Philips Components Non-solid Al - electrolytic capacitors a nut and bolt. Four types of clamps are available, one for each case diameter. MECHANICAL DATA Clamps for ST - versions, D = 35, 50, 65 and 75 mm They are delivered without nuts or bolts. To facilitate vertical mounting, a series of rigid clamps made of zinc plated steel are available. To avoid damaging the insulation sleeve, do not overtighten the clamp screw. The clamps have either two or three mounting lugs, may be easily slipped over the capacitor and then clamped with handbook, halfpage 12 handbook, halfpage 12.05 0.5 6 1 Mounting Accessories 11.05 7 6 1 e 1 12.5 max 60 o a b 4 min 10.5 12 0.5 O 4.4 min 0 4.5 0.5 60o 35 o d 10 O 4.5 0.1 MBC637 50 49 67.5 66.5 80 max MBC636 Dimensions in mm. Catalogue number: 4322 043 04272. For dimensions see Table 2. Fig.1 1995 Aug 08 Dimensions in mm. Catalogue number: 4322 043 04281. Dimensional outline of clamp for case D = 35 mm. Fig.2 2 Dimensional outline of clamp for case D = 50 mm. Philips Components Non-solid Al - electrolytic capacitors Mounting Accessories handbook,12 halfpage 6 0.2 handbook, 12.5 halfpage 0.5 11.5 7 6 6 1 1 1 12.5 max 12.5 max 4.5 60 o 4.5 60 o 0.5 10.5 0 10.5 0.5 5.5 0 O 4.5 1 O 4.4 min 60 o 60 o 65 64 88.5 87.5 74 98 110 101 max MBC598 Dimensions in mm. Dimensions in mm. Catalogue number: 4322 043 04291. Catalogue number: 4322 043 12991. Fig.3 1995 Aug 08 0.2 Dimensional outline of clamp for case D = 65 mm. Fig.4 3 1 0 0.5 1 MBC599 Dimensional outline of clamp for case D = 75 mm. Philips Components Non-solid Al - electrolytic capacitors Mounting Accessories If insulated mounting is required, synthetic nuts and rubber washers are available; for these nuts the maximum permissible torque is 2 Nm (M8) and 4 Nm (M12). Nuts and washers for STB - versions When mounting with the bolt, which is an integral part of the case, standard metal M8 and M12 nuts and washers may be used; the maximum permissible torque is 4 Nm for M8 nuts and 10 Nm for M12 nuts. handbook, halfpage D handbook, halfpage 1 O 17 0.3 rubber washer H 6 W MGB115 MGB114 Dimensions in mm. Fig.6 Fig.5 Insulated mounting. Table 1 Synthetic cap nut; see Table 1 for dimensions D, H and W. Dimensions of synthetic cap nut; see Fig.6 CASE DIAMETER (mm) THREAD D (mm) H (mm) W (note 1) (mm) MIN. THREADED DEPTH (mm) CATALOGUE NUMBER 35 M8 25 15 17 11.5 4322 043 05561 50 M12 30 20 19 15.5 4322 043 05571 Note 1. Dimension W is measured across flats. Rubber washer ordering codes handbook, halfpage D 8.4 0.2 MGB119 Fig.7 Rubber washer; thickness 2 mm. 1995 Aug 08 4 D (mm) D (mm) CATALOGUE NUMBER 34 8.4 4322 043 05591 49 13 4322 043 05531 64 13 4322 043 05521 74 13 4322 043 13001 Philips Components Non-solid Al - electrolytic capacitors Mounting Accessories Clamps for SL - versions, D = 25, 30, 35 and 40 mm Four types of clamps are available, one for each case diameter. To facilitate vertical mounting, a series of rigid clamps made of zinc plated steel are available. They are delivered without nuts or bolts. To avoid damaging the insulation sleeve, do not overtighten the clamp screw. The clamps have two mounting lugs, may be easily slipped over the capacitor and then clamped with a nut and bolt. handbook, halfpage handbook, halfpage 10 12 13.5 3 0.5 1.0 6 1 1 e a e b a b c 10 12 0.5 4.3 1 7 O 4.0 + 0.2 0 0 4.5 0.5 30 o 35 o d 0.2 d 10 O 4.5 0.1 MBC637 MGB116 Dimensions in mm. Dimensions in mm. For dimensions see Table 2. Fig.8 Table 2 For dimensions see Table 2. Fig.9 Dimensional outline of clamp for case D = 25, 30 and 40 mm. Dimensional outline of clamp for case D = 35 mm. Clamp dimensions; see Figs 1, 8 and 9 CASE DIAMETER (mm) a (mm) b (mm) c (mm) d (mm) e (mm) CATALOGUE NUMBER 25 41.5 0.2 25 35 18.5 56 4322 043 03301 30 46.5 0.2 30 40 21 61 4322 043 03311 35 51.5 0.2 35 - 23.5 63 4322 043 04272 40 56.5 0.2 40 50 26 71 4322 043 03331 1995 Aug 08 5