35 Platform Flash In-System Programmable Configuration PROMs R DS123 (v2.18) May 19, 2010 Product Specification Features * XCF01S/XCF02S/XCF04S * In-System Programmable PROMs for Configuration of Xilinx(R) FPGAs * 3.3V Supply Voltage * Low-Power Advanced CMOS NOR Flash Process * Serial FPGA Configuration Interface * Endurance of 20,000 Program/Erase Cycles * * Operation over Full Industrial Temperature Range (-40C to +85C) Available in Small-Footprint VO20 and VOG20 Packages * IEEE Standard 1149.1/1532 Boundary-Scan (JTAG) Support for Programming, Prototyping, and Testing * 1.8V Supply Voltage * JTAG Command Initiation of Standard FPGA Configuration * Serial or Parallel FPGA Configuration Interface * * Cascadable for Storing Longer or Multiple Bitstreams Available in Small-Footprint VOG48, FS48, and FSG48 Packages * Dedicated Boundary-Scan (JTAG) I/O Power Supply (VCCJ) * * I/O Pins Compatible with Voltage Levels Ranging From 1.8V to 3.3V Design Revision Technology Enables Storing and Accessing Multiple Design Revisions for Configuration * * Design Support Using the Xilinx ISE(R) Alliance and FoundationTM Software Packages Built-In Data Decompressor Compatible with Xilinx Advanced Compression Technology * XCF08P/XCF16P/XCF32P Description Xilinx introduces the Platform Flash series of in-system programmable configuration PROMs. Available in 1 to 32 Mb densities, these PROMs provide an easy-to-use, cost-effective, and reprogrammable method for storing large Xilinx FPGA configuration bitstreams. The Platform Flash PROM series includes both the 3.3V XCFxxS PROM and the 1.8V XCFxxP PROM. The XCFxxS version includes 4 Mb, 2 Mb, and 1 Mb PROMs that support Master Serial and Slave Serial FPGA configuration modes (Figure 1, page 2). The XCFxxP version includes 32 Mb, 16 Mb, and 8 Mb PROMs that support Master Serial, Slave Serial, Master SelectMAP, and Slave SelectMAP FPGA configuration modes (Figure 2, page 2). When driven from a stable, external clock, the PROMs can output data at rates up to 33 MHz. Refer to "AC Electrical Characteristics," page 16 for timing considerations. A summary of the Platform Flash PROM family members and supported features is shown in Table 1. Table 1: Platform Flash PROM Features Device Density VCCINT VCCO Range (Mb) (V) (V) VCCJ Range (V) Packages Program In-system via JTAG Serial Config. Parallel Config. Design Revisioning Compression XCF01S 1 3.3 1.8 - 3.3 2.5 - 3.3 VO20/VOG20 3 3 XCF02S 2 3.3 1.8 - 3.3 2.5 - 3.3 VO20/VOG20 3 3 XCF04S 4 3.3 1.8 - 3.3 2.5 - 3.3 VO20/VOG20 3 3 3 3 3 3(1) 3 XCF08P 8 1.8 1.8 - 3.3 2.5 - 3.3 VO48/VOG48 FS48/FSG48 XCF16P 16 1.8 1.8 - 3.3 2.5 - 3.3 VO48/VOG48 FS48/FSG48 3 3 3 3 3 XCF32P 32 1.8 1.8 - 3.3 2.5 - 3.3 VO48/VOG48 FS48/FSG48 3 3 3 3 3 Notes: XCF08P supports storage of a design revision only when cascaded with another XCFxxP PROM. See "Design Revisioning," page 8 for details. 1. (c) Copyright 2003-2010 Xilinx, Inc. XILINX, the Xilinx logo, Virtex, Spartan, ISE, and other designated brands included herein are trademarks of Xilinx in the United States and other countries. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. DS123 (v2.18) May 19, 2010 Product Specification www.xilinx.com 1 R Platform Flash In-System Programmable Configuration PROMs X-Ref Target - Figure 1 CLK CE OE/RESET TCK TMS TDI Control and JTAG Interface Data Memory Data Address CEO Serial Interface DATA (D0) Serial Mode TDO CF ds123_01_30603 Figure 1: XCFxxS Platform Flash PROM Block Diagram X-Ref Target - Figure 2FI CLK CE EN_EXT_SEL OE/RESET BUSY OSC CLKOUT Decompressor TCK TMS TDI TDO Control and JTAG Interface Serial or Parallel Interface Data Address Memory Data CEO DATA (D0) (Serial/Parallel Mode) D[1:7] (Parallel Mode) CF REV_SEL [1:0] DS123_19_031908 Figure 2: XCFxxP Platform Flash PROM Block Diagram When the FPGA is in Master Serial mode, it generates a configuration clock that drives the PROM. With CF High, a short access time after CE and OE are enabled, data is available on the PROM DATA (D0) pin that is connected to the FPGA DIN pin. New data is available a short access time after each rising clock edge. The FPGA generates the appropriate number of clock pulses to complete the configuration. When the FPGA is in Slave Serial mode, the PROM and the FPGA are both clocked by an external clock source, or optionally, for the XCFxxP PROM only, the PROM can be used to drive the FPGA's configuration clock. The XCFxxP version of the Platform Flash PROM also supports Master SelectMAP and Slave SelectMAP (or Slave Parallel) FPGA configuration modes. When the FPGA is in Master SelectMAP mode, the FPGA generates a configuration clock that drives the PROM. When the FPGA is in Slave SelectMAP Mode, either an external oscillator generates the configuration clock that drives the PROM and the FPGA, or optionally, the XCFxxP PROM can be used to drive the FPGA's configuration clock. With BUSY Low and CF High, after CE and OE are enabled, data is available on the PROMs DATA (D0-D7) pins. New data is available a DS123 (v2.18) May 19, 2010 Product Specification short access time after each rising clock edge. The data is clocked into the FPGA on the following rising edge of the CCLK. A free-running oscillator can be used in the Slave Parallel/Slave SelectMAP mode. The XCFxxP version of the Platform Flash PROM provides additional advanced features. A built-in data decompressor supports utilizing compressed PROM files, and design revisioning allows multiple design revisions to be stored on a single PROM or stored across several PROMs. For design revisioning, external pins or internal control bits are used to select the active design revision. Multiple Platform Flash PROM devices can be cascaded to support the larger configuration files required when targeting larger FPGA devices or targeting multiple FPGAs daisy chained together. When utilizing the advanced features for the XCFxxP Platform Flash PROM, such as design revisioning, programming files which span cascaded PROM devices can only be created for cascaded chains containing only XCFxxP PROMs. If the advanced XCFxxP features are not enabled, then the cascaded chain can include both XCFxxP and XCFxxS PROMs. www.xilinx.com 2 R Platform Flash In-System Programmable Configuration PROMs See UG161, Platform Flash PROM User Guide, for detailed guidelines on PROM-to-FPGA configuration hardware connections, for software usage, for a reference list of Xilinx FPGAs, and for the respective compatible Platform Flash PROMs. Table 2 lists the Platform Flash PROMs and their capacities. Table 2: Platform Flash PROM Capacity Platform Flash PROM Configuration Bits Platform Flash PROM Configuration Bits XCF01S 1,048,576 XCF08P 8,388,608 XCF02S 2,097,152 XCF16P 16,777,216 XCF04S 4,194,304 XCF32P 33,554,432 Programming The Platform Flash PROM is a reprogrammable NOR flash device (refer "Quality and Reliability Characteristics," page 14 for the program/erase specifications). Reprogramming requires an erase followed by a program operation. A verify operation is recommended after the program operation to validate the correct transfer of data from the programmer source to the Platform Flash PROM. instruction sequence. The iMPACT software also outputs serial vector format (SVF) files for use with any tools that accept SVF format, including automatic test equipment. During in-system programming, the CEO output is driven High. All other outputs are held in a high-impedance state or held at clamp levels during in-system programming. All non-JTAG input pins are ignored during in-system programming, including CLK, CE, CF, OE/RESET, BUSY, EN_EXT_SEL, and REV_SEL[1:0]. In-system programming is fully supported across the recommended operating voltage and temperature ranges. Embedded, in-system programming reference designs, such as XAPP058, Xilinx In-System Programming Using an Embedded Microcontroller, are available on the Xilinx web page for PROM Programming and Data Storage Application Notes. See UG161, Platform Flash PROM User Guide, for an advanced update methodology that uses the Design Revisioning feature in the Platform Flash XCFxxP PROMs. OE/RESET The 1/2/4 Mb XCFxxS Platform Flash PROMs in-system programming algorithm results in issuance of an internal device reset that causes OE/RESET to pulse Low. Several programming solutions are available. External Programming In-System Programming In-System Programmable PROMs can be programmed individually, or two or more can be daisy-chained together and programmed in-system via the standard 4-pin JTAG protocol as shown in Figure 3. X-Ref Target - Figure 3 In traditional manufacturing environments, third-party device programmers can program Platform Flash PROMs with an initial memory image before the PROMs are assembled onto boards. Contact a preferred third-party programmer vendor for Platform Flash PROM support information. A sample list of third-party programmer vendors with Platform Flash PROM support is available on the Xilinx web page for Third-Party Programmer Device Support. See UG161, Platform Flash PROM User Guide, for the PROM data file format required for programmers. Pre-programmed PROMs can be assembled onto boards using the typical soldering process guidelines in UG112, Device Package User Guide. A pre-programmed PROM's memory image can be updated after board assembly using an in-system programming solution. V CC GND (a) Reliability and Endurance (b) DS123_33_031908 Figure 3: JTAG In-System Programming Operation (a) Solder Device to PCB (b) Program Using Download Cable In-system programming offers quick and efficient design iterations and eliminates unnecessary package handling or socketing of devices. The programming data sequence is delivered to the device using either Xilinx iMPACT software and a Xilinx download cable, a third-party JTAG development system, a JTAG-compatible board tester, or a simple microprocessor interface that emulates the JTAG DS123 (v2.18) May 19, 2010 Product Specification Xilinx in-system programmable products provide a guaranteed endurance level of 20,000 in-system program-erase cycles and a minimum data retention of 20 years. Each device meets all functional, performance, and data retention specifications within this endurance limit. See UG116, Xilinx Device Reliability Report, for device quality, reliability, and process node information. www.xilinx.com 3 R Platform Flash In-System Programmable Configuration PROMs Design Security The Xilinx in-system programmable Platform Flash PROM devices incorporate advanced data security features to fully protect the FPGA programming data against unauthorized reading via JTAG. The XCFxxP PROMs can also be programmed to prevent inadvertent writing via JTAG. Table 3 and Table 4 show the security settings available for the XCFxxS PROM and XCFxxP PROM, respectively. Read Protection The read protect security bit can be set by the user to prevent the internal programming pattern from being read or copied via JTAG. Read protection does not prevent write operations. For the XCFxxS PROM, the read protect security bit is set for the entire device, and resetting the read protect security bit requires erasing the entire device. For the XCFxxP PROM the read protect security bit can be set for individual design revisions, and resetting the read protect bit requires erasing the particular design revision. Write Protection The XCFxxP PROM device also allows the user to write protect (or lock) a particular design revision or PROM option settings. Write protection helps to prevent an inadvertent JTAG instruction from modifying an area by write protecting the area and by locking the erase instruction. The writeprotection setting can be cleared by erasing the protected area. However, an XSC_UNLOCK instruction must first be issued to the XCFxxP PROM to unlock the ISC_ERASE instruction. Refer to the XCFxxP PROM BSDL file for the XSC_UNLOCK and ISC_ERASE instructions. Caution! The iMPACT software always issues a XSC_UNLOCK when performing an Erase operation on an XCFxxP PROM and, thus, always unlocks the write protection. Table 3: XCFxxS Device Data Security Options Read Protect Read/Verify Inhibited Program Inhibited Erase Inhibited Reset (default) 3 Set Table 4: XCFxxP Design Revision Data Security Options Read Protect Write Protect Reset (default) Reset (default) Reset (default) Set Read/Verify Inhibited Set Reset (default) 3 Set Set 3 DS123 (v2.18) May 19, 2010 Product Specification Program Inhibited Erase Inhibited 3 3 3 3 www.xilinx.com 4 R Platform Flash In-System Programmable Configuration PROMs IEEE 1149.1 Boundary-Scan (JTAG) The Platform Flash PROM family is compatible with the IEEE 1149.1 Boundary-Scan standard and the IEEE 1532 insystem configuration standard. A Test Access Port (TAP) and registers are provided to support all required Boundary-Scan instructions, as well as many of the optional instructions specified by IEEE Std. 1149.1. In addition, the JTAG interface is used to implement in-system programming (ISP) to facilitate configuration, erasure, and verification operations on the Platform Flash PROM device. Table 5 lists the required and optional Boundary-Scan instructions supported in the Platform Flash PROMs. Refer to the IEEE Std. 1149.1 specification for a complete description of Boundary-Scan architecture and the required and optional instructions. Caution! The XCFxxP JTAG TAP pause states are not fully compliant with the JTAG 1149.1 specification. If a temporary pause of a JTAG shift operation is required, then stop the JTAG TCK clock and maintain the JTAG TAP within the JTAG Shift-IR or Shift-DR TAP state. Do not transition the XCFxxP JTAG TAP through the JTAG Pause-IR or Pause-DR TAP state to temporarily pause a JTAG shift operation. Table 5: Platform Flash PROM Boundary-Scan Instructions Boundary-Scan Command XCFxxS IR[7:0] (hex) XCFxxP IR[15:0] (hex) FF FFFF Instruction Description Required Instructions BYPASS Enables BYPASS SAMPLE/PRELOAD 01 0001 Enables Boundary-Scan SAMPLE/PRELOAD operation EXTEST 00 0000 Enables Boundary-Scan EXTEST operation FA 00FA Enables Boundary-Scan CLAMP operation Optional Instructions CLAMP HIGHZ FC 00FC Places all outputs in high-impedance state simultaneously IDCODE FE 00FE Enables shifting out 32-bit IDCODE USERCODE FD 00FD Enables shifting out 32-bit USERCODE 00EE Initiates FPGA configuration by pulsing CF pin Low once. (For the XCFxxP this command also resets the selected design revision based on either the external REV_SEL[1:0] pins or on the internal design revision selection bits.) (1) Platform Flash PROM Specific Instructions CONFIG EE Notes: 1. For more information see "Initiating FPGA Configuration," page 10. Instruction Register XCFxxP Instruction Register (16 bits wide) The Instruction Register (IR) for the Platform Flash PROM is connected between TDI and TDO during an instruction scan sequence. In preparation for an instruction scan sequence, the instruction register is parallel loaded with a fixed instruction capture pattern. This pattern is shifted out onto TDO (LSB first), while an instruction is shifted into the instruction register from TDI. The Instruction Register (IR) for the XCFxxP PROM is sixteen bits wide and is connected between TDI and TDO during an instruction scan sequence. The detailed composition of the instruction capture pattern is illustrated in Table 7, page 6. XCFxxS Instruction Register (8 bits wide) The Instruction Register (IR) for the XCFxxS PROM is eight bits wide and is connected between TDI and TDO during an instruction scan sequence. The detailed composition of the instruction capture pattern is illustrated in Table 6, page 6. The instruction capture pattern shifted out of the XCFxxS device includes IR[7:0]. IR[7:5] are reserved bits and are set to a logic 0. The ISC Status field, IR[4], contains logic 1 if the device is currently in In-System Configuration (ISC) mode; otherwise, it contains logic 0. The Security field, IR[3], contains logic 1 if the device has been programmed with the security option turned on; otherwise, it contains logic 0. IR[2] is unused, and is set to '0'. The remaining bits IR[1:0] are set to '01' as defined by IEEE Std. 1149.1. DS123 (v2.18) May 19, 2010 Product Specification The instruction capture pattern shifted out of the XCFxxP device includes IR[15:0]. IR[15:9] are reserved bits and are set to a logic 0. The ISC Error field, IR[8:7], contains a 10 when an ISC operation is a success; otherwise a 01 when an In-System Configuration (ISC) operation fails. The Erase/Program (ER/PROG) Error field, IR[6:5], contains a 10 when an erase or program operation is a success; otherwise a 01 when an erase or program operation fails. The Erase/Program (ER/PROG) Status field, IR[4], contains a logic 0 when the device is busy performing an erase or programming operation; otherwise, it contains a logic 1. The ISC Status field, IR[3], contains logic 1 if the device is currently in In-System Configuration (ISC) mode; otherwise, it contains logic 0. The DONE field, IR[2], contains logic 1 if the sampled design revision has been successfully programmed; otherwise, a logic 0 indicates incomplete programming. The remaining bits IR[1:0] are set to 01 as defined by IEEE Std. 1149.1. www.xilinx.com 5 R Platform Flash In-System Programmable Configuration PROMs Table 6: XCFxxS Instruction Capture Values Loaded into IR as part of an Instruction Scan Sequence TDI IR[7:5] IR[4] IR[3] IR[2] IR[1:0] Reserved ISC Status Security 0 01 TDO Table 7: XCFxxP Instruction Capture Values Loaded into IR as part of an Instruction Scan Sequence TDI IR[15:9] IR[8:7] IR[6:5] IR[4] IR[3] IR[2] IR[1:0] Reserved ISC Error ER/PROG Error ER/PROG Status ISC Status DONE 01 TDO Boundary-Scan Register The Boundary-Scan register is used to control and observe the state of the device pins during the EXTEST, SAMPLE/PRELOAD, and CLAMP instructions. Each output pin on the Platform Flash PROM has two register stages which contribute to the Boundary-Scan register, while each input pin has only one register stage. The bidirectional pins have a total of three register stages which contribute to the Boundary-Scan register. For each output pin, the register stage nearest to TDI controls and observes the output state, and the second stage closest to TDO controls and observes the High-Z enable state of the output pin. For each input pin, a single register stage controls and observes the input state of the pin. The bidirectional pin combines the three bits, the input stage bit is first, followed by the output stage bit and finally the output enable stage bit. The output enable stage bit is closest to TDO. The LSB of the IDCODE register is always read as logic 1 as defined by IEEE Std. 1149.1. Table 8: IDCODES Assigned to Platform Flash PROMs Identification Registers IDCODE Register The IDCODE is a fixed, vendor-assigned value that is used to electrically identify the manufacturer and type of the device being addressed. The IDCODE register is 32 bits wide. The IDCODE register can be shifted out for examination by using the IDCODE instruction. The IDCODE is available to any other system component via JTAG. Table 8 lists the IDCODE register values for the Platform Flash PROMs. The IDCODE register has the following binary format: vvvv:ffff:ffff:aaaa:aaaa:cccc:cccc:ccc1 where v = the die version number f = the PROM family code a = the specific Platform Flash PROM product ID c = the Xilinx manufacturer's ID DS123 (v2.18) May 19, 2010 Product Specification IDCODE (1) (hex) XCF01S <v>5044093 XCF02S <v>5045093 XCF04S <v>5046093 XCF08P <v>5057093 XCF16P <v>5058093 XCF32P <v>5059093 Notes: 1. See Table 12, page 24 and Table 13, page 26 for the Boundary-Scan bit order for all connected device pins, or see the appropriate BSDL file for the complete Boundary-Scan bit order description under the "attribute BOUNDARY_REGISTER" section in the BSDL file. The bit assigned to Boundary-Scan cell 0 is the LSB in the BoundaryScan register, and is the register bit closest to TDO. Device The <v> in the IDCODE field represents the device's revision code (in hex) and can vary. USERCODE Register The USERCODE instruction gives access to a 32-bit user programmable scratch pad typically used to supply information about the device's programmed contents. By using the USERCODE instruction, a user-programmable identification code can be shifted out for examination. This code is loaded into the USERCODE register during programming of the Platform Flash PROM. If the device is blank or was not loaded during programming, the USERCODE register contains FFFFFFFFh. Customer Code Register For the XCFxxP Platform Flash PROM, in addition to the USERCODE, a unique 32-byte Customer Code can be assigned to each design revision enabled for the PROM. The Customer Code is set during programming, and is typically used to supply information about the design revision contents. A private JTAG instruction is required to read the Customer Code. If the PROM is blank, or the Customer Code for the selected design revision was not loaded during programming, or if the particular design revision is erased, the Customer Code contains all ones. www.xilinx.com 6 R Platform Flash In-System Programmable Configuration PROMs Platform Flash PROM TAP Characteristics TAP Timing The Platform Flash PROM family performs both in-system programming and IEEE 1149.1 Boundary-Scan (JTAG) testing via a single 4-wire Test Access Port (TAP). This simplifies system designs and allows standard Automatic Test Equipment to perform both functions. The AC characteristics of the Platform Flash PROM TAP are described as follows. Figure 4 shows the timing relationships of the TAP signals. These TAP timing characteristics are identical for both Boundary-Scan and ISP operations. X-Ref Target - Figure 4 TCKMIN TCK TMSS TMSH TMS TDIS TDIH TDI TDOV TDO DS123_04_031808 Figure 4: Test Access Port Timing TAP AC Parameters Table 9 shows the timing parameters for the TAP waveforms shown in Figure 4. Table 9: Test Access Port Timing Parameters Symbol Description Min Max Units TCKMIN TCK minimum clock period when VCCJ = 2.5V or 3.3V 67 - ns TMSS TMS setup time when VCCJ = 2.5V or 3.3V 8 - ns TMSH TMS hold time when VCCJ = 2.5V or 3.3V 25 - ns TDIS TDI setup time when VCCJ = 2.5V or 3.3V 8 - ns TDIH TDI hold time when VCCJ = 2.5V or 3.3V 25 - ns TDOV TDO valid delay when VCCJ = 2.5V or 3.3V - 22 ns DS123 (v2.18) May 19, 2010 Product Specification www.xilinx.com 7 R Platform Flash In-System Programmable Configuration PROMs Additional Features for the XCFxxP Internal Oscillator The 8/16/32 Mb XCFxxP Platform Flash PROMs include an optional internal oscillator which can be used to drive the CLKOUT and DATA pins on FPGA configuration interface. The internal oscillator can be enabled when programming the PROM, and the oscillator can be set to either the default frequency or to a slower frequency. Refer to the "XCFxxP Decompression and Clock Options" chapter of UG161, Platform Flash PROM User Guide, for internal oscillator recommendations. CLKOUT The 8/16/32 Mb XCFxxP Platform Flash PROMs include the programmable option to enable the CLKOUT signal which allows the PROM to provide a source synchronous clock aligned to the data on the configuration interface. The CLKOUT signal is derived from one of two clock sources: the CLK input pin or the internal oscillator. The input clock source is selected during the PROM programming sequence. Output data is available on the rising edge of CLKOUT. The CLKOUT signal is enabled during programming, and is active when CE is Low and OE/RESET is High. On CE rising edge transition, if OE/RESET is High and the PROM terminal count has not been reached, then CLKOUT remains active for an additional eights clock cycles before being disabled. On a OE/RESET falling edge transition, CLKOUT is immediately disabled. When disabled, the CLKOUT pin is put into a high-impedance state and should be pulled High externally to provide a known state. When cascading Platform Flash PROMs with CLKOUT enabled, after completing it's data transfer, the first PROM disables CLKOUT and drives the CEO pin enabling the next PROM in the PROM chain. The next PROM begins driving the CLKOUT signal once that PROM is enabled and data is available for transfer. During high-speed parallel configuration without compression, the FPGA drives the BUSY signal on the configuration interface. When BUSY is asserted High, the PROMs internal address counter stops incrementing, and the current data value is held on the data outputs. While BUSY is High, the PROM continues driving the CLKOUT signal to the FPGA, clocking the FPGA's configuration logic. When the FPGA deasserts BUSY, indicating that it is ready to receive additional configuration data, the PROM begins driving new data onto the configuration interface. Decompression The decompression option is enabled during the PROM programming sequence. The PROM decompresses the stored data before driving both clock and data onto the FPGA's configuration interface. If Decompression is enabled, then the Platform Flash clock output pin (CLKOUT) must be used as the clock signal for the configuration interface, driving the target FPGA's configuration clock input pin (CCLK). Either the PROM's CLK input pin or the internal oscillator must be selected as the source for CLKOUT. Any target FPGA connected to the PROM must operate as slave in the configuration chain, with the configuration mode set to Slave Serial mode or Slave SelectMap (parallel) mode. When decompression is enabled, the CLKOUT signal becomes a controlled clock output with a reduced maximum frequency. When decompressed data is not ready, the CLKOUT pin is put into a high-Z state and must be pulled High externally to provide a known state. The BUSY input is automatically disabled when decompression is enabled. See the "Decompression Setups" section in the Platform Flash PROM User Guide for setup details. Design Revisioning Design Revisioning allows the user to create up to four unique design revisions on a single PROM or stored across multiple cascaded PROMs. Design Revisioning is supported for the 8/16/32 Mb XCFxxP Platform Flash PROMs in both serial and parallel modes. Design Revisioning can be used with compressed PROM files, and also when the CLKOUT feature is enabled. The PROM programming files along with the revision information files (.cfi) are created using the iMPACT software. The .cfi file is required to enable design revision programming in iMPACT. A single design revision is composed of from 1 to n 8 Mb memory blocks. If a single design revision contains less than 8 Mb of data, then the remaining space is padded with all ones. A larger design revision can span several 8 Mb memory blocks, and any space remaining in the last 8 Mb memory block is padded with all ones. * The 8/16/32 Mb XCFxxP Platform Flash PROMs include a built-in data decompressor compatible with Xilinx advanced compression technology. Compressed Platform Flash PROM files are created from the target FPGA bitstream(s) using the iMPACT software. Only Slave Serial and Slave DS123 (v2.18) May 19, 2010 Product Specification SelectMAP (parallel) configuration modes are supported for FPGA configuration when using a XCFxxP PROM programmed with a compressed bitstream. Compression rates vary depending on several factors, including the target device family and the target design contents. A single 32 Mb PROM contains four 8 Mb memory blocks, and can therefore store up to four separate design revisions: one 32 Mb design revision, two 16 Mb design revisions, three 8 Mb design revisions, four 8 Mb design revisions, and so on. www.xilinx.com 8 R Platform Flash In-System Programmable Configuration PROMs * Because of the 8 Mb minimum size requirement for each revision, a single 16 Mb PROM can only store up to two separate design revisions: one 16 Mb design revision, one 8 Mb design revision, or two 8 Mb design revisions. * A single 8 Mb PROM can store only one 8 Mb design revision. Larger design revisions can be split over several cascaded PROMs. For example, two 32 Mb PROMs can store up to four separate design revisions: one 64 Mb design revision, two 32 Mb design revisions, three 16 Mb design revisions, four 16 Mb design revisions, and so on. When cascading one 16 Mb PROM and one 8 Mb PROM, there are 24 Mb of available space, and therefore up to three separate design revisions can be stored: one 24 Mb design revision, two 8 Mb design revisions, or three 8 Mb design revisions. See Figure 5 for a few basic examples of how multiple revisions can be stored. The design revision partitioning is handled automatically during file generation in iMPACT. During the PROM file creation, each design revision is assigned a revision number: Revision 0 = '00' Revision 1 = '01' Revision 2 = '10' Revision 3 = '11' After programming the Platform Flash PROM with a set of design revisions, a particular design revision can be selected using the external REV_SEL[1:0] pins or using the internal programmable design revision control bits. The EN_EXT_SEL pin determines if the external pins or internal bits are used to select the design revision. When EN_EXT_SEL is Low, design revision selection is controlled by the external Revision Select pins, REV_SEL[1:0]. When EN_EXT_SEL is High, design revision selection is controlled by the internal programmable Revision Select control bits. During power up, the design revision selection inputs (pins or control bits) are sampled internally. After power up, the design revision selection inputs are sampled again when any of the following events occur: * On the rising edge of CE. * On the falling edge of OE/RESET (when CE is Low). * On the rising edge of CF (when CE is Low). * When reconfiguration is initiated by using the JTAG CONFIG instruction. The data from the selected design revision is then presented on the FPGA configuration interface. DS123 (v2.18) May 19, 2010 Product Specification www.xilinx.com 9 R Platform Flash In-System Programmable Configuration PROMs X-Ref Target - Figure 5 PROM 0 PROM 0 REV 0 (8 Mbits) REV 0 (8 Mbits) PROM 0 PROM 0 PROM 0 REV 0 (8 Mbits) REV 0 (16 Mbits) REV 1 (8 Mbits) REV 1 (8 Mbits) REV 0 (32 Mbits) REV 1 (24 Mbits) REV 2 (8 Mbits) REV 2 (16 Mbits) REV 1 (16 Mbits) REV 3 (8 Mbits) 4 Design Revisions 3 Design Revisions 2 Design Revisions 1 Design Revision (a) Design Revision storage examples for a single XCF32P PROM PROM 0 PROM 0 REV 0 (16 Mbits) REV 0 (16 Mbits) PROM 0 PROM 0 PROM 0 REV 0 (16 Mbits) REV 0 (32 Mbits) REV 1 (16 Mbits) REV 1 (16 Mbits) PROM 1 PROM 1 REV 0 (32 Mbits) REV 1 (16 Mbits) PROM 1 PROM 1 PROM 1 REV 1 (32 Mbits) REV 0 (32 Mbits) REV 2 (16 Mbits) REV 2 (32 Mbits) REV 1 (32 Mbits) REV 3 (16 Mbits) 4 Design Revisions 3 Design Revisions 2 Design Revisions (b) Design Revision storage examples spanning two XCF32P PROMs 1 Design Revision ds123_20_102103 Figure 5: Design Revision Storage Examples Initiating FPGA Configuration The options for initiating FPGA configuration via the Platform Flash PROM include: * Automatic configuration on power up * Applying an external pulse to the FPGA PROGRAM_B pin * Applying the JTAG CONFIG instruction to the PROM Following the FPGA's power-on sequence or the assertion of the PROGRAM_B pin, the FPGA's configuration memory is cleared, the configuration mode is selected, and the FPGA is ready to accept a new configuration bitstream. The FPGA's PROGRAM_B pin can be controlled by an external source, or alternatively, the Platform Flash PROMs incorporate a CF pin that can be tied to the FPGA's PROGRAM_B pin. Executing the CONFIG instruction through JTAG pulses the CF output Low once for 300-500 ns, resetting the FPGA and initiating configuration. The iMPACT software can issue the JTAG CONFIG command to initiate FPGA configuration by setting the "Load FPGA" option. DS123 (v2.18) May 19, 2010 Product Specification When using the XCFxxP Platform Flash PROM with design revisioning enabled, the CF pin should always be connected to the PROGRAM_B pin on the FPGA to ensure that the current design revision selection is sampled when the FPGA is reset. The XCFxxP PROM samples the current design revision selection from the external REV_SEL pins or the internal programmable Revision Select bits on the rising edge of CF. When the JTAG CONFIG command is executed, the XCFxxP samples the new design revision selection before initiating the FPGA configuration sequence. When using the XCFxxP Platform Flash PROM without design revisioning, if the CF pin is not connected to the FPGA PROGRAM_B pin, then the XCFxxP CF pin must be tied High. www.xilinx.com 10 R Platform Flash In-System Programmable Configuration PROMs Reset and Power-On Reset Activation below the power-down threshold (VCCPD), the PROM resets and OE/RESET is again held Low until the after the POR threshold is reached. OE/RESET polarity is not programmable. These power-up requirements are shown graphically in Figure 6. At power up, the device requires the VCCINT power supply to monotonically rise to the nominal operating voltage within the specified VCCINT rise time. If the power supply cannot meet this requirement, then the device might not perform power-on reset properly. During the power-up sequence, OE/RESET is held Low by the PROM. Once the required supplies have reached their respective POR (Power On Reset) thresholds, the OE/RESET release is delayed (TOER minimum) to allow more margin for the power supplies to stabilize before initiating configuration. The OE/RESET pin is connected to an external 4.7 k pull-up resistor and also to the target FPGA's INIT pin. For systems utilizing slowrising power supplies, an additional power monitoring circuit can be used to delay the target configuration until the system power reaches minimum operating voltages by holding the OE/RESET pin Low. When OE/RESET is released, the FPGA's INIT pin is pulled High allowing the FPGA's configuration sequence to begin. If the power drops For a fully powered Platform Flash PROM, a reset occurs whenever OE/RESET is asserted (Low) or CE is deasserted (High). The address counter is reset, CEO is driven High, and the remaining outputs are placed in a high-impedance state. Note: 1. The XCFxxS PROM only requires VCCINT to rise above its POR threshold before releasing OE/RESET. 2. The XCFxxP PROM requires both VCCINT to rise above its POR threshold and for VCCO to reach the recommended operating voltage level before releasing OE/RESET. X-Ref Target - Figure 6 Recommended Operating Range VCCINT Delay or Restart Configuration 200 s ramp 50 ms ramp VCCPOR VCCPD A slow-ramping VCCINT supply may still be below the minimum operating voltage when OE/RESET is released. In this case, the configuration sequence must be delayed until both VCCINT and VCCO have reached their recommended operating conditions. TOER TOER TIME (ms) TRST ds123_21_103103 Figure 6: Platform Flash PROM Power-Up Requirements I/O Input Voltage Tolerance and Power Sequencing The I/Os on each re-programmable Platform Flash PROM are fully 3.3V-tolerant. This allows 3V CMOS signals to connect directly to the inputs without damage. The core power supply (VCCINT), JTAG pin power supply (VCCJ), output power supply (VCCO), and external 3V CMOS I/O signals can be applied in any order. Additionally, for the XCFxxS PROM only, when VCCO is supplied at 2.5V or 3.3V and VCCINT is supplied at 3.3V, the I/Os are 5V-tolerant. This allows 5V CMOS signals to connect directly to the inputs on a powered XCFxxS PROM without damage. Failure to power the PROM correctly while supplying a 5V input signal can result in damage to the XCFxxS device. DS123 (v2.18) May 19, 2010 Product Specification www.xilinx.com 11 R Platform Flash In-System Programmable Configuration PROMs Standby Mode The PROM enters a low-power standby mode whenever CE is deasserted (High). In standby mode, the address counter is reset, CEO is driven High, and the remaining outputs are placed in a high-impedance state regardless of the state of the OE/RESET input. For the device to remain in the low-power standby mode, the JTAG pins TMS, TDI, and TDO must not be pulled Low, and TCK must be stopped (High or Low). When using the FPGA DONE signal to drive the PROM CE pin High to reduce standby power after configuration, an external pull-up resistor should be used. Typically a 330 pull-up resistor is used, but refer to the appropriate FPGA data sheet for the recommended DONE pin pull-up value. If the DONE circuit is connected to an LED to indicate FPGA configuration is complete, and is also connected to the PROM CE pin to enable low-power standby mode, then an external buffer should be used to drive the LED circuit to ensure valid transitions on the PROM's CE pin. If low-power standby mode is not required for the PROM, then the CE pin should be connected to ground. Table 10: Truth Table for XCFxxS PROM Control Inputs Control Inputs OE/RESET CE High Low Low X (1) Outputs Internal Address DATA CEO ICC If address < TC (2) : increment Active High Active If address = TC (2) : don't change High-Z Low Reduced Low Held reset High-Z High Active High Held reset High-Z High Standby Notes: 1. 2. X = don't care. TC = Terminal Count = highest address value. Table 11: Truth Table for XCFxxP PROM Control Inputs Control Inputs OE/RESET CE CF Internal Address BUSY(5) DATA CEO CLKOUT ICC Active High Active Active If address < TC (2) and address = EA (3) : don't change High-Z High High-Z Reduced Else If address = TC (2) : don't change High-Z Low High-Z Reduced Active and Unchanged High Active Active If address address < High Low High High Low High High Low Low X Low High X X Low High X (1) X X Outputs < TC (2) and EA (3) : increment Unchanged Reset (4) Active High Active Active Held reset (4) High-Z High High-Z Active Held reset (4) High-Z High High-Z Standby Notes: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. X = don't care. TC = Terminal Count = highest address value. For the XCFxxP with Design Revisioning enabled, EA = end address (last address in the selected design revision). For the XCFxxP with Design Revisioning enabled, Reset = address reset to the beginning address of the selected bank. If Design Revisioning is not enabled, then Reset = address reset to address 0. The BUSY input is only enabled when the XCFxxP is programmed for parallel data output and decompression is not enabled. DS123 (v2.18) May 19, 2010 Product Specification www.xilinx.com 12 R Platform Flash In-System Programmable Configuration PROMs DC Electrical Characteristics Absolute Maximum Ratings Symbol Description XCF01S, XCF02S, XCF04S XCF08P, XCF16P, XCF32P Units VCCINT Internal supply voltage relative to GND -0.5 to +4.0 -0.5 to +2.7 V VCCO I/O supply voltage relative to GND -0.5 to +4.0 -0.5 to +4.0 V VCCJ JTAG I/O supply voltage relative to GND -0.5 to +4.0 -0.5 to +4.0 V VIN Input voltage with respect to GND VCCO < 2.5V -0.5 to +3.6 -0.5 to +3.6 V VCCO 2.5V -0.5 to +5.5 -0.5 to +3.6 V VCCO < 2.5V -0.5 to +3.6 -0.5 to +3.6 V VCCO 2.5V -0.5 to +5.5 -0.5 to +3.6 V -65 to +150 -65 to +150 C +125 +125 C VTS Voltage applied to High-Z output TSTG Storage temperature (ambient) TJ Junction temperature Notes: 1. 2. 3. Maximum DC undershoot below GND must be limited to either 0.5V or 10 mA, whichever is easier to achieve. During transitions, the device pins can undershoot to -2.0V or overshoot to +7.0V, provided this overshoot or undershoot lasts less then 10 ns and with the forcing current being limited to 200 mA. Stresses beyond those listed under Absolute Maximum Ratings might cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only, and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those listed under Operating Conditions is not implied. Exposure to Absolute Maximum Ratings conditions for extended periods of time adversely affects device reliability. For soldering guidelines, see the information on "Packaging and Thermal Characteristics" at www.xilinx.com. Supply Voltage Requirements for Power-On Reset and Power-Down Symbol XCF01S, XCF02S, XCF04S Description voltage (2) TVCC VCCINT rise time from 0V to nominal VCCPOR POR threshold for the VCCINT supply POR (3) XCF08P, XCF16P, XCF32P Units Min Max Min Max 0.2 50 0.2 50 ms 1 - 0.5 - V 0.5 3 0.5 30 ms TOER OE/RESET release delay following VCCPD Power-down threshold for VCCINT supply - 1 - 0.5 V TRST Time required to trigger a device reset when the VCCINT supply drops below the maximum VCCPD threshold 10 - 10 - ms Notes: 1. 2. 3. VCCINT, VCCO, and VCCJ supplies can be applied in any order. At power up, the device requires the VCCINT power supply to monotonically rise to the nominal operating voltage within the specified TVCC rise time. If the power supply cannot meet this requirement, then the device might not perform power-on-reset properly. See Figure 6, page 11. If the VCCINT and VCCO supplies do not reach their respective recommended operating conditions before the OE/RESET pin is released, then the configuration data from the PROM is not available at the recommended threshold levels. The configuration sequence must be delayed until both VCCINT and VCCO have reached their recommended operating conditions. DS123 (v2.18) May 19, 2010 Product Specification www.xilinx.com 13 R Platform Flash In-System Programmable Configuration PROMs Recommended Operating Conditions Symbol VCCINT VCCO VCCJ Description Supply voltage for JTAG output drivers VIL Low-level input voltage VIH XCF08P, XCF16P, XCF32P Units Min Typ Max Min Typ Max 3.0 3.3 3.6 1.65 1.8 2.0 V 3.3V Operation 3.0 3.3 3.6 3.0 3.3 3.6 V 2.5V Operation 2.3 2.5 2.7 2.3 2.5 2.7 V 1.8V Operation 1.7 1.8 1.9 1.7 1.8 1.9 V 3.3V Operation 3.0 3.3 3.6 3.0 3.3 3.6 V 2.5V Operation 2.3 2.5 2.7 2.3 2.5 2.7 V 3.3V Operation 0 - 0.8 0 - 0.8 V 2.5V Operation 0 - 0.7 0 - 0.7 V 1.8V Operation - - 20% VCCO - - 20% VCCO V 2.0 - 5.5 2.0 - 3.6 V 1.7 - 5.5 1.7 - 3.6 V 70% VCCO - 3.6 70% VCCO - 3.6 V - - 500 - - 500 ns 0 - VCCO 0 - VCCO V -40 - 85 -40 - 85 C Min Max Units 20 - Years Internal voltage supply Supply voltage for output drivers XCF01S, XCF02S, XCF04S 3.3V Operation High-level input 2.5V Operation voltage 1.8V Operation time(1) TIN Input signal transition VO Output voltage TA Operating ambient temperature Notes: 1. Input signal transition time measured between 10% VCCO and 90% VCCO . Quality and Reliability Characteristics Symbol Description TDR Data retention NPE Program/erase cycles (Endurance) 20,000 - Cycles VESD Electrostatic discharge (ESD) 2,000 - Volts DS123 (v2.18) May 19, 2010 Product Specification www.xilinx.com 14 R Platform Flash In-System Programmable Configuration PROMs DC Characteristics Over Operating Conditions Symbol VOH VOL ICCINT ICCO (1) XCF01S, XCF02S, XCF04S Description XCF08P, XCF16P, XCF32P Units Test Conditions Min Max Test Conditions Min Max High-level output voltage for 3.3V outputs IOH = -4 mA 2.4 - IOH = -4 mA 2.4 - V High-level output voltage for 2.5V outputs IOH = -500 A VCCO - 0.4 - IOH = -500 A VCCO - 0.4 - V High-level output voltage for 1.8V outputs IOH = -50 A VCCO - 0.4 - IOH = -50 A VCCO - 0.4 - V Low-level output voltage for 3.3V outputs IOL = 4 mA - 0.4 IOL = 4 mA - 0.4 V Low-level output voltage for 2.5V outputs IOL = 500 A - 0.4 IOL = 500 A - 0.4 V Low-level output voltage for 1.8V outputs IOL = 50 A - 0.4 IOL = 50 A - 0.4 V Internal voltage supply current, active mode 33 MHz - 10 33 MHz - 10 mA Output driver supply current, active serial mode 33 MHz - 10 33 MHz - 10 mA Output driver supply current, active parallel mode - - - 33 MHz - 40 mA ICCJ JTAG supply current, active mode Note (2) - 5 Note (2) - 5 mA ICCINTS Internal voltage supply current, standby mode Note (3) - 5 Note (3) - 1 mA ICCOS Output driver supply current, standby mode Note (3) - 1 Note (3) - 1 mA ICCJS JTAG supply current, standby mode Note (3) - 1 Note (3) - 1 mA IILJ JTAG pins TMS, TDI, and TDO pull-up current VCCJ = max VIN = GND - 100 VCCJ = max VIN = GND - 100 A -10 10 A -10 10 A - 100 A -100 - A VCCINT = max VCCO = max Input leakage current IIL VIN = GND or VCCO VCCINT = max -10 10 VCCINT = max IIH Input and output High-Z leakage current IILP Source current through internal pull-ups on EN_EXT_SEL, REV_SEL0, REV_SEL1 VCCO = max VIN = GND or VCCO VCCO = max VIN = GND or VCCO VCCINT = max -10 10 VCCO = max VIN = GND or VCCO VCCINT = max - - - VCCO = max VIN = GND or VCCO VCCINT = max IIHP Sink current through internal pull-down on BUSY CIN COUT VCCO = max - - - Input capacitance VIN = GND f = 1.0 MHz - 8 VIN = GND f = 1.0 MHz - 8 pF Output capacitance VIN = GND f = 1.0 MHz - 14 VIN = GND f = 1.0 MHz - 14 pF VIN = GND or VCCO Notes: 1. 2. 3. Output driver supply current specification based on no load conditions. TDI/TMS/TCK non-static (active). CE High, OE Low, and TMS/TDI/TCK static. DS123 (v2.18) May 19, 2010 Product Specification www.xilinx.com 15 R Platform Flash In-System Programmable Configuration PROMs AC Electrical Characteristics AC Characteristics Over Operating Conditions XCFxxS and XCFxxP PROM as Configuration Slave with CLK Input Pin as Clock Source X-Ref Target - Figure 7 TSCE CE THCE THOE TCYC OE/RESET TLC THC CLK TSB BUSY (optional) TOE THB TOH TCAC TDF TCE DATA THCF TOH TCF CF EN_EXT_SEL REV_SEL[1:0] TSXT THXT TSRV TSXT THRV TSRV THXT THRV ds123_22_122905 Symbol XCF01S, XCF02S, XCF04S Description Min THCF TCF TOE TCE TCAC TOH TDF Max XCF08P, XCF16P, XCF32P Min Units Max CF hold time to guarantee design revision selection is sampled when VCCO = 3.3V or 2.5V(9) 300 300 ns CF hold time to guarantee design revision selection is sampled when VCCO = 1.8V(9) 300 300 ns CF to data delay when VCCO = 3.3V or 2.5V(8) CF to data delay when VCCO = OE/RESET to data delay (6) 1.8V(8) when VCCO = 3.3V or 2.5V - - - 25 ns - - - 25 ns - 10 - 25 ns OE/RESET to data delay (6) when VCCO = 1.8V - 30 - 25 ns CE to data delay (5) when VCCO = 3.3V or 2.5V - 15 - 25 ns CE to data delay (5) when VCCO = 1.8V - 30 - 25 ns CLK to data delay (7) when VCCO = 3.3V or 2.5V - 15 - 25 ns CLK to data delay (7) when VCCO = 1.8V - 30 - 25 ns Data hold from CE, OE/RESET, CLK, or CF when VCCO = 3.3V or 2.5V(8) 0 - 5 - ns Data hold from CE, OE/RESET, CLK, or CF when VCCO = 1.8V(8) 0 - 5 - ns CE or OE/RESET to data float delay (2) when VCCO = 3.3V or 2.5V - 25 - 45 ns CE or OE/RESET to data float delay (2) when VCCO = 1.8V - 30 - 45 ns DS123 (v2.18) May 19, 2010 Product Specification www.xilinx.com 16 R Platform Flash In-System Programmable Configuration PROMs Symbol XCF01S, XCF02S, XCF04S Description Min TCYC TLC 30 - 25 - ns 67 - 25 - ns Clock period (6) (parallel mode) when VCCO = 3.3V or 2.5V - - 30 - ns Clock period (6) (parallel mode) when VCCO = 1.8V - - 30 - ns CLK Low time(3) when VCCO = 3.3V or 2.5V 10 - 12 - ns 15 - 12 - ns 10 - 12 - ns 15 - 12 - ns 20 - 30 - ns 30 - ns CLK High THCE THOE time(3) when VCCO = 1.8V time (3) when VCCO = 1.8V CE setup time to CLK (guarantees proper when VCCO = 3.3V or 2.5V counting) (3) CE setup time to CLK (guarantees proper counting) (3) when VCCO = 1.8V 30 CE hold time (guarantees counters are reset)(5) when VCCO = 3.3V or 2.5V 250 - 2000 - ns CE hold time (guarantees counters are reset)(5) when VCCO = 1.8V 250 - 2000 - ns OE/RESET hold time (guarantees counters are reset)(6) when VCCO = 3.3V or 2.5V 250 - 2000 - ns OE/RESET hold time (guarantees counters are reset)(6) when VCCO = 1.8V 250 - 2000 - ns - - 12 - ns - - 12 - ns BUSY setup time to CLK when VCCO = 3.3V or 2.5V(8) TSB BUSY setup time to CLK when VCCO = 1.8V(8) BUSY hold time to CLK when VCCO = 3.3V or THB TSXT THXT TSRV THRV Units Max Clock period (6) (serial mode) when VCCO = 1.8V CLK High time(3) when VCCO = 3.3V or 2.5V TSCE Min Clock period (6) (serial mode) when VCCO = 3.3V or 2.5V CLK Low THC Max XCF08P, XCF16P, XCF32P 2.5V(8) - - 8 - ns BUSY hold time to CLK when VCCO = 1.8V(8) - - 8 - ns EN_EXT_SEL setup time to CF, CE or OE/RESET when VCCO = 3.3V or 2.5V(8) - - 300 - ns EN_EXT_SEL setup time to CF, CE or OE/RESET when VCCO = 1.8V(8) - - 300 - ns EN_EXT_SEL hold time from CF, CE or OE/RESET when VCCO = 3.3V or 2.5V(8) - - 300 - ns EN_EXT_SEL hold time from CF, CE or OE/RESET when VCCO = 1.8V(8) - - 300 - ns REV_SEL setup time to CF, CE or OE/RESET when VCCO = 3.3V or 2.5V(8) - - 300 - ns REV_SEL setup time to CF, CE or OE/RESET when VCCO = 1.8V(8) - - 300 - ns REV_SEL hold time from CF, CE or OE/RESET when VCCO = 3.3V or 2.5V(8) - - 300 - ns REV_SEL hold time from CF, CE or OE/RESET when VCCO = 1.8V(8) - - 300 - ns Notes: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. AC test load = 50 pF for XCF01S/XCF02S/XCF04S; 30 pF for XCF08P/XCF16P/XCF32P. Float delays are measured with 5 pF AC loads. Transition is measured at 200 mV from steady-state active levels. All AC parameters are measured with VIL = 0.0V and VIH = 3.0V. If THCE High < 2 s, TCE = 2 s. If THOE Low < 2 s, TOE = 2 s. This is the minimum possible TCYC. Actual TCYC = TCAC + FPGA Data setup time. Example: With the XCF32P in serial mode with VCCO at 3.3V, if FPGA data setup time = 15 ns, then the actual TCYC = 25 ns +15 ns = 40 ns. Guaranteed by design; not tested. CF, EN_EXT_SEL, REV_SEL[1:0], and BUSY are inputs for the XCFxxP PROM only. When JTAG CONFIG command is issued, PROM drives CF Low for at least the THCF minimum. DS123 (v2.18) May 19, 2010 Product Specification www.xilinx.com 17 R Platform Flash In-System Programmable Configuration PROMs XCFxxP PROM as Configuration Master with CLK Input Pin as Clock Source X-Ref Target - Figure 8 CE THCE THOE OE/RESET TCYCO TLC THC CLK TCLKO CLKOUT TCECC TSB TOECC BUSY (optional) THB T CCDD TDDC TCECF TOECF TCOH TOE TCE DATA TCF TCFCC TEOH TDF THCF CF EN_EXT_SEL REV_SEL[1:0] TSXT THXT TSRV TSXT THRV TSRV THXT THRV Note:Typically, 8 CLKOUT cycles are output after CE rising edge, before CLKOUT tristates, if OE/RESET remains high, and terminal count has not been reached. Symbol Description ds123_25_110707 XCF08P, XCF16P, XCF32P Min THCF TCF TOE TCE TEOH TDF TOECF TCECF Units Max CF hold time to guarantee design revision selection is sampled when VCCO = 3.3V or 2.5V(11) 300 300 CF hold time to guarantee design revision selection is sampled when VCCO = 1.8V(11) 300 300 CF to data delay when VCCO = 3.3V or 2.5V - ns CF to data delay when VCCO = 1.8V - ns OE/RESET to data delay (6) when VCCO = 3.3V or 2.5V - 25 ns OE/RESET to data delay (6) when VCCO = 1.8V - 25 ns CE to data delay (5) when VCCO = 3.3V or 2.5V - 25 ns CE to data delay (5) when VCCO = 1.8V - 25 ns Data hold from CE, OE/RESET, or CF when VCCO = 3.3V or 2.5V 5 - ns Data hold from CE, OE/RESET, or CF when VCCO = 1.8V 5 - ns CE or OE/RESET to data float delay (2) when VCCO = 3.3V or 2.5V - 45 ns CE or OE/RESET to data float delay (2) when VCCO = 1.8V - 45 ns OE/RESET to CLKOUT float delay(2) when VCCO = 3.3V or 2.5V - ns OE/RESET to CLKOUT float delay(2) when VCCO = 1.8V - ns CE to CLKOUT float delay(2) when VCCO = 3.3V or 2.5V - ns CE to CLKOUT float delay(2) when VCCO = 1.8V - ns DS123 (v2.18) May 19, 2010 Product Specification www.xilinx.com 18 R Platform Flash In-System Programmable Configuration PROMs Symbol TCYCO TLC THC THCE THOE TSB THB TCLKO TCECC XCF08P, XCF16P, XCF32P Description Clock period (7) Clock period (7) Clock period (7) Clock period (7) Min Max (serial mode) when VCCO = 3.3V or 2.5V 30 - ns (serial mode) when VCCO = 1.8V 30 - ns (parallel mode) when VCCO = 3.3V or 2.5V 35 - ns (parallel mode) when VCCO = 1.8V 35 - ns CLK Low time(3) when VCCO = 3.3V or 2.5V 12 - ns CLK Low time(3) when VCCO = 1.8V 12 - ns CLK High time(3) when VCCO = 3.3V or 2.5V 12 - ns CLK High time(3) when VCCO = 1.8V 12 - ns CE hold time (guarantees counters are reset)(5) when VCCO = 3.3V or 2.5V 2000 - ns CE hold time (guarantees counters are reset)(5) when VCCO = 1.8V 2000 - ns OE/RESET hold time (guarantees counters are reset)(6) when VCCO = 3.3V or 2.5V 2000 - ns OE/RESET hold time (guarantees counters are reset)(6) when VCCO = 1.8V 2000 - ns BUSY setup time to CLKOUT when VCCO = 3.3V or 2.5V 12 - ns BUSY setup time to CLKOUT when VCCO = 1.8V 12 - ns BUSY hold time to CLKOUT when VCCO = 3.3V or 2.5V 8 - ns BUSY hold time to CLKOUT when VCCO = 1.8V 8 - ns CLK input to CLKOUT output delay when VCCO = 3.3V or 2.5V - 35 ns CLK input to CLKOUT output delay when VCCO = 1.8V - 35 ns CLK input to CLKOUT output delay when VCCO = 3.3V or 2.5V with decompression (12) - 35 ns CLK input to CLKOUT output delay when VCCO = 1.8V with decompression (12) - 35 ns CE to CLKOUT delay(8) when VCCO = 3.3V or 2.5V 0 2 CLK cycles - CE to CLKOUT delay (8) when VCCO = 1.8V 0 2 CLK cycles - OE/RESET to CLKOUT delay(8) when VCCO = 3.3V or 2.5V 0 2 CLK cycles - OE/RESET to CLKOUT delay(8) when VCCO = 1.8V 0 2 CLK cycles - CF to CLKOUT delay(8) when VCCO = 3.3V or 2.5V 0 - 0 - TOECC TCFCC TCCDD TDDC CF to CLKOUT delay(8) when VCCO = 1.8V CLKOUT to data delay when VCCO = 3.3V or CLKOUT to data delay when VCCO = 2.5V(9) 1.8V(9) Data setup time to CLKOUT when VCCO = 3.3V or 2.5V with Data setup time to CLKOUT when VCCO = 1.8V with decompression (9)(12) decompression (9)(12) Data hold from CLKOUT when VCCO = 3.3V or 2.5V TCOH - 30 ns - 30 ns 5 ns 5 ns 3 - ns 3 - ns 3 - ns 3 - ns EN_EXT_SEL setup time to CF, CE, or OE/RESET when VCCO = 3.3V or 2.5V 300 - ns EN_EXT_SEL setup time to CF, CE, or OE/RESET when VCCO = 1.8V 300 - ns Data hold from CLKOUT when VCCO = 1.8V Data hold from CLKOUT when VCCO = 3.3V or 2.5V with Data hold from CLKOUT when VCCO = 1.8V with TSXT Units DS123 (v2.18) May 19, 2010 Product Specification decompression (12) decompression (12) www.xilinx.com 19 R Platform Flash In-System Programmable Configuration PROMs Symbol THXT TSRV THRV Description XCF08P, XCF16P, XCF32P Units Min Max EN_EXT_SEL hold time from CF, CE, or OE/RESET when VCCO = 3.3V or 2.5V 300 - ns EN_EXT_SEL hold time from CF, CE, or OE/RESET when VCCO = 1.8V 300 - ns REV_SEL setup time to CF, CE, or OE/RESET when VCCO = 3.3V or 2.5V 300 - ns REV_SEL setup time to CF, CE, or OE/RESET when VCCO = 1.8V 300 - ns REV_SEL hold time from CF, CE, or OE/RESET when VCCO = 3.3V or 2.5V 300 - ns REV_SEL hold time from CF, CE, or OE/RESET when VCCO = 1.8V 300 - ns Notes: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. AC test load = 50 pF for XCF01S/XCF02S/XCF04S; 30 pF for XCF08P/XCF16P/XCF32P. Float delays are measured with 5 pF AC loads.Transition is measured at 200 mV from steady-state active levels. Guaranteed by design, not tested. All AC parameters are measured with VIL = 0.0V and VIH = 3.0V. If THCE High < 2 s, TCE = 2 s. If THOE Low < 2 s, TOE = 2 s. This is the minimum possible TCYCO. Actual TCYCO = TCCDD + FPGA Data setup time. Example: With the XCF32P in serial mode with VCCO at 3.3V, if FPGA Data setup time = 15 ns, then the actual TCYCO = 25 ns +15 ns = 40 ns. 8. The delay before the enabled CLKOUT signal begins clocking data out of the device is dependent on the clocking configuration. The delay before CLKOUT is enabled increases if decompression is enabled. 9. Slower CLK frequency option might be required to meet the FPGA data sheet setup time. 10. When decompression is enabled, the CLKOUT signal becomes a controlled clock output. When decompressed data is available, CLKOUT toggles at 1/2 the source clock frequency (either 1/2 the selected internal clock frequency or 1/2 the external CLK input frequency). When decompressed data is not available, the CLKOUT pin is parked High. If CLKOUT is used, then it must be pulled High externally using a 4.7 k pull-up to VCCO. 11. When JTAG CONFIG command is issued, PROM drives CF Low for at least the THCF minimum. DS123 (v2.18) May 19, 2010 Product Specification www.xilinx.com 20 R Platform Flash In-System Programmable Configuration PROMs XCFxxP PROM as Configuration Master with Internal Oscillator as Clock Source X-Ref Target - Figure 9 CE THCE THOE OE/RESET CLKOUT TCEC TSB TOEC BUSY (optional) THB TCDD TDDC TCECF TOECF TCOH TOE TCE DATA TCF TCFC TEOH TDF THCF CF EN_EXT_SEL REV_SEL[1:0] TSXT TSRV THXT TSXT THRV TSRV THXT THRV Note: Typically, 8 CLKOUT cycles are output after CE rising edge, before CLKOUT tristates, if OE/RESET remains high, and terminal count has not been reached. Symbol ds123_26_110707 XCF08P, XCF16P, XCF32P Description Min THCF TCF TOE TCE TEOH TDF TOECF TCECF THCE THOE Units Max CF hold time to guarantee design revision selection is sampled when VCCO = 3.3V or 2.5V(12) 300 300 CF hold time to guarantee design revision selection is sampled when VCCO = 1.8V(12) 300 300 CF to data delay when VCCO = 3.3V or 2.5V - ns CF to data delay when VCCO = 1.8V - ns OE/RESET to data delay(6) when VCCO = 3.3V or 2.5V - OE/RESET to data delay(6) 25 ns when VCCO = 1.8V - 25 ns CE to data delay(5) when VCCO = 3.3V or 2.5V - 25 ns CE to data delay(5) when VCCO = 1.8V - 25 ns Data hold from CE, OE/RESET, or CF when VCCO = 3.3V or 2.5V 5 - ns Data hold from CE, OE/RESET, or CF when VCCO = 1.8V 5 - ns CE or OE/RESET to data float delay (2) when VCCO = 3.3V or 2.5V - 45 ns - 45 ns CE or OE/RESET to data float OE/RESET to CLKOUT float delay (2) delay(2) when VCCO = 1.8V when VCCO = 3.3V or 2.5V OE/RESET to CLKOUT float delay(2) when VCCO = 1.8V CE to CLKOUT float delay(2) when VCCO = 3.3V or 2.5V CE to CLKOUT float delay(2) when VCCO = 1.8V - ns - ns - ns - CE hold time (guarantees counters are reset) (5) when VCCO = 3.3V or 2.5V ns 2000 - ns when VCCO = 1.8V 2000 - ns OE/RESET hold time (guarantees counters are reset) (6) when VCCO = 3.3V or 2.5V 2000 - ns OE/RESET hold time (guarantees counters are reset) (6) when VCCO = 1.8V 2000 - ns CE hold time (guarantees counters are DS123 (v2.18) May 19, 2010 Product Specification reset) (5) www.xilinx.com 21 R Platform Flash In-System Programmable Configuration PROMs Symbol TSB THB TCEC TOEC TCFC TCDD TDDC TCOH XCF08P, XCF16P, XCF32P Description Max BUSY setup time to CLKOUT when VCCO = 3.3V or 2.5V 12 - BUSY setup time to CLKOUT when VCCO = 1.8V 12 - ns BUSY hold time to CLKOUT when VCCO = 3.3V or 2.5V 8 - ns BUSY hold time to CLKOUT when VCCO = 1.8V 8 - ns CE to CLKOUT delay(7) 0 1 s 0 1 s OE/RESET to CLKOUT delay(7) when VCCO = 3.3V or 2.5V 0 1 s when VCCO = 1.8V 0 1 s CF to CLKOUT delay(7) when VCCO = 3.3V or 2.5V 0 - 0 - OE/RESET to CLKOUT CF to CLKOUT when VCCO = 3.3V or 2.5V THXT TSRV THRV FF FS ns CE to CLKOUT delay (7) when VCCO = 1.8V delay(7) delay(7) when VCCO = 1.8V CLKOUT to data delay when VCCO = 3.3V or CLKOUT to data delay when VCCO = 2.5V(8) 1.8V(8) - 30 ns - 30 ns Data setup time to CLKOUT when VCCO = 3.3V or 2.5V with decompression (8)(11) 5 ns Data setup time to CLKOUT when VCCO = 1.8V with decompression(8)(11) 5 ns Data hold from CLKOUT when VCCO = 3.3V or 2.5V 3 - ns 3 - ns 3 - ns 3 - ns 300 - ns EN_EXT_SEL setup time to CF, CE, or OE/RESET when VCCO = 1.8V 300 - ns EN_EXT_SEL hold time from CF, CE, or OE/RESET when VCCO = 3.3V or 2.5V 300 - ns EN_EXT_SEL hold time from CF, CE, or OE/RESET when VCCO = 1.8V 300 - ns Data hold from CLKOUT when VCCO = 1.8V Data hold from CLKOUT when VCCO = 3.3V or 2.5V with decompression(11) Data hold from CLKOUT when VCCO = 1.8V with decompression(11) TSXT Units Min EN_EXT_SEL setup time to CF, CE, or OE/RESET when VCCO = 3.3V or 2.5V REV_SEL setup time to CF, CE, or OE/RESET when VCCO = 3.3V or 2.5V 300 - ns REV_SEL setup time to CF, CE, or OE/RESET when VCCO = 1.8V 300 - ns REV_SEL hold time from CF, CE, or OE/RESET when VCCO = 3.3V or 2.5V 300 - ns REV_SEL hold time from CF, CE, or OE/RESET when VCCO = 1.8V 300 - ns frequency(9) 25 50 MHz CLKOUT default (fast) frequency with decompression(11) 12.5 25 MHz 12.5 25 MHz 6 12.5 MHz CLKOUT default (fast) CLKOUT alternate (slower) frequency(10) CLKOUT alternate (slower) frequency with decompression(11) Notes: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. AC test load = 50 pF for XCF01S/XCF02S/XCF04S; 30 pF for XCF08P/XCF16P/XCF32P. Float delays are measured with 5 pF AC loads. Transition is measured at 200 mV from steady-state active levels. Guaranteed by design, not tested. All AC parameters are measured with VIL = 0.0V and VIH = 3.0V. If THCE High < 2 s, TCE = 2 s. If THOE Low < 2 s, TOE = 2 s. The delay before the enabled CLKOUT signal begins clocking data out of the device is dependent on the clocking configuration. The delay before CLKOUT is enabled increases if decompression is enabled. 8. Slower CLK frequency option might be required to meet the FPGA data sheet setup time. 9. Typical CLKOUT default (fast) period = 25 ns (40 MHz). 10. Typical CLKOUT alternate (slower) period = 50 ns (20 MHz). 11. When decompression is enabled, the CLKOUT signal becomes a controlled clock output. When decompressed data is available, CLKOUT toggles at 1/2 the source clock frequency (either 1/2 the selected internal clock frequency or 1/2 the external CLK input frequency). When decompressed data is not available, the CLKOUT pin is parked High. If CLKOUT is used, then it must be pulled High externally using a 4.7 k pull-up to VCCO. 12. When JTAG CONFIG command is issued, PROM drives CF Low for at least the THCF minimum. DS123 (v2.18) May 19, 2010 Product Specification www.xilinx.com 22 R Platform Flash In-System Programmable Configuration PROMs AC Characteristics Over Operating Conditions When Cascading X-Ref Target - Figure 10 OE/RESET CE CLK CLKOUT (optional) TCDF TCODF DATA Last Bit First Bit TOCE TOOE TOCK TCOCE CEO ds123_23_102203 Symbol TCDF TOCK TOCE TOOE TCOCE TCODF XCF01S, XCF02S, XCF04S Description XCF08P, XCF16P, XCF32P Units Min Max Min Max CLK to output float delay (2,3) when VCCO = 2.5V or 3.3V - 25 - 20 ns CLK to output float delay (2,3) when VCCO = 1.8V - 35 - 20 ns CLK to CEO delay (3,5) when VCCO = 2.5V or 3.3V - 20 - 20 ns CLK to CEO delay (3,5) when VCCO = 1.8V - 35 - 20 ns CE to CEO delay (3,6) when VCCO = 2.5V or 3.3V - 20 - 80 ns CE to CEO delay (3,6) when VCCO = 1.8V - 35 - 80 ns OE/RESET to CEO delay (3) when VCCO = 2.5V or 3.3V - 20 - 80 ns OE/RESET to CEO delay (3) when VCCO = 1.8V - 35 - 80 ns CLKOUT to CEO delay when VCCO = 2.5V or 3.3V - - - 20 ns CLKOUT to CEO delay when VCCO = 1.8V - - - 20 ns CLKOUT to output float delay when VCCO = 2.5V or 3.3V - - - 25 ns CLKOUT to output float delay when VCCO = 1.8V - - - 25 ns Notes: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. AC test load = 50 pF for XCF01S/XCF02S/XCF04S; 30 pF for XCF08P/XCF16P/XCF32P. Float delays are measured with 5 pF AC loads. Transition is measured at 200 mV from steady state active levels. Guaranteed by design, not tested. All AC parameters are measured with VIL = 0.0V and VIH = 3.0V. For cascaded PROMs, if the FPGA's dual-purpose configuration data pins are set to persist as configuration pins, the minimum period is increased based on the CLK to CEO and CE to data propagation delays: - TCYC minimum = TOCK + TCE + FPGA Data setup time - TCAC maximum = TOCK + TCE For cascaded PROMs, if the FPGA's dual-purpose configuration data pins become general I/O pins after configuration; to allow for the disable to propagate to the cascaded PROMs and to avoid contention on the data lines following configuration, the minimum period is increased based on the CE to CEO and CE to data propagation delays: - TCYC minimum = TOCE + TCE - TCAC maximum = TOCK + TCE DS123 (v2.18) May 19, 2010 Product Specification www.xilinx.com 23 R Platform Flash In-System Programmable Configuration PROMs Pinouts and Pin Descriptions The XCFxxS Platform Flash PROM is available in the VO20 and VOG20 packages. The XCFxxP Platform Flash PROM is available in the VO48, VOG48, FS48, and FSG48 packages. For package drawings, specifications, and additional information, see UG112, Device Package User Guide, or the Xilinx Package Specifications. Note: 1. VO20/VOG20 denotes a 20-pin (TSSOP) Plastic Thin Shrink Small Outline Package. 2. VO48/VOG48 denotes a 48-pin (TSOP) Plastic Thin Small Outline Package. 3. FS48/FSG48 denotes a 48-pin (TFBGA) Plastic Thin Fine Pitch Ball Grid Array (0.8 mm pitch). XCFxxS Pinouts and Pin Descriptions XCFxxS VO20/VOG20 Pin Names and Descriptions Table 12 provides a list of the pin names and descriptions for the XCFxxS 20-pin VO20/VOG20 package. Table 12: XCFxxS Pin Names and Descriptions Pin Name D0 CLK OE/RESET CE CF CEO Boundary Scan Order Boundary-Scan Function 4 Data Out 3 Output Enable 0 Data In 20 Data In 19 Data Out 18 Output Enable 15 Data In 22 Data Out 21 Output Enable 12 Data Out 11 Output Enable TMS - Mode Select TCK - Clock TDI - DS123 (v2.18) May 19, 2010 Product Specification Data In Pin Description 20-pin TSSOP (VO20/VOG20) D0 is the DATA output pin to provide data for configuring an FPGA in serial mode. The D0 output is set to a highimpedance state during ISPEN (when not clamped). 1 Configuration Clock Input. Each rising edge on the CLK input increments the internal address counter if the CLK input is selected, CE is Low, and OE/RESET is High. 3 Output Enable/Reset (Open-Drain I/O). When Low, this input holds the address counter reset and the DATA output is in a high-impedance state. This is a bidirectional open-drain pin that is held Low while the PROM completes the internal power-on reset sequence. Polarity is not programmable. 8 Chip Enable Input. When CE is High, the device is put into low-power standby mode, the address counter is reset, and the DATA pins are put in a high-impedance state. 10 Configuration Pulse (Open-Drain Output). Allows JTAG CONFIG instruction to initiate FPGA configuration without powering down FPGA. This is an open-drain output that is pulsed Low by the JTAG CONFIG command. 7 Chip Enable Output. Chip Enable Output (CEO) is connected to the CE input of the next PROM in the chain. This output is Low when CE is Low and OE/RESET input is High, AND the internal address counter has been incremented beyond its Terminal Count (TC) value. CEO returns to High when OE/RESET goes Low or CE goes High. 13 JTAG Mode Select Input. The state of TMS on the rising edge of TCK determines the state transitions at the Test Access Port (TAP) controller. TMS has an internal 50 k resistive pullup to VCCJ to provide a logic 1 to the device if the pin is not driven. 5 JTAG Clock Input. This pin is the JTAG test clock. It sequences the TAP controller and all the JTAG test and programming electronics. 6 JTAG Serial Data Input. This pin is the serial input to all JTAG instruction and data registers. TDI has an internal 50 k resistive pull-up to VCCJ to provide a logic 1 to the device if the pin is not driven. 4 www.xilinx.com 24 R Platform Flash In-System Programmable Configuration PROMs Table 12: XCFxxS Pin Names and Descriptions (Cont'd) Pin Name Boundary Scan Order Boundary-Scan Function Pin Description 20-pin TSSOP (VO20/VOG20) TDO - Data Out JTAG Serial Data Output. This pin is the serial output for all JTAG instruction and data registers. TDO has an internal 50 k resistive pull-up to VCCJ to provide a logic 1 to the system if the pin is not driven. VCCINT - - +3.3V Supply. Positive 3.3V supply voltage for internal logic. 18 VCCO - - +3.3V, 2.5V, or 1.8V I/O Supply. Positive 3.3V, 2.5V, or 1.8V supply voltage connected to the output voltage drivers and input buffers. 19 VCCJ - - +3.3V or 2.5V JTAG I/O Supply. Positive 3.3V or 2.5V supply voltage connected to the TDO output voltage driver and TCK, TMS, and TDI input buffers. 20 GND - - Ground 11 DNC - - Do not connect. (These pins must be left unconnected.) 17 2, 9, 12, 14, 15, 16 XCFxxS VO20/VOG20 Pinout Diagram X-Ref Target - Figure 11 D0 1 20 VCCJ (DNC) 2 19 VCCO CLK 3 18 VCCINT TDI 4 17 TDO TMS 5 TCK 6 CF VO20/VOG20 16 Top View (DNC) 15 (DNC) 7 14 (DNC) OE/RESET 8 13 CEO (DNC) 9 12 (DNC) 10 11 CE GND ds123_02_071304 Figure 11: VO20/VOG20 Pinout Diagram (Top View) with Pin Names DS123 (v2.18) May 19, 2010 Product Specification www.xilinx.com 25 R Platform Flash In-System Programmable Configuration PROMs XCFxxP Pinouts and Pin Descriptions XCFxxP VO48/VOG48 and FS48/FSG48 Pin Names and Descriptions Table 13 provides a list of the pin names and descriptions for the XCFxxP 48-pin VO48/VOG48 and 48-pin FS48/FSG48 packages. Table 13: XCFxxP Pin Names and Descriptions (VO48/VOG48 and FS48/FSG48) Pin Name D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 CLK 48-pin TSOP (VO48/ VOG48) 48-pin TFBGA (FS48/ FSG48) 28 H6 29 H5 32 E5 33 D5 43 C5 44 B5 47 A5 48 A6 Configuration Clock Input. An internal programmable control bit selects between the internal oscillator and the CLK input pin as the clock source to control the configuration sequence. Each rising edge on the CLK input increments the internal address counter if the CLK input is selected, CE is Low, OE/RESET is High, BUSY is Low (parallel mode only), and CF is High. 12 B3 Output Enable/Reset (Open-Drain I/O). When Low, this input holds the address counter reset and the Data Out DATA and CLKOUT outputs are placed in a high-impedance state. This is a bidirectional open-drain pin that is held Low Output Enable while the PROM completes the internal power-on reset sequence. Polarity is not programmable. 11 A3 Chip Enable Input. When CE is High, the device is put into low-power standby mode, the address counter is reset, and the DATA and CLKOUT outputs are placed in a highimpedance state. 13 B4 Configuration Pulse (Open-Drain I/O). As an output, this pin allows the JTAG CONFIG instruction to initiate FPGA configuration without powering down the FPGA. This is an open-drain signal that is pulsed Low by the JTAG CONFIG Data Out command. As an input, on the rising edge of CF, the current design revision selection is sampled and the internal address counter is reset to the start address for the selected revision. Output Enable If unused, the CF pin must be pulled High using an external 4.7 k pull-up to VCCO. 6 D1 BoundaryScan Order BoundaryScan Function 28 Data Out 27 Output Enable 26 Data Out 25 Output Enable 24 Data Out 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 D0 is the DATA output pin to provide data for configuring an Output Enable FPGA in serial mode. D0-D7 are the DATA output pins to provide parallel data for Data Out configuring a Xilinx FPGA in SelectMap (parallel) mode. Output Enable The D0 output is set to a high-impedance state during ISPEN (when not clamped). Data Out The D1-D7 outputs are set to a high-impedance state during Output Enable ISPEN (when not clamped) and when serial mode is selected for configuration. The D1-D7 pins can be left unconnected Data Out when the PROM is used in serial mode. Output Enable 16 Data Out 15 Output Enable 14 Data Out 13 Output Enable 01 Data In 04 Data In 03 OE/RESET 02 00 Data In CE 11 CF 10 09 DS123 (v2.18) May 19, 2010 Product Specification Pin Description Data In www.xilinx.com 26 R Platform Flash In-System Programmable Configuration PROMs Table 13: XCFxxP Pin Names and Descriptions (VO48/VOG48 and FS48/FSG48) (Cont'd) Pin Name CEO 48-pin TSOP (VO48/ VOG48) 48-pin TFBGA (FS48/ FSG48) Chip Enable Output. Chip Enable Output (CEO) is connected to the CE input of the next PROM in the chain. This output is Low when CE is Low and OE/RESET input is High, AND the internal address counter has been incremented beyond its Output Enable Terminal Count (TC) value or the PROM does not contain any blocks that correspond to the selected revision. CEO returns to High when OE/RESET goes Low or CE goes High. 10 D2 Enable External Selection Input. When this pin is Low, design revision selection is controlled by the Revision Select pins. When this pin is High, design revision selection is controlled by the internal programmable Revision Select control bits. EN_EXT_SEL has an internal 50 k resistive pull-up to VCCO to provide a logic 1 to the device if the pin is not driven. 25 H4 26 G3 27 G4 Busy Input. The BUSY input is enabled when parallel mode is selected for configuration. When BUSY is High, the internal address counter stops incrementing and the current data remains on the data pins. On the first rising edge of CLK after BUSY transitions from High to Low, the data for the next address is driven on the data pins. When serial mode or decompression is enabled during device programming, the BUSY input is disabled. BUSY has an internal 50 k resistive pull-down to GND to provide a logic 0 to the device if the pin is not driven. 5 C1 Configuration Clock Output. An internal Programmable control bit enables the CLKOUT signal, which is sourced from either the internal oscillator or the CLK input pin. Each rising edge of the selected clock source increments the internal address counter if data is available, CE is Low, and OE/RESET is High. Output data is available on the rising Output Enable edge of CLKOUT. CLKOUT is disabled if CE is High or OE/RESET is Low. If decompression is enabled, CLKOUT is parked High when decompressed data is not ready. When CLKOUT is disabled, the CLKOUT pin is put into a high-Z state. If CLKOUT is used, then it must be pulled High externally using a 4.7 k pull-up to VCCO. 9 C2 JTAG Mode Select Input. The state of TMS on the rising edge of TCK determines the state transitions at the Test Access Port (TAP) controller. TMS has an internal 50 k resistive pull-up to VCCJ to provide a logic 1 to the device if the pin is not driven. 21 E2 JTAG Clock Input. This pin is the JTAG test clock. It sequences the TAP controller and all the JTAG test and programming electronics. 20 H3 Data In JTAG Serial Data Input. This pin is the serial input to all JTAG instruction and data registers. TDI has an internal 50 k resistive pull-up to VCCJ to provide a logic 1 to the device if the pin is not driven. 19 G1 Data Out JTAG Serial Data Output. This pin is the serial output for all JTAG instruction and data registers. TDO has an internal 50 k resistive pull-up to VCCJ to provide a logic 1 to the system if the pin is not driven. 22 E6 BoundaryScan Order BoundaryScan Function 06 Data Out 05 EN_EXT_SEL 31 Data In REV_SEL0 30 Data In REV_SEL1 29 Data In BUSY CLKOUT 12 Data In 08 Data Out 07 TMS - Mode Select TCK - Clock TDI TDO - - DS123 (v2.18) May 19, 2010 Product Specification Pin Description Revision Select[1:0] Inputs. When the EN_EXT_SEL is Low, the Revision Select pins are used to select the design revision to be enabled, overriding the internal programmable Revision Select control bits. The Revision Select[1:0] inputs have an internal 50 k resistive pull-up to VCCO to provide a logic 1 to the device if the pins are not driven. www.xilinx.com 27 R Platform Flash In-System Programmable Configuration PROMs Table 13: XCFxxP Pin Names and Descriptions (VO48/VOG48 and FS48/FSG48) (Cont'd) Pin Description 48-pin TSOP (VO48/ VOG48) 48-pin TFBGA (FS48/ FSG48) - +1.8V Supply. Positive 1.8V supply voltage for internal logic. 4, 15, 34 B1, E1, G6 - - +3.3V, 2.5V, or 1.8V I/O Supply. Positive 3.3V, 2.5V, or 1.8V supply voltage connected to the output voltage drivers and input buffers. 8, 30, 38, 45 B2, C6, D6, G5 VCCJ - - +3.3V or 2.5V JTAG I/O Supply. Positive 3.3V or 2.5V supply voltage connected to the TDO output voltage driver and TCK, TMS, and TDI input buffers. 24 H2 GND - - Ground A1, A2, 2, 7, B6, F1, 17, 23, 31, 36, 46 F5, F6, H1 Do Not Connect. (These pins must be left unconnected.) 1, 3, 14, 16, 18, 35, 37, 39, 40, 41, 42 BoundaryScan Order BoundaryScan Function VCCINT - VCCO Pin Name DNC - - A4, C3, C4, D3, D4, E3, E4, F2, F3, F4, G2 XCFxxP VO48/VOG48 Pinout Diagram X-Ref Target - Figure 12 DNC GND DNC VCCINT BUSY CF GND VCCO CLKOUT CEO OE/RESET CLK CE DNC VCCINT DNC GND DNC TDI TCK TMS TDO GND VCCJ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 VO48/VOG48 Top View 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 D7 D6 GND VCCO D5 D4 DNC DNC DNC DNC VCCO DNC GND DNC VCCINT D3 D2 GND VCCO D1 D0 REV_SEL1 REV_SEL0 EN_EXT_SEL DS123_24_031908 Figure 12: VO48/VOG48 Pinout Diagram (Top View) with Pin Names DS123 (v2.18) May 19, 2010 Product Specification www.xilinx.com 28 R Platform Flash In-System Programmable Configuration PROMs XCFxxP FS48/FSG48 Pin Names XCFxxP FS48/FSG48 Pinout Diagram Table 14: XCFxxP Pin Names (FS48/FSG48) X-Ref Target - Figure 13 FS48/FSG48 Top View Pin Number Pin Name Pin Number Pin Name A1 GND E1 VCCINT A2 GND E2 TMS A3 OE/RESET E3 DNC A4 DNC E4 DNC A5 D6 E5 D2 D A6 D7 E6 TDO E B1 VCCINT F1 GND F B2 VCCO F2 DNC G B3 CLK F3 DNC H B4 CE F4 DNC B5 D5 F5 GND B6 GND F6 GND C1 BUSY G1 TDI C2 CLKOUT G2 DNC C3 DNC G3 REV_SEL0 C4 DNC G4 REV_SEL1 C5 D4 G5 VCCO C6 VCCO G6 VCCINT D1 CF H1 GND D2 CEO H2 VCCJ D3 DNC H3 TCK D4 DNC H4 EN_EXT_SEL D5 D3 H5 D1 D6 VCCO H6 D0 DS123 (v2.18) May 19, 2010 Product Specification 1 2 3 4 5 6 A B C ds121_01_071604 Figure 13: FS48/FSG48 Pinout Diagram (Top View) www.xilinx.com 29 R Platform Flash In-System Programmable Configuration PROMs Ordering Information XCF04S VO20 C Device Number Operating Range/Processing XCF01S XCF02S XCF04S C = Industrial (TA = -40C to +85C) Package Type VO20 = 20-pin TSSOP Package VOG20 = 20-pin TSSOP Package, Pb-free DS123_27_112407 XCF32P FS48 C Device Number Operating Range/Processing XCF08P XCF16P XCF32P C = Industrial (TA = -40C to +85C) Package Type VO48 = 48-pin TSOP Package VOG48 = 48-pin TSOP Package, Pb-free FS48 = 48-pin TFBGA Package FSG48 = 48-pin TFBGA Package, Pb-free DS123_28_112407 Valid Ordering Combinations XCF01SVO20C XCF08PFS48C XCF01SVOG20C XCF08PVOG48C XCF08PFSG48C XCF02SVO20C XCF16PFS48C XCF02SVOG20C XCF16PVOG48C XCF16PFSG48C XCF04SVO20C XCF32PFS48C XCF04SVOG20C XCF32PVOG48C XCF32PFSG48C Marking Information XCF04S V Device Number Operating Range/Processing XCF01S XCF02S XCF04S XCF08P XCF16P XCF32P [No Mark] = Industrial (TA = -40C to +85C) DS123 (v2.18) May 19, 2010 Product Specification Package Type V = 20-pin TSSOP Package (VO20) VG = 20-pin TSSOP Package, Pb-free (VOG20) VO48 = 48-pin TSOP Package (VO48) VOG48 = 48-pin TSOP Package, Pb-free (VOG48) F48 = 48-pin TFBGA Package (FS48) FG48 = 48-pin TFBGA Package, Pb-free (FSG48) DS123_29_112407 www.xilinx.com 30 R Platform Flash In-System Programmable Configuration PROMs Figure 14 through Figure 16 illustrate the part markings for each available package. Note: Package types can differ from the samples shown. X-Ref Target - Figure 14 Device Number XCF04STM Package Type VG XX YWW Xilinx Logo Date Code (YWW = 200Y workweek #WW) Traceability Code XXX TSSOP Pin 1 DS123_30_030908 Figure 14: 20-Pin TSSOP Marking X-Ref Target - Figure 15 TSOP Pin 1 Xilinx Logo Device Number Fab Code Package Type XCF32PTM VOG48 XXX Traceability Code XXXXX XX Country of Origin XXX XX YWW Date Code (YWW= 200Y workweek #WW) DS123_31_050610 Figure 15: 48-Pin TSOP Marking X-Ref Target - Figure 16 Device Number Package Type XCF32PTM FG48 Xilinx Logo Fab Code XXX Traceability Code XXXXX XX Country of Origin XXX XX YWW TFBGA Ball A1 Date Code (YWW= 200Y workweek #WW) DS123_32_050610 Figure 16: 48-Pin TFBGA Marking Note: In Figure 15 and Figure 16, the two-digit traceability code on the bottom line between the country of origin and date code is not present on all devices. DS123 (v2.18) May 19, 2010 Product Specification www.xilinx.com 31 R Platform Flash In-System Programmable Configuration PROMs Revision History The following table shows the revision history for this document. Date Version Revision 04/29/03 1.0 Xilinx Initial Release. 06/03/03 1.1 Made edits to all pages. 11/05/03 2.0 Major revision. 11/18/03 2.1 Pinout corrections as follows: * Table 13: * For VO48 package, removed 38 from VCCINT and added it to VCCO. * For FS48 package, removed pin D6 from VCCINT and added it to VCCO. * Table 14 (FS48 package): * For pin D6, changed name from VCCINT to VCCO. * For pin A4, changed name from GND to DNC. * Figure 8 (VO48 package): For pin 38, changed name from VCCINT to VCCO. 12/15/03 2.2 * Added specification (4.7k) for recommended pull-up resistor on OE/RESET pin to section "Reset and Power-On Reset Activation," page 11. * Added paragraph to section "Standby Mode," page 12, concerning use of a pull-up resistor and/or buffer on the DONE pin. 05/07/04 2.3 * Section "Features," page 1: Added package styles and 33 MHz configuration speed limit to itemized features. * Section "Description," page 1 and following: Added state conditions for CF and BUSY to the descriptive text. * Table 2, page 3: Updated Virtex(R)-II configuration bitstream sizes. * Section "Design Revisioning," page 8: Rewritten. * Section "Initiating FPGA Configuration," page 10 and following, five instances: Added instruction to tie CF High if it is not tied to the FPGA's PROG_B (PROGRAM) input. * Figure 6, page 16, through Figure 13, page 23: Added footnote indicating the directionality of the CF pin in each configuration. * Section "I/O Input Voltage Tolerance and Power Sequencing," page 11: Rewritten. * Table 12, page 25: Added CF column to truth table, and added an additional row to document the Low state of CF. * Section "Absolute Maximum Ratings," page 13: Revised VIN and VTS for 'P' devices. * Section "Supply Voltage Requirements for Power-On Reset and Power-Down," page 13: * Revised footnote callout number on TOER from Footnote (4) to Footnote (3). * Added Footnote (2) callout to TVCC. * Section "Recommended Operating Conditions," page 14: * Added Typical (Typ) parameter columns and parameters for VCCINT and VCCO/VCCJ. * Added 1.5V operation parameter row to VIL and VIH, 'P' devices. * Revised VIH Min, 2.5V operation, from 2.0V to 1.7V. * Added parameter row TIN and Max parameters * (Continued on next page) * Section "DC Characteristics Over Operating Conditions," page 15: * Added parameter row and parameters for parallel configuration mode, 'P' devices, to ICCO . * Added Footnote (1) and Footnote (2) with callouts in the Test Conditions column for ICCJ, ICCINTS, ICCOS, and ICCJS, to define active and standby mode requirements. * Section "AC Characteristics Over Operating Conditions," page 16: * Corrected description for second TCAC parameter line to show parameters for 1.8V VCCO . * Revised Footnote (7) to indicate VCCO = 3.3V. * Applied Footnote (7) to second TCYC parameter line. * Section "AC Characteristics Over Operating Conditions When Cascading," page 23: Revised Footnote (5)TCYC Min and TCAC Min formulas. * Table 14, page 39: * Added additional state conditions to CLK description. * Added function of resetting the internal address counter to CF description. DS123 (v2.18) May 19, 2010 Product Specification www.xilinx.com 32 R Platform Flash In-System Programmable Configuration PROMs Date Version 07/20/04 2.4 * Added Pb-free package options VOG20, FSG48, and VOG48. * Figure 6, page 16, and Figure 7, page 17: Corrected connection name for FPGA DOUT (OPTIONAL Daisy-chained Slave FPGAs with different configurations) from DOUT to DIN. * Section "Absolute Maximum Ratings," page 13: Removed parameter TSOL from table. (TSOL information can be found in Package User Guide.) * Table 2, page 3: Removed reference to XC2VP125 FPGA. 10/18/04 2.5 * * * * * 03/14/05 2.6 * * * * * * * 07/11/05 2.7 * Move from "Preliminary" to "Product Specification" * Corrections to Virtex-4 configuration bitstream values * Minor changes to Figure 7, page 17, Figure 12, page 22, Figure 13, page 23, and Figure 16, page 31 * Change to "Internal Oscillator," page 8 description * Change to "CLKOUT," page 8 description 12/29/05 2.8 * Update to the first paragraph of "IEEE 1149.1 Boundary-Scan (JTAG)," page 5. * Added JTAG cautionary note to Page 5. * Corrected logic values for Erase/Program (ER/PROG) Status field, IR[4], listed under "XCFxxP Instruction Register (16 bits wide)," page 5. * Sections "XCFxxS and XCFxxP PROM as Configuration Slave with CLK Input Pin as Clock Source," page 16, "XCFxxP PROM as Configuration Master with CLK Input Pin as Clock Source," page 18 and "XCFxxP PROM as Configuration Master with Internal Oscillator as Clock Source," page 21 added to "AC Characteristics Over Operating Conditions," page 16. DS123 (v2.18) May 19, 2010 Product Specification Revision Table 1, page 1: Broke out VCCO / VCCJ into two separate columns. Table 9, page 9: Added clarification of ID code die revision bits. Table 10, page 10: Deleted TCKMIN2 (bypass mode) and renamed TCKMIN1 to TCKMIN. Table "Recommended Operating Conditions," page 14: Separated VCCO and VCCJ parameters. Table "DC Characteristics Over Operating Conditions," page 15: * Added most parameter values for XCF08P, XCF16P, XCF32P devices. * Added Footnote (1) to ICCO specifying no-load conditions. * Table "AC Characteristics Over Operating Conditions," page 16: * Added most parameter values for XCF08P, XCF16P, XCF32P devices. * Expanded Footnote (1) to include XCF08P, XCF16P, XCF32P devices. * Added Footnote (8) through (11) relating to CLKOUT conditions for various parameters. * Added rows to TCYC specifying parameters for parallel mode. * Added rows specifying parameters with decompression for TCLKO, TCOH, TFF, TSF. * Added TDDC (setup time with decompression). * Table "AC Characteristics Over Operating Conditions When Cascading," page 23: * Added most parameter values for XCF08P, XCF16P, XCF32P devices. * Separated Footnote (5) into Footnotes (5) and (6) to specify different derivations of TCYC, depending on whether dual-purpose configuration pins persist as configuration pins, or become general I/O pins after configuration. Added Virtex-4 LX/FX/SX configuration data to Table 2. Corrected Virtex-II configuration data in Table 2. Corrected Virtex-II Pro configuration data in Table 2. Added Spartan(R)-3L configuration data to Table 2. Added Spartan-3E configuration data to Table 2. Paragraph added to FPGA Master SelectMAP (Parallel) Mode (1). Changes to DC Characteristics * TOER changed, Page 15. * IOL changed for VOL, Page 15. * VCCO added to test conditions for IIL, IILP, IIHP,and IIH, Page 15. Values modified for IILP and IIHP. * Changes to AC Characteristics * TLC and THC modified for 1.8V, Page 19. * New rows added for TCEC and TOEC, Page 18. * Minor changes to grammar and punctuation. * Added explanation of "Preliminary" to DC and AC Electrical Characteristics. www.xilinx.com 33 R Platform Flash In-System Programmable Configuration PROMs Date Version Revision 12/29/05 (Cont'd) 2.8 * Notes for Figure 6, page 16, Figure 7, page 17, Figure 8, page 18, Figure 9, page 19, Figure 10, page 20, Figure 11, page 21, Figure 12, page 22, and Figure 13, page 23 updated to specify the need for a pull-up resistor if CF is not connected to PROGB. * Enhanced description under section "CLKOUT," page 8. * Enhanced description on design revision sampling under section "Design Revisioning," page 8. * Figure 4 and Figure 5 renamed to Table 7, page 8 and Table 8, page 8 respectively. All tables, figures, and table and figure references renumber this point forward. * Value for "ICCINT," page 15 updated from 5mA to 1mA for XCFxxP. * Block diagram in Figure 2, page 2 updated to show clock source muxing and route clocking to all functional blocks. 05/09/06 2.9 * Added Virtex-5 LX support to Table 2. * "VIL" maximum for 2.5V operation in "Recommended Operating Conditions," page 14 updated to match LVCMOS25 standard. 12/08/06 2.10 * Added Virtex-5 LXT support to Table 2. * Defined reprogramming operation requirements in "Programming," page 3. * Corrected statements regarding the FPGA BUSY pin and corrected various references. 02/01/07 2.11 * Removed Spartan-3L support and added Spartan-3A and Virtex-5 SXT support to Table 2. * Corrected Spartan-3E bitstream sizes in Table 2. * Correct supported voltages for "VCCJ" in Table 12, page 24, "VCCO" and "VCCJ" in Table 13, page 26. 03/30/07 2.11.1 01/28/08 2.12 * Added support for XC5VLX155, XC5VLX20T, and XC5VLX155T. * Updated JTAG TAP timing specifications in Table 9, page 7 to reflect improved performance. * Tied FPGA CS_B and FPGA RDWR_B to GND in the FPGA SelectMAP schematics to ensure valid logic Low. * Hardwired external oscillator to FPGA CCLK in the FPGA slave mode schematics. * Added marking templates (Figure 14, page 31, Figure 15 and Figure 16), and corrected marks for 48-pin TFBGA packages in "Marking Information," page 30. * Other edits and updates made. * Updated document template. * Updated URLs. 03/31/08 2.13 * Added Virtex-5 FX FPGA support to Table 2. * Corrected markings for all packaging (Figure 14, page 31, Figure 15, and Figure 16). * Added note regarding variances in packaging and marking to Page 31. 04/03/08 2.13.1 05/14/08 2.14 Added support for XC5VSX240T and Platform Flash XL to Table 2. 07/07/08 2.15 Updated "Write Protection," page 4. 11/14/08 2.16 Added Virtex-5 TXT FPGA to Table 2. 10/26/09 2.17 * Globally changed PROG_B and PROGRAM to PROGRAM_B. * Removed the following information from this data sheet to UG161, Platform Flash PROM User Guide: * Table 2 entitled "Xilinx FPGAs and Compatible Platform Flash PROMs" * Section entitled "PROM to FPGA Configuration Mode and Connections Summary" * Section entitled "Configuration PROM-to-FPGA Device Interface Connection Diagrams" * Moved "up to 33 MHz" from FPGA Configuration Interface bullets in "Features," page 1 to "Description," page 1, and added reference to related considerations. * Table 1, page 1: Changed lower bound on VCCO for XCF08P, XCF16P, and XCF32P devices from 1.5V to 1.8V. Added table note 1 about design revisioning for the XCF08P. * Added statement about ignoring non-JTAG input pins to second paragraph of "In-System Programming," page 3. * Added reference to Platform Flash PROM User Guide in "External Programming," page 3 and "Internal Oscillator," page 8. DS123 (v2.18) May 19, 2010 Product Specification Added Spartan-3A DSP support to Table 2. * Corrected typo. * Updated trademark notations. www.xilinx.com 34 R Platform Flash In-System Programmable Configuration PROMs Date Version Revision 10/26/09 2.17 (Cont'd) * Updated text in second and third bulleted items in "Initiating FPGA Configuration," page 10. * Removed all references to 1.5V operation from "Features," page 1, "Recommended Operating Conditions," page 14, "DC Characteristics Over Operating Conditions," page 15, and Table 13, page 26. 05/19/10 2.18 Removed ordering codes for discontinued VO48 package from "Valid Ordering Combinations" (see XCN09030). Added note to Figure 15 and Figure 16 describing traceability code in top mark (see XCN08005). Notice of Disclaimer THE XILINX HARDWARE FPGA AND CPLD DEVICES REFERRED TO HEREIN ("PRODUCTS") ARE SUBJECT TO THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THE XILINX LIMITED WARRANTY WHICH CAN BE VIEWED AT http://www.xilinx.com/warranty.htm. THIS LIMITED WARRANTY DOES NOT EXTEND TO ANY USE OF PRODUCTS IN AN APPLICATION OR ENVIRONMENT THAT IS NOT WITHIN THE SPECIFICATIONS STATED IN THE XILINX DATA SHEET. ALL SPECIFICATIONS ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE. PRODUCTS ARE NOT DESIGNED OR INTENDED TO BE FAIL-SAFE OR FOR USE IN ANY APPLICATION REQUIRING FAIL-SAFE PERFORMANCE, SUCH AS LIFE-SUPPORT OR SAFETY DEVICES OR SYSTEMS, OR ANY OTHER APPLICATION THAT INVOKES THE POTENTIAL RISKS OF DEATH, PERSONAL INJURY, OR PROPERTY OR ENVIRONMENTAL DAMAGE ("CRITICAL APPLICATIONS"). USE OF PRODUCTS IN CRITICAL APPLICATIONS IS AT THE SOLE RISK OF CUSTOMER, SUBJECT TO APPLICABLE LAWS AND REGULATIONS. DS123 (v2.18) May 19, 2010 Product Specification www.xilinx.com 35