The SM2288 combines a programmable RISC core,
programmable DSP core, and dedicated processing units
organized as a process pipeline. The RISC core supports
system mux and demux requirements for a variety of system
applications, including VCD, SVCD, and DVD. The DSP
supports dual-channel Dolby Digital encoding and MPEG (all
Layers) audio encoding and decoding. It is powerful enough
to suppor t addi t ional audio f orm ats , suc h as DTS or Dolby Pro
Logic. Integrated I2S support allows for a glue-less interface
to A/D and D/A converters.
Key Feature Description
Format Support
The SM2288 supports all the requirements of the VCD and
Super VCD specifications. This includes MPEG-1 and
MPEG-2 enc oding and dec odi ng at 1/ 2 (VCD) , 2/3 ( SVCD), or
full D1 (DVD) resolutions, MPEG audio encoding and
decoding, and an OSD. In addition, the SM2288 supports
audio/vi deo encoding and dec oding at ful l D1 resol ution using
either the Dolby Digi tal (AC-3) or MPEG audi o specifications.
MPEG Video
The SM2288 provides application program control over a
large number of encoding parameters such as I, P, B-picture
cadence, GOP structure and decoder buffer sizes.
For c ommunic at ions appli c ati ons, t he SM2288 all ows t he hos t
controller to make on-the-fly bit-rate changes without
inter rupting the audio/video stream flow. This all ows for better
bandwidth ut ilization.
Internal rate control provides a high degree of flexibility in
relation to the output bit rate, including the ability to generate
variable bitrate compressed video stream in one pass. This
makes it suitable for storage sensitive applications such as
digital camc orders and removable storage media.
The SM2288 also has features geared toward MPEG-2
publishing and authoring systems. These inc lude the ability to
specify the initi al decoder buffer fullness.
Pre- and post-processing support includes pre- and post-
filtering, temporal filtering, telecine (3:2 pulldown), inverse
telecine, up and down c hroma conver sions.
The SM2288 supports MPEG-1 and MPEG-2 (all layers),
Dolby Digital, and MP3; however, additional audio
compression and decompression algorithms can be
supported via fi rmware upgrades.
The SM2288 can input or output MPEG-compliant program
streams or audio and video elementary streams. Transport
stream generation and decoding is also available via
optional firmware upgrade.
The SM2288 incl udes a 64-bit SDRAM memory interface,
video and audio i nterfaces ( w ith I2C and I2S), a 16- bit
Motorol a/Intel host interf ace, a gener ic 8-bit int erfac e, and a
serial EPROM/Flash memory interface.
For evaluat ion, Stream Machine provides:
• SM2288 PCI evaluat ion board
• HW Reference CD containing ( upon request)
• Schemati cs ( O rcad)
• Gerbers
• Job/Layout Files (PADS)
• Bill of Materials (MS Excel)
• SW Reference CD containing
• VXD/Linux drivers and demo applications
• SM2288 PCI Syst em Manual
• Release/Applic ation Notes
• SM2288 Data Sheet
• SM2288 Programmi ng Guide (upon request)
• Quick Start Guide
Additi onal SM2288-based reference designs are al so
Sales info r mation: sales @s tr e amm achin e .c om - www.streammachine.com
95-0002-002 07/30/01
! NTSC: (720- D1, 704-D1, 640-VGA, 544, 480-2/3D1,
352-1/2D1) x 480, or 352 x 240 (CIF) , or 176 x 112
(QCIF) at 30 or 29. 97 Hz
! PAL: (720- D1, 704-D1, 640-VGA, 544, 480-2/3D1,
352-1/2D1) x 576, or 352 x 288 (CIS/ S IF), or 176 x 144
(QCIF) at 25 Hz
! Film: (720-D1, 704-D1, 640-VGA, 544, 480-2/3D1,
352-1/2D1) x 480, or 352 x 240 (CIF) , or 176 x 144
(QCIF) at 24 Hz
! Propri etary High Per formance Motion Estimation
• Half-pel accuracy
• H Search Range - 63.5, 31. 5, 15.5, 7.5 Pel/Fr ame
• V Search Range - 31.5, 15. 5, 7.5 Pel/ Frame
• Field, 16x8, and f rame-mode prediction
! Programmabl e encoding parameters
• IBBBP, IBBP, IBP, IP , I GOP st ructur es
• User defined quanti zation matrices
• Encoding t ime
• Average bit rate
• Active picture area selection
• VBR and CBR
! Pre- and Post- processing
• Horizont al and vertical cropping
• Horizont al and vertical scaling
• NTSC to PAL for m at conversion
! Trick Play
• Fast and slow play forward, fast play backward
! Programmabl e, 24-bit, digi tal signal processor
! Input/ O utput sampling rates: 32, 44.1, 48 and 96KHz
! Data resolution up to 24 bits/sample
! Two channel audio encoding or decoding in either
MPEG (all layers) or Dolby Digital (AC-3)
! Supports either one stereo or two mono channels
! 5.1 channels audio decoding (downmixed to two
! Real Time MP3 enc oding and decoding
! Support f or new audio algorithms via fi rmware