POWER TRANSISTORS 5 Amp, 80V,Planar NPN FEATURES # Meets MIL-S-19500/374* Collector-Base Voltage: Up to LO0V D.C. Collector Current: 5A @ Fast Switching Beta Guaranteed at 3 Current Levels ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS Collector-Base Voltage, Voro Collector-Emitter Voltage, Vere Emitter-Base Voltage, Vigo .... D.C, Collector Current, I, ........ Power Dissipation 25C AmbIeNt occ 100C Case oi. Operating and Storage Temperature Range 0000.0. MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS JAN, JANTX, & JANTXV 2N3996 JAN, JANTX, & JANTXV 2N3997 JAN, JANTX, & JANTXV 2N3998 JAN, JANTX, & JANTXV 2N3999 DESCRIPTION Unitrode power transistors provide a unique combination of low saturation voltage, high gain and fast switching. They are ideally suited for power supply pulse amplifier and similar high efficiency power switching applications. 65C to 200C JAN, JANTX, & JANTXV 2N3996, 2N3997 TO-111 b- A 9 | H 4 | BASE a ry E \ tS | -coutector cca =o | DN = eT Ea f | 4 : 10-32 + NF-2A /s& ~ Z THREAD G , emirter/, - CASE _ JAN, JANTX, & JANTXV 2N3888, 2N3999 TO-59 (_T__incues [MICLIMETERS Emitter A] 400-455 10.16-11.56 _ B | 090-150 [228-381 BASE, Cc -320-.468 8.13-11.88 cottector D | 570-763 14 48-19.38 E | 318-380 8.07-9.65 fF] ose Gi | aoe Sat G 424-437 10. FP-UAO HY] 185-.215 | 4.70-5.46 | 68 aun UNITRODEJAN, JANTX, & JANTXV 2N3996, 2N3997, 2N3998, 2N3999 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS (at 25C unless noted)t 23996 * 2N3997* 2N3998* 2N3999* Test Symbol Min. | Max, Min. | Max. Units Test Conditions D.C. Current Gain hee 30 _ 60 _ _ Ic=50 MA, Vee=2V D.C. Current Gain (Note 1) hee 40} 120 | 80) 240 | Ic=1A, Vee=2V D.C. Current Gain (Note 1) hee by | 2a) - lc=5A, Vee=5V D.C. Current Gain, 55C (Note 1) hee 10; 2; _ Ic=1A, Vee=2V Collector Saturation Voltage (Note 1) Vce (sat) | 0.25 | 0.25 v [c= 1A, n= 100 mA Coliector Saturation Voltage (Note 1) Vee (sat) 2 ~ 2 v foo 5A, y= 500 mA Base Saturation Voltage (Note 1) Vee (Sat) 0.6 12 0.6 12 Vv lex 1A, h=100 mA Base Saturation Voltage (Note 1) Vee (Sat) _ 1.6 _ 16 Vv Ic==5A, b= 500 mA Collector-Emitter Breakdown Voltage BVcto 80 - 80 Vv 1c=50 mA, Is=0 (Note 1) Emitter-Base Cutoff Current leso _ 0.5 - 0.5 pA Voe=5V, Ie 0 Emitter-Base Cutoff Current leao _ 10 _ 10 BA Ver==8V, Ic=0 Collector Cutoff Current lees ~ 5 _ 5 uA Vcex90V, Ree=0 Collector Cutoff Current Icto ~ 10 _ 10 BA Vce=60V, 1s=0 Collector Cutoff Current, 150C fees ~_ 50 50 BA Vee=90, Ree=0 Collector Capacitance Co ~_ 150 _ 150 pf Vea=10V, Ie=0, f=1 MHz A.C. Current Gain (High Frequency) he 4 _ 4 _ boA, Vee=5V, f=10 MHz Switching Speeds Turmeft Time _ 1s _ " ns I= 100mA, lee 100 mA Nie width = 300yS; duty cycle <2%. *Mso applicable to + All values in this table are JEDEC registered. JAN and JANTX versions UNITRODE CORPORATION 5 FORBES ROAD LEXINGTON, MA 02173 + TEL. (617) 861-6540 TWX (710) 326-6509 * TELEX 95-1064 69 PRINTED IN U.S.A.JAN, JANTX, & JANTXV 2N3996, 2N3997, 2N3998, 2N3999 Forward Bias Unciamped Reverse Bias Safe Operating Area Second Breakdown 20 10 Te = 100C 5 5 le ~ ~ ta = ly = Ww <= rm) = 2 - 2 2 z S ge 1 1 835 ss t, = ims = o 50% Duty Cycle = 5 5 8 8 2 t, = 0.5m < 2 4 10% Duty Cycle o aU > 2 2. 9 z i. z I 05 | .05 at 02 02 01 01 1 2 5 1020 50 80 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Ve_ COLLECTOR TO EMITTER VOLTAGE (V) 1g - COLLECTOR CURRENT (A) Reverse Bias Safe Operating Area D.C. Current Gain Clamped Inductive Switching 2N3996-2N3996 20 500 - | T 10 Veg = 5V z 200 ke Zz g 5 z AT Tt, s1sere te T, < 200C e 100 2 Zz m, 6 & A [t= 25 y \ a 2 @ 50 8 3 NY oO o Pm 4 1 8 T, = 58C i \ 8 , 20 po | w 5 10 2 5 | 1 2 5 10 20 50 80 O01 02 05 2 2 6 1 2 5 10 Veg COLLECTOR TO EMITTER VOLTAGE Je COLLECTOR CURRENT (A) D.C. Current Gain 2N3997-2N3999 Saturation Voltage 500 | T 10 ! Vog = 8V 200 T, = 150C ~ 2 z a 2 25 uw 3 00 | Ty = 25C YW so Vie (Sat) kb J | < & a ry ! MN 3 5 & T= 55C N 5 5 \ 5. oO = . 3 "| Ph & Voge (sat) 3 20 E G 05 10 02 5 | 1 01 02 05 1 2 5 4 2 5 10 01 02 05 1 2 5S 1 2 #5 10 Ig COLLECTOR CURRENT (A) Ig COLLECTOR CURRENT (A) UNITRODE CORPORATION + 5 FORBES ROAD LEXINGTON, MA 02173 TEL. (617) 861-6540 70 TWX (710) 326-6509 + TELEX 95-1064 PRINTED IN U.S.A.JAN, JANTX, & JANTXV 2N3996, 2N3997, 2N3998, 2N399 Saturation Voltage Switching Speed Temperature Coefficients Characteristics 1 $ Veg = 20V = 5 L=ne= Je a BI Bz 10 5 = wi 3 3 5 2 t 3 Rise Time, tr 3 8 asec || 3 sod w E 150C z 3 05 = = vy = Delay Time 25C Ww ke 02 J 150C <q 01 01 02 05 212 2 5 1 2 #5 10 1 2 5 10 I, COLLECTOR CURRENT (A) te COLLECTOR CURRENT (A) Switching Speed Characteristics Thermal Response 1 Veo = 20V Duty cycle = 0.5 5 tes = In = 2 wt 82 10 . 2 z 6 a pw = 29 af 105 e 2 8 FS 5 02 2 oa 2 150C N= 35 (0 3 == Single Pulse 2 Fall Time 25C eo & Zr 1 005 .002 1 2 5 10 001 Ig ~ COLLECTOR CURRENT (A) 01 02.05 1 2 5 1 2 5 16 20 TIME (milliseconds) Switching Speed Circuit +20.3Vdc 208 1 16V -1V J LL Pulse width = 2us Duty cycle = < 2% Source Impedance 50 -6.4Vde NOTES: 1. Ig = 1A, |,, = bez = L00MA 2. The values of coilector current and base current are nominal. The actual values will vary slightly with transistor parameters. UNITRODE CORPORATION + 5 FORBES ROAD LEXINGTON, MA 02173 * TEL. (617) 861-6540 71 TWX (710) 326-6509 TELEX 95-1064 seq HS? Ope 0,6 = 3.3C/W 50 100 200 500 1000 PRINTED IN U.S.A.