( Rating at 25 °C ambient temperature unless otherwise specified.)
Breakdown Voltage @ It W orking Peak Maximum Maximum Maximum Maximum
( Note 1 ) Reverse Reverse Leakage Reverse Clamping Temperature
Voltage @ V
Current Voltage @ I
(V) It V
of V
Min. Max. (mA) (V) (μA) (A) (V) (% / °C)
Type No.
P6KE75 67.5 82.5 1.0 60.7 5.0 5.5 108 0.105
P6KE75A 71.3 78.8 1.0 64.1 5.0 5.8 103 0.105
P6KE82 73.8 90.2 1.0 66.4 5.0 5.1 118 0.105
P6KE82A 77.9 86.1 1.0 70.1 5.0 5.3 113 0.105
P6KE91 81.9 100.0 1.0 73.7 5.0 4.5 131 0.106
P6KE91A 86.5 95.5 1.0 77.8 5.0 4.8 125 0.106
P6KE100 90.0 110.0 1.0 81.0 5.0 4.2 144 0.106
P6KE100A 95.0 105.0 1.0 85.5 5.0 4.4 137 0.106
P6KE110 99.0 121.0 1.0 89.2 5.0 3.8 158 0.107
P6KE110A 105.0 116.0 1.0 94.0 5.0 4.0 152 0.107
P6KE120 108.0 132.0 1.0 97.2 5.0 3.5 173 0.107
P6KE120A 114.0 126.0 1.0 102 5.0 3.6 165 0.107
P6KE130 117.0 143.0 1.0 106 5.0 3.2 187 0.107
P6KE130A 124.0 137.0 1.0 111 5.0 3.3 179 0.107
P6KE150 135.0 165.0 1.0 121 5.0 2.8 215 0.108
P6KE150A 143.0 158.0 1.0 128 5.0 2.9 207 0.108
P6KE160 144.0 176.0 1.0 130 5.0 2.6 230 0.108
P6KE160A 152.0 168.0 1.0 136 5.0 2.7 219 0.108
P6KE170 153.0 187.0 1.0 138 5.0 2.5 244 0.108
P6KE170A 162.0 179.0 1.0 145 5.0 2.6 234 0.108
P6KE180 162.0 198.0 1.0 146 5.0 2.3 258 0.108
P6KE180A 171.0 189.0 1.0 154 5.0 2.4 246 0.108
P6KE200 180.0 220.0 1.0 162 5.0 2.1 287 0.108
P6KE200A 190.0 210.0 1.0 171 5.0 2.2 274 0.108
P6KE220 198.0 242.0 1.0 175 5.0 1.75 344 0.108
P6KE220A 209.0 231.0 1.0 185 5.0 1.83 328 0.108
P6KE250 225.0 275.0 1.0 202 5.0 1.67 360 0.110
P6KE250A 237.0 263.0 1.0 214 5.0 1.75 344 0.110
P6KE300 270.0 330.0 1.0 243 5.0 1.40 430 0.110
P6KE300A 285.0 315.0 1.0 256 5.0 1.45 414 0.110
P6KE320 288.0 352.0 1.0 259 5.0 1.31 460 0.110
P6KE320A 303.0 337.0 1.0 272 5.0 1.35 445 0.110
P6KE350 315.0 385.0 1.0 284 5.0 1.20 504 0.110
P6KE350A 332.0 368.0 1.0 300 5.0 1.25 482 0.110
P6KE400 360.0 440.0 1.0 324 5.0 1.05 574 0.110
P6KE400A 380.0 420.0 1.0 342 5.0 1.10 548 0.110
P6KE440 396.0 484.0 1.0 356 5.0 0.95 631 0.110
P6KE440A 418.0 462.0 1.0 376 5.0 1.00 602 0.110
P6KE480 432.0 528.0 1.0 389 5.0 0.88 686 0.110
P6KE480A 456.0 504.0 1.0 408 5.0 0.90 658 0.110
P6KE510 459.0 561.0 1.0 413 5.0 0.82 729 0.110
P6KE510A 485.0 535.0 1.0 434 5.0 0.86 698 0.110
P6KE530 477.0 583.0 1.0 457 5.0 0.76 798 0.110
P6KE530A 503.5 556.5 1.0 477 5.0 0.80 725 0.110
P6KE540 486.0 594.0 1.0 437 5.0 0.78 772 0.110
P6KE540A 513.0 567.0 1.0 459 5.0 0.81 740 0.110
P6KE550 495.0 605.0 1.0 470 5.0 0.76 836 0.110
P6KE550A 522.5 577.5 1.0 495 5.0 0.80 760 0.110
P6KE600 540.0 660.0 1.0 490 5.0 0.71 911 0.110
P6KE600A 570.0 630.0 1.0 512 5.0 0.75 828 0.110
Notes : ( 1 ) V
measured after It applied for 300 μs., It = square wave pulse or equivalent.
( 2 ) V
= 3.5 Vmax., I
= 50 Amps. ( 6.8 Volts thru 91 Volts ); V
= 5.0 Vmax., I
= 50 Amps. ( 100 Volts thru 440 Volts )
add V
= 6.5 Vmax. I
= 50 Amps ( 480 Volts thru 600 Volts). PW = 8.3 ms, duty cycle = 4 pulses per minute maximum.
( 3 ) For Bipolar types moving V
of 10 Volts and under, the I
limit is doubled.
( 4 ) "6KE" will be omitted in marking on the diode.
e 3 of 4 Rev. 07 : Febr uar
23, 2011
IATF 0113686
SGS TH07/1033