MAX31855 Evaluation Kit
Evaluates: MAX31855
2Maxim Integrated
Quick Start
Note: In the following sections, software-related items
are identified by bolding. Text in bold refers to items
directly from the EV kit software. Text in bold and under-
lined refers to items from the Windows operating system.
Required Equipment
• PC with Windows XP, Windows Vista, or Windows 7
OS with a spare USB port
• K-typethermocouple(included)
• Mini-USBcable(included)
• EVkithardware
Follow the steps below to get started measuring tem-
perature using the MAX31855 interfaced to a K-type
1) Connect the included K-type thermocouple to J2
(thermocouple socket) of the EV kit hardware. One
terminal of the thermocouple is wider than the other,
ensuring proper polarity.
2) Ensure that jumper/shunt J4 is installed and is select-
ing Channel 1.
3) Set the EV kit hardware on a nonconductive surface
that ensures nothing on the PCB gets shorted togeth-
4) Prior to starting the GUI, connect the EV kit hardware
to a PC using the supplied mini-USB cable, or equiva-
lent. The COM LED (D2) should flash between red
and orange.
5) Windows should automatically begin installing the
necessary device driver. The USB interface of the
EV kit hardware is configured as an HID device and
therefore does not require a unique/custom device
driver. Once the driver installation is complete, a
Windows message appears near the System Icon
menu indicating that the hardware is ready to use. Do
not attempt to run the GUI prior to this message. If you
do, you must close the application and restart it once
the driver installation is complete. On some versions
of Windows, Administrator privileges may be required
to install the USB device.
6) Go to www.maximintegrated.com/MAX31855EVKIT
to download the latest version of the EV kit software,
titled MAX31855EVkit.ZIP. Save the EV kit software to a
temporary folder.
7) Open the .ZIP file and extract the .EXE file to your
desired location. The .EXE file is the actual EV kit GUI
and not an install program. You can store the .EXE
wherever you like and then uninstall it later by simply
deleting the .EXE file.
8) Once the device driver installation is complete (from
an earlier step), double-click the .EXE file to run the
GUI. A message box stating The publisher could
not be verified. Are you sure you want to run this
software? may appear. If so, click Run.
9) When the GUI appears, the EV Kit Status group box
should indicate that the EV kit hardware is ready. Also,
the COM LED (D2) should turn green.
10)Click the Single Read button to read the temperature.
A valid temperature should be displayed along with all
four Alarm Status indicators remaining green. At this
point, the EV kit and setup is fully functional and ready
to begin evaluating the MAX31855. If any issues arise,
see the Troubleshooting section.
Detailed Description of Software
Figure 1 shows a screenshot of the MAX31855 GUI.
EV Kit Status Section
On the right-hand side of the GUI is a section titled EV
Kit Status. It is used to indicate the status of the com-
munication between the GUI and the EV kit hardware. If
everything is working properly, a message indicates that
the hardware is present and/or ready. Otherwise, EV Kit
not found. is displayed.
Thermocouple Type Section
The drop-down box in this section is used to select the
thermocouple type installed on the EV kit hardware. See
Table 1 for the list of possible settings. Out-of-the-box,
the hardware contains a K-type version of the MAX31855
along with a K-type thermocouple and socket. Therefore,
the drop-down box defaults to the K-type setting. The
thermocouple type selection is used by the GUI to calcu-
late the linearized temperature values.
Table 1. Thermocouple Types and
*Default setting.
K* 41.276
N 36.256
T 52.18
R 10.506