Data Sheet AD8451
Table 6. AD8451-EVALZ Test Switches and Functions
Switch Function Operation
MODE Selects the charge or the discharge
The MODE switch selects CHG (logic high) or DISCH (logic low). CHG
RUN_TEST1 Selects between the user inputs and
the 2.5 V AD8451 reference voltage.
The AD8451 operates normally when the RUN_TEST1 switch is in the RUN
position. When in the TEST position, 2.5 V is applied to the ISET and VSET inputs.
RUN_TEST2 Tests the CC or CV loop filter
The voltage at the VCTRL output (TPVCTRL) for all positions is 0 V when
RUN_TEST1 is in RUN position and 2.5 V when RUN_TEST1 in TEST position.
ISREF_HI The ISREF_HI switch connects
Pin 74 (ISREFH) to the internal 2.5 V
reference (2.5 position) or to the
SMA connector EXT (the external
input for a user defined VREF input).
When in the 2.5V position, the ISREF_HI switch connects Pin 74 (ISREFH, an
internal 100 kΩ resistor) to Pin 73 (VREF, the 2.5 V reference). When the
ISREF_LO switch is in the NORM position, the output at Pin 71 (ISMEA)
shifts positive by 20 mV.
ISREF_LO Connects Pin 76 (ISREFL) to ground
(NORM) or to the ISREFL SMA input
When in the NORM position and the ISREF_HI switch is in the EXT position,
there is no offset applied to the ISMEA output. When in the EXT position,
the ISREFLO SMA is selected.
Test the Instrumentation Amplifier
Connect the TPISVN jumper to ground, and then apply
100 mV dc to TPISVP. Measure 2.6 V at the TPISMEA output.
Subtract any offset voltages from the output reading before
calculating the gain.
20 mV Offset at IMEAS Output
Connect a jumper from TPISVP to TPISVN to ground by using
another jumper and any one of the convenient black test loops.
Measure 0 V ± 2.86 mV at the TPISMEA output (that is, the IA
residual offset voltage multiplied by gain). Move the ISREFLO
switch to the EXT position, and the ISREFHI switch to the
20 mV (EXT) position. The output will then increase by 20 m V.
Test the Difference Amplifier
Insert a shorting jumper at Header GND_BVN. With 1 V dc
applied to TPBVP, measure 0.8 V at TPBVMEA. For the most
accurate gain measurement, subtract the offset voltage from the
output voltage before calculating gain.
5 mV Offset at BVMEAS Output
Insert jumpers in the GND_BVP and GND_BVN headers.
Measure 0 V ± 0.4mV at the TPBVMEA output (that is, the DA
residual offset voltage multiplied by gain). Connect a jumper
between TPBREFH and TP2.5V. The output will then increase
by 5 m V.
CC and CV Integrator Tests
Switches RUN_TEST1 and RUN_TEST2 set up the required
circuit conditions to test the integrators. RUN_TEST1 disconnects
the external inputs ISET and VSET and applies 2.5 V dc from
the reference, simultaneously, to both of the CC and CV.
RUN_TEST2 has three positions: RUN, TEST_CC, and
Loop Compensation
The AD8451-E VA L Z is suitable for use as a test platform for
system loop compensation experiments. However, before
installing the platform in a system, component changes are necessary.
Note the four compensation networks, CC-CHARGE, CC-
on the right-hand side of the schematic shown in Figure 52. To
make it easier to locate these components, the configuration of
these networks on the AD8451-EVA L Z PCB approximates that
shown in the schematic (see Figure 52). Each of the components
locations accommodates both standard, 1206 size, surface-mount
chip resistors and capacitors or leaded components inserted into
the pairs of TP thru holes spanning the SM footprints. The TP
holes accept the popular 0.025” test pins if leaded devices are
preferred for multiple loop tests.
As shipped, CC and CV loop amplifier filters are configured as
voltage followers by replacing feedback capacitors to the inverting
inputs with resistors, and removing the dc coupling resistors from
the IA and DA outputs. The feedback loops must be reconfigured
to close the loops to operate as precision feedback loops.
Loop compensation requires knowledge of the output dc-to-dc
power converter. It is assumed that the AD8451 is most often
used with a switching converter. The scope and breadth of this
switching converter design architecture is quite broad, and a
thorough discussion of all the types and variants of this type of
converter is well beyond the scope of this data.
When the circuit and component details of the power converter
are known, proceed with a calculation of the loop parameters
and components, and the values necessary to achieve loop
Because the loop is of the type proportional/integrating (PI), a
direct dc path is required from the IA and DA amplifiers to the
error inputs of the CC and CV loop amplifiers. Install these
resistors at the R1, R6, R7, R11, and R12 locations.
Likewise, the CC and CV amplifiers must be reconfigured from
voltage followers to integrators by replacing the 0 Ω capacitors
at C6, C10, C11, C19, and C24 with appropriate capacitors.
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