Automation Controls Catalog High sensitivity, 50 mW Nominal operating power, 2 Form C and 1 A relays TX-S RELAYS FEATURES TYPICAL APPLICATIONS 1. High sensitivity and Nominal operating power of 50mW 2. Compact size 15.0 (L)x7.4 (W)x8.2 (H) mm .591 (L)x.291 (W)x.323 (H) inch 3. High contact reliability High contact reliability is achieved by the use of gold-clad twin crossbar contacts, low-gas formation materials, mold sealing the coil section, and by controlling organic gas in the coil. We also o er a range of products with AgPd contacts suitable for use in low level load analog circuits (Max. 10V DC 10 mA). 4. Outstanding surge resistance. 9iVHF)&&SDUW RSHQFRQWDFWV 9iVHF7HOFRUGLD (contact and coil) 5. Low thermal electromotive force (approx. 0.3 V) 1. Communications (XDSL, Transmission) 2. Measurement 3. Security 4. Home appliances, and audio/visual equipment 5. Medical equipment ORDERING INFORMATION TXS 2 Contact arrangement 2: 2 Form C Surface-mount availability Nil: Standard PC board terminal type SA: SA type Operating function Nil: Single side stable L: 1 coil latching L: 2 coil latching6HW ,SLQ /7 2 coil latching6HW ,SLQ Terminal shape Nil: Standard PC board terminal or surface-mount terminal Nominal coil voltage (DC) 3, 4.5, 6, 9, 12, 24V Contact material Nil: Standard contact (Ag+Au clad) 1: AgPd contact (low level load); AgPd+Au clad (stationary), AgPd (movable) Packing style Nil: Tube packing X: Tape and reel (picked from 1/3/4/5-pin side) W: Tape and reel packing (picked from the 1/3/4/5-pin side) With humidity indicator and silica gel in moisture proof bag Z: Tape and reel packing (picked from the 8/9/10/12-pin side) Y: Tape and reel packing (picked from the 8/9/10/12-pin side) With humidity indicator and silica gel in moisture proof bag Note 1) 3OHDVHFRQWDFWRXUVDOHVUHSUHVHQWDWLYHIRUGHWDLOHGVSHFLILFDWLRQV. 2020.08 1 (c) Panasonic Corporation 2020 20 TX-S TYPES 1. Standard PC board terminal &RQWDFW arrangement Nominal coil voltage )RUP& 9'& 9'& 9'& 9'& 9'& 9'& Single side stable Part No. TXS2-3V TXS2-4.5V TXS2-6V TXS2-9V TXS2-12V TXS2-24V 2 coil latching Part No. TXS2-LT-3V TXS2-LT-4.5V TXS2-LT-6V TXS2-LT-9V TXS2-LT-12V TXS2-LT-24V 6WDQGDUGSDFNLQJ7XEHSFV&DVHSFV 1RWH3OHDVHDGGWRWKHHQGRIWKHSDUWQXPEHUIRU$J3GFRQWDFWVORZOHYHOORDG 2. Surface-mount terminal 7XEHSDFNLQJ &RQWDFW arrangement Nominal coil voltage )RUP& 9'& 9'& 9'& 9'& 9'& 9'& Single side stable Part No. TXS2SA-3V TXS2SA-4.5V TXS2SA-6V TXS2SA-9V TXS2SA-12V TXS2SA-24V 2 coil latching Part No. TXS2SA-LT-3V TXS2SA-LT-4.5V TXS2SA-LT-6V TXS2SA-LT-9V TXS2SA-LT-12V TXS2SA-LT-24V 6WDQGDUGSDFNLQJ7XEHSFV&DVHSFV 1RWH3OHDVHDGGWRWKHHQGRIWKHSDUWQXPEHUIRU$J3GFRQWDFWVORZOHYHOORDG 7DSHDQGUHHOSDFNLQJ &RQWDFW arrangement Nominal coil voltage )RUP& 9'& 9'& 9'& 9'& 9'& 9'& Single side stable Part No. 7;66$9= 7;66$9= 7;66$9= 7;66$9= 7;66$9= 7;66$9= 2 coil latching Part No. 7;66$/79= 7;66$/79= 7;66$/79= 7;66$/79= 7;66$/79= 7;66$/79= 6WDQGDUGSDFNLQJ7DSHDQGUHHOSFV&DVHSFV 1RWHV7DSHDQGUHHOSDFNLQJV\PERO=LVQRWPDUNHGRQWKHUHOD\;W\SHWDSHDQGUHHOSDFNLQJSLFNHGIURPSLQVLGH LVDOVRDYDLODEOH 7DSHDQGUHHOSDFNLQJV\PERO@DW&)) &RLOUHVLVWDQFH >@DW&)) 10%V or more of nominal voltage* (Initial) 16.7 mA 11.1 mA 8.3 mA 5.6 mA 4.2 mA 2.9 mA 1RPLQDORSHUDWLQJ current >@DW&)) &RLOUHVLVWDQFH >@DW&)) 1RPLQDORSHUDWLQJ SRZHU 50 mW 0D[DSSOLHG voltage DW&)) 150%V of nominal voltage 70 mW 2) 2 coil latching Nominal coil voltage 9'& 9'& 9'& 9'& 9'& 9'& Set voltage DW&)) 80%V or less of nominal voltage* (Initial) Reset voltage DW&)) 80%V or less of nominal voltage* (Initial) Set coil 23.3 mA 15.6 mA 11.7 mA 7.8 mA 5.8 mA 6.3 mA Reset coil 23.3 mA 15.6 mA 11.7 mA 7.8 mA 5.8 mA 6.3 mA Set coil Reset coil 1RPLQDORSHUDWLQJ SRZHU Set coil Reset coil 70 mW 70 mW 150 mW 150 mW 0D[DSSOLHG voltage DW&)) 150%V of nominal voltage 3XOVHGULYH-,6& Panasonic Corporation Electromechanical Control Business Division 2 (c) Panasonic Corporation 2020 20 TX-S 2. Speci cations &KDUDFWHULVWLFV &RQWDFW Item Arrangement Initial contact resistance, max. &RQWDFWPDWHULDO Rating Electrical characteristics 1RPLQDOVZLWFKLQJFDSDFLW\ 0D[VZLWFKLQJSRZHU Max. switching voltage Max. switching current 0LQVZLWFKLQJFDSDFLW\5HIHUHQFHYDOXH 1 1RPLQDORSHUDWLQJ Single side stable SRZHU 2 coil latching Insulation resistance (Initial) %HWZHHQRSHQFRQWDFWV %UHDNGRZQYROWDJH %HWZHHQFRQWDFWDQGFRLO (Initial) %HWZHHQFRQWDFWVHWV %HWZHHQRSHQFRQWDFWV 6XUJHEUHDNGRZQ voltage (Initial) %HWZHHQFRQWDFWVDQGFRLO 7HPSHUDWXUHULVHDW&)) 2SHUDWHWLPH>6HWWLPH@DW&)) 5HOHDVHWLPH>5HVHWWLPH@DW&)) Mechanical characteristics ([SHFWHGOLIH &RQGLWLRQV )XQFWLRQDO Destructive )XQFWLRQDO Vibration resistance Destructive Mechanical Electrical (Standard contact) 6KRFNUHVLVWDQFH &RQGLWLRQVIRURSHUDWLRQWUDQVSRUWDQGVWRUDJH 2 0D[RSHUDWLQJVSHHGDWUDWHGORDG 8QLWZHLJKW 6SHFLFDWLRQV )RUP& 0D[P%\YROWDJHGURS9'&$ 6WDQGDUGFRQWDFW$J$XFODG $J3GFRQWDFWORZOHYHOORDG $J3G$XFODGVWDWLRQDU\ $J3GPRYDEOH $9'&UHVLVWLYHORDG :'& UHVLVWLYHORDG 9'& 1A $P9'& P:WR9'& P:9'& P:WR9'& P:9'& 0LQ0DW9'& 0HDVXUHPHQWDWVDPHORFDWLRQDV,QLWLDOEUHDNGRZQYROWDJHVHFWLRQ 9UPVIRUPLQ'HWHFWLRQFXUUHQWP$ 9UPVIRUPLQ'HWHFWLRQFXUUHQWP$ 9UPVIRUPLQ'HWHFWLRQFXUUHQWP$ 9iV )&&3DUW 2,500 V (2x10s) (Telcordia) 0D[& %\UHVLVWLYHPHWKRGQRPLQDOFRLOYROWDJHDSSOLHGWRWKHFRLOFRQWDFWFDUU\LQJFXUUHQW$ 0D[PV>0D[PV@1RPLQDOFRLOYROWDJHDSSOLHGWRWKHFRLOH[FOXGLQJFRQWDFWERXQFHWLPH 0D[PV>0D[PV@1RPLQDOFRLOYROWDJHDSSOLHGWRWKHFRLOH[FOXGLQJFRQWDFWERXQFHWLPH (without diode) 0LQPV2 +DOIZDYHSXOVHRIVLQHZDYHPVGHWHFWLRQWLPHV 0LQPV2 +DOIZDYHSXOVHRIVLQHZDYHPV WR+]DWGRXEOHDPSOLWXGHRIPP'HWHFWLRQWLPHV WR+]DWGRXEOHDPSOLWXGHRIPP Min. 5x107 DWFSP Min. 2x105 $9'&UHVLVWLYH DWFSP $PELHQWWHPSHUDWXUH&WR&)WR) +XPLGLW\WR5+1RWIUHH]LQJDQGFRQGHQVLQJDWORZWHPSHUDWXUH FSP $SSUR[J.071 oz 1RWHV 7KLVYDOXHFDQFKDQJHGXHWRWKHVZLWFKLQJIUHTXHQF\HQYLURQPHQWDOFRQGLWLRQVDQGGHVLUHGUHOLDELOLW\OHYHOWKHUHIRUHLWLVUHFRPPHQGHGWRFKHFNWKLVZLWKWKH DFWXDOORDG$J3GFRQWDFWW\SHLVDYDLODEOHIRUORZOHYHOORDGVZLWFKLQJ9'&P$PD[OHYHO 5HIHUWR$0%,(17(19,5210(17LQ*(1(5$/$33/,&$7,21*8,'(/,1(6 REFERENCE DATA 0D[LPXPVZLWFKLQJFDSDFLW\ 2. Life curve 3. Mechanical life 0.5 0.4 0.3 100 30V DC resistive load 10 0.2 Ratio against the rated voltage, %V 1.0 4 DC resistive load (cosf = 1) No. of operations 10 Contact current, A 7HVWHGVDPSOH7;69SFV 2SHUDWLQJVSHHGFSP 100 90 80 Pick-up voltage 70 60 Max. Min. 50 40 Drop-out voltage 30 Max. 20 Min. 10 30 100 200 Contact voltage, V 0 0.5 1.0 Switching current, A 0 10 100 1,000 5,000 No. of operations, x104 Panasonic Corporation Electromechanical Control Business Division 3 (c) Panasonic Corporation 2020 20 TX-S &RLOWHPSHUDWXUHULVH 7HVWHGVDPSOH7;69SFV 2SHUDWLQJVSHHGFSP &KDQJHRISLFNXSDQGGURSRXWYROWDJH 7HVWHGVDPSOH7;69SFV 3RLQWPHDVXUHG,QVLGHWKHFRLO $PELHQWWHPSHUDWXUH&)&) &KDQJHRIFRQWDFWUHVLVWDQFH 100 90 90 Pick-up voltage 70 Max. Min. 60 50 40 30 Drop-out voltage 20 80 70 60 50 30 Max. Min. 0 10 5 15 10 0 20 0 0 20 Room temperature :x +70C +158F :x 20 1A 1A 0A 0A 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 7 Operate time Release time 6 5 4 3 2 Max. Min. Max. Min. 7 0 Drop-out voltage x x 10 Pick-up voltage 20 40 60 80 Ambient -10 temperature, C Operate time Release time 6 5 Max. 4 Min. 3 2 Max. Min. 1 0 0 90 110 120 100 Coil applied voltage, %V 80 80 90 100 110 +LJKIUHTXHQF\FKDUDFWHULVWLFV (Isolation) +LJKIUHTXHQF\FKDUDFWHULVWLFV (Insertion loss) 7HVWHGVDPSOH7;69SFV 7HVWHGVDPSOH7;69SFV 100 50 1.0 0.8 0.6 -20 0.4 -30 0.2 10 100 1,000 10 Frequency, MHz 100 Frequency, MHz 0DOIXQFWLRQDOVKRFNVLQJOHVLGHVWDEOH 0DOIXQFWLRQDOVKRFNODWFKLQJ 10. Thermal electromotive force 7HVWHGVDPSOH7;69SFV 7HVWHGVDPSOH7;6/79SFV 7HVWHGVDPSOH7;69SFV Z' X' 1000m/s 2 Deenergized condition Energized condition Y X Z 2 1000m/s 1000m/s2 1000m/s Z' 2 1000m/s X' 1000m/s Y' 2 2 X Z Z' Y Y' X' 1000m/s 2 x = 0.30 18 16 X Z 2 1000m/s 1000m/s2 1000m/s Z' 1,000 20 Reset state Set state Y 2 1000m/s X' 1000m/s Y' 2 2 Quantity, n X Z Y Y' 120 Coil applied voltage, %V Insertion loss, dB -40 -20 20 140 150 160 7HVWHGVDPSOH7;69SFV Isolation, dB Rate of change, % 7HVWHGVDPSOH7;69SFV 130 7HVWHGVDPSOH7;69SFV 160 $PELHQWWHPSHUDWXUHFKDUDFWHULVWLFV 120 2SHUDWHUHOHDVHWLPHFKDUDFWHULVWLFV (without diode) Coil applied voltage, %V 30 100 110 Coil applied voltage, %V 1 0 90 2SHUDWHDQGUHOHDVHWLPH (with diode) Operate and release time, ms 7HVWHGVDPSOH7;69SFV 3RLQWPHDVXUHG,QVLGHWKHFRLO $PELHQWWHPSHUDWXUH&)&) Temperature rise, C 15 No. of operations, x104 &RLOWHPSHUDWXUHULVH 10 10 5 No. of operations, x104 30 1A 1A 0A 0A 10 Min. 20 10 0 Max. 40 Room temperature :x +70C +158F :x 20 Operate and release time, ms 80 30 Temperature rise, C 100 &RQWDFWUHVLVWDQFHP Ratio against the rated voltage, %V (OHFWULFDOOLIH$9'&UHVLVWLYHORDG 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 0 0.15 0.25 0.35 0.45 0.55 7KHUPDOHOHFWURPRWLYHIRUFH9 Panasonic Corporation Electromechanical Control Business Division 4 (c) Panasonic Corporation 2020 20 ON 10 5 Pick-up voltage 15 ON ON 10 5 Drop-out voltage OFF OFF Pick-up voltage ON Drop-out voltage OFF 0 -5 -15 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 .079 .157 .236 .315 .394 .472 .551 .630 Inter-relay distance , mm inch OFF 0 15 ON 10 ON 5 Pick-up voltage ON ON 0 OFF -10 -10 -15 ON 0 Rate of change, % Rate of change, % 0 -5 Rate of change, % ON Rate of change, % 15 Rate of change, % Rate of change, % TX-S Drop-out voltage OFF -5 OFF -10 OFF 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 .079 .157 .236 .315 .394 .472 .551 .630 Inter-relay distance , mm inch -15 OFF 0 OFF 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 .079 .157 .236 .315 .394 .472 .551 .630 Inter-relay distance , mm inch + 0.08 ) DC48V 0.08 ) - 4 3 Wire spring relay 100 100 90 80 Contact resistance, mW Ratio against the rated voltage, %V 12. Pulse dialing test Pick-up voltage Max. Min. 70 60 50 40 Drop-out voltage 30 Max. Min. 20 80 70 60 50 40 Max. 30 Min. 20 10 0 90 10 0 10 20 40 30 No. of operation, x10 DIMENSIONS (mm inch) 0 50 0 10 4 20 30 40 No. of operation, x10 50 4 CAD Data 1. Standard PC board terminal CAD Data .012) 15.00 .591 7.40 .291 7.40 .291 15.00 .591 terminal 0.50 .020 1.15 .045 5.08 .200 2.54 .100 3.50 .138 2.54 .100 0.65 .026 8.20 .323 0.65 8.20 .026 .323 Standard .004) 0.50 .020 1.15 .045 0.25 5.08 .010 .200 10.16 .400 2.54 .100 12.7 .500 5.08 .200 5.08 .200 2.54 .100 3.50 .138 0.25 5.08 .010 .200 8-1.0 dia. 8-.039 dia. 5.08 .200 10-1.0 dia. 10-.039 dia. Schematic (Bottom view) Single side stable + - 1 12 3 4 5 10 9 8 Direction indication 2 coil latching + 1 - 12 3 4 5 6 2 coil latching + 10 9 8 7 - Direction indication (Operating function LT) (Deenergized condition) (Reset condition) 1 3 4 5 6 - - 12 10 9 8 7 Direction indication (Operating function L2) (Reset condition) PanasonicCorporationElectromechanicalControlBusinessDivision 5 (c) Panasonic Corporation 2020 20 TX-S 2. Surface-mount terminal CAD Data .012) 15 .591 0.5 .020 0.65 .026 5.08 .200 15 .591 7.4 .291 8.2 8.4 .323 .331 5.08 .200 9.40.5 .370.020 2.54 .100 .004) 7.4 .291 8.2 8.4 .323 .331 0.25 .010 0.5 .020 0.65 .026 5.08 .200 5.08 .200 9.40.5 .370.020 2.54 .100 1 3.16 .039 .124 0.25 .010 5.08 .200 2.54 .100 1 3.16 .039 .124 7.24 .285 5.08 .200 2.54 .100 7.24 .285 Schematic (Top view) Single side stable 12 1 2 coil latching 10 9 8 12 1 3 4 5 Direction indication 2 coil latching 10 9 8 7 10 9 8 7 - - 1 3 4 5 6 3 4 5 6 Direction indication Direction indication (Operating function LT) (Operating function L2) (Reset condition) (Reset condition) (Deenergized condition) 12 NOTES 1. Packing style 2. Automatic insertion To maintain the internal function of the exceed the values below. Orientation (indicates PIN No.1) stripe Stopper (gray) 4.9 N {500gf} or less Stopper (green) A C B mm inch 1.5 +0.1 0 dia. Relay polarity bar .059 +.004 dia. 2.0 0 (Z type) .079 1.75 .069 4.0 .157 0.4 .016 C B 11.5 .453 D Relays 16.0 10.0 .394 .630 A 15.5 .610 24.0 0.3 0.2 .945 .012 9.2.008 .362 avoided. Tape coming out direction mm inch 2.0 .079 13 dia. .512 dia. 21 dia. .827 dia. 380 dia. 14.961 dia. 80 dia. 3.150 dia. PanasonicCorporationElectromechanicalControlBusinessDivision 6 (c) Panasonic Corporation 2020 20 TX-S Ambient Environment Usage, Transport, and Storage Conditions 'XULQJXVDJHVWRUDJHRUWUDQVSRUWDWLRQDYRLGORFDWLRQVVXEMHFWHG WRGLUHFWVXQOLJKWDQGPDLQWDLQQRUPDOWHPSHUDWXUHKXPLGLW\DQG SUHVVXUHFRQGLWLRQV Temperature/Humidity :KHQWUDQVSRUWLQJRUVWRULQJUHOD\VZKLOHWKH\DUHWXEH SDFNDJHGWKHUHDUHFDVHVWKHWHPSHUDWXUHPD\GLHU IURPWKHDOORZDEOHUDQJH,QWKLVFDVHEHVXUHWRFKHFNWKH LQGLYLGXDOVSHFLFDWLRQV $OVRDOORZDEOHKXPLGLW\OHYHOLVLQAXHQFHGE\WHPSHUDWXUH SOHDVHFKHFNFKDUWVVKRZQEHORZDQGXVHUHOD\VZLWKLQ PHQWLRQHGFRQGLWLRQV$OORZDEOHWHPSHUDWXUHYDOXHV Humidity (%RH) 85 Allowable range Avoid condensation when used at temperatures higher than 0 Avoid icing when used at temperatures lower than 0 5 -40 0 Temperature(C) 70 Please refer to the latest product speci cations ZKHQGHVLJQLQJ\RXUSURGXFW 5HTXHVWVWRFXVWRPHUV KWWSVLQGXVWULDOSDQDVRQLFFRPDFHVDOHVSROLFLHV Panasonic Corporation Electromechanical Control Business Division 7 (c) Panasonic Corporation 2020 20 GUIDELINES FOR RELAY USAGE For cautions for use, please read "GUIDELINES FOR RELAY USAGE". PRECAUTIONS FOR COIL INPUT Long term current carrying Maximum allowable voltage and temperature rise A circuit that will be carrying a current continuously for long periods without relay switching operation. (circuits for emergency lamps, alarm devices and error inspection that, for example, revert only during malfunction and output warnings with form B contacts) Continuous,long-term current to the coil will facilitate deterioration of coil insulation and characteristics due to heating of the coil itself. For circuits such as these, please use a magnetic-hold type latching relay. If you need to use a single stable relay, use a sealed type relay that is not easily affected by ambient conditions and make a failsafe circuit design that considers the possibility of contact failure or disconnection. Proper usage requires that the rated coil voltage be impressed on the coil. Note, however, that if a voltage greater than or equal to the maximum continuous voltage is impressed on the coil, the coil may burn or its layers short due to the temperature rise. Furthermore, do not exceed the usable ambient temperature range listed in the catalog. Steady state DC current should be applied to the coil. The wave form should be rectangular. If it includes ripple, the ripple factor should be less than 5%. However, please check with the actual circuit since the electrical characteristics may vary. The rated coil voltage should be applied to the coil and the set/reset pulse time of latching type relay differs for each relays, please refer to the relay's individual specifications. Coil connection When connecting coils of polarized relays, please check coil polarity(+,-) at the internal connection diagram (Schematic). If any wrong connection is made, it may cause unexpected malfunction, like abnormal heat, fire and so on, and circuit do not work. Avoid impressing voltages to the set coil and reset coil at the same time. Current passage time % For continuous passage Temperature rise value is 100% ON : OFF = 3 : 1 About 80% ON : OFF = 1 : 1 About 50% ON : OFF = 1 : 3 About 35% ON : OFF = 1 : 1 Voltage DC Coil operating power Temperature rise due to pulse voltage When a pulse voltage with ON time of less than 2 minutes is used, the coil temperature rise bares no relationship to the ON time. This varies with the ratio of ON time to OFF time, and compared with continuous current passage, it is rather small. The various relays are essentially the same in this respect. Time Operate voltage change due to coil temperature rise (hot start) In DC relays, after continuous passage of current in the coil, if the current is turned OFF, then immediately turned ON again, due to the temperature rise in the coil, the operate voltage will become somewhat higher. Also, it will be the same as using it in a higher temperature atmosphere. The resistance/temperature relationship for copper wire is about 0.4% for 1C, and with this ratio the coil resistance increases. That is, in order to operate of the relay, it is necessary that the voltage be higher than the operate voltage and the operate voltage rises in accordance with the increase in the resistance value. However, for some polarized relays, this rate of change is considerably smaller. Panasonic Corporation Electromechanical Control Business Division 8 Panasonic Corporation 2021 ASCTB414E 202102 GUIDELINES FOR RELAY USAGE NOTES Usage, Storage, and Transport Conditions During usage, storage, or transportation, avoid locations subject to direct sunlight and maintain normal temperature, humidity, and pressure conditions. The allowable specifications for environments suitable for usage, storage, and transportation are given below. 1) Temperature: The allowable temperature range differs for each relay, so refer to the relay's individual specifications. In addition, when transporting or storing relays while they are tube packaged, there are cases when the temperature may differ from the allowable range. In this situation, be sure to consult the individual specifications. 2) Humidity: 5 to 85% RH The humidity range varies with the temperature. Use within the range indicated in the graph. (The allowable temperature depends on the relays.) Icing Condensation or other moisture may freeze on relays when the temperature become lower than 0C. This icing causes the sticking of movable portion, the operation delay and the contact conduction failure etc. Panasonic Corporation does not guarantee the failures caused by the icing. The heat conduction by the equipment may accelerate the cooling of relay itself and the icing may occur. Please conduct product evaluations in the worst condition of the actual usage. Humidity ( RH) 85 Allowable range Avoid icing when used at temperatures lower than 0C Avoid condensation when used at temperatures higher than 0C 5 -40 0 Ambient temperature () Condensation Condensation occurs when the ambient temperature drops suddenly from a high temperature and humidity, or the relay and microwave device is suddenly transferred from a low ambient temperature to a high temperature and humidity. Condensation causes the failures like insulation deterioration, wire disconnection and rust etc. Panasonic Corporation does not guarantee the failures caused by condensation. The heat conduction by the equipment may accelerate the cooling of device itself, and the condensation may occur. Please conduct product evaluations in the worst condition of the actual usage. (Special attention should be paid when high temperature heating parts are close to the device. Also please consider the condensation may occur inside of the device.) 85 Low temperature and low humidity The plastic becomes brittle if the switch is exposed to a low temperature, low humidity environment for long periods of time. 3) Pressure: 86 to 106 kPa High temperature and high humidity Storage for extended periods of time (including transportation periods) at high temperature or high humidity levels or in atmospheres with organic gases or sulfide gases may cause a sulfide film or oxide film to form on the surfaces of the contacts and/or it may interfere with the functions. Check out the atmosphere in which the units are to be stored and transported. Package In terms of the packing format used, make every effort to keep the effects of moisture, organic gases and sulfide gases to the absolute minimum. Panasonic Corporation Electromechanical Control Business Division 9 Panasonic Corporation 2021 ASCTB414E 202102 GUIDELINES FOR RELAY USAGE Storage requirements Since the surface-mount terminal type is sensitive to humidity it is packaged with tightly sealed anti-humidity packaging. However, when storing, please be careful of the following. 1) Please use promptly once the anti-humidity pack is opened. (within 72 hours, Max. 30C / 70% RH). If left with the pack open, the relay will absorb moisture which will cause thermal stress when reflow mounting and thus cause the case to expand. As a result, the seal may break. 2) If relays will not be used within 72 hours, please store relays in a humidity controlled desiccator or in an anti-humidity bag to which silica gel has been added. 4) The following cautionary label is affixed to the anti-humidity pack. * If the relay is to be soldered after it has been exposed to excessive humidity atmosphere, cracks and leaks can occur. Be sure to mount the relay under the required mounting conditions. 3) When relays (which is packaged with humidity indicator and silica gel) meeting one of below criteria, please bake (dry) before use. When the storage conditions specified in 1) are exceeded. When humidity indicator is in or status according to judgement standard. Silicon When a source of silicone substances (silicone rubber, silicone oil,silicone coating materials and silicone filling materials etc.) is used around the relay, the silicone gas (low molecular siloxane etc.) may be produced This silicone gas may penetrate into the inside of the relay. When the relay is kept and used in this condition, silicone compound may adhere to the relay contacts which may cause the contact failure. Do not use any sources of silicone gas around the relay (Including plastic seal types). Please check humidity indicator color and decide if baking is necessary or not. : indicate brown, : Other than brown (blueish color) 5% 10% 60% Bake treatment necessity judgment NOx Generation When relay is used in an atmosphere high in humidity to switch a load which easily produces an arc, the NOx created by the arc and the water absorbed from outside the relay combine to produce nitric acid. This corrodes the internal metal parts and adversely affects operation. Avoid use at an ambient humidity of 85% RH or higher (at 20C). If use at high humidity is unavoidable, please contact our sales representative. No need to bake No need to bake Need to bake Need to bake Spot 5% 10% 60% Humidity indicator card With reel : 45C, 96 hours or more. Without reel (including relay only) : 60C, 35 hours or more. Panasonic Corporation Electromechanical Control Business Division 10 Panasonic Corporation 2021 ASCTB414E 202102 GUIDELINES FOR RELAY USAGE OTHERS Cleaning 1) Although the environmentally sealed type relay (plastic sealed type,etc.) can be cleaned, avoid immersing the relay into cold liquid (such as cleaning solvent) immediately after soldering. Doing so may deteriorate the sealing performance. 2) Surface-mount terminal type relay is sealed type and it can be cleaned by immersion. Use pure water or alcohol-based cleaning solvent. 3) Cleaning with the boiling method is recommended (The temperature of cleaning liquid should be 40C or lower). Avoid ultrasonic cleaning on relays. Use of ultrasonic cleaning may cause breaks in the coil or slight sticking of the contacts due to the ultrasonic energy. Please refer to "the latest product specifications" when designing your product. *Requests to customers: Panasonic Corporation Electromechanical Control Business Division 11 Panasonic Corporation 2021 ASCTB414E 202102 2020 20