W588AXXX Data Sheet 8-BIT MCU WITH VOICE SYNTHESIZER (PowerSpeechTM Series) Table of Contents1. GENERAL DESCRIPTION ......................................................................................................... 2 2. FEATURES ................................................................................................................................. 2 3. PIN DESCRIPTION..................................................................................................................... 3 4. BLOCK DIAGRAM ...................................................................................................................... 4 5. ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS........................................................................................... 4 6. 7. 5.1 Absolute Maximum Ratings .......................................................................................... 4 5.2 D.C. Characteristics ...................................................................................................... 5 5.3 A.C. Characteristics....................................................................................................... 6 APPLICATION CIRCUITS .......................................................................................................... 7 6.1 PWM Output .................................................................................................................. 7 6.2 DAC Output ................................................................................................................... 7 REVISION HISTORY .................................................................................................................. 8 -1- Publication Release Date: April 18, 2005 Revision A6 W588AXXX 1. GENERAL DESCRIPTION The W588Axxx is a 8-bit microcontroller-based speech synthesizer with PWM mode output to drive speaker directly. It is suitable for multi-tasking toy application. The W588Axxx family contains several items with different playback duration as shown below: Item W588A003 W588A006 W588A009 W588A012 W588A015 *Duration 4 sec. 7 sec. 12 sec. 16 sec. 19 sec. Item W588A020 W588A025 W588S030 W588A040 W588A050 Duration 25 sec. 29 sec. 32 sec. 50 sec. 58 sec. Item W588A060 W588A080 W588A100 W588A120 Duration 66 sec. 100 sec. 118 sec. 133 sec. Note: *: The duration time is based on 5-bit MDPCM at 6KHz sampling rate. The firmware library and program code have been excluded from user's ROM space for the duration estimation. 2. FEATURES * * Wide Operating voltage: 2.4 ~ 5.5 volt System clock - 4 MHz at 2.4 ~ 5.5 volt - 8 MHz at 3.6 ~ 5.5 volt * F/W speech synthesis - 5-bit MDPCM, 4-bit ADPCM, or 8-bit PCM algorithm can be used - Programmable sample rate * * * Provides DAC and/or PWM output to drive speaker (W588A003/006 only PWM) Built-in 1~2 timer (Timer0/1) for speech synthesis, tone melody and IR application Provide power management to save current consumption: - 4 ~ 8 MHz system clock, with Ring type oscillator - Stop mode for stopping all IC operations * * * * * * * Provides 4 I/O and 4 Out in W588A003~A006 and 8I/O in W588A009~A120 Provides IR carrier generation Provides watch dog timer (WDT) Provides low-voltage-reset (LVR) Shared ROM for voice and program storage Support PowerScriptTM for developing codes in easy way Full-fledged development system - Source-level ICE debugger (Assembly and PowerScriptTM format) - Event synchronization mechanism - Compatible with W566B/C, W567S, W588S system - User-friendly GUI environment -2- W588AXXX 3. PIN DESCRIPTION NAME I/O VSS, VSS1_SPK, VSS2_SPK - Negative power supply for Up, peripherals and PWM. PWM+/DAC O PWM driver positive output / DAC output. PWM- O PWM driver negative output VDD, VDD1_SPK - Positive power supply for uP and peripherals. /RESET I Active low reset pin, to reset whole device. TEST I Test pin, internally pulled low. *OP0[3:0] O Output port. The pins of OP0 are Inverter-type output. BP0[7:4] **BP0[0:3] OSC I/O I DESCRIPTION * I/O multiplexed port. * As output port, the pins can be set as open-drain type or CMOS type. * As input port, the pins can be set with pull-high resistor or not. Interrupt will be generated to release IC from STOP mode upon triggering. * When BP0[7] is used as output pin, it can be the IR transmission carrier output for IR applications. Connect ROSC to VSS to generate the master clock *: Only for W588A003~A006 **: Only for W588A009~A120 -3- Publication Release Date: April 18, 2005 Revision A6 W588AXXX 4. BLOCK DIAGRAM OSC OSC Divider 65C02 ROM Decoder RESET RAM BP04~0 OP00~0 IO Port Interrupt Logic Timer Voice Channel PWM SPK SPK 5. ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS 5.1 Absolute Maximum Ratings PARAMETER SYMBOL CONDITIONS RATED VALUE UNIT Power Supply VDD - VSS - -0.3 to +7.0 V Input Voltage VIN All Inputs VSS -0.3 to VDD +0.3 V Storage Temp. TSTG - -55 to +150 C Operating Temp. TOPR - 0 to +70 C Note: Exposure to conditions beyond those listed under Absolute Maximum Ratings may adversely affect the life and reliability of the device. -4- W588AXXX 5.2 D.C. Characteristics (VDD - VSS = 4.5 V, Ta = 25 C, No Load unless otherwise specified) PARAMETER SYM. CONDITIONS MIN. TYP. MAX. UNIT FSYS = 4M Hz 2.4 -- 5.5 FSYS = 8M Hz 3.6 -- 5.5 No load, Fosc = 4 MHz - 3 5 mA IDD1 No load - 1 2 A Input Low Voltage VIL All input pins VSS - 0.3VDD V Input High Voltage VIH All input pins 0.7VDD - VDD V Input Current IIN VIN = 0V -15 - -45 A IOL VDD = 3V, VOUT = 0.4V 8 - - mA IOH VDD = 3V, VOUT = 2.6V -4 - - mA IOL VDD = 3V, VOUT = 0.4V 4 - - mA IOH VDD = 3V, VOUT = 2.6V -4 - - mA Output Current IOL1 RL = 8 Ohm, +200 - - mA SPK+ / SPK- IOH1 -200 - - mA -2.4 -3.0 -3.6 -4.0 -5.0 -6.0 mA 60 uA Operating Voltage VDD Operating Current IOP1 Standby Current (STOP) (BP0) Output Current (BP0) Output Current (OP0) DAC full scale current Operation Current of Low Voltage Reset Pull-low Resistor Connection: [SPK+]----[RL]----[SPK-] IDAC VDD=4.5V, RL = 100 ILVR VDD = 4.5V 450 -- -- RIN All input pins except RESETB RESERB 100 -- -- -5- V K K Publication Release Date: April 18, 2005 Revision A6 W588AXXX 5.3 A.C. Characteristics (VDD-VSS = 4.5 V, Ta= 25C, No Load unless otherwise specified) PARAMETER Main-clock Frequency Main-clock Wake-up Delay Frequency Deviation by Voltage Drop Main Oscillator, Ring SYM. FM CONDITIONS MIN. TYP. MAX. ROSC = 300 Kohm 3.6 4 4.4 ROSC = 150 Kohm 7.2 8 8.8 UNIT MHz WDm Ring type, CPU clock = 4 MHz - 3 5 mS F F FMAX - FMIN FMIN - 3 7.5 % 250 - DC nS 4 - - Clocks of FM Cycle Time Tcyc CPU clock = 4 MHz Reset Signal Width TRST FM is enabled -6- W588AXXX 6. APPLICATION CIRCUITS 6.1 PWM Output W588A PWM Type 10 4.7uF VDD 0.1uF BP04 | BP07 VDD1_SPK OSC W588Axxx ROSC OP00 | OP03 PWM+ PWM- /RESET Reset Switch 0.1uF Speaker VSS/ VSS1_SPK/ VSS2_SPK 6.2 DAC Output W588A DAC Type 10 VCC VDD 4.7uF BP00 | BP07 VDD1_SPK 0.1uF VCC OSC W588Axxx ROSC Speaker SPK+ Rs /RESET Reset Switch Notes: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 0.1uF VSS/ VSS1_SPK/ VSS2_SPK 8050 SPK- The typical value of Rosc is 150 K for 8MHz and 300 K for 4MHz and should be connected to GND (VSS). Please refer to design guide to get typical Rosc value for each part number. In PCB layout, VSS1_SPK, VSS2_SPK should be connected to VSS; VDD1_SPK should be connected to VDD. The Rs value is suggested in 270 ~ 1K to limit too large DAC output current flowing into transistor. The capacitor, 0.1uF, shunts between VDD and GND is necessary to filter power noise. The capacitor, 4.7uF, shunts between VDD and GND is optional as power stability. The 10 that between VDD and GND is to limit huge current flow into chip as driving too heavy loading. The above application circuits are for reference only. No warranty for mass production. -7- Publication Release Date: April 18, 2005 Revision A6 W588AXXX 7. REVISION HISTORY VERSION DATE PAGE A1 Oct. 23, 2002 - DESCRIPTION Preliminary release. Change the name Low-Voltage-Detect (LVD) to Low-Voltage-Reset (LVR). A2 April 8, 2004 - A3 May 11, 2004 - A4 May 31, 2004 - Add the operation current of Low-VoltageReset A5 June 29, 2004 - Modify provides 4 I/O and 4 Out in W588A003~A006 and 8I/O in W588A009~A120 A6 APRIL 18, 2005 8 ADD IMPORTANT NOTICE Add Pull High Resistance as 450K ohm in D.C. Characteristics. Change the pin description name Change application circuit diagram Important Notice Winbond products are not designed, intended, authorized or warranted for use as components in systems or equipment intended for surgical implantation, atomic energy control instruments, airplane or spaceship instruments, transportation instruments, traffic signal instruments, combustion control instruments, or for other applications intended to support or sustain life. Further more, Winbond products are not intended for applications wherein failure of Winbond products could result or lead to a situation wherein personal injury, death or severe property or environmental damage could occur. Winbond customers using or selling these products for use in such applications do so at their own risk and agree to fully indemnify Winbond for any damages resulting from such improper use or sales. Headquarters Winbond Electronics Corporation America Winbond Electronics (Shanghai) Ltd. No. 4, Creation Rd. III, Science-Based Industrial Park, Hsinchu, Taiwan TEL: 886-3-5770066 FAX: 886-3-5665577 http://www.winbond.com.tw/ 2727 North First Street, San Jose, CA 95134, U.S.A. TEL: 1-408-9436666 FAX: 1-408-5441798 27F, 2299 Yan An W. Rd. Shanghai, 200336 China TEL: 86-21-62365999 FAX: 86-21-62365998 Taipei Office Winbond Electronics Corporation Japan Winbond Electronics (H.K.) Ltd. 9F, No.480, Rueiguang Rd., Neihu District, Taipei, 114, Taiwan, R.O.C. TEL: 886-2-8177-7168 FAX: 886-2-8751-3579 7F Daini-ueno BLDG, 3-7-18 Shinyokohama Kohoku-ku, Yokohama, 222-0033 TEL: 81-45-4781881 FAX: 81-45-4781800 Unit 9-15, 22F, Millennium City, No. 378 Kwun Tong Rd., Kowloon, Hong Kong TEL: 852-27513100 FAX: 852-27552064 Please note that all data and specifications are subject to change without notice. All the trade marks of products and companies mentioned in this data sheet belong to their respective owners. -8-