Con dition Monitoring S y stems
Operating Instructions
Safety instructions
Fundamentals of vibration
monitoring and diagnostics
System overview
Applicati on pl anning
Parameterizing via the web
user interface
Maintenance and servicing
Process and system
messages, error handling
Technical data
04/2016 Subject to change
Copyright © Siemens AG 2011 - 2016.
All rights reserved
Legal information
Warning notice system
This manual contains notices you have to observe in order to ensure your personal safety, as well as to prevent
damage to property. The notices referring to your personal safety are highlighted in the manual by a safety alert
symbol, notices referring only to property damage have no safety alert symbol. These notices shown below are
graded according to the degree of danger.
indicates that deat h or severe perso nal inj ur y will result if proper precautions are not taken.
indicates that deat h or severe perso nal inj ur y may result if proper precautions are not taken.
indicates that minor personal injury can result if proper precautions are not taken.
indicates that property damage can result if proper precautions are not taken.
If more than one degree of danger is present, the warning notice representing the highest degree of danger will
be used. A notice warning of injury to persons with a safety alert symbol may also include a warning relating to
property damage.
Qual if ied Per s onn el
The product/system described in this documentation may be operated only by
personnel qualified
for the speci fic
task in accordance with the relevant documentation, in particular its warning notices and safety instructions.
Qualified personnel are those who, based on their training and experience, are capable of identifying risks and
avoiding potential hazards when working with these products/systems.
Proper use of Siemens products
Note the following:
Siemens products may only be used for the applications described in the catalog and in the relevant technical
documentation. If products and components from other manufacturers are used, these must be recommended
or approved by Siemens. Proper transport, storage, installation, assembly, commissioning , oper at ion and
maintenance are required to ensure that the products operate safely and without any problems. The permissible
ambient conditions must be complied with. The information in the relevant documentation must be observed.
All names identified by ® are registered trademarks of Siemens AG. The remaining trademarks in this publication
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We have reviewed the contents of this publication to ensure consistency with the hardware and software
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information in this publication is reviewed regularly and any necessary corrections are included in subsequent
Operating Instruct i ons, 03/2016, A5E02913673F/007 5
Table of contents
1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................................... 11
1.1 Preface .................................................................................................................................... 11
2 Safety instructions ................................................................................................................................. 13
2.1 Safety instructions ................................................................................................................... 13
2.2 IT security ............................................................................................................................... 16
3 Fundamentals of vibration monitoring and diagnostics ........................................................................... 17
3.1 Mechanical vibration ............................................................................................................... 18
3.1.1 Meaning and information content of vibration ......................................................................... 18
3.1.2 Causes of mechanical vibration .............................................................................................. 19
3.2 Measuring vibration ................................................................................................................. 20
3.2.1 Acceleration sensor ................................................................................................................ 20
3.2.2 Choice of measuring point ...................................................................................................... 21
3.2.3 Mounting on the object to be measured ................................................................................. 22
3.2.4 Measured variable , frequencies, and energy ........................................................................ 23
3.3 Method of fault detection and diagnostics .............................................................................. 24
3.3.1 Overview of diagnostic methods ............................................................................................. 24
3.3.2 Types of defect and diagnostics ............................................................................................. 25
3.4 Vibration diagnostics by characteristic value formation in the time range .............................. 26
3.4.1 Overview ................................................................................................................................. 26
3.4.2 Standards and guidelines ....................................................................................................... 27
3.4.3 ISO10816 ................................................................................................................................ 28
3.4.4 Guide li ne VDI 383 2 ................................................................................................................. 30
3.4.5 Monitoring measur ed var ia ble tr ends ..................................................................................... 31
3.4.6 Evaluation of the machine condition via the vibration severity (RMS) .................................... 32 Description of the diagnostic method (RMS) .......................................................................... 32 Application example machine analysis: Unbalance (RMS) .................................................... 33
3.4.7 Characteristic value formation via vibration acceleration (DKW) ........................................... 34 Description of the diagnostic method (DKW) .......................................................................... 34 Operating principle of DKW monitoring .................................................................................. 35 Application example: Rolling element bearing damage (DKW) .............................................. 36
3.5 Vibration diagnostics by frequency analysis ...........................................................................
3.5.1 Overview ................................................................................................................................. 37
3.5.2 Vibration velocity spectrum ..................................................................................................... 38 Description of the diagnostic method ...................................................................................... 38 Application example: Unbalance ............................................................................................ 39
3.5.3 Vibration acceleration spectrum ............................................................................................. 40 Description of the diagnostic method ...................................................................................... 40 Application example (rotor field fault) ..................................................................................... 41
3.5.4 Envelope spectrum ................................................................................................................. 42 Description of the diagnostic method (envelope curve) .......................................................... 42
Table of contents
6 Operating Instruct i ons, 03/2016, A5E02913673F/007 Application example bearing analysis: Rolling element bearing damage (envelope
curve) ..................................................................................................................................... 43
3.5.5 Method of operation for spectrum monitoring ........................................................................ 44
4 Syst em over v iew ................................................................................................................................... 45
4.1 Features ................................................................................................................................. 45
4.2 System configuration ............................................................................................................. 46
4.3 Integration into system environments / networks ................................................................... 48
4.4 Or dering dat a ......................................................................................................................... 49
4.5 Basic Unit VIB ........................................................................................................................ 50
4.5.1 Struc ture of Basic Un it VI B .................................................................................................... 50
4.5.2 Operator control and display elements (VIB) ......................................................................... 52
4.6 VIB-MUX expansion module .................................................................................................. 53
4.6.1 Configuration of the VIB-MUX expansion module ................................................................. 53
4.6.2 Overview of functions ............................................................................................................. 53
5 Functions .............................................................................................................................................. 55
5.1 Oper ati ng mod es .................................................................................................................... 55
5.2 Measur i ng mod e .................................................................................................................... 59
5.3 Mon itori ng mod e .................................................................................................................... 61
5.3.1 Monitoring: Overview of the method of operation .................................................................. 61
5.3.2 Vibration/bearing monitoring (characteristic values DKW/RMS) ........................................... 63
5.3.3 Frequency-selective monitoring (spectrum velocity/acceleration) ......................................... 64
5.3.4 Monitoring of envelope spectrum (roller bearing analysis) .................................................... 65
5.3.5 Temper a ture monitoring ......................................................................................................... 66
5.3.6 Analog channels..................................................................................................................... 66
5.3.7 Absolute and cyclic hysteresis ............................................................................................... 67
5.3.8 Operation states ..................................................................................................................... 68
5.4 Speed acquisition/monitoring ................................................................................................. 69
5.5 Message system .................................................................................................................... 70
5.6 Status and actual displays ..................................................................................................... 72
5.7 Recording data ....................................................................................................................... 74
5.7.1 Trends .................................................................................................................................... 74
5.7.2 Fingerprints ............................................................................................................................ 75
5.7.3 Teach values .......................................................................................................................... 75
5.7.4 Recording raw data ................................................................................................................ 76
5.8 Self-monitoring of the system ................................................................................................ 78
5.9 Time keeping .......................................................................................................................... 79
5.10 Data transfer over WebDAV .................................................................................................. 80
5.11 Data exchange via FTP ......................................................................................................... 82
5.12 Operation with activated X-Tools interface ............................................................................ 83
Table of contents
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6 Appl icat ion pl ann in g .............................................................................................................................. 87
6.1 Shipping .................................................................................................................................. 87
6.2 Storage ................................................................................................................................... 87
6.3 Scope of delivery .................................................................................................................... 88
6.4 Installation location ................................................................................................................. 89
6.5 Sensors ................................................................................................................................... 91
7 Mounting ............................................................................................................................................... 93
7.1 Mounting the Basic Unit VIB and expansion modules ............................................................ 93
7.2 Mounting the shield support .................................................................................................... 94
7.3 Mounting the VIB sensor ........................................................................................................ 95
8 Connection ........................................................................................................................................... 99
8.1 Safety instructions and guidelines .......................................................................................... 99
8.2 Wiring the Basic Unit VIB and expansion modules .............................................................. 101
8.2.1 Removable terminals ............................................................................................................ 101
8.2.2 Requirements for cable parameters ..................................................................................... 102
8.3 Terminal assignment Basic Unit VIB .................................................................................... 103
8.4 Terminal assignment VIB-MUX ............................................................................................ 105
8.5 24 V DC power supply .......................................................................................................... 107
8.6 Connect the shields of the signal and data cables ............................................................... 108
8.7 Connect system interfaces ................................................................................................... 110
8.8 Conn ec tin g to funct ional gr ound ........................................................................................... 110
9 Commissioning ................................................................................................................................... 113
9.1 Comm iss ion in g of the hard ware ........................................................................................... 113
9.2 Commissioning of the software ............................................................................................. 114
9.2.1 Recommended configuration sequence ............................................................................... 115
9.3 Assigning the IP address ...................................................................................................... 116
9.3.1 Operation with DHCP server ................................................................................................ 116
9.3.2 Operation without DHCP server ........................................................................................... 117
10 Parameterizing via the web user interface ........................................................................................... 119
10.1 Hardware and software requirements ................................................................................... 119
10.2 General operation ................................................................................................................. 120
10.2.1 Structure of the user interface .............................................................................................. 120
10.2.2 Logging in / logging out ......................................................................................................... 121
10.2.3 Setting the language for the device ...................................................................................... 122
10.2.4 Changing operating mode .................................................................................................... 122
10.2.5 Editing and saving values and settings................................................................................. 124
10.2.6 Browser-specific operation ................................................................................................... 125
10.2.7 Error messages ..................................................................................................................... 125
10.3 Home pa ge ........................................................................................................................... 126
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8 Operating Instruct i ons, 03/2016, A5E02913673F/007
10.3.1 Home page ........................................................................................................................... 126
10.4 Monitoring values ................................................................................................................. 128
10.4.1 Actual values ........................................................................................................................ 128
10.4.2 Spectra ................................................................................................................................. 132
10.4.3 Trends .................................................................................................................................. 136
10.4.4 Pending messages .............................................................................................................. 140
10.4.5 Message log ......................................................................................................................... 142
10.5 Monitoring configuration ....................................................................................................... 144
10.5.1 Operation states ................................................................................................................... 144
10.5.2 Velocity spectra .................................................................................................................... 146 Limit bands ........................................................................................................................... 148
10.5.3 Acceleration spectra ............................................................................................................ 153 Limit bands ........................................................................................................................... 155
10.5.4 Envelope spectra ................................................................................................................. 159 Limit bands ........................................................................................................................... 161 Bearing types ....................................................................................................................... 164
10.5.5 RMS ..................................................................................................................................... 166
10.5.6 DKW ..................................................................................................................................... 168
10.5.7 Speeds ................................................................................................................................. 171
10.5.8 Analog inputs ....................................................................................................................... 173
10.5.9 Temperatures ....................................................................................................................... 175
10.5.10 Recording raw data .............................................................................................................. 177
10.6 Administration ...................................................................................................................... 178
10.6.1 General ................................................................................................................................ 178
10.6.2 Date and time ....................................................................................................................... 181
10.6.3 Ethernet ................................................................................................................................ 183
10.6.4 E-mail ................................................................................................................................... 186
10.6.5 Download ............................................................................................................................. 189
10.6.6 Cleanup ................................................................................................................................ 192 Initial status / Default values ................................................................................................ 195
10.6.7 Identification ......................................................................................................................... 197
10.7 Hardware configuration ........................................................................................................ 199
10.7.1 Installed expansion modules ................................................................................................ 200
10.7.2 Basic unit channels .............................................................................................................. 201
10.7.3 VIB-MUX module connected to VIB1/2 ................................................................................ 204
10.7.4 Temperature module ............................................................................................................ 205
10.8 Help and Contact ................................................................................................................. 206
10.9 Web site for mobile devices ................................................................................................. 207
11 Maintenance and servicing ................................................................................................................... 211
11.1 Firmw are ins ta llati on ............................................................................................................ 211
11.1.1 Firmware update .................................................................................................................. 211
11.1.2 Firmware dow ngrad e ........................................................................................................... 214
11.2 Replacing the label .............................................................................................................. 215
11.3 Replacing system components ............................................................................................ 216
11.4 Recycling and disposal ........................................................................................................ 216
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12 Process and system messages, error handling.................................................................................... 217
12.1 Basic Unit VIB ....................................................................................................................... 217
12.1.1 LED status indicator on the Basic Unit VIB .......................................................................... 217
12.1.2 Digital outputs for controlling a signaling column ................................................................. 218
12.1.3 Messages .............................................................................................................................. 220
12.1.4 "ERROR - System not ready" mode ..................................................................................... 228
12.2 VIB-MUX expansion module ................................................................................................. 229
12.2.1 LED status indicator VIB-MUX .............................................................................................. 229
13 Technica l dat a .................................................................................................................................... 231
13.1 Basic Unit VIB ....................................................................................................................... 231
13.1.1 Technical specifications Basic Unit VI B ................................................................................ 231
13.1.2 Dimension drawing Basic Unit VIB ....................................................................................... 234
13.2 VIB-MUX expansion module ................................................................................................. 235
13.2.1 Technical specifications VIB-MUX ........................................................................................ 235
13.2.2 Dimension drawing VIB-MUX ............................................................................................... 237
A Appendix............................................................................................................................................. 239
A.1 Inter face pin assignments ..................................................................................................... 239
A.1.1 Pin assignme nt for Ind us tr ial Ethernet interfac e ................................................................... 239
A.2 Definition of Ethernet telegrams that can be sent cyclically ................................................. 240
A.2.1 Telegram frame format ......................................................................................................... 241
A.2.2 User data for the compact telegram ..................................................................................... 242
A.2.3 Structure of user dat a for the extended telegram ................................................................. 244
A.3 Certificates, approvals, standards ........................................................................................ 248
A.4 Licenses ................................................................................................................................ 249
A.5 Service & support .................................................................................................................. 250
Glossary ............................................................................................................................................. 251
Index................................................................................................................................................... 255
Table of contents
10 Operati ng I nst ruct i ons, 03/2016, A5E02913673F/007
Operating Inst ructions, 03/2016, A5E02913673F/007 11
Purpose of this documentation
These operating instructions contain all the information required for installing,
commissioning, and operating the SIPLUS CMS2000 condition monitoring system. The
manual also provides basic knowledge about vibration analysis and vibration diagnostics.
These operating instructions are intended for qualified personnel in the following target
Commissioning engineers
Operating and service personnel
I&C personnel (optional)
Network administrator (optional)
The SIPLUS CMS2000 Condition Monitoring System is used for monitoring mechanical
components in plant s and mac hi nes .
The system permits a permanent monitoring of vibrations of machines, roller bearings and
gear units, for example.
Basic knowledge required
These operating instructions assume general knowledge of automation engineering and
condition monitoring.
They describe components valid at the time of publication. Siemens reserves the right to
include updated Product Information for new components, and for subsequent versions of
Validity of the documentation
This documentation is valid for all components of the SIPLUS CMS2000 system specified in
these operating instructions and describes the current delivery state.
SIPLUS® is a registered trademark of Siemens AG.
1.1 Preface
12 Operati ng I nst ruct i ons, 03/2016, A5E02913673F/007
First edition
02/2013 Revised edition for firmware version V2.0
06/2013 Revised edition for firmware version V2.1
FW version V2.1 supports both English and German in the user interface.
Addition of notes on IT security
Revised edition for firmware version V3.0
Revised edition for firmware version V4.0
Naming conventions and abbreviations
A synonym, an abbreviation, or the term "device" is sometimes used in this documentation
instead of the full product name.
The followings terms and abbreviations are used:
SIPLUS CMS2000 Basic Unit VIB
Basic u nit, Basic Unit VIB, device
VIB-MUX, device
Operating Inst ruct i ons, 03/2016, A5E02913673F/007 13
Saf ety instructions
Safety instructions
Observe the safety instructions on the inside front cover of this documentation.
CMS2000 devices correspond to the approvals printed on the rating plate. If you have
questions about whether it is permissible to install the device in the planned environment,
please contact your service representative.
Alterations to the devices ar e not perm itte d.
Failure to observe this requirement shall constitute a revocation of the CE approval and
manufacturer's warranty.
Intended use
SIPLUS CMS2000 is a condition monitoring system for preventive monitoring of
machines and plants.
SIPLUS CMS2000 is not a machine protection solution. The status displays output by
CMS2000 in the form of LEDs, digital outputs, Ethernet telegrams, e-mails, and web
pages must not be used for control purposes (e.g. machine shutdown).
Safety instructions
2.1 Safety instructions
14 Operati ng I nst ruct i ons, 03/2016, A5E02913673F/007
Connection of sensors
Volta ge haz ards
May cause death or serious injury
The inputs of the CMS2000 feature a functional electrical isolation up to 500 V.
Only those sensors may be used that ensure safe electrical separation up to the maximum
level of the potentials configured for the plant.
It is imperative that you observe the key insulation values of the sensors used and take
additional measures to ensure safe electrical separation!
Repairs to the device may only be performed by authorized specialists.
No user-serviceable parts.
May cause death or serious injury
Unauthorized opening or improperly performed repairs can cause considerable damage to
property and/or danger to users. Return the device to Siemens for repair.
Safety instructions
2.1 Safety instructions
Operating Inst ruct i ons, 03/2016, A5E02913673F/007 15
Safety extra-low voltage
Only connect the device via a safety extr a-low voltage
The device is designed for operation using directly connectable safety extra
-low voltage
(SELV) with safe electrical isolation to IEC 60364
You must, theref ore, only c onnect t he supp ly term inals and the process and
signals (including Ethernet) to safety extra
low voltage (SELV) with safe electrical isolation to
IEC 60364
Safety extra-low voltage
Contact with live components can result in a mild electric shock.
Disconnect f rom the pow er supply before starting work.
Ensure that no wires or strands protrude from the terminals that can be touched.
Danger of explosion and release of harmful substances from batteries
May cause death, serious injury or property damage
Therefore, do not throw lithium batteries into an open fire, do not solder or open the cell
body, do not short-circuit or reverse polarity, do not heat up above 100° C, dispose of in
accordance with regulations and protect against direct exposure to sunlight, moisture and
Safety instructions
2.2 IT security
16 Operati ng I nst ruct i ons, 03/2016, A5E02913673F/007
IT security
IT security guidelines
Siemens provides products and solutions with industrial security functions that support the
secure operation of plants, solutions, machines, equipment and/or networks. They are
important components in a holistic industrial security concept. With this in mind, Siemens’
products and solutions undergo continuous development. Siemens recommends strongly
that you regularly check for product updates.
For the secure operation of Siemens products and solutions, it is necessary to take suitable
preventive action (e.g. cell protection concept) and integrate each component into a holistic,
state-of-the-art industrial security concept. Third-party products that may be in use should
also be considered. For more information on industrial security, go to Hotspot-Text
To stay informed about product updates as they occur, sign up for a product-specific
newsletter. For more information go to Hotspot-Text (
Protective measures for the CMS2000 system
Make sure that only authorized persons are granted access both physically and in terms
of data technology to the CMS2000 system.
Change the preset password of the Basic Unit ("0000") to an individual password.
Data transfer, including passwords, between a client PC and the CMS2000 system via a
network is carried out unsecured (i.e. without encryption).
For secured (remote) access to the CMS2000 system, you must therefore use for
example a router, that establishes a secure connection, i.e. with encryption and
Operating Ins truct ions, 03/2016, A5E02913673F/007 17
Fundamentals of vibrati on monitoring and
To ensure that a machine is effectively protected during operation, you need to monitor the
machine using specific measured variables. The most important measured variables are
those that best describe the state of the machine. Mechanical vibration is of special
significance in this regard.
There is a great variety of vibration types, measured variables and characteristics when
describing mechanical vibration.
Fundamen tals of vibr ati on mon itori ng and di agn os tics
3.1 Mechanical vibration
18 Operati ng I nst ruct i ons, 03/2016, A5E02913673F/007
Mechanical vibration
Meaning and information content of vibration
Mechanical vibration is vibration that can be sensed and measured on the surface of objects.
When dealing with machine monitoring, this especially includes the surfaces of machines,
components and fou ndat io ns .
Mechanical vibration is sometimes referred to as "structure-borne sound," because it is only
propagated in solid structures. Audible "air-borne sound," by contrast, moves through
gaseous media, such as air.
Cause of mechanical vibration
Mechanical vibration always occurs when mass moves. Such mass may be rotating or
oscillating parts of machines. It can also include gasses or fluids that collide with solid
objects, however.
Significance of vibration
Mechanical vibration has an especially high information content. In terms of machine
monitoring, this information is highly significant in several respects as:
Indicator of the machine condition
Indication of dynamic stresses on the machine, machine base, adjacent machine
Indication of safety of operation, service life, and economic efficiency of machines
Basics of machine diagnostics and vibration damping
Meaning of vibration diagnostics
Various symptoms on running machines allow inferences to be made about the machine
condition, such as an impending damage to the machine.
Fault symptoms in dicat ing a cond iti on incl ude :
● Changes in air-borne noise
● Displacement of machine components
● Rising bearing temperatures
● Changed mechanical vibration characteristics
Fundamen tals of vibr ati on mon itori ng and di agn os tics
3.1 Mechanical vibration
Operating Inst ruct i ons, 03/2016, A5E02913673F/007 19
Causes of mechanical vibration
Origins of vibration
Vibration largely originates from the centrifugal forces on rotating machine parts.
This may be caused by:
Misalignment of machine drive trains
Bearing damage
Gear defect
Magnetic, hydraulic and / or other functional alternating forces
Transmission and severity of the vibration
Vibration of the rotor and rotor shaft is excited by dynamic forces. This vibration is then
transmitted via rolling element bearings or sleeve bearings. Transmission follows this path:
from moving to non-moving machine parts, from there to the machine base.
Parameters by which the severity of the transmitted vibrations can be measured include the
Rigidity and damping:
of the machine design
of the bearing design
of the machine base
Condition of ro lling el eme nt beari ng lubr icant
Decoupli ng the mac hi ne ba se
Ratio of machine mass to machine base mass
Fundamen tals of vibr ati on mon itori ng and di agn os tics
3.2 Measuring vibration
20 Operati ng I nst ruct i ons, 03/2016, A5E02913673F/007
Measuring vibration
Acceleration sensor
Piezoelectric sens ors
Piezoelectric sensors are used for the frequencies and frequency bands to be covered for
vibration monitoring with CMS2000. These sensor generate an analog voltage signal that
can be further processed in response to dynamic compressive and tensile forces. Static
acceleration forces, such acceleration due to gravity, are not picked up by these sensors. An
industrial standard for piezoelectric sensors is IEPE (Integrated Electronics Piezo-Electric).
The following figure shows an example of a frequency sensor with the typical frequency
Acceleration sensor
Typical frequency response
(resonance at 34 to 36 kHz)
Fundamen tals of vibr ati on mon itori ng and di agn os tics
3.2 Measuring vibration
Operating Inst ruct i ons, 03/2016, A5E02913673F/007 21
Choice of measuring point
Choosing the measuring point
Here as some basic tips on how to choose the measuring point, i.e. where the acceleration
sensor will be placed.
For an optimum measurement result, the measure-
ment axis of the sensor should be oriented in the
direction of the load if possible.
Direction of load of gear wheel
The measurement path between the machine bearing
and the measuring point should be as short and direct
as possible
The longer the signal path, the weaker vibration
signals become.
Material transitions damp and/ or refl ect the sig nal
to be measured.
Freely vibrating or elastically deformable parts of the
enclosure or cladding (e.g. fan cover) are not suitable
as measuring points.
Fan cover as measuring point
Fundamen tals of vibr ati on mon itori ng and di agn os tics
3.2 Measuring vibration
22 Operati ng I nst ruct i ons, 03/2016, A5E02913673F/007
Mounting on the object to be measured
Mounting acceleration sensors
The way the sensor is mounted will greatly influence the measurement accuracy.
A high quality of signal can only be achieved with smooth and clean mounting surfaces.
Coats of paint on mounting surfaces also impair the result.
Here are some common types of fixing or mounting acceleration sensors:
Fastening methods
Suitability / special aspects
Frequency band
Direct screw fa sten ing
with threaded bolts For flat, smooth surface Upper frequency limit
10 kHz to 20 kHz
Screw faste ning via
adapter For non-flat and/or coated
surfaces Upper frequency limit
10 kHz to 20 kHz
Adhesive bond, e.g. with
superglue or epoxy resin Depending on the tempera-
ture properties of the adhe-
sive used
Upper frequency limit
10 kHz to 18 kHz
Fastening with perma-
nent magnets For fast and flexible mount-
Suitability depends on
adhesive force, f al ls of at
higher frequencies
Upper frequency limit
typically appr ox. 5 kHz
to 15 kHz
Fundamen tals of vibr ati on mon itori ng and di agn os tics
3.2 Measuring vibration
Operating Inst ruct i ons, 03/2016, A5E02913673F/007 23
Measured variable , frequencies, and energy
Interrelationship between measured variables, frequencies, and energy
The following diagram shows how the amplitudes of the three vibration variables
(displacement, velocity, and acceleration) develop as frequency rises. The diagram provides
information about the frequencies up to which measurement and evaluation of a certain
vibration variable can provide meaningful data.
Vibration variable
Causes of vibration and measurement limits
Vibration displacement (μm) Shaft vibra tio n 1 Hz to 0.4 kHz
Vibration vel oci ty (mm /s) Enclosure vibration 2 Hz / 10 Hz to 1 kHz
Vibration acceleration (m/s2) Gearbox, structure-borne noise 2 Hz / 10 Hz to 20 kHz
Fundamen tals of vibr ati on mon itori ng and di agn os tics
3.3 Method of fault detection and diagnostics
24 Operati ng I nst ruct i ons, 03/2016, A5E02913673F/007
Method of fault detection and diagnostics
Overview of diagnostic methods
Method for condition monitoring
In machine monitoring, there are a number of different way of monitoring and diagnosing the
machine condition. Only those methods are listed below that are implemented in CMS2000.
Characterist ic value formation by vibration measurement in the time range
The condition of a machine is monitored by acquiring characteristic values with which the
general vibration condition of the machine can be assessed. The trends of these variables
indicate whether the condition is becoming worse, i.e. incipient damage.
The rms value of the vibration velocity (RMS) for monitoring the general vibration
Characteristic value formation for vibration acceleration (DKW) for rolling element bearing
Vibration diagnostics by frequency analysis
In themselves, characteristic value measurements are not enough for precise defect
location. For this purpose, the vibration pattern of the machine must be analyzed more
precisely. Most types of damage are recognizable in the spectrum by the occurrence of
typical damage frequencies or typical patterns of damage frequencies. The following spectra
can be calculated for CMS2000 and used as a basis for vibration diagnosis and vibration
Vibration velocity spectrum
Vibration acceleration spectrum
Envelope spectrum
Fundamen tals of vibr ati on mon itori ng and di agn os tics
3.3 Method of fault detection and diagnostics
Operating Inst ruct i ons, 03/2016, A5E02913673F/007 25
Types of defect and diagnostics
Diagnostics methods
Fault type
measurement in the time
range (characteristic
value method)
Frequency analys is spe ctrum
Envelope curve
Single rot. frequency fn
coupling defect RMS Single rot. frequency fn
Double rot. frequency fn
-- --
Mounting defect RMS Single rot. frequency fn
Double rot. frequency fn
Triple rot. frequency f
-- --
Blade passing fre-
RMS fSP ≤ 1 kHz fSP > 1 kHz --
Meshing defect
≤ 1 kHz
> 1 kHz
Belt defect
fR ≤ 1 kHz
fR > 1 kHz
Resonance RMS Resonance frequency = rot.
frequency f
-- --
Bearing wear DKW -- 3 kHz ≤ fLE
10 kHz
Bearing damage
frequencies DKW -- -- Geometry-
dependent for:
Outer race, inner
race, cage and
rolling element
stator fault
RMS Double line frequency fline -- --
rotor faults RMS fbar ≤ 1 kHz fbar > 1 kHz --
RMS Double line frequency fline
Modulation with slip frequency
-- --
Fundamen tals of vibr ati on mon itori ng and di agn os tics
3.4 Vibration diagnostics by characteristic value formation in the time range
26 Operati ng I nst ruct i ons, 03/2016, A5E02913673F/007
Vibration diagnostics by characteristic value formation in the time
Applications of vibration measurement in the time range
Wide-band vibration measurement in the time range provides information about the overall
condition of a machine and the effectiveness of measures taken to suppress vibration.
The development of the machine condition can be checked by comparing up-to-date
measurements with previous vibration levels or by comparing with published guidance
values or manufacturers' data. With this trend analysis, worsening conditions can be
detected in good time and appropriate measures planned and implemented.
Detailed fault diagnostics is not possible or only possib
le to a limited degree for wide-band
vibration measurement based on characteristic values.
Characterist ics of vibration measurements in the time range
The measurement methods and assessment of wide-band vibration measurements are
defined and standardized in national and international guidelines and standards.
The values of rms vibration velocity are measured and calculated over a defined
frequency band.
The range includes the frequencies 2 Hz or 10 Hz to 1000 Hz.
Depending on the speed, the measuring range starts either at 2 Hz (speeds from 120 to
600 rpm) or at 10 Hz (speeds greater than or equal to 600 rpm) according to the DIN ISO
10816 standard.
Fundamen tals of vibr ati on mon itori ng and di agn os tics
3.4 Vibration diagnostics by characteristic value formation in the time range
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Standards and guidelines
Standards and guidelines
The following standards and guidelines are applicable to machine monitoring using wide-
band characteristics:
ISO 10816 Vibration measurement, evaluation at site of installa-
Characteristic value: RMS (root mean square)
vi bration v elocity.
EN 60034-14 Vibration measurement, acceptance measurements
at the factory
VDI 3832 Rolling element bearing condition, various proce-
SIPLUS CMS2000 uses the DKW diagnostic charac-
teristic value based on the K(t) method
Fundamen tals of vibr ati on mon itori ng and di agn os tics
3.4 Vibration diagnostics by characteristic value formation in the time range
28 Operati ng I nst ruct i ons, 03/2016, A5E02913673F/007
ISO 10816
This standard provides general instructions for measuring and evaluation the mechanical
vibrations of machines when these are measured on non-rotating parts of the machine.
Title of standard: Mechanical vibration - Eval uat ion of mac hi ne vibr ati on by meas ur eme nts
on non-rotating parts
The following parts of the standard are relevant for vibration monitoring CMS2000:
Part 3: Industrial machines with nominal power above 15 kW and nominal speeds
between 120 rpm and 15 000 rpm when measured in situ (ISO 10816-3:2009)
Part 7: Rotodynamic pumps for industrial applications, including measurements on
rotating shafts (ISO 10816-7:2009).
Measuring points
The measurements are taken at the instal-
lation site of the machine. The standard
provides information about the choice of
suitable measuring points for the vibration
Fundamen tals of vibr ati on mon itori ng and di agn os tics
3.4 Vibration diagnostics by characteristic value formation in the time range
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Classification of the vibration severity according to ISO 10816-3
The standard classifies the vibration severity. The classification is based on the machine
type, nominal power or shaft height, elasticity of the machine base.
Criterion 1 for assessing machine vibration
Criterion 1 considers the magnitude of the vibration. The vibration is assessed against
defined evaluation zones.
Evaluation zone
Newly commissioned machine. None
The vibration values are in
the permissible range
Unrestricted long-term operation.
The vibration values are in
the permissible range
Only limited-perio d operat ion p er m issible . The cause of the vibration
must be investigated. Shut-
down should be planned to
enable remedial act ion t o be
The vibration values are of sufficiently severity
to cause damage to the machine. Immediate action is required
to locate and remedy the
cause of vibrations.
Fundamentals of vibration mon itor i ng and diagn os tic s
3.4 Vibration diagnostics by characteristic value formation in the time range
30 Operati ng I nst ruct i ons, 03/2016, A5E02913673F/007
Criterion 2 for assessing machine vibr at ion
Criterion 2 looks at the change in the magnitude of the vibration. This criterion provides ways
of assessing the change in the magnitude of the vibration as compared with a previously
defined reference values and can be used as a basis for trend analys es .
One requirement of the standard in respect of criterion 2 is "that the vibration measurements
to be compared are performed at the same measuring point and in the same direction of
measurement and in approximately the same steady-state oper at in g conditions.
Considerable deviations from the usual vibration values irrespective of the vibration
magnitude should be investigated to avoid hazardous conditions."
Guideline VDI 3832
The VDI 3832 guideline provides information and recommendations on performing and
evaluating the measurement of structure-borne sound of rolling element bearings in
machines and plants for evaluation of state condition.
Characteristic values for condition assessment
The VDI 3832 guideline looks as both characteristic values capable of broadband diagnosis
and (frequency-selective) characteristic values capable of narrowband diagnosis.
The characteristic values considered in the guideline include:
RMS value
K(t) value (DKW is used with CMS2000. DKW is the reciprocal value of K(t))
Envelope spectrum
Fundamen tals of vibr ati on mon itori ng and di agn os tics
3.4 Vibration diagnostics by characteristic value formation in the time range
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Monitoring measured variable trends
Trend monitoring
The following diagram shows a typical trend curve obtained by measurement or calculation
of characteristic values. Signs of an incipient fault are usually detectible long before failure,
e.g. because the vibration value increases.
Image 3-1 Characteristic value trend
Explanations of the diagram
The characteristic values are initially somewhat higher during the start-up phase of a new
machine. The characteristics variables then decline to the values that represent the fault-
free condition of the machine.
The maintenance strategy may be periodic servicing, for example. By regular condition
monitoring, developing damage can be detected as it occurs.
The characteristic value has exceeded a warning limit. Repair is necessary. However, the
machine can still be used. Further measurements show a steep increase in the character-
istic values. It is possible to extrapolate from the trend when major damage resulting in
failure would occur.
The defined alarm limit is exceeded. The machine is now repaired. Measurements of the
character ist ic values again indicate the faul t -free co ndition of the machine.
Fundamen tals of vibr ati on mon itori ng and di agn os tics
3.4 Vibration diagnostics by characteristic value formation in the time range
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Evaluation of the machine condition via the vibration severity (RMS)
Description of the diagnostic method (RMS)
Characterist ics of CMS2000
Characterist ic valu e
Frequency band
RMS (Root Mean Square)
2 / 10 Hz to 1 kHz
Machine vibration
In the vibration frequency band 2 Hz / 10 Hz to 1 kHz, the rms value of the vibration velocity
is the most meaningful analysis value. Typical excitation of machine vibrations at the
frequency of rotation is in this frequency band.
Evaluation via the rms value of the vibration velocity is standardized and has also been
included in the standardization (DIN ISO 10816; Mechanical vibration - Evaluation of
machine vibration by measurements on non-rotating parts) .
Calculating / determining the RMS
The rms value of the vibration velocity is a wide-band vibration value. It is calculated as the
arithmetic mean of all vibration events within a defined frequency band (e.g. 10 Hz to 1 kHz
for the rms vibration velocity according to ISO 10816).
Fundamen tals of vibr ati on mon itori ng and di agn os tics
3.4 Vibration diagnostics by characteristic value formation in the time range
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Application example machine analysis: Unbalance (RMS)
Application example
Machine vibration is frequently caused by misalignment, unbalance or frames mounted
under stress.
Image 3-2 Example of RMS
Measuring method according to ISO 10816
(see Section ISO10816 (Page 28))
Fundamen tals of vibr ati on mon itori ng and di agn os tics
3.4 Vibration diagnostics by characteristic value formation in the time range
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Characteristic value formation via vibration acceleration (DKW)
Description of the diagnostic method (DKW)
Characterist ics of diagnostics character istic value (DKW) for CMS2000
Characterist ic valu e
Frequency band
DKW (diagnostic characteristic
> 1 kHz Rolling element bearing condi-
Formation of the characteristic value via the diagnostic characteristic value DKW enables
qualitative diagnostics of the overall condition of the rolling element bearing without
expert know-how.
For calculation of the DKW value, the measured rms values and peak values of the
vibration acceleration in the initial condition (fault-free condition) of the bearing are related
to those of the current condition.
The diagnostic characteristic value DKW exhibits a high correlation with the damage
condition of rolling element bearings and is therefore very meaningful.
Fundamentals of vibrati on mon itori ng and di agn os tics
3.4 Vibration diagnostics by characteristic value formation in the time range
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Operating principle of DKW monitoring
Calculation of the DKW value
The diagnostic characteristic value (DKW) is calculated by following formula:
Current peak value for vibration acceleration
Current RMS value for vibration acceleration
Initial peak value for vibration acceleration
Initial RMS value for vibration acceleration
The DKW is the reciprocal value of the diagnostic characteristic value K(t) according to VDI
According to the K(t) method, the characteristic value would reduce as the dam
increases. For the purposes of clarity, SIPLUS CMS2000 therefore generates the reciprocal
of K(t).
Information on parameterization in CMS2000
The term amax(0) * aRMS(0) represents the reference value for the DKW calculation. This
reference value can be parameterized independently of the speed in CMS2000.
If the reference value is parameterized correctly, the DKW is typically close to 1 and
increases as the vibration values increase.
Fundamen tals of vibr ati on mon itori ng and di agn os tics
3.4 Vibration diagnostics by characteristic value formation in the time range
36 Operati ng I nst ruct i ons, 03/2016, A5E02913673F/007
Application example: Rolling element bearing damage (DKW)
Application example damaged rolling element bearing
The following example shows application of the DKW characteristic value to determine the
condition of the rolling element bearing.
Image 3-3 Example of a DKW characteristic value
The DKW is in itself not sufficient to examine and determine the cause of damage precisely.
Further analysis methods are used such as envelope curve analysis (see Section Envelope
spectrum (Page 42))
Fundamentals of vibration mon itor ing and di agn os tic s
3.5 Vibration diagnostics by frequency analysis
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Vibration diagnostics by frequency analysis
The vibration diagnostics in the time range reaches its limits when it comes to examining the
causes of wear more precisely. Frequency analysis is used as the diagnostic method for
more detailed examination of vibrations.
It is the basis for diagnostic vibration measurement:
1. Analyze vibration signals
2. Locate the cause
3. Define remedial action
Frequency analysis
The principle of frequency analysis is to convert a signal from the time band into the
frequency band by means of spectral analysis. One common mathematical method is the
fast Fou rier transform (FFT).
Time signal
Frequency spectrum
Fundamen tals of vibr ati on mon itori ng and di agn os tics
3.5 Vibration diagnostics by frequency analysis
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Vibration velocity spectrum
Description of the diagnostic method
Characterist ics of CMS2000
Frequency band
Vibration vel oci ty 2 Hz to 1 kHz
2 Hz to 2 kHz
0.2 Hz
0.4 Hz
Any combination of speed-dependent and speed-
independent monitoring functions.
Depending on the current velocity or the monitoring to be conducted, CMS2000
automatically uses the appropriate frequency range.
Vibration velocity spectrum
The following figures shows the frequency band of the spectrum for the vibration velocity 2
Hz to 1 kHz and several examples of errors with their characteristic frequencies, which can
be detected and revealed in this spectrum.
Image 3-4 Overall spectrum of vibration velocity
Fundamen tals of vibr ati on mon itori ng and di agn os tics
3.5 Vibration diagnostics by frequency analysis
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Application example: Unbalance
Example of unbalance
In the case of unbalance, the amplitude of the rotational frequency is very pronounced in
both the horizontal and vertical directions of measurement.
Image 3-5 Example of a spectrum of vibration velocity (unbalance)
Fundamen tals of vibr ati on mon itori ng and di agn os tics
3.5 Vibration diagnostics by frequency analysis
40 Operati ng I nst ruct i ons, 03/2016, A5E02913673F/007
Vibrati on acc eler at ion s pect rum
Description of the diagnostic method
Characterist ics of CMS2000
Frequency band
Vibration acceleration 2 Hz to 10 kHz 2.8 Hz Any combination of speed-dependent and
speed-independent monitoring functions.
Vibration acceler ation spectrum
The following figures shows the frequency band of the spectrum for the vibration
acceleration 2 Hz to 10 kHz and several examples of errors with their characteristic
frequencies, which can be detected and revealed in this spectrum.
Image 3-6 Overall spectrum of vibration acceleration
Fundamen tals of vibr ati on mon itori ng and di agn os tics
3.5 Vibration diagnostics by frequency analysis
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Application example (rotor field fault)
Example rotor field fault
The causes of a defective rotor can be, for example, a broken or loose bar. Such faults can
be detected by:
Bar passing frequency with sidebands of twice the line frequency
Twice the line frequency with sidebands of the slip frequency
Image 3-7 Example: Spectrum of the vibration acceleration (rotor field fault)
Fundamen tals of vibr ati on mon itori ng and di agn os tics
3.5 Vibration diagnostics by frequency analysis
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Envelope spectrum
Description of the diagnostic method (envelope curve)
Characterist ics of CMS2000
Frequency band
Envelope cur ve
analysis 2 Hz to 1 kHz
2 Hz to 2 kHz
2 Hz to 5 kHz
2 Hz to 10 kHz
0.2 Hz
0.4 Hz
1.0 Hz
1.4 Hz
Bearing damage frequencies and other
speed-dependent monitoring functions
Depending on the current velocity or the monitoring to be conducted, CMS2000
automatically uses the most appropriate frequency range.
Method for envelope curve analysis
Filtered time signal of the vibration acceleration for analyz-
ing roller bearing damage. For constant amplitude, the
envelope for this time signal is an almost horizontal
straight line .
When a defect is rolled over, however, pulses occur peri-
odically that overlay the machine vibrations, i.e. the hori-
zontal straight line descr ibed above as the envelo pe curv e
is interrupted periodically or overlaid by these pulses.
The resulting envel ope cur ve only contai ns inform at ion
about defects. The smallest defects are therefore visible,
regardless of the much more energy-rich machine vibr a-
tions that do not modulate the vibration signal in the fre-
quency bands under con si der at ion .
The envelope curve forms in the middle of the rectified
carrier signal.
The defect frequencies become apparent when the time
signal is converte d to a freque ncy signal .
Fundamen tals of vibr ati on mon itori ng and di agn os tics
3.5 Vibration diagnostics by frequency analysis
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Application example bearing analysis: Rolling element bearing dam age (envelope
Example rolling element bearing damage
Damage frequently develops in the raceway of the outer race. Such damage can normally be
detected using envelope curve analysis several months before a critical condition develops.
The following example shows the envelope curve spectrum of the vibration acceleration.
Damage frequency of the outer race: 125 Hz
Image 3-8 Example of envelope curve an aly sis
Fundamen tals of vibr ati on mon itori ng and di agn os tics
3.5 Vibration diagnostics by frequency analysis
44 Operati ng I nst ruct i ons, 03/2016, A5E02913673F/007
Method of operation for spectrum monitoring
Combining different monitoring methods (speed-dependent / speed-independent) on one
spectrum results in a single "limit band" for warning and alarm. The amplitude values of the
spectrum are tested continuously against the limit band.
Image 3-9 Spectrum limit band
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System overview
SIPLUS CMS2000 is part o f the SIPLU S CMS produc t fami ly. Alo ngs i de the SIP L US
CMS1000 and SIPLUS CMS4000 systems, SIPLUS CMS2000 covers the middle operating
With the SIPLUS CMS2000 Condition Monitoring System, you can continuously monitor the
condition of components subject to wear (such as motors, bearings) and critical machine
SIPLUS CMS2000 is a compact condition monitoring system that can be operated as a
stand-alone, or linked to a remote service center (LAN interface). The device provides a
system interface for connecting expansion modules.
From firmware version V3.0, CMS2000 can be used either as a stand-alone monitoring
system, or as a data supplier for the CMS X-Tools ana lysis software, or as a combination of
the two. CMS X-Tools, Version 04.02 and higher, is required for using the X-Tools interface.
Other features
Acquisiti on and ev aluation of analog and digit al signa l s
Problem-free integration into new and existing machines
Easy, reliable connection of a wide range of different signal sources
High sampling rates
Synchronous data recording
Flexible definition of diagnostic tasks
Parameterization and visualization via Web interface, no addition operating software
X-Tools interface for online transfer (data streaming) of detected vibration data and other
data enables more advanced analyses in X-Tools, such as gearbox diagnostics.
System overview
4.2 System configuration
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System configuration
The SIPLUS CMS2000 Condition Monitoring System may consist of the following
components , dep end in g on the expans ion lev e l
Basic unit VIB
Max. 2 temperature modules (optional)
Max. 2 expans ion modul es VIB-MUX (optional)
System configuration CMS2000 Basic Unit VIB with two temperature modules
In this system configuration, up to two IEPE acceleration sensor can be operated on the
Basic Unit VIB. The following figure shows an expansion level with a Basic Unit VIB and two
temperatur e mo dul es. The ac celer ation sensor is directly connected to an IEPE input of the
Basic Unit VIB. Up to two IEPE sensors can be used simultaneously on one Basic Unit VIB.
Image 4-1 System configuration
System overview
4.2 System configuration
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System configuration CMS2000 maximum configuration
In the maximum configuration of the CMS2000, up to two VIB-MUX and two temperature
modules can be operated on one Basic Unit VIB. Each VIB-MUX provides 8 IEPE inputs,
which are switched to one IEPE input of the Basic Unit VIB sequentially by multiplexing. Up
to 16 IEPE sensors can be operated in the maximum configuration.
Image 4-2 System configuration CMS2000 maximum configuration
System overview
4.3 Integra t ion into system environments / networks
48 Operati ng I nst ruct i ons, 03/2016, A5E02913673F/007
Integration into system environments / networks
An Ether net interface is available for integrating the device into system
Image 4-3 Integration into system environments
Application options
Parameterize, diagnose, visualize with Web browser
For detailed diagnostics, analyze recorded data with CMS X-Tools (offline analysis)
For detailed diagnostics, transfer raw data continuously to CMS X-To ols , and an al yz e it
there (online analysis on the basis of data streaming)
Send Ethernet telegrams with measured value and status information cyclically, e.g., to a
SIMATIC controller
System overview
4.4 Order ing dat a
Operating Inst ruct i ons, 03/2016, A5E02913673F/007 49
Event-triggered notification to the Service Center via e-mail
Archive device configuration and monitoring results
Ordering data
Order No.
SIPLUS CMS2000 Basic Unit VIB
Basic device
SIPLUS CMS2000 VIB-MUX 6AT8002-2AA00 Expansion module for connecting up
to eight IEPE sensors
Temperature module 3UF7700-1AA00-0 3 inputs for connecting up to 3 tem-
perature sensors (e.g. PT100,
Order No.
Connecting cable for the conn ecti on
of expansion modules via the sys-
tem interface
3UF7930-0AA00-0 For connecting VIB-MUX expansion
modules and temperature modules
For reasons of electromagnetic com-
patibilit y, thi s conne cti ng cab le (2.5
cm in length) must be used.
SIPLUS CMS2000 CABLE-MIL-300 6AT8002-4AC03 Connecting cable for connecting VIB
sensors to MIL plugs; length = 3 m
6AT8002-4AC10 Connecting cable for connecting VIB
sensors to MIL plugs; length = 10 m
6AT8002-4AB00 Vibration sensor (IEPE)
SIPLUS CMS2000 shield support
EDITION V 04.03 9AE4160-1AC00 Engineering software for recording,
evaluating, sim ul ating, visualiz ing
and saving field and proce ss d ata.
System overview
4.5 Basic Unit VIB
50 Operati ng I nst ruct i ons, 03/2016, A5E02913673F/007
Basic Unit VIB
Structure of Basic Unit VIB
Basic Unit VIB overview
Connection block D
Connection block C
LED operating display
Pushbutton: (Acknowledge / Reset)
Connection block B
Connection block A
Functional grounding connection (optional)
System interface for connecting expansion modules
Ethernet interface
System overview
4.5 Basic Unit VIB
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Features and functions
Integra ted dia gno sti cs software
2 IEPE interfaces for vibration sensors
2 analog inputs
1 speed input
Ethernet interface
2 digital inputs,
3 digital outputs
System interface for connecting expansion modules
Assembly system: DIN rail mounting:
Characteristic values (bearing, vibration monitoring)
Frequency-selective analysis using FFT, H-FFT
Speed measurement
Trend analys is
Limit monitoring of frequency bands, process variables, tem-
Recording with time stamp of trend values, raw data, fre-
quency spectra, mess age log
Simple localization of damage using fingerprint comparison
Output of system and status messages
Export of raw data for further diagnostics (offline and online)
Web server and e-mail notification
Time synchronization via LAN
Diagnosti cs su ppre ssi on via in hibit input
System overview
4.5 Basic Unit VIB
52 Operati ng I nst ruct i ons, 03/2016, A5E02913673F/007
Operator control and display elements (VIB)
These LEDs provide information about the current status of the devices
and about the monitored subsystems.
For a detailed description of the LED displays, see Section LED status
indicator on the Basic Unit VIB (Page 217).
Pushbutton functions
Acknowledgm ent of mes-
A single short press of the pushbutton
acknowledges all pending messages that
require acknowledgment.
Resetting the device
Press and hold down the pushbutton for
approximately 10 seconds. The "READY"
LED flashes to indicate a successful reset
and the start of a hot restart.
System overview
4.6 VIB-MUX expansion module
Operating Inst ruct i ons, 03/2016, A5E02913673F/007 53
VIB-MUX expans ion module
Configuration of the VIB-MUX expansion module
Connection block D
Connection block C
System interface (basic unit or VIB-MUX1)
LED operating display
Connection block B
Connection block A
System interface (VIB-MUX 2 or temperature
Overview of functions
The expansion module VIB-MUX connects 8 IEPE input channels to one output channel
sequentially by multiplexing. The device is controlled via the system interface of the
CMS2000 Basic Unit. The signals are evaluated and diagnosed only via the CMS2000 Basic
Unit VIB.
System overview
4.6 VIB-MUX expansion module
54 Operati ng I nst ruct i ons, 03/2016, A5E02913673F/007
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Operating modes
The SIPLUS CMS2000 condition monitoring system can assume different operating modes
during operation. To clarify the various functions of the CMS2000, the operating modes will
be briefly expl ained at this poi nt.
You can see from the figure below what modes the system can assume and the events that
initiate a change in status.
Image 5-1 Operating modes
After switching on, the device is in "Startup" mode. Non-recurrent initial settings are made in
this state. Steps are subsequently performed that prepare the device for operation. If an
error occurs at this point, the system will switch to "ERROR - System not ready" mode (see
Section "ERROR - Syste m not ready " mod e (Page 228)).
5.1 Operating modes
56 Operati ng I nst ruct i ons, 03/2016, A5E02913673F/007
STOP - System ready
When all initialization and preparation steps have been successfully completed, "STOP -
System ready" mode is entered. The device is now ready for operation, but not yet in an
active operating mode. That is, no acquisition or monitoring of process measured variables is
performed. You can perform the following actions in "STOP - System ready" mode :
Change the hardware configuration and parameters for diagnostics mode
Switch to one of the active operating modes
Erase, back-up and restore data
Restart the device
Reset the device to default settings
Administrative tasks
You have to actively control the changeover from STOP to an active operating mode and
back by means of an explicit request via the web site.
After rebooting, the d
evice switches automatically to RUN if it was in RUN before the
restart. The monitoring function of the device is therefore always maintained, even after
an unintentional restart (e.g. power off/on).
Please note that when a device is restarted via the website, it will not automatically switch
to RUN, because it was in STOP beforehand.
In RUN measuring mode, the SIPLUS CMS2000 functions as a pure measuring instrument.
The measured variables of the configured channels are acquired and displayed. The process
data are recorded, but no monitoring is performed. Measuring mode is used for test
purposes and supports commissioning procedures.
In measurement mode, reference values for monitoring the RMS and DKW characteristic
values are acquired and updated on the vibration channels. These teach values are used as
guidance values for the user for determining the RMS limits of the speed-dependent DKW
reference values.
In measuring mode, the user can also create fingerprints, record raw data, and transfer raw
data to X-Tools usin g data s treami ng.
5.1 Oper ati ng mod es
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In RUN-Monitoring mode, the device is actually performing monitoring, i.e. all the diagnostic
tasks created by the user will be processed. The device acquires the measured values of the
configured channels, evaluates them, records process data and triggers responses in the
case of limit violations. The X-Tools interface can also be used in RUN-Monitoring mode.
RUN-Monitoring inhibit ed
All diagnostic procedures can be suppressed with one specific digital input ("Inhibit"). If a
high-level is detected at the inhibit-input in the RUNmonitoring status, the "RUN-Monitoring
deactivated" mode
is entered immediately. The switch back to RUN monitoring is triggered
by a low level on the "Inhibit" input.
In "RUN-Monitoring inhibited" mode, all the values are continuously acquired or calculated
and displayed on the " Actual values (Page 128)" page. Monitoring, however, is no longer
performed (the values are highlighted in blue, see also Section Actual values (Page 128)).
Queuing messages concerning threshold violations are canceled. If limits are violated in
"RUN-Monitori ng inh ib ite d" operat in g mode, no mes s a ges will be gen erat e d. If "RUN -
Monitori ng inhib ite d" mo nit oring mo de is exited, mon it or ing is resum ed and li mi t violati ons
will result in messages again (i.e. they will come and go in accordance with the monitored
variables and their limits).
"RUN-Monitoring inhibited" allows temporary interruption of the CMS2000 monitoring
function. It can be used to exclude transitory states (e.g. start-up or coast-down of a
machine) of the monitored object from the CMS2000 monitoring. This feature can be used to
avoid unwanted messages from CMS2000 due to transitory states of the monitored object.
Example: When a machine is started up alongside the monitored equipment, the measured
vibration signal is affected. To prevent unwanted messages, the Basic Unit can be switched
to "RUN-Monitoring inhibited" during start-up.
Data transfer to X-Tools is not affected by the inhibit input.
5.1 Oper ati ng mod es
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Changeover to the "Shutdown"
operating mode and therefore shutdown of the device is
performed when:
The "Restart basic unit" function is called via the user interface (web page; see Section
General (Page 178))
The "Reset to factory settings" function is called (see Section Cleanup (Page 192))
The device remains in "Shutdown" operating mode for approx. 5 s, allowing all active
operations to be completed.
This is always followed by a warm restart of the system.
Changing operating modes
You can change the operating states using buttons on the web pages (see Section Changing
operating mode (Page 122)):
Switch from the "ST OP - System ready" operating mode to an active operating mode
("RUN-Monitoring" or "RUN-Measuring")
Switch from an active operating state back to "STOP System ready"
5.2 Measur i ng mod e
Operating Inst ruct i ons, 03/2016, A5E02913673F/007 59
Measuring mode
Overview of the method of operation
Measurement mode is for test purposes and to support commissioning, in particular, to
define the limits to be monitored.
In measurement mode, measured variables chosen by the user are measured, calculated
and displayed as trend curves on selected channels. The measured variables are not
measured during measurement mode.
Teach values are determined and updated for RMS and DKW values. These teach values
can be used as reference values for the fault-free condition of the machine.
Spectra can be stored as fingerprints and are thus a record of the fault-free condition of the
For subsequent analysis and evaluation, current raw data can also be stored by the user
(see Section "Recording raw data (Page 76)."
In measurement mode, it is possible to modify and visualize monitoring parameters.
The following figure shows some essential functions of CMS2000 measurement mode.
5.2 Measur i ng mod e
60 Operati ng I nst ruct i ons, 03/2016, A5E02913673F/007
Image 5-2 Measurement mode method of operation
Measurement mode with activated X-Tools interface
If the X-Tools interface is activated, measurement mode is also useful in continuous
operation. The CMS2000 is then used as a data supplier for X-Tools without performing its
own monitoring.
In measurement mode, the maximum number of VIB channels is permanently set (see
Changing operating mode (Page 122)). Calculation of the characteristic values RMS / DKW
and the spectra is optional. With this, X-Tools can access all configured channels in
measurement mode, and their calculated characteristic values, if applicable.
5.3 Mon itori ng mod e
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Monitoring mode
Monitoring: Overview of the method of operation
Overview of the method of operation
In monitoring mode, all measured variables to be monitored are constantly measured,
calculated and monitored for parameterized limits. If limits are violated, relevan t mes s ages
are output and the parameterized responses, e.g. controlling digital outputs or LEDs.
The characteristic values RMS and DKW are calculated for configured vibration channels if
the limit values for the characteristic value are defined.
Spectra are monitored using parameterized operation states. An operation state is
characterized by a certain speed range. A spectrum is calculated and monitored if the
current speed is within an operation state and limits have been defined for the spectrum for
this operation state.
The measured variables are recorded in a trend curve.
Frequency bands and speed ranges
CMS2000 supports the following speed ranges and frequency bands for the monitoring
Monitoring method
Frequency band
Speed range
2 / 10 Hz to 1000 Hz
120 rpm to 24000 rpm
DKW > 1 kHz
Velocity spectrum
2 Hz to 1 / 2 kHz
Accelerat ion spe ctrum 2 Hz to 10 kHz
Envelope spectr um
2 Hz to 1 / 2 / 5 / 10 kHz
The following figures shows some essential functions of CMS2000 monitoring operation.
5.3 Mon itori ng mod e
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Image 5-3 Monitoring mode
Monitoring mode with activated X-Tools interface
Data is streamed to X-Tools when the X-Tools interface is active at the same time as
monitori ng mod e (see Secti on Operation with activated X-Tools interface (Page 83)).
5.3 Mon itori ng mod e
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Vibration/bearing monitoring (characteristic values DKW/RMS)
Limit monitoring
To monitor RMS/DKW characteristic values, limits can be activated and the associated limit
and hysteresis values defined.
It is also possible to parameterize whether warnings/alarms have to be acknowledged and
what the response will be to a limit violation.
RMS mon itoring
The characteristic values are calculated based on the rms value of the vibration velocity.
Selection of limits in accordance with ISO 10816-3 and ISO 10816-7 is supported. See
Section ISO10816 (Page 28).
DKW monitoring
The user parameterizes speed-dependent DKW reference values as a basis for calculating
DKW characteristic values. For precise information on calculating the DKW diagnostic
characteristic values, see Section Characteristic value formation via vibration acceleration
(DKW) (Page 34).
The reference values that can be used for DKW calculation are the teaching values
determined in the measuring mode.
Cyclic monitoring
RMS and DKW are monitored cyclically. Three RMS values calculated consecutively must
violate the specified limits before a monitoring response is triggered. Similarly, three
consecutive limit undershoots must occur (including the absolute value hysteresis), before
the warning or alarm is canceled again.
If the speed is not stable enough (deviation greater than ±5% of the average value), the
character istic va lue will not be moni tor ed .
5.3 Mon itori ng mod e
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Frequency-selective monitoring (spectrum velocity/acceleration)
Monitoring of spectra (velocity, accelerat ion)
The following methods can be combined to monitor the acceleration spectrum or velocity
Speed-independent peak monitoring of individual frequencies. For positioning in the
spectrum, a factor is stated that is multiplied by the single rotational frequency.
For the monitored frequency, a frequency tolerance band for monitoring can be set. It
states the band around a certain frequency in the spectrum that will be monitored for
Speed-independent peak monitoring of absolute frequency bands (e.g. 100 to 500 Hz)
"Mask limits" for monitoring the rest of the spectrum (that is, only for the frequencies that
are not monitored by one of the above methods)
Warning and alarm limits can be entered for the stated methods.
Where methods overlap, certain priority rules apply:
Speed-independent monitoring functions interrupt the mask frequency band
Speed-dependent monitoring functions interrupt speed-independent monitoring functions
and the mask frequency band
Three consecutive limit violations must occur before a warning or alarm is triggered.
Similarly, three consecutive limit undershoots must occur (including the absolute value
hysteresis), before the warning or alarm is canceled again.
The analysis works speed-dependently, so while the relevant spectra are being determined,
the minimum, maximum and average values of the speed are recorded. If the speed is not
stable enough (deviation greater than ±3 % of the average value) or outside the operation
state, the relevant analysis will not be monitored.
5.3 Mon itori ng mod e
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Monitoring of envelope spectrum (roller bearing analysis)
Monitoring of the envelope spectrum (bearing analysis)
In bearing analysis, the spectrum of the envelope curve is monitored via the vibration
acceleration. The following methods can be combined:
Speed-dependent peak monitoring of individual frequencies with settable frequency
tolerance for monitoring
The fault frequencies are determined from the bearing data entered.
"Mask limits" for monitoring the rest of the spectrum (that is, only for the frequencies that
are not yet monitored by the above method)
Where different methods overlap, the priority rule is:
Speed-dependent monitoring functions interrupt the mask frequency band
Warning and alarm limits can be entered for the stated methods.
The limit bands comprise warning and alarm limits for four types of damage:
Outer race defect
Inner race defect
Ball damage
Cage damag e
These limits can be specified for up to five orders of magnitude (multiples of the respective
fault frequencies).
Moreover, speed-dependent monitoring functions can be configured for any frequencies
irrespective of the fault frequencies.
Operating principle of the bearing analysis
The four bearing components, outer race, inner race, ball, and cage, have different fault
frequencies which are determined by the bearing geometry and speed. The fault frequency
of each bearing component multiplied by the specified order gives the frequency to be
monitored in the envelope spectrum in each case.
The frequency band considered for limit comparison around the determined frequencies can
be set (typically ±0.3 Hz).
Three consecutive limit violations must occur before a warning or alarm is triggered.
Similarly, three consecutive limit undershoots must occur (including the absolute value
hysteresis), before the warning or alarm is canceled again.
5.3 Mon itori ng mod e
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Temperature monitoring
The measurement of temperatures on bearings and windings can provide valuable
informat ion abo ut inci pie nt dama ge or overl oad. Temperature incr eas es occ ur, e.g. because
of lack of lubricant. The consequences are dry running and wear.
On the VIB basic device, up to two temperature modules can be operated with 3 temperature
sensors each.
You define the number of temperature modules installed, configure the number of measuring
channels and define the sensor type on the "Hardware configuration (Page 199)" web page.
The values for the warning and alarm limits, as well as the required responses to limit
violations are defined on the "Temperatures (Page 175)" web page.
Analog channels
The Basic Unit VIB has two analog inputs AI1 and AI2. At one analog input, a sensor with a
current output (±4 to ±20 mA) or a sensor with a voltage output (-10 to +10 V) can be
On the "Hardware configuration (Page 199)" web page, you can configure the analog inputs:
Sensor type (current/voltage) and scaling of the measuring range
The analog inputs can also be used for s p eed ac qu isiti on (Page 69).
5.3 Mon itori ng mod e
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Absolute and cyclic hysteresis
Hysteresis is used to reduce the number of alarms generated, especially when measured
values fluctuate around parameterized limits.
For monitoring spectra, a hysteresis can be specified for each limit band.
With spectra, the hysteresis can be stated as an absolute value or as a percentage, that is,
relative to the limi t.
The hysteresis is always specified as an absolute value for all other monitored measured
Working principle of hysteresis
This hysteresi s is a single-sided absolute valu e
hysteresis that is only considered when the moni-
tored value falls below the limit.
The monitored value and the limit are directly
compared to detect a violation .
If a limit violation occurs, and the monitored value
falls below the limit again, the value must fall
below the limit minus the hysteresis before the
limit violation can be canceled .
Cyclic hysteresis
When monitoring RMS, DKW, and spectra, three consecutive limit violations must have
occurred before a warning or an alarm is triggered. Similarly, three consecutive limit
undershoots must occur (including the absolute value hysteresis), before the warning or
alarm is canceled again.
5.3 Mon itori ng mod e
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Operation states
Operation states
Spectra are monitored depending on so-called operation states (for parameterization, see
"Operation states (Page 144)"). You define operation states for measured speeds by
specifying the speed ranges. Up to three speeds can be measured (SPEED 1 / 2 / 3, see
Hardware configuration (Page 199)). You can set up a maximum of five operation states per
SPEED channel. The speed ranges within a SPEED channel must not overlap.
Operation stat e
Speed range
Idle speed
Normal operation 400-600
Full load
The limits for the above-mentioned monitoring functions are defined for each operation state.
In spectrum monitoring, the relevant operation state is first determined before the
corresponding limits are applied. If none of the defined operation states is currently available,
no monitoring takes place for this.
The current operation state is displayed on the Web site "Actual values (Page 128)".
5.4 Speed acquisition/monitoring
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Speed acquisition/monitoring
CMS2000 provides the following ways of acquiring speed and monitoring speed:
Permanently set constant speed
Measurement through digital input: The Basic Unit VIB has a digital input for connecting a
digital pulse encoder (BERO) The device expects one pulse per rotation here.
Measurement through analog input: The Basic Unit VIB provides two analog inputs. You
can connect one speed sensor here that supplies a speed-proportional output signal in
the range ±4 mA to ±20 mA (current) or -10 V to +10 V (volt age).
CMS2000 enables monitoring of a complete drive train including gearing. The transmission
ratio for the measured speed is entered for each vibration channel.
From firmware version V3.0 and higher, an individual speed source can be assigned to each
vibration channel (see the chapter Hardware configuration (Page 199)).
You define the values for the warning and alarm limits and the corresponding responses
when limits are violated, on the "Speeds (Page 171)" web page.
5.5 Message system
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Message system
The message system of the CMS2000 enables display and logging of events that occur in
the system/device or in the process. There are the following types of message:
Process messages (alarms, warnings)
System messages (alarms, warnings, information)
No alarms or warnings are pending in normal operation of the CMS2000.
Process messages
Process messages are triggered when limits of IEPE channels, speed, analog, and
temperature channels are violated.
Example of a process message:
For the warning limit and alarm limit of a channel, you can configure whether the message
output on violation of the limit has to be ack nowl edg e d.
System messages
System messages are triggered by internal conditions or by faults in the system/device.
Example of a system message:
It is possible to configure whether system messages have to be acknowledged by the user
(see Section "Administration > General (Page 178)")
5.5 Message system
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Message status
Messages can have different message statuses. Here is an overview of some essential
message statuses:
Message status
Incoming (active)
Example: A warning limit has been exceeded.
Outgoing (inactive) Example: A previously overshot warning limit has been undershot
A message can also be set to the "outgoing" status automatically by
the system (e.g. on entering stop mode).
Acknowledged By acknowledging a message, the user confirms that he or she is
aware of the condition that triggered the message.
Acknowledgment is possible both for "incoming" and for "outgoing"
A message can also be acknowledged automatically by the system.
Acknowledging messages
Messages can be acknowledged in one of the following ways:
Acknowledgment by the user on the "Pending messages (Page 140)" web page.
Acknowledgment by the user on the device with the ACK/Reset pushbutton
(acknowledges all active messages that require acknowledgement).
Viewing active messages
You can view all messages that are pending and/or have not yet been acknowledged on the
"Pending messages (Page 140)" web page. On this page, you can acknowledge messages
that require acknowledgment.
Viewing the message log
All process and system messages are stored in a message log. You can view the stored
messages on the M es sage log (Page 142) page.
The message log can hold approximately 30,000 entries. If more messages occur, the oldest
data will automatically be overwritten.
5.6 Status and actual displays
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Status and actual displays
You can obtain information about the current state of the device/system/process as follows:
The LEDs on the Basic Unit VIB provide information about the current operating mode of the
device and about the parts of the plant being monitored.
For detailed information on the meaning of the LED displays, see Section LED status
indicator on the Bas ic U nit VIB (Page 217).
Digital outputs
The three digital outputs DO1 to DO3 are permanently assigned to the process statuses
Normal, Warn ing, and Alarm.
For more information, see Section Digital outputs for controlling a signaling column
(Page 218).
Web pages
On the "Ho me pag e (Page 126)" and on page "Pending messages (Page 140)," you will find
up-to-date status information about the system/process. You can view the current measured
values of the system on the Actual values (Page 128) page. The current operating state of
the device is displayed in the header area of each Web site.
The e-mail function of the CMS2000 is used for transferring process and system messages
as well as up-to-date system information to one or more e-mail recipients.
Event-triggered e-mails provide information about limit violations, system messages, and
mode changes
Cyclic e-mails (alive e-mails) include current system information such as system
date/time, status of the LEDs as well as the number of pending process and system
messages. Cyclic e-mails (alive e-mails) can be used as signs of life.
You will find detailed information about parameterizing e-mail functions in Section E-mail
(Page 186).
5.6 Status and actual displays
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Sending telegrams via Ethernet
Actual data of the CMS2000 can be sent cyclically via Ethernet telegrams (TCP/IP). This is
possible because the CMS2000 is integrated into higher-level systems.
Two types of telegram are available for selection:
Compact telegram: Contains essential information of the Home page (Page 126).
Extended telegram: Contains the data of the compact telegram as well as the current
measured values and status information displayed under "Actual values (Page 128)"
Sending telegrams is parameterized and activated on the "Ethernet (Page 183)" web page.
The precise telegram formats are listed in Section Definition of Ethernet telegrams that can
be sent cyclically (Page 240).
5.7 Recording data
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Recording data
Trend charts
Valid measured variables (RMS/DKW, speeds, analog values, temperature values) are
automatically stored as trends in RUN mode. Minimum, maximum, and average values are
recorded for every measured variable.
The trend values are stored with time resolutions that are permanently stored in the system.
For each time resolution, the data are stored in a circular buffer, that is, the oldest data are
overwritten when the maximum size of the circular buffer has been reached.
For the user, the most recent data are available in a high time resolution and older data are
available in a lower time resolution.
The following time periods are available for visualization with the following resolutions:
Time period
Last day
1 min
Last week 10 min
Last month
30 min
Last six months 3 h
Last ten years
24 h
As an option, the amplitude values monitored in the frequency spectra can be stored as a
trend (see Section Limit bands (Page 148)). The recording scheme is as above, except that
the recording density can be automatically reduced in the individual ring buffers with regard
to the memory capacity of the device.
The "last day" trend data is held in the work memory (RAM) and is therefore deleted when
the device is restarted.
5.7 Recording data
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This function enables you to record the condition of a machi ne. F or this purpos e , the
calculated spectra and characteristic values of an IEPE channel are stored as a "Fingerprint"
(see Section Spectra (Page 132)). Up to 100 fingerprints can be stored in the device.
Composition of a fingerprint
The stored fingerprint contains time-synchronous data about each IEPE channel and is
composed of the following data:
Displayed frequency spectrum.
Associated speed
Further frequency spectra on the same IEPE channel; that is if all three frequency spectra
v(f), a(f), and env(f) of the IEPE channel calculated simultaneously are stored
RMS/DKW characteristic values calculated at the same time on the same IEPE channel
(if present)
Teach values
In measuring mode, teach values for calculated RMS and DKW values are determined and
updated automatically. These teach values can be used as reference values for the fault-free
condition of the machine and thus support definition of suitable monitoring limits.
The values calculated during the teaching process are updated cyclically:
RMS: Minimum, average, maximum value (see Section RMS (Page 166))
DKW: Maximum value of the reference value (see the chapter DKW (Page 168))
Up to 1000 teach values per characteristic value are saved
5.7 Recording data
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Recording raw data
The SIPLUS CMS2000 condition monitoring system is able to store raw data in the form of
WAV files. The raw data contains high-resolution recordings of the vibration inputs of the
device as well as the analog inputs and the speed. You can use the raw data for further
analyses, e.g., with CMS X-Tools.
Both vibration inputs of the Basic Unit are always recorded. In the case of VIB-MUX
channels, however, there must be a clear connection to the trigger of the recording,
otherwise no recording will be made.
The duration of raw data recording can be parameterized in the range 1 to 90 seconds for
each vibration channel.
You can parameterize the recording on the "Recording raw data (Page 177)" web page.
For each recorded vibration channel, the associated speed is always also recorded.
You can parameterize whether the analog channels AI1 or AI2 will also be recorded.
Triggering raw data recording
Raw data recording can be triggered by three events:
A limit violation:
It can be determined for each channel or for each analysis method of a vibration channel
whether a limit violation will result in the recording of raw data.
In this way, up to three raw data recordings are possible for each limit during a RUN
phase. This serves to protect the internal flash memory, so that raw data recording is not
performed continuously in the case of limit violations that constantly come and go.
User command:
On the "Actual values (Page 128)" web page, you can start raw data recording directly
using a button. All vibration channels being acquired are recorded.
Digital input TRIGGER:
A rising edge on the digital input TRIGGER also causes the recording of raw data. Raw
data recordin g can be act iv ated in this manner up to once per minute. This ensur es that
the device is not overloaded by recordings and the internal flash memory is protected
when disturbances are present at the device input.
Recording starts after raw data recording has been triggered and ends after the
parameterized duration.
5.7 Recording data
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The filename of the generated raw data file is automatically generated by the system and
Date and time
Device name
Recorded vibration channels
Example: "20121820_142305_
In this file, channel 5 of the first VIB-MUX and channel 3 of the second VIB-MUX a re
recorded as well as the associated speed channels and the analog channels as
Each raw data recor d ing is logged in the mess ag e log.
Downloading of raw data files
You can download the recorded raw data files in one of the following ways
Via the Download (Page 189) web page
Via WebDAV (see Section Data transfer over WebDAV (Page 80))
Via FTP (see the chapter Data exchange via FTP (Page 82))
5.8 Self-monitoring of the system
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Self-monitoring of the system
CMS2000 has functions for self-monitoring that ensure a high level of reliability of the system
in continuous operation.
The Basic Unit VIB performs a self-test during start-up and various initialization operations. If
an error occurs, the device will enter the "ERROR - System not ready" operating state (see
Section "ERROR - Syste m not ready " mod e (Page 228)).
The Basic Unit VIB has a watchdog function that prevents the system from being in an
undefined operating mode. The watchdog triggers a reset in response to an error and the
Basic Unit VIB then performs a restart.
Automatic recovery of the operating mode
It enters the last operating mode of the Basic Unit VIB again automatically after a restart.
The following operating modes are possible: STOP, RUN-Monitoring, RUN-Measuring.
This means that, after rebooting, the device switches automatically to "RUN-Monitoring" if it
was in "RUN-Monitoring" before the restart. The monitoring function of the device is
therefore always maintained, even after an unintentional restart (e.g. reset by watchdog,
power failure).
Measured value acquisition
To ensure that only meaningful and valid measured values are included in the evaluation,
the following functions are implemented:
Signal quality: Evaluation of the recorded vibration signals by the CMS2000.
A system message is output if the signal quality is inadequate.
Open circuit/short circuit at the vibration inputs or analog inputs: These faults are
detected and a system message is output.
Speed quality: If unstable or too high/too low speed repeatedly prevents vibration
analysis, a system message is output.
Failure of the 24 V power supply for the process: A system message is output and the
vibration and analog signals are reported as defective.
If data acquisition is disturbed, monitoring is no longer performed on the affected channel.
An exception to this are the momentary limit violations of the valid IEPE input voltage range
(6.2 to 15.0 V) as a result of strong vibrations. This situation is indicated by a corresponding
system message; at the same time, the monitoring of the characteristic values and spectra is
continued on this channel, so that process warnings or alarms can be issued if necessary. In
this way, a deterioration in the machine status can be detected, even if the applicable
vibration measuring range is already exceeded on individual occasions. If, however, the
system message about overshooting the measuring range is present for a prolonged period
5.9 Time keeping
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or permanently, the precision of the measuring results is insufficient and replacement of the
vibration sensor is urgently recommended (replacement with a sensor with lower sensitivity).
Hardware configuration
In the active operating modes "RUN-Monitoring" and "RUN-Measuring", the parameterized
hardware configuration is constantly compared with the configuration actually detected at the
system interface.
Deviations from the parameterized configura tion
System response
Number of temperature
A system message is output automatically.
No temperat ure chan nel s are eval uated.
Number of
VIB-MUX modules Example:
A system message is output automatically.
No vibration channels are evaluated.
Order of the
expansion modules Example:
A system message is output automatically
No temperature channels and no vibration
channels are evaluated.
Time keeping
The Basic Unit VIB contains a battery-backed hardware clock. You can set the time zone,
date, and time of day on the "Date and time (Page 181)" web page.
The time resolution is 1 second. The accuracy of the hardware clock results in a maximum
deviation of ±1.5 hours per year.
Time synchronization of the clock can be performed via an NTP server. The synchronization
interval can be parameteriz ed.
5.10 Data transfer over WebDAV
80 Operati ng I nst ruct i ons, 03/2016, A5E02913673F/007
Data transfer over WebDAV
Exch an gi ng dat a
Via WebDAV, files can be transferred to the device or downloaded from the device. Typical
applicat ions inc lude :
Download/delete the recorded raw data files (wav files).
Upload parameter settings or historic data to restore a backed-up stated.
Firmware upd ates
It is not possible to download parameter settings and historical data via WebDAV. This is
done using the functions on page Download (Page 189).
Information on using WebDAV
Only files that were exported from a CMS2000 device or that are compatible with
CMS2000 may be imported. These files may only be copied into the WebDAV directories
provided for this purpose.
Do not use WebDAV to change file names. This can cause error messages in the
Only use WebDAV for importing/exporting the files intended for WebDAV (configuration
data, recording data, firmware update).
After a data import usi ng W ebDA V, the dev ice mus t be restar ted. Ot herw ise the dev ic e
may malfunction.
Adding WebDAV as drives
Proceed as follows under Windows:
1. Open the "Contr ol Panel."
2. Under "Tools," click "Map Network Drive..."
The "Map Network Drive" window will open.
Select a free drive letter in the "Drive" selection box .
Select the path that should be connected as a network drive in the "Folder" selection
box . Use a path from the table below ("Paths").
5.10 Data transfer over WebDAV
Operating Inst ruct i ons, 03/2016, A5E02913673F/007 81
Parameters \\<IP address>\config All the parameter databases for
the device are located her e.
Historical data \\<IP address>\history The databases for historical
data and messages are located
Directory for firmware update
\\<IP address>\update Firmware update files are cop-
ied to this location.
Directory for raw data \\<IP address>\rawdata Here, you will find the recorded
raw data files
Importing of files to the device via WebDAV is secured by an additional authentication.
User name
The user name is the standard login name "admin"
Password The valid password is the one that was most recently set in the device admin-
istration on the "General (Page 178)" web page.
If the password was not changed here, the default password "0000" applies.
Note that you may only l
oad files on the device in
STOP operating mode
. You can also
download raw data files in RUN mode.
Data exchange errors due to incorrect time setting
WebDAV accesses always contain a file comparison. It is therefore important to ensure that
the tim
e settings (both on the device and on the PC that is used for accessing) are always
correct. Otherwise this can lead to undesirable effects on exchanging data. Older versions of
files can be erroneously regarded as the latest version. So the wrong files ma
y be saved or
5.11 Data exchange via FTP
82 Operati ng I nst ruct i ons, 03/2016, A5E02913673F/007
Data exchange via FTP
You can access the SIPLUS CMS2000 basic unit via FTP (File Transfer Protocol) as well as
by using WebDAV (Page 80).
Establishing a connection, and authenticat ion
Below are two methods for establishing a connection via FTP under Windows Explorer:
Example for factory settings: "ftp://admin@"
Then a dialog appears for entering the password.
Example for factory settings: "ftp://admin:0000@"
The password is already included here and immediate access to the Basic Unit is permitted.
Note that you may only load fi
les on the device in
STOP operating mode
. You can also
download raw data files in RUN mode.
Exactly like WebDAV, FTP allows access to the following directories in the SIPLUS
CMS2000 Basic Unit:
Parameter /config All the parameter databases for the device
are located here.
Historical data /history The databases for historical data and mes-
sages are located here.
Directory for firmware update
/update Firmware update files are copied to this
Directory for raw data /rawdata Here, you will find the recorded raw data
5.12 Operation with activated X-Tools int erfac e
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Operation with activated X-Tools interface
CMS2000 offers an interface to the "CMS X-Tools" analysis software.
CMS X-Tools is powerful analysis software with an extensive library of standard function
blocks such as FFT, envelope analysis, and input filters, and it enables the graphical
creation of diagnostics models. The software runs on standard PCs and industrial PCs (e.g.,
Microbox PC) .
The interface enables the online transfer (data streaming) of detected vibration data and
other process data from CMS2000 to X-Tools.
The application options of CMS2000 can be expanded using the X-Tools analysis software:
Analyses such as gearbox diagnostics, or monitoring outside the speed range
120…24000 rpm that cannot be covered by CMS2000, can be carried out in X-Tools.
CMS2000 can be integrated into existing CMS4000 systems
Requirements for using the X-Tools interface
CMS2000 from firmware version V3.0 and higher
CMS X-Tools from version 04.02 and higher
System configuration
The following figure shows one possible system configuration. Both CMS2000 components
and CMS4000 components are used for data acquisition in this example.
Image 5-4 Typical system configuration
5.12 Operation with activated X-Tools int erfac e
84 Operati ng I nst ruct i ons, 03/2016, A5E02913673F/007
Features of the X-Tools interface
Data transfer between CMS2000 and X-Tools takes place via Ethernet (TCP/IP).
The X-Tools interface can be used in addition to the previous functionality of CMS2000.
Effect of X-Tools on the CMS2000 device with activated interface and activated data
CMS2000 works more slowly, but the full range of functions remains available
VIB-MUX channel switching can take place optionally using X-Tools, or it can be left to
The connection is established using X-Tools. In the case of communication errors, or if
the X-Tools sign-of-life does not appear, CMS2000 clears the connection down and
resumes handling of VIB-MUX channel switching. CMS2000 is again ready for a renewed
connecti on build up.
Data streaming
The following raw data and process data can be transferred from CMS2000 to X-Tools:
Raw data of vibration channels VIB 1 / VIB 2
Calculated RMS and DKW of VIB 1 / VIB 2
Speed value as raw data signal (from the speed encoder) and calculated speed value
Analog input channel 1 and 2 of the Basic Unit
Temperature values of connected temperature modules
Status information such as
LED/DO states "Normal" (green), "Warning" (yellow), "Alarm" (red)
Number of mess ages pen di ng/to be acknowled ged
Adjustable sampling rate
For all data transmitted in high resolution (vibration raw values, analog and digital values), an
individual sampling rate can be set in X-Tools. This requires X-Tools Version V 04.02 SP2 or
higher. In principle, the use of a lower sampling rate permits a reduction in the volume of
data to be processed and thus lowers the performance demands made on the X-Tools
The maximum sampling rate is 46.875 kHz. Vibration data transmitted at a lower rate is
subjected to down-sampling in the CMS2000 prior to transmission, including low-pass
filtering in the context of an anti-aliasing-filter. For analog and digital values, the down-
sampling is performed without low-pass filtering.
5.12 Operation with activated X-Tools int erfac e
Operating Inst ruct i ons, 03/2016, A5E02913673F/007 85
The adjustable sampling rates and the properties of the filters used for the vibration data are
summarized in the table below. Explanations:
Filter passband = frequency range that can be analyzed in X-Tools
Filter passband: The ripple is <= 0.02 dB; with slight attenuation of max. -0.5 database
beginning at the end
Filter intermediate range: The attenuation rises from -0.5 dB to -80 dB
Filter block ing range: The attenuat ion is cont inuous >= -80 dB (prevents aliasing effects)
Sampling rate
adjustable in X-
Filter passband
Filter interm ediat e
Filter blocking r ang e
46.875 kHz
0 approx. 19 kHz
> 19 kHz
> 23 kHz
2 23.438 kHz 0 9.55 kHz 9.55 11.70 kHz > 11.70 kHz
15.625 kHz
0 6.20 kHz
6.20 7.80 kHz
> 7.80 kHz
11.719 kHz
0 4.55 kHz
4.55 5.85 kHz
> 5.85 kHz
9.375 kHz
0 3.55 kHz
3.55 4.65 kHz
> 4.65 kHz
7.813 kHz
0 2.85 kHz
2.85 3.90 kHz
> 3.90 kHz
6.696 kHz
0 2.35 kHz
2.35 3.35 kHz
> 3.35 kHz
5.859 kHz
0 2.00 kHz
2.002.90 kHz
> 2.90 kHz
5.208 kHz
0 1.75 kHz
1.75 2.60 kHz
> 2.60 kHz
4.688 kHz
0 1.55 kHz
1.55 2.35 kHz
> 2.35 kHz
4.261 kHz
0 1.35 kHz
1.35 2.10 kHz
> 2.10 kHz
3.906 kHz
0 1.20 kHz
1.20 1.95 kHz
> 1.95 kHz
Activation/deactivation of the interface
You activate and deactivate the X-Tools interface via the Web interface (see the chapter
Ethernet (Page 183)). The CMS2000 must be in the STOP state for this purpose. In the RUN
state (monitoring or measuring), X-Tools can establish the connection to the CMS2000.
It is still possible to operate the CMS2000 via the Web pages. The transition from RUN ⇒
STOP terminates the connection to X-Tools.
Information on the status of the connection
You can view the current status of the connection (active / inactive) under Pending
messages (Page 140).
Information on building up and clearing down the connection is to be found in the Message
log (Page 142).
In the RUN dialog (see Changing operating mode (Page 122)), corresponding information is
available when the X-Tools interface is activated.
5.12 Operation with activated X-Tools int erfac e
86 Operati ng I nst ruct i ons, 03/2016, A5E02913673F/007
Operating Inst ruct i ons, 03/2016, A5E02913673F/007 87
Applicat ion planning
Dama ge to the dev ic e
The device can be damaged by inappropriate shipping. Transport the device, therefore,
only in the original packaging. This will give it the necessary protection against shock and
It is absolutely essential that SIPLUS CMS2000 is stored in compliance with the storage
conditions as described in the Technical data (Page 231) Section. In the event of ingress of
dirt or liquid into the equipment, formation of condensation, damage or any other failures to
comply with the prescribed storage conditions, the equipment must not be commissioned
until the correct remedial procedure has been discussed with Siemens AG.
Application planning
6.3 Scope of delivery
88 Operati ng I nst ruct i ons, 03/2016, A5E02913673F/007
Scope of delivery
SIPLUS CMS2000 Bas ic U nit VIB
Operating Instructions (compact)
Please note that expansion modules, s
uch as VIB-
MUX or temperature modules, must be
ordered separately.
Unpacking and checking the delivery
1. Unpack the device.
2. Make sure that the package is complete.
3. Check the device for transport damage by visual inspection.
Accessories for SIPLUS CMS2000 are not included in the scope of supply. You can order
(Page 49) the accessories separately.
Damage to the system
Damaged parts can result in damage to the system. Do not use any parts that show
evidence of damage!
Application planning
6.4 Installation location
Operating Inst ruct i ons, 03/2016, A5E02913673F/007 89
Installation location
Selection of the installation site / mounting position
The SIPLUS CMS2000 condition monitoring system is intended for attachment to DIN rail
(Page 93).
The device is to be installed vertically on a horizontal DIN rail.
Ensure that the perm is sibl e ambient temperature range is not exceeded (see Section
Technical data (Page 231)).
Maintain the minimum clearances from walls and other devices:
Sides 0 mm, top 40 mm, bo t tom 22 mm for ventilation
Note the following device dimensions in this regard:
Table 6- 1 Device dimensions
45 mm
Height 106 mm
124 mm (incl. protrusions)
Damage due to overheating
You must comply with all the instructions regarding the installation location and mounting
position. Otherwise the device may malfunction or incur permanent damage as a result of
Installation in control cabinet/device connect ion box
The SIPLUS CMS2000 condition monitoring system is suitable for installation in a control
cabinet or device connection box.
In these cases, only the LEDs and the pushbuttons on the front of the device will remain
visible and operable during commissioning. Please take this into consideration for
subsequent operation of the device.
It is important to note that installation in a control cabinet or a device connection box is
essential for compliance with the UL regulations.
The control cabinet / device connection box must satisfy the regulations regarding fire-
protection housing.
Ensure that all cables and leads that protrude externally are equipped with adequate
strain relief.
Application planning
6.4 Installation location
90 Operati ng I nst ruct i ons, 03/2016, A5E02913673F/007
Installation in accordance with cULus
The SIPLUS CMS2000 Condition Monitoring System is classified according to cULus as
"open type". To comply with the requirements of the cULus approval for safe operation, the
following installation versions are mandatory:
Installation in a suitable cabinet
Installation in a suitable enclosure
Information on the suitability of the cabinet or enclosure can be found in the manufacturer's
Installation in accordance with DIN/EN 61131-2:
In accordance with DIN/EN 61131-2, alternative installation is permissible in an appropriately
designed, closed electrical service room. The requirements of cULus are not covered by this.
Electromagnet ic compatibility ( EMC)
Dama ge to the dev ic e
Inadequately dimensioned overvoltage protection can result in severe damage to the
device. Alway s ensure, therefore, that the ov erv olt age prot ecti on is adequate (see
Technical data (Page 231)Section).
Application planning
6.5 Sensors
Operating Inst ruct i ons, 03/2016, A5E02913673F/007 91
Various sensors can be connected to the CMS2000. The following sensors are compatible
with the SIPLUS CMS2000 condition monitoring system:
Vibration sensors / IEPE sensors
You can use all IEPE sensors (integrated electronics piezo-electric) that fulfill the
specification for the relevant sensor inputs (VIB1, VIB2). We recommend that you use
vibration sensors from the Siemens portfolio (see Section Ordering data (Page 49)).
The technical specifications for the sensor inputs are listed in Section Technical
specifications Basic Unit VIB (Page 231).
Temperature sensors
Up to two temperature modules can be connected via the system interface. The temperature
sensors that can be connected are listed in the technical documentation for these
temperatur e mo dul es (s ee Secti on Ordering data (Page 49)).
Voltage hazar ds
May cause death or serious injury
Contact with temperature sensors that are connected to a power supply can result in
serious injury.
Use only temperature sensors that are provided with insulation rated for the voltages of the
system in which they are installed.
Current/voltage sensors
Current/voltage sensors can be connected via the analog inputs with output ranges of ±4 mA
to ±20 mA or -10 V to +10 V. For further technical characteristics of the analog inputs, see
Section Technical specifications Basic Unit VIB (Page 231).
Speed sensor
A speed sensor with properties as described in Section Technical specifications Basic Unit
VIB (Page 231) can be connected to the "Speed / BERO signal input" terminal.
Alternatively, the speed can be acquired using a speed sensor with a speed-proportional
output signal in the range ±4 mA to ±20 mA (current) or -10 V to +10 V (voltage) that is
connected to an analog input.
Application planning
6.5 Sensors
92 Operati ng I nst ruct i ons, 03/2016, A5E02913673F/007
Operating Inst ruct i ons, 03/2016, A5E02913673F/007 93
Mounting the Basic Unit VIB and expansion modules
The Basic Unit VIB and the expansion modules (VIB-MUX, temperature modules) are
designed for vertical mounting on a horizontal DIN rail.
1. Hook the device onto the DIN rail and swing it down into place.
2. Push the device down until the spring clamp on the rear of the device has clicked into
Image 7-1 Mounting of Basic Unit VIB
7.2 Mounting the shield support
94 Operati ng I nst ruct i ons, 03/2016, A5E02913673F/007
Mounting the shield support
The shield support is used to ground the cables. The shield support can be ordered
separately as an accessory (see Section Ordering data (Page 49)).
The shield support must not be used as strain relief!
Image 7-2 Mounting the shield support
1. Hook the shield support above and below the DIN rails, above and below the Basic Unit.
2. Press each shield support down firmly.
3. Check that the latch springs are correctly latched onto the DIN rail.
See also
Connectin g to funct ion al ground (Page 110)
7.3 Mounting the VIB sensor
Operating Inst ruct i ons, 03/2016, A5E02913673F/007 95
Mounting the VIB sensor
Choice of mounting type
Before choosing a fixing method you should weigh up the advantages and disadvantages of
each individual method. Influences such as the point of attachment, surface roughness,
access to the sensor and temperature factors are key parameters influencing the quality of
the measuring results. The most important aspect in this context is the considerable
influence that the type of attachment has on the frequency range of the sensor.
For more information on this topic, see the basic sections Choice of measuring point
(Page 21) and Mou nti ng on the object to be measur e d (Page 22).
For the properties and technical specifications of your sensor, please refer to the sensor data
Screw attachment
The following instructions explain the mounting of the VIB sensor S01. This sensor is
attached with a screw connection. This type of attachment is suitable for permanent and
secure installation. Optimum and clean contact surfaces are a prerequisite. The screw
connection should be used especially when high frequency ranges are to be measured.
Do not provide any screw connection on bent, uneven or rough surfaces. Incorrect
alignment or a lack of surface contact can have a significant effect on the upper frequency
range of the measuring results.
7.3 Mounting the VIB sensor
96 Operati ng I nst ruct i ons, 03/2016, A5E02913673F/007
Dimensions and pin assignment of the VIB S01 sensor
The diagram below shows the dimensions and pin assignment of the S01 sensor (6AT8002-
Sensor pin assignment
+ (plus potential) vibration
- (minus potentia l)
Image 7-3 Sensor S01 dimensions and pin assignment
Preparing the attachment surface
1. Prepare a smooth attachment surface. For an optimum screw connection, a surface with
a maximum surface roughness of 1.6 μm is required.
If it is not possible to prepare the surface appropriately for the measuring point, adhesive
fixing could be considered as a practical alternative.
2. Tap the threaded hole in the middle of the prepared surface as shown in the following
Image 7-4 Sensor threaded hole
3. Clean the attachment surface and apply a thin film of oil or grease prior to installation.
This improves the transmission of the vibrations by filling the smallest imperfections in the
surface. This results in greater stiffness for the attachment of the sensor.
7.3 Mounting the VIB sensor
Operating Inst ruct i ons, 03/2016, A5E02913673F/007 97
Mounting the VIB sensor S01
1. Before mounting, make sure that there are no foreign bodies between the contact
2. Screw the sensor in finger-tight. Then secure the connection by tightening to the required
torque. Further details on the torque setting can be found in the sensor data sheet.
It is impe
rative that you use a torque wrench for tightening the connection,
max. 2.7-
6.8 Nm.
Too low a torque setting can result in the sensor having a loose seat; too high a
torque can cause the attachment thread to be stripped.
7.3 Mounting the VIB sensor
98 Operati ng I nst ruct i ons, 03/2016, A5E02913673F/007
Operating Inst ruct i ons, 03/2016, A5E02913673F/007 99
Safety instructions and guidelines
Safety instruct ions
Connection to safety extra-low voltage / protective extra-low voltage only
May cause death or serious injury
The device is designed for operation using directly connectable safety extra-low voltage
(SELV) with safe electrical isolation according to IEC 60364-4-41.
The supply terminals and the process and communication signals (including Ethernet) must
only be connected to safety extra-low voltage (SELV) with safe electrical isolation according
to IEC 60364-4-41 (Class 2 Power Supply in North America).
Cable routing and grounding
Interference due to incorrect cable routing
Route all analog signals (AI1, AI2, VIB1 and VIB2) spatially isolated from other cables to
ensure that the measurement signals can be transm
itted without interference. Analog signal
cables must be laid at a minimum distance of 15 cm from other cables.
Maintain this spatial separation throughout the entire cable route. This is the only way to
provide optim al EMC prot e c tion.
Electromagnetic interfere nc e
Ensure that adequate equipotential bonding is implemented for all plants or systems in which
SIPLUS CMS2000 is installed, e.g. using a low
-impedance connection to a ground potential.
Danger of short-circuiting
When connecting the temperature sensors via the system interface, ensure that the signal
cables are not electrically connected to ground via this signal path.
The system interface is not electrically isolated in SIPLUS CMS2000.
8.1 Safety instructions and guidelines
100 Operati ng I nst ruct i ons, 03/2016, A5E02913673F/007
Note the current carrying capacit
y when selecting the cables. See also Section Technical
(Page 231).
Securing the cable shielding
Attach the cable shield no further t
han 15 cm away from the input terminal. We recommend
the shield support that is available as an accessory.
Strain relief
Ensure that all cables and leads that protrude externally are equipped with adequate strain
Other requirements
Damage to the cable
The cables must be suitably dimensioned to ensure that they cannot be damaged. Make
sure that the cables are suitable for the individual application.
The cables must be specified for an ambient temperature of +75 °C.
Observe the bending radius specified for the cables.
We recommend that suitable wire end ferrules are used.
To prevent damage to the cables (cable break / short-circuit), careful cable routing is
8.2 Wiring the Basic Unit VIB and expansion modules
Operating Inst ruct i ons, 03/2016, A5E02913673F/007 101
Wiring the Basic Unit VIB and expansion modules
Removable terminals
Removable terminals
The Basic Unit VIB is supplied with removable connecting terminals. These connecting
terminals allow you to replace the device easily without having to disconnect and reconnect
the wiring.
For commissioning, we recommend that the terminals are mounted first and then the cables
are connected.
Character coding
Please note that th
e removable terminals are coded. The codes are labeled with letters of
the alphabet. A terminal will only fit the terminal block for which it is intended. You will find
the letter on the back of the terminal.
Table 8- 1 Conductor cros s-s ect ion s, stripped lengths, and tight e ning tor que s of the conduc tors
Removable term i-
Tightening torqu e
PZ2 /
diam. 5 ... 6 mm TORQUE: 7 lb/in to 10.3 lb/in
0.8 ... 1.2 Nm
Stripped length
Conductor cross-section
2x 0.5 mm2 ... 2.5 mm2
1x 0.5 mm2 ... 4 mm2
2x AWG 20 to 16 / 1x AWG 20 to 14
Finely stranded w ith/w it hout
end sleeve
2x 0.5 mm2 ... 1.5 mm2
1x 0.5 mm2 ... 2.5 mm2
2x AWG 20 to 16 / 1x AWG 20 to 14
8.2 Wiring the Basic Unit VIB and expansion modules
102 Operati ng I nst ruct i ons, 03/2016, A5E02913673F/007
Requirements for cable parameters
Requirements for cable parameters
Cable designation
Conductor cross-
Module supply PS
See table (Page 101)
Analog input
Digital input/output
CAT5 or higher
Functional grounding connec-
At least 2.5 mm2 at least
AWG 14
8.3 Terminal assignment Basic Unit VIB
Operating Inst ruct i ons, 03/2016, A5E02913673F/007 103
Terminal assignment Basic Unit VIB
Terminal assignment
The figure below shows the assignment of the connecting terminals of the device, as well as
the associated block diagram:
Image 8-1 Terminal assignment and block diagram
8.3 Terminal assignment Basic Unit VIB
104 Operati ng I nst ruct i ons, 03/2016, A5E02913673F/007
Table 8- 2 Terminal block A
2P24 Supply for the internal components of the device used in process-orie nted f un ctio ns. Ele c-
trically isolated internally from 1P24 / 1M24. (+)
2M24 Supply for the inter nal components of the device used in process-orie nted f un ctio ns. Elec-
trically isolated internally from 1P24 / 1M24. (-)
Digital input 2 "Inhibit" (see Section Operating modes (Page 55))
IEPE sensor input 2
Not connected
IEPE sensor input 2
Table 8- 3 Terminal block B
1P24 Supply for internal device logic (CPU). Electrically isolated internally from 2P24 / 2M24.
Supply for internal device logic (CPU). Electrically isolated internally from 2P24 / 2M24. (-)
Digital input 1 "Trigger" (see Section Recording raw data (Page 76))
IEPE sensor input 1
Functional grounding
IEPE sensor input 1
Table 8- 4 Terminal block C
Digital output 1 ("Normal" / gre en)
Digital output 2 ("Warning" / yellow)
Digital output 3 ("Alarm" / red)
Analog input 2
Not connected
Analog input 2
Table 8- 5 Terminal block D
Speed / BERO voltage supply (+)
Speed / BERO voltage supply (-)
E Speed / BERO signal input
Analog input 1
Functional grounding
Analog input 1
8.4 Terminal assignment VIB-MUX
Operating Inst ruct i ons, 03/2016, A5E02913673F/007 105
Terminal assignment VIB-MUX
Position of the connecting terminals
The following diagram shows the positions of the terminal blocks and connecting terminals
on the VIB-MUX:
Image 8-2 VIB-MUX: Position of the connecting terminals
8.4 Terminal assignment VIB-MUX
106 Operati ng I nst ruct i ons, 03/2016, A5E02913673F/007
Terminal assignments
Terminal block A
Power supply for the process functionality. The process supply and
logic supply are galvanically isolated internally.
Not connected
VIB7+ IEPE sensor input 7
Not connected
IEPE sensor input 8
Terminal block B
VIB A+ IEPE output A+ for connection to an IEPE input on the Basic Unit VIB
(terminal block B VIB1+ or terminal block A VIB2+)
Functional grounding
VIB A- IEPE output A- for connection to an IEPE input on the Basic Unit VIB
(terminal block B VIB1- or terminal block A VIB2-)
VIB 7-
IEPE sensor input 7
Not connected
IEPE sensor input 8
Terminal block C
VIB1- ... VIB6-
IEPE sensor input s 1 to 6
Terminal block D
VIB1+ ... VIB6+
IEPE sensor input s 1 to 6
8.5 24 V DC power supply
Operating Inst ruct i ons, 03/2016, A5E02913673F/007 107
24 V DC power supply
24 V DC power supply
The power supply of the Basic Unit VIB and of the expansion modules is drawn from the
external 24 V DC power supply. Power supply units, for example, from the SITOP product
line are suitable.
Safety instruct ions
Connection to safety extra-low voltage / protective extra-low voltage only
May cause death or serious injury
The device is designed for operation using directly connectable safety extra-low voltage
(SELV) with safe electrical isolation according to IEC 60364-4-41.
The supply terminals and the process and communication signals (including Ethernet) must
only be connected to safety extra-low voltage (SELV) with safe electrical isolation according
to IEC 60364-4-41 (Class 2 Power Supply in North America).
The Basic Unit VIB has two electrically isolated power supply terminals for the internal logic
and process power supply. To ensure a high level of noise immunity, we recommend power
the logic and process from two independent power supplies.
8.6 Connect the shields of the signal and data cables
108 Operati ng I nst ruct i ons, 03/2016, A5E02913673F/007
Connect the shield s of the signal and data cables
The following SIPLUS CMS2000 process signals must be connected via shielded cables
with their shields attached at both ends:
Sensor signals (VIB1 / VIB2)
Analog inputs (AI1 / AI2)
LAN (Ethernet)
The shields of the cables must be attached to the upper and/or lower shield support using
the clamp connections. The shield support can be ordered as an accessory (see Section
Ordering dat a (Page 49)).
Proceed as follows:
1. Strip the cable.
1) Length depends on distance between shield support and device.
2. Press the clamp connection onto the protective braided shield of the cable.
8.6 Connect the shields of the signal and data cables
Operating Inst ruct i ons, 03/2016, A5E02913673F/007 109
3. Slide the clamp connection onto the shield support.
4. The result should look like this:
Attach the cable shield no further than 15 cm away from the input terminal.
8.7 Connect system interfaces
110 Operati ng I nst ruct i ons, 03/2016, A5E02913673F/007
Connect system interfaces
If you are using expansion modules, connect the devices via the system interface.
Image 8-3 Expansion module: Connection via system interface
Connecting to functional ground
Ensure that the protective braided shield for the functional grounding is as short as
The conductor cross-section of the stran ds must be at leas t 2.5 mm2.
The maximum permissible spacing between the Basic Unit VIB and the shield support is
15 cm.
Use the functional ground (FE) and not a PE connection for grounding.
Note the parameter requirements according to Requirements for cable parameters
(Page 102) when selecting the grounding cables.
8.8 Connecting to functional ground
Operating Inst ruct i ons, 03/2016, A5E02913673F/007 111
1. Connect all terminals labeled "FE" to the functional ground connection on the shield
For the Basic Unit VIB, see "Terminal assignment Basic Unit VIB (Page 103)";
for the VIB-MUX, see "Terminal assignment VIB-MUX (Page 105)"
2. Connect the shield connection to the functional ground centrally (star point).
3. Attach the collected cables to equipotential bonding (e.g. standard DIN rail) via a low
impedance connection.
The FE connection of the Basic Unit VIB at the front can be optionally connected to FE.
Image 8-4 Functional grounding connection
8.8 Connecting to functional ground
112 Operati ng I nst ruct i ons, 03/2016, A5E02913673F/007
Operating Inst ruct i ons, 03/2016, A5E02913673F/007 113
Commissioning of the hardware
1. The Basic Unit VIB and optional expansion modules (VIB-MUX, temperature modules)
are mounted (see Section Mounting the Basic Unit VIB and expansion modules
(Page 93)).
2. The shield connection has been fitted (see Section Mounting the shield support
(Page 94)).
3. The sensors are installed.
4. The Basic Unit VIB and all other components have been wired and connected.
1. Switch the power supply on.
The Basic Unit VIB starts up (approx. 40 seconds) and signals with a lighted "READY"
LED that access is possible via the web page (see Section LED status indicator on the
Basic Unit VIB (Page 217)).
The hardware of the SIPLUS CMS2000 condition monitoring system has been successfully
9.2 Commissioning of the software
114 Operati ng I nst ruct i ons, 03/2016, A5E02913673F/007
Commissioning of the software
1. Enter the IP address of the Basic Unit VIB in the address field of the specified Internet
browser. If you do not know the IP address of your device, ask your network
The device has the following factory setting:
After switch
-on, the device waits for an IP address to be assigned by a DHCP server. If
this does not occur, the IP address is applied.
The start page opens.
2. Click "Login" in the login area and enter the password. (see Section Logging in / logg ing
out (Page 121))
Standard lo gin name: ad min
Default pass wor d: 000 0
Several simultaneous user sessions (web sessions) are possible in principle,
several users can access the same CMS2000 device via the website from different
PCs. The device only permits one login at a time, i.e. after a user has logged in, the
others will only have read access.
Following successful user login, all the functions of the website are available.
9.2 Commissioning of the software
Operating Inst ruct i ons, 03/2016, A5E02913673F/007 115
Recommended configuration sequence
You can parameterize the SIPLUS CMS2000 system in any order, but the following
sequence is recommended:
1. Hardware configuration:
Hardware configuration (Page 199)
2. Administration:
General (Page 178)
Date and time (Page 181)
Ethernet (Page 183)
E-mail (Page 186)
3. Diagnostics configuration:
Operation states (Page 144)
Velocity spectra (Page 146)
Acceleration spectra (Page 153)
Envelope spectra (Page 159)
RMS (Page 166)
DKW (Page 168)
Speeds (Page 171)
Analog inputs (Page 173)
Temperatures (Page 175)
9.3 Assigning the IP address
116 Operati ng I nst ruct i ons, 03/2016, A5E02913673F/007
Assigning the IP address
A unique IP address must be assigned for each device.
Devices connected to an enterprise network or directly to the internet must be appropriately
protected against unauthorized access, e.g. by use of firewalls and network segmentation.
For more information about industrial security, please visit
Operation with DHCP server
SIPLUS CMS2000 is connected to the power supply and in "STOP - System ready" mode.
1. Make a note of the MAC address on the device rating plate.
2. Define a new IP address.
3. Ensure that the DHCP coordinator enters the MAC address as well as the newly defined
IP address in the DHCP administration.
4. Connect the device to the PC via the LAN.
9.3 Assigning the IP address
Operating Inst ruct i ons, 03/2016, A5E02913673F/007 117
Operation without DHCP server
SIPLUS CMS2000 is connected to the power supply and in READY mode.
1. Connect the device to the PC via the LAN.
2. After the "READY" LED has stopped flashing, wait approximately for another 10 seconds
and then address the device at the following fixed IP address:
3. Define a new, unique IP address (see Ethernet (Page 183)).
Only one device at a time may be commissioned in this manner, otherwise an address
conflict could occur if all devices have the IP
Have you forgotten the IP address?
Make a note of the newly assigned IP address so that you don't forget it. If you do lose
the IP address, you can obtain further support from your network administrator.
Otherwise you must
send in the device.
9.3 Assigning the IP address
118 Operati ng I nst ruct i ons, 03/2016, A5E02913673F/007
Operating Inst ruct i ons, 03/2016, A5E02913673F/007 119
Parameterizing v ia the w eb user interf ac e
The following chapters describe the standard Web pages with the full functional range for
parameterizing and displaying data. The website for mobile devices has a restricted range of
functions and is described in Section Web site for mobile devices (Page 207).
Hardware and software requirements
Supported browsers
The web pages are designed to be used and displayed in the following browsers:
Mozilla Firefox 38
Google Chrome 37
Internet Explorer 10
Display problems
If ot
her browsers are used, display problems may occur.
Browser settings
The websites uses cookies. Accept the use of cookies in the browser settings. Otherwise
unwanted effects may result.
Screen resolution
The web pages have been optimized for a screen resolution of 1280 x 1024 pixels.
Parameterizing via the web user interface
10.2 General operation
120 Operati ng I nst ruct i ons, 03/2016, A5E02913673F/007
General operation
Structure of the user interface
The user interface structure of the website is as follows:
Image 10-1 Structure of the user interf a ce
Login ar ea
This area contains:
Name of the logged in user.
Login / logout function
Title area
This area contains:
Device name
Date and time of the device
Current operating mode, see Section Operating modes (Page 55)
Button for switching to STOP if the device is in RUN
Button for switching to "RUN-Monitoring" or "RUN-Measuring" if the device is in STOP
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Work area
This area contains:
Name of the page that was selected in the navigation area
The selected web page with all the associated contents and parameters.
Navig ati on ar ea
This area contains:
Navigation tree that displays all the web pages that can be selected for the device
Highlighting of the currently selected entry in the navigation tree
Logging in / logging out
Logging in / logging out
Before you can modify the device parameters, you must first log in. If you do not log in, you
will have read-only access to the CMS2000 device.
You can log in and log out on any selected web page.
To log in, click on "Login" in the log-in area. The following dialog box will open:
Enter the log-in data and confirm with OK.
Default user name: adm in
Default pass wor d: 000 0
Multiple simultaneous user sessions (web sessions) are possible in principle, i.e. more than
one user can access the same
CMS2000 device via the website from different PCs. The
device only permits one login at a time, i.e. after a user has logged in, the others will only
have read access.
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Setting the language for the device
The language for the web interface can be switched over between German and English. The
language is set on the "Administration > General (Page 178)" page.
The language of the interface is assigned to the device (SIPLUS CMS2000 Basic Unit) and
not to the web session. This means that all users accessing at the same time will use the
same language. If a logged-in user switches the language, all other users accessing at the
same time will be affecte d by the language switchover.
Changing operating mode
Changing operating mode
The current operating mode is displayed to the left of the I/O buttons.
You can switch to STOP mode from any page using the I/O buttons.
You can switch to "RUN-Monitoring" or "RUN-Measuring" modes from STOP mode.
Image 10-2 Mode selection
Monitoring mode
In monitoring mode (RUN-Monitoring), all configured measured variables are constantly
acquired and calculated, monitored, and recorded as trends.
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Measuring mode
Each time you switch to measuring mode (RUN-Measuring) you can decide in a dialog which
IEPE channels should be used (one or all for VIB-MUX) and which measured variables
(RMS, DKW, spectra) should be calculated.
The configuration selected for measuring mode is stored automatically and offered again
when measuring mode is reselected.
The configuration selected for measuring mode is based on the parameterized hardware
configuration (see the Hardware configuration (Page 199) web page), but is otherwise
independent of the configuration for monitoring mode and does not influence it.
Operation with activated X-Tools interf ac e
In the RUN dialog, reference is made to the activated X-Tools interface by means of the
corres pondi ng opera tin g mode hea der s .
In measurement mode, the maximum number of VIB channels is permanently set.
Calculation of the characteristic values RMS / DKW and the spectra is optional. With this, X-
Tools can access all configured channels in measurement mode, and their calculated
characteristic values, if applicable.
Image 10-3 Mode selection: Measurement mode with X-Tools
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Editing and saving values and settings
Generally valid rules
Only elements that you are allowed to modify can be edited.
Only elements that you can use directly (in the current operating mode) can be edited.
Entering values
Decimal places have already been appropriately defined for each input field. Rounding is
performed automatically when you exit the input field.
Decimal values must always be entered using a point ("."). This is the case regardless of
which language is configured on the web pages (English or German).
Incorrect inputs
The input is automatically checked when you exit the input field.
In the case of incorrect inputs, a tool tip will appear with the error message
On multiple errors, all affected fields will be marked
On saving, the values are either applied completely, if not error is found, or the data
remains unchanged if an error is found on saving.
Saving data
Save the data using the "Save" button only. The "Save" button is offered if you have made
changes on the web page. If a page is updated ("Reload" button or "Refresh" function of the
browser) without saving, the most recently saved data will be displayed.
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Browser-specific operation
Browser-specific operation
Multiple browser tabs or windows are supported. Changes made on one tab will not
appear on other tabs until the changes have been saved and the other tabs have been
"Forward" and "Back" browser buttons are supported. Changes that have not been saved
are lost on switching to a new page, even if only by clicking the "Back" button because
the page is reloaded.
Refresh (F5) using the browser is supported. This has the same effect as
"Forward"/"Back" in this case, that is, unsaved changes will be lost.
Error mes sa ges
Error messages
If an error occurs during operation or a data request, or if an action is not possible, a
message box will be opened in the working area that describes the error in more detail.
Image 10-4 Example of an error message
Parameterizing via the web user interface
10.3 Home page
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Home page
Home page
On the "Home" page, important system values (such as operating mode or pending
messages) are displayed.
To open the page, click "Home" in the navigation area.
Display data
An image of the device is presented on the "Home" page that shows the status of the LEDs.
An overview of grouped information about pending messages is also provided here. The
number of unacknowledged messages is indicated under "Messages to be acknowledged".
"Active warnings" and "Active alarms" show the number of active warnings and alarms
respectively. All three numbers, and the LEDs, take account of an overlap of warnings with
the associated alarms.
Image 10-5 Home page
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10.3 Home page
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Device name
The device name defined by the user is displayed here.
Device type
The device type is displayed here. This cannot be changed.
Firmware version
Installed firm ware version.
Operating mode
Display of the current operating mode:
Device in power-up.
ERROR: System not ready
Device not ready.
STOP: System ready
Device ready / no monitoring.
RUN: Measur ing Measured values are acquired / teaching reference values
are acquired / no monitoring
RUN: Monito r ing
Monitoring is running.
RUN: Monitoring inhibited Measurements are being performed / monitoring has been
Shutdown... Device is shutting down. A warm restart will be performed
after a few seconds.
Operating mode unde f in ed
During a firmware update.
Pending messages
Messages to be acknowledged
Number of unacknowledged messages.
Active warnings
Number of active warnings.
Active alarms
Number of active alarms.
To obtain detailed information about the message, click on one of the output fields. This will
take you directly to the "Pending messages (Page 140)" web page with detailed information
about the relevant messages.
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Monitoring values
This category comprises pages that enable the user to view and evaluate the results from
the monitoring system.
Actual values
On the "Actual values" page, you can read the current measured values of the system. All
the variables that were selected in the hardware configuration are displayed.
SPEED 1 / 2 / 3
In the case of VIB channels with measured speed, the currently measured speed and the
operation state are displayed as the header for each SPEED channel. Under this header are
arranged all VIB channels that belong to the respective SPEED channel, each with the
current characteristic values RMS / DKW, as well as the spectrum types.
Constant speed
In the case of VIB channels with fixed speed, the defined fixed speed is displayed as the
header. Under this header are arranged all VIB channels with this fixed speed.
If you are using a VIB-MUX, the configured channels will be switched through sequentially.
You can see which channel is currently being evaluated by an arrow that is displayed.
To open the web page, click "Monitoring results > Actual values" in the navigation area.
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Image 10-6 Actual values
Display of values
Display of value
Empty field The value is not configured and is therefore neither measured nor calculat-
??? The value is configured but not yet known, or the calculation has not yet
The sensor or connecting cable may be defective.
<Value>? The value has been calculated, but the result is uncertain. An uncertain
result can aris e, for example, if the value is located in an implausible value
range, or if the sensor or connecting cable is defective. This is indicated by
the gray background to the display area.
The value has been calculated and is judged to be correct. This is indicated
by the green, yellow, red or blue background to the display area.
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Color id e ntification
Correctly calculated values are highlighted using different background colors to indicate any
limit transgressions.
Color identification
Gray Measured value acquisition has not been performed or is faulty.
Light blue Measured value ac qui siti on is O K. Value is not being monitored, however.
Green M easured value acquisiti on is OK . Value is being monit ored . There has
been no limit transgression.
Yellow Measured value acquisition is OK, value is being monitored, and a warning
limit has been transgressed.
Red Measured value acquisition is OK, value is being monitored, and an alarm
limit has been transgressed.
Display trends
Clicking one of the fields with the
mouse will take you directly to the
page with the associated trend.
You can use the mouse to jump to
a trend for:
Analog inputs
Temperature values
Displaying spectra
Clicking one of the fields v,a,e with
the mouse will take you directly to
the page with the relevant type of
v = velocit y spectrum v(f)
a = acceleration spectrum a(f)
e = envelope spectrum env(f)
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Operating hours counter
The display of the operating hours counter indicates for how many hours the device has
been operated in "RUN-Monitoring" mode
Recording raw data
With the "Start" button, you can save the current measured values as raw data in a file.
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On the "Spectra" web page, you can display spectra in a chart and save fingerprints of
current spectra. One primary spectrum and up to three reference spectra can be displayed at
the same time. The following types of spectrum can be displayed:
Velocity spectrum
Acceleration spectrum
Envelope spectrum
To open the web page, click "Monitoring results > Spectra" in the navigation area.
Image 10-7 Spectra
The x axis shows the frequency; the y axis, the amplitude.
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Primary spectrum, reference spectra
To display spectra, choose one primary spectrum and up to three reference spectra.
To define a spectrum, select
Spectrum type (velocity, acceleration, envelope curve)
The IEPE channel (e.g. VIB1)
Either the current spectrum that was calculated last or a spectrum stored as a fingerprint
For the primary spectrum, you can additionally display the warning and alarm limits.
Clicking the "Update chart" button applies your settings and updates the chart display.
The color scheme for displaying the maximum of four curves is permanently defined.
You can define whether a shared Y axis will be displayed or whether each reference
spectrum will be displayed on a separate Y axis.
The current spectrum can only be displayed if the relevant IEPE channel has been
configured and the spectrum has been calculated. Spectra from fingerprints, on the other
hand, can be displayed irrespective of the current configuration and the current operating
Saving a fingerprint
If a current frequency spectrum is displayed as the primary spectrum, you can save it with
"Save" as a fingerprint with a freely selectable name.
Displaying other data
You can display further relevant data for each spectrum. By clicking on the button, you can
scroll through the following displays: Time stamp, RMS, DKW, speed, operation state.
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Chart data
The frequency corresponding to the horizontal position of the mouse
pointer is displayed.
When you move the mouse pointer over the curves and limits dis-
plays, the associated numerical values will be displayed with the re-
sp ective unit.
For the selected primary spectrum, you can display markings in the
charge based on the associated speed and the currently stored bear-
ing type:
For all spectra: Speed cursor (with multiples)
For envelope spectrum: Bearing fault frequencies (with multiples)
Meaning of the abbreviations:
uter race
nner race
requency (cage rotation)
BSF: Ball Spin Frequency (rolling element rotation)
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Chart controls
Lasso mode:
You show a magnified view of a specific section using
the mouse wheel or lasso (drag the rectangle over the required area
using the left mouse button).
Panning mode: In this mode, you can pan the area of the screen being
displayed hold ing the left mouse button down.
Show data points:
Highlight / hide curve interpolation points.
Always get latest spectra:
Active (checkbox selected): Cyclic updating of the displayed spectra
Inactive (checkbox cleared):
No cyclic updating of the displayed spectra. The current spectra avail-
able when this checkbox is cleared are retained until the checkbox is
selected again.
Even if cyclic updating is not active, the current spectra are
still calculated and monitoring for limit violations is performed. The
monitoring results for the current spectra are displayed on the "Actual
values" web page.
With these buttons, you can horizontally shift the displayed frequency
This button resets the display to the original time range.
Apply settings and update chart display
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On the "Trends" web page, you can display characteristic values / measured values
recorded by the system in a trend chart.
You can optionally display monitored spectrum values, RMS, DKW, analog inputs, speed,
and temperature. The time interval can be selected.
To open the web page, click "Monitoring results" > Trends" in the navigation area.
Image 10-8 Trends
The x axis shows the time; the y axis the respective measured value in the appropriate units.
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Primary trend, reference trends
To display trend charts, you can choose
Any channel-related measured value / characteristic value as a primary value (e.g. the
spectrum type "speed" on VIB1)
Up to three further channel-related values as reference values (e.g. RMS on VIB1)
Image 10-9 Primary trend, reference trend
Up to 4 trend charts can be displayed at the same time. The procedures and channels can
be combined as required. For each selected value, the minimum, maximum, and/or average
value can be displayed. The up to 12 curves can be displayed in a fixed color scheme.
You can define whether a shared Y axis will be displayed or whether each "reference trend"
will be displayed on a separate Y axis.
Trend display for RMS, DKW, analog inputs, speed, temperature
The measured variables RMS, DKW, analog inputs, speed and temperature are selected by
means of the first two columns.
Trend display for spectra
If a trend display of spectra is selected (spectrum types: speed, acceleration, envelope
curve), two additional selection columns "Operation state" and "Trend name" are activated.
For channels with fixed speed, "Fixed speed" is displayed in the third selection element
instead of an operation state.
The selected spectrum trend is displayed as a measured value characteristic over time;
as an option, the associated current warning/alarm thresholds can also be shown.
Periods in which the selected operation state was not present, are presented as gaps.
The combination of procedures (= spectrum type), VIB channel, operation state and trend
name (this identifies a monitoring function in the threshold band) clearly defines which
value trend of a spectrum is to be displayed; even if the threshold band is used jointly by
several channels.
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If the browser window is not wide enough to display 4 selection columns side by side, a more
compact display is automatically presented:
Image 10-10 Trends: Compact presentation in the case of 4 selection columns
Information on the activation of trend recording for spectra can be found in the Section Limit
bands (Page 148).
Chart controls
Lasso mode:
A specific section can be magnified using the
mouse wheel or lasso (drag the rectangle over the required area
using the left mouse button).
This zoom setting is retai ned if the chart is updated.
NOTE: For zooming, fresh data is not fetched from the archive,
i.e. a display that has been compressed due to the volume of
data will not be displayed with a higher resolution through zoom-
ing. To do this, a smaller time interval must be selected.
Panning mode:
In this mode, the area of the screen being dis-
play can be shifted holding the left mouse button down. "Pan-
ning mode" can only be active if "Lasso mode" is inactive.
Show data points:
Highlight / hide curve points.
NOTE: It is only appropriate to display the points if the display is
already relatively detailed, i.e. when there are only a few curve
points in the curve window.
With these buttons, you can horizontally shift the displayed time
This button resets the display to the original time range.
Apply settings and update chart display.
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Trend data buffer
Here, you can define which time range will be displayed from
the trend data buffer. The smaller the time range chosen, the
finer the time resolution of the data and therefore the greater
the precision.
Last day: 1 min
Last week: 10 min
Last month: 30 min
Last 6 months: 3 h
Last 10 years: 24 h
Chart data
The instant corresponding to the horizontal position of the mouse
pointer is displayed. When you move the mouse pointer over the
curves and limits displays, the associated numerical values will
be displayed with the respective unit.
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Pending messages
This web pages shows all currently pending and all as yet unacknowledged messages.
To open the page, click "Monitoring results > Pending messages" in the navigation area.
Image 10-11 Pending messages
The list of messages is sorted by the time of creation of the message, most recent first.
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Displa y f ilter
For displaying messages, you can use the following filters via checkboxes:
Show active Display all curre ntl y pendi ng m ess age s
Feature: If both an alarm and a warning are active for a channel or a monitoring
method, only the alarm will be displayed.
Show unacknowl-
edged Displ ay all as yet unack nowledged message that must be acknowledged.
Acknowledging a message
You can either acknowledge messages individually or all messages at once using the
"Acknowledge all" button.
You can also acknowledge all active messages by briefly
pressing down and releasing the
front pushbutton (ACK/RESET).
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Message log
On this web page, you can view the entire message history.
To open the page, click "Monitoring results > Message log" in the navigation area.
The list of messages is sorted by the time of creation of the message, most recent first.
Image 10-12 Message log
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Displa y f ilter
For displaying messages, you can use the following filters via a dropdown menu:
Load all message s
Display All Messages
Load process mes sage s Only Display Process Messages
Load system messag es
Only Display System Messages
After selecting an entry, this entry can be clicked as a button.
Via a further dropdown menu, you can select between 10 and 200 entries per page.
Displaying messages in the message log
Table 10- 1 Message status
In A message has arrived. Example: A warning limit has been ex-
Out A message has gone.
Example: The previously overshot warning
limit has been undershot again.
Out (cleanup) A message has been autom at i call y
set to "Gone" by the system. This is performed when the relevant chan-
nel can no longer be monitored, e.g. if
data recording fails or the mode changes
to STOP.
Acknowledged A message has been acknowledged. Acknowledgment is performed by the
Ack. (system) A message has been automatically
acknowledged by the system. A message is repeatedly incoming and
outgoing in succe ss ion. The u ser must
acknowledge the last occurrence of the
Navigating in the message log
To the first item / one page back
One page forward / to the last item
Opens a dialog box in which you state the time from which the entries will be
Navigating in the message log does not cause the most recent messages to be loaded. You
can update the messages using the display filters (Load all messages, Load process, Load
Parameterizing via the web user interface
10.5 Monitoring configuration
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Monitoring configur ation
This category contains the pages that are required for setting the parameters for the
monitoring algorithms and for definition of the monitoring reactions.
Operation states
Operation states
You can define up to 5 operation states for each of the SPEED channels SPEED1 / 2 / 3.
You define an operation state by entering the name and speed range.
The default operation state is defined as "Standard", which covers the speed range from 120
rpm to 6000 rpm.
Image 10-13 Operation states
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The speed ranges of the operation states within a SPEED channel must not overlap.
Operating functions
Inserting/deleting rows
You can insert new rows and delete rows using the buttons to the left of the table.
Adding a row
A new row is always added at the end of the table
Delete row
Place the mouse pointer on the row to be deleted
Note: The last remaining row cannot be deleted.
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10.5 Monitoring configuration
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Velocity spectra
On the "Velocity spectra" page, you can activate the limits and define the associated limit
bands. The settings refer exclusively to the vibration channels and the "velocity spectrum"
monitori ng met hod.
Image 10-14 Velocity spectra
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Monitored limits
Activate or deactivate monitoring of the warning / alarm limits for this channel.
Monitored limit band
All operation states configured for the speed source of the respective VIB channel are
displayed. From the list of defined limit bands (see the chapter L imit ban ds (Page 148)), you
can assign a monitoring band to the respective operation state. This band contains
information as to which frequencies must be checked as well as the limits for the frequencies
to be checked.
In the case of VIB channels with fixed speed, "<Fixed speed>" is displayed as the operation
state, and you can assign precisely one limit band.
Image 10-15 Velocity spectra: VIB channel with fixed speed
The link icon will take you directly to the page of the currently selected limit frequency band.
Acknowledgement required for alarm/warning
Here you define whether a violation of a alarm / warning limit has to be acknowledged.
Reactio n t o limit violatio n
Here you activate the response to a limit violation.
Status is sent to the relevant LEDs and digital outputs.
Start raw data recording
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10.5 Monitoring configuration
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Limit bands
On the "Velocity spectrum band" page, you can create, modify and administer the limit bands
for the velocity spectrum.
You can define speed-independent limits and speed-dependent limits. As an option, you can
activate a trend recording of the spectra.
Image 10-16 Velocity spectrum band
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Here you define the hysteresis for the limit bands. This value applies to the entire limit band
defined here.
You can specify the value in mm/s or as a percentage.
Speed-independent limits
Speed-independent peak monitoring of absolute frequency bands.
For each speed-independent monitoring function, you can specify a message text. This text
will be included in the relevant process message to provide a clearer explanation when a
limit is violated.
Image 10-17 Speed-independent limits
The warning limits and alarm limits in the tables do not have to be filled out completely. In
this way, you can configure any part of the monitor ing f unct ions .
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10.5 Monitoring configuration
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Speed-dependent limits
Speed-dependent peak monitoring of individual frequencies with settable frequency
tolerance for monitoring.
The frequency to be monitored is entered as a multiple of the simple rotation frequency
("Rotational speed factor").
For speed-dependent peak monitoring of individual frequencies, a frequency tolerance band
for monitoring can be set.
The frequency tolerance can be specified absolutely in Hz or relatively as a percentage. It
states the band around a certain frequency in the spectrum that will be monitored for limits.
The default value for the frequency tolerance is ±0.3 Hz
For each speed-dependent monitoring function, you can specify a message text. This text
will be included in the relevant process message to provide a clearer explanation when a
limit is violated.
Image 10-18 Speed-dependent limits
The warning limits and alarm limits in the tables do not have to be filled out completely. In
this way, you can configure any part of the monitoring functions.
Mask limits
Limits of the mask frequency band for monitoring remaining frequencies to cover the entire
The mask frequency band covers the frequencies not yet monitored by one of the
procedures defined above.
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10.5 Monitoring configuration
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Trend recording for spectra
For each monitoring function in the threshold band (including mask band) a trend
recording can be activated; to do this, assign a name for the trend recording in the
threshold band.
The recorded value in each case is the maximum amplitude value in the monitored
spectrum range and thus corresponds exactly to the value that is compared with the
parameterized alarm and warning limits.
The spectrum values are recorded in the normal time scales (last day, last week, last
month, …) and therefore in a similar way to the trend recordings (RMS, DKW, speed
The following combinations are possible:
Monitoring only, no recording (specify limits in the threshold band, but no name for the
trend recording)
Monitoring + logging (specify limits and name for trend recording in the threshold value
Recording only, no monitoring (specify name for trend recording in the threshold value
band, but no limit values)
The spectra are monitored only in the RUN-Monitoring operating state; the trend
recording is performed both in RUN-Monitoring and in RUN-Measuring.
If the user modifies a trend name in the threshold band, then the trend data recorded
under the previous name can no longer be displayed.
Operating functions
Inserting/deleting rows
You can insert new rows and delete rows using the buttons to the left of the table.
Inserting a row
A new row is always added at the end of the table
Delete row
Place the mouse pointer on the row to be deleted
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Creating, loading, saving, deleting limit bands
All entries on the page are rejected and the previous values are displayed
You can create a new band of limits using the "New ..." button. A window
opens in which the name for the new limit band must be entered. After the
"OK" button has been clicked, a new band is created with the specified
name. Unsaved changes to existing bands are lost as a result. The new
band of limits is not saved until the "Save" button is clicked.
When the "Open …" button is clicked, a window opens that contains a list of
saved limit bands. After a list entry has been selected and the "OK" button
has been clicked, the selec ted limit band is load ed and dis pl ayed .
With the "Save" button, the changes of the currently loaded limit band will
be saved.
With the "Save as …" button, an existing limit band can be saved with a
new name. A wi ndow opens in which the new name can be entered. After
the "OK" button has been clicked in the window, the limit band is saved with
the new name and also displayed as the current limit band. Limit bands can
be copied in this manner. After the copy has been edited, the changes must
be saved by clicking the "Save" button.
You can delete an existing limit band from the archive using the "Delete ..."
button. A window opens that contains the name of the currently displayed
limit band. After the "OK" button has been clicked, the limit band of this
name will be deleted from the archive. The first limit band found in the ar-
chive will then be displayed as the current limit band.
Parameterizing via the web user interface
10.5 Monitoring configuration
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Acceleration spectra
On the "Acceleration spectra" page, you can activate the limits and define the associated
limit bands. The settings refer exclusively to the vibration channels and the "acceleration
spectrum" monitoring method.
Image 10-19 Acceleration spe ctr a
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Monitored limits
Activate or deactivate monitoring of the warning / alarm limits for this channel.
Monitored limit band
All operation states configured for the speed source of the respective VIB channel are
displayed. From the list of defined limit bands (see the chapter L imit ban ds (Page 155)), you
can assign a monitoring band to the respective operation state. This band contains
information as to which frequencies must be checked as well as the limits for the frequencies
to be checked.
In the case of VIB channels with fixed speed, "<Fixed speed>" is displayed as the operation
state, and you can assign precisely one limit band.
Image 10-20 Acceleration spectra: VIB channel with fixed speed
The link icon will take you directly to the page of the currently selected limit frequency band.
Acknowledgement required for alarm/warning
Here you define whether a violation of a alarm / warning limit has to be acknowledged.
Reactio n t o limit violatio n
Here you activate the response to a limit violation.
Status is sent to the relevant LEDs and digital outputs.
Start raw data recording
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Limit bands
On the "Acceleration spectrum band" page, you can create, modify and administer the limit
bands for the acceleration spectrum.
You can define speed-independent limits and speed-dependent limits.
Image 10-21 Acceleration spe ctr um band
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Here you define the hysteresis for the limit bands. The value applies to all the limit bands
defined here.
You can specify the value in m/s2 or as a percentage.
Speed-independent limits
The limits you create here are speed-independent. For each speed-in de pen dent mon itoring
function, you can specify a message text. This text will be included in the relevant process
message to provide a clearer explanation when a limit is violated.
Image 10-22 Speed-independent limits
The warning limits and alarm limits in the tables do not have to be filled out completely. In
this way, you can configure any part of the monitoring functions.
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10.5 Monitoring configuration
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Speed-dependent limits
Speed-dependent peak monitoring of individual frequencies with settable frequency
tolerance for monitoring.
The frequency to be monitored is entered as a multiple of the simple rotation frequency
("Rotational speed factor").
For speed-dependent peak monitoring of individual frequencies, a frequency tolerance band
for monitoring can be set.
The frequency tolerance can be specified absolutely in hertz or relatively as a percentage. It
states the band around a certain frequency in the spectrum that will be monitored for limits.
The default value for the frequency tolerance is ±0.3 Hz.
For each speed-dependent monitoring function, you can specify a message text. This text
will be included in the relevant process message to provide a clearer explanation when a
limit is violated.
Image 10-23 Speed-dependent limits
The warning limits and alarm limits in the tables do not have to be filled out completely. In
this way, you can configure any part of the monitoring functions.
Mask limits
Limits of the mask frequency band for monitoring remaining frequencies to cover the entire
The mask frequency band covers the frequencies not yet monitored by one of the
procedures defined above.
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Operating functions
Inserting/deleting rows
You can insert new rows and delete rows using the buttons to the left of the table.
Inserting a row
A new row is always added at the end of the table.
Deleting a row
Selecting the row to be deleted
Creating, loading, saving, deleting limit bands
All entries on the page are rejected and the previous values are displayed again.
You can create a new band of limits using the "New ..." button. A window opens
in which the name for the new limit band must be entered. After the "OK" button
has been clicked, a new band is created with the specified name. Unsaved
changes to existing bands are lost as a result. The new band of limits is not
saved until the "Save" button is clicked.
When the "Open …" button is clicked, a window opens that contains a list of
saved limit bands. After a list entry has been selected and the "OK" button has
been clicked, the sel ect ed lim it band is loaded and di spla yed .
With the "Save" button, the changes of the currently loaded limit band will be
With the "Save as …" button, an existing limit band can be saved with a new
name. A window opens in which the new name can be entered. After the "OK"
button has been clicked in the window, the limit band is saved with the new
name and also displayed as the current limit band. Limit bands can be copied in
this manner. After the copy has been edited, the changes must be saved by
clicking the "Save" button.
You can delete an existing limit band using the "Delete ..." button. A window
opens that contains the name of the currently displayed limit band. After the
"OK" button has been clicked, the limit band of this name will be deleted from
the archive. The first limit band found in the archive will then be displayed as the
current limit band.
Parameterizing via the web user interface
10.5 Monitoring configuration
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Envelope spectra
On the "Envelope spectra" page, you can activate the limits and define the associated limit
bands. The settings refer exclusively to the vibration channels and the "envelope spectrum"
monitori ng met hod.
Image 10-24 Envelope spectra
Parameterizing via the web user interface
10.5 Monitoring configuration
160 Operati ng I nst ruct i ons, 03/2016, A5E02913673F/007
Monitored limits
Activate or deactivate monitoring of the warning / alarm limits for this channel.
Monitored limit band
All operation states configured for the speed source of the respective VIB channel are
displayed. From the list of defined limit bands (see the chapter Lim it ban ds (Page 161)), you
can assign a monitoring band to the respective operation state. This band contains
information as to which frequencies must be checked as well as the limits for the frequencies
to be checked.
In the case of VIB channels with fixed speed, "<Fixed speed>" is displayed as the operation
state, and you can assign precisely one limit band.
Image 10-25 Envelope spectra: VIB channel with fixed speed
The link icon will take you directly to the page of the currently selected limit frequency band.
Acknowledgement required for alarm/warning
Here you define whether a violation of a alarm / warning limit has to be acknowledged.
Reactio n t o limit violatio n
Here you activate the response to a limit violation.
Status is sent to the relevant LEDs and digital outputs.
Start raw data recording
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10.5 Monitoring configuration
Operating Inst ruct i ons, 03/2016, A5E02913673F/007 161
Limit bands
On the "Envelope spectrum band" page, you can create, modify and administer the limit
bands for the envelope spectrum.
You can define speed-dependent limits and speed-independent limits for the remaining
Image 10-26 Envelope spectrum band
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162 Operati ng I nst ruct i ons, 03/2016, A5E02913673F/007
Here you define the hysteresis for the limit bands. The value applies to all the limit bands
defined here.
You can specify the value in m/s2 or as a percentage.
Speed-dependent limits
Speed-dependent peak monitoring of individual frequencies with settable frequency
tolerance for monitoring.
Select a bearing from the list of defined bearings. Bearings are defined on the "Be ar ing types
(Page 164)" web page.
For speed-dependent monitoring of individual frequencies, a frequency tolerance band for
monitoring can be set.
The frequency tolerance can be specified absolutely in Hz or relatively as a percentage. It
states the band around a certain frequency in the spectrum that will be monitored for limits.
The default value for the frequency tolerance is ±0.3 Hz
The message texts for the 4 types of damage are already predefined and can be selected
under "Message text."
This text will be included in the relevant process message to provide a clearer explanation
when a limit is violated.
The limits can be specified for up to five orders of magnitude (multiples of the respective fault
You can configure not only the predefined bearing frequencies but also any speed-
dependent mon itor ing func t ions.
Image 10-27 Speed-dependent limits
For each speed-dependent monitoring function, you can specify a message text. This text
will be included in the relevant process message to provide a clearer explanation when a
limit is violated.
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The warning limits and alarm limits in the tables do not have to be filled out completely. In
this way, you can configure any part of the monitoring functions.
Mask limits
Limits of the mask frequency band for monitoring remaining frequencies to cover the entire
The mask frequency band covers the frequencies not covered by the method stated above.
Operating functions
The operating functions are described by way of example in Section "Lim it ban ds
(Page 155)."
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10.5 Monitoring configuration
164 Operati ng I nst ruct i ons, 03/2016, A5E02913673F/007
Bearing types
On the "Bearing types" page, you can create, modify and administer the data for the different
bearing types.
The data stored for each bearing type is used in the bearing analysis to determine the fault
frequencies for the outer race, inner race, rolling elements (balls) and cage. The limit bands
for bearing analysis contain limits in accordance with these fault frequencies.
To open the page, click "Monitoring settings > Envelope spectra > Bearing types" in the
navigation area.
Image 10-28 Envelope spectra : Bearing t ypes
You can choose between the following two input modes for the bearing type parameter:
● Direct entry of the fault frequencies
● Input of the bearing geometry
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Direct entry of the fault frequencies
Image 10-29 Defining the bearing type by direct entry of the fault frequencies
For direct entry of the frequencies, you enter a speed as the reference value and the bearing
fault frequencies for outer race, inner race, rolling element and cage. An incomplete entry of
the fault frequencies is also accepted, but in this case you will be unable to activate
monitoring of the bearing for a particular type of damage.
Input of the bearing geometry
Image 10-30 Defining the bearing type by entering the bearing geometry
For entry of the bearing geometry, four geometric characteristic values are specified:
Contact angle of the rolling element (ball) in the cage α
Ball diameter DρW
Ball diameter DW
Number of balls Z
Fault frequency calculator
The "Bearing types" menu contains a fault frequency calculator. After a speed ("Speed for
fault frequencies") has been entered, the bearing fault frequencies for outer race and inner
race, the rolling element and cage are displayed immediately for the current bearing type.
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10.5 Monitoring configuration
166 Operati ng I nst ruct i ons, 03/2016, A5E02913673F/007
In the "RMS" menu, you can activate limits and set the associated limit and hysteresis
values. The settings refer exclusively to the vibration channels and the "RMS" monitoring
Image 10-31 RMS
Monitored limits
You can define a hysteresis value for each alarm and warning limit that you can activate.
See Section Absolute and cyclic hysteresis (Page 67) for an explanat io n of hys teres is.
Parameterizing via the web user interface
10.5 Monitoring configuration
Operating Inst ruct i ons, 03/2016, A5E02913673F/007 167
Selection of limits in accordance with ISO 10816-3 and ISO 10816-7 is supported. If a set of
limits defined by the standard is selected from the list, these values are entered in the lim it
fields and cannot be changed manually. To enter limits manually, you must select "User
defined" from the list.
Warn in g limit < Alar m limi t
Please note that the warning limit must always be lower than the alarm limit.
If t
his is not the case, changing to RUN operating mode will fail.
This does not apply when warning or alarm limits are deactivated.
Acknowledgement required for alarm/warning
Here you define whether a violation of the alarm/warning limit has to be acknowledged.
Reactio n t o limit violatio n
Here you activate the response to a limit violation.
Status is sent to the relevant LEDs and digital outputs.
Start raw data recording
Teaching results
The RMS values calculated by teaching serve as a guide for entering the limits.
The teach values are automatically as c ertain ed in me as uring mo de (RUN
-Measuring) and
continuously stored.
The values calculated during teaching are updated cyclically in "RUN-Measuring" mode:
Minimum RMS
Average RMS
Maximum RMS
The "Teaching results" display shows how many successful calculations were incorporated
into the minimum, maximum and average values.
With "Reset values," you can delete the teach values obtained. Up to 1000 teaching results
per vibration channel are saved in the device. Following "Reset", 1000 measurements are
again available.
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10.5 Monitoring configuration
168 Operati ng I nst ruct i ons, 03/2016, A5E02913673F/007
In the "DKW" menu, you can activate limits and set the associated limit and hysteresis
values. The settings refer exclusively to the vibration channels and the "DKW" monitoring
To open the page, click "Monitoring settings > DKW" in the navigation area.
Image 10-32 DKW
Parameterizing via the web user interface
10.5 Monitoring configuration
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Monitored limits
You can define a hysteresis value for each alarm and warning limit that you can activate.
See Section Absolute and cyclic hysteresis (Page 67) for an expla nat io n of hyst eres is.
Warn in g limit < Alar m limi t
Please note that the warning limit must always be lower than the alarm limit.
If this is not the case, changing to RUN operating mode will fail.
his does not apply when warning or alarm limits are deactivated.
Acknowledgement required for alarm/warning
Here you define whether a violation of the alarm/warning limit has to be acknowledged.
Reactio n t o limit violatio n
Here you activate the response to a limit violation.
Status is sent to the relevant LEDs and digital outputs.
Start raw data recording
DKW setup and teaching results
To specify the speed-dependent reference values, the corresponding rows must be added to
the table. The acquired speed of the monitored plant is assigned to the row with the next
lowest speed value in each case. The reference value saved in this row is then used for
calculation of the DKW. The row for speed "0" is entered by the system. If a measured speed
cannot be assigned to one of the entered speeds, it will be entered in row "0". This row
cannot be deleted and the value 0 for the speed cannot be changed.
The reference values determined from teaching can be used for DKW calculation.
Even if teaching mode is not used, reference values can be entered and saved in the table.
The teach values are automatically as c ertain ed in me as uring mo de (RUN
-Measuring) and
continuously stored.
The values calculated during the teaching process are updated cyclically. The "Teaching
hits" column contains the number of calculated reference values that were determined at this
speed, for each speed range. You can apply the reference values obtained by teaching with
the "Apply" button.
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10.5 Monitoring configuration
170 Operati ng I nst ruct i ons, 03/2016, A5E02913673F/007
With "Reset values," you can delete the teach values obtained. For each vibration channel,
up to 1000 teaching results per speed range are saved in the device. Following "Reset",
1000 measurements are again available per speed range.
Applying a changed speed distribution
note that when the speed distribution is changed, settings must be saved by clicking
the "Save" button. Otherwise the last settings saved will be used for teaching.
Parameterizing via the web user interface
10.5 Monitoring configuration
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On the "Speeds" page, you can monitor the three measured speeds SPEED1 / SPEED2 /
SPEED 3 for upper and lower limits respectively. You can activate limits and set the
associated limit and hysteresis values for each of the speed channels. The settings refer
exclusively to speed monitoring.
To open the Web page, click "Monitoring settings > Speeds" in the navigation area.
Image 10-33 Speed
Parameterizing via the web user interface
10.5 Monitoring configuration
172 Operati ng I nst ruct i ons, 03/2016, A5E02913673F/007
Monitored limits
You can define the following for each channel:
Monitoring the lower alarm limit / warning limit
Monitoring the upper warning limit / alarm limit
Hysteresis for the warning limits / alarm limits
For an explanation of hysteresis, see Section Absolute and cyclic hysteresis (Page 67).
Lower alarm limit < Lower warning limit < Upper warning limit < Upper alarm limit
Please note that the lower alarm limit must always be lower than the lower warning limit. And
that the lower warning limit must always be lower than the upper warning limit. And that the
upper warning limit must be lower than the upper alarm limit.
If this is not the case, changing to RUN operating mode will fail.
his does not apply when warning or alarm limits are deactivated.
Acknowledgement required for alarm/warning
Here you define whether a violation of the alarm/warning limit has to be acknowledged.
Reactio n t o limit violatio n
Here you activate the response to a limit violation.
Status is sent to the relevant LEDs and digital outputs.
Start raw data recording
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10.5 Monitoring configuration
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Analog inputs
In the "Analog inputs" menu, you can activate limits for analog inputs AI1 and AI2 and set the
associated limit and hysteresis values. The settings refer exclusively to analog value
To open the page, click "Monitoring settings > Analog inputs" in the navigation area.
Image 10-34 Analog inputs
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Monitored limits
You can define the following for each channel:
Monitoring the lower alarm limit / warning limit
Monitoring the upper warning limit / alarm limit
Hysteresis for the warning limits / alarm limits
For an explanation of hysteresis, see Section Absolute and cyclic hysteresis (Page 67).
Lower al ar m limi t < Lower warning limit < Upper warning limit < Upper alarm limit
Please note that the lower alarm limit must always be lower than the lower warning limit. And
that the lower warning limit must always be lower than the upper warning limit. And that the
upper w
arning limit must be lower than the upper alarm limit.
If this is not the case, changing to RUN operating mode will fail.
This does not apply when warning or alarm limits are deactivated.
Acknowledgement required for alarm/warning
Here you define whether a violation of the alarm/warning limit has to be acknowledged.
Reactio n t o limit violatio n
Here you activate the response to a limit violation.
Status is sent to the relevant LEDs and digital outputs.
Start raw data recording
Parameterizing via the web user interface
10.5 Monitoring configuration
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In the "Temperatures" menu, you can activate limits and set the associated limit and
hysteresis values. The settings only apply to temperature monitoring.
To open the page, click "Monitoring settings > Temperatures" in the navigation area.
Image 10-35 Temperatures
Parameterizing via the web user interface
10.5 Monitoring configuration
176 Operati ng I nst ruct i ons, 03/2016, A5E02913673F/007
Monitored limits
You can define the following for each channel:
Monitoring the lower alarm limit / warning limit
Monitoring the upper warning limit / alarm limit
Hysteresis for the warning limits / alarm limits
For an explanation of hysteresis, see Section Absolute and cyclic hysteresis (Page 67).
Lower alarm limit < Lower warning limit < Upper warning limit < Upper alarm limit
Please note that the lower alarm limit must always be lower than the lower warning limit. And
that the lower warning limit must always be lower than the upper warning limit. And that the
upper warning limit must be lower than the upper alarm limit.
If this is not the case, changing to RUN operating mode will fail.
This does not apply when
warning or alarm limits are deactivated.
Acknowledgement required for alarm/warning
Here you define whether a violation of the alarm/warning limit has to be acknowledged.
Reactio n t o limit violatio n
Here you activate the response to a limit violation.
Status is sent to the relevant LEDs and digital outputs.
Start raw data recording
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10.5 Monitoring configuration
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Recording raw data
For each vibration channel, you can define for how long the raw data recording will continue.
Values from 1 second through 90 seconds are permitted. You can define whether analog
channel AI1 and /or anal og c hanne l AI2 wi ll also be rec or ded.
For each recorded vibration channel, the associated speed is automatically also recorded.
To open the web page, click "Monitoring settings > Raw data recording" in the navigation
Image 10-36 Recording raw data
Parameterizing via the web user interface
10.6 Administration
178 Operati ng I nst ruct i ons, 03/2016, A5E02913673F/007
This category contains pages that are used for managing the device.
You can make general administration settings on the "General" page: Click "Save" to save
To open the page, click "Administration > General" in the navigation area.
Image 10-37 Administration: General
Parameterizing via the web user interface
10.6 Administration
Operating Inst ruct i ons, 03/2016, A5E02913673F/007 179
Device name
The name of the device can be entered here. It will appear in the title area, e-mails and on
the Identification (Page 197) page.
Device language
You can switch the language of the web interface between English and German. Select the
desired language and click "Save". Language switchover takes about 10 seconds. The
connection to the device is temporarily interrupted and the user is logged out.
Unacknowledged warning and alarm limits
For unacknowledged warnings and alarm, you can choose between two responses of the
message system:
Unacknowledged messages are indicated by flashing LEDs and set outputs, even when
the corresponding limit violation is no longer active.
Unacknowledged messages will be indicated by lit LEDs and set outputs. Displays are
reset when the limit transgression no longer applies.
Here you can also activate/deactivate the requirement for system messages to be
To change the password stored in the device, click "Change password". The corresponding
dialog box opens. Enter the old and new password, and repeat the new password. The
password must have a length between 4 and 40 characters. The following characters are
Lower and upper case letters (a to z and A to Z, no umlaut characters)
Digits (0 to 9)
Special characters "-" and "_"
Return the device if you have forgotten the password
If you forget your password, the device has to be
returned (Page 250). To avoid this, be s
to remember your password, or make a note of it and store it in a secure location.
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10.6 Administration
180 Operati ng I nst ruct i ons, 03/2016, A5E02913673F/007
Restart basic unit
A system restart can be performed in the STOP state by clicking the "Restart" button.
During the restart
During the restart, operation via the browser is not possible, because the connection to the
device has been interrupted.
After the restart
After the restart, it is necessary to log on again before operator commands are possible.
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Date and time
On the "Date and time" web page, you can set the date, time and time zone of the system.
To open the page, click "Administration > Date and time" in the navigation area.
Image 10-38 Date and time
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10.6 Administration
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When the page opens, the fields under "Device" contain the time and time zone applicable
for the device at this moment.
Enter the required time and time zone and save them via "Save." The device will then be in
the new time zone with the specified time set as the local time.
Browser computer
The "Sync device" button is used to load the local time of the browser into the device as the
system time, taking into account the set time zone.
Ensure that the time zones are correctly set on your PC and in CMS2000.
The time zone can only be set using the "Save" button under "Device."
Incorrect time in the browser
If the time
zone is set incorrectly, the wrong time will be displayed in the browser.
Time synchronization (SNTP)
We recommend synchronizing the time of of the device via an SNTP server. To activate this
function, select the relevant checkbox.
The values for the SNTP server and synchronization interval are displayed for the "Time
synchronization" field. If the server is not specified by means of an IP address, the DNS
server must be set correctly.
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On the "Ethernet" page, you can define the parameters for Ethernet communication. You can
also activate the cyclic transmission of current device data in Ethernet telegrams and the
online data interface to X-Tools.
To open the page, click "Administration > Ethernet" in the navigation area.
Image 10-39 Ethernet
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10.6 Administration
184 Operati ng I nst ruct i ons, 03/2016, A5E02913673F/007
Select either IP address assignment via DHCP or manual address settings in the "General "
section. When the IP address is obtained automatically via DHCP, the connection between
the browser and the device is lost, because it is not known which IP address will be
provided. You have to enter the new address in the browser to restore the connection.
The IP address, subnet mask, default gateway and DNS server can be entered manually as
required. Even when making a manual entry/change to the IP address, you have to enter the
new address in the browser to restore the connection.
You will normally be able to obtain the values required for these settings from your network
For saving e
-mails and for time synchronization over an NTP server, it is essential to enter a
DNS server.
Incorrect settings ca
n result in malfunctioning when the device is addressed via the web
: The network settings are saved in the device and are applied immediately for the
current operation. A logout is also performed. The user must log on again.
Send cyclic Ethernet telegram (TCP)
You can use the option "Send cyclic Ethernet telegram (TCP)" to activate the cyclic sending
of current device data over Ethernet (TCP/IP protocol). This serves to integrate CMS2000
devices in higher-level systems, whereby interfacing to a PLC (SIMATIC) especially is
Two types of telegram are available for selection:
Compact telegram
Contains imp or tant inform ation from the "Home page (Page 126)", such as operating
status and number of active messages
Extended telegram
Contains the data of the compact telegram as well as the current measured values and
status information displayed on the "Actual values (Page 128)" pag e
The detailed telegram format is specified in the Appendix (Page 240). Telegrams are sent in
all operating modes with the exception of "Startup" and "Shutdown".
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The following parameters can be assigned for this function:
Telegram sending on/off
IP address and port of the recipient
Cycle time for sending telegrams in multiples of seconds
Telegram type (compact/extended)
The connection via TCP/IP is normally established by the CMS2000 device and must be
accepted by the communication partner. Whenever the above parameters are saved, the
connection is cleared and re-established so the communication partner must support
repeated connection buildup. The communication partner, however, cannot establish a
connection to the CMS2000. The CMS2000 outputs a system message when telegram
sending was activated, but was unsuccessful. In the event of a fault, continuous attempts are
made to establish a connection or to send a telegram.
The settings for sending telegrams are saved in the device and are applied
immediately for the current operation.
Activate online data interface to X-Tools
With this option, you can activate/deactivate the online data interface to X-Tools.
The port addresses for the command and data connection to X-Tools can be freely assigned.
The following port addresses are set as defaults:
Command port
Data port
The CMS2000 must be in the STOP state for this purpose.
In the RUN state (monitoring or measuring), X-Tools can establish the connection to the
CMS2000 when the data interface is activated.
An active connection with X-Tools is indicated under "Pending messages" as a status
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E-mail function
The e-mail function is used for transferring process and system messages as well as up-to-
date system infor mat io n to one or more e-mail recipients.
To open the page, click "Administration > E-mail" in the navigation area. The "E-mail" page
opens in the working area:
Image 10-40 E-mail
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Operating Inst ruct i ons, 03/2016, A5E02913673F/007 187
Event triggered e-mails
You can use the option "Event-triggered e-mails" to activate the sending of event-triggered
e-mails. These can inform you about limit violations (warnings/alarms), system messages or
operating mode changes (startup, STOP → RUN, RUN → STOP) as they occur.
You can set the following parameters for this function:
E-mail address(es) of recipient(s)
If more than one e
-mail recipient is entered, addresses must be separated by a ";" (semi-
colon), a "," (comma) or a blank.
The subject line of the e-mail
You must also specify which message classes should trigger an e-mail. The following
message classes are available:
Process alarms
Process warnings
System messages (system messages and operation state transitions)
The e-mail text comprises the message ID, message type, time of message, IP address of
the device, statuses of the "NORMAL," "WARNING," and "ALARM" LEDs before and after
occurrence of the message, as well as the message text as it is shown on the "Message log
(Page 142)" web page.
Alive e -mails
You can use the option "Alive e-mails" to activate the sending of cyclic e-mails that can serve
as signs of life. Enter one or more recipient addresses here, as well as an e-mail subject.
These can differ from the recipients entered for the event-triggered e-mails. You can select a
cycle time of 1 x daily or 1 x weekly, at 01:00 hrs local system time.
The text of the cyclic e-mails includes current system information such as system date/time,
status of the LEDs "NORMAL", "WARNING" and "ALARM" as well as the number of active
process and system alarms.
Parameterizing via the web user interface
10.6 Administration
188 Operati ng I nst ruct i ons, 03/2016, A5E02913673F/007
E-mail server settings
In the section "E-mail server settings", you can set the parameters for sending e-mails.
SMTP / SMTP-after-POP authentication
You can check the box "SMTP-after-POP authentication" to activate the procedure;
otherwise SMTP only will be used. If "SMTP-after-POP authentication" is used, you must
complete all the fields under "E-mail server settings".
If SMTP is used, only the following information is required:
Sender address
SMTP server address
SMTP server port
The entered values are stored on the device. The changes will only
be effective after a change from STOP mode to one of the active
modes "RUN-M ea suring" or "RUN-Monitoring".
Send test mail
(Event-triggered e-mails / Alive
To test the e-mail settings, you can click this button in STOP mode
to send a test e-mail for the respective e-mail category.
After changing the settings, you must write them to the device by clicking the button "Save"
before yo
u can use the function "Send test mail".
If an error occurs when sending an e-mail, a message of the type "System-Inf o" is enter e d in
the message histor y . A separ ate mes sage appears for ever y failed e-mail.
If an e-mail is successfully sent, this does not automatically mean that the e-mail has also
been successfully delivered. The specified SMTP server is responsible for delivery. No
success or failure messages are sent from here to the CMS2000.
Parameterizing via the web user interface
10.6 Administration
Operating Inst ruct i ons, 03/2016, A5E02913673F/007 189
On the "Download" page, you can download data that is stored in the device. This data can
then be transferred to other CMS devices, or to other software for further processing.
To open the page, click "Administration > Down load" in the navig ation ar ea.
Image 10-41 Download
In "RUN" mode, only downloading of raw data records and "Readme_OSS" is possible.
For all other data, downloading is only possible
in STOP mode
. You must switch to STOP, if
you have not already done s o.
Parameterizing via the web user interface
10.6 Administration
190 Operati ng I nst ruct i ons, 03/2016, A5E02913673F/007
Download results
Trends Trends are the measured variables stored in the various time resolu-
tions. The time resolutions "Last week", "Last month", "Last 6
months" and "Last 10 years" can be be downloaded as a separate
Messages The messages that are generated as a result of events (e.g. limit
All the "Fingerprints" are saved in this database file.
Raw data records Raw data are recorded in WAV files. A WAV file is generated for
each recording of raw data.
Download ing raw data:
Select a file from the list of existing files and click the download
button next to it.
Deleting raw data:
Select a file from the list of existing files and click the delete but-
ton next to it.
What do you do if a raw data recording (wav-file) is played in the browser instead of being
In the browser settings, change the action linked with the suffix "*.wav" from "Playback"
"Execute" to "S ave" or "Quer y"
If this is not possible, the download should be performed by entering <IP-
address>/rawdata in the browser address line; after authentication of the user, the
content of the raw data folder is listed and individual files can be downloaded by right-
clicking and selecting "Save as…".
Download settings
Download data
Monitoring parameters This file contains all monitoring parameters, e.g. hardware configura-
tion, limit bands, r esp ons es to limit violat io ns.
Device parameters This database file contains the device parameters (e-m ail set tings,
clock settings, Ethernet addresses).
Bearing types This database file contains all the types of bearings that have been
Parameterizing via the web user interface
10.6 Administration
Operating Inst ruct i ons, 03/2016, A5E02913673F/007 191
Downloading of files from the device is secured by an additional authentication. The default
login name must be entered as the default login name "admin". The password required is the
one that was most recently set in the device administration on the appropriate web page. If
the password was not changed here, the default password "0000" applies.
Download software license information
Here, you can download the license conditions of the open source software used in the
CMS2000 system as a pdf file.
Parameterizing via the web user interface
10.6 Administration
192 Operati ng I nst ruct i ons, 03/2016, A5E02913673F/007
On the "Cleanup" page, you can delete device data and settings that are no longer required.
The following data and settings can be deleted:
Recorded raw data
Teach values
Diagnostic param eter s
You can reset the device the factory settings.
To open the page, click "Administration > Cleanup" in the navigation area.
Image 10-42 Cleanup
Parameterizing via the web user interface
10.6 Administration
Operating Inst ruct i ons, 03/2016, A5E02913673F/007 193
In "RUN" mode, you can delete the "Fingerprints" and the "Raw data records." All other
functions of the "Cleanup" page can only be performed in STOP mode.
Deleting trends, messages, r aw data records
You have the following options for deleting trends, messages, and raw data records:
Delete all data in one step
Delete only data that are older than a set time
When you open the page, the current date and time are automatically entered as the default
setting. Enter the required values for the time from which all values are to be deleted in the
date and time fields.
Safety query: Clicking on the "Delete all" button or "Delete older than" button opens a dialog
box, in which you must confirm the deletion. The data will only be deleted after confirming
with "O K ".
Deletion is performed in the background and, depending on the quantity of data, can take
several minutes. If the cleanup procedure is not completed before the device is switched off,
the data will not be deleted or only incompletely deleted.
Deleting fingerprints
Fingerprints are saved with a name with reference to the channel. The names of all
fingerprints saved are available in a dropdown list from which you select the fingerprint to be
deleted. Delete the selected fingerprint with the "Delete" button. A dialog box opens in which
you must confirm deletion.
Deleting teach values
You can delete all saved teach values with the "Delete all" button. A dialog box opens in
which you must confirm deletion.
Parameterizing via the web user interface
10.6 Administration
194 Operati ng I nst ruct i ons, 03/2016, A5E02913673F/007
Deleting monitoring parameters
The following time-dependent data is deleted or reset to default values:
Hardware configuration
Limit value settings for methods of analysis and channels
Diagnostic reactions for methods and channels
Limit bands
device is inoperable during the deletion process.
Resetting device to factory settings
The following actions are performed using the "Reset" button:
Deletion of all recorded data (historical data, messages, raw data, fingerprints, teaching
Deleting all diagnostic parameters
Deleting the hardware configuration
Resetting the dev ic e para m eter s
Resetting the password
Resetting the operating hours counter to "0."
Bearing data is excluded from this function. This is a
lways retained.
After this function has been performed, the device may not be addressable under the
previous IP address.
Parameterizing via the web user interface
10.6 Administration
Operating Inst ruct i ons, 03/2016, A5E02913673F/007 195
Initial status / Default values
The status described below represents the delivery status of the device. If a cleanup action
is performed on the parameters, or if a database is deleted via WebDAV or FTP, the affected
part of the system data is returned to this status or recreated with this status.
Default settings
Parameter groups
Default setting
Device configuration
[Factory settings]
Flashing is deactivated for unacknowledged alarms
Module name is ""
NTP is deactivated
NTP server name is ""
NTP refresh time is 5 minutes
Network configuration
[Factory settings]
DHCP is acti va ted
The static IP address is ""
The subnet mask is ""
The default gateway is ""
The DNS server is " "
E-mail configuration
[Factory settings]
Sending of event-triggered and cyclic e-mails (alive e-mails) is deactivated
POP server name is ""
POP server port is 110
POP user name is ""
POP password is ""
SMTP server name is ""
SMT server port is 25
Sender address is ""
Recipient addr es ses are ""
Hardware configuration
[Factory settings]
No expansion modules
No analog channels (no names, no sensors selected)
Sensor scaling for analog channels is 0 V to 0 V for voltage
Sensor scaling for analog channels is 0 mA to 0 mA for curr ent
No vibration channels (no names, no sensors selected)
Sensor scaling for vibration channels is 100 mV/g
Fixed speed value is 120 rpm in each case
Diagnostic parameters
[Factory settings]
[Delete monitoring parameters]
All channels are deactivated
All reactions for all channels are deactivated
All messages (alarms and warnings) for all channels are not subject to acknowl-
All diagnostic methods for all vibration channels are deactivated
All reactions to diagnostic methods of the vibration channels are deact iva ted
All messages (alarms and warnings) for all reactions to diagnostic methods are not
subject to acknowledgement
Parameterizing via the web user interface
10.6 Administration
196 Operati ng I nst ruct i ons, 03/2016, A5E02913673F/007
Parameter groups
Default setting
Speed, temperatur e and anal o g
monitoring limits [factory settings]
[Delete monitoring parameters]
Upper and lower alarm and warning lim it s are dea cti vat ed
All limits are 0
All hysteresis val ue s are 0
Vibration analysis limits [Factory
[Delete monitoring parameters]
All alarm and warning limits are deactivated
All limits are 0
All hysteresis val ue s are 0
Limit bands
[Factory settings]
[Delete monitoring parameters]
No limit bands are available.
Bearing types
No bearing types exist in the delivery status
The bearing types are not affected by reset/delete operations
They must be deleted manually by the user
Historical data
[Factory settings]:
No messages, trends, and fingerprints are stored
Operating hour s counter
[Factory settings]
Operating hour s cou nter is 0
User account
[Factory settings]
User name = "admin"
Password = "0000"
Parameterizing via the web user interface
10.6 Administration
Operating Inst ruct i ons, 03/2016, A5E02913673F/007 197
On the "Identification" page, you can display information about the system, the Basic
Unit VIB and the browser. This page is for information only. You cannot change any settings.
To open the page, click "Administration > Identification" in the navigation area. The
"Identification" page opens in the working area:
Image 10-43 Identification
Parameterizing via the web user interface
10.6 Administration
198 Operati ng I nst ruct i ons, 03/2016, A5E02913673F/007
Display par ameters
Display parameters
Device name
Name in e-mail and web-
interface The name of the system is displayed here as it appears in e-mails and
in the title of every webpage. This name can be changed on the Gen-
eral (Page 178) web page.
Basic unit
Order number
Order number for the Basic Unit VIB; factory setting
Serial number
Serial number for the Basic Unit VIB; factory setting
Hardware vers ion
Hardware version for the Basic Unit VIB; factory setting
Firmware version
Firmware version for the Basic Unit VIB
HTTP identification
Browser version used on the PC
Parameterizing via the web user interface
10.7 Hardware configuration
Operating Inst ruct i ons, 03/2016, A5E02913673F/007 199
Hardware configuration
On the "Hardware configuration" page, you define the equipment that is actually installed in
the system. To open the page, click "Hardware configuration" in the navigation area.
Image 10-44 Hardware conf igura tio n
Parameterizing via the web user interface
10.7 Hardware configuration
200 Operati ng I nst ruct i ons, 03/2016, A5E02913673F/007
You must make these settings before you continue with the parameterization under
Monitoring configuration (Page 144)".
Installed ex pa ns ion m odul es
Here, you define what expansion modules are installed. This selection also defines the
connection sequence of the expansion modules.
Example: Two temperature modules
Definition of a system configuration with two temperature modules
Image 10-45 Installed expansion modules (temperature modules)
Example: Two VIB-MUX and two temperature modules
Definition of a system configuration with two VIB-MUX and two temperature modules
(maximum configuration).
Image 10-46 Installed expansion modules (VIB-MUX and temperature modules)
You assign one IEPE input of the Basic Unit to each configured VIB-MUX.
Parameterizing via the web user interface
10.7 Hardware configuration
Operating Inst ruct i ons, 03/2016, A5E02913673F/007 201
Basic unit channels
CMS2000 has 3 SPEED channels for measured speeds. You first configure the SPEED
channels SPEED1, SPEED2, SPEED3 and assign them later to the vibration channels. In
this way, you can assign an individual speed to each vibration channel. You can activate /
deactivate the SPEED channels and assign a name to them.
Image 10-47 Speed channel
As the source for the speed measurement, the following permanently assigned hardware
channels are available:
Speed encoder
The speed is measured via the digital speed/BERO input.
AI1 used
The speed is acquired via an analog input. This requires connec-
tion of a speed sensor that outputs a current signal proportional to
the rotation speed in the range of ±4 mA to ±20 mA or a voltage
signal proportional to the rotation speed in the range of -10 V t o
+10 V. For the selected analog channel, the acquired current or
voltage signal converted to a speed with the fixed units of rpm
must then be parameterized.
The absolute value of th e acq uired and con vert ed anal og va lue is
used for the speed (the analog value converted to the target
range can be negative, depending on the direction of rotation).
Otherwise, the analog channel used for speed acquisition is pro-
cessed normally, i.e. it is displayed under "Actual values
(Page 128)" and is separately monitored and can be separately
SPEED3 AI2 used
Parameterizing via the web user interface
10.7 Hardware configuration
202 Operati ng I nst ruct i ons, 03/2016, A5E02913673F/007
Analog input
A voltage sensor or a current sensor can be selected for the analog channels.
The sensors of the analog channels are scaled in a separate window, in accordance with the
sensor type.
Image 10-48 Window for voltage sen sor
Image 10-49 Window for current sensor
The measuring range is mapped linearly onto a target area for this purpose. The measuring
range is fixed as -10 V to +10 V (voltage) or ±4 mA to ±20 mA (current). The target area
complete with target units can be assigned as required. The acquired voltage or current
value is continuously presented in the target area, and the calculated value is displayed and
used in limit monitoring.
Parameterizing via the web user interface
10.7 Hardware configuration
Operating Inst ruct i ons, 03/2016, A5E02913673F/007 203
Voltage with target range of -5 bar to +5 bar, with a measured voltage of 3.7 V,
gives a result of 1.85 bar that is displayed on the "Actual values (Page 128) " page and is
compared against the limits selected for the corresponding channel.
Configuration without expansion modules
Image 10-50 Vibration chan nel s: Conf ig uration without expansion modules
VIB 1 / VIB 2 is the respective vibration channel to which the IEPE sensor is directly
connected at input 1 or IEPE input 2 of the Basic Unit. In this way, you can assign an
individual speed source to each vibration channel. The speed source can be any fixed speed
or a measured speed (SPEED channel 1 / 2 / 3). You can assign a transmission ratio only to
a vibration channel with measured speed. The measured rotational speed is multiplied by the
transformation ratio in order to obtain the "channel-related" speed which is then used for the
Parameterizing possibilities:
Channel active/inactive
Name of channel
Sensor sensitivity in mV/g
Speed source for measured speeds and transmission ratio
Constant speed
Configuration with expansion modules VIB-MUX
Image 10-51 Vibration channels: Configuration with expansion modules VIB-MUX
VIB1: "VI B1.1 VIB1.8" are the vibration channels 1-8 of a VIB-MUX, which is connected to
the IEPE input 1 of the Basic Unit
VIB2: "VI B2.1 VIB2.8" are the vibration channels 1-8 of a VIB-MUX, which is connected to
the IEPE input 2 of the Basic Unit.
You define parameterization of the individual channels of a VIB-MUX under "VIB-MUX
module connected to VIB1/VIB2."
Parameterizing via the web user interface
10.7 Hardware configuration
204 Operati ng I nst ruct i ons, 03/2016, A5E02913673F/007
VIB-MUX module connected to VIB1/2
VIB-MUX module connected to VIB1/2
This dialog box only appears if you have entered an expansion module VIB-MUX under
"Installed expansion modules."
Image 10-52 VIB-MUX module connected to VIB1/2
You can assign an individual speed source to each channel of the VIB-MUX. The speed
source can be any fixed speed or a measured speed (SPEED channel 1 / 2 / 3). You can
assign a transmission ratio only to a vibration channel with measured speed. The measured
rotational speed is multiplied by the transformation ratio in order to obtain the "channel-
related" speed which is then used for the analyses.
Parameterizing possibilities:
Channel active/inactive
Name of channel
Sensor sensitivity in mV/g
Speed source for measured speeds and transmission ratio
Constant speed
Parameterizing via the web user interface
10.7 Hardware configuration
Operating Inst ruct i ons, 03/2016, A5E02913673F/007 205
Temperature module
Temperature module
The temperature modules are connected via the system interface. Any sensor supported by
this interface for temperature acquisition can be selected as the temperature sensor. You
can activate / deactivate three channels individually for the temperature inputs.
Image 10-53 Temperature module
Parameterizing via the web user interface
10.8 Help and Contact
206 Operati ng I nst ruct i ons, 03/2016, A5E02913673F/007
Help and Contact
On this page, you can download the operating instructions of the CMS2000 system directly
from the Basic Unit.
On this page, you will also find a summary of the communication routes and contact
addresses for
Technical support
Siemens Industry Online Support
Image 10-54 Help and Contact
Parameterizing via the web user interface
10.9 Web site for mobile devices
Operating Inst ruct i ons, 03/2016, A5E02913673F/007 207
Web site for mobile devices
CMS2000 has an integrated Web site for mobile devices. With this, you have the option of
viewing different current information of the CMS2000 on, for example, a smartphone or
The Web site offers read-only access to the device without login. You cannot change any
values / settings.
The mobile Web site is autonomous and is not linked to the "standard" pages.
The Web pages are designed for the displaying in portrait and landscape formats. The
display is automatically adjusted to the screen width.
Suitable browsers include: Safari (iOS), Chrome or "Internet" (Android)
The pages are updated automatically approximately every two seconds
You call the mobile Web site as follows:
IP address
Example with default IP address of the device:
The mobile Web site consists of three Web pages between which you can switch using tabs:
Device, Va lues, Mes s ages
Parameterizing via the web user interface
10.9 Web site for mobile devices
208 Operati ng I nst ruct i ons, 03/2016, A5E02913673F/007
Display of infor mat ion ab ou t the device its e lf, about the current operating state of the device,
as well as information as to whether current messages are pending.
Parameterizing via the web user interface
10.9 Web site for mobile devices
Operating Inst ruct i ons, 03/2016, A5E02913673F/007 209
On the "Values" page, you can read the current measured values of the system.
All the variables selected in the hardware configuration are displayed.
Parameterizing via the web user interface
10.9 Web site for mobile devices
210 Operati ng I nst ruct i ons, 03/2016, A5E02913673F/007
On this page, you can view the active, or in other words, currently pending messages.
Operating Inst ruct i ons, 03/2016, A5E02913673F/007 211
Maintenance and ser vicing
Firmware installation
Firmware update
The firmware for the device is supplied as the file "" on request. Use the
communciation channels specified under Service & support (Page 250) to do this.
Back up all files before installing a firmware update
Before updating the firmware, back up all the data (files) on the device using the export
function in accordance with Section Download (Page 189). When backing up, you can
restore the original condition of the firmware and device. The raw data recordings (*.wav
files), however, do not have to be backed up.
Update the firmware
To update the firmw are, pr oc eed as follows :
1. Put the device in the STOP mode.
2. Copy the "" file into the device update directory.
Use the upload options described in Section Data transfer over WebDAV (Page 80)
and/or Data exchange via FTP (Page 82).
The process can take several minutes.
You can display the status of the copying process by pressing the <F5> key.
3. The device must be restarted using a pushbutton or the "Restart..." button on the
"Administration > General" web page.
The new firmware will be automatically installed during the restart. This can also take
several minutes.
sure during the firmware update that the power supply is not interrupted since this
could result in inco mp lete /i nc onsis ten t fir mware in the dev ice.
Maintenance and servicing
11.1 Firmware installation
212 Operati ng I nst ruct i ons, 03/2016, A5E02913673F/007
Update successful
You can recognize successful completion of an update by the following:
LEDs are no longer flashing on the device,
The device can be accessed via the web pages again
The new firmware version is displayed on the home page.
If the original firmware version is still shown on the home page, this may be due to the
caching mechanisms of y
our browser. Remedy: Clear the browser cache and reload the
home page.
Update unsuccessful
If an error occurs, the device will enter the "ERROR - System not ready" state (see Section
"ERROR - System not ready" mode (Page 228)). In this case, perform the update procedure
Maintenance and servicing
11.1 Firmware installation
Operating Inst ruct i ons, 03/2016, A5E02913673F/007 213
Notes on the firmware update facility
Update from V1.0 to V4.0
Not supported (upload V1.1 initially as intermediate step)
Update from V1.1 to V4.0
Device parameters (e.g. IP address) are retained
Bearing data is retained
Hardware configuratio n and monitor ing param eters are
reset to default values
Logged histori cal data:
Messages are deleted
Trend recordings are deleted
Fingerprints are deleted
Teaching values (RMS/DKW) are deleted
Raw data records are retained
Update from V2.x to V4.0
Device parameters (e.g. IP address) are retained
Bearing data is retained
Hardware configuratio n and monitor ing param eters are
reset to default values
Logged histori cal data:
Messages are re tain ed
Trend recordings are deleted
Fingerprints are retained
Teaching values (RMS/DKW) are deleted
Raw data records are retained
Update from V3.0 to V4.0
Device parameters (e.g. IP address) are retained
Bearing data is retained
Hardware configuratio n and monitor ing param eters are
Logged histori cal data:
Messages are re tain ed
Trend recordings are deleted
Fingerprints are retained
Teach values (RMS/DKW) are retained
Raw data records are retained
Maintenance and servicing
11.1 Firmware installation
214 Operati ng I nst ruct i ons, 03/2016, A5E02913673F/007
Firmware downgrade
A firmware downgrade, that is loading a previous firmware version onto the CMS2000 device
is supported in principle. The older firmware version will, however, normally be incompatible
with a database that was created by more recent firmware, so after loading an older firmware
version the device will be inoperable.
Requirements for a firmware downgrade
For the device to be functional following a firmware downgrade, you will need the database
that was associated with the older firmware. Chapter Fir mware update (Page 211) describes
how to back up the database before a firmware update.
Downgrading the firmware
If you want to return to the original firmware version, perform the downgrade as follows,
using WebDAV (Page 80) or FTP (Page 82) for the data access:
1. Enter the STOP stat us.
2. Delete all files in the /config and /history folders.
3. Import the previous firmware version into the folder /update (see Section Firmware
update (Page 211)).
4. Import the files for the device that were previously backed up and contain the older
firmware version into the folders /config and /history.
5. Reboot the device.
The device is now functional again with the original firmware version and the compatible
Maintenance and servicing
11.2 Replacing the label
Operating Inst ruct i ons, 03/2016, A5E02913673F/007 215
Replacing the label
The label serves to identify the device. The label can be replaced.
1. Insert a screwdriver in the small gap in the device frame at the edge of the label and lever
it out.
2. Use your finger to press the new label onto the module.
Rating plate
Reordering labels
The ordering data for additional labels (20 mm x 7 mm, light turquoise) can be found in
Chapter 7 of the following catalog:
Low-Voltage Controls and Distribution SIRIUS - SENTRON - SIVACON
Catalog LV 1
Order No. E86060-K1002-A101-A9
© Siemens AG, 2011
Maintenance and servicing
11.3 Replacing system components
216 Operati ng I nst ruct i ons, 03/2016, A5E02913673F/007
Replacing system components
The work steps for expanding the Basic Unit VIB or an expansion module are des c ribed
Only remove the terminals when replacing devices
You can conveniently replace SIPLUS CMS2000 components by removing the removable
terminals along with the wiring from the components. You do not have to remove the wiri
of the terminals.
1. Switch off the fuse outlet in the distribution board, and secure this against being switched
back on.
2. Remove the terminal blocks from the device.
3. Remove the device from the DIN rail. Proceed in the reverse order to that described in
Section Mounting the Basic Unit VIB and expansion modules (Page 93).
4. Send the Basic Unit VIB to the Returns Center in Fürth.
Recycling and disposal
The Basic Unit VIB of the CMS2000 and the VIB-MUX expansion module can be recycled
because the low proportion of pollutants they contain.
Disposal of the products described in this manual must be in accordance with the
applicable statutory requirements.
For environmentally compliant recycling and disposal of your discarded device, including
the battery contained in the basic device, please only contact a company approved for
the disposal of electronic waste.
Battery type used in basic unit: Panasonic BR-2330/GAN button cell
The device cannot be returned to Siemens.
For further questions regarding disposal and recycling, please contact your
local Siemens contact. You will find the contact details in our database
on the Internet at:
Operating Inst ruct i ons, 03/2016, A5E02913673F/007 217
Process and system messages, error handlin g
Basi c Un i t V IB
LED status indicator on the Basic Unit VIB
The device has 5 LEDs on the front:
READY (green)
RUN (green)
NORMAL (green)
WARNING (yellow)
ALARM (red)
LED function groups
The LEDs can be divided into two function groups:
Information on the device status: READY, RUN
Information on the monitored plant components. NORMAL, WARNING, ALARM
Process and system messages, error handling
12.1 Basic Unit VIB
218 Operati ng I nst ruct i ons, 03/2016, A5E02913673F/007
Power OFF, device switched off
Transitory state: Device is in a state of limited functionality
(e.g. startup or firmware update), RUN and application
monitoring are not possible.
Error that makes it impossible to switch to READY
Device ready Access possible via PC.
STOP status: No measuring or monitoring mode
Mode change from STOP to RUN
Mode change from STOP to RUN has failed due to an error.
RUN, measuring mode or incomplete/faulty monitoring
mode (e.g. acquisition error on vibration channel)
RUN, complete and faulty monitoring mode; LEDs behave
as described in Section Digital outputs for controlling a
signaling colum n (Page 218).
Flashing at 0.5 Hz, unless specified otherwise
Digital outputs for controlling a signaling column
The three digital outputs DO1 to DO3 are permanently assigned to the process statuses
Normal, Warning, and Alarm in monitoring mode. When a signaling column is connected to
these digital outputs and configured appropriately, the process status is indicated by the
following LED colors:
LED color
Process status
Process and system messages, error handling
12.1 Basic Unit VIB
Operating Inst ruct i ons, 03/2016, A5E02913673F/007 219
Possible combinations on a signaling column (traffic light )
"green" /
"yellow" /
"red" /
Process status:
Warnings and alarms for the
monitored plant compon ent s
System state:
Monitoring of the plant via CMS2000 channels
No warnings and no alarms are
active All channels are being monitored. No faults are pend-
ing. (e.g. recording errors on vibration channel)
No statement is possible, be-
cause the plant is not being ful ly
Incomplete/faulty monitoring mode
At least one fault is pending. (e.g. recording errors on
vibration channel)
At least one warning is currently
active. All channels are being monitored. No faults are pend-
At least one alarm is currently
All channels are being monitored. No faults are pend-
"Flashing" option for LEDs is
set, and at least one
unacknowledged warning is
Note: Only the LED flashes,
output DO2 is set during this
All channels are being monitored. No faults are pend-
"Flashing" option for LEDs is
set, and at least one
unacknowledged alarm is ac-
Note: Only the LED flashes,
output DO3 is set during this
All channels are being monitored. No faults are pend-
Flashing at 0.5 Hz, unless specified otherwise
Process and system messages, error handling
12.1 Basic Unit VIB
220 Operati ng I nst ruct i ons, 03/2016, A5E02913673F/007
Error messages
Message text
Client command response timeout. A client command could not be executed
within a defined period. The devi ce is tem porar i ly over-
loaded. Wait and see wheth er
the command is nevertheless
executed. Otherwise, repeat the
Client command not possible in current
application state. A client command cannot be performed in the
current operating mode. Deletion of data
(cleanup), for example, is only possible in
STOP state.
Change to the operating mode
in which the command is per-
mitted and then execute the
Database file missing: ***.cmsdb The required database file is missing from the
device. Reboot the device. The missing
file will be generated autom ati-
cally. Then check your parame-
ter assignment.
Database file corrupt: ***.cmsdb A database file that is required is damaged on
the device and cannot be used . D elete the spe cif ied file using
WebDAV or via FTP and reboot
the device.
Illegal scaling of VIB1 vibration sensor. An invalid value was entered for the sensor
sensitivity on channel 1 or on a channel of
Enter a valid value for "Sensor
sensitivity" on the "Hardware
configuration" page.
Illegal scaling of VIB2 vibration sensor. An invalid value was entered for the sensor
sensitivity on channel 2 or on a channel of
Enter a valid value for "Sensor
sensitivity" on the "Hardware
configuration" page.
Invalid configuration for speed acquisi-
tion. A vibratio n chann el shows an invalid speed
source. Check all parameters connect-
ed with speed acquisition on
the "Hardware con figur at i on"
Wrong order of warning and al ar m lev-
els for / in ... The limits for warning and alarm are not plau-
sible for the specification monitoring function. It is important to note when
setting parameters that alarm
limits must be higher than warn-
ing limits when upper limits are
monitored. Conversely, when
monitoring lower limits, the
alarm limits must lie below the
warning limit s.
Absolute hysteresis for … larger than
warning / alarm level. In the specified monitoring function, the value
of a parameterized hysteresis is greater than
the value of the associated limit.
When setting the param eters,
ensure that the hysteresis val-
ues do not exceed the associ-
ated limits.
No limit band selected for velocity /
acceleration / envelope spectrum moni-
No limit band has been selected for the speci-
fied spectrum monitoring function. Select a limit band for each
monitored vibrat ion cha nne l
under "Veloci ty spe ctra / Accel-
eration spectra / Envelope
No bearing type selected for envelope
spectrum monitoring. No bearing type has been selected for bear-
ing-related monitoring of the envelope spec-
Choose a bearing type under
the limit band used.
Process and system messages, error handling
12.1 Basic Unit VIB
Operating Inst ruct i ons, 03/2016, A5E02913673F/007 221
Message text
Open driver <name> failed. During device start-up, a driver could not be
started. Reboot the device. If the prob-
lem is not rectified, update the
Vibration channel to be recorded no
longer set. Ongoing raw data recording could not be
completed sin ce a vibrat ion ch annel to be
recorded on the VIB-MU X is no longer set.
The data recorded up to this point are reject-
This situation can oc cur wh en X-Tools carries
out channel switching on the VIB-MUX when
the interface is act ive .
Carry out the desired raw data
recording manually, if applica-
ble, via the Web page "Current
System in STOP / no more raw data
available for recording. The system has been moved to the STOP
state; an ongoing raw data
recording could not
be completed. The data recorded up to this
point are rejected.
Change to the RUN state, if
applicable, and carry out raw
data recording via the Web
page "Current Val ues ".
State transition is currently not possible
due to raw data recording.
The operating mode cannot be changed be-
cause raw data is being recor d ed.
Try again a short time later.
Firmware update failed. For details see
update.log. The last firmware update included errors, or
was terminated prematurely by the system.
Details can be found in "update.log".
Repeat the firmware update.
Process and system messages, error handling
12.1 Basic Unit VIB
222 Operati ng I nst ruct i ons, 03/2016, A5E02913673F/007
Message texts
The messages below contain variable texts that are identified by pointed brackets (e.g.
<Cause>). In the case of a fault, the cause is normally given; in the case of limit
ansgressions, the current measured value, limit, frequency (for vibration analyses) and the
current speed is specified.
Message text
System start up.
Start-up message from the device.
Operating mode RUN-Monitoring
<cause>. Change to RUN -Monitoring
Operating mode RUN-Measuring
<cause>. Change to RUN -Measuring
Operating mode RUN-Monitoring: inhibit
Changeover between RUN-
Monitoring and RUN-Monitoring
Operating mode STOP <cause>.
Change to STOP mode.
System shutdow n <cau se> . Shutdown message of the device
(followed by a restart) --
System initialization failed (system not
ready): <cause>.
The device is in the ERROR state.
System not ready.
See Section "ERROR - System not
ready" mode (Page 228)
Auto-RUN failed: <cause >
Automatic changeover to RUN during
start-up has failed. --
Transition in RUN-Monitoring failed:
Change to RUN-Monitoring mode
has failed.
Transition in RUN-Measuring failed:
Change to RUN-Measuring mode
has failed.
System bus is starting up.. . The connection between the Basic
Unit and the expansion modules via
the system interface is being initial-
System bus unstabl e. The connection between the Basic
Unit and the expansion modules via
the system interface is unstable.
VIB-MUX channel fault: VIB<number>
could not be set. The VIB-
MUX expansion module was
unable to set the specified channel. Switch to RUN-Measuring mode and
configure only the spe cifi ed vibr atio n
channel. If the message is still present,
restart the system . If it is still i m possi ble
to set the channel in RUN-Measuring
mode, the VIB-MUX must be defective.
Battery for RTC nearly exhausted. Battery-supported data (time and
operating hours counter) is no longer
valid and has been set to default
Process and system messages, error handling
12.1 Basic Unit VIB
Operating Inst ruct i ons, 03/2016, A5E02913673F/007 223
Message text
Disk space for historical data critical!
Memory utilization: <Memory utilization>
(Available memory: <available memory> /
Free memory: <free memory>)
The memory space for historical data
is almost full (more than 90%). --
Message jitter on: <Message text> The specified message is alternately
incoming and outgoing at very short
intervals ("message jitter"). Entry of
the message in the message log is
temporarily suppressed to reduce the
load on the system. This will not have
a negative impact on the monitoring
functions of the device.
Use hysteresis for monitoring process
values against limits, where appropri-
ate, to prevent a message avalanche.
Message jitter off: <Message text> The specified message is no longer
changing at very short intervals and
is therefore quire normally entered in
the message log.
See previous message
"Message jitter on: <Message t ext> "
SPEED<number ><c han nel na m e>:
Acquisition failed (<cause>) .
Acquisition of the speed <number>
failed. --
VIB<number><channel name>:
Acquisition failed (<cause>) .
Acquisition of the vibration on vibra-
tion channel <number> <channel
name> has failed.
The cause "Value suspect" indicates
failure of the 24 V process sup ply vol t-
AI<number><channel name>:
Acquisition failed (<cause>) .
Acquisition of the analog value on
analog channel <num ber><channel
name> has failed.
The cause "Value suspect" indicates
failure of the 24 V process supply vol t-
TEMP<num ber><c hannel name>:
Acquisition failed (<cause>) .
Acquisition of th e temper ature on
temperature channel <num-
ber><chan nel nam e> has fail e d.
VIB-MUX modules: Actual configuration
<> target configuration. The ACTUAL configuration of the
VIB-MUX modules differs from the
TARGET configuration.
Example: Two VIB-MUX modu les hav e
been configured but only one module is
Temperature modules: Actual configura-
tion <> target configuration. The ACTUAL configurat io n of the
temperature modules differs from the
REFERENCE configuration.
Example: Two temperature modules
have been configured, but only one
module exists.
<channel>: Upper warning level violated
(<actual value> > <limit>). Operation
state <operation state>(<s peed>).
On the specified speed/analog or
temperatur e chann el, the upper
warning limit has been violate d.
The current measured value, the value
of the overshot limit, the current opera-
tion state, and the current speed.
<channel>: Lower warning level violated
(<actual value> < <limit>). Operation
state <operati on stat e> (<s pee d>) .
On the specified speed/analog or
temperatur e chann el, the low e r warn-
ing limit has been violated.
The current measured value, the value
of the undershot limit, the current oper-
ation state, and the current speed.
<channel>: Upper alarm level violated
(<actual value> > <limit>). Operation
state <operati on stat e> (<s pee d>) .
On the specified speed/analog or
temperatur e chann el, the upper
alarm limit has been violated.
The current measured value, the value
of the overshot limit, the current opera-
tion state, and the current speed.
Process and system messages, error handling
12.1 Basic Unit VIB
224 Operati ng I nst ruct i ons, 03/2016, A5E02913673F/007
Message text
<channel>: Lower alarm level violated
(<actual value> < <limit>). Operation
state <operati on stat e> (<s pee d>) .
On the specified speed/analog or
temperatur e chann el, the low e r alarm
limit has been violated.
The current measured value, the value
of the undershot limit, the current oper-
ation state, and the current speed.
<VIB channel>: RMS warning level vio-
lated (<actual value> > <limit>). Opera-
tion state <operation stat e>( < s peed>).
The RMS warning limit has been
violated on the specif ied vi bration
The current RMS value, the value of
the overshot limit, the curre nt operat ion
state, and the current speed.
<VIB channel>: RMS alarm level violated
(<actual value> > <limit>). Operation
state <operati on stat e> (<s pee d>) .
The RMS alarm limit has been violat-
ed on the specified vibration channel. The current RMS value, the value of
the overshot limit, the curre nt operat ion
state, and the current speed.
<VIB channel>: Warning <message text>
on acceleration sp ectr um . Lim i t violat ed
at <frequency> (<actual value> > <limit>).
Operation stat e <oper ation
A warning limit has been violated on
an acceleration spectrum in the spec-
ified operation state on the specified
vibration channel.
The parameterized message text, the
position (freq uen cy) in the spe ctr um,
the amplitude (actual value), the over-
shot limit, and the curre nt spe ed.
<VIB channel>: Alarm <message text> on
acceleration spectrum. Limit violated at
<frequenc y> (<act ual va lue> > <limit>).
Operation stat e <oper ation
An alarm limit has been violated on
an acceleration spectrum in the spec-
ified operation state on the specified
vibration channel.
The parameterized message text, the
position (freq uen cy) in the spe ctr um,
the amplitude (actual value), the over-
shot limit, and the curre nt spe ed.
<VIB channel>: Warning <message text>
on velocity spectrum. Limit violated at
<frequenc y> (<act ual va lue> > <limit>).
Operation stat e <operation
A warning limit has been violated on
a velocity spectrum in the specified
operation state on the specified vi-
bration channel.
The parameterized message text, the
position (freq uen cy) in the spe ctr um,
the amplitude (actual value), the over-
shot limit, and the curre nt spe ed.
<VIB channel>: Alarm <message text> on
velocity spectrum. Limit violated at <fre-
quency> (<actual value> > <limit>). Op-
eration state <operation state>(<speed>).
An alarm limit has been violated on a
velocity spectrum in the specified
operation state on the specified vi-
bration channel.
The parameterized message text, the
position (freq uen cy) in the spe ctr um,
the amplitude (actual value), the over-
shot limit, and the curre nt spe ed.
<VIB channel>: Warning <message text>
on envelope spectrum . Lim it vi olated at
<frequenc y> (<act ual va lue> > <limit>).
Operation stat e <oper ation
A warning limit has been violated on
an envelope spectrum in the speci-
fied operation state on the specified
vibration channel.
The parameterized message text, the
position (freq uen cy) in the spe ctr um,
the amplitude (actual value), the over-
shot limit, and the curre nt spe ed.
<VIB channel>: Alarm <message text> on
envelope spectrum. Limit violated at
<frequenc y> (<act ual va lue> > <limit>).
Operation stat e <oper ation
An alarm limit has been violated on
an envelope spectrum in the speci-
fied operation state on the specified
vibration channel.
The parameterized message text, the
position (freq uen cy) in the spe ctr um,
the amplitude (actual value), the over-
shot limit, and the curre nt spe ed.
<VIB channel>: Timeout for the RMS
calculation. On the vibration channel specified,
the RMS calculation could not be
carried out for an extended period.
Possible causes:
Vibration acquisition faulty
VIB-MUX channel switchover is by
means of X-T oo ls, the channe l
dwell time being too short for the
respective cal cu lati on.
Process and system messages, error handling
12.1 Basic Unit VIB
Operating Inst ruct i ons, 03/2016, A5E02913673F/007 225
Message text
<VIB channel>: Timeout for the DKW
calculation. On the vibration channel specified,
the DKW calculation could not be
carried out for an extended period.
Possible causes:
Vibration acquisition faulty
VIB-MUX channel switchover is by
means of X-T oo ls, the channe l
dwell time being too short for the
respective cal cu lati on.
<VIB channel>: Timeout for calculation of
the acceleration spectrum. On the vibration channel specified,
calculatio n of the acceleration spec-
trum could not be carried out for an
extended period.
Possible causes:
Vibration acquisition faulty
VIB-MUX channel switchover is by
means of X-T oo ls, the channe l
dwell time being too short for the
respective cal cu lati on.
<VIB channel>: Timeout for calculation of
the envelope spectrum. On the vibration channel specified,
calculatio n of the envelo pe sp ectr um
could not be carried out for an ex-
tended period.
Possible causes:
Vibration acquisition faulty
VIB-MUX channel switchover is by
means of X-T oo ls, the channe l
dwell time being too short for the
respective cal cu lati on.
<VIB channel>: Timeout for calculation of
the speed spectrum. On the vibration channel specified,
calculatio n of the speed spe ctrum
could not be carried out for an ex-
tended period.
Possible causes:
Vibration acquisition faulty
VIB-MUX channel switchover is by
means of X-T oo ls, the channe l
dwell time being too short for the
respective cal cu lati on.
<VIB channel>: RMS monitoring failed. On the vibration channel specified,
the RMS monitoring could not be
carried out for an extended period.
Possible causes:
- Speed not acquire d
- Speed too unstabl e
- Speed not in the range
120 - 24000 rpm
- Vibration acq uisition disturbed
<VIB channel>: DKW monitoring failed. On the vibration channel specified,
the DKW monitoring could not be
carried out for an extended period.
Possible causes:
- Speed not acquire d
- Speed too unstabl e
- Speed not in the range
120 - 24000 rpm
- Vibration acq uis iti on dist urbed
<VIB channel>: Monitoring of accelera-
tion spectrum failed. On the vibration channel specified,
monitori ng of the accel erati on spe c-
trum could not be carried out for an
extended period.
Possible causes:
- Speed not acquired
- Speed too unstabl e
- Speed not in the range
120 - 24000 rpm
- Vibration acq uis iti on dist urbed
Process and system messages, error handling
12.1 Basic Unit VIB
226 Operati ng I nst ruct i ons, 03/2016, A5E02913673F/007
Message text
<VIB channel>: Monitoring of velocity
spectrum failed. On the vibration channel specified,
monitori ng of the speed spe ctr um
could not be carried out for an ex-
tended period.
Possible causes:
- Speed not acquire d
- Speed too unstabl e
- Speed not in the range
120 - 24000 rpm
- Vibration acq uis iti on dist urbed
<VIB channel>: Monitoring of envelope
spectrum failed. On the vibration channel specified,
monitori ng of the envelo pe cur ve
spectrum could not be carri ed out for
an extended perio d.
Possible causes:
- Speed not acquire d
- Speed too unstabl e
- Speed not in the range
120 - 24000 rpm
- Vibration acq uis iti on dist urbed
Clock + Calendar: Time was set to <Date
/ time>.
The time for the device was set by
the user.
Set SNTP: Setup error! The parameters for time synchroniza-
tion could not be set.
Recording of raw data <O pera tion> <Fur-
ther information>
Raw data recording was started, has
failed, etc.
Recording of raw data in progress: trigger
= <trigger>, duration = <recording dura-
tion>, file = <file name>
Raw data is being recorded. The file
name, recording duration [s], and
trigger for recording are also stated.
From this message it can be detect ed
whether raw data is being recorded or
has already been comp lete d.
E-mail transfer failed: <Cause> An attem pt to send an e-mail h as
failed. The cause indicates whether there is a
problem with the SMTP server or with
Internal error: E-mail transfer client un-
reachable! The internal e-mail transfer service is
not functioning correctly, e-mails
cannot be sent.
Rebooting the device may rectify the
Sending cyclic Ethernet telegram failed. Cyclic sending of Ethernet telegrams
has failed. Check that the communication partner
is ready to receive telegrams, whether
a network connection exists, and
whether the IP address and port of the
recipient have been corr ect ly p aram e-
Process and system messages, error handling
12.1 Basic Unit VIB
Operating Inst ruct i ons, 03/2016, A5E02913673F/007 227
Message text
The system will restart due to serious
internal errors: <Cause>
The system will restart due to internal
The vibration signal is disturbed by fast
rise-time digital speed pulses.
A solution to this problem is to supply the
digital speed sensor via the terminals
2P24 / 2M24 (instead of E_P24 / E_M24).
The vibration signal is rechecked after an
operating mode transition from STOP to
With speed measurement via a digi-
tal pulse encoder (BERO), steep
edges at the speed input can influ-
ence the received vibration signal
and thus also the calculated charac-
teristic values and spectra.
1. Change the power sup ply of the
digital speed sensor as recom-
mended in the message.
2. Then, change the oper ating mode
of the device from STOP to RUN
to trigger a recheck of the vibra-
tion signal.
If the message still appears, contact
Technical Support (Page 250).
In general, the message must be
acknowledged. Once the message has
been acknowledged, it disappears.
Process and system messages, error handling
12.1 Basic Unit VIB
228 Operati ng I nst ruct i ons, 03/2016, A5E02913673F/007
"ERROR - System not ready" mode
Causes of errors
During startup, the following error conditions can occur:
Error during self tests (e.g. RAM test).
Booting or ramping up of the operating system has failed (so the web server is not
The monitoring application cannot be started.
The monitoring application could be started, but has detected a serious error during start-
Fault status
If one or more of these errors occur, the device will be in "ERROR - System not ready" mode
(see also Section Operating modes (Page 55)). The "READY" LED flashes at 2 Hz in this
state. In this fault state, the device will automatically restart repeatedly, at first at short
intervals (approx. 1 min.), then every 60 minutes.
You have the following options:
If the web server is available, go to the "Pending messages (Page 140)" page. Messages
may be active here that explain the error condition in greater detail (e.g. a specific driver
could not be started). The actual messages for the "ERROR - Syst em not ready" state
are listed in Section Messages (Page 220).
In some instances, a firmware update may have to be performed (see Section Firmware
update (Page 211)).
Reimporting the firmware with the version already installed may remedy the problem.
The device can be restarted with a voltage reset, or by holding down the pushbutton on
the front for approximately 10 s.
Process and system messages, error handling
12.2 VIB-MUX expans io n modu le
Operating Inst ruct i ons, 03/2016, A5E02913673F/007 229
VIB-MUX expansion module
LED status indicator VIB-MUX
The device has a "READY" LED on the front:
Meaning of the LED displays
Off Power OFF, device off
Power supply too low
On Device ready, system interface active
Flashes Device ready, system interface is not active (e.g. in the STOP
state of the Basic Unit)
Process and system messages, error handling
12.2 VIB-MUX expansion module
230 Operati ng I nst ruct i ons, 03/2016, A5E02913673F/007
Operating Inst ruct i ons, 03/2016, A5E02913673F/007 231
Tec hnical data
Basi c Un i t V IB
Technical specifications Basic Unit VIB
General technical data:
product brand nam e
Product designation
SIPLUS CMS2000 Basic Unit VIB
Protection cl as s IP
physical measuring principle
Vibration acceleration
Browser software required Webbrowser Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome or
Microsoft Internet Explorer
Storage capac ity tota l
1 Gibyte
Material of the enclosure
Hardware conf igura t io n modular construction, basic unit can be ex-
panded by means of expansion modules
Vibration frequency measuring range
initial val ue 2 Hz
Full-scale val ue 10 000 Hz
Scanning frequ enc y maxim um
46 875 Hz
Ambient temperature
during storage 85 ... -25 °C
during operation -20 ... +65 °C
during transport -25 ... +85 °C
Relative humidity without condensation during operation
minimum 5 %
maximum 95 %
Pow er loss [W ] total typical
2.6 W
Overvoltage category
Equipment marking
acc. to DIN 40719 extended according to IEC 204-2 acc. to IEC 750 P
acc. to DIN EN 61346-2 P
Degree of pollution
300 g
Technical data
13.1 Basic Unit VIB
232 Operati ng I nst ruct i ons, 03/2016, A5E02913673F/007
Supply voltage:
Type of voltage of the supp ly voltage DC
Supply voltage 1 at DC rated value
24 V
Supply voltage at DC
minimum 19.2 V
maximum 28.8 V
Installation/ mounting/ dimensions:
Installation altitude at height above sea level maximum
1 500 m
Mounting position recommended
Mounting type
standard rail
45 mm
106 mm
124 mm
Inputs/ Outputs :
Number of sensor inputs
for IEPE sensors 2
for MEMS sensors 0
Number of disable inputs
Input voltage
at disable input at DC 24 V Yes
at trigger input at DC 24 V Yes
at speed input
DC 24 V digital Yes
-10 V ... 10 V No
at the analog input at DC -10 ... +10 V
Number of trigger inputs
Number of speed inputs
Number of analog inputs
Product function
monitoring of sensor inputs Yes
removable terminal for main circuit Yes
removable terminal for auxiliary and control circuit Yes
Bus communication Yes
Diagnosti cs vi a emai l Yes
Number of signaling outputs
Type of switchin g output of the signaling outputs
Technical data
13.1 Basic Unit VIB
Operating Inst ruct i ons, 03/2016, A5E02913673F/007 233
Type of electrical con nec tion
of the inputs and outputs screw terminal
for auxiliary and control current circuit screw-type terminals
Connectable conductor cross-section for auxiliary contacts
single or multi-stranded 0.5 ... 4 mm²
finely stran ded
with core end processing 0.5 ... 2.5 mm²
without core end processing 0.5 ... 2.5 mm²
Type of data transmission Export ing of raw data as WAV file for further
analyses (e.g. using SIPLUS CMS X-Tools) can
be downloaded via browser
Design of the interface
SIMOCODE interface Yes
Ethernet interface Yes
as web server HTTP Yes
for open IE communication TCP/IP Yes
Certificates/ approvals:
Certificate of suit abi lit y
CE, UL 508, CSA C22.2 Nr.142, C-Tick (RCM)
Technical data
13.1 Basic Unit VIB
234 Operati ng I nst ruct i ons, 03/2016, A5E02913673F/007
Dimension drawing Basic Unit VIB
Image 13-1 Dimension drawing SIPLUS CMS2000 Basic Unit VIB
All dimensions in mm
Technical data
13.2 VIB-MUX expansion module
Operating Inst ruct i ons, 03/2016, A5E02913673F/007 235
VIB-MUX expansion module
Technical specifications VIB-MUX
General technical data:
product brand nam e SIPLUS
Product designation
Product description Up to two SIPLUS CMS2000 VIB-MUX expan-
sion modules can be connect ed to the
SIPLUS CMS2000 Basic Unit VIB. Up to 8
IEPE vibration channels can be connected for
each expansion module.
Protection cl as s IP
Manner of functio n
Multiplexing of analog IEPE signals
physical measuring principle
Vibration acceleration
Material of the enclosure
Vibration frequency measuring range
initial val ue 2 Hz
Full-scale val ue 10 000 Hz
Ambient temperature
during storage -25 ... +85 °C
during operation -20 ... +65 °C
durin g transport -25 ... +85 °C
Relative humidity without condensation during operation
5 ... 95 %
Equipment marking
acc. to DIN 40719 extended according to IEC 204-2 acc. to IEC 750 P
acc. to DIN EN 61346-2 P
0.27 kg
Supply voltage:
Type of voltage of the supp ly voltage
Supply voltage 1 at DC rated value
24 V
Consumed active power maximum
2.4 W
Installation/ mounting/ dimensions:
Mounting position recommended
Mounting type
standard rail
45 mm
106 mm
124 mm
Technical data
13.2 VIB-MUX expansion module
236 Operati ng I nst ruct i ons, 03/2016, A5E02913673F/007
Inputs/ Outputs :
Number of sensor inputs
for IEPE sensors 8
for MEMS sensors 0
Number of outputs
Type of electrical con nec tion
of the inputs and outputs screw terminal
for auxiliary and control current circuit screw-type terminals
Product function
removable terminal for main circuit Yes
removable terminal for auxiliary and control circuit Yes
Connectable conductor cross-section for auxiliary contacts
single or multi-stranded 0.5 ... 4 mm²
finely stran ded
without core end processing 2.5 ... 0.5 mm²
with core end processing 0.5 ... 2.5 mm²
Design of the interface SIMOCODE interface
Certificates/ approvals:
Certificate of suit abi lit y
CE, UL 508, CSA C22.2 Nr.142, C-Tick (RCM)
Technical data
13.2 VIB-MUX expansion module
Operating Inst ruct i ons, 03/2016, A5E02913673F/007 237
Dimension draw i ng VIB-MUX
All dimensions in mm
Image 13-2 Dimension drawing CMS2000 VIB-MUX
Technical data
13.2 VIB-MUX expansion module
238 Operati ng I nst ruct i ons, 03/2016, A5E02913673F/007
Operating Inst ruct i ons, 03/2016, A5E02913673F/007 239
Interface pin assignments
Pin assignment for Industrial Ethernet interface
Industrial Ethernet (on reader side)
Pin assignment
Transmit Data (+)
Transmit Data (-)
Receive Data (+)
Receive Data (-)
It is only permitted to connect shielded CAT5 cables (or cables of a higher standard) to the
Ethernet socket.
A.2 Definition of Ethernet telegrams that can be sent cyclically
240 Operati ng I nst ruct i ons, 03/2016, A5E02913673F/007
Definition of Ethernet telegrams that can be sent cyclically
The current data of the CMS2000 device can be sent cyclically via Ethernet telegrams (see
"Ethernet (Page 183)."
The telegram formats used in each case are defined here:
The telegram frame format (Page 241) of the telegrams that can be sent via Ethernet
The structure of the user data for the "compact telegram" (Page 242) as well as an
example for a "compact telegram"
The composition of the user data in an "Extended telegram" (Page 244)
All data is transmitted in "Little Endian" byte-order format.
The following abbreviations are used for the frequency spectra:
Velocity spectrum
Accelerat ion spe ctrum
Envelope spectrum of acceleration
A.2 Definition of Ethernet telegrams that can be sent cyclically
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Telegram frame format
The telegram frame format of the telegrams that can be sent via Ethernet is shown in the
table below.
Table A- 1 Basic telegram str u cture for cycli c send ing via TCP/IP
Data type
4 Time stamp unsigned long Current relative time in µs
4 User data length unsigned long Length of user data in bytes
(without the fie lds "Time stam p", "Length
of user data", "Index" and "End code")
4 Index unsigned long Serves to distinguish the contents of the
user data:
1 = User data of the compact telegram
2 = User data of the extended telegram
x User data Structure User data of the telegram
For the compact telegram: Data struc-
ture according to Table (Page 242)
For extended telegram: Data structure
according to Table (Page 244)
End code
unsigned long
End identifier: 0x7FFFFFFF
A.2 Definition of Ethernet telegrams that can be sent cyclically
242 Operati ng I nst ruct i ons, 03/2016, A5E02913673F/007
User data for the compact telegram
Table A- 2 Structure of user data for the compact telegram
Data type
1 Operating mode unsigned char Operating mode of the SIPLUS CMS2000
3 = Error condition ("System not ready")
4 = STOP ("System ready")
5 = RUN-Measuring
7 = RUN-Monitoring inh ibit ed
8 = RUN-Monitoring
Note: Telegrams are sent in all these
operating modes. Temporary operating
modes, such as startup and shutdown,
are not specified here, because telegrams
are not sent in these modes.
1 Status LED/DO
"Normal" (green) unsigned char Current status of the LED and digital out-
put "Normal" (green):
0 = Off
1 = On
1 Status LED/DO
"Warning" (yellow) unsigned char Current status of the LED and digital out-
put "Warning" (yellow):
0 = Off
1 = On
2 = LED flashes slowly (0.5 Hz), output is
1 Status LED/DO
"Alarm" (red) unsigned char Current status of the LED and digital out-
put "Alarm" (red):
0 = Off
1 = On
2 = LED flashes slowly (0.5 Hz), output is
Active proce ss alarms
unsigned char
Number of current active process alarms
Active system alarms
unsigned char
Number of current active system alarms
1 Active process warnings unsigned char Number of current active process warn-
Active system warnings
unsigned char
Number of current active system warnings
1 Process messages to be
acknowledged unsigned char Number of process messages to be
acknowledged that have not yet been
1 System messages to be
acknowledged unsigned char Number of system messages to be
acknowledged that have not yet been
unsigned char[6]
Fields reser ved for futur e use
A.2 Definition of Ethernet telegrams that can be sent cyclically
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Table A- 3 Example for compact telegram structure (fixed length: 32 byt es)
00…03 Time stamp 123456000 Current relative time in µs
04…07 User data length 16 Length of user data in bytes
(without the fie lds "Time stam p , " "Lengt h
of user data," "Index," and "End code")
1 = User data of compact telegram
12 Operating mode 8 8 = RUN
13 Status LED/DO
"Normal" (green)
1 1 = on
14 Status LED/DO
"Warning" (yellow)
0 0 = off
15 Status LED/DO
"Alarm" (red)
0 0 = off
Active proce ss alarms
No active process alarms
Active system alarms
No active system alarms
Active process warnings
No active process warnings
Active system warnings
System warning active
20 Process messages to be
0 No process messages to acknowledge
21 System messages to be
1 A system message must be acknowl-
Reserved fields
28…31 End code 0x7FFFFFFF End identifier
A.2 Definition of Ethernet telegrams that can be sent cyclically
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Structure of user data for the extended telegram
Table A- 4 Structure of user data for the extended telegram
Data type
16 User data of the com-
pact telegram
Structure Data structure according to Table (Page 242)
256 Measured values float[64] Field with 64 measured values/characteristic values in IEEE 32-
bit floating point format; for indexation, see table below (referred
to as "Measured values" below)
128 Measured value sta tus unsigned
short[64] Field with 1 status word (16 bit) for each measured value; for
indexation, see tab le below; a ssi gnm ent as foll ow s:
Bit 0 0 = Measured value not configured
1 = Measured value configured
Bit 1 0 = Signal not acquired, or faul ty
1 = Signal correctly acq uire d
Bit 2 0 = Measured value not calcul ated / not va lid
1 = Measured value calcu late d and valid
Bit 3 0 = "not green"
1 = "green": Measured value being monitored, no
limit violation
Bit 4 0 = "not yellow"
1 = "yellow": Measured value being monitored, warn-
ing limit violated
Bit 5 0 = "not red"
1 = "red": Measured value being monitored, alarm
limit violated
Bit 6 0 = Warning acknowledgement not required
1 = Warning for this measured value must be
Bit 7 0 = Alarm acknowledgement not required
1 = Alarm for this measured value must be acknowl-
Bit 8 ...
Bit 15
A.2 Definition of Ethernet telegrams that can be sent cyclically
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Data type
128 Spectrum status unsigned
short[64] Field with 1 status word (16 bit) for each spectrum
v(f) / a(f) / env(f); for indexation, see table below; assignment as
Bit 0 0 = Spectrum not configured
1 = Spectrum configured
Bit 1 0 = Vibration signal not acquired or incorrectly ac-
1 = Vibration signal correctly acquired
Bit 2 0 = Spectrum not calculated / not valid
1 = Spectrum last c alculated is valid
Bit 3 0 = "not green"
1 = "green": Spectrum being monitored, no limit
Bit 4 0 = "not yellow"
1 = "yellow": Spectrum being monitored, warning
limit violated
Bit 5 0 = "not red"
1 = "red": Spectrum being monitored, alarm limit
Bit 6 0 = Warning acknowledgement not required
1 = Warning for this spectrum must be acknowl-
Bit 7 0 = Alarm acknowledgement not required
1 = Warning for this spectrum must be acknowl-
The bit assignment in the high byte dep ends on the type of spec-
For env(f), the following applies:
Bit 8…11
Bit 12 0 = Bearing inner race unaffected
1 = W/A limit for bearing inner race violated
Bit 13 0 = Bearing outer race unaffected
1 = W/A limit for bearing outer race violated
Bit 14 0 = Bearing cage unaffected
1 = W/A limit for bearing cage violated
Bit 15 0 = Bearing rolling element unaffected
1 = W/A limit for bearing rolling element violated
For v(f) and a(f), the following applies:
Bit 8…15
A.2 Definition of Ethernet telegrams that can be sent cyclically
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Table A- 5 Indexation of the measured values or measured value status information in the above fields
Measured value
Measured value
Measured value
Measured value
VIB 2.5: RMS
VIB 2.3: DKW
1 OPR_HOURS 17 33 VIB 2.6: RMS 49 VIB 2.4: DKW
AI 1
VIB 2.7: RMS
VIB 2.5: DKW
AI 2
VIB 1.1: RMS
VIB 2.8: RMS
VIB 2.6: DKW
TEMP 1.1
VIB 1.2: RMS
VIB 2.7: DKW
TEMP 1.2
VIB 1.3: RMS
VIB 1.1: DKW
VIB 2.8: DKW
TEMP 1.3
VIB 1.4: RMS
VIB 1.2: DKW
TEMP 2.1
VIB 1.5: RMS
VIB 1.3: DKW
TEMP 2.2
VIB 1.6: RMS
VIB 1.4: DKW
TEMP 2.3
VIB 1.7: RMS
VIB 1.5: DKW
VIB 1.8: RMS
VIB 1.6: DKW
VIB 1.7: DKW
VIB 2.1: RMS
VIB 1.8: DKW
VIB 2.2: RMS
VIB 2.3: RMS
VIB 2.1: DKW
VIB 2.4: RMS
VIB 2.2: DKW
1) Explanation of SPEED: If all vibration cha
nnels use an identical speed source or an identical fixed speed, this shared
speed is entered in this field. If different speed sources are configured for the vibration channels, the speed measured
via the speed input (Bero input) is entered here.
A.2 Definition of Ethernet telegrams that can be sent cyclically
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Table A- 6 Indexation of the spectrum status information in the above field
Measured value
Measured value
Measured value
Measured value
VIB 1: v(f)
VIB 2.7: v(f)
VIB 2.5: a(f)
VIB 2.3: env(f)
1 VIB 1.1: v(f) 17 VIB 2.8: v(f) 33 V IB 2.6: a(f) 49 VIB 2.4: env(f)
VIB 1.2: v(f)
VIB 1: a(f)
VIB 2.7: a(f)
VIB 2.5: env(f)
3 VIB 1.3: v(f) 19 VIB 1.1: a(f) 35 VIB 2.8: a(f) 51 VIB 2.6: env(f)
VIB 1.4: v(f)
VIB 1.2: a(f)
VIB 1: env(f)
VIB 2.7: env(f)
VIB 1.5: v(f)
VIB 1.3: a(f)
VIB 1.1: env(f)
VIB 2.8: env(f)
VIB 1.6: v(f)
VIB 1.4: a(f)
VIB 1.2: env(f)
VIB 1.7: v(f)
VIB 1.5: a(f)
VIB 1.3: env(f)
VIB 1.8: v(f)
VIB 1.6: a(f)
VIB 1.4: env(f)
VIB 2: v(f)
VIB 1.7: a(f)
VIB 1.5: env(f)
VIB 2.1: v(f)
VIB 1.8: a(f)
VIB 1.6: env(f)
VIB 2.2: v(f)
VIB 2: a(f)
VIB 1.7: env(f)
VIB 2.3: v(f)
VIB 2.1: a(f)
VIB 1.8: env(f)
VIB 2.4: v(f)
VIB 2.2: a(f)
VIB 2: env(f)
VIB 2.5: v(f)
VIB 2.3: a(f)
VIB 2.1: env(f)
VIB 2.6: v(f)
VIB 2.4: a(f)
VIB 2.1: env(f)
A.3 Cer tif icates , approvals, s tandards
248 Operati ng I nst ruct i ons, 03/2016, A5E02913673F/007
Certificates, approvals, standards
Approvals are only valid when marked on the product
The specified approvals apply only when the corresponding mark is printed on the product.
You can check which of the following approvals have been granted for your product by the
markings on the type plate.
CE marking
The SIPLUS CMS2000 device complies with the requirements and safety objectives of the
EU directive below.
EMC Directive 2014/30/EU
The product is designed for use in an industrial environment.
EMC requirements:
Field of application
Noise emission requirements
Immunity to interference
Industrial area
EN55011:2009 + A1:2010
EN 61000-6-2:2005
The product meets these requirements if you adhere to the installation guidelines and safety
instructions included in these operating instructions during installation and operation.
Declaration of Conformity
The EU Declaration of Conformity is kept available for the responsible authorities in
accordanc e with the abov e-mentioned EU Directive at the following address:
90766 FUERTH
UL 508
CSA C22.2 No. 142
A.4 Licenses
Operating Inst ruct i ons, 03/2016, A5E02913673F/007 249
Further applied standards
DIN / EN 61131-2, Programmable Controllers
EN 61010-1 Safety requirements for electrical equipment for measurement, control and
laboratory use.
The SIPLUS CMS2000 condition monitoring system is intended for measurement
category 0 according to EN 61010.
Use of open source software (OSS)
The SIPLUS CMS2000 uses open source software modified by us and in its unmodified
form. Mandatory licensing information and sources are listed in the
"SIPLUS_CMS2000_Readme_OSS.pdf" file in the Basic Unit. This file can be accessed in
the "Download software license information" section on the "Download (Page 189)" web
Sources under the GNU General Public License are provided to you free of charge on
request. Use the communciation channels specified under Service & support (Page 250) to
do this.
A.5 Service & support
250 Operati ng I nst ruct i ons, 03/2016, A5E02913673F/007
Service & support
Technical Support
You can access Technical Assistance as follows:
Phone: + 49 (0) 911 895 7222
E-mail (
Contact address
Breslauer Strasse 5
90766 FÜRTH
Siemens Industry Online Support
You can find various services on the Support homepage
( on the Internet.
There you will find the following information, for example:
The correct documents for you via product-related search functions
Online support request form
You local representative
Information about on-site service, repairs, and spare parts.
A forum for global information exchange by users and specialists.
Our newsletter containing up-to-date information on your products.
Online catalog and ordering system
The online catalog and the online ordering system can be found on the Industry Mall
homepage (
SIPLUS CMS Condition Monitoring Systems on the Internet
Current infor mation on SIPLUS CMS Condition Monitoring Systems are provided as part of
our online presence (
Operating Inst ruct i ons, 03/2016, A5E02913673F/007 251
Alarm threshold
A limit can be set for each of the measured or calculated values, such as speed, RMS or
DKW. When it is exceeded, the device will output an alarm.
Condition monitoring system for monitoring mechanical components as part of preventive
CMS X-Tools
CMS2000 offers an interface to the CMS X-Tools analysis software. CMS X-Tools offers a
comprehensive function library for simple and optimized analysis, diagnostics, and condition
monitoring as a useful addition to automation.
Diagnostic procedure
Sequence of events comprising the acquisition of process data via the input channels,
evaluation and recording of process data as well as triggering responses in the case of limit
Diagnostic task
Actual configuration of a diagnostic procedure by the user.
Diagnostic characteristic value in accordance with the K(t) procedure based on VDI 3832.
Fault frequency
The fault frequency is the rate at which the ball of the bearing passes a damage location.
The fault frequencies can either be determined from the bearing geometry and the speed, or
they can be directly entered on the basis of a reference speed.
FE (functional ground)
Low-impedance connection to ground potential
Fast Fourier Transform
252 Operati ng I nst ruct i ons, 03/2016, A5E02913673F/007
A "Fingerprint" is created for the purpose of recording the good condition of a monitored
bearing. Characteristic values are either measured using configurable measuring procedures
or calculated by averaging the measured values over a definable period, and saving them in
the device.
High/ lo w limit
Some measured values are monitored for overshooting a high limit (for both warning and
alarm) as well as for undershooting a low limit (for both warning and alarm).
Histori ca l memory
Non-volatile memory area in which the recorded historical data is stored in the device
IEPE senso r
IEPE sensors are piezo-electric sensors with integrated electronics.
ISO 10816-3
Title: Mechanical vibration - Evaluation of machine vibration by measurements on non-
rotating parts - Part 3: Indu s tr ial machi nes with nom in al power abov e 15 k W and nom inal
speeds between 120 rpm and 15 000 rpm when measured in situ (ISO 10816-3:2009)
ISO 10816-7
Title: Mechanical vibration - Evaluation of machine vibration by measurements on non-
rotating parts - Part 7: Rotodynamic pumps for industrial applications (ISO 10816-7:2009).
Limit band
A limit band is a dataset that contains frequencies or frequency ranges (depending on the
analysis technique selected) and the limits to be monitored in each case.
Parame ter memory
Non-volatile memory area in which the parameter set of the device is stored.
Parameter set
The full set of all parameters (set values and data) that specify the actual operating profile of
a SIPLUS CMS2000 device. The parameters include the module configuration
(e.g. definition of the measuring channels used), analysis methods, diagnostic parameters
such as limits and limit bands, information regarding compression density, teach values,
bearing data and fingerprints.
Operating Inst ruct i ons, 03/2016, A5E02913673F/007 253
Raw data
The measured values acquired on the input channels of the device for further processing.
Root mean square
SIPLUS CMS is the name for the condition monitoring product family from Siemens.
Mechanical wear, imbalance, damage to rolling contact bearings and other damage in
machines can cause an unplanned plant stoppage. SIPLUS CMS detects such damage
early and therefore ensures plant availability.
Modular and parameterizable condition monitoring system from the SIPLUS CMS product
family from Siemens. With SIPLUS CMS2000, visualization and parameterization is
performed without the need for additional software, simply via a web browser. Handling has
therefore been considerably simplified for the service personnel, both locally as well as in
remote operation. Modular expansion of SIPLUS CMS2000 is possible using VIB-MUX
expansion modules as well as temperature modules from the SIMOCODE product spectrum.
Teach values
Teach values comprise RMS as well as DKW reference values. Both types of values are
determined by the system in measuring mode (RUN-Measuring) by measuring the relevant
process variables and applying the appropriate process algorithms. The teach values are
used as guide values for the user in determining the RMS limits or the speed-dependent
DKW reference values.
Warnin g limit
A limit can be set for each of the measured or calculated values, such as speed, RMS or
DKW. When it is exceeded, the device will output a warning.
254 Operati ng I nst ruct i ons, 03/2016, A5E02913673F/007
Operating Inst ruct i ons, 03/2016, A5E02913673F/007 255
Acceleration sensor
Mounting, 22
Mounting surfaces, 22
Acceleration spectrum
Limit bands, 153, 155
Acknowledge, 52
Actual data, 128
Actual displays, 72
Administration settings, 178
Analog channels, 66
Analog inputs, 66
Analog value monitoring, 173
Application example
DKW, 36
Envelope curve analysis, 43
Field fault in rotor, 41
RMS, 33
Unbalance, 39
Vibration velocity spectrum, 39
Approvals, 248, 248
Ball damage, 65
Bar break, 41
Bar passing frequency, 41
Basic knowledge
Documentation, 11
Basic unit VIB, 50
Grounding, 111
Mounting, 93
Structure, 53
Terminal bl ock s , 103
Bearing analy s is, 65
Bearing damage frequencies, 25
Bearing type parameters, 164
Bearing types , 164
Default values, 195
Bearing wear, 25
Belt defect, 25
Blade passing frequency, 25
Supported, 119
Requirements, 100
Cable routing, 99
Cable shield, 108
Requirements, 100
Cage damage, 65
CE marking, 248
Certificates and approvals
CE marking, 248
Declaration of Conformity, 248
EMC Dir ec tive, 248
Characteristic value formation, 24, 34
Circular buff er , 74
Hardware, 113
Software, 114
Compact telegram, 184, 242, 242
Compact telegram, 243
Ethernet, 242
Structure, 243
Conductor cross-sections, 101
With expansion modules, 203
Without expansion modules, 203
Configuration example, 47
Connecting terminals
Assignment, 103
Removable, 101
Coupling defect, 25
Current sensor, 69
Current sensors, 91
Current values
Display of values, 129
Cyclic hysteresis, 67
Cyclic monitoring, 63
Damaged rolling element bearing, 36, 43
Envelope curve analysis, 43
Date, 181
Declaration of Conformity, 248
256 Operati ng I nst ruct i ons, 03/2016, A5E02913673F/007
Default values
Bearing types , 195
Device configuration, 195
Diagnostic param eter s , 195
E-mail configuration, 195
Hardware configuration, 195
Historical data, 195
Limit bands, 195
Limits, 195
Network configuration, 195
Operating hours counter, 195
User account, 195
Data and settings, 192
Messages, 192
Raw data, 192
Trends, 192
Unpacking, 88
Replacing, 216
Device configuration
Default values, 195
Device language
switch over, 179
Diagnostic characteristic value, 34
Diagnostic param eter s
Default values, 195
Digital outputs, 72
Signaling column, 219
Traffic light, 219
DIN ISO 10816, 28
Direction of load, 21
DKW, 34, 168
Calculation, 35
Teaching, 169
DKW monitoring, 63
Basic knowledge, 11
History, 12
Purpose, 11
Target group, 11
Validity, 11
Firmware, 214
Download data, 190
Electrical rotor faults, 25
Electrical stator faults, 25
E-mail configuration
Default values, 195
E-mail function, 186
E-mails, 72
EMC Dir ec tive, 248
EN 60034-14, 27
Enclosure vibration, 23
Envelope curve analysis, 42
Frequency band, 42
Envelope spectrum, 43
Limit bands, 159, 161
Monitoring, 65
ERROR - System not ready, 228
Error messages, 125, 140, 220
Telegram structure, 241
Ethernet communication, 183
Ethernet int erfac e, 50
Pin assignment, 239
Ethernet telegram, 240
Expansion mod ul es , 200
Connection sequence, 200
Extended telegram, 184, 244
Factory settings, 194
Fast Fourier Transform, 37
Fault frequenc i es , 65
Fault frequency calculator, 165
Product, 45
Field fault in rotor, 41
Fingerprints, 75
Composition, 75
Firmware, 211
Downgrade, 214
Update, 214
Firmware upd ate, 211
Frequency analysis, 24, 37
Frequency tolerance, 64, 65
Functional grounding, 111
Functional grounding connection, 50
Change password, 179
Device name, 179
Messages to be acknowledged, 179
Restart basic unit, 180
Operating Inst ruct i ons, 03/2016, A5E02913673F/007 257
Basic unit VIB, 111
Guidelines, 27
Configuring, 199
Hardware configuration, 79
Default values, 195
Historical data
Default values, 195
Documentation, 12
Home page
Display data, 126
Hysteresis, 67
Display parameters, 198
IEPE sensors, 91
Incorrect inputs, 124
Indicators, 52
Inner race defect, 65
Ambient conditions, 89
Device dimensions, 89
Minimum spacing, 89
Mounting position, 89
Notes, 89
Integration into system environments, 48
IP address
With DHCP, 116
Without DHCP, 117
ISO 10816, 27
IT security, 16
Label, 50, 53
Reordering, 215
Replacing, 215
Language switch, 179
LED, 217
ALARM, 217
Device status, 217
Monitored plant components, 217
READY, 217
RUN, 217
LED operating display, 50, 53
LEDs, 52, 72
License conditions, 249
Limit band, 44
Limit bands
Default values, 195
Limit monitor ing, 63
Limit undershoot, 64
Limit violations, 65
Default values, 195
Logging in, 121
Logging out, 121
MAC addres s, 116
Machine mon itor ing
Method, 24
Machine vibration, 32
Mask limits, 64, 65
Measured value acquisition, 78
Signal quality, 78
Speed quality:, 78
Measurement axis, 21
Measurement path, 21
Measuring mod e, 59
Measuring poi nt, 21
Measuring poi nts , 28
Mechanical vibration, 18
Causes, 19
Severity, 19
Transmission, 19
Meshing defec t, 25
Acknowledging, 141
Message disp lay , 143
Message histor y , 142
Message log, 71, 143
Message status, 71, 143
Message system, 70
Pending, 140
Unacknowledged, 140, 179
Misalignment, 25, 33
Monitored limits, 166
Acceleration spectrum, 64
Envelope spectrum, 65
258 Operati ng I nst ruct i ons, 03/2016, A5E02913673F/007
Speed-dependent, 64, 65
Speed-independent, 64
Monitori ng mod e, 61
Basic unit VIB, 93
Shield support, 94
Mounting defect, 25
Multiplexing, 53
Network configuration
Default values, 195
Shipping, 87
Installation, 89
Open-source software, 249
Operating hours counter
Default values, 195
Operating ins truc ti ons , 206
Downloading, 206
Operating mod e
Automatic recovery, 78
Changing, 122
Measuring mod e, 123
Monitori ng mod e, 122
Operating mod es , 55, 56
RUN-Measuring, 56
RUN-Monitoring, 56
RUN-Monitoring inhibited, 57
STOP, 56
Web pages, 124
Operation states, 144
Ordering dat a, 49
Accessories, 49
CMS2000, 49
Outer race defect, 65
Password, 121
Piezoelectric sensors, 20
Frequency response, 20
Pin assignment
Industri al Ether net , 239
Power supply, 107
Process messages, 70
Features, 45
Documentation, 11
Pushbutton, 50, 52
Acknowledging, 52
Functions, 52
Reset, 52
Real-time clock, 79, 79
Time synchronization, 79
Recording raw data, 76, 177
Duration, 76
Triggering, 76
Repairs, 14
Cable, 100
Cables, 100
Reset, 52
Resonance, 25
RMS, 32, 166
Calculation, 32
Teaching, 167
RMS monitor ing , 63
RMS value of the vibration velocity, 32
Rolling element bearing
Determining condition, 36
Rolling element bearing condition, 34
Safety instructions
Battery, 15
General, 13
Safety extra-low voltage, 15
Scope of delivery, 88
Screen resolution, 119
Self-monitoring, 78
Self-test, 78
Sending telegrams, 73
Sensors, 91
Shaft vibration, 23
Shield support
Mounting, 94
Shielding, 108
Note, 87
Signaling column, 219
Operating Inst ruct i ons, 03/2016, A5E02913673F/007 259
Trademark, 11
SMTP, 188
SMTP-after-POP authentication, 188
SNTP server, 182
Commissioning, 114
Displaying, 132
Monitoring, 64
Spectral analysis, 37
Limit band, 44
Speed measurement, 69
Speed monitoring, 69, 171
Speed sensor, 91
Standards, 27
Fault, 228
Status information, 72
Storage, 87
Storage conditions, 87
Stripped lengths, 101
User interface, 120
Structure-b or ne noise , 23
Structure-borne noise measurements, 30
System configuration, 46
Maximum configuration, 47
System infor mat ion
Displaying, 197
System interf ac e, 50, 53, 110
System messages, 70
Target group, 11
Documentation, 11
Teach values, 75
Teaching results
RMS, 167
Technical Support, 250
Ethernet, 240
Telegram formats
Ethernet, 240
Telegram structure
Ethernet, 241
Temperat ure mod ul e, 205
Temperat ure mon itoring, 66, 175
Temperature sensors, 91
Parameters, 176
Terminal as sign ment , 103
Terminal block A, 104
Terminal block B, 104
Terminal block C, 104
Terminal block D, 104
Tightening torques, 101
Time, 181
Time zone, 181
Traffic light, 219
Trend monitoring, 31
Characteristic values, 31
Trends, 74, 74, 136
Resolution, 74
Saving, 74
Unacknowledged messages, 179
Unbalance, 25, 33, 39
Firmware, 211
User account
Default values, 195
User data, 242, 244
Compact telegram, 244
Extended telegram, 244
User interface
Structure, 120
User name, 121
Documentation, 11
Color ident ificat ion, 130
VDI 3832, 27, 30
Velocity spectrum, 146
Limit bands, 146, 148
"READY" LE D, 229
Function, 53
LED display, 229
Terminal bl ock s , 105
Vibration acceleration, 23, 34, 35
Vibration acceleration spectrum, 40
Vibration diagnostics, 18, 24
260 Operati ng I nst ruct i ons, 03/2016, A5E02913673F/007
Vibration displacement, 23
Vibration meas ur e men t, 24
Vibration measurements
in the time range, 26
Vibration sensors, 91
Vibration severity, 29
Classification, 29
Vibration velocity, 23, 32
Vibration velocity spectrum, 38
Voltage sensor, 69
Voltage sensors, 91
Watchdog, 78
WebDAV, 80
Authentication, 81
Screen resolution, 119