Order Number: 317694-015
Revision 2.4
Intel® 82574 GbE Controller Family
Product Features
PCI Express* (PCIe*)
64-bit address master support for systems
using more than 4 GB of physical memory
Programmable host memory receive buffers
(256 bytes to 16 KB)
Intelligent interrupt generation features to
enhance driver performance
Descriptor ring management hardware for
transmit and receive sof tware controlled reset
(resets everything except the configuration
Message Signaled Interrupts (MSI and MSI-X)
Configurable receive and transmit data FIFO,
programmable in 1 KB increments
Flow Control Support compliant with the
802.3X Specification
VLAN support compliant with the 802.1Q
MAC Address filters: perfect match unicast
filters; multicast hash filtering, broadcast filter
and promiscuous mode
Statistics for management and RMOM
MAC loopback
Compliant with the 1 Gb/s IEEE 802.3 802.3u
802.3ab Specifications
IEEE 802.3ab auto negotiation support
Full duplex operation at 10/100/1000 Mb/s
Half duplex at 10/100 Mb/s
Auto MDI, MDI-X crossover at all speeds
High Performance
TCP segmentation capability compatible with
Large Send offloading features
Support up to 256 KB TCP segmentation (TSO
Fragmented UDP checksum offload for packet
IPv4 and IPv6 checksum offload support
(receive, transmit, and large send)
Split header support
Receive Side Scaling (RSS) with two hardw are
receive queues
9 KB jumbo frame support
40 KB packet buffer size
NC-SI for remote management core
SMBus advanced pass through interface
Low Power
Magic Packet* wake-up enable with unique
MAC address
ACPI register set and power down functionality
supporting D0 andD3 states
Full wake up support (APM and ACPI 2.0)
Smart power down at S0 no link an d Sx no link
LAN disable function
9 mm x 9 mm 64-pin QFN package with
Exposed Pad*
Configurable LED operation for customization
of LED displays
TimeSync offload compliant with the 802.1as
Wider operating temperature range; -40 °C to
85 °C (82574IT only)
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This product has not been tested with every possible configuration/setting. Intel is not responsible for the product’s failure in any configuration/setting,
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The 82574 GbE Controller may contain design defects or errors known as errata which may cause the product to deviate from published specifications.
Current characterized errata are available on request.
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Datasheet—82574 GbE Controller
1.0 Introduction............................................................................................................10
1.1 Scope..............................................................................................................10
1.2 Number Conventions .........................................................................................10
1.3 Acronyms.........................................................................................................11
1.4 Reference Documents................. ..................... .. .. ..................... .. .. ........... .. .. ......12
1.5 82574 Architecture Block Diagram.......................................................................13
1.6 System Interface...............................................................................................13
1.7 Features Summary............................................................................................13
1.8 Product Codes...................................................................................................16
2.0 Pin Interface ...........................................................................................................18
2.1 Pin Assignments................................................................................................18
2.2 Pull-Up/Pull-Down Resistors and Strapping Options................................................19
2.3 Signal Type De finition........ ................................................................................19
2.3.1 PCIe.....................................................................................................19
2.3.2 NVM Port............. .. ........... .. .. .......... ... .. .......... .. .. ........... .. .. ........... .. ........20
2.3.3 System Management Bus (SMBus) Interface..............................................21
2.3.4 NC-SI and Testability..............................................................................21
2.3.5 LEDs ....................................................................................................22
2.3.6 PHY Pins ...............................................................................................22
2.3.7 Miscellaneous Pin . .. ............................................ .................................. ..23
2.3.8 Power Supplies and Support Pins..............................................................24
2.4 Package...........................................................................................................25
3.0 Interconnects..........................................................................................................26
3.1 PCIe................................................................................................................26
3.1.1 Architecture, Transaction, and Link Layer Properties ...................................27
3.1.2 General Functionality..............................................................................28
3.1.3 Transaction Layer...................................................................................28
3.1.4 Flow Control ................... .. .....................................................................33
3.1.5 Host I/F ................................................................................................35
3.1.6 Error Events and Error Reporting..............................................................36
3.1.7 Link Layer.............................................................................................39
3.1.8 PHY......................................................................................................40
3.1.9 Performance Monitoring ..........................................................................41
3.2 Ethernet Interface...................................... ... .. ............................... .. ... ..............41
3.2.1 MAC/PHY GMII/MII Interface ...................................................................41
3.2.2 Duplex Operation for Copper PHY/GMII/MII Operation........................... .. .. ..42
3.2.3 Auto-Negotiation & Link Setup Features ....................................................43
3.2.4 Loss of Signal/Link Status Indication.........................................................46
3.2.5 10/100 Mb/s Specific Performance Enhancements.......................................47
3.2.6 Flow Control ................... .. .....................................................................48
3.3 SPI Non-Volatile Memory Interface ........... .. .........................................................51
3.3.1 General Overview...................................................................................51
3.3.2 Supported NVM Devices ..........................................................................51
3.3.3 NVM Device Detection.......... .. ............. ................................. ...................52
3.3.4 Device Operation with an External EEPROM.......... ............... .. .. .. ... .. .. ..........53
3.3.5 Device Operation with Flash.....................................................................53
3.3.6 Shadow RAM .........................................................................................53
3.3.7 NVM Clients and Interfaces......................................................................55
3.3.8 NVM Write and Erase Sequence.............. .. ................................................56
3.4 System Management Bus (SMBus) ......................................................................58
82574 GbE Controller—Datasheet
3.5 NC-SI...............................................................................................................58
3.5.1 Interface Specificatio n............ .. .......... ... .. .. .......... .. ... ...............................59
3.5.2 Electrical Characteristics ................. .. .......................................................59
4.0 Initialization ............................................................................................................60
4.1 Introduction......................................................................................................60
4.2 Reset Operation.................................................................................................60
4.3 Power Up........................ .. .. ........... .. .. ..................... .. .. ........... .. .. ........... .. .. ........62
4.3.1 Power-Up Sequence........................................ .. .. ..................... ... .. .. ........62
4.3.2 Timing Diagram......................................................................................70
4.4 Global Reset (PE_RST_N, PCIe In-Band Reset) ...................................................... 71
4.4.1 Reset Sequence......................................................................................71
4.4.2 Timing Diagram......................................................................................72
4.5 Timing Parameters............... .. .. ... ............................... .. .. .. ..................................74
4.5.1 Timing Requirements ..............................................................................74
4.6 Software Initialization Sequence..........................................................................74
4.6.1 Interrupts During Initialization..................................................................75
4.6.2 Global Reset and General Configuration .....................................................75
4.6.3 Link Setup Mechanisms and Control/Status Bit Summary .............................75
4.6.4 Initialization of Statistics..........................................................................77
4.6.5 Receive Initialization ...............................................................................77
4.6.6 Transmit Initialization..............................................................................78
5.0 Power Management and Delivery.............................................................................80
5.1 Assumptions .....................................................................................................80
5.2 Power Consumption ............. .. ........... .. .. ................................ .. .. .........................80
5.3 Power Deliver y................ ........... .. .. ..................... .. .. ........... .. .. ..................... .. .. ..81
5.3.1 The 1.9 V dc Rail ....................................................................................81
5.3.2 The 1.05 V dc Rail ..................................................................................81
5.4 Power Mana ge me nt............................. .. .. ........... .. .. ..................... .. .. ...................81
5.4.1 82574 Power States....... ..................................................... ....................81
5.4.2 Auxiliary Power Usage.............................................................................82
5.4.3 Power Limits by Certain Form Factors........................................................83
5.4.4 Power States.............. .. ..................... ... .. .......... .. .. ........... .. .. ...................83
5.4.5 Timing of Power-State Transitions.............................................................87
5.5 Wake Up ............. ... .. .......... .. .. ........... .. .. ........... .. .. .......... ... ..................... .. ........90
5.5.1 Advanced Power Management Wake Up.....................................................90
5.5.2 PCIe Power Management Wake Up............ ................................................91
5.5.3 Wake-Up Packets............... .. ............................... .. ... ...............................91
6.0 Non-Volatile Memory (NVM) Map .............................................................................98
6.1 EEUPDATE ........................................................................................................98
6.2 Basic Configuration Table....................................................................................98
6.2.1 Hardware Accessed Words .....................................................................100
6.2.2 Software Accessed Words ......................................................................111
6.3 Manageability Configuration Words.....................................................................112
6.3.1 SMBus APT Configuration Words.............................................................112
6.3.2 NC-SI Configuration Words ............. .. .. ............. ............. ............ .............114
7.0 Inline Functions.....................................................................................................116
7.1 Packet Reception.............................................................................................116
7.1.1 Packet Address Filtering.........................................................................116
7.1.2 Receive Data Storage............................................................................117
7.1.3 Legacy Receive Descriptor Format............. .. .. .. .. ............. .. ............. .. .. ......117
7.1.4 Extended Rx Descriptor .........................................................................120
7.1.5 Packet Split Receive Descriptor...............................................................126
Datasheet—82574 GbE Controller
7.1.6 Receive Descriptor Fetching................. .. .. ............ .................................. 129
7.1.7 Receive Descriptor Write Back.......................... ............. ............. ............ 129
7.1.8 Receive Descriptor Queue Structure........................................................ 130
7.1.9 Receive Interrupts................... ........... .. .. .. ............................................ 132
7.1.10 Receive Packet Checksum Offloading ............ .. .. .. ............. ............. .. ........ 135
7.1.11 Multiple Receive Queues and Receive-Side Scaling (RSS)........................... 137
7.2 Packet Transmission........................................................................................ 143
7.2.1 Transmit Functionality........................................................................... 143
7.2.2 Transmission Flow Using Simplified Legacy Descriptors.............................. 144
7.2.3 Transmission Process Flow Using Extended Descriptors....................... ....... 144
7.2.4 Transmit Descriptor Ring Structure......................................................... 145
7.2.5 Multiple Transmit Queues .......................... ............. ....................... ........ 147
7.2.6 Overview of On-Chip Transmit Modes...................................................... 147
7.2.7 Pipelined Tx Data Read Requests............................................................ 148
7.2.8 Transmit Interrupts .............................................................................. 149
7.2.9 Transmit Data Storage.......................................................................... 149
7.2.10 Transmit Descriptor Formats.................................................................. 150
7.2.11 Extended Data Descriptor Format........................................................... 158
7.3 TCP Segmentation........................................................................................... 162
7.3.1 TCP Segmentation Performance Advantages ............................................ 162
7.3.2 Ethernet Packet Format.............. .. ............. ............. ............ ................... 162
7.3.3 TCP Segmentation Data Descriptors........................................................ 163
7.3.4 TCP Segmentation Source Data.................. .. ............. ....................... ...... 164
7.3.5 Hardware Performed Updating for Each Frame ......................................... 164
7.3.6 TCP Segmentation Use of Multiple Data Descriptors .................................. 165
7.4 Interrupts ...................................................................................................... 168
7.4.1 Legacy and MSI Interrupt Modes .................. .. ............. ....................... .... 168
7.4.2 MSI-X Mode......................................................................................... 168
7.4.3 Registers............................................................................................. 169
7.4.4 Interrupt Moderation ............................................................................ 171
7.4.5 Clearing Interrupt Causes...................................................................... 173
7.5 802.1q VLAN Support ...................................................................................... 174
7.5.1 802.1q VLAN Packet Format .................................................................. 174
7.5.2 Transmitting and Receiving 802.1q Packets ............................................. 175
7.5.3 802.1q VLAN Packet Filtering ................................................................. 175
7.6 LED's............................................................................................................. 176
7.7 Time SYNC (IEEE1588 and 802.1AS) .......................... ..................... .................. 177
7.7.1 Overview ............................................................................................ 177
7.7.2 Flow and Hardware/Software Responsibilities........................................... 178
7.7.3 Hardware Time Sync Elements............................................................... 180
7.7.4 PTP Packet Structure ............................................................................ 183
8.0 System Manageability............................................................................................ 186
8.1 Scope............................................................................................................ 186
8.2 Pass-Through (PT) Functionality........................................................................ 186
8.3 Components of a Sideband Interface.................................................................. 187
8.4 SMBus Pass-Through Interface.......................................................................... 187
8.4.1 General............................................................................................... 188
8.4.2 Pass-Through Capabilities...................................................................... 188
8.4.3 Manageability Receive Filtering............................................................... 188
8.4.4 SMBus Transactions.............................................................................. 196
8.4.5 SMBus Notification Methods................................................................... 200
8.5 Receive TCO Flow........................... .. .. ................................ .. .. ......................... 203
8.6 Transmit TCO Flow .......................................................................................... 203
8.6.1 Transmit Errors in Sequence Hand ling............... ...................................... 204
82574 GbE Controller—Datasheet
8.6.2 TCO Command Aborted Flow..................................................................204
8.7 SMBus ARP Transactions...................................................................................205
8.7.1 Prepare to ARP............. ................................ .. .. ..................... .. ... .. ........205
8.7.2 Reset Device (General)..........................................................................205
8.7.3 Reset Device (Directed).........................................................................205
8.7.4 Assign Address.....................................................................................205
8.7.5 Get UDID (General and Directed)............................................................206
8.8 SMBus Pass-Through Transactions .....................................................................208
8.8.1 Write Transactions................................................................................208
8.8.2 Read Transactions (82574 to MC) ...........................................................213
8.9 SMBus Troubleshooting ....................................................................................223
8.9.1 SMBus Commands are Always NACK'd by the 82574 .................................223
8.9.2 SMBus Clock Speed is 16.6666 KHz.........................................................223
8.9.3 A Network Based Host Application is not Receiving any Network Packets ......223
8.9.4 Status Registers ...................................................................................223
8.9.5 Unable to Transmit Packets from the MC..................................................224
8.9.6 SMBus Fragment Size............................................................................225
8.9.7 Enable XSum Filtering ................ ...........................................................226
8.9.8 Still Having Problems?...........................................................................226
8.10 NC-SI Interface................. .. ..................................................... .. .. .. .................226
8.11 Overview........................................................................................................226
8.11.1 Terminology.........................................................................................226
8.11.2 System Topolog y............. ..................... .. .. ............................... ... .. ........228
8.11.3 Data Transport.....................................................................................229
8.12 NC-SI Support........... ............................... .. .. ................................ .. .. ...............231
8.12.1 Supported Features...............................................................................231
8.12.2 NC-SI Mode - Intel Specific Commands....................................................232
8.13 Basic NC-SI Workflows .....................................................................................237
8.13.1 Package States.....................................................................................237
8.13.2 Channel States.....................................................................................238
8.13.3 Discovery ............................................................................................238
8.13.4 Configurations......................................................................................238
8.13.5 Pass-Through Traffic States....................................................................240
8.13.6 Asynchronous Event Notifications............................................................241
8.13.7 Querying Active Parameters...................................................................241
8.14 Resets............................................................................................................242
8.15 Advanced Workflows ........................................................................................242
8.15.1 Multi-NC Arbitration ..............................................................................242
8.15.2 External Link Control.............................................................................243
8.15.3 Statistics .............................................................................................244
9.0 Programing Interface.............................................................................................246
9.1 PCIe Config uration Space................... .. .............................................................246
9.1.1 PCIe Compatibility ........... .......................................... .. .. .. .....................246
9.1.2 Mandatory PCI Configuration Registers ....................................................247
9.1.3 PCI Power Management Registers...........................................................252
9.1.4 Message Signaled Interrupt (MSI) Configuration Registers..........................255
9.1.5 MSI-X Configuration..............................................................................256
9.1.6 PCIe Configuration Registers ............. .. ... ....................... ............ .............259
10.0 Driver Programing Interface ..................................................................................270
10.1 Introduction....................................................................................................270
10.1.1 Memory and I/O Address Decoding .........................................................270
10.1.2 Registers Byte Ordering.......... .. .. .. ............. ............ ........................ ........273
10.1.3 Register Conven tions ............... ....................... ......................................274
10.2 Configuration and Status Registers - CSR Space ..................................................274
Datasheet—82574 GbE Controller
10.2.1 Register Summary Table ....................................................................... 274
10.2.2 General Register Descriptions ................................................................ 281
10.2.3 PCIe Register Descriptions..................................................................... 300
10.2.4 Interrupt Register Descriptions............................................................... 308
10.2.5 Receive Registe r Descriptions .................. ....................... ............. .......... 315
10.2.6 Transmit Register Descriptions............................................................... 332
10.2.7 Statistic Register Descriptions................ ............ .. ............. .. ............. .. .... 340
10.2.8 Management Register Descriptions ......................................................... 355
10.2.9 Time Sync Register Descriptions............................................................. 365
10.2.10MSI-X Register Descriptions................................................................... 368
10.2.11PHY Registers ...................................................................................... 370
10.2.12Diagnostic Register Descriptions............... .. .. .. ............. .. .. ............. .. ........ 399
11.0 Diagnostics............................................................................................................ 404
11.1 Introduction ................................................................................................... 404
11.2 FIFO Pointer Accessibility.................................................................................. 404
11.3 FIFO Data Accessibility..................................................................................... 404
11.4 Loopback Operations ................ .. .. .. ....................... ............. ............ ................. 405
12.0 Electrical Specifications......................................................................................... 406
12.1 Introduction ................................................................................................... 406
12.2 Voltage Regulator Power Supply Specification ..................................................... 406
12.2.1 3.3 V dc Rail........................................................................................ 406
12.2.2 1.9 V dc Rail....................................................................................... 406
12.2.3 1.05 V dc Rail...................................................................................... 407
12.2.4 PNP Specifications ............................................................................... 407
12.3 Power Sequencing........................................................................................... 408
12.4 Power-On Reset............ .. ........... .. .. ..................... .. .. ................................ .. .. .... 408
12.5 Power Scheme Solutions .................................................................................. 409
12.6 Discrete/Integ ra t ed Magnetics Specifications....................................................... 412
12.7 Oscillator/Crystal Specifications......................................................................... 413
12.8 I/O DC Parameters.......................................................................................... 414
12.8.1 Test, JTAG and NC-SI .............. .. .. ............. .................................. .......... 415
12.8.2 LEDs .................................................................................................. 415
12.8.3 SMBus................................................................................................ 416
13.0 Design Considerations........................................................................................... 418
13.1 PCIe.............................................................................................................. 418
13.1.1 Port Connection to the 82574........................................... .. .. .. .. .............. 418
13.1.2 PCIe Reference Clock............................................................................ 418
13.1.3 Other PCIe Signals ............................................................................... 418
13.1.4 PCIe Routing ....................................................................................... 419
13.2 Clock Source .................................................................................................. 419
13.2.1 Frequency Control Device Design Considerations ...................................... 419
13.2.2 Frequency Control Component Types ...................................................... 419
13.3 Crystal Support............................................................................................... 421
13.3.1 Crystal Selection Parameters ................................................................. 421
13.3.2 Crystal Placement and Layout Recommendations...................................... 424
13.4 Oscillator Support............................................................................................ 425
13.4.1 Oscillator Placement and Layout Recommendations................................... 426
13.5 Ethernet Interf ace........... .. ........... .. .. .. ........... .. .. ............................... ... .. .......... 426
13.5.1 Magnetics for 1000 BASE-T.................................................................... 426
13.5.2 Magnetics Module Qualification Steps...................................................... 427
13.5.3 Third-Party Magnetics Manufacturers ...................................................... 427
13.5.4 Layout Considerations for the Ethernet Interface ...................................... 427
13.5.5 Physical Layer Conformance Testing ....................................................... 433
82574 GbE Controller—Datasheet
13.5.6 Troubleshooting Common Physical Layout Issues ......................................433
13.6 SMBus and NC-SI ............................................................................................434
13.6.1 NC-SI Electrical Interface Requ ire me nts............... .. ............. .. .. ............. .. ..435
13.7 82574 Power Supplies ............. ............. ............. ........................... ............. .......439
13.7.1 82574 GbE Controller Power Sequencing................. .. ...............................439
13.7.2 Power and Ground Planes ......................................................................441
13.8 Device Disable.................................................................................................441
13.8.1 BIOS Handling of Device Disable............... .. .. .. ............. .. ............ ... ..........442
13.9 8257 4 Exposed Pad*.......................................................... ..............................442
13.9.1 Introduction.........................................................................................442
13.9.2 Component Pad, Solder Mask and Solder Paste.........................................443
13.9.3 Landing Pattern A (No Via In Pad)................. .. .. .. ............. ............. ..........444
13.9.4 Landing Pattern B (Thermal Relief; No Via In Pad).....................................445
13.10 XOR Testing....................................................................................................446
14.0 Thermal Design Considerations..............................................................................448
14.1 Introduction....................................................................................................448
14.2 Intended Audience...........................................................................................448
14.3 Measuring the Thermal Conditions .....................................................................448
14.4 Thermal Considerations.......... ....................... ............. ............. ....................... ..448
14.5 Packaging Terminology.....................................................................................449
14.6 Product Package Thermal Specification ...............................................................449
14.7 Thermal Specif ications............ .. .................................. ......................................450
14.7.1 Case Temperature ................................................................................450
14.7.2 Designing for Thermal Performance.........................................................450
14.8 Thermal Attributes................... ... .....................................................................451
14.8.1 Typical System Definitions ..... ................................................................451
14.9 82574 Package Thermal Characteristics ............................................ .... .. ............452
14.10 Reliability .......................................................................................................452
14.11 Measurements for Thermal Specifications............................................................453
14.12 Case Temperature Measurements ......................................................................453
14.12.1Attaching the Thermocouple...................................................................454
14.13 Conclusion......................................................................................................454
14.14 PCB Guidelines................................................................................................455
15.0 Board Layout and Schematic Checklists .................................................................456
16.0 Models ...................................................................................................................466
17.0 Reference Schematics............................................................................................468
Datasheet—82574 GbE Controller
Revision History
Date Revision Description
February 2009 2.4 Updated sections,, and
Updated table 66.
December 2008 2.3
Added section - Set Intel Management Control Formats.
Added section - Get Intel Management Control Formats.
Added section - 3GPI O Control Regis ter 2 - GCR2.
Updated section 13.1.4 - PCIe Routing.
Updated section 13.10 - Added “The XOR tree is output on the LED1 pin”.
Updated table 97 - Schematic Checklist.
October 2008 2.2 Changed PCIe Rev. 2.0 (2.5 GHz) x1 to PCIe Rev. 1.1 (2.5 GHz) x1 in Section 1.0.
Added multi-drop application connectivity requirements to Section
August 2008 2.1 Updated title page - changed packet buffer size from 32 KB to 40 KB.
Updated section 15 - corrected NC-SI schematic checklist information.
Updated reference schematics - corrected NC-SI schematic information.
June 2008 2.0 Initial public release.
February 2008 1.7
Updated section 5.2.
Added a note to Table 31.
Update d section
Added 82574IT ordering information.
February 2008 1.6 Quick fix provided which added Measured Power Consumption (Section 5.2). This is a temporary patch. Note
that the fix does not appear in the TOC or list of tables yet. This will be corrected next week.
January 2008 1.5
Changed section bit 31 assignment from 1b to 0b.
Changed word 0x0F bit 7 bit assignment (1b to 0b).
Added new Section 14 “Thermal Design Considerations”.
Updated MNG Mode description (loads from NVM work 0xF instead of word 10.
Update d the 82574L Resets table.
Added no te “The 82574L requests I/O resources to support pre-boot operation (prior to the allocation of
physical memory base addresses”.
Updated CAP Offset 0xE4 bit 15 description.
Updated default values for Uncorrectable Error Severity and Correctable Error Ma sk registers.
Updated Figure 52.
Updated VALUE1 and VALUE2 byte numbers in Section
Changed crystal drive level to 300 W.
Changed all 1.0 V dc references to 1.05 V dc.
Changed all 1.8 V dc references to 1.9 V dc.
Deleted “D efault value of 0x5F20 and 0x5F28 are loaded f r om the NVM at power up" from the FFLT register
Added a note for EITR that in 10/100 Mb/s mode, the interval time is multiplied by four.
Updated the type and internal/external PU/PD for NC-SI pins.
Updated the NVMT pinout description.
Updated MNG_Mode to be loaded from NVM word 0x0F (instead of NVM word 0x10).
Updated default values for Uncorrectable Error Severity and Correctable Error Ma sk registers.
Updated section Where applicable, changed milliseconds to micro seconds (bits 14:12 and 17:15).
Removed WUPL register information.
Noted that manageability can be supported with a 32 Kb EEPROM.
November 2007 1.1 Updated NVMT symbo l description in Section 2.3.4, Table 10.
October 2007 1.0 Updated Sections 2, 3 , 4, 5, 9, 12, and 1 3; as indicated by the chang e bars in the lef t margin.
August 2007 0.7 Updated Sect ions 2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 10, and 12.
Added Sections 13, 14, 15, and 16.
July 2007 0.6 Added Section 12.0 “Electrical Specifications”.
Updated Section 2.0 “Pin Interface”.
June 2007 0.5 Initial release (Intel Confidential).
82574 GbE Controller—Introduction
1.0 Introduction
The 82574 family (82574L and 82574IT) are single, compact, low power components
that offer a fully-integrated Gigabit Ethernet Media Access Control (MAC) and Physical
Layer (PHY) port. The 82574 uses the PCI Express* (PCIe*) architecture and provides a
single-port implementation in a relatively small area so it can be used for server and
client configurations as a LAN on Motherboard (L OM) design. The 82574 family can also
be used in embedded applications such as switch add-on cards and network appliances.
External interfaces provided on the 82574:
PCIe Rev. 1.1 (2.5 GHz) x1
MDI (Copper) standard IEEE 802 .3 Ethernet interface for 1000BASE-T, 100BASE-
TX, and 10BASE-T applications (802.3, 802.3u, and 802.3ab)
NC-SI or SMBus connection to a Manageability Controller (MC)
IEEE 1149.1 JTAG (note that BSDL testing is NOT supported)
Additional product details:
9 mm x 9 mm 64-pin QFN package
Support for PCI 3.0 Vital Product Data (VPD)
IPMI MC pass through; multi-drop NC-SI
TimeSync offload compliant with 802.1as specification
1.1 Scope
This document presents the architecture (including device operation, pin descriptions,
register definitions, etc.) for the 82574. This document is intended to be a reference for
software device driver developers, board designers, test engineers, or others who
might need specific technical or programming information about the 82574.
1.2 Number Conventions
Unless otherwise specified, numbers are represented as follows:
Hexadecimal numbers are id enti fied by an "0x" suffix on the number (0x2A, 0x12).
Binary numbers are identified by a "b" suffix on the number (0011b). However,
values for SMBus tr ansactions in diagrams are listed in binary without the "b" or in
hexadecimal without the "0x".
Any other numbers without a suffix are intended as decimal numbers.
Introduction—82574 GbE Controller
1.3 Acronyms
Following are a list of acronyms that are used throughout this document.
Acronym Definition
ACK Acknowledge.
ARA SMBus Alert Response Address.
ARP Address Resolution Protocol.
ASF Alert Standard Format. The manageability protocol specification defined by the DMTF.
MC Manageability Controller. The general name for an external TCO controller, relevant
only in TCO mode.
CSR Control and Status Register. Usually refers to a hardware register.
DHCP Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol. A TCP/IP protocol that enables a client to
receive a temporary IP address over the network from a remote server.
DMTF The international organization responsible for managing and maintaining the ASF
IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.
IP Internet Pr otocol. The protocol within TCP/IP that governs the breakup and
reassembly of data messages into packets and the packet routing within the network.
IP Address The 4-byte or 16-byte address that designates the Ethernet controller within the IP
communication protocol. This address is dynamic and can be updated frequently
during runtime.
IPMI Intelligent Platform Management Interface Specification.
LAN Local Area Network. Also known as the Ethernet.
MAC Address The 6-byte address that designates Ethernet controller within the Ethernet protocol.
This address is constant and unique per Ethernet controller.
NA Not Applicable.
NACK Not Acknowledged.
NC-SI Network Controller Sideband Interface. New DMTF industry standard sideband
NIC Network Interface Card. Generic name for a Ethernet controller that resides on a
Printed Circuit Board (PC B).
OS Operating System. Usually designates the PC system’s software.
PEC The SMBus checksum signature, sent at the end of an SMBus packet. An SMBus
device can be configured either to require or not require this signature.
PET Platform Event Trap.
PT Pass-Through. Also known as TCO mode.
PSA SMBus Persistent Slave Address device. In the SMBus 2.0 specification, this
designates an SMBus device whose address is stored in non-volatile memory.
RMCP Remote Management and Control Protocol.
RSP RMCP Security Extensions Protocol.
SA Security Association.
82574 GbE Controller—Introduction
1.4 Reference Documents
Other reference documents include:
Intel® 82574 Family GbE Controller Specification Update, Intel Corporation.
PCI Express* Specification v2.0 (2.5 GT/s)
Advanced Configuration and Power Interface Specification
PCI Bus Power Management Interface Specification
SMBus System Management Bus.
SNMP Simple Network Management Protocol.
TCO Total Cost of Ownership.
TBD To Be Defined.
Acronym Definition
Document Name Version Owner Location
Specification 2.0 SBS Forum http://www.smbus.org/
I2C Specification 2.1 Phillips
Semiconductors http://www.philipslogic.com/
Specification 1.0 DMTF http://www.dmtf.org/
Search for NC-SI.
Introduction—82574 GbE Controller
1.5 82574 Architecture Block Diagram
Figure 1 shows a high-level architecture block diagram for the 82574.
Figure 1. 82574 Architecture Block Diagram
1.6 System Interface
The 82574 provides one PCIe lane operating at 2.5 GHz with sufficient bandwidth to
support 1000 Mb/s transfer rate. 40 KB of on-chip buffering mitigates instantaneous
receive bandw idth demands and eliminates transmit under–runs by buffering the entire
outgoing packet prior to transmission.
1.7 Features Summary
This section describes the 82574s features that were present in previous Intel client
GbE controllers and those features that are new to the 82574.
Switch Filter
82574 GbE Controller—Introduction
Table 1. Network Features
Table 2. Host Interface Featur es
Feature 82574 83573L
Compliant with the 1 Gb/s Ethernet 802.3
802.3u 802.3ab specifications YY
Multi-speed operation: 10/100/1000 Mb/s Y Y
Full-duplex operation at 10/100/1000 Mb/s Y Y
Half-duplex operation at 10/100 Mb/s Y Y
Flow control support compliant with the 802.3X
specification YY
VLAN support compliant with the 802.3q
specification YY
MAC address filters: perfect match unicast
filters; multicast hash filtering, broadcast filter
and promiscuous mode YY
Configurable LED operation for OEM
customization of LED displays YY
Statistics for management and RMON Y Y
MAC loopback Y Y
Feature 82574 83573L
PCIe interface to chipset Y Y
64-bit address m aster support for systems using
more than 4 GB of physical memory YY
Programmable host memory receive buffers (256
bytes to 16 KB) YY
Intelligent interrupt generation features to
enhance software device driver performance YY
Descriptor ring management hardware for
transmit and receive YY
Software controlled reset (resets everything
except the configuration space) YY
Message Signaled Interrupts (MSI) Y Y
Introduction—82574 GbE Controller
Table 3. Manageability Features
Table 4. Performance F eatures
Table 5. Power Management Features
Feature 82574 83573L
NC-SI over RMII for remote management core Y N
SMBus advanced pass through Y N
Feature 82574 83573L
Configurable receive and transmit data FIFO;
programmable in 1 KB increments YY
TCP segmentation capability compatible with NT
5.x TCP Segmentation Offload (TSO) features YY
Supports up to 256 KB TSO (TSO v2) Y N
Fragmented UDP checksum offload for packet re-
assembly YY
IPv4 and IPv6 checksum offload support (receive,
transmit, and TSO) YY
Split header support Y Y
Receive Side Scaling (RSS) with two hardware
receive queues YN
Supports 9018-byte jumbo packets Y Y
Packet buffer size 40 KB 32 KB
TimeSync offload compliant with 802.1as
specification YN
Feature 82574 83573L
Magic packet wake-up enable with unique MAC
address YY
ACPI register set and power down functiona lity
supporting D0 and D3 states YY
Full wake-up support ( APM and ACPI 2.0) Y Y
Smart power down at S0 no link and Sx no link Y Y
LAN disable functionality Y Y
82574 GbE Controller—Introduction
1.8 Product Codes
Table 6 lists the product ordering codes for the 82574 family.
Table 6. Product Ordering Codes
Part Number Product Name Description
WG82574L Intel® 82574L Gigabit Network
Embedded and Entry Server GbE LAN.
Operates using a standard temperature
range (0 °C to 85 °C).
WG82574IT Intel® 82574IT Gigabit Network
Embedded and Entry Server GbE LAN.
Operates using a wider temperature
range (-40 °C to 85 °C).
Introduction—82574 GbE Controller
Note: This page intentionally left blank.
82574 GbE Controller—Pin Interface
2.0 Pin Interface
2.1 Pin Assignments
The 82574 supports a 64-pin, 9 x 9 QFN package with an Exposed Pad* (e-P ad*). Note
that the e-Pad is ground.
Figure 2. 82574 64-Pin, 9 x 9 QFN Package With e-Pad
64 Pin QFN
9 mm x 9 mm
0.5 mm pin pitch
with Exposed Pa d*
Pin Interface—82574 GbE Controller
2.2 Pull-Up/Pull-Down Resistors and Strapping Options
As stated in the Name and Function table columns, the internal Pull-Up/Pull-Down
(PU/PD) resistor values are 30 K ± 50%.
Only relevant (digital) pins are listed; analog or bias and power pins have specific
considerations listed in Section 12.0.
NVMT and AUX_PWR are used for a static configuration. They are sampled while
PE_RST_N is active and latched when PE_RST_N is deasserted. At other times,
they revert to their standard usage.
2.3 Signal Type Definition
2.3.1 PCIe
In Input is a standard input-only signal.
Out (O) Totem pole output is a standard active driver.
T/s Tri-State is a bi-directional, tri-state input/output pin.
Sustained tri-state is an active low tri-state sign al owned and driv en by one and only one agent
at a time. The agent that drives an s/t/s pin low must drive it high for at least one clock before
letting it float. A new agent cannot start driving an s/t/s signal any sooner than one clock after
the previous owner tr i-states it.
O/d Open drain enables multiple devices to share as a wire-OR.
A-in Analog input signals.
A-out Analog output signals.
B Input bias.
NC-SI_in NC-SI input signal.
NC-SI_out NC-SI output signal
Table 7. PCIe
Symbol Lead # Type Op
Mode Name and Function
25 A-in Input
PCIe Differential Reference Clock In
This pin receives a 100 MHz differential clock input. This clock
is used as the reference clock for the PCIe Tx/Rx circuitry and
by the PCIe core PLL to generate a 125 MHz clock and 250
MHz clock for the PCIe core logic.
PE_Tn 21
20 A-out Output
PCIe Serial Data Output
Serial differential output link in the PCIe interface running at
2.5 Gb/s. This ou tput carries bo th data and an embedded 2.5
GHz clock that is recovered along with data at the receiving
82574 GbE Controller—Pin Interface
2.3.2 NVM Port
PE_Rn 24
23 A-in Input
PCIe Serial Data Input
Serial differential input link in the PCIe interface running at
2.5 Gb/s. The embedded clock present in this input is
recovered along w ith the da ta.
JTAG_TDO 16 O/d Output
The 82574 drives this signal to zero when it detects a wake-
up event and either:
The PME_en bit in PMCSR is 1b or
The APME bit of the Wake Up Control (WUC) register is
JTAG TDO Output.
PE_RST_N 17 In Input Power and Clock Good Indication
The PE_RST_N signal indicates that both PCIe power and
clock are available.
Table 8. NVM Port
Symbol Lead # Type Op
Mode Name and Function
NVM_SI 12 T/s Output
Serial Data Output
Connect this lead to the input of the Non- Volatile Memory
Note: The NVM_SI port pin includes an internal pull-up
NVM_SO 14 T/s Input
Serial Data Input
Connect this lead to the output of the NVM.
Note: The NVM_SO port pin includes an internal pull-up
NVM_SK 13 T/s Output Non-Volatile Memory Serial Clock
Note: The NVM_SK port pin includes an internal pull-up
NVM_CS_N 15 T/s Output Non-Volatile Memory Chip Select Output
Note: The NVM_CS port pin includes an internal pull-up
Table 7. PCIe
Symbol Lead # Type Op
Mode Name and Function
Pin Interface—82574 GbE Controller
2.3.3 System Management Bus (SMBus) Interface
Note: If the SMBus is disconnected, an external pull-up should be used for these pins, unless
it is guaranteed that manageability is disabled in the 82574.
2.3.4 NC-SI and Testability
Table 9. SMBus Interface
Symbol Lead # Type Op Mode Name and Function
SMB_DAT 36 T/s, o/d Bi-dir SMBus Data
Stable during the high period of the cloc k (unle ss it
is a start or stop condition).
SMB_CLK 34 T/s, o/d Bi-dir SMBus Clock
One clock pulse is generated for each data bit
SMB_ALRT_N 35 T/s, o/d Output SMBus Alert
Acts as an interrupt pin of a slave device on the
SMBus in pass-through mode.
Table 10. NC-SI and Testability
Symbol Lead # Type Op
Mode Name and Function
in Input
NC-SI Reference Clock Input
Synchronous clock reference for receive , transmit, and control
interface. This signal is a 50 MHz clock +/- 50 ppm.
Note: If not used, shou ld have an external pull-do wn resistor.
Also, this clock is in addition to and separate from the XTAL
out Output NC-SI Carrier Sense/Receive Data Valid (CRS/DV).
out Output NC-SI Receive Data 0
Data signals to the Manageability Controller (MC).
out Output NC-SI Receive Data 1
Data signals to the MC.
in Input NC-SI Transmit Enable
Note: If not used, should have an external pull-down resistor.
in Input NC-SI Transmit Data 0
Data signals from the MC
Note: If not used, should have an external pull-up resistor.
in Input NC-SI Transmit Data 1
Data signal from the MC
Note: If not used, should have an external pull-up resistor.
TEST_EN 29 In Input
Enables Test Mode
Test pins are overloaded on the functional signals as describe d
in the pin description text of this section. The pin is active
Note: This pin should be externally pulled down for normal
82574 GbE Controller—Pin Interface
2.3.5 LEDs
Table 11 lists the functionality of each LED output pin. The default activity of each LED
can be modified in the NVM. The LED functionality is reflected and can be further
modified in the configuration registers (LEDCTL).
2.3.6 PHY Pins
Note: The 82574 has built in termination resistors. As a result, external termination resistors
should not be used.
JTAG_TCK 39 In Input
Auxiliary Power Indication.
AUX_PWR is supported when sampled high and should be
connected using a resistor
JTAG Clock Input
Note: The AUX_PWR/JTAG_TCK port pin includes an internal
pull-down resistor.
NVM Type
The NVM is Flash when sampled LOW and EEPROM when
sampled HIGH.
Note: The NVMT/JTAG_TMS port pin includes an internal pull-
up resistor. Also note that the internal pull-up is disconnecte d
during startup. As a result, NVMT MUST be connected
JTAG_TDI 40 In Input JTAG TDI Input
Note: The JTAG_TDI port pin includes an internal pull-up
Table 10. NC-SI and Testability
Symbol Lead # Type Op
Mode Name and Function
Table 11. LEDs
Symbol Lead # Type Op
Mode Name and Function
LED0 31 Out Output LED0
Programmable LED.
LED1 30 Out Output LED1
Programmable LED.
LED2 33 Out Output LED2
Programmable LED.
Pin Interface—82574 GbE Controller
2.3.7 Miscellaneous Pin
Table 12. PHY Pins
Symbol Lea d # Type Op
Mode Name and Function
57 ABi-dir
Media Dependent Interface[0]:
In MDI configur ation, MDI[0]+/-corr esponds to BI_DA+/-
and in MDI-X configuration MDI[0]+/- corresponds to
In MDI configuration, MDI[0]+/- is used for the transmit
pair and in MDIX configuration MDI[0]+/- is used for the
receive pair.
In MDI configuration, MDI[0]+/- is used for the transmit
pair and in MDI-X configuration MDI[0]+/- is used for the
receive pair.
54 ABi-dir
Media Dependent Interface[1]:
In MDI configuration, MDI[1]+/- corresponds to BI_DB+/-
and in MDI-X configuration MDI[1]+/- corresponds to
In MDI configuration, MDI[1]+/- is used for the receive
pair and in MDI-X configuration MDI[1]+/- is used for the
transmit pair.
In MDI configuration, MDI[1]+/- is used for the receive
pair and in MDI-X configuration MDI[1]+/- is used for the
transmit pair.
Media Dependent Interface[3:2]:
In MDI and in MDI-X configuration, MDI[2]+/-
corresponds to BI_DC+/- and MDI[3]+/- corresponds to
100BASE-TX: Unused.
XTAL2 43
42 A-In
A-Out Input/
These pins can be driv en by an external 25 MHz crystal or
driven by an external MOS level 25 MHz oscil lator. Used to
drive the PHY.
46 A-out Output Positive side of the high speed differential debug port for
the PHY.
RSET 48 A Bias PHY Termination
This pin should be connected through a 4.99 K +-1%
resister to ground.
Table 13. Miscellaneous Pin
Symbol Lead # Type Op
Mode Name and Function
DEV_OFF_N 28 In Input This is a 3.3 V dc input signal. Asserting DEV_OFF_N
puts the 82574 in device disable mode. Note that this
pin is asynchronous.
82574 GbE Controller—Pin Interface
2.3.8 Power Supplies and Support Pins Power Support Power Supply
Table 14. Power Support
Symbol Lead # Type /
Voltage Name and Function
CTRL10 62 A-out 1.05 V dc Control
Voltage control for an external 1.05 V dc PNP.
CTRL19 64 A-out 1.9 V dc Control
Voltage control for an external 1.9 V dc PNP.
DIS_REG10 59 A-in
Disable 1.05 V dc Regulator
When high, the internal 1.05 V dc regulator is disabled and the
CTRL10 signal is active. When low, the internal 1.05 V dc
regulator is enabled using its internal power transistor. In this
case, the CTRL10 signal is inactive.
Table 15. Power Supply
Symbol Lead # Type /
Voltage Name and Function
VDD1p0 4, 11, 18, 27,
37, 41, 60 1.05 V
dc 1.05 V dc power supply (7).
AVDD1p9 22, 44, 47,
51, 56, 61, 63 1.9 V dc 1.9 V dc power supp ly (7).
VDD3p3 10, 32 3.3 V dc 3.3 V dc power supply (2).
VDD3p3 1 3.3 V dc 3.3 V dc power supply (1).
VDD1p9 19 1.9 V dc Fuse voltage for programming on-die fuses. Connect to 1.9 V dc for
normal operation.
GND e-Pad Ground The e-Pad metal connection on the bottom of the package. Should be
connected to ground.
Pin Interface—82574 GbE Controller
2.4 Package
The 82574 supports a 64-pin, 9 x 9 QFN package with e-Pad. Figure 3 shows the
package schematics.
Figure 3. 82574 QFN 9 x 9 mm Package
82574 GbE Controller—Interconnects
3.0 Interconnects
3.1 PCIe
PCIe is a third generation I/O architecture that enables cost competitive, next
generation I/O solutions providing industry leading price/performance and feature
richness. It is an industry-driven specification.
PCIe defines a basic set of requirements that comprehends the majority of th e targeted
application classes. High-end application requirements such as Enterprise class servers
and high-end communication platforms are delivered by a set of advanced extensions
that compliment the baseline requirements.
To guarantee headroom for future applications of PCIe, a software-managed
mechanism for introducing new, enhanced capabilities in the platform is provided.
Figure 4 shows the PCIe architecture.
Figure 4. PCIe Stack Structure
The PCIe physical layer consists of a differential transmit pair and a differen tial receive
pair. Full-duplex data on these two point-to-point connections is self-clocked such that
no dedicated clock signals are required.
Note: The bandwidth of this interface increases linearly with frequency.
2.5+ Gb
PCI.sys Compliant
PCI.sys Compliant
Configurable widths 1 .. 32
Configurable widths 1 .. 32
Preserve Driver Model
Preserve Driver Model
Common Base Protocol
Common Base Protocol
Advanced Xtensions
Point to point, serial, differential,
Point to point, se rial, differential,
-plug, inter
plug, inter-
op formfactors
Interconnects—82574 GbE Controller
A packet is the fundamental unit of information exchange and the protocol includes a
message space to replace the number of side-band signals found on many of today’s
buses. This mov ement of hard-wired signals from the physical lay er to messages within
the transaction layer enables easy and linear physical layer width expansion for
increased bandwidth.
The common base protocol uses split transactions along with sev eral mechanisms that
are included to eliminate wait states and to optimize the reordering of transactions to
further improve system performance.
3.1.1 Architecture, Transaction, an d Lin k Layer Propert ies
Split transaction, packet-based protocol
Common flat address space for load/store access (such as a PCI addressing
Memory address space of 32 bits to enable compact packet header (must be
used to access addresses below 4 GB)
Memory address space of 64 bits using extended packet header
Transaction layer mechanisms:
PCI-X style relaxed ordering
Optimizations for no-snoop transactions
Credit-based flow control
Packet sizes/formats:
Maximum packet size supports 128- and 256-byte data payload
Maximum read request size of 4 KB
Frequency/width/profile negotiation performed by hardware
Data integrity support:
Using CRC-32 for transaction layer packets
Link layer retry for recovery following error detection:
Using CRC-16 for link layer messages
No retry following error detection:
8b/10b encoding with running disparity
Software configuration mechanism:
Uses PCI configuration and bus enumeration model
PCIe-specific configuration registers mapped via PCI extended capability
Baseline messaging:
In-band messaging of formerly side-band legacy signals (such as interrupts)
System-level power management supported via messages
Power Management (PM):
Full PCI PM support
Wake capability from D3cold state
Compliant with ACPI 2.0, PCI PM software model
Active state power management (transparent to software including ACPI)
82574 GbE Controller—Interconnects
28 Physical Interface Properties
Point to point interconnect
Full-duplex; no arbitration
Signaling technology:
Low voltage differential
Embedded clock signaling using 8b/10b encoding scheme
Serial frequency of operation: 2.5 GHz.
Interface width of one lane per direction
DFT and DFM support for high volume manufacturing Advanced Extensions
PCIe defines a set of optional features to enhance platform capabilities for specific
usage modes. The 82574 supports the following optional features:
Extended error reporting – messaging support to communicate multiple types/
severity of errors
Serial number
3.1.2 General Functionality
The PCIe capability register states the device/port type.
The 82574 is a native device by default.
Locked transactions:
The 82574 does not support locked requests as a target or master.
End to End C RC (ECRC):
Not supported by the 82574
3.1.3 Transaction Layer
The upper layer of the PCIe architecture is the transaction layer. The transaction layer
connects to the 82574’s core using an implementation-specific protocol. Through this
core-to-transaction-layer protocol, the application-specific parts of the 82574 interact
with the PCIe subsystem and tr ansmit and receive requests to or from the remote PCIe
agent, respectively. Transaction Types Received by the Transaction Layer
Table 16. Transaction Types at the Rx Transaction Layer
Transaction Type FC Type Tx Later
Reaction Hardware Should Keep
Data From Original Packet For Client
Configuration Read
Request NPH CPLH + CPLD Requester ID, TAG, Attribute Configuration space
Configuration Write
Request NPH +
NPD CPLH Requester ID, TAG, Attribute Configuration space
Memory Read
Request NPH CPLH + CPLD Requester ID, TAG, Attribute CSR
Interconnects—82574 GbE Controller
Flow control types:
PH - Posted request headers
PD - Posted request data payload
NPH - Non-posted request headers
NPD - Non-posted request data payload
CPLH - Completion headers
CPLD - Completion data payload Transaction Types Initiated by The 82574
Table 17. Transaction Types at the Tx Transaction Layer Message Handling by The 82574 (as a Receiver)
Message packets are special packets that carry a message code.
The upstream device transmits special messages to the 82574 by using this
The transaction layer decodes the message code and responds to the message
Memory Write
Request PH +
PD - - CSR
I/O Read Request NPH CPLH + CPLD Requester I D , TAG, Att ribute CSR
I/O Write Request NPH +
NPD CPLH Requester ID, TAG, Attribute CSR
Read Completions CPLH +
Message PH - - Message Unit / INT / PM
/ Error Unit
Transaction Type FC Type Tx Later
Reaction Hardware Should Keep
Data From Original Packet For Client
Transaction Type Payload Size FC Type From Client
Configuration Read Request
Completion Dword CPLH + CPLD Configuration space
Configuration Wr ite Request
Completion - CPLH Configuration space
I/O Read Request Completion Dword CPLH + CPLD CSR
I/O Write Request Completion - CPLH CSR
Read Request Completion Dword/Qword CPLH + CPLD CSR
Mem ory Read Request - NP H DMA
Memory Write Request <= MAX_PAYLOAD_SIZE1
1. The MAX_PAYLOAD_SIZE supported is loaded from the NVM (either 128 bytes or 256 bytes). Effective
MAX_PAYLOAD_SIZE is according to configuration space register.
Message - PH Message Unit / INT /
PM / Error Unit
82574 GbE Controller—Interconnects
Table 18. Supported Message in The 82574 (As a Receiver) Message Handling by The 82574 (As a Transmitter)
The transaction layer is also responsible for transmitting specific messages to report
internal/external events (such as interrupts and PMEs).
Table 19. Supported Message in The 82574 (As a Transmitter)
code [7:0] Routing
r2r1r0 Message Devic e’s Later Re sponse
0x14 100 PM_Active_State_NAK Internal signal set
0x19 011 PME_Turn_Off Internal signal set
0x41 100 Attention_Indicator_On Silently drop
0x43 100 Attention_Indicator_Blink Silently drop
0x40 100 Attention_Indicator_Off Silently drop
0x45 100 Power_Indicator_On Silently drop
0x47 100 Power_Indicator_Blink Silently drop
0x44 100 Power_Indicator_Off Silently drop
0x50 100 Slot power limit support (has one Dword data) Silently drop
0x7E 010,011,100 Vendor_defined Type 0 no data Unsupported request - NEC*
0x7E 010,011,100 Vendor_defined Type 0 data Unsupported request - NEC*
0x7F 010,011,100 Vendor_defined Ty pe 1 no data Silently drop
0x7F 010,011,100 Vendor_de fined Type 1 data Silently drop
0x00 011 Unlock Silently drop
code [7:0] Routing
r2r1r0 Message
0x20 100 Assert INT A
0x21 100 Assert INT B
0x22 100 Assert INT C
0x23 100 Assert INT D
0x24 100 DE- Assert INT A
0x25 100 DE- Assert INT B
0x26 100 DE- Assert INT C
0x27 100 DE- Assert INT D
0x30 000 ERR_COR
0x33 000 ERR_FATAL
0x18 000 PM_PME
0x1B 101 PME_TO_Ack
Interconnects—82574 GbE Controller Data Alignment
4 KB Boundary:
Requests must never specify an address/length combination that causes a memory
space access to cross a 4 KB boundary. It is hardware’ s responsibility to break requests
into 4 KB-aligned requests (if needed). This does not pose any requirement on
software. However, if software allocates a buffer across a 4 KB boundary, hardware
then issues multiple requests for the buffer. Software should consider aligning buffers
to a 4 KB boundary in cases where it improves performance.
The alignment to the 4 KB boundaries is done in the core. The transaction layer does
not do any alignment according to these boundaries.
64 Bytes:
It is also recommended that requests are multiples of 64 bytes and aligned to make
better use of memory controller resources. This is also done in the core. Configuration Request Retry Status
The 82574 might have a delay in initialization due to an NVM read. The PCIe defined a
mechanism for devices that require completion of a lengthy self-initialization sequence
before being able to service configuration requests.
If the read of the PCIe section in the NVM was not completed before the 82574
received a configuration request, then the 82574 responds with a configuration request
retry completion status to terminate the request, and effectively stalls the configuration
request until such time that the subsystem has completed local initialization and is
ready to communicate with the host. Ordering Rules
The 82574 meets the PCIe ordering rules (PCI-X rules) by following the PCI simple
device model:
Deadlock avoidance - Master and target accesses are independent - The response
to a target access does not depend on the status of a master request to the bus. If
master requests are blocked (such as due to no credits), target completions can
still proceed (if credits are available).
Descriptor/data ordering - the 82574 does not proceed with some internal actions
until respective data writes have ended on the PCIe link:
The 82574 does not update an internal header pointer until the descriptors that
the header pointer relates to are written to the PCIe link.
The 82574 does not issue a descriptor write until the data that the descriptor
relates to is written to the PCIe link.
The 82574 can issue the following master read request from each of the following
Rx descriptor read (one per queue)
Tx descriptor read (one per queue)
Tx data read (up to four including one for manageability)
Completed separate read requests are not guaranteed to return in order. Completions
for a single read request are guaranteed to return in address order.
82574 GbE Controller—Interconnects
32 Transaction Attributes Traffic Class (TC) and Virtual Channels (VC)
The 82574 supports only TC = 0 and VC = 0 (default). Relaxed Orde rin g
The 82574 takes advantage of the relaxed ordering rules in PCIe by setting the relaxed
ordering bit in the packet header. The 82574 also enables the system to optimize
performance in the following cases:
Relaxed ordering for descriptor and data reads: When the 82574 is a master in a
read transaction, its split completion has no relationship with the writes from the
CPUs (same direction). It should be allowed to bypass the writes from the CPUs.
Relaxed ordering for receiving data writes: When the 82574 masters receive data
writes, it also enables them to bypass each other in the path to system memory
because the software does not process this data until their associated descriptor
writes have been completed.
The 82574 cannot perform relax ordering for descriptor writes or an MSI write.
Relaxed ordering can be used in conjunction with the no-snoop attribute to enable the
memory controller to advance non-snoop writes ahead of earlier snooped writes.
Relaxed ordering is enabled in the 82574 by setting the RO_DIS bit to 0b in the
CTRL_EXT register. Snoop Not Required
The 82574 sets the Snoop Not Required attribute bit for master data writes. System
logic can provide a separate path into system memory for non-coherent traffic. The
non-coherent path to system memory provides higher, more uniform, bandwidth for
write requests.
The Snoop Not Required attribute bit does not alter transaction ordering. Therefore, to
achieve maximum benefit from snoop not required transactions, it is advisable to set
the relaxed ordering attribute as well (assuming that system logic supports both
Software configures no-snoop support through the 82574’ s control register and a set of
NONSNOOP bits in the GCR register in the CSR space. The default value for all bits is
The 82574 supports a No-Snoop bit for each relevant DMA client:
1. TXDSCR_NOSNOOP - Transmit descriptor read.
2. TXDSCW_NOSNOOP - Transmit descriptor write.
3. TXD_NOSNOOP - Transmit data read.
4. RXDSCR_NOSNOOP - Receive descriptor read.
5. RXDSCW_NOSNOOP - Receive descriptor write.
6. RXD_NOSNOOP - Receive data write.
All PCIe functions in the 82574 are controlled by this register.
Interconnects—82574 GbE Controller Error Forwarding
If a Transaction Layer Protocol (TLP) is received with an error-forwarding trailer, the
packet is dropped and not delivered to its destination. The 82574 does not initiate any
additional master requests for that PCI function until it detects an internal reset or
software. Software is able to access device registers after such a fault.
System logic is expected to trigger a system-level interrupt to inform the operating
system of the problem. The operating system can then stop the process associated
with the transaction, re-allocate memory instead of the faulty area, etc. Master Disable
System software can disable master accesses on the PCIe link by either clearing the
PCI Bus Master bit or by bringing the function into a D3 state. From that time on, the
82574 must not issue master accesses for this function. Due to the full-duplex nature
of PCIe, and the pipelined design in the 82574, it might happen that multiple requests
from several functions are pending when the master disable request arrives. The
protocol described in this section insures that a function does not issue master requests
to the PCIe link after its master enable bit is cleared (or after entry to D3 state).
Two configuration bits are provided for the handshak e between the device function and
its driver:
PCIe Master Disable bit in the Device Control (CTRL) register - When the PCIe
Master Disable bit is set, the 82574 blocks new master requests, including
manageability requests. The 82574 then proceeds to issue any pending requests by
this function. This bit is cleared on master reset (Internal Power On Reset all the
way to a software reset) to enable master accesses.
PCIe Master Enable Status bits in the Device Status register - Cleared by the 82574
when the PCIe Master Disable bit is set and no master requests are pending by the
relevant function, set otherwise.
Software Note:
The software device driver sets the PCIe Master Disable bit when notified of a
pending master disable (or D3 entry). The 82574 then blocks new requests and
proceeds to issue any pending requests by this function. The software device
driver then polls the PCIe Master Enable Status bit. Once th e bit is cleared, it is
guaranteed that no requests are pending from this function. The software
device driver might time out if the PCIe Master Enable Status bit is not cleared
within a given time.
—The PCIe Master Disable bit must be cleared to enable a master request to the
PCIe link. This can be done either through reset or by the software device
3.1.4 Flow Control Flow Control Rules
The 82574 only implements the default Virtual Channel (VC0). A single set of credits is
maintained for VC0.
82574 GbE Controller—Interconnects
Table 20. Allocation of FC Credits
Rules for FC updates:
The 82574 maintains two credits for NPD at any given time. It increments the
credit by one after the credit is consumed and sends an UpdateFC packet as soon
as possible. UpdateFC packets are scheduled immediately after a resource is
The 82574 provides two credits for PH (such as for two concurrent target writes)
and two credits for NPH (such as for two concurrent target reads). UpdateFC
packets are scheduled immediately after a resource becomes available.
The 82574 follows the PCIe recommendations for frequency of UpdateFC FCPs. Upstream Flow Control Tracking
The 82574 issues a master transaction only when the required FC credits are av ailable.
Credits are tracked for posted, non-posted, and completions (the later to operate
against a switch). Flo w Control Update Frequency
In any case, UpdateFC packets are scheduled immediately after a resource becomes
When the link is in the L0 or L0s link state, update FCPs for each enabled type of non-
infinite FC credit must be scheduled for transmission at least once every 30 µs (-0%/
+50%), except when the Extended Sync bit of the Control Link register is set, in which
case the limit is 120 µs (-0%/+50%). Flow Control Timeout Mechanism
The 82574 implements the optional FC update timeout me chanism. The mechanism is
activated when the link is in L0 or L0s link state. It uses a timer with a limit of 200 µs (-
0%/+50%), where the timer is reset by the receipt of any init or update FCP.
Alternately, the timer can be reset by the receipt of any DLLP.
After timer expiration, the mechanism instructs the PHY to retrain the link (via the
LTSSM recovery state).
Credit Type Operations Number Of Credits
Posted Request Header (PH) Ta rget write (1 unit)
Message (1 unit) 2 units
Posted Request Data (PD) Target write (Length/16B=1)
Message (1 unit) 16 credits (for 256 bytes)
Non-Posted Request Header (NPH) Target read (1 unit)
Configuration read (1 unit)
Configuration write (1 unit) 2 units
Non-Posted Request Data (NPD) Configuration write (1 unit) 2 units
Completion Header (CPLH) Read completion (N/A) Infinite (accepted immediately)
Completion Data (CPLD) Read completion (N/A) Infinite (accepted immediately)
Interconnects—82574 GbE Controller
3.1.5 Host I/F Tag IDs
PCIe device numbers identify logical devices within the physical device (the 82574 is a
physical device). The 82574 implements a single logical device with one PCI function -
LAN. The device number is captured from each type 0 configuration write transaction.
Each of the PCIe functions interface with the PCIe unit through one or more clients. A
client ID identifies the client and is included in the Tag field of the PCIe packet header.
Completions always carry the tag v alue included in the request to enable routing of the
completion to the appropriate client.
Client IDs are assigned as follows:
Table 21. Assignment of Client IDs
TAG Code
in Hex Flow: TLP TYPE – Usage
00 RX: WR REQ (data from Ethernet to main memory)
01 RX: RD REQ to read descriptor to core
02 RX: WR REQ to write back descriptor from core to memory
04 TX: RD REQ to read descriptor to core
05 TX: WR REQ to write back descriptor from core to memory
06 TX: RD REQ to read descriptor to core second queue
07 TX: WR REQ to write back descriptor from core to memory (second queue)
08 TX: RD REQ data 0 from main memory to Ethernet
09 TX: RD REQ data 1 from main memory to Ethernet
0A TX: RD REQ data 2 from main memory to Ethernet
0B TX: RD REQ data 3 from main memory to Ethernet
0C RX: RD REQ to bring Descriptor to core second Queue
0E RX: WR REQ to write back descriptor from core to memory (second queue)
10 MNG: RD REQ: Read data
11 MNG: WR REQ: Write data
1E MSI and MSI-X
1F Message unit
Others Reserved
82574 GbE Controller—Interconnects
36 Completion Timeout Mechanism
In any split transaction protocol, there is a risk associated with the failure of a
requester to receive an expected completion. To enable requesters to attempt reco very
from this situation in a standard manner, the completion timeout mechanism is defined.
The completion timeout mechanism is activated for each request that requires one
or more completions when the request is transmitted.
The completion timeout timer should not expire in less than 10 ms.
The completion timeout timer must expire if a request is not completed in 50 ms.
A completion timeout is a reported error associated with the requestor device/
A Memory Read Request for which there are multiple completions are considered
completed only when all completions are received by the requester. If some, but not all,
requested data is returned before the comp letion timeout timer expires, the requestor
is permitted to keep or discard the data that was returned prior to timer expiration. Out of Order Completion Hand ling
In a split transaction protocol, when using multiple read requests in a multi processor
environment, there is a risk that the completions might arrive from the host memory
out of order and interleave. In this case the host interface role is to sort the request
completions and transfer them to the Ethernet core in the correct order.
3.1.6 Error Events and Error Reporting Mechanism in General
PCIe defines two error reporting paradigms: the baseline capability and the Advanced
Error Repo rting (AER) capability. The baseline error reporting capabilities are required
of all PCIe devices and define the minimum error reporting requirements. The AER
capability is defined for more robust error reporting and is implemented with a specific
PCIe capability structure.
Both mechanisms are supported by the 82574.
Also the SERR# Enable and the Parity Error bits from the legacy command register take
part in the error reporting and logging mechanism.
Figure 5 shows, in detail, the flow of error reporting in the 82574.
Interconnects—82574 GbE Controller
Figure 5. Error Reporting Flow Error Events
Table 22 lists error events identified by the 82574 and the response in terms of logging,
reporting, and actions taken. Consult the PCIe specification for the affect on the PCI
Status register.
Table 22. Response an d Reporting of Error Events
Com man d ::
SERR# Enable
Com man d ::
Parity Err or R e spo n se
Status ::
Signaled Target Abort
Status ::
Received Target Abort
Status ::
Received Master Abort
Status ::
Detected Parity E rror
Dev ice Contro l ::
Correc table Erro r Repo rting Enable
Dev ice Contro l ::
No n-Fatal Err or Re port ing Enable
Dev ice Contro l ::
Fata l Error Re porting Enable
Dev ice Contro l ::
Unsupported Request Reporting Enable
Device Status ::
Correctable Error Detected
Device Status ::
Non-F a ta l E rror Detected
Device Status ::
Fatal Erro r Detected
Device Status ::
Unsupported Request Detected
Uncorrectable Error Severity
Uncorrectable Error Mask
Correctable Error Mask
Uncorrectable Error Status
Correctable Error Status
Status Reporting - Not Gated
Secondary Status ::
Detected Parity E rror
Secondary Status ::
Signaled Target Abort
Secondary Status ::
Rec eived System Erro r
(Either implementatio n acceptable - the
unqualif ied version is m ore like PCI P2P
bridge spec)
Secondary Status ::
Received Target Abort
Secondary Status ::
Received Master Abort Secondary Status ::
Master Data Pa r ity E rror
Brid ge Control ::
SERR Enable
Brid ge Control ::
Parity Error Response Enable
Root Control ::
System Error on Correctable Error Enable
Root Control ::
System Error on Non- Fatal Error Ena ble
Root Control ::
System Error on Fatal E rror En a b le
Root Error Command ::
Correc table Error Reportin g Enab le
Root Error Command ::
No n- F at al E r r o r R e p o r tin g Enable
Root Error Command ::
Fata l E rr o r Repo r tin g Enable
Root Error Status
Rcv Msg
System Error
Status ::
Signaled System Error
Secondary Side Error Sources
Error Sources
(Associated with Port )
Error Message
Status ::
Master D ata Parity Error
Error Name Error Events Default Severity Action
PHY errors
Receiver error 8b/10b Decode errors
Packet framing error Correctable
Send ERR_CORR TLP to initiate NAK, drop data
DLLP to Drop
Data link errors
Not legal EDB
Wrong sequence number
Send ERR_CORR TLP to initiate NAK, drop data
Bad DLLP Bad CRC Correctable
Send ERR_CORR DLLP to drop
Replay timer
timeout REPLAY_TIMER expiration Correctable
Send ERR_CORR Follow LL rules
rollover REPLAY NUM rollover Correctable
Send ERR_CORR Follow LL rules
82574 GbE Controller—Interconnects
Data link layer
protocol error Violations of Flow Control
initialization protocol Uncorrectable
TLP errors
Poisoned TL P
received TLP with Error Forwarding Uncorrectable
Log header
In case of poisoned completion,
no more requests from this client.
Request (UR)
Wrong config access
Config Request Type1
Unsupported vendor
defined type 0 message
•Not valid MSG code
Not supported TLP type
Wrong function numb e r
•Wrong TC/VC
Received target access
with data size > 64-bit
Received TLP outside
address range
Log header Send completion with UR
Timeout Completion timeout timer
expired Uncorrectable
ERR_NONFATAL Send the read request again
Completer abort Attempts to write to the Flash
device when writes are
disabled (FWE=10b)
Log header Send completion with CA
completion Received completion without
a request for it (tag, ID, etc.)
Log header Discard TLP
Overflow Received TLP beyond
allocated credits Uncorrectable
ERR_FATAL Receiver behavior is undefined
Flow control
protocol error
Minimum Initial Flow
Control Advertisements
Flow control update for
Infinite Credit
ERR_FATAL Receiver behavior is undefined
Malformed TLP
Data payload exceed
•Received TLP data size
does not match length
TD field value does not
correspond with the
observed size
Byte enables violations.
PM messages that don’t
use TC0.
Usage of unsupported VC
Log header Drop the packet, free FC credits
Completion with
completion status
No action (already
done by originator of
completion) Free FC credits
Error Name Error Events Default Severity Action
Interconnects—82574 GbE Controller Error Pollution
Error pollution can occur if error conditions for a given transaction are not isolated to
the error's first occurrence. If the PHY detects and reports a receiver error, to avoid
having this error propagate and cause subsequent errors at upper layers, the same
packet is not signaled at the data link or transaction layers.
Similarly, when the data link layer detects an error, subsequent errors that occur for the
same packet is not signaled at the transaction layer. Completion With Unsuccessful Completion Status
A completion with unsuccessful completion status is dropped and not delivered to its
destination. The request that corresponds to the unsuccessful completion is retried by
sending a new request for the undeliverable data.
3.1.7 Link Layer ACK/NAK Scheme
The 82574 supports two alternative schemes for ACK/NAK rate:
1. ACK/NAK is scheduled for transmission following any TLP.
2. ACK/NAK is scheduled for transmission according to timeouts specified in the PCIe
The PCIe Error Recovery bit, loaded from NVM, determines which of the two schemes is
used. Supported DLLPs
The following DLLPs are supported by the 82574 as a receiver:
Table 23. DLLPs Received by The 82574
The following DLLPs are supported by the 82574 as a transmitter:
Remarks Remarks
InitFC1-P v2v1v0 = 000
InitFC1-NP v2v1v0 = 000
InitFC1-Cpl v2v1v0 = 000
InitFC2-P v2v1v0 = 000
InitFC2-NP v2v1v0 = 000
InitFC2-Cpl v2v1v0 = 000
UpdateFC-P v2v1v0 = 000
UpdateFC-NP v2v1v0 = 000
UpdateFC-Cpl v2v1v0 = 000
82574 GbE Controller—Interconnects
Table 24. DLLPs initiated by The 82574 Transmit EDB Nullifying
In case of a retrain necessity, there is a need to guarantee that no abrupt termination
of the Tx packet happens. For this reason, early termination of the transmitted pack et
is possible. This is done by appending the EDB to the packet.
3.1.8 PHY Link Width
The 82574 supports a link width of x1 only. Po larity Inversion
If polarity inversion is detected, the receiver must invert the received data.
During the training sequence, the receiver looks at Symbols 6-15 of TS1 and TS2 as the
indicator of lane polarity inversion (D+ and D- are swapped). If lane polarity inversion
occurs, the TS1 Symbols 6-15 received are D21.5 as opposed to the expected D10.2.
Similarly, if lane polarity inversion occurs, Symbols 6-15 of the TS2 ordered set are
D26.5 as opposed to the expected 5D5.2. This provides the clear indication of lane
polarity inversion. L0s Exit Latency
The number of FTS sequences (N_FTS), sent during L1 exit, is loaded from the NVM
into an 8-bit read-only register.
1. UpdateFC-Cpl is not sent because of the infinite FC-Cpl allocation.
InitFC1-P v2v1v0 = 000
InitFC1-NP v2v1v0 = 000
InitFC1-Cpl v2v1v0 = 000
InitFC2-P v2v1v0 = 000
InitFC2-NP v2v1v0 = 000
InitFC2-Cpl v2v1v0 = 000
UpdateFC-P v2v1v0 = 000
UpdateFC-NP v2v1v0 = 000
Interconnects—82574 GbE Controller Reset
The PCIe PHY can initiate core reset to the 82574. The reset can be caused by three
Upstream move to hot reset - Inband Mechanism (LTSSM).
Recovery failure (LTSSM returns to detect).
Upstream component move to disable. Scrambler Disable
The Scrambler/de-scrambler functionality in the 82574 can be eliminated by two
Upstream according to the PCIe specification.
•NVM bit.
3.1.9 Performance Monitoring
The 82574 incorporates PCIe performance monitoring counters to provide common
capabilities to evaluate performance. The 82574 implements four 32-bit counters to
correlate between concurrent measurements of ev ents as well as the sample delay and
interv al timers. The four 32-bit counters can also operate in a two 64-bit mode to count
long intervals or payloads.
The list of events supported by the 82574 and the counters control bits are described in
the memory register map.
3.2 Ethernet Interface
The 82574 MAC provides a complete CSMA/CD function, supporting IEEE 802.3
(10 Mb/s), 802.3u (100 Mb/s), 802.3z, and 802.3ab (1000 Mb/s) implementations. The
82574 performs all of the functions required for transmission, reception, and collision
handling called out in the standards.
The GMII/MII mode used to communicate between the MAC and the PHY supports
10/100/1000 Mb/s operation, with both half- and full-duplex operation at 10/100 Mb/s,
and only full-duplex operation at 1000 Mb/s.
Note: The 82574 MAC is optimized for full-duplex operation in 1000 Mb/s mode. Half-duplex
1000 Mb/s operation is not supported.
The PHY features 10/100/1000-BaseT signaling and is capable of performing intelligent
power-management based on both the system power-state and LAN energy-detection
(detection of unplugged cables). Power management includes the ability to shutdown
to an extremely low (powered-down) state when not needed as well as ability to auto-
negotiate to a lower-speed 10/100 Mb/s operation when the system is in low power-
3.2.1 MAC/PHY GMII/MII Interface
The 82574 MAC and PHY communicate through an internal GMII/MII interface that can
be configured for either 1000 Mb/s op eration (GMII) or 10/100 Mb/s (MII) mode of
operation. For proper network operation, both the MAC and PHY must be properly
configured (either explicitly via software or via hardware auto-negotiation) to identical
speed and duplex settings. All MAC configuration is performed using device control
registers mapped into system memory or I/O space; an internal MDIO/MDC interface,
accessible via software, is used to configure the PHY operation.
82574 GbE Controller—Interconnects
The internal Gigabit Media Independent Interface (GMII) mode of operation is similar to
MII mode of operation. GMII mode uses the same MDIO/MDC management interface
and registers for PHY configuration as MII mode. These common elements of operation
enable the 82574 MAC and PHY to cooperatively determine a link partner's operational
capability and configure the hardware based on those capabilities. MDIO/MDC
The 82574 implements an internal IEEE 802.3 MII Management Interface (also known
as the Management Data Input/Output or MDIO Interface) between the MAC and PHY.
This interface provides the MAC and software the ability to monitor and control the
state of the PHY. The internal MDIO interface defines a physical connection, a special
protocol that runs across the connection, and an internal set of addressable registers.
The internal interface consists of a data line (MDIO) and clock line (MDC), which are
accessible by software via the MAC register space.
Software can use MDIO accesses to read or write registers in either GMII or MII mode
by accessing the 82574's MDIC register (see section Other MAC /PHY Control and Status
In addition to the internal GMII/MII communication and MDIO interface between the
MAC and the PHY, the 82574 implements a handful of additional internal signals
between MAC and PHY, which provide richer control and features.
PHY reset - The MAC provides an internal reset to the PHY. This signal combines the
PCI_RST_N input from the PCI bus and the PHY Reset bit of the Device Control
register (CTRL.PHY_RST).
PHY link status indication - The PHY provides a direct internal indication of link
status (LINK) to the MAC to indicate whether it has sensed a valid link partner.
Unless the PHY has been configured via its MII management registers to assert this
indication unconditionally, this signal is a valid indication of whether a link is
present. The MAC relies on this internal indication to reflect the STATUS.LU status
as well as to initiate actions such as generating interrupts on link status changes,
re-initiating link speed sense, etc.
PHY duplex indication - The PHY provides a direct internal indication to the MAC of
its resolved duplex mode (FDX). Normally, auto-negotiation by the PHY enables the
PHY to resolve full/duplex communications with the link partner (except when the
PHY is forced through MII register settings). The MAC normally uses this signal
after a link loss/restore to ensure that the MAC is configured consistently with the
re-linked PHY settings. This indication is effectively visible through the MAC register
bit STATUS.FD, each time MAC speed has not been forced.
PHY speed indication(s) - The PHY provides direct internal indications (SPD_IND) to
the MAC of its negotiated speed (10/100/1000 Mb/s). The result of this indication is
effectively visible through the MAC register bits STATUS.SPEED each time MAC
speed has not been forced.
MAC Dx power state indication - The MAC indicates its ACPI power state
(PWR_STATE) to the PHY to enable it to perform intelligent power-management
(provided that the PHY power-management is enabled in the MAC CTRL register).
3.2.2 Duplex Operation for Copper PHY/GMII/MII Operation
The 82574 supports half-duplex and full-duplex 10/100 Mb/s MII mode or 1000 Mb/s
GMII mode.
Configuring the duplex operation of the 82574 can either be forced or determined via
the auto-negotiation process. See section 3.2.3 for details on link configuration setup
and resolution.
Interconnects—82574 GbE Controller Full Duplex
All aspects of the IEEE 802.3, 802.3u, 802.3z, and 802. 3ab specifications are
supported in full duplex operation. Full duplex operation is enabled by several
mechanisms, depending on the spe ed confi guration of the 82574 and the specific
capabilities of the link partner used in the application. During full duplex operation, the
82574 might transmit and receive packets simultaneously across the link interface.
In full-duplex GMII/MII mode, transmission and reception are delineated independently
by the GMII/MII control signals. Transmission starts at the assertion of TX_EN, which
indicates there is valid data on the TX_DATA bus driven from the MAC to the PHY.
R eception is signaled by the PHY by the assertion of the RX_DV signal, which indicates
valid receive data on the RX_DATA lines to the MAC. Half Duplex
The 82574 MAC can operate in half duplex.
In half duplex operation, the MAC attem pts to avoid contention with other traffic on the
link by monitoring the CRS signal provided by the PHY and deferring to passin g traffic.
When the CRS signal is de-asserted or after a sufficient Inter-Packet Gap (IPG) has
elapsed after a transmission, fr ame tr ansmission begins. The MAC signals the PHY with
TX_EN at the start of transmission.
If a collision occurs, the PHY detects the collision and asserts the COL signal to the
MAC. Transmitting the frame stops within four link clock times and the 82574 sends a
JAM sequence onto the link. After the end of a collided transmission, the 82574 backs
off and attempts to re-transmit per the standard CSMA/CD method.
Note: The re-transmissions are done from the data stored internally in the 82574 MAC
transmit packet buffer (no re-access to the data in host memory is performed).
After a successful transmission, the 82574 is ready to transmit any other frame(s)
queued in the MAC's transmit FIFO, after the minimum Inter-Frame Spacing (IFS) of
the link has elapsed.
During transmit, the PHY is expected to signal a carrier-sense (assert the CRS signal)
back to the MAC before one slot time has elapsed. The transmission completes
successfully even if the PHY fails to indicate CRS within the slot time window; if this
situation occurs, the PHY can either be configured incorrectly or be in a link down
situation. Such an event is counted in the Transmit Without CRS statistic register (see
3.2.3 Auto-Negotiation & Link Setup Features
The method for configuring the link between two link partners is highly dependent on
the mode of operation.
Configuration of the link can be accomplished by several methods ranging from:
software's forcing link settings
software-controlled negotiation
MAC-controlled auto-negotiation
auto-negotiation initiated by a PHY.
The following sections describe processes of bringing the link up including configuration
of the 82574 and the transceiver, as well as the v arious methods of determining duplex
and speed configuration.
82574 GbE Controller—Interconnects
The PHY performs auto-negotiation per 802.3ab clause 40 and extensions to clause 28.
Link resolution is obtained by the MAC from the PHY after the li nk has been established .
The MAC accomplishes this via the MDIO interface, via specific signals from the PHY to
the MAC, or by MAC auto-detection functions. Link Configuration
Link configuration is generally determined by PHY auto-negotiation. The software
device driver must intervene in cases where a successful link is not negotiated or a user
desires to manually configure the link. The following sections discuss the methods of
link configuration for copper PHY operation. PHY Auto-Negotiation (Speed, Duplex, Flow-Control)
The PHY performs the auto-negotiation function. The details of this operation are
described in the IEEE P802.3ab draft standard and are not included here.
Auto-negotiation provides a method for two link partners to exchange information in a
systematic manner in order to establish a link configuration providing the highest
common level of functionality supported by both partners. Once config ured, the link
partners exchange configuration information to resolve link settings such as:
Speed: 10/100/1000 Mb/s
Duplex: full or half
Flow control operation
PHY specific information required for establishing the link is also exchanged.
Note: If flow control is enabled in the 82574, the settings for the desired flow control
behavior must be set by software in the PHY registers and auto-negotiation restarted.
After auto-negotiation completes, the software device driver must read the PHY
registers to determine the resolved flow control behavior of the link and reflect these in
the MAC register settings (CTRL.TFCE and CTRL.RFCE). If no software device driver is
loaded and auto-negotiation is enabled, then hardware sets these bits in accordance
with the auto-negotiation results.
Note: By default, the PHY advertises flow control support. Since the management path does
not support flow control, it should change this default. Therefore, when management is
active and there is no software device driver loaded, it should disable the flow control
support and restart auto-negotiation.
Note: Once PHY auto-negotiation completes, the PHY asserts a link indication (LINK) to the
MAC. Software must set the Set Link Up bit in the Device Control register (CTRL.SLU)
before the MAC recognizes the link indication from the PHY and can consider the link to
be up.
Interconnects—82574 GbE Controller MAC Speed Resolution
For proper link operation, both the MAC and PHY must be configured for the same
speed of link operation. The speed of the link can be determined and set by several
methods with the 82574. These include:
Software-forced configuration of the MAC speed setting based on PHY indications,
which can be determined as follows:
Software reads of PHY registers directly to determine the PHY's auto-negotiated
Software reads the PHY's internal PHY-to-MAC speed indication (SPD_IND)
using the MAC STATUS.SPEED register
Software signals the MAC to attempt to auto-detect the PHY speed from the
PHY-to-MAC RX_CLK, then programs the MAC speed accordingly
The MAC automatically detecting and setting the link speed of the MAC based on
PHY indications by:
Using the PHY's internal PHY-to-MAC speed indication (SPD_IND), setting the
MAC speed automatically
Attempting to auto-detect the PHY speed from the PHY-to-MAC RX_CLK and
setting the MAC speed automatically
Aspects of these methods are discussed in the sections that follow. Forcing MAC Speed
There might be circumstances when the software device driver must forcibly set the
link speed of the MAC. This can occur when the link is manually configured. To force the
MAC speed, the software device driver must set the CTRL.FRCSPD (force-speed) bit to
1b and then write the speed bits in the Device Control register (CTRL.SPEED) to the
desired speed setting. See section for details.
Note: Forcing the MAC speed using CTRL.FRCSPD overrides all other mechanisms for
configuring the MAC speed and can yield non-functional links if the MAC and PHY are
not operating at the same speed/configuration.
When forcing the 82574 to a specific speed configuration, the software device driver
must also ensure the PHY is configured to a speed setting consistent with MAC speed
settings. This implies that software must access the PHY registers to either force the
PHY speed or to read the PHY status register bits that indicate link speed of the PHY.
Note: Forcing speed settings by CTRL.SPEED can also be accomplished by setting the
CTRL_EXT.SPD_BYPS bit. This bit bypasses the MAC's internal clock switching logic and
enables the software device driver complete control of when the speed setting takes
place. The CTRL.FRCSPD bit uses the MAC's internal clock switching logic, which does
delay the affect of the speed change. Using PHY Direct Link-Speed Indication
The 82574 PHY provides a direct internal indication of its speed to the MAC (SPD_IND).
The most direct method for determining the PHY link speed and either manually or
automatically configuring the MAC speed is based on these direct speed indications.
For MAC speed to be set/determined from these direct internal indications from the
PHY, the MAC must be configured such that CTRL.ASDE and CTRL.FRCSPD are both 0b
(both auto-speed detection and forced-speed override are disabled). As a result, the
MAC speed is reconfigured automatically each time the PHY indicates a new link-up
event to the MAC.
82574 GbE Controller—Interconnects
When MAC speed is neither forced nor auto-sensed by the MAC, the current MAC speed
setting and the speed indicated by the PHY is reflected in the Device Status register bits
STATUS.SPEED. MAC Full/Half Duplex Resolution
The duplex configuration of the link is also resolved by the PHY during the auto-
negotiation process. The 82574 PHY provides an internal indication to the MAC of the
resolved duplex configuration using an internal full-duplex indication (FDX).
This internal duplex indication is normally sampled by the MAC each time the PHY
indicates the establishment of a good link (LINK indication). The PHY's indicated duplex
configuration is applied in the MAC and reflected in the MAC Device Status register
Software can override the duplex setting of the MAC via the CTRL.FD bit when the
CTRL.FRCDPLX (force duplex) bit is set. If CTRL.FRCDPLX is 0b, the CTRL.FD bit is
ignored and the PH Y 's inter nal duplex indication applied. Using PHY Registers
The software device driver might be required under some circumstances to read from
or write to the MII management registers in the PHY. These accesses are performed via
the MDIC registers (see section The MII registers enable the software device
driver to have direct control over the PHY's operation, which might include:
Resetting the PHY
Setting preferred link configuration for advertisement during the auto-negotiation
Restarting the auto-negotiation process
Reading auto-negotiation status from the PHY
Forcing the PHY to a specific link configuration
The set of PHY management registers required for all PHY devices can be found in the
IEEE P802.3ab draft standard. The registers for the 82574 PHY are described in
section 10.2. Comments Regarding Forcing Link
Forcing link requires the software device driv er to configure both the MAC and PHY in a
consistent manner with respect to each other. After initialization, the software device
driver configures the desired modes in the MAC, then accesses the PHY registers to set
the PHY to the same configuration.
Before enabling the link, the speed and duplex settings of the MAC can be forced by
software using the CTRL.FRCSPD, CTRL.FRCDPX, CTRL.SPEED, and CTRL.FD bits. After
the PHY and MAC have both been configured, the software device driver should write a
1b to the CTRL.SLU bit.
3.2.4 Loss of Signal/Link Status Indication
PHY LOS/LINK signal provides an indication of physical link status to the MAC. This
signal from the PHY indicates whether the link is up or down; typically indicated after
successful auto-negotiation. Assuming that the MAC is configured with CTRL.SLU = 1b,
the MAC status bit STATUS.LU when read, generally reflects whether the PHY has link
(except under forced-link setup where even the PHY link indication might have been
Interconnects—82574 GbE Controller
When the link indication from the PHY is de-asserted, the MAC considers this to be a
transition to a link-down situation (such as, cable unplugged, loss of link partner, etc.).
If the LSC (Link Status Change) interrupt is enabled, the MAC generates an interr upt to
be serviced by the software device driver. See section 7.4 and section 10.2.4 for more
3.2.5 10/100 Mb/s Specific Performance Enhancements Adaptive IFS
The 82574 supports back -to-back transmit Inter-Fr ame-Spacing (IFS) of 960 ns in 100
Mb/s operation and 9.6 s in 10 Mb/s oper ation. Alth ough back-to-back transmission is
normally desirable, sometimes it can actually hurt performance in half-duplex
environments due to excessive collisions. Excessive collisions are likely to occur in
environments where one station is attempting to send large frames back -to-back, while
another station is attempting to send acknowledge (ACK) packets.
The 82574 contains an Adaptive IFS register (see section that enables the
implementation of a driver-based adaptive IFS algorithm for collision reduction, which
is similar to Intel's other Ethernet products (such as PRO/100 adapters). Adaptive IFS
throttles back-to-back transmissions in the transmit MAC and delays their transfer to
the CSMA/CD transmit function and then can be used to delay the transmission of
back-to-back packets on the wire. Normally, this register should be set to zero.
However, if additional delay is desired between back-to-back transmits, then this
register can be set with a value greater than zero. This can be helpful in high-collision
half-duplex environments.
The AIFS field provides a similar function to the IGPT field in the TIPG register (see
section However, this Adaptive IFS throttle register counts in units of GTX/
MTX_CLK clocks, which are 800 ns, 80 ns, 8 ns for 10/100/1000 Mb/s mode
respectively, and is 16 bits wide, thus providing a greater maximum delay value.
Using values lower than a certain minimum (determined by the ratio of GTX/MTX_CLK
clock to link speed), has no effect on back-to-back transmission. This is because the
82574 does not start transmission until the minimum IEEE IFS (9.6 s at 10 Mb/s, 960
ns at 100 Mb/s, and 96 ns at 1000 Mb/s) has been met regardless of the value of
Adaptive IFS. For example, if the 82574 is configured for 100 Mb/s operation, the
minimum IEEE IFS at 100 Mb/s is 960 ns. Setting AIFS to a value of 10 (decimal) would
not effect back-to-back transmission time on the wire because the 800 ns delay
introduced (10 * 80 ns = 800 ns) is less than the minimum IEEE IFS delay of 960 ns.
However, setting this register with a value of 20 (decimal), which corresponds to
1600 ns for the above example, would delay back-to-back transmits because the
ensuing 1600 ns delay is greater than the minimum IFS time of 960 ns.
It is important to note that this register has no effect on transmissions that occur
immediately after receives or on transmissions that are not back-to-back (unlike the
IPGR1 and IPGR2 values in the TIPG register (see section In addition,
Adaptive IFS also has no effect on re-transmission timing (re-transmissions occur after
collisions). Therefore, AIFS is only enabled in back-to-back transmission.
Note: The AIFS value is not additive to the TIPG.IPGT value; instead, the actual IPG equals
the larger of the two, AIFS and TIPG.IPGT.
82574 GbE Controller—Interconnects
3.2.6 Flow Control
Flow control as defined in 802.3x, as well as the specific operation of asymmetrical flow
control defined by 802.3z, are supported in the MAC. The following seven registers are
defined for the implementation of flow control:
Flow Control Address Low (FCAL) - 6-byte flow control multicast address
Flow Control Address High (FCAH) - 6-byte flow control multicast address
Flow Control Type (FCT) - 16-bit field that indicates flow control type
Flow Control Receive Thresh Hi (FCR TH) - 13-bit high-water mark indicating receiv e
buffer fullness
Flow Control Receive Thresh Lo (FCRTL) - 13-bit low-w ater mark indicating receive
buffer emptiness
Flow Control Transmit Timer Value (FCTTV) - 16-bit timer value to include in
transmitted pause frames
Flow Control Refresh Threshold Value (FCRTV) - 16-bit pause refresh threshold
Flow control allows for local controlling of network congestion levels. Flow control is
implemented as a means of reducing the possibility of receive buffer overflows. R eceive
buffer overflows result in the dropping of received packets. Flow control is
accomplished by notifying the transmitting station that the receiving station receive
buffer is nearly full.
Implementing asymmetric flow control allows for one link partner to send flow control
packets while being allowed to ignore their reception. For example, not required to
respond to pause frames. MAC Contro l Frames and Reception of Flow Control Packets
Three comparis ons are used to de term i ne the validity of a flow control frame. All three
must be true for a positive result.
1. A match on the six -byte multicast address for MAC control frames or to the station
address of the device (Receive Address Register 0).
2. A match on the Type field.
3. A comparison of the MAC Control Opcode field.
The 802.3x standard defines the MAC control frame multicast address as 01-80-C2-00-
00-01. This address must be loaded into the Flow Control Address Low/High registers
The Flow Control Type (FCT) register contains a 16-bit field that is compared against
the flow control packet's Type field to determine if it is a valid flow control packet: X ON
or XOFF. 802.3x reserves this as 0x8808. This value must be loaded into the Flow
Control Type register.
The final check for a valid pause fr ame is the MAC control opcode. A t this time, only the
pause control frame opcode is defined. It has a value of 0x0001.
Frame-based flow control differentiates XOFF from XON based on the value of the
Pause Timer field. Non-zero values constitute XOFF frames while a value of zero
constitutes an XON frame. Values in the timer field are in units of slot time. A slot time
is hard wired to 64-byte times or 512 ns.
Note: An XON frame signals the cancellation of the pause from being initiated by an XOFF
frame (pause for zero slot times).
Interconnects—82574 GbE Controller
Figure 6. 802.3x MAC Cont rol Frame Format
Where S is the start-of-packet delimiter and T is the first part of the end-of-packet
delimiters for 802.3z encapsulation.
The receiver is enabled to receive flow control frames if flow control is enabled via the
RFCE bit in the Device Control (CTRL) register.
Note: Flow control capability must be negotiated between link partners via the auto-
negotiation process. The auto-negotiation process might modify the value of these bits
based on the resolved capability between the local device and the link partner.
Once the receiver validates receiving an XOFF or pause frame, the 82574 performs the
Increments the appropriate statistics register(s).
Sets the TXOFF bit in the Device Status (STATUS) register.
Initializes the pause timer based on the pac ket's Pause Timer field.
Disables packet transmission or schedules the disabling of transmissions after the
current packet completes.
Resuming transmission can occur under the following conditions:
An expired pa use timer
Receiving an XON frame (a frame with its pause timer set to zero)
Either condition clears the TXOFF status bit in the Device Status register and
transmission can resume. Note that hardware records the number of received XON
(min_FrameSize -160) /8
Up to 6 Bytes
1 Byte
1 Byte
6 Bytes
6 Bytes
Type/Length2 Bytes
MAC Contr o l
2 Bytes
MAC Cont r ol
1 Byte
4 Bytes
82574 GbE Controller—Interconnects
50 Discard Pause Frames and Pass MAC Control Frames
Two bits in the Receive Control register are implemented specifically for control over
receipt of pause and MAC control fr ames . These bits are Discard PAUSE Frames (DPF)
and Pass MAC Control Frames (PMCF). See section for DPF and PMCF bit
The DPF bit forces the discarding of any valid pause frame addressed to the 82574's
station address. If the packet is a valid pause frame and is addressed to the station
address (receive address [0]), the 82574 does not pass the packet to host memory if
the DPF bit is set to logic high. However, if a flow control packet is sent to the station
address and is a valid flow control frame, it is then be transferred when DPF is set to
0b. This bit has no affect on pause operation, only the DMA function.
The PMCF bit enables for the passing of any valid MAC control frames to the system,
which does not have a valid pause opcode. In other words, the frame must have the
correct MAC control frame multicast address (or the MAC station address) as well as
the correct Type field match with the FCT register, but does not have the defined pause
opcode of 0x0001. Frames of this type are transferred to host memory when PMCF is a
logic high. Transmitting PAUSE Frames
Transmitting pause frames is enabled by softw are by writing a 1b to the TFCE bit in the
Device Control register.
Note: Similar to receiving flow control packets, XOFF packets can be transmitted only if this
configuration has been negotiated between the link partners via the auto-negotiation
process. In other words, setting this bit indicates the desired configuration. Resolving
the auto-negotiation process is described in section 3.2.3.
The content of the Flow Control Receive Threshold High register determines at what
point hardware tr ansmits a pause fram e. Hardware monitors the fullness of the receive
FIFO and compares it with the contents of FCRTH. When the threshold is reached,
hardware sends a pause frame with its pause time field equal to FCTTV.
At the time threshold is reached, the hardware starts counting an internal shadow
counter FCRTV (reflecting the pause time-out counter at the partner end) from zero.
When the counter reaches the value indicated in the FCRTV register, then, if the pause
condition is still valid (meaning that the buffer fullness is still above the low
watermark), an XOFF message is sent again and the shadow counter starts counting
Once the receive buffer fullness reaches the low water mark, hardware sends an XON
message (a pause frame with a timer value of zero). Software enables this capability
with the XONE field of the FCRTL.
Hardware sends one more pause frame if it has previously sent one and the FIFO
overflows (so the threshold must not be set greater than the FIFO size). This is
intended to minimize the amount of packets dropped if the first pause frame does not
reach its target. Since the secure receive packets use the same data path, the behavior
is identical when secure packets are received.
Note: Transmitting flow control frames should only be enabled in full-duplex mode per the
IEEE 802.3 standard. Software should ensure that transmitting flow control packets is
disabled when the 82574 is operating in half-duplex mode.
Note: Regardless of the mechanism abov e, each time a receive packet is dropped due to lack
of space in the internal receive buffer, a pause frame is transmitted as well (if TFCE bit
in the Device Control register is enabled).
Interconnects—82574 GbE Controller Software Initiated Paus e Frame Transmission
The 82574 has the added capability to transmit an XOFF frame via software. This is
accomplished by software writing a 1b to the SWXOFF bit of the Transmit Control
register. Once this bit is set, hardware initiates tr ansmitting a pause fr ame in a manner
similar to that automatically generated by hardware.
The SWXOFF bit is self-clearing after the pause frame has been transmitted.
The state of the CTRL.TFCE bit or the negotiated flow control configuration does not
affect software generated pause frame transmission.
Note: Software sends an XON frame by programming a zero in the Pause Timer field of the
FCTTV register.
Note: XOFF transmission is not supported in 802.3x for half -duplex links. Software should not
initiate an XOFF or XON transmission if the 82574 is configured for half-duplex
3.3 SPI Non-Volatile Memory Interface
3.3.1 General Overview
The 82574 requires non-volatile content for the 82574 configuration. The Non-Volatile
Memory (NVM) might contain the following main regions:
LAN configuration space accessed by hardware - loaded by the 82574 after power
up, PCI reset de-assertion, D3->D0 transition, or a software commanded EEPROM
LAN configuration space accessed by software - used by software only. The
meaning of these registers as listed here as a convention for the softw are only and
is ignored by the 82574.
3.3.2 Supported NVM Devices
Previous GbE controllers required both EEPROM and Flash to store data. The 82574
reduces Bill Of Material (BOM) cost by consolidating the Flash and EEPROM into a single
NVM. The NVM is connected to a single SPI interface.
EEPROM: The 82574 is compatible with many sizes of 4-wire SPI EEPROM devices. The
recommended EEPROMs for The 82574 are:
1 Kb: STM* 95010W6, Catalyst* CA T25010S, or Atmel* AT25010N
2 Kb: STM 95020W 6, Catalyst CAT25020S, or Atmel AT25020N
32 Kb: STM 95320W6, Catalyst CAT25C320S, or Atmel AT25320N
Typically, the EEPROM size should be 32 Kb for supporting manageability, SMBus pass
through, and Network Controller -Sideband Interface (NC -SI) over RMII. At 1 Kb or 2 Kb
EEPROM sizes, manageability is not supported.
82574 GbE Controller—Interconnects
Flash: The size of the Flash is selected by the system integrator according to its usage.
The 82574 supports a maximum size of 16 Mb devices, which is beyond any
requirements. The typical Flash size for many applications of the 82574 is 4 Mb. At any
size, the 82574 has the following requirements from the Flash: block erase instruction
of 4 KB and the Flash should support the read device ID instruction that enables the
software to identify an empty device type. The 82574 drives the Flash at a frequency of
~15.6 MHz. The following Flash devices are recommended for use with the 82574:
SST* 25VF0!0, PMC* Pm25LV0X0, Winbond* W25X!0 or Atmel AT25FS0!01 while !
stands for Flash sizes of 64 KB up to 2 MB. Table 25 lists the existing Flash devices and
their major characteristics:
Table 25. Flash Devices - Major Characteristics
3.3.3 NVM Device Detection
The 82574 detects the device connected on the SPI inte rface in two phases.
1. It first detects the device type by the state of the NVMT strapping pin.
2. It then looks at the NVM content depending on a valid signature in word 0x12 in the
In reference to the EEPROM, the 82574 detects the length of the address bytes by
sensing the signature at word 0x12. It then sets the NVADDS field in the EEC register.
The exact size of the NVM is fetched by the 82574 from word 0x0F and is stored in the
NVSize field in the EEC register. When operating with an EEPROM that has an invalid
signature, software can force the address length via the NVADDS field in the EEC
register. Controlling the address length enables software to access the EEPROM via the
parallel EERD and EEWR registers in all cases including invalid signature.
1. For S ST and PMC devices, Flash auto detect is supported by reading the device ID. For Atmel and
Winbond Flash devices, auto-detect is not supported. Software needs to use a mechanism to read
the Flash characteristics directly from the NVM.
Characteristic SST 25VF
Family PMC 25xxx
Family Winbond W25X
Family Atmel AT25FS
Size [bytes] 0.5 MB, 1 MB,
2 MB 64 KB, 128 KB 128 KB, 265 KB,
0.5 MB 256 KB, 0.5 MB
Maximum write burst size 1 byte 256 bytes 256 bytes 256 byte
Minimum block erase size 4 KB 4 KB 4 KB 4 KB
Device erase instruction 0x60 0xC7 0xC7 0x60 or 0xC7
Minimum block erase
1. Flashes supported by the 82574, must have bits 7, 6, 4 and 0, all equal in the minimum block erase
0x20 0xD7 0x20 0x20 or 0xD7
64 KB block erase
instruction 0x52 0xD8 0xD8 0x52 or 0xD8
Read ID instruction 0xAB or 0x90 0xAB 0xAB or 0x90 0xAB or 0x9F
Byte program time 20 s 30 s 100 s 30 s
Page program time - 5 ms 1.5 ms 7.7 ms
Minimum block erase time 25 ms 100 ms 150 ms 50 ms
64 KB erase time 25 ms 100 ms 1 s 200 ms
Interconnects—82574 GbE Controller CRC Field
CRC calculation and management is done by software.
3.3.4 Device Operation with an External EEPROM
When the 82574 is connected to an external EEPROM, it provides similar functionality
to its predecesso r s with the fol lo w in g en hanc em en ts :
Enables a complete parallel interface for read/write to the EEPROM.
Enables software to specify explicitly the address length, thus eliminating the need
for bit banging access even on an empty EEPROM.
3.3.5 Device Operation with Flash
As previously stated, the 82574 merges the legacy EEPROM and Flash content in a
single Flash device. The 82574 copies the lower section in the Flash device to an
internal shadow RAM. The interface to the shadow RAM is the same as the interface for
an external EEPROM device. This mechanism provides a seamless backward compatible
interface for software to the legacy EEPROM space as if an external EEPROM device is
The 82574 supports Flash devices with a block erase size of 4 KB . Note that many Flash
vendors are using the term sector differently. This document uses the term Flash sector
for a logic section of 4 KB. LAN Configuration Sectors
Flash devices require a block erase instruction in case a cell is modified from 0b to 1b.
As a result, in order to update a single byte (or block of data) it is required to erase it
first. The first addresses of the Flash contain the device configuration and m ust alw ays
be valid. The 82574 maintains two sectors of 4 KB: S0 and S1 for the configuration
content. At least one of these two sectors is v alid at any given time or else the 82574 is
set by the hardware default. section 3.3.6 provides more details on the shadow RAM
and the first two sectors.
3.3.6 Shadow RAM
The 82574 includes an internal 4 KB shadow RAM of the first 4 KB Flash sector(s).
When the 82574 is connected to a Flash device the legacy configuration parameters
might reside in any of the first two 4 KB sectors (S0 or S1) in the Flash. The 82574
copies that data to an internal shadow memory. The shadow RAM emulates a seamless
EEPROM interface to the rest of the 82574 and host CPU. This way the legacy
configuration content is accessible to software and firmware on the same EEPROM
registers as on previous GbE controllers.
Figure 7 shows the shadow RAM mapping and interface relative to the Flash and the
EEPROM. The external EEPROM and the shadow RAM share the same interface. The
82574 might access the EEPROM or shadow RAM according to the setting of the
SELSHAD bit in the EEC register. By hardware default, the SELSHAD bit is set by the
NVMT strapp ing pin so that the EEPROM is selected in case of external EEPROM and the
shadow RAM is selected in the case of external Flash.
Note: Access to the shadow RAM uses the same interface as the external EEPROM with the
exception that bit banging is not supported for the shadow RAM.
82574 GbE Controller—Interconnects
Figure 7. NVM Shadow RAM Fla sh Mode
The 82574 is initialized from the NVM. As part of the initialization sequence, the 82574
copies the 4 KB content of S0 or S1 from the Flash to the shadow RAM. Any access to
the EEPROM interface is directed to the shadow RAM. F ollowing any write access to the
shadow RAM by software or firmware, the data should also be updated in the Flash. The
82574 maintains a watchdog timer defined by the FLASHT register to minimize Flash
updates. The timer is triggered by any write access to the shadow RAM. The 82574
updates the Flash from the shadow RAM when the FLASHT timer expires or when
firmware or software request explicitly to update the Flash by setting the FLUPD bit in
the FLA register. The 82574 copies the content of the shadow RAM to the inactive
configuration sector and then makes it the active one. The Flash update sequence is
listed in the steps that follow:
1. Initiates block erase instruction(s) to the inactive sector (the inactive sector is
defined by the inverse value of the SEC1VAL bit in the EEC register).
2. Copy the shadow RAM to the inactive sector while the signature word is copied last.
3. Clear the signature word in the active sector to make it invalid.
4. Toggle the state of the SEC1VAL bit in the EEC register to indicate that the inactive
sector became the active one and visa versa.
Note: Software should be aware of the fact that actual programming to the Flash might
require a long latency following the write access to the shadow RAM. Software might
poll the FLUDONE bit in the FLMNGCTL register to complete the Flash programming,
when required. EEPROM Mode
When the 82574 is attached to an external EEPROM, any access to the EEPROM
interface is directed to the external EEPROM.
Shadow RAM
EEPROM Interface
Sector 0
Sector 1
LAN Fl a sh
Interconnects—82574 GbE Controller
3.3.7 NVM Clients and Interfaces
There are several clients that might access the NVM or shadow RAM listed in the
following table. Listed are the various clients and their access type to the NVM:
software device driver, BIOS, firmw are and hardw are.
Table 26. Clients and Access Type to the NVM Memory Mapped Ho st Interface via LAN Flash BAR
Software might read and write to the Flash via the LAN Flash BAR. The Flash BAR is
mapped to the physical Flash at offset 0x0. The 82574 supports read byte, word or
Dword and write byte through this interface. The host CPU waits (stalled) until the read
access to the Flash completes.
Note: One of the first two sectors of 4 KB in the Flash are also reflected in the shadow RAM.
During normal operation, when software requires access to these sectors it should
access the shadow RAM. Direct write accesses to the Flash in this space via the Flash
BAR might cause non-coherency between the Flash and the shadow RAM.
Note: Flash BAR access while FLA.FL_REQ is asserted (and granted) is forbidden. CSR Mapped Host Interface
Software has bit banging and parallel accesses to the NVM or shadow RAM via the
registers in the CSR space. The 82574 suppo rts the following cycles on the parallel
interface: posted write, posted read, block erase and device erase. Access to the
configuration space in the first two sectors is directed via the EEPROM registers
regardless of the external physical device. Access to the rest of the NVM space is done
according to the type of the physical device: Flash registers in reference to Flash and
EEPROM registers in reference to EEPROM. EEPROM CSR registers are as follows:
EEC register for bit banging and device control
EERD and EEWR registers for parallel read and write access
The Flash CSR registers are as follows:
FLA register and EEC register for bit banging and device control
Client + Interface NVM port NVM instru ctions
Host CPU on EEC CSR EEPROM Legacy bit banging
Host CPU on EERD and
EEWR EEPROM Parallel word read and write to EEPROM or shadow RAM
(controlle d by the EEC.SELSHAD bit)
MNG on EEMNG CSR EEPROM Parallel word read and write to EEPROM or shadow RAM
Host CPU on FLA CSR Flash Legacy bit banging and Flash erase instructions
Host CPU via BAR Flash Read byte word and Dword and byte programming1
1. Following a write instruction or erase instructions to the Flash, the 82574 initiates seamless write enable
before the write or erase instructions and polls the status at the end to check its completion.
Host CPU via FLSWxxx
CSR registers Flash Host write access to the Flash no support for burst (multiple
byte) writes
Direct HW accesses Both Read EEPROM/shadow RAM at device initialization
82574 GbE Controller—Interconnects
Note: When software accesses the EEPROM or Flash spaces via the bit banging interface, it
should follow these steps:
1. Write a 1b to the Request bit in the FLA or EEC registers.
2. Poll the Grant bit in the FLA or EEC registers until its ready.
3. Access the NVM using the direct interface to its signaling via the EEC or FLA
4. When access completes, software should clear the Request bit.
Note: Following a write or erase instruction, softw are should clear the Request bit only after it
checked that the cycles were completed by the NVM. CSR Mapped Firmware Interface
Firmware might access the NVM or shadow RAM via the NVM MNG Control registers in
the CSR space with the following capabilities:
Word read and write accesses to the EEPROM or shadow RAM via the EEMNGCTL
and EEMNGDATA registers.
Read and write DMA and block erase to the Flash interface via the FLMNGCTL and
FLMNGDATA registers. Flash accesses are mapped to the physical NVM at offset
0x0. Note that nominal accesses to the first two 4 KB sectors should be addressed
to the shadow RAM via the EEPROM interface.
3.3.8 NVM Write and Erase Sequence Software Flow to the Bit Banging Interface
When software accesses the EEPROM or Flash CSR registers to the bit banging interface
it should follow these steps:
1. Write a 1b to the Request bit in the FLA or EEC registers.
2. Poll the Grant bit in the FLA or EEC registers until its ready.
3. Access the NVM using the direct interface to its signaling via the EEC or FLA
4. When access is achieved, software should clear the Request bit. Note that following
a write or erase instruction, software should clear the Request bit only after it
checked that the cycles were completed by the NVM. Software Byte Program Flow to the EEPROM Interface
Software initiates a write cycle to the NVM on the parallel EEPROM as follows:
1. Poll the Done bit in the EEWR register until its set.
2. Write the data word, its address, and the Start bit to the EEWR register.
As a response, hardware executes the following steps:
Case 1 - The 82574 is connected to a physical EEPROM device:
1. Initiate an autonomous write enable instruction.
2. Initiate the program instruction right after the enable instruction.
3. Poll the EEPROM status until programming completes.
4. Set the Done bit in the EEWR register.
Interconnects—82574 GbE Controller
Case 2 - The 82574 is connected to a physical Flash device:
1. The 82574 writes the data to the shadow RAM and sets the Done bit in the EEWR
2. Update of the shadow RAM to the Flash device as described in section 3.3.6. Flash Byte Program Flow
Software initiates a byte write cycle via the Flash BAR as follows:
1. W rite access to the Flash must be first enabled in the FLEW field in the EEC register.
2. Poll the FLBUSY flag in the FLA register until cleared.
3. Write the data byte to the Flash through the Flash BAR.
4. Repeat the steps 2 and 3 if multiple bytes should be programmed.
5. Clear the write enable in the FLEW field in the EEC register to protect the Flash
As a response, hardware executes the following steps for each write access:
1. Initiate autonomous write enable instruction.
2. Initiate the program instruction right after the enable instruction.
3. Poll the Flash status until programming completes.
4. Clear the FLBUSY bit in the FLA register.
Note: This section explains only the actual programming of a single byte or multiple bytes. Flash Erase Flow
Device Erase Flow:
Erase instructions flow by software is almost identical to the program flow:
1. Erase access to the Flash must be first enabled in the FLEW field in the EEC
2. Poll the FLBUSY flag in the FLA register until cleared.
3. Set the Flash Erase bit (FL_ER) in the FLA register.
4. Clear the Erase enable in the FLEW field in the EEC register to protect the Flash
device. Flash Burst Program Flow
The 82574 provides a burst engine that can be useful for initial programming of the
entire Flash image according to the following flow:
1. Set the ADDR field with the byte resolution address in the FLSWCTL register.
2. Set the CMD field to 01b, which is the DMA write setting in the FLSWCTL register.
3. Write the first 32 bits of data to the FLSWGDATA register.
4. Set the RDCNT field to the byte count number in the FLSWCNT register.
5. Set the CMDV field in the FLSWCTL register to start a DMA write.
6. Hardware starts accessing the SPI bus and begins writing the first 32 bits from the
FLSWDATA register.
7. Once hardware writes the 32-bit data to the Flash, the DONE bit in the FLSWCTL
register is set indicating the next 32 bits are required.
82574 GbE Controller—Interconnects
8. Until new data is written to the FLSWDATA register, the Flash clock is paused.
9. Once data is written to the FLSWDATA by the software, the DONE bit in the
FLSWCTL register is cleared and is set after hardware writes it to the Flash.
10.After all bytes are written to the Flash, hardware completes the cycle on the SPI
bus and sets the WRDONE bit in the FLSWCTL register indicating that the entire
burst has completed. Flash Programming Flow of S0 and S1
Other than initial programming of the Flash device, software and firmware should not
access the configuration sectors: S0 and S1. Any access to the configuration flow
should go to the Shadow RAM via the EEPROM interface registers.
3.4 System Management Bus (SMBus)
Note: The NC -SI and SMBus interfaces cannot be used together in the sam e implementation.
One or the other is selected by the NVM image and loaded into the Flash.
SMBus is a low speed (100 KHz) serial bus used to connect various components in a
system for manageability purposes. SMBus is used as an interface to pass traffic
between the Manageability Controller (MC) and the 82574. The interface can also be
used to enable the MC to configure the 82574’ s filters and management related
capabilities. Any device on the bus can be a master or a slave.
The SMBus uses two primary signals: SMBCLK and SMBDAT, to communicate. the
82574's SMB_CLK and SMB_DATA pins correspond to these signals. Both of these
signals float high with board-level pull-ups.
The SMBus specification has defined v arious types of message protocols composed of
individual bytes. The message protocols supported by the 82574 are described in
section 8.0.
For more details about SMBus, see the SMBus specification and section 8.0.
3.5 NC-SI
The NC-SI interface in the 82574 is a connection to an external MC. It operates as a
single interface with an external MC, where all traffic between the 82574 and the MC
flows through the interface. See section 8.0 for more details.
Note: The NC -SI and SMBus interfaces cannot be used together in the sam e implementation.
One or the other is selected by the NVM image and loaded into the Flash.
Note: It is recommended that the MC turn off flow control packet reception on its MAC to
prevent the pause effect from a flow co ntrol packet that might arrive from the LAN.
Interconnects—82574 GbE Controller
Figure 8. NC-SI Interface
3.5.1 Interface Specification
The 82574 NC-SI interface meets the RMII Specification, R ev. 1.2 as a PHY-side device.
The following NC-SI capabilities are not supported by the 82574:
Collision Detection - The interface supports only full-duplex operation.
MDIO - MDIO/MDC management traffic is not passed on NC-SI.
Magic packets - Magic packets are not detected at the 82574 NC-SI receive end.
Flow-control - The 82574 doesn' t support flow control on this interface.
3.5.2 Electrical Ch arac teristics
The 82574 complies with the electrical characteristics defined in the RMII specification.
However, the 82574 is not 5 V dc tolerance and requires that signals conform to 3.3 V
dc signaling.
The 82574 dynamically drives its NC-SI output signals (NC-SI_DV and NC-SI_RX) as
required by the sideband protocol:
At power up, the 82574 floats the NC-SI outputs.
The 82574 drives the NC-SI outputs as configured by the MC by the Select Package
and Deselect Package commands.
MC 82574L
82574 GbE Controller—Initialization
4.0 Initialization
4.1 Introduction
This chapter discusses initialization steps. This includes:
General hardware power-up state
Basic device configuration
Initialization of transmit and receive operation
Link configuration and software reset capability
Statistics initialization
4.2 Reset Operation
The 82574 reset sources are as follows:
Internal Power On Reset- The 82574 has an internal mechanism for sensing the
power pins. Once power is up and stable, the 82574 implements an internal reset.
This reset acts as a master reset of the entire chip. It is level sensitiv e, and while it
is 0b holds all of the registers in reset. Internal Power On Reset is an indication that
device power supplies are all stable. Internal Power On Reset changes state during
system power up.
PE_RST_N - Indicates that both the power and the PCIe clock sources are stable; a
value of 0b indicates reset active. This pin asserts an internal reset also after a
D3cold exit. Most units are reset on the rising edge of PE_RST_N. The only
exception is the PCIe unit, which is kept in reset while PE_RST_N is active.
Device Disable/Dr Disable - The 82574 enters a device disable mode when the
DEV_OFF_N pin is asserted without shutdown (see Section The 82574
enters Dr disable mode when certain conditions are met in the Dr state (see
In-band PCIe reset - The 82574 generates an internal reset in response to a
Physical Layer (PHY) message from PCIe or when the PCIe link goes down (entry to
polling or detect state). This reset is equivalent to PCI reset in previous (PCI) GbE
D3hotD0 transition - This is also known as ACPI reset. The 82574 generates an
internal reset on the transition from D3hot power state to D0 (caused after
configuration writes from D3 to D0 power state). Note that this reset is per fu nction
and resets only the function that transitioned from D3hot to D0.
Software Reset - Software can reset the 82574 by writing the Device Reset bit of
the Device Control (CTRL.RST) regi ster. The 82574 re-reads the per-function NVM
fields after a software reset. Bits that are normally read from the NVM are reset to
their default hardware values. Note that this reset is per function and resets only
the function that received the software reset. PCI configuration space
(configuration and mapping) of the device is unaffected.
Initialization—82574 GbE Controller
Force TCO - This reset is generated when manageability logic is enabled. It is only
generated if the reset on the Force TCO bit of the NVM's Managem ent Control word
is 1b. In pass-through mode it is generated when receiving a Force TCO SMBus
command with bit 1 or bit 7 set.
EEPROM Reset - Writing a 1b to the EEPROM Reset bit of the Extended Device
Control (CTRL_EXT.EE_RST) register causes the 82574 to re-read the per-function
configuration from the NVM, setting the appropriate bits in the registers loaded by
the NVM.
PHY Reset - Software can write a 1b to the PHY Reset bit of the Device Control
(CTRL.PHY_RS T) registe r to reset the internal PHY.
The resets affect the following registers and logic:
Table 27. 82574 Resets
1. If D3cold is not supported, the wake-up context is reset (PME_Status and PME_En
2. Refers to bits in the Wake-Up Control (WUC) register that are not part of the wake-
up context (the PME_En and PME_Status bits).
3. The Wake-Up Status (WUS) registe rs include the following:
—WUS register.
—Wake-up packet length.
Wake-up packet memory.
Reset Name
Reset Force
Reset PHY
Reset Notes
PCIe Data Path 
Load NVM  6
PCI Config
Registers RO 
PCI Config
Registers RW 
Data path  5
Wake Up (PM)
Context 1
Wake Up
Register  2
Wake Up
Registers  3
MNG Unit 
Wake Up
Registers  4
PHY 
Strapping Pins 
82574 GbE Controller—Initialization
4. The Wake-Up Management (WUM) registers include the following:
Wake-up filter control.
IP address Valid.
IPv4 address table
IPv6 address table
Flexible filter length table
Flexible filter mask table
5. The following register fields do not follow the previously mentioned general rules:
Packet Buffer Allocation (PBA) - reset on Internal Power On Reset only.
Packet Buffer Size (PBS) - reset on Internal Power On Reset only.
LED configuration registers.
—The Aux Power Detected bit in the PCIe Device Status register is reset on
Internal Power On R e set and PCIe Power Good only.
FLA - reset on Internal Power On Reset only.
6. The NVM is loaded only when the LAN function exits D3hot state.
In situations where the device is reset using the software reset CTRL.RST, the TX data
lines will be forced to all zeros. This causes a substantial number of symbol errors to be
detected by the link partner.
4.3 Power Up
4.3.1 Power-Up Sequence
Figure 9 through Figure 15 shows the 82574’s power-up sequencing.
Figure 9 shows a high-level view of the power sequence, while Figure 10 through
Figure 15 provides a more detailed description of each state.
Initialization—82574 GbE Controller
Figure 9. 82574 Power Up - General Flow
Load Flash
Initialize manageability
and PHY
Read NVM after PERS T#
Initialize PCIe and PHY
Bring up PCIe link
82574 GbE Controller—Initialization
Figure 10. 82574 Initialization - Power-On Reset
Duration (ms) Note
Pow e r ramp up
(3.3 V dc , 1. 9 V dc ,
1.05 V dc)
Xosc sta be
From p ow er-up
Intern al pow e r-on -
rese t trigge rs
From p ow er-up
82574 samples NVMT
De te rm ine N VM ty pe
Initialization—82574 GbE Controller
Figure 11. 82574 Init ialization - Flash Load
1. A 4 KB sector is read in a single burst, so the packet overhead is negligible. The
rate is 4 KB x 8 bits / 15.625 Mb/s = 2.1 ms.
2. The shadow RAM is read at the rate of one word every ~3 clocks of 62.5 MHz, or
~50 ns per word. The 64 words are read in 3.2 ms.
3. Clear write protection is required for an SST* Flash only. The instruction codes that
are required to initiate are hardwired in the design as defined by SST 25xxx Flash
family: code 0x50 for write status enable and code 0x01 for status write. The
82574 writes a data of 0x00 to the status word which clears all protection.
Software accesses to the Flash are not executed until this step completes.
Read sig nature at wo rd
Load sector 0 to Shadow
Set EEC.SHADV & clear
~2.1 1
Read signature at word
Load base area (0x00-
0x40) from Shadow
~0.0032 2
signature Load sector 1 to Shadow
Set EEC.SHADV & set
~2.1 1
82574 set to default
Set E E C .Auto_ R D
Clea r Write Protec tio n
Set Flash write status
enable and write status
0.008 3
82574 GbE Controller—Initialization
Figure 12. 82574 Initialization - EEPROM Load
Each word is read separately using a 5-byte command (1 byte instruction, 2 byte
address, and 2 byte data). Total time at 2 Mb/s is 64 words x 5 bytes x 8 bits/2 Mb/s =
1.28 ms. The rate is 20 s per word.
Detect Address length of
1B or 2B based on
Load base area (0x00-
0x40) from EEPROM
Set EEC.Auto_R D
~1.28 3
82574 set to default
Se t E E C .Auto_R D
Initialization—82574 GbE Controller
Figure 13. 82574 Initialization - PHY and Manageability
Each PCIe register write takes ~20 PCIe clocks (31.25 MHz) per table entry <=>
640 ns per Dword. Each PHY register write takes those 20 clocks + 64 MDC cycles on
the MDIO interface (2.5 MHz) => 26.2 4 ms per Dword. Ther efore, the total is 640 ns x
4 + 26.24 ms x 16 = 422 ms.
Each PCIe register write takes ~20 PCIe clocks (31.25 MHz) per table entry <=>
640 ns per Dword. Therefore, the bottleneck is the EEPROM at 40 ms per Dword. Each
PHY register write takes those 20 clocks + 64 MDC cycles on the MDIO interface (2.5
MHz) => 26.24 ms per Dword. Therefore, the bottleneck is the EEPROM at 40 ms per
Dword. The 16+4 entries take 20 Dwords x 40 ms = 0.8 s.
En a ble manag e a b ilit y
and/or wake up based
on NVM configuration
Based on MNG _Mode
bits in NVM word 0x0F
Load Extended
Configuration from
~0.8 5
Need to load
Co n fig u ra tio n
82574 set to default
En a b le t he PHY if
PHY was inactive up to
No n e e d t o lo a d
Load Extended
Configuration from
Shadow RAM
~0.42 4
82574 GbE Controller—Initialization
Figure 14. 82574 Initialization - NVM Load After PE_RST_N
PERST# is de-asserted
by the platform
PHY is powered down
NV MT strapping is
Determine NVM type
Load b ase area (0x00-
0x40) from Shadow
Set EEC.Auto_RD
~0.0032 2
Load ba se area (0x00 -
0 x 4 0 ) fr om E E PRO M
Set EEC.Auto_RD
~1.28 3
82574 set to default
Set EEC.Auto_RD
C h e c k v a lid S h a d o w a n d
D e tect A d d res s le ng th of
1B or 2B based on
Initialization—82574 GbE Controller
Figure 15. 82574 Initialization - PHY and PCIe
Load Ex ten de d
Con fig u ra tio n fr om
Clear SW /HW NV M
~0.8 5
Enable th e PH Y
PHY was in power-down
during NVM load
Load Ex ten ded
Configuration from
Shadow RAM
~0.42 4
Start PCIe link training
Mu st star t < 20 µs after
PERST# de-assertion
PCIe link rea dy to
accept configuration
Must start < 100 µs
after PERS T#
82574 GbE Controller—Initialization
4.3.2 Timing Diagram
Figure 16. Power-Up Timing Diagram
Table 28. Notes to Power-Up Timing Diagram
D-State D0u
NVM Load
PHY State
PCIe Link up L0
Manageability /
PCIe reference clock
tee tee
11 12
Read Ext.
Read Ext.
Powered-down Ac tive / Down
1 Xosc is stable txog after power is stable
2Internal reset is released after all power sup plies are good and tppg after Xosc
is stable.
3An NVM read starts on the rising edge of the internal reset or Internal Power
On Reset#.
4 After reading the NVM, PHY might exit power down mode.
5 APM wake up and/or manageability might be enabled based on NVM contents.
6The PCIe reference clock is valid tPWRGD-CLK before the de-assertion of
PE_RST_N (according to PCIe specification).
7PE_RST_N is de-asserted tPVPGL after power is stable (according to PCIe
8De-assertion of PE_RST_N causes the NVM to be re-read, asserts PHY power-
down, and disables Wake Up.
9 After reading the NVM, PHY exits power-down mode.
10 Link training starts after tpgtrn from PE_RST_N de-assertion.
11 A first PCIe configuration access might arrive after tpgcfg from PE_RST_N de-
12 A first PCI configuration response can be sent after tpgres from PE_RST_N de-
13 Writing a 1b to the Memory Access Enable bit in the PCI Command register
transitions the device from D0u to D0 state.
Initialization—82574 GbE Controller
4.4 Global Reset (PE_RST_N, PCIe In-Band Reset)
4.4.1 Reset Sequence
Figure 17 and Figure 18 show the 82574's sequence following global reset (PE_RST_N
de-assertion or PCIe in-band reset) and until the device is ready to accept host
Figure 17. 82574 Global Rese t - NVM Load
Reset (PE_RST_# de-
as s er tio n o r in-ba nd)
PHY is powered down
NVM T strapping is
D ete rmine N V M type
Load base area (0x00-
0x40) from Shad ow
Set EEC.Auto_RD
~0.0032 2
Load base area (0x00-
0 x 4 0) fro m EEPR OM
Set EEC.Auto_RD
~1.28 3
82574 set to default
Set EEC.Auto_RD
Check valid Shadow and
signatu re
De tect A d d ress leng th of
1B or 2B based on
82574 GbE Controller—Initialization
Figure 18. 82574 Global Reset - PHY and PCIe
4.4.2 Timing Diagram
The following timing diagram shows the 82574’s behavior through a PE_RST_N reset.
Load Extended
Configuration from
~0.8 5
Enable the PHY
PHY was in power-down
during NVM load
Load Extended
Configuration from
Shadow RAM
~0.42 4
Start P CIe link tra ini ng
Must start < 80 µs after
PERST# de-assertion
PCIe lin k ready to
accept configuration
Must start < 100 µs
after PERST#
Initialization—82574 GbE Controller
Figure 19. Global Reset Timing Diagram
Table 29. Notes to Global Reset Timing Dia g ram
D-State D0u
NVM Load
PHY State
PCIe Link up L0
PCIe reference
8 9
Read Ext.
Active Active / Down
Any mode APM
1The system must assert PE _RST_N before stopping the PCIe reference cloc k. It
must also wait tl2clk after link transition to L2/L3 before stopping the reference
2On assertion of PE_RST_N, the 82574 transitions to Dr state and the PCIe link
transition to electrical idle. The PHY state is defined by the wake an d
manageability configuration.
3The system starts the PCIe reference clock tPWRGD-CLK before de-assertion
4De-assertion of PE_RST_N causes the NVM to be re-read, asserts PHY power-
down, and dis ables wake up.
5After reading the NVM base area, PH Y reset is de-asserted. APM w ake might be
6Link training starts after the NVM was fully read (including extended
configuration if needed).
7 Link training starts after tpgtrn from PE_RST_N de-assertion.
8A first PCIe configuration access might arrive after tpgcfg from PE_RST_N de-
9A first PCI configuration response can be sent after tpgres from PE_RST_N de-
10 Writing a 1b to the Memory Access Enable bit in the PCI Command register
transitions the device from D0u to D0 state.
82574 GbE Controller—Initialization
4.5 Timing Parame ters
4.5.1 Timing Requirements
The 82574 requires the following start-up and power state transitions.
Table 30. Timing Requirements
4.6 Software Initialization Sequence
The following sequence of commands is typically issued to the device by the software
device driver in order to initialize the 82574 to normal operation. The major
initialization steps are:
1. Disable Interrupts - see Interrupts during initialization.
2. Issue Global Reset and perform General Configuration - see Global Reset and
General Configuration.
3. Setup the PHY and the link - see Link Setup Mechanisms and Control/Status Bit
4. Initialize all statistical counters - see Initialization of Statistics.
5. Initialize Receive - see Receive Initialization.
6. Initialize Transmit - see Transmit Initialization.
7. Enable Interrupts - see Interrupts during initialization.
Parameter Description Min Max Notes
txog Xosc stable from power stable 10 ms
CLK PCIe clock valid to PCIe power good 100 s - According to PCIe specification.
tPVPGL Power rails stable to PCIe PE_RST_N
inactive 100 ms - According to PCIe specification.
Tpgcfg External PE_RST_N signal to first
configuration cycle. 100 ms According to PCIe specification.
td0mem Device programmed from D3h to D0
state to next device access 10 ms According to PCI power
management specification.
tl2pg L2 link transition to PE_RST_N
assertion 0 ns According to PCIe specification.
tl2clk L2 link transition to removal of PCIe
reference clock 100 ns According to PCIe specification.
Tclkpg PE_RST_N assertion to removal of PCIe
reference clock 0 ns According to PCIe specification.
Tpgdl PE_RST_N assertion time 100 s According to PCIe specification.
Initialization—82574 GbE Controller
4.6.1 Interrupts During Initialization
Most drivers disable interrupts during initialization to prevent re-entrancy. Interrupts
are disabled by writing to the IMC register. Note that the interrupts need to be disabled
also after issuing a global reset, so a typical driver initialization flow is:
1. Disable interrupts
2. Issue a global reset
3. Disable interrupts (again)
After the initialization completes, a typical driver enables the desired interrupts by
writing to the IMS register.
4.6.2 Global Reset and General Configuration
Device initialization typically starts with a global reset that puts the device into a known
state and enables the software device driver to continue the initialization sequence.
Several v alues in the Device Control (CTRL) register need to be set at power up or after
a device reset for normal operation.
Full duplex should be set per interface negotiation (if done in software), or is set by
the hardware if the interface is auto-negotiating. This is reflected in the Device
Status register in the auto-negotiating case. A default value is loaded from the
Speed is determined via auto-negotiation by the PHY, or forced by software if the
link is forced. Status information for speed is also readable in STATUS.
ILOS should normally be set to 0b.
If using XOFF flow control, program the FCAH, FCAL, and FCT registers. If not, they
should be written with 0x0.
GCR bit 22 should be set to 1b by software during initialization.
4.6.3 Link Setup Mechanisms and Control/Status Bit Summary PHY Initialization
Refer to the PHY documentation for the initialization and link setup steps. The device
driver uses the MDIC register to initialize the PHY and setup the link. MAC/PHY Link Setup
This section summarizes the various means of establishing proper MAC/PHY link
setups, differences in MAC CTRL register settings for each mechanism, and the relev ant
MAC status bits. The methods are ordered in terms of preference (the first mechanism
being the most preferred).
MAC settings automatically based on duplex and speed resolved by PHY.
CTRL.FD - Don't care; duplex setting is established from PHY's internal
indication to the MAC (FDX) after PHY has auto-negotiated a successful link-up.
CTRL.SLU - Must be set to 1b by software to enable communications between
MAC and PHY.
CTRL.RFCE - Must be set by software after reading flow control resolution from
PHY registers.
82574 GbE Controller—Initialization
CTRL.TFCE - Must be set by software after reading flow control resolution from
PHY registers.
CTRL.SPEED - Don't care; speed setting is established from PHY's internal
indication to the MAC (SPD_IND) after PHY has auto-negotiated a successful
STATUS.FD - Reflects the actual duplex setting (FDX) negotiated by the PHY
and indicated to the MAC.
STATUS.LU - Reflects link indication (LINK) from the PHY qualified with
CTRL.SLU (set to 1b).
STATUS.SPEED - Reflects actual speed setting negotiated by the PHY and
indicated to the MAC (SPD_IND).
MAC duplex setting automatically based on resolution of PHY, software-
forced MAC/PHY speed. (CTRL.FRCDPLX = 0b, CTRL.FRCSPD = 1b,
CTRL.ASDE = don't care)
CTRL.FD - Don't care; duplex setting is established from PHY's internal
indication to the MAC (FDX) after PHY has auto-negotiated a successful link-up.
CTRL.SLU - Must be set to 1b by software to enable communications between
the MAC and PHY.
CTRL.RFCE - Must be set by software after reading flow control resolution from
PHY registers.
CTRL.TFCE - Must be set by software after reading flow control resolution from
the PHY registers.
CTRL.SPEED - Set by software to desired link speed (must match speed setting
of PHY).
STATUS.FD - Reflects the actual duplex setting (FDX) negotiated by the PHY
and indicated to MAC.
STATUS.LU - Reflects link indication (LINK) from the PHY qualified with
CTRL.SLU (set to 1b).
STATUS.SPEED - Reflects MAC forced speed setting written in CTRL.SPEED.
MAC duplex and speed settings forced by software based on resolution of
PHY. (CTRL.FRCDPLX = 1b, CTRL.FRCSPD = 1b, CTRL.ASDE = don't care)
CTRL.FD. - Set by software based on reading PHY status register after the PHY
has auto-negotiated a successful link-up.
CTRL.SLU . - Must be set to 1b by software to enable communications between
the MAC and PHY.
CTRL.RFCE - Must be set by software after reading flow control resolution from
the PHY registers.
CTRL.TFCE - Must be set by software after reading flow control resolution from
the PHY registers.
CTRL.SPEED - Set by software based on reading PHY status register after the
PHY has auto-negotiated a successful link-up.
STATUS.FD - Reflects the MAC forced duplex setting written to CTRL.FD.
STATUS.LU - Reflects link indication (LINK) from the PHY qualified with
CTRL.SLU (set to 1b).
STATUS.SPEED - Reflects MAC forced speed setting written in CTRL.SPEED.
Initialization—82574 GbE Controller
MAC/PHY duplex and speed settings both forced by software (fully-forced
link setup). (CTRL.FRCDPLX = 1b, CTRL.FRCSPD = 1b, CTRL.SLU = 1b)
CTRL.FD - Set by software to desired full-/half- duplex operation (must match
duplex setting of the PHY).
CTRL.SLU - Must be set to 1b by software to enable communications between
the MAC and PHY. The PHY must also be forced/configured to indicate positive
link indication (LINK) to the MAC.
CTRL.RFCE - Must be set by software to the desired flow-control operation
(must match flow-control settings of the PHY).
CTRL.TFCE - Must be set by software to the desired flow-control operation
(must match flow-control settings of the PHY).
CTRL.SPEED - Set by software to desired link speed (must match speed setting
of the PHY).
STATUS.FD - Reflects the MAC duplex setting written by software to CTRL.FD.
STATUS.LU - Reflects 1b (positive link indication LINK from PHY qualified with
Note: Since both CTRL.SLU and the PHY link indication LINK are forced, this bit set does not
guarantee that operation of the link has been truly established.
STATUS.SPEED - Reflects MAC forced speed setting written in CTRL.SPEED.
4.6.4 Initialization of Statistics
Statistics registers are hardware-initialized to values as detailed in each particular
register's description. The initialization of these registers begins at transition to D0
active power state (when internal registers become accessible, as enabled by setting
the Memory Access Enable field of the PCIe Command register), and is guaranteed to
complete within 1 ms of this transition. Access to statistics registers prior to this
interval might return indeterminate values.
All of the statistical counters are cleared on read and a typical software device driver
reads them (thus making them zero) as a part of the initialization sequence.
4.6.5 Receive Initialization
Program the receive address register(s) per the station address. This can come from
the NVM or from any other means, for example, on some systems, this comes from the
system EEPROM not the NVM on a Network Interface Card (NIC).
Set up the Multicast Table Array (MTA) per software. This generally means zeroing all
entries initially and adding in entries as requested.
Program the interrupt mask register to pass any interrupt that the software device
driver cares about. Suggested bits include RXT, RXO, RXDMT and LSC. There is no
reason to enable the transmit interrupts.
Program RCTL with appropriate values. If initializing it at this stage, it is best to leave
the receive logic disabled (EN = 0b) until the receive descriptor ring has been
initialized. If VLANs are not used, software should clear the VFE bit. Then there is no
need to initialize the VFTA array. Select the receive descriptor type. Note that if using
the header split RX descriptors, tail and head registers should be incremented by two
per descriptor.
82574 GbE Controller—Initialization
78 Initialize the Receive Control Register
To properly receive packets requires simply that the receiver is enabled. This should be
done only after all other setup is accomplished. If softw are uses the R eceive Descriptor
Minimum Threshold Interrupt, that value should be set.
The following should be done once per receive queue:
Allocate a region of memory for the receive descriptor list.
Receive buffers of appropriate size should be allocated and pointers to these
buffers should be stored in the descriptor ring.
Program the descriptor base address with the address of the region.
Set the length register to the size of the descriptor ring.
If needed, program the head and tail registers. Note: the head and tail pointers are
initialized (by hardware) to zero after a power-on or a software-initiated device
The tail pointer should be set to point one descriptor beyond the end.
4.6.6 Transmit Initialization
Progr am the TXDCTL register with the desire d TX descriptor write - back policy.
Suggested values are:
GRAN = 1b (descriptors)
All other fields 0b.
Program the TCTL register. Suggested configuration:
CT = 0x0F (16d collision)
COLD: HDX = 511 (0x1FF); FDX = 63 (0x03F)
•PSP = 1b
All other fields 0b
The following should be done once per transmit queue:
Allocate a region of memory for the transmit descriptor list.
Program the descriptor base address with the address of the region.
Set the length register to the size of the descriptor ring.
If needed, prog ram the head and tail registers.
Note: Note: the head and tail pointers are initialized (by hardware) to zero after a power-on
or a software-initiated device reset.
Initialization—82574 GbE Controller
Program the TIPG register with the following (decimal) v alues to get the minimum legal
•IPGT = 8
•IPGR1 = 2
•IPGR2 = 10
Note: IPGR1 and IPGR2 are not needed in full-duplex, but it is easier to always program them
to the values listed.
Initialize the transmit descriptor registers (TDBAL, TDBAH, TDL, TDH, and TDT).
82574 GbE Controller—Power Management and Delivery
5.0 Power Management and Delivery
The 82574 supports the Advanced Configuration and Power Interface (ACPI 2.0)
specification as well as Advanced Power Management (APM). This section describes
how power management is implemented in the 82574.
Implementation requirements were obtained from the following documents:
PCI Bus Power Management Interface Specification .................................Rev 1.1
PCI Express Base Specification .............................................................Rev.1.1
ACPI Specification............ ... .. ............ ............. ....................... ............. .Rev 2.0
PCI Express Card Electromechanical Specification....................................Rev 1.1
5.1 Assumptions
The following assumptions apply to the implementation of power management for the
The software device driver sets up the filters prior to the system transition of the
82574 to a D3 state.
Prior to transition from D0 to the D3 state, the operating system ensures that the
software device driver has been disabled. See Section for the 82574
behavior on D3 entry.
No wake up capability, except APM wak e up if enabled in the NVM, is required after
the system puts the 82574 in D3 state and then returns the 82574 to D0.
•If the APMPME bit in the Wake Up Control (WUC) register is 1b, it is permissible to
assert PE_WAKE_N even when PME_En is 0b.
5.2 Power Consumption
Table 85 and Table 86 list power consumption in various modes (see Section 12.5). The
following sections describe the requirements in specific power states.
Power Management and Delivery—82574 GbE Controller
5.3 Power Delivery
82574 operates from the following power rails:
A 3.3 V dc power rail for internal power regulation and for periphery. The 3.3 V dc
should be supplied by an external power source.
A 1.9 V dc power rail.
A 1.05 V dc power rail.
5.3.1 The 1.9 V dc Rail
The 1.9 V dc rail is used for core and I/O functions. It also feeds internal regulators to a
lower 1.05 V dc core voltage. The 1.9 V dc rail can be generated in one of two ways:
An external power supply not dependent on support from the 82574. For example,
the platform designer might choose to route a platform-av ailable 1.9 V dc supply to
the 82574.
Internal voltage regulator solution, where the control logic for the power transistor
is embedded in the 82574, while the power transistor is placed externally. Control
is done using the CTRL18 pin.
5.3.2 The 1.05 V dc Rail
The 1.05 V dc rail is used for core functions and can be generated in one of the
following ways:
An external power supply not dep endent on support from the 82574.
Internal voltage regulator solution, where the control logic for the power transistor
is embedded in the 82574, while the power transistor is placed externally. Control
is done using the CTRL10 pin.
A complete internal voltage regulator solution. The internal voltage regulator can
be disabled by the DIS_REG10 pin.
5.4 Power Management
5.4.1 82574 Power States
The 82574 supports D0 and D3 power states defined in the PCI Power Management and
PCIe specifications. D0 is divided into two sub-states: D0u (D0 Un-initialized), and D0a
(D0 active). In addition, the 82574 supports a Dr state that is entered when PE_RST_N
is asserted (including the D3cold state).
Figure 20 shows the power states and transitions between them.
82574 GbE Controller—Power Management and Delivery
Figure 20. Power Management State Diagram
5.4.2 Auxiliary Power Usage
If ADVD3WUC=1b, the 82574 uses the AUX_PWR indication that auxiliary power is
available to the controller, and ther efore advertises D3c old wake up support. The
amount of power required for the function (which includes the entire NIC) is advertised
in the Power Management Data register, which is loaded from the NVM.
If D3cold is supported, the PME_En and PME_Status bits of the Power Management
Control/Status Register (PMCSR), as well as their shadow bits in the Wake Up Control
(WUC) register is reset only by the power up reset (detection of power rising).
The only effect of setting AUX_PWR to 1b is advertising D3cold wake up support and
changing the reset function of PME_En and PME_Status. AUX_PWR is a strapping option
in the 82574.
The 82574 tracks the PME_En bit of the Power Management Control / Status Register
(PMCSR) and the Auxiliary (AUX) Power PM Enable bit of the PCIe Device Control
register to determine the power it migh t consume (and therefore its power state) in the
D3cold state (internal Dr state).
Dr D0u
PE_RST_N de-
assertion and
Write 11b
to p ower
Write 00b
to p o w e r
master or
slave a cces s
Inte rna l P o w e r
On Reset
Hot (in-band)
Power Management and Delivery—82574 GbE Controller
The AUX Power PM Enable bit in the PCIe Device Control register determines if the
82574 complies with the auxiliary power regime defined in the PCIe specification. If
set, the 82574 might consume higher power for any purpose (such as, even if PME_En
is not set).
If the AUX Power PM Enable bit of the PCIe Device Control register is cleared, higher
power consumption is determined by the PCI-PM legacy PME_En bit in the Power
Management Control / Status Register (PMCSR).
Note: In the current implementation, the AUX Power PM Enable bit is hardwired to 0b.
5.4.3 Power Limits by Certain Form Factors
Table 31 lists the power limitations introduced by different form factors.
Table 31. Power L im i ts by Form Factor
1. This auxiliary current limit only applies when the primary 3.3 V dc voltage source is
not available (such as, the NIC is in a low power D3 state.
2. The 82574 exceeds the allowed power consumption in GbE speed. It therefore
cannot run from aux power, restricting the 825 74 speed in Dr state.
The 82574 therefore implements two NVM bits to disable GbE operation in certain
1. The Disable 1000 NVM bit disables 1000 Mb/s operation under all conditions.
2. The Disable 1000 in non-D0a CSR bit disables 1000 Mb/s operation in non-D0a
states. If Disable 1000 in non-D0a is set, and the 82574 is at GbE speed on entry
to a non-D0a state, then the device removes advertisement for 1000 Mb/s and
auto-negotiates. The Disable 1000 in non-D0a bit is loaded from the NVM.
Note: The 82574 restarts link auto-negotiation each time it transitions from a state where
GbE speed is enabled to a state where GbE speed is disabled, or vice versa. For
example, if Disable 1000 in non-D0a is set but Disable 1000 is clear, the 82574 restarts
link auto-negotiation on transition from D0 state to D3 or Dr states.
5.4.4 Power States D0 Uninitialized State
The D0u state is a low-power state used after PE_RST_N is de-asserted following a
power up (cold or warm), on hot reset (in-band reset through a PCIe physical layer
message), or on D3 exit.
Form Factor
LOM PCIe NIC (x1 connector)
Main 3 A @ 3.3 V dc 3 A @ 3.3 V dc
Auxiliary (aux enabled) 375 mA @ 3.3 V dc 375 mA @ 3.3 V dc
Auxiliary (aux disabled) 20 mA @ 3.3 V dc
82574 GbE Controller—Power Management and Delivery
When entering the D0u state, the 82574 disables all wake ups and asserts a reset to
the PHY while the NVM is being read. If the APM Mode bit in the NVM's Initialization
Control Word 2 is set, then APM wake up is enabled. Entry into D0u state
D0u is reached from either the Dr state (on assertion of Internal PwrGd) or the D3hot
state (by configuration software writing a value of 00b to the Power State field of the
PCI-PM registers).
Asserting Internal PwrGd means that the entire state of the device is cleared, other
than sticky bits. The state is loaded from the NVM, followed by establishment of the
PCIe link. Once this is done, configuration software can access the device.
On a transition from the D3 to D0u state, the 82574’s PCI configuration space is not
reset. Per the PCI Power Management Specification (revision 1.1, Section 5.4),
software “will need to perform a full re-initialization of the function including its PCI
Configuration Space. D0active State
Once memory space is enabled, all internal clocks are activ ated and the 82574 enters
an active state. It can transmit and receive packets if properly configured by the
software device driver. The PHY is enabled or re-enabled by the software device driver
to operate / auto-negotiate to full-line speed/power if not already operating at full
capability. Any APM Wakeup previously active remains active. The software device
driver can deactivate APM Wakeup by writing to the WUC register, or activate other
wake-up filters by writing to the Wake Up Filter Control (WUFC) register.
Note: Fields that are auto-loaded from the NVM, like WUC.APME, should be configured
through an NVM setting, because D3 to D0 power state transition causes NVM auto-
read to reload those bits from the NVM. Entry to D0a State
D0a is entered from the D0u state by writing a 1b to the Memory Access Enable or the
I/O Access Enable bit in the PCI Command register. The DMA, MAC, and PHY are
enabled. Manageability is also enabled if configured from the NVM. D3 State (=PCI-PM D3hot)
When the system writes a 11b to the Power State field in the PMCSR, the 82574
transitions to D3. Any wake-up filter settings that were enabled before entering this
reset state are maintained. Upon transition to D3 state, the 82574 clears the Memory
Access Enable and I/O Access Enable bits of the PCI Command register, which disables
memory access decode. In D3, the 82574 only responds to PCI configuration accesses
and does not generate master cycles.
A D3 state is followed by either a D0u state (in preparation for a D0a state) or by a
transition to Dr state (PCI-PM D3cold state). To transition back to D0u, the system
writes a 00b to the Power State field of the PMCSR. Transition to Dr state is through
PE_RST_N assertion.
Power Management and Delivery—82574 GbE Controller Entry to D3 State
Transition to the D3 state is through a configur ation write to the Power State field of the
PCI-PM registers.
Prior to transition from D0 to the D3 state, the software device driver disables
scheduling of further tasks to the 82574, as follows:
It masks all interrupts
It does not write to the Transmit Descriptor Tail (TDT) register
It does not write to the Receive Descriptor Tail (RDT) register
Operates the master disable algorithm as defined in Section
If wake-up capability is needed, the software device driver should set up the
appropriate wake-up registers and the system should write a 1b to the PME_En bit in
the PMCSR or to the AUX Po wer PM Enable bit of the PCIe Device Control register prior
to the transition to D3.
As a response to being programmed into the D3 state, the 82574 brings its PCIe link
into the L1 link state. As part of the transition into L1 state, the 82574 suspends
scheduling of new Transaction Lay er Protocols (TLPs) and waits for the completion of all
previous TLPs it has sent. The 82574 clears the Memory Access Enable and I/O Access
Enable bits of the PCI Command register, which disables memory access decode. Any
receive packets that have not been transferred into system memory are kept in the
device (and discarded later on D3 exit). Any transmit packets that were not sent, can
still be transmitted (assuming the Ethernet link is up).
To reduce power consumption, if any of ASF manageability, APM wake, and PCI-PM PME
is enabled, the PHY auto-negotiates to a lower link speed on D3 entry (see
82574 GbE Controller—Power Management and Delivery
86 Dr Sta t e
Transition to Dr state is initiated on three occasions:
At system power up - Dr state begins with the assertion of the internal power
detection circuit (Internal Power On Reset) and ends with the assertion of the
Internal Pwrgd signal (indicating that the system de-asserted its PCIe PE_RST_N
At transition from a D0a state - During operation, the system might assert PCIe
PE_RST_N at any time. In an ACPI system, a system transition to the G2/S5 state
causes a transition from D0a to Dr state.
At transition from a D3 state - The system transitions the device into the Dr state
by asserting PCIe PE_RST_N.
The 82574 meets the restrictions on using auxiliary power, defined in the PCI-PM
1. If wake is enabled (either APM wake, ACPI wake, or manageability), then the
82574 might consume up to 375 mA @ 3.3 V dc.
2. If wake is disabled, then the 82574 might consume up to 20 mA @ 3.3 V dc.
The restrictions apply to all cases of Dr state (power up, D3 entry, Dr entry from D0).
Note: When the wake configur ation is unknown (for example, during power up before an NVM
read), the 82574 must meet the 20 mA limit.
The system might maintain PE_RST_N asserted for an arbitr ary time. The de-assertion
(rising edge) of PE_RST_N causes a transition to D0u state.
Any Wake-up filter settings that were enabled before entering this reset state are
maintained. Entry to Dr State
Dr entry on platform power up begins by asserting the internal power detection circuit
(Internal Power On R eset). The NVM is read and determines device configuration. If the
APM Enable bit in the NVM's Initialization Control Word 2 is set, then APM wake up is
enabled. The PHY and MAC states are determined by the state of manageability and
APM wake. To reduce power consumption, if manageability or APM wa ke is enabled, the
PHY auto-negotiates to a lower link speed on Dr entry (see Section The
PCIe link is not enabled in Dr state following system power up (since PERS# is
Entry to Dr state from D0a state is by asserting the PE_RST_N signal. An ACPI
transition to the G2/S5 state is reflected in a device transition from D0a to Dr state.
The transition might be orderly (for example, the designer selected the shut down
option), in which case the software device driv er might ha ve a chance to intervene. Or,
it might be an emergency transition (such as, power button override), in which case,
the software device driver is not notified.
To reduce power consumption, if any of manageability, APM wake or PCI-PM PME is
enabled, the PHY auto-negotiates to a lower link speed on D0a to Dr transition (see
Transition from D3 state to Dr state is done by asserting the PE_RST_N signal. Prior to
that, the system initiates a transition of the PCIe link from the L1 state to either the L2
or L3 state. The link enters L2 state if PCI-PM PME is enabled.
Power Management and Delivery—82574 GbE Controller Device Disable
For a L OM design, it might be desirable for the system to provide BIOS-setup capability
for selectively enabling or disabling LOM devices. This might allow the designers more
control over system resource-management, avoid conflicts with add-in NIC solutions,
etc. The 82574 provides support for selectively enabling or disabling it.
Device Disable - the device is in a global power down state.
Device disable is initiated by asserting the asynchronous DEV_OFF_N pin. The
DEV_OFF_N pin has an internal pull-up resistor, so that it can be left not connected to
enable device operation.
While in device disable mode, the PCIe link is in L3 state. The PHY is in power-down
mode. All internal clocks are gated. Output buffers are tri-stated.
Asserting or de-asserting PCIe PE_RST_N does not have any effect while the device is
in device disable mode (for example, the device stays in the respective mode as long as
DEV_OFF_N is asserted). However, the device might momentarily exit the device
disable mode from the time PCIe PE_RST_N is de-asserted again and until the NVM is
Note: Note to system designers: The DEV_OFF_N pin should maintain its state during system
reset and system sleep states. It should also insure the proper default value on system
power up. For example, a system designer could use a GPIO pin that defaults to 1b
(enable) and is on system suspend power (for example, it maintains state in S0-S5
ACPI states). Link-Disconnect
In any of D0u, D0a, D3, or Dr states, the 82574 enters a link-disconnect state if it
detects a link-disconnect condition on the Ethernet link. Note that the link-disconnect
state is invisible to software (other than the Link Energy Detect bit state). In particular,
while in D0 state, software might be able to access any of the device registers as in a
link-connect state.
During link disconnect mode, the CCM PLL might be shut down. See Section
5.4.5 Timing of Power-State Transitions
The following sections give detailed timing for the state transitions. In the diagr ams the
dotted connecting lines represent the 82574 requirements, while the solid connecting
lines represent the 82574 guarantees.
The timing diagrams are not to scale. The clocks edges are shown to indicate running
clocks only, they are not used to indicate the actual number of cy cles for any oper ation. Transition From D0a to D3 and Back Without PE_RST_N
Figure 21 shows the 82574’s reaction to a D3 transition.
82574 GbE Controller—Power Management and Delivery
Figure 21. D3hot Transition Timing Diagram
Table 32. Notes to D3hot Timing Diagram Transition From D0a to D3 and Back with PE_RST_N
Figure 22 shows the 82574’s reaction to a D3 transition.
PCIe Reference
PCIe PwrGd
PHY Reset
PCIe Link
Reading EEPROM Auto
DState D3 D0u D0
Wake Up Enabled
Memory Access Enable
D3 write
APM / SMBusAny mode
D0 Write
L1 L0
PHY Power State full fullpower-managed power-
Note Description
1 Writing 11b to the Power State field of the PMCSR transitions the 82574 to D3.
2 The system keeps the 82574 in D3 state for an arbitrary amount of time.
3 To exit D3 state the system writes 00b to the Power State field of the PMCSR.
4 A PM wake up or SMBus mode can be enabled based on what is read in the NVM.
5After reading the NVM, reset to the PHY is de-asserted. The PHY operates at reduced-speed if APM
wake up or SMBus is enabled, else powered-down.
6 The system can delay an arbitrary time before enabling memory access.
7Writing a 1b to the Memory Access Enable bit or to the I/O Access Enable bit in the PCI Command
register transitions the 82574 from D0u to D0 state and returns the PHY to full-power/speed
Power Management and Delivery—82574 GbE Controller
Figure 22. D3cold Transition Timing Diagram
Table 33. Notes to D3co ld Timing Di agram
PCIe Reference
PCIe PwrGd
PHY Power State
Reading EEPROM Auto
power-managed full
Reset to PHY
(active low)
PCIe Link
Wake Up Enabled
Any mode APM/SMBus
D3 write
D0a D3
L0 L1 L2/L3 L0
13 14
Internal PCIe clock
(2.5 GHz)
Internal PwrGd
(PLL) 9
tpgtrn tpgres
Note Description
1Writing 11b to the Power State field of the PMCSR transitions the 82574 to D3. PCIe link transitions
to L1 state.
2The system can delay an arbitr ary amount of time between setting D3 mode and tr ansition the link to
an L2 or L3 state.
3 Following link transition, PE_RST_N is asserted.
4The system must assert PE_RST_N before stopping the PCIe reference clock. It must also wait tl2clk
after link transition to L2/L3 before stopping the reference clock.
5 On assertion of PE_RST_N, the 82574 transitions to Dr state.
6 The system starts the PCIe reference clock tPWRGD-CLK before de-asserting PE_RST_N.
7 The Internal PCIe clock is valid and stable tppg-clkint from PE_RST_N de-assertion.
8 The PCIe Internal PWRGD signal is asserted tclkpr after the external PE_RST_N signal.
9Asserting Internal PCIe PWRGD causes the NVM to be re-read, asserts PHY reset, and disables wake
10 APM wake-up mode can be enabled based on what is read from the NVM.
11 After reading the NVM, PHY reset is de-asserted.
12 Link training starts after tpgtrn from PE_RST_N de-assertion.
13 A first PCIe configuration access might arrive after tpgcfg from PE_RST_N de-assertion.
14 A first PCI configuration response can be sent after tpgres from PE_RST_N de-assertion
15 Writing a 1b to the Memory Access Enable bit in the PCI Command register transitions the device
from the D0u to D0 state.
82574 GbE Controller—Power Management and Delivery
5.5 Wake Up
The 82574 supports two types of wake-up mechanisms:
Advanced Power Management (APM) wake up
PCIe power management wake up
The PCIe power management wake up uses the PE_WAKE_N pin to wake the system
up. The advanced power management wake up can be configured to use the
PE_WAKE_N pin as well.
5.5.1 Advanced Power Management Wake Up
Advanced power management wake up, or APM wake up, was previously known as
wake on LAN. It is a feature that has existed in the 10/100 Mb/s NICs for several
generations. The basic premise is to receive a broadcast or unicast packet with an
explicit data pattern, and then to assert a signal to wake up the system. In the earlier
generations, this was accomplished by using special signal that ran across a cable to a
defined connector on the motherboard. The NIC would assert the signal for
approximately 50 ms to signal a wak e up. The 82574 uses (if configured to) an in-band
PM_PME message for this.
At power up, the 82574 reads the APM Enable bits from the NVM Initialization Control
W ord 2 into the APM Enable (APME) bits of the WUC. These bits control enabling of APM
wake up.
When APM wake up is enabled, the 82574 checks all incoming packets for Magic
Packets. See Section for a definition of Magic Packets.
Once the 82574 receives a matching wake-up packet, it:
•If the Assert PME On APM Wakeup (APMPME) bit is set in the WUC:
Sets the PME_Status bit in the PMCSR and issues a PM_PME message (in some
cases, this might require asserting the PE_WAKE_N signal first to resume
power and clock to the PCIe interface).
Stores the first 128 bytes of the packet in the WUPM.
Sets the relevant <wake up packet type> received bit in the WUS.
The 82574 maintains the first wake-up packet received in the WUPM until the software
device driver writes a 1b to the Magic Packet Received MAG bit in the WUS.
Note: The WUPM latches on the first wake-up packet. Subsequent wake-up packets are not
saved until the progr ammer writes 1b to the relevant bit in the WUS. The best course of
action is to write a 1b to ALL of the WUC's bits, for example, set WUC = 0xFFFFFFFF.
Note: Full power-on reset also clears the WUC.
APM wake up is supported in all power states and only disabled if a subsequent NVM
read results in the APM Wake Up bit being cleared or software explicitly writes a 0b to
the APM Wake Up (APM) bit of the WUC register.
Power Management and Delivery—82574 GbE Controller
5.5.2 PCIe Power Mana gement Wake Up
The 82574 supports PCIe power management based wake ups. It can generate system
wake-up events from three sources:
Reception of a Magic Packet*.
Reception of a network wake-up packet.
Detection of a link change of state.
Activating PCIe power management wake up requires the following steps:
The software device driver programs the WUFC to indicate the packets it needs to
use to indicate wake up and supplies the necessary data to the Ipv4/v6 Address
Table (IP4A T, IP6AT) and the Flexible Filter Mask Table (FFMT), Flexible Filter
Length Table (FFLT), and the Flexible Filter Value Table (FFVT). It can also set the
Link Status Change Wake Up Enable (LNKC) bit in the WUFC to cause a wake up
when the link changes state.
The operating system (at configuration time) writes a 1b to the PME_EN bit of the
PMCSR (bit 8).
Normally, after enabling wake up, the operating system writes a 11b to the lower two
bits of the PMCSR to put the 82574 into a low-power mode.
Once wake up is enabled, the 82574 monitors incoming packets, first filtering them
according to its standard address filtering method, then filtering them with all of the
enabled wake-up filters. If a packet passes both the standard address filtering and at
least one of the enabled wake-up filters, the 82574:
Sets the PME_Status bit in the PMCSR.
•If the PME_En bit in the PMCSR is set, asserts PE_WAKE_N.
Stores the first 128 bytes of the packet in the WPM.
Sets one or more of the Received bits in the WUS. (the 82574 set more than one
bit if a packet matches more than one filter.)
If enabled, a link state change wake up causes similar results, setting PME_Status,
asserting PE_WAKE_N and setting the Link Status Changed (LNKC) bit in the WUS
when the link goes up or down.
PE_WAKE_N remains asserted until the operating system either writes a b1 to the
PME_Status bit of the PMCSR or writes a 0b to the PME_EN bit.
After receiving a wake-up packet, the 82574 ignores any subsequent wake-up packets
until the software device driver clears all of the Received bits in the WUS. It also
ignores link change events until the software device driver clears the Link Status
Changed (LNKC) bit in the WUS.
5.5.3 Wake-Up Packets
The 82574 supports various wake-up packets using two types of filters:
Pre-defined filters
Flexible filters
Each of these filters are enabled if the corresponding bit in the WUFC is set to 1b.
82574 GbE Controller—Power Management and Delivery
92 Pre-Defined Filters
The following packets are supported by the 82574's pre-defined filters:
Directed packet (including exact, multicast indexed, and broadcast)
•Magic Packet*
ARP/Ipv4 request packet
Directed IPv4 packet
Directed IPv6 packet
Each of these filters are enabled if the corresponding bit in the WUFC is set to 1b.
The explanation of each filter includes a table showing which bytes at which offsets are
compared to determine if the packet passes the filter. Both VLAN f rames an d LLC/SN AP
can increase the given offsets if they are present. Directed Exact Packet
The 82574 generates a wake-up event upon receipt of any packet whose destination
address matches one of the 16 valid programmed receive addresses if the Directed
Exact Wake Up Enable bit is set in the Wake Up Filter Control Register (WUFC.EX).
. Directed Multicast Packet
For multicast packets, the upper bits of the incoming packet's destination address index
a bit vector, the Multicast Table Array that indicates whether to accept the packet. If the
Directed Multicast Wake Up Enable bit set in the Wake Up Filter Control Register
(WUFC.MC) and the indexed bit in the vector is one then the 82574 generates a wake-
up event. The exact bits used in the comparison are progr ammed by softw are in the
Multicast Offset field of the Receive Control Register (RCTL.MO). Broadcast
If the Broadcast Wake Up Enable bit in the Wake Up Filter Control Register (WUFC.BC)
is set, the 82574 generates a wake-up event when it receives a broadcast packet.
Offset # of
bytes Field Value Action Comment
0 6 Destination Address Compare Match any pre-
programmed address
Offset # of
bytes Field Value Action Comment
0 6 Destination Address Compare See above paragraph.
Offset # of
bytes Field Value Action Comment
0 6 Destination Address 0xFF*6 Compare
Power Management and Delivery—82574 GbE Controller Magic Packet*
Once the 82574 has been put into the Magic Packet* mode, it scans all incoming
frames addressed to the node for a specific data sequence, which indicates to the
controller that this is a Magic P acket* frame. A Magic Pack et* frame must also meet the
basic requirements for the LAN technology chosen, such as SOURCE ADDRESS,
DESTINATION ADDRESS (which may be the receiving station's IEEE address or a
MULTICAST address which includes the BROADCAST address), and CRC. The specific
data sequence consists of 16 duplications of the IEEE address of this node, with no
breaks or interruptions. This sequence can be located anywhere within the packet, but
must be preceded by a synchronization stream. The synchronization stream enables
the scanning state machine to be much simpler. The synchronization stream is defined
as 6 bytes of 0xFF. The 82574 also accepts a broadcast frame, as long as the 16
duplications of the IEEE address match the address of the machine to be awakened.
The 82574 expects the destination address to either:
1. Be the broadcast address (0xFF.FF.FF.FF.FF.FF)
2. Match the value in R eceive Address R egister 0 (RAH0, RAL0). This is initially loaded
from the NVM but might be changed by the software device driver.
3. Match any other address filtering enabled by the software device driver.
The 82574 searches for the contents of Receive Address Register 0 (RAH0, RAL0) as
the embedded IEEE address. It considers any non-0xFF byte after a series of at least 6
0xFFs to be the start of the IEEE address for comparison purposes. (that is it catches
the case of 7 0xFFs followed by the IEEE address). As soon as one of the first 96 bytes
after a string of 0xFFs doesn't match, it continues to search for anther set of at least 6
0xFFs followed by the 16 copies of the IEEE address later in the packet.
Note: This definition precludes the first byte of the destination address from being 0xFF.
A Magic Packet's* destination address must match the address filtering enabled in the
configuration registers with the exception that broadcast packets are considered to
match even if the Broadcast Accept bit of the Receive Control Register (RCTL.BAM) is
0b. If APM Wakeup is enabled in the NVM, the 82574 starts up with the Receive
Address Register 0 (RAH0, RAL0) loaded from the NVM. This enables the 82574 to
accept packets with the matching IEEE address before the software device driver
comes up.
Offset # of
Bytes Field Value Action Comment
0 6 Destination Address Compare MAC Header –
processed by main
address filter
6 6 Source Address Skip
12 8 Possible LLC/SNAP Header Skip
12 4 Possible VLAN Tag Skip
12 4 Type Skip
Any 6 Synchronizing Stream 0xFF*6+ Compare
any+6 96 16 copies of Node Address A*16 Compare Com par ed to Receive
Address Register 0
(RAH0, RAL0)
82574 GbE Controller—Power Management and Delivery
Accepting broadcast Magic Packets* for wake up purposes when the Broadcast Accept
bit of the R eceive Control Register (RCTL.BAM) is 0b is a change from previous devices,
which initialized RCTL.BAM to 1b if APM was enabled in the NVM, but then required that
bit to be 1b to accept broadcast Magic Packets*, unless broadcast packets passed
another perfect or multicast filter. ARP/IPv4 Request Packet
The 82574 supports receiving ARP Request packets for wake up if the ARP bit is set in
the WUFC. Four IPv4 addresses are supported, which are programmed in the IPv4
Address Table (IP4AT). A successfully matched packet must contain a broadcast MAC
address, a protocol type of 0x0806, an ARP opcode of 0x01, and one of the four
programmed IPv4 addresses. The 82574 also handles ARP request packets that have
VLAN tagging on both Ethernet II and Ethernet SNAP types. Directed IPv4 Packet
The 82574 supports receiving directed IPv4 packets for wake up if the IPV4 bit is set in
the WUFC. Four IPv4 addresses are supported, which are programmed in the IPv4
Address Table (IP4AT). A successfully matched packet must contain the station's MAC
address, a protocol type of 0x0800, and one of the four programmed IPv4 addresses.
The 82574 also handles directed IPv4 packets that have VLAN tagging on both Ethernet
II and Ethernet SNAP types.
Offset # of
Bytes Field Value Action Comment
06 Destination Address Compare MAC Header –
processed by main
address filter
66 Source Address Skip
12 8 Possible LLC/SNAP Header Skip
12 4Possible VLAN Tag Skip
12 2 Type 0x0806 Compare ARP
14 2 Hardware Type 0x0001 Compare
16 2 Protocol Type 0x0800 Compare
18 1 Hardware Size 0x06 Compare
19 1 Protocol Address Length 0x04 Compare
20 2 Operation 0x0001 Compare
22 6 Sender Hardware Address - Ignore
28 4 Sender IP Address - Ignore
32 6 Target Hardware Address - Ignore
38 4 Tar get IP Address IP4AT Compare May match any of four
values in IP4AT
Power Management and Delivery—82574 GbE Controller Directed IPv6 Packet
The 82574 supports receiving directed IPv6 packets for wake up if the IPV6 bit is set in
the WUFC. One IPv6 address is supported and is programmed in the IPv6 Address Table
(IP6AT). A successfully matched packet must contain the station's MAC address, a
protocol type of 0x0800, and the programmed IPv6 address. The 82574 also handles
directed IPv6 packets that have VLAN tagging on both Ethernet II and Ethernet SNAP
Offset # of
Bytes Field Value Action Comment
06 Destination Address Compare MAC Header –
processed by main
address filter
66 Source Address Skip
12 8 Possible LLC/SNAP Header Skip
12 4Possible VLAN Tag Skip
12 2 Type 0x0800 Compare IP
14 1 Version/ HDR Length 0x4X Compare Check IPv4
15 1 Type of Service - Ignore
16 2 Packet Length - Ignore
18 2 Identification - Ignore
20 2 Fragment Information - Ignore
22 1Time to Live - Ignore
23 1 Protocol - Ignore
24 2 Header Checksum - Ignore
26 4 Source IP Address - Ignore
30 4 Destination IP Address IP4AT Compare May match any of four
values in IP4AT
Offset # of
Bytes Field Value Action Comment
06 Destination Address Compare MAC Header –
processed by main
address filter
66 Source Address Skip
12 8 Possible LLC/SNAP Header Skip
12 4Possible VLAN Tag Skip
12 2 Type 0x0800 Compare IP
14 1 Version/ Priority 0x6X Compare Check IPv6
15 3Flow Label - Ignore
82574 GbE Controller—Power Management and Delivery
96 Flexible Filter
The 82574 supports four flexible filters for host wake up and two flexible filters for TCO
wake up . For more details refer to Section Each filter can be configured to
recognize any arbitrary pattern within the first 128 bytes of the packet. To configure
the flexible filter, software programs:
The mask values into the Flexible Filter Mask Table (FFMT)
The required values into the Flexible Filter Value Table (FFVT)
The minimum packet length into the Flexible Filter Length Table (FFLT).
These contain separate values for each filter. Software must also:
Enable the filter in the WUFC.
Enable the overall wake-up functionality by setting PME_En in the PMCSR or WUC.
Once enabled, the flexible filters scan incoming packets for a match. If the filter
encounters any byte in the packet where the mask bit is one and the byte doesn't
match the byte programmed in FFVT, then the filter failed that packet. If the filter
reaches the required length without failing the packet, it passes the packet and
generates a wak e-u p event. It ignores any mask bits set to one beyond the required
The following packets are listed for reference purposes only. The flexible filter could be
used to filter these packets. IPX Diagnostic Responder Request Packet
An IPX Diagnostic Responder Request Packet must contain a valid MAC address, a
Protocol Type of 0x8137, and an IPX Diagnostic Socket of 0x0456. It may include LLC/
SNAP Headers and VLAN Tags. Since filtering this packet relies on the flexible filters,
which use offsets specified by the oper ating system directly , the oper ating system must
account for the extra offset LLC/SNAP Headers and VLAN tags.
18 2 Payload Length - Ignore
20 1 Next Header - Ignore
21 1 Hop Limit - Ignore
22 16 Source IP Address - Ignore
38 16 Destination IP Address IP6AT Compare Match value in IP6AT
Offset # of
Bytes Field Value Action Comment
Offset # of
bytes Field Value Action Comment
06 Destination Address Compare
66 Source Address Skip
12 8 Possible LLC/SNAP Header Skip
12 4 Possible VLAN Tag Skip
Power Management and Delivery—82574 GbE Controller Directed IPX Packet
A valid directed IPX packet contains:
The station's MAC address.
A protocol type of 0x8137.
an IPX node address that equals the station's MAC address.
It might also include LLC/SNAP Headers and VLAN Tags. Since filtering this packet
relies on the flexible filters, which use offsets specified by the operating system
directly, the operating system must account for the extr a offset LL C/SNAP headers and
VLAN tags. IPv6 Neighbor Discovery Filter
In IPpv6, a neighbor discovery packet is used for address resolution. A flexible filter can
be used to check for a neighborhood discovery packet. Wake-Up Packet Storage
The 82574 saves the first 128 bytes of the wake-up packet in its internal buffer, which
can be read t hrough the WU PM after the system wakes up.
12 2 Type 0x8137 Compare IPX
14 16 Typical IPX Information - Ignore
30 2 IPX Diagnostic Socket 0x0456 Compare
Offset # of
bytes Field Value Action Comment
Offset # of
bytes Field Value Action Comment
06 Destination Address Compare MAC Header –
processed by main
address filter
66 Source Addr ess Skip
12 8 Possible LLC/SNAP Header Skip
12 4 Possible VLAN Tag Skip
12 2 Type 0x8137 Compare IPX
14 10 Typical IPX Information - Ignore
24 6IPX Node Address Receive
Address 0 Compare Must match Receive
Address 0
82574 GbE Controller—Non-Volatile Memory (NVM) Map
6.0 Non-Volatile Memory (NVM) Map
The NVM contains two regions located at fixed addresses and various regions located at
programmable addresses throughout the physical NVM space.
The NVM base area resides at word addresses 0x00-0x3F. All defined fields are fixed,
while reserved words might be used by some programmable areas. The base area is
present in the NVM in all system configurations.
The programmable areas are as follows:
Additional configuration for the PHY is located in the extended configuration area.
The extended configuration pointer indicates the location of the extended
configuration area. A value of 0x0000 means that the extended configuration area
is disabled. This should be the case for the 82574.
Manageability configuration is located in a separate area. The manageability
pointer indicates the location of that area. A value of 0x0000 means that the
manageability configuration area is disabled.
Note: The NVM image must fit the specific NVM part being used. Special attention should be
paid to NVM words and fields that vary, like the examples of NVMTYPE or NVSIZE. For
the latest 82574 NVM images, contact your Intel representative.
Intel has an MS-DOS* software utility called EEUPDATE that can be used to program
EEPROM images in development or production-line environments. To obtain a copy of
this program, contact your Intel representative.
6.2 Basic Configuration Table
Table 34 lists the NVM map for the 0x00-0x3F address range:
Table 34. NVM Map of Address Range 0x00-0x3F
Word Used By 15 8 7 0
Ethernet Address Byte 2
Ethernet Address Byte 4
Ethernet Address Byte 6
Ethernet Address Byte 1
Ethernet Address Byte 3
Ethernet Address Byte 5
SW Compatibility High Compatibility Low
0x09 SW PBA, Byte 1
PBA, Byte 3 PBA, Byte 2
PBA, Byte 4
0x0A HW Init Control 1
Non-Volatile Memory (NVM) Map—82574 GbE Controller
0x0B HW Subsystem ID
0x0C HW Subsystem Vendor ID
0x0D HW Device ID
0x0E HW Reserved
0x0F HW Init Control 2
0x10 HW NVM Word 0
0x11 HW NVM Word 1
0x12 HW NVM Word 2
0x13 HW Reserved
0x14 HW Reserved
0x15 HW Reserved
0x16 HW Reserved
0x17 HW PCIe Electrical Idle Delay
0x18 HW PCIe Init Configuration 1
0x19 HW PCIe Init Configuration 2
0x1A HW PCIe Init Configuration 3
0x1B HW PCIe Control
0x1C HW PHY Configuration LEDCTL 1
0x1D HW Reserved
0x1E HW Device REV ID
0x1F HW LEDCTL 0 2
0x20 HW Flash Parameters
0x21 HW Flash LAN Address
0x22 HW LAN Power Consumption
0x23 SW SW Flash Vendor Detection
0x24 HW Init Control 3
0x25 HW APT SMBus Address
0x26 HW APT Rx Enable Parameters
0x27 HW APT SMBus Control
0x28 HW APT Init Flags
0x29 HW APT Management Configuration
0x2A HW APT Code Pointer
0x2B HW Least Significant Word of Firmware ID
0x2C HW Most Significant Word of Firmware ID
0x2D HW NC-SI Management Configuration
0x2E HW NC-SI Configuration
0x2F HW VPD Po inter
0x30-0x3E SW SW Section
0x3F SW Software Checksum, Words 0x00 Through 0x3F
Word Used By 15 8 7 0
82574 GbE Controller—Non-Volatile Memory (NVM) Map
6.2.1 Hardware Accessed Words
This section describes the NVM words that are loaded by the 82574 hardware. Ethernet Ad dress (Words 0x00-0x02)
The Ethernet Individual Address (IA) is a 6-byte field that must be unique for each
Network Interface Card (NIC), and thus unique for each copy of the NVM image. The
first three bytes are vendor specific - for example, the IA is equal to [00 AA 00] or [00
A0 C9] for Intel products. The value from this field is loaded into the Receive Address
Re g i s t er 0 ( R AL 0/ R A H0 ) .
For the purpose of this specification, the IA byte numbering convention is indicated
below: Compatibility Bytes (Word 0x03)
IA Byte / Value
Vendor 1 2 3 4 5 6
Intel Original 00 AA 00 variable variable variable
Intel New 00 A0 C9 variable variable variable
Bit Name Default Description
15:13 Reserved 000b Reserved. Must be set to 0.
12 ASF SMB us
Connected 0b ASF SMBus Connected
0b = Not connected.
1b = Connected.
11 LOM 0b LOM or NIC
0b = NIC.
1b = LOM.
10 Server NIC 1b Server NIC
0b = Client.
1b = Server.
9Client NIC1b Client NIC
0b = Server.
1b = Client.
8 Retail Card 0b Retail Card
0b = Retail.
1b = OEM.
7:6 Reserved 00b Reserved. Must be set to 00b.
5 Reserved 1b Reserved. Must be set to 1b.
Connected 1b SMBus Connected
0b = Not connected.
1b = Connected.
Non-Volatile Memory (NVM) Map—82574 GbE Controller OEM LED Configuration (Word 0x04) Initialization Control Word 1 (word 0x0A)
Bit Name Default Description
3 Reserved 0b Reserved. Must be set to 0b.
2PCI Bridge1b PCI Bridge NOT Present
0b = PCI bridge NOT present.
1b = PCI bridge present.
1:0 Reserved 00b Reserved. Must be set to 00b.
Bit Name Default Description
15:12 Reserved 0xF Reserved.
11:8 LED 2 Control 0x7 Control for LED 2 - LINK_1000.
7:4 LED 1Control 0x4 Control for LED 1 - LINK/ACTIVITY.
3:0 LED 0 Control 0x6 Control for LED 0 - LINK_100.
Bit Name Default Description
15 Reserved 0b Reserved.
14 Reserved 0b Reserved
13:12 Reserved 00b Reserved.
11 FRCSPD 1b Default setting for the Force Speed bit in the Device Control register
(CTRL[11]). The hardware default value is 1b.
10 FD 1b Default setting for duplex setting. Mapped to CTRL[0]. The hardware
default value is 1b.
9 Reserved 1b Reserved.
8 Reserved 0b Reserved.
7 Reserved 0b Must be set to 0b (PCIe CB).
6 Reserved 1b Reserved
5 Reserved 1b Reserved.
4ILOS 0b Default setting for the Loss-of-signal polarity setting for CTRL[7]. The
hardware default value is 0b.
3 Reserved 1b Reserved
2 Reserved 0b Reserved
IDs 1b This bit, when equal to 1b, indicates that the device is to load its PCIe
subsystem ID and subsystem vendor ID from the NVM (words 0x0B and
0Load Device
ID 1b This bit, when equal to 1b, indicates that the device is to load its PCIe
device ID from the NVM (word 0x0D).
82574 GbE Controller—Non-Volatile Memory (NVM) Map
102 Subsystem ID (Word 0x0B)
If the load subsystem IDs in word 0x0A is set, this word is loaded to initialize the
subsystem ID. The default value is 0x0. Subsystem Vendor ID (Word 0x0C)
If the load subsystem IDs in word 0x0A is set, this word is loaded to initialize the
subsystem vendor ID. The default value is 0x8086. Device ID (Wor d 0x0D)
If the load vendor/device IDs in word 0x0A is set, this word is loaded to initialize the
device ID of the function. The default value is 0x10D3 for the 82574. Initialization Control Word 2 (Word 0x0F)
Bit Name Default Description
Enable 0b Initial value of the Assert PME On APM Wakeup bit in the Wake Up
Control register (WUC.APMPME).
14:13 MNGM 00b
Manageability Operation Mode
Using this field selects one of the manageability operation modes.
00b = Manageability disa ble (clock gated).
01b = NC-SI.
10b = Advanced pass through.
11b = Reserved.
12 NVMTYPE 0b 0b = EEPROM.
1b = Flash.
11:8 NVSIZE 0000b
NVM size [bytes]
Equals 128 * 2 ** NVSIZE. (When NVM=Flash the NVSIZE should be
>= 9 ‡. Therefore, the minimal supported Flash size is 64 KB).
Note: A value of 1111b is reserved.
Following are all poss ible NVSIZE v alues and their corresponding NVM
sizes (in both bytes and bits):
0000b = 128 B / 1 Kb
0001b = 256 B / 2 Kb
0010b = 0.5 KB / 4 Kb
0011b = 1 KB / 8 Kb
0100b = 2 KB / 16 Kb
0101b = 4 KB / 32 Kb
0110b = 8 KB / 64 Kb
0111b = 16 KB / 128 Kb
1000b = 32 KB / 256 Kb
1001b = 64 KB / 0.5 Mb
1010b = 128 KB / 1 Mb
1011b = 265 KB / 2 Mb
1100b = 0.5 MB / 4 Mb
1101b = 1 MB / 8 Mb
1110b = 2 MB / 16 Mb
1111b = Reserved
7 Reserved 0b Reserved
Non-Volatile Memory (NVM) Map—82574 GbE Controller NVM Protected Word 0 - NVP0 (Word 0x10) NVM Protected Word 1 - NVP1 (Word 0x11) NVM Protected Word 2 - NVP2 (Word 0x12)
Bit Name Default Description
6 Reserved 1b Reserved
5 Reserved 0b Reserved
4 Reserved 1b Reserved
3 Reserved 1b Reserved
1 Reserved 0b Reserved
0 Reserved 0b Reserved
Bit Name Default Description
15:8 Reserved 0x0 Reserved
7:0 Reserved 0x0 Reserved
Bit Name Default Description
15:8 FSECER 0xFF Defines the instruction code for the block eras e used by t he 82574. The
erase block size is defined by the SECSIZE field in address 0x12.
7:1 Reserved 0x00 Reserved
SAVE_EN 1b When set to 1b, enables reducing power consumption by clock gating
the 82574 RAMs.
Bit Name Default Description
15:8 SIGN 0x7E
The 8-bit Signature field indicates to the device that there is a valid
NVM present. If the Signature field does not equal 0x7E then the
default values are used for the device configuration.
7 Reserved 0b Reserved
6 Reserved 0b Reserved
5 Reserved 0b Reserved
4 Reserved 0b Reserved
3:2 SECSIZE 01b
The SECSIZE defines the Flash sector erase size as follows:
00b = 256 bytes.
01b = 4 KB.
10b = Reserved.
11b = Reserved.
1:0 Reserved 0b Reserved
82574 GbE Controller—Non-Volatile Memory (NVM) Map
104 Extended Configuration wo rd 1 (Word 0x14) Extended Configuration Word 2 (Word 0x15) Extended Configuration Word 3 (Word 0x16) PCIe Electrical Idle Delay (Word 0x17)
Bit Name Default Description
15:13 Reserved 0x0 Reserved
12 Reserved 0b Reserved
11:0 Reserved 0x0 Reserved
Bit Name Default Description
15:8 Reserved 0x0 Reserved
7 Reserved 1b Reserved
6 Reserved 0b Reserved
5 Reserved 1b Reserved
4 Reserved 0b Reserved
3 Reserved 1b Reserved
2 Reserved 0b Reserved
1 Reserved 0b Reserved
0 Reserved 0b Reserved
Bit Name Default Description
15:8 Reserved 0x0 Reserved
7:0 Reserved 0x0 Reserved
Bit Name Default Description
15:14 Reserved 0x0 Reserved
13 Reserved 0b Reserved
12:8 Reserved 0x7 Reserved
7:3 Reserved 0x0 Reserved
2 Reserved 1b Reserved
1 Reserved 0b Reserved
0 Reserved 0b Reserved
Non-Volatile Memory (NVM) Map—82574 GbE Controller PCIe Init Configuration 1 Word (Word 0x18) PCIe Init Configuration 2 Word (Word 0x19)
Bit Name Default Description
15 Reserved 0b Reserved
14:12 L1_Act_Ext_Latency 110b
64s) L1 active exit latency for the configuration space.
11:9 L1_Act_Acc_Latency 110b
64s) L1 active acceptable latency for the configuration space.
8:6 L0s_Acc_Latency 011b
(512ns) L0s acceptable latency for the configuration space.
5:3 L0s_Se_Ext_Latency 001b L0s exit latency for active state power management (separated
reference clock) – (latency between 64 ns – 128 ns).
2:0 L0s_Co_Ext_Latency 001b L0s exit latency for active state power management (common
reference clock) – (latency between 64 ns – 128 ns).
Bit Name Default Description
15 DLLP timer
enable 0b When set, enables the DLLP timer counter.
14 Reserved 0b Reserved
13 Reserved 1b Reserved
12 SER_EN 0b When set to 1b, the serial number capability is enabled.
11:8 ExtraNFTS 0x1 Extra NFTS (number of fast training signal), which is added to the
original requested number of NFTS (as requested by the upstream
7:0 NFTS 0x50 Number of special sequence for L0s transition to L0.
82574 GbE Controller—Non-Volatile Memory (NVM) Map
106 PCIe Init Configuration 3 Word (Word 0x1A)
Bit Name Default Description
15 Master_Enable 0b When set to 1b, this bit enables the PHY to be a master (upstream
component/cross link functionality).
14 Scram_dis 0b Sc rambling Disable
When set to 1b, this bit disables the PCIe LFSR scrambling.
13 Ack_Nak_Sch 0b
ACK/NAK Scheme
0b = Scheduled for transmission following any TLP.
1b = Scheduled for transmission according to time outs specified in
the PCIe specification.
12 Cache_Lsize 0b
Cache Line Size
0b = 64 bytes.
1b = 128 bytes.
Note: The value loaded must be equa l to th e actual cache line size
used by the platform, as configured by system software.
11:10 PCIE_Cap 01b PCIe Capability Version
9IO_Sup 1bI/O Support (Effect I/O BAR Request)
0b = I/O is not supported.
1b = I/O is supported.
8Packet_Size 1bDefault Packet Size
0b = 128 bytes.
1b = 256 bytes.
7 Reserved 0b Reserved
6 Reserved 0b Reserved
5 Reserved 0b Reserved
4 Reserved 0b Reserved
3:2 Act_Stat_PM_Sup 11b Determines support for Active State Link Power Management
(ASLPM). Loaded into the PCIe Active State Link PM Suppor t register.
1 Slot_Clock_Cfg 1b When set, the 82574 uses the PCIe reference clock supplied on the
connector (for add-in solutions).
0Loop back polarity
inversion 0b
Check Polarity Inversion in Loop-Back Master Entry
During normal operation polarity is adjusted during link up. When
this bit is set, the receiver re-checks the polarity of Rx -data and then
inverts it accordingly, when entering a near-end loopback. When
cleared, polarity is not re-checked after link up.
Non-Volatile Memory (NVM) Map—82574 GbE Controller PCIe Control (Word 0x1B)
Bit Name Default Description
1:0 Latency_To_E
nter_L1 11b
Period in L0s state before transitioning into an L1 state bits [1:0].
00b = 64 s.
01b = 256 s.
10b = 1 ms.
11b = 4 ms.
Electrical Idle Mask
If set to 1b, disables the check for illegal electrical idle sequence (such as,
eidle ordered set without common mode and vise versa), and accepts any
of them as the correct eidle sequence.
Note: The specification can be interpreted so that id le ordered set is
sufficient for transition to power management states. The use of this bit
allows an acceptance of such interpretation and avoids the possibility of
correct behavior to be understood as illegal sequences.
3 Reserved 0b Reserved
4 Skip Disable 0b Disable skip symbol insertion in the elastic buffer.
5 L2 Disable 0b Disable the link from entering L2 state.
6 Reserved 0b Reserved
9:7 MSI_X_NUM 2b
This field specifies the number of entries in the MSI-X tables. MSI_X_NUM
is equal to the number of entries minus one. For example, a value of 0x3
means four vectors are available. The 82574 supports a maximum of five
10 Leaky Bucket
Disable 1b Disable leaky bucket mechanism in the PCIe PHY. Disabling this
mechanism holds the link from going to recovery retrain in case of
disparity errors.
11 Good
Recovery 0b When this bit is set, the LTSSM recovery states always progress towards
link up (force a good recovery when a recovery occurs).
12 PCIE_LTSSM 0b When cleared, LTSSM complies with the SlimPIPE specification (power
mode transition). When set, LTSSM behaves as in previous generations.
13 PCIE Down
Reset Disable 0b Disable a core reset when the PCIe link goes down.
14 Latency_To_E
nter_L1 1b MSB [2] of period in L0s state before transitioning into an L1 state (lower
bits are in bits [1:0].
Recommended setting: {14, 1:0} = 011b – 32 s.
Valid 0b Force receiver presence detection. When set, the 82574 overrides the
receiver (partner) detection status.
82574 GbE Controller—Non-Volatile Memory (NVM) Map
108 LED 1 Configuration Defaults/PHY Configuration (Word 0x1C) Device Rev ID (Word 0x1E)
Bit Name Default Description
3:0 LED1 Mode 0x0 Initial value of the LED1_MODE field specifying what event/state/pattern
is displayed on the LED1 (ACTIVITY) output. A value of 0011b (0x3)
indicates the ACTIVITY state.
4 Reserved 0b Reserved, set to 0b.
5LED1 Blink
Mode 0b LED1 Blink Mode
0b = Blinks at 200 ms on and 200 ms off.
1b = Blinks at 83 ms on and 83 ms off.
6 LED1 Invert 0b Initial Value of LED1_IVRT Field
0b = Active-low output
7 L ED1 Blink 1b Initial Value of LED1_BLINK Field
0b = Non-blinking
8 Reserved 1b Reserved
9D0LPLU0bD0 Low Power Link Up
Enables decrease in link speed in D0a state when the power policy and
power management state dictate s o.
10 LPLU 1b Low Power Link Up
Enables decrease in link speed in non-D0a states when the power policy
and power management state dictate so.
11 Disable 1000
in non-D0a 1b Disables 1000 Mb/s operation in non-D0a states.
12 Class AB 0b
When set, the PHY op erates i n class A mode inst ead of class B mode. This
mode only applies for 1000BASE-T operation. 10BASE-T and 100BASE-T
operation continue to run in Class B mode by default, regardless of this
signal value.
13 Reserved 1b Reserved
14 Giga Disable 0b When set, 1000 Mb/s operation is disabled in all power modes.
15 Reserved 0b Reserved
Bit Name Default Description
15 Reserved 0b Reserved
14 Reserved 1b Reserved
13 Reserved 0b Reserved
12 Reserved 0b Reserved
11 Reserved 0b Reserved
10 Reserved 0b Reserved
9 Reserved 1b Reserved
8 Reserved 1b Reserved
7:0 Reserved 0x0 Reserved
Non-Volatile Memory (NVM) Map—82574 GbE Controller LED 0-2 Configuration Defaults (Word 0x1F) Flash Parameters - FLPAR (Word 0x20)
Bit Name Default Description
3:0 LED0 Mode 0x0 Initial value of the LED0_MODE field specifying what event/state/pattern
is displayed on the LED0 (LINK_UP) output. A value of 0010b (0x2)
causes this to indicate LINK_UP state.
4 Reserved 0b Reserved, set to 0b.
5LED0 Blink
Mode 0b1
1. These bits are read from the NVM.
LED0 Blink Mode
0b = Blinks at 200 ms on and 200 ms off.
1b = Blinks at 83 ms on and 83 ms off.
6LED0 Invert0bInitial Value of LED0_IVRT Field
0b = Active-low output.
7 LED0 Blink 0b Initial Value of LED0_BLINK Field
0b = Non-blinking.
11:8 LED2 Mode 0x0 Initial value of the LED2_MODE field specifying what event/state/pattern
is displayed on LED2 (LINK_100) output.
A value of 0110b (0x6) causes this to indicate 100 Mb/s operation.
12 Reserved 0b Reserved, set to 0b.
13 LED2 Blink
Mode 0b1LED2 Blink Mode
0b = Blinks at 200 ms on and 200 ms off.
1b = Blinks at 83 ms on and 83 ms off.
14 LED2 Invert 0b Initial Value of LED2_IVRT Field
0b = Active-low output.
15 LED2 Blink 0b Initial Value of LED2_BLINK Field
0b = Non-blinking.
Bit Name Default Description
15:8 FDEVER 0xFF Defines the instruction code for the Flash device erase. A value of 0x00
means that the device does not support the device erase.
7:6 Reserved 0x0 Reserved
5 FLSSTn 0b
SST Flas h Not
When set to 0b, in dicates an S ST FLA SH ty pe: write access t o the Flash is
limited to 1 byte at a time and it is required to clear write protection at
power up. When set to 1b, burst write access to t he Flash is enabled up to
256 bytes and it is not required to clear write protection at power up.
Very Long Cycle Indication
When set to 1b, the LONGC indicates to the 82574 that a Flash write
instruction is considered a very long instruction. When set to '0b, the
LONGC indicates that a write cycle to the Flash is not considered a very
long cycle.
3:0 Reserved 0x0 Reserved
82574 GbE Controller—Non-Volatile Memory (NVM) Map
110 Flash LAN Address - FLANADD (Word 0x21) LAN Power Consumption (Word 0x22) Flash Software Detection Word (Word 0x23)
The setting of this word to 0xFFFF enables detection of the flash vendor by software
Bit Name Default Description
15 DISLFB 0b 1b = Disables the LAN Flash BAR.
14:12 LANSIZE 0x0 LAN boot expansion window size = 2 KB * 2 ** LANSIZE.
11:8 LBADD 0x0
LAN Flash Address
Defines the location of the LAN boot expansion ROM in the physical Flash
device as defined in the following equation:
Word Address = 4 KB * (LBADD + PEND).
7 DISLEXP 0b 1b = Disables the LAN expansion boot ROM BAR.
6:1 Reserved 0x0 Reserved, must be set to 0b.
0 Reserved 0b Reserved, must be set to 0b.
Bit Name Default Description
15:8 LAN D0
Power 0xF
The value in this field is reflected in the PCI Power Management Data
register of the function for D0 power consumption and dissipation
(Data_Select = 0 or 4). Power is defined in 100 mW units. The power also
includes the extern al logic required for the LAN function.
7:5 Reserved 0x0 Reserved
4:0 LAN D3
Power 0x4
The value in this field is reflected in the PCI Power Management Data
Register of the function for D3 power consumption and dissipation
(Data_Select = 3 or 7). Power is defined in 100 mW units. The power also
includes the extern al logic required for the func tion . T he most significant
bits in the Data register that reflects the power values are padded with
Bit Name Default Description
15 Checksum
Validity 0x0 Checksum Validity Indication
0b = Checksum should be corrected by software tools.
1b = Checksum may be considered valid.
14 Deep Sma rt
Power Down 0x1 Enable/disable bit for Deep Smart Power Down functionality.
0b = Enable Deep Smart Power Down (DSPD).
1b = Disable DSPD (default).
13:8 Reserved 0xFF Reserved
7:0 Flash Vendor
Detect 0xFF This word must be set to 0xFF.
Non-Volatile Memory (NVM) Map—82574 GbE Controller Initialization Control 3 (Word 0x24)
6.2.2 Software Accessed Words Compatibility Fields (Words 0x03 - 0x07)
Five words in the NVM image are reserved for compatibility information. New bits
within these fields can be defined as the need arises for determining software
compatibility between various hardware revisions. PBA Number (Word 0x08 and 0x09)
The nine-digit Printed Board Assembly (PBA) number used for Intel manufactured
Network Interface Cards (NICs) are stored in a 4-byte field. The dash itself is not
stored, neither is the first digit of the 3-digit suffix, as it is always zero for the affected
products. Note that through the course of hardware ECOs, the suffix field (byte 4) is
incremented. The purpose of this information is to enable customer support (or any
user) to identify the exact revision level of a product. Network driver software should
not rely on this field to identify the product or its capabilities. PXE Words (Words 0x30h:0x3E)
Words 0x30 through 0x3E are reserved for softw are and are used by IBA/PXE software.
Bit Name Default Description
15 Reserved 0b Reserved
14 Reserved 1b Reserved
13 Reserved 1b Reserved
12 Reserved 0b Reserved
11 Reserved 1b Reserved
10 APM Enable 0b Initial value of Advanced Powe r Management Wake Up En able in the W ake
Up Control (WUC.APME) register. Mapped to CTRL[6] and to WUC[0].
9 Reserved 0b Reserved
8 Reserved 0b Reserved
7:1 Reserved 0x0 Reserved
0 No_Phy_Rst 1b
No PHY Reset
When set to 1b, this bit prevents the PHY reset signal and the power
changes reflected to the PHY according to the MANC.Keep_PHY_Link_Up
Product PWA Number Byte 1 Byte 2 Byte 3 Byte 4
Example 123456-003 12 34 56 03
82574 GbE Controller—Non-Volatile Memory (NVM) Map
112 iSCSI Boot Configuration Start Address (Word 0x3D) Checksum Word Calculation (Word 0x3F)
The checksum word (0x3F) is used to ensure that the base NVM image is a valid image.
The value of this word should be calculated such that after adding all the words (0x00-
0x3F), including the checksum word itself, the sum should be 0xBABA. The initial value
in the 16-bit summing register should be 0x0000 and the carry bit should be ignored
after each addition.
Note: Hardware does not calculate the word 0x3F checksum during an NVM write or read. It
must be calculated by software independently and included in the NVM write data. This
field is provided strictly for software verification of NVM validity. All hardware
configuration based on word 0x00-0x3F content is based on the validity of the
Signature field of the NVM.
6.3 Manageability Configuration Words
6.3.1 SMBus APT Configuration Words AP T SMBus Add r ess (Word 0x25) APT Rx Enable Parameters (Word 0x26 )
Bit Name Default Description
15:0 Address 0x0 NVM word address of the iSCSI boot configuration structure starting point.
Bit Name Default Description
15:9 SMBus
Address 0x0 Defines the default SMBus address.
8 Reserved 0b Reserved
7:1 MC SMBus
Address 0x0 Management Controller (MC) SMBus target address.
0 Reserved 0b Reserved
Bit Name Default Description
15:0 Alert Value 0x0 Rx enable byte 14 (Alert Value).
7:0 Interface
Data 0x0 Rx enable byte 13 (Interface Data).
Non-Volatile Memory (NVM) Map—82574 GbE Controller APT SMBus Control (Word 0x27) APT Init Flags (Word 0x28) APT Management Configuration (Word 0x29)
Bit Name Default Description
15:8 SMBus
Size 0x20
Defines the largest SMBus fragment that can be generated by the 82574.
The 82574 does not generate an SMBus fragment containing more than
(SMBus_Fragment_Size + 1) bytes. The value of this field must be Dword
aligned. Bits 9:8 must be set to 00b.
7:0 Notification
Timeout 0x0 SMBus Notification Timeout.
Each unit adds 1.1 to 1.3 ms. Resolution depends on internal clock, which
might vary its frequency in different power saving modes.
Bit Name Description
15:6 Reserved Reserved, set to 0x0.
5 Reserved Reserved
4Force TCO Enable1b = Enable internal reset on force TCO command.
0b = Force TCO command has no impact on the 82574.
3SMB ARP Disabled
1b = The 82574 does not support SMBus ARP functionality.
0b = The 82574 supports SMBus ARP functionality.
2SMB Blo ck Read
This bit defines the Block Read SMBus command that should be used:
0b = SMBus Block Read command is 0xC0.
1b = SMBus Block Read command is 0xD0.
1:0 Notification Method
00b = SMBus alert.
01b = Asynchronous notify.
10b = Direct receive.
11b = Reserved.
Bit Name Description
15:14 Reserved Reserved, set to 0b.
13:4 Code Size Size of the manageability code in Dwords.
3:2 Reserved Reserved, set to 0b.
1:0 RAM Partitioning
00b = Tx 2 Kb, Rx 6 Kb, Rest 4 Kb.
01b = Tx 2 Kb, Rx 7 Kb, Rest 3 Kb.
10b = Tx 2 Kb, Rx 8 Kb, Rest 2 Kb.
11b = Tx 2 Kb, Rx 9 Kb, Rest 1 Kb.
82574 GbE Controller—Non-Volatile Memory (NVM) Map
114 APT Code Pointer (Word 0x2A)
Note: APT code size and pointer should be configured such that the code does not cross the
4 KB boundary.
6.3.2 NC-SI Configuration Words Least Significant (LS) Word of the Firmware ID (Wor d 0x2B) Most Significant (MS) Word of the Firmware ID (Word 0x2C) NC-SI Manag ement Configuration (Word 0x2D)
Bit Name Description
15:12 Reserved Reserved, set to 0b.
11:0 Pointer Word pointer to the s tart of th e management firmware Code in the NVM.
For example, a valu e of 0x100 indicates the firmware Code starts at NVM
word address 0x100.1
1. Code in the NVM is organized such that the lower word of a Dword code, is stored first.
Bit Name Description
15:0 Firmware ID Firmware revision LS word.
Bit Name Description
15:0 Firmware ID Firmware revision MS word.
Bit Name Description
15:14 Reserved Reserved, set to 0b.
13:4 Code Size Size of the MNG code in Dwords.
3:2 Reserved Reserved, set to 0b.
1:0 RAM Partitioning
00b = Tx 4 Kb, Rx 4 Kb, Rest 4 Kb.
01b = Tx 4 Kb, Rx 5 Kb, Rest 3 Kb.
10b = Tx 4 Kb, Rx 6 Kb, Rest 2 Kb.
11b = Tx 4 Kb, Rx 7 Kb, Rest 1 Kb.
Non-Volatile Memory (NVM) Map—82574 GbE Controller NC-SI Configuration (Word 0x2E)
Note: NC- SI code size and pointer should be configured such that the code does not cross the
4 KB boundary.
Bit Name Description
15 Reserved Reserved, set to 0b.
14:12 Package ID NCSI package ID.
11:0 Code Pointer Word pointer to the start o f the management firmware Code in the NVM.
For example, a value of 0x100 indi cates the firmware Code starts at NVM
word address 0x100.1
1. Code in the NVM is organized such that the lower word of a Dword code is stored first.
82574 GbE Controller—Inline Functions
7.0 Inline Functions
7.1 Packet Reception
Packet reception consists of recognizing the presence of a packet on the wire,
performing address filtering, storing the packet in the receive data FIFO, transferring
the data to one of the two receive queues in host memory, and updating the state of a
receive descriptor.
Note: The maximum supported received packet size is 16383 bytes.
7.1.1 Packet Address Filtering
Hardware stores incoming packets in host memory subject to the following filter
modes. If there is insufficient space in the receive FIFO, hardware drops them and
indicates the missed packet in the appropriate statistics registers.
The following filter modes are supported:
Exact unicast/multicast
The destination address must exactly match one of 16 stored addresses. These
addresses can be unicast or multicast.
Note: The software device driver can only use 15 entries (entries 0-14). Entry 15 should be
kept untouched by the software device driver. It can be used only by manageability's
firmware or an external Manageability Controller (MC).
Promiscuous unicast
Receive all unicasts
The upper bits of the incoming packet's destination address index is a bit vector that
indicates whether to accept the packet; if the bit in the vector is one, accept the
packet, otherwise, reject it. The 82574 provides a 4096-bit vector. Software provides
four choices of which bits are used for indexing. These are [47:36], [46:35], [45:34],
or [43:32] of the internally stored representation of the destination address (see
Figure 61)
Promiscuous multicast
Receive all multicast packets
Receive all VLAN packets that are for this station and have the appropriate bit set in the
VLAN filter table. A detailed discussion and explanation of VLAN packet filtering is
contained in section 7.5.3.
Normally, only good packets are received.
Inline Functions—82574 GbE Controller
Good packets are defined as those packets with no:
CRC error
Symbol error
Sequence error
Length error
Alignment error
Where carrier extension or RX_ERR errors are detected.
However, if the Store-Bad-Packet bit is set in the Device Control register (RCTL.SBP),
then bad packets that pass the filter function are stored in host memory. Packet errors
are indicated by error bits in the receive descriptor (RDESC.ERRORS). It is possible to
receive all packets, regardless of whether they are bad, by setting the promiscuous
enables and the Store-Bad-Packet bit.
Note: CRC errors before the SFD are ignored. Every packet must have a valid SFD (RX_DV
with no RX_ER in the GMII/MII interface) in order to be recognized by the device (even
bad packets).
7.1.2 Receive Data Storage
Memory buffers pointed to by descriptors store packet data. Hardware supports the
following receive buffer sizes:
256B 512B 1024B 2048B 4096B 8192B 16384B
FLXBUF x 1024B while FLXBUF=1,2,3 ,…15
Buffer size is selected by bit settings in the Receive Control register (RCTL.BSIZE,
The 82574 (in legacy mode) places no alignment restrictions on receive memory buffer
addresses. This is desirable in situations where the receive buffer was allocated by
higher layers in the networking software stack, as these higher layers might have no
knowledge of a specific device's buffer alignment requirements.
Note: Although alignment is completely unrestricted, it is highly recommended that software
allocate receive buffers on at least cache-line boundaries whenever possible.
7.1.3 Legacy Receive Descriptor Format
A receive descriptor is a data structure that contains the receive data buffer address
and fields for hardware to store packet information. If the RFCTL.EXSTEN bit is clear
and the RCTL.DTYP equals 00b, the 82574 uses the Legacy Rx Descriptor as shown in
the following figure.
82574 GbE Controller—Inline Functions
Figure 23. 82574 Legacy Rx Descriptor Length Field (16-Bit, Offset 0)
Upon receipt of a packet for this device, hardware stores the packet data into the
indicated buffer and writes the length, Packet Checksum, Status, Errors, and Status
fields. Length covers the data written to a receive buffer including CRC bytes (if any).
Note: Software must read multiple descriptors to determine the complete length for packets
that span multiple receive buffers. Packet Checksum (16-Bit, Offset 16)
For standard 802.3 packets (non-VLAN) the packet checksum is by default computed
over the entire packet from the first byte of the DA through the last byte of the CRC,
including the Ethernet and IP headers. Software can modify the starting offset for the
packet checksum calculation via the Receive Checksum Control register (RXCSUM).
This register is described in section To verify the TCP/UDP checksum using
the packet checksum, software must adjust the packet checksum value to back out the
bytes that are not part of the true TCP checksum. When operating with the legacy Rx
descriptor, the RXCSUM.IPPCSE and the RXCSUM.PCSD should be cleared (the default
For packets with VLAN header the packet checksum includes the header if VLAN
striping is not enabled by the CTRL.VME. If VL AN header strip is enabled, the packet
checksum and the starting offset of the packet checksum exclude the VLAN header. Status Field (8-Bit, Offset 32)
Status information indicates whether the descriptor has been used and whether the
referenced buffer is the last one for the packet.
Figure 24. Receive Status (RDESC.STATUS-0) Layout
Rsvd (bit 7) - Reserved
IPCS (bit 6) - IPv4 checksum calculated on packet
63 48 47 40 39 32 31 16 15 0
0Buffer Address [63:0]
8VLAN Tag Errors Status Packet Checksum1
1. The checksum indicate d here is the unadjusted 16-bit ones complement of the packet. A software assist might
be required to back out appropriate information prior to sending it up to upper software layers. The packet
checksum is always reported in the first descriptor (even in the case of multi-descriptor packets).
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Inline Functions—82574 GbE Controller
TCPCS (bit 5) - TCP checksum calculated on packet
UDPCS (bit 4) - UDP checksum calculated on packet
VP (bit 3) - Packet is 802.1q (matched VET)
Re serv ed (bit 2) - R eserved
EOP (bit 1) - End of packet
DD (bit 0) - Descriptor done
EOP: Packets that exceed the receive buffer siz e spans multiple receive buffers. EOP
indicates whether this is the last buffer for an incoming packet. DD indicates whether
hardware is done with the descriptor. When the DD bit is set along with EOP, the
received packet is completely in main memory. Software can determine buffer usage by
setting the status byte to zero before making the descriptor available to hardware, and
checking it for non-zero content at a later time. For multi-descriptor packets, packet
status is provided in the final descriptor of the packet (EOP set). If EOP is not set for a
descriptor, only the Address, Length, and DD bits are valid.
VP: The VP field indicates whether the incoming packet's type matches VET (for
example, if the packet is a VLAN (802.1q) type). It is set if the packet type matches
VET and CTRL.VME is set. For a further description of 802.1q VLANs, see section 7.5.
IPCS TCPCS UDPCS: These bit descriptions are listed in the following table:
IPv6 packets do not have the IPCS bit set, but might have the TCPCS bit set if the
82574 recognized the TCP or UDP packet. Error Field (8-Bit, Offset 40)
Most error information appears only when the Store-Bad-Packet bit (RCTL.SBP) is set
and a bad packet is received. Figure 25 shows the definition of the possible errors and
their bit positions.
Figure 25. Receive Errors (RDESC.ERRORS) Layout
RXE (bit 7) - Rx data error
IPE (bit 6) - IPv4 checksum error
TCPCS UDPCS IPCS Functionality
0b 0b 0b Hardware does not provide checksum offload.
1b 0b 1b/0b H ardware provides IPv4 checksum offload if IPCS active and TCP
checksum offload. Pass/fail indication is provided in the Error field
– IPE and TCPE.
1b 1b 1b/0b H ardware provides IPv4 checksum offload if IPCS active and UDP
checksum offload. Pass/F ail indic ation is provided in the Error field
– IPE and TCPE.
76 5 4321 0
82574 GbE Controller—Inline Functions
TCPE (bit 5) - TCP/UDP checksum error
CXE (bit 4) - Carrier extension error
Rsv (bit 3) - Reserved
SEQ (bit 2) - Sequence error
SE (bit 1) - Symbol error
CE (bit 0) - CRC error or alignment error
The IP and TC P che cks um error bits are valid only when the IP v4 or TCP/UDP
checksum(s) is performed on the received packet as indicated via IPCS and TCPCS
previously mentioned. These, along with the other error bits, are valid only when the
EOP and DD bits are set in the descriptor.
Note: Receive checksum errors have no effect on packet filtering.
If receive checksum offloading is disabled (RXCSUM.IPOFL and RXCSUM.TUOFL), the
IPE and TCPE bits are 0b.
The RXE bit indicates that a data error occurred during the packet reception that has
been detected by the PHY. This generally corresponds to signal errors occurring during
the packet reception. This bit is valid only when the EOP and DD bits are set and are
not set in descriptors unless RCTL.SBP (Store-Bad-Packets) is set.
CRC errors and alignment errors are both indicated via the CE bit. Softw are can
distinguish between these errors by monitoring the respective statistics registers. VLAN Tag Field (16-Bit, Offset 48)
Hardware stores additional information in the receive descriptor for 802.1q packets. If
the packet type is 802.1q (determined when a packet matches VET and RCTL.VME =
1b), then the VLAN Tag field records the VLAN information and the four-byte VLAN
information is stripped from the packet data storage. Otherwise, the VLAN Tag fie l d
contains 0x0000.
7.1.4 Extended Rx Descriptor
If the RFCTL.EXSTEN bit is set and RCTL.DTYP equals 00b, the 82574 uses the
extended Rx descriptor as follows:
Descriptor Read Format:
15 13 12 11 0
63 0
0Buffer Address [63:0]
8Reserved 0
Inline Functions—82574 GbE Controller Buffer Address (64-Bit, O ff set 0.0)
The field contains the physical address o f the receive data buffer. The size of the buffer
is defined by the RCTL register (RCTL.BSIZE, RCTL.BSEX, RCTL.DTYP and RCTL.
FLXBUF fields). DD (1-Bit, Offset 8.0)
This is the location of the DD bit in the Status field. The software device driver must
clear this bit before it handles the receive descriptor to the 82574. The software device
driver can use this bit field later on as a completion indication of the hardware.
Descriptor Write-Back Format:
Note: Light-blue fields are mutually exclusive by RXCSUM.PCSD MRQ Field (32-Bit, Offset 0.0)
RSS Type Decoding:
The RSS Type field represents the hash type used by the RSS function.
63 48 47 32 31 20 19 0
Packet Checksum IP Identification
8VLAN Tag Length Extended Error Extended Status
Field Bit(s) Description
RSS Type 3:0 RSS Type
Indicates the type of hash function used for RSS computation (see below).
Reserved 7:4 Reserved
Queue 12:8 Indicates the receive queue associated with the packet. It is generated by the
redirection table as defined by the Multiple Receive Queues Enable field.
This field is reserved when Multiple Receive Queues are disabled.
Reserved 31:13 Reserved
Packet Type Description
0x0 No hash computation done for this packet.
0x1 IPv4 with TCP hash used (NdisTcpIPv4).
0x2 IPv4 hash used (NdisIPv4).
0x3 IPv6 with TCP hash used (NdisTcpIPv6).
0x4 IPv6 with extension header hash used (NdisIPv6Ex).
0x5 IPv6 hash used (NdisIPv6).
0x6-0xF Reserved
82574 GbE Controller—Inline Functions
122 Pa cket Checksum (16-Bit, Offset 0.48)
For standard 802.3 packets (non-VLAN) the packet checksum is by default computed
over the entire packet from the first byte of the DA through the last byte of the CRC,
including the Ethernet and IP headers. Software can modify the starting offset for the
packet checksum calculation via the Receive Checksum Control register (RXCSUM).
This register is described in section To verify the TCP/UDP checksum using
the packet checksum, software must adjust the packet checksum value to back out the
bytes that are not part of the true TCP checksum. Likewise, for fragmented UDP
packets, the Packet Checksum field can be used to accelerate UDP checksum
verification by the host processor. This operation is enabled by the RXCSUM.IPPCSE bit
as described in section
For packets with VLAN header the packet checksum includes the header if VLAN
striping is not enabled by the CTRL.VME bit. If VLAN header strip is enabled, the packet
checksum and the starting offset of the packet checksum exclude the VLAN header.
This field is mutually exclusive with the RSS hash. It is enabled when the
RXCSUM.PCSD bit is cleared. IP Identification (16-Bit, Offset 0.32)
This field stores the IP Identification field in the IP header of the incoming packet. The
software device driver should ignore this field when IPIDV is not set.
This field is mutually exclusive with the RSS hash. It is enabled when the
RXCSUM.PCSD bit is cleared. RSS Hash (32-Bit, Offset 0.32)
This field is mutually exclusiv e with the IP identification and the packet checksum. It is
enabled when the RXCSUM.PCSD bit is set. This field contains the result of the
Microsoft* RSS hash function. Extended Status (20-Bit, Offset 8.0)
PKTTYPE (bits 19:16) - Packet type
ACK (bit 15) - ACK packet indication
Reserved (bits 14:11) - Reserved
9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10
Inline Functions—82574 GbE Controller
UDPV (bit 10) - Valid UDP XSUM
IPIDV (bit 9) - IP identification valid
TST (bit 8) - Time stamp taken
Rsvd (bit 7) - Reserved
IPCS (bit 6) IPv4 checksum calculated on packet - same as legacy descriptor.
TCPCS (bit 5) - TCP checksum calculated on packet - same as legacy descriptor.
UDPCS (bit 4) - UDP checksum calculated on packet.
VP (bit 3) - Packet is 802.1q (matched VET) - same as legacy descriptor.
Rsv (bit 2) - Reserved
EOP (bit 1) - End of packet - same as legacy descriptor.
DD (bit 0) - Descriptor done - same as legacy descriptor.
DD EOP IXSM VP UDPCS TCPCS IPCS: Same meaning as in the legacy receive
IPCS TCPCS UDPCS: The meaning of these bits is shown in the following table:
Unsupported packet types do not have the IPCS or TCPCS bits set. IPv6 packets do not
have the IPCS bit set, but might have the TCPCS bit set if the 82574 recognized the
TCP or UDP packet.
IPIDV (bit 9): The IPIDV bit indicates that the incoming packet was identified as a
fragmented IPv4 packet. The IPID field contains a valid IP identification value if the
RXCSUM.PCSD is cleared.
UDPV (bit 10): The UDPV bit indicates that the incoming packet contains a v alid (non-
zero value) checksum field in an incoming fragmented UDP IPv4 packet. It means that
the Packet Checksum field contains the UDP checksum as described in this section.
When this field is cleared in the first fragment that contains the UDP header, it means
that the packet does not contain a valid UDP checksum and the checksum field in the
Rx descriptor should be ignored. This field is alw ays cleared in incoming fr agments that
do not contain the UDP header.
TCPCS UDPCS IPCS Functionality
0b 0b 1b/0b Hardware provides IPv4 checksum offload if IPCS active.
1b 0b 1b/0b Hardware provides IPv4 checksum offload if IPCS active and TCP
checksum offload. Pass/fail indication is provided in the Error field
– IPE and TCPE.
0b 1b 1b/0b
For IPv4 packets, hardware provides IP checksum offload if IPCS
active and fragmented UDP checksum offload. IP Pass/fail
indication is provided in the IPE field. Fragmented UDP checksum
is provided in the packet checksum field if the RXCSUM.PCSD bit is
1b 1b 1b/0b Hardware provides IPv4 checksum offload if IPCS active and UDP
checksum offload. Pass/fail indication is provided in the Error field
– IPE and TCPE.
82574 GbE Controller—Inline Functions
ACK (bit 15): The ACK bit indicates that the received packet was an ACK packet with
or without TCP payload depending on the RFCTL.ACKD_DIS bit.
PKTTYPE (bit 19:16): The PKTTYPE field defines the type of the packet that was
detected by the 82574. The 82574 tries to find the most complex match until the most
common one as shown in the following packet type table:
Payload does not mean raw data but can also be unsupported header.
If there is an NFS/iSCSI header in the packets it can be seen in the packet type
Note: If the device is not configured to provide any offload that requires packet parsing, the
packet type field is set to 0b regardless of the actual packet type. Extended Errors (12-Bit, Offset 8.20)
RXE (bit 11) - Rx data error - Same as legacy descriptor.
IPE (bit 10) - IPv4 checksum error - Same as legacy descriptor.
TCPE (bit 9) - TCP/UDP checksum error - Same as legacy descriptor.
CXE (bit 8) - Carrier extension error - Same as legacy descriptor.
SEQ (bit 6) - Sequence error - Same as legacy descriptor.
SE (bit 5) - Symbol error - Same as legacy descriptor.
Packet Type Description
0x0 MAC, (VLAN/SNAP) payload
0x1 MAC, (VLAN/SNAP) IPv4, payload
0x2 MAC, (VLAN/SNAP) IPv4, TCP/UDP, payload
0x3 MAC (VLAN/SNAP), IPv4, IPv6, payload
0x4 MAC (VLAN/SNAP), IPv4, IPv6, TCP/UDP, payload
0x5 MAC (VLAN/SNAP), IPv6, payload
0x6 MAC (VLAN/SNAP), IPv6,TCP/UDP, payload
0x7 MAC, (VLAN/SNAP), IPv4, TCP, ISCSI, payload
0x8 MAC, (VLAN/SNAP), IPv4, TCP/UDP, NFS, payload
0x9 MAC (VLAN/SNAP), IPv4, IPv6,TCP, ISCSI, payload
0xA MAC (VLAN/SNAP), IPv4, IPv6,TCP/UDP,NFS, payload
0xB MAC (VLAN/SNAP), IPv6,TCP, ISCSI, payload
0xC MAC (VLAN/SNAP), IPv6,TCP/UDP, NFS, payload
0xD Reserved
0xE PTP packet (TimeSync according to Ethertype)
Inline Functions—82574 GbE Controller
CE (bit 4) - CRC error or alignment error - Same as legacy descriptor.
Re serv ed (bits 7, 3:0) - Reserved
RXE IPE TCPE CXE SEQ SE CE: Same as legacy descriptor.
Length (16-bit, offset 8.32): Same as the length field at offset 8.0 in the legacy
VLAN Tag (16-bit, offset 8.48): Same as legacy descriptor. Receive UDP Fragmentation Checksum
The 82574 might provide receive fragmented UDP checksum offload. The following
setup should be made to enable this mode:
RXCSUM.PCSD bit should be cleared. The Packet Checksum and IP Identification fields
are mutually exc lus ive with the RSS has h. W hen the PCSD bit is cleared, Packet
Checksum and IP Identification are active.
RXCSUM.IPPCSE bit should be set. This field enables the IP payload checksum enable
that is designed for the fragmented UDP checksum.
RXCSUM.PCSS field must be zero. The pack et checksum start should be zero to enable
auto start of the checksum calculation. See the following table for an exact description
of the checksum calculation.
The following table lists the outcome descriptor fields for the following incoming
packets types:
Note: When the software device driver computes the 16-bit ones complement sum on the
incoming packets of the UDP fragments, it should expect a value of 0xFFFF. See
section 7.1.10 for supported packet formats.
Packet Type Packet Checksum IP
None IPv4
Unadjusted 16-bit ones
complement checksum of the
entire packet (excluding VLAN
Reserved 0b/0b 0b/0b
IPv4 with TCP
header Same as above Incoming IP
Identification 0b/1b 0b/0b
IPv4 packet Same as above Reserved 0b/0b Depend on transport
header and TUOFL
IPv4 without
The unadjusted 1’s complement
checksum of the IP payload Incoming IP
Identification 0b/1b 1b/0b
IPv4 with UDP
header Same as above Incoming IP
1b if the UDP
checksum is
82574 GbE Controller—Inline Functions
7.1.5 Packet Split Receive Descriptor
The 82574 uses the packet split feature when the RFCTL.EXSTEN bit is set and
RCTL.DTYP=01b. The software device driver must also program the buffer sizes in the
PSRCTL register.
Descriptor Read Format: Buffer Addresses [3:0] (4 x 64 bit)
The physical address of each buffer is written in the Buffer Addresses fields. The sizes
of these buffers are statically defined by BSIZE0-BSIZE3 in the PSRCTL register.
Note: Software Notes:
All buffers' addresses in a packet split descriptor must be word aligned.
Packet header can't span across buffers, therefo re, the size of the first buffer must
be larger than any expected header size. Otherwise the packet will not be split.
If software sets a buffer size to zero, all buffers following that one should be set to
zero as well. Pointers in the packet split receive descriptors to buffers with a zero
size should be set to any address, but not to NULL pointers. Hardware does not
write to this address.
When configured to packet split and a given packet spans across two or more
packet split descriptors, the first buffer of any descriptor (other than the first one)
is not used. DD (1-Bit, Offset 8.0)
The software device driver might use the DD bit from the Status field to determine
when a descriptor has been used. Therefore, the software device driver must ensure
that the Least Significant B (LSB) of Buffer Address 1 is zero. This should not be an
issue, since the buffers should be page aligned for the packet split feature to be useful.
Note: Any softw are device driver that cannot align buffers should not be using this descriptor
63 0
0Buffer Address 0
8Buffer Address 1 0
16 Buffer Address 2
24 Buffer Address 3
Inline Functions—82574 GbE Controller
Descriptor Write-Back Format:
Note: Light-blue fields are mutually exclusive by RXCSUM.PCSD
MRQ - Same as extended Rx descriptor.
Packet Checksum, IP Identification, RSS Hash - Same as extended Rx descriptor.
Extended Status, Extended Errors, VLAN Tag - Same as extended Rx descriptor. Length 0 (16-Bit, Offset 8.32), Length [3:1] (3- x 16-Bit, Offset 16.16)
Upon a packet reception, hardware stores the packet data in one or more of the
indicated buffers. Hardware writes in the Length field of each buffer the number of
bytes that were posted in the corresponding buffer. If no packet data is stored in a
given buffer, hardware writes 0b in the corresponding Length field. Length covers the
data written to receive buffer including CRC bytes (if any).
Software is responsible for checking the Length fields of all buffers for data that
hardware might have written to the corresponding buffers. Header Status (16-Bit, Offset 16.0):
HDRSP (bit 15) - Headers were split
Reserved (bits 14:10) - Reserved
Header Length (bits 9:0) - Packet header length
HDRSP (bit 15): The HDRSP bit (when active) indicates that hardware split the
headers from the packet data for the packet contained in this descriptor. The following
table identifies the packets that are supported by header/data split functionality. In
addition, packets with a data portion smaller than 16 bytes are not guaranteed to be
split. If the device is not configured to provide any offload that requires packet parsing,
the HDRSP bit is set to 0b' even if packet split was enabled. Non-split packets are
stored linearly in the buffers of the receive descriptor.
63 48 47 32 31 20 19
16 15 0
Packet Checksum IP Identification
8VLAN Tag Length 0 Extended Error Extended Status
6Length 3 Length 2 Length 1 Header Status
15 14 10 9 0
HDRSP Reserved HLEN (Header Length)
82574 GbE Controller—Inline Functions
HLEN (bit 9:0): The HLEN field indicates the header length in byte count that was
analyzed by the 82574. The 82574 posts the first HLEN bytes of the incoming packet to
buffer zero of the Rx descriptor.
Packet types supported by the packet split: The 82574 provides header split for
the packet types listed in the following table. Other packet types are posted
sequentially in the buffers of the packet split receive buffers.
Note: A header of a fragmented IPv6 pack et is defined until the fragmented extension header.
Note: If the device is not configured to provide any offload that requires packet parsing, the
packet type field is set to 0b regardless of the actual packet type. When packet split is
enabled, the packet type field is always valid.
Type Description Header Split
0x0 MAC, (VLAN/SNAP), payload No.
0x1 MAC, (VLAN/SNAP), IPv4, payload Split header after L3 if fragmented packets.
0x2 MAC, (VLAN/SNAP), IPv4, TCP/UDP, payload Split header after L4 if not fragmented,
otherwise treat as packet type 1.
0x3 MAC (VLAN/SNAP), IPv4, IPv6, payload Split header after L3 if either IPv4 or IPv6
indicates a fragmented packet.
0x4 MAC (VLAN/SNAP), IPv4, IPv6,TCP/UDP, payload
Split header after L4 if IPv4 not fragmented
and if IPv6 does not include fragment
extension header, otherwise treat as packet
type 3.
0x5 MAC (VLAN/SNAP), IPv6, payload Split header after L3 if fragmented packets.
0x6 MAC (VLAN/SNAP), IPv6,TCP/UDP, payload Split header after L4 if IPv6 does not include
fragment extension header, otherwise treat
as packet type 5.
0x7 MAC, (VLAN/SNAP) IPv4, TCP, ISCSI, payload Split header after L5 if not fragmented,
otherwise treat as packet type 1.
0x8 MAC, (VLAN/SNAP) IPv4, TCP/UDP, NFS, payload Split header after L5 if not fragmented,
otherwise treat as packet type 1.
0x9 MAC (VLAN/SNAP), IPv4, IPv6, TCP, ISCSI, payload
Split header after L5 if IPv4 not fragmented
and if IPv6 does not include fragment
extension header, otherwise treat as packet
type 3.
Split header after L5 if IPv4 not fragmented
and if IPv6 does not include fragment
extension header, otherwise treat as packet
type 3.
0xB MAC (VLAN/SNAP), IPv6, TCP, ISCSI, payload Split header after L5 if IPv6 does not include
fragment extension header, otherwise treat
as packet type 5.
0xC MAC (VLAN/SNAP), IPv6, TCP/UDP, NFS, payload Split header after L5 if IPv6 does not include
fragment extension header, otherwise treat
as packet type 5.
0xD Reserved
0xE PTP packet (TimeSync according to Ethertype) No.
Inline Functions—82574 GbE Controller
7.1.6 Receive Descriptor Fetching
The fetching algorithm attempts to make the best use of PCIe bandwidth b y f etchin g a
cache-line (or more) descriptor with each burst. The following paragraphs briefly
describe the descriptor fetch algorithm and the software control provided.
When the on-chip buffer is empt y , a fetch happens as soon as an y descriptors are made
available (host writes to the tail pointer). When the on-chip buffer is nearly empty
(RXDCTL.PTHRESH), a prefetch is performed each time enough valid descriptors
(RXDCTL.HTHRESH) are available in host memory and no other PCIe activity of greater
priority is pending (descriptor fetches and write backs or packet data transfers).
When the number of descriptors in host memory is greater than the available on-chip
descriptor storage, the chip might elect to perform a fetch that is not a multiple of
cache line size. The hardware performs this non-aligned fetch if doing so results in the
next descriptor fetch being aligned on a cache line boundary. This enables the
descriptor fetch mechanism to be most efficient in the cases where it has fallen behind
Note: The 82574 NEVER fetches descriptors beyond the descriptor tail pointer.
7.1.7 Receive Descriptor Write Back
Processors have cache line sizes that are larger than the receive descriptor size (16
bytes). Consequently, writing back descriptor information for each received packet can
cause expensive partial cache line updates. Two mechanisms minimize the occurrence
of partial line write backs:
Receive descriptor packing
Null descriptor padding
The following sections explain these mechanisms. Receive Descriptor Packing
To maximize memory efficiency, receive descriptors are packed together and written as
a cache line whenever possible. Descriptors accumulate and are opportunistically
written out in cache line-oriented chunks. Used descriptors are also explicitly written
out under the following scenarios:
RXDCTL.WTHRESH descriptors have been used (the specified maximum threshold
of unwritten used descriptors has been reached)
The last descriptors of the allocated descriptor ring have been used (to enable
hardware to re-align to the descriptor ring start)
A receive timer expires (RADV or RDTR)
Explicit software flush (RDTR.FPD)
When the number of descriptors specified by RXDCTL.WTHRESH have been used, they
are written back, regardless of cache line alignment. It is the refore recommend ed that
WTHRESH be a multiple of cache line size. When a receive timer (RADV or RDTR)
expires, all used descriptors are forced to be written back prior to initiating the
interrupt, for consistency. Software might explicitly flush accumulated descriptors by
writing the RDTR register with the high order bit (FPD) set.
82574 GbE Controller—Inline Functions
130 Null Descriptor Padding
Hardware stores no data in descriptors with a null data address. Software can make
use of this property to cause the first condition under receive descriptor packing to
occur early. Hardware writes back null descriptors with the DD bit set in the status byte
and all other bits unchanged.
Note: Null descriptor padding is not supported for packet split descriptors.
7.1.8 Receive Descriptor Queue Structure
Figure 26 shows the structure of the two receive descriptor rings. Hardware maintains
two circular queues of descriptors and writes back used descriptors just prior to
advancing the head pointer(s). Head and tail pointers wrap back to base when size
descriptors have been processed.
Figure 26. Receive Descriptor Ring Str uct ur e
Software adds receive descriptors by advancing the tail pointer(s) to refer to the
address of the entry just beyond the last valid descriptor. This is accomplished by
writing the descriptor tail register(s) with the offset of the entry beyond the last valid
descriptor. The hardware adjusts its internal tail pointer(s) accordingly. As packets
arrive, they are stored in memory and the head pointer(s) is incremented by hardware.
When the head pointer(s) is equal to the tail pointer(s), the queue(s) is empty.
Hardware stops storing packets in system memory until software advances the tail
pointer(s), making more receive buffers available.
Circular Bu ffer Queues
Base + Size
R eceive
Inline Functions—82574 GbE Controller
The receive descriptor head and tail pointers reference 16-byte blocks of memory.
Shaded boxes in the figure represent descriptors that have stored incoming packets but
have not yet been recognized by softw are. Software can determine if a receive buffer is
valid by reading descriptors in memory r ather than by I/O reads. An y descripto r with a
non-zero status byte has been processed by the hardware, and is ready to be handled
by the software.
Note: When configured to work as a packet split feature, the descriptor tail needs to be
increment by software by two for every descriptor ready in memory (as the packet split
descriptors are 32 bytes while regular descriptors are 16 bytes).
Note: The head pointer points to the next descriptor that will be written back. At the
completion of the descriptor write-back operation, this pointer is incremented by the
number of descriptors written back. Hardware OWNS all descriptors between [head...
tail]. Any descriptor not in this range is owned by software.
The receive descriptor rings are described by the following registers:
Receive Descriptor Base Address registers (RDBA0, RDBA1)
This register indicates the start of the descriptor ring buffer; this 64-bit address
is aligned on a 16-byte boundary and is stored in two consecutive 32-bit
registers. Hardware ignores the lower 4 bits.
Receive Descriptor Length registers (RDLEN0, RDLEN1)
This register determines the number of bytes allocated to the circular buffer.
This value must be a multiple of 128 (the maximum cache line size). Since each
descriptor is 16 bytes in length, the total number of receive descriptors is
always a multiple of 8.
Receive Descriptor Head registers (RDH0, RDH1)
This register holds a value that is an offset from the base, and indicates the in-
progress descriptor. There can be up to 64 KB descriptors in the circular buffer.
Hardware maintains a shadow copy that includes those descriptors completed
but not yet stored in memory.
Receive Descriptor Tail registers (RDT0, RDT1)
This register holds a value that is an offset from the base, and identifies the
location beyond the last descriptor hardware can process. This is the location
where software writes the first new descriptor.
If software statically allocates buffers, and uses memory read to check for completed
descriptors, it simply has to zero the status byte in the descriptor to make it ready for
reuse by hardware. This is not a hardware requirement (moving the hard ware tail
pointer(s) is), but is necessary for performing an in-memory scan.
82574 GbE Controller—Inline Functions
7.1.9 Receive Interrupts
The following indicates the presence of new packets:
Receive Timer (ICR.RXT0) due to packet delay timer (RDTR)
A predetermined amount of time has elapsed since the last packet was received and
transferred to host m emory. Every time a new packet is received and tr ansferred to the
host memory, the timer is re-initialized to the predetermined value. The timer then
counts down and triggers an interrupt if no new packet is received and transferred to
host memory completely before the timer expires. Software can set the timer value to
zero if it needs to be notified immediately (no interval delay) whenever a new packet
has been stored in memory.
W riting the absolute timer with its high order bit set to 1b forces an explicit flush of any
partial cache lines worth of consumed descriptors. Hardware writes all used descriptors
to memory and updates the globally visible value of the RXDH head pointer(s).
This timer is re-initialized when an interrupt is generated and restarts when a new
packet is observed. It stays disabled until a new packet is received and transferred to
the host memory. The packet delay timer is also re-initialized when an interrupt occurs
due to an absolute timer expiration or small packet-detection interrupt.
Receive Timer (ICR.RXT0) due to absolute timer (RADV)
A predetermined amount of time has elapsed since the first packet received after the
hardware timer was written (specifically, after the last packet data byte was written to
This timer is re-initialized when an interrupt is generated and restarts when a new
packet is observed. It stays disabled until a new packet is received and transferred to
the host memory. The absolute delay timer is also re-initialized when an interrupt
occurs due to a packet timer expiration or small packet-detection interrupt.
The absolute timer and the packet delay timer can be used together. The following
table lists the conditions when the absolute timer and the packet delay timer are
initialized, disabled and when they start counting. The timer is always disabled if the
value of the RDTR = 0b.
Figure 27 further clarifies the packet timer operation.
Timers When Starts
Counting When Re-i n itialized When Disabled
Absolute delay
Timer inactive and
receive pa cket
transferred to hos t
At start On expiration
Due to other receive
Packet delay
Timer inactive and
receive pa cket
transferred to hos t
At start
New packet received and
transferred to host memory
On expiration
Due to other receive
Inline Functions—82574 GbE Controller
Figure 27. Packet Delay Timer Operation (With State Diagram)
Figure 28 shows how the packet timer and absolute timer can be used together:
packet received & xfer r ed
to host mem
Action: Re-ini tialized
packet received & xfer to
host memory
Action - Re-initialize
Timer expires
other receive interrupts
Initial State
82574 GbE Controller—Inline Functions
Figure 28. Packet and Absolute Timers
Small Receive Packet Detect (ICR.SRPD)
A receive interrupt is asserted when small-packet detection is enabled (RSRPD
is set with a non-zero value) and a packet of (size < RSRPD.SIZE) has been
transferred into the host memory. When comparing the size the headers and
CRC are included (if CRC stripping is not enabled). CRC and VLAN headers are
not included if they have been stripped. A receive timer interrupt cause
(ICR.RXT0) will also be noted when the small packet-detect interrupt occurs.
Receive ACK frame interrupt is asserted when a frame is detected to be an ACK
frame. Detection of ACK frames are masked through the IMS register. When a
frame is detected as an ACK frame an interrupt is asserted after the
RAID.ACK_DELAY timer had expired and the ACK frames interrupts were not
masked in the IMS register.
Note: The ACK frame detect feature is only active when configured to packet split
(RCTL.DTYP=01b) or the extended status feature is enabled (RFCTL.EXSTEN is set).
A bsolute Tim er Value
PKT #1 PKT #2 PKT #3 PKT #4 Interrupt generated due to PKT #1
A bsolute Timer Value
PKT #1 PKT #2 PKT #3 PKT #4
Interrupt generalted (due to PKT #4)
as a b so lu te time r e xp ire s .
Packet delay timer disabled untill
next packet is received and
transferred to host m em ory.
PKT #5 PKT #6 ... ... ...
A bsolute Timer Value
1) Pa c ket timer e x p ire s
2 ) In terru pt g e n e r a te d
3 ) A b so lu te time r r e se t
A bsolute Timer Value
PKT #1 PKT #2 PKT #3 PKT #4
Interrupt generalted (due to PKT #4)
as a b so lu te time r e xp ire s .
Packet delay timer disabled untill
next packet is received and
transferred to host m em ory.
PKT #5 PKT #6 ... ... ...
A bsolute Timer Value
1) Pa c ket timer e x p ire s
2 ) In terru pt g e n e r a te d
3 ) A b so lu te time r r e se t
Case A : Using only an absolute tim er
Case B: Using an absolute tim e in conjunction with the Packet timer
Case C : P acket timer expiring w hile a packet is transfe rred to host m em ory.
Illus tra te s th a t p ac k e t time r is r e-s tar te d on ly a fte r a p a c ke t is tra n s fe rr ed to h o s t me mory .
Inline Functions—82574 GbE Controller
Receive interrupts can also be generated for the following events:
Receive Descriptor Minimum Threshold (ICR.RXDMT)
The minimum descriptor threshold helps avoid descriptor under-run by
generating an interrupt when the number of free descriptors becomes equal to
the minimum. It is measured as a fraction of the receive descriptor ring size.
This interrupt would stop and re-initialize the entire active delayed receives
interrupt timers until a new packet is observed.
Receiver FIFO Overrun (ICR.RXO)
FIFO overrun occurs when h ardw are attempts to write a byte to a full FIFO . An
overrun could indicate that software has not updated the tail pointer(s) to
provide enough descriptors/buffers, or that the PCIe bus is too slow draining
the receive FIFO. Incoming packets that overrun the FIFO are dropped and do
not affect future packet reception. This interrupt would stop and re-initialize the
entire active delayed receives interrupts.
7.1.10 Receive Packet Checksum Offloading
The 82574 supports the offloading of three receive checksum calculations: the packet
checksum, the IPv4 header checksum, and the TCP/UDP checksum.
The packet checksum is the one's complement over the receive packet, starting from
the byte indicated by RXCSUM.PCSS (zero corresponds to the first byte of the packet),
after stripping. F or packets with VLAN header the packet checksu m includes the header
if VLAN striping is not enabled by the CTRL.VME. If VLAN header strip is enabled, the
packet checksum and the starting offset of the packet checksum exclude the VLAN
header due to masking of VLAN header. For example, for an Ethernet II frame
encapsulated as an 802.3ac VLAN packet and CTRL.VME is set and with RXCSUM.PCS S
set to 14, the packet checksum would include the entire encapsulated frame, excluding
the 14-byte Ethernet header (DA, SA, Type/Length) and the 4-byte q-tag. The packet
checksum does not include the Ethernet CRC if the RCTL.SECRC bit is set.
Software must make the required offsetting computation (to back out the bytes that
should not have been included and to include the pseudo-header) prior to comparing
the packet checksum against the TCP checksum stored in the packet.
For su pported packet/frame types, the entire checksum calculation can be offloaded to
the 82574. If RXCSUM.IPOFLD is set to 1b, the 82574 calculates the IPv4 checksum
and indicates a pass/fail indication to software via the IPv4 Checksum Error bit
(RDESC.IPE) in the Error field of the receive descriptor. Similarly, if RXCSUM.TUOFLD is
set to 1b, the 82574 calculates the TCP or UDP checksum and indicates a pass/fail
condition to software via the TCP/UDP Checksum Error bit (RDESC.TCPE). These error
bits are valid when the respective status bits indicate the checksum was calculated for
the pack et (RDESC.IPCS and RDESC.TCPCS respectively). Similarly, if RFCTL.Ipv6_DIS
and RFCTL.IP6Xsum_DIS are cleared to 0b and RXCSUM.TUOFLD is set to 1b, the
82574 calculates the TCP or UDP checksum for IPv6 packets. It then indicates a pass/
fail condition in the TCP/UDP Checksum Error bit (RDESC.TCPE).
If neither RXCSUM.IPOFLD nor RXCSUM.TUOFLD are set, the Checksum Error bits (IPE
and TCPE) are 0b for all packets.
Supported frame types:
Ethernet II
Ethernet SNAP
82574 GbE Controller—Inline Functions
Table 35. Supported Receive Checksum Capabilities
The previous table lists the general details about what packets are processed. In more
detail, the packets are passed through a series of filters to determine if a receive
checksum is calculated: MAC Ad dress Filter
This filter checks the MAC destination address to be sure it is valid (such as, IA match,
broadcast, multicast, etc.). The receive configuration settings determine which MAC
addresses are accepted. See the various receiv e control configuration registers such as
This filter checks the next headers looking for an IP header. It is capable of decoding
Ethernet II, Ethernet SNAP, and IEEE 802.3ac headers. It skips past any of these
intermediate headers and looks for the IP header. The receive configuration settings
determine which next headers are accepted. See the various receive control
configuration registers such as RCTL (RCTL.VFE), VET, and VFTA.
Packet Type HW IP Checksum
Calculation HW TCP/UDP Checksum
IPv4 packets Yes Yes
IPv6 packets No (n/a) Yes
IPv6 packet with next header options:
Hop-by-Hop options
Destinations options
Routing (with len 0)
Routing (with len >0)
Home option
No (n/a)
No (n/a)
No (n/a)
No (n/a)
No (n/a)
No (n/a)
IPv4 tunnels:
IPv4 packet in an IPv4 tunnel
IPv6 packet in an IPv4 tunnel No
Yes (IPv4) No
1. The IPv6 header portion can include supported extension headers as described in the IPv6 filter section.
IPv6 tunnels:
IPv4 packet in an IPv6 tunnel
IPv6 packet in an IPv6 tunnel No
No No
Packet is an IPv4 fragment Yes No
Packet is greater than 1552 bytes;
(LPE=1b) Yes Yes
Packet has 802.3ac tag Yes Yes
IPv4 Packet has IP options
(IP header is longer than 20 bytes) Yes Yes
Packet has TCP or UDP options Yes Yes
IP header’s protocol field contains a
protocol # other than TCP or UDP. Yes No
Inline Functions—82574 GbE Controller IPv4 Filter
This filter checks for valid IPv4 headers. The version field is checked for a correct value
IPv4 headers are accepted if they are any size greater than or equal to 5 (Dwords). If
the IPv4 header is properly decoded, the IP checksum is checked for validity. The
RXCSUM.IPOFL bit must be set for this filter to pass. IPv6 Filter
This filter checks for valid IPv6 headers, which are a fixed size and have no checksum.
The IPv6 extension headers accepted are: hop-by-hop, destination options, and
routing. The maximum size next header accepted is 16 Dwords (64 bytes).
All of the IPv6 extension headers supported by the 82574 have the same header
NEXT HEADER is a value that identifies the header type. The supported IPv6 next
headers values are:
Hop-by-hop = 0x00
Destination options = 0x3C
Routing = 0x2B
HDR EXT LEN is the 8-byte count of the header length, not including the first 8 bytes.
For example, a value of three means that the total header size including the NEXT
HEADER and HDR EXT LEN fields is 32 bytes (8 + 3*8).
The RFCTL.Ipv6_DIS bit must be cleared for this filter to pass. UDP/TCP Filter
This filter checks for a valid UDP or TCP header. The prototype next header values are
0x11 and 0x06, respectively. The RXCSUM.TUOFL bit must be set for this filter to pass.
7.1.11 Multiple Receive Queues and Receive-Side Scaling (RSS)
The 82574 provides two hardware receive queues and filters each receive packet into
one of the queues based on criteria that is described as follows. Classification of
packets into receive queues have several uses, such as:
Receive Side Scaling (RSS)
Generic multiple receive queues
Priority receive queues.
Byte0 Byte1 Byte2 Byte3
82574 GbE Controller—Inline Functions
However, RSS is the only usage that is described specifically. Other uses should make
use of the avai la b le hard ware.
Multiple receive queues are enabled when the RXCSUM.PCSD bit is set (packet
checksum is disabled) and the Multiple Receive Queues Enable bits are not 00b.
Multiple receive queues are therefore mutually exclusive with UDP fragmentation, and
is unsupported when using legacy receive descriptor format; multiple receive queue
status is not reported in the receive packet descriptor, and the interrupt mechanism
bypasses the interrupt scheme described in section 7.1.11. Instead, a receive packet is
issued directly to the interrupt logic.
When multiple receive queues are enabled, the 82574 provides software with several
types of information. Some are requirements of Microsoft* RSS while others are
provided for software device driver assistance:
A Dword result of the Microsoft* RSS hash function, to be used by the stack for
flow classification, is written into the receive packet descriptor (required by
Microsoft* RSS).
•A 4-bit RSS Type field conveys the hash function used for the specific packet
(required by Microsoft* RSS).
A mechanism to issue an interrupt to one or more CPUs (section 7.1.11).
Figure 29 shows the process of classifying a packet into a receive queue:
1. The receive packet is parsed into the header fields used by the hash operation
(such as, IP addresses, TCP port, etc.).
2. A hash calculation is performed. The 82574 supports a single hash function, as
defined by Microsoft* RSS. The 82574 therefore does not indic ate to the software
device driver which hash function is used. The 32-bit result is fed into the packet
receive descriptor.
3. The seven LSBs of the hash result are used as an index into a 128-entries
redirection table. Each entry in the table contains a 5-bit CPU number. This 5-bit
value is fed into the packet receive descriptor. In addition, each entry provides a
single bit qu eue nu mb er, which denotes that queue into which the pack et is routed.
When multiple requests queues are disabled, packets enter hardware queue 0. System
software might enable or disable RSS at any time. While disabled, system software
might update the contents of any of the RSS-related registers.
When multiple request queues are enabled in RSS mode, undecodable packets enter
hardware qu eue 0. The 32-bi t tag (normally a result of the hash function) equals zero.
The 5-bit MRQ field equals zero as well.
Inline Functions—82574 GbE Controller
Figure 29. RSS Block Diagram RSS Hash Function
The 82574’s hash function follows Microsoft’ s* definition. A single hash function is
defined with five variations for the following cases:
TcpIPv4 - The 82574 parses the packet to identify an IPv4 packet containing a TCP
segment per the following criteria. If the packet is not an IPv4 packet containing a
TCP segment, receive-side-scaling is not done for the packet.
IPv4 - The 82574 parses the packet to identify an IPv4 packet. If the packet is not
an IPv4 packet, receive-side-scaling is not done for the packet.
TcpIPv6 - The 82574 parses the packet to identify an IPv6 packet containing a TCP
segment per the following criteria. If the packet is not an IPv6 packet containing a
TCP segment, receive-side-scaling is not done for the packet. Extension headers
should be parsed for a Home-Address-Option field (for source address) or the
Routing-Header-Type-2 field (for destination address).
(128 x 8)
queue #
1 bit
MRQ disables or (RSS
& not decodeable)
RSS Hash
82574 GbE Controller—Inline Functions
IPv6Ex - The 82574 parses the packet to identify an IPv6 packet. Extension
headers should be parsed for a Home-Address-Option field (for source address) or
the Routing-Header-Type-2 field (for destination address). Note that the packet is
not required to contain any of these extension headers to be hashed by this
function. If the packet is not an IPv6 packet, receive-side-scaling is not done for
the packet.
IPv6 - The 82574 parses the packet to identify an IPv6 packet. If the packet is not
an IPv6 packet, receive-side-scaling is not done for the packet.
Two configuration bits impact the choice of the hash function as previously described:
IPv6_ExDIS bit in Receive Filter Control (RFCTL) register: When set, if an IPv6
packet includes extension headers, then the TcpIPv6 and IPv6Ex functions are not
NEW_IPV6_EXT_DIS bit in Receive Filter Control (RFCTL) register: When set, if an
IPv6 packet includes either a Home-Address-Option or a Routing-Header-Type-2,
then the TcpIPv6 and IPv6Ex functions are not used.
A packet is identified as containing a TCP segment if all of the following conditions are
The transport layer protocol is TCP (not UDP, ICMP, IGMP, etc.).
The TCP segment can be parsed (such as, IP parsed options, packet not
The packet is not fragmented (even if the fragment contains a complete TCP
Bits[31:16] of the Multiple Receive Queues Com mand register enable each of the hash
function variations (sev eral can be set at a given time). If several functions are enabled
at the same time, priority is defined as follows (skip functions that are not enabled):
IPv4 packet:
1. Try using the TcpIPv4 function. If does not meet the requirements, try 2.
2. Try using the IPv4 function.
IPv6 packet:
1. Try using the TcpIPv6 function. If does not meet the requirements, try 2.
2. Try using the IPv6Ex function. If does not meet the requirements, try 3.
3. Try using the IPv6 function.
The following combinations are currently supported. Other combinations might be
supported in future products.
IPv4 hash types:
S1a - TcpIPv4 is enabled as defined above, or
S1b - Both TcpIPv4 and IPv4 are enabled - the packet is first parsed according to
TcpIPv4 rules. If not identified as a TcpIPv4 packet, it is then parsed as an IPv4
Inline Functions—82574 GbE Controller
IPv6 hash types:
S2a - TcpIPv6 is enabled as defined above, or
S2b - TcpIPv6, IPv6Ex, and IPv6 are enab led - the packet is first parsed according
to TcpIPv6 rules. If not identified as a TcpIPv6 packet, it is then parsed as an
IPv6Ex packet. If the 82574 cannot parse extensions headers (such as an
unidentified extension in the packet), then the packet is parsed as IPv6.
When a packet cannot be parsed by the above rules, it enters hardware queue 0. The
32-bit tag (normally a result of the hash function) equals zero. The 5-bit MRQ field
equals zero as well.
The 32-bit result of the hash computation is written into the pack et descriptor and also
provides an index into the redirection table.
The following notation is used to describe the hash functions below:
Ordering is little endian in both bytes and bits. For example, the IP address translates into 0xa18e6450 in the signature.
A " ^ " denotes bit-wise XOR operation of same-width vectors.
@x-y denotes bytes x through y (including both of them) of the incoming packet,
where byte 0 is the first byte of the IP header. In other words, we consider all byte-
offsets as offsets into a packet where the framing layer header has been stripped
out. Therefore, the source IPv4 address is referred to as @12-15, while the
destination v4 address is referred to as @16-19.
@x-y, @v-w denotes concatenation of bytes x-y, followed by bytes v-w, preserving
the order in which they occurred in the packet.
All hash function variations (IPv4 and IPv6) follow the same general structure. Specific
details for each variation are described in the following section. The hash uses a
random secret k ey of length 320 bits (40 bytes); the key is gener ated through the RSS
Random Key (RSSRK) register.
The algorithm works by examining each bit of the hash input from left to right. Our
nomenclature defines left and right for a byte-arr ay as follows: Giv en an arra y K with k
bytes, our nomenclature assumes that the array is laid out as follows:
K[0] K[1] K[2] … K[k-1]
K[0] is the left-most byte, and the MSB of K[0] is the left-most bit. K[k-1] is the right-
most byte, and the LSB of K[k-1] is the right-most bit.
ComputeHash(input[], N)
For hash-input input[] of length N bytes (8N bits) and a random secret key K of 320
Result = 0;
For each bit b in input[] {
if (b == 1) then Result ^= (left-most 32 bits of K);
shift K left 1 bit position;
return Result;
82574 GbE Controller—Inline Functions
The following four pseudo-code examples are intended to help clarify exactly how the
hash is to be performed in four cases, IPv4 with and without ability to parse the TCP
header, and IPv6 with an without a TCP header. Hash for IPv4 with TCP
Concatenate SourceAddress, DestinationAddress, SourcePort, DestinationPort into
one single byte-array, preserving the order in which they occurred in the packet:
Input[12] = @12-15, @16-19, @20-21, @22-23.
Result = ComputeHash(Input, 12); Hash for IPv4 without TCP
Concatenate SourceAddress and DestinationAddress into one single byte-array
Input[8] = @12-15, @16-19
Result = ComputeHash(Input, 8) Hash for IPv6 with TCP
Similar to above:
Input[36] = @8-23, @24-39, @40-41, @42-43
Result = ComputeHash(Input, 36) Hash for IPv6 without TCP
Input[32] = @8-23, @24-39
Result = ComputeHash(Input, 32) Redirection Table
The redirection table is a 128-entry structure, indexed by the seven LSBs of the hash
function output. Each entry of the table contains the following:
Bit [7] - Queue index
Bits [6:0] - Reserved
The queue index determined the physical queue for the packet.
The contents of the redirection table are not defined following reset of the Memory
Configuration registers. S y stem software must initialize the table prior to enabling
multiple receive queues. It might also update the redirection table during run time.
Such updates of the table are not synchronized with the arrival time of received
packets. Therefore, it is not guaranteed that a table update takes effect on a specific
packet boundary.
Inline Functions—82574 GbE Controller RSS Verification Suite
Assume that the random key byte-stream is:
0x6d, 0x5a, 0x56, 0xda, 0x25, 0x5b, 0x0e, 0xc2,
0x41, 0x67, 0x25, 0x3d, 0x43, 0xa3, 0x8f, 0xb0,
0xd0, 0xca, 0x2b, 0xcb, 0xae, 0x7b, 0x30, 0xb4,
0x77, 0xcb, 0x2d, 0xa3, 0x80, 0x30, 0xf2, 0x0c,
0x6a, 0x42, 0xb7, 0x3b, 0xbe, 0xac, 0x01, 0xfa
IPv6 - The IPv6 address tuples are only for verification purposes, and might not make
sense as a tuple).
7.2 Packet Transmission
7.2.1 Transmit Functionality
The 82574 transmit flow is a descriptor-based transmit where the hardware gets the
per-packet details for the transmit tasks through descriptors created by software.
This section outlines the transmit structures and process along with features and
offloads supported by the 82574.
Destination Address/
Port Source Address/Port IPv4 Only IPv4 with TCP 0x323e8fc2 0x51ccc178 0xd718262a 0xc626b0ea 0xd2d0a5de 0x5c2b394a 0x82989176 0xafc7327f 0x5d1809c5 0x10e828a2
Destination Address/Port Source Address/Port IPv6 Only IPv6 With
3ffe:2501:200:1fff::7 (1766) 3ffe:2501:200:3::1 (2794) 0x2cc18cd5 0x40207d3d
ff02::1 (4739) 3ffe:501:8::260:97ff:fe40:efab
(14230) 0x0f0c461c 0xdde51bbf
fe80::200:f8ff:fe21:67cf (38024) 3ffe:1900:4545:3:200:f8ff:fe21:67cf
(44251) 0x4b61e985 0x02d1feef
82574 GbE Controller—Inline Functions
7.2.2 Transmission Flow Using Simplified Legacy Descriptors
7.2.3 Transmission Process Flow Using Extended Descriptors
The 82574 supports extended Tx descriptors that provide more offload capabilities. The
extended offload capabilities are indicated to the hardware by two types of descriptors:
context descriptors and data descriptors. The context descriptors define a set of offload
capabilities applicable for multiple packets while the data descriptors define the data
buffers and specific off load capabilities per packet.
The software/hardware flow while using the extended descriptors is as follows:
Software prepares the context descriptor that defines the offload capabilities for
the incoming packets.
Software prepares the data packets in host memory within one or more data
buffers and their descriptors.
All steps are the same as the legacy Tx descriptors as previously described
(starting at step number 4) while the data buffers belong to a single packet.
The software/hardw are flow for TCP segmentati on using the extended descriptors is as
Software prepares the context descriptor that defines the upcoming TCP
segmentation, In this case, the data buffers belong to multiple packets.
Software places a prototype header in host memory and indicates it to the
hardware by a data descriptor.
1Software defines a descriptor ring and configures the 82574's transmit queue with the address
location, length, head, and tail pointe rs of the ring. This ste p is executed once per Tx descrip tor rin g.
See section 7.2.4 for more details on the descriptor ring structure.
2 Software prepares the packet headers and data for the transmit within one or more data buffers.
Software pr epares Tx descriptors according to the number of data buffers that are used. Each
descriptor points to a different data buffer and holds the required hardware processing. See
section 7.2.10 for more details on the descriptor format. The software places the descriptors in the
correct location in the Tx descriptor ring.
4Software updates the transmit descriptor tai l pointer (TDT) to i ndicate the hardware that Tx
descriptors are ready.
5Hardware senses a change of the TDT and initiates a PCIe request to fetch the descriptors from host
6The descriptors’ content is received in a PCIe read completion and is written to the appropriate
location in the descriptor queue.
According to the descriptors content the corresponding memory data buffers are then fetched from
the host to the hardware on-chip transmit FIFO.
While the packet is passing through the DMA and MAC units, relevant off load functions are
incorporated accor ding to the commands in the descriptor s.
10 After the entire packet is fetched by the hardware it is transmitted to the Ethernet link.
11 After a DMA of each buffer is complete, if the RS bit in the command byte is set, the DMA updates the
Status field of the appropriate descriptor and writes back the descriptor to the descriptor ring in host
12 The hardware mov es th e tr ansmit de script or head p ointer (T DH) in the directio n of the tail to poi nt to
the next descriptor in the ring.
13 After the entire packet is fetched by the hardware an interrupt might be generated by the hardw are to
notify the software device driver that it can release the relevant buffers to the operating system.
Inline Functions—82574 GbE Controller
Software places the rest of the data to be transmitted in the host memory indicated
to the hardware by additional data descriptors.
Hardware splits the data into multiple packets according to the Maximum Segment
Size (MSS) defined in the context descriptor. Hardware uses the prototype header
for each packet while it auto-updates some of the fields in the IP and TCP headers.
See more details in section
For each packet, th e proceeding steps are the same as the legacy Tx descriptors as
previously described (starting at step number 4).
7.2.4 Transmit Descriptor Ring Structure
The transmit descriptor ring is described by the following registers:
Transmit Descriptor Base Address register (TDBA)
This register indicates the start address of the descriptor ring buffer in the host
memory; this 64-bit address is aligned on a 16-byte boundary and is stored in
two consecutive 32-bit registers. Hardware ignores the lower four bits.
Transmit Descriptor Length register (TDLEN)
This register determines the number of bytes allocated to the circular ring. This
value must be aligned to 128 bytes.
Transmit Descriptor Head register (TDH)
This register holds an index value that indicates the in-progress descriptor.
There can be up to 64 KB descriptors in the circular buffer. Reading this register
returns the value of head corresponding to descriptors already loaded in the
transmit FIFO .
Transmit Descriptor Tail register (TDT)
This register holds a value, which is an offset from the base (TDBA), and
indicates the location beyond the last descriptor hardware can process. This is
the location where software writes the next new descriptor.
Figure 30. Transmit Descriptor Ring Structure
TDBA Base+1
Base +
82574 GbE Controller—Inline Functions
Descriptors between the head and the tail pointers are descriptors that have been
prepared by software and are owned by hardware. Transmit Descriptor Fetching
The descriptor processing strategy for transmit descriptors is essentially the same as
for receive descriptors.
When the on-chip descriptor queue is empty, a fetch occurs as soon as any descriptors
are made available (host writes to the tail pointer). Hardware might elect to perform a
fetch which is not a multiple of cache line size. The hardw are performs this non-aligned
fetch if doing so results in the next descriptor fetch being aligned on a cache line
boundary. This enables the descriptor fetch mechanism to be most efficient in the cases
where it has fallen behind software.
After the initial fetch of descriptors, as the on-chip buffer empties, the hardware can
decide to pre-fetch more transmit descriptors if the number of on-chip descriptors drop
below TXDCTL.PTHRESH and enough valid descriptors TXDCT is performed.
Note: The 82574 NEVER fetches descriptors beyond the descriptor tail pointer. Transmit D escriptor Write Back
The descriptor write-back policy for transmit descriptors is similar to that for receive
descriptors with a few additional factors.
There are three factors: the Report S tatus (RS) bit in the transmit descriptor, the write
back threshold (TXDCTL.WTHRESH) and the Interrupt Delay Enable (IDE) bit in the
transmit descriptor.
Descriptors are written back in one of three cases:
TXDCTL.WTHRESH = zero, IDE = zero and a descriptor with RS set to 1b is ready
to be written back, for this condition write backs are immediate. The device writes
back only the status byte of the descripto r (TDESCR.ST A) and all other bytes of the
descriptor are left unchanged.
IDE = 1b and the Transmit Interrupt Delay (TIDV) register timer expires, this timer
is used to force a timely write back of descriptors. Timer expiration flushes any
accumulated descriptors and sets an interrupt event.
TXDCTL.WTHRESH > zero and the write back of the full descriptors are performed
only when TXDCTL.WTHRESH number of descriptors are ready for a write back.
Inline Functions—82574 GbE Controller Determining Completed Frames as Done
Software can determine if a packet has been sent by the following method:
Setting the RS bit in the transmit descriptor command field and checking the DD bit
of the relevant descriptors in host memory.
The process of checking for completed descriptors consists of the following:
The software device driver scans the host memory for the value of the DD status
bit. When the DD bit =1b, indicates a completed packet, and also indicates that all
packets preceding that packet have been put in the output FIFO.
7.2.5 Mul tiple Transmit Queues
The 82574 supports two transmit descriptor rings. Each ring functionality is according
to the description in section 7.2.4. When software enables the two transmit queues, it
also must enable the multiple request support in the TCTL register.
The priority and arbitration between the queues can be set and specified using the
TARC registers in the memory space (see section
This feature is intended to enable the support for Quality of Service (QoS), Supporting
802.1p, while classifying packets into different priority queues.
7.2.6 Overview of On-Chip Transmit Modes
Transmit mode is used to refer to a set of configurations that support some of the
transmit path offloads. These modes are updated and controlled with the transmit
There are three types of transmit modes:
•Legacy mode
Extended mode
•Segmentation mode
The first mode (legacy) is an implied mode as it is not explicitly specified with a context
descriptor. This mode is constructed by the device from the first and last descriptors of
a legacy transmit and from some internal constants. The legacy mode enables insertion
of one checksum.
The other two modes are indicated explicitly by a transmit context descriptor. The
extended mode is used to control the checksum offloading feature for packet
transmission. The segmentation mode is used to control the packet segmentation
capabilities of the device. The TSE bit, in the context descriptor, selects which mode is
updated, that is, extended mode or segmentation mode. The extended and
segmentation modes enable insertion of two checksums. In addition, the segmentation
mode adds information specific to the segmentation capability.
82574 GbE Controller—Inline Functions
The device automatically selects the appropriate mode to use based on the current
packet transmission: legacy, extended, or segmentation.
Note: While the architecture supports arbitrary ordering rules for the various descriptors,
there are restrictions including:
Context descriptors should not occur in the middle of a packet or of a
Data descriptors of different packet types (legacy, extended, or segmentation)
should not be intermingled except at the packet (or segmentation) level.
There are dedicated resources on-chip for both the extended and segm entation modes.
These modes remain constant until they are modified by another context descriptor.
This means that a set of configurations relev ant to one mode can (and will) be used for
multiple packets unless a new mode is loaded prior to sending a new packet.
Note: When working with two descriptor queues in the 82574, the software needs to rewrite
the context descriptor for each packet as it can't know if the second queue tr ansmission
had modified the on-chip context or not. The hardware keeps track of only the last
context descriptor that was written.
7.2.7 Pipelined Tx Data Read Requests
Transmit data request pipelining is the process by which a request for transmit data is
sent to the host memory before the read DM A request of the previously requested data
completes. Transmit pipeline requests is enabled using the MULR bit in the Transmit
Control (TCTL) register, Its initial value is loaded from the NVM.
The 82574 supports four pipelined requests from the Tx data DMA. In gen eral, the four
requests can belong to the same packet or to consecutive packets. However, the
following restrictions apply:
All requests for a packet are issued before a request is issued for a following
If a request (for the following packet) requires context change, the request for the
following packet is not issued until the previous request is completed (such as, no
pipeline across contexts).
The PCIe specification does not ensure that completions for separate requests retu rn in
order. The 82574 can handle completions that arrive in any order.
The 82574 incorporates a 2 KB buffer to support re-ordering of completions for the four
requests. Each request/completion can be up to 512 bytes long. The maximum size of a
read request is defined as follows:
When the MULR bit is cleared, maximum request size in bytes is the min{2K,
When the MULR bit is set, maximum request size in bytes is the min{512,
Note: In addition to the four pipeline requests from the Tx data DMA, the 82574 can issue a
single read request from each of the 2 Tx descriptor and 2 Rx descriptor DMA engines.
The requests from the three sources (Tx data, Tx descriptor and Rx descriptor) are
independently issued. Each descriptor read request can fetch up to 16 descriptors
(equal to 256 bytes of data).
Inline Functions—82574 GbE Controller
7.2.8 Transmit Interrupts
Hardware supplies the transmit interrupts described below. These interrupts are
initiated via the following conditions:
Transmit Descriptor Ring Empty (ICR.TXQE) - All descriptors have been processed.
The head pointer is equal to the tail pointer.
Any write backs are performed; either with the RS bit set or when accumulated
descriptors are written back when TXDCTL.WTHRESH descriptors have been
completed and accumulated; Transmit Descriptor Write Back (ICR.TXDW).
Transmit Delayed Interrupt (ICR.TXDW) - in conjunction with Interrupt Delay
Enable (IDE), the TXDW indication is dela yed per the TIDV and/or TADV registers.
The interrupt is set when one of the transmit interrupt countdown timers expire. A
transmit dela yed interrupt is scheduled for a transmit descriptor with its RS bit set
and the IDE bit set. When a transmit dela yed interrupt occurs, the TXD W interrupt
bit is set (just as when a transmit descriptor write-back interrupt occurs). This
interrupt can be masked in the same manner as the TXDW interrupt. This interrupt
is used frequently by software that performs dynamic transmit chaining by adding
packets one at a time to the transmit chain.
Note: The transmit delay interrupt is indicated with the same interrupt bit as the transmit
write-back interrupt, TXDW. The transmit delay interrupt is only delayed in time as
previously discussed.
Note: In MSI-X mode, the IDE bit in the transmit descriptor should not be set.
Transmit Descriptor Ring Low Threshold Hit (ICR.TXD_LOW) - Set when the total
number of transmit descriptors available hits the low threshold specified in the
TXDCTL.LWTHRESH field in the Transmit Descriptor Control register. For the
purposes of this interrupt, number of transmit descriptors available is the
difference between the transmit descriptor tail and transmit descriptor head values,
minus the number of transmit descriptors that have been pre-fetched. Up to eight
descriptors can be pre-fetched. Delayed Transmit Interrupts
This mechanism allows software the flexibility of delaying transmit interrupts in order
to allow more time for new descriptors to be written to the memory ring and potentially
prevent an interrupt when the device's head pointer catches the tail pointer.
This feature is desirable, because a softw are device driv er usually has no knowledge of
when it is going to be asked to send another fr ame. F or performance reasons, it is best
to generate only one transmit interrupt after a burst of packets have been sent.
7.2.9 Transmit Data Storage
Data is stored in buffers pointed to by the descriptors. Alignment of data is on an
arbitrary byte boundary with the maximum size per descriptor limited only to the
maximum allowed length size. A packet typically consists of two (or more) descriptors,
one (or more) for the header and one (or more) for the actual data. Some software
implementations copy the header(s) and packet data into one buffer and use only one
descriptor per transmitted packet.
82574 GbE Controller—Inline Functions
7.2.10 Transmit Descriptor Formats
The original descriptor is referred to as the legacy descriptor and is described in
section The two new descriptor types are collectively referred to as extended
descriptors. One of the new descriptor types is quite similar to the legacy descriptor in
that it points to a block of packet data. This descriptor type is called the extended data
descriptor. The other new descriptor type is fundamentally different as it does not point
to packet data. This descriptor type is called the context descriptor. It only contains
control information, which is loaded into registers of the 82574, and affects the
processing of future packets. The following paragraphs describe the three descriptor
The new descriptor types are specified by setting the TDESC.DEXT bit to 1b. If this bit
is set, the TDESC.DTYP field is examined to determine the descriptor type (extended
data or context). Figure 32 shows the context descriptor generic layout. Figure 34
shows the data descriptor generic layout. Legacy Transmit Descriptor Format
Figure 31. Legacy Transmit Descriptor Format
The legacy Tx descriptor is defined by setting the DEXT bit in the command field to 0b.
The legacy Tx descriptor format is shown in Figure 31. Buffer Address
The buffer address (TDESC.Buffer Address) specifies the location (address) in main
memory of the data to be fetched.
Buffer Address [63:0]
Ch ecksum
Start C hecksum
Status Command
32 1 0
13 12 11
ExtCMD 03
Rsv DDResRes
Inline Functions—82574 GbE Controller Length
Length (TDESC.LENGTH) specifies the length in bytes to be fetched from the buffer
address. The maximum length associated with any single legacy descriptor is 16288
Note: The maximum allowable packet size for transmits might change based on the value
configured for the transmit FIFO size written to the Packet Buffer Allocation (PBA)
register. For any individual packet, the sum of the individual descriptors' lengths must
be at least 80 bytes less than the allocated size of the transmit FIFO. Checksum Offset and Checksum Start - CSO and CSS
The checksum start (TDESC.CSS) field indicates where to begin computing the
checksum. CSS must be set in the first descriptor of a packet. The checksum offset
(TDESC.CSO) field indicates where to insert the TCP checksum, relative to the start of
the packet. Both CSO and CS S are in units of bytes while they must be within the range
of data provided to the device in the descriptor. This means, for short packets that are
padded by software, CSS and CSO must be in the range of the unpadded data length,
not the eventual padded length (64 bytes).
Note: CSO must be set in the last descriptor of the packet. Only when EOP is set does the
hardware interpret Insert Checksum (IC), and CSO bits.
In the case of 802.1Q header, the offset values depend on the VLAN insertion enable bit
- CTRL.VME and the VLE bit. When the CTRL.VME and the VLE bit are not set (VLAN
tagging included in the packet buffers), the offset values should include the VLAN
tagging. When these bits are set (VLAN tagging is taken from the packet descriptor),
the offset values should exclude the VLAN tagging.
Note: Although the 82574 can be programmed to calculate and insert TCP checksum using
the legacy descriptor format as previously described, it is recommended that software
use the newer context descriptor format. This newer descriptor format enables
hardware to calculate both the IP and TCP checksums for outgoing packets. See
section 7.2.7 for more information about how the new descriptor format can be used to
accomplish this task.
Note: UDP checksum calculation is not supported by the legacy descriptor.
Note: As the CSO field is eight bits wide, it limits the location of the checksum to 255 bytes
from the beginning of the packet.
Software must compute an offsetting entry and store it in the position where the
hardware computed checksum is to be inserted. This offset is needed to back out the
bytes of the header that should not be included in the TCP checksum. Command Byte - CMD
The CMD byte stores the applicable command and has the fields shown in Table 36.
Table 36. Command Byte Fields
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
82574 GbE Controller—Inline Functions
IDE (bit 7) - Interrupt Delay Enable
VLE (bit 6) - VLAN Packet Enable
DEXT (bit 5) - Descriptor extension (0b for legacy mode)
RSV (bit 4) - Reserved
RS (bit 3) - Report status
IC (bit 2) - Insert checksum
IFCS (bit 1) - Insert FC S (CRC)
EOP (bit 0) - End of packet
IDE activates a transmit interrupt delay timer. Hardware loads a countdown register
when it writes back a transmit descriptor that has RS and IDE set. The value loaded
comes from the IDV field of the Interrupt Delay (TIDV) register. When the count
reaches zero, a transmit interrupt occurs if transmit descriptor write-back interrupts
(TXDW) are enabled. Hardware alw ays loads the transmit interrupt counter whenever it
processes a descriptor with IDE set even if it is already counting down due to a
previous descriptor. If hardware encounters a descriptor that has RS set, but not IDE, it
generates an interrupt immediately after writing back the descriptor and clears the
interrupt delay timer. Setting the IDE bit has no meaning without setting the RS bit.
Note: Although the transmit interrupt might be delayed, the descriptor write-back requested
by setting the RS bit is performed without delay unless descriptor write-back bursting is
VLE indicates that the pack et is a VLAN packet (for example, that the hardware should
add the VLAN Ether type and an 802.1q VLAN tag to the packet).
Note: If the VLE bit is set, the CTRL.VME bit should also be set to enable VLAN tag insertion.
Table 37. VLAN Tag Insertion Decision Table when VLAN Mode En abled (CTRL. VME=1 b)
The DEXT bit identifies this descriptor as either a legacy or an extended descriptor type
and must be set to 0b to indicate legacy descriptor.
When the RS bit is set, hardware writes back the DD bit once the DMA fetch completes.
Note: Descriptors with the null address (0), or zero length, transfer no data. If they hav e the
RS bit in the command byte set, then the DD field in the status word is written when
hardware processes them. Hardware only sets the DD bit for descriptors with RS set.
Note: The software can set the RS bit in each descriptor or, more likely, in specific descriptors
such as the last descriptor of each packet.
VLE Action
0Send generic Ethernet packet. IFCS controls insertion of FCS in normal Ethernet
1Send 802.1Q packet; the Ethernet Type field comes from the VET register and the
VLAN data comes from the special field of the TX descriptor; hardware appends the
FCS/CRC - command should reflect by setting IFCS to 1b.
Inline Functions—82574 GbE Controller
When IC is set, hardware inserts a checksum value calculated from the CSS bit value to
the CSE bit value, or to the end of packet. The checksum value is inserted in the header
at the CSO bit value location. One or many descriptors can be used to form a packet.
Checksum calculations are for the entire packet starting at the byte indicated by the
CSS field. A value of zero for CS S corresponds to the first byte in the packet. CSS must
be set in the first descriptor for a packet. In addition, IC is ignored if CSO or CSS are
out of range. This occurs if ( ) or ( ).
When IFCS is set, hardware appends the MAC FCS at the end of the packet. When
cleared, software should calculate the FCS for proper CRC check. The software must set
IFCS in the following instances:
Transmission of short packets while padding is enabled by the TCTL.PSP bit
Checksum offload is enabled by the IC bit in the TDESC.CMD
VLAN header insertion enabled by the VLE bit in the TDESC.CMD
Large send or TCP/IP checksum offload using context descriptor
EOP stands for end-of-pack et and when set, indicates the last descriptor making up the
Note: VLE, IFCS, CSO, and IC are qualified by EOP. In other words, hardware interprets these
bits ONLY when the EOP bit is set. Extended Command - ExtCMD
RSV (bit 3:1) - Reserved
TS (bit 0) - Time stamp
The TS bit indicates to the 82574 to put a time stamp on the packet designated by the
descriptor. Status - STA
RSV (bit 3:1) - Reserved
DD (bit 0) - Descriptor done status
DD indicates that the descriptor is done and is written back after the descriptor has
been processed (assuming the RS bit was set). The DD bit can be used as an indicator
to the software that all descriptors, in the memory descriptor ring, up to and including
the descriptor with the DD bit set are again a vailable to the software.
CSS Length
CSO Length 1
321 0
Rsv TS
321 0
Rsv DD
82574 GbE Controller—Inline Functions
154 VLAN Field
The VLAN field is us ed to provide the 802.1Q/ 8 0 2.1 ac tagg i ng information. The VLAN
field is ignored if the VLE bit is 0b or if the EOP bit is 0b. Context Transmit Descriptor Format
Figure 32. Context Transmit Descriptor Format
The context descriptor provides access to the enhanced checksum off load and TCP
segmentation features available in the 82574.
A context descriptor differs from a data descriptor as it does not point to packet data.
Instead, this descriptor provides access to on-chip contexts that support the transmit
checksum offloading or the segmentation feature of the 82574. A context refers to a
set of parameters loaded or unloaded as a group to provide a particular function.
To select this descriptor format, the DEXT bit in the command field should be set to 1b
and TDESC.DTYP should be set to 0x0000. In this case, the descriptor format is defined
as shown in Figure 32. IP and TCP/UDP Checksum Control
The first Qword of this descriptor type contains parameters used to calculate the two
checksums, which can be offloaded.
15 13 12 11 0
765432 10
32 1 0
192031323940474863 3635 2324
TCP/UDP Checksum Controls IP CS E, IP CSS, IPCS O a re IP
Checksum Controls
DEXT must =1
for c o n text
descriptor format
32 1 0
DTYP must =0000
for context
de s c r ip to r fo rma t
Inline Functions—82574 GbE Controller
IPCSS - IP Checksum Start - Specifies the byte offset from the start of th e DMA'd data
to the first byte to be included in the checksum. Setting this value to 0b means the first
byte of the data would be included in the checksum. This field is limited to the first 256
bytes of the packet and must be less than or equal to the total length of a given packet.
If this is not the case, the results are unpredictable.
IPCSO - IP Checksum Offset - Specifies where the resulting checksum should be
placed. This field is limited to the first 256 bytes of the packet and must be less than or
equal to the total length of a given packet. If this is not the case, the checksum is not
IPCSE - IP Checksum End - Specifies where the checksum should stop. A 16-bit value
supports checksum off loading of packets as large as 64 KB. Setting the IPCSE field to
all zeros means EOP. In this way, the length of the packet does not need to be
Note: When doing checksum or TCP segmentation with IPv6 headers IPCSE field should be
set to 0x0000, IPCSS should be valid as in IPv4 packet and the IXSM bit in the data
descriptor should be cleared.
Note: For proper IP checksum calculation, the IP Header Checksum field should be set to zero
unless some adjustment is needed by the driver.
Similarly, TUCSS, TUCSO, TUCSE specify the same parameters for the TCP or UDP
Note: For proper T CP/UDP checksum calculation the TCP/UDP Checksum field should be set to
the partial pseudo-header checksum value.
In case of 802.1Q header, the offset values depend on the VLAN insertion enable bit -
CTRL.VME. When the CTRL.VME is not set (VLAN tagging included in the packet
buffers), the offset values should include the VLAN tagging. When the CTRL.VME is set
(VLAN tagging is taken from the packet descriptor), the offset values should exclude
the VLAN tagging .
Note: When setting the TCP segmentation context, IPCS S and TUCSS are used to indicate the
start of the IP and TCP headers respectively, and must be set even if checksum
insertion is not desired.
In certain situations, software might need to calculate a partial checksum (the TCP
pseudo-header for instance) to include bytes that are not contained within the range of
start and end. If this is the case, this partial checksum should be placed in the packet
data buffer, at the appropriate offset for the checksum. If no partial checksum is
required, software must write a value of zero at this offset. Max Segment Size - MSS
MSS controls the maximum segment size. This specifies the maximum TCP or UDP
payload segment sent per frame, not including any header. The total length of each
frame (or section) sent by the TCP segmentation mechanism (excluding 802.3ac
tagging and Ethernet CRC) is MSS bytes + HRDLEN. The one exception is the last
packet of a TCP segmentation that might be shorter. This field is ignored if TDES C.TSE
is not set.
82574 GbE Controller—Inline Functions
156 Header Length - HDRLEN
HDRLEN is used to specify the length (in bytes) of the header to be used for each frame
of a TCP segmentation operation. The first HDRLEN bytes fetched from data
descriptor(s) are stored internally and are used as a prototype header. The prototype
header is updated for each packet and is prepended to the packet payload. For UDP
packets this will normally be equal to UDP checksum offset + 2. For TCP messages it
will normally be equal to TCP checksum offset + 4 + TCP header option bytes. This field
is ignored if TDESC.TSE is not set.
Maximum limits for the HDRLEN and MSS fields are dictated by the lengths variables.
However, there is a further restriction that for any TCP segmentation operation, the
hardware must be capable of storing a complete framed fragment (completely-built
frames) in the transmit FIFO prior to transmission. Therefore, the output TX FIFO
(packet buffer) should at least hav e (MS S + HDRLEN) space av ailable. In addition MSS
must be set to a value more than 0x10 and HDRLEN must be smaller than 256 bytes. Payload - PAYLEN
The Packet Length field (PAYLEN) is the total number of payload bytes for this TCP
segmentation offload (for example, the total number of payload bytes includes those
that are distributed across multiple frames after TCP segmentation is performed).
Following the fetch of the prototype header, PAYLEN specifies the length of data that is
fetched next from data descriptor(s). This field is also used to determine when last-
frame processing needs to be performed. The PAYLEN specification does not include
any header bytes. This field is ignored if TDESC.TSE is not set.
Note: There is no restriction on the overall PAYLEN specification with respect to the transmit
FIFO size, once the MSS and HDRLEN specifications are legal. Descriptor Type - DTYP
Setting the descriptor type (TDESC.DTYP) field to 0x0000 identifies this descriptor as a
context descriptor. Command - TUCMD
The command field (TDESC.TUCMD) provides options that control the checksum
offloading and TCP segmentation features, along with some of the generic descriptor
processing functions. Table 38 lists the bit definitions for the TDESC.TUCMD field. The
IDE, DEXT, and RS bits are valid regardless of the state of TSE. All other bits are
ignored if TSE=0b.
Table 38. Command TUCMD Fields
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Inline Functions—82574 GbE Controller
IDE (bit 7) - Interrupt Delay Enable
SNAP (bit 6) - SNAP
DEXT (bit 5) - Descriptor extension (must be 1b for this descriptor type)
Rsv (bit 4) - Reserved
RS (bit 3) - Report status
TSE (bit 2) - TCP segmentation enable
IP (bit 1) - IP Packet type (IPv4=1b, IPv6=0b)
TCP (bit 0) - Packet type (TCP=1b,UDP=0b)
IDE activates a transmit interrupt delay timer. Hardware loads a countdown register
when it writes back a transmit descriptor that has RS and IDE set. The value loaded
comes from the IDV field of the Interrupt Del ay (TIDV) register. When the count
reaches zero, a transmit interrupt occurs if transmit descriptor write-back interrupts
(TXDW) are enabled. Hardware alwa ys loads the transmit interrupt counter whenever it
processes a descriptor with IDE set even if it is already counting down due to a
previous descriptor. If hardware encounters a descriptor that has RS set, but not IDE, it
generates an interrupt immediately after writing back the descriptor and clears the
interrupt delay timer. Setting the IDE bit has no meaning without setting the RS bit.
Note: Although the transmit interrupt may be delayed, the descriptor write-back requested
by setting the RS bit is performed without delay unless descriptor write-back bursting is
SNAP indicates that the TCP segmentation MAC header includes a SNAP header that
needs to be updated by hardware.
The DEXT bit identifies this descriptor as one of the extended descriptor types and
must be set to 1b.
When the RS bit is set, hardware writes back the DD bit once the DMA fetch completes.
Note: Descriptors with the null address (0), or zero length, transfer no data. If they hav e the
RS bit in the command byte set, then the DD field in the status word is written when
hardware processes them. Hardware only sets the DD bit for descriptors with RS set.
Note: Software can set the RS bit in each descriptor or, more likely, in specific descriptors
such as the last descriptor of each packet.
TSE indicates that this descriptor is setting the TCP segmentation context. If this bit is
zero, the descriptor defines a single packet TC P/UDP, IP checksum offload mode. When
a descriptor of this type is processed, the device immediately updates the mode in
question (TCP segmentation or checksum offloading) with values from the descriptor.
This means that if any normal packets or T CP segmentation pack ets are in progress (a
descriptor with EOP set has not been received for the given context) the results will
likely be undesirable.
The IP bit is used to indicate what type of IP (IPv4 or IPv6) packet is used in the
segmentation process. This is necessary for the 82574 to know where the IP Payload
Length field is located. This does not override the checksum insertion bit, IXSM. The IP
bit must only be set for IPv4 packets and cleared for IPv6 packets.
82574 GbE Controller—Inline Functions
The TCP bit identifies the packet as either TCP or UDP (non-TCP). This affects the
processing of the header information. Sta t us - STA
Four bits are reserved to provide transmit status, although only one is currently
assigned for this specific descriptor type.
The status word will only be written back to host memory in cases where the RS bit is
set in the command. DD indicates that the descriptor is done and is written back after
the descriptor has been processed only if the RS bit was set.
Figure 33. Transmit Status Layout
Rsv (bits 3-1) - Reserved
DD (bit 0) - Descriptor Done
7.2.11 Extended Data Descriptor Format
Figure 34. Extended Data Descriptor Format
The extended data descriptor is the companion to the context descriptor described in
the previous section. This descriptor type points to the location of the data in the host
To select this descriptor format, bit 29 (TDESC.DEXT) must be set to 1b and
TDESC.DTYP must be set to 0x0001. In this case, the descriptor format is defined as
shown in Figure 34.
The first Qword of this descriptor type contains the address of a data buffer in host
memory. This buffer contains all or a portion of a transmit packet.
The second Qword of this descriptor contains information about the data pointed to by
this descriptor as well as descriptor processing options.
32 1 0
Reserved DD
31 24
35 32
76 5 432 1 0
721 0
Inline Functions—82574 GbE Controller Data Length - DTALEN
The Data Length field (TDESC.DTALEN) is the total length of the data pointed to by this
descriptor (the entire send), in bytes. For data descriptors not associated with a TCP
segmentation operation (TDESC .T SE not set), the descriptor lengths are subject to the
same restrictions specified for legacy descriptors (the sum of the lengths of the data
descriptors comprising a single packet must be at least 80 bytes less than the allocated
size of the transmit FIFO). Descriptor Type - DTYP
Setting the descriptor type (TDESC.DTYP) field to 0x0001 identifies this descriptor as
an extended data descriptor. Command - DCMD
The command field (TDESC.DCMD) provides options that control the checksum
offloading TCP segmentation features, along with some of the generic descriptor
processing features. Table 39 lists the bit definitions for the DCMD field.
Table 39. Command DCMD Fields
IDE (bit 7) - Interrupt delay enable
VLE (bit 6) - VLAN enable
DEXT (bit 5) - Descriptor extension (must be 1b for this descriptor type)
RSV (bit 4) - Reserved
RS (bit 3) - Report status
TSE (bit 2) - TCP segmentation enable
IFCS (bit 1) - Insert FCS (also controls insertion of Ethernet CRC)
EOP (bit 0) - End of packet
IDE activates a transmit interrupt delay timer. Hardware loads a countdown register
when it writes back a transmit descriptor that has RS and IDE set. The value loaded
comes from the IDV field of the Interrupt Del ay (TIDV) register. When the count
reaches zero, a transmit interrupt occurs if transmit descriptor write-back interrupts
(TXDW) are enabled. Hardware alwa ys loads the transmit interrupt counter whenever it
processes a descriptor with IDE set even if it is already counting down due to a
previous descriptor. If hardware encounter s a descriptor that has RS set, but not IDE, it
generates an interrupt immediately after writing back the descriptor and clears the
interrupt delay timer. Setting the IDE bit has no meaning without setting the RS bit.
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
82574 GbE Controller—Inline Functions
Although the transmit interrupt might be delayed, the descriptor write-back requested
by setting the RS bit is performed without delay unless descriptor write-back bursting is
VLE indicates that the pack et is a VLAN packet (for example, that the hardware should
add the VLAN Ether type and an 802.1Q VLAN tag to the TCP message).
Note: If the VLE bit is set to enable VLAN tag insertion, the CTRL.VME bit should also be set.
The DEXT bit identifies this descriptor as one of the extended descriptor types and
must be set to 1b.
When the RS bit is set, the hardware writes back the DD bit once the DMA fetch
Note: Descriptors with the null address (0), or zero length, transfer no data. If they hav e the
RS bit in the command byte set, then the DD field in the status word is written when
hardware processes them. Hardware only sets the DD bit for descriptors with RS set.
Software can set the RS bit in each descriptor or, more likely, in specific descriptors
such as the last descriptor of each packet.
TSE indicates that this descriptor is part of the current T CP segmentation context. If
this bit is not set, the descriptor is part of the normal non-segmentation context.
IFCS controls insertion of the Ethernet CRC. The packet FCS covers the TCP/IP headers.
Therefore, when using the TCP segmentation offload, software must also use the FCS
Note: The VLE, IFCS, and VLAN fields are only valid in certain descriptors. If TSE is enabled,
the VLE, IFCS, and VLAN fields are only valid in the first data descriptor of the TCP
segmentation context. If TSE is not enabled, then these fields are only valid in the last
descriptor of the given packet (qualified by the EOP bit).
EOP when set, indicates the last descriptor making up the packet.
Table 40. VLAN Tag Insertion Decision Table
VLE Action
0Send generic Ethernet packet. IFCS controls insertion of FCS in normal Ethernet
1Send 802.1Q packet; the Ethernet Type field comes from the VET register and the
VLAN data comes from the special field of the TX descriptor; hardware always
appends the FCS/CRC.
Inline Functions—82574 GbE Controller Status - STA
The status field is written back to host memory in cases where the RS bit is set in the
command fiel d. The DD bit indicates that the descriptor is done after the descriptor has
been processed.
Rsv (bit 3:1) - Reserved
DD (bit 0) - Descriptor done Extended Command
The extended command field (TDESC.ExtCMD) provides additional control options.
Table 41 lists the bit definitions for the DCMD field.
Table 41. Transmit Extended Command ( TDESC.ExtCMD) Layout
TimeStamp (bit 0) - Indication to stamp the transmitted packet time for TimeSync. Packet Options - POPTS
The POPTS field provides a number of options, which control the handling of this
packet. This field is relevant only on the first data descriptor of a packet or
segmentation context.
Rsv (bits 7:2) - Reserved
TXSM (bit 1) - Insert TCP/UDP checksum
IXSM (bit 0) - Insert IP checksum
IXSM and TXSM are used to control insertion of the IP and TCP/UDP checksums,
respectively. If the corresponding bit is not set, whatever value software has placed
into the checksum field of the packet data is placed on the wire.
Note: For proper values of the IP and TCP checksum, software must set the IXSM and TXSM
when using the transmit segmentation.
Note: Software should not set this field for IPv6 packets.
321 0
Rsv DD
321 0
Reserved TimeStamp
7 2 1 0
82574 GbE Controller—Inline Functions
162 VLAN
The VLAN field is used to provide the 802.1Q tagging information. The special field is
ignored if the VLE bit in the DCMD command byte is 0b.
7.3 TCP Segmentation
TCP segmentation is an offloading option of the TCP/IP stack. This is often referred to
as Transmit Segmen tation Offloading (T SO). This feature obligates the software device
driver and hardware to carv e up TCP messages, larger than the Maximum Transmission
Unit (MTU) of the medium, into MSS sized frames that have appropriate lay er 2, 3 (IP),
and 4 (TCP) headers. These headers must have the correct sequence number, IP
identification, checksum fields, options and flag values as required. This is done by
breaking up the data into segments smaller than or equal to the MSS.
Note: Note that some of these values (such as the checksum values) are unique for each
packet of the TCP message, and other fields such as the source IP address are constant
for all frames associated with the TCP message.
The offloading of these mechanisms to the software device driver and the 82574 saves
significant CPU cycles. The software device driver shares the additional tasks to support
these options with the 82574.
7.3.1 TCP Segmentation Performance Advantages
Performance advantages for a hardware implementation of TCP segmentation offload
The stack does not need to partition the block to fit the MTU size, saving CPU
The stack only computes one Ethernet, IP, and TCP header per segment (entire
packet), saving CPU cycles.
The stack interfaces with the software device driver only once per block transfer,
instead of once per frame.
Interrupts are easily reduced to once per TCP message instead of once per frame.
Fewer I/O accesses are required to command the the 82574.
Note: TCP segmentation requires the transmit context descriptor format and the transmit
data descriptor format.
7.3.2 Ethernet Packet Format
A TCP message can be fragmented across multiple pages in host memory. The 82574
partitions the data packet into standard Ethernet frames prior to transmission. The
82574 supports calculating the Ethernet, IP, TCP, and UDP headers, including
checksum, on a frame-by-frame basis.
15 13 12 11 0
Inline Functions—82574 GbE Controller
Figure 35. TCP/IP Packet Format
Frame formats supported by the 82574 include:
Ethernet 802.3
IEEE 802.1q VLAN (Ethernet 802.3ac)
Ethernet Type 2
Ethernet SNAP
IPv4 headers with options
IPv6 headers with IP option next headers
TCP with options
UDP with options
VLAN tag insertion is handled by hardware.
Note: IP tunneled packets are not supported for TSO operation.
Once the TCP segmentation context has been set, the next descriptor provides the
initial data to transfer. This first descriptor(s must point to a packet of the type
indicated. Furthermore, the data it points to might need to be modified by software as
it serves as the prototype (partial pseudo-header) header for all packets within the TCP
segmentation context. The following sections describe the supported packet types and
the various updates which are performed by hardware. This should be used as a guide
to determine what must be modified in the original packet header to make it a suitable
prototype (partial pseudo-header) header.
7.3.3 TCP Segmentation Data Descriptors
The TCP segmentation data descriptor is the companion to the TCP segmentation
context descriptor described in the previous section. For a complete description of the
descriptor please refer to section 7.2.11.
To select this descriptor format, bit 29 (TDESC.DEXT) must be set to 1b and
TDESC.DTYP must be set to 0x0001.
L2 L3 L4
82574 GbE Controller—Inline Functions
7.3.4 TCP Segmentation Source Data
Once the TCP segmentation context has been set, the next descriptor (data descriptor)
provides the initial data to transfer. This first data descriptor must point to data
containing an Ethernet header of the type indicated. The 82574 fetches the prototype
(partial pseudo-header) header from the host data buffer into an internal buffer and
this header is prepended to every packet for this TSO operation. The prototype (partial
pseudo-header) header is modified accordingly for each MSS sized segment. The
following sections describe the supported packet types and the various updates that
are performed by hardware. This should be used as a guide to determine what must be
modified in the original packet header to make it a suitable prototype (partial pseudo-
header) header.
The following summarizes the fields considered by the driver for modification in
constructing the prototype (partial pseudo-header) header.
MAC Header (for SNAP)
MAC Header LEN field should be set to 0b.
IPv4 Header
Length should be set to zero.
Identification field should be set as appropriate for first packet of send (if not
Header checksum should be zeroed out unless some adjustment is needed by the
software device driver.
IPv6 Header
Length should be set to zero.
TCP Header
Sequence number should be set as appropriate for first packet of send (if not
PSH, and FIN flags should be set as appropriate for LAST packet of send.
TCP checksum should be set to the partial pseudo-header checksum.
UDP Header
UDP checksum should be set to the partial pseudo-header checksum.
The 82574's DMA function fetches the IP, and TCP/UDP prototype (partial pseudo-
header) header information from the initial descriptor(s) and save them on-chip for
individual packet header generation.
7.3.5 Hardware Performed Updating for Each Frame
The following sections describe the updating process performed by the hardware for
each frame sent using the TCP segmentation capability.
Inline Functions—82574 GbE Controller
7.3.6 TCP Segmentation Use of Multiple Data Descriptors
TCP segmentation enables a series of data descriptors, each referencing a single
physical address page, to reference a large packet contained in a single virtual- address
The only requirement on use of multiple data descriptors for TCP segmentation is as
If multiple data descriptors are used to describe the IP/TCP/UDP header section,
each descriptor must describe one or more complete headers; descriptors
referencing only parts of headers are not supported.
Note: It is recommended that the entire header section, as described by the TCP Conte xt
Descriptor HDRLEN field, be coale sced into a single buffe r and described using a single
data descriptor. If all the layer headers (L2-L4) are not coalesced into a single buffer,
each buffer must not cross a 4 KB boundary, or be bigger than MAX_READ_REQUEST. Transmit Checksum Offloading with TCP Segmentation
The 82574 supports checksum offloading as a component of the TCP segmentation
offload feature and as a standalone capability.
The 82574 supports IP and TCP/UDP header options in the checksum computation for
packets that are derived from the TCP segmentation feature.
Note: The 82574 is capable of computing one level of IP header checksum and one TCP/UDP
header and payload checksum. In case of multiple IP headers, the software device
driver has to compute all but one IP header checksum. The 82574 calculates
checksums on the fly on a frame-by-frame basis and inserts the result in the IP/TCP/
UDP headers of each frame. TCP and UDP checksum are a result of performing the
checksum on all bytes of the payload and the pseudo header.
Three specific types of checksum are supported by the hardware in the context of the
TCP Segmentation off load feature:
IPv4 checks um (IPv6 does not have a checksum)
TCP checksum
•UDP checksum
Each packet that is sent via the TCP segmentation offload feature optionally includes
the IPv4 checksum and either the TCP or UDP checksum.
All checksum calculations use a 16-bit wide ones complement checksum. The
checksum word is calculated on the outgoing data. The checksum field is written with
the 16-bit ones complement sum of all 16-bit words in the range of CSS to CSE,
including the checksum field itself.
82574 GbE Controller—Inline Functions
166 IP/TCP/UDP Header Updating
IP/TCP/UDP header is updated for each outgoing frame based on the IP/TCP header
prototype (partial pseudo-header) which the hardware gets from the first descriptor(s)
and stores on chip. The IP/TCP/UDP headers are fetched from host memory into an on-
chip 240 byte header buffer once for each TCP segmentation context (for performance
reasons, this header is not fetched for each additional packet that will be derived from
the TCP segmentation process). The checksum fields and other header information are
updated on a frame-by-frame basis. The updating process is performed concurrently
with the packet data fetch. TCP/IP/UDP Header for the First Frame
The hardware makes the following changes to the headers of the first packet that is
derived from each TCP segmentation context.
MAC Header (for SNAP)
Type/Len field = MSS + HDRLEN - 14
IPv4 Header
•IP Total Length = MSS + HDRLEN - IPCSS
•IP Checksum
IPv6 Header
Payload Length = MSS + HDRLEN - IPCSS - Ipv6Size (while Ipv6Size = 40Bytes)
TCP Header
Sequence Number: The value is the Sequence Number of the first TCP byte in this
If FIN flag = 1b, it is cleared in the first frame.
If PSH flag =1b, it is cleared in the first frame.
TCP Checksum
UDP Header
•UDP Checksum TCP/IP/UDP Header for the Subsequent Frames
The hardware makes the following changes to the headers of the subsequent packets
that is derived from each TCP segmentation context.
Note: Number of bytes left for transmission = P A YLEN - (N * MS S). Where N is the number of
frames that have been transmitted.
MAC Header (for SNAP Packets)
Type/Len field = MSS + HDRLEN - 14
Inline Functions—82574 GbE Controller
IPv4 Hea d er
IP Identification: incremented from last value (wrap around)
IP Total Length = MSS + HDRLEN - IPCSS
•IP Checksum
IPv6 Hea d er
Payload Length = MSS + HDRLEN - IPCSS - Ipv6Size (while Ipv6Size = 40Bytes)
TCP Header
Sequence Number update: Add previous TCP payload size to the previous sequence
number value. This is equivalent to adding the MSS to the previous sequence
If FIN flag = 1b, it is cleared in these frames.
If PSH flag =1b, it is cleared in these frames.
TCP Checksum
UDP Header
•UDP Checksum TCP/IP/UDP Header for the Last Frame
The hardware makes the following changes to the headers of the last packet that is
derived from each TCP segmentation context.
Note: Last frame payload bytes = PAYLEN - (N * MSS)
MAC Header (for SNAP Packets)
Type/Len field = Last frame payload bytes + HDRLEN - 14
IPv4 Hea d er
IP Total Length = (last frame payload bytes + HDRLEN) - IPCSS
IP Identification: incremented from last value (wrap around)
•IP Checksum
IPv6 Hea d er
Payload Length = last frame payload bytes + HDRLEN - IPCSS - Ipv6Size (while
Ipv6Size = 40Bytes)
TCP Header
Sequence Number update: Add previous TCP payload size to the previous sequence
number value. This is equivalent to adding the MSS to the previous sequence
If FIN flag = 1b, set it in this last frame
If PSH flag =1b, set it in this last frame
TCP Checksum
82574 GbE Controller—Inline Functions
UDP Header
UDP length: (last frame payload bytes + HDRLEN) - TUCSS
•UDP Checksum
7.4 Interrupts
The 82574 supports the following interrupt modes:
PCI legacy interrupts
PCI MSI - Message S ignaled Interrupts
PCI MSI-X - Extended Message Signaled Interrupts
7.4.1 Legacy and MSI Interrupt Modes
In legacy and MSI modes, an interrupt cause is reflected by setting one of the bits in
the ICR register, where each bit reflects one or more causes. This description of ICR
register provides the mapping of interrupt causes (for example, a specific Rx queue
event or a LSC event) to bits in the ICR.
Mapping of causes relating to the Tx and Rx queues as well as non-queue causes in this
mode is not configurable. Each possible queue interrupt cause (such as, each Rx
queue, Tx queue or any other interrupt source) has an entry in the ICR.
The following configuration and parameters are involved:
The ICR[31:0] bits are allocated to specific interrupt causes
7.4.2 MSI-X Mode
MSI-X defines a separate optional extension to basic MSI functionality. Compared to
MSI, MSI-X supports a larger maximum number of vectors per function, the ability for
software to control aliasing when fewer vectors are allocated than requested, plus the
ability for each vector to use an independent address and data value, is specified by a
table that resides in Memory Space. However, most of the other characteristics of MSI-
X are identical to those of MSI. For more information on MSI-X, refer to the PCI Local
Bus Specification, Revision 3.0.
In MSI-X mode, an interrupt cause is mapped into an MSI-X vector. This section
describes the mapping of interrupt causes (for example, a specific Rx queue event or a
LSC event) to MSI-X vectors.
Mapping is accomplished through the IVAR register. Each possible cause for an
interrupt is allocated an entry in the IVAR, and each entry in the IVAR identifies one
MSI-X vector. It is possible to map multiple interrupt causes into the MSI-X vector.
Interrupt causes that are not related to the Tx and Rx queues are also mapped via the
IVAR register.
The ICR also reflects interrupt causes related to non-queue causes. These are mapped
directly into the ICR (as in the legacy case), with each cause allocated a separate bit.
Inline Functions—82574 GbE Controller
The following configuration and parameters are involved:
The IVAR.INT_Alloc[4:0] entries map two Tx queues, two Rx queues and other
events to 5 interrupt vectors
The ICR[24:20] bits reflect specific interrupt causes
Five MSI-X interrupt vectors are provided (calculated based on four vectors for
queues and one vector for other causes). The requested number of vectors is
loaded from the MSI_X_N fields in the EEPROM into the PCIe MSI-X capability
structure of the function.
Figure 36. Cause Mapping in MSI-X Mode
7.4.3 Registers
The interrupt logic consists of the registers listed in the following table, plus the
registers associated with MSI/MSI-X signaling.
Interrupt Cause Registers (ICR)
This register records the interrupts causes to provide to the software information on
the interrupt source.
Interrupt causes
(q ueues and other) MSI-X
Register Acronym Function
Interrupt Cause ICR Records all interrupt causes - an interrupt is signaled when
unmasked bits in this register are set.
Interrupt Cause Set ICS Enables software to set bits in the Interrupt Cause register.
Interrupt Mask Set/Read IMS Sets or reads bits in the interrupt mask.
Interrupt Mask Clear IMC Clears bits in the Interrupt mask.
Interrupt Auto Clear EIAC Enables bits in the ICR and IMS to be cleared automatically
following MSI-x interrupt without a read or write of the ICR.
Interrupt Auto Mask IAM Enables bits in the IMS to be set automatically.
82574 GbE Controller—Inline Functions
The interrupt causes include:
The receive and transmit related interrupts (including new per queue cause).
Other bits in this register are the legacy indication of interrupts as the MDIC
complete, management and link status change. There is a specific Other Cause bit
that is set if one of these bits are set, this bit can be mapped to a specific MSI-X
interrupt message.
In MSI-X mode the bits in this register can be configured to auto-clear when the MSI -X
interrupt message is sent, in order to minimize driver overhead, and when using MSI- X
interrupt signaling.
In systems that do not support MSI- X, reading the ICR register clears it's bits or writing
1b's clears the corresponding bits in this register.
Interrupt Cause Set Register (ICS)
This registers allows triggering an immediate interrupt by software, By writing 1b to
bits in ICS the corresponding bits in ICR is set Used usually to rearm interrupts the
software didn't have time to handle in the current interrupt routine.
Interrupt Mask Set and Read Register (IMS) and Interrupt Mask Clear
Register (IMC)
Interrupts appear on PCIe only if the interrupt cause bit is a one and the corresponding
interrupt mask bit is a one. Software blocks assertion of an interrupt by clearing the
corresponding bit in the mask register. The cause bit stores the interrupt event
regardless of the state of the mask bit. Clear and set make this register more thread
safe by avoiding a read-modify-write operation on the mask register. The mask bit is
set for each bit written to a one in the set register and cleared for each bit written in
the clear register. Reading the set register (IMS) returns the current mask register
In MSI-X mode, CTRL_EXT. PBA_support should also be set. For more details see
Interrupt Auto Clear Enable Register (EIAC)
Bits 24:20 in this register enables clearing of the corresponding bit in ICR following
interrupt generation. When a bit is set, the corresponding bit in ICR and in IMS is
automatically cleared following an interrupt.
Used in MSI-X interrupt vector, this feature allows interrupt cause recognition, and
selective interrupt cause and mask bits reset, without requiring software to read the
ICR register, therefore, the penalty related to a PCIe read transaction is avoided.
Bits in the ICR that are not set in EIAC need to be cleared with ICR read or ICR write-
Interrupt Auto Mask Enable register (IAM)
In non MSI- X mode - Each bit in this register enables setting o f the corresponding bit in
IMS following write to-clear to ICR.
In MSI-X mode and CTRL_EXT.EIAME is set, the software can set the bits of this
register to select mask bits that are cleared during interrupt processing. In this mode,
each bit in this register enables clearing of the corresponding bit in the mask register
(IM) following interrupt generation.
Inline Functions—82574 GbE Controller
7.4.4 Interrupt Moderation
The 82574 implements interrupt moderation to reduce the number of interrupts
software processes. The moderation scheme is based on a timer called ITR Interrupt
Throttle register). In general terms, the ITR defines an interrupt rate by defining the
time interval between consecutive interrupts.
The number of ITR registers is:
Non MSI-X mode - a single ITR is used (ITR).
MSI-X - a separate EITR is provided per MSI-X vector (EITR[0] is allocated to MSI-
X[0] and its corresponding interrupts, EITR[1] is allocated to MSI-X[1] and its
corresponding interrupts etc.)
Software uses ITR to limit the r ate of deliv ery of interrupts to the host CPU . It provides
a guaranteed inter-interrupt delay between interrupts asserted by the network
controller, regardle ss of network traffic conditions.
The following algorithm converts the inter-interrupt interval value to the common
'interrupts/sec' performance metric:
Interrupts/sec = (2 56 * 10-9 sec x interval) -1
For example, if the interval is programmed to 500d, the 82574 guarantees the CPU is
not interrupted by it for at least 128 s from the last interrupt.
Inversely, inter-interrupt interval value can be calculated as:
Inter-interrupt interval = (256 * 10-9 sec x interrupts/sec) -1
The optimal performance setting for this register is very system and configuration
ITR rules:
The maximum observable interrupt rate from the adapter should not exceed 7813
The Extended Interrupt Throttle register should default to 0x0 upon initialization
and reset.
Each time an interrupt event happens, the corresponding bit in the ICR is activated.
However, an interrupt message is not sent out on the PCIe* interface until the EITR
counter assigned to the proper MSI-X vector that supports the ICR bit has counted
down to zero. The EITR counter is reloaded after it has reached zero with its initial
value and the process repeats again. The interrupt flow should follow the following
82574 GbE Controller—Inline Functions
Figure 37. Interrupt Throttle Flow Diagram
For cases where the 82574 is connected to a small number of clients, it is desirable to
fire off the interrupt as soon as possible with minimum latency. For these cases, when
the EITR counter counts down to zero and no interrupt event has happened, then the
EITR counter is not reset but stays at zero. Thus, the next interrupt event triggers an
interrupt immediately. That scenario is illustrated as Case B as follows.
Start count
Assert Interrupt
Counter = 0
Load counter
with interval
Intr ack
Clear Interrupt
Inline Functions—82574 GbE Controller
Case A: Heavy load, interrupts moderated
Case B: Light load, interrupts immediately on packet receive
7.4.5 Clearing Interrupt Causes
The 82574 has three methods available for to clear ICR bits: auto-clear, clear-on-write,
and clear-on-read.
In systems that support MSI-X, the interrupt vector allows the interrupt service routine
to know the interrupt cause without reading the ICR. The software overhead of a I/O
read or write can be avoided by setting appropriate ICR bits to autoclear mode by
setting the corresponding bits in the Interrupt Auto-clear Register (EIAC).
When auto-clear is enabled for an interrupt cause, the ICR bit is set when a cause
event occurs. When the EITR Counter reaches zero, the MSI-X message is sent on
PCIe. Then the ICR bit is cleared and enabled to be set by a new cause event. The
vector in the MSI -X message signals software the cause of the interrupt to be serviced.
It is possible that in the time after the ICR bit is cleared and the interrupt service
routine services the cause, for example checking the transmit and receive queues, that
another cause event occurs that is then serviced by this ISR call, yet the ICR bit
remains set. This results in a spurious interrupt. Software can detect this case if there
are no entries that require service in the transmit and receive queues, and exit knowing
that the interrupt has been automatically cleared. The use of interrupt moderations
through the EITR register limits the extra software overhead that can be caused by
these spurious interrupts.
Pkt Pkt Pkt Pkt Pkt Pkt
ITR delay ITR delay
Intr Intr Intr
Pkt Pkt
Pkt Pkt
ITR delay
Intr Intr
82574 GbE Controller—Inline Functions
Write to Clear
The ICR register clears specific interrupt cause bits in the register after writing 1b to
those bits. Any bit that was written with a 0b remains unchanged.
Read to clear
All bits in the ICR register are cleared on a read to ICR.
7.5 802.1q VLAN Support
The 82574 provides several specific mechanisms to support 802.1q VLANs:
Optional adding (for transmits) and ping (for receives) of IEEE 802.1q VLAN tags.
Optional ability to filter packets belonging to certain 802.1q VLANs.
7.5.1 802.1q VLAN Packet Format
The following diagram compares an untagged 802.3 Ethernet packet with an 802.1q
VLAN tagged packet :
Note: The CRC for the 802.1q tagged frame is re-computed, so that it covers the entire
tagged frame including the 802.1q tag header. Also, maximum frame size for an 802.1q
VLAN packet is 1522 octets as opposed to 1518 octets for a normal 802.3z Ethernet
packet. 802.1q Tagged Frames
For 802.1q, the Tag Header field consists of four octets comprised of the Tag Protocol
Identifier (TPID) and Tag Control Information (TCI); each taking two octets. The first
16 bits of the tag header makes up the TPID. It contains the protocol type, which
identifies the packet as a valid 802.1q tagged packet.
The two octets making up the TCI contain three fields:
User Priority (UP)
Canonical Form Indicator (CFI). Should be 0b for transmits. For receives, the
device has the capability to filter out packets that have this bit set. See the CFIEN
and CFI bits in the RCTL described in section
VLAN Identifier (VID)
802.3 Packet #Octets 802.1q VLAN
Packet #Octets
DA 6 DA 6
SA 6 SA 6
Ty pe/Length 2 802.1q Tag 4
Data 46-1500 Type/Length 2
CRC 4 Data 46-1500
CRC* 4
Inline Functions—82574 GbE Controller
The bit ordering is as follows:
7.5.2 Transmitting and Receiving 802.1q Packets
Since the 802.1q tag is only four bytes, adding and stripping of tags could be done
completely in software. (In other words, for transmits, software inserts the tag into
packet data before it builds the tr ansmit descriptor list, and for receives, software strips
the 4-byte tag from the packet data before delivering the packet to upper layer
However, because adding and stripping of tags in software results in more overhead for
the host, the 82574 has additional capabilities to add and strip tags in hardware. See
section and section Adding 802.1q Tags on Transmits
Software might command the 82574 to insert an 802.1q VLAN tag on a per packet
basis. If CTRL.VME is set to 1b, and the VLE bit in the transmit descriptor is set to 1b,
then the 82574 inserts a VLAN tag into the packet that it tr ansmits over the wire. The
Tag Protocol Identifier (TPID) field of the 802.1q tag comes from the VET register, and
the Tag Control Information (TCI) of the 802.1q tag comes from the special field of the
transmit descriptor. Stripping 802.1q Tags on Receives
Software might instruct the 82574 to strip 802.1q VLAN tags from received packets. If
the CTRL.VME bit is set to 1b, and the incoming packet is an 802.1q VLAN packet (for
example, it's Ethernet Type field matche d the VET), then the 82574 strips the 4-byte
VLAN tag from the packet, and stores the TCI in the Special field of the receive
The 82574 also sets the VP bit in the receive descriptor to indicate that the packet had
a VLAN tag that was stripped. If the CTRL.VME bit is not set, the 802.1q packets can
still be received if they pass the receive filter, but the VLAN tag is not stripped and the
VP bit is not set.
7.5.3 802.1q VLAN Packet Filtering
VLAN filtering is enabled by setting the RCTL.VFE bit to 1b. If enabled, hardware
compares the type field of the incoming pack et to a 16-bit field in the VLAN Ether Type
(VET) register. If the VLAN type field in the incoming packet matches the VET register,
the packet is then compared against the VLAN filter table array for acceptance.
Octet 1 Octet 2
82574 GbE Controller—Inline Functions
The Virtual LAN ID field indexes a 4096 bit vector. If the indexed bit in the vector is
one; there is a virtual LAN match. Software might set the entire bit vector to ones if the
node does not implement 802.1q filtering. The register description of the VLAN filter
table array is described in detail in section
In summary, the 4096-bit vector is comprised of 128, 32-bit registers. Matching to this
bit vector follows the same algorithm as indicated in section 7.1.1 for multicast address
filtering. The VLAN Identifier (VID) field consists of 12 bits. The upper 7 bits of this field
are decoded to determine the 32-bit register in the VLAN filter table array to address
and the lower 5 bits determine which of the 32 bits in the register to evaluate for
Two other bits in the Receive Control register (see section, CFIEN and CFI,
are also used in conjunction with 802.1q VLAN filtering operations. CFIEN enables the
comparison of the value of the CFI bit in the 802.1q packet to the Receive Control
register CFI bit as acceptance criteria for the packet.
Note: The VFE bit does not effect whether the VLAN tag is stripped. It only affects whether
the VLAN packet passes the receive filter.
Table 42 lists reception actions per control bit settings.
Table 42. Packet Reception Decision Table
Note: A packet is defined as a VLAN/802.1q packet if its type field matches the VET.
7.6 LED's
The 82574 implements three output drivers intended for driving external LED circuits
per port. Each of the three LED outputs can be individually configured to select the
particular event, state, or activity, which is indicated on that output. In addition, each
LED can be individually configured for output polarity as well as for blinking versus non-
blinking (steady-state) indication.
The configuration for LED outputs is specified via the LEDCTL register. Furthermore, the
hardware-default configuration for all the LED outpu ts, can be specified via NVM fields,
thereby supporting LED displays configurable to a particular OEM preference.
VFE Action
No X X Normal packet reception.
Yes 0b 0b Receive a VLAN packet if it passes the standard filters (only).
Leave the packet as received in the data buffer. VP bit in receive
descriptor is cleared.
Yes 0b 1b
Receive a VLAN packet if it passes the standard filters and the
VLAN filter table. Leave the packet as received in the data buffer
(for example, the VLAN tag would not be stripped). VP bit in
receive descriptor is cleared.
Yes 1b 0b Receive a VLAN pack et if it passes the standard filters (only). Strip
off the VLAN information (four bytes) from the incoming packet
and store in the descriptor. Sets the VP bit in receive descriptor.
Yes 1b 1b
Receive a VLAN packet if it passes the standard filters and the
VLAN filter table. Strip off the VLAN information (four bytes) from
the incoming packet and store in the descriptor. Sets the VP bit in
receive descriptor.
Inline Functions—82574 GbE Controller
Each of the three LED's might be configured to use one of a variety of sources for
output indication. The Mode bits control the LED source:
LINK_100/1000 is asserted when link is established at either 100 or 1000 Mb/s.
LINK_10/1000 is asserted whe n link is established at either 10 or 1000 Mb/s.
LINK_UP is asserted when any speed link is established and maintained.
ACTIVITY is asserted when link is established and packets are being transmitted or
LINK/ACTIVITY is asserted when link is established AND there is NO transmit or
receive activity
LINK_10 is asserted when a 10 Mb/s link is established and maintained.
LINK_100 is asserted when a 100 Mb/s link is established and maintained.
LINK_1000 is asserted when a 1000 Mb/s link is established and maintained.
FULL_DUPLEX is asserted when the link is configured for full duplex operation.
COLLISION is asserted when a collision is observed.
PAUSED is asserted when the device's transmitter is flow controlled.
LED_ON is always asserted; LED_OFF is always de-asserted.
The IVRT bits enable the LED source to be inverted before being output or observed by
the blink-control logic. LED outputs are assumed to normally be connected to the
negative side (cathode) of an external LED.
The BLINK bits control whether the LED should be blinked while the LED source is
asserted, and the blinking frequency (either 200 ms on and 200 ms off or 83 ms on and
83 ms off)1. The blink control can be especially useful for ensuring that certain ev ents,
such as ACTIVITY indication, cause LED transitions, which are sufficiently visible to a
human eye. The same blinking rate is shared by all LEDs.
Note: Note that the LINK/ACTIVITY source functions slightly different from the others when
BLINK is enabled. The LED is off if there is no LINK, on if there is LINK and no
ACTIVITY, and blinking if there is LINK and ACTIVITY.
7.7 Time SYNC (IEEE1588 and 802.1AS)
7.7.1 Overview
Measurement and control applications are increasingly using distributed system
technologies such as network communication, local computing, and distributed objects.
Many of these applications are enhanced by having an accurate system wide sense of
time achieved by having local clocks in each sensor, actuator, or other system device.
Without a standardized protocol for synchronizing these clocks, it is unlikely that the
benefits are realized in the multi-v endor system compo nent market. Existing protocols
for clock synchronization are not optimum for these applications. F or example, Network
Time Protocol (NTP) targets large distributed computing systems with ms
synchronization requirements.
1. While in Smart Power Down mode, the blinking durations are increased by 5x to 1 second and
415 ms, respe c tively.
82574 GbE Controller—Inline Functions
The 1588 standard specifically addresses the needs of measurement and control
Spatially localized
s to sub- s accuracy
Administration free
Accessible for both high-end devices and low-cost, low-end devices
The time sync mechanism activation is possible in full-duplex mode and with extended
descriptors only. No limitations on the wire speed although the wire speed might affect
the accuracy.
7.7.2 Flow and Hardware/Software Responsibilities
The operation of a Precision Time Protocol (PTP) enabled netw ork is div ide d into two
stages, Initialization and time synchronization.
At the initialization stage every master enabled node starts by sending sync packets
that include the clock parameters of its clock. Upon receipt of a sync packet a node
compares the received clock parameters to its own and if the received parameters are
better, then this node moves to slave state and stops sending sync packets. When in
slave state the node continuously compares the incoming packet to its currently chosen
master and if the new clock parameters are better then the master selection is
transferred to this master clock. Eventually the best master clock is chosen. Every node
has a defined time-out interval in which if no sync packet was received fr om its chosen
master clock it moves back to master state and starts sending sync packets until a new
Best Master Clock (BMC) is chosen.
The time synchronization stage is different to master and slave nodes. If a node is at
master state it should periodically send a sync packet which is time stamped by
hardware on the Tx path (as close as possible to the PHY). After the sync packet a
Follow_Up packet is sent that includes the value of the timestamp kept from the sync
packet. In addition the master should timestamp Delay_Req packets on its Rx path an d
return to the slave that sent it the timestamp value using a Delay_Response packet. A
node in slave state should timestamp every incoming sync packet and if it came from
its selected master, software uses this value for time offset calculation. In addition it
should periodically send Delay_Req packets in order to calculated the path delay from
its master. Every sent Delay_Req packet sent by the slave is time stamped and kept.
With the value received from the master with Delay_Response packet the slave can
now calculate the path delay from the master to the slave. The synchronization
protocol flow and the offset calculation are shown in Figure 38.
Inline Functions—82574 GbE Controller
Figure 38. Sync Flow and Offset Calculation
The hardware responsibilities are:
1. Identify the packets that require time stamping.
2. Timestamp the packets on both Rx and Tx paths.
3. Store the time stamp value for software.
4. Keep the system time in hardware and give a time adjustment service to the
The software is responsible on:
1. BMC protocol execution which means defining the node state (master or slav e) and
selection of the master clock if in slave state.
2. Generate PTP packets, consume PTP packets.
3. Calculate the time offset and adjust the system time using hardware mechanism
for that.
Master Slave
Toff s e t = [(T2-T1 )-(T 3-T4 )]/2
82574 GbE Controller—Inline Functions
Table 43. Chronological Order of Events for Sync and Path Delay TimeSync Indications in Rx and Tx Packet Descriptors
Some indications need to be transferred between software and hardware regarding PTP
packets. On the Tx path the software should set the TST bit in the ExtCMD field in the
Tx advanced descriptor.
On the Rx path, hardware has two indications to tr ansfer to software, one is to indicate
that this packet is a PTP packet (no matter if timestamp taken or not) this is also for
other types of PTP packets needed for management of the protocol this bit is set only
for the L2 type of packets (the PTP packet is identified according to its Ethertype). PTP
packets have the PACKETTYPE field set to 0xE to indicate that the Etype matches the
filter number set by software to filter PTP packets. The UDP type of PTP packets don’t
need such indication since the port number (319 for event and 320 all the rest PTP
packets) directs the packets toward the time sync application. The second indication is
the TST bit in the Extended Status field of the Rx descriptor this bit indicates to the
software that time stamp was taken for this packet. Software needs to access the time
stamp registers to get the timestamp values.
7.7.3 Hardware Time Sync Elements
All time sync hardware elements are reset to their initial values as defined in the
registers section upon MAC reset.
Action Responsibility Node Role
Generate a sync packet with timestamp notification in descriptor. SW Master
Timestamp the packet and store the value in registers (T1). HW Master
Timestamp incoming sync packet, store the value in register and store the
source ID and sequenceID in regi sters (T2). HW Slave
Read the timestamp from register put in a Follow_Up packet and send. SW Master
Once got the Follow_Up store T2 from registers and T1 from Follow_Up
packet. SW Slave
Generate a Delay_Req packet with timestamp notification in descriptor SW Slave
Timestamp the packet and store the value in registers (T3). HW Slave
Timestamp incoming Delay_Req packet, store the value in register and
store the sourceID and sequenceID in registers (T4). HW Master
Read the timestamp from register and send back to Slave using a
Delay_Response packet. SW Master
Once got the Delay_Response packet calculate offset using T1, T2, T3 and
T4 values. SW Slave
Inline Functions—82574 GbE Controller System Time Structure and Mode of Operation
The time sync logic contains an up coun ter to maintain the system time v alue. This is a
64-bit counter that is built of the SYSTIML and SYSTIMH registers. When in master
state, the SYSTIMH and SYSTIML registers should be set once by the software
according to the general system, when in slave state software should update the
system time on every sync event as described in section Setting the system
time is done by direct write to the SYSTIMH register and fine tune setting of the
SYSTIML register using the adjustment mechanism described in section
R ead access to the SYSTIMH and SYSTIML registers should be executed in the following
1. Software reads register SYSTIML, at this stage the hardware should latch the v alue
2. Software reads register SYSTIMH the latched (from last read from SYSTIML) value
should be returned by HW.
Upon increment event the system time value should increment its value by the value
stored in TIMINCA.incvalue. Increment event happens every TIMINCA.incperiod cycles
if its one then increment event should occur on every clock cycle. The incvalue defines
the granularity in which the time is represented by the SYSTMH/L registers. For
example, if the cycle time is 16 ns and the incperiod is one then if the incvalue is 16
then the time is represented in nanoseconds if the incvalue is 160 then the time is
represented in 0.1 ns units and so on. The incperiod helps to avoid inaccur acy in cases
where the T value cannot be represented as a simple integer and should be multiplied
to get to an integer representation. The incperiod value should be as small as possible
to achieve best accuracy possible. For more details please refer to section
and the following ones.
Note: System time registers should be implemented on a free running clock to make sure the
system time is kept valid on traffic idle times (dynamic clock gating). Time Stamping Mechanism
The time stamping logic is located on Tx and Rx paths at a location as close as possible
to the PHY. This is to reduce delay uncertainties originating from implementation
differences. The operation of this logic is slightly different on Tx and on Rx.
The Tx part decides to timestamp a packet if the Tx timestamp is enabled and the time
stamp bit in the packet descriptor is set. On the Tx side only the time is captured.
82574 GbE Controller—Inline Functions
On the Rx this logic parses the traversing frame and if Rx timestamp is enabled and it
matches the Ethertype, UDP port (if needed), version and message type as defined in
the register described in section the time, sourceId and sequenceId are
latched in the timestamp registers. In addition two indications in the Rx descriptor are
added, one to identify that this is a PTP packet (done with packet type, this is only for
L2 packets since on the UDP packets the port number directs the packet to the
application) and the second (TS) to identify that a time stamp was taken for this
packet. If a PTP packet is received but does not match time stamping criteria (not an
event packet) or for some reason time stamp was not taken only the first indication is
For more details please refer to the time stamp registers sections (section or
section The following figure defines the exact point where the time value
should be captured.
On both sides the time stamp values are locked in the registers until software access.
This means that if a new PTP packet that requires time stamp has arrived before
software accessed the previous PTP packet, the new PTP packet is not time stamped. In
some cases on the RX path a packet that was time stamped might be lost and not get
to the host, to avoid lock condition the softw are should keep a watch dog timer to clear
locking of the time stamp register. The value of such timer should be at least higher
then the expected interval between two Sync or Delay_Req packets (depends on
master or slave).
Figure 39. Time Stamp Point Time Adjustment Mode of Operation
Node in time sync network can be in one of two states master or slave. When a time
sync entity is at master state it should synchronize other entities to its system clock. In
this case no time adjustments are needed. When the entity is in slave state it should
adjust its system clock by using the data arrived with the Follow_Up and
Delay_R esponse packets and to the time stamp values of Sync and Dela y_Req pack ets.
When having all the values, software on the slave entity can adjust its offset in the
following manner.
Inline Functions—82574 GbE Controller
After offset calculation the system time register should be updated. This is done by
writing the calculated offset to TIMADJL and TIMADJH registers. The order should be as
1. Write the lower portion of the offset to TIMADJL.
2. W rite the high portion of the offset to TIMADJH to the lower 31 bits and the sign to
the most significant bit.
After the write cycle to TIMADJH the value of TIMADJH and TIMADJL should be added
to the system time.
7.7.4 PTP Packet Structure
The time sync implementation supports both the 1588 V1 and V2 PTP frame formats.
The V1 structure can come only as UDP payload ov er IPv4 wh ile the V2 can come over
L2 with its Ethertype or as a UDP payload over IPv4 or IPv6.The 802.1AS uses only the
layer 2 V2 format.
Offset in Bytes V1 Fields V2 Fields
Bits 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
0versionPTP transportSpecific1messageId
1 Reserved versionPTP
2versionNetwork messageLength
5 Reserved
14 correctionSubNs
20 messageType Reserved
21 Source communication
technology Source communication technology
82574 GbE Controller—Inline Functions
Table 44. V1 and V2 PTP Message Structure
Note: Only the fields with the bold italic format colored red are of interest to the hardware.
Table 45. PTP Message Over Layer 2
Table 46. PTP Message Over Layer 4
When a PTP packet is recognized (by Ethertype or UDP port address) on the Rx side,
the version should be checked. If it is V1, then the control field at offset 32 should be
compared to control field in register described at section Otherwise the byte
at offset 0 (messageId) should be used for comparison to messageId f ield.
The rest of the needed fields are at the same location and size for both V1 and V2
Table 47. Message Decoding for V1 (Control Field at Offset 32)
Sourceuuid Sourceuuid
28 sourceportid sourceportid
30 sequenceId sequenceId
32 control control
33 reserved logMessagePeriod
34 flags N/A
1. Should be all zero.
Ethernet (L2) VLAN (Optional) PTP Ethertype PTP message
Ethernet (L2) IP (L3) UDP PTP message
Offset in Bytes V1 Fields V2 Fields
Bits 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Enumeration Value
Reserved 5–255
Inline Functions—82574 GbE Controller
Table 48. Message Decoding for V2 (MessageId Field at Offset 0)
If V2 mode is configured in section then timestamp should be taken on
value in the message field in register described at section
MessageId Message Type Value (Hex)
Unused 4-7
Unused E-F
82574 GbE Controller—System Manageability
8.0 System Manageability
Network management is an increasingly important requirement in today's networked
computer environment. Software-based management applications provide the ability to
administer systems while the operating system is functioning in a normal power state
(not in a pre-boot state or powered-down state). The Intel® System Management Bus
(SMBus) Interface and the Network Controller - Sideband Interface (NC-SI) for the
82574 fills the management void that exists when the operating system is not running
or fully functional.
This is accomplished by providing a mechanism by which manageability network tr affic
can be routed to and from a Management Controller (MC). The 82574 provides two
different and mutually exclusive bus interfaces for manageability traffic. The first is the
Intel® proprietary SMBus interface; several generations of Intel® Ethernet controllers
have provided this same interface that operates at speeds of up to 400 KHz.
The second interface is NC - S I, which is a new industry standard interface created by
the DMTF specifically for routing manageability traffic to and from a MC. The NC-SI
interface operates at 100 Mb/s full-duplex speeds.
8.1 Scope
This section describes the supported management interfaces and hardware
configurations for platform system management. It describes the interfaces to an
external MC, the partitioning of platform manageability among system components,
and the functionality provided by the 82574 in each of the platform configurations.
8.2 Pass-Through (PT) Functio nality
Pass-Through (PT) is the term used when referring to the process of sending and
receiving Ethernet traffic over the sideband interface. The 82574 has the ability to
route Ethernet traffic to the host operating system as well as the ability to send
Ethernet traffic over the sideband interface to an external MC.
System Manageability—82574 GbE Controller
Figure 40. Sideband Interface
The sideband interface provid es a mechanism by which the 82574 can be shared
between the host and the MC. By providing this sideband interface, the MC can
communicate with the LAN without requiring a dedicated Ethernet controller to do so.
The 82574 supports two sideband interfaces:
The usable bandwidth for either direction is up to 400 Kb/s when using the SMBus
interface and 100 Mb/s for the NC-S I interface.
Note that only one mode of sideband can be active at any given time. This
configuration is done via an NVM setting (see section 6.0 for more details).
8.3 Components of a Sideband Interface
There are two components to a sideband interface:
Physical Layer - The electrical layer that transfers data
Logical Layer - The agreed upon protocol that is used for communications
The MC and the 82574 must be in alignment for both of these components. For
example, the NC-SI physical interface is based on the RMII interface. However, there
are some differences at the physical level (detailed in the NC-SI specification) and the
protocol layer is completely different.
8.4 SMBus Pass-Through Interface
SMBus is the system management bus defined by Intel® Corporation in 1995. It is
used in personal computers and servers for low-speed system management
communications. The SMBus interface is one of two pass-through interfaces available in
the 82574.
MC 82574
Interface Port 0
82574 GbE Controller—System Manageability
This section describes how the SMBus interface in the 82574 operates in pass-through
8.4.1 General
The SMBus sideband interface includes the standard SMBus commands used for
assigning a slave address and gathering device information as well as Intel®
proprietary commands used specifically for the pass-through interface.
8.4.2 Pass-Through Capabilities
This section details the specific manageability capabilities the 82574 provides while in
SMBus mode.
The pass-through traffic is carried by the sideband interface as described in section 8.2.
Note: These services are not available in NC-SI mode. Packet Filtering
Since the host operating system and the MC both use the 82574 to send and receive
Ethernet traffic, there needs to be a mechanism by which incoming Ethernet packets
can be identified as those that should be sent to the MC r ather than the host oper ating
In order to determine the types of traffic that is forwarded to the MC over the sideband
interface, the 82574 supports a manageability receive filtering mechanism. This
mechanism is used to determine if a received packet should be forwarded to the MC or
to the host.
Following is a list of the filtering capabilities available for the SMBus interface with the
RMCP/R MCP+ ports
Flexibl e UDP/TCP port filters
128-byte flexible filters
•IPv4 address
•IPv6 address
MAC address filters
Each of these are discussed in detail later in this section.
8.4.3 Manageability Receive Filtering
This section describes the manageability receive packet filtering flow when using the
SMBus pass-though interface. The description applies to the capability ofthe 82574’s
LAN port. A packet that is received bythe 82574 can be discarded, sent to host
memory, sent to the external MC or to both the external MC and host memory.
There are two modes of receive manageability filtering:
1. Receive All – all received packets are routed to the MC in this mode. It is enabled
by setting the RCV_TCO_EN bit (which enables packets to be routed to the MC) and
RCV_ALL bit (which routes all packets to the MC) in the management control
(MANC) register.
System Manageability—82574 GbE Controller
2. Receive Filtering – In this mode only certain types of packets are directed to the
manageability block. The MC should set the RCV_TCO_EN bit together with the
specific packet type bits in the manageability filtering registers.
Note: The RCV_ALL bit must be cleared if filtering is enabled.
In default mode, every packet that is directed to the MC, is not directed to host
memory. The MC can also configure the 82574 to direct certain manageability packets
to host memory by setting the EN_MNG2HOST bit in the MANC register. It then needs
to configure the 82574 to send manageability packets to the host (according to their
type) by setting the corresponding bits in the MANC2H register.
An example of packets that might be necessary to send to both the MC and host
operating system might be ARP requests. If the MC configures the manageability filters
to send ARP requests to the MC; however, does not also configure the settings to also
send them to the host, then the host operating system never receives ARP requests.
The MC controls the types of packets that it receives by programming the receive
manageability filters. Following is the list of filters that are accessible to the MC:
Table 49. Available Filters
All filters are reset only on Internal Power On Reset. Register filters that enable filters
or functionality are also reset by firmware. These registers can be loaded from the NVM
following a reset.
Filters Functionality When Res et?
Filters Enable General configuration of the
manageability filters Internal Power On Reset and Firmware Reset
Manageability to Host Enables routing of manageability
packets to host Internal Power On Reset and Firmware Reset
Manageability Decision Filters
[6:0] Configuration of manageability decisi on
filters Internal Power On Reset and Firmware Reset
MAC Address [3:0] Four unicast MAC manageability
addresses Internal Power On Reset
VLAN Filters [7:0] Eight VLAN tag values Internal Power On Reset
UDP/TCP Port Filters [15:0] 16 destination port values Internal Power On Reset
Flexible 128 bytes TCO Filters
[3:0] Length values for four flex TCO filters Internal Power On Reset
IPv4 and IPv6 Address Filters [3:0] IP address for manageability filtering Internal Power On Reset
82574 GbE Controller—System Manageability
The high-level structure of manageability filtering is done using two steps:
1. Packets are filtered by L2 criteria (MAC address and unicast/multicast/broadcast).
2. Packets are filtered by the manageability filters (port, IP, flex, etc.).
Some general rules apply:
Fragmented packets are passed to manageability but not parsed beyond the IP
Packets with L2 errors (CRC, alignment, etc.) are never forwarded to
manageability, unless the RCTL.SBP bit is set and there is a packet size error
(greater than 1522 or shorter than 64 bytes).
Note: The MFVAL register can enable manageability MAC, VLAN and IP filtering. These filters
also have enable bits in other registers (MAC address with RAH[15].AV, VLAN filtering
with MAVTV[3:0].En, IPv4 filtering with IPAV. I P40 and IPv6 filtering with IPAV.IP60).
Any of these filters are enabled if one of the enable bits is set to 1b.
Note: If the manageability unit uses a dedicated MAC address/VLAN tag, it should take care
not to use L3/L4 decision filtering on top of it. Otherwise all the packets with the
manageability MAC address/VLAN tag filtered out at L3/L4 are forwarded to the host.
The following sections describe each of these stages in detail. L2 Layer Filtering
Figure 41 shows the manageability L2 filtering. A packet passes successfully through L2
filtering if any of the following conditions are met:
1. It is a unicast packet and promiscuous unicast filtering is enabled.
2. It is a unicast packet and it matches one of the unicast MAC filters (host or
3. It is a multicast packet and promiscuous multicast filtering is enabled.
4. It is a multicast packet and it matches one of the multicast filters.
5. It is a broadcast packet.
Note: In case of a broadcast packet, the packet does not go through VLAN filtering (such as,
VLAN filtering is assumed to match).
Promiscuous unicast mode - Promiscuous unicast mode can be set/cleared only by the
software device driver (not by the MC), and it is usually used when the LAN device is
used as a sniffer.
Promiscuous multicast mode - Promiscuous multicast is used in LAN devices that are
used as a sniffer, and is controlled only by the software device driver. This bit can also
be used by a MC requiring forwarding of all multicasts.
Unicast filtering - the entire MAC address is checked against the 16 unicast addresses.
The 15 host unicast addresses are controlled by the software device driver (the MC
must not change them). The last unicast address (address 16) is dedicated to
management functions and is only accessed by the MC.
The MC configures manageability unicast filtering via the RAH[15] and RAL[15]
registers and enables them in the MFVAL register.
System Manageability—82574 GbE Controller
Multicast filtering - only 12 bits out of the packet's destination MAC address are
compared against the multicast entries. These entries can be configured only by the
software device driver and cannot be controlled by the MC.
Figure 41. L2 Packet Filtering (Receive)
packet &
filter p a ss
m u lt icas t
Multica s t
filter p a s s
Drop Packet
MNG filtering
82574 GbE Controller—System Manageability
192 Manageability Filtering
The manageability filtering stage combines some of the checks done at the previous
stages with additional L3/L4 checks into a final decision whether to route a packet to
the MC. The following sections describe the manageability filtering done at layers L3
and L4, followed by the final filtering rules.
Figure 42. Manageability Filtering (Receive) L3 and L4 Filters
ARP filtering - The 82574 supports filtering of both ARP request packets (initiated
externally) and ARP responses (to requests initiated by the MC or host).
Neighbor discovery filtering - The 82574 supports filtering of neighbor solicitation
packets (type 135). Neighbor solicitation uses the IPv6 destination address filters
defined in the IP6AT registers (all enabled IPv6 addresses are matched for neighbor
Packet to
Drop Packet
Packet to
VLAN filter
MNG Filtering
This section is
part of the
receive filtering
System Manageability—82574 GbE Controller
Port 0x298/0x26F filtering - The 82574 supports filtering by fixed destination port
numbers, port 0x26F and port 0x298.
Flex port filtering - The 82574 implements four flex destination port filters. The 82574
directs packets whose L4 destination port matches the value of the respective word in
the MFUTP registers. The MC must insure that only valid entries are enabled in the
decision filters.
Flex TCO filters - The 82574 provides two flex TCO filters. Each filter looks for a pattern
match within the 1st 128 bytes of the packet. The MC then configures the pattern to
match into the FTFT table. The MC must ensure that only valid entries are enabled in
the decision filters.
Note: The flex filters are temporarily disabled when read from or written to by the host. Any
packet received during a read or write operation is dropped. Filter operation resumes
once the read or write access completes.
IP address filtering - The 82574 supports filtering by IP address using IPv4 and IPv6
address filters, dedicated to manageability.
Checksum filter - If bit MANC.EN_XSUM_FIL TER is set, the 82574 directs packets to the
MC only if the y pass L3/L4 check sum (if they exist), in addition to matching other filters
previously described. Manageability Decision Filters
The manageability decision filters are a set of eight filters (MDEF0 –MDEF7), each with
the same structure. The filtering rule for each decision filter is programmed by the MC
and defines which of the L2, VLAN, and manageability filters participate in the decision.
Any packet that passes at least one rule is directed to manageability and possibly to the
Possible filtering criteria are:
Packet passed a valid management L2 unicast address filter.
Packet is a broadcast packet.
Packet has a VLAN header and it passed a valid manageability VLAN filter.
Packet matched one of the valid IPv4 or IPv6 manageability address filters.
Packet is a multicast packet.
Packet passed ARP filtering (request or response).
Packet passed neighbor solicitation filtering.
Packet passed 0x298/0x26F port filter.
Packet passed a valid flex port filter.
Packet passed a valid flex TCO filter.
The structure of each of the decision filters is shown in Figure 43. A boxed number
indicates that the input is conditioned on a mask bit defined in the MDEF register for
this rule. The decision filter rules are as follows:
At least one bit must be set in a register. If all bits are cleared (MDEF = 0x0000),
then the decision filter is disabled and ignored.
All enabled AND filters must match for the decision filter to match. An AND filter not
enabled in the register is ignored.
82574 GbE Controller—System Manageability
If no OR filter is enabled in the register, the OR filters are ignored in the decision
(the filter might still match).
If one or more OR filter is enabled in the register, then at least one of the enabled
OR filters must match for the decision filter to match.
Figure 43. Manageability Decision Filter
A decision filter defines the filter ing rules. The MC programs a 32-bit register per rule
(MDEF[7:0]) with the settings listed in section A set bit enables its
corresponding filter to participate in the filtering decision.
Mana geability L2 unicast
address 0
3IP address
Mana geability L2 unicast
address 4
7ARP Request
10Port 0x298
11Port 0x26F
12Flex Port 0
15Flex Port 3
28Flex TCO 0
Flex TCO 1
9Neighbor Discovery
8ARP Response
System Manageability—82574 GbE Controller
Table 50. Assignment of Decision Filters Bits
In default mode, packets that are directed to the MC are not directed to host memory.
The MC can also configure the 82574 to direct certain manageability packets to host
memory by setting the EN_MNG2HOST bit in the MANC register and then configuring
the 82574 to send manageability packets to the host, according to their type, by
setting the corresponding bits in the MANC2H register (one bit per each of the eight
decision rules).
All manageability filters are controlled by the MC only and not by the LAN device driver.
The Mng2Host register has the following structure:
Filter AND/OR Input Mask Bits in MDEF[7:0]
L2 Unica st Address AND 0
Broadcast AND 1
Manageability VLAN AND 2
IP Address AND 3
L2 Unica st Address OR 4
Broadcast OR 5
Multicast AND 6
ARP Request1
1. IP address checking on ARP packets is controlled by MANC.DIS_IP_ADDR_for_ARP.
OR 7
ARP Response1OR 8
Neighbor Solicitation OR 9
Port 0x298 OR 10
Port 0x26F OR 11
Flex Port 3:0 OR 15:12
Reserved -- 27:16
Flex TCO 1:0 OR 29:28
Reserved -- 31:30
82574 GbE Controller—System Manageability
Table 51. Manage 2 Host
The MC enables these filters by issuing the Update Management Receive Filter
Parameters command (see section with the parameter of 0x60.
8.4.4 SMBus Transactions
This section gives a brief overview of the SMBus protocol.
Following is an example for a format of a typical SMBus transaction:
The top row of the table identifies the bit length of the field in a decimal bit count. The
middle row (bordered) identifies the name of the fields used in the transaction. The last
row appears only with some transactions, and lists the value expected for the
corresponding field. This value can be either hexadecimal or binary.
The shaded fields are fields that are driven by the slave of the transaction. The un-
shaded fields are fields that are driven by the master of the transaction. The SMBus
controller is a master for some transactions and a sla ve for others. The differences are
identified in this document.
Shorthand field names are listed in Table 52 and are fully defined in the SMBus
Bits Description Default
0 Decision Filter 0 Determines if packets that have passed decision filter 0 are also forwarded to the host operating
1 Decision Filter 1 Determines if packets that have passed decision filter 1 are also forwarded to the host operating
2 Decision Filter 2 Determines if packets that have passed decision filter 2 are also forwarded to the host operating
3 Decision Filter 3 Determines if packets that have passed decision filter 3 are also forwarded to the host operating
4 Decision Filter 4 Determines if packets that have passed decision filter 4 are also forwarded to the host operating
5Unicast and
Mixed Determines if broadcast packets are also forwarded to the host operating system.
6 Global Multicast Determines if unicast packets are also forwarded to the host operating system.
7 Broadcast Determines if multicast packets are also forwarded to the host operating system.
SSlave AddressWrA Command A PEC AP
1100 001 0 0 0000 0010 0 [Data Dependent] 0
System Manageability—82574 GbE Controller
Table 52. Shorthand Field Name SMBus Addressing
The SMBus addresses (enabled from the NVM) can be re-assigned using the SMBus
ARP protocol.
In addition to the SMBus address v alu es, all parameters of the SMBus (SMBus channel
selection, address mode, and address enable) can be set only through NVM
configuration. Note that the NVM is read at the 82574’s power up and resets.
All SMBus addresses should be in Network Byte Order (NBO); MSB first. SMBus ARP Functionality
The 82574 supports the SMBus ARP protocol as defined in the SMBus 2.0 specification.
The 82574 is a persistent slave address device so its SMBus address is valid after
power-up and loaded from the NVM. The 82574 supports all SMBus ARP commands
defined in the SMBus specification both general and directed.
Note: The SMBus ARP capability can be disabled through the NVM. SMBus ARP Flow
SMBus ARP flow is based on the status of two flags:
AV (Address Valid): This flag is set when the 82574 has a valid SMBus address.
AR (Address Resolved): This flag is set when the 82574 SMBus address is resolved
(SMBus address was assigned by the SMBus ARP process).
Note: These flags are internal 82574 flags and are not exposed to external SMBus devices.
Since the 82574 is a Persistent SMBus Address (PSA) device, the AV flag is alwa ys set,
while the AR flag is cleared after power up until the SMBus ARP process completes.
Since AV is always set, the 82574 always has a valid SMBus address.
When the SMBus master needs to start an SMBus ARP process, it resets (in terms of
ARP functionality) all devices on the SMBus by issuing either Prepare to ARP or Reset
Device commands. When the 82574 accepts one of these commands, it clears its AR
flag (if set from previous SMBus ARP process), but not its AV flag (The current SMBus
address remains valid until the end of the SMBus ARP process).
Field Name Definition
S SMBus START Symbol
PSMBus STOP Symbol
PEC Packet Error Code
A ACK (Acknowledge)
NNACK (Not Acknowledge)
Rd Read Operation (Read Value = 1b)
Wr Write Operation (Write Value = 0b)
82574 GbE Controller—System Manageability
Clearing the AR flag means that the 82574 responds to the following SMBus ARP
transactions that are issued by the master. The SMBus master issues a Get UDID
command (general or directed) to identify the devices on the SMBus. The 82574 always
responds to the Directed command and to the General command only if its AR flag is
not set. After the Get UDID, The master assigns the 82574 SMBus address by issuing
an Assign Address command. The 82574 checks whether the UDID matches its own
UDID and if it matches, it switches its SMBus address to the address assigned by the
command (byte 17). After accepting the Assign Address command, the AR flag is set
and from this point (as long as the AR flag is set), the 82574 does not respond to the
Get UDID General command. Note that all other commands are processed even if the
AR flag is set. The 82574 stores the SMBus address that was assigned in the SMBus
ARP process in the NVM, so at the next power up, it returns to its assigned SMBus
SMBus ARP flow shows the 82574 SMBus AR P flow.
Figure 44. SMBus ARP Flow
Power-Up reset
Set AV flag; Clear AR flag
Load SM B address from
SMB packet
received NO
Prepare to
ARP ? AC K the com am d and
clear A R flag
device ACK the comam d and
clear A R flag
comm and
U DID ma tc h N AC K packet
ACK packet
Set slave address
Set AR flag.
YES AR flag set Return UDIDNO
Illegal comm and
Process regular
comm and NO
NA C K packetYES
G e t UDID
G e t UDID
System Manageability—82574 GbE Controller SMBus ARP UDID Content
The UDID provides a mechanism to isolate each device for the purpose of address
assignment. Each device has a unique identifier. The 128-bit number is comprised of
the following fields:
Device Capabilities: Dynamic and Persistent Address, PEC Support bit:
Version/Revision: UDID Version 1, Silicon Revision:
1 Byte 1 Byte 2 Bytes 2 Bytes 2 Bytes 2 Bytes 2 Bytes 4 Bytes
Capabilities Version/
Revision Vendor
ID Device
ID Interface Subsystem
Vendor ID Subsystem
Device ID Vendor
Specific ID
See notes
that follow
0x8086 0x10AA 0x0004 0x0000 0x0000 See n otes
that follow
Vendor ID: The device manufacturer’s ID as assigned by the SBS Implementers’ Forum
or the PCI SIG.
Constant value: 0x8086
Device ID: The device ID as assigned by the device manufacturer (identified by the
Vendor ID field).
Constant value: 0x10AA
Identifies the protoc ol lay er interf aces suppo rted ove r the SMBus c onnection
by the device.
In this case, SMBus Version 2.0
Constant value: 0x0004
Subsystem Fie lds: These fields are not supported and return zeros.
7654321 0
Address Type Reserved
(0) Reserved
(0) Reserved
(0) Reserved
(0) Reserved
(0) PEC
0b 1b 0b 0b 0b 0b 0b 0b
7 654 3 2 1 0
(0) Reserved
(0) UDID Version Silicon Revision ID
0b 0b 001b See the following table
82574 GbE Controller—System Manageability
Silicon Revision ID:
Vendor Specific ID: Four LSB bytes of the device Ethernet MAC address. The device
Ethernet address is taken from the NVM. Concurrent SMBus Transactions
Concurrent SMBus transactions (receive, transmit and configuration read/write) are
allowed without limitation. Transmit fragments can be sent between receive fragments
and configuration Read/Write commands can also issue between receive and transmit
8.4.5 SMBus Notification Meth ods
The 82574 supports three method s of notifying the MC that it has information that
needs to be read by the MC:
•SMBus alert
Asynchronous notify
Direct receive
The notification method that is used by the 82574 can be configured from the SMBus
using the Receive Enable command. This default method is set by the NVM in the Pass-
Through Init field.
The following events cause the 82574 to send a notification event to the MC:
Receiving a LAN packet that is designated to the MC.
Receiving a Request Status command from the MC initiates a status response.
Status change has occurred and the 82574 is configured to notify the external MC
at one of the status changes.
Change in any in the Status Data 1 bits of the Read Status command.
There can be cases where the MC is hung and therefore not responding to the SMBus
notification. The 82574 has a time-out value (defined in the NVM) to avoid hanging
while waiting for the notification response. If the MC does not respond until the time
out expires, the notification is de-asserted and all pending data is silently discarded.
Note that the SMBus notification time-out value can only be set in the NVM, the MC
cannot modify this value.
Silicon Version Revision ID
A0 000b
A1 001b
1 Byte 1 Byte 1 Byte 1 Byte
MAC Address, Byte 3 MAC Address, Byte 2 MAC Address, Byte 1 MAC Address, Byte 0
System Manageability—82574 GbE Controller SMBus Alert and Alert Response Method
The SMBus Alert# (SMBALERT_N) signal is an additional SMBus signal that acts as an
asynchronous interrupt signal to an external SMBus master. The 82574 asserts this
signal each time it has a message that it needs the MC to read and if the chosen
notification method is the SMBus alert method. Note that the SMBus alert m ethod is an
open-drain signal which means that other devices besides the 82574 can be connected
on the same alert pin. As a result, the MC needs a mechanism to distinguish between
the alert sources.
The MC can respond to the alert, by issuing an ARA Cycle command, to detect the alert
source device. The 82574 responds to the ARA cycle with its own SMBus slave address
(if it was the SMBus alert source) and de-asserts the alert when the ARA cycle is
completes. Following the ARA cycle, the MC issues a read command to retrieve the
82574 message.
Some MCs do not implement the ARA cycle transaction. These MCs respon d to an alert
by issuing a Read command to the 82574 (0xC0/0xD0 or 0xDE). The 82574 always
responds to a Read comm and, even if it is not the source of the notification. The default
response is a status transaction. If the 82574 is the source of the SMBus Alert, it
replies the read transaction and then de-asserts the alert after the command byte of
the read transaction.
The ARA cycle is an SMBus receive byte transaction to SMBus Address 0001-100b. Note
that the ARA transaction does not support PEC. The ARA transaction format is as
Figure 45. SMBus ARA Cycle Format Asynchronous Notify Method
When configured using the asynchronous notify method, the 82574 acts as a SMBus
master and notifies the MC by issuing a modified form of the write word transaction.
The asynchronous notify transaction SMBus address and data payload is configured
using the Receive Enable command or using the NVM defaults. Note that the
asynchronous notify is not protected by a PEC byte.
1 7 1 1 8 111
SAlert Response AddressRdA Slave Device Address A P
0001 100 1 0 Manageability Slave SMBus
Address 01
STarget Address Wr ASending Device Address A. . .
MC Slave Address 0 0 MNG Slave SMBus Address 0 0
82574 GbE Controller—System Manageability
Figure 46. Asynchronous Notify Command Format
The target address and data byte low/high is taken from the Receive Enable command
or NVM configuration. Direct Receive Method
If configured, the 82574 has the capability to send a message it needs to transfer to
the external MC as a master over the SMBus instead of alerting the MC and waiting for
it to read the message.
The message format follows. Note that the command that is used is the same
command that is used by the external MC in the Block R ead command. The opcode that
the 82574 puts in the data is also the same as it put in the Block Read command of the
same functionality. The rules for the F and L flags (bits) are also the same as in the
Block Read command.
Figure 47. Direct Receive Transaction Format
81 8 11
Data Byte Low A Data Byte High A P
Interface 0 Alert Value 0
171111 6 1
STarget Address Wr A F L Command A . . .
MC Slave Address 0 0 First
Flag Last
Flag Receive TCO Command
01 0000b 0
81 8 1 1 8 11
Byte Count A Data Byte 1 A . . . A Data Byte N A P
N0 0 0 0
System Manageability—82574 GbE Controller
8.5 Receive TCO Flow
The 82574 is used as a channel for receiving packets from the network link and passing
them to the external MC. The MC configures the 82574 to pass these specific packets to
the MC. Once a full packet is received from the link and identified as a manageability
packet that should be transferred to the MC, the 82574 starts the receive TCO flow to
the MC.
The 82574 uses the SMBus notification method to notify the MC that it has data to
deliver. Since the packet size might be larger than the maximum SMBus fragment size,
the packet is divided into fragments, where the 82574 uses the maximum fragment
size allowed in each fragment (configured via the NVM). The last fragment of the
packet transfer is alwa ys the status of the packet. As a result, the packet is tr ansferred
in at least two fragments. The data of the packet is transferred as part of the receive
TCO LAN packet transaction.
When SMBus alert is selected as the MC notification method, the 82574 notifies the MC
on each fragment of a multi fr agment pack et. When asynchronous notify is selected as
the MC notification method, the 82574 notifies the MC only on the first fragment of a
received packet. It is the MC's responsibility to read the full packet including all the
Any timeout on the SMBus notification results in discarding the entire packet. Any
NACK by the MC causes the fragment to be re-transmitted to the MC on the next
Receive Packet command.
The maximum size of the received packet is limited by the 82574 hardware to 1536
bytes. Packets larger then 1536 bytes are silently discarded. Any packet smaller than
1536 bytes is processed by the 82574.
8.6 Transmit TCO Flow
The 82574 is used as the channel for transmitting packets from the external MC to the
network link. The network packet is transfe rred from the MC ov er the SMBus and then,
when fully received by the 82574, is transmitted over the network link.
The 82574 supports packets up to an Ethernet packet length of 1536 bytes. Since
SMBus transactions can only be up to 240 bytes in length, packets might need to be
transferred over the SMBus in more than one fragment. This is achieved using the F
and L bits in the command number of the transmit TCO packet Block Write command.
When the F bit is set, it is the first fragment of the packet. When the L bit is set, it is
the last fragment of the packet. When both bits are set, the entire packet is in one
fragment. The packet is sent over the network link, only after all its fragments are
received correctly over the SMBus. The maximum SMBus fragment size is defined
within the NVM and cannot be changed by the MC.
If the packet sent by the MC is larger than 1536 bytes, than the packet is silently
discarded by the 82574. The minimum packet length defined by the 802.3 spec is 64
bytes. The 82574 pads packets that are less than 64 bytes to meet the specification
requirements (there is no need for the external MC to pad packets less than 64 bytes).
If the packet sent by the MC is larger than 1536 bytes the 82574 silently discards the
The 82574 calculates the L2 CRC on the transmitted packet and adds its four bytes at
the end of the packet. Any other packet field (such as XSUM) must be calculated and
inserted by the MC (the 82574 does not change any field in the transmitted packet,
other than adding padding and CRC bytes).
82574 GbE Controller—System Manageability
If the network link is down when the 82574 has received the last fragment of the
packet from the MC, it silently discards the packet. Note that any link down event
during the tr ansfer of any packet over th e SMBus does n ot stop the oper ation sinc e the
82574 waits for the last fragment to end to see whether the network link is up again.
8.6.1 Transmit Errors in Sequence Handling
Once a packet is transferred over the SMBus from the MC to the 82574, the F and L
flags should follow specific rules. The F flag defines that this is the first fragment of the
packet; the L flag defines that the transaction contains the last fragment of the packet.
Flag options during transmit packet tr ansa ctions lists the different flag options in
transmit packet transactions:
Table 53. Flag Options During Transmit Packet Transactions
Note: Since every other Block W rite command in T CO protocol has both F and L flags off , they
cause flushing any pending transmit fragments that were previously received. When
running the TCO transmit flow, no other Block Write transactions are allowed in
between the fragmen ts.
8.6.2 TCO Command Aborted Flow
The 82574 indicates to the MC an error or an abort condition by setting the TCO Abort
bit in the general status. The 82574 might also be configured to send a notification to
the MC (see section
Following is a list of possible error and abort conditions:
Any error in the SMBus protocol (NACK, SMBus timeouts, etc.).
Any error in compatibility between required protocols to specific functionality (for
example, RX Enable command with a byte count not equal to 1/14, as defined in
the command specification).
If the 82574 does not have space to store the transmitted packet from the MC (in
its internal buffer space) before sending it to the link, the packet is discarded and
the external MC is notified via the Abort bit.
Error in the F/L bi t sequence during multi-fragment transactions.
An internal reset to the 82574's firmware.
Previous Current Action/Notes
Last Firs t Accept both.
Last Not First Error for the current transaction. Current transaction is discarded and an abort status is
Not Last First Error in previous transaction. Previous transaction (until previous First) is discarded.
Current packet is processed.
No abort status is asserted.
Not Last Not First Process the current transaction.
System Manageability—82574 GbE Controller
8.7 SMBus ARP Transactions
Note: All SMBus ARP transactions include the PEC byte.
8.7.1 Prepare to ARP
This command clears the Address Resolved flag (set to false). It does not affect the
status or validity of the dynamic SMBus address and is used to inform all devices that
the ARP master is starting the ARP process:
8.7.2 Reset Device (General)
This command clears the Address Resolved flag (set to false). It does not affect the
status or validity of the dynamic SMBus address.
8.7.3 Reset Device (Directed)
The Command field is NACKed if bits 7:1 do not match the current 82574 SMBus
address. This command clears the Address Resolved flag (set to false) and does not
affect the status or validity of the dynamic SMBus address.
8.7.4 Assign Address
This command assigns the 82574 SMBus address. The address and command bytes are
always acknowledged.
The transaction is aborted (NACKed) immediately if any of the UDID bytes is different
from the 82574 UDID bytes. If successful, the manageability system internally updates
the SMBus address. This command also sets the Address Resolved flag (set to true).
1 7 1181 8 11
S Slave Address Wr A Command A PEC A P
1100 001 0 0 0000 0001 0 [Data Dependent Value] 0
1 7 1181 8 11
S Slave Address Wr A Command A PEC AP
1100 001 0 0 0000 0010 0 [Data Dependent Value] 0
1711 8 1 8 11
S Slave Address Wr A Command A PEC A P
1100 001 0 0 Targeted Slave
Address | 0 0 [Data Dependent Value] 0
17 11 8 1 8 1
S Slave Address Wr A Command A Byte Count A
1100 001 0 0 0000 0100 0 0001 0001 0
82574 GbE Controller—System Manageability
8.7.5 Get UDID (General and Directed)
The general get UDID SMBus transaction supports a constant command value of 0x03
and in directed, supports a Dynamic command value equal to the dynamic SMBus
If the SMBus address has been resolved (Address Resolved flag set to true), the
manageability system does not acknowledge (NACK) this transaction. If its a General
command, the manageability system always acknowledges (ACKs) as a directed
This command does not affect the status or validity of the dynamic SMBus address or
the Address Resolved flag.
8 1818181
Data 1 A Data 2 A Data 3 A Data 4 A
UDID Byte 15
(MSB) 0 UDID Byte 14 0 UDID Byte 13 0 UDID Byte 12 0
8 1818181
Data 5 A Data 6 A Data 7 A Data 8 A
UDID Byte 11 0 UDID Byte 10 0 UDID Byte 9 0 UDID Byte 8 0
8 18181
Data 9 A Data 10 A Data 11 A
UDID Byte 7 0 UDID Byte 6 0 UDID Byte 5 0
81 8 18181
Data 12 A Data 13 A Data 14 A Data 15 A
UDID Byte 4 0 UDID Byte 3 0 UDID Byte 2 0 UDID Byte 1 0
Data 16 A Data 17 A PEC A P
UDID Byte 0 (LSB) 0 Assigned Address 0 [Data Dependent Value] 0
Address Wr A Command A S
1100 001 0 0 See Below 0
System Manageability—82574 GbE Controller
The Get UDID command depends on whether or not this is a Directed or General
The General Get UDID SMBus transaction supports a constant command value of 0x03.
The Directed Get UDID SMBus transaction supports a Dynamic command v alue equal to
the dynamic SMBus address with the LSB bit set.
Note: Bit 0 (LSB) of Data byte 17 is always 1b.
Slave Address Rd A Byte Count A
1100 001 1 0 0001 0001 0
8 1818181
Data 1 A Data 2 A Data 3 A Data 4 A
UDID Byte 15 (MSB) 0 UDID Byte 14 0 UDID Byte 13 0 UDID Byte 12 0
8 1 8 181 8 1
Data 5 A Data 6 A Data 7 A Data 8 A
UDID Byte 11 0 UDID Byte 10 0 UDID Byte 9 0 UDID Byte 8 0
8 18181
Data 9 A Data 10 A Data 11 A
UDID Byte 7 0 UDID Byte 6 0 UDID Byte 5 0
81 8 18181
Data 12 A D ata 13 A Data 14 A Data 15 A
UDID Byte 4 0 UDID Byte 3 0 UDID Byte 2 0 UDID Byte 1 0
8181 8 11
Data 16 A Data 17 A PEC P
UDID Byte 0 (LSB) 0 Device Slave Addr ess 0 [Data Dependent Value] 1
82574 GbE Controller—System Manageability
8.8 SMBus Pass-Through Transactions
This section details all of the commands (both read and write) that the 82574 SMBus
interface supports for pass-through.
8.8.1 Write Transactions
This section details the commands that the MC can send to the 82574 over the SMBus
interface. The SMBus write transactions table lists the different SMBus write
transactions supported by the 82574. Transmit Packet Command
Note: If the overall packet length is greater than 1536 bytes, the packet is silently discarded
by the 82574. Request Status Command
An external MC can initiate a request to read the 82574 manageability status by
sending a Request Status command. When received, the 82574 initiates a notification
to an external MC (when status is ready), after which, an external MC is able to read
the status by issuing this command. The format is as follows: Receive Enable Command
The Receive Enable command is a single fragment command used to configure the
82574. This command has two formats: short, 1-byte legacy format (providing
backward compatibility with previous components) and long, 14-byte advanced for mat
(allowing greater configuration capabilities). The R eceive Enable command format is as
TCO Command Transaction Command Fragmentation Section
Transmit Packet Block Write First: 0x84
Middle: 0x04
Last: 0x44 Multiple
Transmit Packet Block Write Single: 0xC4 Single
Request Status Block Write Single: 0xDD Single
Receive Enable Block Write Single: 0xCA Single
Force TCO Block Write Single: 0xCF Single
Control Block Write Single: 0xC1 Single
Update MNG RCV
Filter Parameters Block Write Single: 0xCC Single
Function Command Byte
Count Data 1
Status 0xDD 1 0
System Manageability—82574 GbE Controller
Table 54. Receive Control Byte ( Data Byte) Management MAC Address (Data Bytes 7:2)
Ignored if the CBDM bit is not set. This MAC address is used to configure the dedicated
MAC address. This MAC address is also used when CBDM bit is set in subsequent short
versions of this command.
Function CMD Byte
Count Data 1 Data
11 Data
12 Data
13 Data
Enable 0xCA 1 Receive
Byte -…--…- - - -
IP Addr
I/F Data
Field Bit(s) Description
Receive TCO Enable.
0b: Disable receive TCO packets.
1b: Enable Receive TCO packets.
Setting this bit enables all manageability receive filtering operations.
Enabling specific filters is done via the NV M or through special config uration
Note: When the RCV_EN bit is cleared, all receive TCO functionality is
disabled, not jus t the packets that are directed to the MC .
Receive All Enable.
0b: Disable receiving all packets.
1b: Enable receiving all packets.
Forwards all packets received over the wire that passed L2 filtering to the
external MC. This flag has no effect if bit 0 (Enable TCO packets) is
EN_STA 2 Enable Status Reporting.
0b: Disable status reporting.
1b: Enable status reporting.
Reserved 3 Reserved, Must be set to 0b
NM 5:4
Notification Method. Define the notification method the 82574 uses.
00b: SMBUS Alert.
01b: Asynchronous notify.
10b: Direct receive.
11b: Not supported.
Reserved 6 Reserved. Must be set to 1b.
Configure the M C Dedicated MAC Address.
Note: This bit should be 0b when the RCV_EN bit (bit 0) is not set.
0b: The 82574 shares the MAC address for MNG traffic with the host MAC
address, which is specified in NVM words 0x0-0x2.
1b: The 82574 uses the MC dedicated MAC address as a filter for incoming
receive packets.
The MC MAC address is set in bytes 2-7 in this command.
If a short version of the command is used, the 82574 uses the MAC address
configured in the most recent long version of the command in which the
CBDM bit was set.
When the dedicated MAC address feature is activated, the 82574 uses the
following registers to filter in all the traffic addressed to the MC MAC.
82574 GbE Controller—System Manageability
210 Management IP Address (Data Bytes 11:8)
The 82574 does not support an ARP response. As a result, the Management IP address
field is ignored in the 82574. Asynchronous Notification SMBus Address (Data Byte 12)
This address is used for the asynchronous notification SMBus tr ansaction and for direct
receive. Interface Data (Data Byte 13)
Interface data byte used in asynchronous notification. Alert Value Data (Data Byte 14)
Alert Value data byte used in asynchronous notification. Force TCO Command
This command causes the 82574 to perform a TCO reset, if Force TCO reset is enabled
in the NVM. The force TCO reset clears the data path (Rx/Tx) of the 82574 to enable
the MC to transmit/receive packets through the 82574. This command should only be
used when the MC is unable to transmit receive and suspects that the 82574 is
inoperable. This command also causes the LAN device driver to unload. It is
recommended to perform a system restart to resume normal operation.
The 82574 considers the Force TCO command as an indication that the operating
system is hung and clears the DRV_LOAD flag. The Force TCO Reset command format
is as follows:
Where TCO Mode is: Management Control
This command is used to set generic manageability parameters. The parameters list is
shown in Management Control Command Parameters/Content. The command is 0xC1
stating that it is a Management Control command. The first data byte is the parameter
number and the data after words (length and content) are parameter specific as shown
in Management Control Command Parameters/Content.
Function Command Byte
Count Data 1
Force TCO
Reset 0xCF 1 TCO Mode
Field Bit(s) Description
DO_TCO_RST 0 Perform TCO Reset.
0b: Do nothing.
1b: Perfor m TCO reset.
Reserved 7:1 Reserved (set to 0x00).
System Manageability—82574 GbE Controller
Note: If the parameter that the MC sets is not supported by the 82574. The 82574 does not
NACK the transaction. After the transaction ends, the 82574 discards the data and
asserts a transaction abort status.
The Management Control command format is as follows:
Table 55. Management Control Command Parameters /Content Update Management Receive Filter Parameters
This command is used to set the manageability receive filters parameters. The
command is 0xCC. The first data byte is the parameter number and the data that
follows (length and content) are parameter specific as listed in management RCV filter
Note: If the parameter that the MC sets is not supported by the 82574, then the 82574 does
not NACK the transaction. After the transaction ends, the 82574 discards the data and
asserts a transaction abort status.
The update management RCV receive filter parameters command format is as follows:
Function Command Byte
Count Data 1 Data 2 Data N
Management Control 0xC1 N Parameter
Number Parameter Dependent
Parameter # Parameter Data
Keep PHY Link Up 0x00
A single byte parameter :
Data 2:
Bit 0: Set to indicate that the PHY link for this port should be
kept up throughout system resets. This is useful when the
server is reset and the MC needs to keep connectivity for a
manageability session.
Bit [7:1] Reserved.
0b: Disabled.
1b: Enabled.
Function Command Byte
Count Data 1 Data
2 Data N
Update Manageability
Filter Parameters 0xCC N Parameter
Number Parameter Dependent
82574 GbE Controller—System Manageability
Management RCV filter parameters lists the different parameters and their content.
Table 56. Management RCV Filter Parameters
Parameter Number Parameter Data
Filters Enables 0x1
Defines the generic filters configuration. The structure of this parameter is four
bytes as the MANC register.
Note: The general filter enable is in the Receive Enable command that enables
receive filtering.
Configuration 0xA This parameter defines which of the packet types identified as manageability
packets in the receive path are directed to the host memory.
Data 5:2 = MANC2H register bits.
Flex Filter 0 Enable Mask
and Length 0x10
Flex Filter 0 Mask.
Data 17:2 = Mask. Bit 0 in data 2 is the first bit of the mask.
Data 19:18 = Reserved. Should be set to 00b.
Date 20 = Flexible filter length.
Flex Filter 0 Data 0x11
Data 2 = Group of flex filter’s bytes:
0x0 = bytes 0-29
0x1 = bytes 30-59
0x2 = bytes 60-89
0x3 = bytes 90-119
0x4 = bytes 120-127
Data 3:32 = Flex filter data bytes. Data 3 is LSB.
Group's length is not a mandatory 30 bytes; it might vary according to filter's
length and must NOT be padded by zeros.
Flex Filter 1 Enable Mask
and Length 0x20 Same as parameter 0x10 but for filter 1.
Flex Filter 1 Data 0x21 Same as parameter 0x11 but for filter 1.
Filters Valid 0x60
Four bytes to determine which of the 82574 filter registers contain valid data.
Loaded into the MFVAL0 and MFVAL1 registers. Should be updated after the
contents of a filter register are updated.
Data 2: MSB of MFVAL.
Data 5: LSB of MFVAL.
Decision Filters 0x61
Five bytes are required to load the manageability decision filters (MDEF).
Data 2: Decision filter number.
Data 3: MSB of MDEF register for this decision filter.
Data 6: LSB of MDEF register for this decision filter.
VLAN Filters 0x62
Three bytes are required to load the VLAN tag filters .
Data 2: VLAN filter number.
Data 3: MSB of VLAN filter.
Data 4: LSB of VLAN filter.
Flex Port Filters 0x63
Three bytes are required to load the manageability flex port filters.
Data 2: Flex port filter number.
Data 3: MSB of flex port filter.
Data 4: LSB of flex port filter.
IPv4 Filters 0x64
Five bytes are required to load the IPv4 address filter.
Data 2: IPv4 address filter number (3:0).
Data 3: MSB of IPv4 address filter.
Data 6: LSB of IPv4 address filter.
System Manageability—82574 GbE Controller
8.8.2 Read Transactions (82574 to MC)
This section details the pass-through read transactions that the MC can send to the
82574 over the SMBus.
SMBus read transactions lists the different SMBus read transactions supported by the
82574. All the read transactions are compatible with SMBus read block protocol format.
Table 57. SMBus Read Transactions
0xC0 or 0xD0 commands are used for more than one payload. If MC issues these read
commands, and the 82574 has no pending data to transfer, it always returns as default
opcode 0xDD with the 82574 status and does not NACK the transaction.
Parameter Number Parameter Data
IPv6 Filters 0x65
17 bytes are required to load the IPv6 address filter.
Data 2: IPv6 address filter number (3:0).
Data 3: MSB of IPv6 address filter.
Data 18: LSB of IPv6 address filter.
MAC Filters 0x66
Seven bytes are required to load the MAC address filters.
Data 2: MAC address filters pair number (3:0).
Data 3: MSB of MAC address.
Data 8: LSB of MAC address.
TCO Command Transaction Command Opcode Fragments Section
Receive TCO Packet Block Read 0xD0 or
First: 0x90
Middle: 0x10
Last1: 0x50
1. The last fragment of th e receive TCO packet is the packet status.
Read Status Block Read 0xD0 or
0xC0 or
0xDE Single: 0xDD Single
Get System MAC
Address Block Read 0xD4 Single: 0xD4 Single
Read Management
Parameters Block Read 0xD1 Single: 0xD1 Single
Read Management
RCV Filter
Parameters Block Read 0xCD Single: 0xCD Single
Read Receive Enable
Configuration Block Read 0xDA Single: 0xDA Single
82574 GbE Controller—System Manageability
214 Receive TCO LAN Packet Transaction
The MC uses this command to read packets received on the LAN and its status. When
the 82574 has a packet to deliver to the MC, it asserts the SMBus notification for the
MC to read the data (or direct receive). Upon receiving notification of the arrival of a
LAN receive packet, the MC begins issuing a Receive TCO packet command using the
block read proto col.
A packet can be transmitted to the MC in at least two fragments (at least one for the
packet data and one for the packet status). As a result, MC should follow the F and L bit
of the op-code.
The op-code can have these values:
0x90 - First Fragment
•0x10 - Middle Fragment
When the opcode is 0x50, this indicates the last fragment of the packet, which
contains packet status.
If a notification timeout is defined (in the NVM) and the MC does not finish reading the
whole packet within the timeout period, since the packet has arrived, the packet is
silently discarded.
Following is the receive TCO packet format and the data format returned from the
82574. Receive TCO LAN Status Payload Transaction
This transaction is the last transaction that the 82574 issues when a packet received
from the LAN is transferred to the MC. The transaction contains the status of the
received packet.
The format of the status transaction is as follows:
The status is 16 bytes where byte 0 (bits 7:0) is set in Data 2 of the status and byte 15
in Data 17 of the status.
Function Command
Receive TCO Packet 0xC0 or 0xD0
Function Byte
Data 1
Code) Data 2 Data N
Rece ive TCO First
Fragment N0x90
Data Byte Packet Data
Receive TCO Middle
Fragment N0x10
Data Byte
Rece ive TCO Last
Fragment 0x50 Packet
Data Byte
Function Byte
Data 1
Code) Data 2 – Data 17 (Status Data)
Receive TCO Long Status 17 (0x11) 0x50 See Below
System Manageability—82574 GbE Controller
TCO LAN packet status data lists the content of the status data.
Table 58. TCO LAN Packet Status Data
Bit descriptions of each field in can be found in section 10.0.
Table 59. Error Status Information
Name Bits Description
Packet Length 13:0 Packet length including CRC, only 14 LSB bits.
Reserved 24:14 Reserved.
CRC 25 CRC Insert (CRC insertion is needed).
Reserved 28:26 Reserved.
VEXT 29 Additional VLAN present in packet.
VP 30 VLAN Stripped (VLAN TAG insertion is needed).
Reserved 33:31 Reserved.
Flow 34 TX/RX Packet (Packet Direction (0b = Rx, 1b = Tx).
LAN 35 LAN number.
Reserved 39:36 Reserved.
Reserved 47:40 Reserved.
VLAN 63:48 The two bytes of the 2 header tag.
Error 71:64 See Error Status Information.
Status 79:72 See Status Info.
Reserved 87:80 Reserved.
MNG Status 127:88 This field should be ignored if Receive TCO is not enabled (see Management
Field Bits Description
RXE 7 RX Data Error
IPE 6 IPv4 Checksum Error
TCPE 5 TCP/UDP Checksum Error
CXE 4 Carrier Extension Error
Rsv 3 Reserved
SEQ 2 Sequence Error
SE 1 Symbol Error
CE 0 CRC Error or Alignment Error
82574 GbE Controller—System Manageability
Table 60. Status Info
Table 61. Management Status
Field Bits Description
UDPV 7 Checksum field is valid and contains checksum of UDP fragment header
IPIDV 6 IP Identification Valid
CRC32V 5 CRC 32 valid bit indicates that the CRC32 check was done and a valid result
was found
Reserved 4 Reserved
IPCS 3 IPv4 Checksum Calculated on Packet
TCPCS 2 TCP Checksu m Calc ulated on Packet
UDPCS 1 UDP Checksum Calculated on Packet
Reserved 0 Reserved
Name Bits Description
Pass RMCP 0x026F 0 Set when the UDP/TCP port of the manag eability packet is
Pass RMCP 0x0298 1 Set when the UD P/TCP port of th e manageability packet is
Pass MNG Broadcast 2 Set when the manageability packet is a broadcast packet.
Pass MNG Neighbor 3 Set when the manageability packet neighbor discovery packet.
Pass ARP Request/ARP
Response 4Set when the manageability packet is ARP response/request
Reserved 7:5 Reserved.
Pass MNG VLAN Filter Index 10:8 Reserved.
MNG VLAN Address Match 11 Set when the manageability packet match one of the MNG
VLAN filters.
Unicast Address Index 14:12 Match any of the four unicast MAC address.
Unicast Address Match 15 Match any of the four unicast MAC address.
L4 port Filter Index 22:16 Indicate the flex filter number.
L4 port Match 23 Match any of the UDP/TCP port filters.
Flex TCO Filter Index 26:24 If bit 27 is set, this field indicates which TCO filter was
Flex TCO Filter Match 27 Set if a flexible filter matched.
IP Address Index 29:28 IP filter number. (IPv4 or IPv6).
IP Address Match 30 Match any of the IP address filters.
IPv4/IPv6 Match 31 IPv4 match or IPv6 match. This bit is valid only if the bit 30 (IP
match bit) or bit 4 (ARP match bit) are set.
Decision Filter Match 39:32 Match decision filter.
System Manageability—82574 GbE Controller Read Status Command
The MC should use this command after receiving a notification from the 82574 (such as
SMBus Alert). The 82574 also sends a notification to the MC in either of the following
two cases:
The MC asserts a request for reading the status.
The 82574 detects a change in one of the Status Data 1 bits (and was set to send
status to the MC on status change) in the Receive Enable command.
Note: Commands 0xC0/0xD0 are for backward compatibility and can be used for other
payloads. The 82574 defi nes these commands in the opcode as well as which payload
this transaction is. When the 0XDE command is set, the 82574 always returns opcode
0XDD with the 82574 status. The MC reads the event causing the notification, using the
Read Status command as follows:
Note: The 82574 response to one of the commands (0xC0 or 0xD0) in a given time as defined
in the SMBus Notification Timeout and Flags word in the NVM.
Status Data Byte 1 lists the status data byte 1 parameters.
Function Command
Read Status 0XC0 or
0XD0 or
Function Byte
Count Data 1
Data 2
Data 1)
Data 3
(Status Data 2)
Receive TCO Partial
Status 30XDDSee Below
82574 GbE Controller—System Manageability
Table 62. Status Data Byte 1
Status data byte 2 is used by the MC to indicate whether the LAN device driver is alive
and running.
The LAN device driver valid indication is a bit set by the LAN device driver during
initialization; the bit is cleared when the LAN device driver enters a Dx state or is
cleared by the hardware on a PCI reset.
Bits 2 and 1 indicate that the LAN device driver is stuck. Bit 2 indicates whether the
interrupt line of the LAN function is asserted. Bit 1 indicates whether the LAN device
driver dealt with the interrupt line before the last Read Status cycle. Table 63 lists
status data byte 2.
Bit Name Description
7 Reserved Reserved.
6 TCO Command Aborted 1b = A TCO command abort event occurred since the last read status cycle.
0b = A TCO command abort event did not occur since the last read status cycle.
5 Link Status Indication 0b = LAN link down.
1b = LAN link up.
4 PHY Link Forced Up Contains the v alue of the PHY_Link_Up bit. When set, indicates that the PHY link is
configured to keep the link up.
3 Initialization Indication 0b = An NVM reload event has not occurred since the last Read Status cycle.
1b = An NVM reload event h a s occurred since the last Read Status cycle1.
1. This indication is asserted when the 82574 manageability block reloads the NVM and its internal database is updated to the NVM
default values. This is an indication t hat the external MC should reconfigure the 82574, if other values other than the NVM default
should be configured.
2 Reserved Reserved.
1:0 Power State
00b = Dr state.
01b = D0u state.
10b = D0 state.
11b = D3 state2.
2. In single-address mode, the 82574 reports the highest po wer-state modes in both devices. The "D" state is marked in th is order:
D0, D0u, Dr, and D3.
System Manageability—82574 GbE Controller
Table 63. Status Data Byte 2
1. The LAN device driver alive indication is set if one of the LAN device drivers is alive.
2. The LAN interrupt is considered asserted if one of the interrupt lines is asserted.
3. The ICR is considered read if one of the ICRs was read (LAN 0 or LAN 1).
Status Data Byte 2 (bits 2 and 1) lists the possible values of bits 2 and 1 and what the
MC can assume from the bits:
Table 64. Status Data Byte 2 (Bits 2 and 1)
Note: The MC reads should consider the time it takes for the LAN device driver to deal with
the interrupt (in s). Note that excessive reads by the MC can give false indications.
Bit Name Description
5 Reserved Reserved.
4 Reserved Reserved.
3 Driver Valid Indication 0b = LAN driver is not alive.
1b = LAN driver is alive.
2 Interrupt Pending Indication 1b = LAN interrupt line i s asserted.
0b = LAN interrupt line is not asserted.
1ICR Register Read/Write
1b = ICR register was read since the last read status cycle.
0b = ICR regist er w as n ot read since the last read status cycle .
Reading the ICR indicates that the driver has dealt with the
interrupt that was asserted.
0 Reserved Reserved
Previous Current Description
Don’t Care 00b Interrupt is not pending (OK).
00b 01b New interrupt is asserted (OK).
10b 01b New interrupt is asserted (OK).
11b 01b Interrupt is waiting for reading (OK).
01b 01b Interrupt is waiting for reading by the driver for more than
one read cycle (not OK).
Possible drive hang state.
Don’t Care 11b Previous interrupt w as read and current interrupt is pending
Don’t Care 10b Interrupt is not pending (OK).
82574 GbE Controller—System Manageability
220 Get System MAC Address
The Get System MAC Address returns the system MAC address over to the SMBus. This
command is a single-fragment Read Block transaction that returns the following data:
Note: This command returns the MAC address configured in NVM offset 0.
Get system MAC address format:
Data returned from the 82574: Read Management Parameters
In order to read the management parameters the MC should execute two SMBus
transactions. The first transaction is a block write that sets the parameter that the MC
wants to read. The second transaction is block read that reads the parameter.
Block write transaction:
Following the block write the MC should issue a block read that reads the parameter
that was set in the Block Write command:
Data returned from the 82574:
The returned data is in the same format of the MC command.
Note: The parameter that is returned might not be the parameter requested by the MC. The
MC should verify the parameter number (default parameter to be returned is 0x1).
Note: If the parameter number is 0xFF, it means that the data that was requested from the
82574 is not ready yet.The MC should retry the read transaction.
Function Command
Get system MAC address 0xD4
Function Byte Count Data 1 (Op-
Code) Data 2 Data 7
Get system MAC
address 7 0xD4 MAC address MSB MAC address LSB
Function Command Byte Count Data 1
Management control request 0xC1 1 Parameter
Function Command
Read management parameter 0xD1
Function Byte Count Data 1 (Op-
Code) Data 2 Data
Read management
parameter N 0xD1 Parameter number Parameter dependent
System Manageability—82574 GbE Controller
It is responsibility of the MC to follow the procedure previously defined. When the MC
sends a Block Read command (as previously described) that is not preceded by a Block
Write command with bytecount=1, the 82574 sets the parameter number in the read
block transaction to be 0xFE. Read Management Receive Filter Parameters
In order to read the MNG RCV filter parameters, the MC should execute two SMBus
transactions. The first transaction is a block write that sets the parameter that the MC
wants to read. The second transaction is block read that read the parameter.
Block write transaction:
The different parameters supported for this command are the same as the parameters
supported for update MNG receive filter parameters.
Following the block write the MC should issue a block read that reads the parameter
that was set in the Block Write command:
Data returned from the 82574:
Note: The parameter that is returned might not be the par ameter requested by the MC. The
MC should verify the parameter number (default parameter to be returned is 0x1).
Note: If the parameter number is 0xFF, it means that the data that was requested from the
82574 should supply is not ready yet. The MC should retry the read transaction.
It is MC responsibility to follow the procedure previously defined. When the MC sends a
Block Read command (as previously described) that is not preceded by a Block Write
command with bytecount=1, the 82574 sets the parameter number in the read block
transaction to be 0xFE.
Function Command Byte Count Data 1 Data 2
Update MNG RCV filter
parameters 0xCC 1 or 2 Parameter number Parameter data
Function Command
Request MNG RCV filter parameters 0xCD
Function Byte Count Data 1 (Op-
Code) Data 2 Data 3 Data N
Read MNG RCV filter
parameters N0xCD
number Parameter dependent
82574 GbE Controller—System Manageability
222 Read Receive Enable Configuration
The MC uses this command to read the receive configuration data. This data can be
configured when using Receive Enable command or through the NVM.
Read Receive Enable Configuration command format (SMBus Read Block) is as follows:
Data returned from the 82574:
Parameter # Parameter Data
Filters Enable 0x01 None
MANC2H Configuration 0x0A None
Flex Filter 0 Enable Mask and
Length 0x10 None
Flex Filter 0 Data 0x11
Data 2: Group of Flex Filter’s Bytes:
0x0 = bytes 0-29
0x1 = bytes 30-59
0x2 = bytes 60-89
0x3 = bytes 90-119
0x4 = bytes 120-127
Flex Filter 1 Enable Mask and
Length 0x20 None
Flex Filter 1 Data 0x21 Same as parameter 0x11 but for filter 1.
Filters Valid 0x60 None
Decision Filters 0x61 One byte to define the accessed manageability decision filter
Data 2 – Decision Filter number
VLAN Filters 0x62 One byte to define the accessed VLAN tag filter (MAVTV)
Data 2 – VLAN Filter number
Flex Ports Filters 0x63 One byte to define the accessed manageability flex port filter
Data 2 – Flex Port Filter number
IPv4 Filter 0x64 One byte to define the accessed IPv4 address filter (MIPAF)
Data 2 – IPv4 address filter number
IPv6 Filters 0x65 One byte to define the accessed IPv6 address filter (MIPAF)
Data 2 – IPv6 address filter number
MAC Filters 0x66 One byte to define the accessed MAC address filters pair
Data 2 – MAC address filters pair number (0-3)
Function Command
Enable 0xDA
System Manageability—82574 GbE Controller
8.9 SMBus Troubleshooting
This section outlines the most common issues found while working with pass-through
using the SMBus sideband interface.
8.9.1 SMBus Commands are Always NACK'd by the 82574
There are several reasons why all commands sent to the 82574 from a MC could be
NACK'd. The following are the most comm on:
Invalid NVM Image - The image itself might be inv alid, or it could be a valid image;
however, it is not a pass-through image, as such SMBus connectivity is disabled.
The MC is not using the correct SMBus address - Many MC vendors hard-code the
SMBus address(es) into their firmware. If the incorrect values are hard-coded, the
82574 does not respond.
The SMBus address(es) can also be dynamically set using the SMBus ARP
Bus Interference - the bus connecting the MC and the 82574 might be unstable.
8.9.2 SMBus Clock Speed is 16.6666 KHz
This can happen when the SMBus connecting the MC and the 82574 is also tied into
another device (such as an ICH) that has a maximum clock speed of 16.6666 KHz. The
solution is to not connect the SMBus between the 82574 and the MC to this device.
8.9.3 A Network Based Host Application is not Rece iving any Network
Reports have been received about an application not receiving any network packets.
The application in question was NFS under Linux. The problem was that the application
was using the RMPC/RMCP+ IANA reserved port 0x26F (623), and the system w as also
configured for a shared MAC and IP address with the OS and MC.
The management control to host conf igu ration, in this situation, was setup not to sen d
RMCP traffic to the OS (this is typically the correct configuration). This means that no
traffic send to port 623 was being routed.
The solution in this case is to configure the problematic application NOT to use the
reserved port 0x26F.
8.9.4 Status Registers
If the NVM image is configured correctly, the physical connections are valid, and
problems still exist, use utilities/drivers to check the appropriate 82574 status registers
for other indications.
Function Byte
Data 1
Code) Data 2 Data
12 Data
13 Data
14 Data
(0x0F) 0xDA Receive
82574 GbE Controller—System Manageability
224 Firmware Semaphore Register (FWSM, 0x5B54 )
This register (described in detail in the section 10.0) provides a way to find out if the
firmware on the 82574 is functioning properly and if so, in what mode.
Check the error indication bits (24:19), if they are anything other than zero, then the
firmware is not going to be fully functional, if at all.
The most common errors are:
NVM checksum errors - these can be caused by a number of things:
Mismatch in 82574 stepping and NVM image version (old NVM image on a new
NVM part too small (recommended minimum size for manageability is 32 Kb)
Old utility was used to update the NVM (always make sure to have the latest
Invalid Firmware Mode (0x08)
If bits 3:1 of the register indicate a firmware mode that is reserved, this error condition
can be reset.
Always make note of the firmware mode, bits 3:1. In nearly all cases, this value should
be set to 010b for pass-through mode to an external MC.
The firmware valid bit (15) should be set to 1b to indicate that the firmware is up and
running. If it is not set to 1b, then an error code should be indicated in bits 24:19.
The reset count bits (18:16) indicate how many times the internal firmware on the
82574 has been reset. This value should be a one (the firmware was reset at power
up). If the value is greater than one then there are issues somewhere. Note that this
counter goes from 0-7 and wraps around. Management Control Register (MANC 0x5820)
This register is described in detail in the section 10.0.
This register indicates which filters are enabled. It is possible to configure all of the
filters yet not enable them, in which case, no management traffic is routed to the MC.
Or, the MC might be receiving undesired traffic, such as ARP requests when the 82574
was configured to do automatic ARP responses.
Check this register if getting unwanted traffic or if packets aren’t getting sent to the
Bit 17 (Receive TCO Packets Enable) must also be set in order for any packets are sent
to a MC. Note that it doesn’t matter what the other enabled filters are, if this one is off,
no packets are sent to the MC.
Bit 21 (Enable Management-to-Host) enables or disables the various filters that also
enable manageability traffic (all those that pass the filters in the 82574) to optionally
be passed to the operating system.
8.9.5 Unable to Transmit Packets from the MC
If the MC has been transmitting and receiving data without issue for a period of time
and then begins to receive NACKs from the 82574 when it attempts to write a packet,
the problem is most likely due to the fact that the buffers internal to the 82574 are full
of data that has been received from the network; however, has yet to be read by the
System Manageability—82574 GbE Controller
Being an embedded device, the 82574 has limited buffers that it shares for receiving
and transmitting data. If a MC does n ot keep the incoming data read, the 82574 can be
filled up, which does not enable the MC to transmit anymore data, resulting in NACKs.
If this situation occurs, the recommended solution is to have the MC issue a Receive
Enable command to disable anymore incoming data, go read all the data from the
82574 and then use the Receive Enable command to enable incoming data once again.
8.9.6 SMBus Fragment Size
The SMBus specification indicates a maximum SMBus transaction size of 32 bytes. Most
of the data passed between the 82574 and the MC over the SMBus is RMCP/RMCP+
traffic, which by its very nature (UDP traffic) is significantly larger than 32 bytes in
length, thus requiring multiple SMBus transactions to move a packet from the 82574 to
the MC or to send a packet from the MC to the 82574.
Recognizing this bottleneck, the 82574 can handle up to 240 bytes of data within a
single transaction. This is a configurable setting within the NVM.
The default value in the NVM images is 32, per the SMBus specification. If performance
is an issue, it is recommended that you increase this size.
During the initialization phase, the firmware within the 82574 allocates buffers based
upon the SMBus fragment size setting within the NVM. The 82574 firmware has a finite
amount of RAM for its use, as such the larger the SMBus fragment size, the fewer
buffers it can allocate. As such, the MC implementation must take care to send data
over the SMBus in an efficient way.
For example, the 82574 firmware has 3 KB of RAM it can use for buffering SMBus
fragments. If the SMBus fragment size is 32 bytes then the firmware could allocate 96
buffers of size 32 bytes each. As a result, the MC could then send a large pack et of data
(such as KVM) that is 800 bytes in size in 25 fragments of size 32 bytes apiece.
However, this might not be the most efficient way because the MC must break the 800
bytes of data into 25 fragments and send each one at a time.
If the SMBus fragment size is changed to 240 bytes, the 82574 firmware can create 12
buffers of 240 bytes each to receive SMBus fr agments. The MC can now send that same
800 bytes of KVM data in only four fragments, which is much more efficient.
The problem of changing the SMBus fragment size in the NVM is if the MC does not also
reflect this change. If a programmer changes the SMBus fragment size in the 82574 to
240 bytes and then wants to send 800 bytes of KVM data, the MC can still only send the
data in 32 byte fragments. As a result, the firmware runs out of memory.
This is because the 82574 firmware created the 12 buffers of 240 bytes each for
fragments, however the MC is only sending fragments of size 32 bytes. This results in a
memory waste of 208 bytes per fragment in this case, and when the MC attempts to
send more than 12 fragments in a single transaction, the 82574 NACKs the SMBus
transaction due to not enough memory to store the KVM data.
In summary, if a programmer increases the size of the SMBus fragment size in the
NVM, which is recommended for efficiency purposes, take care to ensure that the MC
implementation reflects this change and uses that fragment size to its fullest when
sending SMBus fragments.
82574 GbE Controller—System Manageability
8.9.7 Enable XSum Filtering
If XSum filtering is enabled, the MC does not need to perform the task of checking this
checksum for incoming packets. Only packets that have a valid XSum is passed to the
MC, all others are silently discarded.
This is a way to offload some work from the MC.
8.9.8 Still Having Problems?
If problems still exist, contact your field representative. Before contacting, be prepared
to provide the following:
The contents of status registers:
A SMBus trace if possible
•A dump of the NVM image
This should be taken from the actual 82574, rather than the NVM image
provided by Intel. Parts of the NVM image are changed after writing, such as
the physical NVM size. This information could be key in helping assist in solving
an issue.
8.10 NC-SI Interface
The Network Controller Sideband Interface (NC-SI) is a DMTF industry standard
protocol for the sideband interface. NC-SI uses a modified version of the industry
standard RMII interface for the physical layer as well as defining a new logical layer.
The NC-SI specification can be found at the DMTF website at:
8.11 Overview
8.11.1 Terminology
The terminology in this document is taken directly from the NC-SI specification and is
as follows:
System Manageability—82574 GbE Controller
Term Definition
Frame Versus Packet Frame is us ed in reference to Ethernet, whereas packet is used
everywhere else.
External Network Interface The interface of the network controller that provides connectivity to
the external network infrastructure (port).
Internal Host Interface The interface of the network controller that provides connectivity to
the host OS running on the platform.
Management Controller (MC) An intelligent entity comprising of HW/FW/SW, that resides within a
platform and is responsible for some or all management functions
associated with the platform (MC, service processor, etc.).
Network Controller (NC) The component within a system that is responsible for providing
connectivity to the external Ethernet networked world.
Remote Media The capability to allow remote media devices to appear as if they
were attached locally to the host.
Network Controller Sideband
The interface of the network contro ller that pro vides c onnec tivity to a
management controller. It can be shorten to sideband interface as
appropriate in the context.
Interface This refers to the entire physical interface, such as both the transmit
and receive interface between the management controller and the
network controller.
Integrated Controller
The term integrated controller refers to a network controller device
that supports two or more channels for NC-SI that share a common
NC-SI physical interface. For example, a network controller that has
two or more physical network ports and a single NC-SI bus
Multi-drop commonly refers to the case where multiple physical
communication devices share an electrically common bus and a single
device acts as the master of the bus and communicates with multiple
slave or targ et devices. In NC -SI, a management controller serv es the
role as the master, and the network controllers are the target devices.
Point-to-point commonly refers to the case where only two physical
communication devices are interconnected via a physical
communication medium. The devices might be in a master/slave
relationship, or could be peers. In NC-SI, point-to-point operation
refers to the sit uation where o nly a single management controlle r and
single network controller package are used on the b us in a master/
slave relationship where the management controller is the master.
The control logic and data paths supporting NC-SI pass-through
operation on a single network interface (port). A network controller
that has multiple network interface ports can support an equivalent
number of NC-SI channels.
One or more NC-SI channels in a network controller that share a
common set of electrical buffers and common buffer control for the
NC-SI bus. Typically , there will be a single, logical NC -SI package for a
single physical network controller package (chip or modu le). However,
the specification allows a single physical chip or module to hold
multiple NC-SI logical packages.
Control Traffic/Messages/Packets Command, response and notification packets transmitted between MC
and NCs for the purpose of managing NC-SI.
Pass-Through Traffic/Messages/
Packets Non-control packets passed between the external network and the MC
through the NC.
82574 GbE Controller—System Manageability
8.11.2 System Topology
In NC-SI each physical endpoint (NC package) can have several logical slaves (NC
NC-SI defines that one management controller and up to four network controller
packages can be connected to the same NC-SI link.
Figure 48 shows an example topology for a single MC and a single NC package. In this
example the NC package has two NC channels.
Figure 48. Single NC Package, Two NC Channels
Term Definition
Channel Arbitration
Refer to operations where more than one of the network controller
channels can be enabled to transmit pass-through packets to the MC
at the same time, where arbitration of access to the RXD, CRS_DV,
and RX_ER signal lines is accomplished either by software of
hardware means.
Logically Enabled/Disabled NC
Refers to the state of the network controller wherein pass-through
traffic is able/unable to flow through the sideband interface to and
from the management controller, as a result of issuing Enable/Disable
Channel command.
NC RX Defined as the direction of ingress traffic on the external network
controller interface
NC TX Defined as the direction of egress traffic on the external network
controller interface
NC-SI RX Defined as the direction of ingress traffic on the sideband enhanced
NC-SI Interface with respect to the network controller.
NC-SI TX Defined as the direction of egress traffic on the sideband enhanced
NC-SI Interface with respect to the network controller.
NC Package
Package ID = 0x0
NC Channel
NC Channel
Management Controller
NC-SI Link
System Manageability—82574 GbE Controller
Figure 49 shows an example topology for a single MC and two NC packages. In this
example, one NC package has two NC channels and the other has only one NC chan nel.
Figure 49. Two NC Packages (Left, with Two NC Channels and Right, with One NC
Scenarios in which the NC-SI lines are shard by multiple NCs (as shown in Figure 49)
mandate an arbitration mechanism. The arbitration mechanism is described in
section 8.15.1.
8.11.3 Data Transport
Since NC-SI is based upon the RMII transport layer, data is transferred in the form of
Ethernet frames.
NC-SI defines two types of frames transmitted on the NC-SI interface:
1. Control frames:
a. Frames used to configure and control the interface.
b. Control frames are identified by a unique EtherType in their L2 header.
2. Pass-through frames:
a. The actual LAN pass-through frames transferred from/to the MC.
b. Pass-through frames are identified as not being a control frame.
c. Pass-through frames are attributed to a specific NC channel by their source MAC
address (as configured in the NC by the MC). Control Frames
NC-SI control frames are identified by a unique NC-SI EtherType (0x88F8).
Control frames are used in a single-threaded operation, meaning commands are
generated only by the MC and can only be sent one at a time. Each command from the
MC is followed by a single response from the NC (command-response flow), after which
the MC is allowed to send a new command.
NC Package
Package ID = 0x0
NC Channel
NC Channel
Management Controller
NC Package
Package ID = 0x1
NC Ch annel
NC-SI Link
82574 GbE Controller—System Manageability
The only exception to the command-response flow is the Asynchronous Event
Notification (AEN). These control frames are sent unsolicited from the NC to the MC.
Note: AEN functionality by the NC must be disabled by default, until activated by the MC
using the Enable AEN commands.
In order to be considered a valid command, the control frame must:
1. Comply with the NC-SI header format.
2. Be targeted to a valid channel in the package via the Package ID and Channel ID
For example, to target a NC channel with package ID of 0x2 and internal channel ID of
0x5, The MC must set the channel ID inside the control frame to 0x45.
Note: Channel ID is composed of three bits of package ID and five bits of internal channel ID.
3. Contain a correct payload checksum (if used).
4. Meet any other condition defined by NC-SI.
Note: There are also commands (such as select package) targeted to the package as a whole.
These commands must use an internal channel ID of 0x1F.
For more details, refer to the NC-SI specification. NC-SI Frames Receive Flow
Figure 50 shows the overall flow for frames received on the NC from the MC.
Figure 50. NC-SI Frames Receive Flow for the NC
NC-SI frame
received from M C
EtherType ==
NC-SI EtherType?
Process as NC-SI Control Frame Yes
Source MAC address ==
previously configured MAC
Send to L AN w ith matching
configured MAC address Yes
Drop frame (belongs to a
different Pa ckage)
System Manageability—82574 GbE Controller
8.12 NC-S I Support
8.12.1 Supported Features
The 82574 supports all the mandatory features of the NC-SI specification (rev 1.0.0a).
Table 65 lists the supported commands.
Table 66 lists the optional features supported.
Table 65. Supported NC-SI Command s
Command Supported?
Clear Initial State Yes
Get Version ID Yes
Get Parameters1
1. The Link Settings field in the Get Parameters Response packet includes
the value as defined in the Get Link Status command.
Get Controller Packet Statistics No
Get Link S tatus Yes
Enable Channel Yes
Disable Channel Yes
Rese t Channel Yes
Enable VLAN Yes
Disable VLAN Yes
Enable Broadcast Yes
Disable Broadcast Yes
Set MAC Address Yes
Get NC-SI Statistics Yes, partially
Enable NC-SI Flow Control No
Disable NC-SI Flow Control No
Set Link Command Yes
Enable Global Multi-Cast Filter Yes, partially
Disable Global Multi-Cast Filter Yes
Get Capabilities Yes
Set VLAN Filters Yes
AEN Enable Yes
Get Pass-Through Statistics Yes, partially
Select Package Yes
Deselect Package Yes
Enable Channel Network Tx Yes
Disable Channel Network Tx Yes
OEM Command Yes
82574 GbE Controller—System Manageability
8.12.2 NC-SI Mode - Intel Specific Commands
In addition to the regular NC-SI commands, the following Intel vendor specific
commands are supported. The purpose of these commands is to provide a means for
the MC to access some of the Intel-specific features present in the 82574. Overview
The following features are availa b le vi a the NC- SI OEM sp eci f i c command :
Get System MAC Address - This command enables the MC to retrieve the system
MAC address used by the NC. This MAC address can be used for a shared MAC
address mode.
TCO Reset - Enables the MC to reset the 82574.
These commands are designed to be compliant with their corresponding SMBus
commands (if existing).
All of the commands are based on a single DMTF defined NC-SI command, known as
OEM Command. This command is as follows.
Table 66. Optional NC-SI Features Support
Feature Implement Details
AENs Yes, partially Report support for all three AEN
currently defined in the Get
Capabilities command.
Get NC-SI statistics command Yes, partially Support the following counters: 1-
4, 7.
Enable/Disable Global Multi-Cast
Filter Yes, partially
No support for specific multicast
filtering. Support is to either filter
out all multicast packets (Enable
command) or pass all multicast
packets to the MC (Disable
Get NC-SI Pass-Through Statistics
command Yes, partially
Support the following counters: 2.
Support the following counters
only when the OS is down:
1, 6, 7.
VLAN modes Yes, partially Support only modes 1, 3.
Buffering capabilities Yes 7 KB.
MAC address filters Yes Support one MAC address as
mixed per port.
Channel count Yes Support one channel.
VLAN filters Yes Support two VLAN filters per port.
Broadcast filters Yes
Support the following filters:
Set NC-SI Flow Control command No Do not support NC-SI flow control.
Hardware arbitration No Do not support NC-SI hardware
System Manageability—82574 GbE Controller OEM Command (0x50)
The OEM command can be used by the MC to request the sideband interface to provide
vendor-specific information. Th e Vendor Enterprise Number (VEN) is the unique MIB/
SNMP private enterprise number assigned by IANA per organization. Vendors are free
to define their own internal data structures in the vendor data fields.
Figure 51. OEM Command Packet Format OEM Response (0xD0)
Following is the vendor specific format for commands, as defined by NC-SI.
Figure 52. OEM Response Packet Format OEM Specific Command Response Reason Codes
Bytes 31..24 23..16 15..08 07..00
00..15 NC-SI Header
16..19 Manufacturer ID (Intel 0x157)
20.. Intel Command
Number Optional Data
Response Code Reason Code
Value Description Value Description
0x1 Command Failed 0x5081 Invalid Intel Command
0x1 Command Failed 0x5082 Invalid Intel Command
Parameter Number
0x1 Command Failed 0x5085 Internal Network Controller
0x1 Command Failed 0x5086 Invalid Vendor Enterprise
Bytes 31..24 23..16 15..08 07..00
00..15 NC-SI Header
16..19 Response Code Reason Code
20..23 Manufacturer ID (Intel 0x157)
24..27 Intel Command
Number Optional Return Data
82574 GbE Controller—System Manageability
Table 67. Commands Summary Proprietary Commands F ormat Get System MAC Address Command (Intel Command 0x06)
In order to support a system configuration that requires the NC to hold the MAC
address for the MC (such as shared MAC address mode), the following command is
provided to enable the MC to query the NC for a valid MAC address.
The NC must return the system MAC addresses. The MC should use the returned MAC
addressing as a shared MAC address by setting it using the Set MAC Address command
as defined in NC-SI 1.0.
It is also recommended that the MC use packet reduction and Manageability-to-Host
command to set the proper filtering method. Get System MAC Address Response (Intel Command 0x06)
Intel Command Parameter Command Name
0x06 N/A Get System MAC Address
0x22 N/A Perform TCO Reset
Bytes 31..24 23..16 15..08 07..00
00..15 NC-SI Header
16..19 Manufacturer ID (Intel 0x157)
20 0x06
Bytes 31..24 23..16 15..08 07..00
00..15 NC-SI Header
16..19 Response Code Reason Code
20..23 Manufacturer ID (Intel 0x157)
24..27 0x06 MAC Address
28..30 MAC Address
System Manageability—82574 GbE Controller Set Intel Management Control Formats Set Intel Management Control Command (Intel Command 0x20)
Intel Management Control 1 is as follows: Set Intel Management Control Response (Intel Command 0x20)
Bytes 31..24 23..16 15..08 07..00
00..15 NC-SI Header
16..19 Manufacturer ID (Intel 0x157)
20..22 0x20 0x00
Intel Management
Cont r o l 1
Bit # Default
value Description
Enable Critical Session Mode (Keep Phy Link Up and Veto Bit)
0b - Disabled
1b - Enabled
When critical session mode is enabled, the following behaviors are disabled:
The PHY is not reset on PE_RST# and PCIe* resets (in-band and link
drop). Other reset events are not affected - Internal_Power_On_Reset,
device disable, Force TCO, and PHY reset by software.
The PHY does not change its power state. As a result link speed does not
The device does not initiate configuration of the PHY to avoid losing link.
1…7 0x0 Reserved
Bytes 31..24 23..16 15..08 07..00
00..15 NC-SI Header
16..19 Response Code Reason Code
20..23 Manufacturer ID (Intel 0x157)
24..25 0x20 0x00
82574 GbE Controller—System Manageability
236 Get Intel Management Control Formats Get Intel Management Control Command (Intel Command 0x21)
Intel Management Control 1 is as described in section Get Intel Management Control Response (Intel Command 0x21) TCO Reset
This command causes the NC to perform T CO reset, if force T CO reset is enabled in the
If the MC has detected that the operating system is hung and has blocked the Rx/Tx
path, the force TCO reset clears the data-path (Rx/Tx) of the NC to enable the MC to
transmit/receive packets through the NC.
When this command is issued to a channel in a package, it applies only to the specific
After successfully performing the command, the NC considers the Force T CO command
as an indication that the operating system is hung and clears the DRV_LOAD flag
(disable the LAN device driver). Perform Intel TCO Reset Command (Intel Command 0x22)
Bytes 31..24 23..16 15..08 07..00
00..15 NC-SI Header
16..19 Manufacturer ID (Intel 0x157)
20..21 0x20 0x00
Bytes 31..24 23..16 15..08 07..00
00..15 NC-SI Header
16..19 Response Code Reason Code
20..23 Manufacturer ID (Intel 0x157)
24..26 0x21 0x00
Intel Management
Control 1
Bytes 31..24 23..16 15..08 07..00
00..15 NC-SI Header
16..19 Manufacturer ID (Intel 0x157)
20 0x22
System Manageability—82574 GbE Controller Perform Intel TCO Reset Response (Intel Command 0x22)
8.13 Basic NC-SI Workflows
8.13.1 Package States
A NC package can be in one of the following two states:
1. Selected - In this state, the package is allowed to use the NC -SI lines, meaning the
NC package might send data to the MC.
2. De-selected - In this state, the package is not allowed to use the NC-SI lines,
meaning, the NC package cannot send data to the MC.
Also note that the MC must select no more than one NC package at any given time.
Package selection can be accomplished in one of two methods:
1. Select Package command - this command explicitly selects the NC package.
2. Any other command targeted to a channel in the package also implicitly selects
that NC package.
P ackage de-select can be accomplished only by issuing the De-Select Package
Note: The MC should always issue the Select Package command as the first command to the
package before issuing channel-specific commands.
For further details on package selection, refer to the NC-SI specification.
Bytes 31..24 23..16 15..08 07..00
00..15 NC-SI Header
16..19 Response Code Reason Code
20..23 Manufacturer ID (Intel 0x157)
24..26 0x22
82574 GbE Controller—System Manageability
8.13.2 C hannel States
A NC channel can be in one of the following states:
1. Initial State - In this state, the channel only accepts the Clear Initial State
command (the package also accepts the Select Package and De-Select Package
2. Active state - This is the normal operational mode. All commands are accepted.
For normal operation mode, the MC should always send the Clear Initial State
command as the first command to the channel.
8.13.3 Discovery
After interface power-up, the MC should perform a discovery process to discover the
NCs that are connected to it.
This process should include an algorithm similar to the following:
1. For package_id=0x0 to MAX_PACKAGE_ID
a. Issue Select Package command to package ID package_id
b. If a response was received then
For internal_channel_id = 0x0 to MAX_INTERNAL_CHANNEL_ID
Issue a Clear Initial State command for package_id | internal_channel_id (the
combination of package_id and internal_channel_id to create the channel ID).
If a response was received then
Consider internal_channel_id as a valid channel for the package_id package
The MC can now optionally discover channel capabilities and version ID for the
Else (If not a response was not received, then issue a Clear Initial State
command three times.
Issue a De-Select Package command to the package (and continue to the next
c. Else, if a response was not received, issue a Select Packet command three times.
8.13.4 Configurations
This section details different configurations that should be performed by the MC.
It is considered a good practice that the MC does not consider any configuration valid
unless the MC has explicitly configured it after every reset (entry into the initial state).
As a result, it is recommended that the MC re-configure everything at power-up and
channel/package resets.
System Manageability—82574 GbE Controller NC Capabilities Advertisement
NC-SI defines the Get Capabilities command. It is recommended that the MC use this
command and verify that the capabilities match its requirements before performing an y
For example, the MC should verify that the NC supports a specific AEN before enabling
it. Receive Filtering
In order to receive traffic, the MC must configure the NC with receive filtering rules.
These rules are checked on every packet received on the LAN interface (such as from
the network). Only if the rules matched, will the packet be forwarded to the MC. MAC Address Filtering
NC-SI defines three types of MAC address filters: unicast, multicast and broadcast. To
be received (not dropped) a packet must match at least one of these filters.
Note: The MC should set one MAC address using the Set MAC Address command and enable
broadcast and global multicast filtering.
Unicast/Exact Match (Set MAC Address Command)
This filter filters on specific 48-bit MAC addresses. The MC must configure this filter
with a dedicated MAC address.
Note: The NC might expose three types of unicast/exact match filters (such as MAC filters
that match on the entire 48 bits of the MAC address): unicast, multicast and mixed.
The 82574 exposes two mixed filters, which might be used both for unicast and
multicast filtering. The MC should use one mixed filter for its MAC address.
Refer to NC-SI specification - Set MAC Address for further details.
Broadcast (Enable/Disable Broadcast Filter Command)
NC-SI defines a broadcast filtering mechanism which has the following states:
1. Enabled - All broadcast traffic is blocked (not forwarded) to the MC, except for
specific filters (such as ARP request, DHCP, and NetBIOS).
2. Disabled - All broadcast traffic is forwarded to the MC, with no exceptions.
Note: Refer to NC-SI specification Enable/Disable Broadcast Filter command.
Global Multicast (Enable/Disable Global Multicast Filter)
NC-SI defines a multicast filtering mechanism which has the following states:
1. Enabled - All multicast traffic is blocked (not forwarded) to the MC.
2. Disabled - All multicast traffic is forwarded to the MC, with no exceptions.
The recommended operational mode is Enabled, with specific filters set.
Note: Not all multicast filtering modes are necessarily supported.
R efer to NC-SI specification Enable/Disable Global Multicast Filter command for further
82574 GbE Controller—System Manageability
240 VLAN
NC-SI defines the following VLAN work modes:
Refer to NC-SI specification - Enable VLAN command for further details.
The 82574 only supports modes #1 and #3.
1. Modes:
a. If VLAN is not required - use the disabled mode.
b. If VLAN is required - use the enabled #1 mode.
2. If enabling VLAN, The MC should also set the activ e VLAN ID filters using the NC- SI
Set VLAN Filter command prior to setting the VLAN mode.
8.13.5 Pass-Through Traffic States
The MC has independent, separate controls for enablement states of the receive (from
LAN) and of the transmit (to LAN) pass-through paths. C hannel Enable
This mode controls the state of the receive path:
1. Disabled: The channel does not pass any traffic from the network to the MC.
2. Enabled: The channel passes any traffic from the network (that matched the
configured filters) to the MC.
Note: This state also affects AENs: AENs is only sent in the enabled state.
Note: The default state is disab l e d.
Note: It is recommended that the MC complete all filtering configuration before enabling the
Mode Command and Name Descriptions
Disabled Disable VLAN command In this mode, no VLAN frames are
Enabled #1 Enable VLAN command with VLAN only In this mode, only packets that matched
a VLAN filter are forwarded to the MC.
Enabled #2 Enable VLAN command with VLAN only +
non-VLAN In this mode, packets from mode 1 +
non-VLAN packets are forwarded.
Enabled #3 Enable VLAN command with Any-VLAN +
non-VLAN In this mode, packets are forwarded
regardless of their VLAN state.
System Manageability—82574 GbE Controller Network Transmit Enable
This mode controls the state of the transmit path:
1. Disabled - the channel does not pass any traffic from the MC to the network.
2. Enabled - the channel passes any traffic from the MC (that matched the source
MAC address filters) to the network.
Note: The default state is disabled.
Note: The NC filters pass-through packets according to their source MAC address. The NC
tries to match that source MAC address to one of the MAC add resse s confi gured b y the
Set MAC Address command. As a result, the MC should enable network transmit only
after configuring the MAC address.
Note: It is recommended that the MC complete all filtering configuration (especially MAC
addresses) before enabling the network transmit.
Note: This feature can be used for fail-over scenarios. See section 8.15.3.
8.13.6 Asynchronous Event Notifications
The asynchronous event notifications are unsolicited messages sent from the NC to the
MC to report status changes (such as link change, operating system state change,
The MC firmware designer should use AENs. To do so, the designer must take into
account the possibility that a NC-SI response frame (such as a frame with the NC-
SI EtherType), arrives out-of-context (not immediately after a command, but
rather after an out-of-context AEN).
To enable AENs, the MC should first query which AENs are supported, using the Get
Capabilities command, then enable desired AEN(s) using the Enable AEN
command, and only then enable the channel using the Enable Channel command.
8.13.7 Querying Active Parameters
The MC can use the Get Parameters command to query the current status of the
operational parameters.
82574 GbE Controller—System Manageability
8.14 Resets
In NC-SI there are two types of resets defined:
1. Synchronous entry into the initial state.
2. Asynchronous entry into the initial state.
It is very important that the MC firmware designer keep in mind that following any
type of reset, all configurations are considered as lost and thus the MC must re-
configure everything.
As an asynchronous entry into the initial state might not be reported and/or
explicitly noticed, the MC should periodically poll the NC with NC-SI commands
(such as Get Version ID, Get Parameters, etc.) to verify that the channel is not in
the initial state. Should the NC channel respond to the command with a Clear Initial
State Command Expected reason code - The MC should consider the channel (and
most probably the entire NC package) as if it underwent a (possibly unexpected)
reset event. Thus, the MC should re-configure the NC. See the NC-SI specification
section on Detecting Pass-through Traffic Interruption.
The Intel recommended polling interval is 2-3 seconds.
For exact details on the resets, refer to NC-SI specification.
8.15 Advanced Workflows
8.15.1 M ulti-NC Arbitration
As described in section 8.11.2, in a multi-NC environment, there is a need to arbitrate
the NC-SI lines.
Figure 53 shows the system topology of such an environment.
Figure 53. Multi-NC Environment
NC Package1
Channel1: 0x0
Channel2: 0x1
NC Package2
Channel1: 0x0
NC-SI TX lines
HW-Arbitration lines
NC-SI RX lines
System Manageability—82574 GbE Controller
See Figure 53. The NC-SI Rx lines are shared between the NCs. To enable sharing of
the NC-SI Rx lines, NC-SI has defined an arbitration scheme.
The arbitration scheme mandates that only one NC package can use the NC-SI Rx lines
at any given time. The NC package that is allowed to use these lines is defined as
selected. All the other NC packages are de-selected.
NC-SI has defined two mechanisms for the arbitration scheme:
1. Package selection by the MC. In this mechanism, the MC is responsible for
arbitrating between the packages by issuing NC-SI commands (Select/De-Select
P ackage). The MC is responsible for having only one package selected at an y given
2. Hardware arbitration. In this mechanism, two additional pins on each NC package
are used to synchronize the NC package. Each NC package has an ARB_IN and
ARB_OUT line and these lines are used to transfer Tokens. A NC package that has a
token is considered selected.
Note: Hardware arbitration is enabled by default after interface power up.
Note: The 82574 does not support hardware arbitration.
For further details, refer to section 4 in the NC-SI specification. Package Selection Sequence Example
Followin g is an example work flow for a MC and occurs after the discovery, initialization,
and configuration.
Assuming the MC needs to share the NC-SI bus between packages the MC should:
1. Define a time-slot for each device.
2. Discover, initialize, and configure all the NC packages and channels.
3. Issue a De-Select Package command to all the channels.
4. Set active_package to 0x0 (or the lowest existing package ID).
5. At the beginning of each time slot the MC should:
a. Issue a De-Select P ackage to the active_package. The MC must then wait for a
response and then an additional timeout for the package to become de-selected
(200 s). See the NC- SI specification table 10 - parameter NC Deselect to Hi-Z
b. Find the next available package (typically active_package = active_package +
c. Issue a Select Package command to active_package.
8.15.2 External Link Control
The MC can use the NC-SI Set Link command to control the external interface link
settings. This command enables the MC to se t the auto-negotiation, link speed, duplex,
and other parameters.
This command is only available when the host operating system is not present.
Indicating the host operating system status can be obtained via the Get Link Status
command and/or Host OS Status Change AEN command.
82574 GbE Controller—System Manageability
Unless explicitly needed, it is not recommended to use this feature. The NC-SI Set
Link command does not expose all the possible link settings and/or features. This
might cause issues under different scenarios. Even if decided to use this feature, it
is recommended to use it only if the link is down (trust the 82574 until proven
It is recommended that the MC first query the link status using the Get Link Status
command. The MC should then use this data as a basis and change only the needed
parameters when issuing the Set Link command.
For further details, refer to the NC-SI specification. Set Link While LAN PCIe Functionality is Disabled
In cases where the 82574 is used solely for manageability and its LAN PCIe function is
disabled, using the NC-SI Set Link command while advertising multiple speeds and
enabling auto-negotiation results in the lowe st possible speed chosen.
To enable link of higher a speed, the MC should not advertise speeds that are below the
desired link speed, as the lowest advertised link speed is chosen.
When the 82574 is only used for manageability and the link speed advertisement is
configured by the MC, changes in the power state of the LAN device is not effected and
the link speed is not re-negotiated by the LAN device.
8.15.3 Statistics
The MC might use the statistics commands as defined in NC-SI. These counters are
meant mostly for debug purposes and are not all supported.
The statistics are divided into three commands:
1. Controller statistics - These are statistics on the primary interface (to the host
operating system). See the NC-SI specification for details.
2. NC-SI statistics - These are statistics on the NC-SI control frames (such as
commands, responses, AENs, etc.). See the NC-SI specification for details.
3. NC-SI pass-through statistics - These are statistics on the NC-SI pass-through
frames. See the NC-SI specification for details.
System Manageability—82574 GbE Controller
Note: This page intentionally left blank.
82574 GbE Controller—Programing Interface
9.0 Programing Interface
9.1 PCIe Configuration Space
9.1.1 PCIe Compatibility
PCIe is completely compatible with existing deployed PCI software. To achieve this,
PCIe hardware implementations conform to the following requirements:
All devices required to be supported by the deployed PCI software must be
enumerable as part of a tree through PCI device enumeration mechanisms.
Devices must not require any resources (such as address decode ranges and
interrupts) beyond those claimed by PCI resources for operation of software
compatible and software transparent features with respect to existing deployed PCI
Devices in their default operating state must conform to PCI ordering and cache
coherency rules from a software viewpoint.
PCIe devices must conform to PCI power management specification. PCIe devices
must not require any register programming for PCI-compatible power
management, beyond those available through PCI power management capability
registers. Power management is expected to conform to standard PCI power
management using existing PCI bus drivers.
PCIe devices implement all registers required by the PCI specification as well as the
power management registers and capability pointers specified by the PCI power
management specification. In addition, PCIe defines a PCIe capability pointer to
indicate support for PCIe extensions and associated capabilities.
Note: The 82574 is a single function device - the LAN function.
The 82574 contains the following regions of the PCI configuration space:
Mandatory PCI configuration register s
Power management capabilities
MSI capabilities
MSI-X capabilities
PCIe extended capabilities
Programing Interface—82574 GbE Controller
9.1.2 Mandatory PCI Configuration Registers
The PCI configuration registers map is depicted below. See a detailed description for
registers loaded from the NVM at initialization time. Initialization values of the
configuration registers are marked in parenthesis. Color Notation in Figure 54:
Light Blue Read-only fields
Dark Grey Not used. Hardwired to zero.
Configuration registers are assigned one of the attributes described in Table 68.
Table 68. R/W Attribute Table
Attribute Description
RO Read-only register: Register bits are read-only and cannot be altered by software.
RW Read-write register: Register bits are read-write and can be either set or reset.
R/W1C Read-only status, Write-1-to-clear status register, Writing a 0b to R/W1C bits has no effect.
Read-only register with sticky bits: Register bits are read-only and cannot be altered by
software. Bits are not cleared by reset and can only be reset with the PWRGOOD signal.
Devices that consume AUX power are not allowed to reset sticky bits when AUX power
consumption (either via AUX power or PME Enable) is enabled.
Read-write register with sticky bits: Register bits are read-write and can be either set or reset
by software to the desired state. Bits are not cleared by reset and can only be reset with the
PWRGOOD signal. Devices that consume AUX power are not allowed to reset sticky bits when
AUX power consumption (either via AUX power or PME Enable) is enabled.
Read-o nly statu s, Write-1-to-clear st atus re gis ter with st icky bits : Register bits indicate statu s
when read, a set bit indicating a status event ca n be cleared by wri ting a 1b . Writing a 0b to R/
W1C bits has no effect . Bits are not clea red by re set and can o nly be reset with th e PWRGOOD
signal. Devices that consume AUX power are not allowed to reset sticky bits when AUX power
consumption (either via AUX power or PME Enable) is enabled.
HwInit Hardware Initialized: Re gister bits are initialized by firmware or hardware mechanisms such as
pin strapping or serial NVM. Bits are read-only after initialization and can only be reset (for
write-once by firmware) with PWRGOOD signal.
RsvdP Reserved and Preserved: Reserved for future R/W implementations; software must preserve
value read for writes to bits.
RsvdZ Reserved and Zero: Reserved for future R/W1C implementations; software must use 0b for
writes to bits.
Byte Offset Byte 3 Byte 2 Byte 1 Byte 0
0x0 Device ID Vendor ID (0x8086)
0x4 Status Register (0x0010) Command Register (0x0000)
0x8 Class Code (0x020000) Revision ID (0x00)
0xC BIST (0x00) Header Type (0x00 |
0x80) Latency Timer (0x00) Cache Line Size
0x10 Base Address 0
0x14 Base Address 1
0x18 Base Address 2
0x1C Base Address 3
0x20 Base Address 4
0x24 Base Address 5
82574 GbE Controller—Programing Interface
Figure 54. PCI-Compatible Configuration Registers
Explanation of the various registers in the 82574 is as follows. Vendor ID (Offset 0x0)
This is a read-only register that has the same value for all PCI functions. It uniquely
identifies Intel products. The field default value is 0x8086. Device ID (Offset 0x2)
This is a read-only register. The value is loaded from NVM. Default value is 0x10D3 for
the 82574. Command Reg (Offset 0x4)
Read- w rite register. Layout is as follows. Shaded bits are not used by this
implementation and are hardwired to 0b.
0x28 Cardbus CIS Pointer (0x00000000)
0x2C Subsystem ID (0x0000) Subsystem Vendor ID (0x8086)
0x30 Expansion ROM Base Address
0x34 Reserved (0x000000) Cap_Ptr (0xC8)
0x38 Reserved (0x00000000)
0x3C Max_Latency (0x00) Min_Grant
(0x00) Interrupt Pin
(0x01) Interrupt Line
Byte Offset Byte 3 Byte 2 Byte 1 Byte 0
Function Default
Value NVM Address Meaning
LAN 0x10D3 0Dh 10/100/1000mbit Ethernet controller, x1 PCIe,
Bit(s) Init Value Description
0 0b I/O Access Enable.
1 0b Memory Access Enable.
2 0b Enable Mastering LAN R/W field.
30b Special Cycle Monitoring – Hardwired to 0b.
40b MWI Enable – Hardwired to 0b.
50b Palette Snoop Enable – Hardwired to 0b.
6 0b Parity Error Response.
70b Wait Cycle Enable – Hardwired to 0b.
8 0b SERR# Enable.
90b Fast Back-to-Back Enable – Hardwired to 0b.
10 0b
Interrupt Disable
Controls the ability of a PCIe device to generate a legacy interrupt
message. When set, the device can’t generate legacy interrupt
15:11 0b Reserved
Programing Interface—82574 GbE Controller Status Register (Offset 0x6)
Shaded fields are not used by this implementation and are hardwired to 0b. Revision ID (Offset 0x8)
The default revision ID of this device is 0x0. The value of the rev ID is a logic XOR
between the default value and the value in the NVM word 0x1E. Class Code (Offset 0x9)
The class code is a read-only, hard-coded value that identifies the device functionality.
LAN - 0x020000 - Ethernet Adapter Cache Line Size (Offset 0xC)
This field is implemented by PCIe devices as a read-write field for legacy compatibility
purposes but has no impact on any PCIe device functionality. Loaded from NVM words
0x1A. Latency Timer (Offset 0xD)
Not used. Hardwired to 0b. Header Type (Offset 0xE)
This indicates if a device is single function or multifunction. F or the 82574 this field has
a value of 0x00 to indicate a single function device.
Bits Initial
Value R/W Description
2:0 000b Reserved
30b RO Interrupt Status
41b RO
New Capabilities
Indicates that a device implements extended capabilities. The
82574 sets this bit, and implements a capabilities list, to
indicate that it supports PCI power management, message
signaled interrupts, and the PCIe extensions.
50b 66MHz Capable – Hardwired to 0b.
60b Reserved.
70b Fast Back-to-Back Capable – Hardwired to 0b.
8 0b R/W1C Data Parity Reported.
10:9 00b DEVSEL Timing – Hardwired t o 0b.
11 0 R/W1C Signaled Target Abort.
12 0bb R/W1C Received Target Abort.
13 0b R/W1C Received Master Abort.
14 0b R/W1C Signaled System Error.
15 0b R/W1C Detected Parity Error.
1. The Interrupt Status field is a read-only field that indicates that an interrupt message is
pending internally to the device.
82574 GbE Controller—Programing Interface
250 Base Addr ess Registers (Offset 0x10 - 0x27)
The Base Address Registers (BARs) are used to map the 82574 register space. The
82574 BARs are defined as non-prefetchable, and therefore support 32-bit addressing
Note: Flash size is defined by the NVM.
Note: The default setting of the Flash BAR enables software implement initial progr amming of
empty (non-valid) Flash via the (parallel) Flash BAR.
Note: The 82574 requests I/O resources to support pre-boot operation (prior to allocating
physical memory base addresses).
All BARs have the following fields:
BAR Addr. 31 4 3 2 1 0
0 0x10 Memory BAR (R/W - 31:17; 0b - 16:4) 0b 00b 0b
1 0x14 Flash BAR (R/W - 31:23/16 ; 0b - 22/15:4) 0b 00b 0b
2 0x18 IO BAR (R/W - 31:5; 0b - 4:1) 0b 1b
3 0x1C MSI-X BAR (R/W - 31:14; 0b - 13:4) 0b 00b 0b
4 0x20 Reserved (read as all 0b’s)
5 0x24 Reserved (read as all 0b’s)
Field Bit(s) R/W Initial
Value Description
Mem 0 R 0b for
1b for I/O
0b = Memory space
1b = I/O space.
Mem Type 2:1 R 00b (for
Indicates the address space size.
00b = 32-bit
10b = 64-bit
The 82574 BARs are 32-bit only.
Mem 3R0b
0b = Non-prefetchable space.
1b = Prefetchable space.
The 82574 implements non-prefetchable space since it has
read side effects.
Space 31:4 R/W 0x0
Read/Write bits and hardwired to 0b depending on the
memory mapping window sizes:
LAN memory spaces are 128 KB.
LAN Flash spaces can be 64 KB and up to 4 MB in powers of
MSI-X memory space is 16 KB.
Flash window size is set by the NVM. The Flash BAR can also
be disabled by the NVM.
IO Address
Space 31:2 R/W 0x0 Read/Write bits and hardwired to 0b depending on the I/ O
mapping window sizes:
LAN I/O space is 32 bytes.
Programing Interface—82574 GbE Controller
Memory and I/O mapping: CardBus CIS (Offset 0x28)
Not used. Hardwired to 0b. Subsystem ID (Offset 0x2E)
This value can be loaded automatically from the NVM at power up with a default value
of 0x0000. Subsystem Vendor ID (O ffset 0x2C)
This value can be loaded automatically from the NVM address 0x0C at power up or
reset. The default value is 0x8086 at power up. Expansion ROM Base Address (Offset 0x30)
This register is used to define the address and size information for boot-time access to
the optional Flash memory. The BAR size and enablement are set by the NVM.
Window Mapping Description
The internal registers and memories are accessed as direct memory
mapped offsets from the base address register. Software can access
byte, word or Dword.
The external Flash can be accessed using direct memory mapped
offsets from the Flash base address reg ister. Software can acces s byte,
word or Dword.
The Flash BAR is enabled by the DISLFB field in NVM word 0x21.
All internal registers, memories, and Flash can be accessed using I/O
operations. There are two 4-byte registers in the I/O mapping window:
Addr Reg and Data Reg. Software can access byte, word or Dword.
The internal registers and memories are accessed as direct memory
mapped offsets from the base address register. Software accesses are
Field Bit(s) Read/
Write Initial
Value Description
En 0 R/W 0b 1b = Enables expansion ROM access.
0b = Disables expansion ROM access.
Reserved 10:1 R 0x0 Always read as 0b. Writes are ignored.
Address 31:11 R/W 0x0 Read/Write bits and hardwired to 0b depending on the
memory mapping window size as defined in word 0x21 in
the NVM.
82574 GbE Controller—Programing Interface
252 C ap_Ptr (Offset 0x34)
The Capabilities Pointer field (Cap_Ptr) is an 8-bit field that provides an offset in the
device's PCI configuration space for the location of the first item in the capabilities
linked list. The 82574 sets this bit, and implements a capabilities list, to indicate that it
PCI power management
PCIe extended capabilities
Its value, 0xC8, is the address of the first entry: PCI power management. Interrupt Line (Offset 0x3C)
Read/write register programmed by software to indicate which of the system interrupt
request lines this device's interrupt pin is bound to. See the PCI definition for more
details. Interrupt Pin (Offset 0x3D)
Read-only register. The LAN implements legacy interrupt on INTA. Max_Lat/Min_Gnt (Offset 0x3E)
Not used. Hardwired to 0b.
9.1.3 PCI Power Management Registers
All fields are reset on full power up. All of the fields ex cept PME_En and PME_Status are
reset on exit from D3cold state.
See the detailed description for registers loaded from the NVM at initialization time.
Initialization values of the configuration registers are marked in parenthesis.
Some fields in this section depend on the Power Management Ena bits in the NVM word
Table 69 lists the organization of the PCI Power Management register block. Light-blue
fields are read only fields.
Table 69. Power Management Register Block
Address Item Next Pointer
0xC8-CF PCI power management 0xD0
0xD0-DF MSI 0xE0
0xA0-AB MSI-X 0x00
0xE0-F3 PCIe Capabilities 0xA0
Byte Offset Byte 3 Byte 2 Byte 1 Byte 0
0xC8 Power Management Capabilities (PMC) Next Pointer
(0xD0) Capability ID
0xCC Data PMCSR_BSE Bridge
Support Extensions Power Management Control / Status
Register (PMCSR)
Programing Interface—82574 GbE Controller
The following section describes the register definitions, whether they are required or
optional for compliance, and how they are implemented in the 82574. Capability ID, Offset 0xC8, (RO)
This field equals 0x01 indicating the linked list item is the PCI Power Management
registers. Next Pointer, Offset 0x C9, (RO)
This field provides an offset to the next capability item in the capability list. Its v alue of
0xD0 points to the MSI capability. Power Mana gement Capabilities (PMC), Offset 0xCA, (RO)
This field describes the device functionality at the power management states as
described in the following table.
Figure 55. Power Management Capabilities (PMC)
Bits Default R/W Description
15:11 See value in
column RO
This five-bit field indicat es the power states in which the function might
assert PME# depending on NVM settings:
00000b = If PM is disabled in NVM (word 0x0A) than No PME support at
all states.
01001b = If PM is enabled in NVM and no Aux_Pwr than PME is
supported at D0 and D3hot.
11001b = If PM is Enabled in NVM and Aux_Pwr, then PME is supported
at D0, D3hot and D3cold.
10 0b RO D2_Support
The 82574 does not support D2 state
90b ROD1_Support
The 82574 does not support D1 state
8:6 000b RO AUX Current
Required current defined in the Data regis ter
The 82574 requires its software device driver to be executed following
transition to the D0 uninitialized state.
4 0b RO Reserved
30b ROPME_Clock
Disabled. Hardwired to 0b.
2:0 010b RO Version
The 82574 complies with PCI PM spec revision 1.1.
82574 GbE Controller—Programing Interface
254 Po w er Management Control/Status Register - (PMCSR), Offset 0xCC,
This register is used to control and monitor power management events in the 82574.
Figure 56. Power Management Control/Status - PMCSR PMCSR_BSE Bridge Support Extensions, Offset 0xCE, (RO)
This register is not implemented in the 82574, values set to 0x00.
Bits Default Rd/Wr Description
15 0b at power up R/W1C PME_Status
This bit is set to 1b when the function detects a wake-up event
independen t of the st ate of the PME_ En bit. W riting a 1b clears this bit.
14:13 see value in
Data register RO
This field indicates the scaling factor to be used when interpreting the
value of the Data register.
If the PM is enabled in the NVM, and the Data_Select field is set to 0, 3,
4 or7, than this field equals 01b (indicating 0.1 watt units). Else it
equals 00b.
12:9 0000b R/W
This four-bit field is us ed to selec t which data is to be repor ted through
the Data register and Data_Scale field. These bits are writeable only
when power management is enabled via the NVM.
8 0b at power up R/W
If power management is enabled in the NVM, writing a 1b to this
register enables wake up.
If power management is disabled in the NVM, writing a 1b to this bit
has no affect, and does not set the bit to 1b.
7:4 000000b RO Reserved
The 82574 returns a value of 000000b for this field.
30b RO
This bit is always set to 0b to indicate that the 82574 performs an
internal reset upon transitioning from D3hot to D0 via software control
of the PowerState bits. Configuration context is lost when performing
the soft reset. Upon transition from the D3hot to the D0 state, a full re-
initialization sequence is needed to return the 82574 to the D0
Initialized state.
2 0b RO Reserved
1:0 00b R/W
Power State
This field is used to set and report the power state of the 82574 as
00b = D0.
01b = D1 (cycle ignored if written with this value).
10b = D2 (cycle ignored if written with this value).
11b = D3 (cycle ignored if PM is not enabled in the NVM).
Programing Interface—82574 GbE Controller Data Register, Offset 0xCF, (RO)
This optional register is used to report power consumption and heat dissipation.
Reported register is controlled by the Data_Select field in the PMCSR and the power
scale is reported in the Data_Scale field in the PMCSR. The data of this field is loaded
from the NVM if power management is enabled in the NVM. Otherwise, it has a default
value of 0x00. The values for the 82574 are as follows:
For other Data_Select values the Data register output is reserved (0b).
9.1.4 Message Signaled Interrupt (MSI) Configuration Registers
This structure is required for PCIe devices. Initialization values of the configuration
registers are marked in parenthesis. Light-blue fields represent read-only fields.
Note: There are no changes to this structure from the PCI 2.2 specification.
Figure 57. MSI Configuration Registers Capability ID, Offset 0xD0, (RO)
This field equals 0x05 indicating the linked list item as being the MS registers. Next Pointer, Offset 0xD1, (RO)
This field provides an offset to the next capability item in the capability list. Its v alue of
0xE0 points to the PCIe capability.
Function D0 (Consume/Dissipate) D3 (Consume/Dissipate)
Data Select (0x0/0x4) (0x3/0x7)
Function 0 EEPROM address 0x22 EEPROM address 0x22
Byte Offset Byte 3 Byte 2 Byte 1 Byte 0
0xD0 Message Control (0x0080) Next Pointer (0xE0) Capability ID (0x05)
0xD4 Message Address
0xD8 Message Upper Address
0xDC Reserved Message Data
82574 GbE Controller—Programing Interface
256 Message Control Offset 0xD2, (R/W)
The register fields are listed in the following table. Messa ge Address Low Offset 0xD4, (R/W)
Written by the system to indicate the lower 32 bits of the address to use for the MSI
memory write transaction. The lower two bits always returns 0b regardless of the write
operation. Message Address High, Offset 0xD8, (R/W)
Written by the system to indicate the upper 32 bits of the address to use for the MSI
memory write transaction. Message Data, Offset 0xDC, (R/W)
Written by the system to indicate the lower 16 bits of the data written in the MSI
memory write Dword transaction. The upper 16 bits of the transaction are written as
9.1.5 MSI-X Configuration
The MSI-X capability structure is listed in Table 70. The 82574 is permitted to have
both an MSI and an MSI-X capabili ty structure.
In contrast to the MSI capability structure, which directly contains all of the control/
status information for the function's vectors, the MSI-X capability structure instead
points to an MSI- X table structure and a MSI - X P ending Bit Arra y (PBA) structure, each
residing in memory space.
Each structure is mapped by a BAR belonging to the 82574, located beginning at 0x10
in the configuration space. A BAR Indicator Register (BIR) indicates which BAR and a
Qword-aligned offset indicates where the structure begins relative to the base address
associated with the BAR. The BAR is permitted to be either 32-bit or 64-bit, but must
map memory space. The 82574 is permitted to map both structures with the same
BAR, or to map each structure with a different BAR.
The MSI-X table structure, detailed in section 10.2.10 typically contains multiple
entries, each consisting of several fields: message address, message upper address,
message data, and vector control. Each entry is capable of specifying a unique vector.
The Pending Bit Array (PBA) structure, shown in the same section, contains the
function's pending bits, one per table entry, organized as a packed array of bits within
Bits Default R/W Description
00b R/W
MSI Enable
If set to 1b, MSI. In thi s case, the 82574 generates MSI for interrupt assertio n
instead of INTx si gnaling.
3:1 000b RO Multiple Message Capable
The 82574 indicates a single requested message.
6:4 000b RO Multiple Message Enable
The 82574 returns 000b to indicate that it supports a single message.
71b RO 64-bit capable. A value of 1b indicates t hat the 82574 is capable of generating
64-bit message addresses.
15:8 0x0 RO Reserved, reads as 0b.
Programing Interface—82574 GbE Controller
The last Qword is not necessarily fully populated.
Table 70. MSI-X Capability Structure Capability ID, Offset 0xA0 (RO)
This field equals 0x11 indicating the linked list item as being the MSI-X registers. Next Pointer, Offset 0xA1 (RO)
This field provides an offset to the next capability item in the capability list. Its value is
0x00 indicating that this is the last capability. Message Control, Offset 0xA2 (R/W)
The register fields are listed in the following table.
Table 71. MSI-X Message Control Field
Byte Offset Byte 3 Byte 2 Byte 1 Byte 0
0xA0 Message Control (0x00090) Next Pointer (0x00) Capability ID (0x11)
0xA4 Table O ffset Table BIR
0xA8 PBA offset PBA BIR
Field Bits Default R/W Description
TS 10:0 0x0011
1. Default value is read from the NVM
Table Size
System software reads this field to determine the MSI-X table
size N, which is encoded as N-1. For example, a retur ned value
of 0x00000001111 indicates a table size of 16.
RSV 13:11 0b RO Always return 0b on read. Write operation has no effect.
FM 14 0b R/W
Function Mask
If set to 1b, all of the vectors associated with the function are
masked, regardless of their per-vector Mask bit states.
If set to 0b, each vector’s Mask bit determines whether the
vector is masked or not.
Setting or clearing the MSI-X Function Mask bi t has no effec t on
the state of the per-vector Mask bits.
En 15 0b R/W
MSI-X Enable
If set to 1b and the MSI Enable bit in the MSI Message Control
register is 0b, the function is permitted to use MSI-X to request
service and is prohibited from using its INTx# pin.
System configuration software sets this bit to enable MSI-X. A
software device driver is prohibited from writing this bit to mask
a function’s service request.
If 0b, the function is prohibited from using MSI-X to request
82574 GbE Controller—Programing Interface
258 Table Offset, Of fset 0xA4 (R/W)
Table 72. MSI-X Table Offset PBA Off set, Offset 0xA8 (R/W)
Table 73. MSI-X PBA Offset
To request service using a given MSI-X table entry, a function performs a Dword
memory write transaction using the contents of the Message Data field entry for data,
the contents of the Message Upper Address field for the upper 32 bits of address, and
the contents of the Message Address field entry for the lower 32 bits of address. A
memory read transaction from the address targeted by the MSI-X message produces
undefined results.
MSI-X table entries and pending bits are each numbered 0 through N-1, where N-1 is
indicated by the Table Size field in the MSI-X Message Control register. For a given
arbitrary MSI-X Table entry K, its starting address can be calculated with the formula:
Entry starting address = Table base + K*16
For the associated pending bit K, its address for Qword access and bit number within
that Qword can be calculated with the formulas:
QWORD address = PBA base + (K div 64)*8
QWORD bit# = K mod 64
Software that chooses to read pending bit K with Dword accesses can use these
DWORD address = PBA base + (K div 32)*4
DWORD bit# = K mod 32
Field Bits Default Type Description
Table Offset 31:3 0x000 RO
Used as an offset from the address contained by one of
the function’s Base Address registers to point to the
base of the MSI-X table. The lower three table BIR bits
are masked off (set to z ero) by software to form a 32-bit
Qword-aligned offset.
Table BIR 2:0 0x3 RO
Indicates which one of a function’s BARs, located
beginning at 0x10 in configur ation space, is used to map
the function’s MSI-X table into memory space.
A BIR value of three indicates that the table is mapped
in BAR 3.
Field Bits Default Type Description
PBA Offset 31:3 0x400 RO
Used as an offset from the address contained by one of
the function’s BARs to point to the base of the MSI-X
PBA. The lower three PBA BIR bits are masked off (s et to
zero) by software to form a 32-bit Qword-aligned offset.
PBA BIR 2:0 0x3 RO
Indicates which one of a function’s BARs, located
beginning at 0x10 in configuration space, is used to map
the function’s MSI-X PBA into memory space.
A BIR value of three indicates that the PBA is mapped in
BAR 3.
Programing Interface—82574 GbE Controller
9.1.6 PCIe Configuration Registers
PCIe provides two mechanisms to support native features:
PCIe defines a PCIe capability pointer indicating support for PCIe.
PCIe extends the configuration space beyond the 256 bytes available for PCI to
4096 bytes.
Initialization values of the configuration registers are marked in parenthesis. PCIe Capability Structure
The 82574 implements the PCIe capability structure for end-point devices as listed in
Table 74:
Table 74. PCIe Configuration Registers Capability ID, Offset 0xE0, (RO)
This field equals 0x10 indicating the linked list item as being the PCIe Capabilities
registers. Next Pointer, Offset 0xE1, (RO)
Offset to the next capability item in the capability list. A value of 0xA0 points to the
MSI-X capability. PCI Express CAP, Offset 0xE2, (RO)
The PCIe capabilities register identifies PCIe device type and associated capabilities.
This is a read-only register.
Byte Offset Byte 3 Byte 2 Byte 1 Byte 0
0xE0 PCIe Capability Register Next Pointer Capability ID
0xE4 Device Capability
0xE8 Device Status Device Control
0xEC Link Capability
0xF0 Link Status Link Control
Bits Default R/W Description
3:0 0001b RO Capability Version
Indicates the PCIe capability structure version number 1.
7:4 0000b RO Device/Port Type
Indicates the type of PCIe functions. LAN function in the 82574 is a native
PCIe functions with a value of 0000b.
80b RO Slot Implemented
The 82574 does not implement slot options therefore this field is hardwired to
13:9 00000b RO Interrupt Message Number
The 82574 does not implement multiple MSI per function, therefore this field
is hardwired to 0x0.
15:14 00b RO Reserved
82574 GbE Controller—Programing Interface
260 Device CAP, Offset 0xE4, (RO)
This register identifies the PCIe device specific capabilities. It is a read-only register. Device Control, Offset 0xE8, (RW)
This register controls PCIe specific parameters.
Bits R/W Default Description
2:0 RO 001b
Max Payload Size Supported
This field indicates the maximum payload that the device can support for
TLPs. It is loaded from the NVM PCIe Init Configuration 3 word 0x1A (bit 8)
with a default value of 256 bytes.
4:3 RO 00b Phantom Function Supported
Not supported by the 82574.
5RO0b Extended Tag Field Supported
Max supported size of th e Tag field. The 82574 supports a 5-bit Tag field.
8:6 RO 011b
End-Point L0s Acceptable Laten cy
This field indicates the acceptable latency that the 82574 can withstand due
to the transition from L0s state to the L0 state. The value is loaded from the
NVM PCIe Init Configuration 1 word 0x18.
11:9 RO 110b
End-Point L1 Acceptable Latency
This field indicates the acceptable latency that the 82574 can withstand due
to the transition from L1 state to the L0 state. The value is loaded from the
NVM PCIe Init Configuration 1 word 0x18.
12 RO 0b Attention Button Present
Hardwired in the 82574 to 0b.
13 RO 0b Attention Indicator Present
Hardwired in the 82574 to 0b.
14 RO 0b Power Indicator Present
Hardwired in the 82574 to 0b.
15 RO 1b Role Based Error Reporting
Hardwired in the 82574 to 1b.
17:16 RO 00b Reserved, set to 00b
25:18 RO 0x0 Slot Power Limit Value
Used in upstream ports only. Hardwired in the 82574 to 0x00.
27:26 RO 00b Slot Power Limit Scale
Used in upstream ports only. Hardwired in the 82574 to 0b.
31:28 RO 0000b Reserved
Bits R/W Default Description
0RW0b Correctable Error Reporting Enable
Enable error report.
1RW0b Non-Fatal Error Reporting Enable
Enable error report.
2RW0b Fatal Error Reporting Enable
Enable error report.
3RW0b Unsupported Request Reporting Enable
Enable error report.
Enable Relaxed Ordering
If this bit is set, the device is permitted to set the Relaxed Ordering bit in th e
attribute field of write transactions that do not need strong ordering. For
more details, also see register CTRL_EXT bit RO_DIS.
Programing Interface—82574 GbE Controller PCIe Device Status, Offset 0xEA, (RO)
This register provides information about PCIe de vice specific parameters.
7:5 RW 000b (128
Max Payload Size
This field sets maximum TLP payload size for the device functions. As a
receiver, the device must handle TLPs as large as the set value. As a
transmitter, the device must not generate TLPs exceeding the set value.
The Maximum Payload Size supported in the Device Capabilities register
indicates permissible values that can be programmed.
8RW0b Extended Tag field Enable
Not implemented in the 82574.
9RW0b Phantom Functions Enable
Not implemented in the 82574.
10 RO 0b Auxiliary Power PM Enable
When set, enables the device to draw AUX power independent of PME AUX
power. In the 82574, this bit is hardwired to 0b.
11 RW 1b Enable No Snoop
Snoop is gated by NONSNOOP bits in the GCR register in the CSR space.
14:12 RW 010b
Max Read Request Size
This field sets maximum read request size for the device as a requester. The
default value is 010b (512 bytes).
This maximum read request configuration value should not be altered o n the
15 RO 0b Reserved.
Bits R/W Default Description
Bits R/W Default Description
0RW1C0b Correc table Detected
Indicates status of correctable error detection.
1RW1C0b Non-Fatal Error Detected
Indicates status of non-fatal error detection.
2RW1C0b Fatal Error Detected
Indicates status of fatal error detection.
3RW1C0b Unsupported Request Detected
Indicates that the 82574 received an unsupported request.
4RO0b Aux Power Det ected
If Aux power is detected, this field is set to 1b. It is a strapping signal from
the periphery. Reset on Internal Power On Reset and PCIe Power Good only.
Transaction Pending
Indicates whether the 82574 has any transactions pending. (Transactions
include completions for an y outstanding non-posted reques t for all used traffic
15:6 RO 0x00 Reserved
82574 GbE Controller—Programing Interface
262 Link CAP, Offset 0xEC, (RO)
This register identifies PCIe link-specific capabilities. This is a read-only register.
Bits R/W Default Description
3:0 RO 0001b Max Link Speed
The 82574 indicates a maximum link speed of 2.5 Gb/s.
9:4 RO 0x01
Max Link Width
Indicates the maximum link width. The 82574 supports x1 lane link.
Defined encoding:
000001b x1.
All other values - Reserved.
11:10 RO 11b
Active State Link PM Support
Indicates the level of active state power management supported in the
82574. Defined encodings are:
00b = Reserved
01b = L0s entry supported.
10b = Reserved.
11b = L0s and L1 supported.
This field is loaded from the NVM PCIe Init Configuration 3 word 0x1A.
14:12 RO 001b
128 ns)
L0s Exit Latency
Indicates the exit latency from L0s to L0 state. This field is loaded from the
NVM PCIe Init Configur ation 1 word 0x18 (two v alu es for common PC Ie clock
or separate PCIe clock.
000b = Less than 64 ns.
001b = 64 ns – 128 ns.
010b = 128 ns – 256 ns.
011b = 256 ns - 512 ns.
100b = 512 ns - 1 s.
101b = 1 s – 2 s.
110b = 2 s – 4 s.
111b = Reserved.
If the 82574 uses a common clock - PCIe In it Config 1 bits [2:0], if the 82574
uses a separate clock - PCIe Init Config 1 bits [5:3].
17:15 RO 110b
(32-64 s)
L1 Exit Latency
Indicates the exit latency from L1 to L0 state. This field is loaded from the
NVM PCIe Init Configuration 1 word 0x18.
000b = Less than 1 s.
001b = 1 s - 2 s.
010b = 2 s - 4 s.
011b = 4 s - 8 s.
100b = 8 s - 16 s.
101b = 16 s - 32 s.
110b = 32 s - 64 s.
111b = L1 transition not supported.
18 RO 0b Reserved.
19 RO 0b Surprise Down Error Reporting Capable.
20 RO 0b Data Link Layer Link Active Reporting Capable.
23:21 RO 000b Reserved.
31:24 HwInit 0x0 Port Numb er
The PCIe port number for the given PCIe link. Field is set in the link training
Programing Interface—82574 GbE Controller Link Control, Offset 0xF0, (RO)
This register controls PCIe link specific parameters. Link Status, Offset 0xF2, (RO)
This register provides information about PCIe link-specific parameters. This is a read-
only register.
Bits R/R Default Description
1:0 RW 00b
Active State Link PM Control
This field controls the active state PM supported on the link. Defined
encodings are:
00b = PM disabled.
01b = L0s entry supported.
10b = Reserved.
11b = L0s and L1 supported.
2 RO 0b Reserved.
3 RW 0b Read Completion Boundary.
4RO0b Link Disable
Not applicable for end-point devices, hardwired to 0b.
5RO0b Retrain Clock
Not applicable for end-point devices, hardwired to 0b.
Common Clock Configuration
When set, indicates that the 82574 and the component at the other end of the
link are oper ating with a common reference clock. A v alue of 0b indicates that
they operate with an asynchronous clock. This parameter affects the L0s exit
7RW0b Extended Sync
This bit, when set, forces extended Tx of FTS ordered set in FTS and extra
TS1 at exit from L0s prior to enter L0.
15:8 RO 0x0 Reserved.
Bits R/W Default Description
3:0 RO 0001b Link S p eed
Indicates the negotiated link speed. 0001b is the only defined speed, which is
2.5 Gb/s.
9:4 RO 000001b
Negotiated Link Width
Indicates the negotiated width of the link.
Relevant encoding for the 82574 is:
000001b x1
10 RO 0b Link Training Error
Indicates that a link training error has occurred.
11 RO 0b Link Training
Indic ates that link training is in progress.
12 HwInit 1b
Slot Clock Configuration
When set, indicates that the 82574 uses the physical reference clock that the
platform provides on th e connector. This bit must be cleared if the 82574 uses
an independent clock. Slot Clock Configuration bit is loaded from the
Slot_Clock_Cfg NVM bit.
15:13 RO 0000b Reserved
82574 GbE Controller—Programing Interface
264 PCIe Extended Configuration Space
PCIe configuration space is located in a flat memory-mapped address space. PCIe
extends the configuration space beyond the 256 bytes available for PCI to 4096 bytes.
The 82574 decodes additional 4-bits (bits 27:24) to provide the additional configuration
space as shown. PCIe reserves the remaining 4 bits (bits 31:28) for future expansion of
the configuration space beyond 4096 bytes.
The configuration address for a PCIe device is computed using PCI-compatible bus,
device and function numbers as follows:
PCIe extended configuration space is allocated using a linke d list of optional or required
PCIe extended capabilities following a format resembling PCI capability structures. The
first PCIe extended capability is located at offset 0x100 in the device configuration
space. The first Dword of the capability structure identifies the capability/version and
points to the next capability.
The 82574 supports the following PCIe extended capabilities:
Advanced error reporting capability - offset 0x100
Device serial number capability - offset 0x140 Advanced Error Reporting Capability
The PCIe advanced error reporting capability is an optional extended capability to
support advanced error reporting. The follo wing table lists the PCIe advanced error
reporting extended capability structure for PCIe devices.
31 28 27 20 19 15 14 12 11 2 1 0
0000b Bus # Device # Fun # Register Address (offset) 00b
Offset Field Description
0x00 PCIe CAP ID PCIe Extended Capability ID.
0x04 Uncorrectable Error
Status Reports error status of individual uncorrectable error sources on a PCIe
0x08 Uncorrectable Error
Mask Controls reporting of individual uncorrectable errors by device to the
host bridge via a PCIe error message.
0x0C Uncorrectable Error
Severity Controls whether an individual uncorrectable error is reported as a fatal
0x10 Correctable Error
Status Reports error status of individual correctable error sources on a PCIe
0x14 Correctable Error
Mask Controls reporting of individual correctable errors by device to the host
bridge via a PCIe error message.
0x18 First Error Pointer Identifies the bit position of the first uncorrec table error reported in the
Uncorrectable Error Status register.
0x1C:0x28 Header Log Captures the header for the transaction that generated an error.
Programing Interface—82574 GbE Controller PCI Express CAP ID, Offset 0x00 Uncorrectable Erro r Status, Offset 0x04
The Uncorrectable Error Status register reports error status of individual uncor rectable
error sources on a PCIe device. A value of 1b at a specific bit location indicates the
source of the error according to the following table. Software might clear an error
status by writing a 1b to the respective bit.
Bit Location Attribute Default Value Description
15;0 RO 0x0001 Extended Capability ID
PCIe extended capability ID indicating advanced error
reporting capability.
19:16 RO 0x1 Version Number
PCIe advanced error reporting extended capability version
31:20 RO 0x000/0x140
Next Capability Pointer - Next PCIe extended capability
If serial number capability is enabled in NVM (PCIe init
configuration 2 word), the default value is 0x140.
Otherwise, it’s 0x000 indicating the end of capabilities list.
Bit Location Attribute Default Value Description
3:0 RO 0b Reserved.
4 R/W1CS 0b Data Link Protocol Error Status.
11:5 RO 0b Reserved.
12 R/W1CS 0b Poisoned TLP Status.
13 R/W1CS 0b Flow Control Protocol Error St atus.
14 R/W1CS 0b Completion Timeout Status.
15 R/W1CS 0b Completion Abort Status.
16 R/W1CS 0b Unexpected Completion Status.
17 R/W1CS 0b Receiver Overflow Status.
18 R/W1CS 0b Malformed TLP Status.
19 RO 0b Reserved.
20 R/W1CS 0b Unsupported Request Error Status.
31:21 RO 0b Reserved.
82574 GbE Controller—Programing Interface
266 Uncorrectable Error Mask, Offset 0x08
The Uncorrectable Error Mask register controls reporting of individual uncorrectable
errors by device to the host bridge via a PCIe error message. A masked error
(respective bit set in mask register) is not reported to the host bridge by an individual
device. There is a mask bit per bit of the Uncorrectable Error Status register. Uncorrectable Error Severity, Offset 0x0C
The Uncorrectable Error Severity register controls whether an individual uncorrectable
error is reported as a fatal error. An uncorrectable error is reported as fatal when the
corresponding error bit in the severity register is set. If the bit is cleared, the
corresponding error is considered non-fatal.
Bit Location Attribute Default Value Description
3:0 RO 0b Reserved.
4 RWS 0b Data Link Protocol Error Mask.
11:5 RO 0b Reserved.
12 RWS 0b Poisoned TLP Mask.
13 RWS 0b Flow Control Protocol Error Mask.
14 RWS 0b Completion Timeout Mask.
15 RWS 0b Completion Abort Mask.
16 RWS 0b Unexpected Completion Mask.
17 RWS 0b Receiver Overflow Mask.
18 RWS 0b Malformed TLP Mask.
19 RO 0b Reserved.
20 RWS 0b Unsupported Request Error Mask.
31:21 RO 0b Reserved.
Bit Location Attribute Default Value Description
3:0 RO 0b Reserved.
4 RWS 1b Data Link Protocol Error Severity.
11:5 RO 0b Reserved.
12 RWS 0b Poisoned TLP Severity.
13 RWS 1b Flow Control Protocol Error Severity.
14 RWS 0b Completion Timeout Severity.
15 RWS 0b Complet ion Abort Severity.
16 RWS 0b Unexpected Completion Severity.
17 RWS 1b Receiver Overflow Severity.
18 RWS 1b Malformed TLP Severity.
19 RO 0b Reserved.
20 RWS 0b Unsupported Request Error Severity.
31:21 RO 0b Reserved.
Programing Interface—82574 GbE Controller Correctable Error Status, Offset 0x10
The Correctable Error Status register reports error status of individual correctable error
sources on a PCIe device. When an individual error status bit is set to 1b it indicates
that a particular error occurred. Software might clear an error status by writing a 1b to
the respective bit. Correctable Error Mask, Offset 0x14
The Correctable Error Mask register controls reporting of individual correctable errors
by device to the host bridge via a PCIe error message. A masked error (respective bit
set in mask register) is not reported to the h ost bridge by an individual device. There is
a mask bit per bit in the Correctable Error Status register. First Error Pointer, Offset 0x18
The First Error Pointer is a read-only register that identifies the bit position of the first
uncorrectable error reported in the Uncorrectable Error Status register.
Bit Location Attribute Default Value Description
0 R/W1CS 0b Receiver Error Status.
5:1 RO 0b Reserved.
6 R/W1CS 0b Bad TLP Status.
7 R/W1CS 0b Bad DLLP Status.
8 R/W1CS 0b REPLAY_NUM Rollover Status.
11:9 RO 0b Reserved.
12 R/W1CS 0b Replay Timer Timeout Status.
13 R/W1CS 0b Advisory Non Fatal Error Status.
15:14 RO 0b Reserved.
Bit Location Attribute Default Value D escription
0 RWS 0b Recei ver Error Mask.
5:1 RO 0b Reserved.
6RWS0b Bad TLP Mask.
7 RWS 0b Bad DLLP Mask.
8 RWS 0b REPLAY_NUM Rollover Mask.
11:9 RO 0b Reserved.
12 RWS 0b Replay Timer Timeout Mask.
13 RWS 1b Advisory Non Fatal Error Mask.
15:14 RO 0b Reserved.
Bit Location Attribute Default Value D escription
3:0 RO 0b Vector pointing to the first recorded error in the
Uncorrectable Error Status register.
82574 GbE Controller—Programing Interface
268 Header Log, Offset 0x1C
The header log register captures the header for the transaction that gener ated an error.
This register is 16 bytes. Device Serial Number Capability
The PCIe device serial number capability is an optional extended capability that can be
implemented by any PCIe device. The device serial number is a read-only 64-bit value
that is unique for a given PCIe devic e.
All multi-function devices that implement this capability must implement it for function
0; other functions that implement this capability must return the same device serial
number value as that reported by function 0. The 82574 is not a multi-function device.
Table 75. PCIe Device Serial Number Capability Structure Device Serial Number Enhanced Capability Header (Offset 0x00)
Figure 58 details the allocation of register fields in the device serial number enhanced
capability header. The Table below provides the respective bit definitions. The Extended
Capability ID for the Device Serial Number Capability is 0003h.
Figure 58. Allocation of Register Fields in the Device Serial Number Enhanced Capability
Bit Location Attribute Default Value Description
127:0 RO 0x0 Header of the defective packet (TLP or DLLP).
31 0
PCIe Enhanced Capability Header
Serial Number Register (Lower DW)
Serial Number Register (Upper DW)
31 20 19 16 15 0
Next Capability Offset Capability Version PCI Express Extended Capability ID
Location Attributes Description
15:0 RO
PCIe Extended Capability ID
This field is a PCI-SIG defined ID number that indicates the nature and format of
the extended capability.
Extended Capability ID for the Device Serial Number Capability is 0x0003.
19:16 RO
Capability Version
This field is a PCI-SIG defined version number that indicates the version of the
capability structure present.
Must be 0x1 for this version of the specification.
31:20 RO
Next Capability Offset
This field contains the offset to the next PCIe capability structure or 0x000 if no
other items exist in the linked list of capabilities.
For extended capabilities i mplemented in device configur ation space, this offset is
relative to the beginning of PCI compatible configuration space and thus must
always be either 0x000 (for terminating list of capabilities) or greater than 0x0FF.
Programing Interface—82574 GbE Controller Serial Number Register (Offset 0x04)
The Serial Number register is a 64-bit field that contains the IEEE defined 64-bit
extended unique identifier (EUI-64™). Figure 59 details the allocation of register fields
in the Serial Number register. The following table lists the respective bit definitions.
Figure 59. Serial Number Register Serial Number Definition in The 82574
The serial number can be constructed from the 48-bit MAC address in the following
Figure 60. Serial Number Definition in The 82574 48-Bit MAC A ddress
The MAC label in the 82574 is 0xFFFF.
For example, assume that the company ID is (Intel) 00-A0-C9 and the extension
identifier is 23-45-67. In this case, the 64-bit serial number is:
The MAC address is the function 0 MAC address as loaded from NVM into the RAL and
RAH registers.
The official doc defining EUI-64 is: http://standards.ieee.org/regauth/oui/tutorials/
31 0
Serial Number Register (Lower DW)
Serial Number Register (Upper DW)
63 32
Location Attributes Description
63:0 RO
PCIe Device Serial Number
This field contains the IEEE defined 64-bit extended unique id entifier (EUI-64™).
This identifier includes a 24-bit company ID value assigned by IEEE registration
authority and a 40-bit extension identifier assigned by the manufacturer.
Field Company ID MAC Label Extension identifier
Order Addr+0 Addr+1 Addr+2 Addr+3 Addr+4 Addr+5 Addr+6 Addr+7
Most significant bytes Least significant byte
Most significant bit Least significant bit
Field Company ID MAC Label Extension identifier
Order Addr+0 Addr+1 Addr+2 Addr+3 Addr+4 Addr+5 Addr+6 Addr+7
00 A0 C9 FF FF 23 45 67
Most significant byte Least significant byte
Most significant bit Least significant bit
82574 GbE Controller—Driver Programing Interface
10.0 Driver Programing Interface
10.1 Introduction
This chapter details the programmer visible state inside the 82574. In some cases, it
describes hardware structures invisible to software in order to clarify a concept.
The 82574's address space is mapped into four regions. These regions are listed in
Table 76:
Table 76. 82574 Address Space
Both the Flash and Expansion ROM Base Address Re gisters (BARs) map the same Flash
The internal registers, memories, and Flash can be accessed though I/O space
indirectly, as explained in the sections that follow.
10.1.1 Memory and I/O Address Decoding Memory-Mapped Access to Internal Registers and Memories
The internal registers and memories can be accessed as direct memory-mapped offsets
from the Base Address Register 0 (BAR0). The appropriate offset for each specific
internal register is described in this section. Memory-Mapped Access to Flash
The external Flash can be accessed using direct memory-mapped offsets from the Flash
Base Address Register 1 (BAR1). The Flash is only accessible if enabled through the
NVM Initialization Control Word, and if the Flash BAR1 contains a valid (non- zero) base
memory address. For accesses, the offset from the Flash BAR1 corresponds to the
offset into the Flash actual physical memory space. Memory-Mapped Access to MSI-X Tables
The MSI-X tables can be accessed as direct memory-mapped offsets from the Base
Address Register 3 (BAR3). The appropriate offset for each specific internal register is
described in this section.
Addressable Content How Mapped Size of Region
Internal registers and memories Direct memory mapped 128 KB
Flash (optional) Direct memory-mapped 64 KB-16 MB
Expansion ROM (optional) Direct memory-mapped 2 KB-256 KB
Internal registers and memories, FLASH (optional) I/O window mapped 32 bytes
MSI-X (optional) Direct memory mapped 16 KB
Driver Programing Interface—82574 GbE Controller Memory-Mapped Access to Expansion ROM
The external Flash can also be accessed as a memory-mapped expansion ROM.
Accesses to offsets starting from the Expansion ROM BAR reference the Flash, provided
that access is enabled through the NVM Initialization Control Word, and the Expansion
ROM BAR contains a valid (non-zero) base memory address. I/O-Mapped Access to Internal Registers, Memories, and Flash
To support pre-boot operation (prior to the allocation of physical memory base
addresses), all internal registers, memories, and Flash can be accessed using I/O
operations. I/O accesses are supported only if:
An I/O Base Address Register (BAR) is allocated and mapped (BAR2)
The BAR contains a valid (non-zero) value
I/O address decoding is enabled in the PCIe configuration
When an I/O BAR is mapped, the I/O address range allocated opens a 32-byte window
in the system I/O address map. Within this window, two I/O addressable registers are
The IOADDR register is used to specify a reference to an internal register, memory, or
Flash, and then the IODATA register is used as a window to the register, memory or
Flash address specified by IOADDR: IOADDR (I/O Offset 0x00)
The IOADDR register must always be written as a Dword access. Writes that are less
than 32 bits are ignored. Reads of any size return a Dword of data. However, the
chipset or CPU might only return a subset of that Dword.
For software programmers, the IN and OUT instructions must be used to cause I/O
cycles to be used on the PCIe bus. Because writes must be to a 32-bit quantity, the
source register of the OUT instruction must be EAX (the only 32-bit register supported
by the OUT command). For reads, the IN instruction can have any size target register,
but it is recommended that the 32-bit EAX register be used.
Because only a particular range is addressable, the upper bits of this register are hard
coded to zero. Bits 31 through 20 cannot be written to and always read back as 0b.
At hardware reset (Internal Power On Reset) or PCI R eset, this register value resets to
0x00000000. Once written, the value is retained until the next write or reset.
Offset Abbreviation Name R/
Internal register, internal memory, or Flash location
0x00000-0x1FFFF – Internal registers and memories.
0x20000-0x7FFFF – Undefined.
0x80000-0xFFFFF – Flash.
R/W 4 bytes
Data field for reads or writes to the Internal Register,
Internal Memory, or Flash Location as identified by
the current value in IOADDR. All 32 bits of this
register are read/write-able.
R/W 4 bytes
0x08 – 0x1F Reserved Reserved RO 4 bytes
82574 GbE Controller—Driver Programing Interface
272 IODATA (I/O Offset 0x04)
The IODATA register must always be written as a Dword access when the IOADDR
register contains a value for the internal register and memories (such as, 0x00000-
0x1FFFC). In this case, writes that are less than 32 bits are ignored.
The IODATA register may be written as a byte, word, or Dword access when the
IOADDR register contains a value for the Flash (such as, 0x80000-0xFFFFF). In this
case, the value in IOADDR must be properly aligned to the data value. The following
table lists the supported configurations:
Note: Software might have to implement non-obvious code to access the Flash, a byte, or
word at a time. Example code that reads a Flash byte is shown here to illustrate the
impact of the previous table:
char *IOADDR;
char *IODATA;
*(IOADDR) = Flash_Byte_Address;
Read_Data = *(IODATA + (Flash_Byte_Address % 4));
Reads to IODA TA of any size return a Dword of data. However, the chipset or CPU might
only return a subset of that Dword.
For software programmers, the IN and OUT instructions must be used to cause I/O
cycles to be used on the PCIe bus. Where 32-bit quantities are required on writes, the
source register of the OUT instruction must be EAX (the only 32-bit register supported
by the OUT command).
Writes and reads to IODATA when the IOADDR register value is in an undefined range
(0x20000-0x7FFFC) should not be performed. Results cannot be determined.
Note: There are no special software timing requirements on accesses to IOADDR or IODATA.
All accesses are immediate except when data is not readily available or acceptable. In
this case, the 82574 delays the results through normal bus methods (for example, split
transaction or transaction retry).
Note: Because a register/memory/Flash read or write takes two I/O cycles to complete,
software must provide a guarantee that the two I/O cycles occur as an atomic
operation. Otherwise, results can be non-deterministic from the software viewpoint.
Access Type 82574 IOADDR Register Bits
[1:0] Target IODATA Access BE[3:0]#
bits in Data Phase
Byte (8 bit) 00b 1110b
01b 1101b
10b 1011b
11b 0111b
Word (16 bit) 00b 1100b
10b 0011b
Dword (32 bit) 00b 0000b
Driver Programing Interface—82574 GbE Controller Undefined I/O Offsets
I/O offsets 0x08 through 0x1F are considered to be reserved offsets with the I/O
window. Dword reads from these addresses return 0xFFFF; writes to these addresses
are discarded.
10.1.2 Registers Byte Ordering
This section defines the structure of registers that contain fields carried over the
network. Some examples are L2, L3, L4 fields.
The following example is used to describe byte ordering over the wire (hex notation):
where each byte is sent with the Least Significant Bit (LSB) first. That is, the bit order
over the wire for this example is
The general rule for register ordering is to use host ordering. Using the previous
example, a 6-byte fields (such as, MAC address) is stored in a CSR in the following
The following exceptions use network ordering. Using the previous example, a 16-bit
field (such as, EtherType) is stored in a CSR in the following manner:
The following exception uses network ordering:
All ETherType fields
Note: The normal notation as it appears in text books, etc. is to use network ordering.
Example: Suppose a MAC address of 00-A0-C9-00-00-00. The order on the network is
00, then A0, then C9, etc. However, the host ordering presentation is:
Last First
..., 06 05 04 03 02 01 00
Last First
.... 0000 0011 0000 0010 0000 0001 0000 0000
Byte 3 Byte 2 Byte 1 Byte 0
DW address (N) 0x03 0x02 0x01 0x00
DW address (N+4) 0x05 0x04
Byte 3 Byte 2 Byte 1 Byte 0
(DW aligned) ... ... 0x01 0x00
or (WORD aligned) 0x00 0x01 ... ...
Byte 3 Byte 2 Byte 1 Byte 0
Dword address (N) 00 C9 A0 00
Dword address (N+4) ... ... 00 00
82574 GbE Controller—Driver Programing Interface
10.1.3 Register Conventions
All registers in the 82574 are defined to be 32 bits. They should be accessed as 32-bit
double-words. There are some exceptions to this rule:
Register pairs where two 32-bit registers make up a larger logical size.
Accesses to Flash memory (via expansion ROM space, secondary BAR space, or the
I/O space) can be byte, word or double word accesses.
Reserved bit positions: Some registers contain certain bits that are marked as
Reads from register s containing reserved bits might return in determinate v alues in the
reserved bit-positions unless read v alues are expl i ci t ly s t ated . When read, these
reserved bits should be ignored by software.
Reserved and/or undefined addresses: any register address not explicitly declared
in this specification should be considered to be reserved, and should not be written to.
Note: Writing to reserved or undefined register addresses can cause indeterminate behavior.
Reads from reserved or undefined configur ation register addresses might return
indeterminate values unless read values are explicitly stated for specific addresses.
Initial values: most registers define the initial hardware values prior to being
programmed. In some cases, hardware initial values are undefined and are listed as
such via the text undefined, unknown, or X . Some of these configur ation v alues should
be set via NVM configuration or via software in order to insure proper operation. This
need is dependent on the function of the bit. Other registers might cite a hardware
default which is overridden by a higher-precedence operation. Operations that might
supersede hardware defaults can include:
A valid NVM load
Completion of a hardware operation (such as hardware auto-negotiation)
Writing of a different register whose value is then reflected in another bit
For registers that should be accessed as 32-bit double words, partial writes (less than a
32-bit double word) does not take effect (such as, the write is ignored). Partial reads
return all 32 bits of data regardless of the byte enables.
Note: Partial reads to clear-by-re a d registers (such as, ICR) can have unexpected results
since all 32 bits are actually read regardless of the byte enables. Partial reads should
not be done.
Note: All statistics registers are implemented as 32-bit registers. Though some logical
statistics registers represent counters in excess of 32-bits in width, registers must be
accessed using 32-bit operations (such as, independent access to each 32-bit field).
See special notes for VLAN Filter table and multicast table arrays in their specific
register definitions.
10.2 Configuration and Status Registers - CSR Space
10.2.1 Register Summary Table
All registers are listed in Section 77. These registers are ordered by grouping and are
not necessarily listed in the order that they appear in the address space.
Driver Programing Interface—82574 GbE Controller
Table 77. 82574 Register Summary
Category Offset Alias
Offset Abbreviation Name RW Link to
General 0x00000 /
0x00004 N/A CTRL Device Control Register RW page 281
General 0x00008 N/A STATUS Device Status Register R page 284
General 0x00010 N/A EEC EEPROM/FLASH Control Register RW/
RO page 285
General 0x00014 N/A EERD EEPROM Read Register RW page 287
General 0x00018 N/A CTRL_EXT Extended Device Control Register RW page 287
General 0x0001C N/A FLA Flash Access Register RW page 289
General 0x00020 N/A MDIC MDI Control Register RW page 290
General 0x00028 N/A FCAL Flow Control Address Low RW page 292
General 0x0002C N/A FCAH Flow Control Address High RW page 292
General 0x00030 N/A FCT Flow Control Type RW page 293
General 0x00038 N/A VET VLAN Ether Type RW page 293
General 0x00170 N/A FCTTV Flow Control Transmit Timer Value RW page 293
General 0x05F40 N/A FCRTV Flow Control Refresh Threshold Value RW page 294
General 0x00E00 N/A LEDCTL LED Control RW page 294
General 0x00F00 N/A EXTCNF_CTRL Extended Configuration Control RW page 296
General 0x00F08 N/A EXTCNF_SIZE Extended Configuration Size RW page 296
General 0x01000 N/A PBA Packet Buffer Allocation RW page 297
General 0x1010 N/A EEMNGCTL MNG EEPROM Control Register RO page 297
General 0x1014 N/A EEMNGDATA MNG EEPROM Read/Write data RO page 298
General 0x1018 N /A FLMNGCTL MNG Flash Control Register RO page 298
General 0x101C N/A FLMNGDATA MNG FLASH Read data RO page 298
General 0x1020 N/A FLMNGCNT MNG FLASH Read Counter RO page 298
General 0x01028 N/A FLASHT FLASH Timer Register RW page 298
General 0x0102C N/A EEWR EEPROM Write Register RW page 299
General 0x1030 N/A FLSWCTL SW FLASH Burst Control Register RW page 299
General 0x1034 N/A FLSW DATA SW FLASH Burst Data Register RW page 300
General 0x1038 N/A FLSWCNT SW FLASH Burst Access Counter RW page 300
General 0x0103C N/A FLOP FLASH Opcode Register RW page 300
General 0x1050 N/A FLOL FLEEP Auto Load RW page 300
PCIe 0x05B00 N/A GCR 3GIO Control Register RW page 300
PCIe 0x05B08 N/A FUNCTAG Function–Tag register RW page 302
PCIe 0x05B10 N/A GSCL_1 3GIO Statistic Control Register #1 RW page 302
PCIe 0x05B14 N/A GSCL_2 3GIO Statistic Control Registers #2 RW page 303
PCIe 0x05B18 N/A GSCL_3 3GIO Statistic Control Register #3 RW page 303
PCIe 0x05B1C N/A GSCL_4 3GIO Statistic Control Register #4 RW page 303
PCIe 0x05B20 N/A GSCN_0 3GIO Statistic Counter Registers #0 RW page 303
PCIe 0x05B24 N/A GSCN_1 3GIO Statistic Counter Registers #1 RW page 303
82574 GbE Controller—Driver Programing Interface
PCIe 0x05B28 N/A GSCN_2 3GIO Statistic Counter Registers #2 RW page 303
PCIe 0x05B2C N/A GSCN_3 3GIO Statistic Counter Registers #3 RW page 304
PCIe 0x05B50 N/A SWSM Software Semaphore Register RW page 304
PCIe 0x05B64 N/A GCR2 3GIO Control Register 2 RW page 304
PCIe 0x5B68 N/A PBACLR MSI—X PBA Clear RW1C page 304
Interrupt 0x000C0 N/A ICR Interrupt Cause Read Register RC/
WC page 308
Interrupt 0x000C4 N/A ITR Interrupt Throttling Register R/W page 310
Interrupt 0x000E8 +
4 *n[n =
0..4] N/A EITR Extended Interrupt Throttle R/W page 310
Interrupt 0x000C8 N/A ICS Interrupt Cause Set Register W page 311
Interrupt 0x000D0 N/A IMS Interrupt Mask Set/Read Register RW page 312
Interrupt 0x000D8 N/A IMC Interrupt Mask Clear Register W page 313
Interrupt 0x000DC N/A EIAC Interrupt Auto Clear RW page 314
Interrupt 0x000E0 N/A IAM Interrupt Acknowledge Auto–Mask RW page 314
Interrupt 0x000E4 N/A IVAR Interrupt Vector Allocation Registers RW page 314
Receive 0x00100 N/A RCTL Receive Control Register RW page 315
Receive 0x02170 N/A PSRCTL Packet Split Receive Control Register RW page 318
Receive 0x02160 0x00168 FCRTL Flow Control Receive Threshold Low RW page 319
Receive 0x02168 0x00160 FCRTH Flow Control Receive Threshold High RW page 319
Receive 0x02800 0x00110 RDBAL0 Receive Descriptor Base Address Low
queue 0 RW page 320
Receive 0x02804 0x00114 RDBAH0 Receive Descriptor Base Address High
queue 0 RW page 320
Receive 0x02808 0x00118 RDLEN0 Receive Descriptor Length queue 0 RW page 320
Receive 0x02810 0x00120 RDH0 Receive Descriptor Head queue 0 RW page 321
Receive 0x02818 0x00128 RDT0 Receive Descriptor Tail queue 0 RW page 321
Receive 0x02820 0x00108 RDTR Rx Interrupt Delay Timer [Packet Timer] RW page 321
Receive 0x02828 N/A RXDCTL Receive Descriptor Control RW page 322
Receive 0x0282C N/A RADV Receive Interrupt Absolute Delay Timer RW page 323
Receive 0x02C00 N/A RSRPD Receive Small Packet Detect Interrupt R/W page 324
Receive 0x02C08 N/A RAID Receive ACK Interrupt Delay Register RW page 324
Receive 0x05000 N/A RXCSUM Receive Checksum Control RW page 324
Receive 0x05008 N/A RFCTL Receive Filter Control Register RW page 326
Receive 0x5010 N/A MAVTV0 Management VLAN TAG Value 0 RW page 326
Receive 0x5014 N/A MAVTV1 Management VLAN TAG Value 1 RW page 327
Receive 0x5018 N/A MAVTV2 Management VLAN TAG Value 2 RW page 327
Receive 0x501C N/A MAVTV3 Management VLAN TAG Value 3 RW page 327
Receive 0x05200-
0x053FC MTA[127:0] Multicast Table Array RW page 327
Category Offset Alias
Offset Abbreviation Name RW Link to
Driver Programing Interface—82574 GbE Controller
Receive 0x05400 0x00040 RAL(0) Receive Address Low (0) RW page 328
Receive 0x05404 0x00044 RAH(0) Receive Address High (0) RW page 328
Receive 0x05408 0x00048 RAL(1) Receive Address Low (1) RW page 328
Receive 0x0540C 0x0004C RAH(1) Receive Address High (1) RW page 328
Receive 0x05600-
0x057FC 0x00600-
0x007FC VFTA[127:0] VLAN Filter Table Array RW page 329
Receive 0x05600-
0x057FC 0x00600-
0x006FC VFTA[127:0] VLAN Filter Table Array (n) RW page 329
Receive 0x05478 0x000B8 RAL(15) Receive Address Low (15) RW page 328
Receive 0x0547C x000BC RAH(15) Receive Address High (15) RW page 328
Receive 0x05818 N/A MRQC Multiple Receive Queues Command
register RW page 330
Receive 0x05C00-
0x05C7F N/A RETA Redirection Table RW page 330
Receive 0x05C80-
0x05CA7 N/A RSSRK RSS Random Key Register RW page 331
Transmit 0x00400 N/A TCTL Transmit Control Register RW page 332
Transmit 0x00410 N/A TIPG Transmit IPG Register RW page 333
Transmit 0x00458 N/A AIT Adaptive IFS Throttle RW page 334
Transmit 0x03800 0x00420 TDBAL Transmit Descriptor Base Address Low RW page 334
Transmit 0x03804 0x00424 TDBAH Transmit Descriptor Base Address High RW page 335
Transmit 0x03808 0x00428 TDLEN Transmit Descriptor Length RW page 335
Transmit 0x03810 0x00430 TDH Transmit Descriptor Head RW page 335
Transmit 0x03818 0x00438 TDT Transmit Descriptor Tail RW page 336
Transmit 0x03840 N/A TARC Transmit Arbitration Count RW page 336
Transmit 0x03820 0x00440 TIDV Transmit Interrupt Delay Value RW page 337
Transmit 0x03828 N/A TXDCTL Transmit Descriptor Control RW page 338
Transmit 0x0382C N/A TADV Transmit Absolute Interrupt Delay Value RW page 339
Statistic 0x04000 N/A CRCERRS CRC Error Count R page 340
Statistic 0x04004 N/A ALGNERRC Alignment Error Count R page 340
Statistic 0x0400C N/A RXERRC RX Error Count R page 341
Statistic 0x04010 N/A MPC Missed Packets Count R page 341
Statistic 0x04014 N/A SCC Single Collision Count R page 341
Statistic 0x04018 N/A ECOL Excessive Collisions Count R page 341
Statistic 0x0401C N/A MCC Multiple Collision Count R page 342
Statistic 0x04020 N/A LATECOL Late Collisions Count R page 342
Statistic 0x04028 N/A COLC Collision Count R page 342
Statistic 0x04030 N/A DC Defer Count R page 342
Statistic 0x04034 N/A TNCRS Transmit with No CRS R page 343
Statistic 0x0403C N/A CEXTERR Carrier Extension Error Count R page 343
Category Offset Alias
Offset Abbreviation Name RW Link to
82574 GbE Controller—Driver Programing Interface
Statistic 0x04040 N/A RLEC Receive Length Error Count R page 343
Statistic 0x04048 N/A XONRXC XON Received Count R page 344
Statistic 0x0404C N/A XONTXC XON Transmitted Count R page 344
Statistic 0x04050 N/A XOFFRXC XOFF Received Count R page 344
Statistic 0x04054 N/A XOFFTXC XOFF Transmitted Count R page 344
Statistic 0x04058 N/A FCRUC FC Received Unsupported Count RW page 344
Statistic 0x0405C N/A PRC64 Packets Received [64 Bytes] Count RW page 345
Statistic 0x04060 N/A PRC127 Packet s R eceiv ed [65–127 Bytes] Count RW page 345
Statistic 0x04064 N/A PRC255 Packets Received [128–255 Bytes]
Count RW page 345
Statistic 0x04068 N/A PRC511 Packets Received [256–511 Bytes]
Count RW page 345
Statistic 0x0406C N/A PRC1023 Packets Received [512–1023 Bytes]
Count RW page 346
Statistic 0x04070 N/A PRC1522 Packets Received [1024 to Max Bytes]
Count RW page 346
Statistic 0x04074 N/A GPRC Good Packets Received Count R page 346
Statistic 0x04078 N/A BPRC Broadcast Packets Received Count R page 347
Statistic 0x0407C N/A MPRC Multicast Packets Received Count R page 347
Statistic 0x04080 N/A GPTC Good Packets Transmitted Count R page 347
Statistic 0x04088 N/A GORCL Good Octets Received Count Low R page 347
Statistic 0x0408C N/A GORCH Good Octets Received Count High R page 347
Statistic 0x04090 N/A GOTCL Good Octets Transmitted Count Low R page 348
Statistic 0x04094 N/A GOTCH Good Octets Transmitted Count High R page 348
Statistic 0x040A0 N/A RNBC Receive No Buffers Count R page 348
Statistic 0x040A4 N/A RUC Receive Undersize Count R page 348
Statistic 0x040A8 N/A RFC Receive Fragment Count R page 349
Statistic 0x040AC N/A ROC Receive Oversize Count R page 349
Statistic 0x040B0 N/A RJC Receive Jabber Count R page 349
Statistic 0x040B4 N/A MNGPRC Management Packets Received Count R page 349
Statistic 0x040B8 N/A MPDC Management Packets Dropped Count R page 350
Statistic 0x040BC N/A MPTC Management P ackets Transmitted Count R page 350
Statistic 0x040C0 N/A TORL Total Octets Received R page 350
Statistic 0x040C4 N/A TORH Total Octets Received R page 350
Statistic 0x040C8 N/A TOT Total Octets Transmitted RW page 351
Statistic 0x040D0 N/A TPR Total Packets Received RW page 351
Statistic 0x040D4 N/A TPT Total Packets Transmitted RW page 351
Statistic 0x040D8 N/A PTC64 Packets Transmitted [64 Bytes] Count RW page 352
Statistic 0x040DC N/A PTC127 Packets Transmitted [65–127 Bytes]
Count RW page 352
Statistic 0x040E0 N/A PTC255 Packets Transmitted [128–255 Bytes]
Count RW page 352
Statistic 0x040E4 N/A PTC511 Packets Transmitted [256–511 Bytes]
Count RW page 353
Category Offset Alias
Offset Abbreviation Name RW Link to
Driver Programing Interface—82574 GbE Controller
Statistic 0x040E8 N/A PTC1023 Packets Transmitted [512–1023 Bytes]
Count RW page 353
Statistic 0x040EC N/A PTC1522 Pack ets Transmitted [Greater than 1024
Bytes] Count RW page 353
Statistic 0x040F0 N/A MPTC Multicast Packets Transmitted Count RW page 353
Statistic 0x040F4 N/A BPTC Broadcast Packets Transmitted Count RW page 354
Statistic 0x040F8 N/A TSCTC TCP Segmentation Context Transmitted
Count RW page 354
Statistic 0x040FC N/A TSCTFC TC P Segmentation Context Transmit Fail
Count RW page 354
Statistic 0x04100 N/A IAC Interrupt Assertion Count R page 354
Management 0x05800 N/A WUC Wake Up Control Register RW page 355
Management 0x05808 N/A WUFC Wake Up Filter Control Register RW page 356
Management 0x05810 N/A WUS Wake Up Status Register RW page 356
Management 0x05828 N/A MFUTP01 Management Flex UDP/TCP Ports 0/1 RW page 357
Management 0x05830 N/A MFUTP23 Management Flex UDP/TCP Port 2/3 RW page 357
Management 0x5838 N/A IPAV IP Address Valid RW page 357
Management 0x05840–
0x05858 N/A IP4AT IPv4 Address Table RW page 358
Management 0x05820 N/A MANC Management Control Register RW page 358
Management 0x5860 N/A MANC2H Management Control to Host Register RW page 359
Management 0x5824 N/A MFVAL Manageability Filters Valid RW page 360
Management 0x5890 +
[n=0..7] N/A MDEF Manageability Decision Filters RW page 360
Management 0x05880–
0x0588F N/A IP6AT IPv6 Address Table RW page 361
Management 0x05A00-
0x05A7C N/A WUPM Wake Up Packet Memory [128 Bytes] R page 362
Management 0x05B30 N/A FACTPS Function Active and Power State to MNG RO page 362
Management 0x05F00–
0x05F28 N/A FFLT Flexible Filter Length Table RW page 362
Management 0x09000–
0x093F8 N/A FFMT Flexible Filter Mask Table RW page 363
Management 0x09400–
0x097F8 N/A FTFT Flexible TCO Filter Table RW page 363
Management 0x09800–
0x09BF8 N/A FFVT Flexible Filter Value Table RW page 364
Time Sync Offset
0B620 N/A TSYNCRXCTL RX Time Sync Control Register RW page 365
Time Sync Offset
0B628 N/A RXSTMP H RX Timestamp High RW page 365
Time Sync Offset
0B624 N/A RXSTMPL RX Timestamp Low RW page 365
Time Sync Offset
0B62C N/A RXSATRL RX Timestamp Attributes Low RW page 365
Category Offset Alias
Offset Abbreviation Name RW Link to
82574 GbE Controller—Driver Programing Interface
Time Sync Offset
0x0B630 N/A RXSATRH RX Timestamp Attributes High RW page 366
Time Sync Offset
0B634 N/A RXCFGL RX Ethertype and Message Type
Register RW page 366
Time Sync Offset
0x0B638 N/A RXUDP RX UDP Port RW page 366
Time Sync Offset
0B614 N/A TSYNCTXCTL T X Time Sync Control Register RW page 366
Time Sync Offset
0B618 N/A TXS TMPL TX Times tamp Value Low RW page 367
Time Sync Offset
0B61C N/A TXST MPH T X Timesta mp Value High RW page 367
Time Sync Offset
0B600 N/A SYSTIML System Time Register Low RW page 367
Time Sync Offset
0B604 N/A SYSTIMH System Time Register High RW page 367
Time Sync Offset
0B608 N/A TIMINCA Increment Attributes Register RW page 367
Time Sync Offset
0B60C N/A TIMADJL Time Adjustment Offset Register Low RW page 367
Time Sync Offset
0B610 N/A TIMADJH Time Adjustm ent Offset Register High RW page 368
0x0000 +
N/A MSIXTADD MSI-X Table Entry Lower Address R/W page 369
0x0004 +
N/A MSIXTUADD MSI-X Table Entry Upper Address R/W page 369
0x0008 +
N/A MSIXTMSG MSI-X Table Entry Message R/W page 369
0x000C +
N/A MSIXTVCTRL MSI-X Table Entry Vector Control R/W page 369
0x02000 N/A MSIXPBA MSI-X PBA Bit Description RO page 370
Diagnostic 0x00F10 N/A POEMB PHY OEM Bits Register RW page 399
Diagnostic 0x02410 0x08000 RDFH Receive Data FIFO Head Register RW page 399
Diagnostic 0x02418 0x08008 RDFT Receive Data FIFO Tail Register RW page 400
Diagnostic 0x02420 N/A RDFHS Receive Data FIFO Head Saved Register RW page 400
Diagnostic 0x02428 N/A RDFTS Receive Data FIFO Tail Saved Register RW page 400
Diagnostic 0x02430 N/A RDFPC Receive Data FIFO Packet Count RW page 401
Diagnostic 0x03410 0x08010 TDFH Transmit Data FIFO Head Register RW page 401
Diagnostic 0x03418 0x08018 TDFT Transmit Data FIFO Tail Register RW page 401
Diagnostic 0x03420 N/A TDFHS T ransmit Data FIFO Head Saved Register RW page 402
Category Offset Alias
Offset Abbreviation Name RW Link to
Driver Programing Interface—82574 GbE Controller
Note: Certain registers maintain an alias address designed for backward compatibility with
software written for previous devices. F or these registers, the alias address is shown in
Table 77. Those registers can be accessed by software at either the new offset or the
alias offset. It is recommended that software written solely for the 82574, use the new
address offset.
10.2.2 General Register Descriptions Device Control Register - CTRL (0x0 0000 / 0x00004; RW)
Diagnostic 0x03428 N/A TDF TS Transmit Data FIFO Tail Saved Register RW page 402
Diagnostic 0x03430 N/A TDFPC Transmit Data FIFO Packet Count RW page 402
Diagnostic 0x10000 -
0x17FFF N/A PBM Packet Buffer Memory RW page 402
Diagnostic 0x01008 N/A PBS Packet Buffer Size RW page 403
Field Bit(s) Initial
Value Description
FD 0 1b1
Full Duplex
0b = Half duplex
1b = Full duplex. Controls the MAC duplex setting when explicitly set
by software.
Reserved 1 0b Reserved
Write as 0b for future compatibility.
GIO Master
Disable 20b
When set, the 82574 blocks new master requests, including
manageability requests, by this function. Once no master requests
are pending by this function, the GIO Master Enable Status bit is set.
Reserved 3 1b Reserved
Set to 1b.
Reserved 4 0b Reserved
Write as 0b for future compatibility.
ASDE 5 0b1
Auto-Speed Detection Enable
When set to 1b, the MAC ignores the speed indicated by the PHY and
attempts to automatically detect the resolved speed of the link and
configure itself appropriately.
This bit must be set to 0b in the 82574.
SLU 6 0b1
Set Link Up
The Set Link Up bit MUST be set to 1b to permit the MAC to recognize
the link signal from the PHY, which indicates the PHY has gotten the
link up, and to receive and transmit data.
See Section 3.2.3 for more information about auto-negotiation and
link configuration in the various modes.
Set link up is normally initialized to 0b. However, if the APM Enable bit
is set in the NVM then it is initialized to 1b.
Reserved 7 0b Reserved.
Must be set to 0b.
Category Offset Alias
Offset Abbreviation Name RW Link to
82574 GbE Controller—Driver Programing Interface
SPEED 9:8 10b
Speed selection
These bits can determine the speed configuration and are written by
software after reading the PHY configuration through the MDIO
interface. These signals are ignored when Auto-Speed Detection is
enabled. See Section 3.2.1 for details.
00b = 10 Mb/s
01b = 100 Mb/s
10b = 1000 Mb/s
11b =not used
Reserved 10 0b Reserved
Write as 0b for future compatibility.
FRCSPD 11 0b1
Force Speed
This bit is set when software wants to manually configure the MAC
speed settings according to the Speed bits. When using a PHY device,
note that the PHY d evice must resolve to the same speed
configuration, or software must manually set it to the same speed as
the MAC. Note that this bit is supe rseded by the CTRL_EXT.SPD_BYPS
bit which has a similar function.
Force Duplex
When set to 1b, software might override the duplex indication from
the PHY that is indicated in the FDX to the MAC. Otherwise, the
duplex setting is sampled from the PHY FDX indication into the MAC
on the asserting edge of the PHY LINK signal. When asserted, the
CTRL.FD bit sets duplex.
Reserved 19:13 0x0 Reserved
Reads as 0b.
ADVD3WUC 20 1b
D3Cold WakeUp Capability Advertisement Enable
When set, D3Cold wakeup capability is advertised based on whether
the AUX_PWR advertises presence of auxiliary power (yes if
AUX_PWR is indicated, no otherwise). When 0b, however, D3Cold
wakeup capability is not advertised even if AUX_PWR presence is
Note: This bit must be set to 1b.
Reserved 25:21 0x0 Reserved
RST 26 0b
Device Reset
This bit performs a reset of the MAC function of the device, as
described in Section Normally 0b; writing 1b initiates the
reset. This bit is self-clearing.
RFCE 27 0b
Receive Flow Control Enable
Indicates that the device responds to the reception of flow control
packets. R eception of flow control packe ts requires the correct loading
of the FCAL/H and FCT registers. If auto-negotiation is enabled, this
bit is set to the negotiated duplex value. See Section 3.2.3 for more
information about auto-negotiation.
TFCE 28 0b
Transmit Flow Control Enable
Indicates that the device transmits flow control packets (XON and
XOFF frames) based on receiver fullness. If auto-negotiation is
enabled, this bit is set to the negotiated duplex value. See
Section 3.2.3 for more information about auto-negotiation.
Reserved 29 0b Reserved
Reads as 0b.
VME 30 0b
VLAN Mode Enable
When set to 1b, all packets transmitted from the 82574 that ha ve VLE
set is sent with an 802.1Q header added to the packet. The contents
of the header come from the transmit descriptor and from the VLAN
type register. On receive, VLAN information is stripped from 802.1Q
packets. See Section 7.5.1 for more details.
Field Bit(s) Initial
Value Description
Driver Programing Interface—82574 GbE Controller
This register, as well as the Extended Device Control (CTRL_EXT) register, controls the
major operational modes for the device. While a software write to this register to
control device settings, several bits (such as FD and Speed) might be overridden
depending on other bit settings and the resultant link configuration determined by the
PHY's auto-negotiation resolution. See Section 3.2.3 for a detailed explanation on the
link configuration process.
Note: In half-duplex mode, the 82574 transmits carrier extended packets and can receive
both carrier extended packets and packets transmitted with bursting.
When using an internal PHY, the FD (duplex) and Speed configuration of the device is
normally determined from the link configuration process. Software can specifically
override/set these MAC settings via these bits in a forced-link scenario; if so, the values
used to configure the MAC must be consistent with the PHY settings.
Manual link configuration is controlled through the PHY's MII management interface.
The ADVD3WUC bit (Advertise D3Cold W akeup Capability Enable control) enables the
AUX_PWR pin to determine whether D3Cold support is advertised. If full 1 Gb/s
operation in D3 state is desired but the system's power requirements in this mode
would exceed the D3Cold W akeup-Enabled specification limit (375 mA at 3.3 V dc), this
bit can be used to prevent the capability from being advertised to the system.
When using the internal PHY, by default the PHY re-negotiates the lowest functional link
speed in D3 and D0u states. The PHYREG 25.2 bit enables this capability to be disabled,
in case full 1 Gb/s speed is desired in these states.
Note: The 82574 internal PHY automatically detects an unplugged LAN cable and reduce
operational power to the minimal amount required to maintain system operation.
Controller operations are not affected, except for the inability to transmit/receive due
to the lost link.
Device Reset (RST) might be used to glo bally reset the entire component. This register
is provided primarily as a last-ditch software mechanism to recover from an
indeterminate or suspected hung hardware state. Most registers (receive, transmit,
interrupt, statistics, etc.), and state machines are set to their power-on reset values,
approximating the state following a power-on or PCI reset. However, PCIe configuration
registers are not reset, thereby leaving the device mapped into system memory space
and accessible by a software device driver. One internal configuration register, the
Packet Buffer Allocation (PBA) register, also retains its value through a global reset.
Note: To ensure that global device reset has fully completed and that the 82574 responds to
subsequent accesses, designers must wait approximately 1 s after resetting before
attempting to check to see if the bit has cleared or attempting to access (read or write)
any other device register.
Before issuing this reset, software has to insure that Tx and Rx processes are stopped
by following the procedure described in Section
PHY_RST 31 0b
PHY Reset
Controls a hardware-level reset to the internal PHY.
0b = Normal (operational).
1b = Reset to PHY asserted.
1. These bits are read from the NVM.
Field Bit(s) Initial
Value Description
82574 GbE Controller—Driver Programing Interface
284 Device Status Register - STATUS (0x00008; R)
FD reflects the actual MAC duplex configuration. This normally reflects the duplex
setting for the entire link, as it normally reflects the duplex configuration negotiated
between the PHY and link partner (copper link) or MAC and link partner (fiber link).
Link up provides a useful indication of whether something is attached to the port.
Successful negotiation of features/link parameters results in link activity. The link start-
up process (and consequently the duration for this activity after reset) can be several
100's of s. It reflects whether the PHY's LINK indication is present. Refer to
Section 3.2.3 for more details.
TXOFF indicates the state of the transmit function when symmetrical flow control has
been enabled and negotiated with the link partner. This bit is set to 1b when
transmission is paused due to the reception of an XOFF frame. It is cleared upon
expiration of the pause timer or the receipt of an XON frame.
Field Bit(s) Initial
Value Description
FD 0 X Full Duplex
0b = half duplex
1b = Full duplex. Reflects duplex setting of the MAC and/or link.
LU 1 X
Link Up
0b = No link established
1b = Link established. For this to be valid, the Set Link Up bit of the
Device Control (CTRL.SU) register must be set.
Reserved 3:2 00b Reserved
TXOFF 4 X Transmission Paused
Indication of pause state of the transmit function when symmetrical
flow control is enabled.
Reserved 5 0b Reserved
Link speed setting. Reflects speed setting of the MAC and/or link
00b = 10 Mb/s
01b = 100 Mb/s
10b = 1000 Mb/s
11b = 1000 Mb/s
ASDV 9:8 X Auto-Speed Detection Value
Speed result sensed by the MAC auto-detection fu nction.
PHYRA 10 1b
PHY Reset Asserted
This bit is read/write. Hardware sets this bit following the assertion of
PHY reset. The bit is cleared on writing 0b to it. This bit is used by
firmware as an indication for required initialization of the PHY.
Reserved 18:11 0x0 Reserved
GIO Master
Enable Status 19 1b
Cleared by the 82574 when the GIO Master Disable bit is set and no
master requ ests are pending by this function. Set otherwise.
Indicates that no master requests is issued by this function as long as
the GIO Master Disable bit is set.
Reserved 30:20 0x0 Reserved
Reads as 0b.
Reserved 31 0b Reserved
Driver Programing Interface—82574 GbE Controller
Speed indicates the actual MAC speed configuration. These bits normally reflect the
speed of the actual link, negotiated by the PHY and link partner, and reflected internally
from the PHY to the MAC (SPD_IND). These bits might represent the speed
configuration of the MAC only, if the MAC speed setting has been forced via software
(CTRL.SPEED) or MAC auto-speed detection used. Speed indications are mapped as
00b = 10 Mb/s
01b = 100 Mb/s
10b = 1000 Mb/s
11b = 1000 Mb/s
If Auto-Speed Detection is enabled, the device's speed is configured only once after the
link signal is asserted by the PHY.
The ASDV bits are provided for diagnostics purposes only. Even if the MAC speed
configuration is not set using this function (ASDE=0b), the ASD calculation can be
initiated by software writing a logic one to the CTRL_EXT.ASDCHK bit. The resultant
speed detection is reflected in these bits. EEPROM/FLASH Control Register - EEC (0x00010 ; RW/RO)
Field Bit(s) Initial
Value Description
EE_SK 0 0b
Clock input to the NVM
When EE_GNT is 1b, the EE_SK output signal is mapped to this bit
and provides the serial clock input to the NVM. Software clocks the
NVM via toggling this bit with successive writes.
EE_CS 1 0b
Chip select input to the NVM
When EE_GNT is 1b, the EE_CS output signal is mapped to the chip
select of the NVM device. Software enab les the NVM by writing a 1b to
this bit.
EE_DI 2 0b Data input to the NVM
When EE_GNT is 1b, the EE_DI output signal is mapped direc t ly to
this bit. Software provides data input to t he NVM via writes to this bi t.
Data output bit from the NVM
The EE_DO input si gnal is mapped directly to this bit in the register
and contains the NVM data output. This bit is read-only from the
software perspective – writes to this bit have no effect.
FWE 5:4 01b
Flash Write Enable Control
These two bits control whether writes to the Flash are allowed.
00b = Enable Flash erase and block erase.
01b = Flash writes and Flash erase disabled.
10b = Flash writes enabled.
11b = Not allowed.
This field enables write and erase instructions from software to the
Flash via the Flash BAR and the software DMA registers (FLSW).
EE_REQ 6 0b
Request NVM Access
Software must write a 1b to this bit to get direct NVM access. It has
access when EE_GNT is 1b. When software completes the access it
must write a 0b.
EE_GNT 7 0b Grant NVM Access
When this bit is set to 1b , softw are can access th e NVM using th e SK,
CS, DI, and DO bits.
82574 GbE Controller—Driver Programing Interface
This register provides software direct access to the NVM. Software can control the NVM
by successive writes to this register. Data and address information is clocked into the
EEPROM by software toggling the EE_SK bit of this register with EE_CS set to 1. Data
EE_PRES 8 X NVM Present
Setting this bit to 1b indicates that an NVM (either Flash or EEPROM)
is present and has the correct signature field. This bit is read only.
Auto_RD 9 0b
NVM Auto Read Done
When set to 1b, this bit indicates that the auto read by hardware from
the NVM is done. This bit is set also when the NVM is not pr esent or
when its signature is not valid.
This field is read only.
Reserved 10 0b Reserved
NVSize 14:11 0010b1
NVM Size
This field defines the size of the NVM:
This field defines the size of the NVM in bytes which equal 128 * 2 **
NVSize. This field is loaded from word 0x0F in the NVM.
This field is read only.
NVADDS 16:15 00b
NVM Address Size
This field defines the address size of the NVM:
00b = Reserved.
01b = EEPROM with 1 address byte.
10b = EEPROM with 2 address bytes.
11b = Flash with 3 address bytes.
This field is set at power up by the NVMT strapping pin. With the
EEPROM, the address length is set following a detection of the
signature bits in word 0x12. If an EEPROM is attached to the 82574
and a valid signature is not found, software can modify this field
enabling parallel access to empty device. In all other cases writes to
this field do not affect the device operation
Reserved 17 0b Reserved
Reserved 18 0b Reserved
Reserved 19 0b Reserved
AUPDEN 20 0b
Enable Autonomous Flash Update
1b = Enables the 82574 to update the Flash autonomously. The
autonomous update is triggered by write cycles and expiration of the
FLASHT timer.
0b = Disables the auto-update logic.
Reserved 21 0b Reserved
SEC1VAL 22 0b
Sector 1 Valid
In case EE_PRES is set, a 0b indicates that S0 in the Flash contains
valid signatures. 1b indicates that S1 contains valid signatures. In
EEPROM setup or if EE_PRES is not set, the SEC1VAL is 0b.
NVMTYPE 23 0b2
This is a read-only field indicating th e NVM type:
0b = EEPROM.
1b = Flash.
This bit is loaded from NVM word 0x0F and is informational only (the
design uses strappin g to determine the actu al NVM type).
Reserved 24 0b Reserved
Reserved 25 0b Reserved
Reserved 31:26 0x0 Reserved
Reads as 0b.
1. These bits are read fr om the NVM.
Field Bit(s) Initial
Value Description
Driver Programing Interface—82574 GbE Controller
output from the NVM is latched into bit 3 of this register via the internal 62.5 MHz clock
and may be accessed by software via reads of this register. See Section 3.3.8 for
Note: Attempts to write to the Flash device when writes are disabled (FWE=01) should not be
attempted. Behavior after such an oper ation is undefined, and can result in component
and/or system hangs. EEPROM Read Register - EERD (0x00014; RW)
This register is used by software to cause the 82574 to read individual words in the
EEPROM. To read a word, software writes the address to the Read Address field and
simultaneously writes a 1b to the Start Read field. The 82574 reads the word from the
EEPROM and places it in the Read Data field, setting the Read Done field to 1b.
Software can poll this register, looking for a 1b in the Read Done field, and then using
the value in the Read Data field.
Note: When this register is used to read a word from the EEPROM, that word is not written to
any of the 82574's internal registers even if it is normally a hardware accessed word. Extended Device Control Register - CTR L_EXT (0x00018; RW)
Field Bit(s) Initial
Value Description
START 0 0b
Start Read
Writing a 1b to this bit c auses th e 82574 to read a 16-bit word at the
address stored in the ADDR field from the NVM. Th e result is stor ed in
the DATA field. This bit is self-clearing
DONE 1 1b Read Done
Set to 1b when the word read completes. Set to 0b when the read is
in progress. Writes by software are ignored.
ADDR 15:2 0x0 Read Address
This field is written by software along with Start Read to indicate the
word address of the word to read.
DATA 31:16 0x0 Read Data
Data returned from the NVM.
Field Bit(s) Initial
Value Description
Reserved 11:0 0x0 Reserved.
ASDCHK 12 0b
ASD (Auto Speed Detection) Check
Initiate an ASD sequence to sense the frequency of the RX_CLK signal
from the PHY. The results are reflected in STATUS.ASDV. This bit is
EE_RST 13 0b
Initiates a reset-like event to the EEPROM function. This causes the
EEPROM to be read as if a PCI_RST_N assertion had occurred.
Note: All device functions should be disabled prior to setting this bit.
This bit is self-clearing.
Reserved 14 0b1Reserved
Should be set to 0b.
82574 GbE Controller—Driver Programing Interface
SPD_BYPS 15 0b
Speed Select Bypass
When set to 1b, all speed detection mechanisms are bypassed and
the device is immediately set to the speed indicated by CTRL.SPEED.
This provides a method for software to have full control of the speed
settings of the device as well as when the change takes place by
overriding the hardware clock switching circuitry.
Reserved 16 0b1Reserved
Should be set to 0b.
RO_DIS 17 0b
Relaxed Ordering Disab l e
When set to 1b, the device does not request any relaxed ordering
transactions regardless o f the state of bit 4 (Enable Relaxed Ordering)
in the PCIe Device Control register. When this bit is cleare d a nd bit 4
of the PCIe Device Control register is set, the device requ ests relax ed
ordering transactions as described in Section
Reserved 18 0b Reserved
DMA Dynamic
Gating Enable 19 0b1When set, this bit enables dynamic clock gating of the DMA and MAC
PHY Power
Down Enable 20 1b1When set, this bit enables the PHY to enter a low-power state.
Reserved 21 0b1Reserved
Tx LS Flow 22 0b1Should be set for correct TSO functionality. Refer to Section 7.3.
Tx LS 23 0b1Should be cleared for correct TSO functionality. Refer to Section 7.3.
EIAME 24 0b
Extended Interrupt Auto Mask Enable
When set (usually in MSI-X mode), upon firing of an MSI-X message,
bits set in IAM associated with this message are cleared. Otherwise,
EIAM is used only upon a read of the EICR register.
Reserved 26:25 00b Reserved
IAME 27 0b
When the IAME (interrupt acknowledge auto-mask enable) bit is set,
a read or write to the ICR register has the side effect of writing the
value in the IAM register to the IMC register. When this bit is 0b, the
feature is disabled.
DRV_LOAD 28 0b
Driver Loaded
This bit should be set by the software device driver after it was
loaded, Cleared when the software devic e dr iver unloads or PCIe soft
reset. The Management Controller (MC) loads this bit to indicate that
the software device driver has been load ed.
When set, this bit enables the clearing of the interrupt timers
following an IMS clear. In this state, successive interrupts occur only
after the timers expire again. When cleared, successive interrupts
following IMS clear might happen immediately.
Reserved 30 0b Reserved
Reads as 0b.
PBA_Supportr 31 0b
PBA Support
When set, setting one of the extended inter rupt masks via IMS c auses
the PBA bit of the associated MSI-X vector to be cleared. Otherwise,
the 82574 behaves in a way supporting legacy INT-x interrupts.
Should be cleared when working in INT - x or MSI mode and set in MSI-
X mode.
1. These bits are read fr om the NVM.
Field Bit(s) Initial
Value Description
Driver Programing Interface—82574 GbE Controller
This register provides extended control of device functionality bey ond that pro vided by
the Device Control (CTRL) register.
Note: Device Control register values are changed by a read of the EEPROM which occurs upon
assertion of the EE_RST bit. Therefore, if software uses the EE_RST function and
desires to retain current configuration information, the contents of the control registers
should be read and stored by software.
Note: The EEPROM reset function might read configuration information out of the EEPROM
which affects the configuration of PCIe configuration space BAR settings. The changes
to the BARs are not visible unless the system is rebooted and the BIOS is allowed to re-
map them.
Note: The SPD_BYPS bit performs a similar function to the CTRL.FRCSPD bit in that the
device's speed settings are determined by the value software writes to the CR TL.SPEED
bits. However, with the SPD_BYPS bit asserted, the settings in CTRL.SPEED take effect
rather than waiting until after the device's clock switching circuitry performs the
change. Flash Access Register - FLA (0x0001C; RW)
Field Bit(s) Initial
Value Description
FL_NVM_SK 0 0b
Clock input to the FLASH
When FL_GNT is 1, the FL_NVM_SK output signal is mapped to
this bit and provides the serial clock input to the Flash. Software
clocks the Flash via toggling this bit with successive writes.
FL_CE 1 0b
Chip select input to the FLASH
When FL_GNT is 1, the FL_CE output signal is mapped to the chip
select of the FLASH device. Software enables the FLASH by
writing a 0 to this bit.
FL_SI 2 0b
Data input to the FLASH
When FL_GNT is 1, the FL_SI output signal is mapped directly to
this bit. Software provides data input to the FLASH via writes to
this bit.
Data output bit from the FLASH
The FL_SO input signal is mapped directly to this bit in the
register and contains the Flas h serial d ata outp ut. This bit is read-
only from the software perspective – writes to this bit have no
FL_REQ 4 0b
Request FLASH Access
The software must write a 1 to this bit to get direct Flash access.
It has access when FL_GNT is 1. When the software completes
the access it must write a 0.
FL_GNT 5 0b Grant FLASH Access
When this bit is set to 1b, the software can access the Flash using
the SK, CS, DI, and DO bits.
FL_DEV_ER_IND 6 0b Status Bit
Indicates manageability initiated a device erase tr ansaction to the
FL_SEC_ER_IND 7 0b Status Bit
Indicates manageability initiated a sector er ase tr ansaction to the
FL_WR_IND 8 0b Status Bit
Indicates manageability initiated a write transaction to the Flash.
SW_WR_DONE 9 1b Status Bit
Indicates that last LAN_ BAR or LAN_EXP write was done.
82574 GbE Controller—Driver Programing Interface
Note: This register provides the software with direct access to the Flash. Software can control
the Flash by successive writes to this register. Data and address information is clocked
into the Flash by software toggling the FL_NVM_SK bit (0) of this register with FL_CE
set to 1. Data output from the Flash is latched into bit 3 of this register via the internal
125 MHz clock and may be accessed by software via reads of this register.
Note: In the 82574, the FLA register is only reset at Internal Power On Reset and not as
legacy devices at a software reset. MDI Control Register - MDIC (0x0 0020; RW)
This register is used by software to read or write Management Data Interface (MDI)
registers in a GMII/MII PHY.
Reserved 10 1b Reserved
Reserved 29:11 0x0 Reserved
Reads as 0b.
FL_BUSY 30 0b
Flash Busy
This bit is set to 1b while a transaction to the Flash is in progress.
While this bit is clear (read as 0b), software can access the Flash.
This field is read only.
FL_ER 31 0b
Flash Erase Command
The command is sent to the Flash only if bits 5:4 in the EEC
register are set to 00b. This bit is auto-cleared and read as 0b.
Certain Flash vendors do not support this operation.
Field Bit(s) Initial
Value Description
DATA 15:0 X
In a Write command, s oftware places the data bit s and the MAC shifts
them out to the PHY. In a Read command, the MAC reads these bits
serially from the PHY and software can read them from this location.
REGADD 20:16 0x0 PHY register address; i.e., Reg 0, 1, 2, … 31.
PHYADD 25:21 0x0 PHY Address
1 = Gigabit PHY.
2 = PCIe PHY.
OP 27:26 0x0
01b = MDI write.
10b = MDI read.
Other values are reserved.
Ready Bit
Set to 1b by the 82574 at the end of the MDI transaction (for
example, indicates a read or write has been completed). It should be
reset to 0b by software at the same time the command is written.
Interrupt Enable
When set to 1b by software, it causes an Interrupt to be asserted to
indicate the end of an MDI cycle.
This bit set is to 1b by hardware when it fails to complete an MDI
read. Software should make sure this bit is clear (0b) before making
an MDI Read or Write command.
Reserved 31 0b Reserved. Write as 0b for future compatibility.
Field Bit(s) Initial
Value Description
Driver Programing Interface—82574 GbE Controller
For an MDI read cycle the sequence of events is as follows:
1. The CPU performs a PCIe write cycle to the MII register with:
a. Ready = 0b.
b. Interrupt Enable bit set to 1b or 0b.
c. Op -Code = 10b (read).
d. PHYADD = PHY address from the MDI register.
e. REGADD = Register address of the specific register to be accessed (0 through
2. The MAC applies the following sequence on the MDIO signal to the PHY:
<PREAMBLE><01><10><PHYADD><REGAD D><Z> where the Z stands for th e
MAC tri-stating the MDIO signal.
3. The PHY returns the following sequence on the MDIO signal: <0><DATA><IDLE>.
4. The MAC discards the leading bit and places the following 16 data bits in the MII
5. The 82574 asserts an interrupt indicating MDI done if the Interrupt Enable bit was
6. The 82574 sets the Ready bit in the MII register indicating the read is complete.
7. The CPU might read the data from the MII register and issue a new MDI command.
For an MDI write cycle, the sequence of events is as follows:
1. The CPU performs a PCIe write cycle to the MII register with:
a. Ready = 0b.
b. Interrupt Enable bit set to 1b or 0b.
c. Op-Code = 01b (write).
d. PHYADD = PHY address from the MDI register.
e. REGADD = Register address of the specific register to be accessed (0 through
f. Data = Specific data for desired control of the PHY.
2. The MAC applies the following sequence on the MDIO signal to the PHY:
3. The 82574 asserts an interrupt indicating MDI done if the Interrupt Enable bit was
4. The 82574 sets the Ready bit in the MII register to indicate step 2 has been
5. The CPU might issue a new MDI command.
Note: An MDI read or write might take as long as 64 s from the CPU write to the Ready bit
If an invalid op-code is written by software, the MAC does not ex ecute any accesses to
the PHY registers.
If the PHY does not generate a zero as the second bit of the turn-around cycle for
reads, the MAC aborts the access, sets the E (error) bit, writes 0xFFFF to the data field
to indicate an error condition, and sets the Ready bit.
82574 GbE Controller—Driver Programing Interface
292 Flo w Control Address Low - FCAL (0x00028; RW)
Flow control packets are defined by 802.3X to be either a unique multicast address or
the station address with the EtherType field indicating pause. Hardware compares
incoming packets against the FCA register value to determine if it should pause its
This register contains the lower bits of the internal 48-bit flow control Ethernet address.
All 32 bits are valid. Software can access the High and Low registers as a register pair if
it can perform a 64-bit access to the PCIe bus. This register should be programmed
with 0x00_C2_80_01. The complete flow control multicast address is:
0x01_80_C2_00_00_01; where 01 is the first byte on the wire, 80 is the second, etc.
Note: Any packet matching the contents of {FCAH, FCAL, FCT} when CTRL.RFCE is set is
acted on by the 82574. Whether flow control packets are passed to the host (software)
depends on the state of the RCTL.DPF bit and whether the packet matches any of the
normal filters. Flo w Control Address High - FCAH (0x0002C; RW)
This register contains the upper bits of the 48-bit flow control Ethernet address. Only
the lower 16 bits of this register have meaning. The complete flow control address is
{FCAH, FCAL}. This register should be programmed with 0x01_00. The complete flow
control multicast address is: 0x01_80_C2_00_00_01; where 01 is the first byte on the
wire, 80 is the second, etc.
Note: At the time of the original implementation, the flow control multicast address was not
defined and thus hardware provided programmability. Since then, the final release of
the 802.3x standard has reserved the following multicast address for MAC control
frames: 0x01-80-C2-00-00-01.
Field Bit(s) Initial
Value Description
FCAL 31:0 X Flow Control Address Low
Field Bit(s) Initial
Value Description
FCAH 15:0 X Flow Control Address High
Reserved 31:16 0x0 Reserved
Reads as 0x0.
Driver Programing Interface—82574 GbE Controller Flow C ontrol Type - FCT (0x00030; RW)
This register contains the type field hardware uses to recognize a flow control packet.
Only the lower 16 bits of this register have meaning. This register should be
programmed with 0x88_08. The upper byte is first on the wire FCT[15:8].
Note: At the time of the original implementation, the flow control type field was not defined
and thus hardware provided programmability. Since then, the final release of the
802.3x standard has specified the type/length value for MAC control frames as 88-08. VLAN Ether Type - VET (0x 00 03 8; RW)
This register contains the type field hardware uses to recognize an 802.1Q (VLAN)
Ethernet packet. To be compliant with the 802.3ac standard, this register should be
programmed with the value 0x8100. For VLAN transmission the upper byte is first on
the wire (VET[15:8]). Flow Control Transmit Timer Value - FCTTV (0x00170; RW)
The 16-bit value in the TTV field is inserted into a transmitted frame (either XOFF
frames or any pause frame value in any software transmitted packets). It counts in
units of slot time. If software needs to send an XON frame, it must set TTV to 0b prior
to initiating the pause frame.
Note: The 82574 uses a fixed slot time value of 64-byte times.
Field Bit(s) Initial
Value Description
FCT 15:0 X Flow Control Type
Reserved 31:16 0x0 Reserved
Reads as 0x0
Field Bit(s) Initial
Value Description
VET 15:0 0x8100 VLAN Ether Type
Reserved 31:16 0x0 Reserved
Reads as 0x0.
Field Bit(s) Initial
Value Description
TTV 15:0 X Transmit Timer Value
Included in XOFF frame.
Reserved 31:16 0x0 Reads as 0x0.
Should be written to 0x0 for future compatibility.
82574 GbE Controller—Driver Programing Interface
294 Flo w Control Refresh Threshold Value - FCRTV (0x05F40; RW) LED Control - LEDCTL (0x00E00; RW)
Bit Type Reset Description
15:0 RW X
Flow Control Refresh Threshold (FCRT)
This value indicates the threshold value of the flow control shadow
counter. When the coun t er reaches this value, and the condition s for a
pause state are still valid (buffer fullness above low threshold value), a
pause (XOFF) frame is sent to the link partner.
The FCRTV timer count interval is the same as other flow control timers
and counts at slot times of 64-byte times.
If this field contains a zero value, the Flow Control Refresh is disabled.
31:16 RO 0x0 Reserved
Reads as 0x0.
Should be written to 0x0 for future compatibility.
Field Bit(s) Initial
Value Description
LED0_MODE 3:0 0010b1LED0 (LINK_UP_N) Mode
This field specifies the control source for the LED0 output. An initial
value of 0010b selects LINK_UP indication.
Reserved 4 0b Reserved
Read-only as 0b. Write as 0b for future compatibility.
Global Blink Mode
This field specifies the blink mode of all LEDs.
0b = Blink at 200 ms on and 200 ms off.
1b = Blink at 83 ms on and 83 ms off.
LED0_IVRT 6 0b1
LED0 (LINK_UP_N) Invert
This field specifies the polarity/ inversion of the LED source prior to
output or blink control.
0b = Do not invert LED source.
1b = Invert LED source.
LED0_BLINK 7 0b1
LED0 (LINK_UP_N) Blink
This field specifies whether to apply blink logic to the (inverted) LED
control source prior to the LED output.
0b = do not blink asserted LED output.
1b = blink asserted LED output.
LED1_MODE 11:8 0011b1LED1 (ACTIVITY_N) Mode
This field specifies the control source for the LED1 output. An initial
value of 0011b selects ACTIVITY indication.
Reserved 12 0b Reserved
Read-only as 0b. Write as 0 for future compatibility.
MODE 13 0b1
LED1 (ACTIVITY_N) Blink Mode
This field needs to be configured with the same value as
GLOBAL_BLINK_MODE, it specifies the blink mode of the LED.
0b = Blink at 200 ms on and 200 ms off.
1b = Blink at 83 ms on and 83 ms off.
LED1_IVRT 14 0b1LED1 (ACTIVITY_N) Invert.
Driver Programing Interface—82574 GbE Controller
The following mapping is used to specify the LED control source (MODE) for each LED
LED2_MODE 19:16 0110b1LED2 (LINK_100_N) Mode
This field specifies the control source for the LED2 output. An initial
value of 0110b selects LINK_100 indication.
Reserved 20 0b Reserved
Read-only as 0b. Write as 0b for future compatibility.
MODE 21 0b1
LED2 (LINK_100_N) Blink Mode
This field needs to be configured with the same value as
GLOBAL_BLINK_MODE, it specifies the blink mode of the LED.
0b = Blink at 200 ms on and 200 ms off.
1b = Blink at 83 ms on and 83 ms off.
LED2_IVRT 22 0b1LED2 (LINK_100_N) Invert.
LED2_BLINK 23 0b1LED2 (LINK_100_N) Blink
Reserved 31:24 0x0 Reserved
1. These bits are read from the NVM.
Field Bit(s) Initial
Value Description
MODE Select ed Mode S o urce Indication
0000 LINK_10/1000 Asserted when either 10 or 1000 Mb/s link is established
and maintained.
0001 LINK_100/1000 Asserted when either 100 or 1000 Mb/s link is
established and maintained.
0010 LINK_UP Asserted when any speed link is established and
0011 FILTER_ACTIVITY Asserted when link is established and packets are being
transmitted or received that passed MAC filtering.
0100 LINK/ACTIVITY Asserted when link is e stablished AND when there is NO
transmit or receive activity.
0101 LINK_10 Asserted when a 10 Mb/s link is established and
0110 LINK_100 Asserted when a 100 Mb/s link is established and
0111 LINK_1000 Asserted when a 1000 Mb/s link is established and
1000 Reserved Reserved
1001 FULL_DUPLEX As serted when the link is config ured for full-duplex
1010 COLLISION Asserted when a collision is observed.
1011 ACTIVITY Asserted when link is established and packets are being
transmitted or received.
1100 BUS_SIZE Asserted when the device detects a 1-lane PCIe
1101 PAUSED Asserted when the device’s trans mitter is flow controlled.
1110 LED_ON Always asserted.
1111 LED_OFF Always de-asserted.
82574 GbE Controller—Driver Programing Interface
1. When LED blink mode is enabled the appropriate LED Invert bit should be set to
ACTIVITY, PAUSED) should be used with LED blink mode enabled.
3. When LED blink mode is enabled and CCM PLL is shut, the blinking frequencies are
1/5 of the rates stated in the previous table. Extended C onfiguration Control - EXTCNF_CTRL (0x00F00; RW) Extended Configuration Size - EXTCNF_SIZE (0x00F08; RW)
Field Bit(s) Initial
Value Description
Reserved 31:28 0b Reserved
Reserved 27:16 0x0 Reserved
Reserved 15:8 0x0 Reserved
Reserved 7 0b Reserved
Reserved 6 0b Reserved
Reserved 5 0b Reserved
Reserved 4 0b Reserved
Reserved 3 1b Reserved
Reserved 2 0b Reserved
Reserved 1 0b Reserved
Reserved 0 0b Should be set to 0b.
Field Bit(s) Initial
Value Description
Reserved 31:8 0x0 Reserved
Reserved 7:0 0x0 Reserved
Driver Programing Interface—82574 GbE Controller Packet Buffer Allocation - PBA (0x01000; RW)
This register sets the on-chip receive and transmit stor age allocation ratio. The receive
allocation value is read/write for the lower 6 bits. The transmit allocation is read only
and is calculated based on RXA. The partitioning size is 1 KB.
Note: Programming this register does not automatically re-load or initialize internal packet-
buffer RAM pointers. Software must reset both transmit and receive operation (using
the global device reset CTRL.RST bit) after changing this register in order for it to take
effect. The PBA register itself is not reset by asserting the global reset, but is only reset
upon initial hardware power on.
Note: For best performance the transmit buffer allocation should be set to accept two full
sized packets.
Note: Transmit packet buffer size should be configured to be more than 4 KB. MNG EEPROM Control Register - EEMNGCTL (0x1010; RO )
Note: This register is read/write by firmware and read only by software.
Field Bit(s) Initial
Value Description
RXA 15:0 0x0014 Receive packet buffer allocation in KB. Upper 10 bits are read only as
0x0. Default is 20 KB.
TXA 31:16 0x0014 Transmit packet buffer allocation in KB. These bits are read only.
Default is 20 KB.
Field Bit(s) Initial
Value Description
ADDR 14:0 0x0 Address
This field is written by manageability along with Start Read or Start
write to indicate the EEPROM word address to read or write.
START 15 0b Start
Writing a 1b to this bit causes the EEPROM to start the read or write
operation according to the write bit.
WRITE 16 0b
This bit tells the EEPROM if the current operation is read or write.
0b = Read.
1b = Write.
This bit indicates that the EEPROM is busy doing an auto read.
Reserved 18 0b Reserved
EE_TRANS_E 19 0b Transaction
This bit indicates that the register is in the middle of a transaction.
Reserved 30:20 0x0 Reserved
DONE 31 1b
Transaction Done
This bit is cleared after the Start Write or the Start Read bit is set by
manageability and is set back again when the EEPROM write or read
transaction comple tes.
82574 GbE Controller—Driver Programing Interface
298 MNG EEPRO M Read/Write data - EEMNGDATA (0x1014; RO)
Note: This register is read/write by firmware and read only by software. MNG Flash Control Register - FLMNGCTL (0x1018; RO)
Note: This register is Read-Write by FW and Read-Only by SW. M NG FLASH Read data - FLMNGDATA (0x101C; RO)
Note: This register is Read-Write by FW and Read-Only by SW. MNG FLASH Read Counter - FLMNGCNT (0x1020 ; RO)
Note: This register is Read-Write by FW and Read-Only by SW. Fla sh Timer Register- FLASHT (0x01028; RW)
Field Bit(s) Initial
Value Description
WRDATA 15:0 0x0 Write Data
Data to be written to the EEPROM.
RDDATA 31:16 X Read Data
Data returned from the EEPROM read.
Field Bit(s) Default Description
FLT 15:0 0x2
Auto Flash Update Timer
Defines the idle time from the last write until the 82574
autonomously updates the Flash. The time is measured in FLASHT.FL T
x 1024 cycles at 62.5 MHz (or 12.5 MHz when the 125 MHz clock is
gated). A value of 0x00 means that the update is not delayed.
The update timer is enabled by the Aupden bit in the EEC register.
Reserve 31:16 0x00 Reserved
Driver Programing Interface—82574 GbE Controller EEPROM Write Register - EEWR (0x0102C; RW)
Note: EEWR has direct access regardless of a valid signature in the NVM. SW FLASH Burst Control Register - FLSWCTL (0x1030; RW)
Field Bit(s) Default Description
START 0 0b
Start Write
Writing a 1b to t his bit causes the 82574 to write a 16-bit word at the
address stored in the ADDR field in the external NVM. The data is
fetched from the DATA field. This bit is self-clearing.
DONE 1 1b Write Done
Set to 1b when the write completes. Set to 0b when the write is in
progress. Writes by software are ignored.
ADDR 15:2 0x0 Write Address
This field is written by software along with Start Write to indicate the
word address of the word to read.
DATA 31:16 0x0 Writ e Data
Data written to the NVM.
Field Bit(s) Default Description
ADDR 23:0 0x0 Address
This field is written by software along with Start Read or Start write to
indicate the Flash address to read or write.
CMD 25:24 00b
Indicates which command should be executed. Valid only when the
CMDV bit is set.
00b = Reserved.
01b = DMA Write command (write up to 256 bytes).
10b = Reserved.
11b = Reserved.
CMDV 26 0b Command Valid
When set, indicates that software issues a new command.
Cleared by hardware at the end of the command.
FLBUSY 27 0b Flash Busy
This bit indicates th at the Flash is busy pro cessing a F lash tr ansaction
and should not be accessed.
Reserved 28 0b Reserved
FLUDONE 29 0b Flash Update Done
This bit is set by the 82574 when it completes updating the Flash.
Software should clear it to zero before it updates the Flash.
DONE 30 1b
Write Done
This bit clears after CMDV is set by software and is set back again
when the Flash write transaction is done.
When writing a burst transaction the bit is cleared every time
software writes FLSWDATA.
WRDONE 31 1b
Global Done
This bit clears after the CMDV bit is set by software and is set back
again when the all Flash read/write transactions complete. For
example, the Flash unit finished to read/write all the requested read/
82574 GbE Controller—Driver Programing Interface
300 Software Flash Burst Data Register - FLSWDATA (0x1034; RW) Software Flash Burst Access Counter - FLSWCN T (0x1038; RW) Flash Opcode Register - FLOP (0x0103C; RW)
This register is used by the 82574 to initiate the appropriate instructions to the NVM
device. FEEP Auto Lo ad - FLOL (0x01050; RW)
10.2.3 PCIe Register Descriptions 3GIO Control Register - GCR (0x05B00; RW)
Field Bit(s) Default Description
NVDATA 31:0 0x0 Write NVM Data
Data written to the NVM.
Field Bit(s) Default Description
Abort 31 0b
Writing a 1b to this bit aborts the current burst operation. It is self-
cleared by the Flash interface block when the Abort command has
been executed. Abort request is not permitted after writing the last
Reserved 30:25 0x0 Reserved
NVCNT 24:0 0x0
NVM Counter
This counter holds the size of the Flash burst read or write in Dwords
and is also used as the write byte count but in this case it is byte
Field Bit(s) Default Description
When set to 1b, enables reduced power consumption by clock gating
the 82574 RAMs.
Reserved 7:1 0x0 Auto load ed from NVM 0x11 bits 7:1.
Reserve 31:8 0x0 Reserved
Field Bit(s) Initial
Value Description
mechanism 31 0b If set, the PCIe time-out mechanism is disabled.
result 30 0b If set, a self-test result finished successfully.
Gio_good_l0s 29 0b Force good PCIe L0s training.
err 28 0b Disable running disparity error of PCIe 108b decoders.
Driver Programing Interface—82574 GbE Controller
rx 27 0b If set, enables the device to enter ASPM L1 active without any
correlation to L0s_rx.
Latency (LSB)
(Read Only) 26:25 11b
Determines the idle time of the PCIe link in L0s state before initiating
a transition to L1 state. The initial value is loaded from NVM.
00b = 64 s
01b = 256 s
10b = 1 ms
11b = 4 ms
LAT 24 0b L0s Entry Latency
Set to 0b to indicate L0s entry latency is the same as L0s exit latency.
Set to 1b to indicate L0s entry latency is (L0s exit latency/4).
Latency (MSB)
(Read Only) 23 1b
000b = 2 s.
001b = 8 s.
010b = 1 6s.
011b = 32 s.
100b = 64 s.
101b = 25 6s.
110b = 1 ms.
111b = 4 ms (default).
Reserved 22 0b Reserved
For proper operation, must be set to 1b by software during
order 21 0b When set, indicates a nee d to change the order of the header log in
the error reporting registers.
PBA_CL_DEAS 20 0b If cleared, PBA is cleared on de-assertion of MSI-X request.
Reserved 19:10 0x0 Reserved
Adjustment 91b
When set to 1b the reply-timer always adds the required L0s
adjustment. When cleared to 0b the adjustment is added only when
Tx L0s is active.
Reserved 8:6 0b Reserved
Transmit Descriptor Read – No Snoop Indication.
Read directly by transaction layer.
Transmit Descriptor Write – No Snoop Indication.
Read directly by transaction layer.
Transmit Data Read – No Snoop Indication.
Read directly by transaction layer.
NOSNOOP 20Receive Descriptor Read – No snoop indication.
Read directly by transaction layer.
Receive Descriptor Write – No Snoop Indication
Read directly by transaction layer.
Receive Data Write – No Snoop Indication
Read directly by transaction layer.
Field Bit(s) Initial
Value Description
82574 GbE Controller—Driver Programing Interface
302 Function–Tag Register - FUNCTAG (0x05B08 ; RW) 3 GIO Statistic Control Register #1 - GSCL_1 (0x05B10; RW)
Field Bit(s) Initial
Value Description
cnt_3_tag 31:29 0x0 Tag number for event 6/1D, if located in counter 3.
cnt_3_func 28:24 0x0 Function number for event 6/1D, if located in counter 3.
cnt_2_tag 23:29 0x0 Tag number for event 6/1D, if located in counter 2.
cnt_2_func 20:16 0x0 Function number for event 6/1D, if located in counter 2.
cnt_1_tag 15:13 0x0 Tag number for event 6/1D, if located in counter 1.
cnt_1_func 12:8 0x0 Function number for event 6/1D, if located in counter 1.
cnt_0_tag 7:5 0x0 Tag number for event 6/1D, if located in counter 0.
cnt_0_func 4:0 0x0 Function number for event 6/1D, if located in counter 0.
Field Bit(s) Initial
Value Description
START 31 0b Start indication of 3GIO statistic counters.
STOP 30 0b Stop indication of 3GIO statistic counters.
RESET 29 0b Reset indication of 3GIO statistic counters.
EN 28 0b Enable two 64-bit counters instead of four 32-bit counters.
TEST 27 0b Test Bit
Forward counters for testability.
RESERVED 26:4 0x0 Reserved
EN_3 3 0b Enable 3GIO statistic counter number 3.
EN_2 2 0b Enable 3GIO statistic counter number 2.
EN_1 1 0b Enable 3GIO statistic counter number 1.
EN_0 0 0b Enable 3GIO statistic counter number 0.
Driver Programing Interface—82574 GbE Controller 3GIO Statistic Control Registers #2- GSCL_2 (0x05B14; RW)
This counter contains the mapping of the event (which counter counts what event). 3GIO Statistic Control Register #3 - GSCL_3 (0x05B18; RW)
This counter holds the threshold values needed for some of the event counting. Note
that the event increases only after the value passes the threshold boundary. 3GIO Statistic Control Register #4 - GSCL_4 (0x05B1C; RW)
This counter holds the threshold values needed for some of the event counting. Note
that the event increases only after the value passes the threshold boundary. 3GIO Statistic Counter Registers #0 - GSCN_0 (0x05B20; RW) 3GIO Statistic Counter Registers #1- GSCN_1 (0x0 5B24; RW) 3GIO Statistic Counter Registers #2- GSCN_2 (0x05B28; RW)
Field Bit(s) Initial
Value Description
NUM_3 31:24 0x0 The event number that counter 3 counts
NUM_2 23:16 0x0 The event number that counter counts
NUM_1 15:8 0x0 The event number that counter counts
NUM_0 7:0 0x0 The event number that counter counts
Field Bit(s) Initial
Value Description
GIO_FC_TH_0 11:0 0x0 Threshold of flow control credits.
Optional values: 0 = (256-1).
RESERVED 15:12 0x0 Reserved
GIO_FC_TH_1 27:16 0x0 Threshold of flow control credits.
Optional values: 0 = (256-1).
RESERVED 31:28 0x0 Reserved
Field Bit(s) Initial
Value Description
RESERVED 31:16 0x0 Reserved
GIO_RB_TH 15:10 0x0 Retry buffer threshold.
TH 9:0 0x0 Completions latency threshold.
82574 GbE Controller—Driver Programing Interface
304 3 GIO Statistic Counter Registers #3- GSCN_3 (0x05B2C; RW) So ftware Semaphore Register - SWSM (0x05B50; RW) 3GPIO Control Register 2 - GCR2 (0x05B64; RW) M SI—X PBA Clear - PBACLR (0x5B68; R W1C)
Field Bit(s) Initial
Value Description
Reserved 0 1b Reserved
Software EEPROM Semaphore Bit
This bit should be set only by the software device driver (read only to
The software device driver should set this bit and then read it to see if
it was set. If it was set, it means that the software device driver can
read/write from/to the EEPROM.
The software device driver should clear this bit when finishing its
EEPROM’s access.
Hardware clears this bit on GIO soft reset.
Reserved 2 0b Reserved
Reserved 3 0b Reserved
Reserved 31:4 0x0 Reserved
Field Bit(s) Initial
Value Description
Reserved 31:1 0x0 Reserved
Reserved 0 0b Reserved. Must be set to 1b by software during initialization.
Field Bit(s) Initial
Value Description
PENBIT 4:0 0x0 MSI-X Pending bit Clear
Writing a 1b to any bit clears the corresponding MSIXPBA bit; writing
0b has no effect.
Reserved 31:5 0x0 Reserved
Driver Programing Interface—82574 GbE Controller Statistic Event Mapping
Transaction layer Events Event
(Hex) Description
Dwords of Transaction Layer Packet
(TLP) transmitted (transferred to the
physical layer), include payload and
Each 125 MHz cycle the counter increases by 1 (1
Dword) or 2 (2 Dwords).
Counted: completion, memory, message (not
All types of transmitted packets. 1
Only TLP packets. Each cycle, the co unter increase by
1 if TLP packet was transmitted to the link.
Counted: completion, memory, message (not
Transmit TLP packets of function #0 2
Each cycle, the counter increases by 1, if the pa cket
was transmitted.
Counted: memory, message of function 0 (not
Transmit TLP packets of function #1 3
Each cycle, the counter increases by 1, if the pa cket
was transmitted.
Counted: memory, message of function 1 (not
Non posted transmit TLP packets of
function #0 4Each cycle, the coun ter increases by 1, if the packet
was transmitted.
Counted: memory (np) of function 0 (not replied).
Non posted transmit TLP packets of
function #1 5Each cycle, the coun ter increases by 1, if the packet
was transmitted.
Counted: memory (np) of function 1 (not replied).
Transmit TLP packets of function X and
tag Y, according to FUNC_TAG register 6
Each cycle, the counter increases by 1, if the pa cket
was transmitted.
Counted: memory, message for a given func# and
tag# (not replied).
All types of received packets (TLP only) 1A
Each cycle, the counter increases by 1, if the pa cket
was received.
Counted: completion (only good), memory, I/O,
Receive TLP packets of function #0 1B Each cycle, the c ounter in creases b y 1, if the p acket
was received.
Counted: good completions of func#0.
Reserved 1C Reserved
Receive completion packets 1D
Each cycle, the counter increases by 1, if the pa cket
was received.
Counted: good completions for a given func# and
Clock counter 20 Counts gio cycles.
Bad TLP from LL 21 Each cycle, the counter increases by 1, if a bad TLP is
received (bad CRC, error reported by AL, misplaced
special char, reset in thI of received TLP).
Header Dwords of transaction layer
packet transmitted. 25
Only TLP, each 125 MHz cycle the counter increases
by 1 (1 Dword of header) or 2 (2 Dwords of the
Counted: completion, memory, message (not
Header Dwords of Transaction layer
packet received. 26
Only TLP, each 125 MHz cycle the counter increases
by 1 (1 Dword of header) or 2 (2 Dwords of the
Counted: completion, memory, message.
82574 GbE Controller—Driver Programing Interface
Transaction layer Events Event
(Hex) Description
T r ansaction layer stalls transmitting due
to lack of flow control credits of the next
part. 27
The counter counts the number of times the
transaction layer stops transmitting because of this
(per packet).
Counted: completion, memory, message.
Retransmitted packets. 28 The counter increases for each re-transmitted
Counted: completion, memory, message.
Stall due to retry buffer full 29
The counter counts the number of times transaction
layer stops t ransmitting because the retry buffer is
full (per packet).
Counted: completion, memory, message.
Retry buffer is under threshold 2A Threshold specified by soft ware, Retry buffer is under
threshold per packet.
Counted: completion, memory, message.
Posted Request Header (PRH) flow
control credits (of the next part) below
threshold 2B
Threshold specified by software.
The counter increases each time the number of the
specific flow control credits is lower than the
Counted: According to credit type.
Posted Request Data (PRD) flow control
credits (of the next part) below
threshold 2C
Non-Posted Request Header (NPRH)
flow control credits (of the next part)
below threshold 2D
Completion Header (CPLH) flow control
credits (of the next part) below
threshold 2E
Completion Data (CPLD) flow control
credits (of the next part) below
threshold 2F
Posted Request Header (PRH) flow
control credits (of local part) get to
zero. 30
Threshold specified by software.
The counter increases each time the number of the
specific flow control credits reaches the val ue of zero.
(The period that the credit is zero is not counted).
Counted: According to credit type.
Non-Posted Request Header (NPRH)
flow control credits (of local part) ge t to
zero. 31
Posted Request Data (PRD) flow control
credits (of local part) get to zero. 32
Non-Posted Request Data (NPRD) flow
control credits (of local part) get to
zero. 33
Dwords of TLP received, include payload
and header. 34 Each 125 MHz cycle the counter increases by 1 (1
Dword) or 2 (2 Dwords).
Counted: completion, memory, message, I/O, config.
Messages packets received 35 Each 125 MHz cycle the counter increases by 1.
Counted: messages (only good).
Received packets to func_logic. 36 Each 125 MHz cycle the counter increases by 1.
Counted: memory, I/O, config (only good).
Driver Programing Interface—82574 GbE Controller
Host Arbiter Events Event
Mapping Description
Average latency of read requ est – from
initialization until end of completions.
Estimated latency is ~5 s40 + 41
Software selects the client that needs to be tested.
The statistic counter counts the number of read
requests of the required client.
In addition, the accumulated time of all requests are
saved in a time accumulator.
The average time for read request is:
[Accumulated time/number of read requests].
(Event 41 is for the counter).
Average latency of read request RTT
from initialization until the first
completion is arrived (round trip time).
Estimated latency is 1 s
42 + 43
Software selects the client that needs to be tested.
The statistic counter counts the number of read
requests of the required client.
In addition, the accumulated time of all RTT are
saved in a time accumulator.
The average time for read request is:
[Accumulated time/number of read requests].
(Event 43 is for the counter).
Requests that reached time out. 44 Number of requests that reached time out.
Completion latency above threshold 45 + 46
Software selects the client that needs to be tested.
Software programs the required threshold (in
GSCL_4 – units of 96 ns).
One statistic counter counts the time from the
beginning of the request until end of completions.
The other counter counts the number of events.
If the time is above threshold – add 1 to the event
(Event 46 is for the counter).
Completion Latency above Threshold –
for RTT 47 + 48
Software selects the client that needs to be tested.
Software programs the required threshold (in
GSCL_4 – units of 96 ns).
One statistic counter counts the time from the
beginning of the request until first completion arrival.
The other counter counts the number of events.
If the time is above threshold – add 1 to the event
(Event 48 is for the counter).
Link Layer Events Event
Mapping Description
Dwords of the packet transmitted
(transferred to the physical layer),
include payload and header. 50
Include DLLP (Link layer packets) and TLP
(transaction layer packets transmitted.
Each 125 MHz cycle the counter increases by 1 (1
Dword) or 2 (2 Dwords).
Dwords of packet received (transferred
to the physical layer), include payload
and header. 51
Include DLLP (Link layer packets) and TLP
(transaction layer packets transmitted.
Each 125 MHz cycle the counter increases by 1 (1
Dword) or 2 (2 Dwords).
All types of DLLP packets transmitted
from link layer. 52 Each cycle, the counter increases by 1, if DLLP packet
was transmitted.
Flow control DLLP tran smitted from link
layer. 53 Each cycle, the counter increases by 1, if message
was transmitted
Ack DLLP transmitted. 54 Each cycle, the counter increase s by 1, if message
was transmitted.
All types of DLLP packets received. 55 Each cycle, the counter increases by 1, if D LLP was
82574 GbE Controller—Driver Programing Interface
10.2.4 Interrupt Register Descriptions Interrupt Cause Read Register - ICR (0x000C0; RC/WC)
Link Layer Events Event
Mapping Description
Flow control DLLP received in link layer. 56 Each cycle, the counter increases by 1, if message
was received.
Ack DLLP received. 57 Each cycle, the counter increases by 1, if message
was received.
Nack DLLP received. 58 Each cycle, the counter increases by 1, if message
was transmitted.
Field Bit(s) Initial
Value Description
TXDW 0 0b
Transmit Descriptor Written Back
Set when hardware processes a descriptor with RS set. If using
delayed interrupts (IDE set), the interrupt is dela yed until after one of
the delayed-timers (TIDV or TADV) expires.
TXQE 1 0b
Transmit Queue Empty
Set when the last descriptor block for a transmit queue has been
used. When configured to use more than one transmit queue this
interrupt indication is issued if one of the queues is empty and is not
cleared until all the queues have valid descriptors.
LSC 2 0b
Link Status Change
This bit is set whenever the link status changes (either from up to
down, or from down to up). This bit is affected by the link indication
from the PHY.
Reserved 3 0b Reserved
RXDMT0 4 0b
Receive Descriptor Minimum Threshold Hit.
This bit indicates that the number of receive descriptors has reached
the minimum threshold as set in RCTL.RDMTS. This indicates to the
software to load more receive descriptors.
Reserved 5 0b Reserved
RXO 6 0b
Receiver Overrun
Set on receive data FIFO overrun. Could be caused either because
there are no available buffers or because PCIe receive bandwid th is
RXT0 7 0b Receiver Timer Interrupt
Set when the timer expires.
Reserved 8 0b Reserved
MDAC 9 0b MDIO Access Complete
Set when MDIO access completes. See Section for details.
Reserved 14:10 0x0 Reserved
TXD_LOW 15 0b
Transmit Descriptor Low Threshold Hit
Indicates that the number of descriptors in the transmit descriptor
ring has reached the lev el specified in the Transmit Descriptor Control
SRPD 16 0b
Small Receive Packet Detected
Indicat es that a pa cket of size < RSRPD.SIZE has b e en detected and
transferred to host memory. The interrupt is only asserted if
RSRPD.SIZE register has a non-zero value.
Driver Programing Interface—82574 GbE Controller
This register contains all interrupt conditions for the 82574. Whenever an interrupt
causing event occurs, the corresponding interrupt bit is set in this register. A PCIe
interrupt is generated whenever one of the bits in this register is set, and the
corresponding interrupt is enabled via the Interrupt Mask Set/Read register.
Whenever an interrupt causing event occurs, all timers of delayed interrupts are
cleared and their cause event is set in the ICR.
Reading from the ICR register has different effects according to the following three
Case 1 - Interrupt Mask register equals 0x0000 (mask all): ICR content is cleared.
Case 2 - Interrupt was asserted (ICR.INT_ASSER T=1) and auto mask is active: ICR
content is cleared, and the IAM register is written to the IMC register.
Case 3 - Interrupt was not asserted (ICR.INT_ASSERT=0): R ead has no side affect.
W riting a 1b to any bit in the register also clears that bit. Writing a 0b to any bit has no
effect on that bit.
Note: The INT_ASSERTED bit is a special case. Writing a 1b or 0b to this bit has no affect. It
is cleared only when all interrupt sources are cleared.
ACK 17 0b Receive ACK Frame Detected
Indicates that an ACK frame has been received and the timer in
RAID.ACK_DELAY has expired.
MNG 18 0b
Manageability Event Detected
Indicates that a manageability event happened. When the device is at
power down mode, PME might be generated for the same events that
would cause an interrupt when the device is at the D0 state.
Reserved 19 0b Reserved
RxQ0 20 0b Receive Queue 0 Interrupt
Indicates Receive queue 0 write back or receive queue 0 descriptor
minimum threshold hit.
RxQ1 21 0b Receive Queue 1 Interrupt
Indicates Receive queue 1 write back or receive queue 1 descriptor
minimum threshold hit.
TxQ0 22 0b Transmit Queue 0 Interrupt
Indicates transmit queue 0 write back.
TxQ1 23 0b Transmit Queue 1 Interrupt
Indicates transmit queue 1 write back.
Other 24 0b
Other Interrupt. Indicates one of the following interrupts was set:
Link Status Change.
Receiver Overrun.
MDIO Access Complete.
Small Receive Packet Detected.
Receive ACK Frame Detected.
Manageability Event Detected.
Reserved 30:25 0x0 Reserved
Reads as 0x0.
Interrupt Asserted
This bit is set when the LAN port has a pending interrupt. If the
interrupt is enabled in the PCI configuration space, an interrupt is
Field Bit(s) Initial
Value Description
82574 GbE Controller—Driver Programing Interface
310 Interrupt Throttling Register - ITR (0x000C4; R/W)
Software can use this register to prevent the condition of repeated, closely spaced,
interrupts to the host CPU, asserted by the 82574, by guaranteeing a minimum delay
between successive interrupts.
To independently validate configuration settings, software can use the following
algorithm to convert the inter-interrupt interval value to the common interrupts/sec
performance metric:
interrupts/sec = (256 x 10-9sec x interval)-1
For example, if the interval is progr ammed to 500 (decimal), the 82574 guarantees the
CPU is not interrupted by it for 128 s from the last interrupt. The maximum observ able
interrupt rate from the 82574 should never exceed 7813 interrupts/sec.
Inversely, inter-interrupt interval value can be calculated as:
inter-interrupt interval = (256 x 10-9sec x interrupts/sec) -1
The optimal performance setting for this register is very system and configuration
specific. An initial suggested range is 651- 5580 decimal (or 0x28B - 0x15CC). Extended Interrupt Throttle - EITR (0x000E8 + 4 *n[n = 0..4]; R/W)
Each EITR is responsible for an MSI-X interrupt cause. The allocation of EITR-to-
interrupt cause is through the IVAR registers.
Software can use this register to prevent the condition of repeated, closely spaced,
interrupts to the host CPU, asserted by the network controller, by guaranteeing a
minimum delay between successive interrupts.
Field Bit(s) Initial
Value Description
INTERVAL 15:0 0x0 Minimum Inter-Interrupt Intervall
The interval is specified in 256 ns increments. Zero disables interrup t
throttling logic.
Reserved 31:16 0x0 Reserved
Should be written with 0x0 to ensure future compatibility.
Field Bit(s) Initial
Value Description
INTERVAL 15:0 0x0
Minimum Inter-Interrupt Interval
The interval is specified in 256 ns increments. Zero disables interrup t
throttling logic.
Reserved 31:16 0x0 Reserved
Should be written with 0x0 to ensure future compatibility.
Driver Programing Interface—82574 GbE Controller Interrupt Cause Set Register - ICS (0x000C8; W)
Software uses this register to set an interrupt condition. Any bit written with a 1b sets
the corresponding interrupt. This results in the corresponding bit being set in the
Interrupt Cause Read register (see Section A PCIe interrupt is also
generated if one of the bits in this register is set and the corresponding interrupt is
enabled via the Interrupt Mask Set/Read register (see Section
Bits written with 0b are unchanged.
Field Bit(s) Initial
Value Description
TXDW 0 X Sets Transmit Descriptor Written Back
TXQE 1 X Sets Transmit Queue Empty
LSC 2 X Sets Link Status Change.
Reserved 3 X Reserved
RXDMT0 4 X Sets Receive Descriptor Minimum Threshold Hit
Reserved 5 X Reserved
RXO 6 X Sets Receiver Overrun
Set on receive data FIFO overrun.
RXT0 7 X Sets Receiver Timer Interrupt
reserved 8 X Reserved
MDAC 9 X Sets MDIO Access Complete Interrupt
Reserved 10 X Reserved
Reserved 11 X Reserved
Reserved 12 X Reserved
Reserved 14:13 X Reserved
TXD_LOW 15 X Transmit Descriptor Low Threshold Hit
SRPD 16 X Small Receive Packet Detected and Transferred
ACK 17 X Sets Receive ACK F rame Detected
MNG 18 X Sets Manageability Event
Reserved 19 X Reserved
RxQ0 20 0 Sets Receive Queue 0 Interrupt
RxQ1 21 0 Sets Receive Queue 1 Interrupt
TxQ0 22 0 Sets Transmit Queue 0 Interrupt
TxQ1 23 0 Sets Transmit Queue 1 Interrupt
Other 24 0 Sets Other Interrupt
Reserved 31:25 X Reserved
Should be written with 0x0 to ensure future compatibility
82574 GbE Controller—Driver Programing Interface
312 Interrupt Mask Set/Read Register - IMS (0x000D0; RW)
Reading this register returns which bits have an interrupt mask set. An interrupt is
enabled if its corresponding mask bit is set to 1b, and disabled if its corresponding
mask bit is set to 0b. A PCIe interrupt is generated whenever one of the bits in this
register is set, and the corresponding interrupt condition occurs. The occurrence of an
interrupt condition is reflected by having a bit set in the Interrupt Cause Read register
(see Section
A particular interrupt can be enabled by writing a 1b to the corresponding mask bit in
this register. Any bits written with a 0b, are unchanged. Thus, if software desires to
disable a particular interrupt condition that had been previously enabled, it must write
to the Interrupt Mask Clear register (see Section, rather than wr iting a 0b to
a bit in this register.
When the CTRL_EXT.INT_TIMERS_CLEAR_ENA bit is set, then following writing all 1b's
to the IMS register (enable all interrupts) all interrupt timers are cleared to their initial
value. This auto clear provides the required latency before the next INT event.
Field Bit(s) Initial
Value Description
TXDW 0 0b Sets the mask for transmit descriptor written back.
TXQE 1 0b Sets the mask for transmit queue empty.
LSC 2 0b Sets the mask for link status change.
Reserved 3 0b Reserved
RXDMT0 4 0b Sets the mask for receive descriptor minimum threshold hit.
Reserved 5 0b Reserved.
RXO 6 0b Sets mask for receiver overrun. Set on receive data FIFO overrun.
RXT0 7 0b Sets mask for receiver timer interrupt.
reserved 8 0b Reserved
MDAC 9 0b Sets mask for MDIO access complete interrupt.
Reserved 10 0b Reserved
Reserved 11 0b Reserved
Reserved 12 0b Reserved
Reserved 14:13 0x0 Reserved
TXD_LOW 15 0b Sets the mask for transmit descriptor low threshold hit.
SRPD 16 0b Sets the mask for small receive packet detection.
ACK 17 0b Sets the mask forreceive ACK frame detection.
MNG 18 X Sets a manageability event.
Reserved 19 X Reserved
RxQ0 20 0b Sets the mask for receive queue 0 inter rupt.
RxQ1 21 0b Sets the mask for receive queue 1 inter rupt.
TxQ0 22 0b Sets the mask for transmit queue 0 interr upt.
TxQ1 23 0b Sets the mask for transmit queue 1 interr upt.
Other 24 0b Sets the mask for other interrupt.
Reserved 31:25 x0 Reserved
Should be written with 0x0 to ensure future compatibility.
Driver Programing Interface—82574 GbE Controller Interrupt Mask Clear Register - IMC (0x000D8; W)
Software uses this register to disable an interrupt. Interrupts are presented to the bus
interface only when the mask bit is 1b and the cause bit is 1b. The status of the mask
bit is reflected in the Interrupt Mask Set/Read register (see Section, and the
status of the cause bit is reflected in the Interrupt Cause Read register (see
Software blocks interrupts by clearing the corresponding mask bit. This is accomplished
by writing a 1b to the corresponding bit in this register. Bits written with 0b are
unchanged (for example, their mask status does not change).
In summary, the sole purpose of this register is to enable software a way to disable
certain, or all, interrupts. Software disables a given interrupt by writing a 1b to the
corresponding bit in this register.
Field Bit(s) Initial
Value Description
TXDW 0 0b Clears the mask for transmit descriptor written back.
TXQE 1 0b Clears the mask for transmit queue empty.
LSC 2 0b Clears the mask for link status change.
Reserved 3 0b Reserved
RXDMT0 4 0b Clears the mask for receive descriptor minimum threshold hit.
Reserved 5 0b Reserved
Reads as 0b.
RXO 6 0b Clears the mask for receiver overrun. Set on receive data FIFO
RXT0 7 0b Clears the mask for receiver timer interrupt.
reserved 8 0b Reserved
MDAC 9 0b Clears the mask for MDIO access complete interrupt.
Reserved 10 0b Reserved
Reserved 11 0b Reserved
Reads as 0b.
Reserved 12 0b Reserved
Reserved 14:13 00b Reserved
TXD_LOW 15 0b Clears the mask for transmit descriptor low threshold hit.
SRPD 16 0b Clears the mask for small receive packet detect interrupt.
ACK 17 0 Clears the mask for receive ACK frame detect interrupt.
MNG 18 X Clears the mask for a manageability event.
Reserved 19 X Reserved
RxQ0 20 0 Clears the mask for receive queue 0 interrupt.
RxQ1 21 0 Clears the mask for receive queue 1 interrupt.
TxQ0 22 0 Clears the mask for transmit queue 0 interrupt.
TxQ1 23 0 Clears the mask for transmit queue 1 interrupt.
Other 24 0 Clears the mask for other interrupt.
Reserved 31:25 0 Reserved
Should be written with 0x0 to ensure future compatibility.
82574 GbE Controller—Driver Programing Interface
314 Interrup t Auto Clear- EIAC (0x000 DC; RW) Interrupt Acknowledge AutoMask - IAM (0x000E0; RW) Interrup t Vector Allocation Registers - IVAR (0x000E4; RW)
This register is only valid in MSI-X mode. It defines the allocation of the different
interrupt causes to one of the MSI-X vectors. Each INT_Alloc[i] (i=0…4) field is
indexing an entry in the MSI-X table structure and MSI-X PBA structure.
Field Bit(s) Initial
Value Description
Reserved 19:0 0x0 Reserved
EIAC_VALUE 24:20 0x0
Auto clear bits for the corresponding bits of ICR.
This register is relevant to MSI -X mode only, where read-to-clear can
not be used, as it might er ase causes tied to o ther vectors. If an y bits
are set in EIAC, the ICR reg ister should not be read. Bits without auto
clear set, need to be cleared with write-to-clear.
Reserved 31:25 0x0 Reserved
Field Bit(s) Initial
Value Description
IAM_VALUE 31:0 0x0 When the CTRL_EXT.IAME bit is set and the ICR.INT_ASSERT=1b, an
ICR read or write has the side effect of writing the contents of this
register to the IMC register.
Field Bit(s) Initial
Value Description
INT_Alloc[0] 2:0 0x0
Defines the MSI-X vector assigned to the interrupt cause associated
with this entry. Valid values are 0 to 4 for MSI-X mode.
Note: Mapped to Receive Queue 0 (RxQ0). RxQ0 associates an
interrupt occurring in Rx queue 0 with a corresponding entry in the
MSI-X Allocation registers.
INT_Alloc_val[0] 3 0 Enable bit for RxQ0.
INT_Alloc[1] 6:4 0x0
Defines the MSI-X vector assigned to the interrupt cause associated
with this entry. Valid values are 0 to 4 for MSI-X mode.
Note: Mapped to Receive Queue 1 (RxQ1). RxQ1 associates an
interrupt occurring in Rx queue 0 with a corresponding entry in the
MSI-X Allocation registers.
INT_Alloc_val[1] 7 0 Enable bit for RxQ1.
INT_Alloc[2] 10:8 0x0
Defines the MSI-X vector assigned to the interrupt cause associated
with this entry. Valid values are 0 to 4 for MSI-X mode.
Note: Mapped to Transmit Queue 0 (TxQ0). TxQ0 associates an
interrupt occurring in Tx queue 0 with a corresponding entry in the
MSI-X Allocation registers.
INT_Alloc_val[2] 11 0 Enable bit for TxQ0.
INT_Alloc[3] 14:12 0x0
Defines the MSI-X vector assigned to the interrupt cause associated
with this entry. Valid values are 0 to 4 for MSI-X mode.
Note: Mapped to Transmit Queue 1 (TxQ1). TxQ1 associates an
interrupt occurring in Tx queue 1 with a corresponding entry in the
MSI-X Allocation registers.
INT_Alloc_val[3] 15 0 Enable bit for TxQ1.
Driver Programing Interface—82574 GbE Controller
Note: If invalid values are written to the INT_Alloc fields the result is unexpected.
10.2.5 Receive Register Descriptions Receive Control Register - RCTL (0x00100; RW)
INT_Alloc[4] 18:16 0x0
Defines the MSI-X vector assigned to the interrupt cause associated
with this entry. Valid values are 0 to 4 for MSI-X mode.
Note: Mapped to Other Cause. Other Cause associates an interrupt
issued by other causes with a corresponding entry in the MSI-X
Allocation registers.
INT_Alloc_val[4] 19 0 Enable bit for Other Cause.
Reserved 30:20 0x0 Reserved
_WB 31 0b If set, Tx interrupts occur on every write back, regardless of the RS
Field Bit(s) Initial
Value Description
Reserved 0 0b
This bit represented as a hardware reset of the receive-rel ated
portion of the device in previous controllers, but is no longer
applicable. Only a full device reset CTRL.RST is supported. W rite as 0b
for future compatibility.
EN 1 0b
The receiver is enabled when this bit is set to 1b. Writing this bit to
0b, stops reception after receipt of any in progress packet. All
subsequent packets are then immediately dropped until this bit is set
to 1b.
SBP 2 0b
Store Bad Packets
0b = Do not store
1b = Store.
Note that CRC errors before the SFD are ignored. Any packet must
have a valid SFD (RX_DV with no RX_ER in the GMII/MII i/f) in order
to be recognized by the device (even bad packets).
Note: Bad packets are not routed to manageability even if this bit is
UPE 3 0b Unicast Promiscuous Enable
0b = Disabled.
1b = Enabled.
MPE 4 0b Multicast Promiscuous Enable
0b = Disabled.
1b = Enabled.
LPE 5 0b Long Packet Enable.
0b = Disabled.
1b = Enabled.
LBM 7:6 00b
Loopback mode
Should always be set to 00b.
00b = Normal operation (or PHY loopback in GMII/MII mode).
01b = MAC Loopbac k (test mode).
10b = Undefined.
11b = Undefined.
Field Bit(s) Initial
Value Description
82574 GbE Controller—Driver Programing Interface
RDMTS 9:8 00b
Receive Descriptor Minimum Threshold Size
The corresponding interrupt is set whenever the fractional number of
free descriptors becomes equa l to RDMTS. Table 78 lists which
fractional values correspond to RDMTS values. See Section
for details regarding RDLEN.
DTYP 11:10 00b
Descripto r Type
00b = Legacy descriptor type.
01b = Packet split descriptor type.
10b = Reserved.
11b = Reserved.
MO 13:12 00b
Multicast Offset
This determines which bits of the incoming multicast address are used
in looking up the bit vector.
00b = [47:36].
01b = [46:35].
10b = [45:34].
11b = [43:32].
Reserved 14 0b Reserved
BAM 15 0b
Broadca st Accept Mode
0b = Ignore broadcast packets (unless they pass through exact or
imperfect filters).
1b = Accept broadcast packets.
BSIZE 17:16 0b
Receive Buffer Size
If RCTL.BSEX = 0b:
00b = 2048 bytes.
01b = 1024 bytes.
10b = 512 bytes.
11b = 256 bytes.
If RCTL.BSEX = 1b:
00b = reserved; software should not set to this value.
01b = 16384 bytes.
10b = 8192 bytes.
11b = 4096 bytes.
BSIZE is only used when DTYP = 00b. When DTYP = 01b, the buffer
sizes for the descriptor are controlled by fields in the PSRCTL register.
BSIZE is not relevant when FLXBUF is different from 0x0, in that case,
FLXBUF determines the buffer size.
VFE 18 0b
VLAN Filter Enable.
0b = Disabled (filter table does not decide packet acceptance).
1b = Enabled (filter table decides packet acceptance for 802.1Q
CFIEN 19 0b
Canonical Form Indicator Enable
0b = Disabled (CFI bit not compared to decide packet acceptance).
1b = Enabled (CFI from packet must match next field to accept
802.1Q packets).
CFI 20 0b Canonical Form Indicator Bit Value
If CFI is set, then 802.1Q packets with CFI equal to this field are
accepted; otherwise, the 802.1Q packet is discarded.
Reserved 21 0b Reserved
Should be written with 0b to ensure future compatibility.
Field Bit(s) Initial
Value Description
Driver Programing Interface—82574 GbE Controller
LPE controls whether long packet reception is permitted. Hardware discards long
packets if LPE is 0b. A long packet is one longer than 1522 bytes.
RDMTS[1,0] determines the threshold value for free receive descriptors according to
the following table:
Table 78. RDMTS Values
BSIZE controls the size of the receive buffers and permits software to trade-off
descriptor performance versus required storage space. Buffers that are 2048 bytes
require only one descriptor per receive packet maximizing descriptor efficiency. Buffers
that are 256 bytes maximize memory efficiency at a cost of multiple descriptors for
packets longer than 256 bytes.
Three bits control the VLAN filter table. The first determines whether the table
participates in the packet acceptance criteria. The next two are used to decide whether
the CFI bit found in the 802.1Q packet should be used as part of the acceptance
DPF controls the DMA function of flow contro l packets addressed to the station address
(RAH/L[0]). If a packet is a valid flow control packet and is addressed to the station
address it is not DMA'd to host memory if DPF=1b.
DPF 22 0b
Discard Pause Frames
Any valid pause frame is discar ded regardless of whether it matches
any of the filter registers.
0b = Incoming frames subject to filter comparison.
1b = Incoming pause frames ignored even if they match filter
PMCF 23 0b
Pass MAC Control Frames
0b = Do not (specially) pass MAC control frames.
1b = Pass any MAC control frame (type field value of 0x8808) that
does not contain the pause opcode of 0x0001.
Reserved 24 0b Reserved
Should be written with 0b to ensure future compatibility.
BSEX 25 0b Buffer Size Extension
Modifies the buffer size indication (BSIZE). When set to 1b, the
original BSIZE values are multiplied by 16.
SECRC 26 0b Strip Ethernet CRC from incoming packet.
Do not DMA to host memory.
FLXBUF 30:27 0x0
Determines a flexible buffer size. When this field is 0x0000, the buffer
size is determined by BSIZE. If this field is different from 0x0000, the
receive buffer size is the number represented in KB. For example,
0x0001 = 1 KB (1024 bytes).
Reserved 31 0b Reserved
Should be written with 0b to ensure future compatibility.
Field Bit(s) Initial
Value Description
RDMTS Free Buff er Thr eshold
00b 1/2
01b 1/4
10b 1/8
11b Reserved
82574 GbE Controller—Driver Programing Interface
PMCF controls the DMA function of MAC control frames (other than flow control). A MAC
control frame in this context must be addressed to either the MAC control frame
multicast address or the station address, match the type field and NOT match the
pause op-code of 0x0001. If PMCF=1b then frames meeting this criteria are DMA'd to
host memor y.
The SECRC bit controls whether the hardware strips the Ethernet CRC from the
received packet. This stripping occurs prior to any check sum calculations. The stripped
CRC is not DMA'd to host memory and is not included in the length reported in the
descriptor. Pa cket Split Receive Control Register - PSRCTL (0x02170; RW)
Note: If software sets a buffer size to zero, all buffers following that one must be set to zero
as well. Pointers in the receive descriptors to buffers with a zero size should be set to
null pointers.
Field Bit(s) Initial
Value Description
BSIZE0 6:0 0x2
Receive Buffer Size for Buffer 0.
The value is in 128-byte resolution. Value can be from 128 bytes to
16256 bytes (15.875 KB). Default buffer size is 256 bytes. Software
should not program this field to a zero value.
Rsv 7 0b Reserved
Should be written with 0b to ensure future compatibility.
BSIZE1 13:8 0x4
Receive Buffer Size for Buffer 1.
The value is in 1 KB resolution. Value can be from 1 KB to 63 KB.
Default buffer size is 4 KB. Softw are should not progr am this field to a
zero value.
Rsv 15:14 00b Reserved
Should be written with 00b to ensure future compatibility.
BSIZE2 21:16 0x4
Receive Buffer Size for Buffer 2.
The value is in 1 KB resolution. Value can be from 1 KB to 63 KB.
Default buffer size is 4 KB. Software can program this field to any
Rsv 23:22 00b Reserved
Should be written with 00b to ensure future compatibility.
BSIZE3 29:24 0x0
Receive Buffer Size for Buffer 3
The value is in 1 KB resolution. Value can be from 1 KB to 63 KB.
Default buffer size is 0 KB. Software can program this field to any
Rsv 31:30 00b Reserved
Should be written with 0b to ensure future compatibility.
Driver Programing Interface—82574 GbE Controller Flow Control Receive Threshold Low - FCRTL (0x02160; RW)
This register contains the receive threshold used to determine when to send an XON
packet. It counts in units of bytes. The lower 3 bits must be programmed to zero (8-
byte granularity). Software must set XONE to enable the transmission of XON frames.
Whenever hardware crosses the receive high threshold (becoming more full), and then
crosses the receive low threshold and XONE is enabled (= 1b), hardware transmits an
XON frame.
Note: Note that flow control reception/transmission are negotiated capabilities by the auto-
negotiation process. When the device is manually configured, flow control operation is
determined by the RFCE and TFCE bits of the Device Control register.
Note: This register's address has been moved from where it was located in previous devices.
However, for backwards compatibility, this register can also be accessed at its alias
offset of 0x00168. Flow Control Receive Threshold High - FCRTH (0x02168; RW)
This register contains the receive threshold used to determine when to send an XOFF
packet. It counts in units of bytes. This value must be at least 8 bytes less than the
maximum number of bytes allocated to the Receive Packet Buffer ( PBA.R X A) , and the
lower 3 bits must be programmed to zero (8-byte granularity). Whenever the receive
FIFO reaches the fullness indicated by RTH, hardware transmits a pause frame if the
transmission of flow control frames is enabled.
Note: Note that flow control reception/transmission are negotiated capabilities by the auto-
negotiation process. When the device is manually configured, flow control operation is
determined by the RFCE and TFCE bits of the Device Control register.
Field Bit(s) Initial
Value Description
Reserved 2:0 0x0 Reserved
The underlying bits might not be implemented in all versions of the
chip. Must be written with 0x0.
RTL 15:3 0x0 Receive Threshold Low
FIFO low water mark for flow control transmission.
Reserved 30:16 0x0 Reserved
Reads as 0x0. Should be written to 0x0 for future compatibility.
XONE 31 0b XON Enable
0b = Disabled.
1b = Enabled.
Field Bit(s) Initial
Value Description
Reserved 2:0 0x0 Reserved
The underlying bits might not be implemented in all versions of the
chip. Must be written with 0x0.
RTH 15:3 0x0 Receive Threshold High
FIFO high water mark for flow control transmission.
Reserved 31:16 0x0 Reserved
Reads as 0b. Should be written to 0b for future compatibility.
82574 GbE Controller—Driver Programing Interface
Note: This register's address has been moved from where it was located in previous devices.
However, for backwards compatibility, this register can also be accessed at its alias
offset of 0x00160. Receive Descriptor Base Address Low - RDBAL (0x02800 +
n*0x100[n=0..1]; R W)
This register contains the lower bits of the 64-bit descriptor base address. The lower 4
bits are always ignored. The Receive Descriptor Base Address must point to a 16-byte
aligned block of data.
Note: This register's address has been moved from where it was located in previous devices.
However, for backwards compatibility, this register can also be accessed at its alias
offset of 0x00110. Receive D escriptor Base Address High - RDBAH (0x02804 +
n*0x100[n=0..1]; R W)
This register contains the upper 32 bits of the 64-bit descriptor base address.
Note: This register's address has been moved from where it was located in previous devices.
However, for backwards compatibility, this register can also be accessed at its alias
offset of 0x00114. Receive D escriptor Length - RDLEN (0x02808 + n*0x100[n=0..1];
This register sets the number of bytes allocated for descriptors in the circular descriptor
buffer. It must be 128-byte aligned.
Note: This register's address has been moved from where it was located in previous devices.
However, for backwards compatibility, this register can also be accessed at its alias
offset of 0x00118.
Field Bit(s) Initial
Value Description
0 3:0 0x0 Ignored on writes. Returns 0b on reads.
RDBAL 31:4 X Receive Descriptor Base Address Low
Field Bit(s) Initial
Value Description
RDBAH 31:0 X Receive Descriptor Base Address [63:32]
Field Bit(s) Initial
Value Description
0 6:0 0x0 Ignore on write. Reads back as 0x0.
LEN 19:7 0x0 Descriptor Length
Reserved 31:20 0x0 Reads as 0x0. Should be written to 0x0 for future compatibility.
Driver Programing Interface—82574 GbE Controller Receive Descriptor Head - RDH (0x02810 + n*0x100[n=0..1]; RW)
This register contains the head pointer for the receive descriptor buffer. The register
points to a 16-byte datum. Hardware controls the pointer. The only time that software
should write to this register is after a reset (hardware reset or CTRL.RST) and before
enabling the receive function (RCTL.EN). If software were to write to this register while
the receive function was enabled, the on-chip descriptor buffers might be invalidated
and the hardware could be become unstable.
Note: This register's address has been moved from where it was located in previous devices.
However, for backwards compatibility, this register can also be accessed at its alias
offset of 0x00120. Receive Descriptor Tail - RDT (0x02818 + n*0x100[n=0..1]; RW)
This register contains the tail pointers for the receive descriptor buffer. The register
points to a 16-byte datum. Software writes the tail register to add receive descriptors
to the hardware free list for the ring.
Note: This register's address has been moved from where it was located in previous devices.
However, for backwards compatibility, this register can also be accessed at its alias
offset of 0x00128. Rx Interrupt Delay Timer [Packet Timer] - RDTR (0 x02820; RW)
This register is used to delay interrupt notification for the receive descriptor ring by
coalescing interrupts for multiple received packets. Delaying interrupt notification helps
maximize the number of receive packets serviced by a single interrupt.
Field Bit(s) Initial
Value Description
RDH 15:0 0x0 Receive Descriptor Head
Reserved 31:16 0x0 Reserved
Should be written with 0x0
Field Bit(s) Initial
Value Description
RDT 15:0 0x0 Receive Descriptor Tail
Reserved 31:16 0x0 Reads as 0x0. Should be written to 0x0 for future compatibility.
Field Bit(s) Initial
Value Description
Delay 15:0 0x0 Receive packet delay timer measured in increments of 1.024 s.
Reserved 30:16 0x0 Reserved
Reads as 0x0
FPD 31 0x0 Flush Partial Descriptor Block
When set to 1b, flushes the partial descriptor block; ignored
otherwise. Reads 0b.
82574 GbE Controller—Driver Programing Interface
This feature operates by initiating a countdown timer upon successfully receiving each
packet to system memory. If a subsequent packet is received before the timer expires,
the timer is re-initialized to the programmed value and re-starts its countdown. If the
timer expires due to not having received a subsequent packet within the programmed
interval, pending receive descriptor write backs are flushed and a receive timer
interrupt is generated.
Setting the value to zero represents no delay from a receive packet to the interrupt
notification, and results in immediate interrupt notification for each received packet.
Writing this register with FPD set initiates an immediate expiration of the timer, causing
a write back of any consumed receive descriptors pending write back, and results in a
receive timer interrupt in the ICR.
Receive interrupts due to a Receive Absolute Timer (RADV) expiration cancels a
pending RDTR interrupt. The RDTR countdown timer is reloaded but halted, so as to
avoid gener ation of a spurious second interrupt after the RADV has been noted, but can
be restarted by a subsequent received packet.
Note: FPD is self clearing.
Note: This register's address has been moved from where it was located in previous devices.
However, for backwards compatibility, this register can also be accessed at its alias
offset of 0x00108. Receive Descriptor Control - RXDCTL (0x02828 + n*0x100[n=0..1];
Note: Any v alue written to RXDCTL0 is automatically written to RXDCTL1. W rites to RXDCTL1
affects RXDCTL1 only.
This register controls the fetching and write back of receive descriptors. The three
threshold values are used to determine when descriptors are read from and written to
host memory. The values can be in units of cache lines or descriptors (each descriptor
is 16 bytes) based on the GRAN flag. If GRAN=0b (specifications are in cache-line
granularity), the thresholds specified (based on the cache line size specified in the PCIe
header CLS field) must not represent greater than 31 descriptors.
When (WTHRESH = 0b) or (WTHRESH = 1b and GRAN = 1b) only descriptors with the
RS bit set are written back.
Field Bit(s) Initial
Value Description
PTHRESH 5:0 0x00 Prefetch Threshold
Rsv 7:6 0x00 Reserved
HTHRESH 13:8 0x00 Host Threshold
Reserved 14 0b Reserved
Rsv 15 0b Reserved
WTHRESH 21:16 0x01 Write-Back Threshold
Rsv 23:22 00b Reserved
GRAN 24 0b
Units for the thresholds in this register.
0b = Cache lines.
1b = Descriptors.
Rsv 31:25 0x0 Reserved
Driver Programing Interface—82574 GbE Controller
PTHRESH is used to control when a prefetch of descriptors are considered. This
threshold refers to the number of v alid, unprocessed receive descriptors the chip has in
its on-chip buffer. If this number drops below PTHRESH, the algorithm considers pre-
fetching descriptors from host memory. This fetch does not happen however, unless
there are at least HTHRESH valid descriptors in host memory to fetch.
Note: HTHRESH should be given a non-zero value whenever PTHRESH is used.
WTHRESH controls the write back of proc essed receive descriptors. This threshold
refers to the number of receive descriptors in the on-chip buffer which are ready to be
written back to host memory. In the absence of external events (explicit flushes), the
write back occurs only after at least WTHRESH descriptors are available for write back.
Note: Possible values:
GRAN = 1b (descriptor granularity):
PTHRESH = 0..47
WTHRESH = 0..63
HTHRESH = 0..63
GRAN = 0 (cacheline granularity):
PTHRESH = 0..3 (for 16 descriptors cacheline - 256 bytes)
WTHRESH = 0..3
HTHRESH = 0..4
Note: For any WTHRESH value other than zero - packet and absolute timers must get a non-
zero value for WTHRESH feature to take affect.
Note: Since the default value for write-back threshold is one, the descriptors are normally
written back as soon as one cache line is available. WTHRESH must contain a non- z ero
value to take advantage of the write-back bursting capabilities of the 82574. Receive Interrupt Absolute Delay Timer- RADV (0x0282C; RW)
If the packet delay timer is used to coalesce receive interrupts, it ensures that when
receive traffic abates, an interrupt is generated within a specified interval of no
receives. During times when receive traffic is continuous, it might be necessary to
ensure that no receive remains unnoticed for too long an interval. This register can be
used to ensure that a receive interrupt occurs at some predefined interval after the first
packet is received.
When this timer is enabled, a separate absolute count-down timer is initiated upon
successfully receiving each packet to system memory. When this absolute timer
expires, pending receive descriptor write backs are flushed and a receive timer
interrupt is generated.
Field Bit(s) Initial
Value Description
Delay 15:0 0x0 Receive absolute delay timer measured in increments of 1.024 s (0=
Reserved 31:16 0x0 Reserved
Reads as 0x0.
82574 GbE Controller—Driver Programing Interface
Setting this register to 0x0 disables the absolute timer mechanism (the RDTR register
should be used with a value of 0x0 to cause immediate interrupts for all receive
Receive interrupts due to a Receive Packet Timer (RDTR) expiration cancels a pending
RADV interrupt. If enabled, the RADV count-down timer is reloaded but halted, so as to
avoid generation of a serious second interrupt after the RDTR has been noted. Receive S m all Packet Detect Interrupt- RSRPD (0x02C00; R/W) Receive A CK Interrupt Delay Register - RAID (0x02C08; RW)
If an immediate (non-scheduled) interrupt is desired for any received ACK frame, the
ACK_DELAY should be set to x00. Receive Checksum Control - RXCS UM (0x05000; RW)
The Receive Checksum Control register controls the receive checksum offloading
features of the 82574. The 82574 supports the offloading of three receive checksum
calculations: the packet checksum, the IP header checksum, and the TCP/UDP
Field Bit(s) Initial
Value Description
SIZE 11:0 0x0
If the interrupt is enabled any received packet of size <= SIZE asserts
an interrupt. SIZE is specified in bytes and includes the headers and
the CRC. It do es not in clude the V LAN header in size calculation if it is
Reserved 31:12 X Reserved.
Field Bit(s) Initial
Value Description
RSV 16:31 0x0 Reserved
ACK_DELAY 15:0 0x0
ACK delay timer measured in increments of 1.024 s. When the
receive ACK frame detect interrupt is enabled in the IMS register, ACK
packets being received uses a unique delay timer to generate an
interrupt. When an ACK is received, an absolute timer loads to the
value of ACK_DELAY. The interrupt signal is set only when the timer
expires. If another ACK packet is received while the timer is counting
down, the timer is not reloaded to ACK_DELAY.
Field Bit(s) Initial
Value Description
PCSS 7:0 0x0 Packet Checksum Start
IPOFLD 8 1b IP Checksum Offload Enable
TUOFLD 9 1b TCP/UDP Checksum Offload Enable
Reserved 10 0b Reserved
CRCOFL 11 0b CRC32 Offload Enable
IPPCSE 12 0b IP Payload Checksum Enable
PCSD 13 0b Packet Checksum Disable
Reserved 31:14 0x0 Reserved
Driver Programing Interface—82574 GbE Controller
PCSD: The Packet Checksum and IP Identification fields are mutually exclusive with the
RSS hash. Only one of the two options is reported in the Rx descriptor. The
RXCSUM.PCSD affect is listed as follows:
PCSS IPPCSE: The PCSS and the IPPCSE control the packet checksum calculation. As
previously stated, the packet checksum shares the same location as the RSS field. The
packet checksum is reported in the receive descriptor when the RXCSUM.PCSD bit is
If RXCSUM.IPPCSE cleared (the default value), the checksum calculation that is
reported in the Rx Packet Checksum field is the unadjusted 16-bit ones complement of
the packet. The Packet Checksum starts from the byte indicated by RXCSUM.PCSS
(zero corresponds to the first byte of the packet), after VLAN stripping if enabled by the
CTRL.VME. For example, for an Ethernet II frame encapsulated as an 802.3ac VLAN
packet and with RXCSUM.PCSS set to 14, the packet checksum would include the entire
encapsulated frame, excluding the 14-byte Ethernet header (DA, SA, Type/Length) and
the 4-byte VLAN tag. The Packet Checksum does not include the Ethernet CRC if the
RCTL.SECRC bit is set. Software must make the required offsetting computation (to
back out the bytes that should not have been included and to include the pseudo-
header) prior to comparing the Packet Checksum against the TCP checksum stored in
the packet.
If RXCSUM.IPPCSE is set, the Packet Checksum is aimed to accelerate checksum
calculation of fragmented UDP packets.
Note: The PCSS v alue should not exceed a pointer to IP header start or else it will erroneously
calculate IP header checksum or TCP/UDP checksum.
RXCSUM.IPOFLD is used to enable the IP Checksum offloading feature. If
RXCSUM.IPOFLD is set to one, the 82574 calculates the IP checksum and indicates a
pass/fail indication to software via the IP Checksum Error bit (IPE) in the Error field of
the receive descriptor. Similarly, if RXCSUM.TUOFLD is set to one, the 82574 calculates
the TCP or UDP checksum and indicates a pass/fail indication to software via the TCP/
UDP Checksum Error bit (T CPE). Similarly, if RFCTL.IPv6_DIS and RFCTL.IP6Xsum_DIS
are cleared to zero and RXCSUM.TUOFLD is set to one, the 82574 calculates the TCP or
UDP checksum for IPv6 packets. It then indicates a pass/fail condition in the TCP/UDP
Checksum Error bit (RDESC.TCPE).
This applies to checksum offloading only. Supported frame types:
Ethernet II
Ethernet SNAP
RXCSUM.CRCOFL is used to enable the CRC32 checksum offloading feature. If
RXCSUM.CRCOFL is set to one, the 82574 calculates the CRC32 checksum and
indicates a pass/fail indication to software via the CRC32 Checksum Error bit (CRCE) in
the Error field of the receive descriptor.
This register should only be initialized (written) when the receiver is not enabled (for
example, only write this register when RCTL.EN = 0b).
RXCSUM.PCSD 0b (Checksum Enable) 1b (Chec ksum D is able)
Legacy Rx Descriptor
(RCTL.DTYP = 00b) Packet checksum is reported in the
Rx Descriptor Unsupported configuration.
Extended or Header Split Rx
(RCTL.DTYP = 01b)
Packet checksum and IP
identification are reported in the Rx
RSS Hash value is reported in the
Rx descriptor.
82574 GbE Controller—Driver Programing Interface
326 Receive Filter Control Register - RFCTL (0 x05008; RW ) Management VLAN TAG Value 0 - MAVTV0 (0x5010 ; RW)
Field Bit(s) Initial
Value Description
ISCSI_DIS 0 0b iSCSI Disable
Disable the iSCSI filtering.
ISCSI_DWC 5:1 0x0 iSCSI Dword Count
This field indicates the Dword count of the iSCSI header, which is used
for packet split mechanism.
NFSW_DIS 6 0b NFS Write Disable
Disable filtering of NFS write request headers.
NFSR_DIS 7 0b NFS Read Disable
Disable filtering of NFS read reply headers.
NFS_VER 9:8 00b
NFS Version
00b = NFS version 2.
01b = NFS version 3.
10b = NFS version 4.
11b = Reserved for future use.
IPv6_dis 10 0 b IPv6 Disable.
Disable IPv6 packet filterin g.
IP6Xsum_dis 11 0b IPv6 Xsum Disable
Disable XSUM on IPv6 packets.
ACKDIS 12 0 b ACK Accelerate Disable
When this bit is set, the 82574 does not accelerate interrupt on TCP
ACK packets.
ACKD_DIS 13 0b
ACK data Disable
1b = The 82574 recognizes ACK packets according to the ACK bit in
the TCP header + No –CP data
0b = The 82574 recognizes ACK packets according to the ACK bit
This bit is relevant only if the ACKDIS bit is not set.
IPFRSP_DIS 14 0b IP Fragment Split Disable
When this bit is set, the he ader of IP fragmented pack ets are not set.
EXSTEN 15 0b
Extended status Enable
When the EXSTEN bit is set or when the packet split receive
descriptor is used, the 82574 writes the extended status to the Rx
Reserved 16 0b Reserved.
Reserved 17 0b Reserved.
Reserved 31:18 0x0 Reserved
Should be written with 0x0 to ensure future compatibility.
Field Bit(s) Initial
Value Description
VLAN ID 0 11:0 0x0 Contains the VLAN ID that should be compared with the incoming
packet if bit 31 is set.
Rsv 30:12 0x0 Reserved
En 31 0x0 En
Enable VID filtering.
Driver Programing Interface—82574 GbE Controller Management VLAN TAG Value 1 - MAVTV1 (0x5014 ; RW) Management VLAN TAG Value 2- MAVTV2 (0x5018 ; RW) Management VLAN TAG Value 3 - MAVTV3 (0x501C ; RW) Multicast Table Array - MTA[127:0] (0x05200-0x053FC; RW)
There is one register per 32 bits of the multicast address table for a total of 128
registers (thus the MT A[127:0] designation). The size of the word array depends on the
number of bits implemented in the multicast address table. Software must mask to the
desired bit on reads and supply a 32-bit word on writes.
Note: All accesses to this table must be 32-bit.
Note: These registers' addresses have been moved from where they were located in previous
devices. However, for backwards compatibility, these regist ers can also be accessed at
their alias offsets of 0x00200-0x003FC.
Field Bit(s) Initial
Value Description
VLAN ID 1 0-11 0x0 Contains the VLAN ID that should be compared with the incoming
packet if bit 31 is set.
Rsv 12-30 0x0 Reserved
En 31 0x0 En
Enable VID filtering.
Field Bit(s) Initial
Value Description
VLAN ID 0-11 0x0 Contains the VLAN ID that should be compared with the incoming
packet if bit 31 is set.
Rsv 12-30 0x0 Reserved
En 31 0x0 En
Enable VID filtering.
Field Bit(s) Initial
Value Description
VLAN ID 0-11 0x0 Contains the VLAN ID that should be compared with the incoming
packet if bit 31 is set.
Rsv 12-30 0x0 Reserved
En 31 0x0 En
Enable VID filtering.
Field Bit(s) Initial
Value Description
Bit Vector 31:0 X Word-wide bit vector specifying 32 bits in the multicast address
filter table.
82574 GbE Controller—Driver Programing Interface
Figure 61 shows the multicast lookup algorithm. The destination address shown
represents the internally stored ordering of the received DA. Note that bit 0 indicated in
this diagram is the first on the wire.
Figure 61. Multicast Table Array Algorithm Receive A ddress Low - RAL (0x05400 + 8*n; RW)
While "n" is the exact unicast/multicast address entry and it is equals to 0,1,…15.
These registers contain the lower bits of the 48-bit Ethernet address. All 32 bits are
If the NVM is present the first register (RAL0) is loaded from the NVM.
Note: These registers' addresses have been moved from where they were located in previous
devices. However, for backwards compatibility, these registers can also be accessed at
their alias offsets of 0x0040-0x000BC.
47:40 39:32 31:24 23:16 15:8 7:0
Multicast Table Array
32 x 128
(4096 bit vector)
Destination Address
Field Bit(s) Initial
Value Description
RAL 31:0 X Receive Address Low
The lower 32 bits of th e 48-bit Ethernet address.
Driver Programing Interface—82574 GbE Controller Receive Address High - RAH (0x05404 + 8*n; RW)
While "n" is the exact unicast/Multicast address entry and it is equals to 0,1,…15
These registers contain the upper bits of the 48-bit Ethernet address. The complete
address is {RAH, RAL}. AV determines whether this address is compared against the
incoming packet. AV is cleared by a master reset in entries 0-14, and on Internal Power
On Reset in entry 15.
ASEL enables the device to perform special filtering on receive packets.
Note: The first receive address register (RAR0) is also used for exact match pause frame
checking (DA matches the first register). Therefore RAR0 should always be used to
store the individual Ethernet MAC address of the 82574.
Note: These registers' addresses have been moved from where they were located in previous
devices. However, for backwards compatibility, these regist ers can also be accessed at
their alias offsets of 0x0040-0x000BC.
After reset, if the NVM is present, the first register (Receive Address Register 0) is
loaded from the IA field in the NVM, its Address Select field will be 00b, and its Address
Valid field will be 1b. If no NVM is present the Address Valid field for n=0b will be 0b.
The Address Valid field for all of the other registers is 0b.
Note: The software device driver can use only entries 0-14. Entry 15 is reserved for
manageability firmware usage. VLAN Filter Table Array - VFTA[127:0 ] (0x05600-0x057FC; RW)
Field Bit(s) Initial
Value Description
RAH 15:0 X Receive Address High
The upper 16 bits of the 48-bit Ethernet address.
ASEL 17:16 X
Address Select
Selects how the address is to be used. Decoded as follows:
00b = Destination address (must be set to this in normal mode).
01b = Source address.
10b = Reserved.
11b = Reserved.
Reserved 30:18 0x0 Reserved
Reads as 0x0. Ignored on write.
AV 31 X
Address Valid
Cleared after master reset. If the NVM is present, the Address Valid
field of Receive Address Register 0 are set to 1b after a software or
PCI reset or NVM read.
In entries 0-14 this bit is cleared by master rese t. The AV bit o f entry
15 is cleared by Inte rnal Power On Reset.
Field Bit(s) Initial
Value Description
Bit Vec tor 31:0 X Double word-wide b it vector spe cifying 32 bits in the VLAN filter table.
82574 GbE Controller—Driver Programing Interface
There is one register per 32 bits of the VLAN Filter table. The size of the word array
depends on the number of bits implemented in the VLAN filter table. Software must
mask to the desired bit on reads and supply a 32-bit word on writes.
Note: All accesses to this table must be 32-bit.
The algorithm for VLAN filtering via the VFTA is identical to that used for the multicast
table array.
Note: These registers' addresses have been moved from where they were located in previous
devices. However, for backwards compatibility, these registers can also be accessed at
their alias offsets of 0x00600-0x006FC Multiple Receive Queues Command Register - MRQC (0x05818; RW) Redirection Table - RETA (0x05C00-0x05C7F; RW)
The redirection table is a 128-entry table, each entry is 8-bits wide. Only 6 bits of each
entry are used (5 bits for the CPU index and 1 bit for queue index). The table is
configured through the following read/write registers.
. . .
Field Bit(s) Initial
Value Description
1:0 00b
Multiple Receive Queues Enable
Enables support for multiple receive queues and defines the
mechanism that controls queue allocation. Note that the
RXCSUM.PCSD bit must also be set to enable multiple receive queues.
00b = Multiple Receive Queues are disabled
01b = Multiple Receive Queues as defined by MSFT RSS. The RSS
Field Enable bits define the header fields used by the hash function.
10b = Reserved.
11b = Reserved.
Note that this field can be modified only when receive to host is not
enabled (RCTL.EN = 0b).
Reserved 15:2 0x0 Reserved
RSS Field
Enable 31:16 0x0
Each bit, when se t, enabl es a specific field sel ection to be used by the
hash function. Several bits can be set at the same time.
Bit[16] – Enable TcpIPv4 hash function
Bit[17] – Enable IPv4 hash function
Bit[18] – Enable TcpIPv6 hash function
Bit[19] – Enable IPv6Ex hash function
Bit[20] – Enable IPv6 hash function
Bits[31:21] – Reserved
31 ….24 23 16 15 8 7 0
Tag 3 Tag 2 Tag 1 Tag 0
Tag 127
Driver Programing Interface—82574 GbE Controller
Each entry (byte) of the redirection table contains the following information.
Bit [7] - Queue index
Bits [6:0] - Reserved
Note: RETA cannot be read when RSS is enabled. RSS Random Key Register - RSSRK (0x05C80 -0x05CA7; RW)
The RSS R andom Key register stores a 40-byte key used by the RSS hash function (see
. . .
Field DW/Bit(s) Initial
Value Description
Entry 0 0 / 7:0 Undefined1Determines the physical queue for index 0.
Entry 127 31 / 31:24 Undefined Determines the physical queue for index 127
1. System software must initialize the table prior to enabling multiple receive queues.
31 ….24 23 16 15 8 7 0
K[3] K[2] K[1] K[0]
K[39] K[36]
Field Dword/
Bit(s) Initial
Value Description
Byte 0 0 / 7:0 0x0…0 Byte 0 of the RSS random key.
Byte 39 9 / 31:24 0x0…0 Byte 39 of the RSS random key.
82574 GbE Controller—Driver Programing Interface
10.2.6 Transmit Register Descriptions Transmit Control Register - TCTL (0x00400; RW)
Field Bit(s) Initial
Value Description
Reserved 0 0b Reserved
Write as 0b for future compatibility.
EN 1 0b
The transmitter is enabl ed when this bit is set to 1b. Writing this bit to
0b stops transmission after any in progress packets are sent. Data
remains in the transmit FIFO until the device is re-enabled. Software
should combine this with a reset if the packets in the FIFO need to be
Reserved 2 0b Reserved
Reads as 0b. Should be written to 0b for future compatibility.
PSP 3 1b
Pad short packets (with valid data, NOT padding symbols).
0b = do not pad
1b = pad.
Padding makes the packet 64 bytes. This is not the same as the
minimum collision distance.
If padding of short packet is allowed, the v alue in TX descriptor length
field should be not less than 17 bytes.
CT 11:4 0x0
Collision Threshold
This determines the number of attempts at re-transmission prior to
giving up on the packet (not incl uding the first transmission attempt).
While this can be varied, it should be set to a value of 15 in order to
comply with the IEEE specification requiring a total of 16 attempts.
The Ethernet back-off algorithm is implemented and clamps to the
maximum number of slot times after 10 retries. This field only has
meaning while in half-duplex operation.
COLD 21:12 0b
Collision Distance
Specifies the minimum number of byte times that must elapse for
proper CSMA/CD operation. Packets are padded with special symbols,
not valid data bytes. Har dware checks and pads to this v alue plus one
byte even in full-duplex operation.
SWXOFF 22 0b
Software XOFF Transmission
When set to 1b, the device schedules the transmission of an XOFF
(PAUSE ) frame using the current v alue of the pause tim er. This bit self
clears upon transmission of the XOFF frame.
PBE 23 0b Packet Burst Enable
The 82574 does not support packet bursting for 1 Gb/s half-duplex
transmit operation. This bit must be set to 0b.
RTLC 24 0b Re-Transmit on Late Collision
Enables the device to re-transmit on a late collision event. This bit is
ignored in full-duplex mode.
UNORTX 25 Under run No Re-Transmit
TXDSCMT 27:26 Tx Descriptor Minimum Threshold
MULR 28 1b
Multiple Request Support
This bit defines the number of read requests the 82574 issues for
transmit dat a. When set to 0b, the 82574 submits only one request at
a time, When set to 1b, the 82574 might submit up to four concurrent
requests. The software device driver must not modify this register
when the Tx head register is not equal to the tail register.
This bit is loaded from the NVM word 0x24/0x14.
Driver Programing Interface—82574 GbE Controller
Two fields deserve special mention: CT and COLD. Software might choose to abort
packet transmission in less than the Ethernet mandated 16 collisions. For this reason,
hardware provides CT.
Wire speeds of 1000 Mb/s result in a very short collision radius with traditional
minimum packet sizes. COLD specifies the minimum number of bytes in the packet to
satisfy the desired collision distance. It is important to note that the resulting packet
has special characters appended to the end. These are NOT regular data characters.
Hardware strips special characters for packets that go from 1000 Mb/s environments to
100 Mb/s environments. Note that the hardware evaluates this field against the packet
size in full duplex as well.
Note: While 802.3x flow control is only defined during full duplex operation, the sending of
pause frames via the SWXOFF bit is not gated by the duplex settings within the device.
Software should not write a 1b to this bit while the device is configured for half-duplex
RTLC configures the 82574 to perform retransmission of packets when a late collision
is detected. Note that the collision window is speed dependent: 64 bytes for 10/
100 Mb/s and 512 bytes for 1000 Mb/s operation. If a late collision is detected when
this bit is disabled, the transmit function assumes the packet is successfully
transmitted. This bit is ignored in full-duplex mode. Transmit IPG Register - TIPG (0x00410; RW)
RRTHRESH 30:29 01b
Read Request Threshold
These bits define the threshold size for the intermediate buffer to
determine when to sen d th e read command to the packet b uffer.
Threshold is defined as follows:
RRTHRESH = 00b threshold = 2 lines of 16 bytes
RRTHRESH = 01b threshold = 4 lines of 16 bytes
RRTHRESH = 10b threshold = 8 lines of 16 bytes
RRTHRESH = 11b threshold = No threshold (transfer data after all of
the request is in the RFIFO)
Reserved 31 0b Reserved
Reads as 0b. Should be written to 0b for future compatibility.
Field Bit(s) Initial
Value Description
Field Bit(s) Initial
Value Description
IPGT 9:0 0x8
IPG Transmit Time
Measured in increments of the MAC clock:
8 ns @ 1 Gb/s
80 ns @ 100 Mb/s
800 ns @ 10 Mb/s.
IPGR1 19:10 0x8
IPG Receive Time 1
Measured in increments of the MAC clock:
8 ns @ 1 Gb/s
80 ns @ 100Mb/s
800 ns @ 10 Mb/s.
IPGR2 29:20 0x6
IPG Receive Time 2
Measured in increments of the MAC clock:
8 ns @ 1 Gb/s
80 ns @ 100 Mb/s
800 ns @ 10 Mb/s.
82574 GbE Controller—Driver Programing Interface
This register controls the Inter Packet Gap (IPG) timer. IPGT specifies the IPG length for
back-to-back tr ansmissions. IPGR1 contains the length of the first part of the IPG time
for non back-to-back transmissions. During this time, the IPG counter restarts if any
carrier sense event occurs. Once the time specified by IPGR1 has elapsed, carrier sense
does not affect the IPG counter. IPGR2 specifies the total IPG time for non back-to-back
transmissions. According to the IEEE 802.3 spec, IPGR1 should be 2/3 of IPGR2. IPGR1
and IPGR2 are significant only for half-duplex operation.
Note: The actual time waited for IPGT and IPGR2 i s 6 MA C c lo c ks (4 8 ns @ 1 Gb/s ) longer
than the value programmed in the register. This is due to the implementation of the
asynchronous interface between the internal DMA and MAC engines. Therefore, the
suggested value that software should program into this register is 0x00602006. This
corresponds to: IPGT = 6 (6+6 = total delay of 12); IPGR 1 = 8; and IPG R2 = 6 (6+6 =
total delay of 12). Also, it should be noted that this six MAC clock delay is longer than
implementations. For previous implementations, the actual time waited for any of the
IPG timers was two MAC clocks (16 ns) longer than the value programmed in the
register. Thus, for previous implementations, the suggested value for software to
program this register was 0x00A00200A. Adaptive IFS Throttle - AIT (0x00458; RW)
Adaptive IFS throttles back-to-back transmissions in the transmit packet buffer and
delays their transfer to the CSMA/CD transmit function, and thus can be used to delay
the transmission of back-to-back packets on the wire. Normally, this register should be
set to zero. However, if additional delay is desired between back-to-back transmits,
then this register can be set with a value greater than zero.
The Adaptive IFS field provides a similar function to the IPGT field in the TIPG register
(see Section However, it only affects the initial transmission timing, not re-
transmission timing.
Note: If the value of the Adaptive IFS field is less than the IPG Transmit Time field in the
Transmit IPG registers then it has no effect, as the chip selects the maximum of the two
values. Transmit D escriptor Base Address Low - TDBAL (0x03800 +
n*0x100[n=0..1]; R W)
Reserved 31:30 0x0 Reserved
Reads as 0b. Should be written to 0b for future compatibility.
Field Bit(s) Initial
Value Description
Field Bit(s) Initial
Value Description
AIFS 15:0 0x0000 Adaptive IFS Value
This value is in units of 8 ns.
Reserved 31:16 0x0000 This field should be written with 0x0.
Field Bit(s) Initial
Value Description
0 3:0 0x0 Ignored on writes. Returns 0x0 on reads.
TDBAL 31:4 X Transmit Descriptor Base Address Low
Driver Programing Interface—82574 GbE Controller
This register contains the lower bits of the 64-bit descriptor base address. The lower
four bits are ignored. The transmit descriptor base address must point to a 16-byte
aligned block of data.
Note: This register’s address has been moved from where it was located in previous devices.
However, for backwards compatibility, this register can also be accessed at its alias
offset of 0x00420. Transmit Descriptor Base Address High - TDBAH (0x03804 +
n*0x100[n=0..1]; RW)
This register contains the upper 32 bits of the 64-bit descriptor base address.
Note: This register’s address has been moved from where it was located in previous devices.
However, for backwards compatibility, this register can also be accessed at its alias
offset of 0x00424. Transmit Descriptor Length - TDLEN (0x03808+ n*0x100[n=0..1];
This register contains the descriptor length and must be 128-byte aligned.
Note: This register’s address has been moved from where it was located in previous devices.
However, for backwards compatibility, this register can also be accessed at its alias
offset of 0x00428. Transmit Descriptor Head - TDH (0x03810 + n*0x100[n=0..1]; RW)
This register contains the head pointer for the transmit descriptor ring. It points to a
16-byte datum. Hardware controls this pointer. The only time that software should
write to this register is after a reset (hardware reset or CTRL.RST) and before enabling
the transmit function (TCTL.EN).
Field Bit(s) Initial
Value Description
TDBAH 31:0 X Transmit Descriptor Base Address [63:32]
Field Bit(s) Initial
Value Description
0 6:0 0x0 Ignore on write. Reads back as 0x0.
LEN 19:7 0x0 Descriptor Length
Reserved 31:20 0x0 Reads as 0x0. Should be written to 0x0.
Field Bit(s) Initial
Value Description
TDH 15:0 0x0 Transmit Descriptor Head
Reserved 31:16 0x0 Reserved
Should be written with 0x0.
82574 GbE Controller—Driver Programing Interface
Note: If software were to write to this register while the transmit function w as enabled, the
on-chip descriptor buffers might be invalidated and the hardware could be become
Note: This register’s address has been moved from where it was located in previous devices.
However, for backwards compatibility, this register can also be accessed at its alias
offset of 0x00430. Transmit Descriptor Tail - TDT (0x03818 + n*0x100[n=0..1]; RW)
This register contains the tail pointer for the transmit descriptor ring. It points to a 16-
byte datum. Software writes the tail pointer to add more descriptors to the transmit
ready queue. Hardware attempts to transmit all packets referenced by descriptors
between head and tail.
Note: This register’s address has been moved from where it was located in previous devices.
However, for backwards compatibility, this register can also be accessed at its alias
offset of 0x00438. Transmit Arbitration Count - TARC (0x03840 + n*0x100[n=0..1]; RW)
COUNT is the transmit arbitration counter value.
The counter is subtracted as a part of the transmit arbitration.
Field Bit(s) Initial
Value Description
TDT 15:0 0x0 Transmit Descriptor Tail
Reserved 31:16 0x0 Reads as 0. Should be written to 0 for future compatibility.
Field Bit(s) Initial
Value Description
COUNT 6:0 0x3
Transmit Arbitration Count
The number of packets that can be sent from queue to make the N
over M arbitration between the queues.
Writing 0x0 to this register is not allowed.
COMP 7 0b
Compensation Mode
When set to 1b, hardware compensates this queue according to the
compensation rati o if the number of packet s in a TCP segmentatio n in
opposite queue caused the counter in that queue to go below zero.
RATIO 9:8 00b
Compensation Ratio
This value determines the ratio between the number of packets
transmitted on the opposite queue in a TCP segmentation offload to
the number of the pac kets that are added to this queue as
00b = 1/1 compensation.
01b = 1/2 compensation.
10b = 1/4 compensation.
11 = 1/8 compensation.
ENABLE 10 1b Descriptor Enable
The Enable bit of transmit queue 0 should always be set.
Reserved 26:11 0x0 Reserved, Reads as 0. Should be written to 0 for future compatibility.
Reserved 30:27 0000b Reserved
Reserved 31 0b Reads as 0b. Should be written to 0b for future compatibility.
Driver Programing Interface—82574 GbE Controller
It is reloaded to its high (last written) value when it decreased below zero.
Upon a read, hardware returns the current counter value.
Upon a write, the counter updates the high value in the next counter reload.
The counter can be decreased in chunks (when transmitting TCP segmentation
packets). It should never roll because of that. The size of chunks is determined
according to the TCP segmentation (number of packets sent).
When the counter reaches zero, other TX queues should be selected for transmission as
soon as possible (usually after current transmission).
COMP is the enable bit to compensate between the two queues, when enabled (set to
1b) hardware compensates between the two queues if one of the queues is
transmitting TCP segmentation packets and its counter went below zero, hardware
compensates the other queue according to the ratio in the opposite TARC.RATIO
For example, if the TARC0.COUNT reached (-5) after sending TCP segmentation
packets and both TARC0.COMP and TARC1.COMP are enabled (set to 1b) and
T ARC1.RATIO is 01b (1/2 compensation) T ARC1.COUNT is adjusted by adding 5/2=2 to
the current count.
RATIO is the multiplier to compensate between the two queues. The compensation
method is described in the previous explanation. Transmit Interrupt Delay Value - TIDV (0x03820; RW)
This register is used to delay interrupt notification for transmit oper ations by coalescing
interrupts for multiple transmitted buffers. Delaying interrupt notification helps
maximize the amount of transmit buffers reclaimed by a single interrupt. This feature
ONLY applies to transmit descriptor operations where:
1. Interrupt-based reporting is requested (RS set).
2. The use of the timer function is requested (IDE is set).
This feature operates by initiating a count-down timer upon successfully transmitting
the buffer. If a subsequent transmit delayed-interrupt is scheduled BEFORE the timer
expires, the timer is re-initialized to the programmed value and re-starts its count
down. When the timer expires, a tr ansmit-complete interrupt (ICR.TXD W) is generated.
Setting the value to 0b is not allowed. If an immediate (non-scheduled) interrupt is
desired for any transmit descriptor, the descriptor IDE should be set to 0b.
The occurrence of either an immediate (non-scheduled) or absolute transmit timer
interrupt halts the TIDV timer and eliminate any spurious second interrupts.
Field Bit(s) Initial
Value Description
IDV 15:0 0x0 Interrupt Delay Value
Counts in units of 1.024 microseconds. A value of 0 is not allowed.
Reserved 30:16 0x0 Reads as 0x0. Should be written to 0x0 for future compatibility.
FPD 31 0b Flush Partial Descriptor Block
When set to 1b, ignored. Reads as 0b.
82574 GbE Controller—Driver Programing Interface
Transmit interrupts due to a Transmit Absolute Timer (TADV) expiration or an
immediate interrupt (RS=1b, IDE=0b) cancels a pending TIDV interrupt. The TIDV
countdown timer is re-loaded but halted, though it can be re-started by processing a
subsequent transmit descriptor.
Note: This register’s address has been moved from where it was located in previous devices.
However, for backwards compatibility, this register can also be accessed at its alias
offset of 0x00440.
Writing this register with FPD set initiates an immediate expiration of the timer, causing
a write back of any consumed transmit descriptors pending write back, and results in a
transmit timer interrupt in the ICR.
Note: FPD is self clearing. Transmit Descriptor Control - TXDCTL (0x03828 + n*0x100[n=0..1];
This register controls the fetching and write back of transmit descriptors. The three
threshold values are used to determine when descriptors are read from and written to
host memory. The values can be in units of cache lines or descriptors (each descriptor
is 16 bytes) based on the GRAN flag.
Note: When GRAN=1b all descriptors are written back (even if not requested).
PTHRESH is used to control when a prefetch of descriptors are considered. This
threshold refers to the number of valid, unprocessed transmit descriptors the chip has
in its on-chip buffer. If this number drops below PTHRE SH, the algorithm considers pr e-
fetching descriptors from host memory. However, this fetch does not happen unless
there are at least HTHRESH valid descriptors in host memory to fetch.
Note: HTHRESH should be given a non-zero value when ever PTHRESH is used.
Field Bit(s) Initial
Value Description
PTHRESH 5:0 0x0 Prefetch Threshold
Rsv 7:6 0x0 Reserved
HTHRESH 13:8 0x0 Host Threshold
Rsv 15:14 0x0 Reserved
WTHRESH 21:16 0x0 Write-Back Threshold
Rsv 23:22 0x0 Reserved
GRAN 24 0b
Units for the thresholds in this register.
0b = Cache lines
1b = Descriptors
LWTHRESH 31:25 0x0
Transmit Descriptor Low Threshold
Interrupt asserted when the numbe r of descr iptors pen ding service in
the transmit descriptor queue (processing distance from the TDT)
drops below this threshold.
Driver Programing Interface—82574 GbE Controller
WTHRESH controls the write-back of processed transmit descriptors. This threshold
refers to the number of transmit descriptors in the on-chip buffer that are ready to be
written back to host memory. In the absence of external events (explicit flushes), the
write back occurs only after at least WTHRESH descriptors are av ailable for write back.
Possible values:
GRAN = 1b (descriptor granularity):
—PTHRESH = 0..47
WTHRESH = 0..63
—HTHRESH = 0..63
GRAN = 0 (cacheline granularity):
PTHRESH = 0..3 (for 16 descriptors cacheline - 256 bytes)
WTHRESH = 0..3
—HTHRESH = 0..4
Note: For any WTHRESH value other than zero - packet and absolute timers must get a non-
zero value for the WTHRESH feature to take affect.
Note: Since the default value for write-back threshold is zero, descriptors are normally
written back as soon as they are processed. WTHRESH must be a non-zero value to
take advantage of the write-back bursting capabilities of the 82574.
Since write-back of transmit descriptors is optional (under the control of RS bit in the
descriptor), not all processed descriptors are counted with respect to WTHRESH.
Descriptors start accumulating after a descriptor with RS is set. Furthermore, with
transmit descriptor bursting enabled, some descriptors are written back that did not
have RS set in their respective descriptors.
Note: Leaving this value at its default causes descriptor processing to be similar to previous
As descriptors are transmitted the number of descriptors waiting in the transmit
descriptor queue decreases as noted by the transmit descriptor head and tail positions
in the circular queue. When the number of waiting descriptors drops to LWTHRESH (the
head and tail positions are sufficiently close to one another) an interrupt is asserted.
LWTHRESH controls the number of descriptors in transmit ring, at which a transmit
descriptor-low interrupt (ICR.TXD_LOW) is reported. This might enable software to
operate more efficiently by maintaining a continuous addition of transmit work,
interrupting only when the hardware nears completion of all submitted work.
LWTHRESH specifies a multiple of eight descriptors. An interrupt is asserted when the
number of descriptors available transitions from (threshold level=8*LWTHRESH)+1 ‡
(threshold level=8*LWTHRESH). Setting this value to zero disables this feature. Transmit Absolute Interrupt Delay Value-TADV (0x0382C; RW)
Field Bit(s) Initial
Value Description
IDV 15:0 0x0 Interrupt Delay Value
Counts in units of 1.024 s. (0b = disabled).
Reserved 31:16 0x0 Reads as 0x0. Should be written to 0x0 for future compatibility.
82574 GbE Controller—Driver Programing Interface
The transmit interrupt delay timer (TIDV) can be used to coalesce transmit interrupts.
However, it might be necessary to ensure that no completed transmit remains
unnoticed for too long an interv al in order to ensure timely release of transmit buffers.
This register can be used to ENSURE that a transmit interrupt occurs at some pre-
defined interval after a transmit completes. Like the delayed-transmit timer, the
absolute transmit timer ONLY applies to transmit descriptor operations where
1. Interrupt-based reporting is requested (RS set).
2. The use of the timer function is requested (IDE is set).
This feature operates by initiating a count-down timer upon successfully transmitting
the buffer. When the timer expires, a transmit-complete interrupt (ICR.TXDW) is
generated. The occurrence of either an immediate (non-scheduled) or delayed tr ansmit
timer (TIDV) expiration interrupt halts the TADV timer and eliminates any spurious
second interrupts.
Setting the value to zero, disables the transmit absolute delay function. If an
immediate (non-scheduled) interrupt is desired for any transmit descriptor, the
descriptor IDE should be set to 0b.
10.2.7 Statistic Register Descriptions
Note: All statistics registers reset when read. In addition, they stick at 0xFFFF_FFFF when the
maximum value is reached.
Note: For the receive statistics it should be noted that a packet is indicated as received if it
passes the device’s filters and is placed into the packet buffer memory. A packet does
not have to be DMA’d to host memory in order to be counted as received.
Note: Due to divergent paths between interrupt-generation and logging of relevant statistics
counts, it might be possible to generate an interrupt to the system for a noteworthy
event prior to the associated statistics count actually being incremented. This is
extremely unlikely due to expected delays associated with the system interrupt-
collection and ISR delay, but might be observed as an interrupt for which statistics
values do not quite make sense. Hardware guarantees that any event noteworthy of
inclusion in a statistics count is reflected in the appropriate count within 1 s; a small
time-delay prior to read of statistics might be necessary to avoid the potential for
receiving an interrupt and observing an inconsistent statistics count as part of the ISR. CRC Error Count - CRCERRS (0x04000; R)
Counts the number of receive packets with CRC errors. In order for a packet to be
counted in this register, it must pass address filtering and must be 64 bytes or greater
(from <Destination Address> through <CRC>, inclusiv ely) in length. If receives are not
enabled, then this register does not increment. Alig nment Error Count - ALGNERRC (0x04004; R)
Field Bit(s) Initial
Value Description
CEC 31:0 0x0 CRC Error Count
Field Bit(s) Initial
Value Description
AEC 31:0 0x0 Alignment Error Count
Driver Programing Interface—82574 GbE Controller
Counts the number of receive pack ets with alignment errors (such as the packet is not
an integer number of bytes in length). In order for a packet to be counted in this
register, it must pass address filtering and must be 64 bytes or greater (from
<Destination Address> through <CRC>, inclusively) in length. If receives are not
enabled, then this register does not increment. This register is valid only in MII mode
during 10/100 Mb/s operation. RX Error Count - RXERRC (0x0400C; R)
Counts the number of packets received in which RX_ER was asserted by the PHY. In
order for a packet to be counted in this register, it must pass address filtering and must
be 64 bytes or greater (from <Destination Address> through <CRC>, inclusively) in
length. If receives are not enabled, then this register does not increment. Missed Packets Count - MPC (0x04010; R)
Counts the number of missed packets. Packets are missed when the receive FIFO has
insufficient space to store the incoming packet. This could be caused because of too
few buffers allocated, or because there is insufficient bandwidth on the IO bus. Events
setting this counter cause RXO, the receiver overrun interrupt, to be set. This register
does not increment if receives are not enabled.
Note: Note that these packets are also counted in the Total Packets Received register as well
as in the Total Octets Received register. Single Collision Count - SCC (0x04014; R)
This register counts the number of times that a successfully transmitted packet
encountered a single collision. This register only increments if transmits are enabled
and the device is in half-duplex mode. Excessive Collisions Count - ECOL (0x04018; R)
Field Bit(s) Initial
Value Description
RXEC 31:0 0x0 RX Error Count
Field Bit(s) Initial
Value Description
MPC 31:0 0x0 Missed Packets Count
Field Bit(s) Initial
Value Description
SCC 31:0 0x0 Number of times a transmit encountered a single collision.
Field Bit(s) Initial
Value Description
ECC 31:0 0x0 Number of packets with more than 16 collisions.
82574 GbE Controller—Driver Programing Interface
When 16 or more collisions have occurred on a packet, this register increments,
regardless of the value of collision threshold. If collision threshold is set below 16, this
counter won’t increment. This register only increments if tr ansmits are enabled and the
device is in half-duplex mode. Multiple Collision Count - MCC (0x0401C; R)
This register counts the number of times that a transmit encountered more than one
collision but less than 16. This register only increments if transmits are enabled and the
device is in half-duplex mode. Late Collisions Count - LATECOL (0x04020; R)
Late collisions are collisions that occur after one slot time. This register only increments
if transmits are enabled and the device is in half-duplex mode. Collision Count - COLC (0x04028; R)
This register counts the total number of collisions seen by the transmitter. This register
only increments if transmits are enabled and the device is in half-duplex mode. This
register applies to clear as well as secure traffic. Defer Count - DC (0x04030; R)
This register counts defer events. A defer event occurs when the transmitter cannot
immediately send a packet due to the medium being busy either because:
Another device is transmitting
The IPG timer has not expired
Hhalf-duplex deferral events
Reception of XOFF frames
The link is not up
Field Bit(s) Initial
Value Description
MCC 31:0 0x0 Number of times a successful transmit encountered multiple
Field Bit(s) Initial
Value Description
LCC 31:0 0x0 Number of packets with late collisions.
Field Bit(s) Initial
Value Description
COLC 31:0 0x0 Total number of collisions experienced by the transmitter.
Field Bit(s) Initial
Value Description
CDC 31:0 0x0 Number of defer events.
Driver Programing Interface—82574 GbE Controller
This register only increments if transmits are enabled. The behavior of this counter is
slightly different in the 82574 relative to previous devices. For the 82574, this counter
does not increment for streaming transmits that are deferred due to TX IPG. Transmit with No CRS - TNCRS (0x04034; R)
This register counts the number of successful packet transmissions in which the CRS
input from the PHY was not asserted within one slot time of start of transmission from
the MAC. Start of transmission is defined as the assertion of TX_EN to the PHY.
The PHY should assert CRS during every transmission. Failure to do so might indicate
that the link has failed, or the PHY has an incorrect link configur ation. This register only
increments if transmits are enabled. This register is only v alid when the 82574 is
operating at half duplex. Carrier Ex tension Error Count - CEXTERR (0x0403C; R)
This register counts the number of packets received in which the carrier extension error
was signaled across the GMII interface. The PHY propagates carrier extension errors to
the MAC when an error is detected during the carrier extended time of a packet
reception. An extension error is signaled by the PHY by the encoding of 0x1F on the
receive data inputs while RX_ER is asserted to the MAC. This register only increments if
receives are enabled and the device is operating at 1000 Mb/s. Receive Length Error Count - RLEC (0x04 040; R)
This register counts receive length error events. A length error occurs if an incoming
packet passes the filter criteria but is undersized or oversized. Packets less than 64
bytes are undersized. Packets ov er 1522 bytes are oversized if LongPacketEnable is 0b .
If LongPacketEnable (LPE) is 1b, then an incoming, packet is considered oversized if it
exceeds 16384 bytes.
If receives are not enabled, this register does not increment. These lengths are based
on bytes in the received packet from <Destination Address> through <CRC>,
Field Bit(s) Initial
Value Description
TNCRS 31:0 0x0 Number of transm issions without a CRS a ssertion from the PHY.
Field Bit(s) Initial
Value Description
CEXTERR 31:0 0x0 Number of packets received with a carrier extension error.
Field Bit(s) Initial
Value Description
RLEC 31:0 0x0 Number of packets with receive length errors.
82574 GbE Controller—Driver Programing Interface
344 XON Received Count - XONRXC (0x04048; R)
This register counts the number of XON packets received. XON packets can use the
global address, or the station address. This register only increments if receives are
enabled. XON Transmitted Count - XONTXC (0x040 4C; R)
This register counts the number of XON packets transmitted. These can be either due
to queue fullness, or due to software initiated action (using SWXOFF). This register only
increments if transmits are enabled. XOFF Received Count - XOFFRXC (0 x04050; R)
This register counts the number of XOFF packets received. XOFF packets can use the
global address, or the station address. This register only increments if receives are
enabled. XOFF Transmitted Count - XOFFTXC (0x04054; R)
This register counts the number of XOFF packets transmitted. These can be either due
to queue fullness, or due to software initiated action (using SWXOFF). This register only
increments if transmits are enabled. FC Received Unsupported Count - FCRUC (0x04058; RW)
This register counts the number of unsupported flow control frames that are received.
Field Bit(s) Initial
Value Description
XONRXC 31:0 0x0 Number of XON pa ckets received.
Field Bit(s) Initial
Value Description
XONTXC 31:0 0x0 Number of XON pac ket s transmitted.
Field Bit(s) Initial
Value Description
XOFFRXC 31:0 0x0 Number of XOFF packets received.
Field Bit(s) Initial
Value Description
XOFFTXC 31:0 0x0 Number of XOFF packets transmitted.
Field Bit(s) Initial
Value Description
FCRUC 31:0 0x0 Number of unsupported flow control frames received.
Driver Programing Interface—82574 GbE Controller
The FCRUC counter is incremented when a flow control pack et is received that matches
either the reserved flow control multicast address (in FCAH/L) or the MAC station
address, and has a matching flow control type field match (to the value in FCT), but has
an incorrect op-code field. This register only increments if receives are enabled. Packets Received [64 Bytes] Count - PRC64 (0x0405C; RW)
This register counts the number of good packets received that are exactly 64 bytes
(from <Destination Address> through <CRC>, inclusively) in length. Packets that are
counted in the Missed Packet Count register are not counted in this register. This
register does not include received flow control packets and increments only if receives
are enabled. Packets Received [65–127 Bytes] Count - PRC127 (0x04060; RW)
This register counts the number of good packets received that are 65-127 bytes (from
<Destination Address> through <CRC>, inclusively) in length. Packets that are
counted in the Missed Packet Count register are not counted in this register. This
register does not include received flow control packets and increments only if receives
are enabled. Packets Received [128–255 Bytes] Count - PRC255 (0x04064; RW)
This register counts the number of good packets received that are 128-255 bytes (from
<Destination Address> through <CRC>, inclusively) in length. Packets that are
counted in the Missed Packet Count register are not counted in this register. This
register does not include received flow control packets and increments only if receives
are enabled. Packets Received [256–511 Bytes] Count - PRC511 (0x04068; RW)
Field Bit(s) Initial
Value Description
PRC64 31:0 0 Number of packets received that are 64 bytes in length.
Field Bit(s) Initial
Value Description
PRC127 31:0 0x0 Number of packets received that are 65-127 bytes in length.
Field Bit(s) Initial
Value Description
PRC255 31:0 0x0 Number of packets received that are 128-255 bytes in length.
Field Bit(s) Initial
Value Description
PRC511 31:0 0x0 Number of packets received that are 256-511 bytes in length.
82574 GbE Controller—Driver Programing Interface
This register counts the number of good packets received that are 256-511 bytes (from
<Destination Address> through <CRC>, inclusively) in length. Packets that are
counted in the Missed Packet Count register are not counted in this register. This
register does not include received flow control packets and increments only if receives
are enabled. Packets Received [512–1023 Bytes] Count - PRC1023 (0x0406C; RW)
This register counts the number of good packets received that are 512-1023 bytes
(from <Destination Address> through <CRC>, inclusively) in length. Packets that are
counted in the Missed Packet Count register are not counted in this register. This
register does not include received flow control packets and increments only if receives
are enabled. Packets Received [1024 to Max Bytes] Count - PRC1522 (0x04070;
This register counts the number of good packets received that are from 1024 bytes to
the maximum (from <Destination Address> through <CRC>, inclusively) in length. The
maximum is dependent on the current receiver configuration ( s uch as, LPE, etc.) and
the type of packet being received. If a packet is counted in the Receive Oversized Count
register, it is not counted in this register (see Section This register does not
include received flow control packets and only increments if the packet has passed
address filtering and receives are enabled.
Due to changes in the standard for maximum frame size for VLAN tagged frames in
802.3, this device accepts packets which have a maximum length of 1522 bytes. The
RMON statistics associated with this range has been extended to count 1522 byte long
packets. Good Packets Received Count - GPRC (0x04074; R)
This register counts the number of good (non-erred) packets received of any legal
length. The legal length for the received packet is defined by the value of LPE (see
Section This register does not include received flow control packets and
only counts packets that pass filtering. This re g i s ter onl y increments if rece i v e s are
enabled. This register does not count packets counted by the Missed Packet Count
(MPC) register.
Field Bit(s) Initial
Value Description
PRC1023 31:0 0x0 Number of packets received that are 512-1023 bytes in length.
Field Bit(s) Initial
Value Description
PRC1522 31:0 0x0 Number of packets received that are 1024-maximum bytes in length.
Field Bit(s) Initial
Value Description
GPRC 31:0 0x0 Number of good packets received (of any length).
Driver Programing Interface—82574 GbE Controller Broadcast Packets Received Count - BPRC (0x04078; R)
This register counts the number of good (non-erred) broadcast packets received. This
register does not count broadcast packets received when th e broadcast address filter is
disabled. This register only increments if receives are enabled. Multicast Packets Received Count - MPRC (0x0407C; R)
This register counts the number of good (non-erred) multicast packets received. This
register does not count multicast packets received that fail to pass address filtering nor
does it count received flow control pack ets. This register only increments if receives are
enabled. This register does not count packets counted by the Missed Packet Count
(MPC) register. Good Packets Transmitted Count - GPTC (0x0 4080; R)
This register counts the number of good (non-erred) packets transmitted. A good
transmit packet is considered one that is 64 or more bytes in length (from <Destination
Address> through <CRC>, inclusively) in length. This does not include tr ansmitted flow
control packets. This register only increments if transmits are enabled. This register
does not count packets counted by the Missed Packet Count (MPC) register. The
register counts clear as well as secure packets. G ood Octets Received Count - GORCL (0x04088; R) Good Octets Received Count - GORCH (0x0408C; R)
These registers make up a logical 64-bit register that counts the number of good (non-
erred) octets received. This register includes bytes received in a packet from the
<Destination Address> field through the <CRC> field, inclusively . This register must be
accessed using two independent 32-bit accesses. This register resets whenever the
upper 32 bits are read (GORCH).
Field Bit(s) Initial
Value Description
BPRC 31:0 0x0 Number of broadcast packets received.
Field Bit(s) Initial
Value Description
MPRC 31:0 0x0 Number of multicast packets received.
Field Bit(s) Initial
Value Description
GPTC 31:0 0x0 Number of good packets transmitted.
Field Bit(s) Initial
Value Description
GORCL 31:0 0x0 Num ber of good octets received – lower 4 bytes.
GORCH 31:0 0x0 Number of good octets received – upper 4 bytes.
82574 GbE Controller—Driver Programing Interface
In addition, it sticks at 0xFFFF_FFFF_FFFF_FFFF when the maximum value is reached.
Only packets that pass address filtering are counted in this register. This register only
increments if receives are enabled.
These octets do not include octets in received flow control packets. Good Octets Transmitted Count - GOTCL (0x04090; R) Good Octets Transmitted Co unt - GOTCH (0x04094; R)
These registers make up a logical 64-bit register that counts the number of good (non-
erred) octets transmitted. Th is register must be accessed using two independent 32-bit
accesses. This register resets whenever the upper 32 bits are read (GOTCH).
In addition, it sticks at 0xFFFF_FFFF_FFFF_FFFF when the maximum value is reached.
This register includes bytes transmitted in a packet from the <Destination Address>
field through the <CRC> field, inclusively. This register counts octets in successfully
transmitted pack ets which are 64 or more bytes in length. This register only increments
if transmits are enabled. The register counts clear as well as secure octets.
These octets do not include octets in transmitted flow control packets. Receive No Buffers Count - RNBC (0x040A0; R)
This register counts the number of times that frames were received when there were
no av ailable buffers in host memory to store those fr ames (receive descriptor head and
tail pointers were equal). The packet is still received if there is space in the FIFO. This
register only increments if receives are enabled.
This register does not increment when flow control packets are received. Receive U nd ersize C ount - RUC (0x040A4; R)
This register counts the number of received frames that passed address filtering, and
were less than minimum size (64 bytes from <Destination Address> through <CRC>,
inclusively), and had a valid CRC. This register only increments if receives are enabled.
Field Bit(s) Initial
Value Description
GOTCL 31:0 0x0 Number of good octets transmitted – lower 4 bytes.
GOTCH 31:0 0x0 Number of good octets transmitted – upper 4 bytes.
Field Bit(s) Initial
Value Description
RNBC 31:0 0x0 Number of receive no buffer conditions.
Field Bit(s) Initial
Value Description
RUC 31:0 0x0 Number of receive undersize errors.
Driver Programing Interface—82574 GbE Controller Receive Fragment Count - RFC (0x040A8; R)
This register counts the number of received frames that passed address filtering, and
were less than minimum size (64 bytes from <Destination Address> through <CRC>,
inclusively), but had a bad CRC (this is slightly different from the Receive Undersize
Count register). This register only increments if receives are enabled. Receive Oversize Count - ROC (0x040AC; R)
This register counts the number of received frames that passed address filtering, and
were greater than maximum size. Packets over 1522 bytes are oversized if LPE is 0b. If
LPE is 1b, then an incoming, packet is considered oversized if it exceeds 16384 bytes.
If receives are not enabled, this register does not increment. These lengths are based
on bytes in the received packet from <Destination Address> through <CRC>,
inclusively. Receive Jabber Count - RJC (0x040B0; R)
This register counts the number of received frames that passed address filtering, and
were greater than maximum size and had a bad CRC (this is slightly different from the
Receive Oversize Count register).
Packets over 1522 bytes are oversized if LPE is 0b. If LPE is 1b, then an incoming
packet is considered oversized if it exceeds 16383 bytes.
If receives are not enabled, this register does not increment. These lengths are based
on bytes in the received packet from <Destination Address> through <CRC>,
inclusively. Management Packets Received Count - MNGPRC (0x040B4; R)
Field Bit(s) Initial
Value Description
RFC 31:0 0x0 Number of receive fragment errors.
Field Bit(s) Initial
Value Description
ROC 31:0 0x0 Number of receive oversize errors.
Field Bit(s) Initial
Value Description
RJC 31:0 0x0 Number of receive jabber errors.
Field Bit(s) Initial
Value Description
MNGPRC 31:0 0x0 Number of management packets received.
82574 GbE Controller—Driver Programing Interface
This register counts the total number of packets received that pass the management
filters, regardless of L3/L4 checksum errors. Flow control packets as well as packets
with L2 errors are not counted. Packets dropped because the management receive
FIFO was full will be counted. Management Packets Dropped Count - MPDC (0x040B8; R)
This register counts the total number of packets received that pass the management
filters as described in Section 3.5 and then are droppe d because the management
receive FIFO is full or the packet is longer than 200 bytes. Management packets include
RMCP and ARP packets. Management Packets Transmitted Count - MPTC (0x040BC; R)
This register counts the total number of packets that are transmitted that are either
received over the SMBus or are generated by the 82574’s ASF function. T otal Octets Received - TORL (0x040C0; R) Total Octets Received - TORH (0x0 40C4; R)
These registers make up a logical 64-bit register that counts the total number of octets
received. This register must be accessed using two independent 32-bit accesses. This
register resets whenever the upper 32 bits are read (TORH). In addition, it sticks at
0xFFFF_FFFF_FFFF_FFFF when the maximum value is reached.
All packets received have their octets summed into this register, regardless of their
length, whether they are erred, or whether they are flow control packets. This register
includes bytes received in a packet from the <Destination Address> field through the
<CRC> field, inclusively. This register only increments if receives are enabled.
Note: Broadcast rejected packets are counted in this counter (in contradiction to all other
rejected packets that are not counted).
Field Bit(s) Initial
Value Description
MPDC 31:0 0x0 Number of management packets dropped.
Field Bit(s) Initial
Value Description
MPTC 31:0 0x0 Number of management packets transmitted.
Field Bit(s) Initial
Value Description
TORL 31:0 0x0 Number of total octets received – lower 4 bytes.
TORH 31:0 0x0 Number of total octets received – upper 4 bytes.
Driver Programing Interface—82574 GbE Controller Total Octets Transmitted - TOT (0x040C8; RW)
These registers make up a logical 64-bit register that counts the total nu mber of octets
transmitted. This register must be accessed using two independent 32-bit accesses.
This register resets whenever the upper 32 bits are read (TOTH). In addition, it sticks
at 0xFFFF_FFFF_FFFF_FFFF when the maximum value is reached.
All transmitted packets have their octets summed into this register, regardless of their
length or whether they are flow control packets. This register includes bytes
transmitted in a packet from the <Destination Address> field through the <CRC> field,
Octets transmitted as part of partial packet transmissions (for example, collisions in
half-duplex mode) are not included in this register. This register only increments if
transmits are enabled. Total Packets Received - TPR (0x0 40D0; RW)
This register counts the total number of all packets received. All packets received are
counted in this register, regardless of their length, whether they are erred, or whether
they are flow control packets. This register only increments if receives are enabled.
Note: Broadcast rejected packets are counted in this counter (in contradiction to all other
rejected packets that are not counted). Tot al Packets Transmitted - TPT (0x040D4; RW)
This register counts the total number of all packets transmitted. All packets tr ansmitted
will be counted in this register, regardless of their length, or whether they are flow
control packets.
Partial packet transmissions (for example, collisions in half-duplex mode) are not
included in this register. This register only increments if transmits are enabled. This
register counts all packets, including standard packets, secure packets, packets
received over the SMBus and packets generated by the ASF function.
Field Bit(s) Initial
Value Description
TOTL 31:0 0x0 Number of total octets transmitted – lower 4 bytes.
TOTH 31:0 0x0 Number of total octets transmitted – upper 4 bytes.
Field Bit(s) Initial
Value Description
TPR 31:0 0x0 Number of all packets received.
Field Bit(s) Initial
Value Description
TPT 31:0 0x0 Number of all packets transmitted.
82574 GbE Controller—Driver Programing Interface
352 Packets Transmitted [64 Bytes] Count - PTC64 (0x040D8; RW)
This register counts the number of packets tr ansmitted that are exactly 64 bytes (from
<Destination Address> through <CRC>, inclusively) in length. Partial packet
transmissions (for example, collisions in half -duplex mode) are not included in this
register. This register does not include transmitted flow control packets (which are 64
bytes in length). This register only increments if transmits are enabled. This register
counts all packets, including standard packets, secure packets, packets received over
the SMBus and packets generated by the ASF function. Packets Transmitted [65–127 Bytes] Count- PTC127 (0x040DC; RW)
This register counts the number of packets transmitted that are 65-127 bytes (from
<Destination Address> through <CRC>, inclusively) in length. Partial packet
transmissions (for example, collisions in half -duplex mode) are not included in this
register. This register only increments if transmits are enabled. This register counts all
packets, including standard packets, secure packets, packets received over the SMBus
and packets generated by the ASF function. Packets Transmitted [128–255 Bytes] Count - PTC255 (0x040E0; RW)
This register counts the number of packets transmitted that are 128-255 bytes (from
<Destination Address> through <CRC>, inclusively) in length. Partial packet
transmissions (for example, collisions in half -duplex mode) are not included in this
register. This register only increments if transmits are enabled. This register counts all
packets, including standard packets, secure packets, packets received over the SMBus
and packets generated by the ASF function.
Field Bit(s) Initial
Value Description
PTC64 31:0 0x0 Number of packets transmitted that are 64 bytes in length.
Field Bit(s) Initial
Value Description
PTC127 31:0 0x0 Number of packets transmitted that are 65-127 bytes in length.
Field Bit(s) Initial
Value Description
PTC255 31:0 0x0 Number of packets transmitted that are 128-255 bytes in length.
Driver Programing Interface—82574 GbE Controller Packets Transmitted [256–511 Bytes] Count - PTC511 (0x040E4; RW)
This register counts the number of packets transmitted that are 256-511 bytes (from
<Destination Address> through <CRC>, inclusively) in length. Partial packet
transmissions (for example, collisions in half-duplex mode) are not included in this
register. This register only increments if transmits are enabled. This register counts all
packets, including standard and secure packets. Management packets are never more
than 200 bytes. Packets Transmitted [512–1023 Bytes] Count - PTC1023 (0x040E8;
This register counts the number of packets transmitted that are 512-1023 bytes (from
<Destination Address> through <CRC>, inclusively) in length. Partial packet
transmissions (for example, collisions in half-duplex mode) are not included in this
register. This register only increments if transmits are enabled. This register counts all
packets, including standard and secure packets. Management packets are never more
than 200 bytes. Packets Transmitted [Greater than 1024 Bytes] Count - PTC1522
(0x040EC; RW)
This register counts the number of packets transmitted that are 1024 or more bytes
(from <Destination Address> through <CRC>, inclusively) in length. Partial packet
transmissions (for example, collisions in half-duplex mode) are not included in this
register. This register only increments if transmits are enabled.
Due to changes in the standard for maximum frame size for VLAN tagged frames in
802.3, this device transmits packets that have a maximum length of 1522 bytes. The
RMON statistics associated with this range has been extended to count 1522 byte long
packets. This register counts all packets, including standard and secure packets.
Management packets are never more than 200 bytes. Multicast Packets Transmitted Count - MPTC (0x040F0; RW)
Field Bit(s) Initial
Value Description
PTC511 31:0 0x0 Number of packets transmitted that are 256-511 bytes in length.
Field Bit(s) Initial
Value Description
PTC1023 31:0 0x0 Numbe r of packets transmitted that are 512-1023 bytes in length.
Field Bit(s) Initial
Value Description
PTC1522 31:0 0x0 Number of packets transmitted that are 1024 or more bytes in length.
Field Bit(s) Initial
Value Description
MPTC 31:0 0x0 Number of multicast packets transmitted.
82574 GbE Controller—Driver Programing Interface
This register counts the number of multicast packets transmitted. This register does
not include flow control packets and increments only if transmits are enabled. Counts
clear as well as secure traffic. Broadcast Packets Transmitted Count - BPTC (0x040 F4; RW)
This register counts the number of broadcast packets transmitted. This register only
increments if transmits are enabled. This register counts all packets, including standard
and secure packets. Management packets are never more than 200 bytes. TCP Segmentation Context Transmitted Count - TSCTC (0x040F8; RW)
This register counts the number of TCP segmentation offload transmissions and
increments once the last portion of the TCP segmentation context payload is
segmented and loaded as a packet into the on-chip tr ansmit buffer. Note that it is not a
measurement of the number of packets sent out (covered by other registers). This
register only increments if transmits and TCP segmentation offload are enabled. TCP Segmentation Context Transmit Fail Count - TSCTFC (0x040FC;
This register counts the number of TCP segmentation offload requests to the hardware
that failed to transmit all data in the TCP segmentation context payload. There is no
indication by hardware of how much data was successfully tr ansmitted. Only one failure
event is logged per TCP segmentation context. Failures could be due to Paylen errors.
This register will only increment if transmits are enabled. Interrupt Assertion Count- IAC (0x04100 ; R)
This counter counts the total number of interrupts generated in the system.
Field Bit(s) Initial
Value Description
BPTC 31:0 0x0 Number of broadcast packets transmitted count.
Field Bit(s) Initial
Value Description
TSCTC 31:0 0x0 Number of TCP Segmentation contexts transmitted count.
Field Bit(s) Initial
Value Description
TSCTFC 31:0 0x0 Number of TCP segmentation contexts where the device failed to
transmit the entire data payload.
Field Bit(s) Initial
Value Description
IAC 0-31 0x0 This is a count of the Legacy interrupt assertions that have occurred.
Driver Programing Interface—82574 GbE Controller
10.2.8 Management Register Descriptions Wake Up Control Regi ster - WUC (0x05800; RW)
The PME_En and PME_Status bits are reset when Internal P ower On Reset is 0b. When
D3 cold is not supported, these bits are also reset by the de-assertion (rising edge) of
PCI_RST_N. The other bits are reset on the standard internal resets. See Section 4.4.1
for details.
Field Bit(s) Initial
Value Description
APME 0 0b Advance Power Management Enable
If 1b, APM Wakeup is enabled (see Section 5.5.1).
This bit is loaded from NVM.
PME_En 1 0b
This read/write bit is used by the softw are device driv er to access the
PME_En bit of the Power Management Control / Status Register
(PMCSR) without writing to PCIe configuration space.
PME_Status 2 0b
This bit is set when the 82574 receives a wake-up event. It is the
same as the PME_Status bit in the PMCSR. Writing a 1b to this bit
clears the PME_Status bit in the PMCSR.
Assert PME On APM Wakeup
If set to 1b, the 82574 sets the PME_Status bit in the PMCSR and
asserts PE_WAKE_N when APM Wake Up is enabled and the 82574
receives a matching magic packetsee Section 5.5.1).
LSCWE 4 0b Link Status Change Wake Enable
Enables wake on link status change as part of APM wake capabilities.
LSCWO 5 0b
Link Status Change Wake Override
If set to 1b, wak e on link status change does not depend on the LNKC
bit in the Wake Up Filter Control (WUFC) register. Instead, it is
determined by the APM settings in the WUC register (see
This bit is loaded from NVM.
FTFA1 6 0b Flexible TCO Filter 1 Allocation
1b = Allocate flex TCO1 filter for wake.
0 b= Allocate flex TCO1 filter for manageability.
FTF1_EN 7 0b
Flexible TCO Filter 1 Enable
When set, flex TCO1 filter is enabled for wake up. When cleared, flex
TCO1 filter is disabled. This bit takes affect only when the FTFA1 bit is
set (for example, flex TCO1 filter is allocated for APM wake).
FTFA0 8 0b Flexible TCO Filter 0 Allocation
1b = Allocate flex TCO0 filter for wake.
0b = Allocate flex TCO0 filter for manageability.
FTF0_EN 9 0
Flexible TCO Filter 0 Enable
When set, flex TCO0 filter is enabled for wake up. When cleared, flex
TCO0 filter is disabled. This bit takes affect only when the FTFA0 bit is
set (for example, flex TCO0 filter is allocated for wake).
Reserved 31:8 0 Reserved.
82574 GbE Controller—Driver Programing Interface
356 Wake Up Filter Control Register - WUFC (0x05808; RW)
This register is used to enable each of the pre-defined and flexible filters for wake-up
support. A value of one means the filter is turned on, and a value of zero means the
filter is turned off.
If the NoTCO bit is set, then any packet that passes the manageability packet filtering
described in Section 3.5 does not cause a wake-up event even if it passes one of the
wake-up filters. Wake-Up S t atus Register - WUS (0x05810; RW)
Field Bit(s) Initial
Value Description
LNKC 0 0b Link Status Change Wake Up Enable
MAG 1 0b Magic Packet Wake Up Enable
EX 2 0b Directed Exact Wake Up Enable
MC 3 0b Directed Multicast Wake Up Enable
BC 4 0b Broadcast Wake Up Enable
ARP 5 0b ARP/IPv4 Request Packet Wake Up Enable
IPV4 6 0b Directed IPv4 Packet Wake Up Enable
IPV6 7 0b Directed IPv6 Packet Wake Up Enable
Reserved 14:8 0 Reserved
NoTCO 15 0b Ignore TCO Packets for TCO
FLX0 16 0b Flexible Filter 0 Enable
FLX1 17 0b Flexible Filter 1 Enable
FLX2 18 0b Flexible Filter 2 Enable
FLX3 19 0b Flexible Filter 3 Enable
Reserved 31:20 0x0 Reserved
Field Bit(s) Initial
Value Description
LNKC 0 0b Link Status Changed
MAG 1 0b Magic Packet Received
EX 2 0b Dir ected Exact Packet Received
The packet’s address matched one of the 16 pre-programmed exact
values in the Receive Address re gisters.
MC 3 0b Directed Multicast Packet Received
The packet was a multicast packet that was hashed to a value
corresponding to a 1-bit, in the Multicast Table Array.
BC 4 0b Broadcast Packet Received
ARP 5 0b ARP/IPv4 Request Packet Received
IPV4 6 0b Direc ted IPv4 Packet Received
IPV6 7 0b Direc ted IPv6 Packet Received
Reserved 8 0b Reserved
TCO0 9 0b Flexible TCO Filter 0 Match When Allocated to wake up.
Driver Programing Interface—82574 GbE Controller
This register is used to record statistics about all wake-up pack ets received. If a packet
matches multiple criteria than multiple bits could be set. Writing a 1b to any bit clears
that bit.
This register is not cleared when PCI_RST_N is asserted. It is only cleared when
Internal Power On Reset is de-asserted or when cleared by the software device driver. Management Flex UDP/TCP Ports 0/1 - MFUTP01 (0x05828; RW) Management Flex UDP/TCP Port 2/3 - MFUTP23 (0x05830; RW) IP Address Valid - IPAV (0x5838; RW)
The IP Address V alid register indicates whether the IP addresses in the IP address table
are valid:
TCO1 10 0b Flexible TCO Filter 1 Match When Allocated to wake up.
Reserved 15:11 0x0 Reserved
FLX0 16 0b Flexible Filter 0 Match
FLX1 17 0b Flexible Filter 1 Match
FLX2 18 0b Flexible Filter 2 Match
FLX3 19 0b Flexible Filter 3 Match
Reserved 31:20 0x0 Reserved
Field Bit(s) Initial
Value Description
Field Bit(s) Initial
Value Description
MFUTP0 15:0 0x0 0 Management Flex UDP/TCP Port
These bits can also be configured from the SMBus.
MFUTP1 31:16 0x0 1 Management Flex UDP/TCP Port
These bits can also be configured from the SMBus.
Field Bit(s) Initial
Value Description
MFUTP2 15:0 0x0 2 Management Flex UDP/TCP Port
These bits can also be configured from the SMBus.
MFUTP3 31:16 0x0 3 Management Flex UDP/TCP Port
These bits can also be configured from the SMBus.
Field Bit(s) Initial
Value Description
V40 0 0b1IPv4 Address 0 Valid
V41 1 0b IPv4 Address 1 Valid
V42 2 0b IPv4 Address 2 Valid
V43 3 0b IPv4 Address 3 Valid
Reserved 15:4 0x0 Reserved
82574 GbE Controller—Driver Programing Interface
358 IPv 4 Address Table - IP4AT (0x05840–0x05858; RW)
The IPv4 Address Table register is used to store the four IPv4 addresses for ARP/IPv4
request packet and directed IPv4 packet wake up. The first entry is also used to store
the IP address used for routing RMCP and optionally ARP packets to the SMBus or
internal ASF function. It has the following format: Management Control Register - MANC (0x05820; RW)
This register is written by the MC and should not be written by the host.
V60 16 0b IPv6 Address 0 Valid
Reserved 31:17 0x0 Reserved
1. The initial value is loaded from the IP Address Valid bit of the NVM’s Management Control register
Field Bit(s) Initial
Value Description
DWord# Address 31 0
0 0x5840 IPV4ADDR0
2 0x5848 IPV4ADDR1
3 0x5850 IPV4ADDR2
4 0x5858 IPV4ADDR3
Field Dword # A ddress Bit(s) Initial Value Description
IPV4ADDR0 0 0x5840 31:0 X IPv4 Address 0 (least significant byte is
first on the wire).
IPV4ADDR1 2 0x5848 31:0 X IPv4 Address 1
IPV4ADDR2 4 0x5850 31:0 X IPv4 Address 2
IPV4ADDR3 6 0x5858 31:0 X IPv4 Address 3
Field Bit(s) Initial
Value Description
Reserved 15:0 0x0 Reserved
TCO_RESET 16 0b TCO Reset Occurred
Set to 1b on a TCO reset.
This bit is only reset by Internal Power On Reset.
RCV_TCO_EN 17 0b Receive TCO Packets Enabled
When this bit is set, it enables the receive flow from the wire to the
manageability block.1
LINK_UP 18 0b
Block PHY reset and power state changes.
When this bit is set, the PHY is not reset on PE_RST_N or in-band
PCIe reset and it does not change its power state. This bit cannot be
written unless No_PHY_Rst EEPROM bit is set.
This bit is reset by Internal Power On Reset.
RCV_ALL 19 0b
Receive All Enable
When set, all received packets that passed L2 filtering are directed to
the manageability block. When RCV_ALL is set to 1b, no other
manageability filters should be set - all traffic is directed to the
manageability subsystem.
Driver Programing Interface—82574 GbE Controller Management Control to H ost Register - MANC2H (0x5860; RW)
The MANC2H register enables routing of manageability packets to the host based on
the decision filter that routed it to the manageability micro-controller. Each
Manageability Decision Filter (MDEF) has a corresponding bit in the MANC2H register.
When an MDEF routes a packet to manageability, it also routes the packet to the host if
the corresponding MANC2H bit is set and if the EN_MNG2HOST bit is set. The
EN_MNG2HOST bit serves as a global enable for the MANC2H bits.
Reset - The MANC2H register is cleared on Internal Power On Reset.
L2 20 0b
Receive All Multicast
When set, all received multicast packets pass L2 filtering (similar as
host promiscuous multicast). These packets can be directed to the
manageability block by a one of the decision filters. Broadcast packets
are not forwarded by this bit.
MNG2HOST 21 0b
Enable manageability packets to host memory
This bit enables the functionality of the MANC2H register. When set,
the packets that are specified in the MANC2H registers are forwarded
to host memory too, if they pass manageability filters.
Reserved 22 0b Reserved
FILTER 23 0b Enable Xsum Filtering to Manageability
When this bit is set, only packets that passes L3 and L4 checksum are
sent to the manageability block.
Reserved 24 0b Reserved
TYPE 25 0b
Fixed Net Type
If set, only packets matching the net type defined by the NET_TYPE
field passes to manageability. Otherwise, both tagged and un-tagged
packets can be forwarded to manageability engine.
NET_TYPE 26 0b
0b = Pass only un-tagged packets.
1b = Pass only VLAN tagged packets.
Valid only if FIXED_NET_TYPE is set .
Reserved 27 0b Reserved
_for_ARP 28 1b
Disable IP Address Checking for ARP Packets
When set, the IP address is not checked for a match on ARP packets.
When cleared, an ARP request packet is passed to the MC only if the
IP filter was configured and there is a match with one of the four
programmed IPv4.
This bit affects manageability filtering only. It does not affect wake-up
Reserved 31:29 0x0 Reserved
1. When set, this bit actually indicates the presence of a manageability entity. Therefore, it prevents the PHY
from being powered down while in power saving states. When this bit is cleared, the PHY might be powered
down, so transmit flow might not be possible as well. It's therefore recommended to set this bit when the BMC
needs to enable either receive or transmit.
Field Bit(s) Initial
Value Description
Field Bit(s) Initial
Value Description
Host Enable 7:0 0 x0
Host Enable
When set, indicates that packets routed by the manageability filters to
manageability are also sent to the host. Bit 0 corresponds to decision
rule 0, etc.
Reserved 31:8 0x0 Reserved
82574 GbE Controller—Driver Programing Interface
360 Manageability Filters Valid - MFVAL (0x5824; RW)
The Manageability Filters Valid register indicates which filter registers contain a valid
Reset - The MFVAL register is cleared on Internal Power On Reset. Manageability Decision Filters - MDEF (0x5890 + 4*n [n=0..7]; RW)
Field Bit(s) Initial
Value Description
MAC 0 0b MAC
Indicates if the MAC unicast filter registers (RAH[15], RAL[15])
contains valid MAC addresses.
Reserved 7:1 0x0 Reserved
VLAN 11:8 0x0 VLAN
Indicates if the VLAN filter register (MAVTV) contain valid VLAN tags.
Bit 8 corresponds to filter 0, etc.
Reserved 15:12 0x0 Reserved
IPv4 16 0b IPv4
Indicates if the IPv4 address filter (IP4AT[0]) contains a valid IPv4
Reserved 23:17 0x0 Reserved
IPv6 24 0b IPv6
Indicates if the IPv6 address filter (IP6AT) contains a valid IPv6
Reserved 31:25 0x0 Reserved
Field Bit(s) Initial
Value Description
Unicast AND 0 0b Unicast
Controls the inclus ion of unicast ad dress filtering in the manageability
filter decision (AND section).
AND 10b
Controls the inclusion of broadcast address filtering in the
manageability filter decision (AND section).
Controls the inclusion of VLAN address filtering in the manageability
filter decision (AND section).
IP Address 3 0b IP Address
Controls the inclusion of IP address filtering in the manageability filter
decision (AND section).
Unicast OR 4 0b Unicast
Controls the inclus ion of unicast ad dress filtering in the manageability
filter decision (OR section).
Broadcast OR 5 0b Broadcast
Controls the inclusion of broadcast address filtering in the
manageability filter decision (OR section).
Multicast AND 6 0b
Controls the inclusion of Multicast address filtering in the
manageability filter decision (AND s ection). Broadcast packets are not
included by this b it. The packet must pass some L2 filtering to be
included by this bit – either by the MANC.MCST_PASS_L2 or by some
dedicated MAC address.
Driver Programing Interface—82574 GbE Controller IPv6 Address Table - IP6AT (0x05880–0x0588F; RW)
The IPv6 Address Table register is used to store the IPv6 addresses for neighbor
solicitation packet filtering and directed IPv6 packet wake up and it has the following
ARP Request 7 0b ARP Request
Controls the inclusion of ARP Request filtering in the manageability
filter decision (OR section).
ARP Response 8 0b ARP Response
Controls the inclusion of A RP Response filtering in the manageability
filter decision (OR section).
(Solicitation) 90b
Neighbor Solicitation
Controls the inclusion of neighbor solicitation filtering in the
manageability filter decision (OR section).
Port 0x298 10 0b Port 0x 298
Controls the inclusion of port 0x298 filtering in the manageability
filter decision (OR section).
Port 0x26F 11 0b Port 0x 26F
Controls the inclusion of port 0x26F filtering in the manageability filter
decision (OR section).
Flex port 15:12 0x0 Flex Port
Controls the inclusion of flex port filtering in the manageability filter
decision (OR section). Bit 12 corresponds to flex port 0, etc.
Reserved 27:16 0x0 Reserved
Flex TCO 29:28 00b Flex TCO
Controls the inclusion of flex TCO filtering in the manageability filter
decision (OR section). Bit 28 corresponds to flex TCO filter 0, etc.
Reserved 31:30 00b Reserved
Field Bit(s) Initial
Value Description
DWORD# Address 31 0
0 0x5880
1 0x5884
2 0x5888
3 0x588C
Field Dword# Address Bit(s) Initial Value Description
0 0x5880 31:0 X IPv6 Address 0, bytes 1-4 (least
signficiant byte is first on the wire).
1 0x5884 31:0 X IPv6 Address 0, bytes 5-8
2 0x5888 31:0 X IPv6 Address 0, bytes 9-12
3 0x588C 31:0 X IPv6 Address 0, bytes 13-16
82574 GbE Controller—Driver Programing Interface
362 Wake Up Packet Memory [128 Bytes] - WUPM (0x05A00-0x05A7C; R)
This register is read only and it is used to store the first 128 bytes of the wake-up
packet for software retrieval after the system wakes up. It is not cleared by any reset. Function Active and Power State to MNG - F ACTPS (0x05B30; RO)
This register is used by the 82574 firmware for configuration. Flexible Filter Length Tab l e - FFLT (0x05F00–0x05F28; RW)
The Flexible Filter Length Table register stores the minimum packet lengths required to
pass each of the flexible filters. Any packets that are shorter than the programmed
length won’t pass that filter. Each flexible filter considers a packet that doesn’t have
any mismatches up to that point to have passed the flexible filter when it reaches the
required length. It does not check any bytes past that point.
Field Bit(s) Initial
Value Description
WUPD 31:0 X Wake Up Packet Data
Field Bit(s) Initial
Value Description
Reserved 31 0b Reserved
Reserved 30 0b Reserved
Reserved 29 1b Reserved
Reserved 28:9 0x0 Reserved
Reserved 8 0b Reserved
Reserved 7:4 0x0 Reserved
Func0 Aux_En 3 0b Function 0 Auxiliary (AUX) Power PM Enable bit shadow from the
configuration space.
LAN0 Valid 2 1b LAN 0 Enable
Hardwired to 1b.
Func0 Power
State 1:0 00b
Power State Indication of Function 0
00 b-> DR
01b -> D0u
10b -> D0a
11b -> D3
Field Dword # Address Bit(s) Initial Value Description
LEN0 0 0x5F00 10:0 0 Minimum Length for Flexible Filter 0
LEN1 2 0x5F08 10:0 0 Minimum Length for Flexible Filter 1
LEN2 4 0x5F10 10:0 0 Minimum Length for Flexible Filter 2
LEN3 6 0x5F18 10:0 0 Minimum Length for Flexible Filter 3
LEN TCO 0 8 0x5F20 10:0 0(NVM) Minimum Length for flexible TCO0 filter
LEN TCO 1 10 0x5F28 10:0 0(NVM) Minimum Length for flexible TCO1 filter
Driver Programing Interface—82574 GbE Controller
All reserved fields read as 0b’s and ignore writes. Bits 10:8 must be written as 0b.
Note: Before writing to the flexible filter length table, the software device driver must first
disable the flexible filters by writing 0b’s to the Flexible Filter Enable bits of the Wake
Up Filter Control (WUFC.FLXn) register. Flexible Filter Mask Table - FFMT (0x09000–0x093F8; RW)
The Flexible Filter Mask Table register is used to store the four 1-bit masks for each of
the first 128 data bytes in a packet, one for each flexible filter. If the mask bit is 1b, the
corresponding flexible filter compares the incoming data byte at the index of the mask
bit to the data byte stored in the flexible filter value table.
Note: The table is organized to permit expansion to eight (or more) filters and 256 bytes in a
future product without changing the address map.
Note: Before writing to the flexible filter mask table, the software device driver must first
disable the flexible filters by writing 0b’s to the Flexible Filter Enable bits of the Wake
Up Filter Control (WUFC.FLXn) register. Flexible TCO Filter Table - FTFT (0x09400–0x097F8; RW)
These registers can be used by software to update the flex-TCO filter bytes that should
be compared. As opposed to the wake-up table this structure contains the byte value
and the bit mask in the same address.
Bits 7:0 and 8 are used for flex TCO filter 0 and bits 16:9 and 17 are used for flex TCO
filter 1.
The TCO flexible filters are enabled for manageability filtering if:
Bits 28,29 are set in any of manageability decision filters (MDEF). Bit 28 enables
flex TCO0 filter, Bit 29 enables flex TCO1 filter.
Bits FTFA0/1 in the WUC register a re cl eared (0).
The TCO flexible filters are enabled for wak eup if FTF A0/1 and FTF0/1_EN bits are set in
the WUC register.
Field Dword # Address Bit(s) Initial Value Description
MASK0 0 0x9000 3:0 X Mask for Filter [3:0] for Byte 0
MASK1 2 0x9008 3:0 X Mask for Filter [3:0] for Byte 1
MASK2 4 0x9010 3:0 X Mask for Filter [3:0] for Byte 2
MASK127 254 0x93F8 3:0 X Mask for Filter [3:0] for Byte 127
82574 GbE Controller—Driver Programing Interface
Note: The initial values for this table can be loaded from the NVM after a power-up reset. Or
configured from SMBus at pass-through mode. Software has access to read from these
registers. If software doesn’t write to these registers they remain in their original value. Flexible Filter Value Table -FFVT (0x09800–0x09BF8; R W)
The Flexible Filter Value Table register is us ed to store the one value for each byte
location in a packet for each flexible filter. If the corresponding mask bit is 1b, the
flexible filter compares the incoming data byte to the values stored in this table.
Note: The table is organized to permit expansion to eight filters and 256 bytes in a future
product without changing the address map.
Note: Before writing to the flexible filter value table, the software device driver must first
disable the flexible filters by writing 0’bs to the Flexible Filter Enable bits of the Wake
Up Filter Control (WUFC.FLXn) register.
Field Dword Address Bit(s) Initial
Value Description
Filter 0 Byte0 value 0 0x9400 7:0 X TCO Filter 0 Byte 0 value
Filter 0 Byte0 MSK 0 0x9400 8 X TCO Filter 0 Byte 0 mask
Filter 1 Byte0 value 0 0x9400 16:9 X TCO Filter 1 Byte 0 value
Filter 1 Byte0 MSK 0 0x9400 17 X TCO Filter 1 Byte 0 mask
Filter 0 Byte1 value 0 0x9408 7:0 X TCO Filter 0 Byte 1 value
Filter 0 Byte1 MSK 0 0x9408 8 X TCO Filter 0 Byte 1 mask
Filter 1 Byte1 value 0 0x9408 16:9 X TCO Filter 1 Byte 1 value
Filter 1 Byte1 MSK 0 0x9408 17 X TCO Filter 1 Byte 1 mask
Filter 0 Byte127 value 0 0x97F8 7:0 X TCO Filter 0 Byte 127 value
Filter 0 Byte127 MSK 0 0x97F8 8 X TCO Filter 0 Byte 127 mask
Filter 1 Byte127 value 0 0x97F8 16:9 X TCO Filter 1 Byte 127 value
Filter 1 Byte127 MSK 0 0x97F8 17 X TCO Filter 1 Byte 127 mask
Field Dword # Address Bit(s) Initial Value Description
VALUE0 0 0x9800 15:0 X Value for Filter [3:0] for Byte 0
VALUE1 2 0x9808 15:0 X Value for Filter [3:0] for Byte 1
VALUE2 4 0x9810 15:0 X Value for Filter [3:0] for Byte 2
VALUE127 254 0x9BF8 15:0 X Value for Filter [3:0] for Byte 127
Driver Programing Interface—82574 GbE Controller
10.2.9 Time Sync Register Descriptions RX Time Sync Control R egister - TSYNCRXCTL (Offset 0B620; RW) Rx Time Stamp Low - RXSTMPL (Offset 0B624; RW) Rx Time Stamp High - RXSTMPH (O ffset 0B628; RW) Rx Time Stamp Attributes Low - RXSATRL (Offset 0B62C; RW)
Bit Type Reset Description
0(RO/V) 0b
Rx time stamp valid. Equals 1b when a valid value for Rx time stamp
is captured in the Rx time stamp register; cleared by read of Rx time
stamp register RXSTMPH.
3:1 RW 0x0
Type of packets to timestamp:
000b = Time stamp L2 (V2) packets only (Sync o r Delay_req depends
on message type in Section and packets with message ID 2
and 3).
001b = Time stamp L4 (V1) packets only (Sync o r Delay_req depends
on message type in Section
010b = Time stamp V2 (L2 and L4) packets (Sync or Delay_req
depends on message type in Section and packets with
message ID 2 and 3).
100b = Time stamp all packets (in this mode no locking is done to t he
value in the time stamp registers and no indications in receive
descriptors are transferred).
101b = Time stamp all pack et s who se message id bi t 3 is zero, which
means time stamp all event packets. This is applicable for V2 packet s
011b, 110b and 111b = Reserved.
4RW 0x0
Enable Rx time stamp
0x0 = Time stamping disabled.
0x1 = Time stamping enabled.
31:4 RO 0x0 Reserved
Bit Type Reset Description
31:0 RO 0x0 RXSTMPL
Rx time stamp LSB value.
Bit Type Reset Description
31:0 RO 0x0 RXSTMPH
Rx time stamp MSB value.
Bit Type Reset Description
31:0 RO 0x0 SourceIDL
Sourceuuid low
The value of this register is in host order.
82574 GbE Controller—Driver Programing Interface
366 RX Time Stamp Attributes High- RXSATRH (Offset 0x0B630; RW) RX Ethertype and Message Type Register - RXCFGL (Offset 0B634;
RW) RX UDP Port - RXUDP (Offset 0x0B638; RW) TX Time S ync Control Register - TSYNCTXCTL (Offset 0B614; RW)
Bit Type Reset Description
15:0 RO 0x0 SourceIDH
Sourceuuid high
The value of this register is in host order.
31:16 RO 0x0 SequenceID
The value of this register is in host order.
Bit Type Reset Description
15:0 RW 0x88F7 PTP L2 EtherType to time stamp.
The value of this register is programmed/read in network order.
23:16 RW 0x0 V1 control to time stamp.
31:24 RW 0x0 V2 messageId to time stamp.
Bit Type Reset Description
15:0 RW 0x319 UPORT
UDP port number to time stamp.
The value of this register is programmed/read in network order.
31:16 RO 0x0 Reserved
Bit Type Reset Description
0RO/V 0
Tx time stamp valid. Equals 1b when a valid value for Tx
timestamp is captured in the Tx time stamp register. Cleared by
read of Tx time stamp register TXSTMPH.
3:1 RO 0 Reserved
4RW 0
Enable TX timestamp
0x0 = Time stamping disabled.
0x1 = Time stamping enabled.
31:5 RO 0 Reserved
Driver Programing Interface—82574 GbE Controller TX Time Stamp Value Low - TXSTMPL (Offset 0B618; RW) TX Time Stamp Value High - TXSTMPH (Offset 0B61C; RW) System Time Register Low - SYSTIML (Offset 0B600; RW) System Time Register High - SYSTIMH (Offset 0B604; RW) Increment Attributes Register - TIMINCA (Offset 0B608; RW) Time Adjustment Offset Register Low - TIMADJL (Offset 0B60C; RW)
Bit Type Reset Description
31:0 RO 0x0 TXSTMPL
Tx timestamp LSB value
Bit Type Reset Description
31:0 RO 0x0 TXSTMPH
Tx timestamp MSB val ue
Bit Type Reset Description
31:0 RW 0x0 STL
System t ime LSB register.
Bit Type Reset Description
31:0 RW 0x0 STH
System time MSB register.
Bit Type Reset Description
23:0 RW 0x0 IV
Increment value – incvalue.
31:24 RW 0x0 IP
Increment period – incperiod.
Bit Type Reset Description
31:0 RW 0x00 TADJL
Time adjustment value – low.
82574 GbE Controller—Driver Programing Interface
368 Time Adjustment Offset Register High - TIMADJH (Offset 0B 610; RW)
10.2.10 MSI-X Register Descriptions
These registers are us ed to configure the MSI-X mechanism. The address and upper
address registers set the address for each of the vectors. The message register sets the
data sent to the relevant address. The vector control registers are used to enable
specific vectors.
The Pending Bit Array register indicates which vectors have pending interrupts.
The structure is listed in Table 79.
Table 79. MSI-X Table Structure
Table 80. MSI-X PBA St ructure
Note: The table lists the general case. In the 82574 N = 5. As a result, only Qword0 is
Bit Type Reset Description
30:0 RW 0x00 TADJH
Time adjustment value - high.
31 RW 0x0 Sign
Sign (“0”=”+”, “1”=”-“)
Dword3 Dword2 Dword1 Dword0
Vector Control Msg Data Msg Upper Addr Msg Addr Entry 0 Base
Vector Control Msg Data Msg Upper Addr Msg Addr Entry 1 Base + 1*16
Vector Control Msg Data Msg Upper Addr Msg Addr Entry 2 Base + 2*16
Vector Control Msg Data Msg Upper Addr Msg Addr Entry 3 Base + 3*16
Vector Control Msg Data Msg Upper Addr Msg Addr Entry 4 Base + 4*16
Pending bits 0 th rough 63 Qword0 Base
Pending bits 64 through 127 Qword1 Base+1*8
Pending bits ((N-1) div 64)*64
through N-1 Qword((N-1) div 64) Base + ((N-1) div 64)*8
Driver Programing Interface—82574 GbE Controller MSI—X Table Entry Lower Address - MSIXTADD (BAR3: 0x0000 +
n*0x10 [n=0..4]; R /W) MSI—X Table Entry Upper Address - MSIXTUADD (BAR3: 0x0004 +
n*0x10 [n=0..4]; R /W) MSI—X Table Entry Message - MSIXTMSG (BAR3: 0x00 08 + n*0x10
[n=0..4]; R/W) MSI—X Table Entry Vector Control - MSIXTVCTRL (BAR3: 0x000C +
n*0x10 [n=0..4]; R /W)
Field Bit(s) Initial
Value Description
Address LSB
(RO) 1:0 0x0 For proper Dword alignment, software must always write 0bs to these
two bits. Otherwise, the result is undefined.
Address 31:2 0x0
System-Specific Message Lower Address
For MSI-X messages, the contents of this field from an MSI-X table
entry specifies the lower por tion of the Dword-alig ned address for the
memory write transaction.
Field Bit(s) Initial
Value Description
Address 31:0 0x0 System-Specific Message Upper Address
Field Bit(s) Initial
Value Description
Message Data 31:0 0x0
System-Specific Message Data
For MSI-X messages, the contents of this field from an MSI-X table
entry specifies the data written during the memory write transaction.
In contrast to message data used for MSI messages, the low-order
message data bits in MSI-X messages are not modified by the
Field Bit(s) Initial
Value Description
Mask 0 1b
When this bit is set, the function is prohibited from sending a
message using this MSI- X table entry . However, any other MSI- X table
entries progr ammed with the same v ector are still capab le of se nding
an equivalent message unless they are also masked.
Reserved 31:1 0x0 Reserved
82574 GbE Controller—Driver Programing Interface
370 MSI-X PBA Bit Description-MSIXPBA (BAR3: 0x020 00; RO)
10.2.11 PHY Registers
PHY registers can be accessed by using MDIC as described in Section
Table 81. 82574 PHY Register Summary
Field Bit(s) Initial
Value Description
Pen ding Bits 4:0 0x0 For each pending bit that is set, the function has a pending message
for the associated MSI-X Table entry.
Pending bits that have no associated MSI-X table entry are reserved.
Reserved 31:5 0x0 Reserved
Category Offset Alias
Offset Abbreviation Name RW Link to
PHY Any Page,
Register 0 Control Register page 372
PHY Any Page,
Register 1 Status Register page 374
PHY Any Page,
Register 2 PHY Identifier 1 page 374
PHY Any Page,
Register 3 PHY Identifier 2 page 375
PHY Any Page,
Register 4 Auto-Negotiation Advertisement
Register page 375
PHY Any Page,
Register 5 Link Partner Ability Register - Base Page page 377
PHY Any Page,
Register 6 Auto-Negotiation Exp ansion Register page 378
PHY Any Page,
Register 7 Next Page Transmit Register page 379
PHY Any Page,
Register 8 Link Partner Next Page Register page 379
PHY Any Page,
Register 9 1000BASE-T Control Register page 380
PHY Any Page,
Register 10 1000BASE-T Status Register page 381
PHY Any Page,
Register 15 Extended Status Register page 382
PHY Page 0,
Register 16 Copper Specific Control Register 1 page 382
PHY Page 0,
Register 17 Copper Specific Status Register 1 page 384
PHY Page 0,
Register 18 Copper Specific Interrupt Enable
Register page 385
PHY Page 0,
Register 19 Copper Specific Status Register 2 page 386
PHY Page 0,
Register 20 Copper Specific Control Register 3 page 387
Driver Programing Interface—82574 GbE Controller
Category Offset Alias
Offset Abbreviation Name RW Link to
PHY Page 0,
Register 21 Receive Error Counter Register page 387
PHY Any Page,
Register 22 Page Address page 388
PHY Page 0,
Register 25 OEM Bits page 388
PHY Page 0,
Register 26 Copper Specific Control Register 2 page 389
PHY Page 0,
Register 29 Bias Setting Register 1 page 390
PHY Page 0,
Register 30 Bias Setting Register 2 page 390
PHY Page 2,
Register 16 MAC Specific Control Register 1 page 390
PHY Page 2,
Register 18 MAC Specific Interrupt Enable Register page 391
PHY Page 2,
Register 19 MAC Specific Status Register page 391
PHY Page 2,
Register 21 MAC Specific Control Register 2 page 392
PHY Page 3,
Register 16 LED[3:0] Function Control Register page 392
PHY Page 3,
Register 17 LED[3:0] Polarity Control Register page 395
PHY Page 3,
Register 18 LED Timer Control Register page 396
PHY Page 3,
Register 19 LED[5:4] Function Control and Polarity
Register page 397
PHY Page 5,
Register 20 1000 BASE-T Pair Skew Register page 398
PHY Page 5,
Register 21 1000 BASE-T Pair Swap and Polarity page 398
PHY Page 6,
Register 17 CRC Counters page 398
82574 GbE Controller—Driver Programing Interface
372 Control Register (Any Page), PHY Address 01; Register 0
Bits Field Mode HW Rst SW Rst De scription
15 Reset R/W, SC 0x0 SC
PHY Software Reset.
Writing a 1b to this bit causes the PHY state
machines to be reset. When the reset operation
completes, this bit is automatically cleared to 0b.
The reset occurs imme diately.
1b = PHY reset.
0b = Normal operation.
14 Loopback R/W 0x0 0x0
When loopback is activated, the transmitter data
presented on TXD is looped back to RXD internally .
The link is broken when loopback is enabled.
Loopback speed is determined by registers
1b = Enable loopback.
0b = Disable loopback.
13 Speed
Select (LSB) R/W 0x0 Update
Changes to this bit are disruptive to the normal
operation; therefore, any changes to these
registers must be followed by a software reset to
take effect. A write to this register bit does not
take effect until any one of the following also
Software reset is asserted (register 0.15).
Restart auto-negotiation is asserted (register
Power down (regi ster 0.11, 16_0.2) transitio ns
from power down to normal operation (bit 6,
11b = Reserved.
10b = 1000 Mb/s.
01b = 100 Mb/s.
00b = 10 Mb/s.
12 Auto-
Enable R/W 0x1 Update
Changes to this bit are disruptive to the normal
operation. A write t o this register bit does not tak e
effect until any one of the following occurs:
Software reset is asserted (register 0.15).
Restart auto-negotiation is asserted (register
Power down (regi ster 0.11, 16_0.2) transitio ns
from power down to normal operation.
If register 0.12 is set to 0b and speed is manually
forced to 1000 Mb/s in registers 0.13 and 0.6, then
auto- negotiation is still enabled and only
1000BASE- T full-duplex is advertised if r egister 0.8
is set to 1b, and 1000BASE-T half-duplex is
advertised if register 0.8 is set to 0b. Registers
4.8:5 and 9.9:8 are ignored. Auto-negotiation is
mandatory per IEEE for proper operation in
1b = Enable auto-negotiation process.
0b = Disable auto-negotiation process.
Driver Programing Interface—82574 GbE Controller
11 Power Down R/W See
Description Retain
Power down is controlled via register 0.11 and
16_0.2. Both bits must be set to 0b before the PHY
transitions from power down to normal operatio n.
When the port is switched from power down to
normal operation, a software reset and restart
auto-negotiation are performed even when bits
Reset (0_15) and Restart Auto-Negotiation (0.9)
are not set by the user. IEEE power down shuts
down the 82574 except for the GMII interface if
16_2.3 is set to 1b. If 16_2.3 is set to 0b, then the
GMII interface also shuts down. After a hardware
reset, this bit takes on the value of pd_pwrdn_a.
1b = Power down.
0b = Normal operation.
When pd_pwrdn_a transitions from 1b to 0b this
bit is set to 0b. When pd_pwrdn_a transitions from
0b to 1b this bit is set to 1b.
10 Isolate RO 0x0 0x0 This bit has no effect.
R/W,SC 0x0 SC
When pd_aneg_now_a transitions from 0b to 1b
this bit is set to 1b. Auto-negotiation automatically
restarts after hardware or software reset
regardless of whether or not the Restart bit (0.9) is
1b = Restart auto-negotiation process.
0b = Normal operation.
Mode R/W 0x1 Update
Changes to this bit are disruptive to the normal
operation; therefore, any changes to these
registers must be followed by a software reset to
take effect. A write to this register bit does not
take effect until any one of the following also
Software reset is asserted (register 0.15).
Restart auto-negotiation is asserted (register
Power down (register 0.11, 16_0.2) transitions
from power down to normal operation.
1b = Full-duplex.
0b = Half-duplex.
Test RO 0x0 0x0 This bit has no effect.
(MSB) R/W 0x1 Update
Changes to this bit are disruptive to the normal
operation; therefore, any changes to these
registers must be followed by a software reset to
take effect. A write to this register bit does not
take effect until any one of the following occurs:
Software reset is asserted (register 0.15).
Restart auto-negotiation is asserted (register
Power down (register 0.11, 16_0.2) transitions
from power down to normal operation (bit 6,
11b = Reserved.
10b = 1000 Mb/s.
01b = 100 Mb/s.
00b = 10 Mb/s.
5:0 Reserved RO Always 0x0 Always
0x0 Reserved, always 0x0.
Bits Field Mode HW Rst SW Rst Description
82574 GbE Controller—Driver Programing Interface
374 Status Register (Any Page), PHY Address 01; Register 1 PH Y Id entifier 1 (Any Page), PHY Address 01; Register 2
Bits Field Mode HW Rst SW Rst Description
15 100BASE-T4 RO Always
0b Always
0b 100BASE-T4. This protocol is not available.
0b = PHY not able to perform 100BASE-T4.
14 100BASE-X Full-
Duplex RO Always
1b Always
1b 1b = PHY able to perform full-duplex 100BASE-X.
13 100BASE-X
Half-Duplex RO Always
1b Always
1b 1b = PHY able to perform half-duplex 100BASE-X.
12 10 Mbps Full-
Duplex RO Always
1b Always
1b 1b = PHY able to perform full-duplex 10BASE-T.
11 10 Mbps Half-
Duplex RO Always
1b Always
1b 1b = PHY able to perform half-duplex 10BASE-T.
10 100BASE-T2
Full-Duplex RO Always
0b Always
0b This protocol is not available.
0b = PHY not able to perform full-duplex.
Half-Duplex RO Always
0b Always
0b This protocol is not available.
0b = PHY not able to perform half-duplex.
8 Extended Status RO Always
1b Always
1b 1b = Extended status information in register 15.
7 Reserved RO Always
0b Always
0b Rese rved, always 0b.
6MF Preamble
Suppression RO Always
1b Always
1b 1b = PHY accepts management frames with
preamble suppressed.
5Copper Auto-
Complete RO 0x0 0x0 1b = Auto-negotiation process complete.
0b = Auto-negotiation process not complete.
4Copper Remote
Fault RO,
LH 0x0 0x0 1b = Remote fault condition detected.
0b = Remote fault condition not detected.
Ability RO Always
1b Always
1b 1b = PHY able to perform auto-negotiation.
2Copper Link
Status RO,
LL 0x0 0x0
This register bit indicates when link was LED[3] since
the last read. For the curre nt link status, either read
this register back-to-back or read register 17_0.10
Link Real Time.
1b = Link is up.
0b = Link is down.
1Jabber Detect
LH 0x0 0x0 1b = Jabber condition detected.
0b = Jabber condition not detected.
Capability RO Always
1b Always
1b 1b = Extended register capabilities.
Bits Field Mode HW Rst SW Rst Description
15:0 Organizationally
Unique Identifier Bit
3:18 RO 0x0141 0x0141
0x005043 0000 0000 0101 0000 0100 0011
^ ^ bit 1....................................bit 24
register 2. [15:0] show bits 3 to 18 of the OUI.
0000000101000001 ^ ^ bit
Driver Programing Interface—82574 GbE Controller PHY Identifier 2 (Any Page), PHY Address 01; Register 3 Auto-Negotiation Advertisement Register (Any Page), PHY Address
01; Register 4
Bits Field Mode HW Rst SW Rst Description
15:10 OUI LSB RO Always 000011b 0x00 Organizationally Unique Identifier bits
19:24 00 0011 ^.........^ bit 19...bit 24
9:4 Model Number RO Always 001011b 0x00 Model Number 001011b.
3:0 Revision
Number RO See Description See
Rev Number.
Contact FAEs for information on the
device revision number.
Bits Field Mode HW Rst SW Rst Descr i pt i o n
15 Next Page R/W 0x0 Update
A write to this register bit does not take effect until
any one of the following occurs:
Software reset is asserted (register 0.15).
Restart auto-negotiation is asserted (register
Power down (register 0.11, 16_0.2) transitions
from power down to normal operation.
Copper link goes down.
If 1000BASE-T is advertised then the required next
pages are automatically transmitted. Register 4.15
should be set to 0b if no additional next pages are
1b = Advertise.
0b = Not advertised.
14 Ack RO Always 0b Always
0b Rese rved, must be 0b.
13 Remote Fault R/W 0x0 Update
A write to this register bit does not take effect until
any one of the following occurs:
Software reset is asserted (register 0.15).
Restart auto-negotiation is asserted (register
Power down (register 0.11, 16_0.2) transitions
from power down to normal operation.
Copper link goes down.
1b = Set Remote Fault bit.
0b = Do not set Remote Fault bit.
12 Reserved R/W 0x0 Update
A write to this register bit does not take effect until
any one of the following occurs:
Software reset is asserted (register 0.15).
Restart auto-negotiation is asserted (register
Power down (register 0.11, 16_0.2) transitions
from power down to normal operation.
Copper link goes down.
Reserved bit is R/W to allow for forward
compatibility with future IEEE standards.
82574 GbE Controller—Driver Programing Interface
11 Asymmetric
Pause R/W See
Description Update
A write to this register bit does not take effect until
any one of the following occurs:
Software reset is asserted (register 0.15).
Restart auto-negotiation is asserted (register
Power down (register 0.11, 16_0.2) transitions
from powe r down to normal operation.
Copper link goes down.
After a hardware reset, this bit takes on the v alue of
1b = Asymmetric pause.
0b = No asymmetric pause.
10 Pause R/W See
Description Update
A write to this register bit does not take effect until
any one of the following occurs:
Software reset is asserted (register 0.15).
Restart auto-negotiation is asserted (register
Power down (register 0.11, 16_0.2) transitions
from powe r down to normal operation.
Copper link goes down.
After a hardware reset, this bit takes on the v alue of
1b = MAC pause implemented.
0b = MAC pause not implemented.
9 100BASE-T4 R/W 0x0 Retain 0b = Not capable of 100BASE-T4.
Full-Duplex R/W 0x1 Update
A write to this register bit does not take effect until
any one of the following occurs:
Software reset is asserted (register 0.15).
Restart auto-negotiation is asserted (register
Power down (register 0.11, 16_0.2) transitions
from powe r down to normal operation.
Copper link goes down.
If register 0.12 is set to 0b and speed is manually
forced to 1000 Mb/s in registers 0.13 and 0.6, then
auto-negotiation is still enabled and only 1000BASE-
T full-duplex is advertised if r egister 0.8 is set to 1b;
1000BASE-T half-duplex is advertised if 0.8 is set to
0b. Registers 4.8:5 and 9.9:8 are ignored.
Auto-nego tiation is mandatory per IEEE for proper
operation in 1000BASE-T.
1b = Advertise.
0b = Not advertised.
Half-Duplex R/W 0x1 Update
A write to this register bit does not take effect until
any one of the following occurs:
Software reset is asserted (register 0.15)
Restart auto-negotiation is asserted (register
Power down (register 0.11, 16_0.2) transitions
from power down to normal operation
Copper link goes down.
If register 0.12 is set to 0b and speed is manually
forced to 1000 Mb/s in registers 0.13 and 0.6, then
auto-negotiation is still enabled and only 1000BASE-
T full-duplex is advertised if r egister 0.8 is set to 1b;
1000BASE-T half-duplex is advertised if 0.8 is set to
0b. Registers 4.8:5 and 9.9:8 are ignored.
Auto-nego tiation is mandatory per IEEE for proper
operation in 1000BASE-T.
1b = Advertise.
0b = Not advertised.
Bits Field Mode HW Rst SW Rst Description
Driver Programing Interface—82574 GbE Controller Link Partner Ability Register - Base Page (Any Page), PHY Address 01;
Register 5
Full-Duplex R/W 0x1 Update
A write to this register bit does not take effect until
any one of the following occurs:
Software reset is asserted (register 0.15).
Restart Auto-Negotiation is asserted (register
Power down (register 0.11, 16_0.2) transitions
from power down to normal operation.
Copper link goes down.
If register 0.12 is set to 0b and speed is manually
forced to 1000 Mb/s in registers 0.13 and 0.6, then
auto-negotiation is still enabled an d on ly 1000BASE-
T full-duplex is advertised if register 0.8 is set to 1;
1000BASE-T half-duplex is advertised if 0.8 is set to
0b. Registers 4.8:5 and 9.9:8 are ignored.
Auto-negotiation is mandatory per IEEE for proper
operation in 1000BASE-T.
1b = Advertise.
0b = Not advertised.
Half-Duplex R/W 0x1 Update
A write to this register bit does not take effect until
any one of the following occurs:
Software reset is asserted (register 0.15).
Restart auto-negotiation is asserted (register
Power down (register 0.11, 16_0.2) transitions
from power down to normal operation.
Copper link goes down.
If register 0.12 is set to 0b and speed is manually
forced to 1000 Mb/s in registers 0.13 and 0.6, then
auto-negotiation is still enabled an d on ly 1000BASE-
T full-duplex is advertised if register 0.8 is set to 1b;
1000BASE-T half-duplex is advertised if 0.8 is set to
0b. Registers 4.8:5 and 9.9:8 are ignored.
Auto-negotiation is mandatory per IEEE for proper
operation in 1000BASE-T.
1b = Advertise.
0b = Not advertised.
4:0 Selector
Field R/W 0x01 Retain Selector Field mode 00001 = 802.3.
Bits Field Mode HW Rst SW Rst Description
15 Next Page RO 0x0 0x0 Received Code Word Bit 15.
1b = Link partner capable of next page.
0b = Link partner not capable of next page.
14 Acknowledge RO 0x0 0x0 Acknowledge Received Code Wo rd Bit 14.
1b = Link partner received link code word.
0b = Link partner does not have next page ability.
13 Remote Fault RO 0x0 0x0 Remote Fault Received Code Word Bit 13.
1b = Link partner detected remote fault.
0b = Link partner has not detected remote fault.
12 Technology
Ability Field RO 0x0 0x0 Received Code Word Bit 12.
11 Asymmetric
Pause RO 0x0 0x0 Received Code Word Bit 11.
1b = Link partner requests asymmetric pause.
0b = Link partner does not request asymmetric pause.
Bits Field Mode HW Rst SW Rst Descr i pt i o n
82574 GbE Controller—Driver Programing Interface
378 Auto-Negotiation Expansion Register (Any Page), PHY Address 01;
Register 6
10 Pause
Capable RO 0x0 0x0 Received Code Word Bit 10.
1b = Link pa rtner is capable of pause operation.
0b = Link partner is not capable of pause operation.
Capability RO 0x0 0x0 Received Code Word Bit 9.
1b = Link partner is 100BASE-T4 capable.
0b = Link partner is not 100BASE-T4 capable.
Capability RO 0x0 0x0 Received Code Word Bit 8.
1b = Link partner is 100BASE-TX full-duplex capable.
0b = Link partner is not 100BASE-TX full-duplex capable.
Capability RO 0x0 0x0
Received Code Word Bit 7.
1b = Link partner is 100BASE-TX half-duplex capable.
0b = Link partner is not 100BASE-TX half-duplex
Capability RO 0x0 0x0 Received Code Word Bit 6.
1b = Link partner is 10BASE-T full-duplex capable.
0b = Link partner is not 10BASE-T full-duplex capable.
Capability RO 0x0 0x0 Received Code Word Bit 5.
1b = Link partner is 10BASE-T half-duplex capable.
0b = Link partner is not 10BASE-T half-duplex capable.
4:0 Selector Field RO 0x00 0x00 Selector Field Received Code Word Bit 4:0.
Bits Field Mode HW Rst SW Rst Description
15:5 Reserved RO 0x000 0x000 Reserved. Must be 00000000000.
Detection Fault RO,LH 0x0 0x0
Register 6.4 is not valid until the auto-negotiation
complete bit (Reg 1.5) indicates completed.
1b = A fault has been detected via the parallel
detection function.
0b = A fault has not been detected via the parallel
detection function.
3Link Partner
Next page Able RO 0x0 0x0
Register 6.3 is not valid until the auto-negotiation
complete bit (Reg 1.5) indicates completed.
1b = Link partner is next page able.
0b = Link partner is not next page able.
2Local Next
Page Able RO 0x1 0x1
Register 6.2 is not valid until the auto-negotiation
complete bit (Reg 1.5) indicates completed.
1b = Local device is next page able.
0b = Local device is not next page able.
1 Page Received RO,
LH 0x0 0x0
Register 6.1 is not valid until the auto-negotiation
complete bit (Reg 1.5) indicates completed.
1b = A new page has b een received.
0b = A new page has not been received.
Link Partner
RO 0x0 0x0
Register 6.0 is not valid until the auto-negotiation
complete bit (Reg 1.5) indicates completed.
1b = Link partner is auto-negotiation able.
0b = Link partner is not au to-negotiation able.
Bits Field Mode HW Rst SW Rst Description
Driver Programing Interface—82574 GbE Controller Next Page Transmit Register (Any Page), PHY Address 01; Register 7 Link Partner Next Page Register (Any Page), PHY Address 01; Register
Bits Field Mode HW Rst SW Rst Description
15 Next Page R/W 0x0 0x0
Transmit Code Word Bit 15.
A write to register 7 implicitly sets a variable in the
auto-negotiation state machine indicating that the next
page has been loaded. A link failure clears register 7.
14 Reserved RO 0x0 0x0 Transmit Code Word Bit 14.
13 Message Page
Mode R/W 0x1 0x1 Transmit Code Word Bit 13.
12 Acknowledge2 R/W 0x0 0x0 Transmit Code Word Bit 12.
11 Toggle RO 0x0 0x0 Transmit Code Word Bit 11.
10:0 Message/
Field R/W 0x001 0x001 Transmit Code Word Bit 10:0.
Bits Field Mode HW Rst SW Rst Description
15 Next Page RO 0x0 0x0 Received Code Word Bit 15.
14 Acknowledge RO 0x0 0x0 Received Code Word Bit 14.
13 Message Page RO 0x0 0x0 Received Code Word Bit 13.
12 Acknowledge2 RO 0x0 0x0 Received Code Word Bit 12.
11 Toggle RO 0x0 0x0 Received Code Word Bit 11.
10:0 Message Unformatted Field RO 0x000 0x000 Received Code Word Bit 10:0.
82574 GbE Controller—Driver Programing Interface
380 1000BASE-T Control Register (Any Page), PHY Address 01; Register 9
Bits Field Mode H W R st SW Rst Description
15:13 Test Mode R/W 0x0 0x0
TX_CLK comes from the RX_CLK pin for jitter
testing in test modes 2 and 3. After exiting the
test mode, a hardware reset or software reset
(register 0.15) should be issued to ensure
normal operation. A restart of auto-negotiation
clears these bits.
000b = Normal mode.
001b = Test mode 1 - transmit waveform test.
010b = Test mode 2 - transmit jitter test
(master mode).
011b = Test mode 3 - transmit jitter test (slave
100b = Test mode 4 - transmit distortion test.
101b, 110b, 111b = Reserved.
R/W 0x0 Update
A write to this register bit does not take effect
until any of the following also occurs:
Software reset is asserted (register 0.15).
Restart auto-negotiation is asserted
(register 0.9).
Power down (register 0.11, 16_0.2)
transitions from power down to normal
Copper link goes down.
1b = Manual master/slave configuration.
0b = Automatic master/slave configuration.
11 Master/Slave
Value R/W See
Description Update
A write to this register bit does not take effect
until any of the following also occurs:
Software reset is asserted (register 0.15).
Restart auto-negotiation is asserted
(register 0.9).
Power down (register 0.11, 16_0.2)
transitions from power down to normal
Copper link goes down.
After a hardware reset, this bit takes on the
value of pd_config_ms_a.
1b = Manual configure as master.
0b = Manual configure as slave.
10 Port Type R/W See
Description Update
A write to this register bit does not take effect
until any of the following also occurs:
Software reset is asserted (register 0.15).
Restart auto-negotiation is asserted
(register 0.9).
Power down (register 0.11, 16_0.2)
transitions from power down to normal
Copper link goes down.
Register 9.10 is ignored if register 9.12 equals
1b. After a hard ware reset, this b it takes on the
value of pd_config_ms_a.
1b = Prefer multi-port device (master).
0b = Prefer single port device (slave).
Driver Programing Interface—82574 GbE Controller 1000BASE-T Status Register (Any Page), PHY Address 01; Register 10
Full-Duplex R/W 0x1 Update
A write to this register bit does not take effect
until any of the following also occurs:
Software reset is asserted (register 0.15).
Restart auto-negotiation is asserted
(register 0.9).
Power down (register 0.11, 16_0.2)
transitions from power down to normal
Copper link goes down.
1b = Advertise.
0b = Not advertised.
Half-Duplex R/W See
Description Update
A write to this register bit does not take effect
until any of the following also occurs:
Software reset is asserted (register 0.15).
Restart auto-negotiation is asserted
(register 0.9).
Power down (register 0.11, 16_0.2)
transitions from power down to normal
Copper link goes down.
After a hardware reset, this bit takes on the
value of pd_config_1000hd_a.
1 = Advertise.
0 = Not advertised.
7:0 Reserved R/W 0x00 Retain Reserved, set to 0x00.
Bits Field Mode HW Rst SW Rst Description
15 Master/Slave
LH 0x0 0x0 This register bit clears on reads.
1b = master/slave configuration fault detected.
0 = No master/slave configuration fault detected.
14 Master/Slave
Resolution RO 0x0 0x0 1b = Local PHY configuration resolved to master.
0b = Local PHY configuration resolved to slave.
13 Local Receiver
Status RO 0x0 0x0 1b = Local receiver operational.
0b = Local receiver is not operational.
12 Remote
Status RO 0x0 0x0 1b = Remote receiver operational.
0b = Remote receiver not operational.
Link Partner
RO 0x0 0x0
1b = Link partner is capable of 1000BASE-T full-
0b = Link partner is not capable of 1000BASE-T full
Link Partner
RO 0x0 0x0
1b = Link partner is capable of 1000BASE-T half-
0b = Link partner is not capable of 1000BASE-T half
9:8 Reserved RO 0x0 0x0 Reserved.
7:0 Idle Error
Count RO,
SC 0x00 0x00
MSB of Idle Error Counter.
These register bits report th e idle error count since the
last time this register was read. The counter reaches
its maximum at 11111111b and does not roll over.
Bits Field Mode HW Rst SW Rst Description
82574 GbE Controller—Driver Programing Interface
382 Extended Status Register (Any Page), PHY Address 01; Register 15 Copper Specific Control Register 1 (Page 0), PHY Address 01; Register
Bits Field Mode HW Rst SW Rst Description
15 1000BASE-X
Full-Duplex RO Always 0b Always 0b 0b = Not 1000BASE-X full-duplex capable.
14 1000BASE-X
Half-Duplex RO Always 0b Always 0b 0b = Not 1000BASE-X half-duplex capable.
13 1000BASE-T
Full-Duplex RO Always 1b Always 1b 1b =1000BASE-T full-duplex capable.
12 1000BASE-T
Half-Duplex RO Always 1b Always 1b 1b =1000BASE-T half-duplex capable.
11:0 Reserved RO 0x000 0x000 Reserved, set to 0x000.
Bits Field Mode HW Rst SW Rst Description
15 Disable
Link Pulses R/W 0x0 0x0 1b = Disable link pulse.
0b = Enable link pulse.
14:12 Downshift
Counter R/W 0x3 Update
Changes to these bits are disruptive to the normal
operation; therefore, any changes to these registers
must be followed by software reset to take effect.
1x, 2x,...8x is the number of times the PHY attempts
to establish GbE link before the PHY downshifts to
the next highest speed.
000b = 1x.
100b = 5x.
001b = 2x.
101b = 6x.
010b = 3x.
110b = 7x.
011b = 4x.
111b = 8x.
11 Downshift
Enable R/W 0x0 Update
Changes to these bits are disruptive to the normal
operation; therefore, any changes to these registers
must be followed by software reset to take effect.
1b = Enable downshift.
0 = Disable downshift.
10 Force
Copper Link
Good R/W 0x0 Retain
If link is forced to be good, the link state machine is
bypassed and the link is always up. In 1000BASE-T
mode this has no effect.
1b = Force link good.
0b = Normal operation.
9:8 Energy
Detect R/W See
Description Update
After a hardware reset, both bits take on the value of
0xb = Off.
10b = Sense only on Receive (energy detect).
11b = Sense and periodically transmit NLP (energy
Distance R/W 0x0 Retain
When using a cable exceeding 100 meters, the
10BASE-T receive threshold must be lowered in
order to detect incoming signals.
1b = Lower 10BASE-T receive threshold.
0b = Normal 10BASE-T receive threshold.
Driver Programing Interface—82574 GbE Controller
6:5 MDI
Mode R/W 0x3 Update
Changes to these bits are disruptive to the normal
operation; therefore, any changes to these registers
must be followed by a software reset to take effect.
00b = Manual MDI configuration.
01b = Manual MDIX configuration.
10b = Reserved.
11b = Enable automatic crossover for all modes.
4 Reserved R/W 0x0 Retain Reserved, write as 0x0.
Disable R/W 0x0 Retain 1b = Transmitter disable.
0b = Transmitter enable.
Down R/W 0x0 Retain
Power down is controlled via register 0.11 and
Both bits must be set to 0b before the PHY
transitions from power down to normal operation.
When the port is switched from power down to
normal operation, a software reset and restart auto-
negotiation are done even when bits Reset (0_15)
and Restart Auto-Negotiation (0.9) are not set by
the user.
IEEE power down shuts down the 82574 except for
the GMII interface if 16_2.3 is set to 1b. If 16_2.3 is
set to 0b, then the GMII interface also shuts down.
1b = Power down.
0b = Normal operation.
Disable R/W 0x0 Retain
If polarity is disabled, then the polarity is forced to
be normal in 10BASE-T.
1b = Polarity reversal disabled.
0b = Polarity reversal enabled.
The detected polarity status is shown in Register
17_0.1 or in 1000BASE-T mode, 21_5.3:0.
Jabber R/W 0x0 Retain
Jabber has affect only in 10BASE-T half-duplex
1b = Disable jabber function.
0b = Enable jabber function.
Bits Field Mode HW Rst SW Rst Description
82574 GbE Controller—Driver Programing Interface
384 Copper Specific Status Register 1 (Page 0), PHY Address 01; Regi ster
Bits Field Mode HW Rst SW Rst Description
15:14 Speed RO 0x2 Retain
These status bits are valid only after resolved bit
17_0.11 equals 1b. The resolved bit is set when
auto-negotiation completes or is disabled.
11b = Reserved.
10b = 1000 Mb/s.
01b = 100 Mb/s.
00b = 10 Mb/s.
13 Duplex RO 0x0 Retain
This status bit is valid only after resolved bit 17_0.11
equals 1b. The resolved bit is set when auto-
negotiation completes or is disabled.
1b = Full-duplex.
0b = Half-duplex.
12 Page Received RO, LH 0x0 0x0 1b = Page received.
0b = Page not received.
11 Speed and
Resolved RO 0x0 0x0 When Auto-Negotiation is not enabled 17_0.11
equals 1b. 1b = Resolved.
0b = Not resolved.
10 Copper Link
(real time) RO 0x0 0x0 1b = Link up.
0b = Link down.
9Transmit Pause
Enabled RO 0x0 0x0
This is a reflection of the MAC pau se resolut ion. This
bit is for information purposes and is not used by the
82574. This status bit is valid only after resolved bit
17_0.11 = 1b. The resolved bit is set when auto-
negotiation completes or is disabled.
1b = Transmit pause enabled.
0b = Transmit pause disable.
8Rece ive Pause
Enabled RO 0x0 0x0
This is a reflection of the MAC pau se resolut ion. This
bit is for information purposes and is not used by the
82574. This status bit is valid only after resolved bit
17_0.11 equals 1b. The resolved bit is set when
auto-negotiation completes or is disabled.
1b = Receive pause enabled.
0b = Receive pause disabled.
7 Reserved RO 0x0 0x0 Reserved, set to 0x0.
6MDI Crossover
Status RO 0x1 Retain
This status bit is valid only after resolved bit 17_0.11
equals 1b. The resolved bit is set when auto-
negotiation completes or is disabled. This bit is 0b or
1b depending on what is written to 16.6:5 in manual
configuration mode. Register 16.6:5 are updated
with a software reset.
1b = MDI-X.
0b = MDI.
Status RO 0x0 0x0 1b = Downshift.
0b = No downshift.
4Copper Energy
Detect Status RO 0x0 0x0 1b = Sleep.
0b = Active.
3Global Link
Status RO 0x0 0x0 1b = Copper link is up.
0b = Copper link is down.
Driver Programing Interface—82574 GbE Controller Copper Specific Interrupt Enable Register (Page 0), PHY Address 01;
Register 18
2 Reserved RO 0x0 0x0 Reserved, set to 0x0.
1Polarity (real
time) RO 0x0 0x0
Polarity reversal can be disabled by writing to
Register 16_0.1. In 1000BASE- T mode, polarit y of all
pairs are shown in Register 21_5.3:0.
1b = Reversed.
0b = Normal.
0Jabber (real
time) RO 0x0 0x0 1b = Jabber.
0b = No jabber.
Bits Field Mode HW Rst SW Rst Description
15 Auto-Negotiation Error Interrupt
Enable R/W 0x0 Retain 1b = Interrupt enable.
0b = Interrupt disable.
14 Speed Changed Interrupt Enable R/W 0x0 Retain 1b = Interrupt enable.
0b = Interrupt disable.
13 Duplex Changed Interrupt Enable R/W 0x0 Retain 1b = Interrupt enable.
0b = Interrupt disable.
12 Page Received Interrupt Enable R/W 0x0 Retain 1b = Interrupt enable.
0b = Interrupt disable.
11 Auto-Negotiation Completed
Interrupt Enable R/W 0x0 Retain 1b = Interrupt enable.
0b = Interrupt disable.
10 Link Status Changed Interrupt
Enable R/W 0x0 Retain 1b = Interrupt enable.
0b = Interrupt disable.
9 Symbol Error Interrupt Enable R/W 0x0 Retain 1b = Interrupt enable.
0b = Interrupt disable.
8 False Carrier Interrupt Enable R/W 0x0 Retain 1b = Interrupt enable.
0b = Interrupt disable.
7 Reserved R/W 0x0 Retain Reserved, set to 0x0.
6MDI Crossover Changed Interrupt
Enable R/W 0x0 Retain 1b = Interrupt enable.
0b = Interrupt disable.
5 Downshift Interrupt Enable R/W 0x0 Retain 1b = Interrupt enable.
0b = Interrupt disable.
4 Energy Detect Interrupt Enable R/W 0x0 Retain 1b = Interrupt enable.
0b = Interrupt disable.
3FLP Exchange Complete But No
Link Interrupt Enable R/W 0x0 Retain 1b = Interrupt enable.
0b = Interrupt disable.
2 Reserved R/W 0x0 Retain Reserved, set to 0x0.
1Polarity Changed Interrupt
Enable R/W 0x0 Retain 1b = Interrupt enable.
0b = Interrupt disable.
0 Jabber Interrupt Enable R/W 0x0 Retain 1b = Interrupt enable.
0b = Interrupt disable.
Bits Field Mode HW Rst SW Rst Description
82574 GbE Controller—Driver Programing Interface
386 Copper Specific Status Register 2 (Page 0), PHY Address 01; Regi ster
Bits Field Mode HW Rst SW Rst Description
15 Copper Auto-Negotiation
Error RO,LH 0x0 0x0
An error occurs if the master/slave is
not resolved, parallel detect fault, no
common HCD , or the link does not come
up after negotiation completes.
1b = Auto-negotiation error.
0b = No auto-negotiation error.
14 Copper Speed Changed RO,LH 0x0 0x0 1b = Sp eed changed.
0b = Speed not changed.
13 Copper Duplex Changed RO,LH 0x0 0x0 1b = Duplex changed.
0b = Duplex not changed.
12 Copper Page Received RO,LH 0x0 0x0 1b = Page received.
0b = Page not received.
11 Copper Auto-Negotiation
Completed RO,LH 0x0 0x0 1b = Auto-negotiation completed.
0b = Auto-negotiation not completed.
10 Copper Link Status Changed RO,LH 0x0 0x0 1b = Link status changed.
0b = Link status not changed.
9 Copper Symbol Error RO,LH 0x0 0x0 1b = Symbol error.
0b = No symbol error.
8 Copper False Carrier RO,LH 0x0 0x0 1b = False carrier.
0b = No false carrier.
7 Reserved RO Always
0b Always
0b Reserved, always set to 0b.
6 MDI Crossover Changed RO,LH 0x0 0x0 1b = Crossover changed.
0b = Crossover not changed.
5 Downsh ift Interrupt RO,LH 0x0 0x0 1b = Downshift detected.
0b = No downshift.
4 Energy Detect Changed RO,LH 0x0 0x0 1b = Energy detect state changed.
0b = No energy detect state c hange
3FLP Exchange Complete But
No Link RO,LH 0x0 0x0 1b = FLP exchange completed but link
not established.
0b = No event detected.
2 Reserved RO 0x0 0x0 Reserved, set to 0x0.
1 Polarity Changed RO,LH 0x0 0x0 1b = Polarity changed.
0b = Polarity not changed.
0Jabber RO,LH0x0 0x0 1b = Jabber.
0b = No jabber.
Driver Programing Interface—82574 GbE Controller Copper Specific Control Reg ister 3 (Page 0), PH Y Address 01; Regi ster
20 Receive Error Counter Register (Page 0), PHY Address 01; Register 21
Bits Field Mode HW Rst SW Rst Description
15:4 Reserved R/W 0x000 Retain Reserved, write as all zeros.
Transmit Polarity
R/W 0x0 Retain 0b = Normal transmit polarity.
1b = Reverse transmit polarity.
Transmit Polarity
R/W 0x0 Retain 0b = Normal transmit polarity.
1b = Reverse transmit polarity.
Transmit Polarity
R/W 0x0 Retain 0b = Normal transmit polarity.
1b = Reverse transmit polarity.
Transmit Polarity
R/W 0x0 Retain 0b = Normal transmit polarity.
1b = Reverse transmit polarity.
Bits Field M ode HW Rst SW Rst Description
15:0 Receive Error
Count RO, LH 0x0000 Retain Counter reaches its maximum at 0xFFFF and does
not roll over.
Both false carrier and symbol errors are reported.
82574 GbE Controller—Driver Programing Interface
388 Page Address (Any P age), PHY Address 01; Register 22 OEM Bits (Page 0), PHY Address 01; Register 25
Bits Field Mode HW Rst SW Rst D escription
15:8 Reserved RO Always
0x00 Always
0x00 Reserved, always set to 0x00.
7:0 Page Select for R eg isters 0 t o 28 R/W 0x00 Retain Pag e number.
Bits Field Mode HW Rst SW Rst Description
15:11 Reserved R/W 0x0 0x0 Reserved, set to 0x0.
10 Aneg_now R/W 0b 0b Restart auto-negotiation. Note that this bit is self
9:7 Reserved R/W 0x0 0x0 Reserved, set to 0x0.
6 a1000_dis R/W 0b Retain GbE disable.
5:3 Reserved R/W 0x0 0x0 Reserved, set to 0x0.
2 rev_aneg R/W 0b Retain LPLU.
1:0 Reserved R/W 0x0 0x0 Reserved, set to 0x0.
Driver Programing Interface—82574 GbE Controller Copper Specific Control Reg ister 2 (Page 0), PH Y Address 01; Regi ster
Bits Field Mode HW Rst SW Rst Description
15 1000 BASE-T
Transmitter Type R/W 0x0 Retain 0b = Class B.
1b = Class A.
14 Disable
1000BASE-T R/W See
Description Retain
When set to disabled, 1000BASE-T is not
advertised even if registers 9.9 or 9.8 are set
to 1b.
A write to this re gister bit do es not tak e effect
until any one of the following occurs:
Software reset is asserted (register 0.15).
Restart auto-negotiation is asserted
(register 0.9).
Power down (register 0.11, 16_0.2)
transitions from power down to normal
Copper link goes down.
After a hardware reset, this bit defaults as
ps_a1000_dis_s - bit 26_0.14 - 0, 0, 1, 1.
When ps_a1000_dis_s transitions from
one to zero, this bit is set to 0b.
When ps_a1000_dis_s transitions from
zero to one, this bit is set to 1b.
1b = Disable 1000BASE-T advertisement.
0b = Enable 1000BASE-T advertisement.
13 Reverse Autoneg R/W See
Description Retain
A write to this re gister bit do es not tak e effect
until any one of the following occurs:
Software reset is asserted (register 0.15).
Restart auto-negotiation is asserted
(register 0.9).
Power down (register 0.11, 16_0.2)
transitions from power down to normal
Copper link goes down.
After a hardware reset, this bit defaults as
pd_rev_aneg_a - bit 26_0.13 - 0, 0, 1, 1.
When pd_rev_aneg_a transitions from
one to zero this bit will be set to 0b.
When pd_rev_aneg_a transitions from
zero to one this bit will be set to 1b.
1b = Reverse auto-negotiation.
0b = Normal auto-negotiation.
12 100 BASE-T
Transmitter Type R/W 0x0 Retain 0b = Class B.
1b = Class A.
11:4 Reserved R/W 0x00 Retain Reserved, write as 0x00.
3:2 100 MB Test
Select R/W 0x0 Retain 0xb = Normal operation.
10b = Select 112 ns sequence.
11b = Select 16 ns sequence.
110 BT Polarity
Force R/W 0x0 Retain 1b = Force negative polarity for receive only.
0b = Normal operation.
0 Reserved R /W 0x0 Retain Reserved, write as 0x0.
82574 GbE Controller—Driver Programing Interface
390 Bias Setting Register 1 (Page 0), PHY Ad dress 01; Register 29 Bias Setting Register 2 (Page 0), PHY Ad dress 01; Register 30 MAC Specific Control Regi ster 1 (Page 2), PHY Address 01 ; Register 16
Bits Field Mode HW Rst SW Rst Description
15:0 Bias setting1 R/W Retain
Used to optimize PHY performance in
1000Base-T mode. Set to 0x0003 when
initializing the 82574 to improve BER
Bits Field Mode HW Rst SW Rst Description
15:0 Bias setting2 R/W Retain
Used to optimize PHY performance in
1000Base-T mode. Set to 0x0000 when
initializing the 82574 to improve BER
Bits Field Mode HW Rst SW Rst D escription
15:14 Transmit
FIFO Depth R/W 0x0 Retain
00b = ± 16 bits.
01b = ± 24 bits.
10b = ± 32 bits.
11b = ± 40 bits.
13:10 Reserved R/W 0x00 Retain Reserved, set to 0x00.
fi_125_clk R/W See
Description Retain
Changes to this bit are disruptive to the normal
operation; therefore, any changes to the se registers
must be followed by a software reset to take effect.
After a hardware reset, this bit takes on the value of
pd_pwrdn_clk125_a. When pd_pwrdn_clk125_a
transitions from one to zero this bit is s et to 0b. When
pd_pwrdn_clk125_a transitions from zero to one this
bit is set to 1b.
1b = fi_125_clk low.
0b = fi_125_clk toggle
fi_50_clk R/W See
Description Retain
After a hardware reset, this bit takes on the value of
pd_pwrdn_clk50_a. When pd_pwrdn_clk50_a
transitions from one to zero this bit is s et to 0b. When
pd_pwrdn_clk50_a transitions from zero to one this
bit is set to 1b.
1b = fi_50_clk low.
0b = fi_50_clk toggle.
7 Reserved R/W 0x1 Update Reserved, write as 0x1.
6:4 Reserved R/W 0x0 Retain Reserved, write as 0x00.
R/W 0x1 Update
Changes to this bit are disruptive to the normal
operation; therefore, any changes to the se registers
must be followed by a software reset to take effect.
This bit determines whether the GMII RX_CLK powers
down when register 0.11, 16_0.2 are used to power
down the 82574 or when the PHY enters the energy
detect state.
1b = Always power up.
0b = Can power down.
2:0 Reserved R/W 0x0 Retain Reserved, write as 0x00.
Driver Programing Interface—82574 GbE Controller MAC Specific Interrupt Enable Register (Page 2), PHY Address 01;
Register 18 MAC Specific Status Register (Page 2), PHY Address 01; Register 19
Bits Field Mode HW Rst SW Rst Description
15:8 Reserved R/W 0x00 Retain Reserved, set to 0x00.
7 FIFO Over/ Underflow Interrupt Enable R/W 0x0 Retain 1b = Interrupt enable.
0b = Interrupt disable.
6:4 Reserved R/W 0x0 Retain Reserved, set to 0x0.
3 FIFO Idle Inserted Interrupt Enable R/W 0x0 Retain 1b = Interrupt enable.
0b = Interrupt disable.
2 FIFO Idle Deleted Interrupt Enable R/W 0x0 Retain 1b = Interrupt enable.
0b = Interrupt disable.
1:0 Reserved R/W 0x0 Retain Reserved, set to 0x0.
Bits Field Mode HW Rst SW Rst Description
15:8 Reserved RO Always
0x00 Always
0x00 Reserved, always set to 0x00.
7 FIFO Over/ Underflow RO,LH 0x0 0x0 1b = Over/underflow error.
0b = No FIFO error.
6:4 Reserved RO Always
0x0 Always
0x0 Reserved, always set to 0x0.
3 FIFO Idle Inserted RO,LH 0x0 0x0 1b = Idle inserted.
0b = No idle inserted.
2 FIFO Idle Deleted RO,LH 0x0 0x0 1b = Idle deleted.
0b = Idle not deleted.
1:0 Reserved RO Always
0x0 Always
0x0 Reserved, always set to 0x0.
82574 GbE Controller—Driver Programing Interface
392 MAC Specific Control Regi ster 2 (Page 2), PHY Address 01 ; Register 21 LED[3:0] Function Control Register (Page 3), PHY Addr ess 01;
Register 16
Bits Field Mode HW Rst SW Rst Description
15:14 Reserved R/W 0x0 0x0 Reserved, set to 0x0.
13:12 Reserved R/W 0x1 Update Reserved, set to 0x1.
11:7 Reserved R/W 0x00 0x00 Reserved, set to 0x00.
6 Reserved R/W 0x1 Update Reserved, set to 0x1.
5:4 Reserved R/W 0x0 Retain Reserved, set to 0x0.
3Block Carrier
Extension Bit R/W 0x0 Retain 1b = Enable block carrier extension.
0b = Disable block carrier extension.
2:0 Default MAC
Speed R/W 0x6 Update
Changes to these bits are disruptive to the normal
operation; therefore, any changes to these registers
must be followed by software reset to take effect.
MAC interface speed during link down while auto-
negotiation is enabled and TX_CLK speed bit speed
link down 1000BASE-T.
000b = 10 Mb/s 2.5 MHz 0 MHz.
001b = 100 Mb/s 25 MHz 0 MHz.
01xb = 1000 Mb/s 0 MHz 0 MHz.
100b = 10 Mb/s 2.5 MHz 2.5 MHz.
101b = 100 Mb/s 25 MHz 25 MHz.
110b = 1000 Mb/s 2.5 MHz 2.5 MHz.
111b = 1000 Mb/s 25 MHz 25 MHz.
Bits Field Mode HW Rst SW Rst Description
15:12 LED[3]
Control R/W See
Description Retain
If 16_3.11:10 is set to 11b, then 16_3.15:12 has no
0000b = Reserved.
0001b = On - link, blink - activity, off - no link.
0010b = On - link, blink - receive, off - no link.
0011b = On - activity, off - no activity
0100b = Blink - activity, off - no activity.
0101b = On - transmit, off - no transmit.
0110b = On - 10 Mb/s or 1000 Mb/s master, off.
0111b = On - full duplex, off - half-duplex.
1000b = Force off.
1001b = Force on.
1010b = Force hi-Z.
1011b = Force blink.
11xxb = Reserved.
After a hardware reset, this bit is a function of
00b = 0001b.
01b = 0001b.
10b = 0111b.
11b = 0001b.
Driver Programing Interface—82574 GbE Controller
Bits Field Mode HW Rst SW Rst Description
11:8 LED[2]
Control R/W See
Description Retain
0000b = On - link, off - no link.
0001b = On - link, blink - activity, off - no link.
0010b = Reserved.
0011b = On - activity, off - no activity.
0100b = Blink - activity, off - no activity.
0101b = On - transmit, off - no transmit.
0110b = On - 10/1000 Mb/s link, off.
0111b = On - 10 Mb/s link, off.
1000b = Force off.
1001b = Force on.
1010b = Force hi-Z.
1011b = Force blink.
1100b = Mode 1 (dual LED mode).
1101b = Mode 2 (dual LED mode).
1110b = Mode 3 (dual LED mode).
1111b = Mode 4 (dual LED mode).
After a hardware reset, this bit is a function of
00b = 0000b.
01b = 0111b.
10b = 0001b.
11b = 0111b.
7:4 LED[1]
Control R/W See
Description Retain
If 16_3.3:2 is set to 11b, then 16_3.7:4 has no
0000b = Reserved.
0001b = On - link, blink - activity, off - no link.
0010b = On - link, blink - receive, off - no link.
0011b = On - activity, off - no activity.
0100b = Blink - activity, off - no activity.
0101b = Reserved.
0110b = On - 100/1000 Mb/s link, off.
0111b = On - 100 Mb/s link, off.
1000b = Force off.
1001b = Force on.
1010b = Force hi-Z.
1011b = Force blink.
11xxb = Reserved.
After a hardware reset, this bit is a function of
00b = 0001b.
01b = 0111b.
10b = 0111b.
11b = 0111b.
82574 GbE Controller—Driver Programing Interface
Bits Field Mode HW Rst SW Rst Description
3:0 LED[0]
Control R/W See
Description Retain
0000b = On - link, off - no link.
0001b = On - link, blink - activity, off - no link.
0010b = 3 blinks - 1000 Mb/s 2 blinks - 100 Mb/s 1
blink - 10 Mb/s 0 blink - no link.
0011b = On - activity, off - no activity.
0100b = Blink - activity, off - no activity.
0101b = On - transmit, off - no transmit.
0110b = On - copper link, off.
0111b = On - 1000 Mb/s link, off.
1000b = Force off.
1001b = Force on.
1010b = Force hi-Z.
1011b = Force blink.
1100b = Mode 1 (dual LED mode).
1101b = Mode 2 (dual LED mode).
1110b = Mode 3 (dual LED mode).
1111b = Mode 4 (dual LED mode).
After a hardware reset this bit is a function of
00b = 1110b.
01b = 0111b.
10b = 0111b.
11b = 0111b.
Driver Programing Interface—82574 GbE Controller LED[3:0] Polarity Control Registe r (Page 3), PHY Address 01; Registe r
Bits Field Mod e HW Rst SW Rst Description
LED[1] Mix
R/W See
Description Retain
When using two-terminal bi-color LED s, the mixing
percentage sho uld not be set grea ter than 50%.
0000b = 0%.
0001b = 12.5%.
0111b = 87.5%.
1000b = 100%.
1001b - 1111b = Reserved.
After a hardware reset, this bit is a function of
00b = 0100b.
01b = 0100b.
10b = 1000b.
11b = 1000b.
LED[0] Mix
R/W See
Description Retain
When using two-terminal bi-color LED s, the mixing
percentage sho uld not be set grea ter than 50%.
0000b = 0%.
0001b = 12.5%.
0111b = 87.5%.
1000b = 100%.
1001b - 1111b = Reserved.
After a hardware reset, this bit is a function of
00b = 0100b.
01b = 0100b.
10b = 1000b.
11b = 1000b.
7:6 LED[3]
Polarity R/W 0x0 Retain
00b = On - drive LED[3] low, off - drive LED[3]
01b = On - drive LED[3] high, off - drive LED[3]
10b = On - drive LED[3] low, off - tristate LED[3]
11b = On - drive LED[3] high, off - tristate LED[3]
5:4 LED[2]
Polarity R/W 0x0 Retain
00b = On - drive LED[2] low, off - drive LED[2]
01b = On - drive LED[2] high, off - drive LED[2]
10b = On - drive LED[2] low, off - tristate LED[2].
11b = On - drive LED[2] high, off - tristate LED[2].
3:2 LED[1]
Polarity R/W 0x0 Retain
00b = On - drive LED[1] low, off - drive LED[1]
01b = On - drive LED[1] high, off - drive LED[1]
10b = On - drive LED[1] low, off - tristate LED[1].
11b = On - drive LED[1] high, off - tristate LED[1].
1:0 LED[0]
Polarity R/W 0x0 Retain
00b = On - drive LED[0] low, off - drive LED[0]
01b = On - drive LED[0] high, off - drive LED[0]
10b = On - drive LED[0] low, off - tristate LED[0].
11b = On - drive LED[0] high, off - tristate LED[0].
82574 GbE Controller—Driver Programing Interface
396 LED Timer Control Register (Page 3), PHY Address 01; Register 18
Bits Field Mode HW Rst SW Rst Description
15 Force INT R/W 0x0 Retain 1b = Interrupt pin asserted is forced.
0b = Normal operation.
14:12 Pulse
Duration R/W 0x4 Retain
000b = No pulse stretching.
001b = 21 ms to 42 ms.
010b = 42 ms to 84 ms.
011b = 84 ms to 170 ms.
100b = 170 ms to 340 ms.
101b = 340 ms to 670 ms.
110b = 670 ms to 1.3 s.
111b = 1.3 s to 2.7 s
11 Interrupt
Polarity R/W See
Description Retain
After a hardware reset, this bit takes on the value of
0b = jt_int_s active high.
1b = jt_int_a active low
10:8 Blink Rate R/W See
Description Retain
000b = 42 ms.
001b = 84 ms.
010b = 170 ms.
011b = 340 ms.
100b = 670 ms.
101b to 111b = Reserved.
After a hardware reset, this bit is a function of
00b = 001b.
01b = 000b.
10b = 001b.
11b = 001b.
7:4 Reserved R/W 0x0 Retain Reserved, set to 0x0.
3:2 Speed Off
Pulse Period R/W 0x1 Retain
00b = 84 ms.
01b = 170 ms.
10b = 340 ms.
11b = 670 ms.
1:0 Speed On
Pulse Period R/W 0x1 Retain
00b = 84 ms.
01b = 170 ms.
10b = 340 ms.
11b = 670 ms.
Driver Programing Interface—82574 GbE Controller LED[5:4] Function Control and Polarity Register (Page 3), PHY
Address 01; Register 19
Bits Field Mode H W Rst S W Rst Description
15:12 Reserved R/W 0x0 Retain Reserved, set to 0x0.
11:10 LED[5]
Polarity R/W 0x0 Retain
00b = On - drive LED[5] low, off - drive LED[5] high.
01b = On - drive LED[5] high, off - drive LED[5] low.
10b = On - drive LED[5] low, off - tristate LED[5].
11b = On - drive LED[5] high, off - tristate LED[5].
9:8 LED[4]
Polarity R/W 0x0 Retain
00b = On - drive LED[4] low, off - drive LED[4] high.
01b = On - drive LED[4] high, off - drive LED[4] low.
10b = On - drive LED[4] low, off - tristate LED[4].
11b = On - drive LED[4] high, off - tristate LED[4].
7:4 LED[5]
Control R/W See
Description Retain
If 19_3.3:2 is set to 11b, then 19_3.7:4 has no effect.
0000b = On - receive, off - no receive.
0001b = On - link, blink - activity, off - no link.
0010b = On - link, blink - receive, off - no link.
0011b = On - activity, off - no activity.
0100b = Blink - activity, off - no activity.
0101b = On - transmit, off - no transmit.
0110b = On - full-duplex, off - half-duplex.
0111b = On - full-duplex, blink - collision off - half
1000b = Force off.
1001b = Force on.
1010b = Force hi-Z.
1011b = Force blink.
11xxb = Reserved.
After a hardware reset, this bit is a function of
00b = 0111b.
01b = 0100b.
10b = 0111b.
11b = 0111b.
3:0 LED[4]
Control R/W See
Description Retain
0000b = On - receive, off - no receive.
0001b = On - link, blink - activity, off - no link.
0010b = On - link, blink - receive, off - no link.
0011b = On - activity, off - no activity.
0100b = Blink - activity, off - no activity.
0101b = On - transmit, off - no transmit.
0110b = On - full-duplex, off - half-duplex.
0111b = On - full-duplex, blink - collision off - half
1000b = Force off.
1001b = Force on.
1010b = Force hi-Z.
1011b = Force blink.
1100b = Mode 1 (dual LED mode).
1101b = Mode 2 (dual LED mode).
1110b = Mode 3 (dual LED mode).
1111b = Mode 4 (dual LED mode).
After a hardware reset, this bit is a function of
00b = 0011b.
01b = 0110b.
10b = 0011b.
11b = 0011b.
82574 GbE Controller—Driver Programing Interface
398 1000 BASE-T Pair Skew Register (Page 5), PHY Address 01; Register
20 1000 BASE-T Pair Swap and Polarity (Page 5), PHY Address 01;
Register 21 CRC Counters (P age 6), PHY Address 01; Register 17
Bits Field Mode HW Rst SW Rst Description
15:12 Pair 7,8
(MDI[3]±) RO 0x0 0x0 Skew = bit value times 8 ns. The value is correct to
within ± 8 ns. The contents of 20_5.15:0 are valid only if
register 21_5.6 = 1b.
11:8 Pair 4,5
(MDI[2]±) RO 0x0 0x0 Skew = bit value times 8 ns. The value is correct to
within ± 8 ns.
7:4 Pair 3,6
(MDI[1]±) RO 0x0 0x0 Skew = bit value times 8 ns. The value is correct to
within ± 8 ns.
3:0 Pair 1,2
(MDI[0]±) RO 0x0 0x0 Skew = bit value times 8 ns. The value is correct to
within ± 8 ns.
Bits Field Mode HW Rst SW Rst Description
15:7 Reserved RO 0x000 0x000
6Regist er 20_5 And
21_5 Valid RO 0x0 0x0
The contents of 21_5.5:0 and 20_5.15:0 are valid
only if register 21_5.6 = 1b.
1b = Valid.
0b = Invalid.
5C, D CrossoverRO0x0 0x0
1b = Channel C received on MDI[2]± Channel D
received on MDI[3]±.
0b = Channel D received on MDI[2]± Channel C
received on MDI[3]±.
4 A, B Crossover RO 0x0 0x0
1b = Channel A received on MDI[0]± Channel B
received on MDI[1]±.
0b = Channel B received on MDI[0]± Channel A
received on MDI[1]±.
3Pair 7,8 (MDI[3]±)
Polarity RO 0x0 0x0 1b = Negative.
0b = Positive.
2Pair 4,5 (MDI[2]±)
Polarity 0x0 0x0 1b = Negative.
0b = Positive.
1Pair 3,6 (MDI[1]±)
Polarity RO 0x0 0x0 1b = Negative.
0b = Positive.
0Pair 1,2 (MDI[0]±)
Polarity RO 0x0 0x0 1b = Negative.
0b = Positive.
Bits Field Mode HW Rst SW Rst Description
15:8 CRC Packet
Count RO 0x00 Retain
0x00 = No packets received.
0xFF = 256 packets received (maximum count). Bit
16_6.4 must be set to 1b in order for the register to be
7:0 CRC Error
Count RO 0x00 Retain
0x00 = no CRC errors detected in the packets received.
0xFF = 256 CRC errors detected in the packets received
(maximum count). Bit 16_6.4 must be set to 1b in order
for the register to be valid.
Driver Programing Interface—82574 GbE Controller
10.2.12 Diagnostic Register Descriptions
The 82574 contains several diagnostic registers. These registers enable software to
directly access the contents of the 82574’s internal Packet Buffer Memory (PBM), also
referred to as FIFO space. These registers also give software visibility into what
locations in the PBM the hardware currently considers to be the head and tail for both
transmit and receive operations. PHY OEM Bits Register - POEMB (0x00F10; RW)
The bits in this register are connected to the PHY interface. They affect the auto-
negotiation speed resolution and enable GbE mode. Additionally, PHY class A or B
drivers are also controlled.
Note: When software changes LPLU, D0LPLU or an1000_dis_nd0a it must wait at least 80 ns
and then force the link to auto-negotiate in order to commit the changes to the PHY. Receive Data FIFO Head Register - RDFH (0x02410; RW)
Field Bit(s) Initial
Value Description
Reserved 0 1b1
1. Bits 7:0 of this register are loaded from NVM word 0x1C[15:8].
d0lplu 1 0b1PHY auto negotiation for slowest possible link (reverse auto-
negotiation) in all power states. This bit overrides the LPLU bit.
lplu 2 1b1Enables PHY auto-negotiation for slowest possible link (reverse auto-
negotiation) in all power states except D0a (DR, D0u and D3).
d0a 31b
1Prevents PHY from auto negotiating 1000 Mb/s link in all power states
except D0a (DR, D0u and D3).
class_ab 4 0b1Class AB driver.
now 50b
1This bit can be written by software to force link auto re-negotiation.
1000_dis 6 0b1Prevents PHY auto-negotiating 1000 Mb/s link in all power states.
Auto_update 7 0b1Auto-update CB
Disable auto update of the Flash from the shadow RAM when the
ER_RD register is written.
Pause 8 1b Contro ls the pause advertisements by the PHY.
1b = MAC pause implemented.
0b = MAC pause not implemented.
Pause 91b
Controls the metric pause advertisement by the PHY.
1b = Asymmetric pause supported.
0b = Semantics pause not supported.
Reserved 31:10 0x0 Reserved
Field Bit(s) Initial
Value Description
FIFO Head 12:0 0x0 Receive FIFO Head Pointer
Reserved 31:13 0x0 Reads as 0x0. Should be written to 0x0 for future compatibility.
82574 GbE Controller—Driver Programing Interface
This register stores the head pointer of the on–chip receive data FIFO. Since the
internal FIFO is organized in units of 64-bit words, this field contains the 64-bit offset of
the current receive FIFO head. So a value of 0x8 in this register corresponds to an
offset of eight Qwords or 64 bytes into the receive FIFO space. This register is available
for diagnostic purposes only, and should not be written during normal operation.
Note: This register’s address has been moved from where it was located in previous devices.
However, for backwards compatibility, this register can also be accessed at its alias
offset of 0x08000. In addition, with the 82574, the value in this register contains the
offset of the receive FIFO head relative to the beginning of the entire PBM space.
Alternatively, with previous devices, the value in this register contains the relative
offset to the beginning of the receive FIFO space (within the PBM space). Receive Data FIFO Tail Register - RDFT (0x02418; RW)
This register stores the tail pointer of the on–chip receive data FIFO . Since the internal
FIFO is organized in units of 64 bit words, this field contains the 64 bit offset of the
current R eceive FIFO Tail. So a value of “0x8” in this register corresponds to an offset of
8 QWORDS or 64 bytes into the Receive FIFO space. This register is available for
diagnostic purposes only, and should not be written during normal operation.
Note: This register’s address has been moved from where it was located in previous devices.
However, for backwards compatibility, this register can also be accessed at its alias
offset of 0x08008. In addition, with the 82574, the value in this register contains the
offset of the receive FIFO tail relative to the beginning of the entire PBM space.
Alternatively, with previous devices, the value in this register contains the relative
offset to the beginning of the Receive FIFO space (within the PBM space). Receive Data FIFO Head Saved Register - RDFHS (0x02420; RW)
This register stores a copy of the Receive Data FIFO Head register if the internal
register needs to be restored. This register is available for diagnostic purposes only,
and should not be written during normal operation. Receive Data FIFO Tail Saved Register - RDFTS (0x02428; RW)
Field Bit(s) Initial
Value Description
FIFO Tail 12:0 0x0 Receive FIFO Tail pointer.
Reserved 31:13 0x0 Reads as 0x0. Should be written to 0x0 for future compatibility.
Field Bit(s) Initial
Value Description
FIFO Head 12:0 0x0 A saved value of the receive FIFO head pointer.
Reserved 31:13 0x0 Reads as 0x0. Should be written to 0x0 for future compatibility.
Field Bit(s) Initial
Value Description
FIFO Tail 12:0 0x0 A saved value of the receive FIFO tail pointer.
Reserved 31:13 0x0 Reads as 0x0. Should be written to 0x0 for future compatibility.
Driver Programing Interface—82574 GbE Controller
This register stores a copy of the Receive Data FIFO Tail register if the internal register
needs to be restored. This register is available for diagnostic purposes only, and should
not be written during normal operation. Receive Data FIFO Packet Count - RDFPC (0x0 2430; RW)
This register reflects the number of receive packets that are currently in the receive
FIFO. This register is available for diagnostic purposes only, and should not be written
during normal operation. Transmit Data FIFO Head Register - TDFH (0x03410 ; RW)
This register stores the head pointer of the on–chip transm it data FIFO. Since the
internal FIFO is organized in units of 64-bit words, this field contains the 64-bit offset of
the current Transmit FIFO Head. So a va lue of 0x8 in this register corresponds to an
offset of eight Qwords or 64 bytes into the transmit FIFO space. This register is
available for diagnostic purposes only, and should not be written during normal
Note: This registers address has been moved from where it was located in the previous
devices. However, for backwards compatibility, this register can also be accessed at its
alias offset of 0x08010. In addition, with the 82574, the value in this register contains
the offset of the transmit FIFO head relative to the beginning of the entire PBM space.
Alternatively, with the previous devices, the value in this register contains the relative
offset to the beginning of the transmit FIFO space (within the PBM space). Transmit Data FIFO Tail Register - TDFT (0x03418; RW)
This register stores the head pointer of the on–chip transm it data FIFO. Since the
internal FIFO is organized in units of 64 bit words, this field contains the 64 bit offset of
the current Transmit FIFO Tail. So a value of “0x8” in this register corresponds to an
offset of 8 QWORDS or 64 bytes into the Transmit FIFO space. This register is available
for diagnostic purposes only, and should not be written during normal operation.
Field Bit(s) Initial
Value Description
Packet Count 12:0 0x0 The number of received packets currently in the RX FIFO.
Reserved 31:13 0x0 Reads as 0x0. Should be written to 0x0 for future compatibility.
Field Bit(s) Initial
Value Description
FIFO Tail 12:0 0x6001
1. The initial value equals PBA.RXA times 128.
Transmit FIFO Head Pointer
Reserved 31:13 0x0 Reads as 0x0. Should be written to 0x0 for future compatibility.
Field Bit(s) Initial
Value Description
FIFO Tail 12:0 0x6001
1. The initial value equals PBA.RXA times 128.
Transmit FIFO Tail Pointer
Reserved 31:13 0x0 Reads as 0x0. Should be written to 0x0 for future compatibility.
82574 GbE Controller—Driver Programing Interface
This register’s address has been moved from where it was located in the previous
devices. However, for backwards compatibility, this register can also be accessed at its
alias offset of 0x08018. In addition, with the 82574, the value in this register contains
the offset of the transmit FIFO head relative to the beginning of the entire PBM space.
Alternatively, with the previous devices, the value in this register contains the relative
offset to the beginning of the transmit FIFO space (within the PBM space). T ransmit Data FIFO Head Saved Register - TDFHS (0x03420; RW)
This register stores a copy of the Transmit Data FIFO Head register if the internal
register needs to be restored. This register is available for diagnostic purposes only,
and should not be written during normal operation. Transmit Data FIFO Tail Saved Register - TDFTS (0x03428; RW)
This register stores a copy of the Receive Data FIFO Tail register if the internal register
needs to be restored. This register is available for diagnostic purposes only, and should
not be written during normal operation. Transmit Data FIFO Packet Count - TDFPC (0x03430; RW)
This register reflects the number of packets to be transm itted that are currently in the
transmit FIFO. This register is av ailable for diagnostic purposes only, and should not be
written during normal operation. Packet Buffer Memory - PBM (0x10000 - 0x17FFF; RW)
Field Bit(s) Initial
Value Description
FIFO Head 12:0 0x6001
1. The initial value equals PBA.RXA times 128.
A saved value of the Transmit FIFO Head Pointer.
Reserved 31:13 0x0 Reads as 0x0. Should be written to 0x0 for future compatibility.
Field Bit(s) Initial
Value Description
FIFO Tail 12:0 0x6001
1. The initial value equals PBA.RXA times 128.
A saved value of the Transmit FIFO Tail Pointer.
Reserved 31:13 0x0 Reads as 0x0. Should be written to 0x0 for future compatibility.
Field Bit(s) Initial
Value Description
Packet Count 12:0 0x0 The number of packets to be transmitted that are currently in the TX
Reserved 31:13 0x0 Reads as 0x0. Should be written to 0x0 for future compatibility.
Field Bit(s) Initial
Value Description
FIFO Data 31:0 X Packet Buffer Data
Driver Programing Interface—82574 GbE Controller
All PBM (FIFO) data is available to diagnostics. Locations can be accessed as 32-bit or
64-bit words. The internal PBM is 40 KB in size. As mentioned in Section,
software can configure the amount of PBM space that is used as the transmit FIFO
versus the receive FIFO. The default is 16 KB of transmit FIFO space and 16 KB of
receive FIFO space. Regardless of the individual FIFO sizes that software configures,
the RX FIFO is located first in the memory mapped PBM space. So for the default FIFO
configuration, the RX FIFO occupies offsets 0x10000-0x13FFF of the memory mapped
space, while the TX FIFO occupies offsets 0x14000-0x17FFF of the memory mapped
space. Packet Buffer Size -PBS (0x01008; RW)
This register sets the on-chip receive and transmit storage allocation size, The
allocation value is read/write for the lower six bits. The division between transmit and
receive is done according to the PBA register.
Note: Programming this register does not automatically re-load or initialize internal packet-
buffer RAM pointers. The software must reset both transmit and receive operation
(using the global device reset CTRL.RST bit) after changing this register in order for it
to take effect. The PBS register itself is not reset by asserting the global reset, but only
is reset at initial hardware power on.
Note: Programming this register should be aligned with programming the PBA register. If PBA
and PBS are not coordinated, hardware operation is not determined.
Field Bit(s) Initial
Value Description
PBS 15:0 0x0028
Packet Buffer Size
Lower six bits declare the packet buffer size both for transmit and
receive in 1 KB granularity. The upper 10 bits are read as zero. The
default is 40 KB.
Rsvd 31:16 0x0000 Reserved read as zero.
82574 GbE Controller—Diagnostics
11.0 Diagnostics
To assist in test and debug of the software device driver, a set of software-usable
features have been provided in the component. These features include controls for
specific test-mode usage, as well as some registers for verifying the 82574’s internal
state against what the software device driver is expecting.
11.1 Introduction
The 82574 provides software visibility (and controllability) into certain major internal
data structures, including all of the transmit and receive FIFO space. However,
interlocks are not provided for any operations, so diagnostic accesses can only be
performed under very controlled circumstances.
The 82574 also provides software-controllable support for certain loopback modes, to
enable a software device driver to test transmit and receive flows to itself. Loopback
modes can also be used to diagnose communication problems and attempt to isolate
the location of a break in the communications path.
11.2 FIFO Pointer Accessibility
The 82574’s internal pointers into its transmit and receive data FIFOs are visible
through the head and tail diagnostic data FIFO registers. See section 10.2.12.
Diagnostics software can read these FIFO pointers to confirm an expected hardware
state following a sequence of operation(s). Diagnostic software can further write to
these pointers as a partial-step to verify expected FIFO contents following a specific
operation, or to subsequently write data directly to the data FIFOs.
11.3 FIFO Data Accessibility
The 82574’s internal transmit and receive data FIFOs contents are directly readable
and writeable through the PBM register. The specific locations read or written are
determined by the values of the FIFO pointers, which can be read and written. When
accessing the actual FIFO data structures, locations must be accessed as 32-bit words.
See section 10.2.12.
Diagnostics—82574 GbE Controller
11.4 Loopback Operations
Loopback operations are supported by the 82574 to assist with system and device
debug. Loopback operation can be used to test transmit and receive aspects of
software device drivers, as well as to verify electrical integrity of the connections
between the 82574 and the system (such as, PCIe bus connections, etc.). Loopback
operation is supported as follows:
Note: Configuration for loopback operation varies depending on the link configuration being
MAC Loopback while operating with the internal PHY
Loopback – To configure for loopback operation, the RCTL.LBM should remain
configured as for normal operation (set=00b ). The PHY must be prog rammed,
using MDIO accesses to its MII management registers, to perform loopback within
the PHY.
Note: All loopback modes are only allowed when the 82574 is configured for full-duplex
Note: MAC loopback is not functional when the MAC is configured to work at 10 Mb/s.
82574 GbE Controller—Electrical Specifications
12.0 Electrical Specifications
12.1 Introduction
This chapter describes the 82574's electrical properties.
12.2 Voltage Regulator Power Supply Specification
12.2.1 3.3 V dc Rail
12.2.2 1.9 V dc Rail
Title Description Min Max Units
Rise Time Time from 10% to 90% mark 1 100 ms
Mononotonicity Voltage dip allowed in ramp 0 mV dc
Slope Ramp rate at any given time between 10% and 90% 2880 V dc/s
Operational Range Voltage range for normal operating conditions 3 3.6 V dc
Ripple Maximum voltage ripple @ BW = 50 MHz 70 mV
Overshoot Maximum voltage allowed 4 V dc
Capacitance Minimum capacitance 25 F
Title Description Min Max Units
Rise Time Time from 10% to 90% mark 1 100 ms
Mononotonicity Voltage dip allowed in ramp 0 mV dc
Slope Ramp rate at any given time between 10% and 90% 1440 V dc/s
Operational Range Voltage range for normal operating conditions 1.8 2 V dc
Ripple Maximum voltage ripple @ BW = 50 MHz 50 mV dc
Overshoot Maximum voltage allowed 2.7 V dc
Output Capacitance Capacitance range when using PNP circuit 20 40 F
Input Capacitance Capacitance range when using PNP circuit 20 F
Capacitance ESR Equivalent series resistance of output capacitance1
1. Do not use tantalum capacitors.
5 100 m
Ictrl Maximum output current rating to CTRL18 10 mA
Electrical Specifications—82574 GbE Controller
12.2.3 1.05 V dc Rail
12.2.4 PNP Specifications
Title Description Min Max Units
Rise Time Time from 10% to 90% mark 1 100 ms
Mononotonicity Voltage dip allowed in ramp 0 mV dc
Slope Ramp rate at any given time between 10% and 90% 800 V dc/s
Operational Range Voltage range for normal operating conditions -5 +5 %
Ripple Maximum voltage ripple @ BW = 50 MHz 50 mV dc
Overshoot Maximum voltage allowed 1.5 V dc
Output Capacitance Capacitance range when using PNP circuit 20 40 F
Input Capacitance Capacitance range when using PNP circuit 20 F
Capacitance ESR Equivalent series resistance of output capacitance1
1. Do not use tantalum capacitors.
10 m
Ictrl Maximum output current rating to CTRL10 10 mA
Table 82. External Power Supply Specification
Title Description Min Max Units
VCBO 20 V dc
VCEO 20 V dc
IC(max) 1A
IC(peak) 1.2 A
Ptot Minimum total dissip ated po we r @ 25 ° C ambient t empe rature 1.5 W
hFE DC current gain @ Vce=-10 V dc, Ic=500 mA 85
hfe AC current gain @ Ic=50mA VCE=-10 V dc, f=20 MHz 2.5
Cc collector capacitance @ VCB=-5V, f=1MHz 50 pF
fT Transition frequency @ Ic=10mA, VCE=-5 V dc, f=100 MHz 40 MHz
Recommended transistor BCP69
82574 GbE Controller—Electrical Specifications
12.3 Power Sequencing
For proper and safe operation, the power supplies must follow the following rule:
VDD3p3 (3.3 V dc) AVDD1p9 (1.9 V dc) VDD1p0 (1.05 V dc)
This means that VDD3p3 MUST start ramping before AVDD1p8 and VDD1p0, but
VDD1p0 MIGHT reach its nominal operating range before AVDD1p8 and VDD3p3.
Basically, the higher voltages must be greater than or equal to the lower voltages. This
is necessary to avoid low impedance paths through clamping diodes and to eliminate
The same requirements apply to the power-down sequence.
Internal Power On Reset must be low throughout the time that the power supplies are
ramping. This guarantees that the MAC and PHY resets cleanly. While Internal Power
On Reset is low, reset to the PHY is also asserted. After the power supplies are valid,
Internal Power On Reset must remain low for at least tCLK125START to guarantee that the
CLK125 clock from the PHY is running.
12.4 Power-On Reset
Power up sequence – 3.3 V dc -> 1.9 V dc -> 1.05 V dc
Power down sequence 1.05 V dc -> 1.9 V dc->3.3 V dc
Table 83. Power Detection Thresholds
Symbol Parameter Specifications Units
Min Typ Max
V1a High threshold for 3.3 V dc supply 1.35 1.7 2.0 V dc
V2a Low threshold for 3.3 V dc supply 1.35 1.6 1.9 V dc
V1b High threshold for 1.05 V dc supply 0.6 0.7 0.75 V dc
V2b Low threshold for 1.05 V dc supply 0.35 0.45 0.6 V dc
Electrical Specifications—82574 GbE Controller
12.5 Power Scheme Solutions
Figure 62 shows the intended design options for power solutions. The values for the
various components in Figure 62 are listed in Table 84; Table 85 and Table 86 list the
power consumption values.
Figure 62. Power Scheme Schematics
3.3 V dc
External 1.05 V dc
1.9 V dc PnP Transistor Regulator
Fully Integrated 1.05 V dc Regulator
1.9 V dc PnP Transistor Regulator
3.3 V dc
3.3 V dc
VDD3p3 VDD3p3
3.3 V dc
1 K ohm
1 K ohm
82574 82574
3.3 V dc
1.05 V dc
1.9 V dc
All External Power Supplies
3.3 V dc
3.3 V dc
3.3 V dc
1 K ohm CTRL19
Fully Integrated 1.05 V dc
External 1.9 V dc Regulator
3.3 V dc
1.9 V dc
3.3 V dc
1 K ohm
82574 GbE Controller—Electrical Specifications
Table 84. Parameters For Power Scheme Options
1. All capacitors are ceramic type.
2. 10 F capacitance can be 2 x 4.7 F.
3. 22 F can be 2 x 10 F or 4 x 4.7 F for 1.9 V dc bypass.
4. Place 0.1 F capacitors near pins.
5. PNP must be placed 0.5-inch (10 mm) from the 82574.
6. VDD1p0 pins are conn ected together by a plane.
Note: The following numbers apply to device current and power and do not include power
losses on external components.
Table 85. Options B and C Power Consumption (External 1.05 V dc Regulator)
Option A Option B1Option C Option D
C1 10 F 10 F 10 F 10 F
C2 22 F + 0.1 F
(multiple) 10 F22 F + 0.1 F
(multiple) 22 F + 0.1 F
C3 10F 10 F
C4 10 F +0.1 F
(multiple near pins) 22 F + 0.1 F
(multiple near pins) 10 F +0.1 F
(multiple near pins)
C5 10 F +0.1 F
(multiple near pins)
R1 0 0
R2 0
R5 K5 K
1. 1.05 V dc PNP uses 1.9 V dc from PNP.
State Mode 3.3
[mA] 1.9
[mA] 1.05
[mA] Power
S0 - Maximum 1000Base-T active, 90 °C 5 266 195 727
S0 - Typical
1000Base-T active 4 261 184 702
1000Base-T idle 4 217 108 539
100Base-T active 4 116 60 296
100Base-T idle 4 71 22 171
10Base-T active 4 162 48 372
10Base-T idle 4 70 11 157
Cable disconnect 4 14 5 45
LAN disable 4 13 2 40
D3 cold with WOL 100 Mb/s 4 71 22 171
D3 cold with WOL 10 Mb/s 4 70 11 157
D3 cold without WOL 4 8 5 34
Electrical Specifications—82574 GbE Controller
Table 86. Options A and D Power Consumption (Fully Integrated 1.05 V dc Regulator)
State Mode 3.3
[mA] 1.9
[mA] Power
S0 - Maximum 1000Base-T active, 90 °C 5 471 911
S0 - Typical
1000Base-T active 4 455 878
1000Base-T idle 4 331 642
100Base-T active 4 178 351
100Base-T idle 4 93 190
10Base-T active 4 212 416
10Base-T idle 4 81 167
Cable disconnect 4 18 44
LAN disable 4 12 36
D3 cold with WOL 100 Mb/s 4 92 188
D3 cold with WOL 10 Mb/s 4 81 167
D3 cold without WOL 4 13 35
82574 GbE Controller—Electrical Specifications
12.6 Discrete/Integrated Magnetics Specifications
Criteria Condition Values (Min/Max)
At 50 to 60 Hertz for 60 seconds 1500 Vrms (min)
For 60 seconds 2250 V dc (min)
Open Circuit
(OCL) or OCL
With 8 mA DC bias at 25 C 400 H (min)
With 8 mA DC bias at 0 C to 70 C 350 H (min)
Insertion Loss
100 kHz through 999 kHz
1.0 MHz through 60 MHz
60.1 MHz through 80 MHz
80.1 MHz through 100 MHz
100.1 MHz through 125 MHz
1 dB (max)
0.6 dB (max)
0.8 dB (max)
1.0 dB (max)
2.4 dB (max)
Return Loss
1.0 MHz through 40 MHz
40.1 MHz through 100 MHz
When referenc e im pedanc e si 85 ,
100 , and 115 .
Note that return loss values might
vary with MDI trace lengths. The
LAN magnetics might need to be
measured in the platform where it
is us ed.
18 dB (min)
12 to 20 * LOG (frequency in MHz / 80) dB (min)
1.0 MHz through 29.9 MHz
30 MHz through 250 MHz
250.1 MHz through 375 MHz
-50.3+(8.8*(freq in MHz / 30)) dB (max)
-26-(16.8*(LOG(freq in MHz / 250)))) dB (max)
-26 dB (max)
1.0 MHz through 10 MHz
10.1 MHz through 100 MHz
100.1 MHz through 375 MHz
-50.8+(8.8*(freq in MHz / 10)) dB (max)
-26-(16.8*(LOG(freq in MHz / 100)))) dB (max)
-26 dB (max)
Diff to CMR 1.0 MHz through 29.9 MHz
30 MHz through 500 MHz -40.2+(5.3*((freq in MHz / 30)) dB (max)
-22-(14*(LOG((freq in MHz / 250)))) dB (max)
CM to CMR 1.0 MHz through 270 MHz
270.1 MHz through 300 MHz
300.1 MHz through 500 MHz
-57+(38*((freq in MHz / 270)) dB (max)
-17-2*((300-(freq in MHz) / 30) dB (max)
-17 dB (max)
Electrical Specifications—82574 GbE Controller
12.7 Oscillator/Cryst al Specificatio ns
See Figure 63 for recommended crystal placement and layout instructions.
Table 87. External Crystal Specifications
Parameter Name Symbol Recommended
Value Max/Min Range Conditions
Frequency fo25 [MHz] @25 [°C]
Vibration Mode Fundamental
Frequency Tolerance @25 °C Df/fo @25°C ±30 [ppm] @ 25 [°C]
Temperature Tolerance Df/fo±30 [ppm]
Series Resistance (ESR) Rs50 [] max @25 [MHz]
Crystal Load Capacitance Cload 18 [pF]
Shunt Capacitance Co6 [pF] max
Drive Level DL300 [W] max
Aging Df/fo±5 ppm per year ±5 ppm per year max
Calibration Mode Parallel
Insulation Resistance 500 [M] min @ 100 V dc
82574 GbE Controller—Electrical Specifications
Table 88. Clock Oscillator Specifications
Note: Peak-to-peak voltage presented at the XTAL1 input cannot exceed 1.9 V dc.
Figure 63. XTAL Timing Diagram
12.8 I/O DC Parameters
This section specifies the timing and electrical parameters for the various I/O
Parameter Name Symbol/Parameter Conditions Min Typ Max Unit
Frequency fo@25 [°C] 25.0 MHz
Swing Vp-p1 3 3.3 3.6 V
Frequency Tolerance f/fo-20 to +70 ±50 [ppm]
Operating Temperature Topr -20 to +70 [°C]
Aging f/fo±5 ppm per year [ppm]
Coupling capacitor Ccoupling 12 15 18 [pF]
TH_XTAL_IN XTAL_IN High Time 13 20 nS
TL_XTAL_IN XTAL_IN Low Time 13 20 nS
TJ_XTAL_IN XTAL_IN Total Jitter 2001
1. Broadband peak-to-peak = 200 pS, Broadband rms = 3 pS, 12 KHz to 20 MHz rms = 1 ps.
Electrical Specifications—82574 GbE Controller
12.8.1 Test, JTAG and NC-SI
12.8.2 LEDs
Symbol/Parameter Conditions Min Typ Max Unit
VDD3p3 3.0 3.3 3.6 V dc
VIL -0.65 0.8 V dc
VIH 2.0 VDD3p3+0.4 V dc
Input leakage 0<Vin<VDD3p3 10 A
Iol @ VOL=0.4 V dc 3 mA
Ioh @ VOH=VDDO-0.4 V dc 3 mA
Ioh @ VOH=VDDO-0.4 V dc 9 mA
Cin 5pF
TCK freq 25 MHz
TCK - TD/TMS setup 10 ns
TCK - TDI/TMS hold 10 ns
Symbol/Parameter Conditions Min Typ Max Unit
VDD3p3 3.0 3.3 3.6 V dc
Input leakage 0<Vin<VDD3p3 10 A
Iol @ VOL=0.4 V dc 12 mA
Ioh @ VOH=VDDO-0.4 V dc 12 mA
Cin 5pF
82574 GbE Controller—Electrical Specifications
12.8.3 SMBus
Symbol/Parameter Conditions Min Typ Max Unit
VIL -0.4 0.9 V dc
VIH 1.6 VDD3p3+0.4 V dc
VOH 3.3 V dc
VOL Maximum @ IPULLUP 0.4 V dc
ILEAK +/-10 A
CI10 pF
VNOISE =0.3 V dc
tPAD-IN Maximum @ CIN=2
NAND gate input loads 5ns
tOUT_PAD Maximum @ CPAD=
400 pF 100 ns
tOEB_PAD Maximum @ CPAD=
400 pF 100 ns
Electrical Specifications—82574 GbE Controller
Note: This page intentionally left blank.
82574 GbE Controller—Design Considerations
13.0 Design Considerations
This section provides general design considerations and recommendations when
selecting components and connecting special pins to the 82574.
13.1 PCIe
13.1.1 Port Connection to the 82574
PCIe is a dual simplex point-to-point serial differential low-voltage interconnect with a
signaling bit rate of 2.5 Gb/s per direction. The 82574’s PCIe port consists of an
integral group of transmitters and receivers. The link between the PCIe ports of two
devices is a x1 lane that also consists of a transmitter and a receiver pair. Note that
each signal is 8b/10b encoded with an embedded clock.
The PCIe topology consists of a transmitter (Tx) located on one device connected
through a differential pair connected to the receiver (Rx) on a second device. The
82574 can be located on a motherboard or on an add-in card using a connector
specified by PCIe.
The lane is AC-coupled between its corresponding transmitter and receiver. The AC-
coupling capacitor is located on the board close to transmitter side. Each end of the link
is terminated on the die into nominal 100 differential DC impedance. Board
termination is not required.
For more information on PCIe, refer to the PCI Express* Base Specification, Revision
1.1 and PCI Express* Card Electromechanical Specification, Revision 1.1RD.
For information about the 82574’s PCIe power management capabilities, see
section 5.0.
13.1.2 PCIe Reference Clock
The 82574 uses a 100 MHz differential reference clock, denoted PECLKp and PECLKn.
This signal is typically generated on the system bo ard and route d to the PC Ie p ort. For
add-in cards, the clock is furnished at the PCIe connector.
The frequency tolerance for the PCIe reference clock is +/- 300 ppm.
13.1.3 O ther PCIe Signals
The 82574 also implements other signals required by the PCIe specification. The 82574
signals power management events to the system using the PE_WAKE_N signal, which
operates very similarly to the familiar PCI PME# signal. Finally, there is a PE_RST_N
signal, which serves as the familiar reset function for the 82574.
Design Considerations—82574 GbE Controller
13.1.4 PCIe Routing
Contact your Intel representative for information regarding the PCIe signal routing.
13.2 Clock Source
All designs require a 25 MHz clock source. The 82574 uses the 25 MHz source to
generate clocks up to 125 MHz and 1.25 GHz for the PHY circuits. For optimum results
with lowest cost, connect a 25 MHz parallel resonant crystal and appropriate load
capacitors at the XTAL1 and XTAL2 leads. The frequency tolerance of the timing device
should be 30 ppm or better. Refer to the Intel® Ethernet Controllers Timing Device
Selection Guide for more information on choosing crystals.
For further information regarding the clock for the 82574, refer to the sections about
frequency control, crystals, and oscillators that follow.
13.2.1 Frequency Control Device Design Considerations
This section provides information regarding frequency control devices, including
crystals and oscillators, for use with all Intel Ethernet controllers. Several suitable
frequency control devices are available; none of which present any unusual challenges
in selection. The concepts documented herein are applicable to other data
communication circuits, including Platform LAN Connect devices (PHYs).
The Intel Ethernet controllers contain amplifiers, which when used with the specific
external components, form the basis for feedback oscillators. These oscillator circuits,
which are both economical and reliable, are described in more detail in section 13.3.1.
The Intel Ethernet controllers also have bus clock input functionality, however a
discussion of this feature is beyond the scope of this document, and will not be
The chosen frequency control device vendor should be consulted early in the design
cycle. Crystal and oscillator manufacturers familiar with networking equipment clock
requirements may provide assistance in selecting an optimum, low-cost solution.
13.2.2 Frequency Control Component Types
Several types of third-party frequency refe rence components are curr ently marketed. A
discussion of each follows, listed in preferred order. Quartz Crystal
Quartz crystals are generally considered to be the mainstay of frequency control
components due to their low cost and ease of implementation. They are av ailable from
numerous vendors in many package types and with various specification options. Fixed Crystal Oscillator
A packaged fixed crystal oscillator comprises an inverter, a quartz crystal, and passive
components conveniently packaged together. The device renders a strong, consistent
square wave output. Oscillators used with microprocessors are supplied in many
configurations and tolerances.
Crystal oscillators should be restricted to use in special situations, such as shared
clocking among devices or multiple controllers. As clock routing can be difficult to
accomplish, it is preferable to provide a separate crystal for each device.
82574 GbE Controller—Design Considerations
420 Programmable Crystal Oscillators
A programmable oscillator can be configured to operate at many frequencies. The
device contains a crystal frequency reference and a phase lock loop (PLL) clock
generator. The frequency multi pliers and divisors are controlled by programmable
A programmable oscillator’s accuracy depends heavily on the Ethernet device’s
differential transmit lines. The Physical Layer (PHY) uses the clock input from the
device to drive a differential Manchester (for 10 Mb/s operation), an MLT-3 (for 100
Mbps operation) or a PAM-5 (for 1000 Mbps operation) encoded analog signal across
the twisted pair cable. These signals are referred to as self-clocking, which means the
clock must be recovered at the receiving link partner. Clock recovery is performed with
another PLL that locks onto the signal at the other end.
PLLs are prone to exhibit frequency jitter. The transmitted signal can also have
considerable jitter even with the programmable oscillator working within its specified
frequency tolerance. PLLs must be designed carefully to lock onto signals over a
reasonable frequency range. If the tr ansm itted sign al has high j itte r and the receiver’s
PLL loses its lock, then bit errors or link loss can occur.
PHY devices are deployed for many different communication applications. Some PHYs
contain PLLs with marginal lock range and cannot tolerate the jitter inherent in data
transmission clock ed with a progr ammable os cillator. The American National Standards
Institute (ANSI) X3.263-1995 standard test method for transmit jitter is not stringent
enough to predict PLL-to-PLL lock failures, therefore, the use of programmable
oscillators is not recommended. C eramic Resonator
Similar to a quartz crystal, a ceramic resonator is a piezoelectric device. A ceramic
resonator typically carries a frequency tolerance of ±0.5%, – inadequate for use with
Intel Ethernet controllers, and therefore, should not be utilized.
Design Considerations—82574 GbE Controller
13.3 Crystal Support
13.3.1 Crystal Selection Parameters
All crystals used with Intel Ethernet controllers are described as A T-cut, which refers to
the angle at which the unit is sliced with respect to the long axis of the quartz stone.
Table 89 lists crystals which have been used successfully in other designs (however, no
particular product is recommended):
For information about crystal selection parameters, see section 12.7 and Table 87. Vibrational Mode
Crystals in the above-referenced frequency range are available in both fundamental
and third overtone. Unless there is a special need for third overtone, use fundamental
mode crystals.
At any given operating frequ ency, third overtone crystals are thicker and more rugged
than fundamental mode crystals. Third overtone crystals are more suitable for use in
military or harsh industrial environments. Third overtone crystals require a trap circuit
(extra capacitor and inductor) in the load circuitry to suppress fundamental mode
oscillation as the circuit powers up. Selecting values for these components is beyond
the scope of this document. Nominal Frequency
Intel Ethernet controllers use a crystal frequency of 25.000 MHz. The 25 MHz input is
used to generate a 125 MHz transmit clock for 100BASE-TX and 1000BASE-TX
operation – 10 MHz and 20 MHz transmit clocks, for 10BASE-T operation. Frequency Tolerance
The frequency tolerance for an Ethernet Platform LAN Connect is dictated by the IEEE
802.3 specification as ±50 parts per million (ppm). This measurement is referenced to
a standard temper ature of 25° C. Intel recommen ds a frequency toler ance of ±30 ppm. Temperature Stability and Environmental Requirements
Temperature stability is a standard measure of how the oscillation frequency varies
over the full operational temperature range (and beyond). Several optional
temperature ranges are currently available, including -40° C to +85° C for industrial
environments. Some vendors separate operating temperatures from temperature
stability. Manufacturers may also list temperature stability as 50 ppm in their data
Note: Crystals also carry other specifications for storage temperature, shock resistance, and
reflow solder conditions. Crystal vendors should be consulted early in the design cycle
to discuss the application and its environmental requirements.
Table 89. Crystal Manufacturers and Part Numbers
Manufacturer Part No.
KDS America DSX321G
NDK America Inc. 41CD25.0F1303018
TXC Corporation - USA 7A25000165
82574 GbE Controller—Design Considerations
422 C alibration Mode
The terms series-resonant and parallel-resonant are often used to describe crystal
oscillator circuits. Specifying parallel mode is critical to determining how the crystal
frequency is calibrated at the factory.
A crystal specified and tested as series resonant oscillates without problem in a
parallel-resonant circuit, but the frequency is higher than nominal by sev e ral hundred
parts per million. The purpose of adding load capacitors to a crystal oscillator circuit is
to establish resonance at a frequency higher than th e crystal’ s inherent series reson ant
Figure 64 shows the recommended placement and layout of an internal oscillator
circuit. Note that pin X1 and X2 refers to XTAL1 and XTAL2 in the Ethernet device,
respectively. The crystal and the capacitors form a feedback element for the internal
inverting amplifier. This combination is called parallel-resonant, because it has positive
reactance at the selected frequency. In other words, the crystal behaves like an
inductor in a parallel LC circuit. Oscillators with piezoelectric feedback elements are
also known as “Pierce” oscillators. Lo ad Capacitance
The formula for crystal load capacitance is as follows:
where C1 = C2 = 27 pF
and Cstray = allowance for additional capacitance in pads, traces and the chip
carrier within the Ethernet device package
An allowance of 3 pF to 7 pF accounts for lumped stray capacitance. The calculated load
capacitance is 16 pF with an estimated stray capacitance of about 5 pF.
Individual stray capacitance components can be estimated and added. For example,
surface mount pads for the load capacitors add approximately 2.5 pF in parallel to each
capacitor. This technique is especially useful if Y1, C1 and C2 must be placed farther
than approximately one-half (0.5) inch from the device. It is worth noting that thin
circuit boards generally hav e higher stray capacitance than thick circuit boards. Consult
the PCIe Design Guide for more information.
The oscillator frequency should be measured with a precision frequency counter where
possible. The load specification or values of C1 and C2 should be fine tuned for the
design. As the actual capacitance load increases, the oscillator frequency decreases.
Note: C1 and C2 may vary by as much as 5% (approximately 1 pF) from their nominal
values. Shunt Capacitance
The shunt capacitance parameter is relatively unimportant compared to load
capacitance. Shunt capacitance represents the ef fect of the crystal’ s mechanical holder
and contacts. The shunt capacitance should equal a maximum of 6 pF.
CLC1 C2
C1 C2+
Design Considerations—82574 GbE Controller Equivalent Series Resistance
Equivalent Series R esistance (ESR) is the real component of the crystal’ s impedance at
the calibration frequency, which the inverting amplifier’ s loop gain must overcome. ESR
varies in versely with frequency for a given crystal family. The lower the ESR, the faster
the crystal starts up. Use crystals with an ESR value of 50 or better. Drive Level
Drive level refers to power dissipation in use. The allowable drive level for a Surface
Mounted Technology (SMT) crystal is less than its through-hole counterpart, because
surface mount crystals are typically made from narrow, rectangular AT strips, rather
than circular AT quartz blanks.
Some crystal data sheets list crystals with a maximum drive level of 1 mW. However,
Intel Ethernet controllers drive crystals to a level less than the suggested 0.3 mW
value. This parameter does not have much value for on-chip oscillator use. Aging
Aging is a permanent change in frequency (and resistance) occurring over time. This
parameter is most important in its first year because new crystals age faster than old
crystals. Use crystals with a maximum of ±5 ppm per year aging. Reference Crystal
The normal tolerances of the discrete crystal components can contribute to small
frequency offsets with respect to the target center frequency. To minimize the risk of
tolerance-caused frequ ency offsets causing a small percentage of production line units
to be outside of the acceptable frequency range, it is important to account for those
shifts while empirically determining the proper values for the discrete loading
capacitors, C1 and C2.
Even with a perfect support circuit, most crystals will oscillate slightly higher or slightly
lower than the exact center of the target frequency. Therefore, frequency
measurements (which determine the correct v alue for C1 and C2) should be performed
with an ideal reference crystal. When the capacitive load is exactly equal to the
crystal’s load rating, an ideal reference crystal will be perfectly centered at the desired
target frequency. Reference Crystal Selection
There are several methods available for choosing the appropriate reference crystal:
If a Saunders and Associates (S&A) crystal network analyzer is available, then
discrete crystal components can be tested until one is found with zero or nearly
zero ppm deviation (with the appropriate capacitive load). A crystal with zero or
near zero ppm deviation will be a good reference crystal to use in subsequent
frequency tests to determine the best values for C1 and C2.
If a crystal analyzer is not available, then the selection of a reference crystal can be
done by measuring a statistically valid sample population of crystals, which has
units from multiple lots and approved vendors. The crystal, which has an oscillation
frequency closest to the center of the distribution, should be the reference crystal
used during testing to determine the best values for C1 and C2.
It may also be possible to ask the approved crystal vendors or manufacturers to
provide a reference crystal with zero or nearly zero deviation from the specified
frequency when it has the specified CLoad capacitance.
82574 GbE Controller—Design Considerations
When choosing a crystal, customers must keep in mind that to comply with IEEE
specifications for 10/100 and 10/100/1000Base-T Ethernet LAN, the transmitter
reference frequency must be precise within 50 ppm. Intel® recommends customers to
use a transmitter reference frequency that is accur ate to within 30 ppm to account for
variations in crystal accuracy due to crystal manufacturing tolerance. Circuit Board
Since the dielectric layers of the circuit board are allowed some reasonable variation in
thickness, the stray capacitance from the printed board (to the crystal circuit) will also
vary. If the thickness tolerance for the outer layers of dielectric are controlled within
±17 percent of nominal, then the circuit board should not cause more than ±2 pF
variation to the stray capacitance at the crystal. When tuning crystal frequency, it is
recommended that at least three circuit boards are tested for frequency. These boards
should be from different production lots of bare circuit boards.
Alternatively, a larger sample population of circuit boards can be used. A larger
population will increase the probability of obtaining the full range of possible variations
in dielectric thickness and the full range of variation in stray capacitance.
Next, the exact same crystal and discrete load capacitors (C1 and C2) must be soldered
onto each board, and the LAN reference frequency should be measured on each circuit
The circuit board, which has a LAN reference frequency closest to the center of the
frequency distribution, should be used while performing the frequency measurements
to select the appropriate value for C1 and C2. Temperature Changes
Temperature changes can cause the crystal frequency to shift. Therefore, frequency
measurements should be done in the final system chassis across the system’s rated
operating temperature range.
13.3.2 C rystal Placement and Layout Recommendations
Crystal clock sources should not be placed near I/O ports or board edges. Radiation
from these devices can be coupled into the I/O ports and radiate beyond the system
chassis. Crystals should also be kept away from the Ethernet magnetics module to
prevent interference.
Note: Failure to follow these guidelines could result in the 25 MHz clock failing to start.
When designing the layout for the crystal circuit, the following rules must be used:
Place load capacitors as close as possible (within design-for-manufacturability
rules) to the crystal solder pads. They should be no more than 90 mils away from
crystal pads.
The two load capacitors, crystal component, the Ethernet controller device, and the
crystal circuit traces must all be located on the same side of the circuit board
(maximum of one via-to-ground load capacitor on each XTAL trace).
Use 27 pF (5% tolerance) 0402 load capacitors.
Place load capacitor solder pad directly in line with circuit trace (see Figure 64,
point A).
Use 50 impedance single-ended microstrip traces for the crystal circuit.
Route traces so that electro-magnetic fields from XTAL2 do not couple onto XTAL1.
No differential traces.
Design Considerations—82574 GbE Controller
Route XTAL1 and XTAL2 traces to nearest inside corners of crystal pad (see
Figure 64, point B).
Ensure that the traces from XTAL1 and XTAL2 are symmetrically routed and that
their lengths are matched.
The total trace length of XTAL1 or XTAL2 should be less than 750 mils.
Figure 64. Recommended Crystal Placement and Layout
13.4 Oscillator Support
The 82574 clock input circuit is optimized for use with an external crystal. However, an
oscillator can also be used in place of the crystal with the proper design considerations
(see Table 88 for detail clock oscillator specifications):
The clock oscillator has an internal voltage regulator of 1.9 V dc to isolate it from
the external noise of other circuits to minimize jitter. If an external clock is used,
this imposes a maximum input clock amplitude of 1.9 V dc. For example, if a
3.3 V dc oscillator is used, it's signal should be attenuated to a maximum of
1.9 V dc with a resistive divider circuit.
The input capacitance introduced by the 82574 (approximately 20 pF) is greater
than the capacitance specified by a typical oscillator (approximately 15 pF).
The input clock jitter from the oscillator can impact the 82574 clock and its
Note: The power consumption of additional circuitry equals about 1.5 mW.
Cryst al Pad Cryst al Pad
Ethernet Controller
0402 27pF
“B” “B”
90 mils
90 mils
Capacitor Capacitor
Less than 660 mils
82574 GbE Controller—Design Considerations
Table 90 lists oscillators that can be used with the 82574. Please note that no particular
oscillator is recommended):
Figure 65. Oscillator Solution
13.4.1 Oscillator Placement and Layout Recommendations
Oscillator clock sources should not be placed near I/O ports or board edges. Radiation
from these devices can be coupled into the I/O ports and radiate beyond the system
chassis. Oscillators should also be kept away from the Ethernet magnetics module to
prevent interference.
13.5 Ethernet Interface
13.5.1 M agnetics for 1000 BASE-T
Magnetics for the 82574 can be either integrated or discrete.
The magnetics module has a critical effect on ov erall IEEE and emissions conformance.
The device shou ld meet the perfo rmanc e required for a design with reasonable margin
to allow for manufacturing variation. Occasionally, components that meet basic
specifications can cause the system to fail IEEE testing because of interactions with
other components or the printed circuit board itself. Carefully qualifying new magnetics
modules prevents this problem.
When using discrete magnetics it is necessary to use Bob Smith termination: Use four
75 resistors for cable-side center taps and unused pins. This method terminates pair-
to-pair common mode impedance of the CAT5 cable.
Table 90. Oscillator Manufacturers and Part Number s
Manufacturer Part No.
Raltron Electronics Corp CO4305-25.000-T-TR
MtronPTI M214TCN
Kyocera Corporation KC5032C-C3
3.3 V dc
1 K ohm
1 K ohm 1000 pF
Oscillator 82574
Design Considerations—82574 GbE Controller
Use an EFT capacitor attached to the termination plane. Suggested values are 1500 pF/
2 KV or 1000 pF/3 KV. A minimum of 50-mil spacing from capacitor to traces and
components should be maintained.
13.5.2 Magnetics Module Qualification Steps
The steps involved in magnetics module qualification are similar to those for crystal
1. Verify that the vendor’s published specifications in the component datasheet meet
or exceed the specifications in section 12.6.
2. Independently measure the component’s electrical parameters on the test bench,
checking samples from multiple lots. Check that the measured behavior is
consistent from sample to sample and that measurements meet the published
3. Perform physical layer conformance testing and EMC (FCC and EN) testing in real
systems. Vary temperature and voltage while performing system level tests.
13.5.3 Third-Party Magnetics Manufacturers
The following magnetics modules have been used successfully in previous designs.
13.5.4 Layout Considerations for the Ethernet Interface
These sections provide recommendations for performing printed circuit board layouts.
Good layout practices are essential to meet IEEE PHY conformance specifications and
EMI regulatory requirements.
Critical signal traces should be kept as short as possible to decrease the likelihood of
being affected by high frequency noise from other signals, including noise carried on
power and ground planes. Keeping the traces as short as possible can also reduce
capacitive loading.
Since the transmission line medium extends onto the printed circuit board, special
attention must be paid to layout and routing of the differential signal pairs.
Designing for 1000 BASE- T Gigabit operation is very similar to designing for 10 and 100
Mb/s. For the 82574, system level tests should be performed at all three speeds. Guidelines for Compo ne nt Placement
Component placement can affect signal quality, emissions, and component operating
temperature This section provides guidelines for component placement.
Manufacturer Part Number
Low Profile Discrete:
Midcom Inc. 000-7412-35R-LF1
Standard Discrete:
Pulse Eng. S558-5999-P3 (12-core)
H5007NL (12-core)
Pulse Eng.
RJMG2310 22830ER C03-002
82574 GbE Controller—Design Considerations
Careful component placement can:
Decrease potential problems directly related to electromagnetic interference (EMI),
which could cause failure to meet applicable government test specifications.
Simplify the task of routing traces. To some extent, component orientation will
affect the complexity of trace routing. The o verall objective is to minimize turns and
crossovers between traces.
Minimizing the amount of space needed for the Ethernet LAN interface is important
because other interfaces compete for physical space on a motherboard near the
connector. The Ethernet LAN circuits need to be as close as possible to the connector.
Figure 66. General Placement Distances for 1000 BASE-T Designs
Figure 66 shows some basic placement distance guidelines. Figure 66 shows two
differential pairs, but can be generalized for a Gigabit system with four analog pairs.
The ideal placement for the Ethernet silicon would be approximately one inch behind
the magnetics module.
While it is generally a good idea to minimize lengths and distances, Figure 66 also
illustrates the need to keep the LAN silicon away from the edge of the board and the
magnetics module for best EMI performance. Layout Guidelines for Use with Integrated and Discrete Magnetics
Layout requirements are slightly different when using discrete magnetics.
These include:
Ground cut for HV installation (not required for integrated magnetics)
A maximum of two (2) vias
•Turns less than 45
Discrete terminators
Keep LAN silicon 1" - 4" from LAN connector.
Keep silicon traces at least 1" from edge of
PB (2" is preferred).
Keep minimum distance between differential pairs
more than seven times the dielectric thickness away
from each other and other traces, including NVM
traces and parallel digital traces.
Note: Figure 66 represents a 10/100 diagram. Use the same design considerations for the two
differential pairs not shown for gigabit implementations.
Design Considerations—82574 GbE Controller
Figure 67 shows a reference layout for discrete magnetics.
Figure 67. Layout for Discrete Magnetics Board Stack-Up Recommendations
Printed circuit boards for these designs typically have four, six, eight, or more layers.
Although, the 82574 does not dictate the stack up, here is an example of a typical six-
layer board stack up:
Layer 1 is a signal layer. It can contain the differential analog pairs from the
Ethernet device to the magnetics module, or to an optical transceiver.
Layer 2 is a signal ground layer. Chassis ground may also be fabricated in Layer 2
under the connector side of the magnetics module.
Layer 3 is used for power planes.
Layer 4 is a signal layer.
Layer 5 is an additional ground layer.
Layer 6 is a signal layer. For 1000 BASE- T (copper) Gigabit designs, it is common to
route two of the differential pairs (per port) on this layer.
This board stack up configuration can be adjusted to conform to specific OEM design
Magnetics Module
82574 GbE Controller—Design Considerations
430 Differential Pair Trace Routing for 10/100/1000 Designs
Trace routing considerations are important to minimize the effects of crosstalk and
propagation delays on sections of the board where high-speed signals exist. Signal
traces should be kept as short as possible to decrease interference from other signals,
including those propagated through power and ground planes. Observe the following
suggestions to help optimize board performance:
Maintain constant symmetry and spacing between the traces within a differential
Minimize the difference in signal trace lengths of a differential pair.
Keep the total length of each differential pair under 4 inches. Although possible,
designs with differential traces longer than 5 inches are much more likely to have
degraded receive BER (Bit Error Rate) performance, IEEE PHY conformance
failures, and/or excessive EMI (Electromagnetic Interference) radiation.
Keep differential pairs more than seven times the dielectric thickness away from
each other and other traces, including NVM traces and parallel digital traces.
Keep maximum separation within differential pairs to 7 mils.
For high-speed signals, the number of corners and vias should be kept to a
minimum. If a 90° bend is required, it is recommended to use two 45° bends
instead. Refer to Figure 68.
Note: In manufacturing, vias are required for testing and troubleshooting purposes. The via
size should be a 17-mil (±2 mils for manufacturing variance) finished hole size (FHS).
Traces should be routed away from board edges by a distance greater than the
trace height above the reference plane. This allows the field around the trace to
couple more easily to the ground plane rather than to adjacent wires or boards.
Do not route traces and vias under crystals or oscillators. This will prevent coupling
to or from the clock. And as a gener al rule, place tr aces from clocks and drives at a
minimum distance from apertures by a distance that is greater than the largest
aperture dimension
Figure 68. Trace Routing
The reference plane for the differential pairs should be continuous and low
impedance. It is recommended that the reference plane be either ground or
1.9 V dc (the voltage used by the PHY). This provides an adequate return path for
and high frequency noise currents.
Do not route differential pairs over splits in the associated reference plane as it
may cause discontinuity in impedances.
Design Considerations—82574 GbE Controller Signal Term ination and Coupling
The 82547L has internal termination on the MDI signals. External resistors are not
needed. Adding pads for external resistors can degrade signal integrity. Signal Trace Geometry for 1000 BASE-T Designs
The key factors in controlling trace EMI radiation are the trace length and the ratio of
trace-width to trace-height above the reference plane. To minimize trace inductance,
high-speed signals and signal layers that are close to a reference or power plane should
be as short and wide as practical. Ideally, this trace width to height above the ground
plane ratio is between 1:1 and 3:1. To maintain trace impedance, the width of the tr ace
should be modified when changing from one board layer to another if the two la yers are
not equidistant from the neighboring planes.
Each pair of signal should have a differential impedance of 100 . +/- 15%. If a
particular tool cannot design differential traces, it is permissible to specify 55-65
single-ended traces as long as the spacing between th e two traces is minimized. As an
example, consider a differential trace pair on Layer 1 that is 8 mils (0.2 mm) wide and
2 mils (0.05 mm) thick, with a spacing of 8 mils (0.2 mm). If the fiberglass layer is 8
mils (0.2 mm) thick with a dielectric constant, ER, of 4.7, the calculated single-ended
impedance would be approximately 61 and the calculated differential impedance
would be approximately 100 .
When performing a board layout, do not allow the CAD tool auto-router to route the
differential pairs without intervention. In most cases, the differential pairs will have to
be routed manually.
Note: Measuring trace impedance for layout designs targeting 100 often results in lower
actual impedance. Designers should verify actual trace impedance and adjust the
layout accordingly. If the actual impedance is consistently low, a target of 105 – 110
should compensate for second order effects.
It is necessary to compensate for trace-to-trace edge coupling, which can lower the
differential impedance by up to 10 , when the traces within a pair are closer than 30
mils (edge to edge). Trace Length and Symmetry for 1000 BASE-T Designs
As indicated earlier, the overall length of differential pairs should be less than four
inches measured from the Ethernet device to the magnetics.
The differential traces (within each pair) should be equal in total length to within 50
mils (1.25 mm) and as symmetrical as possible. Asymmetrical and unequal length
traces in the differential pairs contribute to common mode noise. If a choice has to be
made between matching lengths and fixing symmetry, more emphasis should be placed
on fixing symmetry. Common mode noise can degrade the receive circuit’s performance
and contribute to radiated emissions. Signal Detect
Each port of the 82574 has a signal detect pin for connection to optical transceivers.
For designs without optical transceivers, thes e signals can be left unconnected because
they have internal pull-up resistors. Signal detect is not a high-speed signal and does
not require special layout.
82574 GbE Controller—Design Considerations
432 Ro uting 1.9 V dc to the Magnetics C en t er Tap
The central-tap 1.9 V dc should be delivered as a solid supply plane (1.9 V dc) directly
to the magnetic module or, if this is not possible, by a short and thick tr ace (lower than
0.2 DC resistance). The decoupling capacitors for the central tap pins should be
placed as close as possible to the magnetic component. This improves both EMI and
IEEE compliance. Imped ance Discontinuities
Impedance discontinuities cause unwanted signal reflections. Minimize vias (signal
through holes) and other transmission line irregularities. If vias must be used, a
reasonable budget is two per differential trace. Unused pads and stub traces should
also be avoided. Reducing C ircuit Inductance
Traces should be routed over a continuous reference plane with no interruptions. If
there are vacant areas on a reference or power plane, the signal conductors should not
cross the vacant area. This causes impedance mismatches and associated radiated
noise levels. Noisy logic grounds should be separated from analog signal grounds to
reduce coupling. Noisy logic grounds can sometimes affect sensitive DC subsystems
such as analog to digital conversion, operational amplifiers, etc. All ground vias should
be connected to every ground plane; and similarly, every power via, to all power planes
at equal potential. This helps reduce circuit inductance. Another recommendation is to
physically locate grounds to minimize the loop area between a signal path and its
return path. Rise and fall times should be as slow as possible. Because signals with fast
rise and fall times contain many high frequency harmonics, which can radiate
significantly. The most sensitive signal returns closest to the chassis ground should be
connected together. This will result in a smaller loop area and reduce the likelihood of
crosstalk. The effect of different configurations on the amount of crosstalk can be
studied using electronics modeling software. Signal Isolation
To maintain best signal integrity, keep digital signals far away from the analog traces. A
good rule of thumb is no digital signal should be within 300 mils (7.5 mm) of the
differential pairs. If digital signals on other board layers cannot be separated by a
ground plane, they should be routed perpendicular to the differential pairs. If there is
another LAN controller on the board, take care to keep the differential pairs from that
circuit away.
Some rules to follow for signal isolation:
Separate and group signals by function on separate layers if possible. Keep a
minimum distance between differential pairs more than seven times the dielectric
thickness away from each other and other tr aces, including NVM traces and par allel
digital traces.
Physically group together all components associated with one clock trace to reduce
trace length and radiation.
Isolate I/O signals from high-speed signals to minimize crosstalk, which can
increase EMI emission and susceptibility to EMI from other signals.
Avoid routing high-speed LAN traces near other high-frequency signals associated
with a video controller, cache controller, proce ssor, or other similar devices.
Design Considerations—82574 GbE Controller Traces for Decoupling Capacitors
Traces between decoupling and I/O filter capacitors should be as short and wide as
practical. Long and thin tr aces are more inductive and would reduce the intended effect
of decoupling capacitors. Also for similar reasons, traces to I/O signals and signal
terminations should be as short as possible. Vias to the decoupling capacitors should be
sufficiently large in diameter to decrease series inductance. Light Emitting Diodes for Designs Based on the 82574
The 82574 provides three programmable high-current push-pull (active high) outputs
to directly drive LEDs for link activity and speed indication. Each LAN device provides
an independent set of LED outputs; these pins and their function are bound to a specific
LAN device. Each of the four LED outputs can be individually configured to select the
particular event, state, or activity, which is indicated on that output. In addition, each
LED can be individually configured for output polarity, as well as for blinking versus
non-blinking (steady-state) indication.
Since the LEDs are likely to be integral to a magnetics module, take care to route the
LED traces away from potential sources of EMI noise. In some cases, it may be
desirable to attach filter capacitors.
The LED ports are fully programmable through the NVM interface.
13.5.5 Physical Layer Conformance Testing
Physical layer conformance testing (also known as IEEE testing) is a fundamental
capability for all companies with Ethernet LAN products. PHY testing is the final
determination that a layout has been performed successfully. If your company does not
have the resources and equipment to perform these tests, consider contracting the
tests to an outside facility. Conformance Tests for 10/100/1000 Mb/s Designs
Crucial tests are as follows, listed in priority order:
Bit Error Rate (BER). Good indicator of real world network performance. P erform bit
error rate testing with long and short cables and many link partners. The test limit
is 10-11 errors.
Output Amplitude, Rise and Fall Time (10/100 Mb/s), Symmetry and Droop
(1000Mbps). For the 82575 controller, use the approp riate PHY test waveform.
Return Loss. Indicator of proper impedance matching, measured through the RJ-45
connector back toward the magnetics module.
Jitter Test (10/100 Mb/s) or Unfilte red Jitter Test (1000 Mb/s). Indicator of clock
recovery ability (master and slave for Gigabit controller).
13.5.6 Troubleshooting Common Physical Layout Issues
The following is a list of common physical layer design and layout mistakes in LAN On
Motherboard Designs.
1. Lack of symmetry between the two traces within a differential pair. Asymmetry can
create common-mode noise and distort the waveforms. F or each component and/or
via that one trace encounters, the other trace should encounter the same
component or a via at the same distance from the Ethernet silicon.
2. Unequal length of the two traces within a differential pair. Inequalities create
common-mode noise and will distort the transmit or receive waveforms.
82574 GbE Controller—Design Considerations
3. Excessive distance between the Ethernet silicon and the magnetics. Long traces on
FR4 fiberglass epoxy substrate will attenuate the analog signals. In addition, any
impedance mismatch in the traces will be aggravated if they are longer than the
four inch guideline.
4. Routing any other trace parallel to and close to one of the differential traces.
Crosstalk getting onto the receive channel will cause degraded long cable BER.
Crosstalk getting onto the transmit channel can cause ex cessive EMI emissions and
can cause poor transmit BER on long cables. A t a minimum, other signals should be
kept 0.3 inches from the differential traces.
5. Rou ting one pair of differential traces too close to another pair of differential traces.
After exiting the Ethernet silicon, the trace pairs should be kept 0.3 inches or more
away from the other trace pairs. The only possible exceptions are in the vicinities
where the traces enter or exit the magnetics, the RJ-45 connector, and the
Ethernet silicon.
6. Use of a low-quality magnetics module.
7. Re-use of an out-of-date physical layer schematic in a Ethernet silicon design. The
terminations and decoupling can be different from one PHY to another.
8. Incorrect differential trace impedances. It is important to have ~100 impedance
between the two traces within a differential pair. This becomes even more
important as the differential traces become longer. To calculate differential
impedance, many impedance calculators only multiply the single-ended impedance
by two. This does not take into account edge-to-edge capacitive coupling between
the two traces. When the two tr aces within a differential pair are kept close to each
other, the edge coupling can lower the effective differential impedance by 5 to
20 . Short traces have fewer problems if the differential impedance is slightly off
13.6 SMBus and NC-SI
SMBus and NC-SI are optional interfaces for pass-through and/or configuration traffic
between the MC and the 82574. See section 3.4 and section 3.5 for more details.
This section describes the hardware implementation requirements necessary to meet
the NC-SI physical layer standard. Board-level design requirements are included for
connecting the 82574 Ethernet solution to an external MC. The layout and connectivity
requirements are addressed in low-level detail. This section, in conjunction with the
Network Controller Sideband Interface (NC-SI) Specification Version 1.0 RMII
Specification, also provides the complete board-level requirements for the NC-SI
The 82574’s on-board System Management Bus (SMBus) port enables network
manageability implementations required for remote control and alerting via the LAN.
With SMBus, management packets can be routed to or from an MC. Enhanced pass-
through capabilities also enable system remote control over standardized interfaces.
Also included is a new manageability interface, NC-SI that supports the DMTF preOS
sideband protocol. An internal management interface called MDIO enables the MAC
(and software) to monitor and control the PHY.
Design Considerations—82574 GbE Controller
13.6.1 NC-SI Electrical Interface Requirements External MC
The external MC is required to meet the latest NC-SI specification as it relates to the
RMII electrical interface. NC-SI Reference Schematics
Figure 69 and shows the single-drop application connectivity requirements. Figure 70
and shows the multi-drop application connectivity requirements. R efer to the latest NC-
SI specification for any additional connectivity requirements.
Figure 69. NC-SI Connection Requirements - Single-Drop Configuration
DMTF Compliant
BMC Device
50 MHz Reference
Clock Buffer
50 MHz
10kΩ 10kΩ
10kΩ 10kΩ
82574 GbE Controller—Design Considerations
Figure 70. NC-SI Connection Requirements - Multi-Drop Configuration Resets
It is important to ensure that the resets for the MC and the 82574 are generated within
a specific time interval. The important requirement here is ensuring that the NC -SI link
is established within two seconds of the MC receiving the power good signal from the
platform. Both the 82574 and the external MC need to receive power good signals from
the platform within one second of each other.
This causes an internal power on reset within the 82574 and then initialization as well
as a triggering and initialization sequence for the MC. Once these power good signals
are received by both the 82574 and the external MC, the NC-SI interface can be
initialized. The NC-SI specification calls out a requirement of link establishment within
two seconds. The MC should poll this interface and establish a link for two seconds to
ensure specification compliance.
DMTF Compliant
BMC Device
50 MHz Reference
Clock Buffer
50 MHz
10kΩ 10kΩ
10kΩ 10kΩ
Design Considerations—82574 GbE Controller Layout Requirements Board Impedance
The NC-SI signaling interface is a single-ended signaling environment with a target
board and trace impedance of 50  plus 20% and minus 10% is recommended. This
target impedance ensures optimal signal integrity and signal quality. Trace Length Restrictions
Intel recommends a trace length maximum value from a board placement and routing
topology perspective of eight inches for direct connect applications (Figure 71). This
ensures that signal integrity and quality is preserved from a design perspective and
that compliance is met for the NC-SI electrical requirements.
Figure 71. NC-SI Trace Length Requirement for Direct Connect
For multi-drop applications (Figure 72) the spacing recommendation is a maximum of
four inches. This keeps the overall length between the MC and the 82574 within the
8 inches
82574 External
82574 GbE Controller—Design Considerations
Figure 72. NC-SI Trace Length Requirement for Multi-Drop
8 inches
4 inches
Design Considerations—82574 GbE Controller
13.7 82574 Power Supplies
The 82574 requires three power rails: 3.3 V dc, 1.9 V dc, and 1.05 V dc (see
section 5.4). A central power supply can provide all the required voltage sources or the
power can be derived from the 3. 3 V dc supp ly and regulated locally using external
regulators. If the LAN wake capabilit y is used, all voltages must remain present during
system power down. Local regulation of the LAN voltages from system 3.3 Vmain and
3.3 Vaux voltages is recommended. Refer to section 12.3 and section 12.5 for detailed
information about power supply sequencing rules and intended design options for
power solutions.
External voltage regulators need to generate the proper voltage, supply current
requirements (with adequate margin), and provide the proper power sequencing.
13.7.1 82574 GbE Controller Power Sequencing
Designs must comply with power sequencing requirements to avoid latch-up and
forward-biased internal diodes (see Figure 73).
The general guideline for sequencing is:
1. Power up the 3.3 V dc rail.
2. Power up the 1.9 V dc next.
3. Power up the 1.05 V dc rail last.
For power down, there is no requirement (only charge that remains is stored in the
decoupling capacitors).
Figure 73. Power Sequencing Guideline Power Up Sequence (External LVR)
The board designer controls the power up sequence with the following stipulations (see
Figure 74):
1.9 V dc must not exceed 3.3 V dc by more than 0.3 V dc.
1.05 V dc must not exceed 1.9 V dc by more than 0.3 V dc.
1.05 V dc must not exceed 3.3 V dc by more than 0.3 V dc.
82574 GbE Controller—Design Considerations
Figure 74. External LVR Power-up Sequence Power Up-Sequence (Internal LVR)
The 82574 controls the power-up sequence internally and automatically with the
following conditions (see Figure 75):
3.3 V dc must be the source for the internal LVR.
1.9 V dc never exceeds 3.3 V dc.
1.05 V dc never exceeds 3.3 V dc or 1.9 V dc.
The ramp is delay ed internally, with Tdelay depending on the rising slope of the 3.3 V dc
Figure 75. Internal LVR Power-Up Sequence
Design Considerations—82574 GbE Controller
13.7.2 Power and Ground Planes
Good grounding requires minimizing inductance levels in the interconnections and
keeping ground returns short, signal loop areas small, and power inputs bypassed to
signal return, will significantly reduce EMI radiation.
The following guidelines help reduce circuit inductance in both backplanes and
Route traces over a continuous plane with no interruptions. Do not route over a
split power or ground plane. If there are v acan t areas on a ground or power plane,
avoid routing signals over the vacant area. This will increase inductance and EMI
radiation levels.
Separate noisy digital grounds from analog grounds to reduce coupling. Noisy
digital grounds may affect sensitive DC subsystems.
All ground vias should be connected to every ground plane; and every power via
should be connected to all power planes at equal potential. This helps reduce circuit
Physically locate grounds between a signal path and its return. This will minimize
the loop area.
Avoid fast rise/fall times as much as possible. Signals with fast rise and fall times
contain many high frequency harmonics, which can radiate EMI.
The ground plane beneath a magnetics module should be split. The RJ45 connector
side of the transformer module should have chassis ground beneath it.
Power delivery traces should be a minimum of 100 mils wide at all places from the
source to the destination. As power flows through pass transistors or regulators,
the traces must be kept wide as well. The distribution of power is better done with
a copper-pore under the PHY. This provides low inductance connectivity to
decoupling capacitors. Decoupling capacitors should be placed as close as possible
to the point of use and should avoid sharing vias with other decoupling capacitors.
Decoupling capacitor placement control should be done for the PHY as well as pass
transistors or regulators.
13.8 Device Disable
For a L OM design, it might be desirable for the system to provide BIOS-setup capability
for selectively enabling or disabling LOM devices. This enables designers more control
over system resource-management, avoid conflicts with add-in NIC solutions, etc. The
82574 provides support for selectively enabling or disabling it.
Device disable is initiated by asserting the asynchronous DEV_OFF_N pin. The
DEV_OFF_N pin has an internal pull-up resistor, so that it can be left not connected to
enable device operation.
The NVM’s Device Disable Power Down En bit enables device disable mode (hardware
default is that the mode is disabled).
While in device disable mode, the PCIe link is in L3 state. The PHY is in power down
mode. Output buffers are tri-stated.
Assertion or deassertion of PCIe PE_RST_N does not have any effect while the 82574 is
in device disable mode (that is, the 82574 stays in the respective mode as long as
DEV_OFF_N is asserted). However, the 82574 might momentarily exit the device
disable mode from the time PCIe PE_RST_N is de-asserted again and until the NVM is
82574 GbE Controller—Design Considerations
During power-up , the DEV_OFF_N pin is ignored until the NVM is read. From that point,
the 82574 might enter device disable if DEV_OFF_N is asserted.
Note: The DEV_OFF_N pin should maintain its state during system reset and system sleep
states. It should also insure the proper default v alue on system power up. F or example,
a designer could use a GPIO pin that defaults to 1b (enable) and is on system suspend
power. For example, it maintains the state in S0-S5 ACPI states).
13.8.1 B IOS Handling of Device Disable
Assume that in the following power-up sequence the DEV_OFF_N signal is driven high
(or it is already disabled)
1. The PCIe is established following the GIO_PWR_GOOD.
2. BIOS recognizes that the entire 82574 should be disabled.
3. The BIOS drives the DEV_OFF_N signal to the low level.
4. As a result, the 82574 samples the DEV_OFF_N signals and enters either the device
disable mode.
5. The BIOS could put the link in the Electrical IDLE state (at the other end of the PCIe
link) by clearing the Link Disable bit in the Link Control register.
6. BIOS might start with the device enumeration procedure (the entire 82574
functions are invisible).
7. Proceed with normal operation
8. Re-enable could be done by driving high the DEV_OFF_N signal, followed later by
bus enumeration.
13.9 82574 Exposed Pad*
13.9.1 Introduction
The 82574 is a 64-pin, 9 x 9 QFN package with an Exposed-Pad*. The Exposed-Pad* is
a central pad on the bottom of the package that provides the primary heat removal
path as well as electrical grounding for a Printed Circuit Board (PCB).
In order to maximize both the removal of heat from the package and the electrical
performance, a landing pattern must be incorporated on the PCB within the footprint of
the package corresponding to the exposed metal pad or exposed heat slug on the
package. The size of the landing pattern can be larger, smaller, or even take on a
different shape than the Exposed-Pad* on the package. However, the solderable area,
as defined by the solder mask, should be at least the same size/shape as the Exposed-
Pad* on the package to maximize the thermal/electrical performance.
While the landing pattern on the PCB provides a means of heat transfer/electrical
grounding from the package to the board through a solder joint, thermal vias are
necessary to effectively conduct from the surface of the PCB to the ground plane(s).
The number of vias are application specific and dependent upon the package power
dissipation as well as electrical conductivity requirements. As a result, thermal and
electrical analysis and/or testing are recommended to determine the minimum nu mber
Warning: Make sure that the 82574 has a good connection to ground. Check for solder voids on
the Exposed Pad,* solder wicking, or a complete lack of solder. F ailure to ensure a good
connection to ground can result in functional failure.
Design Considerations—82574 GbE Controller
The remainder of this section describes the silkscreen/component pads, solder mask,
solder paste, and two potential landing patterns that can be used for the 82574
package. Note that these potential landing patterns have been used successfully in past
designs, however no particular landing pattern is recommended. Please work with your
manufacturer and assembler to ensure a process that is reliable.
13.9.2 Component Pad, Solder Mask and Solder Paste
Figure 76, Figure 77, and Figure 78 sh ow th e silkscreen/compo nents pad, solder mask
and solder paste area for the 82574 package.
Figure 76. 82574 Silkscreen and Components Pad (Top View)
Figure 77. 82574 Solder Mask
82574 GbE Controller—Design Considerations
Figure 78. 82574 Solder Paste
The stencil for the solder paste should be 5 mils thick. Also, use a solder paste alloy
consisting of 96.5Sn/3Ag/0.5Cu for a lead free process.
13.9.3 Landing Pattern A (No Via In Pad)
This landing pattern (vias outside Exposed Pad*) provides an extended ground
connection, adequate solder coverage and less solder voiding; however, it does not
provide thermal relief. This landing pattern also meets Intel’s recommendation for
coverage >= 80%.
Figure 79. 82574 Landing Pattern A (Top View - Vias on the Outside of the Exposed
Use 12 vias distributed on four sides (three per side, as shown in Figure 79) or three
sides (four per side). Additional vias can be added to improve conductivity. If larger
vias can be used (14 to 20 mil finished hole size), then a minimum of 9 vias can be
evenly placed around the extended ground connection.
0.12 in.
0.30 mm
0.12 in.
0.30 mm
0.054 in. (1.38 mm) Square x 9
Metal Pattern Solder Mask Opening
Extended Ground Connection
Without Thermal Relief
Design Considerations—82574 GbE Controller
13.9.4 Landing Pattern B (Thermal Relief; No Via In Pad)
This landing pattern (vias outside Exposed Pad*) provides thermal relief, adequate
solder coverage, and less solder voiding; however, it does not provide an extended
ground connection. This landing pattern also meets Intel’s recommendation for
coverage >= 80%.
Figure 80. 82574 Landing Pattern B (Top View - Vias on the Outside of the Exposed
Intel recommends using 16 vias evenly placed (as shown in Figure 80) around the
extended ground connection. Additional vias can be added to improve conductivity. A
minimum of 12 larger vias (14 to 20 mil finished hole size) can also be used.
32 mil via pad
10 mil finished hole (small via)
14 to 20 mil finished hole (large thermal via)
44 mil anti-pad
thermal relief
8-spoke pattern
40 mil mimimum
82574 GbE Controller—Design Considerations
13.10 XOR Testing
Note: BSDL files are not available for the 82574 Family.
A common board or system-level manufacturing test for proper electrical continuity
between the 82574 and the board is some type of cascaded-XOR or NAND tree test.
The 82574 implements an XOR tree spanning most I/O signals. The component XOR
tree consists of a series of cascaded XOR logic gates, each stage feeding in the
electrical value from a unique pin. The output of the final stage of the tree is visible on
an output pin from the component.
Figure 81. XOR Tree Concept
By connecting to a set of test-points or bed-of-nails fixture, a manufacturing test
fixture can test connectivity to each of the component pins included in the tree by
sequentially testing each pin, testing each pin when driven both high and low, and
observing the output of the tree for the expected signal value and/or change.
Note: Some of the pins that are inputs for the XOR test are listed as “may be left
disconnected” in the pin descriptions. If XOR test is used, all inputs to the XOR tree
must be connected.
When the XOR tree test is selected, the following behaviors occur:
Output drivers for the pins listed as “tested” are all placed in high-impedance (tri-
state) state to ensure that board/system test fixture can drive the tested inputs
without contention.
Internal pull-up and pull-down devices for pins listed as “tested” are also disabled
to further ensure no contention with the board/system test fixture.
The XOR tree is output on the LED1 pin.
To enter th e XOR tree m ode, a specific JT AG p attern must be sent to the test interface.
This pattern is described by the following TDF pattern: (dh = Drive High, dl = Drive
loop 2
end loop
loop 2
end loop
Design Considerations—82574 GbE Controller
Note: XOR tree reads left-to-right top-to-bottom.
Table 91. Tested Pins Included in XOR Tree (17 pins)
Pin Name Pin Name Pin Name
LED0 LED1 (output of the XOR tree)
82574 GbE Controller—Thermal Design Considerations
14.0 Thermal Design Considerations
14.1 Introduction
This section describes the 82574 thermal characteristics and suggested thermal
solutions. Use this section to properly design a thermal solution for systems
implementing the 82574.
Properly designed solutions provide adequate cooling to maintain the 82574 case
temperature (Tcase) at or below those listed in Table 93. Ideally, this is accomplished
by providing a low, local ambient tempe rature and creating a minimal thermal
resistance to that local ambient temperature. Heat sinks might be required if case
temperatures exceed those listed in Table 93. By maintaining the 82574 case
temperature at or below those recommended in this section, the 82574 will function
properly and reliably.
14.2 Intended Audience
The intended audience for this section is system design engine ers using the 82574.
System designers are required to address component and system-level thermal
challenges as the market continues to adopt products with higher-speeds and port
densities. New designs might be required to provide better cooling solutions for silicon
devices depending on the type of system and target operating environment.
14.3 Measuring the Thermal Conditions
This section provides a method for determining the operating temperature of the 82574
in a specific system based on case temperature. Case temperature is a function of the
local ambient and internal temperatures of the component. This section specifies a
maximum allowable Tcase for the 82574.
Note: Removal of the shield lid is required to measure the case temperature.
14.4 Thermal Considerations
Component temperature in a system environment is a function of the component,
board, and system thermal characteristics. The board/system-level thermal constr aints
consist of the following:
Local ambient temperature near the component
Airflow over the component and surrounding board
Physical constraints at, above, and surrounding the component th at might limit the
size of a thermal enhancement
Thermal Design Considerations—82574 GbE Controller
The component die temperature depends on the following:
Component power dissipation
Packaging materials (effective thermal conductivity)
Type of interconnection to the substrate and motherboard
Presence of a thermal cooling solution
Thermal conductivity
P ower density of the substr ate/package, nearby components, and circuit board
that is attached to it
Technology trends continue to push these par ameters tow ard increased performance
levels (higher operating speeds), I/O density (smaller packages), and silicon density
(more transistors). Power density increases and thermal cooling solution space and
airflow become more constrained as operating frequencies increase and packaging
sizes decrease. These issues result in an increased emphasis on the following:
Package and thermal enhancement technology to remove heat from the device.
System design to reduce local ambient temperatures and ensure that thermal
design requirements are met for each component in the system.
14.5 Packaging Terminology
The following is a list of packaging terminology used in this section:
Quad Flat No Leads - Plastic encapsulated package with a copper leadframe
substrate. Package uses perimeter lands on the bottom of the package to provide
electrical contact to the PCB. This package is also known as QFN.
Junction - Refers to a P-N junction on the silicon. In this section, it is used as a
temperature reference point (for example, Theta JA refers to the junction to
ambient temperature).
Ambient - Refers to local ambient temperature of the bulk air approaching the
component. It can be measured by placing a thermocouple approximately one inch
upstream from the component edge.
Lands - The pads on the PCB that the BGA balls are soldered to.
PCB - Printed Circuit Board.
Printed Circuit Assembly (PCA) - An assembled PCB.
Thermal Design Power (TDP) - The estimated maximum possible/expected power
generated in a component by a realistic application. Use the maximum power
requirement numbers from Table 92.
LFM - Linear Feet per Minute (airflow)
14.6 Product Package Thermal Specification
Table 92. Package Thermal Characteristics in Standard JEDEC Environment
Package Type Est. Power
9 mm-64 QFN 473 mW 39.5 °C/W 0.7 °C/W 120 °C
82574 GbE Controller—Thermal Design Considerations
The thermal parameters listed in Table 92 are based on simulated results of packages
assembled on a 4-layer 30 x 56 mm mini PCIe board connected to a system board in a
natural convection environment. The maximum case temperature is based on the
maximum junction temperature and defined by the relationship, Tcase-max = Tjmax -
(JT x Power) where JT is the junction-to-package top thermal characterization
parameter. If the case temperature exceeds the specified Tcase max, thermal
enhancements such as heat sinks or forced air are required. JA is the package junction-
to-air thermal resistance.
Note: Thermal models are available upon request (Flotherm 2-Resistor, Delphi or Detailed
14.7 Thermal Specifications
To ensure proper operation and reliability of the 82574, the thermal solution must
maintain a case temperature at or below the v alues specified in Table 93. System-level
or component-level thermal enhancements are required to dissipate the generated heat
if the case temperature exceeds the maximum temperatures listed in Table 93.
Good system airflow is critical to dissipate the highest possible thermal power. The size
and number of fans, vents, and/or ducts, and, their placement in relation to
components and airflow channels within the system determine airflow. Acoustic noise
constraints might limit the size and types of fans, vents and ducts that can be used in a
particular design.
To develop a reliable, cost-effective thermal solution, all of the system variables must
be considered. Use system-level thermal characteristics and simulations to account for
individual component thermal requirements.
Table 93. 82574 Preliminary Thermal Absolute Maximum Rating
14.7.1 C ase Temperature
The 82574 is designed to operate properly as long as the Tcase is not exceeded.
Section 14.12 describes the prope r guidelines for measuring case temp erature.
14.7.2 Designing for Thermal Performance
Section 14.14 describes the PCB and system design recommendations required to
achieve the required 82574 thermal performance.
Parameter Maximum
Tcase1109 °C
1. Tcase is defined as the maximum case temperature without any thermal enhancement to the package.
Thermal Design Considerations—82574 GbE Controller
14.8 Thermal Attributes
14.8.1 Typical System Definitions
The following system example is used to generate thermal characteristics data. Note
that the evaluation board is a four-layer 30 x 56 mm mPCIe board.
All data is preliminary and is not validated against physical samples. Specific
system designs might be significantly different.
A larger board size with more than four copper layers might increase the 82574
thermal performance.
Figure 82. 82574 Test Setup
Note: The mPCIe board is connected to the bottom side of the system board.
82574 GbE Controller—Thermal Design Considerations
14.9 82574 Package Thermal Characteristics
Table 94. Expected Tcase (°C) at TDP
Figure 83. Maximum Allowable Ambient Temperature vs. Air Flow
14.10 Reliability
Each PCA, system, and heat sink combination varies in attach strength and long-term
adhesive performance. Carefully evaluate the reliability of the completed assembly
prior to high-volume use. Some reliability recommendations are listed in Table 95.
Airflow (LFM)
0 100 200 300 400
85 103 101 99 98 97
75 93 91 89 88 87
70 88 86 84 83 82
65 83 81 79 78 77
55 73 71 69 68 67
45 63 61 59 58 57
35 53 51 49 48 47
0 1816141312
Thermal Design Considerations—82574 GbE Controller
Table 95. Reliability Validation
14.11 Measurements for Thermal Specifications
Determining the thermal properties of the system requires careful case temperature
measurements. Guidelines for measuring 82574 case temperature are provided in
Section 14.12.
14.12 Case Temperature Measurements
Maintain 82574 Tcase at or below the maximum case temperatures listed in Table 93 to
ensure functionality and reliability. Special care is required when measuring the case
temperature to ensure an accura te temp erature measu rement. Use the following
guidelines when making case measurements:
Measure the surface temperature of the case in the geometric center of the case
Calibrate the thermocouples used to measure Tcase before making temperature
Use 36-gauge (maximum) K-type thermocouples.
Care must be taken to avoid introducing errors into the measurements when
measuring a surface temperature that is a different temperature from the surrounding
local ambient air. Measurement errors might be due to a poor thermal contact between
the thermocouple junction and the surface of the package, heat loss by radiation,
convection, conduction through thermocouple leads, and/or contact between the
thermocouple cement and the heat-sink base (if used).
1. Performed the above tests on a sample size of at least 12 assemblies from three lots of
material (total = 36 assemblies).
Requirement Pass/Fail Criteria2
2. Additional pass/fail criteria can be added as necessary.
Mechanical shock 50 G, board level 11 ms, 2 shocks/axis Visual and electrical check
Random Vibration 7.3 G, board level 45 minutes/axis, 50
to 2000 Hz Visual and electrical check
+85 °C 2000 hours total
Checkpoints occur at 168, 500, 1000,
and 2000 hours Visual and mechanical check
Thermal cycling Per-target environment (for example,
-40 °C to +85 °C) 500 cycles Visual and mechanical check
Humidity 85% relative humidity 85 °C, 1000
hours Visual and mechani cal check
82574 GbE Controller—Thermal Design Considerations
14.12.1 Attaching the Thermocouple
The following approach is recommended to minimize measurement errors for attaching
the thermocouple to the case.
Use 36 gauge or smaller diameter K type thermocouples.
Ensure that the thermocouple has been properly calib rated.
Attach the thermocouple bead or junction to the top surface of the package (case)
in the center of the package using high thermal conductivity cements.
Note: It is critical that the entire thermocouple lead be butted tightly to the top of the
Attach the thermocouple at a 0° angle if there is no interference with the
thermocouple attach location or leads (Figure 84). This is the preferred method an d
is recommended for use with non-enhanced packages.
Figure 84. Technique for Measuring Tcase with a 0° Angle Attachment
14.13 Conclusion
Increasingly complex systems require better power dissipation. Care must be taken to
ensure that the additional power is properly dissipated. Heat can be dissipated using
improved system cooling, selective use of ducting, passive or active heat sinks, or any
The simplest and most cost effective method is to improve the inherent system cooling
characteristics through careful design and placement of fans, vents, and ducts. When
additional cooling is required, thermal enhancements may be implemented in
conjunction with enhanced system cooling. The size of the fan or heat sink can be
varied to balance size and space constraints with acoustic noise.
This section has presented the conditions and requirements to properly design a
cooling solution for systems implementing the 82574. Properly designed solutions
provide adequate cooling to maintain the 82574 case temperature at or below those
listed in Table 93. Ideally, this is accomplished by providing a low local ambient
temperature and creating a minimal thermal resistance to that local ambient
temperature. Alternatively, heat sinks might be required if case temperatures exceed
those listed in Table 93.
By maintaining the 82574 case temperature at or below those recommended in this
section, the 82574 will function properly and reliably.
Use this section to understand the 82574 thermal characteristics and compare them to
your system environment. Measure the 82574 case temperatures to determine the best
thermal solution for your design.
Thermal Design Considerations—82574 GbE Controller
14.14 PCB Guidelines
The following general PCB design guidelines are recommended to maximize the thermal
performance of QFN packages:
1. When connecting ground (thermal) vias-to the ground planes, do not use thermal-
relief patterns.
2. Thermal-relief patterns are designed to limit heat transfer between the vias and the
copper planes, thus constricting the heat flow path from the component to the
ground planes in the PCB.
3. As board temperature also has an effect on the thermal performance of the
package, avoid placing 82574 adjacent to high power dissipation devices.
4. If airflow exists, locate the components in the mainstream of the airflow path for
maximum thermal performance. Avoid placing the components downstream,
behind larger devices or devices with heat sinks that obstruct the air flow or su pply
excessively heated air.
Note: The previously mentioned guidelines are not all inclusive and are defined to give
known, good design practices to maximize the thermal performance of the
82574 GbE Controller—Board Layout and Schematic Checklists
15.0 Board Layout and Schematic Checklists
Table 96. Board Layout Checklist
Section Check Item Remarks
Obtain the most recent documentation
and specification updates. Documents are subject to frequent change.
Route the tr ansmit and receive differential
traces before routing the digital traces. Layout of differential traces is critical.
Placement of
the 82574
Place the 82574 at least one inch from the
edge of the board .
With closer spacing, fields can follow the surface of the
magnetics module or wrap past edge of the board. As a result,
EMI might increase. The optimum location is approximately
one inch behind th e magnetics module.
Place the 82574 at least one inch from the
integrated magnetics module but less than
four inches.
Keep trace length under four inches from the 82574 through
the magnetics to the RJ-45 connector. Signal attenuation can
cause problems for traces longer than four inches. However,
due to near field EMI, the 82574 should be placed at least one
inch away from the magnetics module.
Place the AC coupling capacitors on the
PCI Express* (PCIe*) Tx traces as close as
possible to the 82574 but not further than
250 mils.
Size 0402, X7R is recommended. The AC coupling capacitors
should be placed near the transmitter for PCIe.
Place the AC coupling capacitors on the
PCIe Rx traces as close as possible to the
upstream PCIe device bu t not further than
250 mils.
Size 0402, X7R is recommended. The AC coupling capacitors
should be placed near the transmitter for PCIe.
Make sure the trace impe dance for the
PCIe differential pairs is 100 +/- 20%. These traces should be routed differentially.
Match trace lengths within each PCIe pair
on a segment-by-segment basis. Match
trace lengths within a pair to five mils.
Clock Source
Place crystal within 0.75 inches of the
82574. This reduces EMI.
Place the crystal load capacitors within
0.09 inches of the crystal.
Keep clock lines away from other digital
traces (esp ecially reset signals), I/O ports,
board edge, transformers and differential
This reduces EMI.
Board Layout and Schematic Checklists—82574 GbE Controller
Section Check Item Remarks
Clock Source
Ensure the oscillator has a it's own local
power supply decoupling capacitor.
If the oscillator is shared or is more than
two inches away from the 82574, a back-
termination resistor should be p laced near
the oscillator for each 82574.
This enables tuning to ensure that reflections do not distort the
clock waveform.
Keep clock lines away from other digital
traces (espe cially reset signals), I/O ports,
board edge, transformers and differential
This reduces EMI.
The NVM can be placed a few in ches aw a y
from the 82574 to provide better spacing
of critical components.
Design traces for 100 differential
impedance (± 20%).
Primary requirement for 10/100/1000 Mb/s Ethernet. Paired
50 traces do not make 100 differential. An impedance
calculator can be used to verify this.
Av oid h ighl y re sistive tr aces (f or ex amp le,
avoid four mil traces longer than four
If trace length is a problem, use thicker board dielectrics to
allow wider traces. Thicker copper is even better than wider
If a LAN switch i s u sed or the trace length
from the 82574 is greater than four
inches. It might be necessary to boost the
voltage at the center tap with a separate
power supply to optimize MDI
Consider using a second 82574 instead of a LAN switch and
long MDI traces. It is difficul t to achiev e exce llent performance
with long traces and analog LAN switches. Additional
optimization effort is required to tune the system, the center
tap voltage, and ma gnetics modules.
Make traces symmetrical. Pairs should be matched at pads, vias and turns. Asymmetry
contributes to impedance mismatch.
Do not make 90° bends. B evel corners with turns based on 45° angles
Avoid through holes (vias). If vias are used, the budget is two per trace.
Keep traces close together inside a
differential pair. Traces should be kept within 10 mils regardless of trace
Keep trace-to-trace length difference
within each pair to less than 50 mils. This minimizes signal skew and common mode noise.
Improves long cable performance.
Pair-to-pair trace length does not have to
be matched as differences are not critical. The difference between the length of longest pair and the
length of the shortest pair should be kept below two inches.
Keep differential pairs more than seven
times the dielectric thickness away from
each other and other traces, including
NVM traces and parallel digital traces.
This minimizes cross talk and noise injection. Tighter spacing is
allowed for the first 200 mils of trace near of the components.
Ensure that line side MDI traces and line
side termination are at least 80 mils from
all other traces.
This is to ensure the system can survive a high voltage on the
MDI cable. (Hi-POT)
Keep traces at least 0.1 inches away from
the board e dge. This re duces EMI.
Do not have stubs along the traces. Stubs cause discontinuities that impact return loss.
Digital signals on adjacent layers must
cross at 90° angles. Splits in power and
ground planes must not cross.
Differential pairs should b e run on different layers as nee ded to
improve routing.
82574 GbE Controller—Board Layout and Schematic Checklists
Section Check Item Remarks
Design traces for 50 single ended
impedance (+ 20% - 10%).
There should be less than eight inches of
trace between the 82574 and the
Manageability Controller (MC). There should be less than 30 pF total trace capacitance.
There should be less than four inches of
trace between the 82574 and any other
devices sharing the NC-SI bus.
Capacitors connected to center taps
should be placed very close (less than 0.1
inch recommended) to the integrated
magnetics module.
This improves Bit Error Rate (BER).
The system side center tap on the
transformer should be connected to the
1.9 V dc power supply through a plane.
The center tap voltage is critical to performance of MDI
interface. Any voltage drop can cause violations to the
specification. Some designs that have a resistive path to the
MDI transformer may require addition regulators to boost the
voltage to above 1.9 V dc at the transformer center tap.
Provide a separ ate chassis ground “island”
to ground the shroud of the RJ-45
connector and if needed to terminate the
line side of the magnetics module. This
design improves EMI behavior.
The split in ground plane should be at least 50 mils. For
discrete magnetics modules, the split should run under center
of magnetics module. Differential pairs never cross the split.
Ensure there is a gap to provide high
voltage isolation to lin e side of the MDI
traces and the Bob Smith termination.
The Bob Smith termination and the MDI traces should be >=
80 mils away from all components and traces on the same
layer. Ensure there is at least 10 mils of single ply woven epoxy
(FR -4) between the chassis gro und and any other nodes. Since
there can be small air pockets between woven fibers, it better
to use thicker, two ply, or three ply epoxy (FR-4) to provide
high voltage isolation.
Place 4-6 pairs of pads for stitching
capacitors to bridge the gap from chassis
ground to signal ground.
Determine exact number and values empirically based on EMI
Supply and
When using the internal re gulator control
circuits of the 82574 with external PNP
transistors, keep the trace length from the
CTRL10 and CTRL19 output balls to the
transistors very short (less one inch) and
use 50 mil (minimum) wide traces.
A low inductive loop should be kept from the regulator control
pin, through the PNP transistor, and back to the chip from the
transistor's collector output. The power pins should connect to
the collector of the transistor through a power plane to reduce
the inductive path. This reduces oscillation and ripple in the
power supp ly.
Use planes if possible. Narrow finger-like planes and very wide traces are allowed. If
traces are used, 100 mils is the minimum.
The 1.05 V dc and 1.9 V dc regulating
circuits require 1/2 inch x 1/2 inch thermal
relief pads for each PNP. The pads should be placed on the top layer, under the PNP.
The 3.3 V dc rail should have at least 25
F of capacitance.
The 1.05 V dc and 1.9 V dc rails should
have 20-40 F of capacitance.
Place these to minimize the inductance
from each power pin to the nearest
decoupling capacitor.
Place decoupling and bulk capacitors close to 82574, with
some along every side , using short, wide tr aces and large vias.
If power is distributed on traces, bulk capacitors should be
used at both ends. If power is distributed on cards, bulk
capacitors should be used at the connector.
If using decoupling capacitors on LED
lines, place them carefully. Capacitors on LED lines should be placed near the LEDs.
LED Circuits Keep LED traces away from sources of
noise, for example, high speed digital
traces running in parallel.
LED traces c an carry noise into integrated magnetics modules,
RJ-45 connectors, or out to the edge of the board, increasing
Board Layout and Schematic Checklists—82574 GbE Controller
Table 97. Schematic Checklist
Section Check Items Remarks
Obtain the most recent documentation and
specification updates. Documents are subject to frequent change.
Observe instructions for special pins needing
pull-up or pull-down resistors.
PCIe Interface
Connect PCIe interface pins to corresponding
pins on an upstream PCIe device.
Place AC coupling capacitors (0. 1 F) near the
PCIe transmitter. Size 0402, X7R is recommended.
Connect PECLKn and PECLKp to 100 MHz PCIe
system clock. This is required by the PCIe interface.
Connect PE_RST_N to PLTRST# on an
upstream PCIe device. This is required for proper device initialization.
Connect PE_WAKE_N to PE_WAKE# on an
upstream PCIe device. This is required to enable Wake on LAN functionality
required for advanced power management.
Support Pins
Connect pin 28 DEV_OFF_N to
SUPER_IO_GP_DISABLE# or a pull-up with a
1 K resistor.
Connect to a super I/O pi n that r etains its value during
PCIe reset, is driven from the resume well and defaults
to one on power-up.
If device off functionality is not needed, then
DEV_OFF_N should be connected with an external pull-
up resistor. Ensure pull-ups are connected to aux
Pull-down pin 48, RSET, with a 4.99 K 1%
resistor. This is required by the PCIe and MDI interfaces.
Pull-up pin 39, AUX_PWR, with a 1 K resistor
if the power supplies are derived from always
on auxiliary power rails.
This pin impacts operation if the 82574 advertises D3
cold wakeup support on the PCIe bus.
Ensure pull-ups are connected to auxiliary power.
Pull-down pin 29, TEST_EN, with a 1 K
This is required to prevent the device from going into
test mode during normal operation.
This pin must be driven high during the XOR test.
Clock Source
Use 25 MHz 50 ppm oscillator.
The oscillator needs to maintain 50 ppm under all
applicable temperature and voltage conditions. Avoid
PLL clock buffers. Clock buffers introduce additional
jitter. Broadband peak-to-peak jitter must be less than
200 ps.
Use a local decoupling capacitor on the
oscillator power supply.
The signal from the oscillator must be AC
coupled into the 82574. The 82574 has internal circuitry to set the input
common mode voltage.
The clock signal going into the 82574 should
have an amplitude between 1.2 V dc and
1.9 V dc.
This can be achieved with a resistive divider network.
82574 GbE Controller—Board Layout and Schematic Checklists
Section Check Items Remarks
Clock Source
(Crystal Option)
Use 25 MHz 30 ppm accuracy @ 25 °C crystal.
Avoid components that introduce jitter.
Parallel resonant crystals are required. The calibration
load should be 18 pF. Specify Equivalent Series
Resistance (ESR) to be 50 or less.
Connect two load capacitors to crystal; one o n
XTAL1 and one on XTAL2. Use 27 pF
capacitors as a starting point, but be pr epared
to change the value based on testing.
Capacitance affects accuracy of the frequency. Must be
matched to crystal specifications, including estimated
trace capacitance in calculation.
Use capacitors with low ESR (types C0G or NPO, for
example). R e fer to the design c onsider ations section of
the datasheet and the Intel Ethernet Controllers Timing
Device Selection Guide for more information.
Use 0.1 F decoupling capacitor. Applies to EEPROM or Flash devices.
If SPI Flash is used, connect pin 38 (NVMT) to
ground through a 1 K resistor. If an SPI
EEPROM is used, connect p in 38 (NVMT) to 3.3
V dc through a 1 K resistor.
Ensure pull-ups are connected to auxiliary power.
The NVM must be powered from auxiliary
power. The NVM is read when the system is powered on even
before main power is available.
Check connections to NVM_CS_N, NVM_SK,
Pins on the 82574 are connected to same named pins
on the NVM. (NVM_SI connects to SI on NVM.
NVM_SO connects to SO on NVM.)
For best performance, each 82574 should
have it's own dedicated SMBus link to the
SMBus master device.
The 82574 allows for multiple devices on a SMBus link;
however, the SMBus has a very limited throughput.
Using multiple devices further limits throughput.
The 82574 has errata with respect to SMBus ARP when
multiple slave devices are used. Using only a single
device per bus avoids these errata.
If SMBus is not used, connect pu ll-up resistors
10 K pull-ups are reasonable values. Ensure pull-ups
are connected to auxiliary power. This prevents noise
on these pins from causing problems with device
If SMBus is used, there should be pull-up
resistors on SMB_DAT, SMB_ALRT_N and
SMB_CLK somewher e on the board.
SMBus signals are open-drain. Ensure pull-ups are
connected to auxiliary power.
Board Layout and Schematic Checklists—82574 GbE Controller
Section Check Items Remarks
Use 10 K pull-up resistors on the
and NC_SI_RXD1 interfaces.
Ensure pull-ups are connected to auxiliary power.
Refer to the design considerations section of the
datasheet for more details.
Use a 10 K pull-down resistors on the
Refer to the design considerations section of the
datasheet for more details.
Use a 33 series resister on the
NC_SI_CLK_IN interface near the clock
This improves signal integrity by preventing reflections.
The value might need to be tuned for a specific design.
Use a 22 series back-termination resistor
near the Manageability Controller (MC)
NC_SI_TXD0 and NC_SI_TXD1 interface.
This impro ves refle ction s on t he tr ace. The v al ue mi ght
need to be tuned for a specific design.
If the NC-SI interface is not used tie
NC_SI_TX_EN each to ground using a 10 K
This is required so that noise on these pins does not
cause problems with device operation.
If the NC-SI interface is not used tie
and NC_SI_RXD1 each to 3.3 V dc using a
10 K resistor
This is required so that noise on these pins does not
cause problems with device operation.
Design traces for 100 differential impedance
(± 20%)
Primary requirement for 10/100/1000 Mb/s Ethernet.
Paired 50 traces do not make 100 differential. An
impedance calculator can be used to verify this.
Avoid highly resistive traces (for example,
avoid four mil traces longer than four inches)
If trace length is a problem, use thicker board
dielectrics to allow wider traces. Thicker copper is even
better than wider traces.
If a LAN switch is used or the trace length
from the 82574 is greater than four inches. It
might be necessary to boost the voltage at the
center tap with a separate power supply to
optimize MDI performance.
The boosted center tap voltage is between 1.9 V dc and
2.65 V dc and consume up to 200 mA.
Consider using a second 82574 instead of a LAN switch
and long MDI traces. It is difficult to achieve excellent
performance with long trac es and analog LAN switches.
An optimization effort is required to tune the system,
the center tap voltage, and magnetics modules.
Base-T Interface
Magnetic Module
Qualify magnetic modules carefully for return
loss, insertion loss, open circuit inductance,
common mode rejection, and crosstalk
A magnetics module is critical to passing IEEE PHY
conformance tests and EMI test.
Supply 1.9 V dc to the transformer center taps
and use 0.01 F bypass capacitors. If a LAN
switch is used or the trace length from the
82574 is greater than four inches, it might be
necessary to boost the voltage at the center
tap with a separate external power supply to
optimize MDI performance.
1.9 V dc at the center tap biases the 82574's output
buffers. Capacitors with low ESR should be used.
Ensure there are no termination resistors in
the path between the 82574 and the magnetic
The 82574 has an internal termination network.
82574 GbE Controller—Board Layout and Schematic Checklists
Section Check Items Remarks
Magnetics Module
(Discrete Option
RJ-45 Connector)
Bob Smith termination: use 4 x 75 resistors
connected to each cable-side center tap. Terminate pair-to-pair common mode impedance of the
CAT5 cable.
Bob Smith termination: use an EFT capacitor
attached to the chassis ground. Suggested
values are 1500 pF/2 KV or 1000 pF/3 KV. These capacitors provide high voltage isolation.
Supply 1.9 V dc to the system side
transformer center taps and use 0.01 F
bypass capacitors. If a LAN switch is used or
the trace length from the 82574 is greater
than four inches. It might be necessary to
boost the voltage at the center tap with a
separate power supply to optimize MDI
1.9 V dc at the center tap biases the 82574's output
buffers. Capacitors with low ESR should be used.
Ensure there is high voltage isolation to line
side of the MDI traces and the Bob Smith
The Bob Smith termination and the MDI traces should
be >= 80 mils away fr om all components and t races on
the same layer.
Do not use less than 10 mils of single p l y wo v e n ep o xy
(FR-4). There can be small air pockets between woven
fibers. Use thicker, two ply, or three ply epoxy (FR-4).
Ensure there are no termination resistors in
the path between the 82574 and the
magnetics. The 82574 has an internal termination network.
Chassis Ground
Provide a separate chassis ground to connect
the shroud of the RJ-45 connector and to
terminate the line side of the magnetic
This design improves EMI behavior.
Place pads for approximately 4-6 stitching
capacitors to bridge the gap from chassis
ground to signal ground.
Typical values range from 0.1F to 4.7F. The correct value
should be determined experimentally to improve EMI. Past
experiments have shown they are not required in some
Board Layout and Schematic Checklists—82574 GbE Controller
Section Check Items Remarks
Integrated Power
(Option A and B)
Provide a 3.3 V dc supply. Use an auxiliary
power supply. Auxiliary power is necessary to support wake up from
power down states.
Connect external PNP transistor's base to
CTRL19 and the emitter to the 3.3 V dc
supply. The collector supplies 1.9 V dc. The
connections and transistor parameters are
Connect external PNP transistor's base to
CTRL10 and the emitter to the 3.3 V dc
supply. The collector supplies 1.05 V dc. The
connections and transistor parameters are
critical. For option B only.
Connect a 5 K resistor from CTRL19 to the
3.3 V dc supply.
Connect a 5 K resistor from CTRL10 to the
3.3 V dc supply. For option B only.
For option A: Connect DIS_REG10 to ground.
For option B: Connect DIS_REG10 to the
3.3 V dc supply. Enable internal 1.05 V dc regulator if it is used.
Ensure that there is at least 10 F of
capacitance at the emitters of the PNPs.
The 3.3 V dc rail should ha v e at least 25 F of
The 1.05 V dc and 1.9 V dc rails should have
20-40 F of capacitance.
Place these to minimize the inductance from
each power pin to the nearest decoupling
Place decoupling and bulk capacitors close to 82574,
with some along every side, using short, wide traces
and large vias. If power is distributed on traces, bulk
capacitors sh ould be used at both ends. If power is
distributed on cards, bulk capacitors should be used at
the connector.
82574 GbE Controller—Board Layout and Schematic Checklists
Section Check Items Remarks
External Power
(Option C)
Derive all three power supplies from auxiliary
power supplies. Auxiliary power is necessary to support wake up from
power down states.
If the 1.05 V dc and 1.9 V dc rails are
externally supplied, ensure that CTRL10 and
CTRL19 are tied to ground through a 3.3 K
resistor. Alternatively, they could be left
Pull-down resistors do not need to be exactly 3.3 K;
however, they must be greater than 1 K.
Connect DIS_REG10 to the 3.3 V dc supply
with a 1 K resister. Disable internal 1.05 V dc regulator.
It is recommended that the 1.9 V dc supply be
tunable with a resistor option. Tuning the 1.9 V dc supply might be required to
optimize MDI performance.
The 3.3 V dc rail shou ld h a v e at least 25 F o f
The 1.05 V dc and 1.9 V dc rails should have
at least 20 F of capacitance.
Place these to minimize the inductance fr om
each power pin to the nearest decoupling
Place decoupling and bulk capacitors close to 82574,
with some along every side, using short, wide traces
and large vias. If power is distributed on traces, bulk
capacitors should be used at both ends. If power is
distributed on cards, bu lk capacito rs sho uld be used at
the connector.
All voltages should ramp to within their cont rol
bands in 100 ms or less. Voltages must ramp
in sequence (3.3 V dc ramps first, 1.9 V dc
ramps second, 1.05 V dc ramps last). The
volt age rise must be monotonic. T he minimum
rise time on the 3.3 V dc power is 1 ms.
The 82574 has a power on reset circuit that requires a
1-100 ms ramp time. The rise must be montonic to so
the power on reset triggers only once.
The sequence is required protect the ESD diodes
connected to the power supplies from being forward
Integrated Power
(Option D)
Provide a 3.3 V dc and 1.9 V dc supply. Derive
power supplies from auxiliary power supplies. Auxiliary power is necessary to support wake up from
power down states.
Ensure that CTRL10 and CTRL19 are tied to
ground through a 3.3 K resistor.
Alternatively, they could be left floating.
Pull-down resistors do not need to be exactly 3.3 K;
however, they must be greater than 1 K.
Connect DIS_REG10 to ground. Enable internal 1.05 V dc regulator.
The 3.3 V dc rail shou ld h a v e at least 25 F o f
The 1.05 V dc and 1.9 V dc rails should have
20- 40 F of capacitance.
Place these to minimize the inductance fr om
each power pin to the nearest decoupling
Place decoupling and bulk capacitors close to 82574,
with some along every side, using short, wide traces
and large vias. If power is distributed on traces, bulk
capacitors should be used at both ends. If power is
distributed on cards, bu lk capacito rs sho uld be used at
the connector.
Board Layout and Schematic Checklists—82574 GbE Controller
Section Check Items Remarks
LED Circuits
Basic recommendation is a single green LED
for activity and a dual (bi-color) LED for
speed. Many oth er configurations are possible.
LEDs are configurable through the NVM.
Two LED configurations are compatible with integrated
magnetic modules. For the Link/Activity LED, connect
the cathode to the LED1 pin and the anode t o VCC. F or
the bi-color speed LED pair, have the LED2 signal drive
one end. The other end should be connected to LED0.
When LED2 is low, the orange LED is lit. When LED0 is
low, the green LED is lit.
Connect LEDs to 3.3 V dc as indicated in
reference schematics.
Use 3.3 V dc AUX for designs supporting wake-up.
Consider adding one or two fi ltering capacitors pe r LED
for extremely noisy situations . Suggested starting
value is 470 pF.
Add current limiting resistors to LED paths.
Typical current limiting resistors ar e 250 to 330
when using a 3.3 V dc supply. Current limiting resistors
are sometimes included with integrated magnetic
Mfg Test The 82574 allows a JTAG Test Access Port to
enable an XOR tree test.
Because of pin sharing the 82574 cannot be used in a
JTAG chain. The JTAG pins must be individually driven
and sampled.
82574 GbE Controller—Models
16.0 Models
Contact your Intel Representative for access to the 82574 IBIS and HSPICE models.
Models—82574 GbE Controller
Note: This page intentionally left blank.
82574 GbE Controller—Reference Schematics
17.0 Reference Schematics
Contact your Intel Representative for access to the 82574 reference schematics.