nt te G E SOLID STATE OL DEM 3875081 oOLrL72 9 3875081 G E SOLID STATE - O1E 17672 Do T-27~77 - Silicon Controlled Hectitiers . 2N3650, 2N3651, 2N3652, 2N3653, S7410M File Number 408 35-A Silicon Controlled Rectifiers TERMINAL DESIGNATIONS For Inverter Applications Features Fast turn-off time 15 us max. @ High di/dt and dv/dt capabilities . CATHOOE @ Low thermal resistance RCA-2N3650 to 2N3653, inclusive, and the $7410M are all- diffused silicon controlled rectifiers (reverse-blocking triode thyristors) intended for high-speed switching applications such as power inverters, switching regulators, and high- current pulse applications. Thay feature fast turn-off, high dv/dt, and high di/dt characteristics and may be used at frequencies up to 25 KHz. : The 2N3650 to 2N3653 have forward and reverse off-state voltage ratings of 100, 200, 300, and 400 volts, respectively. Type S7410M has a forward and reverse off-state voltage JEDEC TO-208AA rating of 600 volts, These SCR's employ a hermetic JEDEC TO-208AA package. Formerly RCA Type No, $7430M. 2208 -27731A1 MAXIMUM RATINGS, Abso/ute-Maximum Values 2N3650 2N3651 2N38652 2N3653 $7410M Vasoms 150 300 400 500 700 v VosomB eee cece erence te cereeecneeeneetrseptaterecees 160 300 400 600 700 v CVAROMM cece cect c eee ee ces ne etter aa ceeaesenenestartneanee 100 200 300 400 600 v Varo cece cc nent e nce crete een nes reset ne eeetraneaten 100 200 300 400 600 Vv Irunas: (Te = 40C, @ = 180) ecricccccencenecnecennrenecnes 36 A Ireave (To + 40 C, = 1809) cece ccc e cece sees ee cenevaveeies 26 A lrsaat For one full cycle of applied principal voltage 60-Hz (Rectangular wave-pw = 5 ms, t, = 50 ys), Tc = 40C .,,...... 180 - A di/dt: Vo = Vorom, ler = 200 mA, t. = 0.4 ys (See Fig. 13} oc cece ne 400 Alps rt Ty = 65 to 120C, T= 1toBOMS 0.0.0... cee ee eee eee ees 165 As Passe: Peak (forward or reverse) for 10 ws maximum ............05 40 WwW *Paun: Averaging time = 10 ms maximum ,.......++5 ve eereerecee 1 Ww Tat pcareneccercerncevectseneeseaeaeees teeveeeneee veeeee ________. -65 0 160 _ 8 Toll cece rece et eeee rene eetenee debe cence ne erect ones nenns ae 65 10 120 OS Tr During soldering for 10 s maximum (terminal and case) ,... 225 C Ts! Recommended ...cicecccsnccceuseverncenreseens fences 36 in-lbf 0.4 kof-m Maximum (OO NOT EXCEED) voc ccccsceccrecceneeesetaes 50 In-Ibf 0.57 kgf-m * In accordance with JEDEC registration data format (JS-14, RDF-1} filed for the JEDEC (2N series) types. These values do not apply if there is a positive gate signal. Gate must be open or negatively biased. Any product of gate current and gate voltage which results in a gate power tess than the maximum is permitted, * For temperature measurement reference point, see Dimensional Outline. 678 1215 C-06G E SOLID STATE ol De fp) 3875081 OOM?b73 O i 3875081 GE SOLID STATE oS" ote 17673. op 17 25~/7 Silicon Controlled Rectiflers 2N3650, 2N3651, 2N3652, 2N3653, S7410M ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS At Maximum Ratings Unless Otherwise Specified and at Indicated Case Temperature (Tq) LIMITS FOR ALL TYPES CHARACTERISTIC Except as Specified UNITS MIN. | TYP. | MAX, 'pom F |ROm: Vo = VpRom & Vr = Vrrom: Tc = 120C 2N3660, 2N3E51 eee eee eee eee - 2 6*| mA 2N3662 ..... ee cee eee eee beeen eee encase - 2 6.5* 2N3663 ......., Peete cence rece ett e antes wf - 2 4* S7410M oo... eee eee ren a - 3 T: ip = 25 A (peak), To= 25C oo e eee eas ref > 1.5 | 2,05* Vv ino: TOF EC eee eect e ete een tenn eens - 75 150 mA TEE HOBO cece eee eee beet eeens bee eeeee - 150 350* *) dv/dt: Vo = VoROM. exponential voltage rise, Te= 120C (SOQ FIQ 14) oo eee cece eee ete tect aneeeeens 200 - V/us Iet: . Vp =6V (de), RU=4 RTC =28C oe, - 80 180 mA Vp = 6V (de), RE = 22, T= -68C .... ee, - 150 500* Vert: 3 Vp = 6V (de), RE =42, Tg = 28C. - 1.8 3 . *| Vp = 6 (de), Ry = 2002, Te = 120C... eee 0.25 | - - Vv Vp = 6V (del, RE = 2Q,TE=-E5C wee eee eee - 2 4,5* *ltaq: Rectangular Pulse Vpx = Vorom: iy = 10 A, pulse duration = 50 us, dv/dt = 200 V/us, di/dt = 5 A/us, IGT = 200 mA at turn-on, Vay = 15 V minimum, Vox = 0 Vat turn-off, Tc = 120C (See Figs. 15 & 16) ........... - - 15 Sinusoidal Pulse Ms Vpx = VpROM.- it = 100 A, pulse duration = 2 us, dv/dt = 200 V/us, Vrx = 30 V minimum, VGK =0 at turn-off, To = 115C (See Figs. 17 & 18) ........, - - 15 To - 0.85 1.7*] C/W a 679G E SOLID STATE 3875081 GE SOLID STATE Sillcon Controlled Rectifiers O14 deff sarsos, oorze7y 2 O1E 17674 0 Te2S-/7 2N3650, 2N3651, 2N3652, 2N3653, S7410M it I a t p*Ro tga10 non a" tT "00 | Yosom 7 pears i | ASOM RROM io Vorom 9255 -S896R5 Fig. 1 Principal voltage-current characteristic, SWITCHING LOSSES ARE MEGLECTEO << WAXIMUM ALLOWAGLE CASE TEMPERATURE PEAK Of STATE CURREHT (lpg) - A CURRENT WAVEFORM Mab ae ae ake wet Fig. 3 Maximum allowable case-temperature vs. peak on-state current, SWITCHING LOSSES ANE MECLECTED BAXIaUiA ALLOWABLE CASE TEMPERATURE (Te) ~ C PEAK OW STATE CURRENT (iTyl~ a Fig. Maximum allowable case-temperature vs. peak on-state current. 680 _ CURRENT WAVEFORM +1 I mss CURRENT WAVEFORM it ~ 4 a . 4 z 2 i 8 6 & e g a % 8 * 0 PEAK On STATE CUMRENT (Iya) - 2 MEAT OAZ Fig. 2 Power dissipation vs. peak on-state current, SWITCHING LOSSES ARE CUARERY WAVEFORS JL a PEAK ON-S$TATE CURRERT ity) A as ange Fig. 4 Power dissipation vs. peak on-state current. TEMPERATURE ITo) 25C + = = & = & g = 5 & 1 2 3 a s OW STATE VOLTAGE {7)- wisn Fig. 6 Variation of on-state with on-state voltage. 1217 C-08G E SOLID STATE 3875081 GE SOLIO STATE 04 vel sa7soa ooie7s 4 wo oe O1E 17675 bo T-2S-/7 Silicon Controlled Rectiflers ' 2N3650, 2N3651, 2N3652, 2N3653, S7410M RATE-OF ASE OF PEAK REVERSE . MALF-SINE -WAVE CASE TEMPERATUAE <1 PEAK REVERSE RECOVERY CURRENT (exwl=A 2m PEAK OX.STATE CURREHT (qx) A saya Fig. 7 Typical variation of peak reversa-recovery current with peak on-state current (half-sine-wave pulse). TEMPERATURE (Teh = 120 # PULSE 1ON-STATE CURRENT) WOTH*SOu8 ray, * PEAK REVERSE RECOVERY CURRENT Ueyu)- A 8 Ww n w RATE OF DESCENT OF ON-STATE CURRENT {a> dtl~A ws Ai sna Fig. 9 Typical variation of peak reverse-recovery current with rate-of-dascent of on-state current (ractangular pulse}. yOUT: : RISE OF 20 Yon aK VOLTAGE (Yaxu)s 0 RALF-SWUSOIDAL CURRENT WAVE FORA CASE TEMPERATURE (Tels 118 0 Z ' 5 : PEAK OM STATE CURRENT Uryu) A oie Fig, 11 Typical variation of turn-off time with . peak on-state current (half-sine-wave pulse). REAPPLIED OFF.STATE VOLTAGE (Vox) 400 RECTANGULAR CURRENT PULLE MATE.OF-OESCENT OF OM STATE CURRENT Gh dbs Waive PEAK REVERSE RECOVERY CURRENT 3 WwW 1s = a x us ay QN-STATE CURRENT (Iy)~a vou Fig. 8 Typical variation of peak reverse- recovery current with on-state current (rectangular pulse). REAPPLIEO Woxde O RATE-OF RISE OF OFF-STATE VOLTAGE tir abe we CURRENT PULSE WIDTH (RECTARGUL AR} SOus RATE-OF DESCENT OF OW $TATE-CURRENT a TURH.OFF TIME (tqh-os * ag ww TEMPERATURE (T))-* JUNCTION TURE (T)) woe Fig. 10 Typical variation af turn-off time with junction temperature (rectangular pulse), GURRENT {lq} 20 A (RECTANGULAR TEMPERATURE {Tcl + 120 C : 4 Z e 2 i 10 wm xa RATE OF-RISE OF REAPPLIED OFF.STATE VOLTAGE (ty di) = Wiese Vt Fig. 12 Typical variation of tune-olf time with ftate-of-rise of reapplied off-state voltage (rectangular pulse). 681 c-09GE SOLID STATE OL Def 3875081 oOzE zh & [ 3875081 GE SOLID STATE Silicon Controlled Rectitlers O1E 17676 OO T-25-17_ 2N3650, 2N3651, 2N3652, 2N3653, S7410M TOE a4, Mt om Abbe 4 7 7 4 7 / Ue CRITICAL dv/dt 63% OF vp Lo 92CS-I3365R3 OT ov po dt 50.63 t t= RC Fig, 13 Rate-of-change of on-state current with Fig, 14 Rate-of-rise of off-state voltage with time time (delining difdt), (defining dv/dt). REVERSE CURRENT FORWARO CURRENT CIRCUIT amculy >| AAA | wl vil SUPPLY SUPPLY VOLTAGE VOLTAGE %v : : I yO 41 YR OEVICE UNDER TEST * * a HFOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ON GATE TRIGGER CIRCUITS, ETC. CONSTANT REFER TO JEDEC STANDARD Ri Ne. 7 SECTION 6.204.2, +o] Se Ypx J 9255-4375 LINEAR dv/dt CIRCUIT Fig. 15 Circuit used to measure turn-off time (tg), rectangular pulse. Tat he Nor sn Fig. 16 Relationship between off-state voltage, . reverse voltge, on-state current, and reverse current showing reference points defining turn-off time (ta), rectangular pulse. FOAWARD CURRENT CIRCUIT ppt te ht AUFPLY Lae) - 3M VOLTAGE ? WTO GATE TAIGCER CIRCUIT . Yor CONSTANT CURRENT SUPPLY RE APPLIED FORWARD BLOCKING VOLTAGE SUPPLY Fig. 17 Circuit used to measure turn-off time (t,) half-sine-wave pulse, isan 682 1219 Cc-10 ed eee eeae ve * G E SOLID STATE OL deff 3975082 oo17L77 8 , 3875081 G E SOLID STATE O1E i7e77 0 T2717 Silicon Controlled Rectifiers 2N3650, 2N3651, 2N3652, 2N3653, S7410M Yox o-- Nye ~o VOLTAGE ANGOE-CATHODE rx ON-STATE CURRENT | A me aUss-4306 Fig. 18 Relationship between off-stale voltage, reverse voltage, on state current, and 5 < & 3 4 AMBIENT TEMPERATURE (Ty}-9C smear reverse current showing reference points for specification of turn-off time {t,}, hall-sine-wave pulse. Fig. 19 Heat sink guidance. 7 683 12206 C-11