Spec. No. : MOS200402
Issued Date : 2004.04.01
Revised Date : 2005. 03.10
Page No. : 2/6
H06N60U, H06N60E, H06N60F HSMC Product Specification
Thermal Characteristics
Symbol Parameter Value Units
TO-263 1.7
TO-220AB 1.7
RθJC Thermal Resistance Junction to Case Max. TO-220FP 3.3
RθJA Thermal Resistance Junction to Ambient Max. 62 OC/W
ELectrical Characteristics (TJ=25OC, unless otherwise specified)
Symbol Characteristic Min. Typ. Max. Unit
V(BR)DSS Drain-S ourc e Br eakdown Vo ltage (VGS=0V, ID=250uA) 600 - - V
Drain-Source Leakage Current (VDS=600V, VGS=0V) - - 1 uA
IDSS Drain-Source Leakage Current (VDS=600V, VGS=0V, Tj=125OC) - - 50 uA
IGSSF Gate-Source Leakage Current-Forward (Vgsf=20V, VDS=0V) - - 100 nA
IGSSR Gate-Source Leakage Current-Reverse (Vgsr=-20V, VDS=0V) - - -100 nA
VGS(th) Gate Threshold V oltage (VDS=VGS, ID=250uA) 2 3 4 V
RDS(on) Static Drain-Source On-Resistance (VGS=10V, ID=3.6A)* - 1 1.2 Ω
gFS Forward Transconductance (VDS=15V, ID=3.6A)* 2 4 - S
Ciss Input Capacitance - 1498 -
Coss Output Capacitance - 158 -
Crss Reverse Transfer Capacitance VGS=0V, VDS=25V, f=1MHz -29-pF
td(on) Turn-on Delay Time - 14 -
trRise T i me - 19 -
td(off) Turn-off Delay Time - 40 -
tfFall Time
(VDD=300V, ID=6A, RG=9.1Ω,
QgTotal Gate Charge - 35.5 50
Qgs Gate-Source Charge - 8.1 -
Qgd Gate-Drain Charge (VDS=300V, ID=6A, VGS=10V)* - 14.1 - nC
LDInternal Drain Inductance (Measured from the drain lead 0.25” from
package to center of die) -4.5-nH
LSInternal Drain Inductance (Measured from the drain lead 0.25” from
package to source bond pad) -7.5-nH
*: Pulse Test: Pulse Width ≤300us, Duty Cycle≤2%
Source-Drain Diode
Symbol Characteristic Min. Typ. Max. Units
VSD Forward On Voltage(1) IS=6A, VGS=0V, TJ=25oC--1.2V
ton Forward Turn-On Ti me - ** - ns
trr Reverse Recovery Time IS=6A, dIS/dt=100A/us - 266 - ns
**: Negligibl e, Dominated by circui t inductance