Preface Open Source Software Table of Contents powermanager System Overview Installing powermanager V3.3 Starting and Stopping the Project Configuration Commissioning Manual KPI View Basic Report Advanced Report Trends System Administration and Optimization Literature Index E50417-H1040-C612-A2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 i NOTE For your own safety, observe the warnings and safety instructions contained in this document, if available. Disclaimer of Liability This document has been subjected to rigorous technical review before being published. It is revised at regular intervals, and any modifications and amendments are included in the subsequent issues. The content of this document has been compiled for information purposes only. Although Siemens AG has made best efforts to keep the document as precise and up-to-date as possible, Siemens AG shall not assume any liability for defects and damage which result through use of the information contained herein. This content does not form part of a contract or of business relations; nor does it change these. All obligations of Siemens AG are stated in the relevant contractual agreements. Siemens AG reserves the right to revise this document from time to time. Document version: E50417-H1040-C612-A2.01 Edition: 04.2016 Version of the product described: V3.3 Copyright Copyright (c) Siemens AG 2016. All rights reserved. The disclosure, duplication, distribution and editing of this document, or utilization and communication of the content are not permitted, unless authorized in writing. All rights, including rights created by patent grant or registration of a utility model or a design, are reserved. Registered Trademarks SENTRON(R) and SICAM(R) are products of Siemens AG. Any unauthorized use is illegal. All other designations in this document can be trademarks whose use by third parties for their own purposes can infringe the rights of the owner. Preface Purpose of the Manual This manual covers the following topics: * Installation of the powermanager from the product DVD on a server PC. * Basic functions of the powermanager: - Configuration - Reporting - Display of Trends - Display of KPIs Target Audience This manual is mainly intended for customers who are involved in the configuration, operation, and parameterization of powermanager. Scope This manual is valid for powermanager. Prerequisite Knowledge You must be familiar with the basic concepts of the following fields before you start using this manual: * Automation * Electrical engineering Other Standards powermanager has been developed in compliance with ISO 9001:2008 standard. Technical Support If you have any further questions regarding powermanager, do not hesitate to contact your local Siemens representative. Assistance with queries regarding powermanager is also available on the following Internet site: powermanager support Training Courses Further training material is available on the following Internet site: powermanager training material Notes on Safety This manual is not a complete index of all safety measures required for operation of the equipment (module or device). However, it comprises important information that must be followed for personal safety, as well as to avoid material damage. Information is highlighted and illustrated as follows according to the degree of danger: powermanager, , Commissioning Manual E50417-H1040-C612-A2, Edition 04.2016 3 Preface ! WARNING WARNING means that death or severe injury may result if the measures specified are not taken. ! Comply with all instructions, in order to avoid death or severe injuries. CAUTION CAUTION means that medium-severe or slight injuries can occur if the specified measures are not taken. i Comply with all instructions, in order to avoid moderate or minor injuries. NOTE Important information about the product, product handling or a certain section of the documentation which must be given particular attention. Qualified Electrical Engineering Personnel Only qualified electrical engineering personnel may commission and operate the equipment (module, device) described in this document. Qualified electrical engineering personnel in the sense of this manual are people who can demonstrate technical qualifications as electrical technicians. These persons may commission, isolate, ground and label devices, systems and circuits according to the standards of safety engineering. Proper Use The equipment (device, module) may be used only for such applications as set out in the catalogs and the technical description, and only in combination with third-party equipment recommended and approved by Siemens. Problem-free and safe operation of the product depends on the following: * Proper transport * * Proper storage, setup and installation Proper operation and maintenance When electrical equipment is operated, hazardous voltages are inevitably present in certain parts. If proper action is not taken, death, severe injury or property damage can result: * The equipment must be grounded at the grounding terminal before any connections are made. * * All circuit components connected to the power supply may be subject to dangerous voltage. * Operation of equipment with exposed current-transformer circuits is prohibited. Before disconnecting the equipment, ensure that the current-transformer circuits are short-circuited. * The limiting values stated in the document must not be exceeded. This must also be considered during testing and commissioning. Hazardous voltages may be present in equipment even after the supply voltage has been disconnected (capacitors can still be charged). Further Information on the Product Siemens provides products and solutions with industrial security functions that support the secure operation of plants, solutions, machines, equipment and/or networks. They are important components in a holistic industrial security concept. With this in mind, Siemens' products and solutions undergo continuous development. Siemens recommends strongly that you regularly check for product updates. 4 powermanager, , Commissioning Manual E50417-H1040-C612-A2, Edition 04.2016 Preface For the secure operation of Siemens products and solutions, it is necessary to take suitable preventive action (e.g. cell protection concept) and integrate each component into a holistic, state-of-the-art industrial security concept. Third-party products that may be in use should also be considered. For more information about industrial security, visit To stay informed about product updates as they occur, sign up for a product-specific newsletter. For more information, visit powermanager, , Commissioning Manual E50417-H1040-C612-A2, Edition 04.2016 5 6 powermanager, , Commissioning Manual E50417-H1040-C612-A2, Edition 04.2016 Open Source Software The product contains, among other things, Open Source Software developed by third parties. The Open Source Software used in the product and the license agreements concerning this software can be found in the Readme_OSS. These Open Source Software files are protected by copyright. Your compliance with those license conditions will entitle you to use the Open Source Software as foreseen in the relevant license. In the event of conflicts between Siemens license conditions and the Open Source Software license conditions, the Open Source Software conditions shall prevail with respect to the Open Source Software portions of the software. The Open Source Software is licensed royalty-free. Insofar as the applicable Open Source Software License Conditions provide for it you can order the source code of the Open Source Software from your Siemens sales contact - against payment of the shipping and handling charges - for a period of at least 3 years since purchase of the Product. We are liable for the Product including the Open Source Software contained in it pursuant to the license conditions applicable to the Product. Any liability for the Open Source Software beyond the program flow intended for the Product is explicitly excluded. Furthermore any liability for defects resulting from modifications to the Open Source Software by you or third parties is excluded. We do not provide any technical support for the Product if it has been modified. powermanager, , Commissioning Manual E50417-H1040-C612-A2, Edition 04.2016 7 8 powermanager, , Commissioning Manual E50417-H1040-C612-A2, Edition 04.2016 Table of Contents Preface.......................................................................................................................................................... 3 Open Source Software..................................................................................................................................7 1 2 3 4 System Overview........................................................................................................................................ 13 1.1 Overview.......................................................................................................................... 14 1.2 Supported Languages....................................................................................................... 16 Installing powermanager........................................................................................................................... 17 2.1 Installing Siemens Automation License Manager (ALM) V5.3............................................. 18 2.2 Installing powermanager.................................................................................................. 19 2.3 Transferring the License Keys............................................................................................ 20 2.4 Silent Installation.............................................................................................................. 21 Starting and Stopping the Project.............................................................................................................. 23 3.1 Overview.......................................................................................................................... 24 3.2 Starting the Project via Console......................................................................................... 25 3.3 Starting a Project via Project Administration.......................................................................27 3.4 Stopping the powermanager Project................................................................................. 28 Configuration............................................................................................................................................. 29 4.1 Configuring a Device......................................................................................................... 30 4.2 Tabs in Standard View....................................................................................................... 31 4.3 Overview.......................................................................................................................... 32 4.4 Dashboard........................................................................................................................ 33 4.5 Selected Values.................................................................................................................34 4.6 Power Quality................................................................................................................... 35 4.7 Harmonics........................................................................................................................ 36 4.8 Energy.............................................................................................................................. 37 4.9 Trend................................................................................................................................38 4.10 Operations ....................................................................................................................... 39 4.11 Web..................................................................................................................................41 4.12 Parameters....................................................................................................................... 42 4.13 Functions on the Tool Bar..................................................................................................43 4.14 Project Tree.......................................................................................................................44 4.14.1 Overview of Project Tree.............................................................................................. 44 4.14.2 Internal and Project-specific Object Names...................................................................44 4.14.3 Project Tree Components.............................................................................................44 4.15 Starting and Stopping Communication.............................................................................. 52 powermanager, , Commissioning Manual E50417-H1040-C612-A2, Edition 04.2016 9 Table of Contents 4.16 Device Engineering for Power Monitoring Devices, E-counters, and Circuit Breakers......53 4.16.2 Generic Modbus Device............................................................................................... 57 Overview of Generic Modbus Device.......................................................................57 Device Engineering for Generic Modbus Device...................................................... 57 4.16.3 Virtual Counter............................................................................................................ 58 Overview of Virtual Counter................................................................................... 58 Device Engineering for Virtual Counter................................................................... 58 4.16.4 Calculation Value.........................................................................................................60 Overview of Calculation Value................................................................................ 60 Device Engineering for Calculation Value................................................................60 4.16.5 Load Monitoring.......................................................................................................... 61 Overview of Load Monitoring................................................................................. 61 Runtime View........................................................................................................ 62 Device Engineering for Load Monitoring................................................................. 67 Schedule................................................................................................................71 4.16.6 Manual Measuring Devices.......................................................................................... 73 Overview of Manual Measuring Devices..................................................................73 Runtime View........................................................................................................ 73 Device Engineering................................................................................................ 74 Overview............................................................................................................... 75 4.16.7 Average Value Devices.................................................................................................78 Overview............................................................................................................... 78 Average Value Configuration Tab........................................................................... 79 4.16.8 Converter Devices........................................................................................................80 Overview............................................................................................................... 80 Device Engineering for Converter Device................................................................ 80 4.17 Displaying Measured Values.............................................................................................. 86 4.18 Alert Classes......................................................................................................................87 4.19 Reaction Plans...................................................................................................................89 4.19.1 Overview of Reaction Plans.......................................................................................... 89 4.19.2 Opening and Closing Reaction Plans.............................................................................89 4.19.3 Configuring Reaction Plans.......................................................................................... 90 4.19.4 Selecting a Source....................................................................................................... 93 4.19.5 Deleting Devices..........................................................................................................96 4.20 10 Filter Administration......................................................................................................... 98 4.20.1 Overview of Filter Administration.................................................................................98 4.20.2 Using Filters................................................................................................................ 98 4.20.3 Managing Filters..........................................................................................................98 4.20.4 Configuring Filters..................................................................................................... 101 4.21 5 Devices............................................................................................................................. 53 4.16.1 Power Peak Analysis........................................................................................................ 104 4.21.1 Overview of Power Peak Analysis............................................................................... 104 4.21.2 Opening the Power Peaks Window............................................................................. 104 4.21.3 Creating a Report.......................................................................................................105 4.21.4 Configuring Power Peaks........................................................................................... 105 4.21.5 Saving the Power Peaks Configuration....................................................................... 108 4.21.6 Calculating Power Peaks............................................................................................ 109 4.21.7 Closing the Power Peak Window................................................................................ 109 KPI View.................................................................................................................................................... 111 powermanager, , Commissioning Manual E50417-H1040-C612-A2, Edition 04.2016 Table of Contents 6 7 Basic Report.............................................................................................................................................. 113 6.1 Report View.................................................................................................................... 114 6.2 Tabs in Report View.........................................................................................................115 Advanced Report...................................................................................................................................... 117 7.1 Overview of Reporting.................................................................................................... 118 7.2 Prerequisites................................................................................................................... 119 7.3 powermanager Report Window....................................................................................... 120 7.3.1 Opening the powermanager Report Window..............................................................120 7.3.2 Templates................................................................................................................. 121 7.3.3 Reports......................................................................................................................122 7.3.4 Quick Selection - Semiautomatic Report Creation...................................................... 123 7.3.5 Schedule - Automatic Report Creation....................................................................... 125 7.3.6 Closing the powermanager Report Window................................................................127 7.4 7.4.1 Overview of Types of Reports.....................................................................................128 7.4.2 Report Types............................................................................................................. 128 7.4.3 Cost Center Report.....................................................................................................129 7.4.4 Measuring Point Comparison..................................................................................... 132 7.4.5 Measured Value Comparison......................................................................................133 7.4.6 Duration Curve.......................................................................................................... 135 7.4.7 Standard Report........................................................................................................ 136 7.4.8 Energy Report............................................................................................................137 7.5 9 Preparing the Cost Center Report.....................................................................................138 7.5.1 Media........................................................................................................................138 7.5.2 Tariff Sets.................................................................................................................. 138 7.5.3 Cost Centers.............................................................................................................. 142 7.6 8 Types of Reports............................................................................................................. 128 Datapoints...................................................................................................................... 145 7.6.1 Editing Datapoints in the Report Template................................................................. 145 7.6.2 Inserting Datapoints in the Cost Center Report........................................................... 146 7.6.3 Inserting Datapoints in the Energy Report and Other Report Types..............................148 7.6.4 Device Types............................................................................................................. 152 7.6.5 Filters........................................................................................................................ 152 Trends....................................................................................................................................................... 153 8.1 Overview........................................................................................................................ 154 8.2 Creating a Trend View..................................................................................................... 155 8.3 Configuring Trend View.................................................................................................. 156 8.4 Selecting a Datapoint...................................................................................................... 158 8.5 Displaying the Trend View............................................................................................... 160 System Administration and Optimization................................................................................................ 161 9.1 Creating a New Project.................................................................................................... 162 9.2 Adapting the Archive Size................................................................................................166 9.3 Creating Users................................................................................................................ 168 9.4 Performance Optimization...............................................................................................173 9.5 Distributed Systems........................................................................................................ 176 powermanager, , Commissioning Manual E50417-H1040-C612-A2, Edition 04.2016 11 Table of Contents 9.6 Mass Parameterization.................................................................................................... 179 9.7 Measuring Period and Tariff Synchronization................................................................... 182 9.7.1 Overview...................................................................................................................182 9.7.2 Measuring Period Synchronization............................................................................. 182 9.7.3 Tariff Synchronization................................................................................................185 Literature.................................................................................................................................................. 189 Index.........................................................................................................................................................191 12 powermanager, , Commissioning Manual E50417-H1040-C612-A2, Edition 04.2016 1 System Overview 1.1 Overview 14 1.2 Supported Languages 16 powermanager, , Commissioning Manual E50417-H1040-C612-A2, Edition 04.2016 13 System Overview 1.1 Overview 1.1 Overview Application powermanager is used to acquire, monitor, evaluate, represent, and archive energy data of the following devices: * PAC1500 E-counters * * * * PAC3100, PAC3200, PAC4200, PAC5100, PAC5200 Power Monitoring Devices 3WL, 3VA, and 3VL circuit breakers SICAM P85x devices Any Modbus TCP enabled measuring devices. powermanager has the following functions to perform the above tasks: * Tree view of the system (project tree) * * * Measured value display with predefined user views * * * * * * * Load monitoring Alarm management Reporting, integrated report engine with predefined report templates, like Energy analysis or Cost Center report and individual reports based on EXCEL. Reaction plans Power peak analysis Key Performance Indicators (KPI) Support for distributed systems Archiving system User management Predefined Standard powermanager is delivered with out-of-the-box standard projects. This enables immediate use of powermanager without system configuration. Device Integration powermanager supports integration with the following products: PAC1500 E-counters: This device has an integrated optical interface (IrDA). Using a Modbus RTU communication module, you can connect it to powermanager using the gateway functionality of the PAC4200. You can also use any Modbus gateway to establish the connection. * 14 * PAC3100 Power Monitoring Device 1.0 or higher: Connect PAC3100 Power Monitoring device to powermanager using the gateway functionality of the PAC4200. You can also use any Modbus gateway to establish the connection. * PAC3200 Power Monitoring Device 2.0.x or higher: Connect PAC3200 Power Monitoring device to powermanager through the integral Ethernet interface using Modbus TCP. * PAC4200 Power Monitoring Device 1.2 or higher: Connect the PAC4200 Power Monitoring device to powermanager through the integral Ethernet interface using Modbus TCP. * PAC5100/PAC5200 multifunctional devices: Connect the PAC5100/PAC5200 multifunctional devices to powermanager via Ethernet interface. * 3VL molded-case circuit breakers: Connect the 3VL molded-case circuit breakers to powermanager via the gateway functionality of the PAC4200. You can use any other gateway to establish the connection. powermanager, , Commissioning Manual E50417-H1040-C612-A2, Edition 04.2016 System Overview 1.1 Overview * 3WL air circuit breakers: Connect the 3WL air circuit breakers to powermanager via the gateway functionality of the PAC4200. You can use any other gateway to establish the connection. * 3VA molded-case circuit breakers: Connect the 3VA molded-case circuit breakers to powermanager via COM800/COM100 gateway. * P850/P855 multifunctional devices: Connect the P850/P855 multifunctional devices to powermanager via Ethernet interface. Other Devices You can connect any Modbus enabled measuring devices to powermanager through the Ethernet or gateway using the RS485 interface. powermanager, , Commissioning Manual E50417-H1040-C612-A2, Edition 04.2016 15 System Overview 1.2 Supported Languages 1.2 Supported Languages powermanager supports eight languages: * English * * * * * * * German Spanish Portuguese French Italian Turkish Simplified Chinese Windows, dialogs, and designations of the measured variables included in the standard version are translated to the local language. You can name all the created objects in the local language. 16 powermanager, , Commissioning Manual E50417-H1040-C612-A2, Edition 04.2016 2 Installing powermanager 2.1 Installing Siemens Automation License Manager (ALM) V5.3 18 2.2 Installing powermanager 19 2.3 Transferring the License Keys 20 2.4 Silent Installation 21 powermanager, , Commissioning Manual E50417-H1040-C612-A2, Edition 04.2016 17 Installing powermanager 2.1 Installing Siemens Automation License Manager (ALM) V5.3 2.1 Installing Siemens Automation License Manager (ALM) V5.3 ALM is installed during the installation of powermanager. i NOTE If a lower version of ALM is found on the system during installation, it will be upgraded to the latest version. ALM manages the license keys for operating powermanager. You can operate powermanager based on the conditions of use of the installed license. 18 powermanager, , Commissioning Manual E50417-H1040-C612-A2, Edition 04.2016 Installing powermanager 2.2 Installing powermanager 2.2 Installing powermanager Installation Prerequisites Ensure that the following prerequisites are met before you start the powermanager installation. Minimum Hardware and Software Requirements The minimum hardware and software requirements for installing powermanager are available in readme.pdf. Microsoft Excel Ensure that Microsoft Excel is installed on the system for viewing reports. The minimum required Microsoft Excel version is available in readme.pdf. Windows Group Membership All powermanager users must be members of the Microsoft Windows users group Power Users. Administration Rights You must have administrators' rights on the system where the powermanager is installed. No Spaces in Path Name There should not be any spaces in the path name. Installation Steps To install powermanager: Close all active applications before you start powermanager installation. i Insert the installation disk in the DVD. Open the DVD drive and double-click Setup.exe. The powermanager installation starts. NOTE During installation, under the Scope of the Installation field, select Typical. If the powermanager installation is successful, the following path is created in the Start menu: Start > All Programs > SENTRON > powermanager V3.3. powermanager, , Commissioning Manual E50417-H1040-C612-A2, Edition 04.2016 19 Installing powermanager 2.3 Transferring the License Keys 2.3 Transferring the License Keys The license keys are included on the USB drive supplied with the installation disk. Additionally, you receive multiple USB drives, each containing different license keys for optional or expansion packages. Transferring the Licenses To transfer the license key to the system where powermanager is installed. Insert the USB drive in the USB port of the system. Click Start > All Programs > Siemens Automation > Automation License Manager. ALM opens. In the ALM window, click View > Management. Select and copy the required license keys from the USB drive. Paste the license key in the system. The required license keys become available on the powermanager system. 20 powermanager, , Commissioning Manual E50417-H1040-C612-A2, Edition 04.2016 Installing powermanager 2.4 Silent Installation 2.4 Silent Installation Silent installation is an unattended installation via command prompt. If the previous version of powermanager is found on the system during installation of powermanager V3.3, it will be upgraded to latest version automatically. To install powermanager via command prompt: Insert the installation disk in the DVD-ROM. Execute the Setup.exe by using either of the following commands in command prompt: Setup.exe /is /L <lang ID> - or <Source>\Setup.exe -si /L <lang ID> INSTALLDIR=<Install Path> where: Setup.exe /si is used to install the powermanager. Setup.exe /sf is to repair the powermanager. Setup.exe /sx is to uninstall the powermanager. L <lang ID> indicates the language ID that is passed as a command line argument for the language parameter. The IDs for English and German language are 1033 and 1031 respectively. <Install Path> indicates the location at which powermanager will be installed on the local system. For example, Setup.exe /si /L 1031 INSTALLDIR=D:\Sentron\. Restart the system to complete the installation. If you want to avoid the restarting of the system, enter /noreboot as a command line argument. Restart the system manually to complete the installation. i NOTE The command line argument si is case-sensitive. Uninstallation of powermanager V3.3 will remove all files including the installed service packs and patches. powermanager, , Commissioning Manual E50417-H1040-C612-A2, Edition 04.2016 21 22 powermanager, , Commissioning Manual E50417-H1040-C612-A2, Edition 04.2016 3 Starting and Stopping the Project 3.1 Overview 24 3.2 Starting the Project via Console 25 3.3 Starting a Project via Project Administration 27 3.4 Stopping the powermanager Project 28 powermanager, , Commissioning Manual E50417-H1040-C612-A2, Edition 04.2016 23 Starting and Stopping the Project 3.1 Overview 3.1 Overview Adapting the Archive Size By default, you can archive 100 devices in the powermanagerV3.3 project. To archive more devices or increase the capacity of each device, adjust the archive size. For more information, see 9.2 Adapting the Archive Size. 24 powermanager, , Commissioning Manual E50417-H1040-C612-A2, Edition 04.2016 Starting and Stopping the Project 3.2 Starting the Project via Console 3.2 Starting the Project via Console To start the powermanager V3.3 project: Click Start > All Programs > SENTRON > powermanager V3.3 > Console to open the powermanager console. The powermanager: Console window is opened. [sc_Console, 3, en_US] The powermanager: Console window lists the processes that powermanager uses. The St column indicates the status of each process. 0 (Red) - Process is stopped. 1 (Yellow) - Process started. powermanager, , Commissioning Manual E50417-H1040-C612-A2, Edition 04.2016 25 Starting and Stopping the Project 3.2 Starting the Project via Console 2 (Green) - Process started and is currently running. Select the powermanager project you want to start from the Project list box. Click to start the project. After all the processes in the selected project is started, the project Log in window is displayed. [sc_Basepanel_login, 3, en_US] i Enter root in the User name field. Leave the Password field blank. Select the language from the Language list box. Click Login. The Base Panel window is displayed. NOTE When powermanager is installed, the root user account has no password assigned to it. If required, assign a password to the root user. The processes visible in the powermanager console are background processes. Opening or closing the powermanager console has no effect on the state of the process. Data acquisition continues to run even when the console is closed. After starting the project, you can add devices in the project tree. 26 powermanager, , Commissioning Manual E50417-H1040-C612-A2, Edition 04.2016 Starting and Stopping the Project 3.3 Starting a Project via Project Administration 3.3 Starting a Project via Project Administration To start the powermanager V3.3 project: Click Start > All Programs > SENTRON > powermanager V3.3 > Project Administration. The powermanager: Project Administration window opens. Click to start the project. powermanager, , Commissioning Manual E50417-H1040-C612-A2, Edition 04.2016 27 Starting and Stopping the Project 3.4 Stopping the powermanager Project 3.4 i Stopping the powermanager Project NOTE Stopping a project ends the current data collection cycle. Therefore, ensure that you save the collected data. To stop a project: Ensure that it is safe to stop the project. Click Start > All Programs > SENTRON > powermanager V3.3 > Console to open the powermanager console. Click to stop the currently running project. The following confirmation dialog opens: [sc_StopProjConf, 1, en_US] Figure 3-1 i 28 Stop Project - Confirmation Dialog Click Yes. powermanager stops the project. The status color of all the processes changes from green to red. The status color of process monitor remains green. NOTE The processes visible in the powermanager console are background processes. Opening or closing the console window has no effect on the process state. Data acquisition continues to run when the console is closed. powermanager, , Commissioning Manual E50417-H1040-C612-A2, Edition 04.2016 4 Configuration 4.1 Configuring a Device 30 4.2 Tabs in Standard View 31 4.3 Overview 32 4.4 Dashboard 33 4.5 Selected Values 34 4.6 Power Quality 35 4.7 Harmonics 36 4.8 Energy 37 4.9 Trend 38 4.10 Operations 39 4.11 Web 41 4.12 Parameters 42 4.13 Functions on the Tool Bar 43 4.14 Project Tree 44 4.15 Starting and Stopping Communication 52 4.16 Devices 53 4.17 Displaying Measured Values 86 4.18 Alert Classes 87 4.19 Reaction Plans 89 4.20 Filter Administration 98 4.21 Power Peak Analysis 104 powermanager, , Commissioning Manual E50417-H1040-C612-A2, Edition 04.2016 29 Configuration 4.1 Configuring a Device 4.1 Configuring a Device To configure a device in powermanager for the first time: Map the structure of the plant to the project tree. For more information, see 4.14.1 Overview of Project Tree. 30 Create the device in the project tree. For more information, see 4.14.3 Project Tree Components. Configure the device. For more information, see 4.16 Devices. Start communication between powermanager and the device. For more information, see 4.15 Starting and Stopping Communication. Display the measured values. For more information, see 4.16 Devices. powermanager, , Commissioning Manual E50417-H1040-C612-A2, Edition 04.2016 Configuration 4.2 Tabs in Standard View 4.2 Tabs in Standard View The Standard view contains the following tabs: * Dashboard * * * * * * * * * Overview Selected values Power quality Harmonics Energy Trend Operations Web Parameters powermanager, , Commissioning Manual E50417-H1040-C612-A2, Edition 04.2016 31 Configuration 4.3 Overview 4.3 Overview The Overview tab is available for all devices except virtual devices. This tab displays the summary of different data point values measured by the devices. The color next to Alarm field displays the current status of the alarm. The color next to the Communication field shows the communication status between the device and powermanager. [sc_overviewtab, 1, en_US] Figure 4-1 32 Overview Tab powermanager, , Commissioning Manual E50417-H1040-C612-A2, Edition 04.2016 Configuration 4.4 Dashboard 4.4 Dashboard The Dashboard tab displays the values of the data points, which are configured in the Dashboard configuration tab corresponding to the selected device. [sc_Dashboard, 1, en_US] powermanager, , Commissioning Manual E50417-H1040-C612-A2, Edition 04.2016 33 Configuration 4.5 Selected Values 4.5 Selected Values The selected values tab lists all preselected measured variables with description, current measured value, and defined unit. You can preselect the measured values in the Display column of the Configuration tab in the Device Engineering view. [sc_SelectedValues_tab, 2, en_US] Figure 4-2 Selected Values Tab for PAC3200 The parameters for Selected values tab are set on the device or on the device type (inheritance). You can create filters in the system. If a measured value is highlighted in red, it indicates that the address is deactivated in the configuration. To add additional measured values: * Right-click a system, an area, or a device. * * * * i 34 Select Device engineering and click the device or device type. Select the measured values for the device or device type. Select Display. Click Save. NOTE When selecting at area level or system level, select the device type from the shortcut menu. Area level: Inheritance of the list by all devices of the selected device type within the area. System level: Inheritance of the list by all devices of the selected device type within the station. powermanager, , Commissioning Manual E50417-H1040-C612-A2, Edition 04.2016 Configuration 4.6 Power Quality 4.6 Power Quality The Power quality tab is available only for the PAC3200/4200/5100/5200 and P850/P855. This tab displays actual, minimum, and maximum values of the power factor and frequency. This tab also displays the actual and maximum distortion in the voltage and current values. [sc_powerqualitytab, 1, en_US] powermanager, , Commissioning Manual E50417-H1040-C612-A2, Edition 04.2016 35 Configuration 4.7 Harmonics 4.7 Harmonics The values of the harmonics are displayed in a bar chart. This tab is only available for the PAC5200 and PAC4200 devices. [sc_Harmonics_tab, 3, en_US] Figure 4-3 Harmonics Tab for PAC4200 Select any one of the following values to display the data: * Voltage L-N: Harmonics voltage l-n (in %). * * Voltage L-L: Harmonics voltage l-l (in %). Current: Harmonics current I (in A). Select a harmonic to view the detailed values (including time stamp) of the harmonic. The bar chart shows the harmonic proportions related to the basic oscillation up to the 17th or 31st harmonic. By default, you see the instantaneous values of the harmonics. Click show maxima to view the maximum values of the harmonics. 36 powermanager, , Commissioning Manual E50417-H1040-C612-A2, Edition 04.2016 Configuration 4.8 Energy 4.8 Energy The Energy tab displays the energy consumption details. This tab enables you to compare the energy consumption between two different time periods. To compare the energy consumption between two different time periods: Select a Data point, from the drop-down list. Select an Interval, from the drop-down list. Select an Duration, from the drop-down list. Select the Compare option. Click Apply, to compare the energy consumption between two selected time periods. The comparision is displayed in the form of a graph. powermanager, , Commissioning Manual E50417-H1040-C612-A2, Edition 04.2016 37 Configuration 4.9 Trend 4.9 Trend The Trend tab is available for all devices. This tab is similar to the Trend window. The Trend tab displays Voltage, Current, Power, Power interval, Power factor, THD, and Custom. The custom graph is configured in the Trend configuration tab. For more information on trending in powermanager, see 8.1 Overview. 38 powermanager, , Commissioning Manual E50417-H1040-C612-A2, Edition 04.2016 Configuration 4.10 Operations 4.10 Operations The Operations tab consists of three sections Digital output, Digital input, and Commands for measuring devices. The State of the breaker is displayed for circuit breakers. Operations Tab [sc_SDO_tab, 2, en_US] Figure 4-4 Switched Digital Outputs Tab for PAC4200 You can switch the digital outputs of the PAC3200 and PAC4200 devices on the Digital output section. For this purpose, configure the digital outputs as remote output in the device. A lamp icon indicates the switching state: Icon State Signal of the digital output is high (1). Signal of the digital output is low (0). powermanager, , Commissioning Manual E50417-H1040-C612-A2, Edition 04.2016 39 Configuration 4.10 Operations Use the button to the right of the lamp icon to switch on or off the digital output. Digital Input This section displays the digital input and its type of use. Commands The commands section contains buttons that can be used to change device settings during runtime. The commands can only be transferred if password protection is switched off on the device. The following commands are available: PAC3100 PAC3200 PAC4200 3VL/3WL 3VA 40 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Acknowledge diagnostics Reset maxima Reset minima Reset counter * Reset min/max Acknowledge diagnostics Reset maxima Reset minima Reset counter Reset operating hours counter Reset maxima Reset minima Reset counter Reset event Breaker ON Breaker OFF In addition to the circuit breakers, a symbol indicates the current status. powermanager, , Commissioning Manual E50417-H1040-C612-A2, Edition 04.2016 Configuration 4.11 Web 4.11 Web The Web tab is only visible for the PAC5100/PAC5200 and P850/P855 devices. This tab displays the web interface for the PAC5100/PAC5200 and P850/P855 device connected to powermanager. Use the COMTRADE viewer to view the saved fault records. The COMTRADE view is installed in the following location: C:\Program Files (x86)\Siemens\Energy\ComtradeViewer\V4_54\ For information on the individual tabs, see the PAC5100/PAC5200 and SICAM P850/P855 documentation. powermanager, , Commissioning Manual E50417-H1040-C612-A2, Edition 04.2016 41 Configuration 4.12 Parameters 4.12 Parameters Parameters tab displays the device information. This includes manufacturer, firmware version, module information, and so on. [sc_DeviceData_tab, 2, en_US] Figure 4-5 42 Parameters Tab powermanager, , Commissioning Manual E50417-H1040-C612-A2, Edition 04.2016 Configuration 4.13 Functions on the Tool Bar 4.13 Functions on the Tool Bar In this view, devices can be created and configured. It also displays all the created devices. Standard view In this view, the KPIs can be created and configured. It also displays all the created KPIs. KPI view In this view the report templates can be created and configured. Reports can be created out of the configured templates. You can also view all the created report templates and reports. Report view In this view, the variations in the values of a device over a specific time range can be represented. A trend can contain any number of hierarchical areas for representing curves, with scales and legends. Value-over-time and value-over-value representations are also possible. Variable trend In this view, the alerts and events are displayed in the form of a table. You can sort and filter alerts for display. Alert screen Opens the powermanager Online Help. Online Help The new icons can be added to the tool bar. To add new icons to the tool bar: * Right-click the tree root. * Select System settings. The system settings section opens. * * * Select the User interface tab. * In the Language settings section, select the languages for which you want the icon to be enabled. In the Toolbar settings section, select the number of Additional toolbar buttons you want to add, from the drop-down list. Click Save. will be added to the toolbar. * Right-click , to assign a panel for the newly created icon. The Reference parametrization dialog opens. * * i Select a panel from the Please select a panel section. Click OK. The panel is assigned to the selected panel. NOTE Expert license is required to add additional tool bar buttons. powermanager, , Commissioning Manual E50417-H1040-C612-A2, Edition 04.2016 43 Configuration 4.14 Project Tree 4.14 Project Tree 4.14.1 Overview of Project Tree A project tree maps the arrangement of devices based on areas and sectors. When the application is installed, the project tree contains the root System1 and the no area area. The project tree root branches to areas. Areas branch into sectors. Sectors branch into subsectors. Up to 6 branching levels are possible. You can attach devices to sectors and subsectors. [sc_ProjectTree_Overview, 2, en_US] Figure 4-6 Project Tree Root (System1) with the "no area" Area 4.14.2 Internal and Project-specific Object Names Each object in the project tree has an internal and a project-specific name. Internal Name * The first name given to the object is assigned as the internal name. * * * The internal name is a system-wide unique identifier. The internal name must not contain any blanks or special characters. Internal name cannot be changed later. Project-specific Name * The project-specific name is displayed on the user interface. * * * * A project-specific name is not necessarily unique. A project-specific name can contain blanks and special characters. A project-specific name can be changed at any time. A project-specific name can be translated to multiple languages. Assigning a Name when Creating Areas or Devices You assign the internal name when creating areas or devices. The system uses the internal name as the project-specific name. Assign the project-specific name when you create the sector. The system generates the internal name. 4.14.3 Project Tree Components Project Tree Root The project tree root represents the complete system. When the application is installed, the root is called System1. Right-click the project tree root to access the following cross-area functions: * Area Administration * * * * 44 Filter Settings System Settings Driver Settings Mass Parameterization powermanager, , Commissioning Manual E50417-H1040-C612-A2, Edition 04.2016 Configuration 4.14 Project Tree Areas You can divide the project tree root into different areas based on your requirements. [sc_Areas, 2, en_US] Figure 4-7 Areas in Project Tree The "no area" Area The no area area accommodates devices that you cannot assign clearly to an area. A device created in the project tree root is automatically moved to the no area area. Creating an Area To create an area: Right-click on the project tree root. Click Create area. Assign a name to the new area. Ensure that there are no other projects having similar name. Assign the internal name when you create an area. The system assumes the internal name as the projectspecific name for all languages. Then, you can change the automatically generated project-specific name. For more information, see 4.14.2 Internal and Project-specific Object Names. Click Create. Rename the area to its project-specific name. For more information on renaming an area, see Renaming an Object. The new area is visible in the project tree. Sectors An area can be further subdivided into sectors. A sector can be further subdivided in other sectors. You can create up to five levels of sectors. [sc_Sectors, 2, en_US] Figure 4-8 Sectors and Subdivision of Sectors Creating a Sector To create a sector: Right-click the area or sector in which you want to create the sector. powermanager, , Commissioning Manual E50417-H1040-C612-A2, Edition 04.2016 45 Configuration 4.14 Project Tree Click New Sector. A dialog opens asking for the project-specific name. [sc_CreateSector, 2, en_US] Figure 4-9 Assign a project-specific name to the new sector. Click i Assign a Project-specific Name to assign a project-specific name in multiple languages. Click OK. NOTE To add project-specific names in other languages later, use the Rename option. For more information, see Renaming an Object. The sector is visible in the project tree. Devices You can create devices in an area or sector. 46 powermanager, , Commissioning Manual E50417-H1040-C612-A2, Edition 04.2016 Configuration 4.14 Project Tree [sc_Devices, 2, en_US] Figure 4-10 Devices Attached to Areas and Sectors Creating a Device To create a device: Right-click the area or sector in which you want to create the device. Click create device. Click the device type. [sc_CreateDevice, 4, en_US] Figure 4-11 Selecting a Device Type powermanager, , Commissioning Manual E50417-H1040-C612-A2, Edition 04.2016 47 Configuration 4.14 Project Tree Assign a name to the device. Click Create. Wait until powermanager creates the device. Creation of the new device takes some time depending on the device and the project size. Assign project-specific name to the device. To assign project-specific name to the device, use the Rename option. For more information, see Renaming an Object. The new device is now visible in the project tree and is recognized by the system. However, it is not yet configured. For information on how to configure a device, see 4.16 Devices. Opening Device Engineering After creating a device, powermanager immediately opens the device engineering view for subsequent configuration. To open device engineering view if you closed it immediately after creating a device: Right-click the device you want to configure. Click device engineering. The device engineering tabs are visible set against a blue background. For more information on configuration of the individual device types, see 4.16 Devices. Copying/Moving Objects You can move or copy sectors or devices within the project tree. Copied devices use the internal name of the original device. The name contains a numerically incremental suffix as a distinguishing feature. For example, <name>_1, <name>_2, and so on. When you copy or move a sector, all the devices and subsectors inside the sector are also copied or moved to the new location. To copy/move an object: Select the object that you want to copy/move. i NOTE To select multiple objects, press and hold CTRL key on your keyboard and select the objects that you want to copy or paste. Using the left or right mouse button, drag the object to the location where you want to copy it. Release the mouse button. After you release the mouse button, you are asked whether you want to copy or move the object. [sc_MoveCopy_Objects, 2, en_US] Figure 4-12 48 Moving or Copying an Object powermanager, , Commissioning Manual E50417-H1040-C612-A2, Edition 04.2016 Configuration 4.14 Project Tree Select whether you want to copy or move the object. Press ESC if you want to cancel the operation. Click Yes to confirm the action. Assign project-specific name to the device. To assign project-specific name to the device, use the Rename option. For more information, see Renaming an Object. Renaming an Object Use the Rename option to change the project-specific names of areas, sectors, or devices. You can also use this option to assign object names in multiple languages for localized user interfaces. You can rename an object after: * Creation of a new area or a device * Copying a sector or a device To rename an object: In the project tree, right-click the area, sector, or device that you want to rename. Click rename <object>. Here, <object> can be an area, a sector, or a device. [sc_RenameObjects, 2, en_US] Figure 4-13 Renaming an Object In the Text for every language window, change the object name for any language. powermanager, , Commissioning Manual E50417-H1040-C612-A2, Edition 04.2016 49 Configuration 4.14 Project Tree [sc_DeviceName, 1, en_US] Figure 4-14 Text for every language Window Click OK. The updated object name is visible if the user interface is set to that language. Deleting an Object You can delete devices, complete sectors, or complete areas from the project tree. * For sectors, specify the action for the objects inside the sector. You can either delete the subordinate objects, or transfer them to the upper level. * If you delete an area, and do not delete the objects inside the area, then the objects are moved to the no area area. To delete an object: In the project tree, right-click the area, sector, or device that you want to delete. i NOTE To select multiple objects for deletion: * Select multiple objects. To select multiple objects, press and hold CTRL key on your keyboard and select the objects that you want to delete. * 50 Right-click on any of the selected objects. Click delete <object>. Here, <object> can be an area, a sector, or a device. powermanager, , Commissioning Manual E50417-H1040-C612-A2, Edition 04.2016 Configuration 4.14 Project Tree [sc_DeleteObject, 2, en_US] Figure 4-15 Deleting an Object If you are deleting an area or a sector, select the appropriate action for the subordinate objects from the dialog that opens. [sc_DeleteObject_Confirmation, 2, en_US] Figure 4-16 Deleting an Area or a Sector powermanager, , Commissioning Manual E50417-H1040-C612-A2, Edition 04.2016 51 Configuration 4.15 Starting and Stopping Communication 4.15 Starting and Stopping Communication You must explicitly start or stop the communication of powermanager with the connected devices. You can start or stop an individual device, or all the devices of a sector, an area, or the entire system mapped in the project tree. The project tree shows the communication status. The device symbol that precedes the device name contains a red X or a green check. [sc_StartStop_Communication, 2, en_US] * * Red X denotes that powermanager is not connected to the device. Green check denotes that powermanager is connected to the device. Starting Communication with an Individual Device To connect powermanager to an individual device: In the project tree, right-click the device. In the context menu, click communication > start communication. Communication between the device and powermanager is started. The device symbol changes from red X to a green check. Stopping Communication with an Individual Device To disconnect powermanager from an individual device: In the project tree, right-click the device. Click communication > stop communication. Communication between the device and powermanager is stopped. The device symbol changes from a green check to red X. Starting Communication with All Devices To connect powermanager to all the devices: In the project tree, right-click a sector, an area, or the project tree root. Click Start communication for all devices. Stopping Communication with All Devices To disconnect powermanager from all the devices: In the project tree, right-click a sector, an area, or the project tree root. 52 Click Stop communication for all devices. powermanager, , Commissioning Manual E50417-H1040-C612-A2, Edition 04.2016 Configuration 4.16 Devices 4.16 Devices 4.16.1 Device Engineering for Power Monitoring Devices, E-counters, and Circuit Breakers Configuring a Device powermanager sets up a standard configuration for each new device. You only have to specify the IP address. The device engineering permits the following application-specific configuration settings: * Setting up a device as a gateway. * * * * * * Modification of the measured variable units. Modification of the measured variable names. Selection of the measured variables for display on the powermanager interface. Selection of the measured variables for archiving. Selection of the measured variables for alert triggering, with modification of the alert limits and assignment to alert classes. Modification of message texts. powermanager, , Commissioning Manual E50417-H1040-C612-A2, Edition 04.2016 53 Configuration 4.16 Devices Communication & Units [sc_CommunicationUnits_tab, 2, en_US] Figure 4-17 Communication & Units Tab The Communication & Units tab contains the following components: IP address: The IP address of the device. * * 54 Gateway communication: Select the gateway communication option to use the device as a gateway for connecting subnetworked Modbus RTU devices. - Specify the IP address of the gateway in the IP address field. - Access point: The PAC4200 Power Monitoring Device or any standard gateway can be used as gateway. For PAC4200, specify the slot into which the Expansion module PAC RS485 is plugged. - Unit address: Modbus address of the device in the Modbus RTU subnetwork. powermanager, , Commissioning Manual E50417-H1040-C612-A2, Edition 04.2016 Configuration 4.16 Devices * i Units and factors: The powermanager standard records all measured variables in the base units. You can change the unit. Deactivate the Inherit area settings option box to edit the Unit and Divisor columns. For example, modify the active power unit from watts to kilowatts and set the relevant denominator to 1000. NOTE Modification of the unit only affects the powermanager interface and not the archived values. The unit can be converted for reporting in the report template. For more information, see 7.6.1 Editing Datapoints in the Report Template. You can also convert the units using a virtual counter. For more information, see Overview of Virtual Counter. Configuration i NOTE Enable communication between powermanager and the device to make the table entries fully visible on the Configuration tab. For more information, see 4.15 Starting and Stopping Communication . The Configuration tab defines the following attributes for all measured variables: * Group assignment * * * * Designation of the powermanager interface Display on the powermanager interface Archiving Alerts, triggering, limits, and alert classes To adapt the standard configuration to your requirements: * Deselect the inherit area settings option to enable editing of the fields. The grid of the table changes color to purple. * * Modify the values as required. Click Save to save the changes. powermanager, , Commissioning Manual E50417-H1040-C612-A2, Edition 04.2016 55 Configuration 4.16 Devices [sc_Reducing_Addresses, 2, en_US] Figure 4-18 Configuration Tab The Configuration tab consists of the following columns: * group: powermanager arranges the measured variables in groups. The group column shows the assignment. You can assign groups to measured variables from the Filter box in the groups tab of the Runtime view. 56 * element: Device name and description of the measured variable in the language that was selected when logging in. The description can be changed on the Extended configuration tab. * display: Selection of the measured variables displayed on the Selected values tab. The restriction to Selected values is also effective in the display of all devices belonging to a sector, an area, or the overall plant. Filters for the cross-device display setting do not deactivate the selection. For more information on filters, see 4.20.1 Overview of Filter Administration. The selection does not modify the scope of display on the Groups tab. * * * address: Measured variables that powermanager fetches from the device (polling). * high alert: If the upper threshold is exceeded, a high alert is triggered. The change to the default value automatically activates the option in the alert column. * low alert: The lower threshold. If the device parameters fall below this value, an alert is triggered. The change to the default value automatically activates the option in the alert column. * Alert class: An alert can be assigned to an alert class. For more information on Alert class, see 4.18 Alert Classes. * Unit: Unit of the measured variable as supplied by the device. The unit cannot be changed. You can find the subset of the units you can modify in the units and factors area of the Communication & Units tab. archive: Measured variables that powermanager archives. alert: The measured variables that are monitored for limit values. Deactivation of an alert resets user-specific modification of alert limits high alert and low alert to the predefined standard. powermanager, , Commissioning Manual E50417-H1040-C612-A2, Edition 04.2016 Configuration 4.16 Devices Extended Configuration On the Extended configuration tab, you can modify the descriptions of the measured variables for the German powermanager user interface and all other languages offered by default. The table fields are open for editing. The reset to default values switch resets all changes to the delivery status of the powermanager standard. Alert Configuration On the Alert configuration tab, you can define message texts for the status of the digital inputs of the device. Trend Configuration The Trend configuration tab enables you to configure trend curves for generating trend graphs. This functionality is only available for PAC3200, PAC4200, PAC5100, PAC5200, P850, and P855 devices. You can add a maximum of nine trend curves for each device. The Trend Configuration tab is only visible if you access the Device Engineering view at the System level. The trend curves configured for a device type are applicable to all the devices of that device type. For example, if you add trend curves to PAC4200 device type, then those trend curves are visible for all the PAC4200 devices added to the project. A new curve is visible under the Trend tab in the standard view of the device type. Dashboard configuration The Dashboard configuration tab enables you to configure gauge, trend, and bar chart configurations. This functionality is only available for PAC3200, PAC4200, PAC5100, PAC5200, P850, and P855 devices. The Dashboard Configuration tab is only visible if you access the Device Engineering view at the System level. 4.16.2 Generic Modbus Device Overview of Generic Modbus Device With the generic Modbus device, you can link any Modbus-enabled measuring devices to powermanager. You can view: * Up to 50 measured variables * * * * * 10 status messages 5 power demand values 5 counter value 10 commands (write values) 10 digital outputs Power and energy values are displayed in groups. Device Engineering for Generic Modbus Device Stipulations The following specifications are mandatory for device configuration: * Name of the measure value * * * * Transformation type Index Specification of the Modbus Function Code Specification of a factor with which the supplied measured value is multiplied powermanager, , Commissioning Manual E50417-H1040-C612-A2, Edition 04.2016 57 Configuration 4.16 Devices * * Unit of the measure value Specification of a message for the status messages Overflow Limits You can parameterize the overflow limits of the counters on the Counter Configuration tab. Support of Free Interval Lengths The values that are parameterized as power demand values in the generic Modbus device are restamped in the system. Setting the Endian Byte Order You can set the endian byte order for polling the data on the Communication & Units tab. Depending on whether the device transmits data in big endian order or little endian order, select the appropriate option for data polling under Endian Byte Order on the Communication & Units tab. Configuring Digital Outputs Each generic modbus device that you create contains provision to configure 10 command data points and 10 digital outputs.You can configure these command datapoints and digital outputs from the Extended configuration tab in the Device engineering view. You can assign values to each command data points (write values) on the Write values tab in the standard view of Generic modbus device. Additionally, you can view and change the state of the digital outputs on the Operations tab in the standard view of Generic modbus device. 4.16.3 Virtual Counter Overview of Virtual Counter A virtual counter records: * Active energy * * Reactive energy Counter units of the universal counter Using virtual counter, you can: * Calculate demand values You can add or subtract the demand values. * Convert units You can convert the unit of a counter value. For example, Wh to kWh. * Make demand values from third-party devices available for report analysis Virtual counters are available for selection in powermanager reporting under the datapoint type pmVirtCounter Device Engineering for Virtual Counter On the Counter configuration tab, assign an energy counter or a universal counter to the virtual counter. Define the unit and the corresponding conversion factor. 58 powermanager, , Commissioning Manual E50417-H1040-C612-A2, Edition 04.2016 Configuration 4.16 Devices [sc_CounterConfig_tab, 2, en_US] Counter Configuration Tab for Virtual Counter Device Figure 4-19 Following components are visible on the Counter configuration tab of the device engineering view: * Unit - Unit recorded by the universal counter of the connected device. For example, m3 for cubic meters. - Unit of the energy counter. * Factor Define a factor to convert units. For example, conversion from watt-hours to kilowatt hours with a factor of 0.001. * Variable Universal counter or energy counter * Operator Operators for adding or subtracting counters To add a universal or energy counter to the Counter configuration tab: Define the unit of the counter in the Unit field. Click . The VC input panel window opens. In the VC input panel window, define the factor in the Factor field. Select the universal or energy counter from the Variable drop-down list. Click OK. Click Save, to save the changes. powermanager, , Commissioning Manual E50417-H1040-C612-A2, Edition 04.2016 59 Configuration 4.16 Devices i NOTE You can add up to 10 counters per virtual counter. You can also add one virtual counter as an universal/energy counter for another virtual counter. 4.16.4 Calculation Value Overview of Calculation Value The Calculation value object enables you to group and convert a maximum of 10 freely selected measured values using a customized formula. [sc_CalculationValue_tab, 2, en_US] Figure 4-20 i Calculation Value NOTE Delete a device only if it is not used in any calculation unit. Device Engineering for Calculation Value Structure of the Formula Variable Select the measured values using the selection tree. Every selected measured value is assigned a variable identifier p1, p2, and so on. Use the variables in the calculation formula. 60 powermanager, , Commissioning Manual E50417-H1040-C612-A2, Edition 04.2016 Configuration 4.16 Devices Operators The mathematical operators +, -, *, and / are used for addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division respectively. They are also used for the following Boolean functions: Notation 1 Notation 2 Function OR || OR AND && AND XOR ^ EXCLUSIVE OR NOT | NOT Brackets Use brackets for expressions. Formula in the Function Box Create the formula in the Function box. The Function box is case-sensitive. If a variable identifier used in the Function box does not correspond to any measured value, the value of that identifier is zero. Ensure that the formula is syntactically correct. The function is checked for validity before it is saved. Examples Following are some examples of syntactically correct formulas: * p1 + p2 + p3 * * (p1 + p2) / 1000 (p1 || p2) && p3 4.16.5 Load Monitoring Overview of Load Monitoring Electricity supply contracts contain provisions to calculate the kilowatthour rate and the demand rate. The demand rate is calculated according to the maximum imported power. Therefore, avoid power peaks and distribute the power demand uniformly throughout the day. Monitoring Load monitoring enables you to: * Monitor the power demand values * Respond to deviations from the planned target Orientation Variables Load monitoring supplies two orientation variables for estimation of consumption behavior: * Correction power * Forecast energy consumption Correction Power The correction power is the power that is connected or disconnected to optimally use the energy volume available for the current tariff interval. It informs you whether the energy imported in the tariff interval is within the limits of available energy and is used optimally. Forecast Energy Consumption Load monitoring forecasts the expected energy consumption at the end of the tariff interval. The forecast is recalculated for each calculation interval and becomes more precise after each calculation interval. Tariff Interval / Calculation Interval powermanager, , Commissioning Manual E50417-H1040-C612-A2, Edition 04.2016 61 Configuration 4.16 Devices The tariff interval is subdivided into a number of calculation intervals that can be selected. The correction power and the consumption forecast are determined for each calculation interval. Response Load monitoring supports reactive measures with: * Switching bits * Alerts Switching Bits Load monitoring sets the following switching bits: * Element No switch: The bit is set if the correction power is within the limit curve or the first or last calculation interval is calculated. * * Element switchOff: powermanager sets this bit if the load needs to be deactivated. Element switchOn: powermanager sets this bit if the load needs to be activated. The bits are triggered based on the defined limit curve. For more information on limit curves, see Device Engineering for Load Monitoring. The switching state is queried in reaction plans. For more information on reaction plans, see 4.19.1 Overview of Reaction Plans. Alerts and Warnings An alert or a warning can be optionally configured for each switching bit. Configure it when defining the limit curve. For more information on limit curves, see Device Engineering for Load Monitoring. Runtime View The Runtime view for load monitoring shows the following tabs. Overview The Overview tab shows the consumption development of the monitored datapoint in the current tariff interval: * Actual energy consumption * * * Forecast energy consumption Timing Correction value The values are shown as percentage values in a bar chart and as absolute numerical values. 62 powermanager, , Commissioning Manual E50417-H1040-C612-A2, Edition 04.2016 Configuration 4.16 Devices [sc_Overview_tab, 2, en_US] Figure 4-21 Overview Tab The bar chart contains the following components: * 100% mark: The 100 % mark identifies the energy setpoint. * Consumption: The blue Consumption bar shows the actual percentage energy consumption in the current tariff interval. The reference value is 100 % of the setpoint. The chart displays the consumption value up to a maximum of 125 %. If the consumption goes beyond that threshold, then the color of the bar changes to red. * Forecast: The Forecast bar shows the forecast of the consumption in the current tariff interval. The forecast is updated for each calculation interval. The chart displays the consumption value up to a maximum of 125 %. If the consumption goes beyond that threshold, then color of the bar changes to red. * Time: The yellow time bar shows the timing in the current tariff interval. The 100 % mark is the tariff interval end time. The bar ends at the 100 % mark when the last calculation interval is reached. * Correction value: The Correction value bar shows the positive or negative power correction value. Use this value to adjust the actual power to its optimal value so that it corresponds to the setpoint. The red bar or the green bar denotes the correction value for the power. Both bars originate from the 100 % mark. - Red bar: The red bar indicates negative correction value. It starts from the 100 % mark and moves to the right of the mark. Switch off some power to bring the correction bar back to 100 % mark. - Green bar: The green bar indicates positive correction value. It starts from the 100 % mark and moves to the left of the mark. You can activate more power to bring the correction bar back to 100 % mark. Invalid values are shown in magenta. powermanager, , Commissioning Manual E50417-H1040-C612-A2, Edition 04.2016 63 Configuration 4.16 Devices The Interval Box The Interval box displays the calculation intervals. The first value specifies the last completed calculation interval. The second value shows the number of calculation intervals into which the tariff interval is subdivided. The Consumption, Prognosis, and Correction boxes show the absolute numerical values corresponding to the bar charts for the same values. Energy Profile The Energy profile tab displays the deviation between actual energy consumption and rated energy consumption during the current tariff interval. [sc_EnergyProfile_tab, 2, en_US] Figure 4-22 Energy Profile Tab The Energy profile tab contains the following information: * The X-axis denotes the time curve of the tariff interval. * * 64 The Y-axis denotes the imported energy in kWh. The black trend line denotes the consumption setpoint. It is always linear. powermanager, , Commissioning Manual E50417-H1040-C612-A2, Edition 04.2016 Configuration 4.16 Devices * The colored trend line shows the actual consumption. The trend line is either blue, red, or magenta. - If the actual consumption is below the setpoint, the trend line is blue. This condition indicates a positive correction power in the current calculation interval. You can activate extra power without exceeding the setpoint. - If the actual consumption is above the setpoint, the trend line is red. This condition indicates a negative correction power in the current calculation interval. Switch off some power to bring the consumption to the setpoint. - If powermanager encounters an invalid value during the calculation interval, the trend line is magenta. Daily Trend The Daily trend tab displays the power demand of the monitored load during the day. [sc_DailyTrend_tab, 2, en_US] Figure 4-23 Daily Trend Tab The Daily trend tab displays the following information: * The X-axis shows the tariff intervals for a 24 hour time range. * * * * * The Y-axis shows the power in kW. The orange horizontal axis shows the power setpoint. The blue column shows the actual output of one tariff interval. The red column shows the tariff interval with the highest power demand during the day. The magenta column shows the tariff intervals with invalid values. powermanager, , Commissioning Manual E50417-H1040-C612-A2, Edition 04.2016 65 Configuration 4.16 Devices Previous Day Trend The Previous day trend tab shows the power demand of the monitored loads during the previous day. The display corresponds to the daily trend. The previous day's trend is not displayed if no data is available for the previous day or if the calculation interval length has changed with respect to the previous day. Envelope The Envelope tab shows: * Correction power values of the calculation intervals during the current tariff interval. * Parameterized limit curve. The limit curve defines the threshold of the correction power. Switching is only recommended if the actual power exceeds the limit curve. The purpose of limit definition is to smooth brief power spikes, thus reducing the number of switching recommendations. Superpositioning of the two curves results in the calculation intervals with the switching recommendation that takes effect. [sc_LimitCurve_tab, 3, en_US] Figure 4-24 Envelope Tab Limit curve The limit curve shows the defined positive and negative limits within which no switching recommendation is given. The limit curve can be configured in device engineering view, on the Envelope tab. The Envelope tab displays the following information: * The X-axis shows the time curve of the tariff interval. * * The Y-axis shows the correction power in kW. The colored bars show the correction power of the calculation interval. - The green bars above the X-axis indicate positive correlation power in the calculation interval. - 66 The red bars below the X-axis indicate negative correlation power in the calculation interval. powermanager, , Commissioning Manual E50417-H1040-C612-A2, Edition 04.2016 Configuration 4.16 Devices Device Engineering for Load Monitoring Overview A load monitoring unit created in the project tree monitors one datapoint. Following configurations are necessary for the load monitoring unit to start monitoring: * Selection of the datapoint * * * * Definition of the tariff interval and of the calculation interval Definition of the setpoint, either constant or variable, during the day Definition of the limit curve Definition of the response To access the Configuration tab for a load monitoring device, right-click the device and click device engineering. Device engineering opens automatically when you create a configuration. After making the configuration changes, click the Apply button to confirm the changes. Any tariff interval running at this time is stopped and marked as invalid. i NOTE Ensure that you use only positive values for load monitoring. Using negative values results into display problems. powermanager, , Commissioning Manual E50417-H1040-C612-A2, Edition 04.2016 67 Configuration 4.16 Devices Parameterization [sc_Parameterization_tab, 3, en_US] Figure 4-25 Parameterization Tab Datapoint selection The Datapoint selection area enables you to select the data source that you want to monitor. Ensure that you provide the appropriate information in the following list boxes to select the data source that you want. 68 powermanager, , Commissioning Manual E50417-H1040-C612-A2, Edition 04.2016 Configuration 4.16 Devices * Type: Select any one of the device types from the Type list box: - Calculation Value - Converter - 3VAETU8 - Generic Modbus Device - PAC1500 - PAC3100 - PAC3200 - PAC4200 - PAC5100 - PAC5200 - P850 - P855 * Device: The Device list box shows the devices created in the project tree of the device type selected in the Type list box. Select any one of the devices. * Element: The element is the data source that you want to monitor. From the Element list box, select the momentary power value of the device selected in the Device list box. Click to select the data source directly from the project tree structure. Interval Settings Use the Interval settings area to define the length of the tariff and calculation intervals. * Tariff interval: Define the tariff interval in minutes and seconds. * Calculation interval: Define the calculation interval in minutes and seconds. While defining the tariff and calculation intervals, ensure that: * The tariff interval is integrally divisible by the calculation interval. * * 60 minutes are integrally divisible by the tariff interval. The tariff interval lasts a maximum of 60 minutes. Setpoint Assign a constant or variable setpoint to the monitored data source. Set a schedule for a variable setpoint. * Guideline: Select Guideline to assign a constant setpoint to the monitored data source. Selecting this option activates the Setpoint field. * Setpoint: Define the momentary power in kW in the Setpoint field. The smallest calculated setpoint is 1 kW. * Timetable: Select Timetable to assign a variable setpoint to the monitored data source. The Edit button is activated after you select this option. Click Edit to prepare a schedule for a variable setpoint. For more information on creating schedules, see Schedule. Limit Curve The limit curve defines the threshold of the correction power. Switching is only recommended if the actual power exceeds the limit curve. The purpose of limit definition is to smooth brief power spikes, thus reducing the number of switching recommendations. powermanager, , Commissioning Manual E50417-H1040-C612-A2, Edition 04.2016 69 Configuration 4.16 Devices [sc_LM_LimitCurve_tab, 1, en_US] Figure 4-26 Limit Curve Tab Setting the Positive and Negative Limit Correction Power Define the upper and lower envelopes for the positive and the negative thresholds of the correction power on the Limit curve tab. Define the following fields: * Alarming Select whether you want the limit curve to be defined according to power (in kW) or the percentage of the setpoint. * Maximum correction value The maximum correction value determines the range of value of the correction power displayed in the diagram. Ensure that the limits of the interpolation points P1 to P4 do not exceed the maximum correction value. * Envelope 1 Define the threshold for the positive correction power in the Envelope 1 area. * Envelope 2 Define the threshold for the negative correction power in the Envelope 2 area. * P1, t1 to P4, t4 Define the interpolation points of the limit curve in these boxes under the Envelope 1 and Envelope 2 areas. You can see the preview of the limit curve at the bottom of the Limit curve tab. Alerting Activate the alerts in the Alerting area of the Limit curve tab. 70 powermanager, , Commissioning Manual E50417-H1040-C612-A2, Edition 04.2016 Configuration 4.16 Devices The internal switching bits of the system trigger the alerts sending. In turn, which switching bits the system sets depends on the defined limit curve. There are four options available in the Alerting area: * no switch Select this option to receive an alert/warning whenever the switchNo switching bit is set. You do not need to connect or disconnect the load. * switch off Select this option to receive an alert/warning whenever the switchOff switching bit is set. Disconnect the load. * switch on Select this option to receive an alert/warning whenever the switchOn switching bit is set. Load can be connected. * soon Switch off the load because the percentage threshold in the Limit % field is reached. The value in the Limit % field refers to the energy consumption setpoint in the tariff interval. 100 % corresponds to the setpoint. Schedule Purpose For each tariff interval during a day, a schedule defines the rated power of the monitored datapoint. Thus, the planned rated power varies in intervals and can increase or decrease at various times in a day. The system calculates the number of tariff intervals. The interval length in the schedule is prepared accordingly. For example, if a 15-minute tariff interval is configured, the schedule contains 96 intervals. A schedule applies to any selected calendar period. For all days without an assigned individual schedule, the system accesses a default schedule. The time difference between summer and winter time is not considered in the schedule. Configure the changeover days separately. To create or edit schedules, explicitly activate an edit mode. This prevents inadvertent parameterization errors. Path and File Name The system subdivides consecutive calendar periods into days and creates a file in the following directory: <project_name>\data\EC_TimeTable The format of the name assigned to the file is: <load_monitor_name>_YYYYMMDD.csv The file containing the default schedule is named: <load_monitor_name>_default.csv Opening the Edit Schedule Window For information on opening the Edit Schedule window, see Parameterization under Device Engineering in Load Monitoring. Edit Schedule Window The Edit schedule window enables you to create and edit timetables. You can define the schedules for a prolonged period and store them for each day. powermanager, , Commissioning Manual E50417-H1040-C612-A2, Edition 04.2016 71 Configuration 4.16 Devices [sc_EditSchedule, 1, en_US] Figure 4-27 Edit Schedule Window The schedule table has the following columns: * No.: The nth tariff interval in the course of the day. The system calculates and specifies the number of tariff intervals. * * Time: Start time of the tariff interval. setpoint: Power setpoint on the monitored datapoint in the tariff interval. The Action area has the following boxes: * View file: This option is selected by default when you open the Edit Schedule window. It enables you to view the current schedule in the table. Also, only the starting point of the schedule is activated in the Period area when you select this option. * Save/edit file: Select this option to edit the schedule. Selecting this option activates both the starting point and ending point of the schedule in the Period area. Additionally, you can edit the setpoint in the Setpoint column of the schedule table. Creating a Schedule To create a schedule: * Check whether an individual schedule exists for the target period. The schedule table has the heading Default schedule when the default schedule is visible. The table does not have a heading when an individual schedule is assigned to the currently selected day. 72 powermanager, , Commissioning Manual E50417-H1040-C612-A2, Edition 04.2016 Configuration 4.16 Devices * * * * Select Save/edit file. In the Period area, define the time range for which the schedule is valid. Set up the schedule in the table. Define the power setpoint of the monitored datapoint for each tariff interval. Empty Setpoint cells in the table assume the value from the Setpoint cell above. If you want to apply a constant setpoint through the entire day, define the setpoint only for the first interval at the start of the day. If the Setpoint cell of the first tariff interval at the start of the day is not filled, the value entered on the Parameterization tab applies. Click Apply to confirm the changes. Creating a Default Schedule If no default schedule exists, powermanager shows an error message when you open the Edit Schedule window. To create a default schedule: * Create a schedule in the Edit Schedule window. For more information on creating a schedule, see Creating a Schedule above. * * After you create a schedule, go to <project_name>\data\EC_TimeTable. Select the new schedule file. The file name format for the new file is: <load_monitor_name>_YYYYMMDD.csv. The date YYYYMMDD in the file name corresponds to the date value in the dialog. * Replace the date YYYYMMDD with default. Therefore, the new file name has the format: <load_monitor_name>_default.csv. Creating a Blank Table Click New in the Edit table area to empty all the setpoints from the currently selected schedule. This action is only possible in the display mode. To fill the blank table, switch to the edit mode. 4.16.6 Manual Measuring Devices Overview of Manual Measuring Devices Several electrical subsystems within non-residential buildings or small and medium industrial plants consist of measuring devices, which are either not capable of or restricted from communicating with any external systems such as powermanager. The manual measuring device feature enables you to manually add data from an external device that cannot be integrated with powermanager. Runtime View The runtime view for manual measuring devices shows the following tabs. Overview Tab The Overview tab displays the measured values entered for the selected devices. This tab shows a maximum of 50 previous values. In order to add new measured values for the device, switch to Input view. For more information, see Overview. Energy Tab The Energy tab displays the energy consumption details. This tab enables you to compare the energy consumption between 2 different time periods. powermanager, , Commissioning Manual E50417-H1040-C612-A2, Edition 04.2016 73 Configuration 4.16 Devices [sc_TrendTab, 3, en_US] Figure 4-28 Energy Tab For more information, see 4.8 Energy. Device Engineering After adding the device to powermanager, on the Unit+Overflow tab, define the following parameters: Unit: The measurement unit for the data entered for the device. You cannot change the unit after you save the configuration. Overflow: The maximum acceptable measured value. i 74 NOTE Ensure that the overflow value is greater than or equal to 0. The overflow value cannot be negative. powermanager, , Commissioning Manual E50417-H1040-C612-A2, Edition 04.2016 Configuration 4.16 Devices [sc_DeviceEngineering, 2, en_US] Figure 4-29 Unit+Overflow Tab for Manual Measuring Device Archiving By default, powermanager creates an archive of the measured values entered for a device. Each archive stores measured values upto 13 months. After the archive is full, it is closed and you cannot edit the archive. Reporting You can generate the Cost Center report and the Energy report for manual measuring devices. Overview The Input view enables you to add measured values for the manual measuring devices. In the menu bar, click View > Input to switch to input mode. i NOTE In the Input view, only the manual measuring devices are visible at the sector, area, and project tree root level. The sector, area, and project tree root level display: * The list of manual measuring devices. * The latest measured value entered for each device and the timestamp associated with the measured value. To enter a measured value for a device: powermanager, , Commissioning Manual E50417-H1040-C612-A2, Edition 04.2016 75 Configuration 4.16 Devices Click on the project tree root, an area, or a sector to view the list of available manual measuring devices. - or - 76 powermanager, , Commissioning Manual E50417-H1040-C612-A2, Edition 04.2016 Configuration 4.16 Devices Click the device to see the list of previous 50 measured values. At the sector, area, or project tree root level, double-click the device name in the table for which you want to add the measured value. - or - Click on the right-side of the table. The Input panel window opens. powermanager, , Commissioning Manual E50417-H1040-C612-A2, Edition 04.2016 77 Configuration 4.16 Devices [sc_InputMeasuredValue, 2, en_US] Figure 4-30 i In the Input measured value window, enter the following details: Date: The date on which the measured value was recorded. Hour: The hour of the day when the measured value was recorded. Minute: The quarter of the hour when the measured value was recorded. Value: The measured value of the device. NOTE * The date and time entered in the Input panel dialog must be between the date and time of creation of the device and the current date and time. * If the overflow limit set for the device is 0, then ensure that the measured value that you enter is higher than the measured value entered for the previous timestamps. i Input Panel Dialog Click OK. The measured value is added to the device. The updated time and value are now visible under <last time> and <last value> columns respectively. NOTE After you add the measured value, the time and value entered is visible under <new time> and <new value> columns respectively. Click on the right-side of the table, to edit the input Value. The Input panel dialog opens. 4.16.7 Average Value Devices Overview The average value device is a virtual device, which enables you to calculate the average value of any data point from a physical device or another average value device over a specific time period. After configuring an average value device, you can monitor, represent, and archive the average value calculated by the device. 78 powermanager, , Commissioning Manual E50417-H1040-C612-A2, Edition 04.2016 Configuration 4.16 Devices The Device Engineering view enables you to define average value parameters for each device on the Average value configuration tab. You can define up to 10 average value parameters for each device. For more information, see Average Value Configuration Tab. Average Value Configuration Tab The Average value configuration tab enables you to configure the Average value device. By default, there are 10 placeholders available to add the parameters for which you want to calculate the average value. The placeholders for average value parameters are named Average Value 1, Average Value 2, Average Value 3...Average Value 10. [sc_AverageValue_Tab, 2, en_US] Average Value Configuration Tab To add an average value parameter for an average value device: Select a placeholder from the Average value configuration table. Click . The dpSelector window opens. i NOTE To delete a parameter, select the parameter and click . The parameter is deleted and is replaced by the respective placeholder. For example, if you delete the third parameter, then it is replaced by the placeholder Average Value 3. In the dpSelector window, select the device for which you want to create the average value parameters. Click OK. powermanager, , Commissioning Manual E50417-H1040-C612-A2, Edition 04.2016 79 Configuration 4.16 Devices i The average value parameter is added to the table. By default, the average value for a device is calculated for an interval of 15 minutes. However, you can set the interval between 1 min to 1440 minutes (24 hours). Under the Factor column, define a factor to calculate the average value for the defined unit. Under the Unit column, define the unit of the average value data point. Click Save, to save the configuration. NOTE Ensure that the average value parameter fulfills the following conditions: * The selected data point must be available for the device. * * * * The selected data point must belong to a local system and not a distributed system. The selected data point type must be an integer, unsigned integer, or float value. The selected data point must not be an average value data point itself. Each combination of the data point and the calculation interval should be unique. Additionally, the selected data point must also be archived for powermanager to calculate the correct average value. If the data point is not archived, powermanager will still calculate the average value for that data point. However, if you restart the project, powermanager does not calculate the correct value for the data point. i NOTE For information on the Configuration and Extended Configuration tabs, see 4.16.1 Device Engineering for Power Monitoring Devices, E-counters, and Circuit Breakers. 4.16.8 Converter Devices Overview The converter device is a virtual device, which enables you to convert the power values to corresponding energy values and vice versa. After configuring a converter device, you can monitor, represent, and archive the power or energy values calculated by the device. The Device Engineering view enables you to select data points to convert for each device on the Converter configuration tab. You can define up to 10 converter data points for each device. For more information, see Device Engineering for Converter Device. Device Engineering for Converter Device The device engineering view enables you to define power/energy parameters for each device on the Converter configuration tab. You can define up to 10 parameters for each device. By default, there are 10 placeholders available in each tab to add the power or energy parameters. The placeholders for energy parameters are named Energy Value 1, Energy Value 2, Energy Value 3...Energy Value 10. The placeholders for power parameters are named Power Value 1, Power Value 2, Power Value 3...Power Value 10. Converting Energy to Power To add energy parameters to the Energy to Power tab: Select a placeholder from the Energy to Power table. 80 powermanager, , Commissioning Manual E50417-H1040-C612-A2, Edition 04.2016 Configuration 4.16 Devices [sc_Energy2Power_Converter, 2, en_US] Energy to Power Converter Tab Figure 4-31 Click . The Selection tree for energy values window opens. The Selection tree for energy values window displays only the energy data points of all the devices. powermanager, , Commissioning Manual E50417-H1040-C612-A2, Edition 04.2016 81 Configuration 4.16 Devices [sc_EnergyDP_Input, 1, en_US] Figure 4-32 i Selection tree for energy values NOTE To delete a parameter, select the parameter and click . The parameter is deleted and is replaced by the respective placeholder. For example, if you delete the third parameter, then it is replaced by the placeholder Energy Value 3. 82 In the Selection tree for energy values window, select the data points for which you want to create the average value parameters. Click OK. The converter parameter is added to the table. Under the Period (mins) column, select the time interval for which the energy data is collected. This data is then converted to power data. powermanager, , Commissioning Manual E50417-H1040-C612-A2, Edition 04.2016 Configuration 4.16 Devices Under the Factor column, define a factor to convert units. For example, converting kW to kWh. Under the Unit column, define the unit of the converter data point. Select the show trend option from the Show trend column. This enables you to view the trend graph of the selected data points in the trends view. Click Save. Converting Power to Energy To add power data points to the Power to Energy tab: Select a placeholder from the Power to Energy table. [sc_Power2Energy_Converter, 2, en_US] Power to Energy Converter Tab Figure 4-33 Click . The Selection tree for power values window opens. The Selection tree for power values window displays only the power data points of all the devices. powermanager, , Commissioning Manual E50417-H1040-C612-A2, Edition 04.2016 83 Configuration 4.16 Devices [sc_PowerDP_Input, 1, en_US] Figure 4-34 i Selection tree for power values NOTE To delete a parameter, select the parameter and click . The parameter is deleted and is replaced by the respective placeholder. For example, if you delete the third parameter, then it is replaced by the placeholder Power Value 3. 84 In the Selection tree for power values window, select the data point for which you want to create the average value parameters. Click OK. The converter parameter is added to the table. Under the Factor column, define a factor to convert units. For example, converting kWh to kW. Under the Unit column, define the unit of the converter data point. powermanager, , Commissioning Manual E50417-H1040-C612-A2, Edition 04.2016 Configuration 4.16 Devices i Select the show trend option from the Show trend column. This enables you to view the trend graph of the selected data points in the trends view. Click Save. NOTE Ensure that the converter parameter fulfills the following conditions: * The selected data point must be available for the device. * * The selected data point must not be a converter data point itself. Each data point selected for conversion must be unique. Additionally, the selected data point must also be archived for powermanager to correctly convert the data point. If the data point is not archived, powermanager will still convert that data point. However, if you restart the project, powermanager does not calculate the correct conversion value for the device. i NOTE For information on the Configuration and Extended Configuration tabs, see: 4.16.1 Device Engineering for Power Monitoring Devices, E-counters, and Circuit Breakers. powermanager, , Commissioning Manual E50417-H1040-C612-A2, Edition 04.2016 85 Configuration 4.17 Displaying Measured Values 4.17 Displaying Measured Values The measured values of the configured devices can be displayed: * Per device * * * Across all devices of a sector Across all devices of an area Across all devices of the plant You can restrict the view by using previously defined filters or filters you have defined for the specific application. Displaying Measured Values of a Device To display the measured values of a device: Ensure that the Standard view is activated. If Standard view is not activated, click to activate the Standard view. Select a device in the project tree. The Selected values tab opens in the runtime area. Select a group from the filter field. Displaying Measured Values of Several Devices To display the measured values of several devices: Ensure that the Standard view is activated. If Standard view is not activated, then click to activate the Standard view. In the project tree, select an area, a sector, or the project tree root. The Selected values tab opens in the runtime view. The standard installation contains the No filter and Default filters. Define application-specific filters to restrict the view. 86 powermanager, , Commissioning Manual E50417-H1040-C612-A2, Edition 04.2016 Configuration 4.18 Alert Classes 4.18 Alert Classes Alerts are subdivided into alert classes. powermanager provides four predefined alert classes. Assigning a Measured Value to an Alert Class Assign alerts, high alert threshold, low alert threshold, and alert class to a measured value in the Configuration tab of the device engineering view. A measured value has only one alert-triggering upper threshold (High alert) and one alert-triggering lower threshold (Low alert). Only one alert is assigned to one alert class. The alert-triggering upper and lower thresholds of a measured value cannot be assigned to different alert classes. [sc_AlertClasses, 1, en_US] Figure 4-35 Alert Classes Type of Alert Classes The following types of alert classes are available: Table 4-1 Alert Classes List box in device Alert class (DPE) engineering Abbreviation Priority Color Type of acknowledgement Warning not acknowledgeable Warning does not WANQ require acknowledgement 50 Yellow Cannot be acknowledged Warning Warning requires WA acknowledgement 50 Yellow CAME or WENT requires acknowledgement Alert NQ Alert does not require acknowledgement 60 Red Cannot be acknowledged Alert Warning requires A acknowledgement 60 Red CAME or WENT requires acknowledgement ANQ [sc_Alarms, 2, en_US] Figure 4-36 * * * Base Panel's Alert Area The abbreviations are displayed in the first column of the alert area. The priority of the alert is displayed in the second column of the alert area. Cannot be acknowledged: The alert area can only be in the CAME or no alert state. The normal state is only achieved by a value change. Acknowledgement is not possible. powermanager, , Commissioning Manual E50417-H1040-C612-A2, Edition 04.2016 87 Configuration 4.18 Alert Classes * CAME or WENT required acknowledgement: Each alert range can be in one of the following states. - came/unacknowledged - came/acknowledged - went/unacknowledged - No alert The normal state is only achieved by a value change and acknowledging the alert. However, for acknowledging the alert, acknowledge either the came alert in the came/unacknowledged state or the went alert in the went/unacknowledged state. Alert Coding 88 Table 4-2 Alert Coding Color Cycle Meaning Yellow Flashing rapidly Pending, unacknowledged warning Yellow Flashing slowly No longer pending, unacknowledged warning Yellow Uninterrupted Pending, acknowledged warning Red Flashing rapidly Pending, unacknowledged alert Red Flashing slowly No longer pending, unacknowledged alert Red Uninterrupted Pending, acknowledged alert powermanager, , Commissioning Manual E50417-H1040-C612-A2, Edition 04.2016 Configuration 4.19 Reaction Plans 4.19 Reaction Plans 4.19.1 Overview of Reaction Plans Automated Switching of Digital Outputs Based on the configuration of the reaction plans, powermanager switches the interfaced devices' digital outputs automatically. Automation requires configuration of the reaction plans. Target, Function, and Source A reaction plan consists of three parts: * Target The target of a reaction plan is a digital output. On the device, configure the output as Remote output to enable switching. * * Function The function denotes the type of triggering. The switching operation can be triggered as follows: - Digital input of a device - Alert of a measured value - Switching bit of load monitoring Source Any datapoint element (DPE) that provides the selected function serves as the source. Together, the function and the source are the switching condition. Assigning the Target and Condition You must prepare a separate reaction plan to switch a digital output automatically. A maximum of one condition can be assigned to one target. However, you can assign a single condition to multiple targets. Validity The system checks the validity of the source and target when a reaction plan is configured. The reaction plan is not checked during the runtime. Later changes in the system lead to incorrect parameterization. When you reopen the configuration view for reaction plans, messages pointing out such arising parameterization errors are displayed. 4.19.2 Opening and Closing Reaction Plans Opening Reaction Plans To open reaction plans: Click View > Reaction Plan to open the reaction plans. In the project tree, click an area, a sector, or a device to view all the digital outputs in that object. Root: Displays digital outputs of all devices in the system. Area: Displays digital outputs of all devices in the selected area. Sector: Displays digital outputs of all devices in the selected sector. Device: Displays digital outputs of the selected device. Click to return to the Standard view. powermanager, , Commissioning Manual E50417-H1040-C612-A2, Edition 04.2016 89 Configuration 4.19 Reaction Plans 4.19.3 Configuring Reaction Plans The reaction plans are listed in tables in two tabs: Parameterize outputs tab This tab shows: * Assignment of the target, function, and source * Switching status of the source The status of the source can be inverted with a switching command. [sc_ParameterizeOutputs_tab, 2, en_US] Figure 4-37 Parameterize Outputs Switching outputs tab This tab shows the switching status of the target. You can force the switching of the digital output using a switching command. Scope The reaction plans table lists the existing digital outputs. Additionally, incorrectly parameterized, deactivated, or reaction plans that can still be configured are visible. The scope is limited to the level selected in the project tree. All digital outputs existing in the system are listed when the project tree root is selected. A digital output only appears once in the list. Therefore, you can assign only one condition to one output. Sorting When you open the reaction plans table, all the columns are automatically sorted in ascending order based on the digital outputs, that is, the first two columns: output area.sector(s) and Output. Sorting is possible for all columns. 90 powermanager, , Commissioning Manual E50417-H1040-C612-A2, Edition 04.2016 Configuration 4.19 Reaction Plans Click the column header to sort the table in descending order. Click once again to sort the table in ascending order. Active Reaction Plan A reaction plan is created and active in the runtime system when a function and a source are assigned to a digital output. The Function column provides the following functions: * Digital input * * Alert Load monitoring Select a source whenever you select a function. The system opens a corresponding selection window. A function can be reassigned at any time. The source for a selected function can be changed later. Select the No function function to deactivate an existing reaction plan. The columns for sources that are not assigned are blank. Remote Output Prerequisite The Type of use column shows the type of use of the digital output that has been set on the device, either directly or with configuration software. Digital outputs can only be parameterized if they have been configured as a Remote output. The Function column only offers functions for selection if this prerequisite is met. Otherwise, the Function and Source columns are blank. Nonexecutable Parameterization A configured reaction plan becomes nonexecutable if the type of use of the digital output is modified later, either directly on the device or via the powerconfig configuration software. In this case, a different value is visible in the table instead of the Remote output type of use. The system uses color coding to identify reaction plans that have become nonexecutable. The existing assignment of the target, function, and source is retained. Color Error class Meaning Red 1 The output is configured as Rotation. It cannot be switched. Yellow 2 An alert is selected as the source, but the associated alert handling is not activated. The alert cannot arrive, and so the reaction plan is not executed. Gray 3 The address of the source or of the target is deactivated. In this case, the system does not register the changes or the switching command is not forwarded to the device. Switching commands are executed until the reaction plan is deleted. The "No function" function cancels assignment of the source. The output remains in its last known state if communication with the source is interrupted. The output status changes accordingly as soon as communication with the source is established again and its status changes. The digital output remains in its last known state if communication with the digital output is interrupted. The output status changes accordingly as soon as communication with the output is established again and the status of the source changes. Behavior in Distributed Systems If the digital input of a remote device (non-local device in a distributed system) is linked to the digital output of a local device in a reaction plan and the distributed system is no longer accessible the local device maintains the last output state internally. For example, if there is a communication disruption, the local device internally maintains the last output state. powermanager, , Commissioning Manual E50417-H1040-C612-A2, Edition 04.2016 91 Configuration 4.19 Reaction Plans i NOTE If the input state of the remote device changes during the communication disruption the local device does not recognize this status change. Logical Inversion In the Inverted column, you can invert the switching state. Inverting the switching state also inverts the output status. Columns in Parameterize Outputs Tab The columns of the Parameterize outputs tab are sorted according to Targets, Functions, and Sources. The Parameterize outputs tab has the following columns: * Digital output location and Digital output These columns display the digital output of the device that is attached in the designated area and sector of the project tree. * Type of use This column displays the configured type of use of the digital output. Configuration of a reaction plan requires the Remote output type of use. * Function This column is used to set the trigger for the switching operation of the digital output. You can set one of the following triggers: - Digital input of the device - Alert of a measured value - Switching bit of load monitoring Click the table cell to open a list box. You can select the trigger types from this list. Click on a list entry to open the corresponding dialog for selection of the source. * Source location and Source These columns display the datapoint element attached in the designated area and sector of the project tree. This provides the selected function. Click a cell to open a selection window. * Source state This column displays whether the source is switched on or off. * Inverted You can invert the switching state using this column. If this column is set to YES, then logical inversion is switched on. If this column is set to NO, then logical inversion is switched off. Columns in Switch Outputs Tab The Switch outputs tab shows the switching status of the digital output. You can change the switching status using a switching command. The Switch outputs tab has the following columns: * Digital output location and Digital output These columns display the digital output of the device that is attached in the designated area and sector of the project tree. * 92 State This column displays the switching state of the digital output. If the switching state is OFF, then the digital output is low. If the switching state is ON, then the digital output is high. powermanager, , Commissioning Manual E50417-H1040-C612-A2, Edition 04.2016 Configuration 4.19 Reaction Plans * Switching group This column displays the switch group. * Type of use This column displays the configured type of use of the digital output. Configuration of a reaction plan requires the Remote output type of use. * Switch This column displays the command for switching the digital output. Change the command to OFF to switch the signal of the digital output to low. Change the command to ON to switch the signal of the digital output to high. Based on the change in the switching status in this column, the values in the Status columns are updated. Saving the Configuration Click Save, to save the configurations made in database. If the configuration contains errors a dialog appears with a warning. Restoring the Configuration Click Reset, to restore the last save configuration in the tables. 4.19.4 Selecting a Source Digital Input Function The Digital input function forwards the status of the digital input to the digital output: * The digital output switches to the ON status if the digital input switches to the ON status. * The digital output switches to the OFF status if the digital input switches to the OFF status. Digital inputs of all devices in the source system are offered as a binary input, regardless of their parameterization: * PAC4200: At least two digital inputs. Up to 10 digital inputs if 2 DI/DO modules are fitted. * * * PAC3200: 1 digital input PAC3100: 2 digital inputs Generic Modbus device: 10 digital inputs Selection Tree for Digital Inputs Use a filtered view of the project tree to select the source. Click the Digital input value in the Function column to open the Selection tree for digital inputs window. powermanager, , Commissioning Manual E50417-H1040-C612-A2, Edition 04.2016 93 Configuration 4.19 Reaction Plans [sc_SelectionTree_BinaryInput, 2, en_US] Figure 4-38 Selection Tree for Digital Inputs Window Click OK to transfer the selected source to the reaction plans table and close the window. Alert Function Depending on the alert triggered by a specific event, the Alert function switches the digital output. You can select the high and low limits of the analog values that have an alert configuration, regardless of whether the alert itself is activated. Alerts that are not activated are shown in gray in the list of reaction plans. They do not trigger a reaction plan. Selection Tree for Alerts Use a filtered view of the project tree to select the source. Click the Alert value in the Function column to open the Selection tree for alerts window. 94 powermanager, , Commissioning Manual E50417-H1040-C612-A2, Edition 04.2016 Configuration 4.19 Reaction Plans [sc_SelectionTree_Alerts, 2, en_US] Figure 4-39 Selection Tree for Alerts Window Click OK to transfer the selected source to the reactions plan table and close the window. Load Monitoring Function The Load monitoring function switches the digital output depending on the switching recommendation of the assigned load monitor. The following switching bits represent the switching recommendation: * switchNo The SwitchNo bit is set when the correction power is within the configured limit curve. * switchOff The switchOff bit is set when load has to be deactivated to avoid exceeding the setpoint in the tariff interval and the correction power lies outside the limit curve. powermanager, , Commissioning Manual E50417-H1040-C612-A2, Edition 04.2016 95 Configuration 4.19 Reaction Plans * switchOn The switchOn bit is set when load is connected without exceeding the setpoint in the tariff interval and the correction power lies within the limit curve. Selection Tree for Load Monitoring Use a filtered view of the project tree to select the load monitoring function and switching bits. Click the Load monitoring value in the Function column to open the Selection tree for load monitoring window. [sc_SelectionTree_LM, 2, en_US] Figure 4-40 Selection Tree for Load Monitoring Window 4.19.5 Deleting Devices Before deleting a device from the system, check whether any of its elements is used as a source or target in a reaction plan. If an element is being used, then the system displays a message with instructions to resolve the issue. 96 powermanager, , Commissioning Manual E50417-H1040-C612-A2, Edition 04.2016 Configuration 4.19 Reaction Plans You cannot delete the device until the corresponding reaction plans have been deleted. powermanager, , Commissioning Manual E50417-H1040-C612-A2, Edition 04.2016 97 Configuration 4.20 Filter Administration 4.20 Filter Administration 4.20.1 Overview of Filter Administration You can use filters to restrict the scope of the measured quantities, displayed in the base panel, to individual views. Some examples of filtering are: * Filtering current values of all devices belonging to a specific sector * * Filtering voltage values supplied by all devices of the PAC4200 type Filtering total active power of all devices in the system with heating as part of their names Using Filters User-defined filters are available at the area, sector, and project tree root level. The required filter can be selected from the filter list box in the base panel. Filter Administration and Configuration Use filter administration to define new filters or to modify existing ones. Right-click the project tree root to view the filter configuration options. 4.20.2 Using Filters To apply a user-defined filter: In the tool bar, click to open the Standard view of the base panel. In the project tree, select the level (root, area, or sector) to which you want to apply the filter. Select the required filter from the filter list box. The base panel shows the filtered datapoints of the selected project tree branch. The system remembers the assignment of the project tree branch and filter. Use No filter from the filter list box to return to the unfiltered overall view. i NOTE If the filter list box shows only the default and No filter filters, then it implies that no user-defined filters are created. In this case, create a filter list. 4.20.3 Managing Filters Opening Filter Administration Right-click the project tree root and then click Filter administration to open the filter administration view. 98 powermanager, , Commissioning Manual E50417-H1040-C612-A2, Edition 04.2016 Configuration 4.20 Filter Administration [sc_FilterAdmin_Open, 3, en_US] Figure 4-41 Selecting Filter Administration Filter Administration View [sc_FilterAdmin_View, 2, en_US] Figure 4-42 Filter Administration View powermanager, , Commissioning Manual E50417-H1040-C612-A2, Edition 04.2016 99 Configuration 4.20 Filter Administration Filter administration is split into the following three areas: Basic Functions The area at the top provides four basic functions: - - Create a filter * - - Delete a filter - - Save filter settings - - Rename a filter * Previous Settings The previous settings area shows the settings of the currently selected filter. * Configuration Elements The Filter mode and Filter definition areas enable you to configure the filters. Creating a New Filter To create a filter: Click . Name the filter and click Accept. The filter name appears in the list box at the top of the filter administration view. Configure the filter in the configuration elements area. Click to save the filter. You can change the filter name later to adapt it to a different language. Modifying an Existing Filter To modify an existing filter: Select the filter you want to edit from the list box at the top of the filter administration view. Change the filter configuration in the configuration elements area. Click to save the filter. Deleting a Filter Select the filter you want to delete from the list box at the top of the filter administration view. Click to delete the selected filter. The selected filter is deleted. i 100 NOTE You cannot delete the default filter. powermanager, , Commissioning Manual E50417-H1040-C612-A2, Edition 04.2016 Configuration 4.20 Filter Administration Renaming a Filter To rename a filter: Select the filter you want to rename from the list box at the top of the filter administration view. Click to rename the selected filter. Enter the new name in the dialog. The dialog shows several languages for selection. Change the name in the required target language. 4.20.4 Configuring Filters Types of Definitions Filter administration offers two methods of configuring filter settings: * Select selection criteria from predefined lists. To do this, select the list option. * Definition of text sequences that conduct a full text search. To do this, select the wildcard option. Areas The filter conditions can be applied to: * Area Areas that are created in the project tree. * Device type Device types. * Device name Devices that are created in the project tree. * Sectors Sectors that are created in the project tree. * Measured value All retrievable measured values. Five tabs denote the objects to which filter conditions are applied. Each tab represents one object. If you select the list option, the tabs provide area-specific lists for selection. A text sequence of the wildcard filter definition type is effective in the area in which it has been created. Language Dependence If you use the list option, the filter results are identical for all languages in the project. The system saves the compiled filter based on the internal designation. Wildcards refer to the designations in the current language. When you use wildcards, the same filter in different languages return different results. List Filter Mode Assigning Selection Criteria To adopt selection criteria for a filter, move the values from the available groups and available measure points boxes to the selected box. * Selecting a measured variable for the filter Select a measured variable from the available measure points box and click to move it to the selected box. powermanager, , Commissioning Manual E50417-H1040-C612-A2, Edition 04.2016 101 Configuration 4.20 Filter Administration * Selecting all the measured variables for the filter Click * to move all the measured variables to the selected box. Removing a measured variable from the filter Select a measured variable from the selected box and click to move it to the available measure points box. * Removing all measured variables from the filter Click to remove all measured variables from the selected box. Wildcards Filter Mode The wildcards mode allows you to define text sequences that filter the display as full text search criteria. The text sequences can contain wildcards. [sc_Filter_WildcardsMode, 1, en_US] Figure 4-43 Power Peak: Wild Card Filter Mode Table 4-3 Wildcards ? Any character * One or several of any characters Example: The text sequence PAC* entered in the advance selection of the Device tab limits displays only the devices from the PAC series. 102 powermanager, , Commissioning Manual E50417-H1040-C612-A2, Edition 04.2016 Configuration 4.20 Filter Administration Empty Filter No filter is active when the Pattern box is blank or contains the test sequence *. The configured filters are displayed immediately in the Previous settings area. powermanager, , Commissioning Manual E50417-H1040-C612-A2, Edition 04.2016 103 Configuration 4.21 Power Peak Analysis 4.21 Power Peak Analysis 4.21.1 Overview of Power Peak Analysis powermanager contains a report generator for determination of power peaks within a specified time range. You can evaluate the following values using the report generator: * Power demand values of the PAC device types. The time stamp of the power demand values is at the start of the period. * Parameterized power demand values of generic Modbus devices. Report You receive the result of analysis in the form of a tabular report in the csv file format. You can open, print, and edit the report file with Microsoft Excel. powermanager issues the report in the language that you set. [sc_Powerpeak_Report, 1, en_US] Figure 4-44 Power Peak Analysis Report 4.21.2 Opening the Power Peaks Window To open the Power Peaks window: In the menu bar click Tools > Power peak analysis. The Power Peaks window opens and displays the last saved configuration. 104 powermanager, , Commissioning Manual E50417-H1040-C612-A2, Edition 04.2016 Configuration 4.21 Power Peak Analysis [sc_Powerpeaks_Window, 2, en_US] Figure 4-45 Power Peaks Window 4.21.3 Creating a Report To create a report: Open the Power Peaks window. Modify the configuration data to suit your requirements. In the Target Path field, specify the directory where you want to save the report. Click Create Report to start the report creation. Wait until the progress bar goes up to 100 % and then goes back to 0 %. Save the modified configuration if you wish to keep it. 4.21.4 Configuring Power Peaks Scope Configuring power peak analysis comprises: * Selecting datapoints * * Defining the limit of the datapoint Narrowing down the query period powermanager, , Commissioning Manual E50417-H1040-C612-A2, Edition 04.2016 105 Configuration 4.21 Power Peak Analysis * * Displaying power peaks in the report Report file name and path Selecting Datapoints The Measured values table lists the datapoints that are included in the analysis and are printed in the report. The Meas. Value Selection area under the Measured value table provides the following functions for editing the table entries: * Including datapoints in the Measured value table. * * Deleting a datapoint from the Measured value table. Changing the limit of a datapoint or limits of all datapoints. Including a Datapoint in the Measured Value Table To include a datapoint in the Measured values table: Click to open the Value Selection dialog. In the Value Selection dialog, select the required datapoint from the selection tree. Click . Specify the threshold of the datapoint in the Limit field. Violation of the threshold is considered to be a power peak. Select Single Limit option. Click . The datapoint with its assigned threshold is now visible in the Measured Value table. Deleting a Datapoint from the Measured Value Table i NOTE The system deletes the selected datapoint without prompting for confirmation. To delete a datapoint from the Measured value table: Select the datapoint that you want to delete. Click to delete the selected datapoint. Deleting All Datapoints from the Measured Value Table i NOTE The system deletes the selected datapoint without prompting for confirmation. To delete all datapoints from the Measured value table: Click to delete all datapoints from the Measured value table. Editing a Datapoint from the Measured Value Table To edit a datapoint from the Measured value table: 106 powermanager, , Commissioning Manual E50417-H1040-C612-A2, Edition 04.2016 Configuration 4.21 Power Peak Analysis Select the datapoint that you want to edit. The data for the selected datapoint becomes visible in the Meas. Value Selection area. Make the required changes to the datapoint details. Select Single Limit option. Click to save the changes. Editing Single/General Limit Selecting the Single Limit or General Limit option changes the behavior of the button. Select the Single Limit option to transfer the current values of the Measured value and Limit fields to the Measured value table while retaining the existing entries in the table. - or - i Select the General Limit option to transfer the current values of the Measured value and Limit fields to the Measured value table and overwriting the thresholds of the existing entries with the new threshold value. NOTE To cancel this step, reedit all limits already parameterized. Query Period The Start time and End time fields in the Query parameters area narrow down the query period. A number of previously defined calendar periods are available for selection. Open intervals: Today * * * * * * * * * * * * This week This month This year Closed intervals: Yesterday Last week Last month Last year Last 24 hours Last 3 days Any periods: Any day Any period A selected previously defined period can be modified to suit requirements. To define a query period: Click Set query time. Select one of the previously defined periods in the dialog. - or - Define an individual period in the Start time and End time fields. powermanager, , Commissioning Manual E50417-H1040-C612-A2, Edition 04.2016 107 Configuration 4.21 Power Peak Analysis Click to save the changes. Displaying Power Peaks in the Report To display the power peaks in the report: Select Show percentage deviation. The system calculates and prints the percentage deviation of the power peak from the parameterized limit value. In the Number area, the All option is selected by default. Keep this option selected if you want to display all the power peaks per measuring point in the report. - or - Select Input if you want to display a set number of power peaks per measuring point in the report. Specify the limit in the field beside the Input option. If the number of power peaks exceed the set value, then an annotation is inserted in the report. Report Filename and Path Filename powermanager generates the power peak analysis report in the csv file format. The format of the file name is: Peak_Data_<YYYY>_<MM>_<DD>_<HH>_<MM>_<SS>.csv Here, <YYYY>, <MM>, and <DD> denote year, month, and date respectively. They indicate the date when the report generation started. <HH>, <MM>, and <SS> denote the hour, minute, and second respectively. They indicate the time when the report generation started. Directory To select the directory where the report is saved: Specify the directory in the Target path field. By default, the Target path field contains the address of the last set directory. If you want to save the report to other directory, overwrite the path to suit your requirements. The lowermost directory must end with a directory delimiter. For example, ../data/ instead of ../data. Default Directory If the specified directory does not exist, powermanager saves the report in the default directory. The \data directory underneath the project directory is the default directory. The default directory is set by default when the application is installed. Any directory deviating from the default directory is stored on the client system and not throughout the system. 4.21.5 Saving the Power Peaks Configuration i NOTE Unsaved configuration changes are lost when you close the Power Peaks window. 108 Click to save the power peaks configuration. powermanager, , Commissioning Manual E50417-H1040-C612-A2, Edition 04.2016 Configuration 4.21 Power Peak Analysis 4.21.6 Calculating Power Peaks Scope powermanager calculates power peaks based on archived data. A power peak consists of one or more periods. It begins with the end period of the first measured value that exceeds the defined threshold and ends with the end period of the last measured value that exceeds the defined threshold. To determine the end of the period, the period length at the time of the period start is determined and is added to it. If several measured values exceed the limit in succession, the highest violation within the time range is specified as the power peak. The end period of the value is always specified in the report as the time for a measured value. Percentage Deviation The percentage deviation from the limit is calculated based on: ((Value of the highest violation) - (Limit)) / (Limit) * 100 The percentage deviation is rounded to integral percentages without decimal places. Example of Percentage Deviation Consider a scenario where the defined limit is 2 kW and the query period is from: 01.01.2010 10:00 to 01.01.2010 11:00 Table 4-4 Measured Values Time stamp (period start) Time range [min] Value [W] 01.01.2010 10:00 h 15 1957 01.01.2010 10:15 h 15 2110 01.01.2010 10:30 h 15 2215 01.01.2010 10:45 h 15 2013 01.01.2010 11:00 h 15 957 Based on the values in the preceding table, the following violations have occurred: 01.01.2010 10:30 h to 01.01.2010 11:00 h Value: 2215 W Therefore, the percentage of deviation is: ( 2215 W - 2000 W ) / ( 2000 W ) * 100 % = 11 % 4.21.7 Closing the Power Peak Window To close the Power Peaks window: i Click Click to save the configuration changes. to close the Power Peaks window. NOTE Unsaved configuration changes are lost when you close the Power Peaks window. powermanager, , Commissioning Manual E50417-H1040-C612-A2, Edition 04.2016 109 110 powermanager, , Commissioning Manual E50417-H1040-C612-A2, Edition 04.2016 5 KPI View In this view you can generate the Key Performance Indicators (KPI) of any building or industry. The view consists of a tree where you can add KPIs. KPIs can be calculated according to time ranges like day, week, month, and year. A cluster of KPIs is a group. Group1 is available by default. A maximum of 9 KPIs can be created in a group. powermanager, , Commissioning Manual E50417-H1040-C612-A2, Edition 04.2016 111 112 powermanager, , Commissioning Manual E50417-H1040-C612-A2, Edition 04.2016 6 Basic Report 6.1 Report View 114 6.2 Tabs in Report View 115 powermanager, , Commissioning Manual E50417-H1040-C612-A2, Edition 04.2016 113 Basic Report 6.1 Report View 6.1 Report View The Report view is used to create, view, and configure reports and report templates. It consists of 4 tabs, Create report, View report, Template management, and Schedule. The reports created can be saved to an external server via a web client. i NOTE Report license is not required for working with Report view. [sc_Report_View, 1, en_US] 114 powermanager, , Commissioning Manual E50417-H1040-C612-A2, Edition 04.2016 Basic Report 6.2 Tabs in Report View 6.2 Tabs in Report View Create report The Create report tab displays all the available report templates in the form of a template tree. Each report template can be configured to create a different report. Reports can be scheduled to be created in regular intervals of time. View reports The View reports tab displays the type, file name, and the last modified time of all the created reports. Template management The Template management tab displays the following types of report templates, which can be created: Types of Reports, which can be created: * Absolute energy * * * * * * Cost center allocation Energy analysis Load duration curve Load variance analysis Standard Total energy Settings The Settings tab is used to configure the medium configuration, cost center configuration, and display the schedule of the reports to be generated. powermanager, , Commissioning Manual E50417-H1040-C612-A2, Edition 04.2016 115 116 powermanager, , Commissioning Manual E50417-H1040-C612-A2, Edition 04.2016 7 Advanced Report 7.1 Overview of Reporting 118 7.2 Prerequisites 119 7.3 powermanager Report Window 120 7.4 Types of Reports 128 7.5 Preparing the Cost Center Report 138 7.6 Datapoints 145 powermanager, , Commissioning Manual E50417-H1040-C612-A2, Edition 04.2016 117 Advanced Report 7.1 Overview of Reporting 7.1 Overview of Reporting powermanager enables you to generate reports based on the data from the process database. The powermanager reports generator uses predefined Microsoft Excel templates to display the reports. The data is displayed in Microsoft Excel as raw data. Report creation can be manual, semiautomatic, or fully automatic. Fully automatic reports creation is timedriven and does not require user intervention. Getting Started To create new reports: * Determine the type of reports that are available in powermanager. * 118 Prepare the cost center report. - Create one or more media. - Create one or more tariff sets. - Create one or more cost centers. * Create report templates. In the template, define the type of data that is logged in the report. * Create the reports based on the defined template. Do the first-time report creation manually. You can make the report creation semiautomatic / fully automatic for subsequent reports. powermanager, , Commissioning Manual E50417-H1040-C612-A2, Edition 04.2016 Advanced Report 7.2 Prerequisites 7.2 Prerequisites Ensure that you meet the following prerequisites before starting with the reporting functionality of powermanager. Setting Microsoft Excel Macro Security Level To configure the Microsoft Excel macro security level: * Open Microsoft Excel. * For Excel 2007, click > Excel Options. For Excel 2010/2013, click the File tab, and then click Options. The Excel Options window opens. * In the Excel Options window, click Trust Center. The Trust Center page opens. * On the Trust Center page, click Trust Center Settings.... The Trust Center window opens. * * * * In the Trust Center window, click Macro Settings. On the Macro Settings page, select Enable all macros. Click OK to close the Trust Center window. Click OK to close the Excel Options window. Permanently Running Server Ensure that you have a server that runs permanently to ensure that automatic reports generation is possible. Install Microsoft Excel on the server. Open Microsoft Excel. powermanager, , Commissioning Manual E50417-H1040-C612-A2, Edition 04.2016 119 Advanced Report 7.3 powermanager Report Window 7.3 powermanager Report Window 7.3.1 Opening the powermanager Report Window To open the powermanager report window: In the menu bar, click Tools > Report . Microsoft Excel opens in the powermanager Report window. [sc_ReportWindow, 1, en_US] Figure 7-1 powermanager Report Window The powermanager report window consists of the following components: Component Description Template New Click New to create a report template. Open Click Open to open an existing template for editing. Reports New Click New to create a report based on an existing template. Open Click Open to open an existing report. The default file name of the Microsoft Excel file in powermanager report window is Report.xls. To return to the Report.xls window when multiple windows are open: * 120 Click the View tab, and click Switch Windows > Report.xls. powermanager, , Commissioning Manual E50417-H1040-C612-A2, Edition 04.2016 Advanced Report 7.3 powermanager Report Window 7.3.2 Templates Overview of Templates The predefined powermanager standard report templates are Excel templates. Enter the operating data in these Excel templates to customize them according to your specifications. Define the following in the report template: * Datapoints * * * * Report type Unit in the report, which deviates from the unit of the queried datapoints Unit conversion The cost center for the cost center report and the medium The created report template in Excel is stored as an XLTM template. Creating a New Template To create a template: Click New under Template area. - or Click the Add-Ins tab, and click Template > New. In the Report format window, select the report format. Click OK. The Report types window opens. Select one or more report types. For more information on report types, see 7.4.2 Report Types. Click OK. Excel opens the standard template of the selected report format. Add the required datapoints to the template. For more information on adding datapoints, see 7.6.1 Editing Datapoints in the Report Template. Click to save the template. - or For Microsoft Excel 2007, click , and click File > Save. For Microsoft Excel 2010/2013, click the File tab and then click Save. Ensure that you do not use the Save As option to save the template as this procedure saves the template as an Excel table. i NOTE Ensure that the name of the template does not end with a number. Editing an Existing Template To edit an existing template: Click Open under Template area. - or - powermanager, , Commissioning Manual E50417-H1040-C612-A2, Edition 04.2016 121 Advanced Report 7.3 powermanager Report Window Click the Add-Ins tab, and click Template > Open. The Template option in the menu bar is available in all windows that you open from the report generator window. The Select a file window opens. Select and open the template that you want to edit. In the Report format window, select the report format. Click OK. The Report types window opens. Select one or more report types. For more information on report types, see 7.4.2 Report Types. Click OK. Excel opens the standard template of the selected report format. Add the required datapoints to the template. For more information on adding datapoints, see 7.6.1 Editing Datapoints in the Report Template. Click to save the template. - or For Microsoft Excel 2007, click , and click File > Save. For Microsoft Excel 2010/2013, click the File tab and then click Save. Ensure that you do not use the Save As option to save the template as this procedure saves the template as an Excel table. i 7.3.3 NOTE Ensure that the name of the template does not end with a number. Reports This section describes manual initiation of report creation. Select the following to control report creation: * Report template * * Report type Creation period By default, the creation period is the period defined in the report type. You can individually overwrite both the start time and the period. Creating a Report To create a report: Click New under Report area. - or - 122 Click the Add-Ins tab, and click Reports > New. In the dialog that opens, select the template for the report. powermanager, , Commissioning Manual E50417-H1040-C612-A2, Edition 04.2016 Advanced Report 7.3 powermanager Report Window In the Time period for the report window, specify the report type and time range for the report. Depending on the selected report type, the system assigns a default time range to the report. You can modify this time range to suit your requirements. Click OK. The report generator creates the report. The report opens in a new window in Excel. For Microsoft Excel 2007, click , and click File > Save. For Microsoft Excel 2010/2013, click the File tab and then click Save. For more information on saving reports, see Saving Reports. Saving Reports The powermanager standard storage system is uniform for all users. The default storage location for all the generated reports is: <Project_name>\data\xls_report\Report\ When you save a report for the first time, the system creates a subdirectory under the preceding path. The name of the subdirectory is the same as that of the report type. Subsequent save commands open the designated folder for the report. Additionally, you can save reports in any folders independent of the default storage path. The powermanager report generator names the reports based on the following format: * <template_name>\YYYYMMDD.xlsm Here, YYYY, MM, and DD stand for year, month, and day respectively. The date displayed is the generation date of the report. Opening an Existing Report To open an existing report: Click Open under Report area. - or - 7.3.4 Click the Add-Ins tab, and click Reports > Open. The Select a file dialog opens. In the Select a file dialog, navigate to the relevant subdirectory and select the report that you want to open. Click Open. Quick Selection - Semiautomatic Report Creation Use the quick selection feature to partially automate the report creation. Initiate the report generation. The system defines the template, report type, and report period. Creating a Quick Selection A quick selection saves the information on the template, report type, and report period for reuse. To create a quick selection: Click the Add-Ins tab, and click Report > Quick Selection. The Reports option in the menu bar is available in all windows that you open from the report generator window. The Quick Selection window opens. powermanager, , Commissioning Manual E50417-H1040-C612-A2, Edition 04.2016 123 Advanced Report 7.3 powermanager Report Window In the Quick Selection window, click . The Quick Selection dialog opens. [sc_QuickSelection_Dialog, 1, en_US] Figure 7-2 Quick Selection Enter the following information in the Quick Selection dialog: Label: Quick selection name Template: Default template that is applied to the reports generated using this quick selection Report Type: Default report type that is applied to the reports generated using this quick selection If the template does not contain the selected report type, the report generator sends the following error message: No report types defined in the template. In this case, include the report type in the template before creating the quick selection or select another report type. Print: Select this option to send the report to the default printer selected assigned to the system. If you select this option, the system does not prompt for confirmation. Save: Select this option to save the report without being prompted for confirmation. For more information on saving reports, see Saving Reports. Close: Select this option if you do not want to view the report after creation. The report is saved in the selected location. Time period: Under Time period, select Last period if you want to generate report for the previous month or previous day. Select Current period if you want to generate the report for the current month or current day. Click OK. The quick selection template is available for selection in the Quick selection field of the powermanager report window. Creating a Report Using Quick Selection The Quick Selection field in the home window of the report generator lists all available templates for quick selection. For more information on creating a new quick selection template, see Creating a Quick Selection in the preceding section. To create a report using quick selection: In the Quick Selection field, double-click the template you want to use. - or 124 powermanager, , Commissioning Manual E50417-H1040-C612-A2, Edition 04.2016 Advanced Report 7.3 powermanager Report Window Select a quick selection template and click Create report. The report generator creates the report without prompting for confirmation. Depending on the quick selection settings, the report is saved, printed, or displayed in the Excel window. 7.3.5 Schedule - Automatic Report Creation You can automate report generation using the Schedule feature. An active schedule creates reports periodically. For example, every morning, the daily report for the previous day, and so on. Viewing the List of Active Schedules Click the Add-Ins tab, and click Report > Schedule to view the list of active schedules in the Schedule window. [sc_ScheduleWindow, 1, en_US] Figure 7-3 Schedule Window The lamp icon that precedes the schedule name indicates the status of the schedule: * Green lamp: Schedule is active. Reports are created based on the time range given in the schedule. * White lamp: Schedule is switched off. * Red lamp: An error occurred during the report generation. * Yellow lamp: The reports are not generated because the powermanager Report feature is not running and these reports were skipped when powermanager Report feaure was last switched on. Creating a Schedule Click the Add-Ins tab, and click Report > Schedule. The Schedule window opens. In the Quick Selection window, click . The Schedule dialog opens. powermanager, , Commissioning Manual E50417-H1040-C612-A2, Edition 04.2016 125 Advanced Report 7.3 powermanager Report Window [sc_ScheduleDialog, 2, en_US] Figure 7-4 126 Schedule Dialog powermanager, , Commissioning Manual E50417-H1040-C612-A2, Edition 04.2016 Advanced Report 7.3 powermanager Report Window Enter the following information in the Schedule dialog: Label: Schedule name Template: Default template that is applied to the reports generated using the schedule Report Type: Default report type that is applied to the reports generated using the schedule If the template does not contain the selected report type, the report generator sends the following error message: No report types defined in the template. In this case, include the report type in the template before creating the schedule or select another report type. Interval: Interval between each report generation For example, select 1 month(s) to generate the report monthly. Next call: Date and time when the report generation starts at the end of each interval Active: Select Active if you want start the schedule immediately after creation. Print: Select this option to send the report to the default printer selected assigned to the system. If you select this option, the system does not prompt for confirmation. Save: Select this option to save the report without being prompted for confirmation. For more information on saving reports, see Saving Reports. HTML export: Select this option if you want to save the report in the HTML format. The HTML report is saved in the folder: C:\Siemens\SENTRON\powermanagerV3.3\data\xls_report Mailing list: Select this option if you want to email the report to a particular mailing list immediately after the report creation. After you select this option, select the mailing list from the list box below. In the powermanager report window, click Report > Mailing list to create a mailing list. Time period: Under Time period, select Last period if you want to generate report for the previous month or previous day. Select Current period if you want to generate the report for the current month or current day. Specify the path to save the report. 7.3.6 Click OK to close the Schedule dialog. The new schedule is listed in the Schedule window. Click OK to close the Schedule window. Closing the powermanager Report Window To close the powermanager report window: Save and close all the open report windows except Report.xls. i Close Report.xls. NOTE If you try to close Report.xls without closing all the other report windows, you get the following message: The project cannot be terminated as project files are still open! powermanager, , Commissioning Manual E50417-H1040-C612-A2, Edition 04.2016 127 Advanced Report 7.4 Types of Reports 7.4 Types of Reports 7.4.1 Overview of Types of Reports This section contains the different type of reports that can be generated using powermanager. powermanager generates different report types with varying formats. Report Format The report format contains information about the measured variables that can be selected. For example, demand values or energy counters. It also contains definitions for the display format. For example, display report data as a characteristic curve or it recycles data. Report Types The report type determines the time interval and time range displayed on the report. Default report formats and report types are already defined in powermanager. 7.4.2 Report Types Overview of Report Types The report type defines the interval and the period of the data export. For example, cumulation of the data in 15-minute intervals throughout the day. Report Types Window The Report types dialog appears after selection of the report format. It shows all report types that are assigned to the selected report format and allows narrowing down to certain types. This restriction is effective when the report is created manually. [sc_ReportTypes, 1, en_US] Figure 7-5 128 Report Types Window powermanager, , Commissioning Manual E50417-H1040-C612-A2, Edition 04.2016 Advanced Report 7.4 Types of Reports 7.4.3 * Existing report types The Existing report types box lists all the existing report types. * Report types for this template The Report types for this template box lists all the report types that are used when creating a report. * * * Use the < and > buttons to move individual report types from one box to another. Use the << and >> buttons to move all the available report types from one box to another. The Min color and Max color boxes define the color coding of the extreme values in the report. Click the buttons to change the color. Cost Center Report Overview of Cost Center Report The cost center report represents consumption and the correlated costs per medium, grouped according to cost centers. Report Template Cost Center report is generated using the following report template: * CostTemplate.XLTM For more information on templates, see 7.3.2 Templates. Report Types By default, the Cost Center report contains the following report types: Name Interval Period Start of the Period Daily report Hour Day Previous day, 00:00:00 h Monthly report Day Month First day of the month, 00:00:00 h Period and Start of the Period have default values. You can define the report period individually when you create a report. Output The report contains three sheets: * Std * * Cost center report diagram Cost center report table Std Sheet The Std sheet contains the raw data of the Cost Center report with values displayed for fixed intervals. This sheet also displays the total value for all intervals. powermanager, , Commissioning Manual E50417-H1040-C612-A2, Edition 04.2016 129 Advanced Report 7.4 Types of Reports [sc_CostCenter_Report, 1, en_US] Figure 7-6 Cost Center Report with Raw Data Displayed for Hourly Intervals During a Day Cost Center Report Diagram Sheet The Cost Center Report Diagram sheet shows the media assigned to each Cost Center. It also shows the consumption and cost per medium in the selected time interval. 130 powermanager, , Commissioning Manual E50417-H1040-C612-A2, Edition 04.2016 Advanced Report 7.4 Types of Reports [sc_CostCenter_Diagram, 1, en_US] Figure 7-7 Cost Center Report Diagram In the above figure, the top chart shows the consumption values for the media and the bottom chart shows the cost per medium for the devices. For each cost center, a maximum of 10 media can be displayed according to the assignment of a maximum of 10 tariff sets in the cost center definition. The columns for consumption and costs of a medium have the same color. Different media are color-coded. The legend explains the color assignments. powermanager, , Commissioning Manual E50417-H1040-C612-A2, Edition 04.2016 131 Advanced Report 7.4 Types of Reports Cost Center Report Table Sheet The figure below shows the following values of the reporting period: * Overall consumption per medium and consumption per cost center. * * * * * Total costs per medium and costs per cost center. Overall consumption per medium across all cost centers. Total costs per medium across all cost centers. Total costs per cost center. Total costs across all cost centers. [sc_CostCenter_Sheet, 1, en_US] Figure 7-8 i 7.4.4 Cost Center Report Table NOTE * * An empty cell in the matrix indicates that no corresponding medium is assigned to the cost center. The total costs of a cost center result from the sum of the costs for each medium. The values of the costs per medium are added up without checking the unit or the currency of the value. Measuring Point Comparison Overview of Measuring Point Comparison The measuring point comparison report shows the total consumption of different measuring points over a specific period in a bar chart. Report Template The measuring point comparison report is generated using the following report template: * CompareValues.XLTM Report Types By default, the measuring point comparison report contains the following report types: 132 Name Interval Period Start of the Period Comparison_15min_Day 15 minutes Day Previous day, 00:00:00 h Comparison_15min_Month 15 minutes Month Current day of the previous month, 00:00:00 h Comparison_Hours_Day Hour Day Previous day, 00:00:00 h Comparison_Hours_Month Hour Month Current day of the previous month, 00:00:00 h Comparison_Days_Month Day Month Current day of the previous month, 00:00:00 h Comparison_Days_Year Day Year Current day of the previous year, 00:00:00 h powermanager, , Commissioning Manual E50417-H1040-C612-A2, Edition 04.2016 Advanced Report 7.4 Types of Reports Period and Start of the Period have default values. You can define the report period individually when you create a report. The interval selected in the report type is irrelevant for the display in the diagram. It displays the total values over the period. The interval determines which data is used for the calculation. Output The report contains two sheets: * Std Raw data accumulated according to the report type * Sum graph Sum Graph Sheet powermanager takes the unit for the vertical axis from the data point entered in column C of the report template. You can overwrite the unit when you define the report template. [sc_MeasuringPointComparison, 1, en_US] Figure 7-9 7.4.5 Measuring Point Comparison Measured Value Comparison Overview of Measured Value Comparison The Measured value comparison report shows the energy consumption per interval over the selected time range. powermanager, , Commissioning Manual E50417-H1040-C612-A2, Edition 04.2016 133 Advanced Report 7.4 Types of Reports There are two types of comparisons done: * Comparison of the consumption values of several measuring points in the same time range. * Comparison of the consumption values of the same data point. For example, comparison of one day with the previous day. Up to 10 measuring points can be displayed in the diagram. Report Template The measuring value comparison report is generated using the following report template: * ComparisonValues.XLTM Report Types By default, the measuring value comparison report contains the following report types: Name Interval Period Start of the Period Comparison_15min_Day 15 minutes Day Previous day, 00:00:00 h Comparison_15min_Month 15 minutes Month Current day of the previous month, 00:00:00 h Comparison_Hours_Day Hour Day Previous day, 00:00:00 h Comparison_Hours_Month Hour Month Current day of the previous month, 00:00:00 h Comparison_Days_Month Day Month Current day of the previous month, 00:00:00 h Comparison_Days_Year Day Year Current day of the previous year, 00:00:00 h Period and Start of the Period have default values. You can define the report period individually when you create a report. Offset for Period Comparison The time interval for data export can be varied based on the time ranges. The offset can be defined in the Offset box of the report template. The Insert measured value dialog contains a corresponding Offset box, in which you can insert the offset digit. Offset 0 Period that is selected during report generation. 1 One period later. For example, next day. 2 ... . . . . . . -1 One period earlier. For example, previous day. -2 ... . . . . . . Use offset to compare consumption values of the same device over several periods. For more information on setting offsets, see 7.6.3 Inserting Datapoints in the Energy Report and Other Report Types. Output The report contains two sheets: * Std, raw data, values cumulated according to the report type * 134 Graph powermanager, , Commissioning Manual E50417-H1040-C612-A2, Edition 04.2016 Advanced Report 7.4 Types of Reports Graph Sheet [sc_MeasuredValueComparison, 1, en_US] Figure 7-10 7.4.6 Measured Value Comparison, 15-minute Intervals During the Day Duration Curve Overview of Duration Curve The duration curve indicates which power demand value is applied for how long in the selected period. Entries are sorted in ascending order of the length of the selected period. Report Template The duration curve report is generated using the following report template: * ContinousLine.XLTM Report Types By default, the duration curve report contains the following report types: Name Interval Period Start of the period Daily duration curve (Daily_cl) Hour Day Previous day, 00:00:00 h Monthly duration curve (Monthly_cl) Day Month First day of the previous month, 00:00:00 h Yearly duration curve (Yearly_cl) Month Year First day of the current previous year's month, 00:00:00 By default, the period and start of the period values are predefined. When creating the report, you can define the report period individually. powermanager, , Commissioning Manual E50417-H1040-C612-A2, Edition 04.2016 135 Advanced Report 7.4 Types of Reports Output The output contains two sheets: * Std, raw data, cumulated according to the report type * Graphic Graphic Sheet [sc_DailyDurationCurve, 2, en_US] Figure 7-11 7.4.7 Daily Duration Curve with Hourly Intervals Standard Report Overview of Standard Report Use the standard report to query all raw data; both counted and general measured values. The standard installation contains no graphic display of data. Add the graphic display of data individually to Microsoft Excel. Report Template The standard report is generated using the following report template: * StdTemplate.XLTM Report Types By default, the standard report contains the following report types: 136 Name Interval Period Start of the Period Daily report Hour Day Previous day, 00:00:00 h powermanager, , Commissioning Manual E50417-H1040-C612-A2, Edition 04.2016 Advanced Report 7.4 Types of Reports Name Interval Period Start of the Period Monthly report Day Month First day of the month, 00:00:00 h By default, the period and start of the period values are predefined. When creating the report, you can define the report period individually. 7.4.8 Energy Report Overview of Energy Report Use the energy report to export the energy or power demand values. Energy report exports only the raw data without graphical processing. Report Template The energy report is generated using the following report template: * EnergyReport.XLTM Report Types By default, the energy report contains the following report types: Name Interval Period Start of the Period Daily report Hour Day Previous day, 00:00:00 h Monthly report Day Month First day of the month, 00:00:00 h By default, the period and start of the period values are predefined. When creating the report, you can define the report period individually. powermanager, , Commissioning Manual E50417-H1040-C612-A2, Edition 04.2016 137 Advanced Report 7.5 Preparing the Cost Center Report 7.5 Preparing the Cost Center Report 7.5.1 Media Overview of Media Media are used only in the cost center report. Create at least one medium in the system to create a tariff set, a cost center, and the cost center report. powermanager uses the term medium for a material or energy type with an assigned unit. For example, electricity measured in kWh or water consumption measured in m3. There are no restrictions on defining the medium. Therefore, non-metric units can also be defined. A medium that is used in a tariff set cannot be deleted. i NOTE You can select the unit of the medium independently of the unit of the recorded measured variable. In the cost center report template, you can convert the unit of the datapoint to the unit of the medium. For example, m to kWh. Creating a Medium To create a medium: Open the powermanager report window. Click the Add-Ins tab, and click Report > Configuration > Media. In the Password dialog, enter the password as erAdmin and click OK. The Medium window opens. In the Medium window, click . The Media dialog opens. 7.5.2 In the Media dialog, enter the name and unit of the medium in the respective fields. Click OK. Tariff Sets Overview of Tariff Sets A tariff set is used to: * Assign one or several prices to a medium. * * Define which price is to apply on which days and at what time of the day. Specify the calendar period throughout which it is valid Use tariff sets to define cost centers. You must have at least one tariff to create a cost center. Prerequisite Create at least one medium in the system to define a tariff set. For more information on creating a medium, see 7.5.1 Media. Structure of a Tariff Set Division into Subtariff Sets A tariff set contains up to 10 subtariff sets. Subtariff sets follow one another in chronological order. You can use only one subtariff set at a time. Default Subtariff Set 138 powermanager, , Commissioning Manual E50417-H1040-C612-A2, Edition 04.2016 Advanced Report 7.5 Preparing the Cost Center Report A tariff set contains at least one subtariff set. This subtariff set is named Default. You cannot delete this subtariff set. powermanager applies the Default subtariff set to all the calendar periods, which are not covered by any other subtariff sets. Additionally Defined Subtariff Sets You can create new subtariff sets in addition to the Default subtariff set. You can delete the created subtariff sets if required. The validity period of the created subtariff sets cannot overlap. If the validity period of a created subtariff set overlaps with the validity of the Default subtariff set, then the validity of the Default subtariff set is overwritten. Tariffs One subtariff set contains up to 12 tariffs. You can assign hourly tariffs, tariffs for weekdays, Sundays, and holidays. * Ensure that the week from Monday to Sunday is occupied completely. Definition of holiday tariffs is optional. * You can distribute several tariffs over a day. The validity periods must not overlap and must cover the whole day. Creating a Tariff Set To create a tariff set: Open the powermanager report window. Click the Add-Ins tab, and click Report > Configuration > Tariff Sets. In the Password dialog, enter the password as erAdmin and click OK. The Tariff sets window opens. [sc_TariffSets_Window, 1, en_US] Figure 7-12 Tariff Sets Window In the Tariff sets window, click . The Tariff set Details window opens. Enter the tariff data in the Tariff set Details window. For the description of all the fields in the Tariff set Details window, see Tariff set Details Window. Click OK. powermanager, , Commissioning Manual E50417-H1040-C612-A2, Edition 04.2016 139 Advanced Report 7.5 Preparing the Cost Center Report Tariff set Details Window You can define 12 tariffs per subtariff set. The tariffs are numbered from Tariff 1 through Tariff 12. [sc_TariffSetsDetails_Window, 1, en_US] Figure 7-13 Tariff Set Details The Tariff sets Details window contains the following fields: * Name Name of the tariff set. 140 * Medium Material or energy type with an assigned unit that is priced in the tariff. For more information, see 7.5.1 Media. * Currency Currency of cost recording. powermanager, , Commissioning Manual E50417-H1040-C612-A2, Edition 04.2016 Advanced Report 7.5 Preparing the Cost Center Report * * * Sub-tariff Set All data within the Sub-tariff set area refers to the currently selected subtariff set. You can see the existing subtariff sets in the list box in this area. The Sub-tariff set area has the following components: - Copy Click Copy to create a copy of the currently open subtariff set. - Edit Click Edit to change the name of the subtariff set. - Delete Click Delete to delete the subtariff set. powermanager does not prompt you for confirmation after you click Delete. - Valid from, Valid to The time range for which the subtariff set is valid. The system shows an error if the validity range of two subtariff sets overlap. The set the validity of the subtariff set to one day, set the validity from 00:00:00 h to 23:59:59 h. Times/Costs Under the Times/Costs area, select a tariff to activate it. Specify the following information for each tariff that you select: - Specify the validity period for the tariff. The validity period must be exact to the hour. If you select minutes and seconds along with the hour, then powermanager considers only the hour entry. By default, the validity period is set from 00:00:00 to 00:00:00, indicating a validity of a full day. - Price for the consumption time. - The days of the weeks for which the tariff is applicable. Select the Ho option if you want to apply the tariff to the holidays too. The system ensures that there are no time overlaps or errors. You receive an error message if the total daily period deviates from the 24-hour day or the defined weekdays do not result in a 7-day week. Holidays (Ho) You can list the public holidays in the Holidays box. For more information, see Defining Holidays in the following section. Defining Holidays To define the holidays for the period that is recorded in the cost center report: In the Holidays (Ho) area, click Add. The Insert Date dialog opens. In the Insert Date dialog, enter the date of the holiday. Click OK. The specified date is added to the list of holidays. Deleting a Tariff Set Delete a tariff set only if it is not assigned to a cost center. If you delete a tariff set that is assigned to some cost center, then the cost center configuration becomes erroneous. To delete a tariff set: Open the powermanager report window. Click the Add-Ins tab, and click Report > Configuration > Tariff Sets. powermanager, , Commissioning Manual E50417-H1040-C612-A2, Edition 04.2016 141 Advanced Report 7.5 Preparing the Cost Center Report 7.5.3 In the Password dialog, enter the password as erAdmin and click OK. The Tariff sets window opens. In the Tariff sets window, select the tariff set that you want to delete and click . Click OK on the confirmation message. Cost Centers Overview of Cost Centers Define a cost center to create the template of the standard cost center report. You need at least one tariff set to define a cost center. For more information on creating a tariff set, see 7.5.2 Tariff Sets. One cost center can be assigned up to 10 tariff sets. One cost center cannot be assigned multiple tariff sets containing the same medium. For example, you cannot assign two tariff sets with electricity medium. You can assign the same tariff set to multiple cost centers. A cost center is not bound to a specific template and is available for general use. Creating a Cost Center To create a cost center: Open the powermanager report window. Click the Add-Ins tab, and click Report > Configuration > Cost Centers. In the Password dialog, enter the password as erAdmin and click OK. The Cost Center window opens. [sc_CostCenters_Window, 1, en_US] Figure 7-14 Cost Center Window In the Cost Center window, click . The Cost Center dialog opens. If there are no tariff sets defined, then powermanager does not open the Cost Center dialog and shows an error message. 142 powermanager, , Commissioning Manual E50417-H1040-C612-A2, Edition 04.2016 Advanced Report 7.5 Preparing the Cost Center Report [sc_CostCenterDialog, 1, en_US] Figure 7-15 Cost Center Dialog Enter the following information in the Cost Center dialog: Name Cost center name Ensure that the cost center has a unique name. Tariff set You can assign up to 10 tariff sets to one cost center. Select the tariff sets from the list box. Click OK. Deleting a Cost Center i NOTE Only delete a cost center if it is not used in a template. The delete command deletes the cost center immediately without prompting for confirmation. Templates that access the deleted cost center will no longer function. To delete a cost center: Open the powermanager report window. Click the Add-Ins tab, and click Report > Configuration > Cost Centers. powermanager, , Commissioning Manual E50417-H1040-C612-A2, Edition 04.2016 143 Advanced Report 7.5 Preparing the Cost Center Report In the Password dialog, enter the password as erAdmin and click OK. The Cost Center window opens. In the Cost Center window, select the cost center that you want to delete. 144 Click to delete the selected cost center. powermanager, , Commissioning Manual E50417-H1040-C612-A2, Edition 04.2016 Advanced Report 7.6 Datapoints 7.6 Datapoints 7.6.1 Editing Datapoints in the Report Template Overview The procedure to add or edit a datapoint in a template is common for all templates: Define the control data of a datapoint in Insert Measured Values window. * * * The Insert Measured Values window makes the possible data available for selection in list fields. The report generator applies the data from the Insert Measured Values window to the Excel template. For more information on control data, see 7.6.2 Inserting Datapoints in the Cost Center Report and 7.6.3 Inserting Datapoints in the Energy Report and Other Report Types. Inserting Datapoints into a Template To insert datapoints in a template: Create the first datapoint in column C of the Excel template. Mark any cell or any cell area in column C. Click the Add-Ins tab, and click Template > Insert DP. The Measured Value window opens. In the Measured Value window, enter the necessary information. For more information on Measured Value window, see 7.6.2 Inserting Datapoints in the Cost Center Report and 7.6.3 Inserting Datapoints in the Energy Report and Other Report Types. Click OK. Excel applies the data from the Measure Value window to column C of the template. Enter datapoints description under the header row to improve readability. If you use Change DP, the boxes are automatically filled with the measuring point designation from the datapoint name. Insert further datapoints in column D, E, and so on. [sc_Comments.tiff, 1, en_US] Editing a Datapoint To edit a datapoint: Select the datapoint you want to edit. Click the Add-Ins tab, and click Template > Modify DP. The Measure Value window opens. In the Measure Value window, edit the required information. Click OK. Excel applies the updated data from the Measure Value window to the template. powermanager, , Commissioning Manual E50417-H1040-C612-A2, Edition 04.2016 145 Advanced Report 7.6 Datapoints Deleting a Datapoint To delete a datapoint: Select the datapoint you want to delete. 7.6.2 Press DELETE on the keyboard. Inserting Datapoints in the Cost Center Report Insert Measured Value Window [sc_InsertMeasureValue_Window, 1, en_US] Figure 7-16 146 Insert Measured Value Window for Cost Center Report powermanager, , Commissioning Manual E50417-H1040-C612-A2, Edition 04.2016 Advanced Report 7.6 Datapoints The Insert Measured Value window for Cost Center report contains the following fields: * Archive type The Counter value is selected by default in the Archive Type list box. It limits the list of measured values to the consumption values. * System In a single system installation of powermanager, System1 is selected by default. You cannot change this value. In a distributed system installation of powermanager, select any one of the distributed systems. * Device Type From the Device Type list box, select the device type of the device that supplies the data. This device is also called the datapoint type (DPT). For more information on device types, see 7.6.4 Device Types. The Device List box at the bottom of the table lists the devices associated with the selected device type. * Measured Value From the Measured Value list box, select the measured value that the selected device supplies. This measured value is also called the datapoint element (DPE). Its availability depends on the selected device type. The table in the following section lists the counters. * Device name representation In the Device name representation list box, select the name and additional information for the device which appears in the Device list box. The Device name representation list box has the following options: - DP/Technical name The device is listed under its internal device name. The name of the root precedes the device name. For example, System1:PAC4200_Anlage. - Alias The device is listed under its alias. Devices without assigned aliases do not appear in the list. - Custom name The device is listed under its internal name. The name of the selected datapoint element and the suffix value are appended to the device name. For example, PAC4200_Anlage.counter.W_t1.value. * Filter Use the filter feature to limit the number of devices in the Device list box to a subset. For more information on filters, see 7.6.5 Filters. * Cost Center From the Cost Center list box, select the cost center to which the counter demand values are assigned. * Medium From the Medium list box, select the medium that is assigned to the cost center via the tariff set. If several media are assigned to the selected cost center, the list box offers the media for selection. * Change unit in the report The Change unit in the report box shows the unit of the selected medium. * Unit of the datapoint The Unit of the datapoint box shows the unit of the datapoint. * Divisor The Divisor box determines the conversion ratio for both the units. By default, the value in the Divisor box is 1. Example To convert from watt hours to kilowatt hours, enter the divisor value as 1000. powermanager, , Commissioning Manual E50417-H1040-C612-A2, Edition 04.2016 147 Advanced Report 7.6 Datapoints * Weighting (0-1) Proportional assignment of the counted consumption values for the selected cost center, expressed as a decimal factor. For example, the value 0.2 corresponds to a proportional share of 20%. * Device list The Device list box lists all devices created in the system that correspond to the selected device type and the filter criterion. Select the desired device. Energy Counters and Universal Counters Table 7-1 Energy Counters and Universal Counters Counter/device type counter.W_t1 Active energy on-peak tariff X counter.W_t2 Active energy off-peak tariff X counter.Q_t1 Reactive energy on-peak tariff X counter.Q_t2 Reactive energy off-peak tariff X counter.counter Universal counter 7.6.3 15 Generic PAC PAC PAC PAC PAC PAC Virtual P850 P855 3VA Modbus 1500 3100 3200 4200 5100 5200 Counter Device X1 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X counter.counter_2 Second universal counter of the PAC4200 X counter.user_counter_1 counter.user_counter_2 ... counter.user_counter_10 10 pulse counters of the PAC4200 X X Inserting Datapoints in the Energy Report and Other Report Types universal counters 148 powermanager, , Commissioning Manual E50417-H1040-C612-A2, Edition 04.2016 Advanced Report 7.6 Datapoints [sc_InsertMeasuredValueWindow, 1, en_US] Figure 7-17 Insert Measured Value Window The Insert Measured Values window shows little variations for all the remaining report types. The Insert Measured Values window for measuring point comparison and measured value comparison report types shows an additional button: Change unit in report. The Insert Measured Values window for the duration curve report type only allows you to select mean values. powermanager, , Commissioning Manual E50417-H1040-C612-A2, Edition 04.2016 149 Advanced Report 7.6 Datapoints The Insert Measured Values window has the following fields: * Archive type Select one of the following options from the Archive type list box: - Counter Select this option to limit the list of measured values to the consumption values. - * System In a single system installation of powermanager, System1 is selected by default. You cannot change this value. In a distributed system installation of powermanager, select any one of the distributed systems. * Device Type From the Device Type list box, select the device type of the device that supplies the data. This is also called the datapoint type (DPT). For more information on device types, see 7.6.4 Device Types. The Device list box at the bottom of the table lists the devices associated with the selected device type. * Measured Value From the Measured Value list box, select the measured value that the selected device supplies. This is also called the datapoint element (DPE). Its availability depends on the selected device type. The relevant datapoint elements for load profile are listed under value.04_powerPeriod.cumulated.... The names and availability of the datapoint elements depend on the device type: - For PAC4200, add the act_period limitation to differentiate between current period and instantaneous period. For PAC4200, the current period indicates the last completed period. - 150 HDB directly Select this option to limit the list of measured values to the general measured values. Select the HDB directly option for the energy report to select power demand values. On the PAC3100 and PAC3200, select only the entries with the appended suffix _EM. For more information, refer to the following query under the Siemens Support Database, FAQ: "What must be observed to ensure that the time stamp and the power demand values of the devices are correctly exported? " Cumulated Power Values (power demand) Cumulated active power export PAC4200: value.04_powerPeriod.cumulated_active_power_export_act_period PAC3200, PAC3100: value.04_powerPeriod.cumulated_active_power_export_EM Cumulated active power import PAC4200: value.04_powerPeriod.cumulated_active_power_import_act_period PAC3200, PAC3100: value.04_powerPeriod.cumulated_active_power_import_EM Cumulated apparent power PAC4200: value.04_powerPeriod.cumulated_apparent_power_act_period Cumulated reactive power export PAC4200: value.04_powerPeriod.cumulated_reactive_power_export_act_period PAC3200, PAC3100: value.04_powerPeriod.cumulated_reactive_power_export_EM Cumulated reactive power import PAC4200: value.04_powerPeriod.cumulated_reactive_power_import_act_period PAC3200, PAC3100: value.04_powerPeriod.cumulated_reactive_power_import_EM powermanager, , Commissioning Manual E50417-H1040-C612-A2, Edition 04.2016 Advanced Report 7.6 Datapoints * Device name representation In the Device name representation list box, select the name and additional information for the device which appears in the Device list box. The Device name representation list box has the following options: - DP/Technical name The device is listed under its internal device name. The name of the root precedes the device name. For example, System1:PAC4200_Anlage. - Alias The device is listed under its alias. Devices without assigned aliases do not appear in the list. - Custom name The device is listed under its internal name. The name of the selected datapoint element and the suffix value are appended to the device name. For example, PAC4200_Anlage.counter.W_t1.value. * DP function The DP function field has a predefined value. * Offset Adjust the value in the Offset box for the Measured value comparison report. For more information on using offset for Measured value comparison report, see 7.4.5 Measured Value Comparison. For other reports, do not change the predefined value 0. * Filter Use the filter feature to limit the number of devices in the Device list box to a subset. For more information on filters, see 7.6.5 Filters. * Automatic formatting Select any one of the following options from the Automatic formatting list box to format the raw data in the report output: - No formatting: Select this option if you do not want to format the exported data. - Only format: Select this option to assign values up to a fixed number of decimal places. - Format and unit: Select this option to assign values to a fixed number of decimal places. The unit of the measured variable is also displayed. [sc_DailyReport, 1, en_US] * Min / max marker Select this option to highlight the minimum and maximum values in the report. powermanager, , Commissioning Manual E50417-H1040-C612-A2, Edition 04.2016 151 Advanced Report 7.6 Datapoints * 7.6.4 Statistical functions You can print the minimum value, maximum value, average of all values, or sum of all values in the footers of the reports. The default report templates are prepared only for these four functions. Device Types Table 7-2 7.6.5 Device Types Designation of Device Type Device Type pmDevPAC1500 PAC1500 pmDevPAC3100 PAC1500 pmDevPAC3200 PAC3200 pmDevPAC4200 PAC4200 pmDevPAC5100 PAC5100 pmDevPAC5200 PAC5200 pmMB MB device pmVirtCounter Virtual counter pmDevP850 P850 pmDevP855 P855 pmDevManualMeasuringDevice Manual Measuring Device Filters Use filters to limit the number of devices in the Device list box in the Insert measured value window to a subset. Wildcards The filter feature uses the * and ? wildcards. The character * searches for any number of contiguous characters within the device name. * * The character ? searches for exactly one of any characters within the device designation. The Device name representation box determines the component parts of the device designation. Filter Examples Table 7-3 152 Filter Examples Filter Displayed Devices * Standard case. No filtering. All devices of the selected device type are listed. System1:PAC4200_A* All devices of System1 whose device names begin with the character string System1:PAC4200_A. The devices are listed if the value DP is set in the Selection box. Only then is the character string System1 a filterable name component. *_A All devices with _A as the last two characters of their name. *4200* All devices with 4200 at any point within the device name. *PAC?200* All devices with PAC and 200 in their names. There is precisely one character between PAC and 200. *_? All devices with the name component _ in the penultimate position and precisely one character in the last position. (Empty) No devices are displayed. powermanager, , Commissioning Manual E50417-H1040-C612-A2, Edition 04.2016 8 Trends 8.1 Overview 154 8.2 Creating a Trend View 155 8.3 Configuring Trend View 156 8.4 Selecting a Datapoint 158 8.5 Displaying the Trend View 160 powermanager, , Commissioning Manual E50417-H1040-C612-A2, Edition 04.2016 153 Trends 8.1 Overview 8.1 Overview Trends allow you to represent the variations in the values of a device over a specific time range. A trend can contain any number of hierarchically arranged areas for representing curves, with scales and legends. Valueover-time and value-over-value representations are both possible here. 154 powermanager, , Commissioning Manual E50417-H1040-C612-A2, Edition 04.2016 Trends 8.2 Creating a Trend View 8.2 Creating a Trend View To create a trend view: Click in tool bar. An empty Trend window and the Select Trend View dialog open. [sc_SelectTrendView_Dialog, 1, en_US] Figure 8-1 i Select Trend View Dialog NOTE If the Select Trend View dialog does not open, click Properties... in the Trend window to open the dialog. On the Select Trend View dialog, click New. Assign a name to the new trend and click OK. The new trend view is created and is visible in the Select trend configuration and time range list on the Select Trend View dialog. Close the Select Trend View dialog and start the configuration of the new trend view. powermanager, , Commissioning Manual E50417-H1040-C612-A2, Edition 04.2016 155 Trends 8.3 Configuring Trend View 8.3 Configuring Trend View To configure a trend view: Click in the tool bar. An empty Trend window and the Select Trend View dialog open. [sc_SelectTrendView_Dialog, 1, en_US] Figure 8-2 Select Trend View Dialog From the Select trend configuration and time range list on the Select Trend View dialog, select the trend view that you want to edit. Click Edit. The Trend Configuration Editor window opens. In the Trend Configuration Editor window, select the datapoint and define the time range. For more information, see 8.4 Selecting a Datapoint. Click OK to close the Trend Configuration Editor window. In the Select Trend View window, select the time limitation from the Time Range list box. There are two types of time ranges available to complement the time ranges selected from the Trend Configuration Editor: Open: The values for these time ranges come from the database. Additionally, new values are added to these time ranges online. Closed: The values for these time ranges come exclusively from the database. Click View if the time range is closed. - or - 156 powermanager, , Commissioning Manual E50417-H1040-C612-A2, Edition 04.2016 Trends 8.3 Configuring Trend View Click Forward if time range is open. In this scenario, define the Start time and End time for the time range. Click View. The trend window shows the configured trend view. The trend retains all its configurations if it is used again. i NOTE The trend view allows visual comparison of individual trends. You can add or remove datapoints from the trend view to modify the results. For more information, see 8.4 Selecting a Datapoint. powermanager, , Commissioning Manual E50417-H1040-C612-A2, Edition 04.2016 157 Trends 8.4 Selecting a Datapoint 8.4 Selecting a Datapoint Selecting a Datapoint Using Trend Configuration Editor Window Select the datapoints for the trend view from the Trend Configuration Editor window. You can accommodate one or more datapoints in the view. Visual comparison of individual trends is thus possible. A maximum of 16 datapoints can be represented in one trend. [sc_TrendConfigEditor_Window, 2, en_US] Figure 8-3 Trend Configuration Editor Window To select datapoints for a trend view: From the Selected Curve list box, select Undefined Curve. - or - 158 powermanager, , Commissioning Manual E50417-H1040-C612-A2, Edition 04.2016 Trends 8.4 Selecting a Datapoint If Undefined Curve entry is not available in the list box, click New to create an entry. Click to assign a datapoint to the curve. The dpSelector window opens. Select the datapoint in the dpSelector window, and click OK. The new datapoint name is displayed in the Select datapoint with datapoint selector and Selected Curve field. You can further customize the trend view on the Scale and Style tabs on the Trend Configuration Editor window. Click OK. The datapoint is added to the trend view. The trend is displayed for the defined time range. powermanager, , Commissioning Manual E50417-H1040-C612-A2, Edition 04.2016 159 Trends 8.5 Displaying the Trend View 8.5 Displaying the Trend View Opening a Trend View from the tool bar to open the Trends window. Click * If the Trends window was last closed using the button or the ALT + F4 command, it opens the last closed trend view. * If the Trends window was last closed using the Close button on the window, it opens an empty trend view along with the Select Trend View dialog. You can open a trend view from this dialog. You can open an existing trend view. Viewing the Trend Window [sc_TrendView_Window, 1, en_US] Figure 8-4 * * * 160 Trend View Click the graphic to open the Trend Ruler Values window. Use the scroll wheel to zoom in and out of the trend view. Click Legend to open the header area. The header area lists the datapoints, which enables displaying and hiding of the curves. powermanager, , Commissioning Manual E50417-H1040-C612-A2, Edition 04.2016 9 System Administration and Optimization 9.1 Creating a New Project 162 9.2 Adapting the Archive Size 166 9.3 Creating Users 168 9.4 Performance Optimization 173 9.5 Distributed Systems 176 9.6 Mass Parameterization 179 9.7 Measuring Period and Tariff Synchronization 182 powermanager, , Commissioning Manual E50417-H1040-C612-A2, Edition 04.2016 161 System Administration and Optimization 9.1 Creating a New Project 9.1 Creating a New Project A new project can be created by using powermanager: Project Administrator. i NOTE The name of the powermanager project must not contain any spaces. Creating a New Project To create a project: Click Start > All Programs > SENTRON > powermanager V3.3 > Project Administration. The powermanager: Project Administrator window opens. [sc_ProjectAdmin_Window, 3, en_US] Click . The New project dialog opens. Step 1: Project type settings There are two types of projects, which can be created: Server project: A server project contains all managers on the same machine. Client project: Client project is associated with a remote user interface. The remote project is connected to another project on a server. The remote project is created and started on the client. On the client, a directory structure and config file are automatically created (copied from the sever). In case of a configuration UI, only configuration and log files are created and where as for visualization UI, all parts are created except the database. Note: The changes in the configuration file are not copied to the server automatically. To access the panels on the server, the project path has to be shared. The sever project can be selected in the New project panel (see figure below). Note: The non-executable projects cannot be selected. The project administration panel of the client allows you to view the status of the project (running, stopped, and so on). Select a project type from the Selecting project type section. 162 powermanager, , Commissioning Manual E50417-H1040-C612-A2, Edition 04.2016 System Administration and Optimization 9.1 Creating a New Project [sc_SelectProjType, 1, en_US] Click Next. Step 2: General settings In the General settings section, enter a unique Project name. Click to, open the Choose a Folder dialog. In the Choose a Folder dialog, browse to the folder where you want to save the new project. [sc_GeneralSettings, 1, en_US] powermanager, , Commissioning Manual E50417-H1040-C612-A2, Edition 04.2016 163 System Administration and Optimization 9.1 Creating a New Project Click Next. Step 3: UI settings This step is only applicable if you have selected Client project in the Project type setting step. [sc_ServerProj, 1, en_US] Click to browse to a location where a server project already exists. Select the Language of the project. Click Next. Step 4: Create project The Creating new project section displays the settings of the new project. 164 powermanager, , Commissioning Manual E50417-H1040-C612-A2, Edition 04.2016 System Administration and Optimization 9.1 Creating a New Project [sc_CreatingNewProj, 1, en_US] Click Ok, to create the project. The Information dialog opens to confirm the creation of the project. Click Ok. The project is created and it is available for selection in the powermanager console. powermanager, , Commissioning Manual E50417-H1040-C612-A2, Edition 04.2016 165 System Administration and Optimization 9.2 Adapting the Archive Size 9.2 Adapting the Archive Size Optimum Archive Size The optimum archive size depends on the number of devices in the project. Data loss can occur if archives are too small. Storage capacity is wasted if archives are too large. In the standard powermanager V3.3 installation, the archive is designed for 100 devices. When operating more than 500 devices, you must individually adapt the archive settings to your project. For more information, refer to the online help and the following query under the Siemens Support Database, FAQ: "What must be observed to ensure that the time stamp and the power demand values of the devices are correctly exported? " The archive_XXX.dpl files supplied in the standard installation are examples of a possible configuration. Adapt these files to your project. Predefined Parameterization Data Adaptation is easy to perform with the help of the supplied predefined parameterization data. The following preconfigured parameterization data is available: * Up to 100 devices * * * Up to 200 devices Up to 500 devices Up to 1000 devices Changing the Archive Configuration To change the archive configuration with the aid of the parameterization data included: * Open the powermanager base panel. * * In the menu bar, click Settings > System management. The System Management window opens. On the Database tab, click . The ASCII Manager window opens. * * Select the Import option in the ASCII Manager window. Give the following project path: <drive letter>\Siemens\SENTRON\powermanagerV3.3\PowermanagerLib\dplist\. Here, <drive letter> is the letter assigned to the drive where powermanager is installed. * * * Open one of the following .dpl files based on your project size: - archive_normal.dpl for up to 20 devices (default setting) - archive_50.dpl for up to 50 devices - archive_100.dpl for up to 100 devices - archive_200.dpl for up to 200 devices - archive_500.dpl for up to 500 devices - archive_1000.dpl for up to 1000 devices In the ASCII Manager window, click Start. Enter the valid password and close the window. The new configuration is used after the next automatic archive change. 166 powermanager, , Commissioning Manual E50417-H1040-C612-A2, Edition 04.2016 System Administration and Optimization 9.2 Adapting the Archive Size Changing the Archive Immediately To change the archive immediately: * In the menu bar, click Settings > System management. The System Management window opens. * In the System Management window, click on the Database tab. The File Selection window opens. * To change the archive, select an archive and click Activity. To change the archive database configuration, select an archive and click Configure. * Restart the project. powermanager, , Commissioning Manual E50417-H1040-C612-A2, Edition 04.2016 167 System Administration and Optimization 9.3 Creating Users 9.3 Creating Users Create a user account in the powermanager for each user of your projects. i NOTE Do not delete the standard root user account. To create a user: In the menu bar, click Settings > System management. The System Management window opens. * * 168 Open the Permission tab in the System Management window. powermanager, , Commissioning Manual E50417-H1040-C612-A2, Edition 04.2016 System Administration and Optimization 9.3 Creating Users * Click . The User Administration window opens. [sc_UserAdmin_Window, 1, en_US] Figure 9-1 User Administration Window The User Administration table contains the following columns: - User name powermanager login name - Groups User groups to which a user is assigned Each user receives specific user rights through the group. Assign each user to at least one group. - ID Internal identification number of the user account - User language Language of the powermanager user interface powermanager suggests the language when you log on. powermanager, , Commissioning Manual E50417-H1040-C612-A2, Edition 04.2016 169 System Administration and Optimization 9.3 Creating Users * On the User Administration window, click Add User. The User Characteristics window opens. [sc_UserCharacteristics_Window, 1, en_US] Figure 9-2 170 User Characteristics Window powermanager, , Commissioning Manual E50417-H1040-C612-A2, Edition 04.2016 System Administration and Optimization 9.3 Creating Users * Enter following information in the User Characteristics window: - User name Name of the user account The user uses this name to log on. - Full Name Full name of the user - Description Short description of the user account - Language Language of the powermanager user interface The language is suggested to the user at logon. - Group membership Assign the user to at least one user group. You can also assign the user to multiple groups. The group assignment confers the group rights on the user. For more information on the rights assigned to the users in different groups, see Authorization Levels and User Groups. - Password Click Password to open the field for assigning password. Ensure that you assign a password for each user having administration rights. Else, the access to powermanager is unprotected. * Click OK to confirm creation of the new schedule. The user account is created in powermanager. The account is listed in the User administration window. The user can log in with the assigned user name and password. * Click Close to exit the User administration window. Authorization Levels and User Groups The powermanager standard has the following predefined groups and levels: * 5 user groups * * * 5 authorization levels assignment of user groups authorization levels Table 9-1 Authorization Levels Level Name in the dialog Scope of rights 1 Visualize Allows only visualization 2 Normal operator authorization Allows the opening of panels 3 Extended operator authorization Allows the execution of commands, the setting of substitute values, the setting of correction values, and the modification of value range types 4 Administration Allows the use of GEDI and PARA 5 Acknowledgement Allows the acknowledging of alerts Table 9-2 Group/Level Rights of the User Groups in the powermanager Standard Visualization Operator Authorization Normal Administration Advanced Acknowledgement Root X X X X X Para X X X X X Operator all X X X powermanager, , Commissioning Manual E50417-H1040-C612-A2, Edition 04.2016 X 171 System Administration and Optimization 9.3 Creating Users Operator X Guest X X X The group assignment confers the group rights on the user. 172 powermanager, , Commissioning Manual E50417-H1040-C612-A2, Edition 04.2016 System Administration and Optimization 9.4 Performance Optimization 9.4 Performance Optimization Overview powermanager offers the following options to improve the performance of the system: Smoothing supplied data * * * Extending polling times Reducing active addresses Smoothing Supplied Data Smoothing is used to reduce the amount of communication and the volume of data stored in the system. powermanager can smooth the data supplied by the devices in the driver before it is processed further in the control system. Value-dependent Smoothing with Relative Threshold Value powermanager performs value-dependent smoothing with a relative threshold (specified in [%]). A value is only smoothed if the difference between value arriving in the driver and the last value transferred to the Event Manager less than the relative threshold. No smoothing takes place if the difference between the consecutive values exceeds the relative threshold value. Value Range Meaningful threshold values lie in the range from 0% to 5%. Smoothing Supplied Data To smooth the supplied data: * Right-click the project tree root. * In the context menu, click System settings > Driver settings to view the driver settings. powermanager, , Commissioning Manual E50417-H1040-C612-A2, Edition 04.2016 173 System Administration and Optimization 9.4 Performance Optimization * In the Driver settings view, enter the relative threshold percentage in the % field next to the change smoothing button. The recommended relative threshold range is from 0 through 5 %. [sc_DriverSettings, 3, en_US] * Click change smoothing to start the smoothing process. Extending Polling Times Depending on the measured value type, measured values are read (polled) by the devices at different times. The communication load is reduced when the polling times are increased. To change the polling times: * Right-click the project tree root. * * * In the context menu, click System settings > Driver settings to view the driver settings. Select the polling times from the list box next to [s]. Click against each device to confirm the polling time for that device. Reducing Addresses You can reduce the number of active addresses to optimize the performance of powermanager. You can reduce the addresses for PAC3200 and PAC4200 devices using a semi-automated process. For PAC1500 and PAC3100, the scope of addresses is already reduced by default. To reduce the addresses: * Right-click the project tree root. * * * 174 From the context menu, click device engineering > PAC3200/PAC4200. Go to the Configuration tab. On the Configuration tab, deselect the Inherit default settings option. powermanager, , Commissioning Manual E50417-H1040-C612-A2, Edition 04.2016 System Administration and Optimization 9.4 Performance Optimization * To reduce address of a device, under the Address column, deselect the checkbox corresponding to the device. * Save the above configuration. Result The reduced scope of addresses affects: * Newly created devices * Devices with the Inherit area settings option activated Restoring the Original Address Configuration To restore the original address configuration, activate the Inherit default settings option and save the change. powermanager, , Commissioning Manual E50417-H1040-C612-A2, Edition 04.2016 175 System Administration and Optimization 9.5 Distributed Systems 9.5 Distributed Systems Overview Distributed systems enable connection of two or more autonomous powermanager systems via a common network. Each subsystem of a distributed system can be configured either as a single-station system or a multi-station system. Each system can process and display values and alerts of other systems. Licensing There must be a powermanager Distributed Systems license on every powermanager system that is operated in a distributed system. Interface to the Systems Communication of the parameterized subsystems takes place exclusively via the Distribution Manager. Enter the parameterized subsystems in the powermanager Console before starting. Permanent Network Connection A permanent network connection is required for mutual data access by the participating systems. Creating New Projects For information on how to create a project, see 9.1 Creating a New Project. i NOTE Creation of a new project using a wizard is not recommended in the case of powermanager. Parameterization of Distributed Systems Config File Entry Possible values Description [general] distributed 1 or 0 Mandatory entry. This entry defines a distributed system. A distributed system requires the distributed = 1 entry in the [general] section. This value can also be overwritten for individual Managers. [ctrl_1] distributed = 0 In this case, the Control Manager with the number 1 cannot access the DPs of other systems (DP identification is not communicated to this Manager). [dist] distPort Port number. The default value is 4777. Defines the port numbers used by the Dist Manager to accept connections from other systems. The default value is 4777. Do not define port numbers if your projects run on different computers. However, if your projects run on the same computer, define the port numbers. [dist] distPeer - distPeer = "host1[:port1][$host2[:port2]]" system number Defines the hosts and the system number to which the Dist Manager establishes the connection as the "client" (the other system is the "server"). If the other system is redundant, powermanager separates both host names using $. The following entries exist in the powermanager configuration file. The entries are examples and you must adjust them accordingly. [general] 176 powermanager, , Commissioning Manual E50417-H1040-C612-A2, Edition 04.2016 System Administration and Optimization 9.5 Distributed Systems distributed = 1 [dist] #Establishing connection to Host1 with system number 1 #distPeer = "Host1" 1 #Establishing connection to Host2 with system number 2 #distPeer = "Host2" 2 #Establishing connection to Host3 with system number 3 #distPeer = "Host3" 3 #Establishing connection to Host4 with system number 4 #distPeer = "Host4" 4 System Names and System Numbers Corresponding to the distpeer entries in the configuration file, applicable system names and numbers are assigned to the project databases. A system name and a system number can only be used once within a system network. The system name and number are assigned when creating a project in the project administration. The powermanager project have a predefined system name (System1) and system number (1). If you want to connect multiple projects having the predefined system name and system number, change the system name and system number of the individual projects. Use the following command to change the system name and number: i NOTE i NOTE Stop the project before you run the below command. powermanager saves the individual datapoints including the system name in the database. If the system name is changed, it is recommended to reconfigure the datapoints in KPI, Reports (Basic and Advanced), and Custom panels. WCCOAtoolSyncTypes -system <system_number> <system_name> -proj <project_name> Here, <system_number> is the new system number that is assigned to the project, <system_name> is the new system name that is assigned to the project, <project_name> is the name of the project. Example If the system name is System2, the system number is 2, and the project name is powermanager, use the following command: WCCOAtoolSyncTypes -system 2 System2 -proj powermanager If you want to run the distributed system as a single-user system again, then set the system number back to 1. Synchronous Times Synchronize the times of the individual system if you want to run them in a distributed system. Updating Archive Structure To ensure that all the systems are able to read the updated report data, update the archive structure. To update the archive structure: * Open the powermanager base panel and open the Report window. For information on how to open the Report window, see 7.3.1 Opening the powermanager Report Window. * * In the Report window, click Report > Configuration > Archive Structure. Enter the valid password. The default password is erAdmin. powermanager, , Commissioning Manual E50417-H1040-C612-A2, Edition 04.2016 177 System Administration and Optimization 9.5 Distributed Systems * * 178 Click OK. Click Yes on all subsequent dialogs. powermanager, , Commissioning Manual E50417-H1040-C612-A2, Edition 04.2016 System Administration and Optimization 9.6 Mass Parameterization 9.6 Mass Parameterization Overview You can automate creation of new devices in the project tree. To do this, create a csv file in the project data directory. Example Consider that you want to create the following devices in an automated fashion: * Two PAC4200 devices with the names MyPAC4200_1 and MyPAC4200_2 * * One PAC3100 device with the name MyPAC3100_1 via Slot1 of the gateway MyPAC4200_2 One PAC3100 device with the name MyPAC3100_2 via the standard gateway To create the csv file: * The format of the command to create the above devices in automated fashion is: DP name;DP type;area;sector;IP address;gateway;unit_address;frame;port Here, - DP name is the internal device name. - DP type is the device type. Following device types are available in powermanager: - pmDev3VAETU5 - pmDev3VAETU8 - pmDev3VLCOM21 - pmDev3WL (3WL) - pmDevPAC1500, pmDevPAC3100, pmDevPAC3200, pmDevPAC4200, pmDevPAC5100, pmDevPAC5200 - pmDevMB (generic Modbus device) - pmDevP850, pmDevP855 (SICAM P85x devices) - pmDevManualMeasuringDevice - Area is the area name in the project tree. - Sector is the sector name in the project tree. Only 1 sector level is supported. - IP address is the IP address of the system. - Gateway has a value range of TRUE or FALSE. Following gateways can be defined: - Modbus-TCP: FALSE - - Modbus-RTU: TRUE Unit_Address is the address of the unit in the subnetworked Modbus network. - Modbus-TCP: 0 (no relevance) - Modbus-RTU: 1 - 247 - Frame is defined as [tcp; rtu] - Following ports are available: - Modbus-TCP: 502 - Modbus-RTU - Slot1 : 17002 (7KM PAC4200, RS 485 bus is connected to slot "MOD1") - Modbus-RTU - Slot2 : 17003 (7KM PAC4200, RS 485 bus is connected to slot "MOD2") - Modbus-RTU - standard gateway: 502 powermanager, , Commissioning Manual E50417-H1040-C612-A2, Edition 04.2016 179 System Administration and Optimization 9.6 Mass Parameterization * i Therefore, for the above example, the following entries must be made in the csv file: MyPAC4200_1;pmDevPAC4200;area_4;sector_2;;FALSE;0;tcp;502 MyPAC4200_2;pmDevPAC4200;area_4;sector_2;;FALSE;0;tcp;502 MyPAC3100_1;pmDevPAC3100;area_4;sector_2;;TRUE;1;rtu;17002 MyPAC3100_2;pmDevPAC3100;area_4;sector_2;;TRUE;1;rtu;502 NOTE * * Select tcp as a frame for a device you want to operate over the standard gateway. A predefined sample file PM_MassDataTmplte.csv is present in the data directory of the demo project. User Interface In the menu bar, click Tools > Mass parameterization to access the mass parameterization display. [sc_MassParameterization, 3, en_US] Figure 9-3 Mass Parameterization View The mass parameterization view contains the following components: * File The File table in the left panel lists all the csv files that are created in the data directory of the current project. 180 powermanager, , Commissioning Manual E50417-H1040-C612-A2, Edition 04.2016 System Administration and Optimization 9.6 Mass Parameterization * Read file Select a file from the file table and click read file to see the data of the file in the right panel. - If a device with an identical name and device type exists in the project tree, the device is highlighted in Yellow. - * If a device with an identical name and a different device type exists in the project tree, the device is highlighted in Red. Import data Click Import data to import the data of the selected file. You can also overwrite existing devices or create areas that do not exist. powermanager, , Commissioning Manual E50417-H1040-C612-A2, Edition 04.2016 181 System Administration and Optimization 9.7 Measuring Period and Tariff Synchronization 9.7 Measuring Period and Tariff Synchronization 9.7.1 Overview powermanager enables you to synchronize the power demand values and the tariffs of multiple devices using the digital input of a single device. You can only synchronize the PAC devices (PAC3100, PAC3200, and PAC4200). i NOTE It is recommended that you enable synchronization when configuring the devices. powermanager enables you to add offline device for synchronization. These devices are taken into consideration when they come online. Prerequisites Ensure that you meet the following prerequisites before enabling synchronization: * Ensure that all the devices that you want to synchronize have the Synchronization via Bus setting enabled. * 9.7.2 Ensure that the synchronization interval for all the devices is 15 minutes. Measuring Period Synchronization To synchronize measuring period: Right-click the system node from the tree. 182 Select System settings. Select the Synchronization tab. The Measuring period dialog opens. powermanager, , Commissioning Manual E50417-H1040-C612-A2, Edition 04.2016 System Administration and Optimization 9.7 Measuring Period and Tariff Synchronization [sc_MeasuringPeriod_synchronization, 2, en_US] Figure 9-4 Measuring Period Dialog The Measuring period tab displays the following columns: Sync.: Select the checkbox in this column against the device for which you want to enable synchronization. Device: Devices added for synchronization Bus/DI/Clock/None: Synchronization type set for the device Interval Length: Synchronization interval. This must always be set at 15 minutes. Select Synchronize measuring period with this digital input. powermanager, , Commissioning Manual E50417-H1040-C612-A2, Edition 04.2016 183 System Administration and Optimization 9.7 Measuring Period and Tariff Synchronization Click to add devices for synchronization. The selection tree for digital inputs window opens. [sc_DigitalInput, 2, en_US] Figure 9-5 184 Selection Tree for Digital Input Window Select the digital inputs for devices that you want to synchronize. Click OK. The device is added to the synchronization table. To enable synchronization for a particular device, select the device using the checkbox under the Sync. column. powermanager, , Commissioning Manual E50417-H1040-C612-A2, Edition 04.2016 System Administration and Optimization 9.7 Measuring Period and Tariff Synchronization i NOTE To enable synchronization for all devices, click 9.7.3 Click . to save the changes. Tariff Synchronization To synchronize tariff: Right-click the project tree root. In the context menu, click System settings > Synchronization > Tariff. The Tariff tab opens. powermanager, , Commissioning Manual E50417-H1040-C612-A2, Edition 04.2016 185 System Administration and Optimization 9.7 Measuring Period and Tariff Synchronization [sc_Tariff_synchronization, 2, en_US] Figure 9-6 Tariff Synchronization Tab The tariff tab displays the following columns: Set tariff: Select the checkbox in this column against the device for which you want to enable synchronization. Device: The devices that you added for synchronization. Select Set high/low tariff with this digital input. 186 powermanager, , Commissioning Manual E50417-H1040-C612-A2, Edition 04.2016 System Administration and Optimization 9.7 Measuring Period and Tariff Synchronization Click to add devices for synchronization. The selection tree for digital inputs window opens. [sc_DigitalInput, 2, en_US] Figure 9-7 Selection Tree for Digital Input Window Select the digital inputs for devices that you want to synchronize. Click OK. The device is added to the synchronization table. Under Tariff signal meaning, select the appropriate option. 1-signal at digital input means high tariff: Select this option if you want to set the tariff to high. 1-signal at digital input means low tariff: Select this option if you want to set the tariff to low. To enable synchronization for a particular device, select the device using the checkbox under the Sync. column. powermanager, , Commissioning Manual E50417-H1040-C612-A2, Edition 04.2016 187 System Administration and Optimization 9.7 Measuring Period and Tariff Synchronization i NOTE To enable synchronization for all devices, click 188 Click . to save the changes. powermanager, , Commissioning Manual E50417-H1040-C612-A2, Edition 04.2016 Literature /1/ SIMATIC, Siemens Automation Manager, Manual /2/ SIMATIC, Siemens Automation Manager, Online Help /3/ powermanager, Help /4/ Configuration manual, system manual, and device manuals for the PAC1500, PAC3100, PAC3200, PAC4200, PAC5100, PAC5200, 3VL, 3VA, 3WL, and P85x (P850 and P855) Power Monitoring Devices /5/ Online support for powermanager: func=cslib.csinfo&lang=en&objid=35384803&subtype=133000&caller=view powermanager, , Commissioning Manual E50417-H1040-C612-A2, Edition 04.2016 189 190 powermanager, , Commissioning Manual E50417-H1040-C612-A2, Edition 04.2016 Index A Device Type 147, 150 Distributed Systems 176 Alert Alert Class 87, 87 Alert Class Types 87 Archive Adapting the Archive Size 24, 166 Area 45 Create 45 No area 45 Authorization Levels 171 C Configuration 30 Console 28 Cost Center 142 Create 142 Delete 143 Cost Center Report 138 Datapoints 146 Cumulated Power Values 150 D Datapoint 145, 158 Delete 146 Edit 145, 145 Insert 145 Delete Object 50 Device 46 Configure 30 Create 47 Device Engineering 53 Device Integration 14 3VA 15 3VL 14 3WL 15 P850/P855 15 PAC1500 14 PAC3100 14 PAC3200 14 PAC4200 14 PAC5100/PAC5200 14 powermanager, , Commissioning Manual E50417-H1040-C612-A2, Edition 04.2016 E Energy Counter 59 Excel 118, 119, 119 Macro 119 Extending Polling Times 174 F Factor 55 Filter 86, 86, 147, 151, 152 Filter Administration 98 Forecast Energy Consumption 61 I Insert Measured Value 146, 148 Installation Automation License Manager 18 powermanager 19 Prerequisites 19 L License Keys 20 Load Monitoring 61 Alert 62, 70 Correction Power 61 Daily Trend 65 Energy Profile 64 Envelope 66 Limit Curve 66, 69 Orientation Variables 61 Previous Day's Trend 66 Response 62 Schedule 71 Switching Bits 62 191 Index M T Medium 138 Create 138 Microsoft Excel 19 Tariff Set 138 Create 139 Delete 141 Holidays 141 Template 121 Create 121 Edit 121 Trend View 154 Configure 156 Create 155 Display 160 Open 160 Trends 154 Datapoints 158 P Performance Optimization 173 Polling Times 174 Reducing Addresses 174 Smoothing 173 Power Demand 150 Power Peak Analysis 104 Project Stop 28 Project Tree Area 45 Device 46 Project Tree Root 44 Sector 45 Q Quick selection 123 R U Unit 55 User Create Users 168 User Administration 169 User Groups 171 V Virtual Counter 58, 148 Reaction Plans 89 Source 93 Renaming Object 49 Report 118 Create, Fully Automatic 125 Create, Manual 122 Create, Semiautomatic 123 Open 123 Save 123 Schedule 123 Report Types 128 Window 128 S Schedule 71, 125 Create 125 Dialog 127 View 125 Sector 45 Create 45 Starting Communication 52 Stopping Communication 52 192 powermanager, , Commissioning Manual E50417-H1040-C612-A2, Edition 04.2016