TABLE I. Dash number, cross referen ce and dimensions – Continued.
Dash number 1/ 2/ 3/
group from MIL-PRF-
maximum 4/
Category D - Filed re pl aceable - Define d piece parts 11/ 16/
3602 6/
M17/60-RG142 8/ 10/
1.250 (31.75)
1/ These connector s have captivat ed contact s .
2/ For logistics purposes, onl y connectors with safety wire holes will be stocked.
3/ Coupling nuts shall be corrosion resistant steel with a pa s sivated finis h in accordance with
SAE-AMS2700, type 2 (applies on ly to -3XXX series connectors).
4/ Dimensions are in inches, mill imeters are in parenthes es.
5/ All corrosion resis tant steel bodied connec tors which are designed to be as sembled to the cable
outer conductor using solder shall be gold plat ed to a minimum thi c kness of 50 m i c roinches
(1.27 µm) in accordance with ASTM B488, type II, code C, class 1.27 at least in the area of solder
6/ No safety wire holes .
7/ These parts are inac tive for new design, new designs should procure to dash numbers -*009 and
-*109. These dash numbers use the same cab l e group (VI).
8/ Cable to be used when performi ng tests except in 10/.
9/ Preferred cable.
10/ Cable to be us ed for the +200°C t emperature cycling te s t. Connectors mate with con nec tors of the
same material; i.e., " 3XXX" series dash numbers mate only with other "3XXX" ser ies connectors
and "4XXX” series connectors with other "4XXX" ser ies connectors. This cable may be used for
test purposes with the a pproval of t he Qualifying Activity.
11/ These connectors are assem bled, using the applicable crimp tool, to the specifie d c ables strip ped
as shown on figure 4.
12/ Preferred die M22520/5-33 c losure B, al ternate die M2 2520/5-03 closure B.
13/ Preferred di e M 22520/5-35 closure B, alternate die M22520/5-03 clos ure A.
14/ Preferred di e M 22520/5-41 closure B, alternate die M22520/5-05 clos ure B, or -09 closure A.
15/ Preferred di e M 22520/5-19 closure B, alternate die M22520/5-05 clos ure A, or -11, 57, closure A.
16/ Complete conn ec tor assembly shall consist of a body, center c ontact, f errule and assem bly
# The latest version of each cable shall be applic able.
Nominal impedan ce: 50 ohms.
Frequency range: 0 to 12.4 GHz.
Voltage rating: T he voltage rating shall be specified in table II.
Temperature range: -65°C to +165°C.