Process and system messages, error handling
12.1 Basic Unit VIB
224 Operati ng I nst ruct i ons, 03/2016, A5E02913673F/007
<channel>: Lower alarm level violated
(<actual value> < <limit>). Operation
state <operati on stat e> (<s pee d>) .
On the specified speed/analog or
temperatur e chann el, the low e r alarm
limit has been violated.
The current measured value, the value
of the undershot limit, the current oper-
ation state, and the current speed.
<VIB channel>: RMS warning level vio-
lated (<actual value> > <limit>). Opera-
tion state <operation stat e>( < s peed>).
The RMS warning limit has been
violated on the specif ied vi bration
The current RMS value, the value of
the overshot limit, the curre nt operat ion
state, and the current speed.
<VIB channel>: RMS alarm level violated
(<actual value> > <limit>). Operation
state <operati on stat e> (<s pee d>) .
The RMS alarm limit has been violat-
ed on the specified vibration channel. The current RMS value, the value of
the overshot limit, the curre nt operat ion
state, and the current speed.
<VIB channel>: Warning <message text>
on acceleration sp ectr um . Lim i t violat ed
at <frequency> (<actual value> > <limit>).
Operation stat e <oper ation
A warning limit has been violated on
an acceleration spectrum in the spec-
ified operation state on the specified
vibration channel.
The parameterized message text, the
position (freq uen cy) in the spe ctr um,
the amplitude (actual value), the over-
shot limit, and the curre nt spe ed.
<VIB channel>: Alarm <message text> on
acceleration spectrum. Limit violated at
<frequenc y> (<act ual va lue> > <limit>).
Operation stat e <oper ation
An alarm limit has been violated on
an acceleration spectrum in the spec-
ified operation state on the specified
vibration channel.
The parameterized message text, the
position (freq uen cy) in the spe ctr um,
the amplitude (actual value), the over-
shot limit, and the curre nt spe ed.
<VIB channel>: Warning <message text>
on velocity spectrum. Limit violated at
<frequenc y> (<act ual va lue> > <limit>).
Operation stat e <operation
A warning limit has been violated on
a velocity spectrum in the specified
operation state on the specified vi-
bration channel.
The parameterized message text, the
position (freq uen cy) in the spe ctr um,
the amplitude (actual value), the over-
shot limit, and the curre nt spe ed.
<VIB channel>: Alarm <message text> on
velocity spectrum. Limit violated at <fre-
quency> (<actual value> > <limit>). Op-
eration state <operation state>(<speed>).
An alarm limit has been violated on a
velocity spectrum in the specified
operation state on the specified vi-
The parameterized message text, the
position (freq uen cy) in the spe ctr um,
the amplitude (actual value), the over-
shot limit, and the curre nt spe ed.
<VIB channel>: Warning <message text>
on envelope spectrum . Lim it vi olated at
<frequenc y> (<act ual va lue> > <limit>).
Operation stat e <oper ation
A warning limit has been violated on
an envelope spectrum in the speci-
fied operation state on the specified
vibration channel.
The parameterized message text, the
position (freq uen cy) in the spe ctr um,
the amplitude (actual value), the over-
shot limit, and the curre nt spe ed.
<VIB channel>: Alarm <message text> on
envelope spectrum. Limit violated at
<frequenc y> (<act ual va lue> > <limit>).
Operation stat e <oper ation
An alarm limit has been violated on
an envelope spectrum in the speci-
fied operation state on the specified
vibration channel.
The parameterized message text, the
position (freq uen cy) in the spe ctr um,
the amplitude (actual value), the over-
shot limit, and the curre nt spe ed.
<VIB channel>: Timeout for the RMS
calculation. On the vibration channel specified,
the RMS calculation could not be
carried out for an extended period.
Possible causes:
• Vibration acquisition faulty
• VIB-MUX channel switchover is by
means of X-T oo ls, the channe l
dwell time being too short for the
respective cal cu lati on.