Electrical Characteristics
(Refer to the test circuit, Ta = 25°C, unless otherwise specified, )
Note :
1. Output or reference voltage temperature coefficient is defined as the worst case voltage change divided by the total
temperature range.
2. Regulation is measured at constant junction temperature , using pulse testing with a low duty cycle.
3. Vref ≤ Vout ≤ (Vin - 1V), 2.5V ≤ Vin ≤ 28V, 100uA ≤ IL ≤ 100mA, TA ≤ TAMAX .
4. Threshold and hysteresis are expressed in terms of voltage differential at the Feedback terminal below the normal
reference . To express these thresholds in terms of output voltage change , multiply by the error amplifier gain
= VO / VREF = (R1 + R2) / R2 .
5. Vshu tdown ≤ 0.6 V , VOUT =ON , Vshutdown ≥ 2.0 V, VOUT = OFF.
Parameter Symbol Conditions Min. Typ. Max. Unit
Output Voltage Temperature Coefficient ΔV/ΔT (Note1) - 50 - ppm/°C
Line Regulation (Note2) ΔV(Vo + 1)V ≤ VIN ≤ 28V
IL = 50mA --0.4%
Load Regulation (Note2) ΔV 100uA ≤ IL ≤ 100mA - - 0.3 %
Dropout Voltage VDIL = 100uA - - 150 mV
IL = 100mA - - 600 mV
Ground Current IGIL = 100uA - - 140 uA
IL = 100mA - - 7 mA
Current Limit ICL VO = 0V 110 165 220 mA
Reference Voltage VREF VIN = (Vo + 1)V, IL = 100uA 1.235 1.26 1.285 V
VREF (Note3) 1.225 1.26 1.295 V
Output Low Voltage VOL VIN = (Vo - 0.5)V, IOL =400uA - 150 400 mV
High Threshold Voltage VTH (Note4) 25 60 - mV
Low Threshold Voltage VTL (Note4) - 75 140 mV
Hysteresis VHYS (Note4) - 15 - mV
Shutdown Threshold Range VSD (Note5) 0.6 1.3 2.0 V
Shutdown Input Current ISD VSD = 2.4V - 30 100 uA
VSD = 28V - 450 750 uA