SINAMICS drives SINAMICS DCM Commutation reactors Operating Instructions Edition 11/2013 Answers for industry. SINAMICS DCM commutating reactors SINAMICS SINAMICS DCM commutating reactors Operating Instructions Safety notes 1 Description 2 Mechanical installation 3 4 ___________________ Electrical installation 5 ___________________ Configuring 6 ___________________ Technical data 7 ___________________ Dimension drawings A ___________________ Appendix 11/2013 A5E32621741B Legal information Warning notice system This manual contains notices you have to observe in order to ensure your personal safety, as well as to prevent damage to property. The notices referring to your personal safety are highlighted in the manual by a safety alert symbol, notices referring only to property damage have no safety alert symbol. These notices shown below are graded according to the degree of danger. DANGER indicates that death or severe personal injury will result if proper precautions are not taken. WARNING indicates that death or severe personal injury may result if proper precautions are not taken. CAUTION indicates that minor personal injury can result if proper precautions are not taken. NOTICE indicates that property damage can result if proper precautions are not taken. If more than one degree of danger is present, the warning notice representing the highest degree of danger will be used. A notice warning of injury to persons with a safety alert symbol may also include a warning relating to property damage. Qualified Personnel The product/system described in this documentation may be operated only by personnel qualified for the specific task in accordance with the relevant documentation, in particular its warning notices and safety instructions. Qualified personnel are those who, based on their training and experience, are capable of identifying risks and avoiding potential hazards when working with these products/systems. Proper use of Siemens products Note the following: WARNING Siemens products may only be used for the applications described in the catalog and in the relevant technical documentation. If products and components from other manufacturers are used, these must be recommended or approved by Siemens. Proper transport, storage, installation, assembly, commissioning, operation and maintenance are required to ensure that the products operate safely and without any problems. The permissible ambient conditions must be complied with. The information in the relevant documentation must be observed. Trademarks All names identified by (R) are registered trademarks of Siemens AG. The remaining trademarks in this publication may be trademarks whose use by third parties for their own purposes could violate the rights of the owner. Disclaimer of Liability We have reviewed the contents of this publication to ensure consistency with the hardware and software described. Since variance cannot be precluded entirely, we cannot guarantee full consistency. However, the information in this publication is reviewed regularly and any necessary corrections are included in subsequent editions. Siemens AG Industry Sector Postfach 48 48 90026 NURNBERG GERMANY Order number: A5E32621741B 11/2013 Technical data subject to change Copyright (c) Siemens AG 2013. All rights reserved Table of contents 1 Safety notes ............................................................................................................................................ 7 1.1 Warning notices ............................................................................................................................. 7 1.2 Safety and application instructions ................................................................................................ 8 2 Description ............................................................................................................................................ 11 3 Mechanical installation .......................................................................................................................... 13 4 Electrical installation.............................................................................................................................. 17 5 Configuring ........................................................................................................................................... 23 5.1 Commutating reactor rectifier assignment ...................................................................................23 6 Technical data ...................................................................................................................................... 25 7 Dimension drawings .............................................................................................................................. 33 A Appendix............................................................................................................................................... 67 A.1 Customer Service.........................................................................................................................67 A.2 Environment .................................................................................................................................68 A.3 Standards, certifications ...............................................................................................................69 SINAMICS DCM commutating reactors Operating Instructions, 11/2013, A5E32621741B 5 Table of contents SINAMICS DCM commutating reactors 6 Operating Instructions, 11/2013, A5E32621741B 1 Safety notes 1.1 Warning notices WARNING Dangerous electrical voltage Hazardous voltages are present when electrical equipment is in operation. Severe personal injury or substantial material damage may result if these warnings are not observed. Only qualified personnel are permitted to work on or around the equipment. These personnel must be thoroughly familiar with all the warnings and maintenance procedures described in these operating instructions. The successful and safe operation of this device is dependent on correct transport, proper storage and installation, as well as careful operation and maintenance. National safety guidelines must be observed. DANGER Five safety rules When carrying out any kind of work on electrical devices, the "five safety rules" according to EN 50110-1 must always be observed: 1. Disconnect the system. 2. Protect against reconnection. 3. Make sure that the equipment is de-energized. 4. Ground and short-circuit. 5. Cover or enclose adjacent components that are still live. Note Use of copper cables for a UL-approved system For a UL-approved system use 60/75C copper conductors only. SINAMICS DCM commutating reactors Operating Instructions, 11/2013, A5E32621741B 7 Safety notes 1.2 Safety and application instructions 1.2 Safety and application instructions DANGER Dangerous electrical voltage This equipment is used in industrial high-voltage installations. During operation, this equipment contains live, bare parts. For this reason, they could cause severe injury or significant material damage if the required covers are removed, if they are used or operated incorrectly, or have not been properly maintained. When the machines are used in non-industrial areas, the installation location must be protected against unauthorized access (protective fencing, appropriate signs). CAUTION Hot surfaces The surface of the commutating reactors can reach high temperatures. NOTICE Component cooling Provisions for component cooling must be made at the installation site. Power loss data is given in the technical specifications. Note The core of the commutating reactors should not be considered as being a metal part that can be touched. Preconditions The persons responsible for the safety of the plant must ensure that the following conditions are met: Basic planning work for the system and all work relating to transportation, assembly, installation, commissioning, maintenance and repairs is carried out by qualified personnel and checked by responsible, suitably skilled personnel. The Operating Instructions and machine documentation are always available. The technical specifications regarding the applicable installation, connection, environmental, and operating conditions are always observed. The plant-specific assembly and safety guidelines are observed and personal protection equipment is used. Unqualified personnel are forbidden from using these machines and working near them. SINAMICS DCM commutating reactors 8 Operating Instructions, 11/2013, A5E32621741B Safety notes 1.2 Safety and application instructions These Operating Instructions are intended for qualified personnel and only contain information and notes relating to the intended purpose of the machines. Note Support by Siemens service centers We recommend engaging the support and services of your local Siemens service center for all planning, installation, commissioning and maintenance work. SINAMICS DCM commutating reactors Operating Instructions, 11/2013, A5E32621741B 9 Safety notes 1.2 Safety and application instructions SINAMICS DCM commutating reactors 10 Operating Instructions, 11/2013, A5E32621741B Description 2 Field of application Disturbances in the feeding supply system occur during the operation of rectifier-feed drives. Such disturbances are caused by commutation voltage dips that produce a distortion of the supply system voltage. Commutating reactors are deployed to limit the voltage dips required for public supply systems. Commutating reactors also limit the current and dampen the oscillations caused rectifiers. The commutating reactors in this document are specially adapted to the SINAMICS DCM rectifier series and ensure optimum conditions for operation of this rectifier. Structure The commutating reactors have an open construction (IP00 degree of protection) and designed for installation in a switch cabinet. The reactors provide a foot bracket and, depending on the power, connected using screw terminals or copper busbars. Available types 3-phase commutating reactors The spectrum of available 3-phase commutating reactors is oriented on the requirements of the offered SINAMICS DC MASTER rectifier units. The rated current of the 3-phase commutating reactors ranges from AC 13 A to AC 2490 A; the rated voltages range from 400 V to 950 V. As standard, the commutating reactors are defined with uk = 4% and designed for a line frequency of 50 to 60 Hz. 1-phase commutating reactors The 1-phase commutating reactors are designed as 4% commutating reactors in accordance with the field power sections of the SINAMICS DCM from AC 3 A to AC 85 A. The rated voltage is 400 V at 50 Hz or 480 V at 60 Hz. Thre 1-phase commutating reactors can also be used as line reactors in the supply system feed cable. Note 2% commutating reactors 2% commutating reactors are also available on request. SINAMICS DCM commutating reactors Operating Instructions, 11/2013, A5E32621741B 11 Description SINAMICS DCM commutating reactors 12 Operating Instructions, 11/2013, A5E32621741B Mechanical installation 3 CAUTION Use protective equipment Failure to lift the unit properly can lead to physical injury or material damage. The reactor should be lifted only with suitable equipment (work gloves should be used) and by appropriately qualified personnel. CAUTION Comply with all safety regulations The user assumes responsibility for installing the reactor in accordance with safety regulations (e.g. EN, DIN, VDE) and all other relevant national or local regulations affecting conductor and grounding dimensioning, overcurrent protection, etc. The reactor must be installed in accordance with safety regulations (e.g. EN, DIN, VDE) as well as all other applicable national or local regulations. Grounding, conductor dimensioning, and the appropriate short-circuit protection measures must be carried out correctly in order to ensure operational safety. SINAMICS DCM commutating reactors Operating Instructions, 11/2013, A5E32621741B 13 Mechanical installation Lifting NOTICE Observe when lifting the reactor * In order to prevent the reactor from becoming deformed, no horizontal forces may be exerted on the lifting eyes. * Do not lift the reactor at the connecting lugs. Figure 3-1 Lifting the reactor SINAMICS DCM commutating reactors 14 Operating Instructions, 11/2013, A5E32621741B Mechanical installation Mounting position Alignment The commutating reactor must be installed in the appropriate orientation in the cooling-air flow, see following figure. Cooling air flow Figure 3-2 Mounting position Distance from neighboring components When the reactor is installed in the switch cabinet, a clearance of approximately 100 mm to neighboring components is recommended. This clearance guarantees the heat dissipation of the reactors. If the reactor is installed in a cabinet, it must be ventilated adequately. Mounting holes, fastening screws The commutating reactor is provided with 4 elongated holes. Layout and dimensions, see dimension drawing (Section Dimension drawings (Page 33)) The commutating reactor must be fastened with 4 screws. Table 3- 1 Retaining screws Commutating reactor Screws (4x) Order number = 6RX1800-... 4DK00; 4FK00; 4DE00; 4DE01; 4DE02; 4DE03 M4 4DE04; 4DE05; 4DE06 M5 4DK01; 4FK01; 4DK02; 4FK02; 4GK00; 4DK03; 4FK03; 4DE07 M6 4DK04; 4FK04; 4GK01; M8 4DK05; 4FK05; 4DK06; 4GK02; 4FK06; 4DK07; 4DK08; 4FK07; 4FK08; 4GK03; 4DK10; 4FK10; 4GK04; 4FK13; 4DK12; 4KK02; 4GK10; 4KK03; 4GK11; 4FK14; 4LK00; 4DK11; 4GK05; 4GK06; 4FK11; 4FK12; 4KK00; 4KK01; 4GK07; 4GK08; 4DK13; 4DK14; 4GK12; 4FK15; 4KK04; 4GK13; 4FK16; 4FK17; 4LK01; 4KK05; 4GK14; 4KK06; 4GK15; 4FK18; 4DK15; 4LK02; 4GK16; 4GK17; 4LK03; 4MK00; 4KK07 M10 SINAMICS DCM commutating reactors Operating Instructions, 11/2013, A5E32621741B 15 Mechanical installation SINAMICS DCM commutating reactors 16 Operating Instructions, 11/2013, A5E32621741B Electrical installation 4 Important safety precautions WARNING Dangerous electrical voltage The devices are operated with high voltages. All connection work must be performed with power off. All work on the device must be performed by trained personnel only. Non-observance of these warnings can result in death, serious personal injury, or substantial property damage. Work on an open device must be carried out with extreme caution because external supply voltages may be present. The power and control terminals may be live even when the motor is not running. Even after safety disconnection, the TSE capacitors still carry a dangerous voltage. Consequently, the unit may be opened only after an appropriate wait time. The operator is responsible for ensuring that the commutating reactor and other components are installed and connected in accordance with the recognized technical rules in the country of installation and applicable regional guidelines. Special attention should be paid to cable dimensioning, fuses, grounding, shutdown, disconnection, and overcurrent protection. Connection Note EMC-compliant installation When the commutating reactors are connected, observe the installation notes for the EMCconform assembly of drives in the SINAMICS DCM DC Converter Operating Instructions. Note Strain relief Connection cables or busbars must be fixed near the commutating reactor so that no forces act on the terminals and connection lugs. SINAMICS DCM commutating reactors Operating Instructions, 11/2013, A5E32621741B 17 Electrical installation Connection overview Figure 4-1 1-phase connection overview Figure 4-2 3-phase connection overview Note Installation sequence When commutating reactors with SCCR of 20 ms and 100 ms are deployed, semiconductor fuses must be installed in the rectifier system upstream of the reactor. These interrupting times are then achieved by the semiconductor fuses that are normally used. SINAMICS DCM commutating reactors 18 Operating Instructions, 11/2013, A5E32621741B Electrical installation Winding connections Depending on the rated current, the connections are provided as terminal block or as connection lugs. Table 4- 1 Connection with terminal block Commutating reactor Stripped length Tightening torque 4DE00; 4DE01; 4DE02 10 - 11 mm 0.8 Nm 4DE03; 4DE04 13 - 14 mm 2.5 Nm 4DK00; 4FK00 10 mm 1 Nm 4DK01; 4FK01 12 mm 2.4 Nm 4DK02; 4FK02; 4GK00 16 mm 4 Nm 4DK03; 4FK03 18 mm 5 Nm Order number = 6RX1800-... Table 4- 2 Connection with connection lugs Commutating reactor Screw, nut Connection lug thickness (b) Tightening torque 4DE06; 4DE05 M6 5 mm 6.8 Nm 4DK04; 4FK04; 4GK01; 4DK05; 4FK05; 4DK06; 4GK02; 4FK06; 4DE07 M8 5 mm 17 Nm 4DK07; 4DK08; 4FK07; 4FK08; 4GK03 M12 5 mm 35 Nm 4DK10; 4FK10; 4GK04; 4DK11; 4GK05; 4GK06; 4FK11; 4FK12; 4KK00; 4KK01; 4GK07; 4GK08; 4FK13; 4DK12; 4KK02; 4GK10; 4KK03; 4GK11; 4FK14; 4LK00; 4GK12; 4KK04; 4LK01 M12 10 mm 35 Nm 4DK13; 4DK14; 4FK15; 4GK13; 4FK16; 4FK17; 4KK05; 4GK14; 4KK06; 4GK15; 4FK18; 4DK15; 4LK02; 4GK16; 4GK17; 4LK03; 4MK00; 4KK07 M12 20 mm 35 Nm Order number = 6RX1800-... 1 Screw 4 Cable lug or busbar 2 Spring lock washer / conical spring washer 5 Nut 3 Disk 7 Flat connection (connection lug) Figure 4-3 Connecting lug SINAMICS DCM commutating reactors Operating Instructions, 11/2013, A5E32621741B 19 Electrical installation 3-phase commutating reactors protective conductor connection Table 4- 3 Protective conductor connection (1) Commutating reactor Screw, nut Connection lug thickness (b) Tightening torque 4DK04; 4FK04; 4GK01; 4DK05; 4FK05; 4DK06; 4GK02; 4FK06 M8 2 mm 17 Nm 4DK07; 4DK08; 4FK07; 4FK08; 4GK03 M12 2 mm 35 Nm Order number = 6RX1800-... 1 Screw 4 Cable lug or busbar 2 Spring lock washer / conical spring washer 5 Nut 3 Disk 6 PE terminal Figure 4-4 Table 4- 4 Protective conductor connection (1) Protective conductor connection (2) Commutating reactor Order number = 6RX1800-... 4DK10; 4FK10; 4GK04; 4DK11; 4GK05; 4GK06; 4FK11; 4FK12; 4KK00; 4KK01; 4GK07; 4GK08; 4FK13; 4DK12; 4KK02; 4GK10; 4KK03; 4GK11; 4FK14; 4LK00; 4GK12; 4KK04; 4LK01; 4DK13; 4DK14; 4FK15; 4GK13; 4FK16; 4FK17; 4KK05; 4GK14; 4KK06; 4GK15; 4FK18; 4DK15; 4LK02; 4GK16; 4GK17; 4LK03; 4MK00; 4KK07 Screw, protective conductor connection Thread length protective conductor connection (L) Tightening torque M12 18 mm 35 Nm SINAMICS DCM commutating reactors 20 Operating Instructions, 11/2013, A5E32621741B Electrical installation 1 Screw 4 Cable lug or busbar 2 Spring lock washer / conical spring washer 6 PE terminal 3 Disk Figure 4-5 Protective conductor connection (2) 1-phase commutating reactors protective conductor connection For 1-phase commutating reactors, the protective conductor connection is provided as screwed connection for pin or ring cable lug. See also Chapter Dimension drawings (Page 33). SINAMICS DCM commutating reactors Operating Instructions, 11/2013, A5E32621741B 21 Electrical installation SINAMICS DCM commutating reactors 22 Operating Instructions, 11/2013, A5E32621741B 5 Configuring 5.1 Commutating reactor rectifier assignment Assignment of 3-phase commutating reactors Table 5- 1 Assignment of 3-phase commutating reactors SINAMICS DCM I AC 4% reactor 50 Hz 4% reactor 60 Hz 6RA8013-6D... 12.45 A 6RX1800-4DK00 - 6RA8018-6D... 24.9 A 6RX1800-4DK01 - 6RA8025-6D... 49.8 A 6RX1800-4DK02 - 6RA8028-6D... 74.7 A 6RX1800-4DK03 - 6RA8031-6D... 103.75 A 6RX1800-4DK04 - 6RA8075-6D... 174.3 A 6RX1800-4DK05 - 6RA8078-6D... 232.4 A 6RX1800-4DK06 - 6RA8081-6D... 332 A 6RX1800-4DK07 - 6RA8085-6D... 498 A 6RX1800-4DK10 - 6RA8087-6D... 705.5 A 6RX1800-4DK11 - 6RA8091-6D... 996 A 6RX1800-4DK12 - 6RA8093-4D... 1328 A 6RX1800-4DK13 - 6RA8095-4D... 1660 A 6RX1800-4DK14 - 6RA8098-4D... 2490 A 6RX1800-4DK15 - 6RA8013-6F... 12.45 A 6RX1800-4FK00 6RX1800-4DK00 6RA8018-6F... 24.9 A 6RX1800-4FK01 6RX1800-4DK01 6RA8025-6F... 49.8 A 6RX1800-4FK02 6RX1800-4DK02 6RA8028-6F... 74.7 A 6RX1800-4FK03 6RX1800-4DK03 6RA8031-6F... 103.75 A 6RX1800-4FK04 6RX1800-4DK04 6RA8075-6F... 174.3 A 6RX1800-4FK05 6RX1800-4DK05 6RA8078-6F... 232.4 A 6RX1800-4FK06 6RX1800-4DK06 6RA8082-6F.. 373.5 A 6RX1800-4FK08 6RX1800-4DK08 6RA8085-6F.. 498 A 6RX1800-4FK10 6RX1800-4DK10 6RA8087-6F... 705.5 A 6RX1800-4FK12 6RX1800-4DK11 6RA8091-6F.. 996 A 6RX1800-4FK14 6RX1800-4DK12 6RA8025-6G... 49.8 A 6RX1800-4GK00 6RX1800-4FK02 6RA8031-6G... 103.75 A 6RX1800-4GK01 6RX1800-4FK04 6RA8075-6G... 174.3 A 6RX1800-4GK02 6RX1800-4FK05 3-ph. 400 V AC 3-ph. 480 V AC 3-ph. 575 V AC SINAMICS DCM commutating reactors Operating Instructions, 11/2013, A5E32621741B 23 Configuring 5.1 Commutating reactor rectifier assignment SINAMICS DCM I AC 4% reactor 50 Hz 4% reactor 60 Hz 6RA8081-6G... 332 A 6RX1800-4GK03 6RX1800-4FK07 6RA8085-6G... 498 A 6RX1800-4GK04 6RX1800-4FK10 6RA8087-6GS... 664 A 6RX1800-4GK07 6RX1800-4FK11 6RA8087-6GV... 705.5 A 6RX1800-4GK08 6RX1800-4FK12 6RA8090-6G... 913 A 6RX1800-4GK11 6RX1800-4FK13 6RA8093-4G... 1328 A 6RX1800-4GK13 6RX1800-4FK15 6RA8095-4G... 1660 A 6RX1800-4GK14 6RX1800-4FK16 6RA8096-4G... 1826 A 6RX1800-4GK15 6RX1800-4FK17 6RA8097-4G... 2324 A 6RX1800-4GK17 6RX1800-4FK18 6RA8086-6KS... 597.6 A 6RX1800-4KK00 6RX1800-4GK05 6RA8086-6KV... 630.8 A 6RX1800-4KK01 6RX1800-4GK06 6RA8090-6K... 830 A 6RX1800-4KK03 6RX1800-4GK10 6RA8093-4K... 1245 A 6RX1800-4KK04 6RX1800-4GK12 6RA8095-4K... 1660 A 6RX1800-4KK06 6RX1800-4GK14 6RA8097-4K... 2158 A 6RX1800-4KK07 6RX1800-4GK16 6RA8088-6L... 788.5 A 6RX1800-4LK00 6RX1800-4KK02 6RA8093-4L... 1245 A 6RX1800-4LK01 6RX1800-4KK04 6RA8095-4L... 1577 A 6RX1800-4LK02 6RX1800-4KK05 1826 A 6RX1800-4MK00 6RX1800-4LK03 3-ph. 690 V AC 3-ph. 830 V AC 3-ph. 950 V AC 6RA8096-4M... 1-phase commutating reactors assignment The 1-phase commutating reactors are selected based on the field rated current of the SINAMICS DCM. SINAMICS DCM commutating reactors 24 Operating Instructions, 11/2013, A5E32621741B 6 Technical data General technical specifications Degree of protection IP00 Safety class Class 1 (see also note below) Cooling AN, self-ventilated Inductance tolerance 10 % Environmental classes according to DIN IEC 60721-3 Parts 1 to 3 Climatic: Storage 1K3 Transport 2K2 Operation 3K3 Mechanical: 3M3 Ambient Temperature during Operation * 1-phase reactors 0 to +45 C, above with derating * 3-phase reactors 0 to +40 C, above with derating Ambient temperature storage and transport -40 to +70 C Installation altitude (at rated current) 1000 m above sea level, above with derating Operation at 50 Hz and 60 Hz with rated current is permissible Note Declaration for protection class 1 Despite protective conductor connection, no 'touchable conductive parts' with regard to the standard (e.g. EN 61800-5-1) are defined. In this case, the protective conductor ensures that no dangerous voltages/currents can act at the mounting surfaces. The complete reactor must be considered as being an active part. SINAMICS DCM commutating reactors Operating Instructions, 11/2013, A5E32621741B 25 Technical data Derating Figure 6-1 Derating as a function of the ambient temperature Figure 6-2 Derating as a function of the installation altitude SINAMICS DCM commutating reactors 26 Operating Instructions, 11/2013, A5E32621741B Technical data Inductance curve LN Rated inductance Irated Rated current of the commutating reactor LX Inductance at IX IX Current in the commutating reactor Figure 6-3 Typical inductance curve SINAMICS DCM commutating reactors Operating Instructions, 11/2013, A5E32621741B 27 Technical data Specific technical data Dimensions, see Section Dimension drawings (Page 33). 3-phase commutating reactors Table 6- 1 Order number Commutating reactors 3ph uk=4 % for rated current and 3AC 400 V/50 Hz or 3AC 480 V/60 Hz AC rated current DC rated current Inductance Copper losses Total losses SCCR Weight Rated insulating voltage Insulating material class according to DIN EN 60085 4DK00 13 A 15 A 2.315 mH 22.8 W 33.1 W 2.0 kA (20 ms) 2.9 kg 600 V B 4DK01 25 A 30 A 1.158 mH 30.8 W 53.2 W 5.0 kA (20 ms) 4.4 kg 600 V B 4DK02 51 A 60 A 0.579 mH 43.5 W 73.2 W 6.5 kA (100 ms) 10.9 kg 600 V B 4DK03 76 A 90 A 0.386 mH 64.4 W 118.5 W 9.0 kA (100 ms) 13.8 kg 600 V B 4DK04 106 A 125 A 0.278 mH 51.3 W 119.3 W 15 kA (100 ms) 23.9 kg 600 V B 4DK05 174 A 210 A 0.169 mH 164.8 W 206.4 W 15 kA (100 ms) 24.0 kg 600 V F 4DK06 232 A 280 A 0.127 mH 197.4 W 256.2 W 20 kA (100 ms) 26.8 kg 600 V F 4DK07 332 A 400 A 0.089 mH 190.7 W 251.1 W 24 kA (200 ms) 45.8 kg 600 V F 4DK08 374 A 450 A 0.079 mH 186.7 W 251.7 W 24 kA (200 ms) 56.8 kg 600 V F 4DK10 498 A 600 A 0.059 mH 277.0 W 357.4 W 35 kA (200 ms) 60.0 kg 600 V F 4DK11 706 A 850 A 0.042 mH 329.4 W 424.8 W 55 kA (200 ms) 81.6 kg 1000 V F 4DK12 996 A 1200 A 0.030 mH 390.3 W 562.8 W 75 kA (200 ms) 100.1 kg 1000 V F 4DK13 1328 A 1600 A 0.022 mH 339.3 W 554.5 W 75 kA (200 ms) 138.8 kg 1000 V F 4DK14 1660 A 2000 A 0.018 mH 369.3 W 591.9 W 75 kA (200 ms) 210.7 kg 1000 V F 4DK15 2490 A 3000 A 0.012 mH 587.3 W 1038.3 W 75 kA (200 ms) 205.6 kg 1000 V F 6RX1800-.. SINAMICS DCM commutating reactors 28 Operating Instructions, 11/2013, A5E32621741B Technical data Table 6- 2 Order number Commutating reactors 3ph uk=4 % for rated current and 3AC 480 V/50 Hz or 3AC 575 V/60 Hz AC rated current DC rated current Inductance Copper losses Total losses SCCR Weight Rated insulating voltage Insulating material class according to DIN EN 60085 4FK00 13 A 15 A 2.779 mH 27.4 W 39.2 W 2.0 kA (20 ms) 2.9 kg 600 V B 4FK01 25 A 30 A 1.389 mH 34.8 W 57.8 W 5.0 kA (20 ms) 6.0 kg 600 V B 4FK02 51 A 60 A 0.695 mH 42.3 W 77.2 W 6.5 kA (100 ms) 11.8 kg 600 V B 4FK03 76 A 90 A 0.463 mH 56.3 W 118.0 W 9.0 kA (100 ms) 16.3 kg 600 V B 4FK04 106 A 125 A 0.333 mH 68.8 W 152.9 W 15 kA (100 ms) 22.3 kg 600 V B 4FK05 174 A 210 A 0.202 mH 204.6 W 255.6 W 15 kA (100 ms) 26.0 kg 600 V F 4FK06 232 A 280 A 0.152 mH 178.3 W 231.4 W 20 kA (100 ms) 37.8 kg 600 V F 4FK07 332 A 400 A 0.106 mH 193.7 W 261.5 W 24 kA (100 ms) 56.1 kg 600 V F 4FK08 374 A 450 A 0.094 mH 189.1 W 279.2 W 24 kA (100 ms) 56.8 kg 600 V F 4FK10 498 A 600 A 0.071 mH 313.8 W 396.9 W 35 kA (200 ms) 78.1 kg 1000 V F 4FK11 664 A 800 A 0.053 mH 255.6 W 360.8 W 75 kA (200 ms) 96.6 kg 1000 V F 4FK12 706 A 850 A 0.050 mH 293.9 W 404.1 W 75 kA (200 ms) 96.6 kg 1000 V F 4FK13 913 A 1100 A 0.039 mH 375.6 W 558.6 W 75 kA (200 ms) 114.5 kg 1000 V F 4FK14 996 A 1200 A 0.035 mH 332.7 W 532.8 W 75 kA (200 ms) 127.8 kg 1000 V F 4FK15 1328 A 1600 A 0.027 mH 320.4 W 573.7 W 75 kA (200 ms) 177.6 kg 1000 V F 4FK16 1660 A 2000 A 0.021 mH 436.5 W 819.0 W 75 kA (200 ms) 161.0 kg 1000 V F 4FK17 1326 A 2200 A 0.019 mH 464.7 W 819.9 W 75 kA (200 ms) 164.2 kg 1000 V F 4FK18 2324 A 2800 A 0.015 mH 671.8 W 1056.7 W 75 kA (200 ms) 258.2 kg 1000 V F 6RX1800-.. SINAMICS DCM commutating reactors Operating Instructions, 11/2013, A5E32621741B 29 Technical data Table 6- 3 Order number Commutating reactors 3ph uk=4 % for rated current and 3AC 575 V/50 Hz or 3AC 690 V/60 Hz AC rated current DC rated current Inductance Copper losses Total losses SCCR Weight Rated insulating voltage Insulating material class according to DIN EN 60085 4GK00 51 A 60 A 0.832 mH 56.8 W 109.7 W 6.5 kA (100 ms) 13.6 kg 600 V B 4GK01 106 A 125 A 0.399 mH 65.6 W 156.7 W 15 kA (100 ms) 26.4 kg 600 V B 4GK02 174 A 210 A 0.243 mH 150.0 W 200.5 W 15 kA (100 ms) 34.5 kg 600 V F 4GK03 332 A 400 A 0.127 mH 252.1 W 327.3 W 24 kA (200 ms) 63.1 kg 600 V F 4GK04 498 A 600 A 0.085 mH 330.3 W 427.5 W 35 kA (200 ms) 86.0 kg 1000 V F 4GK05 598 A 720 A 0.071 mH 339.6 W 455.5 W 55 kA (200 ms) 89.8 kg 1000 V F 4GK06 631 A 760 A 0.067 mH 322.8 W 441.1 W 55 kA (200 ms) 95.7 kg 1000 V F 4GK07 664 A 800 A 0.064 mH 380.7 W 547.2 W 75 kA (200 ms) 108.4 kg 1000 V F 4GK08 706 A 850 A 0.060 mH 392.7 W 564.5 W 75 kA (200 ms) 120.6 kg 1000 V F 4GK10 830 A 1000 A 0.051 mH 308.1 W 498.3 W 75 kA (200 ms) 134.8 kg 1000 V F 4GK11 913 A 1100 A 0.046 mH 320.7 W 515.9 W 75 kA (200 ms) 143.9 kg 1000 V F 4GK12 1245 A 1500 A 0.034 mH 371.4 W 605.4 W 75 kA (200 ms) 206.1 kg 1000 V F 4GK13 1328 A 1600 A 0.032 mH 503.1 W 812.4 W 75 kA (200 ms) 160.9 kg 1000 V F 4GK14 1660 A 2000 A 0.025 mH 631.3 W 993.1 W 75 kA (200 ms) 202.0 kg 1000 V F 4GK15 1826 A 2200 A 0.023 mH 614.7 W 1006.9 W 75 kA (200 ms) 212.1 kg 1000 V H 4GK16 2158 A 2600 A 0.020 mH 534.6 W 1073.7 W 75 kA (200 ms) 303.0 kg 1000 V F 4GK17 2324 A 2800 A 0.018 mH 556.2 W 1110.0 W 75 kA (200 ms) 321.6 kg 1000 V F 6RX1800-.. SINAMICS DCM commutating reactors 30 Operating Instructions, 11/2013, A5E32621741B Technical data Table 6- 4 Order number Commutating reactors 3ph uk=4 % for rated current and 3AC 690 V/50 Hz or 3AC 830 V/60 Hz AC rated current DC rated current Inductance Copper losses Total losses SCCR Weight Rated insulating voltage Insulating material class according to DIN EN 60085 4KK00 598 A 720 A 0.085 mH 388.2 W 562.1 W 55 kA (200 ms) 108.9 kg 1000 V F 4KK01 631 A 760 A 0.080 mH 402.0 W 586.4 W 75 kA (200 ms) 113.3 kg 1000 V F 4KK02 789 A 950 A 0.064 mH 362.7 W 564.6 W 75 kA (200 ms) 141.9 kg 1000 V F 4KK03 830 A 1000 A 0.061 mH 350.7 W 561.4 W 75 kA (200 ms) 153.4 kg 1000 V F 4KK04 1245 A 1500 A 0.041 mH 505.2 W 845.7 W 75 kA (200 ms) 169.7 kg 1000 V F 4KK05 1577 A 1900 A 0.032 mH 716.8 W 1093.8 W 75 kA (200 ms) 226.1 kg 1000 V F 4KK06 1660 A 2000 A 0.031 mH 596.0 W 1011.8 W 75 kA (200 ms) 257.2 kg 1000 V F 4KK07 2158 A 2600 A 0.024 mH 484.8 W 1185.6 W 75 kA (200 ms) 360.2 kg 1000 V F 6RX1800-.. Table 6- 5 Order number Commutating reactors 3ph uk=4 % for rated current and 3AC 830 V/50 Hz or 3AC 950 V/60 Hz AC rated current DC rated current Inductance Copper losses Total losses SCCR Weight Rated insulating voltage Insulating material class according to DIN EN 60085 4LK00 789 A 950 A 0.077 mH 312.0 W 532.1 W 75 kA (200 ms) 205.2 kg 1000 V F 4LK01 1245 A 1500 A 0.049 mH 692.4 W 1061.9 W 75 kA (200 ms) 222.4 kg 1000 V F 4LK02 1577 A 1900 A 0.039 mH 479.4 W 1059.6 W 75 kA (200 ms) 308.5 kg 1000 V F 4LK03 1826 A 2200 A 0.033 mH 585.6 W 1269.0 W 75 kA (200 ms) 372.5 kg 1000 V F 6RX1800-.. SINAMICS DCM commutating reactors Operating Instructions, 11/2013, A5E32621741B 31 Technical data Table 6- 6 Order number Commutating reactor 3ph uk=4 % for rated current and 3AC 950 V/50 Hz, operation at 60 Hz and rated current permissible AC rated current DC rated current Inductance Copper losses Total losses SCCR Weight Rated insulating voltage Insulating material class according to DIN EN 60085 1826 A 2200 A 0.038 mH 1303.5 W 75 kA (200 ms) 399.7 kg 1000 V F 6RX1800-.. 4MK00 534.9 W 1-phase commutating reactors Table 6- 7 Order number Commutating reactors 1ph uk=4 % for rated current and 1AC 400 V/50 Hz or 1AC 480 V/60 Hz AC rated current DC rated current Inductance Copper losses Total losses SCCR Weight Rated insulating voltage Insulating material class according to DIN EN 60085 4DE00 3A 3A 16.98 mH 3W 5W 0.8 kA (20 ms) 0.7 kg 600 V B 4DE01 5A 5A 10.19 mH 5W 7W 0.8 kA (20 ms) 1.5 kg 600 V B 4DE02 10 A 10 A 5.090 mH 7W 12 W 2 kA (20 ms) 2.0 kg 600 V B 4DE03 15 A 15 A 3.400 mH 8W 17 W 2 kA (20 ms) 2.3 kg 600 V B 4DE04 25 A 25 A 2.040 mH 8W 29 W 6 kA (20 ms) 3.0 kg 600 V B 4DE05 30 A 30 A 1.700 mH 10 W 30 W 6 kA (20 ms) 3.8 kg 600 V B 4DE06 40 A 40 A 1.270 mH 9W 49 W 10 kA (20 ms) 5.2 kg 600 V B 4DE07 85 A 85 A 0.600 mH 13 W 67 W 15 kA (20 ms) 9.6 kg 600 V B 6RX1800-.. SINAMICS DCM commutating reactors 32 Operating Instructions, 11/2013, A5E32621741B Dimension drawings 7 Dimensions in mm Type: 6RX1800-4DK00, 6RX1800-4FK00 SINAMICS DCM commutating reactors Operating Instructions, 11/2013, A5E32621741B 33 Dimension drawings Type: 6RX1800-4DK01 SINAMICS DCM commutating reactors 34 Operating Instructions, 11/2013, A5E32621741B Dimension drawings Type: 6RX1800-4FK01 SINAMICS DCM commutating reactors Operating Instructions, 11/2013, A5E32621741B 35 Dimension drawings Type: 6RX1800-4DK02, 6RX1800-4FK02 SINAMICS DCM commutating reactors 36 Operating Instructions, 11/2013, A5E32621741B Dimension drawings Type: 6RX1800-4GK00, 6RX1800-4DK03, 6RX1800-4FK03 SINAMICS DCM commutating reactors Operating Instructions, 11/2013, A5E32621741B 37 Dimension drawings Type: 6RX1800-4DK04 SINAMICS DCM commutating reactors 38 Operating Instructions, 11/2013, A5E32621741B Dimension drawings Type: 6RX1800-4FK04 SINAMICS DCM commutating reactors Operating Instructions, 11/2013, A5E32621741B 39 Dimension drawings Type: 6RX1800-4GK01 SINAMICS DCM commutating reactors 40 Operating Instructions, 11/2013, A5E32621741B Dimension drawings Type: 6RX1800-4DK05, 6RX1800-4FK05, 6RX1800-4DK06 SINAMICS DCM commutating reactors Operating Instructions, 11/2013, A5E32621741B 41 Dimension drawings Type: 6RX1800-4GK02, 6RX1800-4FK06 SINAMICS DCM commutating reactors 42 Operating Instructions, 11/2013, A5E32621741B Dimension drawings Type: 6RX1800-4DK07 SINAMICS DCM commutating reactors Operating Instructions, 11/2013, A5E32621741B 43 Dimension drawings Type: 6RX1800-4DK08, 6RX1800-4FK07, 6RX1800-4FK08 SINAMICS DCM commutating reactors 44 Operating Instructions, 11/2013, A5E32621741B Dimension drawings Type: 6RX1800-4GK03, 6RX1800-4DK10 SINAMICS DCM commutating reactors Operating Instructions, 11/2013, A5E32621741B 45 Dimension drawings Type: 6RX1800-4FK10, 6RX1800-4GK04 SINAMICS DCM commutating reactors 46 Operating Instructions, 11/2013, A5E32621741B Dimension drawings Type: 6RX1800-4DK11 SINAMICS DCM commutating reactors Operating Instructions, 11/2013, A5E32621741B 47 Dimension drawings Type: 6RX1800-4GK05, 6RX1800-4GK06, 6RX1800-4FK11, 6RX1800-4FK12 SINAMICS DCM commutating reactors 48 Operating Instructions, 11/2013, A5E32621741B Dimension drawings Type: 6RX1800-4KK00, 6RX1800-4KK01, 6RX1800-4GK07, 6RX1800-4GK08 SINAMICS DCM commutating reactors Operating Instructions, 11/2013, A5E32621741B 49 Dimension drawings Type: 6RX1800-4FK13, 6RX1800-4DK12 SINAMICS DCM commutating reactors 50 Operating Instructions, 11/2013, A5E32621741B Dimension drawings Type: 6RX1800-4KK02, 6RX1800-4GK10, 6RX1800-4KK03, 6RX1800-4GK11, 6RX1800-4FK14 SINAMICS DCM commutating reactors Operating Instructions, 11/2013, A5E32621741B 51 Dimension drawings Type: 6RX1800-4LK00 SINAMICS DCM commutating reactors 52 Operating Instructions, 11/2013, A5E32621741B Dimension drawings Type: 6RX1800-4DK13 SINAMICS DCM commutating reactors Operating Instructions, 11/2013, A5E32621741B 53 Dimension drawings Type: 6RX1800-4DK14, 6RX1800-4GK12, 6RX1800-4FK15 SINAMICS DCM commutating reactors 54 Operating Instructions, 11/2013, A5E32621741B Dimension drawings Type: 6RX1800-4KK04, 6RX1800-4GK13, 6RX1800-4FK16, 6RX1800-4FK17 SINAMICS DCM commutating reactors Operating Instructions, 11/2013, A5E32621741B 55 Dimension drawings Type: 6RX1800-4LK01, 6RX1800-4KK05, 6RX1800-4GK14, 6RX1800-4KK06, 6RX1800-4GK15, 6RX1800-4FK18, 6RX1800-4DK15 SINAMICS DCM commutating reactors 56 Operating Instructions, 11/2013, A5E32621741B Dimension drawings Type: 6RX1800-4LK02, 6RX1800-4GK16, 6RX1800-4GK17 SINAMICS DCM commutating reactors Operating Instructions, 11/2013, A5E32621741B 57 Dimension drawings Type: 6RX1800-4LK03, 6RX1800-4MK00, 6RX1800-4KK07 SINAMICS DCM commutating reactors 58 Operating Instructions, 11/2013, A5E32621741B Dimension drawings Type: 6RX1800-4DE00 SINAMICS DCM commutating reactors Operating Instructions, 11/2013, A5E32621741B 59 Dimension drawings Type: 6RX1800-4DE01 SINAMICS DCM commutating reactors 60 Operating Instructions, 11/2013, A5E32621741B Dimension drawings Type: 6RX1800-4DE02 SINAMICS DCM commutating reactors Operating Instructions, 11/2013, A5E32621741B 61 Dimension drawings Type: 6RX1800-4DE03 SINAMICS DCM commutating reactors 62 Operating Instructions, 11/2013, A5E32621741B Dimension drawings Type: 6RX1800-4DE04 SINAMICS DCM commutating reactors Operating Instructions, 11/2013, A5E32621741B 63 Dimension drawings Type: 6RX1800-4DE05 SINAMICS DCM commutating reactors 64 Operating Instructions, 11/2013, A5E32621741B Dimension drawings Type: 6RX1800-4DE06 SINAMICS DCM commutating reactors Operating Instructions, 11/2013, A5E32621741B 65 Dimension drawings Type: 6RX1800-4DE07 SINAMICS DCM commutating reactors 66 Operating Instructions, 11/2013, A5E32621741B A Appendix A.1 Customer Service Service You can find information on our services and regional contact persons in the Internet ( Technical Support Our technical support can provide you with technical assistance for products, systems, and solutions: German ( English ( Central hotlines for SINAMICS DCM technical support European and African time zone Phone: +49 (0)911 895 7222 Fax: +49 (0)911 895 7223 email ( America time zone 24-hour hotline: +1 800 333 7421 Asia/Australia time zone 8:00 to 17:00 CET Phone: +1 423 262 2960 Fax: +1 423 262 2200 email ( 8:00 to 17:00 Eastern Standard Time Phone: +86 1064 757575 Fax: +86 1064 747474 email ( 7:30 to 17:30 Beijing local time SINAMICS DCM commutating reactors Operating Instructions, 11/2013, A5E32621741B 67 Appendix A.2 Environment A.2 Environment Siemens feels a responsibility to play a role in protecting our environment and saving our valuable natural resources. This is true for both our production and our products. Even during development, we consider any possible environmental impact of future products/systems. Our aim is to prevent harmful environmental effects or at least to reduce them to an absolute minimum - above and beyond present regulations and legislation. Environmental aspects during development The use of hazardous substances (e.g. arsenic, asbestos, beryllium, cadmium, CFCS, halogen) has been avoided from the development stage onward. Particular emphasis has been placed on ensuring that the range of metal and plastic parts is kept to a minimum. Pollutant-free materials have been used for all significant parts. No flame retardants containing halogen or insulation materials containing silicone have been used. Environmental compatibility was a key criterion in selecting supplier parts. Plastic parts: Zytel 73G30L (E41938) Rynite FR530L (E41938) Revitex VPG (E121222) UTR 1494 (E23525) Voltaflex 2589 Impregnating resin: Voltatex 4001 (E101752) Shipping For the selection and form of our packaging, we value environmental compatibility, reuse and, in particular, waste avoidance. The packing material itself is recyclable, and consists mainly of cardboard. Surface coatings have been omitted as far as possible. SINAMICS DCM commutating reactors 68 Operating Instructions, 11/2013, A5E32621741B Appendix A.3 Standards, certifications A.3 Standards, certifications EN 61558-1 Safety of transformers, reactors, power supplies and the associated combinations Part 1: General requirements EN 61558-2-20 Safety of transformers, reactors, power supplies and the associated combinations Part 2-20: Special requirements and tests for small reactors EP standard No. 1 Requirements placed on the environmental compatible product and system layout EN 60721-3-1 Classification of environmental conditions EN 60721-3-2 EN 60721-3-3 EN60939-2 Passive filters for the suppression of electromagnetic disturbances ROHS Restriction of Hazardous Substances REACH Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals CSA 22.2 No. 66 Low Voltage Transformers - Part 1: General Requirements UL5085-1 Low Voltage Transformers - Part 1: General Requirements SINAMICS DCM commutating reactors Operating Instructions, 11/2013, A5E32621741B 69 Appendix A.3 Standards, certifications SINAMICS DCM commutating reactors 70 Operating Instructions, 11/2013, A5E32621741B Siemens AG Industry Sector P.O. Box 48 48 90026 NUREMBERG GERMANY Subject to change A5E32621741B (c) Siemens AG 2013 DC Converters SINAMICS DCM