7MBR25VM120-50 IGBT Modules IGBT MODULE (V series) 1200V / 25A / PIM Features Low VCE(sat) Compact Package P.C.Board Mount Module Converter Diode Bridge Dynamic Brake Circuit RoHS compliant product Applications Inverter for Motor Drive AC and DC Servo Drive Amplifier Uninterruptible Power Supply Maximum Ratings and Characteristics Absolute Maximum Ratings (at Tc=25C unless otherwise specified) Items Symbols Inverter Collector-Emitter voltage Gate-Emitter voltage Collector current Converter Brake Collector power dissipation Collector-Emitter voltage Gate-Emitter voltage Collector current Collector power dissipation Repetitive peak reverse voltage (Diode) Repetitive peak reverse voltage Average output current Surge current (Non-Repetitive) I2t (Non-Repetitive) Conditions VCES VGES Ic Icp -Ic -Ic pulse Pc VCES VGES IC ICP PC VRRM VRRM IO IFSM I2 t Junction temperature Tj Operating junciton temperature (under switching conditions) Tjop Case temperature Storage temperature Tc Tstg Continuous 1ms Tc=80C Tc=80C 1ms 1 device Continuous 1ms 1 device Tc=80C Tc=80C 50Hz/60Hz, sine wave 10ms, Tj=150C half sine wave Inverter, Brake Converter Inverter, Brake Converter Isolation voltage between terminal and copper base (*1) Viso between thermistor and others (*2) AC : 1min. Screw torque Mounting (*3) M5 - Maximum ratings 1200 20 25 50 25 50 170 1200 20 25 50 170 1200 1600 25 155 120 175 150 150 150 125 -40 to +125 V V A W V V A W V V A A A2 s C 2500 VAC 3.5 Nm Note *1: All terminals should be connected together during the test. Note *2: Two thermistor terminals should be connected together, other terminals should be connected together and shorted to base plate during the test. Note *3: Recommendable value : 2.5-3.5 Nm (M5) 1 Units 7MBR25VM120-50 IGBT Modules Electrical characteristics (at Tj= 25C unless otherwise specified) Items Zero gate voltage collector current Gate-Emitter leakage current Gate-Emitter threshold voltage Symbols Conditions I CES I GES VGE (th) VGE = 0V, VCE = 1200V VGE = 0V, VGE = 20V VCE = 20V, I C = 25mA VCE (sat) (terminal) VGE = 15V I C = 25A Collector-Emitter saturation voltage Inverter VCE (sat) (chip) Input capacitance Turn-on time Turn-off time Cies ton tr tr (i) toff tf VF (terminal) Tj=25C Tj=125C Tj=150C Tj=25C VGE = 15V Tj=125C I C = 25A Tj=150C VCE = 10V, VGE = 0V, f = 1MHz VCC = 600V I C = 25A VGE = +15 / -15V RG = 39 Tj=25C Tj=125C Tj=150C Tj=25C Tj=125C Tj=150C I F = 25A Forward on voltage Brake Units mA nA V V nF s V VF (chip) I F = 25A trr I F = 25A Zero gate voltage collector current I CES VGE = 0V VCE = 1200V - - 1.0 mA Gate-Emitter leakage current I GES VCE = 0V VGE = +20 / -20V - - 200 nA VCE (sat) (terminal) VGE = 15V I C = 25A 465 3305 2.10 2.45 2.50 1.85 2.20 2.25 0.39 0.09 0.53 0.06 1.65 1.40 5000 495 3375 2.55 2.30 1.20 0.60 1.00 0.30 1.00 2.00 1.0 520 3450 Reverse recovery time Collector-Emitter saturation voltage VCE (sat) (chip) Turn-on time Turn-off time Reverse current Thermistor Converter Characteristics min. typ. max. 1.0 200 6.0 6.5 7.0 2.10 2.55 2.45 2.50 1.85 2.30 2.20 2.25 2.1 0.39 1.20 0.09 0.60 0.03 0.53 1.00 0.06 0.30 1.95 2.40 2.10 2.05 1.70 2.15 1.85 1.80 0.1 ton tr toff tf IRRM VGE = 15V I C = 25A Tj=25C Tj=125C Tj=150C Tj=25C Tj=125C Tj=150C VCE = 600V I C = 25A VGE = +15 / -15V RG = 39 VR = 1200V terminal chip Forward on voltage VFM (chip) Reverse current IRRM Resistance R B value B VR = 1600V T = 25C T = 100C T = 25 / 50C Symbols Conditions I F = 25A s V s mA V mA K Thermal resistance characteristics Items Thermal resistance (1device) Rth(j-c) Contact thermal resistance (1device) (*4) Rth(c-f) Inverter IGBT Inverter FWD Brake IGBT Converter Diode with Thermal Compound Note *4: This is the value which is defined mounting on the additional cooling fin with thermal compound. 2 Characteristics min. typ. max. 0.89 1.06 0.89 0.97 0.05 - Units C/W 7MBR25VM120-50 IGBT Modules Characteristics (Representative) [ Inverter ] Collector current vs. Collector-Emitter voltage (typ.) [ Inverter ] Collector current vs. Collector-Emitter voltage (typ.) Tj= 25oC / chip Tj= 150oC / chip 50 50 15V VGE=20V 12V 40 Collector current: IC [A] Collector current: IC [A] VGE=20V 30 10V 20 10 8V 0 12V 40 30 10V 20 10 8V 0 0 2 1 3 4 5 0 1 Collector-Emitter voltage: VCE[V] 3 4 5 [ Inverter ] Collector-Emitter voltage vs. Gate-Emitter voltage (typ.) Tj= 25oC / chip 8 Tj=25C Collector - Emitter voltage: VCE [V] 50 Collector current: IC [A] 2 Collector-Emitter voltage: VCE[V] [ Inverter ] Collector current vs. Collector-Emitter voltage (typ.) VGE=15V / chip Tj=150C 40 Tj=125C 30 20 10 0 6 4 Ic=50A Ic=25A Ic=13A 2 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 5 10 15 20 25 Collector-Emitter voltage: VCE[V] Gate - Emitter voltage: VGE [V] [ Inverter ] Capacitance vs. Collector-Emitter voltage (typ.) [ Inverter ] Dynamic gate charge (typ.) Vcc=600V, Ic=25A, Tj= 25C Collector - Emitter voltage: VCE [200V/div] Gate - Emitter voltage: VGE [5V/div] VGE=0V, f= 1MHz, Tj= 25oC Capacitance: Cies, Coes, Cres [nF] 15V 10.0 Cies 1.0 Cres 0.1 Coes 0.0 0 10 20 30 VGE VCE 0 Collector - Emitter voltage: VCE [V] 100 200 Gate charge: Qg [nC] 3 300 7MBR25VM120-50 IGBT Modules [ Inverter ] Switching time vs. Collector current (typ.) Vcc=600V, VGE=15V, Rg=39, Tj= 150C 10000 1000 Switching time : ton, tr, toff, tf [ nsec ] Switching time : ton, tr, toff, tf [ nsec ] [ Inverter ] Switching time vs. Collector current (typ.) Vcc=600V, VGE=15V, Rg=39, Tj= 125C toff ton tr 100 tf 10 0 20 40 10000 1000 ton tf 10 60 0 10000 40 1000 toff ton tr tf 10 100 6 Eon(150C) Eon(125C) Eoff(150C) Eoff(125C) 5 4 3 Err(150C) Err(125C) 2 1 0 0 25 50 75 Collector current: IC [A] [ Inverter ] Switching loss vs. gate resistance (typ.) Vcc=600V, Ic=25A, VGE=15V [ Inverter ] Reverse bias safe operating area (max.) +VGE=15V,-VGE <= 15V, RG >= 39 ,Tj <= 125C 5 75 Collector current: IC [A] Eon(150C) 4 Eon(125C) 3 Eoff(150C) Eoff(125C) 2 Err(150C) Err(125C) 1 50 RBSOA (Repetitive pulse) 25 0 0 10 100 60 7 Gate resistance : Rg [] Switching loss : Eon, Eoff, Err [mJ/pulse ] 20 Collector current: IC [A] [ Inverter ] a Switching loss vs. Collector current (typ.) Vcc=600V, VGE=15V, Rg=39 Switching loss : Eon, Eoff, Err [mJ/pulse ] Switching time : ton, tr, toff, tf [ nsec ] [ Inverter ] Switching time vs. gate resistance (typ.) Vcc=600V, Ic=25A, VGE=15V, Tj= 125C 10 tr 100 Collector current: IC [A] 100 toff 0 1000 400 800 1200 Collector-Emitter voltage : VCE [V] Gate resistance : Rg [] 4 7MBR25VM120-50 IGBT Modules [ Inverter ] Forward current vs. forward on voltage (typ.) chip Tj=25C 40 30 Tj=150C 20 Tj=125C 10 0 0 2 1 1000 Reverse recovery current : Irr [ A ] Reverse recovery time : trr [ nsec ] Forward current : IF [A] 50 [ Inverter ] Reverse recovery characteristics (typ.) Vcc=600V, VGE=15V, Rg=39 3 4 trr(150C) trr(125C) 100 Irr(150C) Irr(125C) 10 1 5 0 25 Forward on voltage : VF [V] 50 75 Forward current : IF [A] [ Converter ] Forward current vs. forward on voltage (typ.) chip Forward current : IF [A] 50 Tj=25C Tj=125 C 40 30 20 10 0 0 1 2 3 4 Forward on voltage : VFM [V] [ Thermistor ] Temperature characteristic (typ.) 10.00 100 Resistance : R [k] Thermal resistanse : Rth(j-c) [ C/W ] Transient thermal resistance (max.) FWD[Inverter] 1.00 IGBT[Inverter] IGBT[Brake] Conv. Diode 0.10 0.01 0.001 0.010 0.100 10 1 0.1 1.000 -60 Pulse width : Pw [sec] -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 Temperature [C ] 5 7MBR25VM120-50 IGBT Modules [ Brake ] Collector current vs. Collector-Emitter voltage (typ.) [ Brake ] Collector current vs. Collector-Emitter voltage (typ.) Tj= 25oC / chip 50 VGE=20V 15V VGE=20V 12V 40 Collector current: IC [A] Collector current: IC [A] 50 Tj= 150oC / chip 30 10V 20 10 15V 40 12V 30 10V 20 10 8V 8V 0 0 0 2 1 3 4 5 0 1 Collector-Emitter voltage: VCE[V] 5 Tj= 25oC / chip 8 Tj=25C Collector - Emitter voltage: VCE [V] Collector current: IC [A] 4 [ Brake ] Collector-Emitter voltage vs. Gate-Emitter voltage (typ.) Tj=150C 40 Tj=125C 30 20 10 0 6 4 Ic=50A Ic=25A Ic=13A 2 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 5 10 Collector-Emitter voltage: VCE[V] Collector - Emitter voltage: VCE [200V/div] Gate - Emitter voltage: VGE [5V/div] 10.0 Cies 1.0 Cres Coes 0.0 0 10 20 20 25 [ Brake ] Dynamic gate charge (typ.) Vcc=600V, Ic=25A, Tj= 25C VGE=0V, f= 1MHz, Tj= 25oC 0.1 15 Gate - Emitter voltage: VGE [V] [ Brake ] Capacitance vs. Collector-Emitter voltage (typ.) Capacitance: Cies, Coes, Cres [nF] 3 Collector-Emitter voltage: VCE[V] [ Brake ] Collector current vs. Collector-Emitter voltage (typ.) VGE=15V / chip 50 2 30 VGE VCE 0 Collector - Emitter voltage: VCE [V] 100 200 Gate charge: Qg [nC] 6 300 7MBR25VM120-50 IGBT Modules Outline Drawings, mm ( shows theoretical dimension. ) shows reference dimension. Section A-A Equivalent Circuit Schematic [ Converter ] [ Brake] [ Inverter ] 7 [ Thermistor ] 7MBR25VM120-50 IGBT Modules WARNING 1. This Catalog contains the product specifications, characteristics, data, materials, and structures as of October 2008. The contents are subject to change without notice for specification changes or other reasons. When using a product listed in this Catalog, be sure to obtain the latest specifications. 2. All applications described in this Catalog exemplify the use of Fuji's products for your reference only. No right or license, either express or implied, under any patent, copyright, trade secret or other intellectual property right owned by Fuji Electric Device Technology Co., Ltd. is (or shall be deemed) granted. Fuji Electric Device Technology Co., Ltd. makes no representation or warranty, whether express or implied, relating to the infringement or alleged infringement of other's intellectual property rights which may arise from the use of the applications described herein. 3. Although Fuji Electric Device Technology Co., Ltd. is enhancing product quality and reliability, a small percentage of semiconductor products may become faulty. When using Fuji Electric semiconductor products in your equipment, you are requested to take adequate safety measures to prevent the equipment from causing a physical injury, fire, or other problem if any of the products become faulty. It is recommended to make your design fail-safe, flame retardant, and free of malfunction. 4. The products introduced in this Catalog are intended for use in the following electronic and electrical equipment which has normal reliability requirements. * Computers * OA equipment * Communications equipment (terminal devices) * Measurement equipment * Machine tools * Audiovisual equipment * Electrical home appliances * Personal equipment * Industrial robots etc. 5. If you need to use a product in this Catalog for equipment requiring higher reliability than normal, such as for the equipment listed below, it is imperative to contact Fuji Electric Device Technology Co., Ltd. to obtain prior approval. When using these products for such equipment, take adequate measures such as a backup system to prevent the equipment from malfunctioning even if a Fuji's product incorporated in the equipment becomes faulty. * Transportation equipment (mounted on cars and ships) * Trunk communications equipment * Traffic-signal control equipment * Gas leakage detectors with an auto-shut-off feature * Emergency equipment for responding to disasters and anti-burglary devices * Safety devices * Medical equipment 6. Do not use products in this Catalog for the equipment requiring strict reliability such as the following and equivalents to strategic equipment (without limitation). * Space equipment * Aeronautic equipment * Nuclear control equipment * Submarine repeater equipment 7. Copyright (c)1996-2008 by Fuji Electric Device Technology Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. No part of this Catalog may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the express permission of Fuji Electric Device Technology Co., Ltd. 8. If you have any question about any portion in this Catalog, ask Fuji Electric Device Technology Co., Ltd. or its sales agents before using the product. Neither Fuji Electric Device Technology Co., Ltd. nor its agents shall be liable for any injury caused by any use of the products not in accordance with instructions set forth herein. 8