It should be noted that there are several areas of ambiguity with
respect to CE102 measurements that may concern the systems
engineer. One area of ambiguity in this measurement is the
nature of the load. If it is constant, then the ripple voltage on
the converter’s input leads is due only to the operation of the
converter. If, on the other hand, the load is changing over time,
this variation causes an additional input current and voltage
ripple to be drawn at the same frequency. If the frequency is
high enough, the converter’s filter will help attenuate this sec-
ond source of ripple, but if it is below approximately 100 kHz, it
will not. The system may then not meet the CE102 require-
ment, even though the converter is not the source of the EMI.
If this is the case, additional capacitance may be needed across
the load or across the input to the converter.
Another ambiguity in the CE102 measurement concerns
common-mode voltage. If the load is left unconnected from the
ground plane (even though the case is grounded), the common-
mode ripple voltages will be smaller than if the load is grounded.
The test specifications do not state which procedure should be
used. However, in neither case (load grounded or floating) will
the typical EMI test setup described below be exactly represen-
tative of the final system configuration EMI test. For the follow-
ing reasons, the same is true if separately packaged EMI filters
are used.
In almost all systems the output ground of the converter is ulti-
mately connected to the input ground of the system. The para-
sitic capacitances and inductances in this connection will affect
the common-mode voltage and the CE102 measurement. In
addition, the inductive impedance of this ground connection
can cause resonances, thereby affecting the performance of the
common-mode filter in the power supply.
In response to these ambiguities, the Analog Devices converter
has been tested for CE102 under a constant load and with the
output ground floating. While these measurements are a good
indication of how the converter will operate in the final system
configuration, the user should confirm CE102 testing in the
final system configuration.
CE101: This test measures emissions on the input leads in the
frequency range between 30 Hz and 10 kHz. The intent of this
requirement is to ensure that the dc/dc converter does not corrupt
the power quality (allowable voltage distortion) on the power
buses present on the platform. There are several CE101 limit
curves in MIL-STD-461D. The most stringent one applicable for
the converter is the one for submarine applications. Figure 13
shows that the converter easily meets this requirement (the return
line measurement is similar). The components at 60 Hz and its
harmonics are a result of ripple in the output of the power
source used to supply the converter.
NAVMAT Junction Temperatures: The two types of power
deratings (current and temperature) can be independent of one
another. For instance, a switching diode can meet its derating of
70% of its maximum current, but its junction temperature can
be higher than 110°C if the case temperature of the converter,
which is not controlled by the manufacturer, is allowed to go
higher. Since some users may choose to operate the power sup-
ply at a case temperature higher than 90°C, it then becomes
important to know the temperature rise of the hottest semicon-
ductors. This is covered in the specification table in the section
entitled “Thermal Characteristics.”
The ADDC02812DA and ADDC02815DA have an integral
differential- and common-mode EMI filter that is designed to
meet all applicable requirements in MIL-STD-461D when the
power converter is installed in a typical system setup (described
below). The converter also contains transient protection cir-
cuitry that permits the unit to survive short, high voltage tran-
sients across its input power leads. The purpose of this section is
to describe the various MIL-STD-461D tests and the converter’s
corresponding performance. Consult factory for additional
The figures and tests referenced herein were obtained from
measurements on the ADDC02805SA, a single 5 V dc output
converter. Since the construction and topology of the dual out-
put converters are almost identical to the single output con-
verter, and the component values of the EMI differential and
common filter in the dual output converters are identical to the
single output converter, the text references these figures and
tests as typical of the ADDC02812DA and ADDC02815DA
Electromagnetic interference (EMI) is governed by MIL-STD-
461D, which establishes design requirements, and MIL-STD-
462D, which defines test methods. EMI requirements are
categorized as follows (xxx designates a three digit number):
• CExxx: conducted emissions (EMI produced internal to the
power supply which is conducted externally through its input
power leads)
• CSxxx: conducted susceptibility (EMI produced external
to the power supply which is conducted internally through
the input power leads and may interfere with the supply’s
• RExxx: radiated emissions (EMI produced internal to the
power supply which is radiated into the surrounding space)
• RSxxx: radiated susceptibility (EMI produced external to the
power supply which radiates into or through the power supply
and may interfere with its proper operation)