Technical Information MIPAQTMserve IFS150V12PT4 preliminary data Key data Power module using IGBT4 technology in sixpack configuration. Isolated IGBT driver, protection and temperature sensor included. Topology B6I Rated semiconductor data 1200V, 150A Load type Inductive, resistive Target application Industrial drives, UPS Sensors and protection Interface IGBT Standards Note: temperature, short circuit, signal transmission, UVLO for all power supplies Electrical, 5V-CMOS, Galvanic Isolation according to IEC61800-5-1 IEC61800-5-1, UL94, RoHS tbd = to be defined If not otherwise specified, use typical values for UGSNx and UGSPx prepared by: Marco Bohllander approved by: Martin Schulz date of publication: 08.06.2010 revision: 2.0 Technical Information MIPAQTMserve IFS150V12PT4 preliminary data Electrical data - power part min DC link voltage DC continuous current Ls = tbd -40 < Tvj < 150C 0 < IC turn off < 2*IC max Tcase = 100C Tvj = Tvjop max 900 V IC nom 150 A 1200 V Tvj=25C IGBT collector emitter saturation voltage Diode repetitive peak reverse voltage Tvj =25C @ IC=150A Tvj =150C @ IC=150A UCEsat Tvj=25C URRM Diode forward voltage Tvj =25C @ IC=150A Tvj =150C @ IC=150A UF Operating junction temperature IGBT and Diode Tvjop Turn off energy loss per puls Reverse recovery energy UCES IGBT, UDC=600V, IC=150A Tvj=150C, di/dt,= 2,8kA/s IGBT, UDC=600V, IC=150A Tvj=150C, du/dt = 3,5kV/s Diode, UDC=600V, IF=150A Tvj=150C, di/dt = 2,8kA/s max UDC IGBT collector emitter voltage Turn on energy loss per puls typ 1,75 2,10 2,15 1200 1,70 1,65 2,20 150 V V V C Eon 15,0 mJ Eoff 13,9 mJ Erec 12 mJ Electrical data - control part Auxiliary power supply: IGBT Gate (on X1) IGBT driver positive supply IGBT driver negative supply IGBT driver undervoltage lockout threshold IGBT driver undervoltage lockout hysteresis Logic power supply undervoltage lockout threshold Logic power supply undervoltage lockout hysteresis prepared by: Marco Bohllander approved by: Martin Schulz typ max 13 16 18 V Voltage UGS P1,2,3,4 Current at fsw = 20kHz, UGSP1,2,3 = +15V Tvj = 25C IGS P1,2,3 19 mA IGS P4 31 mA Voltage UGS N1,2,3,4 -5 V Current @ fsw = 20kHz, UGSN = -8V Tvj = 25C |IGS N1,2,3| 18 mA |IGS N4| 23 mA For each channel UGS_UVLO 10,4 12,6 V For each channel UGS_UVLO_H 0,7 Auxiliary power supply: Logic (on X2) Logic power supply min Voltage ULS Current @ fsw = 20kHz, ULS = +5V ILS -10 typ max 4,5 5 5,5 V 55 mA 4,3 V 3,5 ULS_UVLO_H 0,3 V min ULS_UVLO date of publication: 08.06.2010 revision: 2.0 -8 V Technical Information MIPAQTMserve IFS150V12PT4 preliminary data min Driver logic input/output, protection and sensors (on X2) Digital input (IGBT turn-on/off and RESET) Digital temperature output Minimum pulse width Minimum dead time 3,5 5,5 V Low level voltage UIN_L -0,3 1,5 V Input current per input IIN 100 400 A tmin RST1 40 ns tmin RST2 500 ns Open drain, internally pulled up, max. tbd mA URDYT, URDYB, UFLTT, UFLTB, UTMP Frequency depends on measured temperature Pulses counted in 100ms IGBT-turn-on signal (=high) on each channel @ UDC max Between TOP IGBT and BOT IGBT Switching frequency Each driver channel Short circuit protection Desaturation threshold. Shutdown when exceeded. Each channel Reaction time. Shutdown after short circuit was detected. Each channel 0 ULS V fTMP 0,2 18 kHz N 20 1800 tPW_min 1 s tdead 1 s fsw 0 UCE_desat Each channel tprop_delay Propagation delay deviation Between two channels tprop delay dev Isolation Management Logic to power side f=50Hz, t=1s Life parts to base plate F=50Hz, 1=1min Comparative tracking index Creepage distance Under usage of screws according DIN7984 with flat head, SKS-5 spring washer, DIN125 flat washer prepared by: Marco Bohllander approved by: Martin Schulz 9 20 kHz 9,5 V 8 s 320 ns 15 min Isolation management designed for Clearance distance, including internal clearance DIN7984 with flat head, SKS-5 spring washer, DIN125 flat washer, 8,5 tdesat Propagation delay Isolation test voltage max UIN_H Minimum pulse width on /RST for ENABLE/SHUTDOWN Minimum pulse width on /RST for resetting /FLTBOT, /FLTTOP Digital output level typ High level voltage ns ULine typ 480 max Visol 2,5 kVRMS Visol 2,5 kVRMS VRMS CTI 225 terminal - terminal (AC-DC, AC-AC, DC-DC) lcl1 11 mm power side - heat sink lcl2 11 mm Logic side - heatsink lcl3 4,5 mm Logic side - power side lcl4 8 mm terminal - terminal (AC-DC, AC-AC, DC-DC) lcr1 25 mm terminal - heat sink lcr2 20 mm Logic side - heatsink lcr3 8,5 mm Logic side - power side lcr4 8 mm date of publication: 08.06.2010 revision: 2.0 Technical Information MIPAQTMserve IFS150V12PT4 preliminary data Environmental conditions min Storage temperature Tstg Operating ambient temperature fSW 20kHz Humidity no condensation Rel. H. typ max -40 +125 C -40 +65 C 5 85 % 1000 m Installation height Vibration according to IEC60721 12 g Shock according to IEC60721 10 g Protection degree IP00 Pollution degree 2 Terminal connection torque Screw M6 MM6 3,0 6,0 Nm Mounting torque Screw M5 MM5 3,0 6,0 Nm Insertion force connector X1 FX1 tbd N Insertion force connector X2 FX2 tbd N 130 x 103 x 28,5 mm 419 g Dimensions length x width x height Weight Thermal data min typ max Thermal resistance junction to case Each IGBT Rthjc_IGBT 0,22 K/W Thermal resistance junction to case Each Diode Rthjc_FWD 0,4 K/W Thermal resistance case to heatsink Complete module Rthch_Module 0,009 K/W Modul /module min Stray inductance module LsCE Material of module baseplate prepared by: Marco Bohllander approved by: Martin Schulz typ 20 Cu date of publication: 08.06.2010 revision: 2.0 max nH Technical Information MIPAQTMserve IFS150V12PT4 preliminary data Output characteristic IGBT IC = f(U CE) @ U GSPx = 16V Output characteristic IGBT IC = f(U CE) @ Tvj = 150C 300 300 270 Tv j = 150C 270 _____ Tv j = 25C 240 210 210 180 180 IC [A] IC [A] 240 --- 150 ........ UGSPx = 18V UGSPx = 16V --_____ UGSPx = 14V 150 120 120 90 90 60 60 30 30 0 0 0 0,5 1 1,5 UCE [V] 2 2,5 0 3 0,5 1 1,5 2 2,5 3 3,5 4 4,5 5 UCE [V] Switching losses diode Erec = f(IF) @ UCE = 600V, Tvj = 150C Switching losses IGBT Eon = f(IC), Eoff = f(IC) U GSPx = 16V, UGSNx = -8V, Tvj = 150C 18 40 16 Eof f --- 35 _____ ____ 14 Eon 30 12 E [mJ] 25 E [mJ] Erec 20 10 15 8 6 10 4 5 2 0 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 0 30 60 90 120 IC [A] 150 IF [A] 180 210 240 270 300 Digital temperature output Number of pulses within 100ms Forward characteristic diode IF = f(UF) 1000 300 900 270 240 --- Tv j = 150C _____ Tv j = 25C 800 700 1/100ms 210 IF [A] 180 150 120 600 500 400 300 90 60 200 30 100 0 0 0 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 1 1,2 1,4 1,6 1,8 UF [V] prepared by: Marco Bohllander approved by: Martin Schulz 2 2,2 2,4 -40 -30 -20 -10 date of publication: 08.06.2010 revision: 2.0 0 10 20 30 40 50 TNTC [C] 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 Technical Information MIPAQTMserve IFS150V12PT4 preliminary data Mechanical drawing prepared by: Marco Bohllander approved by: Martin Schulz date of publication: 08.06.2010 revision: 2.0 Technical Information MIPAQTMserve IFS150V12PT4 preliminary data Circuit diagram Connector X1 and X2 T1pos T1GND T1neg Pin 14 13 15 T2pos T2GND T2neg 8 7 9 UGS P2 = U(T2pos) - U(T2GND) UGS N2 = U(T2neg) - U(T2GND) T3pos T3GND T3neg 4 1 3 UGS P3 = U(T3pos) - U(T3GND) UGS N3 = U(T3neg) - U(T3GND) Bpos BGND Bneg 19 21 20 UGS P4 = U(Bpos) - U(BGND) UGS N4 = U(Bneg) - U(BGND) MIPAQTMserve inside Power connector Datasheet value power supply for IGBT Gate High voltage area in grey Connector X1 UGS P1 = U(T1pos) - U(T1GND) UGS N1 = U(T1neg) - U(T1GND) NTC EiceDRIVERTM DC+ /RST 3 TMP 10 GND GND GND GND GND GND GND GND GND 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 digital I/O and power supply for digital I/O circuit Connector X2 UTMP = U(TMP) - U(GND) 19 21 low voltage area Galvanic Isolation Further information X1: X2: Molex Microfit 22 pins Molex Milligrid 22 pins All information regarding connectors can be found in AN2009-07 prepared by: Marco Bohllander approved by: Martin Schulz date of publication: 08.06.2010 revision: 2.0 T1 UFLT_T = U(/FLTT) - U(GND) UFLT_B = U(/FLTB) - U(GND) B1 16 6 EiceDRIVERTM /FLTT /FLTB T2 URDY_T = U(RDYT) - U(GND) URDY_B = U(RDYB) - U(GND) EiceDRIVERTM 14 8 UIN_L = U(VINx) - U(GND) for low input signal IGBT turn-off U V B2 RDYT RDYB UIN_H = U(VINx) - U(GND) for high input signal IGBT turn-on EiceDRIVERTM 22 1 20 2 18 4 T3 INT1 INB1 INT2 INB2 INT3 INB3 EiceDRIVERTM ULS = U(VCC) - U(GND) B3 Datasheet value 12 DC- EiceDRIVERTM Pin VCC EiceDRIVERTM HB1H W high voltage area Technical Information MIPAQTMserve IFS150V12PT4 preliminary data Nutzungsbedingungen Die in diesem Produktdatenblatt enthaltenen Daten sind ausschlielich fur technisch geschultes Fachpersonal bestimmt. Die Beurteilung der Geeignetheit dieses Produktes fur die von Ihnen anvisierte Anwendung sowie die Beurteilung der Vollstandigkeit der bereitgestellten Produktdaten fur diese Anwendung obliegt Ihnen bzw. Ihren technischen Abteilungen. In diesem Produktdatenblatt werden diejenigen Merkmale beschrieben, fur die wir eine liefervertragliche Gewahrleistung ubernehmen. Eine solche Gewahrleistung richtet sich ausschlielich nach Magabe der im jeweiligen Liefervertrag enthaltenen Bestimmungen. Garantien jeglicher Art werden fur das Produkt und dessen Eigenschaften keinesfalls ubernommen. Sollten Sie von uns Produktinformationen benotigen, die uber den Inhalt dieses Produktdatenblatts hinausgehen und insbesondere eine spezifische Verwendung und den Einsatz dieses Produktes betreffen, setzen Sie sich bitte mit dem fur Sie zustandigen Vertriebsburo in Verbindung (siehe, Vertrieb&Kontakt). Fur Interessenten halten wir Application Notes bereit. Aufgrund der technischen Anforderungen konnte unser Produkt gesundheitsgefahrdende Substanzen enthalten. Bei Ruckfragen zu den in diesem Produkt jeweils enthaltenen Substanzen setzen Sie sich bitte ebenfalls mit dem fur Sie zustandigen Vertriebsburo in Verbindung. Sollten Sie beabsichtigen, das Produkt in gesundheits- oder lebensgefahrdenden oder lebenserhaltenden Anwendungsbereichen einzusetzen, bitten wir um Mitteilung. Wir weisen darauf hin, dass wir fur diese Falle die gemeinsame Durchfuhrung eines Risiko- und Qualitatsassessments; den Abschluss von speziellen Qualitatssicherungsvereinbarungen; die gemeinsame Einfuhrung von Manahmen zu einer laufenden Produktbeobachtung dringend empfehlen und gegebenenfalls die Belieferung von der Umsetzung solcher Manahmen abhangig machen. Soweit erforderlich, bitten wir Sie, entsprechende Hinweise an Ihre Kunden zu geben. Inhaltliche Anderungen dieses Produktdatenblatts bleiben vorbehalten. Terms & Conditions of usage The data contained in this technical information is exclusively intended for technically trained staff. You and your technical departments will have to evaluate the suitability of the product for the intended application and the completeness of the product data with respect to such application. This product data sheet is describing the characteristics of this product for which a warranty is granted. Any such warranty is granted exclusively pursuant the terms and conditions of the supply agreement. There will be no guarantee of any kind for the product and its specifications. Should you require product information in excess of the data given in this product data sheet or which concerns the specific application of our product, please contact the sales office, which is responsible for you (see, sales&contact). For those that are specifically interested we may provide application notes. Due to technical requirements our product may contain dangerous substances. For information on the types in question please contact the sales office, which is responsible for you. Should you intend to use the Product in health or live endangering or life support applications, please notify. Please note, that for any such applications we urgently recommend to perform joint Risk and Quality Assessments; the conclusion of Quality Agreements; to establish joint measures of an ongoing product survey, and that we may make delivery depended on the realization of any such measures. If and to the extent necessary, please forward equivalent notices to your customers. Changes of this product data sheet are reserved. Sicherheitshinweise Bevor Sie mit der Installation und dem Betrieb der Baugruppe beginnen, lesen Sie bitte sorgfaltig alle Sicherheitshinweise und Warnungen. Safety Instructions Prior to installation and operation, all safety notices and warnings have to be carefully read. prepared by: Marco Bohllander approved by: Martin Schulz date of publication: 08.06.2010 revision: 2.0