Hitachi Microcomputer Support Software
SH Series C Compiler
User’s Manual
Rev. 4.0
Hitachi, Ltd.
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This manual explains the facilities and operating procedures for the SH series C compiler. Please
read this manual and the related manuals listed below before using the C compiler to fully
understand the system. The C compiler translates source programs written in C into relocatable
object programs or assembly source programs for Hitachi superH RISC engine family
microcomputers (SH1, SH2, SH3, and SH3E).
Features of this compiler system are as follows:
1. generates an object program that can be written to ROM to be installed in a user system.
2. supports an optimization option that increases execution speed of object programs or
minimizes program size.
3. supports a debugging-information output function for a C source level debugging or C source
analysis using a debugger .
4. selects an assembly source program or relocatable object program and outputs it.
This manual consists of four parts and appendixes. The information contained in each part is
summarized below.
The overview sections cover C compiler functions and developing procedures.
The operation sections cover how to invoke the compiler, how to specify optional functions,
and how to interprete listings created by the C compiler.
This part explains the limitations of the C compiler and the special factors in object program
execution which should be considered when creating a program.
This part explains the object program being written in ROM and memory allocation when
installing an object program generated by the C compiler on a system. In addition,
specifications of the low-level interface routine must be made by the user when using C
language standard I/O library and memory management library.
This part explains the error messages corresponding to compilation errors and the standard
library error messages corresponding to run time errors.
This manual describes the SH C compiler that operates on UNIX*1, or MS-DOS*2 that runs
(operates) on the IBM-PC*3 and PC compatibles. In this manual, compilers functioning on a
UNIX system are referred to as UNIX version and compilers functioning on an MS-DOS system
are referred to as PC systems.
Notes on Symbols: The following symbols are used in this manual.
Symbols Used in This Manual
Symbol Explanation
< > Indicates an item to be specified.
[ ] Indicates an item that can be omitted.
... Indicates that the preceding item can be repeated.
Indicates one or more blanks.
(RET) Indicates the carriage return key (return key).
| Indicates that one of the items must be selected.
(CNTL) Indicates that the control key should be held down while
pressing the key that follows.
Notes: 1. UNIX is a registered trademark in the United States and other countries, licensed
exclusively through X/Open Company Limited.
2. MS-DOS is an operating system administrated by Microsoft Corporation.
3. IBM PC is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation.
Related Manuals: Refer to the following manuals together with the SH Series C Compiler when
creating a program using the C compiler.
SH Series Cross Assembler User’s Manual
SH Series Simulator/Debugger User’s Manual
Integrated Manager User’s Manual
H Series Linkage Editor User’s Manual
H Series Librarian User’s Manual
E7000 SH7032, SH7034 Emulator User’s Manual
E7000 SH7604 Emulator User’s Manual
E7000 SH7708 Emulator User’s Manual
Refer to the following manuals for details on the SH instruction execution:
SH7000 Series Programming Manual
SH7000/SH7600 Series Programming Manual
SH7700 Series Programming Manual
Part I OVERVIEW AND OPERATIONS.................................................................... 1
Section 1 Overview.............................................................................................................. 3
Section 2 Developing Procedures.................................................................................... 5
Section 3 C Compiler Execution..................................................................................... 7
3.1 How to Invoke the C Compiler.......................................................................................... 7
3.1.1 Compiling Programs ............................................................................................ 7
3.1.2 Displaying Command Line Format and Compiler Options ................................. 7
3.1.3 C Compiler Options.............................................................................................. 8
3.1.4 Compiling Multiple C Programs.......................................................................... 8
3.2 Naming Files...................................................................................................................... 9
3.3 Compiler Options .............................................................................................................. 10
3.4 Option Combinations......................................................................................................... 20
3.5 Correspondence to Standard Libraries .............................................................................. 21
3.6 C Compiler Listings ..........................................................................................................23
3.6.1 Structure of C Compiler Listings ......................................................................... 23
3.6.2 Source Listing ...................................................................................................... 24
3.6.3 Object Listing....................................................................................................... 26
3.6.4 Statistics Information............................................................................................ 28
3.6.5 Command Line Specification............................................................................... 29
3.7 C Compiler Environment Variables.................................................................................. 30
3.8 Implicit Declaration by Option.......................................................................................... 31
Part II C PROGRAMMING ............................................................................................. 33
Section 1 Limits of the C Compiler................................................................................ 35
Section 2 Executing a C Program................................................................................... 37
2.1 Structure of Object Programs............................................................................................ 38
2.2 Internal Data Representation ............................................................................................. 41
2.2.1 Scalar-Type Data.................................................................................................. 42
2.2.2 Combined-Type Data ........................................................................................... 43
2.2.3 Bit Fields.............................................................................................................. 45
2.2.4 Memory Allocation of Little Endian.................................................................... 48
2.3 Linkage with Assembly Programs..................................................................................... 50
2.3.1 External Identifier Reference ............................................................................... 50
2.3.2 Function Call Interface......................................................................................... 52
Section 3 Extended Specifications.................................................................................. 61
3.1 Interrupt Functions ............................................................................................................ 61
3.1.1 Description ........................................................................................................... 61
3.1.2 Explanation........................................................................................................... 63
3.1.3 Notes..................................................................................................................... 65
3.2 Intrinsic Functions............................................................................................................. 66
3.2.1 Intrinsic Functions................................................................................................ 66
3.2.2 Description ........................................................................................................... 66
3.2.3 Intrinsic Function Specifications.......................................................................... 66
3.2.4 Notes..................................................................................................................... 71
3.2.5 Example................................................................................................................ 72
3.2.6 Dividing <machine.h>.......................................................................................... 73
3.3 Section Change Function................................................................................................... 74
3.3.1 Description ........................................................................................................... 74
3.3.2 Explanation........................................................................................................... 74
3.3.3 Notes..................................................................................................................... 74
3.3.4 Example................................................................................................................ 74
3.4 Single-Precision Floating-Point Library............................................................................ 75
3.4.1 Description ........................................................................................................... 75
3.4.2 Notes..................................................................................................................... 75
3.5 Japanese Description in String Literals............................................................................. 77
3.6 Inline Function................................................................................................................... 78
3.6.1 Description ........................................................................................................... 78
3.6.2 Explanation........................................................................................................... 78
3.6.3 Notes..................................................................................................................... 78
3.6.4 Example................................................................................................................ 78
3.7 Inline Expansion in Assembly Language.......................................................................... 79
3.7.1 Description ........................................................................................................... 79
3.7.2 Explanation........................................................................................................... 79
3.7.3 Notes..................................................................................................................... 79
3.7.4 Example................................................................................................................ 80
3.8 Specifying Two-byte Address Variables........................................................................... 81
3.8.1 Description ........................................................................................................... 81
3.8.2 Explanation........................................................................................................... 81
3.8.3 Notes..................................................................................................................... 81
3.9 Specifying GBR Base Variables........................................................................................ 82
3.9.1 Description ........................................................................................................... 82
3.9.2 Explanation........................................................................................................... 82
3.9.3 Notes..................................................................................................................... 82
3.10 Register Save and Recovery Control................................................................................. 83
3.10.1 Description............................................................................................................ 83
3.10.2 Explanation........................................................................................................... 83
3.10.3 Notes.....................................................................................................................83
3.10.4 Example................................................................................................................ 84
3.11 Global Variable Register Allocation ................................................................................. 84
3.11.1 Description ........................................................................................................... 84
3.11.2 Explanation........................................................................................................... 84
3.11.3 Notes.....................................................................................................................85
3.11.4 Example................................................................................................................ 85
Section 4 Notes on Programming.................................................................................... 87
4.1 Coding Notes..................................................................................................................... 87
4.1.1 float Type Parameter Function............................................................................. 87
4.1.2 Program Whose Evaluation Order is Not Regulated............................................ 87
4.1.3 Overflow Operation and Zero Division................................................................ 88
4.1.4 Assignment to const Variables............................................................................. 89
4.1.5 Precision of Mathematical Function Libraries..................................................... 89
4.2 Notes on Programming Development................................................................................ 90
Part III SYSTEM INSTALLATION.............................................................................. 93
Section 1 Overview of System Installation.................................................................. 95
Section 2 Allocating Memory Areas............................................................................. 97
2.1 Static Area Allocation........................................................................................................ 97
2.1.1 Data to be Allocated in Static Area...................................................................... 97
2.1.2 Static Area Size Calculation................................................................................. 97
2.1.3 ROM and RAM Allocation.................................................................................. 100
2.1.4 Initialized Data Area Allocation .......................................................................... 100
2.1.5 Memory Area Allocation Example and Address Specification at Program
Linkage................................................................................................................. 100
2.2 Dynamic Area Allocation.................................................................................................. 102
2.2.1 Dynamic Areas..................................................................................................... 102
2.2.2 Dynamic Area Size Calculation ........................................................................... 102
2.2.3 Rules for Allocating Dynamic Area..................................................................... 105
Section 3 Setting the Execution Environment............................................................. 107
3.1 Vector Table Setting (VEC_TBL)..................................................................................... 108
3.2 Initialization (_ _INIT)...................................................................................................... 109
3.3 Section Initialization (_ _INITSCT).................................................................................. 110
Section 4 Setting the C Library Function Execution Environment ...................... 113
4.1 Vector Table Setting (VEC_TBL)..................................................................................... 115
4.2 Initializing Registers (_ _INIT)......................................................................................... 115
4.3 Initializing Sections (_ _INITSCT)................................................................................... 115
4.4 Initializing C Library Functions (_ _INITLIB)................................................................. 116
4.4.1 Creating Initialization Routine (_INIT_IOLIB) for Standard I/O
Library Function................................................................................................... 117
4.4.2 Creating Initialization Routine (_INIT_OTHERLIB) for Other
Library Function................................................................................................... 119
4.5 Closing Files (_ _CLOSEALL)......................................................................................... 120
4.6 Creating Low-Level Interface Routines............................................................................ 121
4.6.1 Concept of I/O Operations.................................................................................... 122
4.6.2 Low-Level Interface Routine Specifications........................................................ 123
Part IV ERROR MESSAGES.......................................................................................... 131
Section 1 Error Messages.................................................................................................. 133
Section 2 C Standard Library Error Messages............................................................ 153
APPENDIX.............................................................................................................................. 157
Appendix A Language and Standard Library Function Specifications
of the C Compiler........................................................................................ 159
A.1 Language Specifications of the C Compiler...................................................................... 159
A.1.1 Compilation Specifications ................................................................................. 159
A.1.2 Environmental Specifications .............................................................................. 159
A.1.3 Identifiers ............................................................................................................ 160
A.1.4 Characters............................................................................................................. 161
A.1.5 Integer................................................................................................................... 162
A.1.6 Floating-Point Numbers ....................................................................................... 163
A.1.7 Arrays and Pointers.............................................................................................. 164
A.1.8 Register................................................................................................................. 164
A.1.9 Structure, Union, Enumeration, and Bit Field Types........................................... 165
A.1.10 Qualifier................................................................................................................ 165
A.1.11 Declarations.......................................................................................................... 166
A.1.12 Statement.............................................................................................................. 166
A.1.13 Preprocessor ......................................................................................................... 167
A.2 C Library Function Specifications..................................................................................... 168
A.2.1 stddef.h ................................................................................................................ 168
A.2.2 assert.h ................................................................................................................. 168
A.2.3 ctype.h .................................................................................................................. 168
A.2.4 math.h................................................................................................................... 169
A.2.5 setjmp.h ................................................................................................................ 169
A.2.6 stdio.h ................................................................................................................... 170
A.2.7 string.h.................................................................................................................. 171
A.2.8 errno.h .................................................................................................................. 172
A.2.9 Libraries that are Not Supported by the SH C Compiler...................................... 173
A.3 Floating-Point Number Specifications.............................................................................. 174
A.3.1 Internal Representation of Floating-Point Numbers ............................................ 174
A.3.2 float....................................................................................................................... 176
A.3.3 double and long double ........................................................................................ 177
A.3.4 Floating-point Operation Specifications .............................................................. 179
Appendix B Parameter Allocation Example................................................................ 183
Appendix C Usage of Registers and Stack Area........................................................ 187
Appendix D Creating Termination Functions............................................................. 189
D.1 Creating Library onexit Function...................................................................................... 189
D.2 Creating exit Function ....................................................................................................... 190
D.3 Creating Abort Routine...................................................................................................... 192
Appendix E Examples of Low-Level Interface Routine.......................................... 193
Appendix F ASCII Codes.................................................................................................. 199
Index........................................................................................................................................... 201
Part I
Figure 1.1 C Compiler Functions............................................................................................. 3
Figure 1.2 Relationship between the C Compiler and Other Software.................................... 5
Figure 1.3 Source Listing Output for show = noinclude, noexpansion.................................... 24
Figure 1.4 Source Listing Output for show = include, expansion............................................ 25
Figure 1.5 Object Listing Output for show = source, object.................................................... 26
Figure 1.6 Object Listing Output for show = nosource, object................................................ 27
Figure 1.7 Statistics Information.............................................................................................. 28
Figure 1.8 Command Line Specification ................................................................................. 29
Part II
Figure 2.1 Allocation and Deallocation of a Stack Frame....................................................... 52
Figure 2.2 Parameter Area Allocation...................................................................................... 57
Figure 2.3 Example of Allocation to Parameter Registers....................................................... 59
Figure 2.4 Return Value Setting Area Used When Return Value Is Written to Memory........ 60
Figure 2.5 Stack Processing by an Interrupt Function ............................................................. 64
Part III
Figure 3.1 Section Size Information ........................................................................................ 97
Figure 3.2 Static Area Allocation............................................................................................. 101
Figure 3.3 Nested Function Calls and Stack Size.................................................................... 104
Figure 3.4 Program Configuration (No C Library Function is Used)...................................... 107
Figure 3.5 Program Configuration When C Library Functions are Used................................ 113
Figure 3.6 FILE-Type Data...................................................................................................... 119
Figure A.1 Structure for the Internal Representation of Floating-Point Numbers.................... 174
Figure C.1 Usage of Registers and Stack Area......................................................................... 187
Part I
Table 1.1 Standard File Extensions Used by the C Compiler ................................................ 9
Table 1.2 C Compiler Options................................................................................................ 10
Table 1.3 Macro Names, Names, and Constants Specified by the Define Option ................. 15
Table 1.4 Option Combinations.............................................................................................. 20
Table 1.5 Correspondence between Standard Libraries and Compile Options...................... 22
Table 1.6 Structure and Contents of C Compiler Listings...................................................... 23
Table 1.7 Environment Variables ........................................................................................... 30
Table 1.8 Implicit Declaration................................................................................................ 31
Part II
Table 2.1 Limits of the C Compiler........................................................................................ 35
Table 2.2 Memory Area Types and Characteristics................................................................ 39
Table 2.3 Internal Representation of Scalar-Type Data ......................................................... 42
Table 2.4 Internal Representation of Combined-Type Data................................................... 43
Table 2.5 Bit Field Member Specifications............................................................................ 45
Table 2.6 Rules on Changes in Registers After a Function Call ............................................ 53
Table 2.7 General Rules on Parameter Area Allocation......................................................... 58
Table 2.8 Return Value Type and Setting Area...................................................................... 60
Table 2.9 Interrupt Specifications........................................................................................... 62
Table 2.10 Intrinsic Functions.................................................................................................. 67
Table 2.11 Function List of Single-Precision Floating-Point Library...................................... 76
Table 2.12 Default Settings of Japanese Code.......................................................................... 77
Table 2.13 Troubleshooting...................................................................................................... 90
Part III
Table 3.1 Stack Size Calculation Example............................................................................. 104
Table 3.2 Low-Level Interface Routines................................................................................ 121
Table A.1 Compilation Specifications..................................................................................... 159
Table A.2 Environmental Specifications................................................................................. 159
Table A.3 Identifier Specifications ......................................................................................... 160
Table A.4 Character Specifications ......................................................................................... 161
Table A.5 Integer Specifications.............................................................................................. 162
Table A.6 Integer Types and Their Corresponding Data Range ............................................. 162
Table A.7 Floating-Point Number Specifications.................................................................... 163
Table A.8 Limits on Floating-Point Numbers ......................................................................... 163
Table A.9 Array and Pointer Specifications............................................................................ 164
Table A.10 Register Specifications............................................................................................ 164
Table A.11 Specifications for Structure, Union, Enumeration, and Bit Field Types................ 165
Table A.12 Qualifier Specifications.......................................................................................... 165
Table A.13 Declaration Specifications...................................................................................... 166
Table A.14 Statement Specifications......................................................................................... 166
Table A.15 Preprocessor Specifications.................................................................................... 167
Table A.16 stddef.h Specifications............................................................................................ 168
Table A.17 assert.h Specifications............................................................................................. 168
Table A.18 ctype.h Specifications............................................................................................. 168
Table A.19 Set of Characters that Returns True........................................................................ 169
Table A.20 math.h Specifications.............................................................................................. 169
Table A.21 setjmp.h Specifications........................................................................................... 169
Table A.22 stdio.h Specifications.............................................................................................. 170
Table A.23 Infinity and Not a Number...................................................................................... 171
Table A.24 string.h Specifications............................................................................................. 171
Table A.25 errno.h Specifications ............................................................................................. 172
Table A.26 Libraries that are Not Supported by the SH C Compiler........................................ 173
Table A.27 Types of Values Represented by Floating-Point Numbers..................................... 175
Section 1 Overview
The SH series C compiler converts source programs written in C to SH series relocatable object
programs or assembly source programs.
The C compiler supports the SH1, SH2, SH3, and SH3E microcomputers (collectively referred to
as SH).
Figure 1.1 shows C compiler functions.
SH series
C compiler
C source
SH relocatable
object program
SH assembly source
Figure 1.1 C Compiler Functions
A standard library file (a group of C language level functions that is used in C language program
as standard) is also provided in addition to the C compiler.
Section 2 Developing Procedures
Figure 1.2 shows the relationship between the C compiler package and other software for program
development. The C compiler package includes the software enclosed by the dotted line.
SH series
C compiler
by user
included in
the package
Target system
SH series
cross assembler
H series
linkage editor
H series
object converter
SH series
1. Assembly source programs are output depending on option specification.
2. The standard include file defines C library functions and their macro names in order to use C library functions.
3. Debug information can also be added depending on option specification.
4. A function group, consisting of C library functions and run time routines, is used as standard in the C program.
(Refer to section 2.1, Static Area Allocation, in part III, SYSTEM INSTALLATION.)
Figure 1.2 Relationship between the C Compiler and Other Software
Section 3 C Compiler Execution
This section explains how to invoke the C compiler, specify C compiler options, and interpret C
compiler listings.
3.1 How to Invoke the C Compiler
The format for the command line used to invoke the C compiler is as follows.
shc[<option>...][<file name>[<option>...]...]
The general operations of the C compiler are described below.
3.1.1 Compiling Programs
shctest.c (RET)
The C source program test.c is compiled.
3.1.2 Displaying Command Line Format and Compiler Options
shc (RET)
The command line format and the list of the compiler options are displayed on the screen.
3.1.3 C Compiler Options
Insert minus (–) before options (debug, listfile, and show). Slash (/) can also be inserted in place
of minus (–) for PC. When multiple options are specified, separate them with a space (). The
following shows the options for UNIX and PC. Also when multiple suboptions are specified,
separate them with a comma (,).
shc-debug-listfile-show=noobject,expansiontest.c (RET)
In PC, when multiple suboptions are specified, they can be enclosed in parentheses (( )).
3.1.4 Compiling Multiple C Programs
Several C source programs can be compiled by a single command.
Example 1: Specifying multiple programs
shctest1.ctest2.c (RET)
Example 2: Specifying options for all C source programs
shc-listfiletest1.ctest2.c (RET)
The listfile option is valid for both test1.c and test2.c.
Example 3: Specifying options for particular C source programs
shctest1.ctest2.c-listfile (RET)
The listfile option is valid for only test2.c. Options specified for particular C source programs
have priority over those specified for all C source programs.
3.2 Naming Files
A standard file extension is automatically added to the name of a compiled file when omitted. The
standard file extensions used by the C compiler and related software are shown in table 1.1. For
details on naming files, refer to the user's manual of the host computer because naming rules vary
according to each host computer.
Table 1.1 Standard File Extensions Used by the C Compiler
File Extension Description
c Source program file written in C
h Include file
lis, lst Listing file*
obj Relocatable object program file
src Assembly source program file
lib Library file
abs Absolute load module file
rel Relocatable load module file
map Linkage map listing file
Note: The listing file extension is lis on UNIX systems and lst on PC systems.
3.3 Compiler Options
Table 1.2 shows C compiler option formats, abbreviations, and defaults. Characters underlined
indicate the minimum valid abbreviation. Bold characters indicate default assumptions.
Table 1.2 C Compiler Options
Item Format Suboption Specification
CPU type cp u = sh1 | SH1 object is generated.
sh2 | SH2 object is generated.
sh3 | SH3 object is generated.
sh3e SH3E object is generated.
Optimization op timize = 0 | Object without optimization
is output.
1Object with optimization is
select sp eed Optimization in both speed
and size.
nosp eed Optimization in balance
between execution speed
and execution size is
s ize Optimization in program
size is selected.
Debugging deb ug Output
information nodeb ug No output
Listings and sh ow = s o urce | noso urce | Source list yes/no
formats ob ject | noob ject | Object list yes/no
st atistics | nost atistics | Statistics information
i nclude | noi nclude | List after include expansion
e xpansion | noe xpansion | List after macro expansion
w idth = <numeric value> | Maximum characters per
0, 80 to 132
l ength = <numeric value> Maximum lines per page:
0, 40 to 255
w = 132,
l = 66
Table 1.2 C Compiler Options (cont)
Item Format Suboption Specification
Listing file l istfile [ = <list file name>] Output
nol istfile No output
Object file ob jectfile = <object file name> Output
Object program
format c ode = m achinecode | Program in machine
language is output.
a smcode Assembly source program
is output.
Macro name def ine = <macro name> = <name> | <name> is defined as
<macro name>.
<macro name> = <constant> | <constant> is defined as
<macro name>.
<macro name> <macro name> is assumed
to be defined.
Include file i nclude = <path name> Include file destination path
name is specified (multi-
specification is possible).
Section name sec tion = p rogram = <section name> | Program area section
name is specified.
c onst = <section name> | Constant area section
name is specified.
d ata = <section name> | Initialized data area section
name is specified.
b ss =<section name> Non-initialized data area
section name is specified.
Default: p=P,
d=D, b=B
Help message h elp Output
independent p ic = 0 | Position independent code
is not generated.
code 1 Position independent code
is generated.
Area of string
literal to be st ring = c onst | String literal is output to
constant section (C).
output d ata String literal is output to
initialized data section (D).
Table 1.2 C Compiler Options (cont)
Item Format Suboption Specification
nesting com ment = n est | Permits comment (/* */)
non est Does not permit comment
(/* */) nesting.
Japanese code e uc Selects euc code.
select in string
literals s jis Selects sjis code.
Subcommand file
select sub command = <file name> Includes command option
from a file specified by
<file name>.
operation di vision = cp u | Uses cpu's division
p eripheral | Uses a divider (with
masking interruption).
n omask Uses a divider (without
masking interruption).
Memory bit order en dian = b ig | Specifies maximum big
l ittle Specifies little endian.
Inline expansion
specification inl ine Specifies inline
inl ine = <numeric value> Specifies the maximum
size of a function to
expand where the function
is called.
noinl ine
Default header
file prei nclude = <file name> Includes contents of a
specified file at the
beginning of compilation
MACH and
MACL registers m acsave = 0 | Does not guarantee
contents of MACH and
MACL registers at function
1Guarantees contents of
registers at function call.
Table 1.2 C Compiler Options (cont)
Item Format Suboption Specification
message output me ssage Outputs information
nome ssage Does not output
information message.
Label 16-byte
alignment al ign16 Labels placed immediately
after an unconditional
branch instruction other
than a subroutine call in a
program section must be
aligned in 16 bytes.
noal ign16 Does not place labels
aligned in 16 bytes.
Double type to
single precision do uble = f loat Treats double type (double
precision floating point
number) as float type
(single precision floating
point number) as object.
ou tcode = eu c | Selects euc code.
sj is Selects sjis code.
declaration ab s16 = ru n | Assumes all execution
routines to have been
declared with #pragma
al l Generates all label
addresses in 16 bits.
Loop unroll lo op Optimizes loop unrolling.
nolo op Does not optimize loop
Inline expansion ne stinline = <numeric value> Specifies the number of
times to expand nested
inline functions.
creation at data
rt next Creates a sign-extension
or zero-extension
instruction for the upper
bytes when returning a
value to a program by the
return statement.
nort next Does not create a sign-
extension or zero-
extension instruction.
–cp u = sh1 | sh2 | sh3 | sh3e
This option specifies a target CPU. A library to be linked differs according to a
CPU. For details, refer to section 3.5, Correspondence to Standard Libraries in
–op timize = 0 | 1This option specifies compiler optimization.
optimize = 0 disables compiler optimization.
optimize = 1 enables compiler optimization.
–sp eed, –nosp eed
This option specifies speed optimization. When a speed option is specified,
program is executed faster but program size may increase. When nospeed is
specified but size option is not specified, optimization is performed in program
execution speed and program size.
–si ze
This option specifies optimization in object size.
–deb ug, –nodeb ug
This option specifies whether or not to output debugging information which is
necessary for C source level debugging.
–sh ow = s o urce | noso urce | ob ject | noob ject | s t atistics | nost atistics | i nclude | noi nclude |
e xpansion | noe xpansion | w idth = <numeric value> | l ength = <numeric value>
This option specifies the output format of a list file. This option is valid when a
listfile option is specified.
show = width = 0 One line ends at a carriage code.
show = length = 0 The maximum number of lines is not specified;
therefore, pagination is not performed.
–l istfile [=<listfile name>], –nol istfile
This option specifies whether a list file is output. When a file name is not
specified, a file that has the same name as the source file with a standard
extension lis/lst is generated.
–ob jectfile = <objectfile name>
This option specifies an object file name to be output.
–c ode = m achinecode | a smcode
This option specifies whether the compiler outputs an object file in a machine
language or an assembler source file.
–def ine = <macro name> = <name> | <macro name> = <constant> | <macro name>
This option enables a macro definition at the beginning of a source program.
Table 1.3, describes macro names, names, and constants which can be specified using this option.
Table 1.3 Macro Names, Names, and Constants Specified by the Define Option
Item Description
Macro name A string literal beginning with a letter or an underscore followed by zero or
more letters, underscores, and numbers.
Name A string literal beginning with a letter or an underscore followed by zero or
more letters, underscores, and numbers.
Constant Decimal constant:
Octal constant:
Hexadecimal constant:
A string literal of one or more numbers (0 to 9),
or a string literal of one or more numbers
followed by a period (.) followed by zero or
more numbers.
A string literal that begins with a zero followed
by one or more numbers (0 to 7).
A string literal that begins with a zero followed
by an x, then followed by one or more numbers
or alphabetical letters (A to F).
–i nclude = <path name>
This option specifies a directory where an include file is searched for. For
details on how to search, refer to Appendix A.1.13, Preproccessor.
–sec tion = | p rogram = <section name> | c onst = <section name> | d ata = <section name> | b ss =
< section name >This option changes section names in object programs. Section names when this
option is omitted are program area section P, constant area section C, initialized
data area section D, and non-initialized data area section B.
–help This option displays a list of compiler options. Once this option is specified, the
other option(s) will be disabled.
–p ic = 0 | 1 When pic = 1 is specified, a program section after linking can be allocated to any
address and executed. A data section can only be allocated to an address
specified at linking. When using this option as a position independent code, a
function address cannot be specified as an initial value. Note that if cpu = SH1
is specified, pic = 1 is ignored. A library to be linked varies according to the
cpu, pic, endian, or double option. For details, refer to section 3.5,
Correspondence to Standard Libraries in part I, OVERVIEW AND
extern int f ();
int (*fp)() = f; <— Cannot be specified
–st ring = c onst | d ata
When string = const is specified, string literals are output to constant area section
(default is C). When string = data is specified, string literals are output to
initialized data area section (default is D).
–com ment = n est | non est
This option specifies whether or not to permit comment /* */ nesting.
/* comment
int a; /* nest1 /* nset2 */ */
When comment = nest is specified, an underlined section is treated as a nested
comment and the outermost comment is enforced.
When comment = nonest is specified, a comment is treated to end by nest2*/.
Therefore, a section after nest2*/ is treated as an error.
–e uc This option selects euc for the Japanese code for string literals in C program.
When this option is omitted, euc or sjis is selected according to the host
computer. For details, refer to section 3.5, Japanese Description in String
Literals in part II, C Programming.
–s jis This option selects sjis for the Japanese code for string literals in C program.
When this option is omitted, euc or sjis is selected according to the host
computer. For details, refer to section 3.5, Japanese Description in String
Literals in part II, C Programming.
–sub command = <file name>
This option assumes contents of a specified file name as an option. This option
can be specified in a command line more than once. In a subcommand file, an
parameters must be delimited by a space, a carriage return, or a tab. Contents in
a subcommand file will be expanded to an area specified by a subcommand in a
command line parameter. A subcommand option cannot be specified in a
subcommand file.
Example: The following examples are the same as shc –debug –cpu=sh2 test.c.
Command line
shc –sub=test.sub test.c
Contents of test.sub
–di vision = cp u | p eripheral | n omask
This option selects an execution routine for an integer division in a C source
program. This option can be combined with a suboption in the cpu option.
However, only the SH2 can execute an object program that specifies peripheral
or nonmask as suboption.
1. cpu: specifies an execution routine which uses the DIV1
2. peripheral: specifies an execution routine using a divider
(15 is set to interrupt mask level)
3. nomask: specifies an execution routine using a divider
(no change in interrupt mask level)
Note the following before specifying a peripheral or nomask option.
1. Zero division is not checked or errno is not set.
2. If nomask is specified and an interrupt occurs during operation of a
divider and the divider is used in an interrupt routine, the correct
operation is not guaranteed.
3. An overflow interrupt is not supported.
4. Results after operation such as zero division or overflow depend on the
divider specifications. Some of them may be different from those when
a cpu suboption is specified.
–en dian = b ig | l ittle
This option can be combined with a suboption in a cpu option. However, only
the SH3 or SH3E can execute an object program for little endian. The library to
be linked depends on endian, cpu, pic, and double options. For details, refer to
section 3.5, Correspondence to Standard Libraries in part I, OVERVIEW AND
–inl ine, –inl ine = <numeric value>, –noinl ine
This option specifies whether to expand a function automatically at the statement
where the function is called. The value specified in suboption <numeric value>
indicates the maximum number of nodes of a function (the total number of
characters of operators and variables excluding the declaration field) to expand
where the function is called. The default of speed option specification is inline =
20. The default when nospeed, size, or optimize = 0 option is specified noinline.
–prei nclude = <file name>
This option includes file contents at the beginning of compilation units.
–m acsave = 0 | 1This option specifies whether contents of the MACH or MACL registers are
guaranteed before and after a function call.
macsave = 0 does not guarantee the contents of the MACH or MACL registers
before and after a function call. macsave = 1 guarantees the contents of MACH
and MACL registers before and after a function call. A function that is compiled
using macsave = 1 cannot call a function that is compiled using macsave = 0.
However, the opposite is possible.
–me ssage, nome ssage
This option specifies information message output. nomessage option does not
output information message.
–al ign16, noal ign16
This option aligns all labels placed immediately after an unconditional branch
instruction other than subroutine calls in a program section in 16 bytes.
noalign16 option does not place labels aligned in 16 bytes.
–do uble = f loat This option treats double type declaration/cast (double precision floating point
number) as float type declaration/cast (single precision floating point number)
before generating object.
–ou tcode = eu c | sj is
This option selects euc for the Japanese character code when outcode = euc is
specified, and sjis when outcode = sjis is specified.
–ab s16 = ru n | al lThis option assumes all execution routines to have been declared with #pragma
abs16 when abs16 = run is specified, and generates all label addresses in 16 bits
when abs16 = all is specified.
–lo op, nolo op This option specifies whether to optimize loop unrolling.
The loop option performs loop unrolling. The noloop option does not perform
loop unrolling.
–ne stinline = <numeric value>
This option specifies the number of times to expand the inline function. Up to
16 times can be specified. When this option is not specified (default), the inline
function is expanded once (nestinline=1).
–rt next, –nort next
This option performs sign extension or zero extension after setting a value in R0,
which is the place to set the return value, in a return statement of a function that
returns a (unsigned) char type or (unsigned) short type (see section 2.2.3 in part
II, C PROGRAMMING) to a program. This enables type conversion for a return
value before the actual value is returned to a program. If a prototype is declared
at the caller, this option is not required. The nortnext option does not perform
sign extension or zero extension.
3.4 Option Combinations
If a pair of conflicting options or suboptions are specified for a file, only one of them is considered
valid. Table 1.4 shows such option combinations.
Table 1.4 Option Combinations
Valid Option Invalid Option
nolist show
code = asmcode* debug*
show = object
help All other options
cpu = sh1 pic = 1
optimize = 0 loop
Note: When debug option is specified during assembly source output, a .LINE directive is
embedded in the output code. A .LINE directive gives C language source line information
to a debugger. After that, C language source lines are displayed for debugging. However,
C language level debugging is not performed for variable values.
3.5 Correspondence to Standard Libraries
There are 22 types of standard library combinations. Link a library listed in table 1.5 according to
the combination of a cpu, pic, endian, or double option.
shclib.lib (for SH1)
shcnpic.lib (for SH2, not for position independent code)
shcpic.lib (for SH2, for position independent code)
shc3npb.lib (for SH3, not for position independent code, big endian)
shc3pb.lib (for SH3, for position independent code, big endian)
shc3npl.lib (for SH3, not for position independent code, little endian)
shc3pl.lib (for SH3, for position independent code, little endian)
shcenpb.lib (for SH3E, not for position independent code, big endian)
shcepb.lib (for SH3E, for position independent code, big endian)
shcenpl.lib (for SH3E, for position independent code, little endian)
shcepl.lib (for SH3E, for position independent code, little endian)
shclibf.lib (for SH1, double = float option specification)
shcnpicf.lib (for SH2, not for position independent code, double = float option specification)
shcpicf.lib (for SH2, for position independent code, double = float option specification)
shc3npbf.lib (for SH3, not for position independent code, big endian, double = float option
shc3pbf.lib (for SH3, for position independent code, big endian, double = float option
shc3nplf.lib (for SH3, not for position independent code, little endian, double = float option
shc3plf.lib (for SH3, for position independent code, little endian, double = float option
shcenpbf.lib (for SH3E, not for position independent code, big endian, double = float option
shcepbf.lib (for SH3E, for position independent code, big endian, double = float option
shcenplf.lib (for SH3E, not for position independent code, little endian, double = float option
shceplf.lib (for SH3E, for position independent code, little endian, double = float option
Table 1.5 Correspondence between Standard Libraries and Compile Options
double specification None
endian specification endian = big endian = little
pic specification pic = 0 pic = 1 pic = 0 pic = 1
cpu = sh1 shclib.lib
cpu = sh2 shcnpic.lib shcpic.lib
cpu = sh3 shc3npb.lib shc3pb.lib shc3npl.lib shc3pl.lib
cpu = sh3e shcenpb.lib shcepb.lib shcenpl.lib shcepl.lib
double specification double = float
endian specification endian = big endian = little
pic specification pic = 0 pic = 1 pic = 0 pic = 1
cpu = sh1 shclibf.lib
cpu = sh2 shcnpicf.lib shcpicf.lib
cpu = sh3 shc3npbf.lib shc3pbf.lib shc3nplf.lib shc3plf.lib
cpu = sh3e shcenpbf.lib shcepbf.lib shcenplf.lib shceplf.lib
3.6 C Compiler Listings
This section describes C compiler listings and their formats.
3.6.1 Structure of C Compiler Listings
Table 1.6 shows the structure and contents of C compiler listings.
Table 1.6 Structure and Contents of C Compiler Listings
List Structure Contents Option Specification
Source listing Listing consists of
source programs show=[no]source No output
Source program listing after
include file and macro
(show=[no]expansion) No output
Object listing Machine language generated by
the C compiler and assembly
show=[no]object Output
Statistics Total number of errors, number
of source program lines, size of
each section (byte), and number
of symbols
show=[no]statistics Output
Command line
specification File names and options
specified in the command line Output
Notes: 1. All options are valid when listfile is specified.
2. The option enclosed in parentheses is only valid when show = source is specified.
3.6.2 Source Listing
The source listing can be output in two ways. When show = noinclude, noexpansion is specified,
the unpreprocessed source program is output. When show = include, expansion is specified, the
preprocessed source program is output. Figures 1.3 and 1.4 show examples of these output
formats. Bold characters in figure 1.4 show the differences.
************ SOURCE LISTING ************
FILE NAME: m0260.c
Seq File Line 0----+----1----+----2----+----3----+----4----+----5---
1 m0260.c 1 #include "header.h"
4 m0260.c 2
5 m0260.c 3 int sum2(void)
6 m0260.c 4 { int j;
7 m0260.c 5
8 m0260.c 6 #ifdef SMALL
9 m0260.c 7 j=SML_INT;
10 m0260.c 8 #else
11 m0260.c 9 j=LRG_INT;
12 m0260.c 10 #endif
13 m0260.c 11
14 m0260.c 12 return j;/* continue123456789012345678901234567
(1) (2) (3) + 2345678901234567890 */
15 m0260.c 13 }
Fi gu re 1. 3 Source Li s ti ng Ou tp u t f or sh ow = n oi n cl u d e, noexp an s ion
************ SOURCE LISTING ************
FILE NAME: m0260.c
Seq File Line 0----+----1----+----2----+----3----+----4----+----5---
1 m0260.c 1 #include "header.h"
2 header.h 1 #define SML_INT 1
3 header.h 2 #define LRG_INT 100 (4)
4 m0260.c 2
5 m0260.c 3 int sum2(void)
6 m0260.c 4 { int j;
7 m0260.c 5
8 m0260.c 6 #ifdef SMALL
9 m0260.c 7 X j=SML_INT;
10 m0260.c 8 (5) #else
11 m0260.c 9 E j=100;
12 m0260.c 10 (6) #endif
13 m0260.c 11
14 m0260.c 12 return j;/* continue123456789012345678901234567
(1) (2) (3) + 2345678901234564890 */
15 m0260.c 13 }
Figure 1.4 Source Listing Output for show = include, expansion
(1) Listing line number
(2) Source program file name or include file name
(3) Line number in source program or include file
(4) Source program lines resulting from an include file expansion when show = include is
(5) Source program lines that are not to be compiled due to conditional compile directives such as
#ifdef and #elif being marked with an X when show = expansion is specified.
(6) Source program lines containing a macro expansion #define directives being marked with an E
when show = expansion is specified.
(7) If a source program line is longer than the maximum listing line, the continuation symbol (±) is
used to indicate that the source program line is extended over two or more listing lines.
3.6.3 Object Listing
The object listing can be output in two ways. When show = source, object is specified, the source
program is output. When show = nosource, object is specified, the source program is not output.
Figures 1.5 and 1.6 show examples of these listings.
************ OBJECT LISTING ************
FILE NAME: m0251.c
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
m0251.c 1 extern int multipli(int);
m0251.c 2
m0251.c 3 int multipli(int x)
P 00000000 _multipli: ;function: multipli
; frame size=16 (7)
; used runtime library name:
; muli (8)
00000000 4F22 STS.L PR,R15
00000002 7FF4 ADD #-12,R15
00000004 1F42 MOV.L R4,@(8,R15)
m0251.c 4 {
m0251.c 5 int i;
m0251.c 6 int j;
m0251.c 7
m0251.c 8 j=1;
00000006 E201 MOV #1,R2
00000008 2F22 MOV.L R2,@R15
m0251.c 9 for(i=1;i<=x;i++){
0000000A E301 MOV #1,R3
0000000C 1F31 MOV.L R3,@(4,R15)
0000000E A009 BRA L213
00000010 0009 NOP
00000012 L214:
m0251.c 10 j*=i;
00000012 50F1 MOV.L @(4,R15),R0
00000014 61F2 MOV @R15,R1
00000016 D30A MOV.L L216+2,R3 ;_ _muli
00000018 430B JSR @R3
. .
. .
Figure 1.5 Object Listing Output for show = source, object
************ OBJECT LISTING ************
FILE NAME: m0251.c
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
P ; File m0251.c ,Line 3 ;block
00000000 _multipli: (6) ;function: multipli
; frame size=16 (7)
; used runtime library name:
; muli (8)
00000000 4F22 STS.L PR,@R15
00000002 7FF4 ADD #-12,R15
00000004 1F42 MOV.L R4,@(8,R15)
;File m0251.c ,Line 4 ;block
;File m0251.c ,Line 8 ;expression statement
00000006 E201 MOV #1,R2
00000008 2F22 MOV.L R2,@R15
;File m0251.c ,Line 9 ;for
0000000A E301 MOV #1,R3
0000000C 1F31 MOV.L R3,@(4,R15)
0000000E A009 BRA L213
00000010 0009 NOP
00000012 L214:
;File m0251.c ,Line 9 ;block
;File m0251.c ,Line 10 ;expression statement
00000012 50F1 MOV.L @(4,R15),R0
00000014 61F2 MOV.L @R15,R1
00000016 D30A MOV.L L216+2,R3 ;_ _muli
00000018 430B JSR @R3
. .
. .
Figure 1.6 Object Listing Output for show = nosource, object
(1) Section attribute (P, C, D, and B) of each section
(2) Offset address relative to the beginning of each section
(3) Contents of the offset address of each section
(4) Assembly code corresponding to machine language
(5) Comments corresponding to the program (only output when not optimized; however, labels are
always output)
(6) Line information of the program (only output when not optimized)
(7) Stack frame size in bytes (always output)
(8) Routine name that is being executed
3.6.4 Statistics Information
Figure 1.7 shows an example of statistics information.
********** ERROR INFORMATION ********** (1)
******** SOURCE LINE INFORMATION ******** (2)
******** SECTION SIZE INFORMATION ******** (3)
PROGRAM SECTION(P): 0x000044 Byte(s)
CONSTANT SECTION(C): 0x000000 Byte(s)
DATA SECTION(D): 0x000000 Byte(s)
BSS SECTION(B): 0x000000 Byte(s)
TOTAL PROGRAM SIZE: 0x000044 Byte(s)
********** LABEL INFORMATION ********** (4)
Figure 1.7 Statistics Information
(1) Total number of messages by the level
(2) Number of compiled lines from the source file
(3) Size of each section and total size of sections
(4) Number of external reference symbols, number of external definition symbols, and total
number of internal and external labels
Note: NUMBER OF INFORMATIONS in messages by the level ((1) above) is not output when
message option is not specified. Section size information (3) and label information (4) are
not output if an error-level error or a fatal-level error has occurred or when option
noobject is specified. In addition, section size information (3) is output (indicated as “1”)
or not output (indicated as “0”) according to its specification when option code = asmcode
is specified.
3.6.5 Command Line Specification
The file names and options specified on the command line when the compiler is invoked are
displayed. Figure 1.8 shows an example of command line specification information.
-listfile test.c
Figure 1.8 Command Line Specification
3.7 C Compiler Environment Variables
Environment variables to be used by the compiler are listed in table 1.7.
Table 1.7 Environment Variables
Variable Explanation in Use
SHC_LIB Specifies a directory at which compiler load module and system
include file exists.
SHC_INC Specifies a directory at which a system include file exists. More than
one directory can be specified by dividing directories using commas. A
system include file is searched for at a directory specified using an
include option specified directory, SHC_INC-specified directory, and
system directory (SHC_LIB) in this order.
SHC_TMP Specifies a directory where the compiler generates a temporary file.
This environment variable is required for a PC. For UNIX, a directory
indicated in TMPDIR is specified when this environment variable is
specified. If SHC_TMP or TMPDIR is not specified, a temporary file is
generated in /usr/tmp.
SHCPU Specifies CPU type by compiler –cpu option using environment
variables. The following is specified:
SHCPU=SH1 (same as –cpu=sh1)
SHCPU=SH2 (same as –cpu=sh2)
SHCPU=SHDSP (same as –cpu=sh2)
SHCPU=SH3 (same as –cpu=sh3)
SHCPU=SH3E (same as –cpu=sh3e)
An error will occur if anything other than the above is specified.
Specifying lower case characters will also generate an error.
When the specification of CPU by SHCPU environment variable and
–cpu option differs, a warning message is displayed. –cpu option has
priority to SHCPU specification.
3.8 Implicit Declaration by Option
Using –cpu, –pic, –endian, or –double option results in an implicit #define declaration. See the
Table 1.8 Implicit Declaration
Option Implicit Declaration
–cpu = sh1 #define _SH1 (including default)
–cpu = sh2 #define _SH2
–cpu = sh3 #define _SH3
–cpu = sh3e #define _SH3E
–pic #define _PIC
–endian = big #define _BIG (including default)
–endian = little #define _LIT
–double = float #define _FLT
The following shows an specification example.
#ifdef _BIG
#ifdef _SH1
...... Valid when –cpu = sh1 –endian = big option is specified
...... (Also valid when no option is specified for –cpu or –endian)
#ifdef _SH2
...... Valid when –cpu = sh2 option is specified
#ifdef _SH3
#ifdef _BIG
...... Valid when –cpu = sh3 –endian = big option is specificed
#ifdef _LIT
...... Valid when –cpu = sh3 –endian = little option is specified
Rules: 1. If no option is specified (default), #define _SH1 or #define _BIG is set.
2. The implicit #define declaration is specified as #undef in the source file.
Section 1 Limits of the C Compiler
Table 2.1 shows the limits on source programs that can be handled by the C compiler. Source
programs must fall within these limits. To edit and compile efficiently, it is recommended to split
the source program into smaller programs (approximately two ksteps) and compile them
Table 2.1 Limits of the C Compiler
Classification Item Limit
Invoking the C
compiler Number of source programs that can be compiled at one
time None*1
Total number of macro names that can be specified
using the define option None
Length of file name (characters) 128
Source programs Length of one line (characters) 4096
Number of source program lines in one file 65535
Number of source program lines that can be compiled None
Preprocessing Nesting levels of files in an #include directive 30
Total number of macro names that can be specified in a
#define directive None
Number of parameters that can be specified using a
macro definition or a macro call operation 63
Number of expansions of a macro name 32
Nesting levels of #if, #ifdef, #ifndef, #else, or #elif
directives 32
Total number of operators and operands that can be
specified in an #if or #elif directive 512
Declarations Number of function definitions 512
Number of internal labels*232767
Number of symbol table entries*324576
Total number of pointers, arrays, and functions that
qualify the basic type 16
Array dimensions 6
Table 2.1 Limits of the C Compiler (cont)
Classification Item Limit
Statements Nesting levels of compound statements 32
Nesting levels of statement in a combination of repeat
(while, do, and for) and select (if and switch)
Number of goto labels that can be specified in one
function 511
Number of switch statements 256
Nesting levels of switch statements 16
Number of case labels 511
Nesting levels of for statements 16
Expressions Number of parameters that can be specified using a
function definition or a function call operation 63
Total number of operators and operands that can be
specified in one expression About 500
Standard library Number of files that can be opened at once in open
function 20
Notes: 1. For PC, the number of command line that can be compiled at one time is limited to 127
2. An internal label is internally generated by the C compiler to indicate a static variable
address, case label address, goto label address, or a branch destination address
generated by if, switch, while, for, and do statements.
3. The number of symbol table entries is determined by adding the following numbers:
Number of external identifiers
Number of internal identifiers for each function
Number of string literals
Number of initial values for structures and arrays in compound statements
Number of compound statements
Number of case labels
Number of goto labels
Section 2 Executing a C Program
This section covers object programs which are generated by the C compiler. In particular, this
section explains the items necessary for the linkage of the C program with an assembly program,
or when incorporating a program into an SH system.
2.1 Structure of Object Programs: This section discusses the characteristics of memory areas
used for C programs and standard library functions.
2.2 Internal Data Representation: This section explains the internal representation of data used
by a C program. This information is required when data is shared among C programs, hardware,
and assembly programs.
2.3 Linkage with Assembly Programs: This section explains the rules for variables and function
names that can be mutually referenced by multiple object programs. This section also discusses
how to use registers, and how to transfer parameters and return values when a C program calls a
function. This information is required for C program functions calling assembly program routines
or vice versa.
Refer to respective hardware manuals for details on SH hardware.
2.1 Structure of Object Programs
This section discusses the characteristics of memory areas used by a C program or standard library
function in terms of the following items.
1. Section
Composed of memory areas which are allocated statically by the C compiler. Each section has
a name and type. A section name can be changed by the compiler option section.
2. Write Operation
Indicates whether write operations are enabled or disabled at program execution.
3. Initial Value
Shows whether there is an initial value when program execution starts.
4. Alignment
Restricts addresses to which data is allocated.
Table 2.2 shows the types and characteristics of those memory areas.
Table 2.2 Memory Area Types and Characteristics
Name Section
Name*1 Section
Type Write
Operation Initial
Value Alignment Contents
area P code Disabled Yes 4 bytes*2 Stores machine
area C data Disabled Yes 4 bytes Stores const
data area D data Enabled Yes 4 bytes Stores initial
data area
B data Enabled No 4 bytes Stores data
whose initial
values are not
Stack area Enabled No 4 bytes Required for
Refer to section
2.2 Dynamic
Area Allocation,
in part III,
Heap area Enabled No Used by a
library function
realloc, or
calloc). Refer to
section 2.2
Dynamic Area
Allocation, in
Notes: 1. Section name shown is the default generated by the C compiler when a specific name
is not specified by the compiler –section option.
2. Becomes 16 bytes when –align16 option is specified.
Example: This program example shows the relationship between a C program and the sections
generated by the C compiler.
int a=1;
char b;
const int c=0;
Program area
Constant area
Initialized data area
Non-initialized data area
C program Area to be generated by the compiler and
data to be stored in it.
2.2 Internal Data Representation
This section explains the internal representation of C language data types. The internal data
representation is determined according to the following four items:
1. Size
Shows the memory size necessary to store the data.
2. Alignment
Restricts the addresses to which data is allocated. There are three types of alignment; 1-byte
alignment in which data can be allocated to any address, 2-byte alignment in which data is
allocated to an even byte address, and 4-byte alignment in which data is allocated to an address
indivisible by four.
3. Data range
Shows the range of scalar-type data.
4. Data allocation example
Shows how the elements of combined-type data are allocated.
2.2.1 Scalar-Type Data
Table 2.3 shows the internal representation of scalar-type data used in C.
Table 2.3 Internal Representation of Scalar-Type Data
Data Range
Data Type Size
(bytes) Alignment
(bytes) Sign Minimum
Value Maximum
char (signed
char) 1 1 Used –27 (–128) 27 – 1 (127)
unsigned char 1 1 Unused 0 28 – 1 (255)
short 2 2 Used –215 (–32768) 215 – 1 (32767)
unsigned short 2 2 Unused 0 216 – 1 (65535)
int 4 4 Used –231 (–2147483648) 231 – 1
unsigned int 4 4 Unused 0 232 – 1
long 4 4 Used –231 (–2147483648) 231 – 1
unsigned long 4 4 Unused 0 232 – 1
enum 4 4 Used –231 (–2147483648) 231 – 1
float 4 4 Used +
double 8*1 4 Used +
long double
Pointer 4 4 Unused 0 232 – 1
Note: The size of double type is 4 bytes if –double=float option is specified.
2.2.2 Combined-Type Data
This part explains the internal representation of array, structure, and union data types. Table 2.4
shows the internal data representation of combined-type data.
Table 2.4 Internal Representation of Combined-Type Data
Data Type Alignment (bytes) Size (bytes) Data Allocation Example
Array Maximum array
element alignment Number of array elements
x element size int a[10];
Alignment: 4 bytes
Size: 40 bytes
Structure*1Maximum structure
member alignment Total size of members*1struct {
int a, b;
Alignment: 4 bytes
Size: 8 bytes
Union Maximum union
member alignment Maximum size of
member*2union {
int a,b;
Alignment: 4 bytes
Size: 4 bytes
In the following notes, a rectangle indicates four bytes.
Note 1:
When allocating a member of a structure type, an empty area may be created between a
member and the previous member to adjust the alignment of a data type of the member.
struct {
char a;
int b;}z;
z.a z.b
When a structure has a four-byte alignment, and the last member ends at the first, second or
third byte, the remaining bytes are included in a structure type area.
struct {
int a;
char b;}x;
Note 2:
When a union has a four-byte alignment, and the maximum value of the member size is not a
multiple of four, the remaining bytes up to a multiple of four are included in the union type
union {
int a;
char b [7];}w;
2.2.3 Bit Fields
A bit field is a member of a structure. This part explains how bit fields are allocated.
Bit field members: Table 2.5 shows the specifications of bit field members.
Table 2.5 Bit Field Member Specifications
Item Specifications
Type specifier allowed for bit fields char, unsigned char, short, unsigned short, int,
unsigned int, long, and unsigned long
How to treat a sign when data is
extended to the declared type*1A bit field with no sign (unsigned is specified for
type): Zero extension*2
A bit field with a sign (unsigned is not specified for
type): Sign extension*3
Notes: 1. To use a member of a bit field, data in the bit field is extended to the declared type.
One-bit field data with a sign is interpreted as the sign, and can only indicate 0 and –1.
To indicate 0 and 1, bit field data must be declared with unsigned.
2. Zero extension: Zeros are written to the high-order bits to extend data.
3. Sign extension: The most significant bit of a bit field is used as a sign and the sign is
written to all higher-order bits to extend data.
Bit field allocation: Bit field members are allocated according to the following five rules:
1. Bit field members are placed in an area beginning from the left, that is, the most significant bit.
struct b1{
int a:2;
int b:3;
31 x. b
2. Consecutive bit field members having type specifier of the same size are placed in the same
area as much as possible.
struct b1{
long a:2;
unsigned int b:3;
31 y. b
3. Bit field members having type specifier with different sizes are allocated to the following
struct b1{
int a:5;
char b:4;
4. If the number of remaining bits in the area is less than the next bit field size, though type
specifier indicate the same size, the remaining area is not used and the next bit field is
allocated to the next area.
struct b2{
char a:5;
char b:4;
31 v.a
5. If a bit field member with a bit field size of 0 is declared, the next member is allocated to the
next area.
struct b2{
char a:5;
char :0;
char c:3;
2.2.4 Memory Allocation of Little Endian
Memory is allocated to a data array using a little endian as follows.
One-byte data (char and unsigned char type): The order of bits in one-byte data for a big
endian and a little endian is the same.
Two-byte data (short and unsigned short type): The upper byte and the lower byte will be
reversed in two-byte data for a big endian and a little endian.
Example: When a two-byte data 0x1234 is allocated in an address 0x100:
big endian: address 0x100: 0x12 little endian: address 0x100: 0x34
address 0x101: 0x34 address 0x101: 0x12
Four-byte data (int, unsigned int, long, unsigned long, and float type): The upper byte and the
lower byte will be reversed in four-byte data for a big endian and a little endian.
Example: When a four-byte data 0x12345678 is allocated in an address 0x100:
big endian: address 0x100: 0x12 little endian: address 0x100: 0x78
address 0x101: 0x34 address 0x101: 0x56
address 0x102: 0x56 address 0x102: 0x34
address 0x103: 0x78 address 0x103: 0x12
Eight-byte data (double type): The order of eight-byte data will be reversed for a big endian and
a little endian.
Example: When a four-byte data 0x123456789abcdef is allocated in an address 0x100:
big endian: address 0x100: 0x01 little endian: address 0x100: 0xef
address 0x101: 0x23 address 0x101: 0xcd
address 0x102: 0x45 address 0x102: 0xab
address 0x103: 0x67 address 0x103: 0x89
address 0x104: 0x89 address 0x104: 0x67
address 0x105: 0xab address 0x105: 0x45
address 0x106: 0xcd address 0x106: 0x23
address 0x107: 0xef address 0x107: 0x01
Combined-Type Data: Members of combined-type data will be allocated in the same way as that
of a big endian. However, the order of byte data of each member will be reversed according to the
rule of data size.
Example: When the following function exists in address 0x100:
struct {
short a;
int b;
}z= {0x1234, 0x56789abc};
big endian: address 0x100: 0x12 little endian: address 0x100: 0x34
address 0x101: 0x34 address 0x101: 0x12
address 0x102: empty area address 0x102: empty area
address 0x103: empty area address 0x103: empty area
address 0x104: 0x56 address 0x104: 0xbc
address 0x105: 0x78 address 0x105: 0x9a
address 0x106: 0x9a address 0x106: 0x78
address 0x107: 0xbc address 0x107: 0x56
Bit field: Bit fields will be allocated in the same way as a big endian. However, the order of byte
data in each area will be reversed according to the rule of data size.
Example: When the following function exists in address 0x100:
struct {
long a:16;
unsigned int b:15;
short c:5
}y= {1, 1, 1};
big endian: address 0x100: 0x00 little endian: address 0x100: 0x02
address 0x101: 0x01 address 0x101: 0x00
address 0x102: 0x00 address 0x102: 0x01
address 0x103: 0x02 address 0x103: 0x00
address 0x104: 0x08 address 0x104: 0x00
address 0x105: 0x00 address 0x105: 0x08
address 0x106: empty area address 0x106: empty area
address 0x107: empty area address 0x107: empty area
2.3 Linkage with Assembly Programs
The C compiler supports intrinsic functions such as access to the SH microcomputer registers as.
Refer to section 3.2, Intrinsic Functions, in part II, C PROGRAMMING, for details on intrinsic
functions. However, processes that cannot be written in C, such as the multiply and accumulate
operation using the MAC instruction, should be written in assembly language and afterwards
linked to the C program.
This section explains two key items which must be considered when linking a C program to an
assembly program:
External identifier reference
Function call interface
2.3.1 External Identifier Reference
Functions and variable names declared as external identifiers in a C program can be referenced or
modified by both assembly programs and C programs. The following are regarded as external
identifiers by the C compiler:
A global variable which has a storage class other than static
A variable name declared in a function with storage class extern
A function name whose storage class is other than static
When variable names which are defined as external identifiers in C programs, are used in
assembly programs, an underscore character (_) must be added at the beginning of the variable
name (up to 250 characters without the leading underscore).
Example 1: An external identifier defined in an assembly program is referenced by a C program
In an assembly program, symbol names beginning with an underscore character (_) are
declared as external identifiers by an .EXPORT directive.
In a C program, symbol names (with no underscore character (_) at the head) are declared as
external identifiers.
Assembly program (definition) C program (reference)
.EXPORT _a, _b
_a: .DATA.L 1
_b: .DATA.L 1
extern int a,b;
Example 2: An external identifier defined in a C program is referenced by an assembly program
In a C program, symbol names (with no underscore character (_) at the head) are defined as
external identifiers.
In an assembly program, external references to symbol names beginning with an underscore
character (_) are declared by an .IMPORT directive.
C program (definition) Assembly program (reference)
int a; .IMPORT _a
MOV.L A_a,R1
MOV.L @R1,R0
ADD #1,R0
MOV.L R0,@R1
A_a: .DATA.L _a
2.3.2 Function Call Interface
When either a C program or an assembly program calls the other, the assembly programs must be
created using rules involving the following:
1. Stack pointer
2. Allocating and deallocating stack frames
3. Registers
4. Setting and referencing parameters and return values
Stack Pointer: Valid data must not be stored in a stack area with an address lower than the stack
pointer (in the direction of address H’0), since the data may be destroyed by an interrupt process.
Allocating and Deallocating Stack Frames: In a function call (right after the JSR or the BSR
instruction has been executed), the stack pointer indicates the lowest address of the stack used by
the calling function. Allocating and setting data at addresses greater than this one must be done by
the calling function.
After the called function deallocates the area it has set with data, control returns to the calling
function usually with the RTS instruction. The calling function then deallocates the area having a
higher address (the return value address and the parameter area).
Lower address
Upper address
SP : Area allocated by the called function
(during function call)
: Area deallocated by the called function
(after control returns from a function)
: Area deallocated by the calling function
Return value address
Parameter area
After function call and after
control returns from a function
Figure 2.1 Allocation and Deallocation of a Stack Frame
Registers: Some registers change after a function call, while some do not. Table 2.6 shows how
registers change according to the rules.
Table 2.6 Rules on Changes in Registers After a Function Call
Item Registers Used in a Function Notes on Programming
Registers whose
contents may change R0 to R7, FR0 to FR11*,
FPUL*, and FPSCR* If registers used in a function
contain valid data when a
program calls the function, the
program must push the data onto
the stack or register before
calling the function. The data in
registers used in called function
can be used freely without being
Registers whose
contents may not
R8 to R15, MACH, MACL, PR,
and FR12 to FR15* The data in registers used in
functions is pushed onto the
stack or register before calling
the function, and popped from
the stack or register only after
control returns from the function.
Note that data in the MACH and
MACL registers are not
guaranteed if the option
macsave=0 is specified.
Note: Indicates a register for SH3E floating point.
The following examples show the rules on register changes.
A subroutine in an assembly program is called by a C program
Assembly program (called program)
.EXPORT _sub
_sub: MOV.L R14,@-R15
MOV.L R13,@-R15
ADD #-8,R15
ADD #8,R15
MOV.L @R15+,R13
MOV.L @R15+,R14
Data in those registers needed by the called
function is pushed onto the stack.
Register data is popped from the stack.
Function processing
(Since data in registers R0 to R7 is pushed onto
a stack by the calling C program, the assembly
program can use them freely without
having to save them first.)
C program (calling program)
extern void sub();
A function in a C program is called by an assembly program
C program (called program)
void sub()
Assembly program (calling program)
.IMPORT _sub
STS.L PR,@-R15
MOV.L R1,@(1,R15)
MOV R3,R12
MOV.L A_sub,R0
LDS.L @R15+,PR
A_sub: .DATA.L _sub
The called function name prefixed with (_) is
declared by the .IMPORT directive.
The PR register is restored.
Store the PR register (return address storage
register) when calling the function.
If registers R0 to R7 contain valid data,
the data is pushed onto the stack or stored
in unused registers.
Calls function sub.
Address data of function sub.
Setting and Referencing Parameters and Return Values: This section explains how to set and
reference parameters and return values. The ways of setting and referencing parameters and return
values for each function depend on whether or not the type of the parameter or the return value is
declared explicitly. A prototype function declaration is used to declare parameters and returns
values explicitly.
This section first explains the general rules concerning parameters and return values, and then how
the parameter area is allocated, and how areas are established for return values.
General rules concerning parameters and return values
Passing parameters
A function is called only after parameters have been copied to a parameter area in registers
or on the stack. Since the calling function does not reference the parameter area after
control returns to it, the calling function is not affected even if the called function modifies
the parameters.
Rules on type conversion
Type conversion may be performed automatically when parameters are passed or a return
value is returned. The following explains the rules on type conversion.
Type conversion of parameters whose types are declared:
Parameters whose types are declared by prototype declaration are converted to the
declared types.
Type conversion of parameters whose types are not declared:
Parameters whose types are not declared by prototype declaration are converted
according to the following rules.
char, unsigned char, short, and unsigned short type parameters are converted to int
type parameters.
float type parameters are converted to double type parameters.
Types other than the above cannot be converted to another type.
Return value type conversion:
A return value is converted to the data type returned by the function.
(1) long f( );
long f( )
{ float x;
return x; The return value is converted to long by a
prototype declaration.
(2) void p ( int,... );
f( )
{ char c;
P ( 1.0, c );
} c is converted to int because a type is not
declared for the parameter.
1.0 is converted to int because the type of
the parameter is int.
Parameter area allocation
Parameters are allocated to registers, or when this is impossible, to a stack parameter area.
Figure 2.2 shows the parameter area allocation. Table 2.7 lists rules on general parameter area
Return value address
Parameter storage registers
Parameter area
(When CPU is SH3E)
Figure 2.2 Parameter Area Allocation
Table 2.7 General Rules on Parameter Area Allocation
Parameters Allocated to Registers
Storage Registers Target Type Parameters
Allocated to a Stack
R4 to R7 char, unsigned char, short,
unsigned short, int, unsigned
int, long, unsigned long, float
(when CPU is not SH3E), and
(1) Parameters whose types are other
than target types for register passing
(2) Parameters of a function which has
been declared by a prototype
declaration to have variable-number
FR4 to FR11*1 float (when CPU is SH3E) (3) Other parameters are already
allocated to R4 to R7.
Notes: 1. Indicates a register for SH3E floating point.
2. If a function has been declared to have variable-number parameters by a prototype
declaration, parameters which do not have a corresponding type in the declaration and
the immediately preceding parameter are allocated to a stack.
int f2(int,int,int,int,...);
f2(a,b,c,x,y,z); x, y, and z are allocated to a stack.
Parameter allocation
Allocation to parameter storage registers
Following the order of their declaration in the source program, parameters are allocated to
the parameter storage registers starting with the smallest numbered register. Figure 2.3
shows an example of parameter allocation to registers.
f(char a,int b)
31 8 7 0
Not guaranteed
Figure 2.3 Example of Allocation to Parameter Registers
Allocation to a stack parameter area
Parameters are allocated to the stack parameter area starting from lower addresses, in the
order that they are specified in the source program.
Note: Regardless of the alignment determined by the structure type or union type, parameters are
allocated using 4-byte alignment. Also, the area size for each parameter must be a
multiple of four bytes. This is because the SH stack pointer is incremented or
decremented in 4-byte units.
Refer to appendix B, Parameter Allocation Example, for examples of parameter allocation.
Return value writing area
The return value is written to either a register or memory depending on its type. Refer to table
2.8 for the relationship between the return value type and area.
When a function return value is to be written to memory, the return value is written to the area
indicated by the return value address. The caller must allocate the return value setting area in
addition to the parameter area, and must set the address of the former in the return value
address area before calling the function (see figure 2.4). The return value is not written if its
type is void.
Table 2.8 Return Value Type and Setting Area
Return Value Type Return Value Area
char, unsigned char, short, unsigned short, int,
unsigned int, long, unsigned long, float, and pointer R0: 32 bits
(The contents of the upper three bytes of
char, or unsigned char and the
contents of the upper two bytes of short
or unsigned short are not guaranteed.)
However, when the –rtnext option is
specified, sign extension is performed
for char or short type, and zero
extension is performed for unsigned
char or unsigned short type.
FR0: 32 bits
(When cpu is SH3E, and the return
value is float type.)
double, long double, structure, union Return value setting area (memory)
Return value
address area
Stack Lower address
Upper address
Return value
setting area
(allocated by the
calling side)
Figure 2.4 Return Value Setting Area Used When Return Value Is Written to Memory
Section 3 Extended Specifications
This section describes C compiler extended specifications:
interrupt functions
intrinsic functions
section change function
single-precision floating-point library
Japanese description in string literals
inline function
inline expansion in assembly language
specifying two-byte address variable
specifying GBR base variable
register save and recovery control
global variable register allocation
3.1 Interrupt Functions
A preprocessor directive (#pragma) specifies an external (hardware) interrupt function. The
following section describes how to create an interrupt function. Since the interrupt operation of
SH3 and SH3E differ from that of the SH1 and SH2, interrupt handlers are necessary.
3.1.1 Description
#pragma interrupt (function name [(interrupt specifications)]
[, function name [(interrupt specifications)]])
Table 2.9 lists interrupt specifications.
Table 2.9 Interrupt Specifications
Item Form Options Specifications
Stack switching
specification sp= <variable> |
| <constant>
The address of a new stack is specified with a
variable or a constant.
<variable>: Variable value
&<variable>: Variable (pointer type) address
<constant>: Constant value
tn= <constant> Termination is specified by the TRAPA instruction
<constant>: Constant value
(trap vector number)
3.1.2 Explanation
#pragma interrupt declares an interrupt function. An interrupt function will preserve register
values before and after processing (all registers used by the function are pushed onto and popped
from the stack when entering and exiting the function). The RTE instruction directs the function
to return. However, if the trap-instruction return is specified, the TRAPA instruction is executed
at the end of the function. An interrupt function with no specifications is processed in the usual
procedure. The stack switching specification and the trap-instruction return specification can be
specified together.
extern int STK[100];
int *ptr = STK + 100;
#pragma interrupt ( f( sp=ptr , tn=10 ) )
(a) (b)
(a) Stack switching specification: ptr is set as the stack pointer used by interrupt
function f.
(b) Trap-instruction return specification: After the interrupt function has
completed its processing, TRAPA #H'10 is executed. The SP at the beginning
of trap exception processing is shown in figure 2.5. After the previous PC and
SR (status register) are popped from the stack by the RTE instruction in the
trap routine, control is returned from the interrupt function.
Just after the interrupt function
has completed processing
(Immediately before the TRAPA
instruction is issued)
Lower address
Immediately after interrupt
Upper address
During interrupt function
Previous PC
Previous SR
Lower address
Upper address
Previous PC
Previous SR
Previous PC
Previous SR
Figure 2.5 Stack Processing by an Interrupt Function
3.1.3 Notes
1. Only global functions can be specified for an interrupt function definition and the storage class
specifier must be extern. Even if storage class static is specified, the storage class is handled
as extern.
The function must return void data. The return statement cannot have a return value. If
attempted, an error is output.
#pragma interrupt(f1(sp=100),f2)
void f1(){...} ....................... (a)
int f2(){...} ....................... (b)
Description: (a) is declared correctly.
(b) returns data that is not void, thus (b) is declared incorrectly. An error
is output.
2. A function declared as an interrupt function cannot be called within the program. If attempted,
an error is output. However, if the function is called within a program which does not declare
it to be an interrupt function, an error is not output but correct program execution will not be
Example (An interrupt function is declared):
#pragma interrupt(f1)
void f1(void){...}
int f2(){ f1();} ............. (a)
Description: Function f1 cannot be called in the program because it is declared as an
interrupt function. An error is output at (a).
Example (An interrupt function is not declared):
int f1();
int f2(){ f1();} ............. (b)
Description: Because function f1 is not declared as an interrupt function, an object for extern
int f1(); is generated. If function f1 is declared as an interrupt function in
another file, correct program execution cannot be guaranteed.
3.2 Intrinsic Functions
The C compiler provides the intrinsic functions for the SH microcomputer, which (functions) are
described below.
3.2.1 Intrinsic Functions
The following functions can be specified by intrinsic functions.
Setting and referencing the status register
Setting and referencing the vector base register
I/O functions using the global base register
System instructions which do not compete with register sources in C
3.2.2 Description
<machine.h>, <umachine.h>, or <smachine.h> must be specified when using intrinsic functions.
3.2.3 Intrinsic Function Specifications
Table 2.10 lists intrinsic functions.
Table 2.10 Intrinsic Functions
No Item Function Specification Description
1 Status
Setting the status
register void set_cr(int cr) Sets cr (32 bits) in the
status register
2 Referencing to the
status register int get_cr(void) Refers to the status
3 Setting the interrupt
mask void set_imask(int mask) Sets mask (4 bits) in
the interrupt mask (4
4 Referencing to the
interrupt mask int get_imask(void) Refers to the interrupt
mask (4 bits)
5 Vector
base Setting the vector
base register void set_vbr(void **base) Sets **base (32 bits)
in VBR
(VBR) Referencing to the
vector base register void **get_vbr(void) Refers to VBR
7 Global
base Setting GBR void set_gbr(void *base) Sets *base (32 bits) in
(GBR) Referencing to GBR void *get_gbr(void) Refers to GBR
9 Referencing to
GBR- based byte unsigned char
gbr_read_byte(int offset) Refers to byte data (8
bits) at the address
indicated by adding
GBR and the offset
10 Referencing to
GBR- based word unsigned short
gbr_read_word(int offset) Refers to word data
(16 bits) at the
address indicated by
adding GBR and the
offset specified
11 Referencing to
GBR- based long
unsigned long
gbr_read_long(int offset) Refers to long word
data (32 bits) at the
address indicated by
adding GBR and the
offset specified
Table 2.10 Intrinsic Functions (cont)
No Item Function Specification Description
12 Global
Setting GBR-based
byte void gbr_write_byte
(int offset,
unsigned char data)
Sets data (8 bits) at
the address indicated
by adding GBR and
the offset specified
13 Setting GBR-based
word void gbr_write_word
(int offset,
unsigned short data)
Sets data (16 bits) at
the address indicated
by adding GBR and
the offset specified
14 Setting GBR-based
long word void gbr_write_long
(int offset,
unsigned long data)
Sets data (32 bits) at
the address indicated
by adding GBR and
the offset specified
15 AND of GBR base void gbr_and_byte
(int offset,
unsigned char mask)
ANDs mask with the
byte data at the
address indicated by
adding GBR and the
offset specified, and
then stores the result
at the same address
16 OR of GBR base void gbr_or_byte
(int offset,
unsigned char mask)
ORs mask with the
byte data at the
address indicated by
adding GBR and the
offset specified, and
then stores the result
at the same address
17 XOR of GBR base void gbr_xor_byte
(int offset,
unsigned char mask)
XORs mask with the
byte data at the
address indicated by
adding GBR and the
offset specified, and
then stores the result
at the same address
Table 2.10 Intrinsic Functions (cont)
No Item Function Specification Description
18 Global
TEST of GBR base int gbr_tst_byte
(int offset,
unsigned char mask)
ANDs mask with the
byte data at the
address indicated by
adding GBR and the
offset specified, and
checks if the byte
data at the offset from
GBR is 0 or not, and
sets the result in the T
19 Special
SLEEP instruction void sleep(void) Expands the SLEEP
20 TAS instruction int tas(char *addr) Expands TAS.B
21 TRAPA instruction int trapa(int trap_no) Expands TRAPA
22 Special
OS system call int trapa_svc(
int trap_no, int code,
type1 para1, type2 para2,
type3 para3, type4 para4)
trap-no: Trap number
code: Function code
para 1 to 4:Parameter (0 to 4
type 1 to 4: Parameter type:
general integer or pointer type
Enables executing HI-
SH7 (Hitachi
Industrial Realtime
Operating System
SH7000 Series) and
other OS system
calls. When
trapa_svc is
executed, code is
specified in R0, and
para 1 to para4 in R4
to R7, respectively.
#trap_no is executed.
23 PREF instruction void prefetch (void *p)
Note: The instruction is
prefetched only when the
compiler option cpu = sh3 is
If the instruction is
prefetched, an area
indicated by the
pointer (16-byte data
from (int)p&0xfffffff0)
is written to the cache
memory. This does
not affect any
programming logical
Table 2.10 Intrinsic Functions (cont)
No Item Function Specification Description
24 Mutiply and
instruction int macw(
short *ptr1, short *ptr2,
unsigned int count)
int macwl(
short *ptr1, short *ptr2,
unsigned int count,
unsigned int mask)
ptr1: Start address of data to
be multipled or
ptr2: Same as above
count:Number of times the
operation is performed
mask:Address mask that
correspond to the ring
A multiply and
accumulate operation
intrinsic function
multiplies and
accumulates contents
of two data tables.
short tbl1[]=
short tbl2[]=
In this case,
macw(tbl1, tbl2, 3)
calculates a1* b1
+a2* b2+a3* b3. Using
a ring buffer
25 MAC.L
instruction int macl(
int *ptr1, int *ptr2,
unsigned int count)
int macll(
int *ptr1, int*ptr2,
unsigned int count,
unsigned int mask)
The parameter specification is the
same as those of No. 24.
Note: macl and macll can be used
only when the compiler option
cpu = sh2, sh3, or sh3e is
function, tbl2 can be
calculated recursively.
The number of
calculation times is 2n.
When the data size is
two bytes and the ring
buffer mask is four
bytes (0xfffffffb or up
to 0x4), macwl(tbl1,
tbl2, 4, 0xfffffffb) is
calculated as
3.2.4 Notes
1. The offsets (excluding No. 15 to 18) and masks (excluding No.3) shown in table 2.10, Intrinsic
Functions, must be constants.
2. The specification range for offsets is +255 bytes when the access size is shown as a byte, +510
bytes when the access size is shown as a word, and +1020 bytes when the access size is shown
as a long word.
3. Masks which can be specified for performing logical operations (AND, OR, XOR, or TEST)
on a location relative to GBR (global base register) must be within the range of 0 to +255.
4. As GBR is a control register whose contents are not preserved by all functions in this C
compiler, take care when changing GBR settings.
5. The multiply and accumulate operation´s instrinsic function does not check for parameters.
Therefore, keep the following in mind:
a. Tables indicated by ptr1 and ptr2 must be aligned to sizes in 2 bytes and 4 bytes,
b. Tables indicated by ptr2 in macwl and macwll must be aligned to the size of the ring buffer
mask x 2.
3.2.5 Example
#include <machine.h>
#define CDATA1 0
#define CDATA2 1
#define CDATA3 2
#define SDATA1 4
#define IDATA1 8
#define IDATA2 12
char cdata1; /* offset 0 */
char cdata2; /* offset 1 */
char cdata3; /* offset 2 */
short sdata1; /* offset 4 */
int idata1; /* offset 8 */
int idata2; /* offset 12 */
void f();
void f()
set_gbr( &table); /* Set the start address of table to */
: /* GBR. */
gbr_write_byte( CDATA2, 10); /* Set 10 to table.cdata2. */
gbr_write_long( IDATA2, 100); /* Set 100 to table.idata2. */
if(gbr_read_byte( CDATA2) != 10) /* Refer to table.cdata2. */
gbr_and_byte( CDATA2, 10); /* AND 10 and table.cdata2, and set */
/* it in table.cdata2. */
gbr_or_byte( CDATA2, 0x0F); /* OR 0x0F and table.cdata2, and set */
: /* it in table.cdata2. */
sleep(); /* Expand to the sleep instruction */
Effective Use of Intrinsic Functions:
1. Allocate frequently accessed object to memory and set the start address of the object to GBR.
2. In step 1., byte data frequently used in logical operations should be declared within 128 bytes
of the start address of the structure. As a result, the following instructions can be reduced: start
address load instruction necessary for structure accessing and load/store instructions necessary
for performing logical operation.
3.2.6 Dividing <machine.h>
<machine.h> is divided as follows to correspond to the SH3 execution mode:
1. <machine.h>: Overall intrinsic functions
2. <smachine.h>: Intrinsic functions that can be used in the privilege mode
3. <umachine.h>: Intrinsic functions except <smachine.h>:
3.3 Section Change Function
A section name to be output in a C program by the compiler can be changed using #pragma
section. By using this section change function, you do not need to divide files in units of functions
or variables to allocate addresses, which was required previously. The following explains more
details on this function.
3.3.1 Description
#pragma section name | value
<source program>
#pragma section
3.3.2 Explanation
Specify a section name using #pragma section name or #pragma section value. A section after a
declaration in a source program will be P section name + name (numeric value), D section name +
name (numeric value), C section name + name (numeric value) and, B section name + name
(numeric value). A default section name becomes valid after #pragma section is declared.
3.3.3 Notes
1. #pragma section must be specified outside the function declaration.
2. A maximum of 64 section names can be declared in one file.
3.3.4 Example
#pragma section abc
int a; /* a is allocated to section Babc. */
extern const int c=1; /* c is allocated to section Cabc. */
f( ) { /* f is allocated to section Pabc. */
#pragma section /* b is allocated to section B. */
int b; /* g is allocated to section P. */
g( ) {
In the above example, when the compile option section = P = PROG is specified, f and g are
allocated to section PROGabc and PROG, respectively.
3.4 Single-Precision Floating-Point Library
A single-precision floating-point library (mathf.h) can be used in addition to an ANSI standard
floating-point library (math.h). The single-precision floating-point library consists of functions
listed in table 2.11.
3.4.1 Description
A suffix f is added to a double-precision ANSI standard library function name to be a single-
precision floating point library function name. If a parameter or return type is double or pointer to
a double-type, it will be float or pointer to float, respectively. Other specifications are the same
as those of the ANSI standard C library.
3.4.2 Notes
Before using this library, be sure to declare #include<mathf.h> and #include<math.h>.
Table 2.11 Function List of Single-Precision Floating-Point Library
Function Name Description
float acosf (float x) Anti cosine: acos x
float asinf (float x) Anti sine: asin x
float atanf (float x) Anti tangent: atan x
float atan2f (float y, float x) Anti tangent of a result given by division: atan (x / y)
float cosf (float x) Cosine: cos x
float sinf (float x) Sine: sin x
float tanf (float x) Tangent: tan x
float coshf (float x) Hyperbolic cosine: cosh x
float sinhf (float x) Hyperbolic sine: sinh x
float tanhf (float x) Hyperbolic tangent: tanh x
float expf (float x) Exponential function: ex
float frexpf (float x, int *p) Divided into 0.5 and 1.0, and the square of two and multiplication:
suppose result=frexp (x, p), x=2*p x result (0.5 result < 1.0)
float ldexpf (float x, int i) Square of two and multiplication: x X 2i
float logf (float x) Natural logarithm: log x
float log10f (float x) Common logarithm that has 10 as a base: log10x
float modff (float x, float *p) Suppose result = modff (x, y),
x is divided into integer *p and floating point result
float powf (float x, float y) Square: xy
float sqrtf (float x) Positive square root: x
float ceilf (float x) Result given by rounding up numbers after a decimal point of x
float fabsf (float x) Absolute value: | x |
float floorf (float x) Result given by rounding down numbers after a decimal point of x
float fmodf (float x, float y) Reminder after division
Suppose result = fmodf (x, y) and q quotient,
x = q × y + result
3.5 Japanese Description in String Literals
Japanese can be included in string literals. Select a character code of euc or sjis option. When
this option is omitted, the default setting is specified as table 2.12.
Table 2.12 Default Settings of Japanese Code
Host Computer Default Settings
HP9000 / 7000 Shift JIS
Note: The character code in the object program will be the same as that in the source program.
Character constants cannot be specified in Japanese.
3.6 Inline Function
A function name to expand at compilation is specified.
3.6.1 Description
#pragma inline (function name, ...)
3.6.2 Explanation
A function specified by #pragma inline or a function with specifier inline will be expanded where
the function is called. However, a function will not be expanded where the function is called in
the following cases:
a function definition exists before the #pragma inline specification
a function has a flexible parameter
a parameter address is referenced in a function
an address of a function to be expanded is used to call a function
3.6.3 Notes
1. Specify #pragma inline before defining a function.
2. When a source program file includes an inline function description, be sure to specify static
before the function declaration because an external definition is generated for a function
specified by #pragma inline. If static is specified, an external definition will not be created.
3.6.4 Example
Source Program Inline expansion Image
#pragma inline(func) int x;
int func (int a, int b) main( )
return (a+b)/2; int func_result;
} {
int x; int a_1 = 10, b_1 = 20;
main( ) func_result = (a_1+b_1)/2;
{ }
x = func(10, 20); x = func_result;
3.7 Inline Expansion in Assembly Language
A function that is written in an assembly language is expanded where the function is called in a
C source file.
3.7.1 Description
#pragma inline_asm (function name[(size=numeric value)], ...)
3.7.2 Explanation
Parameters of a function that is written in an assembly language are referenced from an inline_asm
function because they are stacked or stored in registers in the same way as general function calls.
A return value of a function that is written in an assembly should be set in R0.
The specification (size=numeric value) specifies the size of the assembler inline function.
3.7.3 Notes
1. Specify #pragma inline_asm before defining a function.
2. When a source program file includes an inline function description, be sure to specify static
before the function declaration because an external definition is generated for a function
specified by #pragma inline_asm. If static is specified, an external definition will not be
3. Be sure to use local labels in a function written in an assembly language.
4. When using registers R8 to R15 in a function written in an assembly language, the contents of
these registers must be saved and recovered at the start and end of the function.
5. Do not use RTS at the end of a function written in an assembly language.
6. When using this function, be sure to compile programs using the object type specification
option code=asmcode.
7. When specifying a number by (size=numeric value), specify a number larger than the actual
object size. If a value smaller than the actual object size is specified, correct operation will not
be guaranteed. If a floating point or a numeric value below 0 is specified, an error will occur.
3.7.4 Example
Source Program Output Result (partial)
#pragma inline_asm(rot1) :
int rotl (int a) _main ;function main
{ ;frame size = 4
ROTL R4 MOV.L R14, @–R15
MOV R4, R0 MOV.L L220+2, R14; _x
} MOV.L L220+6, R3 ; H’55555555
int x; MOV.L R3, @R14
main( ) MOV R3, R4
{ BRA L219
x = 0x55555555; N OP
x = rotl(x); L220:
} .RES.W 1
.DATA.L _x
.DATA.L H'55555555
MOV R4, R0
MOV.L R0, @R14
MOV.L @R15+, R14
_x : ;static: x
.RES.L 1
3.8 Specifying Two-byte Address Variables
A variable can be allocated to a two-byte address area (H’0000000 to H’0007FFF and H’FFF8000
3.8.1 Description
#pragma abs16 (identifier, ...)
3.8.2 Explanation
A variable specified using an identifier or an address of a function is treated as
two-byte data. Then, program size can be reduced.
3.8.3 Notes
1. Directive #pragma abs16 cannot be used to specify an automatic object.
2. Variables declared in directive #pragma abs16 must be allocated in addresses H’0000000 to
H’0007FFF or H’FFF8000 to H’FFFFFFF.
3.9 Specifying GBR Base Variables
A variable is accessed using a GBR register with an offset value.
3.9.1 Description
#pragma gbr_base (variable name, ...)
#pragma gbr_base1 (variable name, ...)
3.9.2 Explanation
Variables specified by #pragma gbr_base and #pragma gbr_base1 are allocated to sections $G0
and $G1, respectively. The directive #pragma gbr_base is used when the variable is located in an
offset of 0 to 127 bytes from the address specified by the GBR register. The directive #pragma
gbr_base1 is used when the variable is located in an offset of 128 or more bytes from the address
specified in the GBR register, that is, when a variable is in a range that cannot be accessed by
#pragma gbr_base. An offset value is 255 bytes at maximum for a char or unsigned char type,
510 bytes at maximum for a short or unsigned short, and 1020 bytes at maximum for an int,
unsigned, long, unsigned long, float, or double type. Based on the above specification, the
compiler generates an object program in a GBR relative addressing mode that is optimized
according to variable reference and settings. The compiler also generates an optimized bit
instruction in the GBR indirect addressing to char or unsigned type data in the $G0 section.
3.9.3 Notes
1. If the total program size after linking with section $G0 exceeds 128 bytes, the correct operation
will not be guaranteed. In addition, if there is data that has an offset value that exceeds those
specified above for #pragma gbr_base1 in section $G1, correct operation will not be
2. Section $G1 must be allocated immediately after 128 bytes of section $G0 when linking.
3. When using this function, be sure to set the start address of section $G0 in the GBR register at
the beginning of program execution.
3.10 Register Save and Recovery Control
Register contents of a function can be saved or recovered.
3.10.1 Description
#pragma noregsave (function name, ...)
#pragma noregalloc (function name, ...)
#pragma regsave (function name, ...)
3.10.2 Explanation
1. Functions specified by #pragma noregsave do not save or allow the recovery of the contents of
registers to guarantee their values (see table 2.6) at the beginning or end of a function.
2. Functions specified by #pragma noregalloc do not save or allow the recovery of the contents of
registers to guarantee their values at the beginning or end of a function, but do generate an
object before or after the function call. Registers R8 to R14 are not allocated to the object.
3. Functions specified by #pragma regsave do not save or allow the recovery of the contents of
registers to guarantee their values at the beginning or end of a function, but do generate an
object before or after the function call. Registers R8 to R14 are not allocated to the object.
4. #pragma regsave and #pragma noregalloc can specify the same function at the same time. In
this case, the contents of registers R8 to R14 that guarantee their values are saved and
recovered at the beginning or end of a function, and generate an object before or after the
function call. Registers R8 to R14 are not allocated to the object.
5 Functions specified by #pragma noregsave can be used in the following conditions:
a. A function is first activated and is not called from any other function.
b. A function is called from a function that is specified by #pragma regsave.
c. A function is called from a function that is specified by #pragma regsave via #pragma
3.10.3 Notes
If a function that is specified by #pragma noregsave is called in a way other than explained above,
the obtained data is not guaranteed.
3.10.4 Example
#pragma noregsave (f)
#pragma noregalloc (g)
#pragma regsave (h)
h ( )
g ( );
f ( ); /* function call immediately after function call (f) #pragma noregsave */
} /* from function (h) #pragma regsave */
g ( )
f ( ); /* function call (f) #pragma noregsave from function (h) #pragma */
/* regsave through function (g) #pragma noregalloc */
f ( )
3.11 Global Variable Register Allocation
Registers are allocated to global variables.
3.11.1 Description
#pragma global_register (<variable name>=<register name>, ...)
3.11.2 Explanation
This function allocates the register specified in <register name> to the global variable specified in
<variable name>.
3.11.3 Notes
1. This function is used for a simple or pointer type variable in the global variable. Do not
specify a double type variable unless –double=float option is specified.
2. Only use registers R8 to R14 and FR12 to FR15 (FR12 to FR15: when using SH3E).
3. The initial value cannot be set. In addition, the address cannot be referenced.
4. The specified variable cannot be referenced from the linked side.
3.11.4 Example
#pragma global_register(x=R13,y=R14)
int x;
char *y;
func(int a)
x = a;
Section 4 Notes on Programming
This section contains notes on coding programs for the C compiler and troubleshooting when
compiling or debugging programs.
4.1 Coding Notes
4.1.1 float Type Parameter Function
Functions must declare prototypes or treat float type as double type when receiving and passing
float type parameters. Data cannot be preserved (guaranteed) when a float type parameter
function without a prototype declaration receives and passes data.
void f (float); - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - (1)
g ()
float a;
f (a);
f (float x)
Function f has a float type parameter. Therefore, a prototype must be declared as shown in (1)
4.1.2 Program Whose Evaluation Order is Not Regulated
The effect of the execution is not guaranteed in a program whose execution results differ
depending on the evaluation order.
a[i]=a[++i]; The value of i on the left side differs depending on whether the right
side of the assignment expression is evaluated first.
sub(++i, i); The value of i for the second parameter differs depending on whether
the first function parameter is evaluated first.
4.1.3 Overflow Operation and Zero Division
At run time if overflow operation or zero division is performed, error messages will not be output.
However, if an overflow operation or zero division is included in the operations for one or more
constants, error messages will be output at compilation.
int ia;
int ib;
float fa;
float fb;
/* Compilation error messages are output when an overflow operation */
/* and zero division are included in operations for one or more */
/* constants. */
ia=99999999999; /* (W) Detect integer constant overflow. */
fa=3.5e+40f; /* (W) Detect floating pointing constant */
/* overflow. */
ia=1/0; /* (E) Detect division by zero. */
fa=1.0/0.0; /* (W) Detect division by floating point zero. */
/* No error message on overflow at execution is output. */
ib=ib+32767; /* Ignore integer constant overflow. */
fb=fb+3.4e+38f; /* Ignore floating point constant overflow. */
4.1.4 Assignment to const Variables
Even if a variable is declared with const type, if assignment is done to a variable other than const
converted from const type or if a program compiled separately uses a parameter of a different
type, the C compiler cannot detect the error
1. const char *p; /* Because the first parameter p in library */
. /* function strcat is a pointer for char, */
. /* the area indicated by the parameter p */
strcat(p, "abc") /* may change. */
2. file 1
const int i;
file 2
extern int i; /* In file 2, parameter i is not declared as */
: /* const, therefore assignment to it in */
i=10; /* file 2 is not an error. */
4.1.5 Precision of Mathematical Function Libraries
For function acos (x) and asin (x), an error is x1. Therefore, precautions must be taken. Note the
error range below.
Absolute error for acos (1.0 – ε) double precision 2–39 (ε = 2–33)
single precision 2–21 (ε =2–19)
Absolute error for asin (1.0 – ε) double precision 2–39 (ε = 2–28)
single precision 2–21 (ε =2–16)
4.2 Notes on Program Development
Table 2.13 shows troubleshootings for developing programs from compilation through debugging.
Table 2.13 Troubleshooting
Trouble Check Points Solution References
When linking, error
314, cannot found
section, is output
The section name which is output by
the C compiler must be specified in
capitals in start option of linkage
Specify the
Section 2.1, Structure
of Object Programs
in part II,
When linking, error
105, undefined
external symbol, is
If identifiers are mutually referenced
by a C program and an assembly
program, an underscore must be
attached to the symbol in the
assembly program.
Refer to
with the
Section 2.3.1,
External Identifier
Reference, in part II,
Check if the C program uses a
library function. Specify a
library as
the input
library at
Standard library
specification: Section
3.5, Correspondence
to Standard Libraries,
in part I, OVERVIEW
An undefined reference symbol
identifier must not start with a
_ _ (A run time routine in a standard
library must be used.)
Routine: Section 2.1
Check if a standard I/O library
function is used in the C program. Create low
routines for
Section 4.6, Creating
Low-Level Interface
Routines, in part III,
Debugging at the C
source level cannot
be performed
debug option must be specified at
both compilation and linkage. Specify
option at
and linkage.
Section 3.3, Compiler
Options, in part I,
A linkage editor of Ver.5.0 or higher
must be used. Use a
editor of.
Ver.5.0 or
Table 2.13 Troubleshooting (cont)
Trouble Check Points Solution References
When linking, error
No. 108 relocation
size overflow is
Check if an offset value of a variable
specified using a GBR base is within
the range.
for data
beyond the
Section 3.9,
Specifying GBR Base
Variables, in part II,
When linking, error
No. 104 duplicate
symbol is output
Check if a variable or function
whose name is the same as that of
other variables or functions exists in
more than one file.
Change the
name of the
variable or
function, or
Check if a variable or function is
externally defined in a header file to
be included in more than one file
(the above is the same in the case
of a function specified (#pragma
inline/ inline_asm).
static. Section 3.6.3, Notes
and 3.7.3, Notes, in
part II,
Section 1 Overview of System Installation
Part III describes how to install object programs generated by the C compiler on an SH system.
Before installation, memory allocation and execution environment for the object program must be
Memory Allocation: Allocate a stack area, a heap area, and each section of a C-compiler-
generated object program in ROM or RAM on a SH system.
Execution Environment Setting for a C-Compiler-Generated Object Program: Set the
execution environment by register initialization, memory area initialization, and C program
initiation. Write these processing functions in assembly language.
If C library functions such as the I/O function are used, library must be initialized when setting the
execution environment specification.
Section 2 describes how to allocate C programs in memory area and how to specify linkage
editor's commands that actually allocate a program in memory area, using examples.
Section 3 describes items to be specified in execution environment setting and execution
environment specification programs.
Section 4 describes how to create C library function initialization and low-level routines.
Note: If I/O function (stdio.h) and memory allocation function (stdlib.h) are used, the user must
create low-level I/O routines and memory allocation routines appropriate to the user
Section 2 Allocating Memory Areas
To install an object program generated by the C compiler on a system, determine the size of each
memory area, and allocate the areas appropriately to the memory addresses.
Some memory areas, such as the area used to store machine code and the area used to store data
declared using external definitions or static data members, are allocated statically. Other memory
areas, such as the stack area, are allocated dynamically.
This section describes how the size of each area is determined and how to allocate an area in
2.1 Static Area Allocation
2.1.1 Data to be Allocated in Static Area
Allocate sections of object programs such as program area, constant area, initialized data area, and
non-initialized data area to the static area.
2.1.2 Static Area Size Calculation
Calculate the static area size by adding the size of C-compiler-generated object program and that
of library functions used by the C program. After object program linkage, determine the static
area size from each section size including library size output on a linkage map listing. Before
object program linkage, the approximate size of the static area can be determined from the section
size information on a compile listing. Figure 3.1 shows an example of section size information.
* * * * * * * SECTION SIZE INFORMATION * * * * * * *
PROGRAM SECTION(P): 0x00004A Byte(s)
CONSTANT SECTION(C): 0x000018 Byte(s)
DATA SECTION(D): 0x000004 Byte(s)
BSS SECTION(B): 0x000004 Byte(s)
TOTAL PROGRAM SIZE: 0x00006A Byte(s)
Figure 3.1 Section Size Information
If the standard library is not used, calculate the static area size by adding the memory area size
used by sections shown in section size information. However, if the standard library is used, add
the memory area used by the library functions to the memory area size of each section. The
standard library includes C library functions based on the C language specifications and arithmetic
routines required for C program execution. Accordingly, link the standard library to the C source
program even if library functions are not used in the C source program.
The C compiler provides the standard library including C library functions (based on the C
language specifications), and arithmetic routines (runtime routines required for C program
execution). The size required for run time routines must also be added to the memory area size in
the same way as C library functions.
The run time routine used by the C programs are output as external reference symbols in the
assembly programs generated by the C compiler (option code = asmcode). The user can see the
run time routine names used in the C programs through the external reference symbols.
The following shows the example of C program and assembly program listings.
C program
f( int a, int b)
a /= b;
return a;
Assembly program output by the C compiler
.IMPORT _ _divls ; An external reference definition for the run time routine
_f: ;function: f
;frame size=4
;used runtime library name:
;_ _divls
STS.L PR, @–R15
MOV R5, R0
MOV.L L218, R3 ;_ _divls
MOV R4, R1
LDS.L @R15+, PR
.DATA.L _ _divls
In the above example, _ _divls is a run time routine used in the C program.
2.1.3 ROM and RAM Allocation
When allocating a program to memory, allocate static areas to either ROM and RAM as shown
Program area (section P): ROM
Constant area (section C): ROM
Non-initialized data area (section B): RAM
Initialized data area (section D): ROM and RAM (for details, refer to the following section)
2.1.4 Initialized Data Area Allocation
The initialized data area contains data with initial value. Since the C language specifications allow
the user to modify initialized data in programs, the initialized data area must be allocated to ROM
when linking and is copied to RAM before program execution. Therefore, the initialized data area
must be allocated in both ROM and RAM.
However, if the initialized data area contains only static variables that are not modified during
program execution, the initialized data needs to be allocated only to the ROM area. In this case,
the data does not need to be allocated to the RAM area.
2.1.5 Memory Area Allocation Example and Address Specification at Program Linkage
Each program section must be addressed by the option or subcommand of the linkage editor when
the absolute load module is created, as described below.
Figure 3.2 shows an example of allocating static areas.
Interrupt vector
Program area
Constant area
Initialized data area
Initialized data area
data area
Dynamic area
P,C,D,B: Default section name
generated by the
C compiler
R: Section name specified
by the linkage editor
ROM support function
Figure 3.2 Static Area Allocation
Specify the following subcommands when allocating the static area as shown in figure 3.2.
ROM(D,R) ----------------(1)
(1) Define section R having the same size as section D, in the output load module. To reference
the symbol allocated to section D, reallocate to the address of section R and reference to the
symbol in section R. Sections D and R are allocated to initialized data section in ROM and
RAM, respectively.
(2) Allocate sections P, C, and D to internal ROM starting from address 0x400 and allocate
sections R and B to RAM starting from address 0x9000000.
2.2 Dynamic Area Allocation
2.2.1 Dynamic Areas
Two types of dynamic areas for C program are used:
1. Stack area
2. Heap area (used by the memory allocation library functions)
2.2.2 Dynamic Area Size Calculation
Stack Area: The stack area used in C programs is allocated each time a function is called and is
deallocated each time a function is returned. The total stack area size is calculated based on the
stack size used by each function and the nesting of function calls.
Stack Area Used by Each Function: The object list (frame size) output by the C compiler
determines the stack size used by each function. The following example shows the object list,
stack allocation, and stack size calculation method.
Example: The following shows the object list and stack size calculation in a C program.
extern int h(char, int *, double);
int h(char a, register int *b, double c)
char *d;
d= &a;
register int i;
i= *d;
return i;
************ OBJECT LISTING ************
FILE NAME: m0251.c
00000000 _h: ; function: h
; frame size=20
00000000 2FE6 MOV.L R14,@-R15
00000002 4F22 STS.L PR,@-R15
Area used
within a
R15(SP) 0
The size of the stack area used by a function is equal to frame size. Therefore, in the above
example, the stack size used by the function h is 20 bytes which is shown as frame size = 20 in
For details on the size of parameters to be pushed onto the stack, refer to the description of
parameter and return value setting and referencing in section 2.3.2, Setting and Referencing
Parameters and Return Values, Function Call Interface, in Part II, C Programming.
Stack size calculation: The following example shows a stack size calculation depending on the
function call nesting.
Example: Figure 3.3 illustrates the function call nestings and stack size.
main ( )
f ( )
g ( )
Function Name Stack Size (Bytes)
main 24
Figure 3.3 Nested Function Calls and Stack Size
If function g is called via function f, the stack area size is calculated according to the formula
listed in table 3.1.
Table 3.1 Stack Size Calculation Example
Call Route Sum of Stack Size (Bytes)
main (24) f (32) g (24) 80
main (24) g (24) 48
As can be seen from table 3.1, the maximum size of stack area required for the longest function
calling route should be determined (80 bytes in this example) and this size of memory should be
allocated in RAM.
When using standard library functions, the stack area sizes for library functions must also be
accounted for. Refer to the Standard Library Memory Stack Size Listing, included with the
C compiler package.
Note: If recursive calls are used in the C source program, first determine the stack area required
for a recursive call, and then multiply the size with the maximum number of recursive
Heap Area: The total heap area required is equal to the sum of the areas to be allocated by
memory management library functions (calloc, malloc, or realloc) in the C program. An
additional 4 bytes must be summed for one call because a 4-byte management area is used every
time a memory management library function allocates an area.
An I/O library function uses memory management library functions for internal processing. The
size of the area allocated in an input/output is determined by the following formula: 516 bytes x
(maximum number of simultaneously open files)
Note: Areas released by the free function, which is a memory management library function, can
be reused. However, since these areas are often fragmented (separated from one another),
a request to allocate a new area may be rejected even if the net size of the free areas is
sufficient. To prevent this, take note of the following:
1. If possible, allocate the largest area first after program execution is started.
2. If possible, make the data area size to be reused constant.
2.2.3 Rules for Allocating Dynamic Area
The dynamic area is allocated to RAM. The stack area is determined by specifying the highest
address of the stack to the vector table, and refer to it as SP (stack pointer). Since the interrupt
operation of the SH3 and SH3E differ from that of the SH1 and SH2, interrupt handlers are
necessary. The heap area is determined by the initial specification in the low-level interface
routine (sbrk). For details on stack and heap areas, refer to section 3.1, Vector Table Setting
(VEC_TBL), and section 4.6, Creating Low-Level Interface Routine in part III, System
Installation, respectively.
Section 3 Setting the Execution Environment
This section describes the environment required for C program execution. A C program
environment specification program must be created according to the user system specifications
because the C program execution environment differs depending on the user system. In this
section, basic C program execution specification, where no C library function is used, is described
as an example. Refer to section 4, Setting the C Library Function Execution Environment in part
III, System Installation, for details on using C library functions when using C library functions,
low-level I/O interface routine, or memory allocation routine.
Figure 3.4 shows an example of program configuration.
Power-on reset
_ _INITSCT User program
: Required table
: Required routine
Figure 3.4 Program Configuration (No C Library Function is Used)
Each routine is described below.
Vector table setting (VEC_TBL) (shown as (1) in figure 3.4): Sets the vector table so as to
initiate register initialization program _ _INIT and set the stack pointer (SP) by power-on reset.
Since the interrupt operation of the SH3 and SH3E differ from those of the SH1 and SH2, interrupt
handlers are necessary.
Initialization (_ _INIT) (shown as (2) in figure 3.4): Initializes registers and sequentially calls
initialization routines.
Section initialization (_ _INITSCT) (shown as (3) in figure 3.4): Clears the non-initialized data
area with zeros and copies the initialized data area in ROM to RAM.
The following describes how each process is implemented (in the order as described above).
3.1 Vector Table Setting (VEC_TBL)
To call register initialization routine _ _INIT at power-on reset, specify the start address of
function _ _INIT at address 0 in the vector table. Also to specify the SP, specify the highest
address of the stack to address H'4. Since the interrupt operation of the SH3 and SH3E differ from
those of the SH1 and SH2, interrupt handlers are necessary. When the user system executes
interrupt handling, interrupt vector settings are also performed in the VEC_TBL routine. The
coding example of VEC_TBL is shown below.
; Assigns section VECT to address H'0 by the SECTION directive.
.DATA.L _ _INIT ; Assigns the start address of _ _INIT to addresses H'0x0 to H'0x3.
.DATA.L (a) ; Assigns the SP to addresses H'0x4 to H'0x7.
; (a): The highest address of the stack
.ORG H'00000100
.DATA.L _IRQ0 ; Assigns the start address of IRQ0 to addresses H'0x100 to H'0x103
3.2 Initialization (_ _INIT)
_ _INIT initializes registers, calls initialization routine sequentially, and then calls the main
function. The coding example of this routine is shown below.
extern void _INITSCT (void);
extern void main (void);
void _INIT()
_INITSCT(); /* Calls section initialization routine */
/* _INITSCT. */
main(); /* Calls main routine _main. */
for( ; ; ) /* Branches to endless loop after executing main */
; /* function and waits for reset. */
3.3 Section Initialization (_ _INITSCT)
To set the C program execution environment, clear the non-initialized data area with zeros and
copy the initialized data area in ROM to RAM. To execute the _ _INITSCT function, the
following addresses must be known.
Start address (1) of initialized data area in ROM.
Start address (2) and end address (3) of initialized data area in RAM
Start address (4) and end address (5) of non-initialized data area in ROM
Interrupt vector
Program area
Constant area
Initialized data area
Initialized data area
data area
Dynamic area
To obtain the above addresses, create the following assembly programs and link them together.
; start address of section D (1)
; start address of section R (2)
; end address of section R (3)
; start address of section B (4)
; end address of section B (5)
Notes: 1. Section names B and D must be the non-initialized data area and initialized data area
section names specified with the compiler option section. B and D indicate the default
section names.
2. Section name R must be the section name in RAM area specified with the ROM option
at linkage. R indicates the default section name.
If the above preparation is completed, section initialization routine can be written in C as shown
Section initialization routine
extern int *_D_ROM, *_B_BGN, *_B_END, *_D_BGN, *_D_END;
extern void _INITSCT( )
int *p, *q ;
/* Non-initialized data area is initialized to zeros */
for (p = _B_BGN ; p < _B_END ; p++)
*p = 0 ;
/* Initialized data is copied from ROM to RAM */
for (p = _D_BGN , q = _D_ROM ; p < _D_END ; p++, q++)
*p = *q ;
Note: The declaration of p and q must be a char* type when the section size is not a multiple of
four bytes.
Section 4 Setting the C Library Function Execution
To use C library functions, they must be initialized to set the C program execution environment.
To use I/O (stdio.h) and memory allocation (stdlib.h) functions, or to use the C library function to
terminate program processing, low-level I/O and memory allocation routines must be created for
each system.
This section describes how to set the C program execution environment when C library functions
are used. Figure3.5 shows the program configuration when C library functions are used.
Power-on reset
_ _INITSCT User program
: Table always required
: Routine always required
: Routine required when library
is used
: Supplied by the C compiler
Standard library
Figure 3.5 Program Configuration When C Library Functions are Used
To use a C library function exit, onexit, or abort, which performs program termination
processing, the C library function that corresponds to the user system must be created beforehand.
For details on a program example, refer to Appendix D, Creating Termination Functions. If you
use a C library function assert macro, you must create an abort function first.
Each routine is required to execute library functions as follows.
Vector Table Setting (VEC_TBL): Sets the vector table to initiate register initialization program
(_ _INIT) and set the stack pointer (SP) at power-on reset. Since the interrupt of the SH3 and
SH3E differ from the SH1 and SH2, interrupt handlers are necessary.
Initializing Registers (_ _INIT): Initializes registers and sequentially calls the initialization
Initializing Sections (_ _INITSCT): Clears non-initialized data area with zeros and copies the
initialized data area in ROM to RAM.
Initializing C Library Functions (_ _INITLIB): Initializes C library functions required to be
initialized and prepares standard I/O functions.
Closing Files (_ _CLOSEALL): Closes all files with open status.
Low-Level Interface Routine: Interfaces library functions and user system when standard I/O
and memory management library functions are used.
Creation of the above routines is described below.
4.1 Vector Table Setting (VEC_TBL)
Same as when no C library function is used. For details, refer to section 3, Setting the Execution
Environment, in part III, System Installation.
4.2 Initializing Registers (_ _INIT)
Initializes registers and sequentially calls the initialization routine _ _INITLIB and file closing
routine _ _CLOSEALL. The coding example of _ _INIT is shown below. Since the interrupt
operation of the SH3 and SH3E differ from those of the SH1 and SH2, interrupt handlers are
extern void _INITSCT(void);
extern void _INITLIB(void);
extern void main(void);
extern void _CLOSEALL(void);
void _INIT(void)
_INITSCT(); /* Calls section initialization routine _ _INITSCT. */
_INITLIB(); /* Calls library initialization routine _ _INITLIB. */
main(); /* Calls C program main function _main. */
_CLOSEALL(); /* Calls file close routine _ _CLOSEALL. */
for( ; ; ) /* Branches to endless loop after executing main */
; /* function and waits for reset. */
4.3 Initializing Sections (_ _INITSCT)
Same as when the C library functions are not used. For details, refer to section 3, Setting the
Execution Environment in part III, System Installation.
4.4 Initializing C Library Functions (_ _INITLIB)
Some C library functions must be initialized before being used. The following description
assumes the case when the initialization is performed in _ _INITLIB in the program initiation
To perform initialization, the following must be considered.
1. errno indicating the library error status must be initialized for all library functions.
2. When using each function of <stdio.h> and assert macro, standard I/O library function must
be initialized. The low-level interface routine must be initialized according to the user low-
level initialization routine specification if required.
3. When using the rand and strtok functions, library functions other than the standard I/O must
be initialized.
Library function initialization program example is shown below.
#include <errno.h>
extern void _INIT_LOWLEVEL(void) ;
extern void _INIT_IOLIB(void) ;
extern void _INIT_OTHERLIB(void) ;
void _INITLIB(void) /* Deletes an underline from symbol name */
/* used in the assembly routine */
errno=0; /* Initializes library functions commonly */
_INIT_LOWLEVEL( ) ; /* Calls low-level interface */
/* initialization routine */
_INIT_IOLIB( ) ; /* Calls standard I/O initialization */
/* routine */
_INIT_OTHERLIB( ) ; /* Calls initialization routine other */
/* than that for standard I/O */
The following shows examples of initialization routine (_INIT_IOLIB) for standard I/O library
function and initialization routine (_INIT_OTHERLIB) for other standard library function.
Initialization routine (_INIT_LOWLEVEL) for low-level interface routine must be created
according to the user low-level interface routine's specifications.
4.4.1 Creating Initialization Routine (_INIT_IOLIB) for Standard I/O Library Function
The initialization routine for standard I/O library function initializes FILE-type data used to
reference files and open the standard I/O files. The initialization must be performed before
opening the standard I/O files (figure 3.6).
The following shows an example of _INIT_IOLIB.
#include <stdio.h>
void _INIT_IOLIB(void)
FILE *fp ;
/*Initializes FILE-type data*/
for (fp=_iob; fp<_iob+_NFILE; fp++){
fp -> _bufptr=NULL ; /*Clears buffer pointer */
fp -> _bufcnt=0 ; /*Clears buffer counter */
fp -> _buflen=0 ; /*Clears buffer length */
fp -> _bufbase=NULL ; /*Clears base pointer */
fp -> _ioflag1=0 ; /*Clears I/O flag */
fp -> _ioflag2=0 ;
fp -> _iofd=0 ;
/*Opens standard I/O file */
if (freopen( "stdin" , "r", stdin)==NULL) /*Opens standard input file */
stdin->_ioflag1=0xff ; /*Disables file access*2 */
stdin->_ioflag1 |= _IOUNBUF ; /*No data buffering*3 */
if (freopen( "stdout" , "w", stdout)==NULL)/*Opens standard output file*/
stdout-> _ioflag1=0xff ;
stdout->_ioflag1 |= _IOUNBUF ;
if (freopen( "stderr", "w", stderr)==NULL) /*Opens standard error file */
stderr-> _ioflag1=0xff ;
stderr->_ioflag1 |= _IOUNBUF ;
Notes: 1. Standard I/O file names are specified. These names are used by the low-level interface
routine open.
2. If file could not be opened, the file access disable flag is set.
3. For equipment that can be used in interactive mode such as a console, the buffering
disable flag is set.
/*Declares FILE-type data in the C language*/
#define _NFILE 20
struct _iobuf{
unsigned char *_bufptr; /*Buffer pointer */
long _bufcnt; /*Buffer counter */
unsigned char *_bufbase; /*Buffer base pointer */
long _buflen; /*Buffer length */
char _ioflag1; /*I/O flag */
char _ioflag2; /*I/O flag */
char _iofd; /*I/O flag */
Figure 3.6 FILE-Type Data
4.4.2 Creating Initialization Routine (_INIT_OTHERLIB) for Other Library Function
The following shows an example of initial setting program of C library function (rand function
and strtok function) that is necessary for initial setting beside the standard I/O.
#include <stddef.h>
extern char *_s1ptr;
extern void srand(unsigned int) ;
void _INIT_OTHERLIB(void)
srand(1) ; /*Sets initial value when rand function is used */
_s1ptr=NULL ; /*Initializes the pointer used in the strtok */
/* function */
4.5 Closing Files (_ _CLOSEALL)
When a program ends normally, all open files must be closed. Usually, the data destined for a file
is stored in a memory buffer. When the buffer becomes full, data is output to an external storage
device. Therefore, if the files are not closed, data remaining in buffers is not output to external
storage devices and will be lost.
When an program is installed in a device and executed, the program will not end unless it finishes
its operation. However, if the main function is terminated by a program error, all open files must
be closed.
The following shows an example of _ _CLOSEALL.
#include <stdio.h>
void _CLOSEALL(void) /* Deletes an underscore character */
/* from symbol name in assembly routine */
int i;
for (i=0; i<_NFILE; i++)
/*Checks that file is open*/
if(_iob[i]._ioflag1 & ( _IOREAD|_IOWRITE|_IORW))
/*Closes open files*/
fclose(&_iob[i]) ;
4.6 Creating Low-Level Interface Routines
Low-level interface routines must be supplied for C programs that use the standard input/output or
memory management library functions. Table 3.2 shows the low-level interface routines used by
standard library functions.
Table 3.2 Low-Level Interface Routines
Name Explanation
open Open a file
close Close a file
read Reads data from a file
write Writes data to a file
lseek Sets the file read/write position for data
sbrk Allocates a memory area
Refer to the attached Standard Library Memory Stack Size Listing for details on low-level
interface routines required for each C library function.
Initialization of low-level interface routines must be performed when the program is started. For
more information, see the explanation concerning the _INIT_LOWLEVEL function in section
4.4, Initializing C Library Functions (_ _INITLIB).
The rest of this section explains the basic concept of low-level input and output, and gives the
specifications for each interface routine. Refer to appendix E, Examples of Low-Level Interface
Routines, for details on the low-level interface routines that run on the SH-series simulator
4.6.1 Concept of I/O Operations
Standard input/output library functions manage files using the FILE-type data. Low-level
interface routines manage files using file numbers (positive integers) which correspond directly to
actual files.
The open routine returns a file number for a given file name. The open routine must determine the
following, so that other functions can access information about a file using the file number:
File device type (console, printer, disk, etc.)
(For a special device such as a console or printer file, the user chooses a specific file name that
can be recognized uniquely by the open routine.)
Information such as the size and start address of the buffer used for the file
For a disk file, the offset (in bytes) from the beginning of the file to the next read/write
The input and output is determined by the read and write routine, respectively, or the start
position for read/write operations is determined by the lseek routine according to the information
determined by the open routine.
If buffers are used, the close routine outputs the contents to their corresponding files. This allows
the areas of memory allocated by the open routine to be reused.
4.6.2 Low-Level Interface Routine Specifications
This section explains the specifications for creating low-level interface routines, gives examples of
actual interfaces and explains their operations, and notes on implementation.
The interface for each routine is shown using the format below.
Create each interface routine by assuming that the prototype declaration is made.
(Routine name)
Purpose (Purpose of the routine)
Interface (Shows the interface as a C function declaration)
Parameters No. Name Type Meaning
1 (Parameter name) (Parameter
type) (Meaning of the parameter)
Return value Type (Type of return value)
Normal (Return value for normal termination)
Abnormal (Return value for abnormal termination)
open routine
Purpose Opens a file
Interface int open (char *name,
int mode);
Parameters No. Name Type Meaning
1name Pointer to
char String literal indicating a file name
2 mode int Processing specification
Return value Type int
Normal File number of the file opened
Abnormal 1
Explanation: The open routine opens the file specified by the first parameter (file name) and
returns a file number. The open routine must determine the file device type (console, printer, disk,
etc.) and assign this information to the file number. The file type is referenced using the file
number each time a read/write operation is performed.
The second parameter (mode) gives processing specifications for the file. The effect of each bit of
this parameter is explained as follows:
(1) O_RDONLY (bit 0)
If this bit is 1, the file becomes read only.
(2) O_WRONLY (bit 1)
If this bit is 1, the file becomes write only.
(3) O_RDWR (bit 2)
If this bit is 1, the file becomes read/write.
(4) O_CREATE (bit 3)
If this bit is 1 and the file indicated by the file name does not exist, a new file is created.
(5) O_TRUNC (bit 4)
If this bit is 1 and the file indicated by the file name exists, the file contents are discarded and
the file size is set to zero.
(6) O_APPEND (bit 5)
If this bit is 1, the read/write position is set to the end of the file. If this bit is 0, the read/write
position is set to the beginning of the file.
An error is assumed if the file processing specifications contradict with the actual characteristics
of the file.
The open routine returns a file number (positive integer) which can be used by the read, write,
lseek, and close routines, provided the file opens normally. The relationship between file numbers
and actual files must be managed by the low-level interface routines. The open routine returns a
value of –1 if the file fails to open properly.
close routine
Purpose Closes a file
Interface int close(int fileno);
Parameters No. Name Type Meaning
1fileno int File number of the file to be closed
Return value Type int
Normal 0
Abnormal –1
Explanation: The file number, determined by the open routine, is given as the parameter.
Release the area of memory allocated by the open routine for file management information, so that
it can be reused. If buffers are used, the contents are output to their corresponding files. Zero is
returned if the file closes normally. Otherwise, –1 is returned.
read routine
Purpose Reads data from a file
Interface int read (int fileno,
char *buf,
unsigned int count);
Parameters No. Name Type Meaning
1fileno int File number of the file to be read
2buf Pointer to
char Area to be used to store the read data
3count unsigned
int Byte length of data to be read
Return value Type int
Normal Byte length of the data actually read
Abnormal 1
Explanation: The read routine loads data from the file indicated by the first parameter (fileno)
into the area indicated by the second parameter (buf). The amount of data to be read is indicated
by the third parameter (count). If an end of file is encountered during a read, less than the
specified number of bytes are read. The file read/write position is updated using the byte length of
the data actually read. If data is read normally, the routine returns the number of bytes of the data
read. Otherwise, the read routine returns a value of –1.
write routine
Purpose Writes data to a file
Interface int write (int fileno,
char *buf,
unsigned int count);
Parameters No. Name Type Meaning
1fileno int File number
2buf Pointer to char Area storing data to be written
in the file
3count unsigned int Byte length of the data to be
Return value Type int
Normal Byte length of the data actually written
Abnormal 1
Explanation: The write routine outputs data, whose byte length is indicated by the third
parameter (count), from the area indicated by the second parameter (buf) into the file indicated by
the first parameter (fileno). If the device (such as a disk) where a file is stored becomes full, data
less than the specified byte length is written to the file. If zero is returned as the byte length of
data actually written several times, the routine assumes that the device is full and sends a return
value of –1. The file read/write position is updated using the byte length of data actually written.
If the routine ends normally, it returns the byte length of data actually written. Otherwise, the
routine returns a value of –1.
lseek routine
Purpose Determines the next read/write position in a file
Interface long lseek (int fileno,
long offset,
int base);
Parameters No. Name Type Meaning
1fileno int File number of the target file
2offset long Offset in bytes from specified point in
the file
3base int Base used for offset (bytes)
Return value Type long
Normal The offset (bytes) from the beginning of the file for the next
read/write position
Abnormal 1
Explanation: The lseek routine determines the next read/write position as an offset in bytes. The
next read/write position is determined according to the third parameter (base) as follows:
1. Base = 0
The second parameter gives the new offset relative to the beginning of the file.
2. Base = 1
The second parameter is added to the current position to give the new offset.
3. Base = 2
The second parameter is added to the file size to give the new offset.
An error occurs if the file is on an interactive device (such as a console or printer), the new offset
value is negative, or the new offset value exceeds the file size in the case of 1 or 2, above.
If lseek correctly determines a new file position, the new offset value is returned. This value
indicates the new read/write position relative to the beginning of the file. Otherwise, the lseek
routine returns a value of –1.
sbrk routine
Purpose Allocates a memory area
Interface char *sbrk (
unsigned long size);
Parameters No. Name Type Meaning
1size unsigned long Size of the area to be
allocated (in bytes)
Return value Type Pointer to char
Normal Start address of the allocated area
Abnormal (char *) – 1
Explanation: The size of the area to be allocated is given as a parameter. Create the sbrk routine
so that consecutive calls allocate consecutive areas beginning with the lowest available address.
An error will occur if there is insufficient memory. If the routine ends normally, it returns the start
address of the allocated area. Otherwise, the routine returns (char *) – 1.
Section 1 Error Messages
This section gives lists of error messages in order of error number. A list of error messages are
provided for each level of errors (I = Information error, W=Warning error, E = Error, F = Fatal
error, or (–) = Internal error) in the format below.
Error number (Error Level: I, W, E, F, or (–)) Error Message Explanation
0001 (I) Character combination /* in comment
String literal /* exists in comment.
0002 (I) No declarator
A declaration without a declarator exists.
0003 (I) Unreachable statement
A statement that will not be executed exists.
0004 (I) Constant as condition
A constant expression is specified as condition for if or switch statement.
0005 (I) Precision lost
Precision may be lost when assigning with type conversion a right hand side value to the left hand
side value.
0006 (I) Conversion in argument
A function parameter expression is converted into a parameter type specified in the prototype
0008 (I) Conversion in return
A return statement expression is converted into a value type that should be returned from a
0010 (I) Elimination of needless expression
A needless expression exists.
0011 (I) Used before set symbol: “variable name”
A variable is used before setting its value.
0015 (I) No return value
A return statement is not returning a value in a function that should return a type other than the
void type, or a return statement does not exist.
0100 (I) Function "function name" not optimized
A function which is too large cannot be optimized.
0200 (W) No prototype function
There is no prototype declaration.
1000 (W) Illegal pointer assignment
A pointer is assigned to a pointer with a different data type.
1001 (W) Illegal comparison in "operator"
The operands of the binary operator == or != are a pointer and an integer other than 0.
1002 (W) Illegal pointer for "operator"
The operands of the binary operator ==, !=, >, <, >=, or <= are pointers assigned to different types.
1005 (W) Undefined escape sequence
An undefined escape sequence (a character following a backslash) is used in a character constant
or string literal.
1007 (W) Long character constant
A character constant consists of two or more characters.
1008 (W) Identifier too long
An identifier's length exceeds 250 characters.
1010 (W) Character constant too long
A character constant consists of four or more characters.
1012 (W) Floating point constant overflow
The value of a floating-point constant exceeds the limit. Assumes the internally represented value
corresponding to + or - depending on the sign of the result.
1013 (W) Integer constant overflow
The value of unsigned long integer constant exceeds the limit. Assumes a value ignoring the
overflown upper bits.
1014 (W) Escape sequence overflow
The value of an escape sequence indicating a bit pattern in a character constant or string literal
exceeds 255. The low order byte is valid.
1015 (W) Floating point constant underflow
The absolute value of a floating-point constant is less than the lower limit. Assumes 0.0 as the
value of the constant.
1016 (W) Argument mismatch
The data type assigned to a pointer specified as a formal parameter in a prototype declaration
differs from the data type assigned to a pointer used as the corresponding actual parameter in a
function call. Uses the internal representation of the pointer used for the function call actual
1017 (W) Return type mismatch
The function return type and the type in a return statement are pointers but the data types assigned
to these pointers are different. Uses the internal representation of the pointer specified in the
return statement expression.
1019 (W) Illegal constant expression
The operands of the relational operator <, >, <=, or >= in a constant expression are pointers to
different data types. Assumes 0 as the result value.
1020 (W) Illegal constant expression of "-"
The operands of the binary operator - in a constant expression are pointers to different data types.
Assumes 0 as the result value.
1021 (W) Register saving pragma conflicts in interrupt function "function name"
Invalid #pragma that controls saving or recovery of register contents corresponding to an interrupt
function indicated by a function name. #pragma is ignored.
1022 (W) First operand of operator is not lvalue
The first operand operator cannot be the lvalue.
1023 (W) Can not convert Japanese code “code” to output type
A Japanese code “code” cannot be converted to the specified output code.
1200 (W) Division by floating point zero
Division by the floating-point number 0.0 is carried out in a constant expression. Assumes the
internal representation value corresponding to + or - depending on the sign of the operands.
1201 (W) Ineffective floating point operation
Invalid floating-point operations such as - or 0.0/0.0 are carried out in a constant expression.
Assumes the internal representation value corresponding to a not a number indicating the result of
an ineffective operation.
1300 (W) Command parameter specified twice
The same SH C compiler option is specified more than once. Uses the last specified compiler
1400 (W) Function "function name" in #pragma inline is not expanded
A function specified using #pragma inline could not be expanded where the function is callled.
Compiling processing continues.
2000 (E) Illegal preprocessor keyword
An illegal keyword is used in a preprocessor directive.
2001 (E) Illegal preprocessor syntax
There is an error in preprocessor directive or in a macro call specification.
2002 (E) Missing ","
A comma (,) is not used to delimit two arguments in a #define directive.
2003 (E) Missing ")"
A right parenthesis ( ) ) does not follow a name in a defined expression. The defined expression
determines whether the name is defined by a #define directive.
2004 (E) Missing ">"
A right angle bracket (>) does not follow a file name in an #include directive.
2005 (E) Cannot open include file "file name"
The file name specified by an #include directive cannot be opened.
2006 (E) Multiple #define's
The same macro name is redefined by #define directives.
2008 (E) Processor directive #elif mismatches
There is no #if, #ifdef, #ifndef, or #elif directive corresponding to an #elif directive.
2009 (E) Processor directive #else mismatches
There is no #if, #ifdef, or #ifndef directive corresponding to an #else directive.
2010 (E) Macro parameters mismatch
The number of macro call arguments and the number of macro definition arguments are not equal.
2011 (E) Line too long
After macro expansion, a source program line exceeds the compiler limit.
2012 (E) Keyword as a macro name
A preprocessor keyword is used as a macro name in a #define or #undef directive.
2013 (E) Processor directive #endif mismatches
There is no #if, #ifdef, or #ifndef directive corresponding to an #endif directive.
2014 (E) Missing #endif
There is no #endif directive corresponding to an #if, #ifdef, or #ifndef directive, and the end of file
is detected.
2016 (E) Preprocessor constant expression too complex
The total number of operators and operands in a constant expression specified by an #if or #elif
directive exceeds the limit.
2017 (E) Missing ”
A closing double quotation mark (") does not follow a file name in an #include directive.
2018 (E) Illegal #line
The line count specified by a #line directive exceeds the limit.
2019 (E) File name too long
The length of a file name exceeds 128 characters.
2020 (E) System identifier "name" redefined
The name of the defined symbol is the same as that of the run time routine.
2100 (E) Multiple storage classes
Two or more storage class specifiers are used in a declaration.
2101 (E) Address of register
An unary-operator & is used for a variable that has a register storage class.
2102 (E) Illegal type combination
A combination of type specifiers is illegal.
2103 (E) Bad self reference structure
A struct or union member has the same data type as its parent.
2104 (E) Illegal bit field width
A constant expression indicating the width of a bit field is not an integer or it is negative.
2105 (E) Incomplete tag used in declaration
An incomplete tag name declared with a struct or union, or an undeclared tag name is used in a
typedef declaration or in the declaration of a data type not assigned to a pointer or to a function
return value.
2106 (E) Extern variable initialized
A compound statement specifies an initial value for an extern storage class variable.
2107 (E) Array of function
An array with a function type is specified.
2108 (E) Function returning array
A function with an array return value type is specified.
2109 (E) Illegal function declaration
A storage class other than extern is specified in the declaration of a function variable used in a
compound statement.
2110 (E) Illegal storage class
The storage class in an external definition is specified as auto or register.
2111 (E) Function as a member
A member of a struct or union is declared as a function.
2112 (E) Illegal bit field
A type other than an integer type is specified for a bit field.
2113 (E) Bit field too wide
The width of a bit field is greater than the size (8, 16, or 32 bits) indicated by its type specifier.
2114 (E) Multiple variable declarations
A variable name is declared more than once in the same scope.
2115 (E) Multiple tag declarations
A struct, union, or enum tag name is declared more than once in the same scope.
2117 (E) Empty source program
There are no external definitions in the source program.
2118 (E) Prototype mismatch “function name”
A function type differs from the one specified in the declaration.
2119 (E) Not a parameter name “parameter name”
An identifier not in the function parameter list is declared as a parameter.
2120 (E) Illegal parameter storage class
A storage class other than register is specified in a function parameter declaration.
2121 (E) Illegal tag name
The combination of a struct, union, or enum with tag name differs from the declared combination.
2122 (E) Bit field width 0
The width of a bit field specifying a member name is 0.
2123 (E) Undefined tag name
An undefined tag name is specified in an enum declaration.
2124 (E) Illegal enum value
A non-integral constant expression is specified as a value for an enum member.
2125 (E) Function returning function
A function with a function type return value is specified.
2126 (E) Illegal array size
The value specifying the number of array elements is out of range of 1 to 2147483647.
2127 (E) Missing array size
The number of elements in an array is not specified where it is required.
2128 (E) Illegal pointer declaration for "*"
A type specifier other than const or volatile is specified following an asterisk (*), which indicates
a pointer declaration.
2129 (E) Illegal initializer type
The initial value specified for a variable is not a type that can be assigned to another variable.
2130 (E) Initializer should be constant
A value other than a constant expression is specified as either the initial value of a struct, union, or
array variable or as the initial value of a static variable.
2131 (E) No type nor storage class
Storage class or type specifiers is not given in an external data definition.
2132 (E) No parameter name
A parameter is declared even though the function parameter list is empty.
2133 (E) Multiple parameter declarations
Either a parameter name is declared in a macro function definition parameter list more than once
or a parameter is declared inside and outside the function declarator.
2134 (E) Initializer for parameter
An initial value is specified in the declaration of a parameter.
2135 (E) Multiple initialization
A variable is initialized more than once.
2136 (E) Type mismatch
An extern or static storage class variable or function is declared more than once with different data
2137 (E) Null declaration for parameter
An identifier is not specified in the function parameter declaration.
2138 (E) Too many initializers
The number of initial values specified for a struct, union, or array is greater than the number of
struct members or array elements. This error also occurs if two or more initial values are specified
when the first members of a union are scalar.
2139 (E) No parameter type
A type is not specified in a function parameter declaration.
2140 (E) Illegal bit field
A bit field is used in a union.
2141 (E) Struct has no member name
The member name of a struct is not specified.
2142 (E) Illegal void type
void is used illegally. void can only be used in the following cases:
1. To specify a type assigned to a pointer
2. To specify a function return value type
3. To explicitly specify that a function whose prototype is declared does not have a parameter
2143 (E) Illegal static function
There is a function declaration with a static storage class function that has no definition in the
source program.
2144 (E) Type mismatch
Variables or functions with the same name which have an extern storage class are assigned to
different data types.
2145 (E) Const/volatile specified for imcomplete type
An incomplete type is specified as a const or volatile type.
2200 (E) Index not integer
An array index expression type is not an integer.
2201 (E) Cannot convert parameter “n”
The n-th parameter of a function call cannot be converted to the type of parameter specified in the
prototype declaration.
2202 (E) Number of parameters mismatch
The number of parameters for a function call is not equal to the number of parameters specified in
the prototype declaration.
2203 (E) Illegal member reference for "."
The expression to the left-hand side of the (.) operator is not a struct or union.
2204 (E) Illegal member reference for "->"
The expression to the left of the -> operator is not a pointer to a struct or union.
2205 (E) Undefined member name
An undeclared member name is used to reference a struct or union.
2206 (E) Modifiable lvalue required for "operator"
The operand for a prefix or suffix operator ++ or -- has a left value that cannot be assigned (a left
value whose type is not array or const).
2207 (E) Scalar required for "!"
The unary operator ! is used on an expression that is not scalar.
2208 (E) Pointer required for "*"
The unary operator * is used on an expression that is not pointer or on an expression of a pointer
for void.
2209 (E) Arithmetic type required for "operator"
The unary operator + or - is used on a non-arithmetic expression.
2210 (E) Integer required for "~"
The unary operator ~ is used on a non-integral expression.
2211 (E) Illegal sizeof
A sizeof operator is used for a bit field member, function, void, or array with an undefined size.
2212 (E) Illegal cast
Either array, struct, or union is specified in a cast operator, or the operand of a cast operator is
void, struct, or union and cannot be converted.
2213 (E) Arithmetic type required for "operator"
The binary operator *, /, *=, or /= is used in an expression that is not an arithmetic expression.
2214 (E) Integer required for "operator"
The binary operator <<, >>, &, |, ^, %, <<=, >>=, &=, |=, ^=, or %= is used in an expression that
is not an integer expression.
2215 (E) Illegal type for "+"
The combination of operand types used with the binary operator + is not allowed.
2216 (E) Illegal type for parameter
Type void is specified for a function call parameter type.
2217 (E) Illegal type for "-"
The combination of operand types used with the binary operator - is not allowed.
2218 (E) Scalar required
The first operand of the conditional operator ?: is not a scalar.
2219 (E) Type not compatible with "?:"
The types of the second and third operands of the conditional operator ?: do not match with each
2220 (E) Modifiable lvalue required for "operator"
An expression whose left value cannot be assigned (a left value whose type is not array or const) is
used as an operand of an assignment operator =, *=, /=, %=, +=, -=, <<=, >>=, &=, ^=, or | =.
2221 (E) Illegal type for "operator"
The operand of the suffix operator ++ or -- is a pointer assigned to function type, void type, or to a
data type other than scalar type.
2222 (E) Type not compatible for "="
The operand types for the assignment operator = do not match.
2223 (E) Incomplete tag used in expression
An incomplete tag name is used for a struct or union in an expression.
2224 (E) Illegal type for assign
The operand types of the assignment operator += or -= are illegal.
2225 (E) Undeclared name “name”
An undeclared name is used in an expression.
2226 (E) Scalar required for "operator"
The binary operator && or || is used in a non-scalar expression.
2227 (E) Illegal type for equality
The combination of operand types for the equality operator == or != is not allowed.
2228 (E) Illegal type for comparison
The combination of operand types for the relational operator >, <, >=, or <= is not allowed.
2230 (E) Illegal function call
An expression which is not a function type or a pointer assigned to a function type is used for a
function call.
2231 (E) Address of bit field
The unary operator & is used on a bit field.
2232 (E) Illegal type for "operator"
The operand of the prefix operator ++ or -- is a pointer assigned to a function type, void type, or to
a data type other than scalar type.
2233 (E) Illegal array reference
An expression used as an array is an array or a pointer assigned to a data type other than a function
or void.
2234 (E) Illegal typedef name reference
A typedef name is used as a variable in an expression.
2235 (E) Illegal cast
An attempt is made to cast a pointer with a floating-point type.
2236 (E) Illegal cast in constant
In a constant expression, an attempt is made to cast a pointer with a char or short type.
2237 (E) Illegal constant expression
In a constant expression, a pointer constant is cast with an integer and the result is manipulated.
2238 (E) Lvalue or function type required for "&"
The unary operator & is not used on the lvalue or is used in an expression other than function type.
2300 (E) Case not in switch
A case label is specified outside a switch statement.
2301 (E) Default not in switch
A default label is specified outside a switch statement.
2302 (E) Multiple labels
A label name is defined more than once in a function.
2303 (E) Illegal continue
A continue statement is specified outside a while, for, or do statement.
2304 (E) Illegal break
A break statement is specified outside a while, for, do, or switch statement.
2305 (E) Void function returns value
A return statement specifies a return value for a function with a void return type.
2306 (E) Case label not constant
A case label expression is not an integer constant expression.
2307 (E) Multiple case labels
Two or more case labels with the same value are used for one switch statement.
2308 (E) Multiple default labels
Two or more default labels are specified for one switch statement.
2309 (E) No label for goto
There is no label corresponding to the destination specified by a goto statement.
2310 (E) Scalar required
The control expression (that determines statement execution) for a while, for, or do statement is
not a scalar.
2311 (E) Integer required
The control expression (that determines statement execution) for a switch statement is not an
2312 (E) Missing (
The control expression (that determines statement execution) does not follow a left parenthesis ( (
) for an if, while, for, do, or switch statement.
2313 (E) Missing ;
A do statement is ended without a semicolon (;).
2314 (E) Scalar required
A control expression (that determines statement execution) for an if statement is not a scalar.
2316 (E) Illegal type for return value
An expression in a return statement cannot be converted to the type of value expected to be
returned by the function.
2400 (E) Illegal character "character"
An illegal character is detected.
2401 (E) Incomplete character constant
An end of line indicator is detected in the middle of a character constant.
2402 (E) Incomplete string
An end of line indicator is detected in the middle of a string literal.
2403 (E) EOF in comment
An end of file indicator is detected in the middle of a comment.
2404 (E) Illegal character code "character code"
An illegal character code is detected.
2405 (E) Null character constant
There are no characters in a character constant (i.e., no characters are specified between two
quotation marks).
2406 (E) Out of float
The number of significant digits in a floating-point constant exceeds 17.
2407 (E) Incomplete logical line
A backslash (\) or a backslash followed by an end of line indicator (\ (RET) ) is specified as the
last character in a non-empty source file.
2408 (E) Comment nest too deep
The nesting level of the comment exceeds the limit of 255 level.
2500 (E) Illegal token “phrase”
An illegal token sequence is used.
2501 (E) Division by zero
An integer is divided by zero in a constant expression.
2600 (E) String literal(s)
An error message specified by string literal #error is output to the list file if nolist option is not
2650 (E) Invalid pointer reference
The specified address does not match the boundary alignment value.
2700 (E) Function "function name" in #pragma interrupt already declared
A function specified in an interrupt function declaration #pragma interrupt has been declared as a
normal function.
2701 (E) Multiple interrupt for one function
An interrupt function declaration #pragma interrupt has been declared more than once for the same
2702 (E) Multiple #pragma interrupt options
The same type of interrupt is declared more than once.
2703 (E) Illegal #pragma interrupt declaration
An interrupt function declaration #pragma interrupt is specified incorrectly.
2704 (E) Illegal reference to interrupt function
The interrupt function is referenced incorrectly.
2705 (E) Illegal parameter in interrupt function
Argument types to be used for an interrupt function do not match.
2706 (E) Missing parameter declaration in interrupt function
There is no declaration for a variable to be used for an optional specification of an interrupt
2707 (E) Parameter out of range in interrupt function
The parameter value tn of an interrupt function exceeds the limit of 256.
2709 (E) Illegal section name declaration
The #pragma section specification is illegal.
2710 (E) Section name too long
The specified section name exceeds the limit of 31 characters.
2711 (E) Section name table overflow
The number of section specified in one file exceeds the limit of 64.
2712 (E) GBR based displacement overflow
The variable declared in #pragma gbr_base overflows.
2713 (E) Illegal #pragma interrupt function type
The function type specified #pragma interrupt in illegal.
2800 (E) Illegal parameter number in in-line function
Parameters to be used for an intrinsic function do not match.
2801 (E) Illegal parameter type in in-line function
There are different parameter types in an intrinsic function.
2802 (E) Parameter out of range in in-line function
A parameter exceeds the range that can be specified by an intrinsic function.
2803 (E) Invalid offset value in in-line function
An argument for an intrinsic function is specified incorrectly.
2804 (E) Illegal in-line function
An intrinsic function that cannot be used by the specified cpu option exists.
2805 (E) Function "function name" in #pragma inline/inline_asm already declared
The function indicated by a function name exists before the #pragma specification.
2806 (E) Multiple #pragma for one function
Two or more #pragma directives are specified for one function incorrectly.
2807 (E) Illegal #pragma inline/inline_asm declaration
The #pragma inline or #pragma inline_asm is specified illegally.
2808 (E) Illegal option for #pragma inline_asm
The -code=machinecode option is specified in addition to the #pragma inline_asm specification
2809 (E) Illegal option for #pragma inline/inline_asm function type
An identifier type that specifies #pragma inline or #pragma inline_asm is illegal.
2810 (E) Global variable “variable name” in #pragma gbr_base/gbr_basel already
A variable definition indicated by variable name exists before #pragma specification.
2811 (E) Multiple #pragma for one global variable
Two or more #pragma directives are specified for one variable incorrectly.
2812 (E) Illegal #pragma gbr_base/gbr_basel declaration
The #pragma gbr_base or #pragma gbr_base1 specification is illegal declaration.
2813 (E) Illegal #pragma gbr_base/gbr_basel global variable type
An identifier type that specifies #pragma gbr_bsee or #pragma gbr_base1 is illegal.
2814 (E) Function “function name” in #pragma noregsave/norealloc/regsave already
The function indicated by a function name exists before the #pragma specification declaration.
2815 (E) Illegal #pragma noregsave/noregalloc/regsave declaration
The #pragma noregsave, or #pragma noregalloc, or #pragma regsave specification is illegal.
2816 (E) Illegal #pragma noregsave/noregalloc/regsave function type
An identifier type that specifies #pragma noregsave, #pragma noregalloc, or #pragma regsave is
2817 (E) Symbol "identifier" in #pragma abs16 already declared
A name indicated by an identifier exists before the #pragma specification declaration.
2818 (E) Multiple #pragma for one symbol
More than one #pragma is incorrectly specified for one identifier.
2819 (E) Illegal #pragma abs16 declaration
The #pragma abs16 specification is illegal declaration.
2820 (E) Illegal #pragma abs16 symbol type
An identifier type that specifies #pragma abs16 is illegal.
2821 (E) Global variable “variable name” in #pragma global_register already declared
The variable that specifies #pragma global_register has already been specified.
2822 (E) Illegal register “register” in #pragma global_register
The register that specified #pragma global_register is illegal.
2823 (E) Illegal #pragma global_register declaration
The specification method of #pragma global_register is illegal.
2824 (E) Illegal #pragma global_register type
A variable that cannot specify #pragma global_register exists.
3000 (F) Statement nest too deep
The nesting level of an if, while, for, do, and switch statements exceeds the limit. The maximum
number is 32 levels.
3001 (F) Block nest too deep
The nesting level of compound statements exceeds the limit. The maximum number is 32 levels.
3002 (F) #if nest too deep
The conditional compilation (#if, #ifdef, #ifndef, #elif, and #else) nesting level exceeds the limit.
The maximum number is 32 levels.
3006 (F) Too many parameters
The number of parameters in either a function declaration or a function call exceeds the limit. The
maximum number is 63.
3007 (F) Too many macro parameters
The number of parameters in a macro definition or a macro call exceeds the limit. The maximum
number is 63.
3008 (F) Line too long
After a macro expansion, the length of a line exceeds the limit. The maximum number is 4096
3009 (F) String literal too long
The length of string literal exceeds 512 characters. The length of string literal equals to the
number of bytes when linking string literals specified continuously. The length of the string literal
is not the length in the source program but the number of bytes included in the string literal data.
Escape sequence is counted as one character.
3010 (F) Processor directive #include nest too deep
The nesting level of the #include directive exceeds the limit. The maximum level is 30.
3011 (F) Macro expansion nest too deep
The nesting level of macro expansion performed by a #define directive exceeds the limit.
The maximum level is 32.
3012 (F) Too many function definitions
The number of function definitions exceeds the limit. The maximum number is 512.
3013 (F) Too many switches
The number of switch statements exceeds the limit. The maximum number is 256.
3014 (F) For nest too deep
The nesting level of a for statement exceeds the limit. The maximum level is 16.
3015 (F) Symbol table overflow
The number of symbols to be generated by the SH C compiler exceeds the limit. The maximum
number is 24576.
3016 (F) Internal label overflow
The number of internal labels to be generated by the SH C compiler exceeds the limit. The
maximum number is 32767.
3017 (F) Too many case labels
The number of case labels in one switch statement exceeds the limit. The maximum number is
3018 (F) Too many goto labels
The number of goto labels defined in one function exceeds the limit. The maximum number is
3019 (F) Cannot open source file "file name"
A source file cannot be opened.
3020 (F) Source file input error "file name"
A source or include file cannot be read.
3021 (F) Memory overflow
The SH C compiler cannot allocate sufficient memory to compile the program.
3022 (F) Switch nest too deep
The nesting level of a switch statement exceeds the limit. The maximum level is 16.
3023 (F) Type nest too deep
The number of types (pointer, array, and function) that qualify the basic type exceeds 16.
3024 (F) Array dimension too deep
An array has more than six dimensions.
3025 (F) Source file not found
A source file name is not specified in the command line.
3026 (F) Expression too complex
An expression is too complex.
3027 (F) Source file too complex
The nesting level of statements in the program is too deep or an expression is too complex.
3028 (F) Source line number overflow
The last source line number exceeds the limit. The maximum number is 65535.
3030 (F) Too many compound statements
The number of compound-statements exceeds the limit.
3031 (F) Data size overflow
The size of an array or a structure exceeds the limit of 2147483647 bytes.
3033 (F) Symbol table overflow
The number of symbols used for debugging information exceeds 32767.
3100 (F) Misaligned pointer access
There has been an attempt to refer or specify using a pointer that has an invalid alignment.
3201 (F) Object size overflow
The object file size exceeds the limit of 4 Gbytes.
3202 (F) Too many source lines for debug
There are too many source line to output debugging information.
3203 (F) Assembly source line too long
The assembly source line is too long to output.
3204 (F) Illegal stack access
The size of a stack to be used in a function (including a local variable area, register save area, and
parameter push area to call other functions) or a parameter area to call the function exceeds
2 Gbytes.
3300 (F) Cannot open internal file
An error occurred due to one of the following causes:
(1) An intermediate file internally generated by the SH C compiler cannot be opened.
(2) A file that has the same file name as the intermediate file already exists.
(3) The number of characters in a path name for a list file specification exceeds the limit of 128
(4) A file which the SH C compiler uses internally cannot be opened.
3301 (F) Cannot close internal file
An intermediate file internally generated by the SH C compiler cannot be closed. Make sure the
SH C compiler is installed correctly.
3302 (F) Cannot input internal file
An intermediate file internally generated by the SH C compiler cannot be read. Make sure the SH
C compiler is installed correctly.
3303 (F) Cannot output internal file
An intermediate file internally generated by the SH C compiler cannot be written.
3304 (F) Cannot delete internal file
An intermediate file internally generated by the SH C compiler cannot be deleted.
3305 (F) Invalid command parameter "option name"
An invalid compiler option is specified.
3306 (F) Interrupt in compilation
An interrupt generated by a (CNTL) C command (from a standard input terminal) is detected
during compilation.
3307 (F) Compiler version mismatch
File versions specified in the SH C compiler do not match the other file versions.
3320 (F) Command parameter buffer overflow
The command line specification exceeds 256 characters.
3321 (F) Illegal environment variable
An error occurred due to one of the following causes:
1. SHC_LIB was not specified.
2. A file name was specified incorrectly when SHC_LIB was specified or the number of
characters in a path name exceeds the limit of 118 characters.
3. Other than SH1, SH2, SHDSP, SH3, or SH3E is set for the environment variable SHCPU.
4000 – 4999 (—) Internal error
An internal error occurs during compilation. Report the error occurrence to your local Hitachi
Section 2 C Standard Library Error Messages
For some library functions, if an error is generated during the library function execution, an error
number is set in the macro errno defined in the header file <errno.h> contained in the standard
library. Error messages are defined in the error numbers so that error messages can be output.
The following shows an example of an error message output program.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
FILE *fp;
fp=fopen(“file”, “w”);
fclose(fp); /* error occurred */
printf(“%s\n”, strerror(errno)); /* print error message */
1. Since the file pointer of NULL is passed to the fclose function as an actual parameter, an error
will occur. In this case, an error number corresponding to errno is set.
2. The strerror function returns a pointer of the string literal of the corresponding error message
when the error number is passed as an actual parameter. An error message is output by
specifying the output of the string literal of the printf function.
Table 4.1 List of Standard Library Error Messages
Error No. Error Message/Explanation Functions to
Set Error Numbers
(ERANGE) Data out of range
An overflow occured. atan, cos, sin, tan, cosh, sinh, tanh,
exp, fabs, frexp, ldexp, modf, ceil,
floor, strtol, atoi, fscanf, scanf,
sscanf, atol
(EDOM) Data out of domain
Results for mathematical
parameters are not defined.
acos, asin, atan2, log, log10, sqrt,
fmod, pow
(EDIV) Division by zero
Division by zero was performed. divbs, divws, divls, divbu, divwu, divlu
(ESTRN) Too long string
The length of string literal exceeds
512 characters.
strtol, strtod, atof, atoi, atol
(PTRERR) Invalid file pointer
NULL pointer constant is specified
as the file pointer value
fclose, fflush, freopen, setbuf,
setvbuf, fprintf, fscanf, printf,
scanf, sprintf, sscanf, vfprintf, vprintf,
vsprintf, fgetc, fgets, fputc, fputs,
ungetc, fread, fwrite, fseek, ftell,
rewind, perror
(ECBASE) Invalid radix
An invalid radix was specified. strtol, atol, atoi
(ETLN) Number too long
The specified number exceeds 17
strtod, fscanf, scanf, sscanf, atof
(EEXP) Exponent too large
The specified exponent exceeds 3
strtod, fscanf, scanf, sscanf, atof
(EEXPN) Normalized exponent too large
The exponent exceeds three digits
when the string literal is normalized
to the IEEE standard decimal
strtod, fscanf, sscanf, atof
(EFLOATO) Overflow out of float
A float-type decimal value is out of
range (overflow).
strtod, fscanf, scanf, sscanf, atof
(EFLOATU) Underflow out of float
A float-type decimal value is out of
range (underflow).
strtod, fscanf, scanf, sscanf, atof
Table 4.1 List of Standard Library Error Messages (cont)
Error No. Error Message/Explanation Functions to
Set Error Numbers
(EDBLO) Overflow out of double
A double-type decimal value is out
of range (overflow).
strtod, fscanf, scanf, sscanf, atof
(EDBLU) Underflow out of double
A double-type decimal value is out
of range (underflow).
strtod, fscanf, scanf, sscanf, atof
(ELDBLO) Overflow out of long double
A long double-type decimal value is
out of range (overflow).
fscanf, scanf, fscanf
(ELDBLU) Underflow out of long double
A long double-type decimal value is
out of range (underflow).
fscanf, scanf, sscanf
(NOTOPN) File not open
The file is not open. fclose, fflush, setbuf, setvbuf, fprintf,
fscanf, printf, scanf, sprintf, sscanf,
vfprintf, vprintf, vsprintf, fgetc, fgets,
fputc, fputs, gets, puts, ungetc, fread,
fwrite, fseek, ftell, rewind, perror,
(EBADF) Bad file number
An output function was issued for
an input file, input file was issued for
an output function.
fprintf, fscanf, printf, scanf, sprintf,
sscanf, vfprintf, vprintf, vsprintf, fgetc,
fgets, fputc, fputs, gets, puts, ungetc,
perror, fread, fwrite
(ECSPEC) Error in format
An erroneous format was specified
for an input/output function using
fprintf, fscanf, printf, scanf, sprintf,
sscanf, vfprintf, vprintf, vsprintf,
Appendix A Language and Standard Library Function
Specifications of the C Compiler
A.1 Language Specifications of the C Compiler
A.1.1 Compilation Specifications
Table A.1 Compilation Specifications
Item C Compiler Specification
Error information when an error is detected Refer to part IV, Error Messages
A.1.2 Environmental Specifications
Table A.2 Environmental Specifications
Item C Compiler Specification
Actual argument for the main function Not specified
Interactive I/O device configuration Not specified
A.1.3 Identifiers
Table A.3 Identifier Specifications
Item C Compiler Specification
Number of valid characters of internal identifiers not
used for external linkage The first 250 characters are valid for an
internal or external identifier.
Number of valid characters of external identifiers
used for external linkage
Lowercase and uppercase character distinction in
external identifiers used for external linkage Lowercase characters are distinguished
from uppercase characters.
Note: Two different identifiers with the same first 250 characters are considered to be identical
even if the 251st or later characters are different.
1. longabcde ... ab; (the 250th character is a and the 251st character is b)
2. longabcde ... ac; (the 250th character is a and the 251st character is c)
Identifiers1. and 2. are indistinguishable because the first 250 characters are the same.
A.1.4 Characters
Table A.4 Character Specifications
Item C Compiler Specification
Elements of source character set and execution ASCII character set
environment character set Kanji used in host environment can be
used for source program comment.
Shift state used for encoding multiple-byte characters Shift state is not supported
The number of bits used to indicate a character set
during program execution Eight bits are used for each character.
Correspondence between source character set used
in character constant or character string and
execution environment character set
ASCII is used for both.
Value of character constant including characters and
escape sequence that are not specified in the C
Characters and escape sequence other
than that specified by the C language are
not supported.
Character constant of two or more characters or wide
character constant including multiple-byte characters
of two or more characters
The upper one character of the character
constant is valid. Wide character constant
is not valid. If a character constant of
more than one character is specified, a
warning error message is output.
locale specifications used to convert multiple-byte
character to wide character locale is not supported
Simple char having normal the value range same as
signed char or unsigned char.The same range as the signed char.
A.1.5 Integer
Table A.5 Integer Specifications
Item C Compiler Specification
Integer-type data representation and value Table A.6 shows data representation and
value. (A negative value is shown in two's
Effect when an integer is too large to be converted
into a signed integer-type value or into a value which
cannot be expressed using signed char type (when
the resulting value cannot be represented with the
resulting converted type)
The lower one or two bytes of the integer
is used as the conversion result.
The result of bitwise operations on signed integers signed value
Sign of the remainder for integer division Same as the sign of the dividend.
Effect of a right shift operation on the sign bit of
signed integer-type data The sign bit is unchanged by the shift
Table A.6 Integer Types and Their Corresponding Data Range
Type Range of Values Data Size
char (signed char) –128 to 127 1 byte
unsigned char 0 to 255 1 byte
short –32768 to 32767 2 bytes
unsigned short 0 to 65535 2 bytes
int –2147483648 to 2147483647 4 bytes
unsigned int 0 to 4294967295 4 bytes
long –2147483648 to 2147483647 4 bytes
unsigned long 0 to 4294967295 4 bytes
Note: Type specification in parenthesis () can be omitted. The order of type specification is
A.1.6 Floating-Point Numbers
Table A.7 Floating-Point Number Specifications
Item C Compiler Specification
Data that can be represented as floating-point type
and value The float, double, and long double are
provided as floating-point types.
Rounding down direction when converting an
integer number to a floating-point number that
cannot represent the integer's original value
See section A.3, Floating-Point Number
Specifications, for details on floating-point
numbers (internal representation,
Rounding down or rounding method when
converting a floating-point number to a lower-
precision number
conversion specifications, and operation
specifications). Table A.8 shows the limits
on representing floating-point numbers.
Table A.8 Limits on Floating-Point Numbers
Item Decimal*1 Hexadecimal
Maximum value of float type 3.4028235677973364e+38f
(3.4028234663852886e+38f) 7f7fffff
Positive minimum value of
float type 7.0064923216240862e–46f
(1.4012984643248171e–45f) 00000001
Maximum value of double*2
or long double type 1.7976931348623158e+308
(1.7976931348623157e+308) 7fefffffffffffff
Positive minimum value of
double*2 or long double type 4.9406564584124655e–324
(4.9406564584124654e–324) 0000000000000001
Notes: 1. Limits on decimal is non-zero minimum value or maximum value not infinitive value.
Values within ( ) indicate theoretical values.
2. double type will have the same value as float type when –double=float
option is specified.
A.1.7 Arrays and Pointers
Table A.9 Array and Pointer Specifications
Item C Compiler Specification
Integer type required for holding array's maximum
size (size_t) unsigned long
Conversion from pointer-type data to integer-type
data (Pointer-type data size Integer-type data size) The lower byte of pointer-type data is used.
Conversion from pointer-type data to integer-type
data (Pointer-type data size < Integer-type data size) Extended with signs
Conversion from integer-type data to pointer-type
data (Integer-type data size Pointer-type data size) The lower byte of integer-type data is used.
Conversion from integer-type data to pointer-type
data (Integer-type data size < Pointer-type data size) Extended with signs
Integer type required for holding pointer difference
between members in the same array (ptrdiff_t) int
A.1.8 Register
Table A.10 Register Specifications
Item C Compiler Specification
The maximum number of register variables that can
be allocated to registers 7
Type of register variables that can be allocated to
registers char, unsigned char, short, unsigned
short, int, unsigned int, long, unsigned
long, float, and pointers
A.1.9 Structure, Union, Enumeration, and Bit Field Types
Table A.11 Specifications for Structure, Union, Enumeration, and Bit Field Types
Item C Compiler Specification
Effect of referencing a union-type member using
another member whose data type is different Reference is possible but the referred value
is not guaranteed.
Structure member alignment The maximum data size among structure
members is a boundary alignment number.
Refer to table A.6 Integer Types and Their
Corresponding Data Range. *1
Sign of an int bit field Assumed to be signed int
Allocation order of bit fields in int area Beginning from the high order bit to low
order bit. *2
Result when a bit field has been allocated in an int
area and the next bit field to be allocated is larger
than the remaining int
The next bit field is allocated to the next int
Type specifier allowed for bit field char, unsigned char, short, unsigned
short, int, unsigned int, long, and
unsigned long
Integer describing enumeration int
Notes: 1. See section 2.2.2 Combined-Type Data, in part II C Programming, for details on
structure member allocation.
2. See section 2.2.3, Bit Fields, in part II C Programming, for details on bit field allocation.
A.1.10 Qualifier
Table A.12 Qualifier Specifications
Item C Compiler Specification
volatile data access type Not specified
A.1.11 Declarations
Table A.13 Declaration Specifications
Item C Compiler Specification
Types that can qualify the basic types
(pointer, array, and function) Up to 16 types can be specified.
1. Example of counting the number of types that qualify the basic types
a. int a;
a is int (basic type) and the number of declarators that qualify the basic type is zero.
b. char *f( );
f is a function type that returns pointer to char (basic type). The number of declarators that
qualify the basic type is two.
A.1.12 Statement
Table A.14 Statement Specifications
Item C Compiler Specification
The number of case label that can be declared in a
switch statement Up to 511 labels can be specified.
A.1.13 Preprocessor
Table A.15 Preprocessor Specifications
Item C Compiler Specification
Correspondence between single character constant
in a constant expression and execution environment
character set in the conditional compilation
Character strings in the preprocessor
statement match the execution environment
character set
Reading an include file The file within < > is read from a directory
specified by the include option. When more
than one directory is specified, a file is
searched for in the specified order. If a
specified file is not found at a specified
directory, the search continues at a
directory specified by environment variable
SHC_INC and a system directory
(SHC_LIB) in this order.
Supporting an include file whose name is enclosed
in a pair of double quotation marks The C compiler supports include files
whose names are delimited by double
quotation marks. The C compiler reads
these include files from the current
directory. If the include files are not in the
current directory, the C compiler reads them
from the directory specified in advance.
Blank character in the character string of an actual
parameter for a #define statement after expansion Strings of blanks are expanded as one
blank character.
#pragma directive operation #pragma interrupt, #pragma section,
#pragma inline, #pragma inline_asm,
#pragma abs16, #pragma gbr_base,
#pragma gbr_base1, #pragma noregsave,
#pragma noregalloc, #pragma regsave, and
#pragma global_register are supported.*1
Value of _ _DATE_ _, _ _TIME_ _ Data depending on the host machine timer
when the compilation starts.
Note: See section 3, Extended Specification, in part II C Programming, for details on #pragma
A.2 C Library Function Specifications
This section explains the specifications for C library functions that are not declared in C language
A.2.1 stddef.h
Table A.16 stddef.h Specifications
Item C Compiler Specification
Value of macro NULL The value is 0 for a pointer type to a void
Contents of ptrdiff_t int type
A.2.2 assert.h
Table A.17 assert.h Specifications
Item C Compiler Specification
Information output and terminal operation of assert
function See 1. for the format of output information.
The program outputs information and then
calls the abort function to stop the
1. The following message is output when the value of the expression is 0 for assert (expression):
Assertion Failed:<expression>File<file name>, Line<line number>
A.2.3 ctype.h
Table A.18 ctype.h Specifications
Item C Compiler Specification
The character set for which the isalnum, isalpha,
iscntrl, islower, isprint, and isupper functions
Character set that can be expressed in
unsigned char type. Table A.19 shows the
character set that results in a true return
Table A.19 Set of Characters that Returns True
Function Name Characters That Become True
isalnum '0' to '9', 'A' to 'Z', 'a' to 'z'
isalpha 'A' to 'Z', 'a' to 'z'
iscntrl '¥X00' to '¥X1f', '¥X7f'
islower 'a' to 'z'
isprint '¥X20' to '¥X7E'
isupper 'A' to 'Z'
A.2.4 math.h
Table A.20 math.h Specifications
Item C Compiler Specification
Value returned by a mathematical function if an
input parameter is out of the range For details on format for not a number,
refer to A.3, Floating-Point Number
Returns a not a number.
Is errno set to the value of macro ERANGE if an
underflow error occurs in a mathematical function? No, it is not.
Does a range error occur if the 2nd actual parameter
in the fmod function is 0 Returns a not a number and a range error
Note: math.h defines macro names ENUM and ERANGE that indicates a standard library error
A.2.5 setjmp.h
Table A.21 setjmp.h Specifications
Item C Compiler Specification
What programs can a setjmp function be called in ? The following statements can call a setjmp
function if specified with setjmp() or
ver=setjmp() format:
A single statement or an if, while, do,
or for statement that specifies
switch or return statement
A.2.6 stdio.h
Table A.22 stdio.h Specifications
Item C Compiler Specification
Is a carriage return character indicating the last line
of input data required? Not specified. Depends on the low-level
interface routine specifications.
Is a blank character immediately before the carriage
return character read?
Number of NULL characters added to data written to
binary file
Initial value of file position specifier in addition mode
Is a file data lost following text file output?
File buffering specifications
Does a file with file length 0 exist?
File name configuration rule
Can the same files be opened simultaneously?
Output data representation of the %p format
conversion in the fprintf function Hexadecimal representation
Output data representation of the %p format
conversion in the fscanf function, the meaning of
(–) in the fscanf function
Hexadecimal representation
If (–) is not placed at the beginning or end
of a fscanf character string or does not
follow (^) in a fscanf character string,
indicates the range between the previous
and following characters.
Value of errno specified by fgetpos and ftell
functions The fgetpos function is not supported.
The ftell function does not specify the errno
value. The errno value is determined
depending on the low-level interface
Output format of messages generated by the perror
function See 1. below for the output message
calloc, malloc, or realloc function operation when
the size is 0 0 byte area is allocated.
1. Messages generated by a perror function follow this format:
<character string> : <error message corresponding to the error number indicated by errno>
2. Table A.23 shows the format used to indicate infinity and not a number for floating-point
numbers when using the printf or fprintf function.
Table A.23 Infinity and Not a number
Value C Compiler Specification
Positive infinity ++++++
Negative infinity ––––––
Not a number ******
A.2.7 string.h
Table A.24 string.h Specifications
Item C Compiler Specification
Return value from an memcmp, strcmp, or
strncmp function. Value is treated as a signed value.
Error message returned by the strerror function Refer to section 2, C Standard Library, in
part IV Error Messages.
A.2.8 errno.h
Table A.25 errno.h Specifications
Item C Compiler Specification
errno An error number is specified when an error occurs in an int
type variable or a library function.
ERANGE Refer to section 2, C Standard Library Error Messages, in part
IV Error Messages.
A.2.9 Libraries that are Not Supported by the SH C Compiler
Table A.26 shows a list of libraries that are not supported by the SH C compiler but are defined in
the H series C language manual specification. Header files are not supported for signal.h and
Table A.26 Libraries that are Not Supported by the SH C Compiler
Header File Library
signal.h signal, raise
stdio.h remove, rename, tmpfile, tmpnam
stdlib.h getenv, system
time.h clock, difftime, time, asctime, ctime, gmtime,
A.3 Floating-Point Number Specifications
A.3.1 Internal Representation of Floating-Point Numbers
The internal representation of floating-point numbers follows the IEEE standard format. This
section explains the outline of the internal representation of IEEE-type floating-point numbers.
Internal Representation Format: float is represented in IEEE single precision (32 bits), double
and long double are represented in IEEE double precision (64 bits).
Internal Representation Structure: Figure A.1 shows the structure of float, double, and long
double in internal representation.
double and long double
(1 bit) Exponent
(8 bits) Mantissa
(23 bits)
(1 bit) Exponent
(11 bits) Mantissa
(52 bits)
63 62 52 51 0
30 23 22 0
Note: When –double = float option is specified, double type and float type have the same internal
Figure A.1 Structure for the Internal Representation of Floating-Point Numbers
The elements of the structure have the following meanings.
1. Sign
This indicates the sign of a floating-point number. Positive and negative are represented by 0
and 1, respectively.
2. Exponent
This indicates the exponent of a floating-point number as a power of two.
3. Mantissa
This determines the significant digits of a floating-point number.
Types of Values: Floating-point numbers can represent infinity in addition to real numbers. The
rest of this section explains the types of values that can be represented by floating-point numbers.
1. Normalized Number
The exponent is not 0 or the maximum. A normalized number represents a real number.
2. Denormalized Number
The exponent is 0 and the mantissa is not 0. A denormalized number is a real number whose
absolute value is very small.
3. Zero
The exponent and mantissa are both 0. Zero represents the value 0.0.
4. Infinity
The exponent is the maximum and mantissa is 0.
5. Not a Number
The exponent is the maximum and the mantissa is not 0. This is used to represent an operation
result that is undefined (such as 0.0/0.0, /, ∞ − ∞).
Note: A denormalized number represents a floating-point number whose absolute value is so
small that it cannot be represented as a normalized number. Denormalized numbers have
less significant digits than normalized numbers. The significant digits of a result are not
guaranteed if either the operation result or an intermediate result is a denormalized
Table A.27 Types of Values Represented by Floating-Point Numbers
Mantissa 0 Other than 0 or Maximum Maximum
0 0 Normalized number Infinity
Other than 0 Denormalized number Not a number
A.3.2 float
float is internally represented as 1 sign bit, 8 exponent bits, and 23 mantissa bits.
Normalized Number: The sign bit is either 0 (positive) or 1 (negative). The exponent is a
number from 1 to 254 (28 – 2). From the value 1 to 254, 127 is subtracted and the result is used as
the actual exponent. The range of actual exponents is –126 to 127. The mantissa is a value from 0
to 223 – 1. The actual mantissa is assumed that the highest order bit (223) is 1 and a decimal point
follows it.
Value represented by a normalized number is shown in the following expression:
(1)<sign> × 2<exponent> –127 × (1+ <mantissa> × 2–23)
31 30 23 22 0
Exponent: 10000000(2) 127 = 1 ((2) indicates binary data throughout this manual.)
Mantissa: 1.11(2) = 1.75
Value: 1.75 × 21 = –3.5
Denormalized Number: The sign bit is either 0 (positive) or 1 (negative). The exponent is 0
which makes the actual exponent equal to –126. The mantissa is a value from 1 to 223 – 1. The
actual mantissa is assumed that a highest order bit (223) is 0 and a decimal point follows it.
Value represented by a denormalized number is shown in the following expression:
(1)<sign> × 2<exponent> –126 × ( <mantissa> × 2–23)
31 30 23 22 0
Sign: +
Exponent: 0(2) 126 = 126
Mantissa: 0.11(2) = 0.75
Value: 0.75 × 2-126
Zero: The sign bit is either 0 (positive) or 1 (negative) and indicates +0.0 and –0.0, respectively.
The exponent and mantissa are 0. Both +0.0 and –0.0 represent 0.0. See appendix A.3.4,
Floating-Point Operation Specifications, for differences in each operation depending on the sign.
Infinity: The sign bit is either 0 (positive) or 1 (negative) and indicates + and –, respectively.
The exponent is 255 (28 – 1). The mantissa is 0.
Not a Number: The exponent is 255 (28 – 1) and the mantissa is not equal to 0.
Note: When the CPU is SH3E, the not a number for the most significant bit of the mantissa
which is 0 is called qNaN, and the not a number for the most significant bit of the
mantissa which is 1 is called sNaN. Other mantissa field values and sign parts are not
A.3.3 double and long double
A double or long double is represented as 1 sign bit, 11 exponent bits, and 52 mantissa bits.
Normalized Number: The sign bit is either 0 (positive) or 1 (negative). The exponent is a
number from 1 to 2046 (211 – 2). From the value 1 to 2046, 1023 is subtracted and the result is
used as the actual exponent. The range of actual exponents is –1022 to 1023. The mantissa is a
value from 0 to 252 – 1. The actual mantissa is assumed that the highest order bit (252) is 1 and a
decimal point follows it.
Value represented by a normalized number is shown in the following expression:
(1)<sign> × 2<exponent> -1023 × ( 1 + <mantissa> × 2-52)
63 52 51 0
Sign: +
Exponent: 1111111111(2) 1023 = 1
Mantissa: 1.111(2) = 1.875
Value: 1.875 × 20 = 1.875
Denormalized Number: The sign bit is either 0 (positive) or 1 (negative). The exponent is 0
which makes the actual exponent equal to –1022. The mantissa value is from 1 to 252 – 1. The
actual mantissa is assumed that the highest order bit (252) is 0 and a decimal point follows it.
Value represented by a denormalized number is shown in the following expression:
(1)<sign> × 2<exponent> –1022 × (<mantissa> × 2–52)
63 52 51 0
Exponent: 0(2) −1022 = 1022
Mantissa: 0.111(2) = 0.875
Value: 0.875 × 2-1022 = 1.875
Zero: The sign bit is either 0 (positive) or 1 (negative) and indicates +0.0 and –0.0, respectively.
The exponent and mantissa are 0. Both +0.0 and –0.0 represent 0.0. See appendix A.3.4,
Floating-Point Operation Specifications, for differences in each operation depending on the sign.
Infinity: The sign bit is either 0 (positive) or 1 (negative) and indicate + and – respectively.
The exponent is 2047 (211 – 1). The mantissa is 0.
Not a Number: The exponent is 2047 (211 – 1) and the mantissa is not equal to 0.
Note: When the CPU is SH3E, the not a number for the most significant bit of the mantissa
which is 0 is called qNaN, and the not a number for the most significant bit of the
mantissa which is 1 is called sNaN. Other mantissa field values and sign parts are not
A.3.4 Floating-point Operation Specifications
This section explains the floating-point arithmetic used in C language functions. It also gives the
specifications for converting between the decimal representation and the internal representation of
floating-point numbers generated during C compiler or standard library function processing.
Arithmetic Operation Specifications:
1. Result Rounding
If the precise result of a floating-point operation exceeds the significant digits of the internally
represented mantissa, the result is rounded as follows:
a. The result is rounded to the nearest internally representable floating-point number.
b. If the result is directly between the two nearest internally representable floating-point
numbers, the result is rounded so that the lowest bit of the mantissa becomes 0.
c. When the CPU is SH3E, the number of digits that exceed the significant digit are rounded
2. Overflow/Underflow and Invalid Operation Handling
Invalid operations, overflows and underflows resulting from numeric operations are handled as
a. For an overflow, positive or negative infinity is used depending on the sign of the result.
b. For an underflow, positive or negative zero is used depending on the sign of the result.
c. An invalid operation is assumed when: i. infinity is added to infinity and each infinity has
a different sign, ii. infinity is subtracted from infinity and each infinity has the same sign,
iii. zero is multiplied by infinity, iv. zero is divided by zero, or v. infinity is divided by
infinity. In each case, the result is not a number.
d. Data accuracy cannot be guaranteed if the data overflows when converting floating-point
data to integer data.
Note: Operations are performed with constant expressions at compile time. If an overflow,
underflow, or invalid operation is detected during these operations, a warning-level error
3. Special Value Operations
More about special value (zero, infinity, and not a number) operations:
a. If positive zero and negative zero are added, the result is positive zero.
b. If zero is subtracted from zero and both zeros have the same sign, the result is positive
c. The operation result is always a not a number if one or both operands are not a numbers.
d. Positive zero is equal to a negative zero for comparison operations.
e. If one or both operands are not a numbers in a comparison or equivalence operation, the
result of != is always true and all other results are false.
Conversion between Decimal Representation and Internal Representation: This section
explains the conversion between floating-point constants in a source program and floating-point
constants in internal representation. The conversion between decimal representation and internal
representation of ASCII character string floating-point numbers by library functions is also
1. To convert a floating-point number from decimal representation to internal representation, the
floating-point number in decimal representation is first converted to a floating-point number in
normalized decimal representation. A floating-point number in normalized decimal
representation is in the format ±M × 10±N. The following ranges of M and N are used:
a. For normalized float
0 M 109 1
0 N 99
b. For normalized double and long double
0 M 1017 1
0 N 999
An overflow or underflow occurs if a floating-point number in decimal representation cannot
be normalized. If a floating-point number in normalized decimal representation contains too
many significant digits, as a result of the conversion, the lower digits are discarded. In the
above cases, a warning-level error occurs at compilation and the variable errno is set equal to
the corresponding error number at run time.
To convert a floating-point number from decimal representation to normalized decimal
representation, the length of the original ASCII character string must be less than or equal to
511 characters. Otherwise, an error occurs at compile time and the variable errno is set equal
to the corresponding error number at run time.
To convert a floating-point number from internal representation to decimal representation, the
floating-point number is first converted from internal representation to normalized decimal
representation. The result is then converted to an ASCII character string according to a
specified format.
2. Conversion between Normalized Decimal Representation and Internal Representation
If the exponent of a floating-point number to be converted between decimal representation and
internal representation is too large or too small, a precise result cannot be obtained. This
section explains the range of exponents for precise conversion and the error that results from
exceeding the range.
a. Range of Exponents for Precise Conversion
Rounding as explained in the description, Result Rounding, in appendix A.3 4, Floating-
point Operation Specifications, is performed precisely for floating-point numbers whose
exponents are in the following ranges:
For float :0 M 109 1, 0 N 13
For double and long double:0 M 1017 1, 0 N 27
An overflow or underflow will not occur if the exponent is within the proper ranges.
b. Conversion and Rounding Error
The difference between, a. the error occurring when the exponent outside the proper range
is converted, and b. the error occurring when the value is precisely rounded, does not
exceed the result of multiplying the least significant digit by 0.47. If an exponent outside
the proper range is converted, an overflow or underflow may occur. In such a case, a
warning-level error occurs at compilation and the variable errno is set to the corresponding
error number at run time.
Appendix B Parameter Allocation Example
Example 1: Register parameters are allocated to registers R4 to R7 depending on the order of
int f(char,short,int,float);
1No sign extension
No sign extension
Example 2: Parameters which could not be allocated to registers R4 to R7 are allocated to the
stack area as shown below. If a char (unsigned) or short (unsigned) type parameter is allocated
to a parameter area on a stack, it is extended to a 4-byte area.
int f(int,short,long,float,char);
No sign extension
No sign extension
Parameter area
Lower address
Upper address
Example 3: Parameters having a type that cannot be allocated to registers from R4 to R7 are
allocated to the stack area.
struct s{int x,y;}a;
int f(int,struct s,int);
Parameter area
Lower address
Upper address
Example 4: If a function whose number of parameters changes is specified by prototype
declaration, parameters which do not have a corresponding type in the declaration and the
immediately preceding parameters are allocated to a stack.
int f(double,int,int,...)
R4 2
Parameter area
Lower address
Upper address
Example 5: If a value returned by a function exceeds four bytes, or is a structure type, a return
value is specified just before parameter area. If structure size is not a multiple of four, an unused
area is generated.
Parameter area
Lower address
Upper address
struct s{char x,y,z;}a;
double f(struct s);
Return value
setting area
Return value address a.y Unused
Example 6: When the CPU is SH3E, float type parameters are allocated to FPU registers.
int f(char,float,short,float,double);
No sign extension
No sign extension
R4 FR4
Parameter area
(stack) 5.0
Lower address
Upper address
Appendix C Usage of Registers and Stack Area
This section describes how to use registers and stack area by the C compiler. The user does not
have to take care how to use this area, because registers and stack area used by a function are
operated by the C compiler. Figure C.1 shows the usage of registers and stack area.
(Only for SH3E)
R0-R14 : For variable or temporary
data storage
R4-R7 : For parameter storage
(indicated by )
FR0-FR15 : For variable or temporary
data storage
FR4-FR11 : For parameter storage
(indicated by )
Stack area
Area used by
the function
Return value address
Parameter area
Stack area
Lower address
Upper address
Frame size
4 bytes
Stack frame
Figure C.1 Usage of Registers and Stack Area
Appendix D Creating Termination Functions
D.1 Creating Library onexit Function
This section describes how to create library onexit function that defines termination routines. The
onexit function defines a function address, which is passed as a parameter, in the termination
routine table. If the number of defined functions exceeds the limit value (assumed to be 32 in the
following example), or if the same function is defined twice or more, NULL is returned.
Otherwise, value other than NULL is returned. An example of onexit routine is shown below.
#include <stdlib.h>
typedef void *onexit_t;
int _onexit_count=0;
onexit_t (*_onexit_buf[32])(void);
extern onexit_t onexit(onexit_t (*)(void));
onexit_t onexit(f)
onexit_t (*f)(void);
int i;
for(i=0; i<_onexit_count ; i++)
if( _onexit_buf[i]==f) /* Checks if the same function */
return NULL; /* has been defined */
if( _onexit_count==32) /* Checks if the No. of */
/* defined functions exceed */
/* limit */
return NULL;
_onexit_buf[ _onexit_count]=f; /*Defines the function address*/
return &_onexit_buf[_onexit_count -1];
D.2 Creating exit Function
This section describes how to create exit function that terminates program execution. Note that
the exit function must be created according to the user system specifications referring to the
following example, because how to terminate a program differs depending on the user system.
The exit function terminates C program execution based on the termination code returned as a
parameter and then returns to the environment at program initiation. Returning to the environment
at program initiation is achieved by the following two steps:
1. Sets a termination code in an external variable
2. Returns to the environment that is saved by the setjmp function immediately before calling the
main function
An example of the exit function is shown below.
#include <setjmp.h>
#include <stddef.h>
typedef void *onexit_t;
extern int _onexit_count;
extern onexit_t (*_onexit_buf[32])(void);
extern jmp_buf _init_env ;
extern int _exit_code ;
extern void _CLOSEALL();
extern void exit(int);
void exit(code)
int code ;
_exit_code=code ; /*Sets return code to _exit_code */
for(int i=_onexit_count-1; i>0; i--)
(*_onexit_buf[i])(); /*Sequencially executes functions
defined by onexit*/
_CLOSEALL(); /*Closes all files opened*/
longjmp(_init_inv, 1) ; /*Returns to the environment saved
by the setjmp*/
Note: To return to the environment before program execution, create the callmain function and
call the callmain function instead of calling the main function from the init routine as
shown below.
#include <setjmp.h>
jmp_buf _init_env;
int _exit_code;
void callmain()
/* Saves current environment by setjmp function and calls the */
/* main function */
/* Terminates C program if a termination code is returned from the */
/* exit function */
_exit_code = main();
D.3 Creating Abort Routine
To terminate the routine abnormally, the program must be terminated by an abort routine prepared
according to the user system specifications. The following shows an example of abort routine in
which an error message is output to the standard output device, closes all files, enters endless loop,
and waits for reset.
#include <stdio.h>
extern void abort();
extern void _CLOSEALL();
void abort()
printf("program is abort !!\n"); /*Outputs message */
_CLOSEALL(); /*Closes all files */
while(1); /*Enters endless loop */
Appendix E Examples of Low-Level Interface Routine
/* lowsrc.c: */
/*- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -*/
/* SH-series simulator debugger interface routine */
/* - Only standard I/O files (stdin, stdout, stderr) are supported */
#include <string.h>
/* file number */
#define STDIN 0 /* Standard input (console) */
#define STDOUT 1 /* Standard output (console) */
#define STDERR 2 /* Standard error output (console) */
#define FLMIN 0 /* Minimum file number */
#define FLMAX 3 /* Maximum number of files */
/* file flag */
#define O_RDONLY 0x0001 /* Read only */
#define O_WRONLY 0x0002 /* Write only */
#define O_RDWR 0x0004 /* Both read and write */
/* special character code */
#define CR 0x0d /* Carriage return */
#define LF 0x0a /* Line feed */
/* size of area managed by sbrk */
#define HEAPSIZE 1024
/* Declaration of reference function */
/* Reference of assembly program in which the simulator debugger input or */
/* output characters to the console */
extern void charput(char); /* One character input */
extern char charget(void); /* One character output */
/* Definition of static variable: */
/* Definition of static variables used in low-level interface routines */
char flmod[FLMAX]; /* Open file mode specification area */
static union {
long dummy ; /* Dummy for 4-byte boundary */
char heap[HEAPSIZE]; /* Declaration of the area managed */
/* by sbrk */
} heap_area ;
static char *brk=(char *)&heap_area;/* End address of area assigned by */
/* sbrk */
/* open:file open */
/* Return value: File number (Pass) */
/* -1 (Failure) */
int open(char *name, /* File name */
int mode) /* File mode */
/* Check mode according to file name and return file numbers */
if(strcmp(name,"stdin")==0){ /* Standard input file */
return -1;
return STDIN;
else if(strcmp(name,"stdout")==0){ /* Standard output file */
return -1;
return STDOUT;
else if(strcmp(name,"stderr")==0){ /* Standard error file */
return -1;
return STDERR;
return -1; /* Error */
/* close:File close */
/* Return value:0 (Pass) */
/* -1 (Failure) */
int close(int fileno) /* File number */
if(fileno<FLMIN || FLMAX<fileno) /* File number range check */
return -1;
flmod[fileno]=0; /* File mode reset */
return 0;
/* read:Data read */
/* Return value:Number of read characters (Pass) */
/* -1 (Failure) */
int read(int fileno, /* File number */
char *buf, /* Destination buffer address */
unsigned int count) /* Number of read characters */
unsigned int i;
/*Check mode according to file name and store each character in buffer */
for(i=count; i>0; i--){
if(*buf==CR) /*Line feed character replacement*/
return count;
return -1;
/* write:Data write */
/* Return value:Number of write characters (Pass) */
/* -1 (Failure) */
int write(int fileno, /* File number */
char *buf, /* Destination buffer address */
unsigned int count) /* Number of write characters */
unsigned int i;
char c;
/* Check mode according to file name and output each character */
if(flmod[fileno]&O_WRONLY || flmod[fileno]&O_RDWR){
for(i=count; i>0; i--){
return count;
return -1;
/* lseek:Definition of file read/write position */
/* Return value:Offset from the top of file read/write position(Pass)*/
/* -1 (Failure) */
/* (lseek is not supported in the console input/output) */
long lseek(int fileno, /* File number */
long offset, /* Read/write position */
int base) /* Origin of offset */
return -1;
/* sbrk:Data write */
/* Return value:Start address of the assigned area (Pass) */
/* -1 (Failure) */
char *sbrk(unsigned long size) /* Assigned area size */
char *p ;
if(brk+size>heap_area.heap+HEAPSIZE) /* Empty area size */
return (char *)-1 ;
p=brk ; /* Area assignment */
brk += size ; /* End address update */
return p ;
;- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
; lowlvl.src |
;- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
; Input/output one character- |
;- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
.EXPORT _charput
.EXPORT _charget
SIM_IO: .EQU H'0080 ;Specifies TRAP_ADDRESS
;- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
; _charput: One character output |
;- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
MOV.L A_DATA, R0 ;Specifies data
MOV.B R4, @R0
MOV.L A_PARM, R1 ;Specifies parameter block address
MOV.L R0, @(4,R1) ;Specifies data buffer start address
MOV.L A_FNO, R0 ;Specifies file number
MOV.B @R0, R0
MOV.B R0, @(1, R1)
MOV.L F_putc, R0 ;Specifies function code
;- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
; _charget: One character input |
;- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
MOV.L A_PARM, R1 ;Specifies parameter block address
MOV.L A_DATA, R0 ;Specifies data buffer start address
MOV.L R0, @(4,R1)
MOV.L A_FNO, R0 ;Specifies file number
MOV.B @R0, R0
MOV.B R0, @(1, R1)
MOV.L F_getc, R0 ;Specifies function code
MOV.L A_PARAM, R1 ;References data
MOV.L @(4,R1), R0
MOV.B @R0, R0
A_DATA: .DATA.L DATA ;Data buffer start address
A_PARM: .DATA.L PARM ;Parameter block address
A_FNO: . .DATA.L FILENO ;File number area address
F_putc: .DATA.L H’01280000 ;fputc function number
F_getc: .DATA.L H’01270000 ;fgetc function number
N_IO: .DATA.L SIM_IO ;Trap address
;- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
; buffer definition |
;- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
PARM: .RES.L 1 ; Parameter block area
FILENO: .RES.B 1 ; File number area
DATA: .RES.B 1 ; Data assign area
Appendix F ASCII Codes
Notes: : Yes
— :
abort routine (termination routine).................................................................................................192
abs16 (option).............................................................................................................................13, 19
abs16 (pragma specification)............................................................................................................81
align16 (option)..........................................................................................................................13, 18
Alignment.............................................................................................................................38, 41, 43
all (suboption) ............................................................................................................................13, 19
Allocating Memory Areas................................................................................................................97
Array and Pointer Specifications....................................................................................................164
Array type.........................................................................................................................................43
ASCII codes....................................................................................................................................199
asmcode (suboption) ..................................................................................................................11, 14
assert.h (standard header file).........................................................................................................168
big (suboption)............................................................................................................................12, 18
big endian ...................................................................................................................................48, 49
Bit field.....................................................................................................................................45, 165
bss (suboption)............................................................................................................................11, 15
C library function specifications ....................................................................................................168
C standard library error message....................................................................................................153
C compiler environment variables....................................................................................................30
C compiler execution..........................................................................................................................7
C compiler listings............................................................................................................................23
C compiler options .......................................................................................................................8, 10
Character specifications..................................................................................................................161
close routine (low-level interface routine) .....................................................................121, 126, 194
code (option) ..............................................................................................................................11, 14
Coding notes.....................................................................................................................................87
Command line specification.............................................................................................................29
comment (option) .......................................................................................................................12, 16
Compilation specifications.............................................................................................................159
const (suboption)..................................................................................................................11, 15, 16
Constant area....................................................................................................................................39
Correspondence to standard libraries ...............................................................................................21
cpu (option) ................................................................................................................................10, 13
cpu (suboption)...........................................................................................................................12, 17
Creating library onexit function .....................................................................................................189
ctype.h (standard header file) .........................................................................................................168
data (suboption)....................................................................................................................11, 15, 16
debug (option) ............................................................................................................................10, 14
Debugging information ....................................................................................................................14
Declaration Specifications..............................................................................................................166
define (option)............................................................................................................................11, 14
Denormalized number....................................................................................................................178
division (option) .........................................................................................................................12, 17
double (option) ...........................................................................................................................13, 18
Dynamic area..................................................................................................................................102
Dynamic area allocation.................................................................................................................102
endian (option)............................................................................................................................12, 18
Enumeration ...................................................................................................................................165
Environment variables......................................................................................................................30
Environmental specifications .........................................................................................................159
errno........................................................................................................................................116, 172
errno.h (standard header file) .........................................................................................................172
Error messages................................................................................................................................133
euc (option) ..........................................................................................................................12, 16, 77
euc (suboption)...........................................................................................................................13, 18
Evaluation order ...............................................................................................................................87
Examples of low-level interface routine ........................................................................................193
Executing a C program.....................................................................................................................37
exit function (termination function) ...............................................................................................190
expansion (suboption) ................................................................................................................10, 14
Exponent.........................................................................................................................177, 178, 181
Extended specifications....................................................................................................................61
External identifier.............................................................................................................................50
External identifier reference.............................................................................................................50
File extension......................................................................................................................................9
FILE-type data................................................................................................................................119
float.............................................................................................................................................58, 60
float (suboption) .........................................................................................................................13, 18
Floating-point number specifications.....................................................................................163, 174
Frame size ......................................................................................................................................103
Function call interface......................................................................................................................52
gbr_base (pragma specification) ......................................................................................................82
gbr_base1 (pragma specification) ....................................................................................................82
Global base register (GBR)..................................................................................................66, 68, 71
Global base register (GBR) base variable..................................................................................61, 82
Heap area....................................................................................................................39, 95, 102, 105
help (option) ...............................................................................................................................11, 15
How to invoke the C compiler............................................................................................................7
Identifier specifications..................................................................................................................160
IEEE ...............................................................................................................................................174
include (option) ..........................................................................................................................11, 15
include (suboption).....................................................................................................................10, 14
include file..........................................................................................................................................9
Infinity....................................................................................................................171, 175, 177, 178
Initialized data area ..........................................................................................................39, 100, 110
Initializing C library functions .......................................................................................................116
inline (option).............................................................................................................................12, 18
inline (pragma specification)............................................................................................................78
Inline function ..................................................................................................................................78
inline_asm (pragma specification) ...................................................................................................79
Inline expansion in assembly language............................................................................................79
int................................................................................................................................................42, 48
Integer specifications......................................................................................................................162
Integer types and their corresponding data range...........................................................................162
Internal data representation..............................................................................................................41
internal label...............................................................................................................................35, 36
Internal representation........................................................................................................41, 43, 174
interrupt (pragma specification).......................................................................................................61
Interrupt functions............................................................................................................................61
Intrinsic functions.............................................................................................................................66
Invalid operation ............................................................................................................................179
Japanese................................................................................................................................12, 16, 77
Japanese code select in string literals...............................................................................................12
Language specifications .................................................................................................................159
length (suboption) ......................................................................................................................10, 14
Library..........................................................................................................................................9, 21
Limits of the C compiler ..................................................................................................................35
Limits on floating-point numbers...................................................................................................163
Linkage with assembly programs.....................................................................................................50
Listing.........................................................................................................................................10, 23
listfile (option)............................................................................................................................11, 14
little (suboption) .........................................................................................................................12, 18
Little endian....................................................................................................................12, 18, 21, 48
long double.................................................................................................................................42, 60
long...........................................................................................................................42, 45, 48, 58, 60
loop (option)...............................................................................................................................13, 19
Low-level interface routine............................................................................114, 117, 118, 121, 122
lseek routine (low-level interface routine) .....................................................................121, 129, 196
machine.h (standard header file)......................................................................................................73
machinecode (suboption)............................................................................................................11, 14
Macro name................................................................................................................................11, 14
macsave (option) ........................................................................................................................12, 18
Mantissa..................................................................................................174, 175, 176, 177, 178, 179
math.h (standard header file)....................................................................................................75, 169
mathf.h (standard header file) ..........................................................................................................75
message (option) ........................................................................................................................13, 18
Mutiply and accumulate operation...................................................................................................70
nestinline (option) ......................................................................................................................13, 19
object (suboption).......................................................................................................................10, 14
Object listing ..............................................................................................................................26, 27
objectfile (option).......................................................................................................................11, 14
onexit function (termination processing function).........................................................................189
open routine (low level interface routine)......................................................................121, 124, 194
optimize (option)........................................................................................................................10, 13
Option combinations ........................................................................................................................20
outcode (option)..........................................................................................................................13, 18
Overflow...................................................................................................................88, 179, 180, 181
Overview of system installation.......................................................................................................95
Parameter........................................................................................................................52, 56, 57, 58
Parameter allocation example ........................................................................................................183
Parameter area allocation ...........................................................................................................57, 58
peripheral (suboption) ................................................................................................................12, 17
pic (option) .................................................................................................................................11, 16
Position independent code....................................................................................................11, 16, 21
pragma......................................................................................................................................61, 167
preinclude (option) .....................................................................................................................12, 18
Preprocessor specifications ............................................................................................................167
program (suboption)...................................................................................................................11, 15
Program area ....................................................................................................................................39
Program configuration............................................................................................................107, 113
ptrdiff_t...................................................................................................................................164, 168
Qualifier specifications ..................................................................................................................165
RAM.........................................................................................................................................95, 100
read routine (low-level interface routine).......................................................................121, 127, 195
Reading an include file...................................................................................................................167
Register save and recovery control ..................................................................................................83
Register specifications....................................................................................................................164
regsave (pragma specification).........................................................................................................83
Return value......................................................................................................................................56
Returning value writing area............................................................................................................60
ROM.........................................................................................................................................95, 100
Rounding method ...........................................................................................................................163
rtnext (option).............................................................................................................................13, 19
Rules on Changes in Registers.........................................................................................................53
run (suboption) ...........................................................................................................................13, 19
Run time routine...............................................................................................................................98
sbrk routine (low-level interface routine).......................................................................121, 130, 196
Scalar type........................................................................................................................................42
section...................................................................................................................................38, 39, 82
section (option)...........................................................................................................................11, 15
section (pragma specification)..........................................................................................................74
Section change function ...................................................................................................................74
Section initialization...............................................................................................................107, 110
Section initialization routine ..........................................................................................................112
Section name ..............................................................................................................................11, 15
setjmp.h (standard header file).......................................................................................................169
Setting C library function exection environment ...........................................................................113
Setting the execution environment.................................................................................................107
sh1 (suboption)...........................................................................................................................10, 13
sh2 (suboption)...........................................................................................................................10, 13
sh3 (suboption)...........................................................................................................................10, 13
sh3e (suboption) .........................................................................................................................10, 13
SHC_INC .........................................................................................................................................30
short....................................................................................................................42, 45, 48, 58, 60, 82
show (option)..............................................................................................................................10, 14
Sign extension ..................................................................................................................................45
Single-precision floating-point library.............................................................................................75
size (option)................................................................................................................................10, 14
sjis (option)...........................................................................................................................12, 16, 77
sjis (suboption) ...........................................................................................................................13, 18
smachine.h (standard header file)...............................................................................................66, 73
source (suboption)......................................................................................................................10, 14
Source listing....................................................................................................................................23
sp (stack switch specification)..........................................................................................................62
SP (stackpointer) ......................................................................................................63, 105, 107, 108
Specifications for Structure, Union, Enumeration, and Bit Field Types........................................165
Specifying two-byte address variables.............................................................................................81
speed (option).............................................................................................................................10, 14
SR (status register) .....................................................................................................................63, 67
Stack area....................................................................................................................................39, 52
Stack frame.......................................................................................................................................52
Stack pointer.....................................................................................................................................52
Stack switching ..........................................................................................................................62, 63
start (linkage editor subcommand).................................................................................................101
Statement specifications.................................................................................................................166
Static area allocation ........................................................................................................................97
Statistics......................................................................................................................................23, 28
statistics (suboption)...................................................................................................................10, 14
stddef.h (standard header file)........................................................................................................168
stdio.h (standard header file)..................................................................................................170, 173
Storage register...........................................................................................................................58, 59
string (option).............................................................................................................................11, 16
string.h (standard header file).........................................................................................................171
Structure ...........................................................................................................................................43
Structure of object programs............................................................................................................38
subcommand (option).................................................................................................................12, 17
Subcommand file........................................................................................................................12, 17
tn (trap intruction return specification) ............................................................................................62
Trap-instruction return................................................................................................................62, 63
TRAPA instruction...............................................................................................................62, 63, 69
Type conversion of parameters ........................................................................................................56
umachine.h (standard header file)..............................................................................................66, 73
Underflow.......................................................................................................................169, 179, 180
Union..........................................................................................................................................43, 44
unsigned ..............................................................................................................................42, 45, 48
Usage of registers and stack area....................................................................................................187
Vector base register (VBR)..............................................................................................................67
Vector table setting.................................................................................................................108, 114
VEC_TBL (vector table)........................................................................................................108, 114
width (suboption)........................................................................................................................10, 14
write routine (low level interface routine)......................................................................121, 128, 195
Zero extension..................................................................................................................................45
__DATE__ .....................................................................................................................................167
__INIT............................................................................................................................107, 108, 109
__INITLIB......................................................................................................................114, 115, 116
__INITSCT.....................................................................................................................107, 110, 115
__INIT_IOLIB ...............................................................................................................................117
SH Series C Compiler User’s Manual
Publication Date: 1st Edition, April 1997
Published by: Semiconductor and IC Div.
Hitachi, Ltd.
Edited by: Technical Documentation Center
Hitachi Microcomputer System Ltd.
Copyright © Hitachi, Ltd., 1997. All rights reserved. Printed in Japan.