© 2009 Microchip Technology Inc. DS39632E-page 431
TMR1H Register ...................................................... 131
TMR1L Register ....................................................... 131
Use as a Real-Time Clock ....................................... 134
Timer2 .............................................................................. 137
Associated Registers ............................................... 138
Interrupt .................................................................... 138
Operation ................................................................. 137
Output ...................................................................... 138
PR2 Register .................................................... 148, 153
TMR2 to PR2 Match Interrupt .......................... 148, 153
Timer3 .............................................................................. 139
16-Bit Read/Write Mode ........................................... 141
Associated Registers ............................................... 141
Operation ................................................................. 140
Oscillator .......................................................... 139, 141
Overflow Interrupt ............................................ 139, 141
Special Event Trigger (CCP) .................................... 141
TMR3H Register ...................................................... 139
TMR3L Register ....................................................... 139
Timing Diagrams
A/D Conversion ........................................................ 404
Acknowledge Sequence .......................................... 235
Asynchronous Reception (TXCKP = 0,
TX Not Inverted) .............................................. 257
Asynchronous Transmission (TXCKP = 0,
TX Not Inverted) .............................................. 254
Asynchronous Transmission, Back to Back
(TXCKP = 0, TX Not Inverted) ......................... 254
Automatic Baud Rate Calculation ............................ 252
Auto-Wake-up Bit (WUE) During
Normal Operation ............................................ 258
Auto-Wake-up Bit (WUE) During Sleep ................... 258
Baud Rate Generator with Clock Arbitration ............ 229
BRG Overflow Sequence ......................................... 252
BRG Reset Due to SDA Arbitration During
Start Condition ................................................. 238
Brown-out Reset (BOR) ........................................... 390
Bus Collision During a Repeated Start
Condition (Case 1) ........................................... 239
Bus Collision During a Repeated Start
Condition (Case 2) ........................................... 239
Bus Collision During a Start Condition
(SCL = 0) ......................................................... 238
Bus Collision During a Start Condition
(SDA Only) ....................................................... 237
Bus Collision During a Stop Condition
(Case 1) ........................................................... 240
Bus Collision During a Stop Condition
(Case 2) ........................................................... 240
Bus Collision for Transmit and Acknowledge ........... 236
Capture/Compare/PWM (All CCP Modules) ............ 392
CLKO and I/O .......................................................... 389
Clock Synchronization ............................................. 222
Clock/Instruction Cycle .............................................. 63
EUSART Synchronous Receive
(Master/Slave) ................................................. 401
EUSART Synchronous Transmission
(Master/Slave) ................................................. 401
Example SPI Master Mode (CKE = 0) ..................... 393
Example SPI Master Mode (CKE = 1) ..................... 394
Example SPI Slave Mode (CKE = 0) ....................... 395
Example SPI Slave Mode (CKE = 1) ....................... 396
External Clock (All Modes Except PLL) ................... 387
Fail-Safe Clock Monitor ............................................ 307
First Start Bit Timing ................................................ 230
Full-Bridge PWM Output .......................................... 157
Half-Bridge PWM Output ......................................... 156
High/Low-Voltage Detect Characteristics ................ 384
High-Voltage Detect (VDIRMAG = 1) ...................... 288
I2C Bus Data ............................................................ 397
I2C Bus Start/Stop Bits ............................................ 397
I2C Master Mode (7 or 10-Bit Transmission) ........... 233
I2C Master Mode (7-Bit Reception) ......................... 234
I2C Slave Mode (10-Bit Reception,
SEN = 0, ADMSK 01001) ................................ 219
I2C Slave Mode (10-Bit Reception, SEN = 0) .......... 218
I2C Slave Mode (10-Bit Reception, SEN = 1) .......... 224
I2C Slave Mode (10-Bit Transmission) .................... 220
I2C Slave Mode (7-bit Reception,
SEN = 0, ADMSK = 01011) ............................. 216
I2C Slave Mode (7-Bit Reception, SEN = 0) ............ 215
I2C Slave Mode (7-Bit Reception, SEN = 1) ............ 223
I2C Slave Mode (7-Bit Transmission) ...................... 217
I2C Slave Mode General Call Address
Sequence (7 or 10-Bit Address Mode) ............ 225
Low-Voltage Detect (VDIRMAG = 0) ....................... 287
Master SSP I2C Bus Data ....................................... 399
Master SSP I2C Bus Start/Stop Bits ........................ 399
PWM Auto-Shutdown (PRSEN = 0,
Auto-Restart Disabled) .................................... 162
PWM Auto-Shutdown (PRSEN = 1,
Auto-Restart Enabled) ..................................... 162
PWM Direction Change ........................................... 159
PWM Direction Change at Near
100% Duty Cycle ............................................. 159
PWM Output ............................................................ 148
Repeated Start Condition ........................................ 231
Reset, Watchdog Timer (WDT), Oscillator Start-up
Timer (OST) and Power-up Timer (PWRT) ..... 390
Send Break Character Sequence ............................ 259
Slave Synchronization ............................................. 204
Slow Rise Time (MCLR Tied to VDD,
VDD Rise > TPWRT) ............................................ 51
SPI Mode (Master Mode) ........................................ 203
SPI Mode (Slave Mode with CKE = 0) ..................... 205
SPI Mode (Slave Mode with CKE = 1) ..................... 205
SPP Write Address and Data for USB
(4 Wait States) ................................................. 193
SPP Write Address and Read Data for
USB (4 Wait States) ........................................ 193
SPP Write Address, Write and Read
Data (No Wait States) ...................................... 193
Stop Condition Receive or Transmit Mode .............. 235
Streaming Parallel Port (PIC18F4455/4550) ........... 403
Synchronous Reception (Master Mode, SREN) ...... 262
Synchronous Transmission ..................................... 260
Synchronous Transmission (Through TXEN) .......... 261
Time-out Sequence on POR w/PLL Enabled
(MCLR Tied to VDD) .......................................... 51
Time-out Sequence on Power-up
(MCLR Not Tied to VDD), Case 1 ...................... 50
Time-out Sequence on Power-up
(MCLR Not Tied to VDD), Case 2 ...................... 50
Time-out Sequence on Power-up
(MCLR Tied to VDD, VDD Rise TPWRT) .............. 50
Timer0 and Timer1 External Clock .......................... 391
Transition for Entry to Idle Mode ............................... 41
Transition for Entry to SEC_RUN Mode .................... 37
Transition for Entry to Sleep Mode ............................ 40