _ Reverse Recovered Charge ALL [asf - Be Ty = 150C, Ip = 2.0A, dip/dt = 100AInS ton Forward Tum on Time ALL Intrinsic tum-on time is Turn on speedis E bys + Lp. @Ty = 25C to 150C. @Pulse Test: Pulse width < 300ys, Duty Cycle<2%. @ Repetitwve Rating: Pulse width fimited 7 by max. junction temperature. See Transient Thermal Impedance Curve (Fig, 8). 258 =- - ee OL DE 3875081 00148314 3 i - 3875081 G E SotiD STATE OiE 18316 =D T-39-/] Standard Power MOSFETs IRF420, IRF421, IRF422, IRF423 I I t Yos> * Agstaa) max @ @ g z 2 3 L tb 5 a g ro = = a 3 z z < < g 5 Ss 2 a ) 100 150 200 250 0 2 4 6 a 10 Vps, DAAIN-TO SOURCE VOLTAGE [VOLTS} Vas. GATE TO SOURCE VOLTAGE {VOLTS) Fig. 1 Typical Output Characteristics Fig. 2 Typicat Transfer Characteristics 5 AREA IS LIMITED BY 4 = a g # x @ = = = 3 = 5 z = = = = = Ss o a z2 z = = = 5 Ss 3 Tr = 28C 1 Ty = 1509C MAX Finsc = 3 SINGLE PULSE 0 8 2 16 20 10 2 5 0 wD 50 100 200 500 Vos. DRAIN-TO SOURCE VOLTAGE (VOLTS) Vos ORAIN-TO-SOURCE VOLTAGE (VOLTS) Fig. 3 Typical Saturation Characteristics Fig. 4 Maximum Safe Operating Area ~ S 2 ia jot jt 2 g t DUTY FACTOR, D+ + THERMAL IMPEDANCE (FER UNIT) o bw 002 2 PER UNIT BASE = Aynjc = 3.12 DEG. CAN. 3 Tya-Te* Pom Zinsctth Zeuctl/ Rup NOAMALIZED EFFECTIVE TRANSIENT 0.01 5 = 2 5 wt 2 5 gd 2 5 2 2 5 gt 2 $ 10 2 5 10 . _ ty. SQUARE WAVE PULSE DURATION (SECONDS) Fig. 5 Maxi Effective Transient Thermal | d J ion-ta-Case Vs. Pulse Duration _eoo oor ooo 2593875081 G E SOLID STATE Standard Power MOSFETs OL De P3a750al oo1asie 5 i Cie 18317. oDTS?-// IRF420, IRF421, IRF422, IRF423 5 Dty, TRANSCONDUCTANCE {SIEMANS) tg, DRAIN CURRENT (AMPERES) Fig. 6 Typical Transconductance Vs. Drain Current 125 118 (NORMALIZED) a o & DRAIN-TO-SOURCE @REAKOOWN VOLTAGE g 08 oa & Onn 40 6 cr) wo 120 Ty, HINCTION TEMPERATURE (C} Fig. 8 Breakdown Voltage Vs. Temperature 1900 Vas 0 t= Mie 100 Cigg = Egy + Cy, Cay SHORTED Cry = Egg C, = Com = Cat att + Cp od Cy OC gy z a Eg = Z 10 cs 3 a 10 2 wn a0 Vos, DAAIN-TO SOURCE VOLTAGE {VOLTS} Fig. 10 Typical Capacitance Vs. Drain-to-Source Voltage 260 | <TH so 6 % wo ~ 1p LT 80 Inn, REVERSE CRAIN CURRENT (AMPERES) t 2 3 4 Veo. SDUACE TO DAAIN VOLTAGE (VOLTS) Fig. 7 Typical Source-Drain Diode Forward Voltage 26 22 As (on). ORAIN-TO SOURCE ON RESISTANCE {NORMALIZED) o = a6 02 40 Qa 40 a no ve Ty, JUNCTION TEMPERATURE {C) Fig. 9 Normalized On-Resistance Vs. Temperature 2 wn Vas. GATE-TO SOURCE VOLTAGE (VOLTS) Ss Ipe3A * FOR TEST CIRCUIT a, 4 2 16 20 a. TOTAL GATE CHARGE (aC) Fig. 11 Typical Gate Charge Vs. Gate-to-Source Voltage3875081 GE SOLID STATE OL DE @3475081 0018316 7 Tt OIE 18318 Standard Power MOSFETs ~ - a ~ o Aips{on). ORAIN-TO-SOURCE ON RESISTANCE (OHMS) * Rosten} MEASUREO WITH 202100: Q 0 2 6 8 1 . 12 Ig, ORAIN CURRENT {AMPERES} Fig. 12 Typical On-Resistance Vs. Drain Current Kr] Po, POWER OISSIPATION (WATTS} 3 a 20 40 oF RATION INITIAL Ty * 25C. {HEATING iF Is IRF420, IRF421, IRF422, IRF423 Ip. DRAIN CURRENT (AMPERES) 25 50 78 100 125 150 Te, CASE TEMPERATURE (9C} Fig. 13 Maximum Drain Current Vs. Case Temperature a0 190 120 140 Tg, CASE TEMPERATURE {C} Fig. 14 Power Vs. Temperature Derating Curve VARY tp TO OBTAIN REQUIRED PEAK ty uy Fig, 15 Clamped tnductive Test Circuit ADJUST Ry, TO OBTAIN SPECIFIED th PULSE GENERATOR r I I TO SCOPE | RIGH FREQUENCY L Fig. 17 Switching Time Test Circuit 1 958V 55 c* 0FS8Vps5 Fig. 16 -- Clamped inductive Waveforms o ps tSOQLATED SUPPLY) CURRENT REGULATOR 6 SAME TYPE 12v T BATTERY 'c it CURRENT = CURRENT SHUNT SHUNT Fig. 18 - Gate Charge Test Circuit 261 pT 39-//