Table 2
Comp. Recom.
Value Purpose Larger than
Recommended Value Smaller than
Recommended Value
R1 22kΩClosed loop gain setting Increase of gain Decrease of gain
R2 680ΩClosed loop gain setting Decrease of gain (*) Increase of gain
R3 22kΩNon inverting input biasing Increase of input impedance Decrease of input impedance
R4 1ΩFrequency Stability Danger of oscillation at high
frequencies with inductive
R5 ≅3R2 Upper Frequency Cut-off Poor High Frequencies
Attenuation Danger of Oscillation
C1 1µFInput DC Decoupling Increase of low frequencies
C2 22µFInverting DC Decoupling Increase of low frequencies
C3, C4 0.1µFSupply Voltage Bypass Danger of Oscillation
C5, C6 100µFSupply Voltage Bypass Danger of Oscillation
C7 0.22µFFrequency Stability Larger Bandwidth
C8 ≈1
2πBR1 Upper Frequency Cut-off Smaller Bandwidth Larger Bandwidth
D1, D2 1N4001 To protect the device against output voltage spikes
Table 1
(220V) Secondary
Voltage DC OutputVoltage (Vo)
Io=0 I
o= 0.1A Io=1A
+ 20% 28.8V 43.2V 42V 37.5V
+ 15% 27.6V 41.4V 40.3V 35.8V
+ 10% 26.4V 39.6V 38.5V 34.2V
– 24V 36.2V 35V 31V
– 10% 21.6V 32.4V 31.5V 27.8V
– 15% 20.4V 30.6V 29.8V 26V
– 20% 19.2V 28.8V 28V 24.3V
Aregulatedsupplyisnot usuallyusedforthepower
outputstagesbecauseof its dimensioningmust be
donetaking intoaccountthe power to supply in the
signal peaks.They are only a smallpercentage of
the total music signal, with consequently large
overdimensioningof the circuit.
Evenif with a regulatedsupplyhigheroutputpower
canbeobtained(VSis constantin all working condi-
tions), the additionalcost and power dissipation do
notusually justify itsuse. Usingnon-regulatedsup-
plies, there are fewer designe restriction. In fact,
when signal peaks are present, the capacitor filter
actsas a flywheel supplyingthe required energy.
In average conditions, the continuouspower sup-
pliedis lower. The music power/continuouspower
ratio is greater in this case than for the case of
regulated supplied, with space saving and cost
(*) The value of closed loop gain must be higher than 24dB.
The recommendedvalues of the componentsare
those shown on application circuit of Figure 14.
Differentvaluescan be used.The Table2 can help
the designer.
The TDA2030Ahas an original circuit which limits
the current of the output transistors. This function
can be considered as being peak power limiting
rather than simple current limiting. It reduces the
possibilitythat the devicegets damaged duringan
accidentalshort circuit from AC output to ground.
The presenceofa thermallimiting circuit offersthe
1. An overload on the output (even if it is
permanent), or an above limit ambient
temperaturecan be easily supported since the
Tjcannotbe higher than 150oC.
2. The heatsink can have a smaller factor of
safety compared with that of a conventional
circuit. There isnopossibility ofdevicedamage
due to high junction temperature. If for any
reason, the junctiontemperatureincreases up
to 150oC, the thermal shut-down simply
reduces the power dissipationand the current