MUR105 MUR11O MUR115 MUR120 MUR130 MUR140 /'-'-+ I I ! SWITCHMODE MUR150 MUR160 MUR170 MUR180 MuR~90 MUl$i?100 $ ~$.f.',~,. POWER RECTIFIERS . . . designed for use in switching power supplies, inverters and as free wheeling diodes, these state-of-the-art devices have the following features: Ultrafast 2!5, 50 and 75 Nanosecond . 175C Operating LOW Recovery Times Junction Temperature ~,~:. i,+ > }$. @, .p . ~?&.. JQJ " ~a,. +~p.. .<<) i,! ,>>~W:)>+\ ~% !. `$l\:\ ..>+~Y:$&,\\ ,,q ,>?\ ),$ J i ,:$, ~`~:$,., \+& ,..;,*,,,. .f:~,:~\.t&) -(*J, -i,. ~,.$., ,> Voltage Forward Low Leakage Current . High Temperature Reverse Voltage to 1000 Volts Glass Passivated Junction L---N ,. ,~i)::~' \ ,\~.,, ,... ..y.i):\\ ~& ,, ......* $8 `X<?+y.,.,,+,t)..i, ,$:;.. -F,tj.+ ,,.,.>.*. <,, .:,},... .,-,,. ,..,.,Ji:l Rating e:. ,.+ ,d$ya$ **,,.,l.PP:Y {$ ,,>`.. `?+{i\,\ ., @.p.$ Peak Repetitive Reverse voltage Working Peak Reverse Volta@,i$$# ,@ DC Blocking Voltage ,~")k?t~" Symbol 105 110 115 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 1100 Unit VRRM VRWM VR 50 100 150 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 volts Average Rectified Forw@~: Cu$~nt (Square Wave Mounting Method #&#er,$@ote 1) IF(AV) Nonrepetitive IFSM Pe~~~Q~&eCurrent (Surge applied$$fat~d single pha~~.alHl) load condition% CASE 59-04 PLASTIC PACKAGE l. O@TA= 13(Y'C l.O@TA = 12WC Thermal = 9VC Amps Amps 35 halfwave, -65to Ma&%um l.O@TA Resistance, Junction to Ambient `c +175 "CM See Note 1 RgJA ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS Maximum Instantaneous Forward Voltage (1) (iF=l.O ,/ ,/" /' / Amp, TJ=2Y'C) Maximum Instantaneous Reverse Current (1) (Rated dc Voltage, TJ = 150"C) (Rated dc Voltage, TJ = 25C) iu Maximum Reverse Recovery Time (IF= 1.0 Amp, di/dt= 50 Amp/pa) (IF=O.5 Amp, iR= 1.0 Amp, IREC=O.25 trr A) Maximum Forward Recovery Time (IF=I.O A, di/dt = 100 /Vps, IREC to 1.0 V) (1)Pulse Test: Pulse Width = 300 KS, Duty Cycle <2.0% Switchmode is a trademark of Motorola Inc. A vF (iF=l.O Amp, T.J=1500C) tfr 0.710 0.875 1.05 1.25 50 2.0 150 5.0 35 25 75 50 25 50 ~ MOTOROLA /.LA 600 10 INC 1984 +----DS3533R2 -- MURI05, 110 AND 115 FIGURE 1 -- TYPICAL FORWARD 10 1 I 1/ ,// / // 7.0 5.0 // 3.0 / FIGURE 2 -- TYPICAL REVERSE CURRENT* VOLTAGE / 1/ / 80 / / r TJ = 175C 2.0 /, 1.0 ~ ~ i= 5 a K 3 u 2 -' i I II II i{ I 0.5 0.3 // / : ~ 0.2 cn 2 //, ~ i H 0.1 < g z 0.07 ,& 0.05 / // / I / / 1 / I / / 1 \ ! ! 8.0 1 = % 3 0,8 0.4 0.2 I I r I I TJ = f7&~ 1 .. I E f).lJ2 - I ! % g 0.04 - 1 1 0.08 *The curves shown are typical for the higheaf VOI - device in the voltage grouping. Typical reverse cu --F for lower voltage seletiions these same curves if `JR i 1 r O.OO8- 0.004 0.002 0.001 0 I 0.7 [ 4,0 2.0 % I I I I I can be aatim?@d I t 20 40 I ~ z $ = // I 0.02 / / 0.4 ,---->,,,*, ~" ,..%, k , / /' 0.03 0.01 0.3 `k 25C { s ~ `/ 1 40 20 / d // `:t~,, H O.* ii 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 VF, INSTANTANEOUS V@@~@bLTS) \ .. 1.1 1.2 0 1.3 100 150 TA, AMBlENT TEMPERATURE 50 200 FIGURE 5 -- TYPICAL CAPACITANCE 50 1 TJ = 250c 40 30 \ 20 \ \ \ 8'.: 8.0 7.0 8.0 ~ ~ 5.0 -o 10 lF(Av),AVERAGE FORWARD CURRENT (AMPS) MOTOROLA @ Semiconductor 20 30 VR, REVERSE VOLTAGE (VOLTS) Products Inc. 40 50 MUR120, /'--= FIGURE 6 -- TYPICAL FORWARD 10 130, 140, 150, 160 VOLTAGE FIGURE 7 -- TYPICAL // / // / REVERSE CURRENT* 400 r {// / // // `/ 7.0 5.0 //, / 3.0 [ // TJ = 175c 2.0 I 1.0 I I I I 0.7 I I I 100c / + / /, I& -/ 25C / I 1 I I I I I I I I I I 0.5 1// 0.3 / I // 1) ,, I I Rated VR ROJA = 500ChV -. SquarW Wave u VF lNSTANTANEw~~?~GE ,J, . FIGURQ&~ 200 250 ~~ ~,:<.,..l.? POWER DISSIPATION FIGURE 10 -- TYPICAL CAPACITANCE 20 TJ = 25C i= $ z n ."--% \ 100 150 TA, AMBlENT TEMPERATURE (VOLTS) 5.0 w w < ~ ~ 1.0 ~ z ~= o 0 50 \ z s z a ~ 8! 8.0 ~ 7.0 6.0 \ _ ` _ _ MOTOROLA _ _ _ 2.0 o ~ _ Semiconductor \ \ "- 3.0 2.5 _ \> ~ 4,0 v 1.0 1.5 0.5 2.0 IF(AV),AVERAGE FORWARD CURRENT (AMPS) _ 5.0 \ i _ \ 10 20 30 VR, REVERSE VOLTAGE (VOLTS) Products Inc. 40 50 FIGURE 11 -- TYPICAL FORWARD VOLTAGE FIGURE 12 -- TYPICAL 800 400 200 I I I I I /1 / /1/ I I I z I 801 ; K ~ _& 1 --25C I /L I / %1111//1/1/1/11 1 1 r , I f v 11 /1 A II 1 [ # i I I I I 1 { 7 t I I I TJ = 175C s 1 I REVERSE CURRENT* 1 1 1 1 I r I 1 1 1 2.0/ 0.80 _ 0.40 -- 0.20 _ _ 0.08 0.04 002 I r I , ....*J, ,.,. I $.,.:* ..... ,,:3,. \, I ,.., %.,,+ I I The curves shown ara typic,:alfor the highest ~~ge W. r -., device in the voltage grouping. !yp!cal rev~se curm&: I for lower voltage selections can k e@+l@d from these same curves if VR ia sufficient~ m~d I 1 I I II I 0.01 I o II ~~);. . .$, $ >., , ,,,. 200 I I [ I I 1/ j VR. I I I I I I I 1 I 1 1 -- I I "$yao 800 600 I 1000 I vF, lNsTANTANEO,y#~T~i .. ,$ TA, AMBlENT TEMPERATURE (VOLTS) FIGURE 15 -- TYPICAL CAPACITANCE 20 TJ = 25C 10 o L 1.0 0.5 1.5 2.0 2.5 c = ~ n 7.0 6.0 E G ~ u 5.0 4.0 `- 3.0 \ \ \ 2.0 , 0 lF(Av),AVERAGE FORWARD CURRENT (AMPS] MOTOROLA @ Semiconductor \ - 10 20 30 VR, REVERSE VOLTAGE [VOLTS) Products Inc. - 40 50 NOTE 1 -- AMBlENT MOUNTING DATA MECHANICAL .!~,.,, Case: Transfer Molded Plastic Finish: External Leads are Plated, Leads are k$q :&$ .,,:,, `$* readily Solderable `"` ~,ski,, Polarity: Indicated by Cathode Band &J# Weight: 1.1 Grams (Approximately~j:.,~,$,;" Maximum Lead Temperature for.$$k$d~~$ng Data shown for thermal resistance junction-toambient (ROJA) for the mountings shown is to be used as typical guideline values for preliminary engineering or in case the tie point temperature cannot be measured. TYPICAL VALUES FOR R~A 1/8 1 ROJA 2 IN STILL AIR LEAD LENGTH, MOUNTING METHOD 1/4 L 1/2 UNITS 52 65 72 `c/w 80 87 "VW "CAN 50 MOUNTING Purposes: 24fYC, 1/8 from cae@$?' ~W seconds at 5.0 1bs. tensi q~i$?%,~$.:'" 67 3 METHOD CHARACTERISTICS 1 -- k-B r D K- A L A CATHODE + BAND 1 K [ 1 CASE 59-04 PLASTIC PACKAGE :4, 1-1/2 Motorola not assume patent reserves the right to make changes without any Iiab!l(ty arising out of the application rights Affirmative P.C. Board with x 1-1/2" Copper Surface nor the rights Action of others. Motorola and@ further notice or use of any to any products herein to Improve reliability, funct!on or design. Motorola does product or c!rcuit described herein: ne!ther does It convey any license under Its are registered trademarks of Motorola, Inc Motorola, Inc man Equal Employment Opportunity/ Employer. (m MOTOROLA Semiconductor Products Inc. --