2H6576 2H6577 2N6578 I NPN SILICON POWER DARLINGTON General-purpose EpiBase for linear and switching Replacement for 2N3055 Popular Voltage transistors, suitable and Driver Performance Diode Protection Can Be Driven from Operating darl ington applications. High Gain Darlington Built-In power TRANSISTORS for Reverse Polarity Low-Level Protection Logic Range Range - -65 to t200C I Total Power Dissipation @ Tc = 25C --120-- Derate above 25C A Operating and Storage Junction,+~~!{i`3*<:,*! > TJ ,T~tg ~., ,., `~:p.! , ,y, Temperature Range THERMAL Thermal Maximum , CHARAC,@~lS*~CS ~T\:>U... Character& l&~.s$s" flesistang~+~~~$ion Lea@T~~&ature Purposq#N4 j$~' ~-65 LFA'~l*c ~ _; & Watts 0.685 -- to t200 Wloc STYLEi: PIN 1. BASE 2. EMITTER CASE:COLLECTOR Oc ` ~ Max Unit R~JC 1.46 Oclw TL 265 to Case for Soldering Y F J Q 4 Symbol ! SEATING PLANE H `c B }rom Case for 10s. DIM T I `~~> MILLIMETERS I INCHES MIN I MAX I MIN MAX I I DAR LINGTON SCHEMATIC Collector ~----- 1 CASE 11-03 Base TO-3 d! it `4' =150' Lz4 k__ ~ J Emitter Epi Base is a Trademerk ,...,,,, of Motorole Inc. I. ~MOTOROLAINC., 197a -- ---- u> 6JD3 (Replaces AD I 327) *ELECTRICAL characteristics I (TC = 25c unless otherwise noted.) Characteristic symbol Min Max I Unit I I OFF CHARACTERISTICS Collector-Emitter ([c= Sustaining 200mAdc, Voltage(l) IB =0) VCEO($"s) Vdc 2N6576 60 1 2N6577 A., fi --- I I I ,Lcu I v- Collector Cutoff (VCER = Rated VCEO(Sus) Collector Cutoff VCEX Value, RBE = 10,kQ, TC = 150C) Current = Rated VCEO(Sus) Collector I Current Cutoff V'alue, VgE(off) ICEV -- ICBO -- "." = 1.5 Vdc) Current (VCB = Rated Value) ON CHARACTERISTICS DC Current Gain hFE {Ic = 15 Adc, VCE = 4.0 Vdc) 1@'!"z' `% ~' (!C = 10 Adc, VCE = 3.0 Vdc) Saturation (IC = 15 Adc, IB= ([c= Saturation Voltage Adc) 15 Adc, lg=0.15Adc) (IC= 10 Adc, IB=O.I ~,:sv;g~wt) ~.~:> ~<h ,, ~.i.i, {,~$,,; ~ ,Y `i{, k:. \$$\w : >::. .,tJ.,. \,,\\?, VF, ".'jJ, , ` .+~f&&T<~Q, .,. .,, Adc) Diode Voltage Drop (i EC=15Adc) DYNAMIC CHARACTERISTICS Magnitude of Commo,n-Emitter Small-Signal Short-Circuit LOAD (Vcc Storage Time (Vcc Fall Time * Indicates JEDEC Curre~# Tra#sfer = 30 Vdc, IC ='10 Ad$;$~~8.1 tp = 300 PS, Dutv Rise Time -- 4.5 Vdc -- 3.5 -- 4.5 Vdc Ratio 200 -- Adc, CVCl$a*3~@~+ = 30 Vdc, IC `i~~~~'YIBl = IB2= 0.1 Adc, tp = 300 ps, DuK$~v'c~&+@ 2.0%) $i ,i~ ..,&$~&:#::' Registered Data $' (1) Pulse test: Pulse Width < 30,Q,4/$~&&& Ihfel 10 td -- 0.15 tr -- 1.0 Ps t~ -- 2.0 Ps tf -- 7.0 ps S:'Q{+C), .:$" ` " ~:?>;.\.~?.>,&:*:i?t+ ,a,l, s, ,.,, *t:. ***,, , , .;,? ., (Figure 2) Delay Time -- . CHARACTERISTICS RESISTIVE Vdc `i~, .\ ` (IC = 3.0 Adc, VCE = 3.0 Vdc; f,= 1.0 MHz) SWITCHING - 4.0 2.8 `::*,,,,>,::$ ,,.:.~~} ,-.J \,.t. ,$$.~.,.' Voltage (It= Collector-Emitter 20,000 ..3$$' `%ti 2 ,.i<r .,$ +,..!,:!:$. `C E (sa~~y~$ ~< *::,. .\*>\._ 0.15 Adc) 10 Adc, IB=O.l Base-Emitter - 5,000 ,$%S;>," (1C = 4.0 Adc, VCE = 3.0 Vdcl (IC = 0.4 Adc, VCE = 3.0 Vdc) Collector-Emitter .~~ ~~,,,t~~ ,,<,,+r,, ,-u,.~l, . ... .:> >.,+.. ~:~,>;$<$,>~ mAdc `\:?i="'i~$~j,, %*,.,,,~.~'~ .. .@ie>;, ., ~,s;ti~.,. \~~ i<~,,.,.,.. ,., -- ~ #s Cvcle < 2.0%. .:?. ~:\t;\: ,,\\ , -%?. ,;$ l\:)~? ,>? ,:.,/ ,., FIGURE 1 - ~'~fij@ORWARD SA,~@;&'%ATING BIASED AREA There are two a transistor: limitations average junction Safe operating area curves indicate tor that must be'observed must not on the be subjected power temperature IC-VCE handling greater of limits of the transis- for reliable operation; to abilitv and second breakdown. dissipation i.e., the transistor than the curves TJ(pk) is variable indicate. The data of Figure 1 is based on Tc = 25C; I % 1.o~-"- JUwll B~ndingwirsLimit !- depending on power level. Second breakdown TJ(pk) may be calculated can be handled from the data in Figure 7. At high thermal limitations to values less than will reduce the power that the limitations second breakdown. `L VCE, COLLECTOR-EMITTER ~ are valid for duty cycles to 10%. case temperatures ,. pulse I imits VOLTAGE (VOLTS) MOTOROLA Semiconductor Products /nc. imposed by FIGURE 2- DC CURRENT GAIN FIGURE"3 REGION 1 -JUQL- 5UU- - COLLECTOR-SATURATION \ 200 I 1 I I 0.2 I I I I II 0.5 I T,0 I .2.0 I I [ I I I II 5:0 "lo \l 15 Ic, COLLECTORCURRENT (AMPS) FIGURE 4 - COLLECTOR SATURATION VOLTAGE = @Jc(t)r(t)eJc 1 ~ U.UL `i"' I ---- ` 0.01 I I .. ---,-. 11111! I 0,2 0,3 0,5 0.7 1,0 2.0 3,0 5.0 7.0 10 20 I 30 m DcuRvESAPPLYFORPOWER , ,,.L I 0.01 0.1 I oJc = 1.46 I I I I 50 ti I 1 1 I 1 1 11 I I I I I I [ I 200 I 300 I iii I 70 Ill 100 t, TIME (msl m MOTOROLA ti SemiconductorProductsInc. I I I I I Ill] 500 700 1000 -,:,:, .,, , ,, .,, ., ,'.. ,' ., a : ,, FIGURE 7- -9.0 tr, Dutv tf<l and 51 Ons 1.0% Rc Varied D1 Must FIGURE 9,105 TIMES TEST CIRCUIT v Cycle'= RB WITCHING , 1 to, Obtain be Fast Desired Recovery COLLECTOR [ I Current "Type, cuT-OFF I x Levels eg: REGlON !/ " f ,, II 1 .t Ic, COLLECTOR MOTOROLA @ CURRENT (AMPS) Semiconductor Products Inc. 135F78/3.5Printed in Switzerland