IINMNERSIL LM108/A, LM308/A Low Level Operational Amplifiers FEATURES GENERAL DESCRIPTION @ Input Bias Current 2 nA max to 7 nA max These differential input, precision amplifiers provide low input input Offset Current 0.2 nA max to 1 nA max currents and offset voltages competitive with FET and chopper stabilized amplifiers. They feature low power consumption over Input Offset Voltage O0.5mV max to 7.5mV max a supply voltage range of >2V to +20V. The amplifiers may be @ AVos/AT 5 nV/C to 30 nV/C frequency compensated with a single external capacitor. The @ Alos/AT 2.5 pA/C to 10 pA/C: LM108A and LM308A are high performance selections from the Pin for Pin Replacement for 101A/301A 108/308 amplifier family. | PIN CONFIGURATIONS | { DUAL-IN-LINE PACKAGE FREQ COMP A FREQ COMP B ~IN ve +IN OUT v- NC (outline dwg PA) TOP VIEW (outline dwg JD) FREQ. COMP.B A] C2) FREQUENCY Pe _ BALICOMP == poceme COMP masse | > aumnn i el a NON INVERTING I +IN - po OUT v BAL TOP VIEW (outline dwg TO-99) {outline dwg FB-1) ORDERING INFORMATION Part TO-99 8 pin. 14 pin 10 pin Di number Can MiniDIP CERDIP Flatpak 'ce LM108A LM108AH* LM108AJ LM108AF LM108A/D LM308A LM308AH LM308AN LM308AJ LM308AF LM308A/D LM108 LM108H* LM108J LM108F LM108/D LM308 LM308H LM308N LM308J , LM308F LM308/D *If 883B processing is desired add /883B to order number. 5-29LM108/A, LM308/A ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (NMNERSIL. Supply Voltage Output Short-CircuitDuration Indefinite 106, 106A +20V Operating TemperatureRange 308, 308A +18V 108, 108A 58C to + 126C Internal PowerDissipation (Note 1) 308, 308A orc to +70C Metal Can (FO-99 500 mw Storage TemperatureRange ~65C to + 150C OP 500 mW Lead Temperature (Soldering, 60 sec.) 300C Differential Input Current (Note 2) +10 mA Input Voltage (Note 3) *#15V ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (T, = 25C unless otherwise specified) (Note 4) PARAMETER CONDITIONS 308 308A 108 108A. UNITS MIN TYP MAX | MIN TYP MAX | MIN TYP MAX] MIN TYP MAX tnput Offset Voltage 20 75 03 O58 07 2.0 03 OS mV Input Offset Current 02 10 0.2 10 0.05 0.2 0.05 02 | nA Input Bias Current 15 #7 156 7 ag 20 a8 20 nA Input Resistance 10 40 10 40 30 70 30 70 M2 Vg = 20V 03 06 03 06 mA Supply Current Vg = 15V 03 08 03 08 mA Large Signal Vs = 15V, Vout = +10V, Voltage Gain RL > 10k2 25 300 80 300 50 =6. 300 80 300 VimV THE FOLLOWING SPECIFICATIONS APPLY OVER THE OPERATING TEMPERATURE RANGES Input Offset Voitage 10 0.73 3.0 1.0 mv Input Offset Current 15 1.5 0.4 0.4 nA Average Temperature Coefficient of Input 6.0 30 1.0 5.0 3.0 616 710 65.0 | u/c Offset Voltage Average Temperature Coefficient of Input 2 10 20 10 05 25 05 25 | pArc Offset Current Input Bias Current : 10 10 3.0 3.0 nA Large Signal Vg = t15V, Vour = 10V, | 4 Voltage Gain R, > 10k2 5 60 5 view Input Voltage Range | Vs = t15V 213.5 13.56 213.5 13.5 Vv Common Made 80 100 96 110 85 100 96 110 a8 Rejection Ratio Supply Voltage - 80 96 96 110 80 96 96 110 d Rejection Ratio Output Voltage Swing | Vs = 15V, R, = 10kQ +13 +14 +13 214 413 +14 +13 414 Vv Supply Current Ta = +128C, Vg = +20V 0.15 0.4 0.15 04 mA NOTE 1: 9 mW/C for operation at ambient temperatures above 95C. NOTE 2: input voltage in excess of 1V is applied between the inputs unless some limiting resistance is used. NOTE 3: NOTE 4: 2 5V ta + 15V for the 308 and 308A. 5-30 For supply voltages less than 15V, the maximum input voltage is equat to the supply voltage. Uniess otherwise specified, these specifications apply for supply voltages from +5V to + 20V for the 108, and 108A and Derate Metal Can package at 6.8 mW/C for operation at ambient temperatures above 75C and the Dual In-Line: package at The inputs are shunted with back-to-back diodes for over-voltage protection. Therefore, excessive current witl flow if a differentialLM108/A, LM308/A INTERSIL TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CURVES INPUT CURRENTS MAXIMUM DRIFT ERROR s MAXIMUM OFFSET ERROR 2.0 1k = 100 wa 15 g = ~ E 2 10 a > > E 5 O6 100 7 10 = 5 a = 0.25 & . 3 s 5 0.20 & 5 & 10 2 1.0 $0.15 = . 2 = a <Tax c a STs 0.10 Zz ; , 0 10 (_208/308A: OCS Tas 70C Zor 308/308A; OC<Ta S 70C <0. 55-35-15 5 25 45 65 85 106 125 100 1M 10M 100M 5 100k 1M 10M 100m TEMPERATURE (C) INPUT RESISTANCE (92) a INPUT RESISTANCE (8) POWER SUPPLY REJECTION INPUT NOISE VOLTAGE VOLTAGE GAIN 120 1000 NEGATIVE SUPPLY Ta = 28 100 . 1, 0C Ta = 25C 8 POSITIVE SUPPLY 400 3 z 80 > = So 3S z 9 \ > z 5 60 = 3 3 @ 100 w a 49 }c,= 30 pF 3 g > n 5 Ta -55C 2 20 T a 2 40 9 a= 70C = 26 s : : > a < = * Bg Lyte stev Ta = 125C Ay=t ~20 v 10 100 1k) = 10k) 100k) tM TOM 10 100 1k 10k 100k 5 10 16 20 FREQUENCY (Hz) FREQUENCY {Hz} SUPPLY VOLTAGE (#V) OPEN LOOP OUTPUT SWING SUPPLY CURRENT FREQUENCY RESPONSE 1 600 ~ 180 = 500 Cr= Ser 5 g g 100 WET ag = g 0 |t,s1 5 400 z C,= 30 pF 8 Zz ' z S g $ = 70 G g = Ta= 70C = 300 w 9 5 5 T. \ 28C 2 y 2 5 % 200 5 C,= 3 pF % 5 Ta= < Q 45 = 3 . 5 > C,= 100 pF Ta = -55C 2 100 GAIN t PHASE -~ ~ 30 0 9 0 2 4 6 8 5 10 15 20 1 10 100 1k 10k 100k 1M 10M OUTPUT CURRENT (ma) SUPPLY VOLTAGE (2V) FREQUENCY {Hz} CLOSED LOOP LARGE SIGNAL : VOLTAGE FOLLOWER OUTPUT IMPEDENCE FREQUENCY RESPONSE PULSE RESPONSE 107 16 Tas = Vs = t15V S 10? = . - w > 12 > z 10' 3 2 = = wi 2 y = 1000, C,- 0 & 8 # = voy LC w , 10 = 1000, C= 30 5 g > 1 1 ; a e = Ay = 1, C,= 30 pF 5 4 3 Zi" T.= 258C > Tht lour = 29 mA C= pF Vs = 218V Vs = 215 C, = 30 pF 10? 0 10 100 tk 10k t0Ok 1M 10M. 1k 10k 100k 1M 0 40 80 120 160 FREQUENCY (Hz) FREQUENCY {Hz} TIME (us) 5-31LM108/A, LM308/A GUARDING Extra care must be taken in the assembly of printed circuit boards to take full advantage of the low input currents of the 108 amplifier. Boards must be thoroughly cleaned with TCE or alcohol and blown dry with compressed air. After cleaning, the boards should be coated with epoxy or silicone rubber to prevent contamination. Even with properly cleaned and coated boards, leakage currents may cause trouble at 125C, particularly since the input pins are adjacent to pins that are at supply potentials. This leakage can be significantly reduced by using guarding to lower the voltage difference between the inputs and adjacent meta! runs. Input guarding of the 8-lead TO-99 FREQUENCY COMPENSATION CIRCUITS STANDARD CIRCUIT a2 AM. VW INVERTING , RI iNPUT vvv }-9 ouTPuT R3 8 NON INVERTING g _Aaa__, INPUT A > ta ee, ( * m ) u Ri, C+ pF (INTERSIL package is accomplished by using a 10-iead pin circle, with the leads of the device formed so that the holes adjacent to the inputs are empty when it is inserted in the board. The guard, which is a conductive ring surrounding the inputs, - is connected to a }ow impedance point that is at approxi- mately the same voltage at the inputs. Leakage currents from high-voltage pins are then absorbed by the guard. The pin configuration of the dual in-line package is designed to facilitate guarding, since the pins adjacent to the inputs are not used (this is different from the standard 741 and 101A pin configuration). ALTERNATE CIRCUIT: IMPROVES REJECTION OF POWER SUPPLY NOISE BY A FACTOR OF TEN. RZ W INVERTING Anny weut YY o ourPuT NON INVERTING Ra . INPUT 5-32